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  • Data: Dec 30, 2024
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  • A dissertação em andamento intitulada “Educação Física e relações étnico-raciais nas pesquisas na região Norte” parte de um debate decolonial que almeja verificar o que vem sendo produzido sobre a temática no acervo acadêmico dos Programas de Pós-graduação locais. Possui como questão central: Como as relações étnico-raciais que têm como referência teórica as epistemologias decoloniais e antirracistas na Educação Física tem sido discutida nas produções acadêmicas na região Norte do Brasil nos anos 2019 a 2023?  O objetivo geral consiste em mapear as produções acadêmicas-científicas do campo das relações étnico-raciais que têm como referência teórica as epistemologias decoloniais e antirracistas na Educação Física na região norte do Brasil. E como objetivos específicos se propõe identificar quais categorias conceituais dos estudos decoloniais tem sido mais recorrente nas produções acadêmicas científicas negra/indígena nos Programas de pós graduação na região Norte e verificar as contribuições das epistemologias decoloniais e antirracistas como campo de análise nas pesquisas desenvolvidas nesses programas de Pós-graduação no âmbito da Educação Física. A metodologia está pautada predominantemente na pesquisa documental com abordagem qualitativa. Os resultados do trabalho revelam que, entre as categorias conceituais dos estudos decoloniais, algumas têm se destacado nas produções acadêmicas dos Programas de Pós-Graduação da região Norte, especialmente em pesquisas relacionadas a populações negras e indígenas. Dentre essas categorias, destacam-se o racismo, o racismo e antirracismo na sociedade e na educação brasileira, a decolonialidade e educação, e o corpo e Educação Física. Ao investigar as contribuições das epistemologias decoloniais e antirracistas como campo de análise, constatou-se que esses aportes têm o potencial de enriquecer significativamente as pesquisas desenvolvidas nesses programas, sobretudo no âmbito da Educação Física. Contudo, foi evidenciada uma lacuna na produção acadêmica que aborde de maneira aprofundada e integrada a Educação Física sob a perspectiva antirracista e decolonial. Essa ausência destaca a necessidade de maior investimento em estudos que articulem essas abordagens, considerando-as um campo fértil e inovador para promover transformações no cenário educacional e social.


  • Advisor : ARIEL FELDMAN
  • Data: Dec 20, 2024
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  • Esta pesquisa objetiva descrever e analisar a gestão do Conselho Escolar em uma escola pública municipal de Cametá/PA, no período de 2013 a 2023, buscando compreender seus desafios, avanços e impactos na qualidade da educação local. A pesquisa busca ainda compreender como o Conselho Escolar atua na gestão dos recursos financeiros e orçamentários desta escola, verificando se essa atuação está de acordo com os princípios da legalidade, transparência, eficiência e eficácia.  A pesquisa investigou ainda, a participação dos membros do Conselho Escolar na tomada de decisões relacionadas à gestão fiscal, bem como os desafios e oportunidades enfrentados nesse contexto pela escola em questão, levando em consideração as especificidades que levaram à inadimplência deste Conselho Escolar. Ressaltamos ainda o papel dos conselhos escolares enquanto unidades executoras próprias. Trata-se de um estudo de caso descritivo em abordagem qualitativa. Utilizamos como instrumento de coleta de dados entrevistas com três membros do Conselho Escolar e o diretor atual da escola, análise documental e observação participante. O referencial teórico incluiu os estudos de Cabral Neto (2021), Cury (2000-2001), Dourado (2006), Werle (2003), Taborda (2009), entre outros. Para o tratamento dos dados, aplicou-se a tabulação por meio da triangulação das fontes, técnica que, segundo Günther (2006), permite a utilização de diferentes evidências na análise do objeto empírico. Utilizou-se também a Análise Temática, conforme Braun e Clarke (2006), que é um método para identificar, analisar, interpretar e relatar temas a partir de dados qualitativos. A pesquisa em uma unidade de ensino oportunizou inferir que a efetiva participação da comunidade escolar nos Conselhos e nas decisões relacionadas ao PDDE ainda é um desafio. Salientamos que a qualidade da educação está intrinsecamente relacionada à eficácia e ao funcionamento do conselho escolar. Um conselho que opere de maneira participativa e bem estruturada tem o potencial de fomentar melhorias significativas no ambiente de aprendizagem, beneficiando não apenas os alunos e professores, mas toda a comunidade escolar. Além disso, os conselhos escolares devem atuar como um vínculo entre a instituição de ensino e a comunidade local, promovendo parcerias que possam enriquecer a experiência educacional. Por último, é imprescindível que evitem quaisquer ingerências relacionadas à gestão dos recursos provenientes dos programas do FNDE, assegurando seu uso adequado e transparente. Percebemos ainda o quanto a guarda da documentação é uma responsabilidade que deve ser assumida por profissionais designados na escola, garantindo que haja um fluxo de trabalho definido para a gestão de arquivos. Agir com transparência permite que a escola não tenha prejuízos como, a inadimplência.


    competências socioemocionais na construção de um futuro pré-programado de estudantes da escola pública

  • Data: Dec 18, 2024
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  • O presente trabalho dissertativo realiza um estudo sobre a unidade curricular Projeto de Vida especificada na Lei 13.415/2017, “Novo Ensino Médio”, na Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) e em outros dispositivos legais que a complementam. Consubstanciou-se num estudo investigativo que teve como Objetivo Geral: Analisar o “Projeto de Vida” no interior das contradições entre capital-trabalho e suas possíveis implicações na escolarização de jovens, especificamente de estudantes da Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio Rui Barbosa, localizada no município de Tucuruí/PA, tendo como Objetivos Específicos: Caracterizar a unidade curricular, Projeto de Vida, explicitando seu vínculo com a pedagogia das competências; Desvelar possíveis interesses políticos, econômicos e ideológicos implicados em sua criação; Descobrir o modo como essa unidade está ganhando materialidade no interior da referida escola, bem como os possíveis impactos na escolarização dos estudantes a partir da percepção de professores e estudantes, bem como da análise do PPP escolar, utilizando como referencial teórico metodológico o materialismo histórico dialético, trazendo à baila pressupostos marxistas sobre trabalho e educação, tendo como principais aportes teóricos Karl Marx (2001, 2017); Harvey (1992); Saviani (1999; 2007; 2011) Ramos (2002; 2001; 2003, 2017); Frigotto (2006; 2010), Dardot e Laval (2016); Antunes (2009; 2018), entre outros. Percorre os caminhos metodológicos da pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e de campo, numa abordagem qualitativa, tendo como técnica de coleta de dados, a análise documental e a entrevista semiestruturada. Os resultados apontam que a unidade curricular Projeto de Vida é um dos princípios específicos do “Novo Ensino Médio”, que, vinculada às competências socioemocionais, versão renovada da pedagogia das competências, se estabelece como um dos mecanismos de controle, modelagem e adaptabilidade comportamental, visando à formação para o mercado de trabalho precarizado, conformação ética e moral da classe trabalhadora ao modelo de sociedade neoliberal, no sentido de mediar os conflitos de classes diante do contexto de crise, precarização do trabalho e desemprego estrutural dados pelo modelo de acumulação capitalista flexível, forjando, assim, subjetividades adaptáveis às novas formas de produção, como parte do projeto estratégico e ambicioso do capital financeiro internacional, representado pelos OIs, visando a reestruturação das bases de acumulação e recomposição da hegemonia das grandes potências econômicas mundiais. Outros resultados demonstram que a criação do “Projeto de Vida” se relaciona a interesses políticos econômicos e ideológicos dos países imperialistas e da burguesia local, visando expandir seus negócios por meio das PPPs. A partir das percepções dos sujeitos estudados, conclui-se que o “Projeto de Vida”, embora seja importante no planejamento de seus projetos futuros, contraditoriamente, dificulta sua concretude, que envolve a chegada à universidade, devido a sua elevada carga horária, em detrimento de disciplinas básicas, com conteúdos propedêuticos e humanísticos, favorecendo a formação instrumentalizada, causando impacto negativo à formação plena e a continuação de seus estudos à nível superior, portanto, na concretização de seus projetos futuros de vida, podendo levar a inserção futura desses sujeitos em postos de trabalho precarizados. Nesse sentido, não dialoga com a proposta de formação humana integral, de acordo com a concepção sócio-histórica, que compreende tal formação como um processo dinâmico, histórico e contraditório por meio do qual os indivíduos desenvolvem a consciência de sí e das relações sociais das quais são sujeitos, considerando todas as suas dimensões e aspectos. Pelo contrário, se vincula a concepções conservadoras, técnicas e instrumentalistas de formação para o mercado de trabalho precarizado, advindas do racionalismo de F. Taylor, do Condutivismo de B. F Skinner; do irracionalismo de John Dewey e de Jean Piaget.

  • Teachers' representations: Meanings effects in/about Afro-religions in the Amazonian city of Tucuruí/PA

  • Data: Dec 18, 2024
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  • This research is based on the need to problematize what educators (teachers, technical staff and school management) say about Afro-religions, producing interdiscourses that influence and contribute to the erasure and silencing of Afro-religions as an inseparable part of our culture. Given this context, the general objective is to problematize the emerging representations in the sayings of teachers at the “Ana Pontes Francez” State High School, with regard to Afro-religions. In this sense, the following specific objectives were delimited: a) To identify whether there are representations of resistance in the words of teachers when they refer to the application of Law 10.639/2003; b) To contribute to discussions that promote an understanding of the historical and social importance of Afro-religions. This is a qualitative study analyzed through a discursive lens that will lead us to the meanings effects and crossings contained in the teachers' statements. To support the theoretical-methodological contribution of Discourse Analysis in our research, we dialogued with the authors Michel Pêcheux, Michel Foucault (2006; 2010), Maingueneau (2014), Orlandi (2008), Coracini (2010; 2016), Hall (2005), and others. Our theoretical contribution is also to encourage reflection on the theme of “Education for Ethnic and Racial Relations”, with authors who problematize the trajectory of education and its relationship with culture and Afro-religions, with an emphasis on authors from Pará, such as: Campelo, Conrado and Ribeiro (2015); Amador (2019); Prandi (1998); Farias (2016); Bento (2022); Munanga (2019), Almeida and Sanches (2016), among others. The corpus of analysis is made up of semi-structured interviews with educators from the “Ana Pontes Francez” State High School, recorded in audio and transcribed in an app.


  • Advisor : ARIEL FELDMAN
  • Data: Dec 17, 2024
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  • Esse texto expõe os resultados de pesquisa que toma como objeto de estudo a indicação política para a função de diretor escolar e seus desdobramentos na prática desse profissional. Trata-se de uma pesquisa realizada no contexto do curso de mestrado acadêmico no Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação e Cultura (PPGEDUC) da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), Campus Universitário do Tocantins (CUNTINS)/Cametá. A pesquisa buscou responder a seguinte indagação: como se configura a atuação dos diretores de 05 escolas urbanas da Rede Pública de Educação do Município de Cametá, cuja forma de provimento à função foi a indicação política? A partir dessa questão central, abordamos questões referentes a gestão escolar, o papel dos diretores escolares e o contexto sociopolítico na Política Educacional Municipal de Cametá, analisando como se configura a atuação dos sujeitos entrevistados. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, de base empírica, em abordagem qualitativa, de cunho etnográfico, que vem utilizando como instrumento de coleta de dados elementos de autoetnografia, entrevistas semiestruturadas, conversas não gravadas e análise documental. Como resultados, destacamos que as lideranças políticas locais exercem forte influência sobre o diretor que é indicado para a função, que passam a atuar de forma alinhada aos interesses do político que o indicou. O processo eleitoral de escolha de diretores, em sua primeira experiência, foi pouco relevante para o enfrentamento do clientelismo arraigado na indicação e na atuação dos diretores em função dos indícios de influência política no decorrer do processo. Por outro lado, considerando o contexto político-institucional no qual está inserida a Rede Pública de Educação do município de Cametá, marcado pelas relações clientelistas, o fato de ter se materializado essa primeira experiência de escolha de diretores escolares com base na consulta à comunidade educacional é um avanço que precisa ser reconhecido.

  • BLACKNESS AND DIVERSITY: Representations of Black People in the 9th Year Portuguese Language Textbook at Escola Quilombola Santo André, Abaetetuba-PA

  • Data: Nov 25, 2024
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  • This dissertation has as its scope the analysis of the Portuguese Language textbook for the 9th year of Elementary School at Escola Quilombola Santo André, the locus of the research also emphasizes racial relations in the textbook in question, we have Law 10.639/2003 and Law 11. 645/2008 to further support this research. We used as a source of bibliographical research the authors Coelho; Coelho (2008), Stuart Hall (2003), Circe Bittencourt (2012), Munanga (2005), Cavalheiro (2000), among others with the aim of giving more scientific sustainability to this study. Likewise, we used documents in the research, such as: the National Textbook Plan (PNLD), National Curricular Parameters (PCN's), the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education (LDB), the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC), the National Curricular Guidelines for the Education of Ethnic-Racial Relations (DCNERER). The main objective is to analyze the Portuguese Language textbook for the 9th year of Elementary School and the representations of black people in this book, addressing the concept of whitening ideology and the myth of racial democracy. The methodology was based on an image analysis of the textbook, documentary research and participant research, which according to Severino (2017), is one of the best approaches for this type of research. It was noticed that there is a disparity regarding the representations of the black figure with white people being represented most of the time as an ideal family and black people as a minority and worthy of pity. The textbook analyzed superficially represented the figure of black people and a great absence of images that emphasize AfroBrazilian and African history and culture as well as indigenous people.


  • Data: Oct 25, 2024
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  • In this master's research entitled What students say about video classes on YouTube – Some connections between discourses and education, we aimed, from a discursive perspective, to problematize what students say about YouTube video lessons, when used as a didactic-pedagogical tool, based on the statements of third-year students at a high school in Tucuruí-PA, 25 discursive clippings, extracted from audio-recorded interviews at the school. Based on the assumption that discourse reveals pedagogical identities and actions, both inside and outside the classroom, we hypothesized that the students' discourse constructs the pedagogical model of using YouTube as a complementary teaching-learning tool. In this work, we used the qualitative method, seeking to analyze how students who use YouTube video lessons to study express themselves when talking about these video lessons, with the intention of understanding the ideological constructions that are present in the content of the object we are studying, in other words, we analyze the contexts of the pedagogical-social structure in which the discourse is inserted. To do this, we used verbal sources and recorded audio interviews with high school students from the Simão Jacinto dos Reis State High School in Tucuruí-PA. These interviews were transcribed and the interviewees' discursive clippings were later analyzed using the Discourse Analysis method. After analyzing the results, we found what we already had as a hypothesis, that YouTube video lessons are widely used by teachers and students to help with teaching and learning, however, with the research we proved, through the discursive clippings, that YouTube video lessons are used much more as a pedagogical tool than we had imagined, and are considered very good by the students, but that according to the interviewees they are no substitute for a face-to-face lesson with the teacher at school, pointing out that Discourse Analysis is very important for uncovering realities that we still don't quite know how they work. Therefore, it is important to say that the development of this work took place through dialogues and theoretical alignments with the study of discourse, and converging areas such as: new technologies in education and pedagogical mediation, endowed with the possibility of discussion aimed at a transdisciplinary view. In this way, we carried out this research based on the vertiginous growth in the use of YouTube video lessons as a complementary teaching tool, which occurred due to the coronavirus pandemic, in which schools were forced to teach classes only through video lessons, and we were curious to know what students say about these video lessons. We therefore intend to contribute to reflection and a better understanding of how teachers use video lessons in their teaching, and what students think about the use of this tool in their teaching and learning.


  • Data: Oct 21, 2024
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  • In this research, titled: WEAVING CONSIDERATIONS OF THE INTERACTIVE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM (SEI) IN TUCURUÍ-PA FROM THE WORDS OF TEACHER-MEDIATORS, we aim to understand the High School Classroom with Technological Mediation, known as the Interactive Educational System (SEI), in schools within rural communities in the municipality of Tucuruí. This is achieved through the perspectives and narratives of mediator teachers who experience firsthand the classroom realities where SEI is used as a teaching methodology. The pursuit of understanding these narratives was facilitated by studies on Discourse Analysis, with the goal of grasping the relationship between statements and their social, political, and cultural contexts, drawing primarily on the works of Lopes (2018), Foucault (2002), Coracini (2010), and Orlandi (2001). Furthermore, to better understand our object of study and its context, this work delves into research about the municipality of Tucuruí, offering considerations on its history, cultural, and social impacts, as well as the implications of these impacts for the communities, particularly the construction of riverside Knowledge, Identities, and Experiences. Subsequently, we address a crucial point in the research, reflecting on the SEI methodology, the justification for its application in Pará, and its relationship with riverside culture. This includes exploring the contradictions of High School Classroom with Technological Mediation within the educational context of rural communities, fostering discussions about the contradictions in implementing the methodology, the relationship between educators and technology, the use of technology as a justification for the replacement and devaluation of teachers, and the social and cultural interactions between teachers, students, and communities. Through this work, we contribute to reflections on the reality of high school education using SEI, from the perspective and experiences of mediator teachers.

  • WORK-EDUCATION, KNOWLEDGE, INTEGRATION AND CLASS IDENTITY: a study based on the Modular Education Organization System (SOME/PARÁ)

  • Data: Oct 8, 2024
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  • From a dialectical perspective, this research looked at the relationship between Work, Education and Class Identity among graduates of the Modular Education Organization System (SOME), considering it from the point of view of the integration between elaborated knowledge and knowledge produced in the context of educational practices experienced by students/workers of the Modular Education System (SOME) within the riverside community of Mutuacá de Baixo in the municipality of Cametá-Pará, in the context of the contradictions between capital and work. The aim of the research was to “analyze how the educational practices, from a perspective of integration between elaborated knowledge and produced knowledge, experienced by the students/workers of the Modular Education Organization System (SOME), contributed to a possible (re)construction of class identity”. The research method used was historical-dialectical materialism, seeking to understand the phenomenon in its historical-social context, based on the relations of the contradiction between capital and labor, also considering the category of mediation. As for the methodology, which is qualitative in nature, we carried out a bibliographical review on the categories of work and knowledge, based on Marx (2008), taking Schwartz's ergology (2000, 2002, 2013, 2014) as an analytical guide on work activities (graduates and teachers), as well as on the Modular Teaching Organization System (SOME) and integration in the context of educational practices, based on Ciavatta (2005, 2014, 2020), Rodrigues (2012, 2020), Ramos, (2005, 2008, 2010), Saviani (2011, 2012, 2013, 2015), Araújo; Frigotto (2020), Silva (2018), Sousa (2020), Moutinho (2020), Neto (2020); on Class Identity, we considered Dubar (2005), Lukács (2012), Marx (2009b). We also carried out semi-structured interviews, based on Michelat (1985), and the data collected was analyzed from the perspective of content analysis (Franco, 2007). The results show that the context of educational practices experienced by graduates of the Modular Education Organization System (SOME) sporadically presented processes of integration between elaborated knowledge and produced knowledge. That said, the educational practices that sporadically presented processes of integration contributed to the construction of a class identity (in itself), thus promoting the recognition of the riverine subject as working class (class position).

  • EXCLUSION AND EDUCATION: Reflections on prison education

  • Data: Oct 3, 2024
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  • This research has had the main objective general identify, from students voices in deprivation
    freedom situation, as well as economic, gender, ethnicity or intersectionality factors that
    contribute to the social exclusion of students in the deprivation freedom situation of Roberto
    Carlos Nunes Barroso School, localized inside the Metropolitan Presidio of Americano, that in
    others issues, receiving young and adults with low education. In the first, we looked for two
    experience reports by male and female students with low education from a school, who study
    in prison, our interlocutors of search. We look for the manner, from concept, mainly in Freire
    and Nietzsche ideologies, understanding how it has made daily life at school in the process of
    truancy, if a gap for delinquency. Next, we reflect on some talks, from these students about the
    exclusionary reality, social vulnerability, (mis) directions drug world, the lack of assistance of
    the institution of the state, looking for comfort in God and spirituality, prejudice before, during,
    and after jail, and also critical hope for better days, furthermore the art like disseminator of
    resistance in an oppressive environment. The methodology of these studies has an object in the
    ethnography, using specially conversation circles as well as provocation to elucidate some
    conditions for thinking possibilities, looking for inside daily experience, meeting with others,
    and awakened reflection linked some talks from these students despite this complex reality. On
    the road to research, therefore, qualitative research of this type of exploration, from studies and
    analysis of a bibliography about this reality, through documented analysis, informal talks, and
    semi-structured interviews with a sample of students and their families. Dates preliminaries of
    research direction that school, before the prison, has had strong reflection in the education with
    structured of power and no way for practice of liberty education, contributing with type of
    reality, of disciplined and punished bodies as the market dynamics itself entails, in the
    discourse, for example, meritocratic.


  • Data: Sep 30, 2024
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  • This work interweaves themes pertinent to the debate between literature, education and feminism, above all, it encourages discussion of the relation of submission and subversion of women in the book Purple Hibiscus (2011) by Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. The analysis starts from the principle of surveying evidence of the erasure and invisibility of women in historiography and goes through various historical periods to show the construction and relations of gender, class and race as factors that interact to intensify violence against women. The research has a qualitative approach because we understand that, from this perspective, it is possible to develop it by exploring texts and bibliographies that can help the investigation of our object. As support for this study, we were mainly guided by the bibliographies of Adichie (2011; 2017), Coelho (2002), Duarte (2016), Federici (2019a; 2019b), Floresta (1989; 2019), Garcia (2015), hooks (2023; 2022; 2019; 2021), Louro (1997), Perrot (2019; 2017; 2007), Priore (2009), Truth (2020) and Wollstonecraft (2020), among others. As a result, we highlight that in Purple Hibiscus, Kambili and Beatrice symbolize figures of submission within the novel due to their condition of subalternity and silencing in the face of the oppressor, Eugene. However, at the same time, Adichie creates other characters who confront this condition, Ifeoma and Amaka, who, by breaking with these forms of oppression, are the representative figures of subversion within the work.

  • HISTORY AND CULTURE OF THE ANCESTORS: effects of Law No. 10.639/03 on the curriculum of the Municipal Elementary School of Umarizal in the municipality of Baião (PA)

  • Data: Sep 30, 2024
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  • La presente investigación, titulada “Historia y cultura de los antepasados: efectos de la Ley nº 10.639/03 en el currículo de la Escuela Municipal de Educación Primaria de Umarizal en el municipio de Baião (PA)”, plantea como problemática central: ¿cómo ha contribuido la Ley nº 10.639/03 en la enseñanza de la EMEF de Umarizal para promover la autoafirmación de los estudiantes como descendientes de negros y quilombolas? Como apoyo, se formularon cuestiones que guían esta inquietud, entre las cuales se incluyen: ¿cómo abordan los profesores la historia y la cultura de los antepasados en su planificación educativa? ¿Cómo aplican los profesionales de la educación de la EMEF de Umarizal la Ley nº 10.639/03 en su práctica pedagógica? ¿De qué manera enfatizan los documentos educativos de la institución la Ley nº 10.639/03? En la búsqueda de respuestas a estas preguntas, trazamos como objetivo principal analizar la implementación de la Ley en el currículo de la institución para que la historia y la cultura de los antepasados estén presentes como conocimientos relevantes en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Para guiar el estudio, la metodología se desarrolló con base en una perspectiva etnográfica con un enfoque cualitativo, dividida en dos etapas: la primera consistió en una revisión bibliográfica con autores que dialogan sobre el tema, así como el análisis de los documentos legales y educativos oficiales, como las Leyes nº 10.639/03, modificada por la Ley nº 11.645/08, la LDB (1996) y las DCN quilombolas (2012). La segunda etapa consistió en la realización de entrevistas semiestructuradas con el equipo pedagógico, profesores, padres, personal de apoyo de la comunidad escolar y representantes de la comunidad local, con el fin de comprender cómo se implementan la historia y la cultura de los antepasados en el currículo de la EMEF de Umarizal a partir de dicha Ley. En este contexto, se constató que la Ley nº 10.639/03 se implementa en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los estudiantes con el propósito de reafirmar la historia y la cultura de los antepasados. En consecuencia, se observó que existe una adecuación de los conocimientos locales a los planes de enseñanza de los profesores, contemplando la realidad de los estudiantes, tal como se menciona en los documentos educativos de la institución.


  • Data: Sep 27, 2024
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  • This research aims to analyze the factors that have re-signified the teaching identity in the pandemic educational context in elementary school, in the municipality of Cametá-PA, from March 2020 to August 2021. Knowing that identity is mutable due to the relationship between man, society and culture being continuous and of survival, it is necessary to understand in the educational context the changes and didactic-pedagogical innovations of the teacher in a period full of transformations and uncertainties. This is a bibliographic and documentary study, based theoretically on Hall (1996), Castells (2018), Bauman (2005), Bohm (2007), who discuss the theme of identity, in order to discuss the resignification of teacher identity in the pandemic context; Tardif (2003), Dubar (2005), Pimenta (1999), Guimarães (2006), Nóvoa (2002), Moita Lopes (2002) because they foster reflections and dialogues on teacher training and identity, which can also contribute to the interpretation of the findings of this study. The qualitative approach (Bardin, 2016; Creswell, 2010) is a descriptive and exploratory study (Gil, 2002), also characterized as a case study (Yin, 2001), carried out at the Santa Maria Municipal Elementary School, located in the urban area of the municipality of Cametá-Pará. The data for the study consisted of three teachers from the municipality's public education system who teach in the final years of primary school at the school in question. The type of research adopted for data collection was field research and the collection instrument was a semi-structured interview. Once the data had been transcribed, it was processed using Bardin's Content Analysis (2016), a theoretical-methodological approach which generated 6 (six) thematic categories from the teachers' discourse, namely: 1) ERE teaching strategies; 2) Organization of teaching during ERE; 3) Difficulties faced in ERE; 4) Teacher support and knowledge; 5) Re-signification of being a teacher; 6) Characteristics of the ERE teacher. As a result, we observed that the insertion of elements that emerged from the ERE led to a rethinking of being a teacher: the creation of activity notebooks, the use of platforms to maintain contact and interaction with students; the difficulties in recording videos and audios; the concern with student learning, etc. From then on, teachers began to reflect on their training about the use of digital tools in the educational process, in order to offer teaching that meets the real needs of students. In addition, it led teachers to think about what they did before and during the pandemic, contributing to a post-pandemic professional who is more aware of their role as an educator and of the changes taking place in education, which require updating and a permanent remodeling of pedagogical actions.

  • NAVIGATING MULTILETRATES IN CYBER RESEARCH-TRAINING: (Re)building training devices with Networked Digital Technologies in the Portuguese Language

  • Data: Sep 27, 2024
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  • This master's dissertation presents a study entitled “Navigating with multiliteracies in cyberresearch-training: (re) constructing formative environments with Networked Digital Technologies (TDR) in the Portuguese Language”. The research intends to investigate and understand how the curriculum acts forged with cultural practitioners in two elementary school classes of a public school, in the city of Cametá, enhanced the ‘teaching-learning’ process in the curricular component of LP, which we intend to adapt to the needs and realities of practitioners for a formative process that authorizes them to be protagonists. The methodological path is anchored in the epistemological approach of multireferentiality (Ardoino, 1988, 2012; Barbosa, 1988) and as a method, cyberresearch-training (Santos, E. 2019, Santos, R, 2011; Lemos, 2007, Lévy, 1999). We will weave dialogues with studies of everyday life (Certeau, 1994; Alves, 2010) and the pedagogy of multiliteracies (Rojo, 2009, 2012, 2013; Street, 2014; Coscarelli, 2021, Fernandes, 2020). The training actions were forged as devices, using TDR and multiliteracies resulting in authorial productions of cultural practitioners. From the data production, two subsuming notions emerged, such as: a) the potential of multiliteracies, with WhatsApp as the protagonist; and b) the use of critical multiliteracies intensifying the ‘teaching-learning’ of the Portuguese language. The results of this study consist of a collaborative construction of training actions around discussions with multiliteracies and TDR based on authorial and significant productions in training environments.


  • Data: Sep 26, 2024
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  • The present study titled “The Influence of Affectivity in the Teaching-Learning Process of Reading and Writing” focuses on understanding how affective relationships can catalyze the learning of children who have not yet mastered the skills of reading and writing. Emphasizing the experiences marked by the inseparability of the interrelation between affect and cognition. The theoretical framework is based on the historical-cultural approach to human development constructed by Vygotsky and his collaborators, along with other researchers in this theory, supporting the relevance of affectivity in the teaching-learning process, the affectivity of the teacher, affectivity and learning difficulties, and also learning and progressing in writing and reading. The methodology chosen for this study is a qualitative approach of the case study type, where participant observation and semistructured interviews were used to collect the necessary data at the research site, which was EMEIF “Caminho para o Sucesso”, a school located on the outskirts of the city of Cametá-PA, serving early childhood education to lower Elementary education (1st to 5th grade). Two 2nd-grade afternoon classes were observed, and episodes marked by affective relation ships during teaching and learning were narrated and referenced by the works of Vygotsky (1982) (1988) (2000) (2005) (2007) along with Smolka (2001), Oliveira (1992) and (1998), Fontana (1998), Braggio (1992), Falabelo (2005) and (2020), and Pino (mimeo). During the observations, it was proven that human relationships occurring in the school space, precisely in the classroom, are imbued with affectivities and strongly influenced by predispositions from previous episodes concerning ways of dealing with teaching, maintaining a thin line between feelings such as affectionate attention to propagate and receive knowledge and harsh negligence that can occur concerning the proposal and construction of learning involving teacher and student(s). Evidencing that the teacher way of teaching provokes affective manifestations in students when relating previous and extracurricular knowledge with school knowledge through the application of meaning and affect in the teaching-learning process, aiming to address difficulties and achieve satisfactory learning outcomes for students.

  • Data: Sep 23, 2024
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  • This work presents research that highlights the feasibility of creating educational digital games to enhance/connect teachers and students in the teaching-learning process. For this investigation, we dialogue with the principles of research-training in cyberculture, as exposed by Edméa Santos (2019), from the perspective of “device” according to Jacques Ardoino (1998), and the notion of “thinking-doing” by Nilda Alves ( 2012). In the context of the research, we developed training devices using the Clickteam Fusion 2.5 software, involving students from two high schools in Cametá (PA): the State High School Professor Heriberto Barroso Aragão, located in the rural area, in Vila de Juaba, whose students participated in the development of a digital game that tells the story of the quilombola leader Felipa Maria Aranha, and the Full-Time Teaching School Abraão Simão Jatene, located in the urban area, whose students participated in a Permanent Affinity Project ( PPA) entitled Creation of Educational Digital Games. Our objective is to problematize, train and empower students and teachers through the creation of digital games for educational purposes. Despite challenges, such as the lack of adequate infrastructure to carry out the project, the unpreparedness of some students as they are digital immigrants and the prejudice of some educators towards digital games, the participants in this research were able to develop applications for cell phones and computers . As a result, the research demonstrated not only the cybercultural inclusion of the participants, but also the creation of authorial devices, educational digital games in the context of daily life in Cametá.


  • Data: Sep 17, 2024
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  • This study focuses on the training of rural teachers by analyzing the Pedagogical Residency Program (PRP) (2018-2020) and its implementation in the Bachelor's Degree in Rural Education (LEDOC) at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Tocantis-Cametá University Campus. This research originated from the following question: considering the training of rural teachers, what are the reflections of graduates of the Bachelor's Degree in Rural Education (LEDOC) at UFPA-Cametá on the actions of the Pedagogical Residency Program (PRP) and its influences on their praxis as rural teachers? The objective was to analyze the reflections of graduates from the LEDOC program at UFPA-Cametá regarding the actions of the Pedagogical Residency Program (PRP) and its influence on their praxis as rural teachers. The research is anchored in a qualitative approach, justified by the need to deeply understand the social phenomenon from the perspective of the social environment and the subjects involved in the study. The locus of investigation included the UFPA/Cametá University and the EMEF Prof. Orvácio Gomes de Carvalho Municipal in the village of Juaba, located 28 km from the seat of the municipality of Cametá. Methodological procedures included bibliographic analysis, document analysis, and field research. In the document analysis, we selected ordinances, notices, resolutions, and the PPC of the Rural Education Course, which provided us with elements and guidelines on the implementation of the Program. Additionally, as a data collection technique from the research subjects (scholarship students, preceptors, program coordinator, and school management), we used semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. The results showed that the PRP actions implemented in LEDOC at UFPA-Cametá were challenging for the graduates, but also revealed significant formative potential. Among the challenges were the limited working conditions, lack of time and space for identity formation, insufficient scholarships, and the difficulty of integrating LEDOC's interdisciplinary curriculum with the disciplinary curriculum of rural schools, as well as the articulation of alternating training. As a formative potential, based on a collective praxis of resistance, LEDOC re-signified the PRP actions, revealing beneficial formative paths for the graduates: promoting a closer integration between theory and practice, bringing the university closer to the basic education school, and fostering students' reflections on the formative process.

  • FIELD EDUCATION: a study on the educational praxis 
    of LEDOC-Baião graduates/2014
  • Data: Sep 16, 2024
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  • This study investigates: “Education in the Countryside: a study about the educational praxis of the graduates of LEDOC-Baião/2014”. The research question seeks to understand: how has academic training mediated by LEDOC contributed to the construction of the educational praxis of graduates attuned to the reality of rural schools in the municipality of Baião? The general objective is to analyze how the academic training of LEDOC-Baião/2014 graduates contributes to the construction of an educational praxis in tune with the reality of rural schools in the municipality of Baião. The theoretical-methodological framework is anchored in our research categories, discussing teacher training policy with: Silva (2017), Caldart (2002) and Freire (1987), and educational praxis with Arroyo (2017), Curado (2018) and Vázquez (2001). With regard to rural education, we rely on: Hage (2012), Molina (2006), among others. We also used qualitative research based on Minayo (2002) and Bogdan and Biklen (1994) and case studies based on Yin (2001). In terms of methodological procedures, we carried out a bibliographical and documentary survey and field research with the help of participant observation. Regarding the data collection technique, we used a field notebook to keep records, and we also carried out semi-structured interviews with the target audience of the investigation, which were the graduates of the Bachelor's Degree in Education from Baião/2014, which is our research territory. The results revealed that the graduates have been recognizing themselves as rural educators throughout their academic career, thus affirming their territory, valuing their knowledge, customs, cultures and identity; this has made them reflect on their praxis and re-signify it. In this sense, they have sought to materialize their praxis based on the foundations of Rural Education, which was present in their academic training.

  • INTERCURRENCIES OF THE MANAGERIAL MODEL IN THE HIGH SCHOOL COUNTER-REFORM: an analysis of the curricular document of the state of Pará

  • Data: Sep 9, 2024
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  • The aforementioned work aims to analyze the complications of the Management administration model reflected in the Counter-Reform of Secondary Education materialized in the Curricular Document of the State of Pará (DCEPA), result of the implementation of Law no. 13.415/2017, establishing and ratifying the creation and implementation of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) by amending Law No. 9,394, of December 20, 1996, the so-called National Education Guidelines and Bases Law (LDB). In this sense, in order to enable discussions and reflections on the proposed topic, contributions from theorists such as Harvey (2008), Silva Jr (2002), Costa (2010) and Saviani (2007, 2016) among other authors who contribute in the justification and analyzes carried out. Therefore, the dialectical historical materialist perspective is taken as a methodological direction, where the following categories are selected respectively: Totality, Contradiction, Reproduction and Hegemony. Within this context, based on the qualitative method and document and content analysis, inferences could be made regarding the object under study. Thus, given the analyzes carried out, it can be seen that, from a conceptual perspective, the curriculum in the “New High School” receives influences, principles and directions from the capitalist and/or managerialist matrix and, as a reflection of this process, the Curricular Document from the State of Pará contradictorily presents, at the same time, terms such as: the Life Project linked to accountability and culpability; competence as a meritocratic reflection and flexibility in the form of fragmentation, assuming a managerial bias, while raising the flag of progressive premises described in its text and propositions.
    Keywords: High

  • Universidade. Política de acesso e permanência. Inclusão social. Primeira Geração.

  • Data: Sep 6, 2024
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  • The general objective of this study was to analyze the policies that the Federal University of Pará has used to increase access for first generation students (P-GER) to public universities in the Amazon. And as specific objectives, to identify the profile and subjects of P-GER in the undergraduate courses at CUNTINS/Cametá; to analyse the public policies that cater for these subjects, enabling access to university; to investigate the contributions of these policies for P-GER to public university and their link with the democratization of access to education. Methodologically, the research is of a documentary nature (Severino, 2013) based on a qualitative approach (Guerra, 2014), of the Case Study type (Yin, 2005). It was developed in three phases, including a literature review, documentary research and field research. It was based on Cunha (1989); Coelho (2008); Gentil (2017); Silva (2019); Schuh (2017); Morosini (2019); Felicetti (2019); Saviani (2010); Frigotto (2011); Chauí (2003), among other authors. Therefore, the results show elements found from the application of 698 questionnaires, which identified that 216 are first-generation students. In view of this, it can be inferred that UFPA, as a propeller of knowledge, has been contributing to more and more young people entering higher education, although it is unable to meet the demand given the excessive number of students enrolled (199,410) compared to the number of places on offer (7381) in 2023. Out of a total of 698 subjects, 508 are aged between 18 and 24, 61% are female, come from public schools, representing 95.6%, belong to families with a higher percentage of family income of up to 1.5 minimum wages and are the first in their family to enter university, corresponding to 216 first-generation students. With this database, it was possible to analyze the profile of the subjects and the relationship with the challenges of accessing and staying at university. The conclusion is that the social context and all the elements that define the profile of the subjects interfere in the educational journey, especially in the lives of P-GER students who come from low-income families and are mutilated daily by existing social inequalities, explaining the social role that interiorization and UFPA/Cametá through its policies play in promoting quality education.


  • Data: Aug 28, 2024
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  • La investigación de maestría titulada “Transyectorias de los movimientos LGBTQIA+ en el municipio de Tucuruí/PA: educación, diferencia y lucha por los derechos” tiene como objetivo mapear las transyectorias de los movimientos LGBTQIA+ en los municipios de la región lacustre de la hidroeléctrica Tucuruí-PA, con foco en ALGBTUC (Asociación de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales, Travestis y Transgénero de Tucuruí), destacando su organización política, trayectorias educativas, luchas por los derechos humanos y combate a la LGBTfobia. Para ello, planteamos la siguiente pregunta: ¿cómo se organizan y operan las comunidades LGBTQIA+ en los municipios de la región de los lagos de la hidroeléctrica Tucuruí-PA en términos de sus trayectorias educativas, sus luchas por los derechos humanos fundamentales y los enfrentamientos a la LGBTfobia? La construcción teórica y metodológica de la investigación se fundamenta en la Cartografía de Rizomas de Deleuze y Guattari, a través de los conceptos de Micropolítica, Multiplicidad, Devenir, y estudios de género-sexualidad, transfeminismos y feminismos plurales, con Judith Butler (2008), Berenice Bento ( 2011), Guacira Louro (2013), Richard Miskolci (2012), bell hooks (2019), Djamila Ribeiro (2017), Carla Akotirene (2019), quienes son intelectuales que aportan nuevas perspectivas de conocimiento y resistencia sobre los caminos recorridos por los disidentes. cuerpos para enfrentar las desigualdades de género, clase y raza y en la lucha por la libertad sexual. Los resultados de la investigación abren perspectivas en educación de género y sexualidad que hacen circular las líneas de fuga entre las macro y micro políticas de los movimientos LGBTQIA+ a través de acciones socioeducativas que contribuyen a una educación en la diferencia y al enfrentamiento de la violencia de género y la LGBTfobia, en atención a garantizar la protección de los derechos humanos y la ciudadanía de las comunidades LGBTQIA+ en nuestra sociedad.


  • Data: Aug 28, 2024
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  • The research is motivated by the need to understand the socioeconomic and educational impacts of the interiorization of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) through university centers in the municipalities of Baião-PA and Mocajuba-PA, linked to the Tocantins University Campus in Cametá. The study seeks to analyze how the presence of these centers can democratize access to higher education, improving the living conditions of local populations and contributing to the sustainable development of the region. The theoretical analysis of the dissertation is based on four central categories: work, education, university and interiorization. Karl Marx's historical-dialectical materialism is used to understand the material and social conditions that shape human life. Authors such as Cunha, Frigotto, Saviani and Mészáros are used to emphasize the relationship between work and education and the emancipatory role of the public university. The content analysis methodology follows Bardin's guidelines. The methodology adopted is a case study that combines qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data collection included a literature review, application of electronic questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with graduates from the Baião-PA and Mocajuba-PA centers. Data analysis employed content analysis techniques, according to Bardin, complemented by statistical analysis of quantitative data. The results indicate that most graduates belong to the local working class and perceive university as essential for improving their living conditions, mainly through better-paid jobs. However, educational participation in university centers remains predominantly restricted to undergraduate education, with little progression to postgraduate studies. It is concluded that the expansion of UFPA into the Brazilian Amazon has a significant impact on the lives of individuals and the socioeconomic dynamics of the regions served. The presence of university centers contributes to professional qualification and improvement of living conditions, in addition to boosting local commercial activity. The research highlights the need for greater public attention in the areas of research and extension to further strengthen the transformative role of the university in the region.



