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Data: Dec 31, 2022
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A pesquisa analisa as implicações do Ensino Remoto Emergencial (ERE) no contexto formativo de Assistentes Sociais pela Universidade Federal do Pará – Campus Universitário do Marajó – Breves (CUMB), em tempo de distanciamento social, na conjuntura da Pandemia do Novo Coronavírus. Adotou-se como referencial teórico – metodológico o Materialismo Histórico e Dialético (MHD), uma vez que permite analisar as contradições históricas existentes no sistema capitalista através da luta de classes entre burguesia e o proletariado que influenciam diretamente nas relações objetivas e subjetivas cotidianas dos sujeitos, permitindo desmistificar as compreensões ideológicas e hegemônicas inerentes ao status quo vigente. Como referenciais teóricos dialoga-se com Marx (1969; 1979; 1985; 2008), Meszáros (2008), e Antunes (2003). As técnicas de coletas utilizadas foram a aplicação de questionário com alunos, entrevistas semiestruturada com docentes e gestores e análise documental. Nesse sentido, analisamos as implicações ocasionadas pelas desigualdades sociais historicamente construídas na perspectiva da Amazônia Legal no que competem ao acesso e a permanência às tecnologias digitais e consequentemente evidenciando a proposta metodológica do Ensino Remoto Emergencial (ERE) como alternativa para a continuidade das atividades acadêmicas em tempos de pandemia do novo Coronavírus de acordo com os seus limites e possibilidades no Arquipélago do Marajó das Florestas. E, constatamos que 90% dos alunos entrevistados não receberam nenhum auxílio da Política de Assistência Estudantil e os que conseguiram ser contemplados, informaram que não foram suficientes para atender as suas necessidades tecnológicas, sendo que, a péssima qualidade da internet tanto por rede Wi-fi quanto pelos pacotes de dados móveis também não responderam as demandas exigidas, bem como, a ausência de estruturas intermediadoras adequadas, tais como: computadores, notebooks, mesa, cadeira, dentre outras, que pudessem propiciar qualidade no ensino aprendizagem dos alunos a partir da adoção do ERE, devido as suas condições socioeconômicas e que essas ausências de aparatos tecnológicos implicaram diretamente no processo formativo dos Assistentes Sociais no Marajó das Florestas. Ademais, os desafios enfrentados pelos professores da Faculdade de Serviço Social em ter que num curto espaço de tempo para formação/qualificação sobre novas ferramentas tecnológicas, tentando conciliar suas atividades docentes e suas atividades domésticas em virtude da adaptação das suas residências em sala de aulas virtuais, extrapolando na maioria das vezes, suas cargas horárias de trabalho, causando adoecimento. Por fim, evidenciou-se as limitações, fragilidades e possibilidades na formação de Assistentes sociais, contexto pandêmico.
Identidad; Cultura; Trabajo; Mujeres ribereñas.
Data: Dec 30, 2022
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Es necesario señalar la construcción de la identidad de las mujeres, especialmente en relación con el aspecto del trabajo. Cuando nos referimos a las mujeres ribereñas, esta necesidad es aún más pronunciada. Esta investigación analiza si las mujeres trabajadoras ribereñas que viven en el distrito de Curuçambaba, Cametá (PA) construyen su identidad a partir de los conocimientos derivados de su trabajo, sus experiencias y su cultura. Buscamos investigar si las prácticas laborales de estas mujeres influyen en la formación de sus identidades. Se buscó una base teórica que fuera más allá de la formación de identidad con aspectos hegemónicos, considerando a los autores Hall (2006) y Castells (2018). En un contexto cultural, los trabajos de Bauman (2012) son considerados, entre otros, los conceptos sobre la obra temática de los autores Antunes (2005; 2009); Zanelli, Andrade y Bastos (2004). Para lograr los objetivos, los caminos de investigación tuvieron su metodología basada en la teoría fundamentada (GT) considerando los estudios de Charmaz (2009) y Prigol y Behrens (2019). Se realizaron entrevistas a seis trabajadoras ribereñas, estas entrevistas fueron transcritas y analizadas con el fin de identificar una construcción de identidad asociada a los aspectos de trabajo y cultura. Se pudo identificar que la construcción de estas identidades es paulatina, presentan varias identidades que se revelan en diferentes circunstancias en los diferentes roles que desempeñan. Presentan elementos constitutivos fundamentales en esta construcción identitaria, por ejemplo, la identidad y el cuerpo; identidad y producción; identidad y adaptabilidad; identidad y política e identidad y conocimiento. La investigación reveló que las actividades domésticas y profesionales realizadas por estas mujeres son un factor crucial para la construcción de la identidad de las mujeres que trabajan en la ribera de Curuçambaba desde perspectivas relacionadas con el cuerpo, la producción, la capacidad de adaptación, una posición política y el conocimiento.
Data: Dec 27, 2022
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This master's thesis analyzes the financing policy for riverside school transport in the municipality of Cametá/PA, based on the value/student as an indicator to calculate the resources allocated to the school transport policy. The theoretical assumptions for the analyzes were based on authors such as Pergher (2014), Cara (2014), Bremaeker (2011), Pinto (2018), Sena (2014), Carreira and Pinto (2007), Monlevade (1997), Menezes (2008), Gouveia and Souza (2015), Caldart (2004), Carmo and Prazeres (2012), Arroyo (1999) among others, in addition to the legal bases for school transportation. The research brings an overview of municipal education, in addition to presenting data on school transport, such as: the financial resources received by the municipality, the number and origin of vehicles providing the service, as well as the number of students using school transport. Methodologically, it is a case study, based on the qualitative approach, carried out in three phases: bibliographic survey, field research and data analysis. During the research, semi-structured interviews, observation and document analysis were used as data collection instruments. As a result, we can highlight that of the total number of vehicles that provide school transport services to the municipality of Cametá/PA, 98% operate from outsourced fleet contracts, that is, the lack of own vehicles makes the city hall maintain these hiring to provide services in riverside communities. The research identified a significant cut in the amount of school transport with the justification of lack of resources to maintain it, inadequate boats, overcrowding of students, discomfort, insecurity, in addition to many students not having access to transport, even if they need it. Therefore, it is a policy that requires reorganization and expansion of resources, to guarantee access to school transport for all students who need to attend school, enabling quality, respect, guarantees of rights and improvements in the vessels that lead to the schools for students from the riverside communities of Cametá.
Data: Dec 27, 2022
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This work addresses political-identity knowledge constructed during the formation process of the Association of Women Workers in Aquaculture and Agriculture on the Island of Saracá (AMAIS), Limoeiro do Ajuru (PA). This research aimed to analyze the political-identity knowledge of women fishermen and farmers in the development of their work and organizational activities, based on AMAIS. Historical-Dialetic Materialism is taken as a methodological guide, with a qualitative approach, using semi-structured interviews, following content analysis to understand the informants' narratives, based on their work experiences. As a theoretical basis, the works of Marx (2013), Marx and Engels (2007), Rodrigues (2012), Martins (2017), Barra (2019), Furtado, (2017), Raffestin (1993), Pereira (2014), Lerner (2019), Davis (2016), Toledo (2008), among others. The problem of the investigation was constituted in the experiences of a fisherman, in academic experiences, in dialogues with the community and in social struggles. To this end, the research initially revealed that, before AMAIS even existed, the women who formed it already had knowledge related to their experiences and work practices. However, in carrying out their roles as workers, developed through the association, these women constructed political-identity knowledge that gave new meaning to their struggles in their community. This knowledge was identified as political-identity knowledge of autonomy, as it concerns the women's own decision-making power in their work without interference or external coercion from third parties, which demonstrated a principle of freedom and independence. Political-identity knowledge of class consciousness that presents itself as a collective consciousness and organization of minority groups in favor of a class. The political-identity knowledge of knowledge of the cause which is related to the knowledge acquired through experiences and observation lived in everyday life and which led them to have a good theoretical basis about their rights as fisherwomen. It was also identified in the research that women have always played an important role in defending the environment, a fact also confirmed in manifestos and demands in favor of the Amazon, prepared by AMAIS fisherwomen. Finally, it was found that, even in the midst of AMAIS's inactivity, the knowledge that was built during its affirmation processes still remains alive, helping it with social causes in the region.
Data: Dec 20, 2022
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This Master thesis entitled: “ Apart from a formal scholar: A school in/of Afro-Brazilian traditional community (Quilombo) Igarapé Preto/Oeiras do Pará” has been focus in dialogue about creation of E.M.E.F. Zumbi dos Palmares school, inside Igarapé Preto quilombo community, in the city Oeiras do Pará - PA from Brazil, fights has considered, the impact of a formal scholar, signalized, that way, the paths have treated down to follow for a curriculum that has enriched the culture and memory from African and Afro-brazilian people. How social and education activist searcher. In the specific goals has approached to analyze/interpret the narratives from and about formal scholar sense in the Igarapé Preto/ Oeiras do Pará quilombo, for to problematize how education practices and different knowledge their intercross the public policy from Brazil, to comprehend sense of school and to be black teacher in/for Igarapé Preto/Oeiras do Pará quilombo. Therefore, we have analyzed keeping Afro-Brazilian tradition in the relationships of tradition knowledge in/for quilombo inside scholar and no scholar. Theoretical affiliates the Social History and The Critical Pedagogy; I achieve to search bibliographical in academic digital platforms and scientific journals. The building of corpus of analysis, actualizing the practice of Oral History and Ethnography, those in pandemic times, which drove us to achieve interviews with new digital technologies support and/or record with all security according guidelines from health agencies. Methodologically I used interviews through dialogue, time in which each storyteller answered about his/her education practices and was using orality from individual and collective memories. Theoretical support used in research, authors like: Domingues (2004), Hall (2003), Pinto (2004), Comaroff, J & Comaroff (2010), Freire (1983). The institutional scholar space, our study locus, the E.M.E.F. Zumbi dos Palmares, It has brought historicity, focus, fights and resistances have featured for memories and culture practice of African and Afro-Brazilian people. This way, it has interpreted the senses of formal scholar in the Igarapé Preto/Oeiras do Pará quilombo. The purpose of this research is to achieve another historical and political look, which means, we accepted the challenge of understanding to work the remembered memories. How results, we has found a daily culture rooted in knowledge and traditions perpetuate in quilombo territory, in put the education spaces has ruled Estate is having others traditional education spaces that approached apart from formal curriculum institutionalized in common with National Curriculum Guidelines for Education of Ethnic Race Relationship and for Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture Learning with real sociocultural of local subjects aim at to reinforce senses of identity belongings, remean the quilombo culture universe in and out of entrance which social spaces have featured in educational (social) territory producer multiple pedagogies. Therefore, articulation between local culture and educational processes have developed for committed educators with ancestrality has been using pedagogical practices like strategies of resistances to legitimation of their customs and ways of life in present time.
Data: Dec 8, 2022
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Este estudio analiza la participación de los Consejos Escolares de las Escuelas Estaduales bajo la jurisdicción de la 2ª Unidad Regional de Educación - 2ª URE de Pará en la gestión del Programa Dinero Directo a la Escuela - PDDE, del Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo de la Educación - FNDE. Para alcanzar este propósito, problematizamos la participación de los Consejos Escolares - CE, ahora caracterizados como Unidades Ejecutoras - UEX, en el seguimiento financiero de los recursos de este programa, en el contexto de la gestión gerencial. Metodológicamente la investigación es de base cualitativa, desarrollada a través del estudio de múltiples casos, considerando que cada ayuntamiento es un caso único, adoptando como técnicas la revisión bibliográfica y el análisis documental y el tratamiento de datos sobre los procesos de PDDE, a través de consultas públicas en el Sistema de Rendición de Cuentas de la Gestión (SiGPC). Entre los documentos analizados se encuentran Ordenanzas del MEC, Medidas Provisionales - MP, Resoluciones de la CD/FNDE, Informes de Registro, Rendición de Cuentas, Informes PDDEInfo, Estudio de Situación del PDDE, Estatutos. En el análisis de datos se consultaron autores como Cardoso (2009), Delgado (2015), Gomes (2015), Luiz & Barcelli (2021), Machado (2017), Sudbrac (2022), Reis (2019), Yanaguita (2013), Peroni (2009), entre otros. Los resultados de esta investigación indican que a partir de las reformas administrativas del Estado brasileño, en la década de 1990, la gestión de las políticas educativas ganó contornos empresariales, con un aparente contenido democrático, influyendo fuertemente en la gestión de las escuelas públicas. En el campo de las políticas de financiación de la educación básica, el FNDE, cumpliendo funciones normativas, redistributivas y complementarias, promovió la apertura para nuevas formas de gestión y la introducción de la autonomía de gestión en las escuelas, a través de sus acciones y programas, reorientando la función de los consejos escolares, que pasaron a ser caracterizados como Unidades Ejecutoras de Autogestión - UEx. Los resultados indican que los Consejos Escolares de las escuelas bajo la jurisdicción de la 2 ª URE actuar, principalmente, en la ejecución y gestión de acciones y programas de mantenimiento y desarrollo de la educación, la FNDE, con una participación limitada como un órgano de democratización en la escuela. Se constató, a partir del estudio, que de las 14 escuelas que componen la muestra de datos, actualmente, 12 están con sus consejos activos en la Receita Federal de Brasil - RFB y 02 están en proceso de constitución del Registro Nacional de Personas Jurídicas. De estas escuelas, 06 tienen consejos actualizados y regularizados; 06 están regularizando sus Unidades Ejecutoras - UEx; 01 en mora y; 01 con registro vencido. Por lo tanto, en la situación actual, sólo 06 Uex están con sus situaciones regularizadas y en funcionamiento efectivo. La investigación también reveló que, entre las escuelas que componen la muestra de datos de la investigación, la EEEM Professora Osvaldina Muniz recibió el mayor monto de fondos del PDDE (R$ 537.441,32) en la serie histórica estudiada, y la escuela que recibió el menor monto fue la EEEM Magalhães Barata (R$ 23.740,00). Estas cantidades, sin embargo, no constituyen criterios comparativos, ya que la periodicidad y los programas descentralizados entre una escuela y otra son diferentes, así como el número de matrículas. Concluimos, a partir del estudio, que aunque los consejos escolares, caracterizados como unidades ejecutivas son importantes para la gestión financiera de las escuelas estas necesitan actuar para fortalecer la gestión democrática de estas instituciones.
O SISPAE E A QUALIDADE DO ENSINO: diagnóstico das escolas públicas de Ensino Médio no município de Breves-PA a partir da análise de indicadores educacionais (2011 a
Data: Nov 30, 2022
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This dissertation aims to elaborate about the educational quality obtained by large-scale assessments, specifically the System of Educational Assessment of Pará - SisPAE, from its implementation. This public policy was implemented by the Program for Quality Improvement and Expansion of Basic Education Coverage in the State of Pará, through actions developed by the Pacto pela Educação do Pará movement, which uses SisPAE as an instrument for regulating and controlling the quality of basic education in Pará. In this way, the research intends to analyze the diagnosis of high school quality in the state network of the municipality of Breves-Marajó, from SisPAE, in the period from 2011 to 2020. Thus, we seek to: a) know the elements that are being considered in the public policies to promote educational quality in Brazil considering the reorganization of the educational system after the 1990s; b) understand the process of implantation of SisPAE in the State of Pará and the relations with the politics of neoliberal character of global context; and c) identify, in the time frame of ten years (2011- 2020), whether the implementation of SisPAE obtained the intended results for public schools in the Breves region, given its highlighted relevance in the goals established in the plans defined for education and the strong influence of multilateral organizations. As a methodological procedure, documental research was adopted in different sources on economic, social and educational indicators, reports, contracts, regulations available on websites, official organs of the State and International Organizations. It was used as a method, the analysis of content in the data collected through the qualitative approach. After the analyses, it was verified the limitation of the Pará evaluation system in relation to the educational quality in the analyzed period. It is observed that this policy, based on standardized tests, converges with the guidelines of international organizations, by using managerial instruments to promote educational quality. By legitimizing the indicator as a thermometer of educational quality, which is the use of student performance, they reveal a reductionist character of education, as it excludes important intra and extra-school factors. However, even the analysis pointing out the inefficiency of public education in the municipality, due to the low results of SisPAE, the way in which the market uses to consolidate the hegemonic thinking about public education, the flow indicators, access and socioeconomic conditions, reveal that the region's social inequality is the most relevant variable in the negative results in large-scale evaluation, and not simply the school, teacher and student.
Keywords: Quality of education, large-scale assessments, managerialism, influences from international organizations.
EDUCATIONAL TERRITORY OF THE WATERS: The knowledge made possible in the curriculum of the riverside schools in the Marajó Archipelago, Pará
Data: Nov 30, 2022
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This work analyzes the Educational Territory of the waters by weaving a study about the cultural knowledge and the curriculum of the riverside multigrade schools in the Marajó/Pará Archipelago. It seeks to problematize the curriculum and cultural knowledge as elements of constitution of subjects in the municipality of Ponta de Pedras, Marajó-PA. Therefore, we tried to understand these relationships from the axes of analysis riverside education, cultural knowledge and curriculum. Studies on curriculum and its relationship with the cultural reality of students living in the municipality, with the purpose of giving visibility to local knowledge that constitute the cultural identities of the riverside Ponta-Pedrenses. From a methodological point of view, the analyzes of the research in question, epistemologically, are supported by the referential of dialectical historical materialism (MARX, 2008) In this context, the categories totality, contradiction and mediation are configured here as fundamental for the understanding of how the social-historical relations structure the materiality of cultural knowledge that characterize the riverside subjects of Ponta de Pedras, in addition to glimpsing how the school curriculum influences the constitution of the marajoara subject. To discuss the curriculum design, we rely on the ideas of Moreira and Candau (2004, 2008), Moreira (2002, 2009, 2012); Sacristán (1995, 2012, 2013), Apple (2006), Santomé (1995, 2013), Arroyo (2011, 2012) and Silva (1995); Through the riverside schools category, we used the concepts of Dias (2009), Lima (2011), Oliveira (2001, 2003, 2008, 2011, 2015), Carmo (2016), Pires (2016), Hage (2005, 2010, 2012 , 2015), Caetano (2013), Costa (2021); finally, to guide the category of cultural knowledge, we focus on the studies of Rodrigues (2012), Basílio (2006) and Marín (2007), among others who develop studies linked to the study area of this resear. Therefore, this dissertation took place in Ponta-Pedrense territory and had a look at the curricular contents established as a selection and organization process, in order to question and analyze the current curricular proposals and verify if/how the subjects of the riverside schools (teachers and students) are addressing such knowledge in the curriculum, in order to contribute to the recognition and strengthening of Marajoara identities. Thus, it was found that a traditional view of curriculum still persists, within a conservative cultural perspective. It fixes knowledge as fact, as information. This is notable in the curricular constructions made available by the Municipal Department of Education for the riverside school, with little or no alteration, discussion and transformation. Finally, we enter into the speech of riverside teachers who experience their practices of knowledge in this educational territory, in order to provoke us to give visibility to their singularities and struggles. For that, the analysis of the curricular documents worked in the riverside schools, the speech of the subjects of the researched community and of the teachers who work with this curriculum were worked, in order to understand about how this educational territory of the waters has given insertion and visibility of knowledge. places produced in the cultural contexts of the students.