  • Data: Aug 16, 2024
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  • Esta pesquisa investiga o papel da educação escolar no fortalecimento da cultura ribeirinha-extrativista no município de Oeiras do Pará. A motivação surgiu da experiência do autor como professor de língua portuguesa na Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Américo Brasil, localizada na Reserva Extrativista Arióca-Pruanã. Ao observar a escassez de políticas e estratégias educacionais na escola que valorizassem a cultura local, decidimos aprofundar-se no tema. O objetivo principal da pesquisa é discutir as políticas e estratégias educacionais da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Oeiras do Pará e as práticas da Escola Américo Brasil. Para isso, nos fundamentamos em teorias sobre cultura, identidade e educação na Amazônia, a partir dos pressupostos de Santos (2019), Spivak (2017), Hall (1997), Bhabha (1998) e Arendt (2016) entre outros autores. A metodologia da pesquisa é qualitativa, com abordagem descritiva e exploratória. A coleta de dados envolveu observação como professor na escola, análise de documentos oficiais da educação municipal e pesquisa de campo com questionário e observações. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio da técnica de análise de conteúdo de Bardin (2016) e, a partir das etapas anteriores foi definido as categorias, que serviram para agrupar e sistematizar as informações, identificando os temas centrais e as relações entre eles. Como resultado da pesquisa observamos a necessidade de: ‘promoção de uma abordagem contextualizada, enfatizando a importância da cultura local no processo de ensino’; ‘provocar a união entre escola, comunidade e órgãos municipais para implementação de políticas públicas que fortaleçam a cultura local e as identidades ribeirinhas’; ‘criação de espaços de diálogo e reflexão sobre a cultura ribeirinha-extrativista na escola’. Com base nos resultados da pesquisa, uma proposta de intervenção pedagógica foi elaborada ‘Raízes Ribeirinhas: oficinas e ações culturais extrativistas’ que pode ser uma ferramenta poderosa para a Escola Américo Brasil, contribuindo para o fortalecimento da cultura local, a promoção da identidade dos alunos, a integração com a comunidade e o desenvolvimento de práticas pedagógicas que valorizem o contexto cultural dos estudantes, buscando uma educação mais contextualizada e significativa para os alunos ribeirinhos. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa pelos seus resultados pode contribuir para o debate sobre educação intercultural na região. As conclusões subsidiam políticas públicas que valorizem a cultura ribeirinha-extrativista e promovam o desenvolvimento sustentável da região.

  • SONGS AND SCRIPTURES OF BECOMING WOMAN: feminist activism in education
  • Data: Jul 17, 2024
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  • Esta propuesta de Investigación de Maestría en Educación y Cultura se sitúa en un contexto
    de extrema urgencia a las luchas feministas frente a los avances de la violencia contra la
    mujer y de las prácticas conservadoras patriarcales que excluyen su participación en la
    sociedad en escalas alarmantes. El estudio tiene por objetivo cartografiar los agenciamientos
    colectivos y educativos de mujeres estudiantes y egresadas de la UFPA/CUNTINS, en el
    hacer de sus artes de existencia y luchas colectivas vivenciadas en sus itinerarios formativos y
    profesionales. Presenta las siguientes cuestiones: cómo nacen las alianzas y las insurgencias
    feministas en las trayectorias formativas de mujeres estudiantes y egresadas en la
    UFPA/CUNTINS? En qué momentos el devenir-mujer atraviesa esa formación? Cuáles son
    sus enfrentamientos, cómo crean sus líneas de fuga en medio de la educación, el arte, la
    resistencia? Cómo cartografiar los devenires políticos y feministas nacidos de ese
    movimiento? A través de una perspectiva filosófica cartográfica, basada en la filosofía de la
    diferencia de Deleuze y Guattari (1992) (1995) (1997) (2006) (2012), en alianza con los
    estudios feministas de lobo (2014), hooks (1994) (2019) (2021), Louro (1997) entre otras, se
    busca problematizar los procesos formativos en la enseñanza superior con respecto a la
    participación de la mujer en esos espacios, dando visibilidad a las insurgencias feministas y a
    las líneas de fuga nacidas del encuentro con el arte, la intelectualidad y la lucha política
    feminista agenciada en los espacios académicos y sociales. En términos metodológicos, la
    investigación seleccionó 3 (tres) mujeres estudiantes y 5 (cinco) mujeres egresadas de la
    Universidad Federal de Pará/cuntins (sede Cametá), que estén actuando en la red escolar y / o
    realizando trabajos comunitarios, a fin de cartografiar sus prácticas activistas, artísticas y
    pedagógicas en medio de los movimientos de "nacimientos políticos de devenir-mujer"
    vivenciados a lo largo de su formación académica y actuación profesional, de modo a
    evidenciar el sentido político, educativo y artístico de sus acciones, luchas y alianzas
    colectivas, la investigación está entrelazada con la experiencia formativa de la propia
    investigadora-activista-cartógrafa. Se concluye, provisionalmente, que la fuerza de un
    devenir-mujer puede estar en el presente que fluye partículas de multiplicidades de vida en
    muchas mujeres, una invitación a pensar los activismos feministas como un continuo
    nacimiento político, es decir, del entrar al salir de la universidad, una construcción que se hace
    con acciones conjuntas, artes, debates, diálogos e intervenciones capaces de provocar
    nacimientos políticos y feministas en nuestras vidas personales y profesionales, así como a
    participar activamente en la construcción de una sociedad democrática y justa a los derechos y
    a las luchas de múltiples mujeres.

  • HOMOAFFECTIVE MARRIAGE IN INACHA: A cartography of Curupiranha dissent in gender relations, sexuality and education in the Tocantina Amazon

  • Data: Jul 11, 2024
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  • This research of the Master degree has moved from an investigation about the plot and memories of a homoaffective wedding between two men, Inajá and Inajacy (fiction names), that happened in 1967 inside the tradition Afro-Brazilian rural (Quilombola) community of Inacha, Cametá-PA county, Amazon region. The base of research has happened for following productions: memories, literature and journalism. In the theoretical field, the research has transited for Philosophy of Difference by Deleuze and Guattari (1995) and Corazza (2002), and several studies about gender, sexuality and education relationship, by Butler (2002), Miskolci (2012), Foucault (2006), Louro (1997; 2004) and Sena (2020). The methodology has constructed with rhizomatic Cartographic by Deleuze and Guattari (1995) and source literature and documents, focus has provoked movements of insurrection of dissident bodies and tensioning between the past of civic-military dictatorship (1964-1985) and currently in Cametá county and Inacha rural community. This methodology had mapped the stories and sprayed sexualities snippets between Cametá-Inacha, which investigates the cartography in the homoaffective bodies in this work. This process investigates issues: How is the homoaffective wedding from Inacha for literature and society from Cametá narrated? How does Queer theory intersects with throw-shade perspective of Amazon Curupiranha and Homoaffective Wedding from Inacha about gender, sexuality and education? Which reverberations of politics, education, gender and sexuality this investigation impacts in the academic community and the LGBTQIAPN+ struggles currently? "Consorts from Cametá'' as they were named by the newspaper of the time - had suffered punishment and attack from the powerful government of Cametá, focusing on Inajacy, which had clothed the “female” wedding dress. In such a way, this performative act to disestablish the gender and sexuality rule in the city has caught the moral value of the residuum of European colonization, and which for decades has tried to vanish from popular imagination, that vanguard act. Therefore, this research long cartography of the stories and memories has elapsed the homoaffective wedding of Inajá and Inajacy in hard years from civic-military dictatorship, has provoked tensioning and insurrection of dissidents bodies in gender, sexuality and education relationship. Academic and social relevance this work focus on education of curupiranha artsy that overtakes the traditional model of educational spaces, which perpetrate the violence in dissident bodies to heteronormativity, has bet in education no abject to marginalized and invisible difference, has opened spaces for ‘satanized education’ in reference to “hell pedagogy” (Corazza, 20020) to outbreaks and produces lives inside multiplicities.

  •  INDÍGEN@S ONLINE: education, culture, settlement and demarcation of digital territory in the Assurini do Trocará Indigenous Land – Tucuruí (PA)


  • Data: Jun 29, 2024
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  • The present study focuses on the Trocará Indigenous Land, located in the municipality of Tucuruí, in the State of Pará, aiming to analyze how the Assurini Indigenous people engage with the Internet and virtual spaces. It seeks to identify the multiple functions of social networks in their daily lives and the relationships they foster with both the indigenous and non-indigenous societies of the region and Brazil. The study attempts to verify the role that digital network technologies play within the community and urban context, as well as in the educational processes experienced by teachers and students of the Wararaawa Assurini School. This setting explores whether there is a connection between the Assurini ethnicity and the national indigenous movement, aiming to observe the actions of these individuals in digital environments during the pandemic and post-pandemic periods, particularly in education, culture, and politics, as a means of resistance to the challenges faced. To achieve this, a bibliographical review and a study of works by authors relevant to the topic were conducted, including Silveira (2021), Santos (2019), Canclini (2015), and Levy (1999). Indigenous authors such as Munduruku (2012), Luciano (2006), and Santos (2011) also
    greatly contributed to the writing and analysis of the research. Additionally, authors who deal with issues related to oral history and memory, such as Thompson (1992), Portelli (1997), and Pollak (1994), were consulted. Subsequently, field research was conducted through on-site observation and interviews with some inhabitants of the Trocará reserve. This is a qualitative approach due to the close relationship with the involved subjects. Oral narratives, images, documents, and websites were used, with interviews and informal conversations being highly relevant to understanding the community’s daily life and the social relationships developed through the indigenous people's interactions in virtual spaces and their outcomes. The research data point to the Assurini presence in the digital realm as a driver of a new era, in which indigenous individuals increasingly engage with virtual spaces, such as social networks, to advocate for causes and denounce rights violations. This aspect emerged as a strengthened method of resistance during the pandemic, given the numerous challenges faced, making the Assurini presence on the Internet strategic by increasing the visibility of these individuals at both local and national levels, contributing to contemporary political, cultural, and educational processes and strengthening intercultural dialogue through geographic/virtual territories that enable the dissemination of the sociocultural aspects of the indigenous people to both indigenous and non-indigenous societies. On the other hand, the innovations brought about by digital network technologies also come with contradictions. Data control and the platformization of life turn the digital territory into a contested field where hegemonic structures operate, requiring indigenous populations to exercise discernment when navigating these spaces, especially in light of attempts to control indigenous data and false interfaces presented as solutions to social problems. 


  • Data: Jun 29, 2024
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  • This work has as its locus of study the riverside community of Biribatuba, in the municipality of Cametá/PA, aiming to understand the cultural and educational relationships of children in this location, reflecting how knowledge, beliefs and cultural practices are transmitted through social relationships, as well as, the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic affected this space. And, as specific objectives, we sought to characterize riverside culture, rural education in this context and the cultural formation of children in Biribatuba, as well as mapping children's activities, identifying the cultural practices experienced in facing the COVID-19 pandemic and address the web of relationships of meanings of cultural and educational experiences. To this end, studies by authors who deal with the topic are adopted as a theoretical-methodological reference, such as Mattos (2011), Minayo (2009), Cruz (2009), Hall (2002), Corsaro (2009), Arroyo, Caldart and Molina (2011), Pinto (2007) as well as others that were essential in the analyzes that are part of this study. Subsequently, field research was carried out, where, using the participant observation technique, we sought to observe the children's daily lives, their ways of playing and socializing with their parents and friends. Therefore, this study uses as research sources: oral reports, written documents, images and bibliography. Data from this study indicate that children are important agents of their culture, they learn through doing and observing the community's elders. Likewise, it reveals that learning takes place in the most different spaces of Biribatuba, being present in the farming, picking açaí or even in the games played in the river, on the land and at home. Therefore, children have a socializing role, carried out in playing, speaking and in the silence of their observation, they build their riverside identity through the ties they establish with their territory

  • CULTURE AND ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION IN THE ASSURINI INDIGENOUS SOCIETY DO TROCARÁ IN TUCURUÍ-PARÁ: reflections between legal knowledge and the appreciation of traditional knowledge

  • Data: Jun 22, 2024
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  • A’é Awa’eté Akwawa wereka ywypyw ka’ape, a’e, ma’e a’é maté, wereka osiape tose san hehé, kwe a’é to'apo ma’é aká, aé opyhy ipira aé amote ma’é no, Kato’eté Kwe hewire a’é apo’eté ma’é a’é okuaham wité oma’é. S’eramo ma’ etirca to'apo oro’apo aká a’ é orokwa terá a’é ma’é Kato’eté no sene retuma pe akwawa ara rehe we sema’enawa a’é anohi mo’enawa; sene moenawa wise ikato’reté sene moerawa cé ene, sane sareka sene Kava sencope Karapewara. Sene Ka’apewara ikato’eté seneope, a’eramo sahar saron seneope sakwaham kwo a’é semo'enava Ka’a pewara, a'é a’éramo sakwaham sene Ka’a seneope sakwahan we wise sene retoma pyteripe, as’atyng’yng, me senese’enh kato’eté, kwousepesoweypyteripe a’é ikato’eté, a’é sarapo a’é iapokato a'é ypotyuo wise iapokato sene ma’é seneope seneapoa a’é iapokatá. A’éra sakawe’eng sene ma’é sakwahame seneope’ete se’eng wera a’é iapokotó. A’éra sakawe’eng sene ma’é sakwohame, seneope’ete, se’eng wera a’é mo’enawa nairoíhi, sarekawe kwo eami okwahowete serenga(a’é) kwo Hall (2006), mokai anahi, anohi irugatarepe, Spivak (2010) mokoi anchi, mokai andri, anohi irugatarepe, Thompson (2000), mokoi anchi, mokai andri, anohi irugatarepe , Krenak (2019), Domingues (2011), mokoi anchi, mokai andri, anohi irugatarepe, Orlandi (2012), mokai andri, anohi irugatarepe, Portelli (2010), mokoi anchi, mokai andri, anohi irugatarepe. A’é sakwaham iapo ene ma’e se’eng’ente Kwewe iapo ma’é hereka, kwe sene ma’é a’é se’engkato a’é sene ma’etiroa, a’é ywagawa sene ma’é a’é y’ahoo_pá_sema’enawa kwe ma’enawa a’é oporokwapytytwara a’é ywy’ohoa a'é Pará (PPGED-UEPA). Kwo weron aka ma’é seneope aká ma’ é iapokato eté ma’é akwana a’é usepesowe’ete pane Kwahawa wete e’omi amote a’é.


  • Data: Mar 15, 2024
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  • This research discusses the operating conditions of the Raimunda Pontes school in the municipality of Cametá-Pará. It aims to analyze the extent to which the financial resources received are sufficient to maintain a quality rural school in the municipality. This is a qualitative case study at the Raimunda Pontes Municipal Elementary School. The research was carried out in three stages: a bibliographic survey, field research and data analysis. Document analysis and semi-structured interviews were used as data collection tools. Data analysis was carried out using Content Analysis. We defined three categories for the better development of the research: Rural Education; Education Financing; and Quality Education. In order to deepen the debates on Rural Education, we used the following authors: Santos (2017), Pereira, Pureza and Hage (2017), Fernandes and Molina (2004), Caldart (2002; 2004), Molina (2012), Carmo (2016), Hage, Cruz and Silva (2016), Hage and Barros (2010). To deepen the debate on Education Financing, we discuss the issue based on Castro (2011), Pinto (2000), Carmo (2020), Cruz (2011), Davies (2008), Rolim (2021), Breamaeker (2011), Gouveia (2016), Cara (2018). To deepen the debates on quality education, we used the following authors: Enguita (2002), Carreira and Pinto (2007), Dourado, Oliveira and Santos (2007), Eyng (2015), Silva (2009), Nardi and Schneider (2013). The data analysis reveals that the resources earmarked for funding education are failing to meet the needs of rural schools. The conditions in which the school surveyed is located demonstrate the precariousness of the education offered to students, with a lack of infrastructure capable of supporting school demand and, consequently, offering an education with a minimum of quality. In addition, students' access to school, which is via school transport, is unfavorable because it does not provide adequate safety conditions for students, further contributing to the precariousness of education. It can therefore be concluded that the cost-quality of a rural school is far below the financial resources received by the municipality, demonstrating the need for more public investment to make quality rural education a reality.

  • FROM THE RIVERS OF EXISTENCE TO RESISTANCE THROUGH THE RIVERS: the navigation of riverside students in the Amazon for the right to education

  • Data: Mar 11, 2024
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  • This paper analyzes the guarantee of the right to education in the countryside with regard to the provision of secondary education to those who have left elementary school at the EMEIF in Ajaraí, a riverside school in the municipality of Cametá-Pa. To this end, the aim is to problematize the guarantee of the right to education in the territories of the riverside countryside in the Cametá Amazon. The aim was to understand these relationships based on the categories of the right to education, riverside education and public educational policies for riverside territories, with the aim of giving visibility to the concrete conditions that students living on the islands face in order to achieve the right to education guaranteed by educational legislation. As a methodological conception, these analyses are based on the framework of dialectical historical materialism (Marx, 2008) because it recognizes that the categories of totality, contradiction and mediation are fundamental in understanding how historical and social relations structure the materiality of the educational and legal process of the people of the riverside countryside, in the singularity of the Amazon. Thus, in order to discuss the category of riverine education and the legal context of rural education, we draw on the ideas of Caldart (2004), Molina and Fernandes (2004), Arroyo (2012), Hage (2017), Oliveira (2008, 2011, 2015) and Carmo (2016, 2020); from the perspective of the rationale for public education policies, we relied on Hofling (2001) and Azevedo (2004) and in the debate on the right to education, Duarte (2004, 2007) and Pinto (2014) stand out. Thus, the research reveals that, due to the capitalist political stance that the state takes towards society and its social demands, public education in the riverside territories has still been experiencing times of institutional precariousness, given that the political proposals that have been maintained to this day are not based on offering and maintaining an educational process as a fundamental right. The lack of spaces to guarantee the subjects' right to basic education, the inefficiency and decontextualization of the school transport policy for the riverside countryside, so that students can access and remain in school, for example, are conditioning factors which, in the limiting way in which the research showed they are being promoted, lead to the denial of the right to education, which has consequently led to those who have graduated from elementary school resisting braving the seas to remain in school or, in other cases, leading them to drop out of school. In view of this, we conclude that these territories and their subjects remain invisible in terms of their basic constitutional rights, in the case of the research - that of education, thus compromising their emancipatory, human and social citizen formation.

  • THE SOCIOPROFESSIONAL INSERTION OF GRADUATES FROM THE DEGREE IN EDUCATION FROM CAMPO-LEDOC-UFPA-CAMETÁ: interfaces between pedagogical practices, work, self-organization and cultural identity

  • Data: Feb 23, 2024
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  • This dissertation is entitled "The socio-professional insertion of graduates of the Degree in Field
    Education-LEDOC-UFPA-Cametá: interfaces between pedagogical practices, self-organization, work and cultural identity". The overall aim of the research is to analyse the self-organization of graduates from the 2014 and 2015 classes of the Degree in Rural Education, University Campus of Tocantins-Cametá (CUNTINS/UFPA) and their contributions to socio-professional integration and the construction of emancipatory pedagogical practices in the interrelationship with work and cultural diversity. Specifically, it aims to: gather information on the socio-economic and academic
    characteristics of graduates and the spaces in which they work; reflect on how the self-organization of graduates and the process of struggle for socio-professional insertion have been constituted; and understand how the socio-professional work of LEDOC graduates has interrelated work and cultural identity in order to build emancipatory pedagogical practices. The research methodology is based on qualitative research, based on Bogdan; Biklen (1994) and Minayo (1994). Data was collected using an online semi-structured questionnaire (Google Forms), interviews with open questions, participant observation and a field notebook for records. The data analysis of this material was based on the Discursive Textual Analysis proposed by Moraes and Galiazzi (2020). To support this study, we considered the following theoretical categories: pedagogical practice, work, self-organization and cultural identity interrelated to the paradigm of rural education. In this way, it relied on the contributions of authors such as: Souza (2007, 2008, 2016); Franco (2015 and 2016), Freire (1987), Marx (1985), Frigotto (2009), Ciavatta (2009), Molina (2021); Caldart (2011); Pistrak (2011, 2013); Janata, Corrêa and Stefanes (2021) and Molina and Pereira (2021) Brito 2017; Hall (2000); Castells (2002); Candau (2008); Aranha (1996); among others. communities and subjects, the educators who graduated from LEDOC 2014-2015 reveal emancipatory practices in the struggle for quality education and socio-cultural responsibility. The results revealed that educators from the countryside, the waters
    or the forests reflect emancipatory pedagogical practices in their interrelationship with work and cultural diversity, mediated by the experiences of their struggles, whether against the closure of schools, or to value their subjects' way of existing, or even to access public tenders. Demonstrating that the self-organization of students and graduates has contributed not only to the struggle for socioprofessional insertion, but also to the building of resistance, which has taken place in the classroom and beyond, when educators instigate students to think critically about society, when they create environments for discussions with children and young people, a space is being built for them to recognize themselves as subjects of that place, with a specific identity, culture, knowledge and ways. In this way, by considering the particularities of the communities and subjects, the educators who graduated from LEDOC 2014-2015 reveal emancipatory practices in the struggle for quality education and socio-cultural responsibility.


  • Data: Feb 22, 2024
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  • The subject of this dissertation is in the field of the professional development of teachers in basic education, and its object of investigation is the Exclusive Dedication Regime (RDE) of teachers in Bujaru, in the state of Pará, in a single school unit, with the aim of analyzing the perception of teachers in the municipal network about the RDE. This is a qualitative study, exploratory and descriptive in nature, which used a questionnaire and document analysis as data collection procedures. As a theoretical-methodological framework, we adopted historical-dialectical materialism. The legislative body analyzed was mainly goals 15 to 18 of the Pará State Education Plan, established by Law No. 8,186/2015; and the National Education Plan (PNE 2014-2024); the Bujaru/PA Municipal Education Plan, established by Law No. 653/2015; and, finally, Law No. 596/2010, which provides for the restructuring of the Positions, Career and Remuneration Plan (PCCR) for teaching professionals in the Bujaru municipal network. The documentary analysis also took into account the following regulations: Federal Constitution of 1988, the National Education Guidelines and Bases Law of 1996, CNE/CEB Resolution No. 02/2009, CNE/CEB Opinion No. 09/2009, Law No. 11.738/2008 (Floor Law), Constitutional Amendment No. 108 of August 26, 2020 (New FUNDEB), Law No. 14.113 of December 25, 2020 (New FUNDEB Law) and Law No. 14.276 of December 27, 2021 amending Law No. 14.113/2020. The interpretation of the results reveals a positive perception among teachers regarding the exclusive dedication regime. Although there are challenges, 85,4% of respondents consider the benefits to be superior and value the opportunity to dedicate themselves fully to a single school. The discussions pointed to the importance of creating policies that encourage and value this work regime, as well as the need to consider ways of minimizing the challenges faced by teachers.



  • Data: Jan 31, 2024
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  • This research studies the knowledge of Physical Education teachers about the education of ethnic-racial relations, addressing concepts of race, racism and racialism, permeating teacher
    training. It is based on Todorov (1993), Hofbauer (2006), Moore (2007) and Pereira (2007), which address concepts of race, racism and racialism; Saviani (1996), Pimenta (2005), Tardif (2007), Gauthier (2013), Imbernón (2009) and (2011), which address multiple teaching knowledge and teacher training respectively. The problem investigated is: what knowledge underpins the performance of Physical Education teachers within the scope of Ethnic-Racial Relations Education? The objective was to analyze the knowledge of Physical Education teachers on the Education of Ethnic-Racial Relations (ERER). The methodology used was life history and qualitative-quantitative research based on discourse analysis to understand the training processes through a preliminary questionnaire (first phase) with closed questions and interviews (second phase) with open questions. The research took place with Physical Education teachers from 12 campuses of the Federal Institute of Pará (IFPA), 12 in the first phase and 4 in the second phase. It was observed that the knowledge inherent to the Education of Ethnic-Racial Relations was mostly not exclusively constituted in academia, but was based on different experiences in teaching practice, which were diversified and which, ultimately, contributed to the construction of their conceptions. of ethnic-racial relations, sometimes approaching, sometimes distancing from the relationship with Physical Education as a school subject and pointing out a series of shortcomings and difficulties in explaining the topic.


  • Data: Dec 28, 2023
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  • This dissertation addresses the importance of communication throughout history and highlights the relevance of the social function of reading in the development of oral and written language in children in early childhood education, in the municipality of Marituba/PA. Our general objective is to: Understand the impact of the social function of reading on the development of children's oral and written language in Early Childhood Education (Pre-School). The research was developed based on a qualitative approach and aims to understand the impact of reading on early childhood education, observing the transition between educational stages and analyzing the teachers' actions, the appreciation of children's prior knowledge and the commitment to educational policies. Our theoretical framework was built on what the authors recommend: Vygotsky (1996, 2001); Mendonça (2012), Souza (2007), Fagundes (2008), Feijó (2019) and others. The research results are in line with existing literature on early childhood education, highlighting the importance of reading and the use of official documents in lesson planning. point to the need for a student-centered pedagogical practice, personalized and updated, aiming to promote quality education in early childhood education. The results obtained can contribute to the development of public policies and teacher training in this area, in addition to raising awareness in society about the importance of reading in children's development.

  • RIVERINE EDUCATION: Normative Injunctions, Rural Education Ideas and Escape Possibilities? (Trace searches) 
  • Data: Dec 27, 2023
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  • The research entitled "Riverine Education: Normative Injunctions, Idea of Countryside Education and Escape Possibilities? (Searches for traces)" deals with the teaching and learning process in a riverine school and its theoretical-methodological interactions in the classroom, taking into account the relationship between the perspective of countryside education and those of normative and official documents, in the municipality of Cametá. In this sense, we have the following problem: How does the teaching and learning process and didactic-pedagogical activities take place in the classroom, the relationship between the perspective of riverside education and those of official documents, considering the normative force of such documents, in a riverside school in the municipality of Cametá? The general aim of the research is to analyze the implications of the relationship between the perspective of rural education and the official normative documents for primary education in the early years, as well as to see how the teachers carry out a possible theoretical-methodological interaction between the official norms and the idea of rural education, as well as to reflect on how this knowledge is articulated with a political and methodological proposal for riverine education, as well as to see if the training offered by the school contributes to the implementation of this educational proposal. To discuss the legislation and normative bases, we relied on the contribution of the BNCC (2018), DCNs (2013), DCM (2019); to deal with the perspective of rural and riverine education, we used Caldart (2011), Arroyo, Caldart and Molina (2011), Molina and Sá (2011), as well as the guidelines, laws, decrees, authors who deal with rural education; on language, we rely on the contributions of Vygotsky (1997, 2001, 2003, 2007), Fontana and Cruz (1997), among others who contribute to studies related to this work. The research methodology is based on a qualitative perspective and focused on the 3rd and 4th year of elementary school, choosing observation and interviews with teachers and children - pupils in the respective classes - as the data collection technique. The results showed that the education offered in the riverside territory where the research was carried out is still far from a proposal that meets the needs of this reality, although there are already signs, albeit initial, of a proposal that relates school knowledge, linked to normative documents and the perspective of riverside education.

  • PRELACY OF CAMETÁ: formative experience of community leaders in the 1980s and 1990s from the perspective of organic working-class intellectuals

  • Data: Dec 22, 2023
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  • This study aims to analyze the training experiences performed by Prelazia located in Cametá over the decades of 1980’s and 1990’s (last century), which resulted the construction of community leaders and a possible organic intellectual constitution of laboring groups as well as understand the political participation of these subjects in local social events. We are based on a qualitative approach and oral history method for the research development, taking as reference dialectical historical materialism. To support this research, we used theoretical references; Gohn (1992); Marx and Engels (1974); Freire (2006); Marx (1983); Thompson (1987); Gramsci (1992); Grzybowski (1986); Mészáros (2005), among others. By checking the results of the interviews, we verified that Cametá Prelazia train community leaders to confront oligarchic capital in its own city based on collective protest and own class awareness which, helped for organic intellectual constitution of laboring groups of Gramsci. Such leaders gave meaning to the position taken by the local church against the region unfavored ones domination, being materialized through the subjects’ attitude who took leadership in defense of their class according to their interests. We evidence, therefore, that the construction of a critical consciousness of the world endowed these actors with the courage to carry out the struggles for change from the grassroots organizations and directed them to the conquests of the local unions, strengthening these subjects for the popular struggles for the right to land, health, education, in defense of the environment, among others. In other words, the Prelature of Cametá is an emblematic space of formation, allowing leaders such as: Edir Pinheiro Beneditinho and others helped to build a policy of collective struggle in favor of the organization of workers, and resistance to oligarchic capital in the municipality of Cametá, thus forging a new standard of civility.

  • PERMANENCE OF YOUNG QUILOMBOLAS AT THE FEDERAL UNVERSITY OF PARÁ: an analysis of the challenges faced by students from the quilombola PSE in Baixo Tocantins

  • Data: Dec 19, 2023
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  • This dissertation aims to present a study based on the perspective of historical-dialectic Materialism on the permanence of young quilombolas at the Federal University of Pará, with an analysis focused on the challenges faced by students from the quilombola PSE in Baixo Tocantins. These are case studies carried out with students from the Federal University of Pará, from the quilombola communities of Umarizal and Igarapé Preto, located in the municipality of Baião-PA, in the Baixo Tocantins region. The research dialogued with questions already posed, through field studies in search of the specificities that communities present, as well as their social characteristics. The results of this research show that the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) has shown positive advances related to the permanence of young quilombolas at the university, through its autonomy and affirmative policies, however, this is still not sufficient given the great demand derived from a history exclusion process. In relation to quilombola students, economic issues are directly linked to their trajectories. In this world, different social classes make their stay at university even more challenging. It is concluded that the aid, as well as a set of policies produced by UFPA, have contributed significantly to the fact that a portion of these students have completed their degrees and others are able to remain.


  • Data: Dec 14, 2023
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  • The emergence of prisons and the reality of incarceration was due to the need for control through the State apparatus, as the person deprived of liberty would not be understood as a person to be resocialized. Thus, this system had a historical solution to combat non-compliance with the laws through punishments, but, later, the objective was to make convicts docile and useful through the development of discipline and work in a process of re-education and in 1955 the United Nations (UN) imposed a perspective of care for people deprived of their liberty. However, to this day, these actions have not transformed prisons and the development of diseases is very common. It is in this scenario that we question humanization and turn to the tripod of humanized custody: work, education and health – which represents a new perspective of protection within prison units. Based on the above, the objective of this study is to investigate the Public Policies implemented by the State Secretariat of Penitentiary Administration (SEAP) in order to guarantee work, education and health for Persons Deprived of Liberty (PPL) in the prison system of the state of Pará. As a methods, historical-dialectical materialism was used through a qualitative research approach through which we used bibliographical research, through a documentary survey, as a data collection instrument, in order to systematize the set of proposals aimed at work, education and health in the Pará prison system in the years 2019 to 2023 and the implementation of Public Security Policies in that period. As a result, it was realized that even taking into account the numerous difficulties in materializing the tripod, in view of the negligence that occurs with the population subjected to detention in detention houses, the reality shows that the possibility of humanized custody from the health-education-work tripod. In this sense, it is concluded that the current situation in the state of Pará is only a reflection of what occurs in all prisons in the country, without taking into account state channels, which allows the State to have legitimacy in repressing, without the concern of to repair.

  • MARTIN HEIDEGGER: thinking and education in the epocal context of technique

  • Data: Dec 4, 2023
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  • Esta tesis de maestría presenta un enfoque reflexivo y problematizador de la experiencia educativa a partir de los aportes de Martin Heidegger. Para ello, la pregunta principal que impulsa este trabajo es: a partir de las lecturas de Heidegger y de algunos de sus intérpretes, y a la vista de un pensamiento auténtico en medio de lo técnico, ¿sería posible meditar sobre una educación para pensar en el contexto epocal de la técnica? Con el fin de dar cuenta de esta gran problematización de la educación para pensar en la esfera de la técnica, hemos enumerado algunos objetivos que ayudaron en el camino emprendido. Objetivo principal: reflexionar sobre las posibilidades de una educación para pensar en el contexto epocal de la tecnología a partir del pensamiento filosófico de Martin Heidegger. Objetivos específicos: situar la investigación en el pensamiento de Martin Heidegger; comprender lo que el filósofo entiende por técnica y pensamiento; para aproximarse a la denuncia de Freire (1987) sobre la educación bancaria y la concepción de la educación técnica; medita sobre los desafíos de los caminos posibles de una educación para el pensamiento. En este contexto, situamos la investigación en el pensamiento de Heidegger, presentando la fenomenología como una alternativa metodológica no objetivante y una invitación a retornar a las cosas mismas. Nos ocupamos de su crítica a la metafísica tradicional y al olvido del ser. A continuación, abordamos la esencia de la técnica que no tiene nada de técnica, su dominio planetario, la calculabilidad como base y sus implicaciones para el cálculo del pensamiento, la ciencia y el lenguaje. Después de reflexionar sobre este escenario, presentamos el pensamiento como un camino alternativo en el ámbito epocal de la técnica. Este camino interpretativo constituye la base para la problematización de la educación para el pensamiento. La base teórica adoptada fue la siguiente: Heidegger (1987, 2001, 2005a, 2005b, 2005c, 2006a, 2006b, 2006c, 2015), e seus intérpretes: Araújo (2014), Doro (2016), Loparic (1996), Nascimento (2010), Nunes (1999, 2000), Rüdiger (2014), Seibt (2015, 2018), Stein (2004, 2006, 2011), entre otros. Las reflexiones señalan que la experiencia educativa atravesada por el pensamiento meditativo en el contexto epocal de la tecnología, posiblemente admitirá otra dimensión, no exclusivamente la calculabilidad. A partir de esta dinámica, adquiere el carácter de una educación para el pensamiento. Así, la educación para el pensamiento no es una meta a alcanzar ni cuantificable por los diversos modelos evaluativos que tratan de medir la cantidad de contenidos transferidos por los profesores y absorbidos por los estudiantes. Está más allá de lo calculable. Se basa en el cuestionamiento, la libertad, la creatividad, el respeto a la diversidad y los ritmos de aprendizaje individuales. Prioriza la posibilidad sobre la realidad. Sin jerarquizar el conocimiento, pero considerando la interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad. Despierta una postura de serenidad (Gelassenheit) frente a los imperiosos llamamientos del universo técnico. Se acerca a una experimentación que tiene sentido para los estudiantes, ya que se relaciona con su contexto; trae lo vivido en sus formulaciones. Lo que está en juego no es la demonización de la técnica en el sentido de intentar extinguirla, sino la posibilidad de mantener viva la capacidad de pensamiento meditativo, la apertura a las cosas en su ocasionalidad y la reflexión sobre la experiencia educativa más allá de la calculabilidad que todo instrumentaliza, controla y predice.


  • Data: Dec 1, 2023
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  • Las poblaciones ribereñas del Amazonas poseen conocimientos diversos, construidos, acumulados y enseñados a lo largo de varias generaciones de personas dentro de cada comunidad. Entre estos conocimientos destacan los relacionados con la curación de enfermedades, en un constante movimiento cultural que implica la constitución de identidades y diferentes formas de educación que perpetúan estos conocimientos. Así, esta investigación estudió cómo las relaciones de prácticas de curación mediadas por lenguas, identidades y culturas ocurren en tres comunidades de las comunidades de Santa Ana/vila Moraes, Nossa Senhora do Bom Remédio/vila Gomes y Santíssima Trindade/vila Castanhal, que son parte del río Camarapi, en Portel, Marajó (PA). En este sentido, buscamos comprender cómo se utiliza el lenguaje en sus diferentes actuaciones para expresar enfermedades y prácticas curativas por parte del sanador y del paciente, identificando cómo sucede este conocimiento y cómo se transmite, analizando las relaciones socioculturales que permean estos. comportamiento. Para desarrollar este estudio se tuvieron en cuenta los trabajos de Albuquerque y Faro (2012), Bauman (2005; 2013), Barbosa (2001), Burke (2010), Castells (2018), Charmaz (2009), DaMatta (1999). ., Dubar (2006), Geertz (2008); Hall (2006), Minayo (2002), Miranda (2017), Monteiro (2012), Oliveira (1985), Santos (2016), Severino (2013), Trivinho (2007). Como instrumento teórico-metodológico utilizamos un enfoque cualitativo y exploratorio, guiado por la Teoría Fundamentada, que nos permitió analizar los datos de la investigación y construir categorías que ayudaron a comprender el objeto a partir del contexto sociocultural e histórico en el que se encontraba el sanador y el paciente. vivir. En cuanto a los resultados de la investigación, observamos que logramos los objetivos propuestos, al responder a la problemática del conocimiento curativo construido en las relaciones entre las personas de las comunidades investigadas. Del análisis de los datos recogidos, concluimos que existen identidades curanderas, responsables de la acción social de curación, pero también de la transmisión de conocimientos culturales entre miembros de una comunidad, sean parientes o no. Al involucrar estas identidades, se produce un juego entre la medicina institucional, basada en la ciencia, y la medicina popular, basada en conocimientos empíricos, compartidos intencionalmente o no, y que conecta la vida cotidiana de los actores sociales involucrados, produciendo significados, definiendo roles sociales y estableciendo Vínculos sociales entre personas de la comunidad.

  • INDIGENOUS TERRITORY UNIVERSITY: access and permanence 
    policy for indigenous students at UFPA

  • Data: Oct 30, 2023
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  • Esta investigación discute la Política de Acción Afirmativa con foco en la política de acceso y permanencia implementada por la Universidad Federal de Pará para estudiantes indígenas. El objetivo general de la investigación es analizar la efectividad de la política de Permanencia de estudiantes indígenas en la UFPA, y como objetivos específicos, identificar los principales factores de éxito y abandono académico entre estudiantes indígenas; conocer las estrategias de acción de la universidad para garantizar la permanencia de los estudiantes indígenas e identificar las acciones realizadas por la Asociación de Estudiantes de los Pueblos Indígenas de la UFPA (APYEUFPA). Es una investigación de tipo explicativo, con enfoque cuantitativo/cualitativo, utilizando técnicas de documentación y entrevista semiestructurada, aplicadas de forma presencial, para la recolección de datos. La investigación se realizó en la Universidad Federal de Pará - Campus Belém, e incluyó estudiantes indígenas que ingresan en el período de 2019 a 2021, y profesionales que gestionan la política de retención de la institución. Se trabajó con una muestra de 08 sujetos, de los cuales 06 eran indígenas y 02 directivos. Se realizaron ocho entrevistas semiestructuradas (dos en la fase exploratoria y seis en la segunda fase), con preguntas abiertas y cerradas, estructuradas en dos temas: Identificación y Universidad. Se utilizó el análisis de contenido como herramienta de análisis y discusión de datos. Acceso y experiencias en la Universidad; Desafíos para la permanencia de los estudiantes indígenas en la UFPA y, Implementación de la Política: desempeño de la SAEST Y APYEUFPA, fueron los temas discutidos, obteniendo los siguientes resultados: hubo avances importantes en la política de acceso, expresados principalmente en la construcción colectiva del PSE -Aviso de coeficiente intelectual; Sin embargo, es necesario avanzar en aspectos como el número de plazas ofertadas; respecto del significado de ingresar a la universidad, los estudiantes indígenas se reconocen como parte de una comunidad, por lo que las necesidades de sus territorios son la principal motivación para continuar con el curso; Además, el ingreso de los pueblos indígenas a las universidades es el rescate de un derecho históricamente negado.Los principales desafíos que enfrentan los estudiantes indígenas se refieren a: dificultad para seguir el contenido de la materia; prácticas racistas en la institución; falta de recursos económicos para el mantenimiento material. El acceso a la ayuda y los servicios proporcionados por la institución se considera uno de los mayores desafíos, causado principalmente por cuestiones burocráticas. APYEUFPA es la principal herramienta de lucha de los estudiantes indígenas de la UFPA. Se concluye que la política de permanencia se discute con base en la política de asistencia, principalmente el acceso a ayudas financieras. La supervivencia material es la principal demanda de los estudiantes indígenas. Corresponde a la Universidad implementar acciones más incisivas para combatir el racismo en la institución. También se identificó que los reiterados recortes en la inversión en el área de educación impactaron la política de asistencia en las universidades. El ingreso de los pueblos indígenas a la educación superior fortalece las luchas en los territorios, además de provocar que la universidad replantee sus prácticas excluyentes y clasistas, configurando así a la universidad en un territorio en disputa y en construcción.