O “NOVO” ENSINO MÉDIO E OS (IM)POSSÍVEIS IMPACTOS NO ENSINO DE FILOSOFIA NAS ESCOLAS ESTADUAIS DA CIDADE DE BREVES-MARAJÓ- PARÁ: Uma análise da Lei 13.415/2017 e do DCEPA em interface com a perspectiva docente de nível médio.
Data: Nov 30, 2022
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The text presented here is the result of a Master's research in Education and Culture, in the line of Policies and Society, under the title “The 'new' secondary education and the (im)possible impacts on the teaching of Philosophy in state schools in the city of Breves-Marajó-Pará: An analysis of Law 13.415/2017 and the DCEPA in interconnection with the secondary-level teaching perspective”. The objective of this research is to understand the possible impacts that will occur in the teaching of Philosophy in state public schools in the municipality of Breves-Marajó-Pará based on what the Secondary Education Reform Law and its derivatives provide, in particular, the Curricular Document of the State of Pará – High School Stage. Methodologically, we worked with a documentary and field research with a qualitative approach, having as a corpus of analysis the Legislation related to secondary education at the national
and state levels of Pará, as well as the oral narratives of teachers from a semi- structured interview. For a better interpretation of our corpus of analysis and scope of
our objectives, we used in our text the theoretical framework of Discourse Analysis (DA), from the French line, in dialogue with Historical-Critical Pedagogy. As a result of the research, we identified possible negative impacts on the teaching of Philosophy, namely: the prospect of a non-comprehensive training of students, due to a structural alignment of the DCEPA with the documents that deal with the new high school nationwide; Subject formation through a more pragmatic and utilitarian education, not fertile ground for philosophy; Reduction of the workload of the discipline/field of knowledge in education in Pará; And, finally, impact on the contents to be taught and, consequently, on the teaching subjectivity.
Data: Nov 30, 2022
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Esta pesquisa aborda o tema “Narrativas de Mulheres Surdas e Processos Educativos”, com o objetivo de tecer narrativas de mulheres surdas paraenses em seus processos educativos em meio às suas existências e resistências em uma sociedade patriarcal e ouvintista, visa também correlacionar o conceito foucaultiano “Escritas de si” às narrativas de vida de 5 (cinco) mulheres surdas paraenses em seus processos educativos da produção de si e com o outro. Nesse sentido, propõe-se acionar mecanismos coletivos de poder e resistência de mulheres surdas, a fim de narrar-se e reinventar-se como seres políticos na sociedade. As questões da pesquisa indagam sobre: como a mulher surda paraense se narra e tem buscado reinventar-se em meio à sociedade patriarcal e ouvintista em que vive? Como se constitui o seu processo educativo familiar e escolar e a busca por cidadania? De que forma compreende a sua condição de mulher surda na sociedade? Que desafios enfrentou ou enfrenta diante de suas expectativas de participação e emancipação na sociedade? O campo teórico dialoga com Beauvoir (1970), Foucault (2011), Klein (2019), Perlin (2003), Rago (2013), Skliar (2003), entre outros, ensaiando cruzamentos entre os estudos da Diferença em educação, especialmente os Estudos Surdos, os Estudos Foucaultianos e os Estudos Feministas, no intuito de conjeturar alianças e a visibilidade da trajetória de vida dessas mulheres surdas, através de suas narrativas, memórias e vivências que se destacam em suas áreas de atuação social e profissional. A abordagem metodológica da pesquisa é qualitativa e se baseia nas narrativas de vida na perspectiva foucaultiana da “escritas de si” e de Rago (2013) como “passagens de vida” ou “autoinvenção de si”. Os procedimentos de análise correlacionam as narrativas de si dessas mulheres surdas paraenses aos contextos das práticas sociais e educativas por elas vivenciadas, em diálogo com os autores, no intuito de trazerem à visibilidade os seus modos de vida, os desafios cotidianos enfrentados em âmbito familiar, educacional e do trabalho, assim como as resistências travadas ao regime patriarcal e ao ouvintista em nossa sociedade. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam caminhos potentes das narrativas de mulheres surdas ao encontro de uma educação inclusiva conectada aos feminismos surdos e aos debates das questões de gênero na sociedade, e contribuem para o reverberar de suas histórias e resistências, abrindo espaço para olhar a surdez como Diferença na educação (e não como deficiência). O compromisso ético e social desta pesquisa está em proporcionar a visibilidade das narrativas de mulheres surdas na educação enquanto existências coletivas, seja como participantes da pesquisa seja como autoras de suas histórias.
Data: Nov 30, 2022
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This research conducted a study of the school transportation policy in Limoeiro do Ajuru city, Pará State, wherein the impacts of the outsourcing process of the school transportation policy of the riverine population in Limoeiro do Ajuru city were discussed. Broadly, we sought to analyze the impacts on school transportation that is offered to students from riverine communities in Limoeiro do Ajuru after the effectiveness of this service by municipal management. We tried to understand the materiality of this policy, from the historical and dialectical materialism using the analytical categories, namely: totality, mediation and contradiction. The field research was also necessary as a methodological approach, whereby, the data collection, documents, and semi-structured interviews were used as instruments. The theoretical discussions of the research rest on theorists such as Pergher (2014), Ribeiro and Jesus (2015), Silva and Pereira (2016), Carmo et al (2020), Carmo (2016), Martins (2010), Cunha (2019), Santos (2017), Lacombe (2018), Queiroz (1998), Haddad (2008), Melgarejo and Shiroma (2019), Souza (2015), Junior (2018), among others. The complexity in the providing school transportation to students from riverine communities located in the Amazonian context, as is the case of the majority of the student population of Limoeiro do Ajuru along with the low federal investment in this policy can contribute to its weakening and/or non-existence and, consequently, impact negatively on the access and permanence of these students in school. In addition to this, we conclude that the outsourcing strategy of the school transportation of the riverine communities adopted in Limoeiro do Ajuru from 2016 has been the decisive factor for the precariousness of this public policy in that city. This precariousness has been reflected especially in the structural conditions of the vessels used in the scholar transportation that, generally, are totally out of the standards required by law. Moreover, the low salaries paid to the boatmen, the long routes they travel and the fact that they have to pay for the fuel have led them to use small vessels without any safety equipment like life jackets, which in turn leads to overcrowding of the vessels and, consequently, puts at risk the lives of thousands of children and teenagers served daily by the scholar transportation in the city. Another impact of outsourcing identified during this research is in the existing relationships between the outsourcing companies and the boatmen. Since the boatmen do not have their own fleet, the companies then hire these professionals along with their vessels. In addition to the low salaries they earn, these individuals are not protected by any labor rights such as vacation, 13th month pay, weekly paid break, employee’s dismissal fund, among others. Thus, through the implementation of the school transportation in Limoeiro do Ajuru, it is evident that the public-private partnership materialized by outsourcing completely disregards the qualitative aspects as for the sake of profit.
Data: Nov 30, 2022
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We are in a time of globalization, in which, more and more, workers are exploited by large corporations, which, aiming to increase their profits from the new organization of work and the globalization of the market, cause political, economic, social and economic consequences. educational. This whole range of consequences affected teachers through educational reforms that implemented concepts of productivity, effectiveness, excellence and efficiency based on new administrative theories applied to the pedagogical field, such demands are imposed on teachers in a context of scrapped schools and with little material resources. and personal, leading the teacher to suffering and biopsychosocial illness through such a scenario. In this sense, our study aims to address this context of precarious work in order to understand the illness of teachers. We settled, therefore, on the following theme: The precariousness of work in education and possible consequences on the illness of teachers. The general objective of the research is to analyze the precariousness of work as a condition that triggers the psychosomatic illness of teachers, and this symptom as a language of protest resulting from the actions of our unconscious in the daily lives of teachers in the public education network. More specifically, we aimed to: a) verify the relationships between precarious work and suffering/biopsychosocial illness in the teaching population; b) interpret how destructuring work conditions trigger psychosomatic symptoms in teachers; c) analyze which individual and collective damages psychosomatic symptoms cause. We used the following methodology – bibliographic research; explanatory; qualitative; sampling of the researched group and with content analysis – under the reference of the historical dialectical materialism approach. An interview script was used to collect data on the researched phenomenon, which was given to the professors so that they could express their subjective opinions about the context to which they are submitted in the labor process. The results of our research indicate that a) there is a direct relationship between the precariousness of work and the illness of professors, and, among some of the feelings/symptoms most present in this public, there is chronic dissatisfaction, hopelessness in changing reality, the appearance of defense strategies for self-conviction and acceptance of working conditions and suffering normality; b) that the destructuring conditions of work organization in public education lead teachers to illness as an effect of the incongruity between precarious structure and demand for efficiency in their productivity; c) that teachers, in addition to psychosomatic illness, deal with social, economic and affective losses, with the difficulty of organizing the category to face the exploitation experienced, with systematic absences from their jobs due to emotional suffering with consequences in psychosomatic illnesses; d) we also reached, as a result, the understanding that there is a whole process of molding the behavior of servitude in workers in general, as well as in teachers, through submission to the ideology of the ruling class based on the globalized economy - alienation based on a tradition which leads the worker to have a meek and conformist posture in the face of the injustices experienced at work, in addition to identifying strategies that the municipal management uses, such as extending the negotiation time, and thus weakening the teachers' claims, putting the population in a position of dissatisfaction with the teaching class. Our research reached our objectives and confirmed our hypotheses that the precariousness of work has a direct effect on the health-disease dynamics of teachers who live in a context of public education of scrapping, which, in our understanding, reflects the view of education as a market to be explored, whose most immediate effect is the privatization of this area.
Data: Nov 29, 2022
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This study investigated the closure of rural schools in the municipality of Cametá-Pa, with the main objective of identifying the causes that have led to the closure of rural schools in the municipality. In the methodological procedures, Case Study and content analysis were used. It was based on qualitative research, as a technique for data collection, a semi-structured interview was used. Its theoretical contribution was Dialectical Historical Materialism, which allows us to understand the occurrence of numerous social phenomena, thus identifying their roots, and how this relates to other processes that occur in society. The results show that discussing Rural Education in particular about the closure of schools is to enhance the struggles of rural people in defense of education. It is in this sense that this study sought to carry out this discussion, emphasizing the struggle of social and union movements, which have been increasingly strengthened, in defense of the permanence of the rural school with quality. The closure of schools in the municipality is an increasingly growing process, in the last ten years 76 schools were closed, which reveals a quite frightening number when analyzing the geographic composition of the municipality of Cametá. We identified the urgency of creating specific policies for Rural Education, as it was observed that even though the municipality has not officially assumed the nucleation of schools, this process has been intense and the only factor that has been taken into account for the realization of this process is the absence of an adequate physical structure. In this context, the counterpart of the social and trade union movements stands out, which have become references in the municipality in the struggle for the demands of its peoples to be met, mainly with regard to their educational process.
Data: Nov 28, 2022
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The research entitled “The Subjectivity of Deaf Person in Writing Portuguese as Second Language: Constitutions, Education and Deafness”, presents the analysis of texts written by young deaf participants of the Project “Laboratory of Portuguese Language Teaching for the Deaf” that happened through the GEPEES Group. The objective of the project was to provide the deaf the development of the written language in Portuguese because to the great difficulty presented by them when writing. This difficulty was verified from the dialogues established with the deaf community from the other projects, as well evidenced from the first written record requested at the first moment of our meeting. The analysis of written texts provided this investigation that has as main objective: understand the subjectivity of deaf people through the production of senses and meanings that emerge from productions written in Portuguese as a second language, and as specific objectivies: to carry out theoretical reflection about the deaf education, about process of inclusion and on the debates around this theme; Discuss the issue of subjectivity and thus to guide the analysis of this research from the looking of written material, of elaboration process of this product called written production. As methodology, Vygotsky's cultural historical perspective (1983) used which, ally to with the studies of authors who focus on this subject and the assumptions of the ethnographic analysis, supported this research. The project that gave rise to this investigation was elaborated from interactionist approaches and pedagogical strategies, that started from the understanding of the deaf person as holder of cultural specificities, where activities mediated by sign language were developed. Thus, we conclude from the deaf written analysis that it presents the voices of subjectivities constituted in intersubjective relations in the socio, cultural and educational contexts, sometimes affirming the linguistic subjectivity acquired throughout life through sign language, sometimes presenting in the written materiality, the Portuguese Language from the recognition and linguistic relevance that this new language can make possible for him/her to expand the field of learning.
Data: Nov 28, 2022
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A presente dissertação parte de inquietudes que perpassam o cotidiano de um serviço de psicologia público, onde demandas da vida adolescente nos advertem sobre os não-saberes desta adolescência, que se apresenta demarcada nas tramas e no tecer de narrativas e discursos hegemônicos, atravessados por questões de gênero, de violências simbólicas e estruturais, por demandas socioeconômicos, de saúde e/ou educação, que mais oprimem do que possibilitam a estes adolescentes vivenciarem seus potenciais criativos e inventivos. Todavia, tais demandas, surgidas em princípio como ―problemas‖ ou ―distúrbios‖ de aprendizagem e conduta, tornam-se mote para se falar de relações abusivas e/ou preconceituosas e discriminatórias vivenciadas em angústias e ansiedades, em ideações e/ou em tentativas de suicídio. Vivências re-velada no próprio corpo (pele) adolescente, em autolesões provocadas intencionalmente como mecanismo paradoxal de alívio destas angústias. Neste sentido, os desenhares, como prática psi, objetiva abrir perspectivas outras que promovam uma escuta reflexiva da adolescência, acerca das transformações possíveis a partir de um espaço e de uma prática psi, e de processos educativos neles envolvidos, que se dispõem como registro e acolhimento destas narrativas esclarecedoras/transformadoras tanto deste lugar psi, quanto da própria existência desta adolescência, afetada em sua historicidade pelo avanço tecnológico/midiático, frente às mudanças econômicas, pela precarização e dificuldades de acesso aos serviços públicos com qualidade e equidade e pelas expropriações de seus territórios. A pesquisa produz um mapa aberto, uma pesquisa em fluxo contínuo de construção, que encontra aberturas para ser/existir emergindo dos traços de desenhos das(os) usuárias(os) do serviço de psicologia, nas quais a perspectiva cartográfica, conjugada com os desenhares aqui registrados, trazem, em diferentes momentos e circunstâncias, potencialidades reflexivas para as questões da/nas interconexões entre clínica e educação, educação e cultura, e cultura e clínica em face à adolescência. Uma prática que possibilita a (re)criação de vidas plenas e (re)criativas na atual conjuntura, marcada por desigualdades, silenciamentos e, pelas narrativas perversas que incidem sobre a adolescência brasileira. Portanto, a pesquisa registra através de uma cartografia destas adolescências, a partir das produções de desenhos, a (re)constituição dos processos de construções discursivas/narrativas destes, a possibilidade se compreender como estas se apresentam, como se constituem e, como acontecimentos/fatos cotidianos da adolescência cametaense atravessam estes desenhos-narrativas em suas intensidades existenciais. Com os desenhares busca-se possibilitar agenciamentos para a adolescência cametaense, e promover uma clínica da vida, como espaço de ampliação do potencial criativo e inventivo, na qual seja possível uma adolescência realçada em suas intensidades afetivas, como elemento/instrumento de resistência, amplificadora de espaços de liberdade e como potência de resistência e afirmação da vida. Considera-se deste modo que os desenhares contribuem para a ressignificação da relação adolescente-sociedade, podendo re-estabelecer transversalmente pelo desenho conexões perdidas, distorcidas, ignoradas (silenciadas) pelo ―social‖. Pois esta prática tem permitido aos adolescentes experimentarem percursos novos e a construção de novos sentidos existenciais por vias próprias. Não obstante, considera-se que os desenhares se mostram, no trabalho com adolescentes (com a adolescência), uma aposta potente de produção de sentidos existenciais e linhas de fuga, de desterritorializações, nos adolescentes e em nós mesmos.
Data: Nov 23, 2022
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In this work, we research on the education of ethnic-racial relations in the curriculum of the Pedagogy Course in the perception of professors from Higher Education Institutions in Brazil. In this sense, this research has the general objective of analyzing the implementation of the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Education of Ethnic-Racial Relations and for the teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture - DCN-ERER (Opinion CNE/CP Nº 01/ 2004), based on research carried out with professors of the Pedagogy Course of Brazil. This is a qualitative bibliographic research, and for the understanding of studies on Education of ethnic-racial relations, we used the following theoretical references: Gomes (2005; 2007), Guimarães (2004), Munanga (2003; 2010), Oliveira (2010; 2015), Pinto (1987; 1992), Santos (2005; 2006), Schuwarcz (1993), Skidmore (1976), Gonçalves (2021); Muniz and Santos (2021). In addition to these, we also used legal documents and articles that are present in the literature in favor of the subject in question, in particular, Law nº 10.639/2003, Law nº 11.645/2008, Law nº 9394/96 (LDB), the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Education of Ethnic-racial Relations and for the Teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture. To understand the studies on Curriculum, we used Silva (2011) Candau and Moreira (2008). About the Pedagogy Course, we used, in turn, the studies of Libâneo (2001). In addition to the bibliographical research, to analyze the implementation of the DCN-ERER in the training curricula of the pedagogy courses, we used a semi-open questionnaire (closed and open questions) as a research technique, prepared using the Google Forms tool, which was sent via e-mail. e-mail to HEIs in Brazil, obtaining the participation of 53 (fifty-three) professors. For the elaboration of the methodology of this research, we turned to Severino (2013, 2016) and Mota (2019). The results indicate that the majority of teachers from the HEIs surveyed recognize the importance of working with the theme, which appears with more evidence in the educational practices of a minority, two decades after the approval of Law nº 10.639/2003, already modified by Law No. 11.645/2008. With this, we believe that there is relevance in confirming the hypothesis that training courses in Pedagogy have applied in their teaching curricula the inclusion of content for the education of ethnic-racial relations. However, inclusion, for the most part, is the result of the pedagogical practice of teachers who declare themselves to be black and of some non-black teachers who are sensitive to the subject.