  • Data: Sep 29, 2023
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  • This dissertation records the research entitled “Decolonial practices in the 'teaching-learning' of the English language in cyberculture: an (im)possible fabric of 'making think'?”, linked to the Postgraduate Program in Education and Culture (PPGEDUC) of the University Federal do Pará. The study aims to understand the training process of cultural practitioners in the 1st year of high school integrated with the uses of Digital Technologies (DT) in the teaching-learning process of the English Language (IL), with a view to promoting disruptions of logic modern/colonial within the decolonial perspective. To this end, this research in Education falls within the field of epistemology of training practices and is inspired by the multi-referential approach (Ardoino, 1998; 2012; Barbier, 2002; Macedo, 2004; 2021). This investigation assumes cyberresearch-training (Santos, 2005; 2019a) with everyday life (Alves, 2008; Certeau, 2014) as a methodological option and weaves theoretical-epistemological dialogues with other rigor (Macedo, 2009), bricolage (Kincheloe, 2004) and cyberculture (Lévy, 2018; Lemos, 2021; Santaella, 2021). The research field was an English language class in which training practices were crossed by the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as by urgent social problems, which led us to dialogue with Critical Applied Linguistics (LAC) and decolonial thinking. (Ballestrin, 2013; Mignolo, 2010; Walsh; Mignolo, 2018). From training actions through the Padlet interface, authorial productions emerged, research data, which in conjunction with theoretical knowledge and empiricism resulted in the following underlying notions: the Padlet as a cybercultural authorship device, the invisibility of non-white women , and 'learning' the English language in other ways. The results of this study highlighted that cultural practitioners are not considered mere informants, as they have experienced, become involved and, above all, authorized themselves with/in the training practices. We emphasize that forging training devices with/through digital environments in/with the English language has become a way of contesting the logics that universalize (bodies, races, knowledge and languages), which points us towards decolonial thinking. Furthermore, through languages, Eurocentric narratives can be tensioned in order to provoke fissures and cracks in the coloniality of power.


  • Data: Sep 28, 2023
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  • This research considers the relationships between education, culture and literature to create a study on the faces of gender, race and class oppression present in the only published novel by Carolina Maria de Jesus, Pedaços da Fome (1963). The aim is to collaborate with the visibility of writing by black female authors, based on the recognition of the contribution of this author and this work to Brazilian literary historiography and to the construction of an anti-racist literary education. To this end, it discusses the erasure of the author, reiterating the existence of a literary project marked by the denunciation of social ills and the representation of gender and class oppression considering the permanence of colonial relations in Brazil in the 20th century. The research uses a qualitative bibliographic and interpretative approach, according to Minayo (2007). As a basis, we start from a decolonial perspective, observing the propositions of Colaço (2012) and Hollanda (2020); as well as the theoretical conceptions of feminist studies and women's history by Hollanda (1994), Showalter (1994), Carneiro (2003), Salgueiro (2001), Souza (2014), Davis (2016), Gonzalez (2016), Perrot ( 2017); and Carolinian studies prepared by Miranda (2013), Meihy (2015), Arruda (2015), Fernandez (2015; 2018), Farias (2018) and Herzog (2019). To discuss the literary conception of Carolina Maria de Jesus, we revisit the ideas of Candido (1972; 2004; 2006), Bosi (1977), Dalcastagnè (2008), Guinzburg (2020) and Oliveira (2020); and regarding issues surrounding Brazilian blackness, we bring some notes from Viotti da Costa (1999) and Fraga Filho (2004), among others. Carolina's writings are not random, when we observe the published written production and when we become aware of the existence of a vast collection still unpublished, we see the reaffirmation of the author's commitment to literature. Carolina's work, among so many qualities, stands out for the way it addresses the oppressed reality of the less favored, men and women: poor, black, slum dwellers, field workers, self-employed, workers and domestic workers. An intriguing literature for some and impactful for others, texts that discuss the experience and coexistence of human beings with social ills, which translate adverse feelings, especially when it comes to “hunger”.

  • FROM COMMUNITY TO UNIVERSITY: an analysis of the academic path of quilombola students from Boa Vista, Baião-PA (2018-2023)

  • Data: Sep 27, 2023
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  • We analyzed the academic path of quilombola students from the Boa Vista Community, in the the municipality fo Baião/ PA at UNIFESSPA, exploring the conditions os access and permanence, to map the academic path of quilombola students who joined UNIFESSPA through the affirmative action policy; learn about the trajectory of quilombola students from the Boa Vista Community at UNIFESSPA; understand the barriers encountered and their possible consequences; understand the alternatives found by student quilombolas to meet the needs they faced; and reflect on the sociocultural impacts of the special selection process (PSE) for student quilombolas and the quilombo They belong to. From the question-problem, how has the academic path of students from the Boa Vista quilombola Community been, in terms of permanence at the Federal University of South and Southeast Pará- UNIFESSPA? We sought to study some authors, such as: Bourdieu (1983), Bosi (1994), Gomes (1997), Thompsom (1997), Pinto (1999), Leite (2000), Fabrini (2006), Bourdieu (2007), Nogueira (2008), Domingues e Gomes (2013), Silva (2014), Nascimento (2016), Santos (2017), Meireles (2020), Pinto (2021), Farias (2021); Costa e Medeiros (2022), Lopes (2022), Moehlecke (2002), Munanga, (2005), Alves, (2020), among others. In this sense, the use of in-depth interviews, based on the use of the autobiographical method, was one of the methods used, givem the Strong participation of the individual, who is committed to the processo of reflection based on his interest and understanding of the Other and the self, considering my experience at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), with the technique of oral history. In order to obtain the data, the use of WhatsApp digital media resources was used, followed by interpersonal conversations in loco in order to know the perception of the interviewed studentes in relation to their experience at the University. The results indicate that the presence of Quilombolas from Boa Vista in higher two had a significant increase, going from two students at UFPA in 2016 and 2023 to 16 at UNIFESSPAin 2023, in addition to issues related to satying at the University, since all employees are dependente on the scholarship to stay at UNIFESSPA. Therefore, even with the difficuties encountered in academic permanence, of the six students from Quilombo Boa Vista who participated in the reseanch, Only two reported dropping out of the course at the time, in the History and Mechanical Engineering courses, the others continue to face the difficulties of teaching higher education and more the challenges to follow as quilombolas in the university.

  • THE ASSEMBLY BECAME MEGAZORD: Art themonia, infernal powers in education.

  • Data: Sep 22, 2023
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  • This master's research aims to present the artistic-cultural movement called Themonias, active in the city of Belém do Pará since 2013, initially formed by the collective NoiteSuja and by drags who discussed the hegemonic heteronormativity and the binary gender system that organizes society . Throughout its existence, the movement has been embracing other artistic languages and becoming a political instrument in the LGBTI+ scene based on its transgressions and its artistic work. Thus, this work is an excerpt of some actions carried out by the Themonia movement, analyzing how the drag themonia art produced through these 'themonized' bodies presents itself as a political potential within the collective, and how, from these artistic manifestations , it is possible to see the 'infernal' educational powers (CORAZZA, 2002) in the group's actions. Whether through montages, performances, collective actions on the streets or at events, the study is based on the idea of mapping the infernal artistic powers of drag themonia art, provoking a deterritorialization of educational thinking, as pointed out by Sandra Corazza (2002). To move the conceptualization and methodological construction of this work, Cartography based on Deleuze and Guattari (1995; 1997) was followed, combined with the infernal philosophy in education of Sandra Corazza (2002; 2020), in addition to gender-sexuality studies with Preciado (2014) and Judith Butler (2014), and Guacira Louro (2020) and bell hooks (2013; 2021, 2022) related to the field of education, in addition to authors from the themonias movement itself who discuss such issues, such as Juliano Bentes (2020), Gabriela Cunha (2018) and Emanuele Corrêa (2020). Discussing the provocations that reverberate from themonia art throughout the city of Belém do Pará and other spaces, and the connections of the themonia movement with other collectives, the research results point to the artistic, political and educational impacts that this collective construction has provoked in the participating subjects. of this movement and its alliances, especially for the strengthening of the LGBTI+ community, and the transgressive powers that reverberate from drag themonia art, such as the "becomings-infernal" in education (CORAZZA, 2002), launching transgressive provocations to the territory of art and gender in education and opening the way for the bodies of difference and their arts of existence.


  • Data: Sep 22, 2023
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  • The present study entitled The emergence of black-deaf identities in public schools in Breves/PA, presents the analysis of the narratives of black-deaf students in the city of Breves-PA, with the aim of contributing to studies on deaf education in the state of Pará and collaborate with studies for teacher training in Breves-PA. The guiding question of this investigation was the following: What is the student's view of his representation in the school environment as a subject identified as black-deaf? The methodology used for this work was bibliographic and field research. We begin with bibliographical studies on central themes in this work, namely, Special and Inclusive Education, Libras, Education of the Deaf, Blacks, Racism and Black-Deaf Identities; for this purpose, references in the area were used, such as Skliar (1997, 1998, 2005, 2016), Foucault (1995, 2000, 2003 and 2009), Buzar (2009, 2012), Coracini (2003, 2010, 2013 and 2015), Lopes (2010), Munanga (2004, 2006), Hall (1997, 2006), Gomes (2002, 2003), Sá (1999, 2002, 2006), Furtado (2012, 2016), among others. Four black-deaf people from the Municipality of Breves-PA were interviewed, with each person trying to present a little about their dreams, plans, disappointments, desires and struggles in their own worlds of struggle to achieve their identities. This research is classified as qualitative, exploratory, bibliographic-documentary and field. To properly deepen and interpret the interviewees' statements, an interpretation discipline called Discourse Analysis was used. Therefore, this mechanism is the most ideal for understanding and developing everything that is said (and what is not said) by the subjects of the interview. work in question about being black-deaf in Marajó. As a result, we observed that: despite the school promoting the inclusion of these students, through the teaching of Libras and the study of ethnic-racial relations, the students in question described negative experiences relating to situations of prejudice they suffered within the school. Therefore, we consider it necessary to build inclusion policies aimed at this population to be developed within schools, especially in basic education.



  • Data: Sep 21, 2023
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  • This paper presents academic master's research linked to the Cultures and Languages research line of the Postgraduate Program in Education and Culture at the Federal University of Pará, Tocantins/Cametá University Campus. Based on the research problems, we sought to discuss how discourses are constituted considering the crossings that the English language-culture brings to undergraduate students and how the riverside academic community sees itself in relation to the teaching of English language-culture in the formation of knowledge. Faced with these questions, we set ourselves the general objective of investigating the ways in which the English language-culture intersects with the sayings of riverine students on the English Language course at the Federal University of Pará, Campus Universitário do Tocantins/Cametá. In this way, our gaze turned to thinking about the riverine subject in the process of constitution and formation in the English language-culture. As theoretical-methodological procedures, the research was interpretivist in nature. In order to do this, a theoretical survey was carried out to address the themes that the investigation proposed, among which I highlight the contributions of Foucault (2006, 2010); Coracini (2010, 2016); Bhabha (1998); Hall (2003, 2005); Bauman (2013); Lakoff and Johnson (2002), Lopes (2018, 2021); Farias (2019); among others. Subsequently, a field study was carried out with riverine students from the English Language course at UFPA/Campus Cametá, in order to collect their oral narratives, for which we used semi-structured interviews as an instrument, which were recorded in audios and later transcribed. After this, we carried out a discursive analysis of the narratives of the riverside students who are studying English Language, using the lens of interpretation of Discourse Analysis, based on the discursive studies of Foucault (2010), Coracini (2007) and Lopes (2018), which allow the researcher to bring the gestures of interpretation, tracing the (ir)regularities in the sayings of the riverine subjects, which help us to understand the displacements of their identities, moving their sayings, looks, silences, manners, and gestures. The discursive analysis thus pointed to three axes of analysis that were structured on the basis of (ir)regularities. The first axis dealt with the representations of the self, as riverine subjects who live and coexist in a specific socio-historical-cultural context and who are different from other realities, who mark their riverine identity of being-being between forests and rivers in the Tocantins Amazon and who seek better prospects for living in these spaces through academic (trans)formation. The second axis asserted the seduction and desire for the language-culture of the Other, the English language-culture that moves and drives their relationships and choices to make up for the lack of access to the English language-culture in Basic Education that constitutes their unconscious, permeated by other spaces in/by the English language-culture. In the third axis, we deal with the relationship between the riverine subjects and the English language-culture, which takes them to the in-between place of being-languages-cultures, shifting their identities and touching the dimension of jouissance and also the challenge that this in-between place poses to them as teachers, who will teach the English language-culture to different subjects. The research yielded some results, based on gestures of interpretation, in which it was perceived that the displacement and fragmentation of the identities of the riverine students occurs(u) as a result of contact with the language-culture of the Other, within their academic training in the English Language course at the Federal University of Pará, Tocantins/Cametá University Campus, causing their sayings about themselves and the Other to slip, being moved to the in-between place of being-being between forests and rivers and in language-cultures.


    IDENTIDADE DOCENTE EM MOVIMENTO: memórias que narram r-existências e protagonismo dos egressos da LEDOC/UFPA, campus Cametá 

  • Data: Aug 31, 2023
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  • This study is about "Teacher identity in movement: memories that narrate the r-existences and protagonisms of graduates from LEDOC/UFPA, Cametá campus". Our research question sought to identify: How does the constitution of the political dimension in the teaching identity of LEDOC graduates in the relationship with the social movement generate their r-existence and protagonism in the training spaces? Our general objective sought: to analyze the constitution of the political dimension in the teaching identity of LEDOC graduates in the relationship with the social movement from their r-existence and protagonism in the training spaces. Our theoretical-methodological framework dialogued with the research categories discussing: Teacher identity with Hall (2002, 2011) and Fleuri (2003), Research-training with Josso (2010) and Resistance practices with Arroyo (2014) and Freire (1987, 2008). Thus, we anchor ourselves in the studies of Oral History from Orlandi (1999) and Portelli (1997) and the Decolonial perspective based on Mignolo (2010), Mota-Neto (2015) and Walsh, (2009). In this context, we weave theoretical discussions about the Degree in Field Education and Social Movements from Silva (2017), Caldart (2002), Hage (2020), among others. In the methodological procedures, we carried out bibliographic, documentary and field research analysis with the aid of participant observation. As a data collection technique, we conducted semi-structured interviews and produced a descriptive memorial with LEDOC graduates from the classes of 2014 and 2015, from UFPA, university campus of Tocantins / Cametá, which represents the territory of our research and the subjects that compose it. The results expressed that the political dimension of identities has been constituted in the training of field educators in the relationship with the social movement based on the epistemology of praxis, training by area of knowledge and pedagogical alternation, where the subjects have (re)affirmed their identity, r-existed and led practices of resistance in their spaces of action. They are subjects, others decolonial of right and emancipation in the struggle against capitalism, racism, patriarchy, sexism, homophobia in modern-colonial forms of exploitation, in this perspective has been formed organic intellectuals for their emancipation and liberation and that of others.

  • EDUCATION AND ETHNIC-RACIAL RELATIONS: African-Angolan poetry as an anti-racist proposal in basic education in Cameta

  • Data: Aug 31, 2023
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  • The aim of this study was to discuss and interpret the potential of African Angolan poetry as a methodological tool from the perspective of anti racist education in the elementary school classroom final years, more specifically in the 9th grade classes a t the Coronel Raimundo Leão Municipal Primary School, located in the municipality of Cametá (PA). The study's theoretical and methodological affiliation lies within the perspective of Critical Social History, based on authors such as E.P. Thompson (1998) a nd Stuart Hall (1998). Thompson (1998) and Stuart Hall (2006), always seeking a different perspective, focusing on the social subjects involved in the teaching and learning process. We also dialogued with post colonial studies presented by authors such as Bhabah (1997) and Fanon (1961). Methodologically, we carried out a qualitative and action participatory study in which we used the Pará State Curriculum Document as a source of analysis, seeking to assess how the Portuguese Language and History curricular components deal with themes rela ted to ethnic racial issues, what methodological proposals are envisaged and Law 10.639/03. As a methodological tool, we used interviews with four teachers from Cametá's municipal school system, three of whom were Portuguese language teachers and one a his tory teacher, to see how and if they used African literature in the classroom. Finally, the practical action of a workshop held with students in the 9th year of elementary school, which enabled us to assess how African Angolan poetry as a teaching tool in the classroom can contribute to the discussion on education and ethnic racial identity. As a result, we can highlight that the poems sparked important debates and discussions about equal rights, cultural diversity and combating racism, as well as broadenin g the students' knowledge of African history and culture.


  • Data: Aug 29, 2023
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  • This dissertation presents a study of medicinal practices using "remédios do mato" (medicinal plants) among the Assurini people of Trocará, in the municipality of Tucuruí/Pará, with a focus on the transmission of ancestral knowledge from one generation to another. The general objective is to analyze how the Assurini of the Trocará indigenous reserve in Tucuruí/Pará use these plants to cure their illnesses. Specific objectives include reflecting on the relationship between traditional and official medicine among this indigenous population, observing how these plants are collected and manipulated, and understanding how the resistance of ancestral knowledge contributes to the valorization of the ethnic identity of this indigenous group. The methodology included a literature review, field research with observation and interviews, as well as transcription and analysis of narratives. Results indicate that the Assurini value their ancestral healing practices and use "remédios do mato" as a source of economy and subsistence, contributing to the affirmation and valorization of their ethnic identity.

  • EDUCATION AND TERRITORY: Diversity in High School in Abaetetuba-PA

  • Data: Aug 29, 2023
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  • The present study, which has the general objective of analyzing how discourses referring to religious and African cultural practices materialize in the high school space of Abaetetuba and how these actions can constitute the identity process of the black student subject and black female student. practitioner of African-based religion. And, as specific objectives: to identify the knowledge conveyed in the terreiros, which can be considered as (non-formal) educational knowledge for iaôs outside the Afro religion. As well as, investigating the school's stance regarding Afro culture, especially in relation to practitioners of religions of African origin and with members of this religion directly linked to the school, seeking to analyze how the school relates to young students, who attend terreiros (if the stance is the same as that adopted in relation to young Christians, for example). And in this way, observe how the black student feels within the school space, checking what religious practices and symbols exist within the school space and included in the school calendar. This was a qualitative research approach, whose methodology adopted in the work discussed on the recording of observations collected in bibliographic, oral, written and visual sources through questionnaires, observations, notes, photographs, etc. anchored in the theoretical studies of Conceição (2006); Cunha Júnior (2009); Fanon (2008); Freire (1979, 1980, 1987, 1994); Fonseca (2006) Geertz (2003) Guedes (2005) and others who contributed to the study. The analysis and interpretation of the research data indicate that religions of African origin and their followers are seen in a pejorative way in the school space. It was also considered from the answers given by the research subjects that knowledge about Afro-Brazilian religiosities are fundamental to that it is possible to understand the entire historical process of black people in the formation of Brazil; that Afro-Brazilian religiosity cannot be dissociated from Afro-Brazilian history and culture, and it is this cultural bias of religiosity that needs to be present in public schools. 

  • EMPOWERMENT OF BLACK WOMEN: Education and Culture as tools to preserve the legacy of Felipa Aranha from the Alcobaça quilombo

  • Data: Aug 25, 2023
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  • The fight for gender and racial equality is a recurring theme in Brazilian society, and the empowerment of black women is a fundamental issue in this context. Education and culture are important tools for preserving the legacy of black women who have fought and resisted throughout history. An emblematic example is Felipa Aranha, leader of the Quilombo de Alcobaça, who stood out for her courage and determination in the fight against slavery and for the freedom of the black people. In this context, the present dissertation aims to analyze bibliographic materials and documents that make positive reference to Afro-Brazilian women in order to identify empowering characteristics and profiles to promote the dissemination of this knowledge in a way that contributes to the empowerment of black women. The methodology used in this dissertation is action research, which focuses on collective action to improve praxis and promote intervention in reality. Action research differs from conventional research due to its transformative approach in the spaces where it is applied (Thiollent, 2011). To carry out the research, a cycle of four stages was adopted: planning, action, observation, and reflection. The objective was to promote an intervention in the studied reality through collective actions that aim to improve the praxis of the subjects involved. Our theoretical framework was built based on the following authors: Pinto (2001, 2004, 2010), Amaral (2015), Costa Lima (2013), Davis (2016), among others. The research concludes that the inclusion of ethnic-racial issues in school curricula is fundamental for preserving the values and knowledge of the community. The promotion of examples of women who fought for their rights and transformed their realities can encourage students to do the same. The research highlights the importance of education in promoting racial equality and combating racism, allowing for a historical process of reparation and recognition of others, as well as African, Afro-Brazilian, and indigenous history and culture. It is concluded that education plays a fundamental role in building a more just and equal society, with one of its main focuses being the preservation and maintenance of the culture of the peoples that constitute it.


  • Data: Aug 24, 2023
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  • The dissertation traverses the labyrinth of the life and work of the artist-inventor Hélio Oiticica (1937-1980), articulating the concepts of body, creation and experimentation woven in the encounter between educational processes and art. We seek to think and experience the becomings of the body-creation as power, multiplicity and trigger for the invention of lifeworlds with art, in the fabrics of the encounter with the aesthetic-political body of the Parangolés (1964-1979), the body and sensations of the installation Éden (1969) and the poeticpolitical Subterrânia manifest (1969), by Oiticica, mapping the production of heterotopic spaces, minor becomings anarchic events and plots experiences that emerge as forces of artistic and educational creation. In this path, we will make intercessions with Michel Foucault, Friedrich Nietzsche and Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, among other philosophers, artists and thinkers of education in the perspective of investigating the fabric of experiences of the body, creation and experimentation with art in the (dis)territories of education. With regard to Hélio's worldview of art, we delve into his writings, including letters, scripts, interviews and ideas cataloged by the Hélio Oiticica Program, from Itaú Cultural, which act as living elements in constant dialogue with the dissertation. The study, which is cartographically woven, presents aspects of a research-intervention with art, which transversalizes with dance, supra-sensory body-poetic experimentation and the proposition of underground practices in education. The accompaniment of the research process and poetic, plastic and performative interventions are carried out through artistic experiences, observations, listening and photographic records referring to the effects and crossings of propositions with experimental art. Just like the author of this writing, the collective of collaborating artists, students and teachers experienced an encounter with the environmental and participatory art of Hélio Oiticica. The Anarkhos research group provided several artistic and cultural interventions in its colloquiums, such as the performance with O Corpo que Dança com os Parangolés, in 2022, the Mundo-Abrigo installation in 2023, and the Oficina Subterrânia: escrevendo com a arte de Hélio Oiticica, 2023. In this multiple and constantly transforming perspective, wandering around the research map presents a movement of creating lines, paths and rhizomatic connections that never ceases to open up possibilities for experimentation and creation of bodies, languages and other worlds with art education

  • CAPOEIRA: survival and resistance in capital society

  • Data: Aug 14, 2023
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  • The present study brings in its scope notes that outline the configurations of Capoeira today and its functions in the everyday social situation. Assuming that Capoeira is a practice that originated in the diaspora, as a way of opposing an oppressive system (ABIB, 2004), and was consolidated in Brazil during the slavery period (Rego, 1968), it is still maintained and It has national and international coverage, being present in more than 150 countries on five continents according to the latest IPHAN survey (2014). Thus, the problem of this research is to understand how a centuries-old practice originating from the era of slavery remains in the face of the current system (the capitalist one), which, according to Mészáros (2005), transforms everything into merchandise. In this search, the following were used as references for this work: Marx (2007, 2008, 2011, 2013), Mészáros (2005, 2015), Antunes (2009), Vasquez (2011) among others, who provided information to understand how the aforementioned system works. Regarding Capoeira, the works of Rego (1968), Brito and Granada (2021), Khol (2014), Araújo (2006, 2008), Campos (2001, 2009), Falcão (2004, 2011), Abib (2004) among others, which outline the conditions and other aspects that Capoeira experienced as a sporting and cultural practice, (re)existing over time and the structural changes driven by capitalism. With the aim of understanding how Capoeira continues to this day and what its interfaces are, nationally and internationally, capoeiristas who have been practicing for at least 10 years were sought out and asked about the way Capoeira is present in their respective environments. As a result, it was found that there had been numerous changes in this practice since the beginning, but it was its ability to metamorphose that allowed it to adapt to social demands, transforming it into a plural practice. However, its condition as a commodity was highlighted as preponderant, and this path guaranteed other possibilities of survival in the face of the capitalist system, with work (both in its formative and labor sense, of subsistence) being the floor that enabled its longevity and permanence until today, ratifying the embryonic condition of Capoeira as resistance to the most diverse situations.

  • “IT’S EASY TO BE A CHRISTIAN WHEN YOU LIVE WELL LIKE THEM”: education, culture and female engagement in Angola (1939 – 1970)

  • Data: Aug 8, 2023
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  • This paper aims to understand the political action of women in the process of independence of Angola, and the Methodist educational influence. Especially those who were part of the anti-colonial resistance. The analysis has as main objective to understand the Methodist Protestant missions in Angola and their performance in the development of formal education for girls, especially analyzing the performance of Deolinda Rodrigues during the period of anti-colonial struggles. The documentation used for the research was the Diary of an Exile without Return. Luanda: Nzila, 2003 by Deolinda Rodrigues the Statement of the Reverend Malcolm MoVeigh of Stanhope, New Jersey, missionary of the Methodist Church to Angola, Africa, 1558-1961 and the book "Colonial Angola photographed by Methodist missionaries", published by Paul. A. Blake. foundation Agostinho Neto, 2019. Access to the documents was made possible thanks to the use, as research methodology, the digital collections, essentially through the Tchiweka Association of Documentation (ATD); the Mario Soares Foundation and Memories of Africa and the West. The research was developed through the digital collections, according to Almeida (2011), the internet enables the "reduction in space" and the expansion of the historian in the research. The applied methodology is based on research on this theme. For this, we work with the following bibliography, OYEWÚMÍ (2021) will be the basis for analyzing the gender issue beyond the West, without homogenizing and understanding gender issues on the African continent, as a colonial social construct. Paredes (2010), analyzing the Methodist church and the MPLA movement through the writings of Deolinda Rodrigues, which the author makes an analysis of Deolinda's education through the church, her entry into the MPLA and the criticism reported by Deolinda Rodrigues in her personal diary. Whose results, consisted in the perception of understanding that formal education conducted by the Methodist missions was synonymous with greater educational possibilities for many Angolans who were fighting against Portuguese colonialism.

  • CARTOPOGRAPHIES OF GEO-POETRY BY MANOEL DE BARROS IN EDUCATION: affluences-solitudes and voices-childhoods

  • Data: Jul 20, 2023
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  • This research is done as an act of creation that seeks to compose the concept of geo-poetry and experiment with its implications, variations and [a]tinge in education. Thus, this concept is composed and experimented with the landscapes, geographies, rivers and voices of Manoel de Barros's poetics of the smallest, and unfolded from the vividness of literature magnetized from the encounters traced with Manoel's poetics on the school floor. The texture of this map-writing is made by connections of ends of geo-philosophical and poetic filaments, by encounters with Deleuze and Guattari, Manoel de Barros and intercessors, as well as being viscously constituted by affluences, ports and moving bridges extended by educators [a ]dyed and [de]composed in the geo-devouring of Amazonian and Pantanal landscapes. In this movement, a search for the cartography of intensities is experimented, that is, for writing as a rumen-boat, implied by procedures of creation, [a]dying and devouring, in which the thought is ruminated: What devourings inaugurate a geo-poetry in this river-educate? Thus, in map-writing, cartography experiences a double movement. This one deals with devouring, the movements of landscapes and their geo-anthropophagies, and the other, which is involved in the very spelling of these movements, whose lines constitute the very body of the research. In this double movement, this cartography accompanies and traces unknown paths in which Manoelesque and Amazonian poetics are symbiotically intertwined, and the educations to come. That's why it requires a disaccustomed look. In this sense, geo-poetry presents itself as an opening formed by mixed geographies, involved in movements of inventive composition of landscapes woven between backwaters of solitude-rivers and echoes of childhood-voices. This mixture of echoes, tabatingas, riverbanks and flows produces dyes in education, experiences education impetuously generated in the speeds and viscosities of encounters, childhoods, loneliness. An education that is dyed as a continuous and daily movement. A tiny experimental learning of the world. Weaving senses through feeling, composing learning through playing and experiencing the fabric of education through the winding paths of a geo-poetry.


  • BETWEEN “HARMONY”, VEILED RACISM AND SILENCE: racial relations between blacks and whites in the medical course at the Federal University of Pará

  • Data: Jul 7, 2023
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  • In this study, our general objective was to analyze how black and white students perceive racial relations in the academic-institutional space of the Medicine course at the Federal University of Pará, Campus Universitário de Altamira. And as specific objectives it was defined: 1) to understand how the students understand and perceive the affirmative action policies in general and, in particular, those adopted by UFPA, Campus Universitário de Altamira; 2) to analyze the interviewees' perceptions about possible racial privileges and disadvantages existing in the Bachelor of Medicine course; and 3) analyze how students perceive the experience of being black and being white in the studied course. Therefore, we carried out this exploratory research, through a qualitative approach, using the questionnaire as a data collection instrument and the interview as a technique. The data were analyzed using the discourse analysis technique. The results indicate that white students are benefited by the privileges accumulated by their parents, but this collection of privileges does not come simply or solely from the fact that their parents are white, but, above all, because they are made available for being members of a social group on which no racial stigma weighs. At other times, we verified those privileges that derive directly from the fact that some/but students are white, being given free of charge by their peers, generally, systematically through the institutions. We also verified a kind of non-formalized protectionism and collaboration (“narcissistic pact”) by which it is possible not only to guarantee the majority presence of a single racial stock in a place considered to be of high social prestige, but also that this presence is marked by a differentiated treatment, garnished with privileges. Other issues verified were the impacts of racism on the psyche of black people, the false projection arising from white people and, more than that, it was possible to infer that racial relations in the investigated course, as well as in the institution itself, they are permeated by racist ideologies, stereotypes, prejudices and racial discrimination. When it comes to racism, it is perceived as being of the veiled type that is not only common and normal in Brazilian racial relations and institutional spaces, but is the conventionally accepted form of racism. In line with this veiled racism, it is common for the practice of equally veiled racial discrimination to occur, with considerable resistance to naming and punishing it as such. Despite veiled racial discrimination practices being the modus operandi of the subjects in the investigated locus, there are breaches of patterns that cause a mixture of astonishment, indignation and revolt, both on the part of white and non-white groups. However, we realize that this shock is caused by the breach of decorum and, consequently, by the breaking of silence on the racial issue, causing discomfort in that space. In short, it was possible for us to understand that the racial relations established between black and white students, despite the silence and lack of institutional concern, are permeated by racialized ideologies and practices that produce and reproduce racial stigmas and stereotypes, privileges racial disadvantages for white groups and, consequently, racial disadvantages for non-white groups, particularly blacks.

  • BASIC EDUCATION POLICY: Pronatec in the experience of the Integrated Education Center of Baixo Tocantins – EETEPA - Cametá

  • Data: Jun 30, 2023
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  • El texto es resultado de una investigación de Maestría, vinculada al Programa de Posgrado en Educación y Cultura – PPGEDUC/UFPA, teniendo como objeto el Programa Nacional de Acceso a la Educación Técnica y al Empleo – PRONATEC – como política de educación básica. El objetivo fue analizar la implementación del PRONATEC como política pública de formación técnica, en particular, la oferta del curso Técnico MEDIOTEC concomitante con la Enseñanza Media, en la experiencia del Centro Integrado de Educação do Baixo Tocantins – EETEPA-Cametá. El tema central fue - ¿cómo se dio la implementación del PRONATEC, específicamente en la oferta del curso concomitantemente con MEDIOTEC y sus posibles aportes como política pública de formación técnica? El curso metodológico siguió las técnicas del enfoque cualitativo, con la revisión de la literatura y el análisis de documentos como técnicas principales. La fundamentación teórica se basó en autores como Frigotto (1991; 2003), Kuenzer (1985; 1997), Saviani (2007), Zibas (2005), entre otros. La lista de documentos estudiados incluye la Constitución Federal de 1988 (BRASIL, 1988), la Ley nº 9.394 (BRASIL, 1996), la Ley nº 13.005/2014 que aprueba el Plan Nacional de Educación – PNE, las Leyes que establecen el PRONATEC y la Nueva Escuela Secundaria, respectivamente, nº 12.513 del 26.10.2011 y nº 1 3.415 del 02.1 6.2017. Para dilucidar mejor el estudio, también se analizaron los documentos contenidos en la implementación del referido programa en el Estado de Pará y en el Centro de Educación Integrada del Baixo Tocantins-Cametá. Los resultados indicaron que PRONATEC como política de educación profesional y tecnológica, a través de la oferta de cursos de Formación inicial y continua (FIC), así como de MEDIOTEC con cursos técnicos concurrentes con la Enseñanza Media, en modalidad presencial y a distancia, fueron importantes. En cuanto a la experiencia del Centro Integrado de Educação do Baixo Tocantins -CIEB/Cametá, entre los años 2017 a 2019, dos clases del Eje Tecnológico: Información y Comunicación, aunque se realizó una certificación técnica, esta no representó una calificación en el sentido de obtención de técnicas y adquisición de conocimientos porque se hizo de forma liviana, limitada a la formación, ya que esta formación técnica estuvo desprovista de una construcción curricular integradora capaz de promover el pensamiento crítico. Se observó que sobre los índices de egresados y la calidad del equipo administrativo y pedagógico que el programa tuvo una evaluación satisfactoria. Sin embargo, se problematiza la falta de clases prácticas, visitas técnicas y la burocracia para el pago de los subsidios de transporte y alimentación, así como la falta de demanda de profesionales en el área de formación capaces de garantizar el empleo y los ingresos de los egresados, ya que la oferta de cursos se hizo desvinculada de la economía local. Así, la política de democratización de la educación profesional y la formación técnica diseñada por PRONATEC y los cursos concomitantes de MEDIOTEC, tal como estaba previsto en el discurso oficial, no se realizó en su totalidad. La política fue importante para la población desfavorecida, pero la experiencia se alejó de la concepción de integración entre la educación secundaria y la formación profesional, tanto en el sentido metodológico para garantizar la apropiación de saberes y técnicas profesionales, como de una concepción de formación política capaz de subsidiar un ser crítico y emancipado.


  • Data: Jun 30, 2023
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  • In nineteenth-century Brazil, newspapers were the mechanism found by many authors to publish their writings. First came the serials, followed by the chronicles and later, the female columns. It is on the remarkable and fundamental presence of Clarice Lispector, under the pseudonyms of Tereza Quadros, Helen Palmer and Ilka Soares, in the Rio press in the 1950s and 1960s and her educational and emancipatory bias that this work is structured. This research aims to analyze the columnist's writing, which, by presenting recipes and advice on household chores to readers, ended up insinuating a feminist stance, aiming at an emancipatory education. Thus, the research goes through the analysis of primary sources and subsequent choice of texts in the newspapers "Comício", "Correio da Manhã" and "Diário da Noite", in the female columns "Between women", "Correio feminine" and "Só para Mulheres ”, respectively. It approaches a line of analysis and theoretical and literary perspective with theoretical-methodological bases by correlating the literary devices used in the press with emancipation, an issue of relevance in academic terms, more precisely in the educational field, with emphasis on women's education. The conceptualization and methodological construction runs through Coelho (2002), Buitoni (2009), Del Priori (2013) and (2020), Duarte (2016) and Perrot (2019) and (2021). Furthermore, we find an evolutionary line in the publications and subjects addressed by Clarice Lispector in the context of the production of the columns and how the texts are correlated to the perspective of an emancipatory education, elucidating the importance of feminist crossings in the formative processes.


  • Data: Jun 27, 2023
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  • YouTube is an online social networking platform where many hypermedia creations are possible. In this paper, I investigate the co-created educational practices on Philosophy channels. The research started from the following problem: What are the characteristics of co-created educational practices on philosophy channels on YouTube and how do they enhance networked cyberformative processes? In this research, I studied the production of three of these channels from September 2022 to March 2022. The general objective of the work was to understand the cyberformative textures and potentialities of educational practices produced on philosophy channels on the online platform YouTube, with the specific objectives being: 1) To develop an epistemological understanding of education, educational practices and formative processes constituted in the most varied spaces/times, including in/with cyberculture; 2) To understand the roots, characteristics and current/future challenges of the YouTube platform for cultural production; 3) To discuss the elements that contribute to addressing philosophical knowledge as one of the possible and enhanced knowledge by ambiances in cyberculture; 4) To understand the inventiveness and astuteness of content creators on philosophy channels for the promotion and dissemination of philosophical knowledge and, consequently, the promotion of educational practices from a netnographic observation/experimentation. I study these processes from an epistemological perspective based on multireferentiality (ARDOINO, 1998) and studies of/in/with everyday life (CERTEAU, 1998). I adopted some assumptions of netnography (KOZINETS, 2014), a modality of ethnographic research that has devices and online platforms as a culture-producing field, to understand such processes. As research findings, I observe that such educational practices constitute a bricolage formative process with new relationships of knowledge in cyberculture, which I call Digiurgy, the cyberformation that is woven in machine-technological and human mediations in networks that is assembled by the individual in their doing/living the world. The constitution of this dwelling on YouTube is a producer of knowledge, languages, modes of behavior, and self-constitutions.

  • PERSPECTIVES OF TEACHERS ON THE “NEW” HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION: curriculum flexibility, youth protagonism and full-time school infrastructure in the municipality of Limoeiro do Ajuru/PA

  • Data: Jun 23, 2023
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  • The present work analyzes formative aspects of the implementation process of the "New" High School and its implications for the education of youth in Limoeiro do Ajuru/PA, from the perspectives of teachers of the state school Professor João Ludovico, which is part of the Policy to Promote the Implementation of Full-Time High Schools, established by Law No. 13.415/2017. The research promoted a literature review and document analysis on the current high school reform, in which it was possible to identify educational duality and school differentiation as hallmarks of secondary education in Brazil that tend to be deepened by the "New" High School. We also carried out exploratory research of the field study type, using as instrument of data collection semi-structured interviews with teachers who work in Full-Time High School in the school Professor João Ludovico since the beginning of the implementation of the program in that institution, as well as direct observation by the researcher. The data analysis used the content analysis technique, through which the following categories were deduced: curricular flexibility, youth protagonism and infrastructure in Full-Time High School. The research shows that the reform process did not consider the realities of the youth of the Amazon, in the case of Limoeiro do Ajuru/PA, especially the riverside dwellers. From the analysis of the data collected, it was concluded that the curricular flexibility implemented by the current reform harms the formative aspects of the youth of Limoeiro do Ajuru/PA by limiting the hourly load for a general formation, highlighting a good part of the research subjects reject this format of flexibility, as well as the idea of youth protagonism of neoliberal basis, however, this does not happen in a way founded on theoretical bases. Contradictorily, these subjects show sympathy for some conceptions that guide the current high school reform, such as the very idea of curricular flexibility and the pedagogy of competencies. It was also evident that the inadequate infrastructure compromises the quality of education in Full-Time High School in the school studied.


  • Data: Jun 23, 2023
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  • This work, entitled Young graduates from pronatec technical courses and their relationship with the job market, has as its general objective: to analyze the social quality of the professional training of young graduates and dropout rates in the courses of the National Program for Access to Technical Education and Employment (PRONATEC), offered through CIEBT in 2012. The problem of this research is delimited by the following question: what are the perspectives of young CIEBT/PRONATEC graduates regarding their continuation in the courses and insertion into the job market? The specific objectives adopted were: to inspect the quality of training of young people graduating from PRONATEC courses; discuss the evaluation of Young People in relation to the courses offered by PRONATEC at CIEBT; Analyze the dropout rate in courses offered by PRONATEC at CIEBT; and investigate whether and under what conditions the subjects, coming from PRONATEC courses, are inserted in the job market. The research methodology is based on a qualitative approach, based on case studies and based on the methodological contribution of historicaldialectical materialism (Marx, 2010) ;(Ramos, 2011), with the premise of the analysis categories: social quality of education , success, insertion and qualitative approach (Ludke; André 1986) (Minayo, 2001), with semi structured interviews (Triviños, 1987) (Thiollent 1987), associated with content analysis (Bardin, 2011). Among the types of appropriate research, firstly, it is worth highlighting bibliographic research (Severino, 2005), documentary research (Gatti, 2001); field research (Fonseca, 2002). With the analysis of the interviewees of the respondents, it was possible to know the conformation of the graduates in relation to the training received, and about the notes of positive aspects of the methodologies adopted by the teachers which, in short, are not enough to provide opportunities for human and/or insertion into the job market that is not precarious. 

  • A EDUCAÇÃO TÉCNICA EM RECURSOS PESQUEIROS NO INSTITUTO FEDERAL DO PARÁ – CAMPUS CAMETÁ: desafios da alternância pedagógica sob o contexto de produção capitalista

  • Data: Jun 23, 2023
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  • O Estudo teve como objetivo analisar os desafios da Alternância Pedagógica na Formação Técnica em Recursos Pesqueiros no Instituto Federal do Pará – Campus Cametá. O paradigma da pesquisa fundamentou-se em pressupostos de caráter qualitativo e a abordagem metodológica constitui estudo de caso, tendo como instrumento de coleta de dados a análise documental e entrevista semiestruturada. Para o levantamento dos dados foram ouvidos 07(sete) professores e 03(três) alunos do Curso Técnico em Recursos Pesqueiros, do IFPA – Campus Cametá. A organização e análise dos dados estarão organizados em quatro seções: 1. Alternância Pedagógica: Relação entre formação Técnica e a prática social dos Ribeirinhos. 2. Alternância Pedagógica e a organização pedagógica do curso técnico em Recursos Pesqueiros. 3. Alternância Pedagógica e as Políticas implementadas no âmbito do IFPA. A estrutura desta pesquisa encontra-se organizada em quatro capítulos: O primeiro capítulo apresentamos o levantamento das produções científicas de dissertações e teses a respeito da Alternância Pedagógica em cursos Técnicos. O segundo capítulo procura fazer uma discussão a respeito do protagonismo dos trabalhadores ribeirinhos, partindo da análise sobre os principais fundamentos da Educação no campo. No terceiro capítulo destacamos a organização pedagógica em alternância no Instituto Federal do Pará e como é construído e no quarto capítulo destacamos a Alternância Pedagógica e os desafios enfrentados na formação técnica em Recursos Pesqueiros, a partir do olhar dos sujeitos envolvidos na construção do conhecimento. Os resultados nos levaram a inferir que a Alternância na Formação Técnica vem sendo construída de forma gradual no Campus Cametá, sendo uma forte oposição e luta contra uma educação hegemônica, valorizando os saberes a partir das experiências vivenciadas pelos coletivos dos sujeitos. Reafirmando a defesa da educação como direito e um bem público social, contribuindo com as transformações das condições de vida das comunidades campesinas, que apesar dos desafios apresentados, apontam para uma formação em Alternância Pedagógica com vistas na formação humana e política do educando.