Data: Nov 22, 2022
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The research has occurred in the Quilombo's Remnant Community São José da Povoação, in Mutuacá river, in Curralinho's countryside, Pará State. The central question was about the experiences that quilombola students have about their ethnic-racial identities learnt in the community's school. The aim is to understand the quilombola students' perception of their ethnic/racial identities learnt through formal education. The research had as a general objective to analyse the quilombola students' experiences about their ethnic-racial identities in a view of the school education in the community. As specific objectives, sought to understand the experiences of black quilombola students in the school context; to understand how formal education influences the process of understanding and combating racism; to identify what is the understanding of quilombola students who go through school in relation to the construction of their ethno-racial identity; and to question the role of the school installed in the community, highlighting whether it is for the community or just a representative object of State power. Used the qualitative research methodology and as an instrument of data collection the open recorded interview. The research subjects were community residents who have experienced or still experience different levels of formative education in the community school. The academic relevance is justified by the need to analyze and understand the process of identity formation of quilombola communities from the formative process with the performance of formal education. The social justification is contemplated when considering the visibility of the community and the paths which may be taken from the results of this study. The results present great relevance in the sense of understanding the formative role of education as an instrument for social transformation, for the understanding of the phenomenon of racism and for the formation of ethnic-racial identity of students who have the opportunity to experience the educational processes from the reality of a quilombola community in a highly racist and prejudiced Society.
Data: Nov 14, 2022
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O presente estudo analisa a política de escolha de diretores escolares em duas escolas ribeirinhas da rede municipal de ensino do município de Cametá entre os anos de 2017 a 2022. Trata-se de estudo de caso em abordagem qualitativa que utilizou como instrumento de coleta de dados análise documental, entrevistas semiestruturadas e observação participante. Os sujeitos entrevistados foram dois diretores escolares, dois coordenadores pedagógicos e um professor, todos do quadro efetivo da rede municipal de ensino de Cametá/PA. Os principais documentos analisados foram: a Lei Orgânica do município de Cametá (1996); O Plano de Cargos Carreira e Remuneração dos servidores da educação do munícipio de Cametá (PCCR/2012); o Plano Municipal de Educação de Cametá (PME/2015); e o Parecer no 3/2021, que dispõe sobre os critérios e procedimentos para nomeação/designação de gestores escolares, professores responsáveis, vice-diretores, coordenadores pedagógicos e orientações gerais das diretrizes educacionais referente ao âmbito da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Cametá. Em relação ao referencial teórico, utilizamos os conceitos de gestão escolar e clientelismo. No debate sobre gestão escolar, utilizamos os estudos de Libâneo (2001; 2004; 2007), Paro (2007; 2010), Souza (2006), e Lück (2006). Para a reflexão sobre conceito de clientelismo, utilizamos os estudos de Bahia (2003), Carvalho (1997), Bezerra (1999), Bastos (2017). Os resultados da pesquisa demonstram que a legislação municipal apresenta propostas para a realização de eleições para diretores escolares, no entanto, ao mesmo tempo, concede respaldo para o governo municipal indicar os diretores escolares de sua rede de ensino, desde que esses profissionais preencham os requisitos previstos na lei. A indicação política é o modelo de escolha utilizado para provimento do cargo de diretor nas duas escolas ribeirinhas pesquisadas. Ademais, os vereadores são os atores políticos que indicam os diretores escolares nessas escolas, sendo preciso um grande envolvimento do diretor escolar nas campanhas eleitorais dos candidatos para que o benefício do cargo lhe seja concedido. Por fim, segundo a percepção dos diretores, a forma de acesso ao cargo, a indicação política, influencia a gestão nessas duas escolas, limitando a autonomia do diretor.
EDUCAÇÃO SUPERIOR EM TEMPOS DE DISTANCIAMENTO SOCIAL: os desafios do trabalho docente na Universidade Federal do Pará - Campus Universitário do Tocantins
Data: Oct 6, 2022
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This research analyzed the teacher´s work and the implications arising from the adoption of remote teaching, at the Universidade Federal do Pará - Campus Universitário do Tocantins, as well as, identified the conditions of (tele)teaching work in higher education and the implications in teaching practices at the Campus Universitário do Tocantins, besides seeking to understand which strategies were adopted by the teachers to mediate the remote activities. The categories work and teaching work have been discussed by many authors who guide the debate about the theme, where we seek reference in Marx (2017; 2008; 2006), Antunes (2022; 2021; 2020; 2009; 2008)), Frigoto (2010), Vieira Pinto (2005), Braga (2009), Fidalgo (2009), Duarte (2008), Magalhães (2021), Saviani and Galvão (2021), Mancebo (2010; 2020), Maués (2015; 2016; 2021), Bridi (2020); Prazeres (2016), among others. It was sought based on the historical materialism, referenced by the qualitative approach, adopting as data collection technique the document analysis and interview with teachers at the Federal University of Pará/ University Campus of Tocantins/Cametá. The results of the discussions about teacher´s work indicate that the adoption of remote teaching has enabled and conditioned forms of precarity and intensification to the teaching work and this reverberates in the precariousnes and intensification of the working conditions of the professors as a consequence of the overload of working hours. The empirical data indicated that the teachers were not trained to work in remote teaching, and thus had numerous difficulties in accessing and using technologies. Also identified that there was a change in the workplace, which started to take place at the teachers' homes, and that they started to pay all the expenses with their work, resembling the uber work. There was an intensification of the teaching work with activities that already took place in the classroom, but that, with remote teaching, brought other demands. The empirical data pointed out that teachers became ill with the Remote Teaching, both physically and emotionally. It was also made evident that the teachers started to use technologies even more, using WhatsApp groups and digital platforms, as necessary strategies to develop the remote activities.
Data: Aug 5, 2022
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This study aims to reflect on the history of struggle, resistance and traditional knowledge of women (from the Agroindustry and Extractive Cooperative of Women of the Municipality of Cametá (COOPMUC), in the Lower Tocantins, based on the activities developed by some of these women, aiming to understand, from memory in line with oral reports, the forms of transmission of traditional knowledge, knowledge and practices, which demonstrate to have resisted the constant attempts of "payment". Similarly, it is proposed to know the understanding attributed by these women to health, as well as the educational processes triggered by them, seeking to identify the knowledge and practices who develop about the use of medicinal plants focused on the autonomy of health care, verifying how the process of interaction between scientific knowledge and popular knowledge takes place. Methodologically, the constitution of the research is based on oral narratives, which reflect a set of several voices, seeking to verify how traditional healing practices intervene in local health and act in the care of the body; how they are understood and interpreted within the community, as well as demonstrate other specificities that reflect gender and power relations within society. Therefore, it was necessary to resort to bibliographic survey and studies of works related to the issues related to the theme of health, being mainly the Amazonian context, permeated by the influence of indigenous peoples, blacks and their descendants, who live there. Hence the need for the help of a theoretical framework that help to dialogue about traditional practices, experiences and knowledge in dealing with herbs and medicinal plants in the production of medicines, in the treatment of the health of people in this region, who live far from urban centers. In the same sense, we used studies of authors that address the themes gender, feminism, traditional knowledge, memory, culture, among which stand out: Nobre (2003), Safiotti (2013), Hall (2006), Balman (2012), Barth (2000), Langdon (2010), Chalhoub (2003), Santos (2018), Polak (1992), Pinto (2004), Freire (1987), among others. Thus, the present work is a qualitative investigation, anchored in the oral history approach, which had the use of semi-structured interviews, in addition to the observation of the daily experience of some of the women interviewed. Preliminary data from the research make it clear that existing interpersonal relationships, which outline traits that support social structures, and reveal bonds of solidarity, patriarchy, feminism, gender issues and resistance through the culture provided by traditional healing practices.
Data: Jul 8, 2022
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Este texto es resultado de una investigación de maestría del Programa de Posgrado en Educación y Cultura - PPGEDUC, de la Universidad Federal de Pará - Campus Universitario de Tocantins/Cametá. El objetivo general fue analizar el Programa de Permanencia en el contexto del Programa Nacional de Atención al Estudiante - PNAES, en vista de las implicaciones en la trayectoria académica de los estudiantes del Campus de Breves en relación al desempeño, permanencia y culminación del curso de pregrado. , en el período de 2014 a 2021. Metodológicamente, la investigación siguió los lineamientos del enfoque cualitativo en cuanto al uso de técnicas de recolección de datos - revisión de literatura sobre el tema, análisis de documentos y aplicación de formularios a informantes. El marco analítico se basa en categorías del materialismo histórico y dialéctico, tales como historicidad, contradicción, movimiento, totalidad, mediación para tratar un fenómeno social como objeto que recibe influencias socioeconómicas, políticas con ideologías que demarcan intereses particulares en un sistema capitalista. sociedad marcada por las luchas de clases. Las fundaciones cuentan con el apoyo de autores como Frigotto (2015), Fávero (2004; 2006), Coelho (2008), Leão (2019), Silva Jr. e Imperatori (2017), Bezerra (2014), Sguissardi (1999) y Bourdieu (2007), apoyando las categorías que se encuentran en los documentos. El estudio reveló que el Programa de Permanencia es importante y contribuye a la democratización de la educación superior en Marajó/Breves, pero también mostró sus debilidades para evitar la retención y la evasión. Se evidenció que la tasa de éxito de los estudiantes del Campus de Breves, en general y de los beneficiarios del Programa de Permanencia, es todavía baja en comparación con aquellos que completan el curso dentro del tiempo definido por los PPC. En cuanto al rendimiento académico, hubo relación con los resultados del proceso formativo, no siendo una medida fiel de estos resultados ni de contingencia en vista de que la inclusión de estudiantes en situación de vulnerabilidad social en la educación superior ya es un rendimiento alcanzado para la población de educación superior Marajo/Briefs. Sin embargo, se encontró que existe una variación en el desempeño de los estudiantes entre los semestres de cada año académico, pero este desempeño se mantiene en un buen estado, por lo que en el 2017 evolucionó a excelente en ambos semestres. Relacionando el rendimiento académico con los conceptos de capital cultural y científico, es posible afirmar que hay avances del PP bajo la dirección de la UFPA, concebida como una universidad plural, inclusiva y democrática. Concluimos que el número de beneficiarios del PP y otras acciones de ayuda a los estudiantes, en la serie histórica de la investigación, es muy pequeño en comparación con la demanda de los estudiantes de la CUMB que se incluyen en el perfil, siendo necesario el aumento de la financiación. recursos del PNAES, para que pueda atender al grupo de estudiantes que se ajusten al perfil socioeconómico del Programa. También es necesario recomponer los valores bursátiles, para que sigan, o por lo menos, se acerquen a las tasas de inflación del país
Data: Jun 30, 2022
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This work aims to analyze the production and reproduction of texts and images related to the theme of Cabanagem in textbooks and paradidactics, seeking the way in which this content is worked by teachers in elementary schools in the city of Cametá. As well as reflecting on the existing bibliographical discussions and theoretical aspects about Cabanagem in Cametá and the historiographical updates already carried out in which Cabanos subjects become part of this history, problematizing the hegemonic version constructed by the local elites. To achieve these objectives, theoretical and methodological support is used from authors who discuss the Cabano movement, such as: Raiol (1970), Salles (1992), Di Paolo (1990) and Ferreira (1999). As well as authors from Cameta and memorialists, such as: Barbosa (1998), Tamer (1998), Mocbel (1985) and Cardoso (2014). Seeking to characterize textbooks and school curricula, authors such as: Bittencourt (1998;2008), Saviani (2016) and Arroyo (2013) are used. The theoretical basis for analyzing Cameta’s imaginary about Cabanagem, which contains the myth of Samaumeira, the title of “Cidade Invicta”, the heroic image of Father Prudêncio das Mercês Tavares and the Panel/Monument “Resistência à Cabanagem”, are the studies by Néstor Canclini (2008) and Eric Hobsbawm (1997). Added to official documents made available by the Public Archive of Pará and the Archive of the Diocese of Cametá. Research data show that the anti-Caban imaginary built in Cametá is very present, but numerous reflections have already contested its existence. And through textbooks, it is not possible to broaden discussions about this event, with the role of the teacher in this mediation being very important. This anti-caban imaginary built by the post-Cabanagem elite in Cametá, and maintained by Cametá memorialists, is still very much alive, being present in works on the subject and in the classroom, but many criticisms and reflections have already been made to these symbols that present just one side of the cabin story in Cametá. This is not just a reality of monuments and squares, but of textbooks, which mostly focus on simplifying complex processes, which do little to help in a broader analysis of historical events, even more so being regional and in the Amazon. School curricula remain as grids, and the classroom as a space of resistance.
A STUDY ON THE CURRICULUM OF THE COMMUNITY SCHOOL FAMILY HOME RURAL IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BREVES: An analysis of the impacts produced by formative curricular arrangements in the class egress of 2013.
Data: Jun 30, 2022
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The present research, entitled "A Study on the Curriculum of Escola Comunitária Casa Familiar Rural do Município de Breves: An Analysis of the Impacts Produced by the Formative Curricular Arrangements in the Graduating Class of 2013", seeks to provide an opportunity to reflect on the impacts of the curriculum of Breves’ CFR school in students lives who graduated in 2013. As a research problem, we bring the following question: In what way did the curricular arrangements of the CFR have an impact on the students social life who graduated from the Technical Course in Forestry, taking into account their actions in society from the year 2013? The study aims to reflect on the formal curriculum, describing its implications for citizen training, considering the meanings of Production and Reproduction of the school in society. To achieve the proposed general objective, we also have three specific objectives, which we present: 1) Understanding from the PPP, how the curriculum dialogued with the lifestyles of the riverside dwellers in the context of rural education; 2) Analyzing the impacts generated by the school curriculum in the graduates lives in society, from their conceptions; 3) Reflecting on the voices of the main actors in the formation process of young graduates. The theoretical framework used as a basis in the production of the chapters revolves around the contributions of some authors such as: Moreira, Silva (1999); Petitat (1994); Brandão (1988); Gil (2008); Hage (2006); Arroyo (1999); Lopes, Macedo (2010) As for the methodology, we choose a qualitative approach with emphasis on Participatory Research, because we believe that this research strategy allows for a better understanding and deepening of the specificities and basic needs of peasant populations, traditional populations and farmers. In the case of this research, the phenomenon to be investigated, specifically, is the impacts produced by the implementation of the training curricular arrangements of the CFR School in the graduates lives of the 2013. Including also in this methodological process the field research, the semi-open questionnaire and the semi-structured interview, these instruments were fundamental in data collection. The material produced in the field interaction was put under appreciation through document analysis. The theoretical reflections present in the text indicate that the curriculum of an educational institution can be materialized in a critical, reflective, and autonomous way, making the school productive. Conversely, this same institution can implement an automated, technical and uncritical curriculum, making the school reproductivist, thus generating the maintenance of capitalist society. Within this understanding, the school becomes dualistic in society, since it can practice a curriculum in the productivist line or in the reproductive line, or in both lines concomitantly, or even more negatively intending only for the reproductive strand, this premise becomes a grievance in the educational field. In the specific case of the school in question, the research data elucidated that the formative curricular arrangements impacted on the social life graduates of the 2013 in a more positive than negative way.
TRANSESCRITAS DA DIFERENÇA: Movimentos para Transcriar a Educação com Clarice Lispector e Virginia Woolf
Data: Jun 28, 2022
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Trans-writings by Virginia Woolf and Clarice Lispector propel thoughts to trans-creating education, through the devires-writing raised in the works Mrs. Dalloway (2017) and Orlando (2014), by Woolf, and The passion according to GH (2009) and The star hour (1998), by Lispector. The articulation through which the architecture of this study moves is to vibrate, from Lispectorian and Woolfian trans-writings, devireswriting with movements of thinking and creating, and from these, to compose and mobilize both literature and education in image-less thoughts that urge us to a trans-creating of education through the signs of learning that come from such dislocations. Literature, philosophy of difference, and education are intertwined in the authors' trance-like languages, creative powers that collide and move away, composing multiple provocations about other ways of seeing, living, and intervening in the educational field. The Lispectorian and Woolfian lines of escape walk with intercessors such as Deleuze and Guattari, Corazza, Bachelard, Barthes, Proust, Rolnik, Passos, Butler, Foucault, Gallo, Tadeu, Zordan. In each exposed crack, a gap opens for thought, moving it to the obscure corners, the abject bodies, the extemporaneous times, the reverse and the indomitable of education, leave their tracks like ghosts, like shadows, like new paints to be transcribed and blurred, like Orlandes and Macabéas, GHs and Clarissas, like humidities and grasses that insist on being born in the most uncomfortable spaces, among others. The violence of the encounter with these writing-devirals triggers the deautomatized thinking, the thinking without image, and then mobilizes new signs of learning. Clarice and Virgínia, in being trans-written here, emit multiple devires-writing, and such devires also provoke trans-creations in education, as they crack into signs of learning, senses, thoughts, creations to move through educating. Both the becoming-writing, of trans-writing, and the signs of learning, of trans-creation, are emulsified in a thought without image that does not try to be homogeneous. This image-less thinking is, on the contrary, an intensive effort of agitation, of difference. The trans-writing arts of Woolf and Lispector flow into a trans-creation of education with difference.
Data: Jun 28, 2022
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Objetiva-se apontar os desafios e avanços em relação à implementação de uma política de remuneração dos profissionais do magistério da Rede Municipal de Educação de Cametá, buscando identificar se a mesma enseja a valorização docente. Trata-se de um estudo de caso em abordagem qualitativa, tendo como procedimentos de coleta de dados análise documental, entrevistas e observação participante. Os principais documentos analisados foram o Plano de Cargos, Carreira e Remuneração dos Profissionais do Magistério do Município de Cametá (PCCR 212/2012) e suas alterações, a folha de pagamento do Poder Executivo de Cametá de dezembro de 2016 disposta em microdados, as folhas de pagamento disponíveis no portal da transparência da Prefeitura de Cametá (2017-2020) e os dados disponíveis no SIOPE/FNDE referentes à remuneração dos profissionais da educação. Na revisão do tema e fundamentação teórica, tomamos como principais referências autores como Monlevade (2000), Morduchowicz (2003), Pinto e Adrião (2006), Arelaro (2007), Camargo; Jacomini (2011), Zatti (2019) entre outros. Os resultados mostraram que a maior parte daquilo que é disposto pelo PCCR 212/2012 é seguido na prática, como a efetivação das progressões (algumas automáticas, como o quinquênio, e outras através de requerimento, como a aquisição de uma nova titulação ou habilitação) e o vencimento base, que compõe a maior parcela da remuneração e é sempre reajustado anualmente de acordo com o Piso Salarial Profissional Nacional (PSPN). A questão mais notável em termos de um aparente não cumprimento do PCCR 212/2012 é em relação à carga horária de trabalho. Notadamente porque em alguns casos ela não é cumprida, exemplo disso são as 240h que deveriam, mas não são pagas efetivamente. Portanto, conclui-se que é uma bem intencionada política de remuneração, porém, desde que todas as prerrogativas sejam efetivamente cumpridas. Como no município pesquisado a questão da carga horária ainda é um ponto sensível, os professores e demais profissionais do magistério ficam suscetíveis a uma desvalorização.