  • RACE FRONTIERS: Representations of Race in Angola in the Context of Anti-Colonial Struggles

  • Data: Jun 22, 2023
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  • Based on the social and historical context, this work seeks to analyze and understand guiding questions involving the racial issue in Angola, aiming to lay bare the historically established relationships that lead to the constitution of social categories based on the race of mestizos and assimilated from their relationship with colonialism. A striking feature of this country, the assimilation policy, implemented especially during the Salazar dictatorship and the implementation of what became known as the Portuguese “Mística Imperial”.  Basis of inspirational colonialism luso-tropicalista. For this, authors relevant to the discussion on race and its meanings from a historical point of view are mobilized, among them  Achille Mbembe (2013), Kabengele Munanga (1986), Lilia Moritz Schwarcz (1993) e Kwame Anthony Appiah (1997),  that discuss the racial issue as a historical product of social and political relations and that is historically transformed. The sources used to outline the process of building a perspective of cultural assimilation in the Portuguese colonies, especially in Angola, will be the discourses produced in the context of colonial propaganda, together with the legislation concerning the indigenous and assimilated people of Angola, aiming to create a panorama of this discourse in general, as well as establishing the resulting historical context that will serve as a background for the discussion on the racial contours of the anticolonial struggle in the 1950s and 1960s. The Angolan anti-colonial literature is too rich in perspectives and approaches to understand the anti-colonial struggle itself, due to the frequent involvement of its authors and authors with the political movements that were created, mainly from the 1950s onwards, with the independence struggles. Thus, some authors are selected to discuss the question of mestizos and assimilados in Angola; they are Pepetela (2013) and Uanhenga Xitu (2019), which constitute relevant reports for the understanding of these categories in Angola. These sources are crossed and dialogued with official documents, speeches and historical facts in the context of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), aiming to understand the contribution and influence of the racial debate in the anti-colonial struggle and how relationships based on their belonging are shaped. racial


  • Data: Jun 19, 2023
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  • This research deals with the need for a look at the health of basic education teachers. It takes teachers of basic education in the municipality of Cametá as the subject of the research. The research outlines itself by highlighting points and characteristics of the teaching profession, highlighting possible interferences and requirements that can lead to a health problem. It has the general objective: to investigate the problem related to the illness of teachers in the municipality of Cametá, considering the aspects that are specific to this profession. And the specific objectives: awakening a look at the need to reflect on the problem related to teachers' illness; identify the main complaints that may associate the development of their work with some health complaint; to assess how teachers attribute their physical and emotional well-being to the success of their work. The problem of this research is to answer if the basic education teachers of the municipal network of Cametá complain about any health problem associated with the development of their work? The theoretical framework presents the main research on the theme of teachers' health, using authors such as: (Nóvoa, 2019), (Trivinos, 2007), (Libâneo, 2001), (Saviani, 2011), (Oliveira and Junior, 2020 ), (Paludo, 2020), (Kosic, 2002), (Codo, 1999), (Bauman, 2001), (Gadotti, 2007), (Sousa Junior, 2010), etc. and highlights the eligible items as preponderant for investigations about the health of teachers, which are: the teaching identity, the vulnerabilities imposed by the pandemic, the teaching work in the face of the demands of capitalism, the demands imposed by the knowledge society and the research related to the health of teachers and what they indicate. The discussion and the result of the research are centered on items related to teacher illness: an analysis based on basic education teachers in the municipality of Cametá, which point to the discussion of two more items, one referring to the intensification of teaching work and the other working conditions, a determining factor. And finally, the final considerations. It highlights that this research is just a halfway point on the health of basic education professionals in the municipality of Cametá. There is still much to be researched and evidenced on the subject. The research informants do not indicate even 1% of all teachers in the municipality, they serve only as an indicator.

  • UNIVERSITY AND WORK: reflections on the training process of technical-administrative employees in education on UFPA campuses.


  • Data: Jun 5, 2023
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  • This research investigates the relations between the University and employment, verifying their contributions in the administrative technician in education servers (ATES) formative process who egressed themselves from stricto sensu postgraduate courses (master's and doctorate), considering their professional performances at the Altamira, Bragança, and Castanhal campi of UFPA, where they work. It is a qualitative research of the case study type. It is an exploratory study conducted in the current national legislation and official documents of the aforementioned institution. Data were collected through an online questionnaire using the Google Forms tool. The analysis method was based on Karl Marx's dialectical historical materialism, making use of the contradiction category. The results point that the level of stricto sensu qualification of technical-administrative servers belonged to UFPA in the last five years has significantly increased, increasing from 59 in 2018 to 107 in 2022. Altamira, which had six master's ATES, now it has 19 master's degree holders and one doctorate among its staff. Bragança has increased from eight masters and two doctors to ten masters and four doctors. Castanhal, with 11 masters and three doctors, it has doubled its number of doctorate holders and now has six. The research pointed that the University, through its postgraduate programs and qualification incentives, contributes to the professional development of ATES beyond the technical aspects of a position and it assumes a scientific, social, and political role that contributes to the development of the Amazon region, enhancing the qualifications of its technical-administrative servers and providing opportunities for access to postgraduate courses, which positively reflects on their professional performance within the university.

  • Our love and our art, Queen to praise you”: Auto da 
    Padroeira as a learning space in the Municipality 
    of Abaetetuba/PA
  • Data: Mar 31, 2023
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  • The research aims to understand the Auto da Padroeira - a procession that occurs annually in the municipality of Abaetetuba/PA - as a space of learning. The choice of this theme is intended to record the experiences of social subjects who collaborate andhave collaborated in the organization of the procession, and to emphasize how the Auto da Padroeira contributes to the valorization of the municipality's cultural heritage,as well as to highlight how the culturalartistic-religious manifestation is a political space of power, resistance, sociability, and learning. The research seeks to understand how the various spaces of the procession contribute to the exchange of experiences among participants, having as central categories of analysis cultural hybridity, celebration, memory, and identity. From a methodological point of view, the research is based on the bibliographical analysis of authors such as Loureiro (2020), Canclini (2013), Tavares (2013), Quijano (2002), among others, who discuss concepts of hybridity, religiosity, power relations, and celebration as a political space and a space of learning. In the field research, interviews and observations were carried out to understand how the procession was created, its objectives, and its importance in the sociocultural and religious scenario of the municipality, as well as memorials of local writers such as Machado (2008), Quaresma (2005), and Lobato (2015). The considerations point out that the Auto da Padroeira is a procession that was born as atribute and gratitude from the artists of the municipality to Nossa Senhora da Conceição and has peculiar characteristics that distinguish it from other religious events and processions, thanks to its hybrid cultural aspects, as it intertwines values, worldviews, symbols, and resistances linked to the history of Abaetetuba.


  • Data: Jan 27, 2023
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  • O deslocamento espacial de estudantes moradores da zona rural para a zona urbana, a partir de suas necessidades de estudo, pode produzir efeitos sobre seu aprendizado e de sua identidade. É importante destacar que ainda não existem investigações científicas suficientes quanto aos efeitos do deslocamento espacial de estudantes, mais precisamente daqueles que residem nas localidades rurais. Por isso, buscamos investigar se o deslocamento espacial de cinco estudantes moradores da zona rural para a zona urbana do município de Breves (PA), a partir da necessidade de continuarem seus estudos no nível médio, produz efeito(s) sobre suas percepções de educação e cultura. Para isso, buscamos caracterizar os espaços de origem e de destino dos estudantes em relação ao contexto escolar e analisar as falas construídos pelos alunos que se deslocam, buscando identificar como eles caracterizam seus vínculos socioespaciais. Com base na teoria fundamentada, desenvolvemos um estudo exploratório com método indutivo, utilizando como principal instrumental um questionário para entrevista semiestruturada, tendo como participantes cinco estudantes de três localidades da zona rural de Breves (Nossa Senhora da Luz, São Rafael e Santo Amaro). A busca pela conclusão do nível médio no centro urbano de Breves revelou que as famílias dos participantes também procuraram deslocar seus filhos para a cidade, matriculando numa unidade educacional com mais recursos, aspecto verificado na maioria dos depoimentos, mas mantendo vínculos com suas comunidades rurais de origem.


  • Data: Dec 31, 2022
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  • A pesquisa analisa as implicações do Ensino Remoto Emergencial (ERE) no contexto formativo de Assistentes Sociais pela Universidade Federal do Pará – Campus Universitário do Marajó – Breves (CUMB), em tempo de distanciamento social, na conjuntura da Pandemia do Novo Coronavírus. Adotou-se como referencial teórico – metodológico o Materialismo Histórico e Dialético (MHD), uma vez que permite analisar as contradições históricas existentes no sistema capitalista através da luta de classes entre burguesia e o proletariado que influenciam diretamente nas relações objetivas e subjetivas cotidianas dos sujeitos, permitindo desmistificar as compreensões ideológicas e hegemônicas inerentes ao status quo vigente. Como referenciais teóricos dialoga-se com Marx (1969; 1979; 1985; 2008), Meszáros (2008), e Antunes (2003). As técnicas de coletas utilizadas foram a aplicação de questionário com alunos, entrevistas semiestruturada com docentes e gestores e análise documental. Nesse sentido, analisamos as implicações ocasionadas pelas desigualdades sociais historicamente construídas na perspectiva da Amazônia Legal no que competem ao acesso e a permanência às tecnologias digitais e consequentemente evidenciando a proposta metodológica do Ensino Remoto Emergencial (ERE) como alternativa para a continuidade das atividades acadêmicas em tempos de pandemia do novo Coronavírus de acordo com os seus limites e possibilidades no Arquipélago do Marajó das Florestas. E, constatamos que 90% dos alunos entrevistados não receberam nenhum auxílio da Política de Assistência Estudantil e os que conseguiram ser contemplados, informaram que não foram suficientes para atender as suas necessidades tecnológicas, sendo que, a péssima qualidade da internet tanto por rede Wi-fi quanto pelos pacotes de dados móveis também não responderam as demandas exigidas, bem como, a ausência de estruturas intermediadoras adequadas, tais como: computadores, notebooks, mesa, cadeira, dentre outras, que pudessem propiciar qualidade no ensino aprendizagem dos alunos a partir da adoção do ERE, devido as suas condições socioeconômicas e que essas ausências de aparatos tecnológicos implicaram diretamente no processo formativo dos Assistentes Sociais no Marajó das Florestas. Ademais, os desafios enfrentados pelos professores da Faculdade de Serviço Social em ter que num curto espaço de tempo  para formação/qualificação sobre novas ferramentas tecnológicas, tentando conciliar suas atividades docentes e suas atividades domésticas em virtude da adaptação das suas residências em sala de aulas virtuais, extrapolando na maioria das vezes, suas cargas horárias de trabalho, causando adoecimento. Por fim, evidenciou-se as limitações, fragilidades e possibilidades na formação de Assistentes sociais, contexto pandêmico. 


  • Identidad; Cultura; Trabajo; Mujeres ribereñas.

  • Data: Dec 30, 2022
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  • Es necesario señalar la construcción de la identidad de las mujeres, especialmente en relación con el aspecto del trabajo. Cuando nos referimos a las mujeres ribereñas, esta necesidad es aún más pronunciada. Esta investigación analiza si las mujeres trabajadoras ribereñas que viven en el distrito de Curuçambaba, Cametá (PA) construyen su identidad a partir de los conocimientos derivados de su trabajo, sus experiencias y su cultura. Buscamos investigar si las prácticas laborales de estas mujeres influyen en la formación de sus identidades. Se buscó una base teórica que fuera más allá de la formación de identidad con aspectos hegemónicos, considerando a los autores Hall (2006) y Castells (2018). En un contexto cultural, los trabajos de Bauman (2012) son considerados, entre otros, los conceptos sobre la obra temática de los autores Antunes (2005; 2009); Zanelli, Andrade y Bastos (2004). Para lograr los objetivos, los caminos de investigación tuvieron su metodología basada en la teoría fundamentada (GT) considerando los estudios de Charmaz (2009) y Prigol y Behrens (2019). Se realizaron entrevistas a seis trabajadoras ribereñas, estas entrevistas fueron transcritas y analizadas con el fin de identificar una construcción de identidad asociada a los aspectos de trabajo y cultura. Se pudo identificar que la construcción de estas identidades es paulatina, presentan varias identidades que se revelan en diferentes circunstancias en los diferentes roles que desempeñan. Presentan elementos constitutivos fundamentales en esta construcción identitaria, por ejemplo, la identidad y el cuerpo; identidad y producción; identidad y adaptabilidad; identidad y política e identidad y conocimiento. La investigación reveló que las actividades domésticas y profesionales realizadas por estas mujeres son un factor crucial para la construcción de la identidad de las mujeres que trabajan en la ribera de Curuçambaba desde perspectivas relacionadas con el cuerpo, la producción, la capacidad de adaptación, una posición política y el conocimiento.


  • Data: Dec 27, 2022
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  • This master's thesis analyzes the financing policy for riverside school transport in the municipality of Cametá/PA, based on the value/student as an indicator to calculate the resources allocated to the school transport policy. The theoretical assumptions for the analyzes were based on authors such as Pergher (2014), Cara (2014), Bremaeker (2011), Pinto (2018), Sena (2014), Carreira and Pinto (2007), Monlevade (1997), Menezes (2008), Gouveia and Souza (2015), Caldart (2004), Carmo and Prazeres (2012), Arroyo (1999) among others, in addition to the legal bases for school transportation. The research brings an overview of municipal education, in addition to presenting data on school transport, such as: the financial resources received by the municipality, the number and origin of vehicles providing the service, as well as the number of students using school transport. Methodologically, it is a case study, based on the qualitative approach, carried out in three phases: bibliographic survey, field research and data analysis. During the research, semi-structured interviews, observation and document analysis were used as data collection instruments. As a result, we can highlight that of the total number of vehicles that provide school transport services to the municipality of Cametá/PA, 98% operate from outsourced fleet contracts, that is, the lack of own vehicles makes the city hall maintain these hiring to provide services in riverside communities. The research identified a significant cut in the amount of school transport with the justification of lack of resources to maintain it, inadequate boats, overcrowding of students, discomfort, insecurity, in addition to many students not having access to transport, even if they need it. Therefore, it is a policy that requires reorganization and expansion of resources, to guarantee access to school transport for all students who need to attend school, enabling quality, respect, guarantees of rights and improvements in the vessels that lead to the schools for students from the riverside communities of Cametá.


  • Data: Dec 27, 2022
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  • This work addresses political-identity knowledge constructed during the formation process of the Association of Women Workers in Aquaculture and Agriculture on the Island of Saracá (AMAIS), Limoeiro do Ajuru (PA). This research aimed to analyze the political-identity knowledge of women fishermen and farmers in the development of their work and organizational activities, based on AMAIS. Historical-Dialetic Materialism is taken as a methodological guide, with a qualitative approach, using semi-structured interviews, following content analysis to understand the informants' narratives, based on their work experiences. As a theoretical basis, the works of Marx (2013), Marx and Engels (2007), Rodrigues (2012), Martins (2017), Barra (2019), Furtado, (2017), Raffestin (1993), Pereira (2014), Lerner (2019), Davis (2016), Toledo (2008), among others. The problem of the investigation was constituted in the experiences of a fisherman, in academic experiences, in dialogues with the community and in social struggles. To this end, the research initially revealed that, before AMAIS even existed, the women who formed it already had knowledge related to their experiences and work practices. However, in carrying out their roles as workers, developed through the association, these women constructed political-identity knowledge that gave new meaning to their struggles in their community. This knowledge was identified as political-identity knowledge of autonomy, as it concerns the women's own decision-making power in their work without interference or external coercion from third parties, which demonstrated a principle of freedom and independence. Political-identity knowledge of class consciousness that presents itself as a collective consciousness and organization of minority groups in favor of a class. The political-identity knowledge of knowledge of the cause which is related to the knowledge acquired through experiences and observation lived in everyday life and which led them to have a good theoretical basis about their rights as fisherwomen. It was also identified in the research that women have always played an important role in defending the environment, a fact also confirmed in manifestos and demands in favor of the Amazon, prepared by AMAIS fisherwomen. Finally, it was found that, even in the midst of AMAIS's inactivity, the knowledge that was built during its affirmation processes still remains alive, helping it with social causes in the region.


  • Data: Dec 20, 2022
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  • This Master thesis entitled: “ Apart from a formal scholar: A school in/of Afro-Brazilian traditional community (Quilombo) Igarapé Preto/Oeiras do Pará” has been focus in dialogue about creation of E.M.E.F. Zumbi dos Palmares school, inside Igarapé Preto quilombo community, in the city Oeiras do Pará - PA from Brazil, fights has considered, the impact of a formal scholar, signalized, that way, the paths have treated down to follow for a curriculum that has enriched the culture and memory from African and Afro-brazilian people. How social and education activist searcher. In the specific goals has approached to analyze/interpret the narratives from and about formal scholar sense in the Igarapé Preto/ Oeiras do Pará quilombo, for to problematize how education practices and different knowledge their intercross the public policy from Brazil, to comprehend sense of school and to be black teacher in/for Igarapé Preto/Oeiras do Pará quilombo. Therefore, we have analyzed keeping Afro-Brazilian tradition in the relationships of tradition knowledge in/for quilombo inside scholar and no scholar. Theoretical affiliates the Social History and The Critical Pedagogy; I achieve to search bibliographical in academic digital platforms and scientific journals. The building of corpus of analysis, actualizing the practice of Oral History and Ethnography, those in pandemic times, which drove us to achieve interviews with new digital technologies support and/or record with all security according guidelines from health agencies. Methodologically I used interviews through dialogue, time in which each storyteller answered about his/her education practices and was using orality from individual and collective memories. Theoretical support used in research, authors like: Domingues (2004), Hall (2003), Pinto (2004), Comaroff, J & Comaroff (2010), Freire (1983). The institutional scholar space, our study locus, the E.M.E.F. Zumbi dos Palmares, It has brought historicity, focus, fights and resistances have featured for memories and culture practice of African and Afro-Brazilian people. This way, it has interpreted the senses of formal scholar in the Igarapé Preto/Oeiras do Pará quilombo. The purpose of this research is to achieve another historical and political look, which means, we accepted the challenge of understanding to work the remembered memories. How results, we has found a daily culture rooted in knowledge and traditions perpetuate in quilombo territory, in put the education spaces has ruled Estate is having others traditional education spaces that approached apart from formal curriculum institutionalized in common with National Curriculum Guidelines for Education of Ethnic Race Relationship and for Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture Learning with real sociocultural of local subjects aim at to reinforce senses of identity belongings, remean the quilombo culture universe in and out of entrance which social spaces have featured in educational (social) territory producer multiple pedagogies. Therefore, articulation between local culture and educational processes have developed for committed educators with ancestrality has been using pedagogical practices like strategies of resistances to legitimation of their customs and ways of life in present time.


  • Data: Dec 8, 2022
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  • Este estudio analiza la participación de los Consejos Escolares de las Escuelas Estaduales bajo la jurisdicción de la 2ª Unidad Regional de Educación - 2ª URE de Pará en la gestión del Programa Dinero Directo a la Escuela - PDDE, del Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo de la Educación - FNDE. Para alcanzar este propósito, problematizamos la participación de los Consejos Escolares - CE, ahora caracterizados como Unidades Ejecutoras - UEX, en el seguimiento financiero de los recursos de este programa, en el contexto de la gestión gerencial. Metodológicamente la investigación es de base cualitativa, desarrollada a través del estudio de múltiples casos, considerando que cada ayuntamiento es un caso único, adoptando como técnicas la revisión bibliográfica y el análisis documental y el tratamiento de datos sobre los procesos de PDDE, a través de consultas públicas en el Sistema de Rendición de Cuentas de la Gestión (SiGPC). Entre los documentos analizados se encuentran Ordenanzas del MEC, Medidas Provisionales - MP, Resoluciones de la CD/FNDE, Informes de Registro, Rendición de Cuentas, Informes PDDEInfo, Estudio de Situación del PDDE, Estatutos. En el análisis de datos se consultaron autores como Cardoso (2009), Delgado (2015), Gomes (2015), Luiz & Barcelli (2021), Machado (2017), Sudbrac (2022), Reis (2019), Yanaguita (2013), Peroni (2009), entre otros. Los resultados de esta investigación indican que a partir de las reformas administrativas del Estado brasileño, en la década de 1990, la gestión de las políticas educativas ganó contornos empresariales, con un aparente contenido democrático, influyendo fuertemente en la gestión de las escuelas públicas. En el campo de las políticas de financiación de la educación básica, el FNDE, cumpliendo funciones normativas, redistributivas y complementarias, promovió la apertura para nuevas formas de gestión y la introducción de la autonomía de gestión en las escuelas, a través de sus acciones y programas, reorientando la función de los consejos escolares, que pasaron a ser caracterizados como Unidades Ejecutoras de Autogestión - UEx. Los resultados indican que los Consejos Escolares de las escuelas bajo la jurisdicción de la 2 ª URE actuar, principalmente, en la ejecución y gestión de acciones y programas de mantenimiento y desarrollo de la educación, la FNDE, con una participación limitada como un órgano de democratización en la escuela. Se constató, a partir del estudio, que de las 14 escuelas que componen la muestra de datos, actualmente, 12 están con sus consejos activos en la Receita Federal de Brasil - RFB y 02 están en proceso de constitución del Registro Nacional de Personas Jurídicas. De estas escuelas, 06 tienen consejos actualizados y regularizados; 06 están regularizando sus Unidades Ejecutoras - UEx; 01 en mora y; 01 con registro vencido. Por lo tanto, en la situación actual, sólo 06 Uex están con sus situaciones regularizadas y en funcionamiento efectivo. La investigación también reveló que, entre las escuelas que componen la muestra de datos de la investigación, la EEEM Professora Osvaldina Muniz recibió el mayor monto de fondos del PDDE (R$ 537.441,32) en la serie histórica estudiada, y la escuela que recibió el menor monto fue la EEEM Magalhães Barata (R$ 23.740,00). Estas cantidades, sin embargo, no constituyen criterios comparativos, ya que la periodicidad y los programas descentralizados entre una escuela y otra son diferentes, así como el número de matrículas. Concluimos, a partir del estudio, que aunque los consejos escolares, caracterizados como unidades ejecutivas son importantes para la gestión financiera de las escuelas estas necesitan actuar para fortalecer la gestión democrática de estas instituciones.

  • O SISPAE E A QUALIDADE DO ENSINO: diagnóstico das escolas públicas de Ensino
    Médio no município de Breves-PA a partir da análise de indicadores educacionais (2011 a



  • Data: Nov 30, 2022
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  • This dissertation aims to elaborate about the educational quality obtained by large-scale
    assessments, specifically the System of Educational Assessment of Pará - SisPAE, from its
    implementation. This public policy was implemented by the Program for Quality Improvement
    and Expansion of Basic Education Coverage in the State of Pará, through actions developed by
    the Pacto pela Educação do Pará movement, which uses SisPAE as an instrument for
    regulating and controlling the quality of basic education in Pará. In this way, the research
    intends to analyze the diagnosis of high school quality in the state network of the municipality
    of Breves-Marajó, from SisPAE, in the period from 2011 to 2020. Thus, we seek to: a) know
    the elements that are being considered in the public policies to promote educational quality in
    Brazil considering the reorganization of the educational system after the 1990s; b) understand
    the process of implantation of SisPAE in the State of Pará and the relations with the politics of
    neoliberal character of global context; and c) identify, in the time frame of ten years (2011-
    2020), whether the implementation of SisPAE obtained the intended results for public schools
    in the Breves region, given its highlighted relevance in the goals established in the plans defined
    for education and the strong influence of multilateral organizations. As a methodological
    procedure, documental research was adopted in different sources on economic, social and
    educational indicators, reports, contracts, regulations available on websites, official organs of
    the State and International Organizations. It was used as a method, the analysis of content in
    the data collected through the qualitative approach. After the analyses, it was verified the
    limitation of the Pará evaluation system in relation to the educational quality in the analyzed
    period. It is observed that this policy, based on standardized tests, converges with the guidelines
    of international organizations, by using managerial instruments to promote educational quality.
    By legitimizing the indicator as a thermometer of educational quality, which is the use of
    student performance, they reveal a reductionist character of education, as it excludes important
    intra and extra-school factors. However, even the analysis pointing out the inefficiency of
    public education in the municipality, due to the low results of SisPAE, the way in which the
    market uses to consolidate the hegemonic thinking about public education, the flow indicators,
    access and socioeconomic conditions, reveal that the region's social inequality is the most
    relevant variable in the negative results in large-scale evaluation, and not simply the school,
    teacher and student.


    Keywords: Quality of education, large-scale assessments, managerialism, influences from international organizations.

  • EDUCATIONAL TERRITORY OF THE WATERS: The knowledge made possible in the curriculum of the
    riverside schools in the Marajó Archipelago, Pará

  • Data: Nov 30, 2022
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  • This work analyzes the Educational Territory of the waters by weaving a study about the cultural knowledge and the curriculum of the riverside multigrade schools in the Marajó/Pará Archipelago. It seeks to problematize the curriculum and cultural knowledge as elements of constitution of subjects in the municipality of Ponta de Pedras, Marajó-PA. Therefore, we tried to understand these relationships from the axes of analysis riverside education, cultural knowledge and curriculum. Studies on curriculum and its relationship with the cultural reality of students living in the municipality, with the purpose of giving visibility to local knowledge that constitute the cultural identities of the riverside Ponta-Pedrenses. From a methodological point of view, the analyzes of the research in question, epistemologically, are supported by the
    referential of dialectical historical materialism (MARX, 2008) In this context, the categories totality, contradiction and mediation are configured here as fundamental for the understanding of how the social-historical relations structure the materiality of cultural knowledge that characterize the riverside subjects of Ponta de Pedras, in addition to glimpsing how the school curriculum influences the constitution of the marajoara subject. To discuss the curriculum design, we rely on the ideas of Moreira and Candau (2004, 2008), Moreira (2002, 2009, 2012); Sacristán (1995, 2012, 2013), Apple (2006), Santomé (1995, 2013), Arroyo (2011, 2012) and Silva (1995); Through the riverside schools category, we used the concepts of Dias (2009), Lima (2011), Oliveira (2001, 2003, 2008, 2011, 2015), Carmo (2016), Pires (2016), Hage
    (2005, 2010, 2012 , 2015), Caetano (2013), Costa (2021); finally, to guide the category of cultural knowledge, we focus on the studies of Rodrigues (2012), Basílio (2006) and Marín (2007), among others who develop studies linked to the study area of this resear. Therefore, this dissertation took place in Ponta-Pedrense territory and had a look at the curricular contents established as a selection and organization process, in order to question and analyze the current curricular proposals and verify if/how the subjects of the riverside schools (teachers and students) are addressing such knowledge in the curriculum, in order to contribute to the recognition and strengthening of Marajoara identities. Thus, it was found that a traditional view of curriculum still persists, within a conservative cultural perspective. It fixes knowledge as fact, as information. This is notable in the curricular constructions made available by the Municipal Department of Education for the riverside school, with little or no alteration, discussion and transformation. Finally, we enter into the speech of riverside teachers who experience their practices of knowledge in this educational territory, in order to provoke us to give visibility to their singularities and struggles. For that, the analysis of the curricular documents worked in the riverside schools, the speech of the subjects of the researched community and of the teachers who work with this curriculum were worked, in order to understand about how this educational territory of the waters has given insertion and visibility of knowledge. places produced in the cultural contexts of the students. 

  • O “NOVO” ENSINO MÉDIO E OS (IM)POSSÍVEIS IMPACTOS NO ENSINO DE FILOSOFIA NAS ESCOLAS ESTADUAIS DA CIDADE DE BREVES-MARAJÓ- PARÁ: Uma análise da Lei 13.415/2017 e do DCEPA em interface com a perspectiva docente de nível médio.

  • Data: Nov 30, 2022
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  • The text presented here is the result of a Master's research in Education and Culture,
    in the line of Policies and Society, under the title “The 'new' secondary education and
    the (im)possible impacts on the teaching of Philosophy in state schools in the city of
    Breves-Marajó-Pará: An analysis of Law 13.415/2017 and the DCEPA in
    interconnection with the secondary-level teaching perspective”. The objective of this
    research is to understand the possible impacts that will occur in the teaching of
    Philosophy in state public schools in the municipality of Breves-Marajó-Pará based on
    what the Secondary Education Reform Law and its derivatives provide, in particular,
    the Curricular Document of the State of Pará – High School Stage. Methodologically,
    we worked with a documentary and field research with a qualitative approach, having
    as a corpus of analysis the Legislation related to secondary education at the national

    and state levels of Pará, as well as the oral narratives of teachers from a semi-
    structured interview. For a better interpretation of our corpus of analysis and scope of

    our objectives, we used in our text the theoretical framework of Discourse Analysis
    (DA), from the French line, in dialogue with Historical-Critical Pedagogy. As a result of
    the research, we identified possible negative impacts on the teaching of Philosophy,
    namely: the prospect of a non-comprehensive training of students, due to a structural
    alignment of the DCEPA with the documents that deal with the new high school
    nationwide; Subject formation through a more pragmatic and utilitarian education, not
    fertile ground for philosophy; Reduction of the workload of the discipline/field of
    knowledge in education in Pará; And, finally, impact on the contents to be taught and,
    consequently, on the teaching subjectivity.

  • Data: Nov 30, 2022
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  • Esta pesquisa aborda o tema “Narrativas de Mulheres Surdas e Processos Educativos”, com o objetivo de tecer narrativas de mulheres surdas paraenses em seus processos educativos em meio às suas existências e resistências em uma sociedade patriarcal e ouvintista, visa também correlacionar o conceito foucaultiano “Escritas de si” às narrativas de vida de 5 (cinco) mulheres surdas paraenses em seus processos educativos da produção de si e com o outro. Nesse sentido, propõe-se acionar mecanismos coletivos de poder e resistência de mulheres surdas, a fim de narrar-se e reinventar-se como seres políticos na sociedade. As questões da pesquisa indagam sobre: como a mulher surda paraense se narra e tem buscado reinventar-se em meio à sociedade patriarcal e ouvintista em que vive? Como se constitui o seu processo educativo familiar e escolar e a busca por cidadania? De que forma compreende a sua condição de mulher surda na sociedade? Que desafios enfrentou ou enfrenta diante de suas expectativas de participação e emancipação na sociedade? O campo teórico dialoga com Beauvoir (1970), Foucault (2011), Klein (2019), Perlin (2003), Rago (2013), Skliar (2003), entre outros, ensaiando cruzamentos entre os estudos da Diferença em educação, especialmente os Estudos Surdos, os Estudos Foucaultianos e os Estudos Feministas, no intuito de conjeturar alianças e a visibilidade da trajetória de vida dessas mulheres surdas, através de suas narrativas, memórias e vivências que se destacam em suas áreas de atuação social e profissional. A abordagem metodológica da pesquisa é qualitativa e se baseia nas narrativas de vida na perspectiva foucaultiana da “escritas de si” e de Rago (2013) como “passagens de vida” ou “autoinvenção de si”. Os procedimentos de análise correlacionam as narrativas de si dessas mulheres surdas paraenses aos contextos das práticas sociais e educativas por elas vivenciadas, em diálogo com os autores, no intuito de trazerem à visibilidade os seus modos de vida, os desafios cotidianos enfrentados em âmbito familiar, educacional e do trabalho, assim como as resistências travadas ao regime patriarcal e ao ouvintista em nossa sociedade. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam caminhos potentes das narrativas de mulheres surdas ao encontro de uma educação inclusiva conectada aos feminismos surdos e aos debates das questões de gênero na sociedade, e contribuem para o reverberar de suas histórias e resistências, abrindo espaço para olhar a surdez como Diferença na educação (e não como deficiência). O compromisso ético e social desta pesquisa está em proporcionar a visibilidade das narrativas de mulheres surdas na educação enquanto existências coletivas, seja como participantes da pesquisa seja como autoras de suas histórias.


  • Data: Nov 30, 2022
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  • This research conducted a study of the school transportation policy in Limoeiro do Ajuru city, Pará State, wherein the impacts of the outsourcing process of the school transportation policy of the riverine population in Limoeiro do Ajuru city were discussed. Broadly, we sought to analyze the impacts on school transportation that is offered to students from riverine communities in Limoeiro do Ajuru after the effectiveness of this service by municipal management. We tried to understand the materiality of this policy, from the historical and dialectical materialism using the analytical categories, namely: totality, mediation and contradiction. The field research was also necessary as a methodological approach, whereby, the data collection, documents, and semi-structured interviews were used as instruments. The theoretical discussions of the research rest on theorists such as Pergher (2014), Ribeiro and Jesus (2015), Silva and Pereira (2016), Carmo et al (2020), Carmo (2016), Martins (2010), Cunha (2019), Santos (2017), Lacombe (2018), Queiroz (1998), Haddad (2008), Melgarejo and Shiroma (2019), Souza (2015), Junior (2018), among others. The complexity in the providing school transportation to students from riverine communities located in the Amazonian context, as is the case of the majority of the student population of Limoeiro do Ajuru along with the low federal investment in this policy can contribute to its weakening and/or non-existence and, consequently, impact negatively on the access and permanence of these students in school. In addition to this, we conclude that the outsourcing strategy of the school transportation of the riverine communities adopted in Limoeiro do Ajuru from 2016 has been the decisive factor for the precariousness of this public policy in that city. This precariousness has been reflected especially in the structural conditions of the vessels used in the scholar transportation that, generally, are totally out of the standards required by law. Moreover, the low salaries paid to the boatmen, the long routes they travel and the fact that they have to pay for the fuel have led them to use small vessels without any safety equipment like life jackets, which in turn leads to overcrowding of the vessels and, consequently, puts at risk the lives of thousands of children and teenagers served daily by the scholar transportation in the city. Another impact of outsourcing identified during this research is in the existing relationships between the outsourcing companies and the boatmen. Since the boatmen do not have their own fleet, the companies then hire these professionals along with their vessels. In addition to the low salaries they earn, these individuals are not protected by any labor rights such as vacation, 13th month pay, weekly paid break, employee’s dismissal fund, among others. Thus, through the implementation of the school transportation in Limoeiro do Ajuru, it is evident that the public-private partnership materialized by outsourcing completely disregards the qualitative aspects as for the sake of profit.


  • Data: Nov 30, 2022
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  • We are in a time of globalization, in which, more and more, workers are exploited by large corporations, which, aiming to increase their profits from the new organization of work and the globalization of the market, cause political, economic, social and economic consequences. educational. This whole range of consequences affected teachers through educational reforms that implemented concepts of productivity, effectiveness, excellence and efficiency based on new administrative theories applied to the pedagogical field, such demands are imposed on teachers in a context of scrapped schools and with little material resources. and personal, leading the teacher to suffering and biopsychosocial illness through such a scenario. In this sense, our study aims to address this context of precarious work in order to understand the illness of teachers. We settled, therefore, on the following theme: The precariousness of work in education and possible consequences on the illness of teachers. The general objective of the research is to analyze the precariousness of work as a condition that triggers the psychosomatic illness of teachers, and this symptom as a language of protest resulting from the actions of our unconscious in the daily lives of teachers in the public education network. More specifically, we aimed to: a) verify the relationships between precarious work and suffering/biopsychosocial illness in the teaching population; b) interpret how destructuring work conditions trigger psychosomatic symptoms in teachers; c) analyze which individual and collective damages psychosomatic symptoms cause. We used the following methodology – bibliographic research; explanatory; qualitative; sampling of the researched group and with content analysis – under the reference of the historical dialectical materialism approach. An interview script was used to collect data on the researched phenomenon, which was given to the professors so that they could express their subjective opinions about the context to which they are submitted in the labor process. The results of our research indicate that a) there is a direct relationship between the precariousness of work and the illness of professors, and, among some of the feelings/symptoms most present in this public, there is chronic dissatisfaction, hopelessness in changing reality, the appearance of defense strategies for self-conviction and acceptance of working conditions and suffering normality; b) that the destructuring conditions of work organization in public education lead teachers to illness as an effect of the incongruity between precarious structure and demand for efficiency in their productivity; c) that teachers, in addition to psychosomatic illness, deal with social, economic and affective losses, with the difficulty of organizing the category to face the exploitation experienced, with systematic absences from their jobs due to emotional suffering with consequences in psychosomatic illnesses; d) we also reached, as a result, the understanding that there is a whole process of molding the behavior of servitude in workers in general, as well as in teachers, through submission to the ideology of the ruling class based on the globalized economy - alienation based on a tradition which leads the worker to have a meek and conformist posture in the face of the injustices experienced at work, in addition to identifying strategies that the municipal management uses, such as extending the negotiation time, and thus weakening the teachers' claims, putting the population in a position of dissatisfaction with the teaching class. Our research reached our objectives and confirmed our hypotheses that the precariousness of work has a direct effect on the health-disease dynamics of teachers who live in a context of public education of scrapping, which, in our understanding, reflects the view of education as a market to be explored, whose most immediate effect is the privatization of this area.

  • Data: Nov 29, 2022
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  • This study investigated the closure of rural schools in the municipality of Cametá-Pa, with the main objective of identifying the causes that have led to the closure of rural schools in the municipality. In the methodological procedures, Case Study and content analysis were used. It was based on qualitative research, as a technique for data collection, a semi-structured interview was used. Its theoretical contribution was Dialectical Historical Materialism, which allows us to understand the occurrence of numerous social phenomena, thus identifying their roots, and how this relates to other processes that occur in society. The results show that discussing Rural Education in particular about the closure of schools is to enhance the struggles of rural people in defense of education. It is in this sense that this study sought to carry out this discussion, emphasizing the struggle of social and union movements, which have been increasingly strengthened, in defense of the permanence of the rural school with quality. The closure of schools in the municipality is an increasingly growing process, in the last ten years 76 schools were closed, which reveals a quite frightening number when analyzing the geographic composition of the municipality of Cametá. We identified the urgency of creating specific policies for Rural Education, as it was observed that even though the municipality has not officially assumed the nucleation of schools, this process has been intense and the only factor that has been taken into account for the realization of this process is the absence of an adequate physical structure. In this context, the counterpart of the social and trade union movements stands out, which have become references in the municipality in the struggle for the demands of its peoples to be met, mainly with regard to their educational process.


  • Data: Nov 28, 2022
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  • The research entitled “The Subjectivity of Deaf Person in Writing Portuguese as Second Language: Constitutions, Education and Deafness”, presents the analysis of texts written by young deaf participants of the Project “Laboratory of Portuguese Language Teaching for the Deaf” that happened through the GEPEES Group. The objective of the project was to provide the deaf the development of the written language in Portuguese because to the great difficulty presented by them when writing. This difficulty was verified from the dialogues established with the deaf community from the other projects, as well evidenced from the first written record requested at the first moment of our meeting. The analysis of written texts provided this investigation that has as main objective: understand the subjectivity of deaf people through the production of senses and meanings that emerge from productions written in Portuguese as a second language, and as specific objectivies: to carry out theoretical reflection about the deaf education, about process of inclusion and on the debates around this theme; Discuss the issue of subjectivity and thus to guide the analysis of this research from the looking of written material, of elaboration process of this product called written production. As methodology, Vygotsky's cultural historical perspective (1983) used which, ally to with the studies of authors who focus on this subject and the assumptions of the ethnographic analysis, supported this research. The project that gave rise to this investigation was elaborated from interactionist approaches and pedagogical strategies, that started from the understanding of the deaf person as holder of cultural specificities, where activities mediated by sign language were developed. Thus, we conclude from the deaf written analysis that it presents the voices of subjectivities constituted in intersubjective relations in the socio, cultural and educational contexts, sometimes affirming the linguistic subjectivity acquired throughout life through sign language, sometimes presenting in the written materiality, the Portuguese Language from the recognition and linguistic relevance that this new language can make possible for him/her to expand the field of learning.