Data: Jun 24, 2022
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This research is part of the study on Afro-religiosity with practitioners and participants of Candomblé in Abaetetuba/Pará. Its purpose is to analyze how the exchange of traditional knowledge takes place from the game of cowries in Candomblé. Methodologically, it is an autoethnography, a method that can be used in research and writing, as it proposes to systematically describe and analyze the personal experience, in order to understand the cultural experience (ELLIS, 2004). bibliographies on education, culture, resistance, orality, memory, identity and traditional knowledge in Afro-Brazilian religions, with theoretical support in: Little (2001); Cunha (2007); Brandão (2002); Freire (1987); Libâneo (2004); Lody (2007); Braga (1988); Beniste (2008) and others. Data were collected through online interviews through the Google Meet platform with research participants. The fieldwork sought support in the experiences of the Afro-religious community Igbá Asé Ibin Layé, popularly known as the Oshalufã Center for Mediumship Manifestations - CEMMO, in which the observant participant researcher is pai de santo, a term that suggests the preponderance of participation over
observation. 10 (ten) subjects were interviewed, 4 (four) declared to be practitioners of the Afro- Brazilian religion and 6 (six) participants. Of the 10 (ten) interlocutors, 4 (four) were selected,
2 (two) practitioners and 2 (two) participants for the deepening of the research, with a view to greater approximation with the object of investigation. The tabulation of queries processed in the period from 2010 to 2019 was carried out, gender, reason for the query and religious positioning were analyzed, to identify in this exchange of knowledge how the pedagogical process is developed from the ritual of the game of whelks. As a result of this research, it was found that: the object of study was not the terreiro, but what happens in the terreiro; terreiros are not frozen in the past; the pedagogical process within the terreiro is dynamic and transformative; the pedagogies in the Candomblé terreiros are configured in acts of resistance.
Data: May 5, 2022
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The present study, entitled Narrativas Sinalizadas de Si: the militant trajectory of a black woman in the deaf movement in the municipality of Igarapé-Miri, in Pará, aims to understand the life story of a deaf black woman, in order to understand, for through their narratives and training processes and knowledge built in militancy, how this woman constitutes her identity and resignified herself from the intertwining between ethnic issues, gender issues and deafness. And as specific objectives, it is proposed to understand how the deaf black woman sees herself in the context of her trajectory and the relationship of this process in the affirmative construction of her ethnic-racial identity; analyze the images and meanings of being a deaf black woman built in the militancy process and problematize the formative educational processes and the knowledge built in the deaf black woman's militancy trajectory as a possibility of political empowerment built from subversive acts of gender, race and deafness . The research that originated this study took as a mobilizing aspect the following problem: how was the life trajectory of the deaf black woman, activist of the deaf community, in favor of overcoming racial inequalities, gender and difference in the municipality of Igarapé-Miri/ SHOVEL? Methodologically, theoretical support was sought in studies of authors that address themes related to gender, race, deafness, militancy, memory, narratives, which stand out: Scott (1995), Louro (1997), Guimarães (1999, 2004), Hall (2003), Schwarcz (1933), Skidmore (1976), Skliar (1998, 2010), Goldenberg (1997), Fanon (2008), Brah (2006), Pêcheux (2010), among others. The research participant was selected based on some criteria, such as: self-declaring herself as black in her sociocultural relationships and for presenting traits in her personal, social and professional life trajectory that characterize a profile of militancy with action on gender issues, race and deafness in the city of Igarapé-Miri-PA. The investigation is anchored in a qualitative approach of the Oral History type, with the use, in its procedures, of on-line semi-structured interviews, in addition to this, this work used virtual participant observation, which, in turn, it took place through the participation in some interactions carried out virtually in the daily life of the interviewee, and also had the help of a drawing workshop that focused on the elaboration of drawings about being a deaf black woman in militancy. The research results reveal that the interviewee's participation in the deaf movement and in the academic space made it possible for her to re-educate herself, change her view on issues such as sexism, racism, machismo and deafness, her posture as a black and deaf woman through a positive process. acceptance of their color, curly hair, sign language, to the detriment of social determinants.
THE HAND OF WORK IS THE HAND THAT ROCKS THE NET: everyday life, gender, culture, work and memory of women at Amacol
Data: Apr 30, 2022
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The study aims to understand the participation of women in the work process at the timber company Amazônia Compensados e Laminados (AMACOL) in the decades from 1970 to 1990, in the municipality of Portel, in Marajó/PA, analyzing the social relations that permeated the company's daily life, as well as, their processes of sociability and life outside of it, seeking to analyze the forms of work developed by these women, trying to understand how socio-affective relationships took place inside and outside AMACOL between male and female workers, verifying whether women did the same activities as men and whether the working hours and salaries were similar based on the functions performed, seeking to understand how working in the company contributed to the economic independence and autonomy in the lives of women who worked in this company, and how they dealt with double and even triple working hours, women's actions in this endeavor and female participation in union coordination. Methodologically, studies by authors such as HELLER (2000) are used as theoretical support; ALBERTI (2008); MARTINS, SCHAAN, SILVA (2010); SILVA (2011); FERNANDES (2011); FERNANDES (2013); BRITO (2001); RENHA (2017); MELO (2015); NORA (1993), PACHECO (2006 and 2012); PINTO (2004, 2010, 2012); SOIHET (1997); PINHEIRO (2018); FOUCAULT (2013); LOURO (2004); LAGES (2004); SOIHET(2006); DIEESE (2013); PINSKY (2013); PEREIRA (2005); RODRIGUES (2015), HOBSBAWM (1996; 1977), MARX (2012), MARX and ENGELS (1999), THOMPSON (1987), VOVELLE (1987), ENGELS (1975), BRANCO (2006), BATALHA (1992), FONTES (1982), FAUSTO (1977), GOETTERT (2014), POGIBIN (2009; 2010), SANTANA (2018), MOURA (2010), which provided a theoretical and methodological basis, helping in the construction of the analyzes that constitute this dissertation. This is a qualitative research that analyzes, through oral reports and written documents, how women carried out their work in that company and how work relationships, sociability and conflicts took place within AMACOL. From the data collected during the research, it was possible to analyze the transformations produced with the installation of this company in Marajó in political, social, cultural, economic and environmental aspects, also highlighting the daily sociability in the organization of work within it. As well as, by bringing reports of experiences, memories and experiences of the workers inside and outside this company, it analyzes the daily lives of these women, their actions and relationships in the social context of Porto, after a new reality of gaining autonomy and financial independence. Likewise, it reflects on the construction and organization of the Union of Industrial and Furniture Workers of the Municipality of Portel (SITRIMACOP), in the 1980s, inspired by the worker movements that took place at that period throughout the country and, linked to the Federation of Workers in the Construction and Furniture Industry in the States of Pará and Amapá (FETRACOMPA), based in Belém do Pará, which contributed to the organization of SITRIMACOP and warned about salary rights and working conditions that were being denied to the workers of the company AMACOL, who were demanded through the outbreak of two strikes, one occurring in 1986 and the other in 1987, highlighting the actions of women in this endeavor and their respective roles in union coordination.
Data: Apr 30, 2022
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The present work is woven by a collection of life stories narrated by girls and women who experienced motherhood while still in adolescence, more specifically between the years 2010 and 2020. The aim of the research is to understand, through the experiences shared by these girls, aged between 14 and 19, how they face being a mother, analyze the main challenges, claims and demands that are manifested in their daily narratives, both in the private and public sphere, in order to verify the ways in which their rights may have been deprived, either through material challenges, such as the lack of public policies and the abandonment by the state and/or through social, historical and cultural mishaps. Methodologically, a bibliographical survey and a qualitative analysis were carried out. Among the theoretical contribution we can highlight some authors, such as: PORTELLI (1997), DEL PRIORI (2011), CHAUÍ (2012), UNFPA (2013), PACHECO (2010), MORIN (2006 and 2007), FIGUEIRÓ (2004), WHO (1993), SEN (2000), VELHO (1981) and others. This bibliography dialogues with the oral narratives collected throughout the research with the methodological aid of oral history, which made possible to listen to seven female narrators/collaborators, who revealed what the numbers are not able to tell, that is, life stories, resistance, denouncement, and female hope. Although we have opted for open and, in a way, free interviews, some questions were pre-formulated with the objective of not limiting the narrators' testimonies, but with the purpose of organizing the work within the perspective of human development, according to the United Nations Development Program, which establishes three basic dimensions for the achievement of people's freedom to be what they want to be. These dimensions are: health, education, and income, which despite not encompassing or exhausting all aspects of development, are synthetic measures thought and built from the studies of Mahbub ul Haq and Amartya Sen. It was found that, although individual, the reports of the girl mothers are revealing, from the point of view of the collectivity, the history, and the culture to which they belong, since at the intersection between one experience and another, there are singularities and, above all, similarities that show the urgent need for society to evolve, both in the way it looks at and treats its young women.