  • Data: Nov 28, 2022
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  • A presente dissertação parte de inquietudes que perpassam o cotidiano de um serviço de psicologia público, onde demandas da vida adolescente nos advertem sobre os não-saberes desta adolescência, que se apresenta demarcada nas tramas e no tecer de narrativas e discursos hegemônicos, atravessados por questões de gênero, de violências simbólicas e estruturais, por demandas socioeconômicos, de saúde e/ou educação, que mais oprimem do que possibilitam a estes adolescentes vivenciarem seus potenciais criativos e inventivos. Todavia, tais demandas, surgidas em princípio como ―problemas‖ ou ―distúrbios‖ de aprendizagem e conduta, tornam-se mote para se falar de relações abusivas e/ou preconceituosas e discriminatórias vivenciadas em angústias e ansiedades, em ideações e/ou em tentativas de suicídio. Vivências re-velada no próprio corpo (pele) adolescente, em autolesões provocadas intencionalmente como mecanismo paradoxal de alívio destas angústias. Neste sentido, os desenhares, como prática psi, objetiva abrir perspectivas outras que promovam uma escuta reflexiva da adolescência, acerca das transformações possíveis a partir de um espaço e de uma prática psi, e de processos educativos neles envolvidos, que se dispõem como registro e acolhimento destas narrativas esclarecedoras/transformadoras tanto deste lugar psi, quanto da própria existência desta adolescência, afetada em sua historicidade pelo avanço tecnológico/midiático, frente às mudanças econômicas, pela precarização e dificuldades de acesso aos serviços públicos com qualidade e equidade e pelas expropriações de seus territórios. A pesquisa produz um mapa aberto, uma pesquisa em fluxo contínuo de construção, que encontra aberturas para ser/existir emergindo dos traços de desenhos das(os) usuárias(os) do serviço de psicologia, nas quais a perspectiva cartográfica, conjugada com os desenhares aqui registrados, trazem, em diferentes momentos e circunstâncias, potencialidades reflexivas para as questões da/nas interconexões entre clínica e educação, educação e cultura, e cultura e clínica em face à adolescência. Uma prática que possibilita a (re)criação de vidas plenas e (re)criativas na atual conjuntura, marcada por desigualdades, silenciamentos e, pelas narrativas perversas que incidem sobre a adolescência brasileira. Portanto, a pesquisa registra através de uma cartografia destas adolescências, a partir das produções de desenhos, a (re)constituição dos processos de construções discursivas/narrativas destes, a possibilidade se compreender como estas se apresentam, como se constituem e, como acontecimentos/fatos cotidianos da adolescência cametaense atravessam estes desenhos-narrativas em suas intensidades existenciais. Com os desenhares busca-se possibilitar agenciamentos para a adolescência cametaense, e promover uma clínica da vida, como espaço de ampliação do potencial criativo e inventivo, na qual seja possível uma adolescência realçada em suas intensidades afetivas, como elemento/instrumento de resistência, amplificadora de espaços de liberdade e como potência de resistência e afirmação da vida. Considera-se deste modo que os desenhares contribuem para a ressignificação da relação adolescente-sociedade, podendo re-estabelecer transversalmente pelo desenho conexões perdidas, distorcidas, ignoradas (silenciadas) pelo ―social‖. Pois esta prática tem permitido aos adolescentes experimentarem percursos novos e a construção de novos sentidos existenciais por vias próprias. Não obstante, considera-se que os desenhares se mostram, no trabalho com adolescentes (com a adolescência), uma aposta potente de produção de sentidos existenciais e linhas de fuga, de desterritorializações, nos adolescentes e em nós mesmos.


  • Data: Nov 23, 2022
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  • In this work, we research on the education of ethnic-racial relations in the curriculum of the Pedagogy Course in the perception of professors from Higher Education Institutions in Brazil. In this sense, this research has the general objective of analyzing the implementation of the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Education of Ethnic-Racial Relations and for the teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture - DCN-ERER (Opinion CNE/CP Nº 01/ 2004), based on research carried out with professors of the Pedagogy Course of Brazil. This is a qualitative bibliographic research, and for the understanding of studies on Education of ethnic-racial relations, we used the following theoretical references: Gomes (2005; 2007), Guimarães (2004), Munanga (2003; 2010), Oliveira (2010; 2015), Pinto (1987; 1992), Santos (2005; 2006), Schuwarcz (1993), Skidmore (1976), Gonçalves (2021); Muniz and Santos (2021). In addition to these, we also used legal documents and articles that are present in the literature in favor of the subject in question, in particular, Law nº 10.639/2003, Law nº 11.645/2008, Law nº 9394/96 (LDB), the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Education of Ethnic-racial Relations and for the Teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture. To understand the studies on Curriculum, we used Silva (2011) Candau and Moreira (2008). About the Pedagogy Course, we used, in turn, the studies of Libâneo (2001). In addition to the bibliographical research, to analyze the implementation of the DCN-ERER in the training curricula of the pedagogy courses, we used a semi-open questionnaire (closed and open questions) as a research technique, prepared using the Google Forms tool, which was sent via e-mail. e-mail to HEIs in Brazil, obtaining the participation of 53 (fifty-three) professors. For the elaboration of the methodology of this research, we turned to Severino (2013, 2016) and Mota (2019). The results indicate that the majority of teachers from the HEIs surveyed recognize the importance of working with the theme, which appears with more evidence in the educational practices of a minority, two decades after the approval of Law nº 10.639/2003, already modified by Law No. 11.645/2008. With this, we believe that there is relevance in confirming the hypothesis that training courses in Pedagogy have applied in their teaching curricula the inclusion of content for the education of ethnic-racial relations. However, inclusion, for the most part, is the result of the pedagogical practice of teachers who declare themselves to be black and of some non-black teachers who are sensitive to the subject.


  • Data: Nov 22, 2022
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  • The research has occurred in the Quilombo's Remnant Community São José da Povoação, in Mutuacá river, in Curralinho's countryside, Pará State. The central question was about the experiences that quilombola students have about their ethnic-racial identities learnt in the community's school. The aim is to understand the quilombola students' perception of their ethnic/racial identities learnt through formal education. The research had as a general objective to analyse the quilombola students' experiences about their ethnic-racial identities in a view of the school education in the community. As specific objectives, sought to understand the experiences of black quilombola students in the school context; to understand how formal education influences the process of understanding and combating racism; to identify what is the understanding of quilombola students who go through school in relation to the construction of their ethno-racial identity; and to question the role of the school installed in the community, highlighting whether it is for the community or just a representative object of State power. Used the qualitative research methodology and as an instrument of data collection the open recorded interview. The research subjects were community residents who have experienced or still experience different levels of formative education in the community school. The academic relevance is justified by the need to analyze and understand the process of identity formation of quilombola communities from the formative process with the performance of formal education. The social justification is contemplated when considering the visibility of the community and the paths which may be taken from the results of this study. The results present great relevance in the sense of understanding the formative role of education as an instrument for social transformation, for the understanding of the phenomenon of racism and for the formation of ethnic-racial identity of students who have the opportunity to experience the educational processes from the reality of a quilombola community in a highly racist and prejudiced Society.


  • Data: Nov 14, 2022
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  • O presente estudo analisa a política de escolha de diretores escolares em duas escolas ribeirinhas
    da rede municipal de ensino do município de Cametá entre os anos de 2017 a 2022. Trata-se de
    estudo de caso em abordagem qualitativa que utilizou como instrumento de coleta de dados
    análise documental, entrevistas semiestruturadas e observação participante. Os sujeitos
    entrevistados foram dois diretores escolares, dois coordenadores pedagógicos e um professor,
    todos do quadro efetivo da rede municipal de ensino de Cametá/PA. Os principais documentos
    analisados foram: a Lei Orgânica do município de Cametá (1996); O Plano de Cargos Carreira
    e Remuneração dos servidores da educação do munícipio de Cametá (PCCR/2012); o Plano
    Municipal de Educação de Cametá (PME/2015); e o Parecer no 3/2021, que dispõe sobre os
    critérios e procedimentos para nomeação/designação de gestores escolares, professores
    responsáveis, vice-diretores, coordenadores pedagógicos e orientações gerais das diretrizes
    educacionais referente ao âmbito da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Cametá. Em relação ao
    referencial teórico, utilizamos os conceitos de gestão escolar e clientelismo. No debate sobre
    gestão escolar, utilizamos os estudos de Libâneo (2001; 2004; 2007), Paro (2007; 2010), Souza
    (2006), e Lück (2006). Para a reflexão sobre conceito de clientelismo, utilizamos os estudos de
    Bahia (2003), Carvalho (1997), Bezerra (1999), Bastos (2017). Os resultados da pesquisa
    demonstram que a legislação municipal apresenta propostas para a realização de eleições para
    diretores escolares, no entanto, ao mesmo tempo, concede respaldo para o governo municipal
    indicar os diretores escolares de sua rede de ensino, desde que esses profissionais preencham
    os requisitos previstos na lei. A indicação política é o modelo de escolha utilizado para
    provimento do cargo de diretor nas duas escolas ribeirinhas pesquisadas. Ademais, os
    vereadores são os atores políticos que indicam os diretores escolares nessas escolas, sendo
    preciso um grande envolvimento do diretor escolar nas campanhas eleitorais dos candidatos
    para que o benefício do cargo lhe seja concedido. Por fim, segundo a percepção dos diretores,
    a forma de acesso ao cargo, a indicação política, influencia a gestão nessas duas escolas,
    limitando a autonomia do diretor.

  • EDUCAÇÃO SUPERIOR EM TEMPOS DE DISTANCIAMENTO SOCIAL: os desafios do trabalho docente na Universidade Federal do Pará - Campus Universitário do Tocantins

  • Data: Oct 6, 2022
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  • This research analyzed the teacher´s work and the implications arising from the adoption of remote teaching, at the Universidade Federal do Pará - Campus Universitário do Tocantins, as well as, identified the conditions of (tele)teaching work in higher education and the implications in teaching practices at the Campus Universitário do Tocantins, besides seeking to understand which strategies were adopted by the teachers to mediate the remote activities. The categories work and teaching work have been discussed by many authors who guide the debate about the theme, where we seek reference in Marx (2017; 2008; 2006), Antunes (2022; 2021; 2020; 2009; 2008)), Frigoto (2010), Vieira Pinto (2005), Braga (2009), Fidalgo (2009), Duarte (2008), Magalhães (2021), Saviani and Galvão (2021), Mancebo (2010; 2020), Maués (2015; 2016; 2021), Bridi (2020); Prazeres (2016), among others. It was sought based on the historical materialism, referenced by the qualitative approach, adopting as data collection technique the document analysis and interview with teachers at the Federal University of Pará/ University Campus of Tocantins/Cametá. The results of the discussions about teacher´s work indicate that the adoption of remote teaching has enabled and conditioned forms of precarity and intensification to the teaching work and this reverberates in the precariousnes and intensification of the working conditions of the professors as a consequence of the overload of working hours. The empirical data indicated that the teachers were not trained to work in remote teaching, and thus had numerous difficulties in accessing and using technologies. Also identified that there was a change in the workplace, which started to take place at the teachers' homes, and that they started to pay all the expenses with their work, resembling the uber work. There was an intensification of the teaching work with activities that already took place in the classroom, but that, with remote teaching, brought other demands. The empirical data pointed out that teachers became ill with the Remote Teaching, both physically and emotionally. It was also made evident that the teachers started to use technologies even more, using WhatsApp groups and digital platforms, as necessary strategies to develop the remote activities.


  • Data: Aug 5, 2022
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  • This study aims to reflect on the history of struggle, resistance and traditional knowledge of women (from the Agroindustry and Extractive Cooperative of Women of the Municipality of Cametá (COOPMUC), in the Lower Tocantins, based on the activities developed by some of these women, aiming to understand, from memory in line with oral reports, the forms of transmission of traditional knowledge, knowledge and practices, which demonstrate to have resisted the constant attempts of "payment". Similarly, it is proposed to know the understanding attributed by these women to health, as well as the educational processes triggered by them, seeking to identify the knowledge and practices who develop about the use of medicinal plants focused on the autonomy of health care, verifying how the process of interaction between scientific knowledge and popular knowledge takes place. Methodologically, the constitution of the research is based on oral narratives, which reflect a set of several voices, seeking to verify how traditional healing practices intervene in local health and act in the care of the body; how they are understood and interpreted within the community, as well as demonstrate other specificities that reflect gender and power relations within society. Therefore, it was necessary to resort to bibliographic survey and studies of works related to the issues related to the theme of health, being mainly the Amazonian context, permeated by the influence of indigenous peoples, blacks and their descendants, who live there. Hence the need for the help of a theoretical framework that help to dialogue about traditional practices, experiences and knowledge in dealing with herbs and medicinal plants in the production of medicines, in the treatment of the health of people in this region, who live far from urban centers. In the same sense, we used studies of authors that address the themes gender, feminism, traditional knowledge, memory, culture, among which stand out: Nobre (2003), Safiotti (2013), Hall (2006), Balman (2012), Barth (2000), Langdon (2010), Chalhoub (2003), Santos (2018), Polak (1992), Pinto (2004), Freire (1987), among others. Thus, the present work is a qualitative investigation, anchored in the oral history approach, which had the use of semi-structured interviews, in addition to the observation of the daily experience of some of the women interviewed. Preliminary data from the research make it clear that existing interpersonal relationships, which outline traits that support social structures, and reveal bonds of solidarity, patriarchy, feminism, gender issues and resistance through the culture provided by traditional healing practices.


  • Data: Jul 8, 2022
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  • Este texto es resultado de una investigación de maestría del Programa de Posgrado en Educación y Cultura - PPGEDUC, de la Universidad Federal de Pará - Campus Universitario de Tocantins/Cametá. El objetivo general fue analizar el Programa de Permanencia en el contexto del Programa Nacional de Atención al Estudiante - PNAES, en vista de las implicaciones en la trayectoria académica de los estudiantes del Campus de Breves en relación al desempeño, permanencia y culminación del curso de pregrado. , en el período de 2014 a 2021. Metodológicamente, la investigación siguió los lineamientos del enfoque cualitativo en cuanto al uso de técnicas de recolección de datos - revisión de literatura sobre el tema, análisis de documentos y aplicación de formularios a informantes. El marco analítico se basa en categorías del materialismo histórico y dialéctico, tales como historicidad, contradicción, movimiento, totalidad, mediación para tratar un fenómeno social como objeto que recibe influencias socioeconómicas, políticas con ideologías que demarcan intereses particulares en un sistema capitalista. sociedad marcada por las luchas de clases. Las fundaciones cuentan con el apoyo de autores como Frigotto (2015), Fávero (2004; 2006), Coelho (2008), Leão (2019), Silva Jr. e Imperatori (2017), Bezerra (2014), Sguissardi (1999) y Bourdieu (2007), apoyando las categorías que se encuentran en los documentos. El estudio reveló que el Programa de Permanencia es importante y contribuye a la democratización de la educación superior en Marajó/Breves, pero también mostró sus debilidades para evitar la retención y la evasión. Se evidenció que la tasa de éxito de los estudiantes del Campus de Breves, en general y de los beneficiarios del Programa de Permanencia, es todavía baja en comparación con aquellos que completan el curso dentro del tiempo definido por los PPC. En cuanto al rendimiento académico, hubo relación con los resultados del proceso formativo, no siendo una medida fiel de estos resultados ni de contingencia en vista de que la inclusión de estudiantes en situación de vulnerabilidad social en la educación superior ya es un rendimiento alcanzado para la población de educación superior Marajo/Briefs. Sin embargo, se encontró que existe una variación en el desempeño de los estudiantes entre los semestres de cada año académico, pero este desempeño se mantiene en un buen estado, por lo que en el 2017 evolucionó a excelente en ambos semestres. Relacionando el rendimiento académico con los conceptos de capital cultural y científico, es posible afirmar que hay avances del PP bajo la dirección de la UFPA, concebida como una universidad plural, inclusiva y democrática. Concluimos que el número de beneficiarios del PP y otras acciones de ayuda a los estudiantes, en la serie histórica de la investigación, es muy pequeño en comparación con la demanda de los estudiantes de la CUMB que se incluyen en el perfil, siendo necesario el aumento de la financiación. recursos del PNAES, para que pueda atender al grupo de estudiantes que se ajusten al perfil socioeconómico del Programa. También es necesario recomponer los valores bursátiles, para que sigan, o por lo menos, se acerquen a las tasas de inflación del país 


  • Data: Jun 30, 2022
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  • This work aims to analyze the production and reproduction of texts and images related to the theme of Cabanagem in textbooks and paradidactics, seeking the way in which this content is worked by teachers in elementary schools in the city of Cametá. As well as reflecting on the existing bibliographical discussions and theoretical aspects about Cabanagem in Cametá and the historiographical updates already carried out in which Cabanos subjects become part of this history, problematizing the hegemonic version constructed by the local elites. To achieve these objectives, theoretical and methodological support is used from authors who discuss the Cabano movement, such as: Raiol (1970), Salles (1992), Di Paolo (1990) and Ferreira (1999). As well as authors from Cameta and memorialists, such as: Barbosa (1998), Tamer (1998), Mocbel (1985) and Cardoso (2014). Seeking to characterize textbooks and school curricula, authors such as: Bittencourt (1998;2008), Saviani (2016) and Arroyo (2013) are used. The theoretical basis for analyzing Cameta’s imaginary about Cabanagem, which contains the myth of Samaumeira, the title of “Cidade Invicta”, the heroic image of Father Prudêncio das Mercês Tavares and the Panel/Monument “Resistência à Cabanagem”, are the studies by Néstor Canclini (2008) and Eric Hobsbawm (1997). Added to official documents made available by the Public Archive of Pará and the Archive of the Diocese of Cametá. Research data show that the anti-Caban imaginary built in Cametá is very present, but numerous reflections have already contested its existence. And through textbooks, it is not possible to broaden discussions about this event, with the role of the teacher in this mediation being very important. This anti-caban imaginary built by the post-Cabanagem elite in Cametá, and maintained by Cametá memorialists, is still very much alive, being present in works on the subject and in the classroom, but many criticisms and reflections have already been made to these symbols that present just one side of the cabin story in Cametá. This is not just a reality of monuments and squares, but of textbooks, which mostly focus on simplifying complex processes, which do little to help in a broader analysis of historical events, even more so being regional and in the Amazon. School curricula remain as grids, and the classroom as a space of resistance.

    An analysis of the impacts produced by formative curricular arrangements in the class
    egress of 2013.

  • Data: Jun 30, 2022
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  • The present research, entitled "A Study on the Curriculum of Escola Comunitária Casa Familiar Rural do Município de Breves: An Analysis of the Impacts Produced by the Formative Curricular Arrangements in the Graduating Class of 2013", seeks to provide an opportunity to reflect on the impacts of the curriculum of Breves’ CFR school in students lives who graduated in 2013. As a research problem, we bring the following question: In what way did the curricular arrangements of the CFR have an impact on the students social life who graduated from the Technical Course in Forestry, taking into account their actions in society from the year 2013? The study aims to reflect on the formal curriculum, describing its implications for citizen training, considering the meanings of Production and Reproduction of the school in society. To achieve the proposed general objective, we also have three specific objectives, which we present: 1) Understanding from the PPP, how the curriculum dialogued with the lifestyles of the riverside dwellers in the context of rural education; 2) Analyzing the impacts generated by the school curriculum in the graduates lives in society, from their conceptions; 3) Reflecting on the voices of the main actors in the formation process of young graduates. The theoretical framework used as a basis in the production of the chapters revolves around the contributions of some authors such as: Moreira, Silva (1999); Petitat (1994); Brandão (1988); Gil (2008); Hage (2006); Arroyo (1999); Lopes, Macedo (2010) As for the methodology, we choose a qualitative approach with emphasis on Participatory Research, because we believe that this research strategy allows for a better understanding and deepening of the specificities and basic needs of peasant populations, traditional populations and farmers. In the case of this research, the phenomenon to be investigated, specifically, is the impacts produced by the implementation of the training curricular arrangements of the CFR School in the graduates lives of the 2013. Including also in this methodological process the field research, the semi-open questionnaire and the semi-structured interview, these instruments were fundamental in data collection. The material produced in the field interaction was put under appreciation through document analysis. The theoretical reflections present in the text indicate that the curriculum of an educational institution can be materialized in a critical, reflective, and autonomous way, making the school productive. Conversely, this same institution can implement an automated, technical and uncritical curriculum, making the school reproductivist, thus generating the maintenance of capitalist society. Within this understanding, the school becomes dualistic in society, since it can practice a curriculum in the productivist line or in the reproductive line, or in both lines concomitantly, or even more negatively intending only for the reproductive strand, this premise becomes a grievance in the educational field. In the specific case of the school in question, the research data elucidated that the formative curricular arrangements impacted on the social life graduates of the 2013 in a more positive than negative way.

  • TRANSESCRITAS DA DIFERENÇA: Movimentos para Transcriar a Educação com Clarice Lispector e Virginia Woolf

  • Data: Jun 28, 2022
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  • Trans-writings by Virginia Woolf and Clarice Lispector propel thoughts to trans-creating education, through the devires-writing raised in the works Mrs. Dalloway (2017) and Orlando (2014), by Woolf, and The passion according to GH (2009) and The star hour (1998), by Lispector. The articulation through which the architecture of this study moves is to vibrate, from Lispectorian and Woolfian trans-writings, devireswriting with movements of thinking and creating, and from these, to compose and mobilize both literature and education in image-less thoughts that urge us to a trans-creating of education through the signs of learning that come from such dislocations. Literature, philosophy of difference, and education are intertwined in the authors' trance-like languages, creative powers that collide and move away, composing multiple provocations about other ways of seeing, living, and intervening in the educational field. The Lispectorian and Woolfian lines of escape walk with intercessors such as Deleuze and Guattari, Corazza, Bachelard, Barthes, Proust, Rolnik, Passos, Butler, Foucault, Gallo, Tadeu, Zordan. In each exposed crack, a gap opens for thought, moving it to the obscure corners, the abject bodies, the extemporaneous times, the reverse and the indomitable of education, leave their tracks like ghosts, like shadows, like new paints to be transcribed and blurred, like Orlandes and Macabéas, GHs and Clarissas, like humidities and grasses that insist on being born in the most uncomfortable spaces, among others. The violence of the encounter with these writing-devirals triggers the deautomatized thinking, the thinking without image, and then mobilizes new signs of learning. Clarice and Virgínia, in being trans-written here, emit multiple devires-writing, and such devires also provoke trans-creations in education, as they crack into signs of learning, senses, thoughts, creations to move through educating. Both the becoming-writing, of trans-writing, and the signs of learning, of trans-creation, are emulsified in a thought without image that does not try to be homogeneous. This image-less thinking is, on the contrary, an intensive effort of agitation, of difference. The trans-writing arts of Woolf and Lispector flow into a trans-creation of education with difference.


  • Data: Jun 28, 2022
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  • Objetiva-se apontar os desafios e avanços em relação à implementação de uma política de remuneração dos profissionais do magistério da Rede Municipal de Educação de Cametá, buscando identificar se a mesma enseja a valorização docente. Trata-se de um estudo de caso em abordagem qualitativa, tendo como procedimentos de coleta de dados análise documental, entrevistas e observação participante. Os principais documentos analisados foram o Plano de Cargos, Carreira e Remuneração dos Profissionais do Magistério do Município de Cametá (PCCR 212/2012) e suas alterações, a folha de pagamento do Poder Executivo de Cametá de dezembro de 2016 disposta em microdados, as folhas de pagamento disponíveis no portal da transparência da Prefeitura de Cametá (2017-2020) e os dados disponíveis no SIOPE/FNDE referentes à remuneração dos profissionais da educação. Na revisão do tema e fundamentação teórica, tomamos como principais referências autores como Monlevade (2000), Morduchowicz (2003), Pinto e Adrião (2006), Arelaro (2007), Camargo; Jacomini (2011), Zatti (2019) entre outros. Os resultados mostraram que a maior parte daquilo que é disposto pelo PCCR 212/2012 é seguido na prática, como a efetivação das progressões (algumas automáticas, como o quinquênio, e outras através de requerimento, como a aquisição de uma nova titulação ou habilitação) e o vencimento base, que compõe a maior parcela da remuneração e é sempre reajustado anualmente de acordo com o Piso Salarial Profissional Nacional (PSPN). A questão mais notável em termos de um aparente não cumprimento do PCCR 212/2012 é em relação à carga horária de trabalho. Notadamente porque em alguns casos ela não é cumprida, exemplo disso são as 240h que deveriam, mas não são pagas efetivamente. Portanto, conclui-se que é uma bem intencionada política de remuneração, porém, desde que todas as prerrogativas sejam efetivamente cumpridas. Como no município pesquisado a questão da carga horária ainda é um ponto sensível, os professores e demais profissionais do magistério ficam suscetíveis a uma desvalorização.


  • Data: Jun 24, 2022
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  • This research is part of the study on Afro-religiosity with practitioners and participants of
    Candomblé in Abaetetuba/Pará. Its purpose is to analyze how the exchange of traditional
    knowledge takes place from the game of cowries in Candomblé. Methodologically, it is an
    autoethnography, a method that can be used in research and writing, as it proposes to
    systematically describe and analyze the personal experience, in order to understand the cultural
    experience (ELLIS, 2004). bibliographies on education, culture, resistance, orality, memory,
    identity and traditional knowledge in Afro-Brazilian religions, with theoretical support in: Little
    (2001); Cunha (2007); Brandão (2002); Freire (1987); Libâneo (2004); Lody (2007); Braga
    (1988); Beniste (2008) and others. Data were collected through online interviews through the
    Google Meet platform with research participants. The fieldwork sought support in the
    experiences of the Afro-religious community Igbá Asé Ibin Layé, popularly known as the
    Oshalufã Center for Mediumship Manifestations - CEMMO, in which the observant participant
    researcher is pai de santo, a term that suggests the preponderance of participation over

    observation. 10 (ten) subjects were interviewed, 4 (four) declared to be practitioners of the Afro-
    Brazilian religion and 6 (six) participants. Of the 10 (ten) interlocutors, 4 (four) were selected,

    2 (two) practitioners and 2 (two) participants for the deepening of the research, with a view to
    greater approximation with the object of investigation. The tabulation of queries processed in
    the period from 2010 to 2019 was carried out, gender, reason for the query and religious
    positioning were analyzed, to identify in this exchange of knowledge how the pedagogical
    process is developed from the ritual of the game of whelks. As a result of this research, it was
    found that: the object of study was not the terreiro, but what happens in the terreiro; terreiros
    are not frozen in the past; the pedagogical process within the terreiro is dynamic and
    transformative; the pedagogies in the Candomblé terreiros are configured in acts of resistance.


  • Data: May 5, 2022
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  • The present study, entitled Narrativas Sinalizadas de Si: the militant trajectory of a black
    woman in the deaf movement in the municipality of Igarapé-Miri, in Pará, aims to understand
    the life story of a deaf black woman, in order to understand, for through their narratives and
    training processes and knowledge built in militancy, how this woman constitutes her identity
    and resignified herself from the intertwining between ethnic issues, gender issues and deafness.
    And as specific objectives, it is proposed to understand how the deaf black woman sees herself
    in the context of her trajectory and the relationship of this process in the affirmative construction
    of her ethnic-racial identity; analyze the images and meanings of being a deaf black woman
    built in the militancy process and problematize the formative educational processes and the
    knowledge built in the deaf black woman's militancy trajectory as a possibility of political
    empowerment built from subversive acts of gender, race and deafness . The research that
    originated this study took as a mobilizing aspect the following problem: how was the life
    trajectory of the deaf black woman, activist of the deaf community, in favor of overcoming
    racial inequalities, gender and difference in the municipality of Igarapé-Miri/ SHOVEL?
    Methodologically, theoretical support was sought in studies of authors that address themes
    related to gender, race, deafness, militancy, memory, narratives, which stand out: Scott (1995),
    Louro (1997), Guimarães (1999, 2004), Hall (2003), Schwarcz (1933), Skidmore (1976), Skliar
    (1998, 2010), Goldenberg (1997), Fanon (2008), Brah (2006), Pêcheux (2010), among others.
    The research participant was selected based on some criteria, such as: self-declaring herself as
    black in her sociocultural relationships and for presenting traits in her personal, social and
    professional life trajectory that characterize a profile of militancy with action on gender issues,
    race and deafness in the city of Igarapé-Miri-PA. The investigation is anchored in a qualitative
    approach of the Oral History type, with the use, in its procedures, of on-line semi-structured
    interviews, in addition to this, this work used virtual participant observation, which, in turn, it
    took place through the participation in some interactions carried out virtually in the daily life
    of the interviewee, and also had the help of a drawing workshop that focused on the elaboration
    of drawings about being a deaf black woman in militancy. The research results reveal that the
    interviewee's participation in the deaf movement and in the academic space made it possible
    for her to re-educate herself, change her view on issues such as sexism, racism, machismo and
    deafness, her posture as a black and deaf woman through a positive process. acceptance of their
    color, curly hair, sign language, to the detriment of social determinants.

  • THE HAND OF WORK IS THE HAND THAT ROCKS THE NET: everyday life, gender, culture, work and memory of women at Amacol

  • Data: Apr 30, 2022
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  • The study aims to understand the participation of women in the work process at the timber company Amazônia Compensados e Laminados (AMACOL) in the decades from 1970 to 1990, in the municipality of Portel, in Marajó/PA, analyzing the social relations that permeated the company's daily life, as well as, their processes of sociability and life outside of it, seeking to analyze the forms of work developed by these women, trying to understand how socio-affective relationships took place inside and outside AMACOL between male and female workers, verifying whether women did the same activities as men and whether the working hours and salaries were similar based on the functions performed, seeking to understand how working in the company contributed to the economic independence and autonomy in the lives of women who worked in this company, and how they dealt with double and even triple working hours, women's actions in this endeavor and female participation in union coordination. Methodologically, studies by authors such as HELLER (2000) are used as theoretical support; ALBERTI (2008); MARTINS, SCHAAN, SILVA (2010); SILVA (2011); FERNANDES (2011); FERNANDES (2013); BRITO (2001); RENHA (2017); MELO (2015); NORA (1993), PACHECO (2006 and 2012); PINTO (2004, 2010, 2012); SOIHET (1997); PINHEIRO (2018); FOUCAULT (2013); LOURO (2004); LAGES (2004); SOIHET(2006); DIEESE (2013); PINSKY (2013); PEREIRA (2005); RODRIGUES (2015), HOBSBAWM (1996; 1977), MARX (2012), MARX and ENGELS (1999), THOMPSON (1987), VOVELLE (1987), ENGELS (1975), BRANCO (2006), BATALHA (1992), FONTES (1982), FAUSTO (1977), GOETTERT (2014), POGIBIN (2009; 2010), SANTANA (2018), MOURA (2010), which provided a theoretical and methodological basis, helping in the construction of the analyzes that constitute this dissertation. This is a qualitative research that analyzes, through oral reports and written documents, how women carried out their work in that company and how work relationships, sociability and conflicts took place within AMACOL. From the data collected during the research, it was possible to analyze the transformations produced with the installation of this company in Marajó in political, social, cultural, economic and environmental aspects, also highlighting the daily sociability in the organization of work within it. As well as, by bringing reports of experiences, memories and experiences of the workers inside and outside this company, it analyzes the daily lives of these women, their actions and relationships in the social context of Porto, after a new reality of gaining autonomy and financial independence. Likewise, it reflects on the construction and organization of the Union of Industrial and Furniture Workers of the Municipality of Portel (SITRIMACOP), in the 1980s, inspired by the worker movements that took place at that period throughout the country and, linked to the Federation of Workers in the Construction and Furniture Industry in the States of Pará and Amapá (FETRACOMPA), based in Belém do Pará, which contributed to the organization of SITRIMACOP and warned about salary rights and working conditions that were being denied to the workers of the company AMACOL, who were demanded through the outbreak of two strikes, one occurring in 1986 and the other in 1987, highlighting the actions of women in this endeavor and their respective roles in union coordination.


  • Data: Apr 30, 2022
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  • The present work is woven by a collection of life stories narrated by girls and women who experienced motherhood while still in adolescence, more specifically between the years 2010 and 2020. The aim of the research is to understand, through the experiences shared by these girls, aged between 14 and 19, how they face being a mother, analyze the main challenges, claims and demands that are manifested in their daily narratives, both in the private and public sphere, in order to verify the ways in which their rights may have been deprived, either through material challenges, such as the lack of public policies and the abandonment by the state and/or through social, historical and cultural mishaps. Methodologically, a bibliographical survey and a qualitative analysis were carried out. Among the theoretical contribution we can highlight some authors, such as: PORTELLI (1997), DEL PRIORI (2011), CHAUÍ (2012), UNFPA (2013), PACHECO (2010), MORIN (2006 and 2007), FIGUEIRÓ (2004), WHO (1993), SEN (2000), VELHO (1981) and others. This bibliography dialogues with the oral narratives collected throughout the research with the methodological aid of oral history, which made possible to listen to seven female narrators/collaborators, who revealed what the numbers are not able to tell, that is, life stories, resistance, denouncement, and female hope. Although we have opted for open and, in a way, free interviews, some questions were pre-formulated with the objective of not limiting the narrators' testimonies, but with the purpose of organizing the work within the perspective of human development, according to the United Nations Development Program, which establishes three basic dimensions for the achievement of people's freedom to be what they want to be. These dimensions are: health, education, and income, which despite not encompassing or exhausting all aspects of development, are synthetic measures thought and built from the studies of Mahbub ul Haq and Amartya Sen. It was found that, although individual, the reports of the girl mothers are revealing, from the point of view of the collectivity, the history, and the culture to which they belong, since at the intersection between one experience and another, there are singularities and, above all, similarities that show the urgent need for society to evolve, both in the way it looks at and treats its young women.


  • Data: Apr 28, 2022
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  • The present research, entitled "The Educational Work of Pedagogues in Social Assistance" investigated how the work of these professionals in social education is structured, specifically, in social assistance services, analyzing their pedagogical action in educational work as an essential instrument that contributes to the formation of the critical conscience of individuals and families who are in a situation of social aggravation with the responsibility of collaborating in the process of controlling human emancipation. The discussion about pedagogy and social pedagogy as an area of knowledge, covering concepts, origins, foundations and formation of the pedagogy course, becomes valid for the understanding of the theoretical and practical subsidies of the pedagogue's work in social education in its different historical contexts, in addition to the debate about Brazilian society in its sociocultural and socioeconomic aspects in the way it organizes itself on Brazilian society in order to maintain social control through State intervention through social education and the educational work of the pedagogue in the minimization of social problems caused by the economic and cultural sector. The work of pedagogues in Social Assistance has not been promoting social education, but only assistance services, guaranteeing the provision of basic needs, unlinked from the defense and social promotion policy established by Law Nº 8742 - LOAS, thus, assistance prevails in social assistance services and interrupts social education, in addition, the pedagogue does not carry out an educational work due to the lack of structure of budget resources, due to bad management, cuts and inappropriate deviations for other actions in the federal, state and municipal spheres, blocking and limiting action linked to educational work. With the pandemic, the new coronavirus limited and blocked some actions and services, such as activities in communities and in the Service for Coexistence and Strengthening of Links - SCFV, where priority is given to developing social pedagogy, not to mention that the pedagogical practice of pedagogues constitute a mechanism disconnected from educational work, as they adopt a domestic practice related to professional commitment and responsibility, as well as to the restriction on professional training, both by the Social Assistance Policy of the capacita program (SUAS), and by the pedagogue himself, who is limited to seeking their training. The researcher's professional experiences were constituted in some educational actions, limiting the promotion of social education due to her lack of understanding in relation to educational work. The social education developed in the Social Assistance policy is a significantly essential instrument for the formation of critical thinking, in the control of human emancipation, encouraging the struggle for rights, maintaining an inerrant social control to individuals in a situation of social aggravation. Therefore, when there is no social education developed in social assistance services, as observed in the municipality of Melgaço, PA, the services are subject to assistance actions. The choice of theme arose from the idea of associating this research with the profession of pedagogue of this in Social Assistance in the city of Melgaço, PA, in order to understand the role of the pedagogue in social education, precisely, in social assistance services. The research has as a problem the following question: "Has the pedagogue's work in Social Assistance been promoting social education, constituting itself as an educational action in the minimization of prevention and overcoming of vulnerabilities and social risks?" Seeking to answer it, the theoretical basis is the studies of Machado (2010), Soriano (2006), Silva (2017), Bessa (2019), Zanella (2013), Santos (1999), Freire (1987), Mendes (2021), Campos (2018), Carvalho (2017), Oliveira (2017), Santana (2012) and others. Regarding the methodology, there is a qualitative approach, in the form of case study, with bibliographic and field research with the aim of investigating the critical form and the phenomenon studied. The instruments used in data collection were interviews with subjects and reports on professional experiences in the research area, which were essential to bring information and knowledge in the discussions and construction of this work and the results obtained.


  • Data: Apr 8, 2022
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    This dissertation discusses in the light of the Law11.645/2008 the implementation of Marajoara indigenous theme in the curriculum of Basic Education in Breves, Marajó, understanding the curriculum as a political and cultural field crossed by power relations, which can transmit visions and identities interested particular and social, but susceptible to changes and transformations resulting from social dynamism. The research seeks to understand how different Marajoara native people, labeled in history as "Nheengaíbas", are represented in different spaces and times, asserting their protagonism in history. At first, in Jesuits, travelers, naturalists and historians memories (1639 - 1659) and, posteriorly, in the scope of the curriculum, textbooks and in the experience of teachers today. The text dialogues with the human and social sciences, based on the references of Le Goff (1990); Halbwachs (1990); Ricoeur (2007), Quijano (2005), Moscovici (2007) and authors who discuss the indigenous protagonism in Brazil, making use of the categories Memory, Forgetfulness, Decoloniality, Indigenous Protagonism and Social Representations, as well as, Curriculum, Textbook and Teaching in references of Moreira and Tadeu (2009), Silva and Souza (2016), Santos and Meneses (2009), Bhabha (1998,) Apple (2013), Bittencourt (2019; 2013) among others. As methodology, the research was used: documental, bibliographic and the application of interviews, with the use of the qualitative approach. Finally, it was proposed as a form of intervention, paths and suggestions for a curricular proposition more aligned to the current legislation and the epistemologies of resistance. It is estimated that the reflections and products achieved may cause the visibility, inclusion and valorization of a Marajoara indigenous theme in the curriculum, textbooks and teachers' practices in Breves and Marajó, as well as encourage future productions aligned to the theme.


    implantação e funcionamento do Projeto SEI em uma comunidade ribeirinha do município de


  • Data: Apr 8, 2022
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  • This production proposed to study the Interactive Educational System (SEI), created in 2018
    by the government of Pará, whose main objectives are the supposed expansion of High School
    to rural locations with difficult access and the improvement in the quality of this education.
    EMEIF Adelson Azevedo, located in Vila Gomes, municipality of Portel/PA, was the locus
    chosen for this study. As a research problem, we have the following question: what are the
    implications arising from the implementation and operation of High School through the SEI
    Project in a riverside community in the municipality of Portel, from 2018 to 2021? The study
    aimed to analyze the processes of implementation and operation of High School through the
    SEI Project in a Marajoara reality, in the period 2018/2021. As for the specific objectives, we
    have: to identify problems of High School in Brazil and the low educational rates of this level
    of education in Pará, demonstrating some aspects that have contributed to this reality; present
    the main characteristics of the SEI Project as a strategy resulting from the Pact for Education
    in Pará based on what is set out in its guiding documents and discuss the process of
    implementation and operation of the SEI Project at EMEIF Adelson Azevedo from the voices
    of the research subjects. The research was based on the assumptions of a qualitative approach,

    historical and dialectical materialism as a research method and field research, where non-
    directive interviews were used as a data collection instrument. The work was organized around

    four categories: implementation process of the SEI Project in Vila Gomes; technological
    structure of operation of the SEI Project; pedagogical and teaching structures for the functioning
    of the SEI Project and the interactivity between the teaching staff of the SEI Project and
    students. All the theoretical and empirical material was analyzed using the content analysis
    methodology. Haddad et al (2008), Netto (2011), Ferreira (2018) and Araújo (2019) were some
    of the references used. It was possible to identify a set of implications arising from the
    implementation and operation of the SEI Project in the researched reality, whose main ones are:
    lack of dialogue with the residents of Vila Gomes before the implementation of the SEI Project;
    the implementation of SEI in Vila Gomes did not represent the expansion of secondary
    education, but the replacement of SOME; SEI's curriculum and calendar are geared towards the
    urban-centric context and do not take into account the reality of rural populations; there is no
    printed teaching material to support students who cannot keep up with the speed with which
    classes are shown on TV; By excluding most students from real-time interactivity with the
    teaching professors, SEI cannot be classified as technology-mediated classroom teaching, but
    rather as a type of teaching that tries to inadvertently appropriate the possibilities of distance education. In this way, we conclude that the SEI Project presents itself as a type of High School, whose real objective is to promote the precariousness of this education and, therefore, promote social inequalities in the state of Pará.


  • Data: Mar 18, 2022
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  • In this study, the Mundiar Learning Acceleration Project, High School, in the city of
    Breves/PA, was researched, with the general objective of analyzing the implications of the
    Mundiar project in the teaching and learning processes from the development of the telessala
    methodology, considering the reality of Marajoara youth. The specific objectives were to
    identify the Mundiar project in the context of public-private relations based on guidelines from
    international organizations; characterize the Project's Telessala methodology in view of the
    reality of students in the city of Breves and understand the Mundiar project and its implications
    in the teaching and learning process of Marajoara brevense youth. The approach is qualitative,
    exploratory and bibliographical, based on content analysis. The instrument for data collection
    was the semi-structured interview. The interviewees were three unidocentes, three students and
    the local coordinator. The results point to 1) reproduction of traditional high school problems
    and the constitution of new problems; 2) total alignment of the project in accordance with the
    guidelines of international organizations within the scope of the public-private relationship; 3)
    Failure to value the formation of autonomous citizens and duplication of the image of the public
    school as incapable and insufficient for the formation of critical subjects and qualified
    professionals; 4) isolated pedagogical/technological practices that direct full responsibility to
    the unidocente professional of Mundiar; 5) pre-technical approach and insufficient human,
    structural and technological resources within the scope of the telessala methodology; and 6)
    Precariousness of work and devaluation of didactic-pedagogical, financial and teaching


  • Data: Mar 17, 2022
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  • The research “By rivers and forests, the UFPA and Human Development in Marajó: An analysis of the role of the university in the municipalities of Breves and Melgaço” aims to analyze the possible contributions of the Breves Campus in human formation towards the socioeconomic and educational development of the cities of Breves and Melgaço, considering the poverty and social inequality present in them. The approach used in the study is qualitative, with bibliographical and documentary research. Institutional documents from UFPA were used, such as: PDIs, UFPA in Numbers, CUMB Management Reports. A questionnaire was also applied to CUMB graduates, using google forms. The results show that: 1) The process of interiorization of the public University in the Amazon is one of the great milestones of public service in the educational and socioeconomic context of the region; 2) The reality of students in Marajoara public University Education is of great social vulnerability and the existence of UFPA as a public institution in the region is fundamental to this population; 3) UFPA contributes to a differentiated model of development in the municipalities where it operates, and the subjects formed by this institution are important actors in social processes; 4) teaching, research and extension at CUMB are important allies of society, whether for its development or for facing social inequalities; and 5) CUMB develops an important social inclusion policy, transforming life stories and promoting a better educational and socioeconomic context in the region, however, it is the object of demands from society for expansion and closer approximation with civil society.

  • From the Deaf Community to the school community: experiences that build knowledge experiences in the Amazon region of Tocantina Pará
  • Data: Dec 31, 2021
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  • This exhibition is woven from the perspective of social knowledge present in the deaf community of the Prof. Osvaldina Muniz State High School. Aimed at analyzing how the social knowledge of the deaf community mobilized the school community in the fight for rights and, based on these experiences, to understand what resulted, it has led us to search for answers to the central question: How the materiality of the social knowledge of the deaf community in municipality of Cametá, made it possible to build or not, experiential knowledge in the fight for rights, in the EEEM Professor Osvaldina Muniz? Therefore, methodologically, the research is based on the paths of a critical qualitative approach, that is, an attempt was made to go beyond pseudo-concreticity (KOSIK, 2002). The procedures for collecting information were: informal conversations, roundtables, free observations, which generated field notes, according to Triviños (1987) and also a survey of documents, literature, semi-structured interviews. For the treatment of the data collected, we were guided by content analysis according to Bardin (1077) and Franco (2005). Thus, we have authors such as: Marx (2004, 2008), Marx and Engels (2009), Gramsci (1977, 1984), Nogueira (1990), Weber (2006), Rodrigues (2012), Tardif (2014), Kosik (1976, 2002, 2012, Strobel (2008), Perlin and Miranda (2003), among others, for the theoretical deepening of the research question, allowing us, therefore, to enter into the experience of both the deaf community and the school community. investigation led us to the conclusion that, firstly in relation to the dimension - communities, it was understood that the historical formation of communities is educational, as it produces use values to maintain and reproduce life, even when it takes place under the negativity of class relations existing in capitalism, which are not natural either, but the work of human beings. And, at the same time that they build collective knowledge, sometimes personal interests also stand out, leading us to believe that Communities, although referring us to an act of collectivity , she lives in constant conflict and fo rmation, thus necessitating the action of external agents who do not always contribute to the strengthening of the unit. Second, in the dimension - experiences, it was understood that these are experiences as processes that are lived, felt and modified, therefore they are not given to men and women, but historically constructed, mainly in collective relationships. This exhibition, therefore, reached the conclusion that experiences, based on Thompson (1981) integrated the experiences of the E.E.E.M. Prof. Osvaldina Muniz and Deaf Community, that is, the experiences are the very daily life permeated with conflicts, the felt are the result of what these conflicts produce and the modified are everything that is learned, formed from the construction of the previous ones, but in a historical-dialectical process, that is, the movement of human relations itself. Third in the dimension – experiential knowledge, that is, knowledge that based on the experiences of daily work and on the knowledge of their environment, which stems from experience, is validated by it. Resulting, therefore, in knowledge that can
    permeate professional action, but also, for the purposes of this investigation, which found them in other ways, such as the experience and practice of the relationship between deaf students and students; deaf students-listeners; deaf interpreter students; among other ways, as concrete experiences on the floor of E.E.E.M. Prof. Osvaldina Muniz. Therefore, the exhibition demonstrates that the paths of inclusive education require educating to practice freedom, as it needs to go beyond the experiential knowledge found, towards a school project aimed at freeing the shackles of the status quo, for this, the action collective is fundamental.

  • SIGNIFICANT LITERACY PEDAGOGY: Theoretical and empirical exchanges
  • Data: Dec 31, 2021
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  • The title of this work is Significant Literacy Pedagogy: Theoretical and empirical exchanges. The present study seeks to understand the literacy practices used in the early years of elementary school, from that it aims to highlight the paths that lead to a meaningful literacy pedagogy through the exchange of theoretical studies and analysis of empirical research. Subsidized by Vygotskian theory and collaborators, and by the Freirean literacy method, to explore meaning, social interaction, signs, the relevance of socially constituted empirical knowledge, etc. Corroborating the production of this research, the following authors were used: Bagno (2001), Braggio (1992), Brandão (1981), Bakhtin (2006), Freire (1967; 1996, 1979), Neves (1997), Pino, (2005), Saussure (2012), Vygotsky (1991; 2001) among others. That said, the theme of this research is the result of reflections initiated during the undergraduate period, supported by theoretical analysis and practical activities. To meet the methodological guidelines of the research resorted to the methodology of bibliographic analysis of  empirical material, and for this, 2 (two) monographs and 1 (one) dissertation were selected, totaling three studies. Therefore, Vygotsky and Freire were taken as central authors in the research, in order to discuss the literacy process, because in the Vygotskian perspective “we become ourselves through others”, and touching the teaching-learning process, contact is inherent. with the other, in this sense He further emphasizes that the mediator between the individual and the other is the signification. In addition, rarely, in the entire history of education, a literacy method proved to be as effective as the Freirean one, hence the need and relevance of articulating these two theorists in favor of a humanizing, libertarian, meaningful, dialogic, cultural literacy, where each individual is perceived as a historical agent.

  • School (in)discipline in the teacher-student relationship in the early years of Elementary School

  • Data: Dec 30, 2021
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  • School discipline is a relevant issue in the field of education, as changes in society require changes in the educational field to form citizens who can work collectively to achieve a common goal.In this sense, the present work investigates the implications of conceptions of (in)discipline for the teacher-student relationship in the teaching and learning process in the early years in municipal public schools in Cametá (PA). The research has a qualitative approach and, in its first part, a bibliographic research was carried out, then empirical research was carried out, having as instruments, document analysis and a questionnaire with open and closed questions. The theoretical contribution focused on the works of Vasconcellos (1997; 2014; 2009), Rego (1996), Aquino (1996), Parrat-Dayan (2008), Estrela (2002), Freire (2017a; 2017b) and others. The document analysis was carried out from the Brazilian education laws and other documents that we consider relevant to the research, namely: the LDBEN (1996), the DCNs for Basic Education, the PCNs (Book 1), the BNCC, the ECA and the Unified Regiment of schools in Cametá (2013). The research questionnaire was applied, via the internet, to teachers of municipal elementary schools in the early years of Cametá. As a technique for data treatment, we used Bardin's content analysis (1977) and the three phases of investigation, namely: pre-analysis, material exploration, treatment of results, inference and interpretation. From the data analysis, we concluded that the Brazilian education laws and other official documents bring the concept of school discipline still reduced in terms of the complexity of the different aspects that involve it, as they do not establish axes that can guide the construction of the discipline in the classroom. of class. We seek to systematize how teachers see the subject matter and how they characterize students from it, and the teacher student relationship itself. We realized, then, that most teachers reproduce values received throughout their experiences in different sociocultural and educational contexts. Therefore, the conception of school discipline of most of our participants is rooted in a traditional conception of education and, consequently, of discipline in the traditional molds. In this way, we express the need for greater appreciation of the teaching activity, especially in matters of continuing education, considering, without a doubt, the reflection on (in)discipline, related to the complex processes of social, school and family collective construction, with a focus on development self-discipline and conscious and interactive discipline in children.


  • Data: Dec 30, 2021
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  • This dissertation, entitled, Education, Health and Forest Knowledge: Healing Practices in Cupijó, Cametá-PA, carries out an academic, scientific study with women and men from the forests, rivers and streams of Cupijó, aiming to understand and interpret the practices of healing and forms of health treatment experienced in the daily life of Vila Baia, one of the Cupijó communities, in the city of Cametá-Pará. In this sense, we highlight the use of plants medicinal in Brazil that concerns a cultural action since remote times that have been practiced until contemporaneity, especially in the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, by different generations, and this custom is a tradition, especially with regard to symptoms. primary health care resources, becoming a recurrent resource and flag of communities, as this knowledge is shared among residents of this village. Methodologically, the work was developed through dialogues between History, Memory and the theory of Discourse Analysis, with narratives as corpus of analysis oral presentations, ordinance of the Ministry of Health and photographs. Based on the narration made by the subjects involved in research who practice and/or experience the healing arts, always with a political view and history in the reading and interpretation of these sources, we seek to understand this movement under a historical, discursive and cultural perspective. In the theoretical field, we seek to carry out discussions about the forms of interpretation that fall on the work of the researcher/educator, who deals with traditional knowledge, having as a support point the interdisciplinarity, reflecting about the need to consider the events, the oral narratives, as a practice of language, which articulate political, symbolic and ideological elements, which materialize in speeches at different times. We dialogue with authors who work on the culture categories, memory and discourse, such as: HALL (2008), PORTELLI (1997), PÊCHEUX (2019) and ORLANDI (2015), so that we can be able to understand the senses and meanings that permeate the healing practices present in the daily lives of residents from and in Cupijó The results made it possible to understand the meaning effects of these practices in the lives of residents of the region and how they are always associated with ancestral knowledge linked to the place of belonging: nature.

  • EDUCAÇÃO DO CAMPO: Um estudo da política de nucleação e fechamento das escolas do campo no município de Cametá/ PA.

  • Data: Dec 29, 2021
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  • This research reflects on Rural Education, focusing on the policy of nucleation and closing of
    schools in the countryside. The main objective of this study is to analyze the relationship
    between the closing of schools in the countryside and the nucleation policy of the
    municipality of Cametá/PA, as well as the contradictions arising from this process. The
    research territory are the communities of Ponta Grande, Caliçado, Pissareira, Uxi Beira-rio,
    Anauerá, Sulapo and Sulapinho, all located along the BR 422. The theoretical contribution of
    this work is anchored in historical-dialectical materialism, as it understands that through the
    categories totality, contradiction and mediation help to understand the phenomenon studied.
    Referencing the works the Kosik (1976); Cury (1989); Benitez (2014); Vendramini (2009).
    The procedures adopted by the research were: documentary research, bibliographic review, as
    well as carrying out field research, in a limited way, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The data
    collection instruments were the semi-structured interview, in which the narratives of the
    subjects involved in this research were taken into account. The theoretical reference to discuss
    rural education and nucleation/closing policy, highlights the studies of Hage (2005; 2014);
    Kremer (2007); Campos (2014); Marrafon (2016); Carmo (2016); Correia (2018); Santos
    (2019); Silva (2019); Rocha (2020). The research revealed that the movement of closing
    schools in the countryside, in its vast majority multigrade, has been constant and growing.
    Nucleation in Cametá is carried out in two ways: first, the schools of small size are attached to
    a parent school for the issuance of school documents, due to the regulation of larger schools,
    supported by Resolution no 485/09, of the State Council of Education. Second, it would be the
    meeting/nucleation of small schools in a school with a greater infrastructure (classroom,
    pantry/kitchen, among other locations), initially causing the stoppage and later the closing of
    these schools. Therefore, it was identified that the nucleation carried out in the municipality of
    Cametá has intensified the closing of small schools in the countryside, making it difficult for
    subjects to access schooling opportunities close to their homes. Another point that should be
    highlighted is the issue of school transport, which is linked to the nucleation policy and
    contributes to the closure of schools. For rural communities, the closing of schools has
    represented the loss of their reference and political weakening. Despite the advances made in
    recent decades by Rural Education in Brazil, the closing of rural schools tends to increase, this
    movement has compromised the right to education of these populations, the Brazilian society needs to be aware of this problem so that public school education as a right of all and the dutyof the State to be guaranteed.


  • Data: Dec 28, 2021
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  • Este trabajo pretende analizar la integración o no entre las experiencias resultantes del trabajo, vividas por los benineses, y los procesos formativos experimentados en la Universidad Federal de Pará (UFPA). Como problema de investigación, que también se configura como objetivo general, se busca analizar cómo la integración o no integración de los estudiantes benineses, extranjeros, en sus procesos formativos en la UFPA, entendidos más allá del aula, involucrando también sus acciones con otros territorios de formación, como la Asociación de Estudiantes Extranjeros (AEE), considerando sus experiencias laborales, desde las dimensiones cultural, social, política, económica, lingüística. En cuanto a los objetivos específicos, buscamos: 1) comprender las políticas de cooperación internacional, la internacionalización y los procesos formativos de los estudiantes extranjeros; 2) comprender los procesos formativos, las experiencias laborales, la integración y los aspectos culturales; 3) identificar las experiencias laborales de los benineses, en las dimensiones cultural, social, política, económica, lingüística y profesional, y la posible integración a los procesos formativos dentro de la UFPA. Como preguntas orientadoras derivadas de estos objetivos, nos planteamos: Las preguntas orientadoras derivadas de estos objetivos específicos son: (i) Cómo se inscriben las políticas de cooperación internacional, los procesos de internacionalización y la formación de estudiantes extranjeros, dentro de estas políticas? (ii) Cuál es la correlación entre los procesos formativos y las experiencias laborales, en una perspectiva de integración, considerando los aspectos socioculturales? (iii) Cómo se constituyeron las experiencias laborales de los estudiantes benineses, en las dimensiones cultural, social, política, económica, lingüística y profesional, integradas o no a los procesos formativos dentro de la UFPA, en términos de graduación? Metodológicamente, se trata de una investigación cualitativa, con datos obtenidos a partir de entrevistas con 03 estudiantes benineses, pertenecientes a la graduación de la UFPA, siendo egresados y también con uno aún presente en la graduación. También nos servimos de fotografías y experiencias de trabajo, derivadas del ejercicio de este investigador como antiguo presidente de la AEE de la UFPA. Como resultado de la investigación, entendemos que la integración es un proceso continuo que ha sido llevado a cabo por la institución universitaria, por la Asociación de Estudiantes Extranjeros y por los propios estudiantes. Es un proceso arduo, porque todavía existe un mal en la sociedad que es el racismo y los prejuicios por el hecho de ser de otro color de piel, hablar otras lenguas o venir de otro país. Entendemos que hay una integración de los estudiantes extranjeros, en nuestro caso de los benineses, pero aún queda mucho por hacer, porque en este proceso, los estudiantes todavía se encuentran con diversas dificultades que a veces les imposibilitan continuar en el programa, como el acceso a la lengua portuguesa, las cuestiones de orden económico y afectivo, el racismo estructural al que están sometidos.

  • Reflective Practice and Teaching: Literary Reading in the Portuguese Language Subject

  • Data: Dec 28, 2021
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  • The research entitled "Reflective practice and teaching: literary reading in the Portuguese
    language discipline" objective to analyze the interaction among the teaching of linguistic
    structures and literary reading centered on the genre poetry and also seeks to answer the
    following questions: a) how does the practice of literary reading instigate the students to the
    delight of aesthetic pleasure and contribute to the learning of language in a pleasurable and
    meaningful way? b) How to develop a practice in the discipline of Portuguese language
    centered in the linguistic structures also in the perspective of a pedagogical action that values
    literary reading and its fruition? Used as a theoretical basis the works of Braggio (1992), who
    makes considerations about learning, or the acquisition of written language that is seen as a
    repetitive, mechanical process, where the technique of reading and writing prevails over
    understanding - (2016), that reflects on what may be contributing to the lack of interest of
    students in writing and reading, relates to the fact that this assumes the role of being worked
    only as a method for evaluation, that is, the act of reading becomes the only objective of
    evaluating and to check if the student reads well, if he presents some difficulty in a certain
    enunciate, restricting the knowledge of students only to the teaching of grammar. Soares
    (2006) speak about the inadequate schooling of literature in the schools. The author points out
    that the appropriate method would be the one that leads the reading practices that occur in the
    social context, and stresses that the school, by offering only fragments of texts, distorts their
    purpose in the classroom. Todorov (2010) points out the great value of literature for human
    beings. According to the author, it can help us when we are depressed, not that it is, above all,
    a technique to care for the soul, but through it, can to wake the most diverse feelings. This
    study is based on the qualitative research-action approach. According to Ludke & André
    (1986) the observer as participant consists of revealing the identity of the researcher and his
    study objectives to the researched group from the beginning. In this position, the researcher
    can have access to a amount of information and the choice for this methodology was made to
    better reflect the pretensions of this research, because according with the authors, the
    information can expose the description of the subjects; the reconstruction of dialogues;
    description of places and methodological reflections. In this manner, the results evidenced
    show an enriching practice and instigating practice, as well as can conclude that the work in
    the classroom with literary texts (poetic) instigated them to the delight of aesthetic pleasure
    and contributed to learning the language in an enjoyable and meaningful way.. It was also
    found that through the poems it was possible to develop a practice that valued the work with
    linguistic structures, but also literary reading and its enjoyment. Therefore, the activities
    realized in this space of poetic unfolding developed teaching strategies, awakening
    subjectivity, criticality and reflection in the students.
  • NUCLEATION AND CLOSING OF COUNTRYSIDE SCHOOLS: itineraries for the right to education in the city of Baião/PA

  • Data: Dec 27, 2021
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  • This work analyzes the Nucleation Policy of Rural Schools in the context of the changes that have taken place in the communities where they were closed. It also analyzes the guarantee of the right to access and permanence of children and young people in core schools in the territory of Colônia Agrícola Magalhães Barata, municipality of Baião/PA. The analyzes are around educational policies and conceptions and the struggle of social movements for the right to education with rural populations. It is a research with a qualitative approach, considering the existential issues of the subjects with work relationships, culture, ways of life and everyday knowledge. The research is configured as a case study, having as investigation procedure the literature review and field research. Data collection to form the empirical basis consisted of research based on document analysis and semi-structured interviews with former managers, teachers, parents, students and community leaders. The theoretical apparatus of Rural Education is based on Caldart (2005, 2012), Molina (2015), Hage (2012) and Arroyo (2005). In addition, it was based on Silva (2018), Mainardes and Carmo (2016), Nascimento (2012) and Postório (2015), among others, for discussions about nucleation. The result presents a picture of contradictions about the access and permanence of children and young people to the city's core school, fostered by school transport and precarious access roads, as well as a sharp closure of Escolas do Campo in recent years. It is concluded, therefore, that this study reveals the contradictory character of school transport, as well as the edges of a public policy that presents itself as a more viable solution, but that. in its materialization. it has denied the subjects' right to have a school in the place where they live and the right to full access and permanence of students from communities that are part of this process with social quality.

  • The master's thesis is entitled ProJovem Urbano in the context of educational policies: The training path for inclusion and professional qualification in the experience in Cametá (PA). The objective of the research was to analyze the ProJovem Urbano Cametá from the perspective of inclusion, education, professional qualification and community action in the formative path from the pedagogical proposal in the editions 2012, 2013 and 2014. The main authors that underlie this research, highlight se Freire (1996), Kuenzer (2009), Marx (2008), Oliveira (2008), Fávero (1997), Arretche (2001), Cassini (2011), Silva (2012), Abrúcio (2005), Frigotto (2003), Araújo and Lima (2014), as well as documents, laws and decrees, among others. Methodologically, the research uses a qualitative approach, with emphasis on studies of different literatures, field research and content analysis procedures with a focus on historical – dialectical materialism, to proceed with the descriptions and articulations of the researched problem object, to arrive at a relative conclusion of knowledge. The research allowed us to identify that ProJovem Urbano is a very important program for the working class as it allows young people access to schooling, presenting a new perspective as a possibility to expand the cultural universe combined with training, comprising strategies that tend to meet the needs of student's main needs, including financial support. Furthermore, ProJovem Urbano presents itself with a new conception of youth and adult education because it formally comprises important elements of the training process, such as social inclusion, education, work, citizenship and professional qualification, as ProJovem Urbano reveals its training profile and it contemplates other dimensions of knowledge that are in the artistic and cultural manifestations of young people's life practices.

  • Data: Dec 20, 2021
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  • EJA. Youth. Urban ProJovem. Professional Qualification. Inclusion.


  • Data: Dec 17, 2021
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  • The study deals with the use of digital technologies and their implications in the pedagogical processes at the Santuário de Fátima School (fictitious name) in the city of Cametá/PA, considering the adoption of Emergency Remote Teaching. Methodologically, the research was based on a qualitative approach and developed from the case study. As instruments, were used interviews with teachers and the teaching coordinator, questionnaires with students, as well as participant observation in a virtual/electronic environment. The work is referenced by authors who take a critical perspective of technologies in capitalist society, among them, Vieira Pinto (2005), Castells (1999) and Selwyn (2011), Bannell et al. (2016). We reference the analyzes of technologies in the educational field in Prazeres (2016), Tajra (2019), Batista (2019) and Silva (2020). In the context of emergency remote teaching, we used the reflections of Cardoso; Ferreira (2020), Saviani; Galvão (2021), among others. With regard to the results of the study, it is evident that the most used platforms and applications were WhatsApp, Google Meet and the platform adopted by the institution called QMágico. It was identified in the methodological path, that the studied school was already using the aforementioned platform, even before the COVID-19 pandemic started, and from the collected data it was found that, for the most part, the teachers experienced processes of intensification at work, difficulties related to the connection and handling of digital technologies. In the same sense, the students pointed out technological issues, problems with connection and quality of access, issues of local, health and study time as factors that hindered the use of digital platforms in remote education. With regard to equipment, cell phone, notebook and computer were the tools most used to access remote classes. It is noteworthy that it is through mediation that the teaching and learning process, using technologies, can contribute to pedagogical processes. However, when analyzing the practices carried out by teachers and students, it was found that their insertion was done in an instrumentalized way, with regard to teacher-technologystudent mediation. It was also pointed out the difficulties presented by the research subjects, with regard to remote activities in the pandemic context. Finally, it became clear that the use of digital technologies during the pandemic was essential for pedagogical activities to continue, even if, remotely and with many limitations.


  • Data: Dec 10, 2021
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  • Our research object is the Social Quality of High School Education in the Modular Education Organization System (SOME), subsidized by a riverside school, located in Vila Monte das Oliveiras – Itaucu River, belonging to the municipality of Oeiras do Pará (PA). The general objective is: To analyze the conditions of supply of High School in the SOME modality in a rural school in the city of Oeiras do Pará (PA). The specific objectives are: a) Identify possible aspects related to the social quality of/in the Modular High School of/at SOME Itaucu; b) Investigate the school infrastructure of SOME, considering the conditions of provision of Modular High School in/at SOME Itaucu/Oeiras do Pará (PA) from the riverside context of EMEF Raimundo Caldas; c) Describe SOME and the training processes of riverine subjects of/in SOME Itaucu from the perspective of their subjects based on the right to social quality education endorsed in the main legislation in force. The structure of this research is based on a qualitative and exploratory case study. For this, we used the following procedures: document analysis, specific literature and semi-structured interview, applied to teachers, students of SOME Itaucu, managers of the main school / hub school and community representative (Vila Monte das Oliveiras). Therefore, this work assumes a conception of Riverside Country Education as a Constitutional Right of the subjects of the Modular Education Organization System (SOME/ Itaucu). The research concluded that SOME is based on a curricular proposal of urban education transplanted to the countryside, however, SOME Itaucu belongs to a particular group of water schools, whose conception of Education in Campo Ribeirinha that we defend, does not limit it to characterize it generically in the scope of Education in/in the Countryside, due to the socioeconomic specificities of the riverside reality of those subjects and their relationship with the nature that surrounds them, which led us to conclude that this finding particularizes SOME Itaucu within the diversified set of communities/locations that make up Rural Education in every corner of the country. We also verified that education with social quality at SOME Itaucu was partially perceived, because despite the implementation of SOME in the location being seen as a positive point in the analyzed community, as it provides future expectations with the acquired certification, the performance indicators show that there is an accentuated invisibility of the subjects when they are submitted to external tests and results. Regarding infrastructure, we found that, given the precariousness of infrastructure found at SOME Itaucu, it is necessary to build a state-owned school with adequate infrastructure to meet the demands of Modular High Schools, especially water schools, as the locus of this work. Regarding training processes, we confirm that SOME Itaucu meets the requirements of the state education department, developing a homogeneous curriculum applied to both modalities: Regular and Modular. Thus, we found that the school curriculum, adopted by SOME Itaucu, is indifferent to sociocultural aspects and riverine knowledge of the communities/locations served, in opposition to the rural-riparian logic/reality of those subjects, which exposes human and weakened academic of these.


  • Data: Dec 3, 2021
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  • The purpose of this paper is to investigate and record the actions and aspects of the life trajectory
    of the intellectual Iolanda de Oliveira, her distinct contributions to Brazilian society, which
    have sensitively cooperated to the construction of an anti-racist education within the academic
    space of the Fluminense Federal University - UFF in Niterói/RJ and its resonance to other
    regions of the country. The goal of this research is to demonstrate the contributions Iolanda de
    Oliveira has made to anti-racist education locally and nationally. The methodology used was
    life history because of the singularity that involves Iolanda de Oliveira. We were anchored by
    dialoguing theoretically with the works of authors who contribute to this study, among them:
    COLLINS (2019); DAVIS (2016, 2017); RIBEIRO (2017, 2018); FANON (1983); FREITAS
    (2017); GOMES (2017, 2019), HOOKS (2019); KILOMBA (2019); MUNANGA (2002, 2008,
    2019); OLIVEIRA (2001, 2010, 2012, 2015). Incorporated into the meticulous analysis of
    Iolanda's authentic personal documents, works written and organized by her were listed as well
    as a survey of the Cadernos do Programa de Educação sobre o Negro na Sociedade Brasileira
    (PENESB), and the Negro e Educação contest with research on blacks and education; her
    permanent work in education, which dates back to the 1960s; the affirmative action policy
    promoted by Penesb, and her work to implement in the Pedagogy course at the Education
    College of the Fluminense Federal University (FEUFF) a discipline in the area of ethnic-racial
    relations, all of this integrates Iolanda de Oliveira in anti-racist education and in Education for
    Ethnic-Racial Relations (ERER). The contact with the data, written and organized works shows
    that Iolanda de Oliveira through her struggles for anti-racist education and ERER has vast
    contributions for a less racist Brazilian society, through her performance in intellectual
    productions, through the creation of Penesb, by the continuing education of teachers at various
    levels of education and by the struggle within the university for an anti-racist education.


  • Data: Nov 30, 2021
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  • This project subject was Teacher Training: meanings and paths, using the municipal school for kindergarten and elementary grades Nossa Senhora da Graças as locus, in Pontilhão location, in the municipality of Abaetetuba/Pará. Therefore, the survey searched to answer the question “how the teachers training experience contributes to the performance of teachers in the learning process of students of the municipal school for kindergarten and elementary grades Nossa Senhora da Graças”. The teacher education consists of two distinct moments but interconnected: the basic training offered by Higher education institutions, and the continued (or continuous) formation that takes place after the completion of the initial formation. The research project was based qualitative approach due to the possibilities of studies of phenomena related to human beings end their relations defined in many environments, follow the case study, as search methodology, whose possibility occasion the analysis about the teacher training experience, the aim of our investigation. As regards of data collection procedures, we use bibliographic research, observation, documentary research, and semi-structured interview. We defined as categories to data analysis: teachers’ formation, profissional teaching and teach in countryside school. Therefore the teachers’ analysis about the experiences in teacher training enable critical reflection about the teaching practice in which it was perceived the lack of a policy of continuous formation by the municipal public administration for the teachers of the school and that the time destined to the formation in the school was organized in an individualized way among the teachers, which made difficult the dialogue about social demands and pedagogical proposals. The need to update the school's pedagogical proposal with the inclusion of reflection on laws to meet rural issues, as it is a rural teaching establishment, the insertion of the proposals of the annual Action Plan and socio-educational activities and the study of the results achieved by the school during the last external evaluations. Furthermore, teacher acknowledge their experiences as the build of profissional identity and that they can change the social and educational reality

  • O PROGRAMA DINHEIRO DIRETO NA ESCOLA NO MUNICÍPIO DE CAMETÁ (PA): transferências de recursos e prestação de contas dos conselhos escolares no período de 2009 a 2019 

  • Data: Aug 31, 2021
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  • Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar as transferências de recursos do Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola (PDDE), através do Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educação (FNDE) e prestações de contas dos Conselhos Escolares no Município de Cametá no período de 2009 a 2019. Para isso, buscou-se sistematizar e analisar: 1) os recursos recebidos através do PDDE pelos conselhos escolares; 2) outros recursos recebidos através do FNDE no município de Cametá e, 3) as inadimplências dos recursos recebidos pelos conselhos escolares no período de 2009 a 2019. A realização da pesquisa bibliográfica e documental se deu através de levantamentos nos sistemas públicos de informações, como o sistema de liberações do Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educação, Sistema de Gestão de Prestação de Contas (SIGPC), Relação de Unidades Executoras Atendidas pelo PDDE (PDDEREx), Relatório Resumido da Execução Orçamentária (RREO), documentos orientadores do FNDE, relatórios da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Cametá, leis, decretos, portarias, manuais operacionais do FNDE, etc. Ademais, utilizamos autores importantes que tratam sobre essa temática e afins como Mafassioli (2017), Peroni (1999), Camini (2009), Cardoso (2009), Batista (2008), Marinheiro (2016), Yananguita (2013), entre muitos outros, que foram indispensáveis para a análise que foi proposta. Este estudo demonstrou que os conselhos escolares no Município de Cametá receberam recursos do PDDE e suas ações agregadas no período de 2009 a 2019, em valores corrigidos a preço de dezembro de 2019 pelo INPC de R$ 49.650.766,65, sendo que, 58,20% foi repassado para o PDDE Integral e 24,78% para o PDDE Básico/Manutenção. As maiores inadimplências ocorreram nos anos de 2015 e 2019 no PDDE Básico e nos anos de 2014 e 2015 no PDDE Integral. Essas inadimplências levaram os conselhos a ficarem automaticamente impedidos de receberem os repasses do FNDE. Diante das inadimplências, entre 2014 e 2015 ocorreu uma diminuição considerável nos repasses. Em 2014, os valores com correção monetária, recebidos no PDDE Básico totalizaram R$ 1.696.018,81, sendo esse o ano em que mais conselhos receberam, 103 (cento e três). Já em 2015, esse valor diminuiu para R$ 645.310,24, com apenas 39 (trinta e nove) conselhos recebendo recursos. Essa diminuição de 62% no volume de recursos do PDDE básico entre 2014 e 2015 é observada de forma semelhante nas outras ações agregadas do PDDE a partir de 2014, sendo a inadimplência dos conselhos o principal motivo para explicar esse movimento decrescente.  

  • DEVIRES-TRAVESTIS NA EDUCAÇÃO: Montação cartográfica da arte queer como ato criador e político.

  • Data: Aug 31, 2021
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  • Que peut faire une foule de queer dans le devenir trans(des)viada dans l'éducation ? L'idée
    principale de cette étude se déplace à travers une star dansante, née du chaos, pour traverser de
    multiples territoires, de l'art de la culture, comme le carnaval, les fêtes du mois de juin et les
    festivités aforrreligieuses tissant dans ces chemins mobiles des affectations avec des
    collectivités queer, où l'on apprend à vivre, à lutter, à aimer et à agir les puissances du corps
    politique et de l'art queer dans l'assemblage d'une éducation travestie des différences. Et où
    nous pouvons demander : quels nouveaux arrangements l'art queer est capable de produire dans
    l'éducation ? Animé par la puissance de la rencontre avec la philosophie de la différence, le
    mouvement critique de ce travail est de provoquer des fissures dans l'image du patriarcat dans
    son pouvoir régnant et dominant, et le mouvement clinique est de produire des ouvertures, de
    tisser des réseaux de connexions entre les corps et les sexualités qui affirment une éducation
    des multiplicités. Le chemin que nous suivons dans cette recherche est la Cartographie des
    rhizomes, en compagnie de Deleuze & Guattari (2010) ; instiguée par une philosophie de la
    différence avec Nietzsche (2014) ; et les études queer de Butler (2003) et Preciado (2011), en
    plus des chercheurs transsexuels et travestis dans/de l'éducation tels que Luma Andrade (2012)
    ; Megg Oliveira (2020) ; Letícia Nascimento (2021) Thiffany Odara (2020) ; Sofia Favero
    (2020) ; qui " font de votre corps un site discursif, dans toute sa plénitude dépeint un texte
    explicite avec des signes féminins" (ODARA,2020), ces femmes, transféministes, nous
    accompagnent également à la croisée de ces chemins, en nous présentant diverses expériences
    et confrontations dans les espaces éducatifs pour contourner les dispositifs de contrôle et
    expérimenter le corps/pensée dans un événement qui révère l'ascendance et affirme
    positivement la différence queer dans l'éducation. Dans le montage cartographique, nous jetons
    un coup d'œil sur le concept de devenir travesti et expérimentons ses lignes sinueuses pour
    travestir l'éducation, pour étendre les forces inventives et subversives du corps queer dans les
    circuits de l'art, de la culture, de l'éducation. Travestir l'éducation, dans ce montage
    cartographique, c'est faire la preuve d'une écriture qui joue avec la parodie de genre, qui joue
    avec la débauche, qui joue avec le corps queer, l'art queer, qui pense l'éducation dans ses
    multiplicités reliées par des lignes rhizomatiques de devenir travesti, comme une manière
    inventive et subversive d'expérimenter la vie, la sexualité et, aussi, comme un concept qui naît
    fort et poignant dans la perspective de la différence en éducation.

  • This work brings to light a reflection on the concept of human formation (Bildung)
    developed in Germany about two hundred years ago, as well as on the concepts of
    objectivity and modern scientificity. At the same time, it remakes the criticism
    developed by Hans-Georg-Gadamer of the subjectivity inherent to the Enlightenment
    as a philosophical current; at the same time, it reflects education from the perspective
    of dialogue as a possibility of developing a conscience that submits its own convictions
    to the scrutiny of different comprehensive horizons. It intends to demonstrate that
    contemporary educational practice, guided by the idea of scientific objectivity, reduces
    the possibilities of training, since it has an orientation that disregards the historicity and
    social contexts of the student, in addition to linking the student's educational success
    to their adequacy to specializations aimed at providing human capital to the capitalist
    market. It also brings the perspective of the formation of philosophical hermeneutics,
    of self-education aimed at the development of ethical awareness in the subject,
    acquired from the opening to dialogue with other perspectives of the world, which
    enable constant reflection and self-revaluation by the educating, away from dogmatic
    and doctrinal conceptions. An education aimed at pluralism, freedom and citizenship.
    From a more human formative criterion, which considers knowledge not disconnected
    from the ethical sense and social responsibility. It is a theoretical research that seeks
    to bring a contribution to the contemporary pedagogical-philosophical debate.

  • Data: Aug 31, 2021
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  • Este trabalho traz à luz uma reflexão sobre o conceito de formação (Bildung) humana
    desenvolvido na Alemanha há cerca de duzentos anos, bem como sobre os conceitos
    de objetividade e de cientificidade modernos. Paralelamente, refaz a crítica
    desenvolvida por Hans-Georg-Gadamer à subjetividade inerente ao Iluminismo como
    corrente filosófica; ao mesmo tempo que reflete a educação sob a perspectiva do
    diálogo como possibilidade de desenvolvimento de uma consciência que submete
    suas próprias convicções ao crivo de diferentes horizontes compreensivos. Pretende
    demonstrar que a prática educacional contemporânea, orientada pela ideia de
    objetividade científica, reduz as possibilidades de formação, uma vez que possui uma
    orientação que desconsidera a historicidade e os contextos sociais do educando, além
    de vincular o êxito formativo deste a sua adequação a especializações voltadas para
    o provimento de capital humano para o mercado capitalista. Traz, outrossim, a
    perspectiva de formação da hermenêutica filosófica, de uma autoformação voltada
    para o desenvolvimento da consciência ética no sujeito, adquirida a partir da abertura
    para o diálogo com outras perspectivas de mundo, que possibilitam uma constante
    reflexão e auto reavaliação por parte do educando, afastando-o de concepções
    dogmáticas e doutrinárias. Uma educação voltada para o pluralismo, para a liberdade
    e para a cidadania. De um critério formativo mais humano, que considera o saber não
    desconectado do senso ético e de responsabilidade social. Trata-se de uma pesquisa
    teórica que procura trazer uma contribuição ao debate pedagógico-filosófico


  • Data: Aug 30, 2021
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  • Al'agence Clarice Lispector et ConceiçãoEvaristo et Coletivo Sumanas e... dans les fils-
    rhizomes des féminismes de la littérature en éducation a constitué le principal défi de cette
    recherche. Les réseaux cartographiques, à la manière deleuzienne-guattarienne, entrelacés
    avec les études féministes, ont ouvert des mondes dans les réseaux éducatifs, ont déplacé des
    rencontres, ont promu des agences politiques et littéraires dans les réunions en assemblées,
    pour discuter de la liberté du corps-politique féminin et du droit d'apparaître, ont soutenu
    dans les actions éducatives du Collectif de Femmes Sumanas de CUNTINS-Cametá et dans
    cartographier les expériences politiques et littéraires des intrigues éducatives desVoix-
    Femmes du Collectif de Femmes Suman, comme une ouverture aux processus libertaires et à
    la problématisation de la condition féminine dans la société. Pour ce faire, ce travail traverse
    une rivière-mer entre les féminismes et les activismes du collectif de femmes Suman à travers
    desquatrecartes-d’essai de textes performatifs qui inscrivent des scènes et des coupures de
    l'art littéraire de Clarice Lispector et Conceição Evaristo. Dans ces mouvements politiques et
    littéraires, nous remettons en question les inégalités de genre dans la société et potentialisons
    les multiplicités, en interconnectant l'art et la vie, pour élever nos voix-des femmes (comme
    dans Evaristo) pour produire des puissances et des insurrections féministes. La recherche
    cartographique est basée sur la philosophie de la différence de Deleuze et Guattari (1995),
    Passos, Kastrup, Tedesco et Escóssia (2015;2016). L'apport théorique passe par Arendt
    (2002;2007;2019), Bauman (2000), Butler (2003;2004;2019), Davis(2015;2017),Deleuze
    (1997;2003), Deleuze et Guattari (1996; 2020),Gonzalez (2020),hooks (2017;2019), Levy
    (2011), Nunes (2007), et des textes littéraires de Lispector et Evaristo, articulés au champ de
    l'éducation. La recherchepercourules tissages fructueux entrela littérature et la politique et
    Lispector et Evaristo et Coletivo Sumanas, entremêlant les voix-femmes dans l'insurrection
    libertaire potentielle dans les processus éducatifs et les luttes et résistances collectives en
    défense de la vie et de la libertéd'exister, souligne l'urgence d'insérer l'agenda de l'éducation
    sexuelle dans l'enseignement de base, puisque, dans les entretiens, les tours de conversation
    et le dialogue avec les six participants, au moins cinq d'entre eux ont dit avoir subi une forme
    de violence et deux ont dit avoir subi des violences sexuelles depuis l'enfance, au sein de la
    famille. Dans ce processus de libération, les études de genre, la littérature, le dialogue, la
    participation, le processus d'écriture avec la poésie, les activismes politiques ont contribué à
    transformation se produit, étant nécessaire de coudre fil par fil pour tisser une autre
    éducation, surtout dans les périodes de menace à ladémocratie, où nos voix-femmes font face
    aux incidences de la violence et du silence pour s'élever politiquement dans leurs luttes et
    résistances collectives.