Data: Apr 28, 2022
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The present research, entitled "The Educational Work of Pedagogues in Social Assistance" investigated how the work of these professionals in social education is structured, specifically, in social assistance services, analyzing their pedagogical action in educational work as an essential instrument that contributes to the formation of the critical conscience of individuals and families who are in a situation of social aggravation with the responsibility of collaborating in the process of controlling human emancipation. The discussion about pedagogy and social pedagogy as an area of knowledge, covering concepts, origins, foundations and formation of the pedagogy course, becomes valid for the understanding of the theoretical and practical subsidies of the pedagogue's work in social education in its different historical contexts, in addition to the debate about Brazilian society in its sociocultural and socioeconomic aspects in the way it organizes itself on Brazilian society in order to maintain social control through State intervention through social education and the educational work of the pedagogue in the minimization of social problems caused by the economic and cultural sector. The work of pedagogues in Social Assistance has not been promoting social education, but only assistance services, guaranteeing the provision of basic needs, unlinked from the defense and social promotion policy established by Law Nº 8742 - LOAS, thus, assistance prevails in social assistance services and interrupts social education, in addition, the pedagogue does not carry out an educational work due to the lack of structure of budget resources, due to bad management, cuts and inappropriate deviations for other actions in the federal, state and municipal spheres, blocking and limiting action linked to educational work. With the pandemic, the new coronavirus limited and blocked some actions and services, such as activities in communities and in the Service for Coexistence and Strengthening of Links - SCFV, where priority is given to developing social pedagogy, not to mention that the pedagogical practice of pedagogues constitute a mechanism disconnected from educational work, as they adopt a domestic practice related to professional commitment and responsibility, as well as to the restriction on professional training, both by the Social Assistance Policy of the capacita program (SUAS), and by the pedagogue himself, who is limited to seeking their training. The researcher's professional experiences were constituted in some educational actions, limiting the promotion of social education due to her lack of understanding in relation to educational work. The social education developed in the Social Assistance policy is a significantly essential instrument for the formation of critical thinking, in the control of human emancipation, encouraging the struggle for rights, maintaining an inerrant social control to individuals in a situation of social aggravation. Therefore, when there is no social education developed in social assistance services, as observed in the municipality of Melgaço, PA, the services are subject to assistance actions. The choice of theme arose from the idea of associating this research with the profession of pedagogue of this in Social Assistance in the city of Melgaço, PA, in order to understand the role of the pedagogue in social education, precisely, in social assistance services. The research has as a problem the following question: "Has the pedagogue's work in Social Assistance been promoting social education, constituting itself as an educational action in the minimization of prevention and overcoming of vulnerabilities and social risks?" Seeking to answer it, the theoretical basis is the studies of Machado (2010), Soriano (2006), Silva (2017), Bessa (2019), Zanella (2013), Santos (1999), Freire (1987), Mendes (2021), Campos (2018), Carvalho (2017), Oliveira (2017), Santana (2012) and others. Regarding the methodology, there is a qualitative approach, in the form of case study, with bibliographic and field research with the aim of investigating the critical form and the phenomenon studied. The instruments used in data collection were interviews with subjects and reports on professional experiences in the research area, which were essential to bring information and knowledge in the discussions and construction of this work and the results obtained.
Data: Apr 8, 2022
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This dissertation discusses in the light of the Law11.645/2008 the implementation of Marajoara indigenous theme in the curriculum of Basic Education in Breves, Marajó, understanding the curriculum as a political and cultural field crossed by power relations, which can transmit visions and identities interested particular and social, but susceptible to changes and transformations resulting from social dynamism. The research seeks to understand how different Marajoara native people, labeled in history as "Nheengaíbas", are represented in different spaces and times, asserting their protagonism in history. At first, in Jesuits, travelers, naturalists and historians memories (1639 - 1659) and, posteriorly, in the scope of the curriculum, textbooks and in the experience of teachers today. The text dialogues with the human and social sciences, based on the references of Le Goff (1990); Halbwachs (1990); Ricoeur (2007), Quijano (2005), Moscovici (2007) and authors who discuss the indigenous protagonism in Brazil, making use of the categories Memory, Forgetfulness, Decoloniality, Indigenous Protagonism and Social Representations, as well as, Curriculum, Textbook and Teaching in references of Moreira and Tadeu (2009), Silva and Souza (2016), Santos and Meneses (2009), Bhabha (1998,) Apple (2013), Bittencourt (2019; 2013) among others. As methodology, the research was used: documental, bibliographic and the application of interviews, with the use of the qualitative approach. Finally, it was proposed as a form of intervention, paths and suggestions for a curricular proposition more aligned to the current legislation and the epistemologies of resistance. It is estimated that the reflections and products achieved may cause the visibility, inclusion and valorization of a Marajoara indigenous theme in the curriculum, textbooks and teachers' practices in Breves and Marajó, as well as encourage future productions aligned to the theme.
A EXPERIÊNCIA DO ENSINO MÉDIO INTERATIVO NO PARÁ: O caso da implantação e funcionamento do Projeto SEI em uma comunidade ribeirinha do município de
Data: Apr 8, 2022
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This production proposed to study the Interactive Educational System (SEI), created in 2018 by the government of Pará, whose main objectives are the supposed expansion of High School to rural locations with difficult access and the improvement in the quality of this education. EMEIF Adelson Azevedo, located in Vila Gomes, municipality of Portel/PA, was the locus chosen for this study. As a research problem, we have the following question: what are the implications arising from the implementation and operation of High School through the SEI Project in a riverside community in the municipality of Portel, from 2018 to 2021? The study aimed to analyze the processes of implementation and operation of High School through the SEI Project in a Marajoara reality, in the period 2018/2021. As for the specific objectives, we have: to identify problems of High School in Brazil and the low educational rates of this level of education in Pará, demonstrating some aspects that have contributed to this reality; present the main characteristics of the SEI Project as a strategy resulting from the Pact for Education in Pará based on what is set out in its guiding documents and discuss the process of implementation and operation of the SEI Project at EMEIF Adelson Azevedo from the voices of the research subjects. The research was based on the assumptions of a qualitative approach,
historical and dialectical materialism as a research method and field research, where non- directive interviews were used as a data collection instrument. The work was organized around
four categories: implementation process of the SEI Project in Vila Gomes; technological structure of operation of the SEI Project; pedagogical and teaching structures for the functioning of the SEI Project and the interactivity between the teaching staff of the SEI Project and students. All the theoretical and empirical material was analyzed using the content analysis methodology. Haddad et al (2008), Netto (2011), Ferreira (2018) and Araújo (2019) were some of the references used. It was possible to identify a set of implications arising from the implementation and operation of the SEI Project in the researched reality, whose main ones are: lack of dialogue with the residents of Vila Gomes before the implementation of the SEI Project; the implementation of SEI in Vila Gomes did not represent the expansion of secondary education, but the replacement of SOME; SEI's curriculum and calendar are geared towards the urban-centric context and do not take into account the reality of rural populations; there is no printed teaching material to support students who cannot keep up with the speed with which classes are shown on TV; By excluding most students from real-time interactivity with the teaching professors, SEI cannot be classified as technology-mediated classroom teaching, but rather as a type of teaching that tries to inadvertently appropriate the possibilities of distance education. In this way, we conclude that the SEI Project presents itself as a type of High School, whose real objective is to promote the precariousness of this education and, therefore, promote social inequalities in the state of Pará.
Data: Mar 18, 2022
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In this study, the Mundiar Learning Acceleration Project, High School, in the city of Breves/PA, was researched, with the general objective of analyzing the implications of the Mundiar project in the teaching and learning processes from the development of the telessala methodology, considering the reality of Marajoara youth. The specific objectives were to identify the Mundiar project in the context of public-private relations based on guidelines from international organizations; characterize the Project's Telessala methodology in view of the reality of students in the city of Breves and understand the Mundiar project and its implications in the teaching and learning process of Marajoara brevense youth. The approach is qualitative, exploratory and bibliographical, based on content analysis. The instrument for data collection was the semi-structured interview. The interviewees were three unidocentes, three students and the local coordinator. The results point to 1) reproduction of traditional high school problems and the constitution of new problems; 2) total alignment of the project in accordance with the guidelines of international organizations within the scope of the public-private relationship; 3) Failure to value the formation of autonomous citizens and duplication of the image of the public school as incapable and insufficient for the formation of critical subjects and qualified professionals; 4) isolated pedagogical/technological practices that direct full responsibility to the unidocente professional of Mundiar; 5) pre-technical approach and insufficient human, structural and technological resources within the scope of the telessala methodology; and 6) Precariousness of work and devaluation of didactic-pedagogical, financial and teaching autonomy.
Data: Mar 17, 2022
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The research “By rivers and forests, the UFPA and Human Development in Marajó: An analysis of the role of the university in the municipalities of Breves and Melgaço” aims to analyze the possible contributions of the Breves Campus in human formation towards the socioeconomic and educational development of the cities of Breves and Melgaço, considering the poverty and social inequality present in them. The approach used in the study is qualitative, with bibliographical and documentary research. Institutional documents from UFPA were used, such as: PDIs, UFPA in Numbers, CUMB Management Reports. A questionnaire was also applied to CUMB graduates, using google forms. The results show that: 1) The process of interiorization of the public University in the Amazon is one of the great milestones of public service in the educational and socioeconomic context of the region; 2) The reality of students in Marajoara public University Education is of great social vulnerability and the existence of UFPA as a public institution in the region is fundamental to this population; 3) UFPA contributes to a differentiated model of development in the municipalities where it operates, and the subjects formed by this institution are important actors in social processes; 4) teaching, research and extension at CUMB are important allies of society, whether for its development or for facing social inequalities; and 5) CUMB develops an important social inclusion policy, transforming life stories and promoting a better educational and socioeconomic context in the region, however, it is the object of demands from society for expansion and closer approximation with civil society.