  • Data: Aug 27, 2021
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  • The dissertation entitled “Body, performance-art and expression of gender and sexuality in
    elementary school” aims to map the expressions of gender and sexuality from the perspective
    of performance art experienced by the group GEACOM - Grupo Experimental Arte-Cultural
    Osvaldina Muniz. It describes the experiences with art manifested in the encounter with
    contemporary dance, music and cinematographic art, reverberated in/by the combative body of
    the participants, in the form of struggle and resistance against the cisheteronormative logic,
    rooted in everyday school life. The hybrid language of performance- art is the potentiating
    element to map the school space and GEACOM's experiments as a place of contestation,
    protest, transgression and resistance. It travels through performance-art inscribed on the borders
    of the body with visibility to sexual and gender diversities, showing how the insurgencies of
    bodies and performative acts question the naturalization of gender and the binary logic installed
    in the school. The theoretical-conceptual construction of the study dialogues with Butler (2013);
    Cabral (2020); Cohen (2002); Costa (2010); Caetano (2014;2015); Deleuze and Guattari
    (1997); Foucault (2013); Gadelha (2010); Louro (2013;2014;2020); Pereira (2013); Miranda
    and Faial (2020); Zumthor (2016), from the perspective of gender studies and performance art
    in elementary school. In the company of art, it opens paths for new experiments with subversive
    and transgressive performative bodies, while at the same time seeking to bring together forces
    and other forms, to think about an education with differences. In the intercession with the
    thought of Deleuze and Guattari (1995), Passos, Kastrup and Tedesco (2014; 2015), the
    research in its methodological nuances seeks to compose a cartographic plan of the experiences
    and performativities of gender and sexuality of the participants' performance-political body of
    the group, in the midst of collective meetings, their accompaniments, rehearsals, montages and
    interventions, with the main focus on the emergence of (re)stop and (re)thinking issues related
    to sexual diversities and gender identity and their performative effects . The cartographic
    monitoring of the research and the written records of the performance interventions were carried
    out through observations of the rehearsals, photographs of the performances, experience
    reports, collective conversations about the effects of the performance interventions carried out
    by the group. The research results emphasize that gender performing art opens a new field of
    discussion for issues of gender and sexuality in educational territories, thinking about the
    expression of the protest body interconnected to aesthetic and political struggles and resistances
    and to the processes of creating spaces of freedom and uniqueness in education.


  • Data: Aug 27, 2021
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  • The present work has as its object of study the pedagogical practices of teachers who
    work in modular secondary education in the locality of Paruru de Baixo, a riverside
    community located in the municipality of Cametá, state of Pará. The study is anchored
    in a qualitative approach of the study type of case, with the following methodological
    procedures: bibliographic research, document analysis and semi-structured interview
    with eight subjects involved with educational processes in the modular education
    system, these being four teachers working at SOME, two graduate students, a
    community representative and a pedagogical coordinator responsible for SOME in the
    municipality of Cametá. Its general objective is to analyze the contributions of the
    pedagogical practices of SOME teachers in the training processes of students attended at
    the school in Paruru de Baixo. For this, we analyze the pedagogical practices through
    content analysis, from the following analytical categories: teaching planning, teaching
    objectives, teaching content, teaching methods and school-community relationship.
    Based on the analyses, we identified that the pedagogical practices of SOME teachers,
    particularly in Paruru de Baixo, have not effectively contributed to the training
    processes of students, as preparation for ENEM is prioritized, with priority given to
    access to the university at the expense of a broader education integrated to their
    realities. We can say that, ideologically, secondary education has been marked by the
    search for efficiency, so that the ENEM becomes a way of evaluating whether this
    purpose is being achieved, in addition to institutionalizing the limited conditions of
    access to higher education. Pragmatically, the interviewees' statements also revealed
    that such practices have contributed positively with regard to the preparation of students
    to take the ENEM. Therefore, elements emerged that indicate that despite the
    challenges, SOME has been presented as an important public policy, as it is seen as the
    only alternative for students to have access to secondary education in their place of
    origin, close to their work, their family and their friends, because they contribute in a
    more elaborate and systematic way in the reality of their communities and their lives.


  • Data: Aug 27, 2021
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  • The research developed here aims to understand the racial and gender profile of undergraduate students at the Federal University of Pará-Campus de Altamira, considering the years 2017 to 2020. In view of the identification of this profile, we focus on the presence and trajectory of black women in the undergraduate courses of this University. To carry out the research, we used quantitative and qualitative data, the first being collected from the Pedagogical Division of UFPA-Campus de Altamira. This research consists of a specific method based on semi-structured interviews. Three black women who had access to university through the quotas were selected, two representatives from the Pedagogy course and one from the Medicine course in order to show to what extent their racial and gender belonging influenced and (influence) their admission and permanence in higher education. In general, the data indicate a framework of invisibility of the black population at the university. Furthermore, from the trajectories presented, we can conclude that the educational system lacks acceptance in the face of racism and sexism, and it is concluded that black women have strategies to enter and remain in the university space.

  • A FORMAÇÃO PARA AS RELAÇÕES ÉTNICO-RACIAIS, PELO PARFOR, NO CURSO DE HISTÓRIA: currículo e trajetória de professoras egressas de Cametá (PA)

  • Data: Aug 27, 2021
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  • This work aims to analyze the training of female teachers, through the History course of the
    Federal University of Pará, contemplated by the National Training Plan for Basic Education
    Teachers (PARFOR), having as focus of observation the studies on ethnic-racial relations
    applied to the analysis of the curriculum of the course and the social and school practices of
    female teachers and graduates of the University Campus of Cametá (PA), because the History
    course of PARFOR offered in the curricular design a subject of History of Africa. Because of
    that, the intention of this work was to find out, through data survey, if the course attends the
    ethnic-racial questions according to the requirements of the Law 11.645/2008, which
    instituted the obligatory inclusion of the theme of Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous History and
    Culture in basic education and higher education. The year of the implementation of PARFOR
    in Cametá coincided with the creation of the History College in the University Campus of that
    municipality; however, the basic curricular design for the History course did not follow the
    guidelines of the newly created college, but those of Belém, and for this reason the course
    offered only this subject in the final part of the course. The methodology used in the research
    is qualitative in nature, with a documental analysis of the pedagogic project of the course, of
    which the curricular design was analyzed, and oral history, with interviews with the course's
    former teachers. The question is whether this single subject has awakened the practice of
    ethno-racial relations in their school communities. However, the result of the research showed
    us that the History course still does not comply with the legislation, and for this reason the
    discussions are not comprehensive in the curriculum. Even so, this single subject made a
    difference in the formation of female teachers and awakened the interest in the production of
    end-of-course papers on the theme, as well as modified the pedagogical practice, leading to
    other knowledge about the history of the African continent and of blacks in Brazil, in search
    of a democratic teaching, in the recognition of differences and in the fight against racism.


  • Data: Aug 26, 2021
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  • This research investigates the experiences and knowledge in the work of artisanal
    shipbuilding in the city of Limoeiro do Ajuru, State of Pará, based on a study of the formative
    dimensions derived and manifested in the praxis of these knowledges, constituted as an
    affirmative action of resistance to the destructive logic of capital, materialized in the
    implementation of the Hydroelectric Power Plant (UHE) in Tucuruí-PA, as well as in the
    expansion in artisanal fishing and açaí culture. Based on the hypothesis that social
    experiences and the development of knowledge in work are configured as a constant process
    of production, [re]elaboration, adaptation and sum of social knowledge instituted in the
    experiences experienced in the production of human existence and in the experiences of work
    activities. It is emphasized that this study makes use of the theoretical perspective of
    historical-dialectical materialism, which encompasses the alienation, interpretation of the
    contradictory and the dialectic of denial of denial as categories of analysis in the [multiple]
    historical and social relations that underlie the existence of subjects who integrate the offices
    of carpenter, calafate and painter, crafts that configure the handmade shipbuilding (CORÊA,
    2017). This study affirms the existence of knowledge and polytechnical practices, which
    enable the diversified production of types of vessels, since it underlies the historical, social
    and economic needs of the microregion of Baixo Tocantins. In this perspective, diverse
    knowledge/knowledge and experiences are affirmed as a seni qua non condition, to confront a
    process of work reduction, as well as to support a class consciousness itself (POULANTZAS,
    1969). Therefore, it is concluded that the knowledge/knowledge arising from the experiences
    and/or/in the process of production and training, highlight the work as an educational
    principle and/or the educational principles of doing/knowing work, as well as the
    knowledge/knowledge constructed in the experiences and/or the development and needs of
    the work/, which from the perspective of the categories work and education is evidenced by
    the integral formation of the subjects.


  • Data: Jul 5, 2021
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  • The objective was to analyze the profile of municipal managers of high and middle level education in Cametá (Pará), considering the possible similarities or differences between the profile of managers and the management perspectives of the Partido dos Trabalhadores (2001- 2004) and 2013-2016) and the profile of the group's managers led by José Waldoli Filgueira Valente (2005-2008, 2009-2012 and 2017-2020). The methodology was based on the qualitative approach. The closed questionnaire technique was used, applied to a non-random sample of 53 managers from both groups, within a universe of 76 senior and middle managers. In addition, there was a document analysis and semi-structured interview, which was applied with two managers, one from each group. The theoretical framework starts from the reflection on the main management paradigms, namely, the bureaucratic, the managerial and the democratic. The concept of clientelism was also taken into account in the theoretical reflections that guided this research. Among the results of the study, it was verified the existence of two groups that alternated in the management of municipal education. The first revolves around the structure of the PT, with 43% of respondent managers affiliated to the party; the second group revolves around a leadership, whose members are not linked to a party. The number of managers who worked in each group is different, as the first group, during its period of work, in just two municipal administrations, had a total of 47 managers, while the second group, which was in the city hall for three terms, had a lower number, 29 managers. Both groups are made up mostly of women and recruit the majority of middle-level managers within the civil service of the education sector, with emphasis on employees of the Municipal Education Department itself, as 56% of respondents are hired by this department. . Regarding education, 68% of the managers responding to the questionnaire have a degree in Pedagogy, and 72% have a specialization (lato sensu post-graduation). The first group is, as a whole, more educated, with 49% of managers with a master's degree, compared to 17% in the second group. In addition, the Federal University of Pará contributed to the formation of 85% of the total of these two groups of masters. It is also added that the Graduate Program in Education and Culture (Federal University of Pará, Campus Cametá) was responsible for training 45% of the total number of master managers in municipal education. In the interview with the subjects, it was detected that in the first PT administration (2001 to 2004), according to the perception of the interviewed managers, the party's philosophy was inserted in education with a democratic management proposal centered on local initiative projects; however, in PT's second term (2013-2016), its projects were aligned with the execution of programs established by the Federal Government. In addition, it was identified that, in the view of the interviewed managers, the group led by José Waldoli F. Valente, during the term of 2017 to 2020, was based on a profile aligned with the principles of democratic management, at an early stage of the government; however, in the final periods of government, it takes a more vertical perspective, with more centralized decision-making. Furthermore, the criteria for the composition of the management teams of both groups was based on requirements such as technical competence, education and political-party affinity. Finally, we highlight the appointment of managers from both groups as a mechanism for strengthening political groups and the base of government in the municipal legislature.


  • Data: Jun 29, 2021
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  • This dissertation has as its object of study the Traditional Knowledge of Quilombola Benzedeiras and/or Midwives from Itacuruçá – Abaetetuba/Pará, addresses the process of blessing and/or giving birth. In order to understand the construction process of learning traditional knowledge. To undertake the work, we used a qualitative approach, with a methodology based on oral history with ethnographic resources. As a theoretical contribution, it is based on authors such as: Charlot (2000); Portelli (1997); Pinto (2002); Geertz (1989); Le Goff (1990); Quintana (1985), authors who discuss the understanding of the theme and among other references that will be used. We applied interviews as a research instrument, based on a script of questions. How did these women build or appropriate this knowledge of the practice of blessing and/or giving birth at home and how does this process take place? We identified that these practices are seen as a vocation, a gift received from God, to help and care for other women. Studies show us that the practices of blessing and/or giving birth are learning built within the family context and are considered by the research subjects as a way of resisting and existing, that there is also a strong connection between these subjects and a transcendent. And in this bias of construction and learning of this knowledge, we soon identified that there is a devaluation of this traditional knowledge of the practices of blessing and/or giving birth in contemporary times, by the new generations, with this a decrease in the number of healers and/or midwives, that these knowledge is threatened in the community. Facts that the research subjects attribute to the advancement of medicine, technology and access to information and scientific knowledge.


  • Data: Jun 28, 2021
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  • This research aims to analyze how life trajectories and teacher training at the Municipal School Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro, in the Community of Piratuba, contribute to the teaching practice in the classroom and to the construction of professional identity. Methodologically, we chose oral history, starting from a qualitative approach. Theoretically, the research is based on the following theoretical contributions: Nunes (2001), Tardif (2002), Pollak, (1989), Lino (1996), Goldenberg (1997), Marconi and Lakatos (2011). According to Reis (2008), life stories, like those of the teachers / quilombolas, usually narrate about the development of an action triggered by a situation of real or imagined conflict. We conducted the field research, based on observations and interviews to collect information and further analysis. Thus, in what concerns these reflections, we emphasize that the reports of the quilombola teachers and the desire for theoretical deepening motivate us even more to reflect on issues relevant to the theme proposed in this study; understanding how important continuing education is as a continuous process, which needs to be carried out and which is part of the teacher's professional life, from which he qualifies his teaching work and, consequently, improves the quality of the teaching and learning process from the students.


  • Data: Jun 25, 2021
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  • This dissertation analyzes the Modular Teaching Organization System – SOME in the community of Belos Prazeres, municipality of Cametá-PA as an educational policy for the countryside. In order to understand the articulation and organization that the community sought for the SOME to be carried out, as its importance in the present location is identified, the possibilities of training and continuity of studies up to High School for the subjects of Belos Prazeres. To undertake the work we use a qualitative approach and as a methodology, we highlight the case study, with characteristics of an ethnography. As a theoretical basis for the research, we have: Minayo (2009), Trivinios (1987), Yin (2001) and Zen (2018), authors who discuss the understanding of the case study bringing the characteristics of ethnography. As the main instrument and data collection, semi-structured interviews were used, whose data were treated in the light of thematic content analysis. The results from this field work were confronted with contributions in the discussions of the central theoretical axes of the research, which are: Modular Organization System of Teaching and Rural Education. In this way, according to the research paths, initially, we identified the relationship of legal devices, listing as a reference the legislation that defines the operationalization, which is the resolution nº 161/82 and regulated as a Public Educational Policy of the State of Pará defined by Law No. 7,806 of April 29, 2014. Thus, the unfolding efforts of the investigation point to the importance of SOME for the Belos Prazeres Community, mainly because it brings real conditions for the continuity of studies for the subjects in the field. On the other hand, in which it shows this importance, there are also a series of structural difficulties to offer better conditions in relation to the training of peasant youth in rural High School, since, for many, SOME is the only viable alternative to access this teaching modality. In addition to being a facilitator for the subjects to remain in the community, without having to move to another location, as happened when there was no SOME in this location. Therefore, the research points out that the community is an important organizational instrument for it to arrive and become effective. Thus, the research subjects attribute, among other factors, to the advancement of the community, schooling and complete training in basic education.

  • HISTÓRIAS, MEMÓRIAS, EDUCAÇÃO E (R)EXISTÊNCIAS: entre saberes e fazeres do/no Quilombo de Bailique Centro, Município Oeiras do Pará

  • Data: Mar 17, 2021
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  • The study entitled, Histories, Memories, Education and (R)Existence: between knowledge and actions of/in the Bailique Center quilombo, Oeiras do Pará municipality, aims to analyze the traditional knowledge as a way of (r)existence from quilombola women and men, the expertise referring to the planting practice, harvesting, creating and preserving, related to the nature and the inhabitants’ relationship forms of this quilombola with such knowledge, which constitute the socialcultural and historical processes of this community. Methodologically, it was sought theoretical assistance in authors works that approach themes related to the orality, memory, (r)existence and traditional and cultural knowledge, among which the following stand out: LEFF (2006), MUÑOZ (2007), SANTOS (2005), PINTO (2004, 2010), DOMINGUES (2017), PORTELLI (2016), HALL (2003), PORTO-GONÇALVES (2015), among others, that were of great importance for the study referrals. Added to the field research, through observation in lócus, small talks, always in search of women’s and men’s traces and experiences and the relationship that they establish with nature. Thus, it was decided to carry out a qualitative research using oral history methods, which by aiming to set out investigative work procedures, making it possible to interpret and dialogue with the history, helped in the cultural and environmental knowledge understanding. Likewise, the social group struggles in study by the territory domain, for existence, better living conditions, recognition and appreciation of their cultural identity. Research data indicate that the nature is their root, their strengthening, their sense of living, so the natural environment is associated with personal and community belonging, above all, based on an ecological awareness notion associated with the human existence need or many families in the settlement. We also observed that in the village’s routine the local environment is diversified in knowledge of traditional learning, noted by the ways of residents’ being and living, the relationships that they have with the environment, in daily practices, mainly, with regard to the natural resources usage and preservation, which are ecological knowledge, typical of the local culture.


  • Data: Feb 15, 2021
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  • O Ma’épowa’é oapopota ma’é petetinga “E1 ome se’enga rché toria ose’eng “linguistico i’ é toria oma’épy hehé, a’é toria ose’eng (interculturais) i’i toria oseng a’éramo ose’mo’é aká toro’aponé Assurini se’enga rehé i’i’, a éramo osé’eng aká sene semo’mo’enawa rehé, soné akwawa a’é no’enowe rehewe, ai à né reywya pype Assurini Tukará, a’é Tukuruí-pé Pará pé, a’éramo osemo’é aká toria sene se’enga rehé, toria toapone se’enga, wyrawywa Assurini, no se’ enghi no’enowiwe avéramo oró se’eng isope oró papo oró se’eng isope maé we oró so’engkan isope, a’éramo ikwaha we ma’é: a’é akwawa no’enowe se’enga naiapyhaihi assurini – akwawa, toria we nokwahawe maé a’éramo oró apó ma’é isopé isongkata ma’etiroa isope isongkata ma’etroa isope tokwaham orosa, e’omi toria ose’eng sinais akwawa a’é é’omi heysa gawa we toporong’enta isope a’é (libras) ´’´toria a’éramo oró poronh’enta isope oró ma’é rehé é’omi ma’é mymawa rehé, mawé, a’a rehé, é’omi ma’etiroa rehé we, a’é (akwawa a’é) a’éramo oró se’eng, oró se’eng rehé oró ma’é apotawa rehé identidade maiapyhai rehé a’é rehé akwawa ma’éapotawa: Skliar (1998), Santana (2007), Oliveira (2015), Lima (2017), a’é amoté kwé oré ose’eng oró ope ose’eng torokwahan ma’etr kato’eté oró se’opé, a’éramo akwawa naiapyhai. A’é osé molé sene se’enga rehé osé mo’é aká a’éramo ikato’ang pepitinga. Sene ywya assurini takará ikato’na aká e’omi ma’é mopiniwakawa rehé. A’é oapowa’é é’omiakwawa naiap, hai assurini, a’é rehé a’éramo oporong’enta o’apó ma’é opapó ose’enga (libras) ma’é a’éramo kato’eté. Se’enga a’é sinais a’é ose’ohy a’é códigos ose’engato’eté a’é oapo petetinga osé mo’e’o hehé a’é e’apo inclusão social a’é oseope.

  • TECNOLOGIAS DIGITAIS NA EDUCAÇÃO: experiências pedagógicas com uso do celular por adolescentes do Município de Cametá/PA


  • Data: Jan 29, 2021
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  • The research analyzed the pedagogical experiences resulting from the use of mobile digital technologies by adolescents in public high schools in the municipality of Cametá / PA. Among the specific objectives, it sought to identify the risks and limits of the use of mobile digital technologies by adolescents in public schools as well as to investigate the use of cell phones in the school space, from the point of view of the adolescents, and then analyze what mediations are made by the school for the pedagogical use of mobile digital technologies. The data analyzes were referenced from a critical perspective of reality, making it possible to explain the contradictions and crucial issues that permeate the insertion of mobile digital technologies in education. It was used as instruments of data collection, semi-structured interview with teachers and pedagogical coordinators and application of questionnaires with adolescents. To analyze technologies in the context of capitalist society, support was sought in the reflections of Marx (2008, 2013, 2017); Mészáros (2011) and Vieira Pinto (2005). Authors like Selwyn (2011); Prioste (2013); Costa (2013); Nagumo (2014); Cordeiro (2014); Prazeres (2016); Kobs (2017) and Batista (2019) helped to problematize the insertion of technologies in the educational field, as well as to reflect on the tensioning, risks and implications of the use of mobile devices by adolescents. The analyzes showed that the pedagogical experiences of the use of mobile devices are part of the school routine, being provided by the personal use of the subjects. We identified that the development of pedagogical practices mediated by technologies faces numerous challenges, such as the lack of adequate technological infrastructure until continuing teacher education. It was found that the digital tools existing in the classrooms are used, whenever possible, as a pedagogical resource, being the responsibility of teachers and students, given that the technological equipment of the school does not meet the demand and needs of the educational process, weakening very important aspects such as teacher training. We also identified that implications can occur in the educational process when these tools are used inappropriately. It is the tensioning of the teacher-student relationship that erupts in classrooms, conflicts that are established by the non-pedagogical use of the cell phone, distorting the focus of activities for moments of entertainment and fun. In the adolescents' perception, the cell phone can be an important resource for school learning, a tool that can be used pedagogically, but which faces prohibitions due to its use for entertainment purposes. For the school, it is a challenge the attendance and monitor this use, because the demand for teenagers with this device is growing, however alternatives are sought for mediations, such as lectures and meetings with parents and guardians, because it is believed that a partnership with the family also contributes to the strengthening of the educational process and helps in the alleviation or resolution of situations that imply in the adolescents' routine and learning.

  • POLÍTICA DE VALORIZAÇÃO DO MAGISTÉRIO NOS PCCRs DA REDE MUNICIPAL DE CAMETÁ/PA: movimento na carreira e incentivo à formação docente

  • Data: Jan 29, 2021
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  • This text is the result of the Research of Master’s in Education under the title – “Policy of Valorization of the Magisterium in the PCCRs of the municipal network of Cametá/PA: Criteria of movement in the career and incentive to teacher training”. The objective is to analyze the policy of valuing the magisterium from the Plans of Career and Remuneration positions of the Magisterium (PCCRs) Cametá, identifying the policy of movement in the career and the incentive(s) of teacher training of the municipal network. The methodology used emphasized the literature review, document analysis and the application of semi-structured interviews. In the review of the theme, the works of Abrucio (2010) were taken as the main foundations; Baldino (2002), Costa, (1988), Martins (2010), Barbalho and Mendes (2017); Saviani (2009); Ferreira (2011); Gutierres et. al. (2018), among others. During the documents analyzed, in addition to the national laws that have the policy of funds for education and that available on the floor of the magisterium, we take the municipal laws regarding the object of study, such as: The Statute of the Magisterium, Law No. 1.245/92 of December 22, 1992, Law No. 212/2012, which creates the Career and Remuneration of The Magisterium - PCCR already modified in some aspects of interest of the category by Law No. 256/2013 and Law No. 291/2016. The interviews were applied to ten effective teachers of the municipal network, urban area, to a representative of the Union of Public Education Workers of the State of Pará - SINTEPP-Subsede/Cametá and to two (2) municipal managers occupying the position of Municipal Secretary of Education – one of them who was in the exercise of the functions at the time of the interviews and the other as former secretary. Considering that the object of study is situated in the field of the policy of valorization of the public magisterium, inserting itself in a field of clashes between government and the working class, we opted for the methodologicalanalytical framework of historical-dialectical materialism, taking the principles of totality, mediation, and contradiction to support the analysis and treatment of data to approximate the results obtained from the investigated reality. The results of the research revealed that the policy of valuing the magisterium has been a fighting flag of SINTEPP/Cametá, having this entity led the proposal of the first PCCR widely discussed from 2004 to 2006, having been approved by Law No. 066/2006, whose text did not fully portray what the category had discussed, but served as a reference for the evolution of the municipal career, bringing changes on the journey and on horizontal and vertical progressions and the floor, in particular. It was also observed that the initial training of municipal teachers has been receiving support from the municipal management, although limited way, while the continued training takes place through external programs and projects, because there is no consolidated training project in the municipal network initiative, even if the Cent of Teacher Training - CEFOP - initiative of municipal management has been created. The policies expressed in laws No. 11.494/2007 - FUNDEB, No. 11.738/2008 - PSPN and Law No. 13.005/ 2014, which had approved the PNE - valid from 2014 to 2024, offered fundamental subsidies to the education networks for education management, with the Plans for Career Positions and Remuneration of Education Professionals - PCCRs as guidelines for the interests of teachers. In the case of Cametá, the existence of Law No. 212/2012 - PCCR means an important advance for the policy of valuing the magisterium, but there is a need for other changes to address aspects not yet contemplated as a dimension of this policy. According to SINTEPP, the budgetary limitations due to the low tax collection of the municipality make it impossible to comply with the law of the floor as to the time for planning as part included in the remuneration contained in the PCCR. The performance evaluation that is predicted as a horizontal progression also does not occur, according to the interviewees, sometimes due to lack of financial resources, sometimes due to lack of sufficient technical staff to meet this criterion of progression, limiting itself to movement only for service time for interstice every 5 years


  • Data: Jan 27, 2021
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  • The dissertation approaches, in an articulated way, the concepts of performative art of the gender, body and heterotopies art as potentialities to think the educational field as a space of transgression and resistance, problematizing gender issues and the government and regulation regimes directed at the body. It seeks to think the language of performative art as a queer activism of a body that expresses minority struggles and confrontations in heterotopic spaces in education, producing political shots and performance effects capable of creating territories of freedom in the historically instituted and sacred spaces. In its theoretical-conceptual perspective, the work dialogues with Carlson (2011), Colling (2015), Butler (2017), Deleuze-Guattari (2017), Foucault (2013), Louro (2003), Cohen (2013), Pereira (2013), Passeti (2008), Lemebel (1986), intercessors who helped to build the study and problematization of the performative art of gender in the perspective of difference in education. In its methodological aspect, the study traverses and transversalizes the gender performance art developed by the Chilean writer and performer Pedro Lemebel combined with the participants school experiences and the performance Metamorphosis of the Body performed by the LGBTQIA + group in the university space. The monitoring of the research process and the written records of the performance interventions were carried out through remarks to the rehearsals, photographs of the performances, reports of school experiences, conversations regarding the effects of the performance interventions performed by the group. The results of the research emphasize that the performative art of gender produces a walk together with the group participating in this work, bringing its reverberations, sounds, provocations to an education designed to meet differences. Challenges of creating other heterotopic spaces of difference in education that affirm good encounters, welcoming others, the power of art, of the body in its freedom to exist, and also, the rebellions and transgressions thrown at education

  • FINITUDE E ENVELHECIMENTO: Uma pedagogia para a vida.

  • Data: Jan 27, 2021
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  • This dissertation text is weaved between the field of philosophy and education, problematizing issues considered as habitual, which emerge from the growing need to think about finitude and aging as complementary perspectives that interrelate and enable us to outline other ways of thinking and problematize education, and instigate us to ask How does education think about the human being? Does it only prepare you to be an adult? What can pedagogy learn from the fact that we are finite? And in this way, in a double movement, how can pedagogy enable us to have an education that accepts the losses of life ?, How can we think of it now beyond a productivist and marketing logic? We intend to analyze the ways in which finitude and death have been discussed over the years, problematizing aging while inspiring new ways of thinking and materializing pedagogy, and in the way we face a life with losses (especially if we graduate at all). moment to deal only with gains), with that we ask ourselves, what is this experience that happens in aging, that allows us to think against an education of chores and certainties. Within the theoretical-methodological aspect, we will use bibliographic research, which allows us to deepen and mature in relation to what has been written and questioned about the theme. As theoretical inspiration we will use authors such as Yalom (2008), Elias (2001), Seibt (2009.2012), Krishnamurti (1992), Luper (2010) among others, which allow us to problematize the concept of finitude and death, articulated with the perspective of aging de Combaz (1990), Cícero (2011), Sêneca (2009), Schopenhauer (2016), Steglich (1992) among others, as well as pedagogy itself through Cambi (1999), Larrosa (2010), and finally , we draw an articulation with the gerontogogy presented by Both (1999) in his text Gerontogogia: Education and Longevity, which was essential for us to be able to trace the first approximations about the theme of aging, as well as finitude and death, and to problematize pedagogy itself. . Through the theme, we put into question an education of chores, and thinking about it through aging and finitude allows a break with the logic of the productivity of man's training to think of him in his entirety, as someone who respects his limits in a natural way, and can insert in their daily practices in an intersectional way, the perspective of a human being who respects and understands the passage of time, an education that addresses the natural issues of life, which allows education professionals to talk about the body beyond a biologizing look, but for a body that feels, suffers, rejoices, and this possibility announces that many fields that are already consolidated can be rethought.


  • Data: Jan 22, 2021
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  • This work, labeled High School Teaching Work and Integration Processes of Portuguese Evaluation Knowledge: the Prescribed and the Re-standardized, was built from the knowledge production theme in the learning evaluation of Portuguese Language teaching in early education according to Teacher Osvaldina Muniz State High School, urban area of Cametá (PA), in order to analyze how the knowledge prescribed in evaluation in the context of the teaching work activity in basic education has been related to experiential knowledge in the teaching-learning of the Portuguese language. Therefore, the problem of this research consisted of questioning how knowledge present in Portuguese language assessment is re-standardized by teachers within the teaching work in teaching-learning according to high school, considering possibilities of integrating experiences aimed at emancipation as a process transformative innovation or maintaining order related to innovation in the traditional perspective. To support this research, the bibliographic survey was based on authors and researchers as Hadji (1994), Esteban (1999), Loch (2000), Hoffmann (1993, 2014), Vasconcelos (2008), who reflect and problematize the evaluation: Schwartz (2000, 2003, 2011, 2016), Charlot (2005), Tardif (2002, 2009) e Trinquet (2010) who helped us to reflect on Ergology light knowledge; Saviani (1995), who supports the discussion on innovation in education, among other authors who support the presented debate. From a methodological point of view, we are guided by Dialectical Historical Materialism to make a dialectical analysis also related to the ergological approach, which allowed us to understand human activity, more precisely the human activity of teaching work in a qualitative perspective of reflecting on the relationship between prescribed and restandardized knowledge. This research revealed, through semi-structured interview, the analysis of our main findings, which pointed out the existence of a subversive character in evaluating, by the research partners at Teacher Osvaldina Muniz State High School, allowing the visibility of multiple sources of knowledge and skills, a result of a permanent subversive awareness in these workers, who oscillates between meeting the assessment goals required by the norms of the official documents inserted by the work organization and / or intervening in learning through “little techniques” (innovative ingenuity) that go against the logic that prescribes the norms that precede their work and favors the maintenance of order, pointing to the possibility of a perspective of dialectical innovation However, it is also concluded that the re-standardizations have not yet materialized as praxis, as there are difficulties in coping with the breaking of traditional teaching paradigms, but indicate, in its materiality in the assessment of Portuguese language learning at the institution, that this awareness subversive attitude of teachers points to the possibility of transformation. This happens precisely because there is a debate of norms dialectically embedded in the historical and human dimensions of these professionals. The analyzes also point out that the restandardizations do not occur in empty space, but from prescriptions resulting from the initial and continuing training received by the research partners, either accepting or questioning them, given the work context.


  • Data: Dec 29, 2020
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  • The research aims to analyze the northeastern migration in the Tocantina Amazon, which was motivated by a major work of the federal government in favor of international capital, in the municipality of Tucuruí, the Tucuruí Hydroelectric Plant. We adopted the following research question: how does the social formation of workers who emigrated from the Northeast occur to constitute the workforce for the construction of the Tucuruí HPP, and settled in a new and different socio-cultural reality in the interior of the Amazon? We used a literature review and semi-structured interviews with 5 (five) northeastern migrant subjects who currently reside in Tucuruí. The analyzes were carried out from the point of view of content analysis in the light of historical dialectical materialism (KOSIK, 1976). We conclude that migration is a phenomenon common to capitalism and, more than that, a necessity of the system, since it is the product of the accumulation of surplus labor, so indispensable to the process of capital accumulation. Despite the huge population contingent that immigrated to the Region and the negative socioenvironmental impacts to which the native populations of the Amazon were subjected, their integration into the development project in Brazil was not an undertaking in which concerns with the well-being of the population were first of all. The fact is that migrant workers from the Northeast, for different reasons, established fixed housing in Tucuruí, either because they were unable to return to their homeland, because they got a formal or informal job or because they started a family in Tucuruí, and this municipality as a place of belonging of these subjects. In this process of strengthening ties with the land they adopted as theirs - Tucuruí - migrant workers and their respective families give substance to a process of adaptation to the new land, maintaining, however, cultural traits characteristic of their homeland, a process that Hall ( 2015) called cultural translation. The northeastern migrant worker does not only play a passive role - through cultural assimilation - in the Amazonian culture of Tucuruí, given that cultural insertion shaped a process of exchange of symbols, values, ideas, ways of life and behaviors related to the two cultures in contact, with various customs of their homeland being kept alive by migrants. The process of insertion and cultural adaptation of northeastern migrants in Tucuruí was also facilitated because there lived a population whose material conditions of life resembled those people who were arriving to work on the hydroelectric works.


  • Data: Dec 21, 2020
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  • The present work analyzes the speeches produced around the Festivity of São Benedito, in Vila de Carapajó, Cametá / PA, interpreting the cultural practices that have been continuously (re) signified. Thus, in the daily lives and experiences of social subjects, we seek to understand how the party, especially for black people, has become a discursive space, of sociability, leisure, self-affirmation and resistance. Methodologically, a bibliographic survey of a qualitative nature is carried out, in which it dialogues theoretically with works by authors, who contributed to the construction of the present study, among which the following stand out: Bakhtin (1993); Brandão (2002); Chauí (1993); Domingues (2007); Neto (2007); Pinto (2007); Portelli (1997 and 2007), Del Priori (1994); Quinjano (2005); Santos (2007); Brandão (2002 and 2007); Foucault (1989); Hall (2008); Orlandi (1995,1993,1999); Ribeiro Jr (1982). Plus field research, by observing and conducting interviews with different segments that are in the celebration of São Benedito, considering their social, work, history, culture and tradition relations within the party. From this, the understanding is established that culture cannot be seen as something inert or homogeneous, it will always be crossed by countless conflicts, dialogues, conflicts and links in the dispute for power. At the same time, tradition, that is, what was present at the party in the past, went through resignifications and culminated in the way we see and understand the cult of São Benedito today. So, I bring the party not as a linear form of culture, but as a practice that occurs in the movement. Because it is dense, it represents disputes, stages conflicts that take place or make use of different strategies that go through its historicity in this way, re-signifying itself until it reached its current format. 


  • Data: Dec 18, 2020
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  • The present work was carried out through a bibliographic research whose main author is Carl Ransom Rogers, creator of a psychological person-centered approach. The focus of the research was to investigate the application of these ideas in education, focusing on studentcentered learning through facilitating attitudes of the teacher, aiming at a significant learning, highlighting some concepts used by Rogers in psychotherapy which have implications for education. Therefore, it is intended to highlight the important contribution of that author to education through his experiences in psychotherapy and in the classroom. The education proposed by Rogers is a subversion to traditional education, based on authoritarianism, which prioritizes only the transfer of content for students to reproduce in tests and exams. Rogers presents us an education that is student-centered, in which the teacher trusts the student's ability. In this sense, learning is built by both and the student becomes an integral part of this process, ceasing to be only a recipient of knowledge. At school, the student-teacher relationship is full of authentic, empathetic, trusting and free attitudes. The learning that results from this process is a significant and human learning, able of providing a development of the subject as a whole, not just the cognition. The main author of the theoretical foundation is Carl Rogers (1977, 1986, 1972, 1978), contributions from Rosenberg (1977), Kinget (1977), Amatuzzi (1988, 2010), and commentators on Rogers' work such as Tambara and Freire (1999), Nogueira and Leal (2015), Belém (2000), Zimring (2010), among other bibliographic productions. Thus, we seek, with this work, to contribute to a more humane education; that the school is able to see the student as a person; that in the school the exchange of knowledge prevails and that the student has freedom to express his feelings, his ideas and his opinions. Finally, the significant learning will become increasingly present in the life of the student, so that we can get out of the discourse and make significant learning something that is part of our daily lives.


  • Data: Dec 14, 2020
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  • This research seeks to investigate the main challenges and possibilities when teaching indigenous history and culture in a critical intercultural perspective, aiming to analyze and reflect the possibilities for intercultural pedagogical practices to overcome the hegemonic, racist and Eurocentric narrative about indigenous peoples. The analyzes were carried out in the light of the theoretical contribution of intercultural education, with an emphasis on dialectical theoretical-methodological approaches based on the contributions of authors such as Catarine Walsh (2009), Aníbal Quijano (2005); Reinaldo Fleury (2003), Grando (2003), Geertz (1989), Larraia (2001), Luciano Baniwa (2008), Daniel Munduruku (2017). Although the present study contemplates the scope of education, we resort to epistemological aspects of history, and of decolonial studies, in order to relate different aspects, corroborating with some theoretical subsidies that the analyzed theme touches on. The data collection process was carried out with six teachers from the municipal basic education network of Altamira-Pa and with students from two classes of the 4th year of lower elementary education.The results of this study indicate that the challenges for implementing critical intercultural pedagogical practices are immense, however even in the face of the limits and difficulties encountered, the research shows that after the implementation of intercultural pedagogical practices, namely: collaborative classes with cultural subjects, oral exposure of the historical context recounting indigenous history from a decolonial perspective; video lessons with the participation of the indigenous person interacting, telling the story of their people, explaining about the webs of indigenous cultural meanings, we verified that the students presented resonances of a reframing in the conception of “being indigenous”, the intersubjective process of intercultural pedagogical practice provoked reflections that were able to transpose the stereotyped narratives and the feeling of fear of the indigenous people through dialogues that favor respect for ethnic cultural diversity and the otherness of the Other


  • Data: Dec 11, 2020
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  • The Master's dissertation "Culture, identity and memory: the Portuguese textbook in the riverside school context of Cametá - Pará", presents an analysis of the Portuguese Language (PL) textbook (TB) entitled "Tecendo Linguagens", used in the 9th grade of middle school from the riverside school located in the Pacuí island, city of Cametá - Pará, having as main objective to understand how this didactic material covers the Amazonian realities and applies the Pará culture, the daily life lived by the students. It was sought, in a specific way, to interpret the construction of the memory about the realities of the Amazonian populations that is applied in the didactic material, as well as about the other traditional populations and/or called political minorities, such as women, black and indigenous people. Culture, memory and identity were the fundamental categories for understanding the construction and uses of memory in the Portuguese textbook, and how this teaching tool makes sense to the teacher of the riverside school in their daily activities in the school space. From this perspective, to execute this study, we work with a theoretical reference of Social History and Critical Pedagogy, to dialogue with the categories of analysis and enable the understanding about the coming and going of the memory and its relationship with an institutionalized teaching material. Methodologically, we carried out qualitative research, where we work with the practice of oral history, which is based on the art of listening to others; thus, we don’t deal with sources but with social subjects, willing to learn, as a researcher, what others have to teach; with the practice of ethnography, which is a performance of field research (researchaction) and not in the field, always attentive to every detail. The corpus of analysis was composed of three oral narratives, written documents from the Secretary of Education of the Municipality of Cametá-Pará, but mainly, through the images and texts present in the didactic work, from which we sought to do an analysis that approached from the pre-textual elements such as the cover, authors, presentation of the work, summary to the four textual units. Theoretically, authors like Portelli (1997), Bittencour (2004, 2009), Hall, (2004, 1997, 1996), Freire (2012, 1987), Thompson (2001, 2002), Sarlo (1997) Fenelon (2004), Domingues (2011) among others, have helped to assess that the Portuguese textbook, within the educational system of Cametá, can’t simply silence or deny the cultures of the student, applying in its context a "national culture”.

  • Data: Dec 4, 2020
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  • This work analyzes the school performance based on the students’ work of CametáTapera Elementary School, located in the rural zone of Cametá city, State of Pará. We sought to analyze the relationship between work and education, and the school performance of the children and adolescents of that school. For this purpose, we tried to understand those relationships from the axes of analysis such as the right to education for rural populations, work as human action-transformation-exploitation-degradation in childhood. From a methodological point of view, the analyses of the research under consideration, epistemically, are supported by the framework of historical and dialectical materialism (MARX, 2008). In the light of that framework, the categories totality, contradiction, mediation and praxis appear here as fundamental for the understanding of how historical-social relationships structure the materiality of life of the individuals of Cametá-Tapera Village, and how they materialize the children’s and adolescents’ schooling process. Thus, to discuss the concept of rural school, we rely on Caldart, (2004), Molina and Fernandes (2004), Arroyo (2012), Hage (2011); and on the categories of work and education, we highlight the authors: Frigotto (2012), Ciavatta (2012), Machado (2005) and Ribeiro (2012), among others who present work as centrality of human development. To discuss on childhood, we highlight Kramer (2000), Aires (2018), among others. With regard to the results, the research reveals that rural work is the centrality of human existence when it has a collective basis of organization that also educates, but, in contrast, there is also precarious work, which is built within the capital that constitutes the loss of social rights, in which education is included, which in turn is affected or denied from these inequalities. At the heart of this reality, we list the factors that imply the school performance of the students of Cametá-Tapera Elementary School: a) in Cametá city, the school is in the rural zone, however, the perspective adopted for its educational foundation is not from the idea of rural education, therefore, it does not materialize as a policy and is limited to an urbanocentric offer; b) The absence of policies based on the heterogeneities characteristic of “rural education”, which have conditioned the access and permanence of students in schools, and the low performance of the individuals under analysis, c) the exploitation of children and youth work is a consequence of social inequality; d) in the contradiction of a capitalist society, popular work loses its subsistence character to exploitative work, which has implications for school attendance, grade repetition, agegrade distortion, and school evasion.


  • Data: Oct 30, 2020
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  • This research analyzed the pedagogical practices and senses of blackness at E. M. E. F. Achilles Ranieri, which is settled in the quilombola community of Matias, municipality of Cametá-PA. Based on the understanding of the theoretical and methodological contributions of the Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations in Brazil and the Quilombola School Education, Which have emphasis in epistemological, pedagogical, and didactic bases of teaching aiming the black people, I developed the following research questions: Which senses of blackness are produced in the pedagogical practices of E. M. E. F. Achilles Ranieri teachers? What curricular contents are taught in the pedagogical practices? What mechanisms and strategies are used to meet the needs of black and quilombolas students of Matias to develop an education with social equity? I established as objectives of the research: Investigating the pedagogical practices and the senses produced by them at E. M. E. F. Achilles Ranieri considering the National Guidelines for Quilombola School Education; To analyze the curricular contents that guide the pedagogical practices for negritude in the quilombola school of the community of Matias; Analizing the relationships and strategies of pedagogical practices that promote racial, cultural, and social equity in the quilombola school context. Beyond the qualitative research, I combined the bibliographic with the local study (participant observation and closed interviews (DRP) and semi-structured). I noticed that there are pedagogical practices of teachers which resonate the senses of blackness based on ancestry, but also, there are those who are still very attached by the contents of their subjects, for issues related to formation, curriculum and lack of PPP. 


  • Data: Oct 29, 2020
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  • The training of language teachers needs more care, especially in relation to the aspect of interculturality. In courses taught in inland cities, this need is even more pronounced. There are no studies on how these courses are being structured in relation to this aspect on campuses in the state. This work analyzes whether the teacher graduated in an English Language Course has critical-reflective knowledge that allows his constitution as a mediator of cultures. It seeks to analyze the critical and reflective training of English teachers in an intercultural perspective. To develop this study, the works of Amaral (2017), the studies of Figueiredo (2011), Batista (2010), Jordão (2006) and Kramsch (1998) were taken into account. A theoretical basis was also sought that went beyond critical and reflective training to transgress the boundaries of the hegemonic, considering the work of Walsh (2007). In a cultural context, resources were also sought in the conceptions of Geertz (2008), Faria (2014) and Lameiras (2006) and, in the field of teacher training, in the works of Freire (2011), Borges (2015) and Velásquez (2017). Finally, Hall's concepts of identity (2006) were also considered. To achieve the objectives, semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight graduates from the first classes of English Language at UFPA / Campus de Cametá, in the municipality of Cametá (PA). The Political Pedagogical Project of the Course (2007) was analyzed, using documentary research. The interviews were analyzed in order to identify a formation linked to the intercultural aspects of teachers. The results showed that the curriculum of the course, in its objectives, proposes the formation of interculturally competent subjects. However, when analyzing the specific disciplines, we find that they do not explicitly dialogue with the intercultural field. In the analysis of the interviews, we concluded that the graduates who participated in the research, constitute themselves as mediators of cultures. This was done through dynamic activities experienced in some disciplines during graduation, in which students could mediate the training of these teachers to work in the Amazon. This construction took place through a continuous process, in which students were able to deconstruct old stereotypes and express their voice and identity in the language they were learning.

  • FINANCIAMENTO DA EDUCAÇÃO E O PACTO FEDERATIVO: A função supletiva da União no município de Cametá/PA (2001-2016)

  • Data: Oct 2, 2020
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  • This study analyzes the relationship between the Brazilian federative pact and the financing of education, with a focus on the supplementary role of the Union in financing education in the municipality of Cametá (PA), from 2001 to 2016, that is, during the term of the fund policy (FUNDEF and FUNDEB). The methodological approach was based on qualitative-quantitative research, the type of research being a case study. A bibliographic review was carried out on the concept of federalism and on Brazilian federalism, anchored in the studies of Abrucio (2010), Arretche (2012), Zimmermam (1999), Cabral Neto (2014), Cruz (2009), Martins (2014) , Lebrão (2010), among others, as well as the analysis of education financing based on the study of legislation and by Pinto (2014), Gouveia e Sousa (2015), Davies (2006), Gemaque (2004), Carmo (2016 ), Souza and Faria (2004), Rossinholi (2010), Velloso (1987) and Gutierres (2010). Participant observation was also carried out through visits to public bodies (SEMED, PMC and SINTEPP). Finally, documentary research was carried out in several databases, with regard to the FUNDEF period (2001 to 2006), FINBRA, SISBB and FNDE were used; for the FUNDEB period (2007 to 2016), only one documentary base was used, the Summarized Report on Budget Execution - RREO (SIOPE / FNDE). The results of the research point to the importance of complementing the Union in the transition from FUNDEF to FUNDEB, since in the first period it represented between 5.85% and 12.39% of the total revenue of the education function of Cametá, now representing, with the advent of FUNDEB, between 30.98% and 39.31%. The increase in the volume of resources of the Union, through the complementation to FUNDEB, made the expenditure / student / year increase considerably from 2007. However, although there was a very sharp increase in expenditure / student / year, based on the total of revenues for the education function, between the years 2007 to 2016, such growth proved to be insufficient in relation to the CAQi, that is, the indices indicate that to reach the minimum quality standards, greater investment is needed. From a financial point of view, therefore, there is a federative pact that presents limits for the provision of quality conditions in education.

  • EXPERIMENTAÇÕES POÉTICAS COM LEMINSKI: Ecos de uma arte-poesia marginal na educação

  • Data: Sep 14, 2020
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  • This research driven by the vibrations of Paulo Leminski marginal poetry experiences the movement of a performative body towards indeterminate paths in education. The Brazilian marginal poetry of the seventies is one of these reverberations that echo in our midst in the records of an inventive, interventional and misdemeanor writing, altering the logic of the relationship with the word in the world. His poetic creation must echo more vigorously in the educational spaces, Leminski, marginal poet of this generation, along with a band of so many other marginal poets come out of their clandestine alleys without losing the drunkenness of the margin and drive a poetic way of writing, thinking and living. Seduced by Leminski marginal poetry we propose to think-experience the body and the poetic word as performative powers of creation and marginal rebellion in education, with this, we ask ourselves: What moments of sensations and learning do Leminski marginal poetic experiments provoke in education? What artistic and educational resonances does marginal poetry produce in the researcher and students? What educational powers are mobilized in a marginal poetic experimentation with students? What processes of creation and learning are triggered in a marginal poetic experimentation in education? In this universe of interrogations we risk experiencing Leminski marginal poetry as an element of transgression of a normative language and a normalizing pedagogy of bodies. As a theoretical-methodological procedure, the work follows the clues of a cartographic itinerary, with immersion in the works of the poet Paulo Leminski (1985, 1990, 2013), in dialogue with the concept of performance in Cohen (2002), Zumthor (2007), articulated to the perspectives of multiplicity and experimentation present in the philosophy of Deleuze (2017) and Deleuze and Guattari (1995-1996). The poetic experimentation of the body and word in the educational spaces led the research to immersion in the intensity of marginal art-poetics, where shots of thoughts were produced in the event of the encounter of education with the word marginal poetics. The connection constructed between art, poetry and education proved to be an instigating path to go in research in education, its resonances were experienced and felt in educational practices as a field of experimentation open to the creation of art-poetics in education.


  • Data: Sep 10, 2020
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  • The theme that guided the paper was the interrelationship between school management and youth training in the context of PROEMI/JF, from the implementation at Júlia Passarinho Cametá (Pará) High School in the corresponding period from 2012 to 2014. We defined as a problem the following question: How is the management of PROEMI/JF constituted in the context of a high school considering the contradictions between the norms of the youth project of the future and the possibilities of integrated human formation? We seek to analyze in the school context, from the formation of youth how the management process of the innovative high school programme constitutes, in the contradictions and tensions between the orientation of the Young People of the Future Programme and the perspectives of integral youth formation. The research used a qualitative approach, as a technique bibliographical research and field research were used. As a data collection instrument we used the semistructured interview. The data treatment followed the guidelines of the content analysis. The investigation was based on the dialectical historical materialistic method. We had as hypothesis: the interference of the private sector in the public, through its conception of management presented in the context of the school by the hegemonic sector of society, generates a curtailment of the autonomy of the school, and aims at favoring the fragmentation of the formation of youth to meet the pragmatism of the market, on the other hand, inside the school there is also the movement of escape of this order, that is, the counter-hegemonic, which represent possibilities of an ethical social transformation, in a perspective of an integral human formation, the IDEB. The research pointed out that the subjectivities of PROEMI/JF present management tendencies in the interrelation between management and formation, disfavouring the possibilities of integral formation, on the other hand, there is a movement of contestation on the part of progressive agents who tension and demand an integral formation based on a school of good physical structure, teaching valorisation and popular participation. Dialectically we realize that there is an emerging need to constitute a progressive pedagogical collective within the school to overcome the pragmatic educational project of the market.


  • Data: Sep 9, 2020
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  • Every text should be a kind of conversation (poetic or not) between the writer and the subject who is willing to read it. This text is woven conversation-poetics - post-research of an ethnographic field - of rites, chants, drummings and bodies that dance to the Afro-Brazilian rhythm of Marierrê, culturalreligious manifestation of the black people living in the village of Carapajó, municipality of Cametá, region of Baixo-Tocantins- Pa, bodies that, in the morbid exercise of their religiosity and culture, produce a unique symbology, rich in subjectivity, tenderness, communion, beauty and content of ethnic and community affirmation , as the opposite pole of a prejudiced, stigmatizing, racist society that seeks to homogenize, in Brazil, all that is cultural, religious and ethnic through the white and Christian Eurocentric prism. The main purpose is to show how The Marierrê and its symbolic, ritualistic and poetic language became between-morbid place of affirmation of black men and women, in Carapajó, Cametá-Pa. Therefore, the problem around which this text walks is to answer the following question: how did black subjects overcome stigmas, prejudices and began to carve out for themselves an affirmative existence, from the Marierrê ritual? The objectives that guided our research helped us to have a better defined view of our object, such as: to describe oral, gestural, symbolic/poetic musical languages that are developed during the Marierrê ritual, in the sense of a new way of being quilombola black; to reveal what is symbolic, poetic and political in the Afro-religious cultural rite Marierrê, as well as this rite manifests itself in the sense of the social affirmation of the Quilombola people; to base our understanding on the theories behind racism in the world and in Brazil, to fine tune our poetic conversation in order to deconstruct scientific, hegemonic and ethnocentric discourse on human races/ethnicities, which gave rise to racism, especially against black people, and the myth of the superiority of the white people, understand how Marierrê reflects the empowerment of black communities in a ritual that reflects the beauty, intelligence, courage and importance of Afro-Brazilian men and women for the history of social, cultural and religious resistance of this country. To this end, the path taken was that of ethnography, in the bulge from which we were to glimpse, hear, feel – in the rite, in the singing, in the dance, in the playing of the instruments – the happening of the quilombola poetics, the symbology of marierrê and how they produce affirmation of new black men and women. In the field of research, in the name of the finest ethnography and the construction of the most plausible rhizome, we allow ourselves to (re)contaminate ourselves by songs, rhythms, dances and rites that re-praise the most sacred in life: the liberation of the currents of non-being and the affirmation of the human being. The analyses performed are of the historical and dialectical type, which seek to see the root and importance of this Afro-cultural-religious manifestation for the affirmation of the new black being in the quilombola community of Carapajó, in the context of memory, ancestry, resistance, the affirmation of Afro-Brazilian history and culture, previously suffocated by the action of the state. Important theorists of ethnic-racial relations contributed to this conversation, such as Todorov (1993), Skidmore (1976), Neuza Santos (1983), Frantz Fanon (2008) and Paul Gilroy (2001); celebrated authors of Black Literature and the poetic field such as Sergio Alberto Alves (2008), Edison Carneiro (1964), Castro Alves and Ana Maria Gonçalves (2006); and as a theoretical-methodological contribution, we anchored ourselves in Camarrof (2010) and Angrosino (2009); authors who guided us along the paths of ethnography. It was found that the Marierrê, in the observed quilombola community, produces a poetics that subverts racist ideologies, religious rites and conceptions about the black being that can reverberate from there and resonate in today's society, in a strategy of resistance and affirmation in which intelligence is the central symbol.


  • Data: Sep 4, 2020
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  •  This writing deals with the concept of becoming-dancing, instigated by the power of the dancing body as an inventive perspective in education. The study aims at immanating interwoven meanings of the body, philosophy, art (dance) and education, in order to shake the moral and gender structures and their disciplinary investments in the body and the dance. The aim of the research is to analyze the philosophical concept of becoming in its action of moving, creating and educating in order to bring together the powers of dance as art in its philosophical and inventive developments in education As for the research problem, we ask: what can a body that dances do as an inventive power in education? How does philosophy-art-education converge from the perspective of the body and of the dance? What becomings, beyond becoming-dancing, and the powers of the body and dance that will emerge from the encounter between art and education? It is also intended to potentiate power-ideas about the concept of “becoming-woman” to hatch “microfeminilities” of a dancing body and subvert the patterns of gender-sexuality into molecular becoming. The cartography of dance, as becoming and creation, will be an aesthetic and academic experiment to present the flows of dance art produced in the school space and elsewhere, with becomings that intertwines bodies, contacts, choreography and improvisations. In these paths, there is the company of intercessors such as Deleuze and Guattari (1995; 1997), Verderi (2009), Neira (2014), Laban (1990), Ossona (1988), Rangel (2019), Costa (2016), Gil (2001), Nietzsche (2000), Louro (2008), Butler (2003), Miller (2012), as well as dance interlocutors in school spaces and spaces artistic, which are part of the text catalog. Through the performance gesture of the dance and the cartographic movements of the research, we weave rhizomes of thoughts and experiments with art and education. Finally, we wish to experience the enjoyment that emanates from the dancing body as the power of an art of creating and educating, both experienced beyond the bondaries of the masculine / feminine and the disciplinary dimension of the body and of the dance, for, dancing, is creating powers in the body to becoming on other lives.


  • Data: Sep 4, 2020
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  • The present study, entitled: Educação e Diversidade Cultural: um estudo a partir da prática docente na Escola Municipal de Educação Infantil e Fundamental Jovina Machado dos Santos, Cametá-Pará,, is part of the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação e Cultura (PPGEDUC) da UFPA-Cametá, related to the Research Line: Educação, Cultura e Linguagens, aims to reflect on the possibilities and challenges of the educational process from the relationship with cultural diversity , aiming to investigate how the aspects of cultural diversity are presented in the school context with regard to teaching practice and to understand and explain the directions that the teaching practice presents when considering the cultural diversity present in the classroom. Methodologically this work used bibliographic analysis, as well as a field research through records through observation and interviews, characterized as a qualitative approach, which in turn allowed a closer coexistence between the researcher and research subjects (director, pedagogical coordinator, teachers and students). Its theoretical support is the studies of LARAIA (2006) with reflections on the concept of Culture; COELHO & COELHO (2008) and PAPIS & MARTINS (2014) discussing cultural diversity and education; CANDAU (1988), FELDMANN (2009) and FREIRE (1996) contributing to the reflection on teaching practice, in addition to other studies notably important for the development of this work, whose theme is intertwined in the school routine and configures the educational reality of the main subjects of a classroom. The results of the research indicate that the teacher recognizes the importance of discussions about the relationship of education and cultural diversity with regard to the respect and appreciation of the second theme in the planning of their practice, also notes that the teacher, even with so many challenges, seeks to perform a teaching practice that involves, values and awakens respect among students based on the diversity they represent. Moreover, there is a great work aimed at minimizing attitudes that express prejudice and discrimination of religion, ethnicity and other aspects that make subjects as different individuals. 

  • Autorretratos. Arte. Devir-mulher. Educação. Frida Kahlo. 

  • Data: Aug 31, 2020
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  • This research is woven into relationships between art, gender and education, seeking to map the multiple possibilities of producing female self-portraits in Frida Kahlo’s art. We go through the social established gender patterns, especially around the “being” woman, experiencing the subversive powers of the “becoming-woman” in the arts of living and educating in Frida Kahlo. Moments in the artist's life intertwine with her feminist works of art, in the movements of a singular art dripping from her self-portraits. As provocations to the study, we ask: how to express the feminine powers in education, meeting the arts of Frida Kahlo? To what extent did Frida's self-portraits produce ways of resistance for the feminine compared to the conventional art of her time? What provocations do the female self-portraits throw at the values and education of the present time? What education can be experienced by the power of the feminine? The cartographic paths, based on Foucault (1998), Deleuze and Guattari (1997), signal a relationship among Frida Kahlo’s masterpieces and the multiple productions of feminine meanings. In the field of Frida's arts and biographies, we match with Machado (2009), Herrera (2011), Haghenbech (2011), Morais (2012) and in the studies of gender and philosophy of difference we go through Butler (1990), Jamis (1987) , Louro (2004), Foucault (2004), Deleuze (1979), Deleuze and Guattari (1996), Lapoujade (2015), Sorj (2005), Beauvoir (1987), Silvio Gallo (2003), to enter the artistic universe, political and sexuality in Frida Kahlo, as pulsating clues to an education experienced by the powers of the feminine, of the becoming-woman. Capturing, perceiving the pulsations of the feminine self-portraits in Frida's arts, of her existence tormented by pain and her political activism, constitutes a challenge to the creation of vectors of (re) existences in education, through which the artist's life flows and so many women in struggle and liberation processes. In these itineraries, the cartographic productions carried out in the basic school and in the act “Ele Não” contributed to the debate on gender issues in education and the diversity of art that crosses her works, so that we can experience an artistic and plural education.

  • TRABALHO INFANTIL: contradições entre o tempo de estudar e da infância e o tempo de trabalhar – quando o trabalho não permite a formação por inteiro

  • Data: Aug 24, 2020
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  • The research entitled “CHILD LABOR: contradictions between the time of studying and childhood and the time of working - when work does not allow full training” presents reflections on the entry of children in child labor and the possible limitations of the school process , considering the constitution of learning and school performance. The research objectives are divided into: General Objective - to analyze child labor within the contradictions between capital and work, and their impact on the schooling times of children from a public school in the city of Cametá, considering the study times, from childhood work and times and Specific Objectives - to identify the forms of child labor developed by students; understand the implications of the forms of child labor developed by students for schooling processes with regard to school learning, considering the times of childhood and times of work; understand the correlation of child labor with students' school performance, in terms of attendance, pass, fail, repetition, dropout and transfer, considering the times of childhood and times of work. The theoretical framework was constituted by the conceptions of work and metamorphoses of the world of work defended by Braverman (1977), Engels (1977) and Marx (1980a, 1980b); work as an educational principle highlighted by Gramsci (1988), Saviani (2007), Pistrak (2011) and Makarenko (1981); child labor emphasized by Fernandes and Mendonça (1999), Araujo (2003), Liberati and Dias (2006), Faleiros and Faleiros (2008), Souza (2014) Arroyo (2015) and the ILO (2001, 2016); of childhood emphasized by Ariès (1986) and Kramer (2006); and Vygotsky's conception of learning (1987). This study is part of the qualitative approach. The data collection techniques used were observation, document analysis and semi-structured interviews. The research subjects consist of five students from the 5th grade class “C” of the selected school who are or are not in child labor, three teachers from the 5th grade classes “A”, “B” and “C”, and three parents or guardians of students. The work is structured in five sections, giving concreteness to the objectives previously established in the research, including the analysis of the problem. Through theoretical discussions with the analysis of empirical research, some conclusions were reached: Child labor deprives children of food in the family context due to their social conditions of existence, and the lack of school meals impacts both students and negatively in learning and school performance. Child labor is understood by the research subjects as time of life production, as family help and as a molder of character, insofar as these are forms of survival, life guarantee, something normal and commonplace, which prevents idleness, crime and serves as a preparation for adult life; however, they are dominant values not perceived by families, which end up reproducing child labor as a way of preventing social ills and overcoming poverty. Thus, they are degrading, painful activities, which exclude children socially, as they reduce school time, precarious childhood as training time, limit school learning and cause delay in school performance, verified in indicators such as frequency, approval, failure, repetition and school dropout. Contradictorily, there are children who, despite the precarious social conditions of existence, go on mediating because of the family too, and manage to be at school, study and work, acquire knowledge and experience part of childhood, however, these are times of study and childhood, which are reduced, and success in the learning process and school performance during the school year, are hampered, in which children fail or drop out of school, due to the time dedicated to child labor.

  • CORPO, EDUCAÇÃO E CULTURA: as práticas corporais e curriculares da Escola
    Wararaawa Assurini da Aldeia Trocará.


  • Data: Aug 20, 2020
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  • The present study, entitled Body, Education and Culture: The Body and Curricular Practices of
    the Wararaawa Assurini School of Aldeia Trocará, has as its locus the village Assuriní do
    Trocará located 14 km from the city of Tucuruí, in Pará, aims to understand the relationships
    (in ) that exist between indigenous body practices and the school curriculum, describing and
    interpreting these practices in order to verify whether teachers embody them in their classroom
    practice. In this sense, the research arises from the following question: Does the Municipal
    School of Education Wararaawa Assurini consider indigenous body practices in its curriculum?
    The study addresses the problems of indigenous school education and their daily lives, since,
    often, the cultural traits of this population are not taken into account, letting the differences go
    unnoticed, making the curriculum not address the wishes of indigenous school education. A
    specific, differentiated and bilingual curriculum is needed, an intercultural curriculum, as
    interculturality is necessary in indigenous schools, mainly because school projects that
    prioritize decontextualized and fragmented curricula of indigenous culture are still rooted,
    threatening the autonomy of indigenous peoples. Indigenous school education needs to
    deconstruct the rigid, hierarchical, disciplinary, normalizing understanding of cultural diversity
    and enter a flexible, fluid, polysemic field, at the same time tragic and promising of difference,
    which is constituted in the varied fields and processes of different subjects and socio-cultural
    identities. Indigenous bodily practices in daily life and indigenous art, such as games and play,
    body graphics, pulsate in this sense. Methodologically, a bibliographical survey was carried out
    regarding works by authors working on thematic: indigenous populations, culture, intercultural
    curriculum and body practices, among which the following stand out: Geertz (1989), Thompson
    (1998), Laraia (2002 ), Almeida, Grando, Mintz (2010), Hall (2006), Queiroz (1984), Murta
    (2007), Ferreira (2015), Cohn (2001), Kuhn, Tenório, Silva (2014), Daólio (2003), Fleuri
    (2014), Marin (2009), Mauss (2003), Silva (2012), Tenório (2014), Weissmann (2016), among
    others who are willing to discuss and share information and experiences regarding the
    indigenous issue, who note the absence of an intercultural curriculum that contemplates the
    reality and indigenous cultural elements showing the histories and cultures of such peoples.
    Likewise, field research was also carried out in the village Assuriní do Trocará, where the
    Participant Observation technique was used, carried out through the field diary, the day-to-day
    classes at the Wararaawa Assuriní school, the ways in which contents were taught by
    indigenous and non-indigenous teachers, observing whether cultural elements were taken into
    account and whether indigenous bodily practices were incorporated into the interculturalcurriculum. It is a research with Qualitative Approach that aims to understand the subjective
    side of the object of study analyzed from experiences lived individually, through the technique
    of semi-structured interview, for supposing continued conversations between interviewees and
    researcher “that should be directed by this one of according to your objectives” (DUARTE,
    2002). Important documents were analyzed that deal with the Legislation of Indigenous School
    Education, from the Federal Constitution (1988) to LDB (1996). The data gave us the reading
    that it is not enough to just adapt curricula or that indigenous teachers are teaching classes in
    indigenous schools for us to have an intercultural curriculum, but we need to enforce indigenous
    rights that still remain only on paper. They also point out that the school curriculum does not
    consider indigenous body practices, being inserted superficially in their classes.


  • Data: Aug 7, 2020
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  • This dissertation entitled “THE PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICES OF TEACHERS AND THE IMPLICATIONS OF THE INNOVATIVE HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM/ YOUNG FOR THE FUTURE IN THE MIDLLE SCHOOL OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CAMETÁ/PARÁ”, it problematizes the effects of the Ensino Médio Inovador/ Future Youth Program in the pedagogical practices of teachers. In this sense, it intends to analyze the effects of the High School Innovative / Future Youth Program in the pedagogical practices of teachers of the Abraão Simão Jatene State High School/ Cametá-Pará in the period 2012- 2014. The methodology addressed studies of methodological and theoretical references. The methodological references based on the qualitative approach of the case study type. Data collection instruments were: semi-structured interviews with 9 education professionals (school director, pedagogical coordinator and teachers) and documentary research (laws, norms, reports, notebooks, etc.). The analysis of the data will be embodied in dialectical historical materialism from the categories contradiction, totality, mediation. The theoretical framework is based on the following authors: Freire (1979; 1977; 1983; 1996; 2000; 2003; 2014), Saviani (1985; 2003; 2004; 2005; 2007; 2008; 2010; 2011), Giddens (2001a; 2001b; 2007), Bresser Pereira (1997; 2001; 2006; 2017), Peroni (2006; 2008; 2009), Ilma Veiga (1989), among others. The research revealed that the pedagogical practice, on the philosophical plane, can be based on creative praxis or imitative praxis based on Praxis and (Neo)pragmatism, respectively. The projects that compete for strength in the context of High School have evidenced the pedagogical practice based on imitative praxis as is the case of Pedagogy of Competences; and also showed the pedagogical practice based on creative praxis, according to the educational proposal of Integrated High School. These projects, based on public-private partnerships, such as ProEMI / JF, imposed on pedagogical practice: methodological models, results requirements, student training profile, etc. The research pointed out that the implementation of ProEMI / JF in the school had implications: subjective, political-pedagogical, organizational management and financing. The subjective implication is presented in three indicators: pedagogical flexibility, informal non-adherence and the lack of understanding of ProEMI/JF. We characterize the political-pedagogical implication in the indicators as: pedagogical heteronomy of the school unit; unification of the pedagogical conception; individual responsibility; reinforcement of the subordination of curricular content to the requirements (competencies and abilities) of ENEM and alignment with the objective of training young people, based on the idea of Youth Protagonism. In the organizational management implication, we highlight: the regulation of pedagogical practice by the model of managerial management and for results. The implication of the funding, on the other hand, highlighted teaching materials and good infrastructure as central elements for better pedagogical practice and the quality of teaching, in the view of teachers and other school subjects. Dialectically, the teachers’ pedagogical practices produced and reproduced the imitative practice in the subjectivity and objectivity of the partnership. In the pedagogical practice of teachers, there was a concern related to the utilitarian technical-didactic field that did not advance to a technical-didactic and critical-reflexive field. We understand that if the criticisms and attitudes of “resistance” were matured and strengthened by the Program’s ethical-political and critical knowledge, we would be in the movement of ascending from criticism of appearance to criticism of essence. In this movement, we believe that a project for teacher training based on the perspective of creative praxis would enable counter-hegemonic mediations in the school space.

  • “CAPOEIRA É TUDO O QUE A BOCA COME?”: a formação de uma cultura negra no Pará, a estrutura curricular da Educação Física e a lei 9696/98

  • Data: Aug 7, 2020
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  • Este trabajo problematiza si la formación de y de capoeiras y de docentes de Educación Física en Pará fue considerada por el Consejo Federal de Educación Física y Consejos Regionales de Educación Física (CONFEF/CREF) durante su proceso de implementación y su intervención en el capoeiragem paraense, de la Ley 9696/98. Esta ley permitió, entre otras cosas, limitar la práctica de la Capoeira a una actividad física deportiva sujeta a la intervención exclusiva del Profesional de Educación Física, generando tensiones con los practicantes de Capoeira. Para comprender la tensa relación entre las dos instituciones del conocimiento, se analizó la forma en que la Capoeira ha sido presentada en los currículos de Educación Física del Instituto Federal de Pará (IFPA) - Campus Tucuruí, de la Universidad Federal de Pará (UFPA) y de la Universidad. del Estado de Pará (UEPA), tres campos de referencia para la enseñanza pública de la Educación Física en Pará. La investigación también analizó los diálogos y conflictos entre los practicantes de Capoeira do Pará y el Ayuntamiento, con un enfoque en la construcción de resistencias entre capoeiras ante los intentos de apropiación de la capoeira emanados por la CONFEF. Para comprender los límites de la apropiación de Capoeira por parte del sistema, se realizó un trabajo de campo con un grupo de Capoeira Angola llamado Malungo Centro de Capoeira Angola, para analizar si sus prácticas culturales están más allá del concepto de Capoeira del sistema CONFEF/CREF. el alcance de los planes de estudio de Educación Física en Pará, específicamente la IFPA - Campus Tucuruí, UFPA y UEPA. Las principales fuentes fueron entrevistas otorgadas por representantes del CREF18, Maestros de Capoeira de Pará, las resoluciones internas de los Consejos, los comunicados y el sitio web del sistema CONFEF/CREF. El método del procedimiento técnico de esta investigación en el que se favoreció el análisis objetivo y la orientación del estudio de los hechos se basó en la metodología de la historia oral (THOMPSON, 1992), en diálogo con la antropología, mediante el procedimiento y análisis de la investigación bibliográfica, documental, estudio de caso, investigación participativa y actividad de campo, como la etnografía (BRANDÃO, 1999). En cuanto a la historiografía del capoeiragem paraense, se utilizaron los estudios de Leal (2008) y Salles (2015), en el caso de la Educación Física brasileña, por Castellani Filho (1994) y Neira y Nunes (2009). En cuanto al sistema CONFEF/CREF, específicamente, la investigación se realizó a través de documentos, artículos científicos, fuentes digitales en la página oficial de CONFEF, disertaciones, tesis, leyes, entre otros. Durante el estudio de caso, se verificaron evidencias y hechos concretos de intervenciones del sistema CONFEF/CREF en Capoeira y las resistencias de y desde capoeiras de varios lugares de Brasil, Nozaki (2004). En Pará, las estrategias de la capoeira, como forma de resistencia, fueron múltiples. Varió desde una adhesión parcial hasta un sutil sabotaje del sistema. Una relación tensa, pero que revela la ausencia de afinidades entre las dos instituciones. Con el objetivo de comprender los significados propios de Capoeira en relación al concepto de Capoeira en el sistema CONFEF/ CREF y cómo se encuentra en la estructura curricular de Educación Física en IFPA - Campus Tucuruí, UFPA y UEPA, luego de realizar trabajo de campo con Malungo El Centro de Capoeira Angola, considerado como tradicional en relación a la práctica de la Capoeira, fue posible percibir significados, significados y prácticas que no encajaban en la definición de Capoeira dada por el sistema CONFEF/CREF y que la Capoeira no está siendo tratada con dignidad en los currículos analizados. de Educación Física. Lejos de ser solo “una actividad física deportiva”, la Capoeira vivida en el Malungo Centro de Capoeira Angola se reveló como un instrumento de educación cultural cuya densidad no encaja en las definiciones de formación exclusiva del Profesional de la Educación Física. Los resultados revelaron una enorme brecha entre la Capoeira y las instituciones vinculadas a la Educación Física, específicamente en los campos educativo y docente, los planes de estudio de Educación Física de IFPA - Campus Tucuruí, UFPA y UEPA, y en cuanto a inspección, regulación e intervención, el sistema CONFEF/CREF. La práctica de la capoeira no se limita a los aspectos deportivos. Es una práctica cultural negra con un inmenso potencial para la educación y la formación de la identidad. La capoeira tiene estructura, densidad y relevancia práctica/teórica tanto como cualquier área clásica de conocimiento académico/científico.

  • NATIONAL PACT FOR LITERACY IN THE CERTAIN AGE - PNAIC: The implications of continuing education in evaluative practices in basic education in the municipality of Cametá / PA

  • Data: Jul 31, 2020
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  • This research, which is part of the debates on continuing teacher education, has the general objective of analyzing the relationship between continuing education through the National Pact for Literacy at the Right Age (PNAIC) and school guidelines on large-scale assessments that make up the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB). Methodologically this research was supported by the qualitative approach, using the following techniques of data collection: the semi-structured interview and the documentary analysis. A possible dialogue of data analysis was established, supported by the theoretical-methodological framework of Historical Dialectical Materialism, insofar as the principles of analysis are guided by totality and contradiction and mediation as mechanisms used to think about the investigated phenomenon. As subjects informing the research, we selected teachers who work in the literacy cycle, corresponding to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of elementary school of a public school located at the headquarters of the municipality of Cametá/PA and who were participants in the PNAIC continuing education, and also the professors of studies and coordinator of PNAIC/SEMED in the years 2013 to 2016. The theoretical contribution has the contribution of the authors: Afonso (2007; 2009), Brzezinski (2008, 2014), Cabral Neto (2012), Contreras (2002), Dickel (2012), Esteban (2012), Freitas (2003, 2007), Gatti (2008), Imbernón (2010), Krawczyk (2008), Maués and Camargo (2012), Micarello (2015), Nóvoa (2013a; 2013b), Saviani (2007), Shiroma and Evangelista (2015), and others who study, research and problematize policies for continuing teacher education and educational assessment. The results of the research showed that continued teacher training and educational evaluation on a large scale are closely related, coordinated to promote the quality of education by raising educational results, since with the creation of IDEB, evaluation strategies tend to shape the work of teachers in several aspects, including the student’s performance. In this logic, continuing teacher education through the PNAIC focused on teaching practice, justifying itself as an element of teaching and learning for literacy and literacy of children in the first three years of elementary school, but although efforts have been made in this direction, PNAIC also served to guide the pedagogical and evaluative practices of literacy teachers, based on “know-how” and focused more on the fulfillment of educational goals than on improving the teaching/learning process in this initial stage of schooling. Thus, the quality of education intended by the program that has served as a broad official justification is linked to the neoliberal reformist logic and can be measured, based on the parameters established internationally and measured by external and large-scale evaluations, and which considers literacy as an element. Finally, the quality endorsed by IDEB with a strong relationship with the policy of continuing education at PNAIC is a consequence of the regulatory and evaluative principles, characteristic of the neoliberal managerialist state.

  • “QUE CRESÇAM COMO GENTE”: As comunidades cristãs e a formação de lideranças em Cametá (décadas de 1970-1990)

  • Data: Jul 31, 2020
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  • This dissertation analyzes the Leadership formation process developed by the Diocese of Cametá from the 1970s onwards, whose development provided a social engagement in the various social movements that comprise the struggle for better living conditions. This purpose that the Catholic Church in Cametá embraced was the result of a great movement of commitment to a Pastoral and expressed in the guidelines of the Second Vatican Council. This new pastoral will be called Base Ecclesial Communities (CEBs) and in the Diocese of Cametá known as Christian Communities (CCs), which, with this, had a very important role in the history of the Church in Brazil and in the interior of the State of Pará. It also highlights the importance of the Medellin and Puebla Conferences in the Latin American continent and the creation of a new theology, called Liberation Theology, which will influence the CEBs in their actions in society. This theology will be the pastoral guideline for CCs. In this way, the Church will have a new way of pastoral work, not only the spiritual, but it will problematize what generates poverty within an exclusive capitalist system. To understand this process in the environment where the Church works in Cametá, we analyzed the documents produced by the Diocese and which make up the collection of the Prelature of Cametá, as well as, through interviews, we tried to listen to the social and religious agents involved. The role of the CCs and their relationship with Liberation Theology in a movement that promoted the formation of leaders in Cametá, as well as the work of the Dutch priests of the Congregation of São Vicente, the Lazarists, who understood that it was time for the Church to assume a commitment to the excluded, as well as training actions for their faithful, providing a critical position in the face of a reality of exploitation, are the central objects of observation.


  • Data: Jul 29, 2020
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  • The school's performance has always been the target of criticism and, no doubt, consensus is far from occurring. Thinking about the education that children receive at school, from reading the works of humanist authors such as Rogers, Weil, Crema and Leloup, reveals that educational practices have been guided today, by a very limited anthropology of the human being. A vision that reduces you to, at most, an intelligence; to an object that can be molded according to the norms and habits arising from the established culture. These thinkers allow questions such as: What are the impasses experienced by contemporary education? Where do the difficulties of education come from? How are children being educated? What kind of subjectivity is formed by the school? After all, does the school educate or doctrine? Are there other paths? Is an education possible that considers the human being in a more comprehensive way? What would a fully developed human being look like? The problem with this research is to answer what other paths teachers can take to enable other forms of human existence, which can favor the appearance of opportunities that challenge the human being to advance beyond the superficial layer that he uses as a reference of intelligence and wisdom, which have they been established through instituted and socially acceptable discourses that underlie current thinking and, for this reason, induce repetition of theories? It is a qualitative approach, in which the methodological procedure took place through bibliographic research, based on the theories of Rogers, Weil, Crema and Leloup. The investigative path was based on other authors that complement the thinking of the main authors of the research, among them, Alves (2001), Berger and Lukmann (2004), Foucault (2005, 2012), Fromm (1977), Husserl (1989, 1992), Illich (1985), Krishnamurti (1994), Morin (2003), Nietzsche (2003) and Sousa Santos (2008). The reflections from the studied authors reveal that the paradigm that underlies the school's educational practices lately, can hardly lead the human being to develop fully, including all its dimensions. We criticize the traditional methods of educating and the contemporary human being's way of existing. We point out other anthropologies, through which the school institution is challenged to implement a pedagogical practice, in a certain revolutionary sense, by breaking with the paradigm of separativeness that underlies the traditional school system, in order to rescue a less fragmented view of the human being. An integrative pedagogical action between what is positive about the current educational activity and the broader view of human development. A proposal whose core is to free the student from the bonds of a system that suppresses his originality. Therefore, we consider that there are other possibilities for the school to develop a pedagogical performance, favoring paths for the full development of the student. We believe that we can approach this reality, through school practice that values the student's uniqueness, potential and ability to be guided by his internal indications, which leads him to other ways of experiencing the world, enjoying his freedom and autonomy to exceed the limits of the instituted.


  • Data: Jul 24, 2020
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  • In this research, we will discuss “How does the sexual division of labor serve to sustain the speeches and to strengthen control instruments and power over the practices of productive work fishing women who work as coordinators of the fishing locality sectors, in which fishermen have control and institutional power in the entity, starting from the perception of fishing women ". we have as general objective: Investigate “Like the sexual division of labor serves to sustain the speeches and control instruments and power over practices fisher women who work as locality coordinators fishing, in which fisher men hold control and institutional power in the entity?” And we defined as specific objectives: identify the perception of fishing women about the sexual division of labor inside the political organization the Colony Z-16; We seek thus the voice of these subjects fisherwomen, discuss their perspectives of gender and sexuality, job, female emancipation in Colony Z-16; and, to point out how the speeches have been constructed and instruments of control and power on women's work practices fishing women in Colony Z-16. And as a methodology, we opted for Oral History. we identified that the reports end for indicating the challenges that arise front the performance of the base coordinators seeking more space of exercise in positions of power and prestige that essentially it is directed to men that remains in the main positions since the entity was created.among the claims is the decrease inequality of work between man and women, not only in fisheries but also in work the direction the Z-16.


  • Data: Jul 22, 2020
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  • This study aims to understand the context of formation and transformation of the African neighborhood in the municipality of Igarapé / PA, aiming to understand its economic, political and cultural importance for the municipality, trying to bring to the fore the protagonism of black women, children, young people and adults, their life trajectories, their daily reinventions, cultural knowledge and practices. In order to do so, it is proposed to approach the emergence of the neighborhood of Africa, seeking to understand this neighborhood as a small community formed in the central part of the headquarters of said municipality, composed of descendants of blacks, who migrated from the rural area, mainly the Anapuzinho River region, to the urban area in search of better living conditions, constituting a black neighborhood in the city of Igarapé-Miri. In order to fulfill the objectives of the research, we used as theoretical-methodological contributions analysis of works by authors such as: PORTELLI (1997) THOMPSON (1998) PINTO (2012), NONATO (2002) ABRAMOVAY and CAMARANO (1999), CAMPELO, JESUS, GOD, 2014) ANTICO (1997), CERTEAU (2002) ANTONACCI, (2013), and others. In the same way, field research is carried out through participant observation, with the aid of Oral History, through semistructured interviews, oral reports and life histories, plus written, imagery sources (photographs, maps, engravings) from the perspective to study the context of formation of this neighborhood, trying to understand how its inhabitants were important in the historical, cultural and economic formation of the city of Igarapé-Miri. Taking into consideration the transformations that this neighborhood and these individuals have been passing along their historical trajectory. Preliminary data from the research point to important elements of the African neighborhood, presenting life histories, daily experiences, forms of work, traditional knowledge, religiosity and cultural practices, showing a neighborhood that exists beyond the geographic space, built in the memories of men and women.

  • PROGRAMA ESCOLA ATIVA: um estudo sobre a prática docente nas turmas multisseriadas no município de Mocajuba/PA

  • Data: Jul 22, 2020
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  • Com o objetivo de investigar, a partir da formação continuada, se os professores das escolas do campo EMEIF Santa Luzia do Silóe e EMEIF Professora Raimunda Maria Leão, desenvolvem atividades docentes, no cotidiano da sala de aula, que valorizam a cultura e os modos de vida dos alunos do campo. Pretende, igualmente, responder à seguinte pergunta de pesquisa: “Qual a contribuição da Formação Continuada oferecida pelo Programa Escola Ativa para a prática docente nas escolas multisseriadas no município de Mocajuba/PA? ”; e, de que forma essa formação possibilitou a ressignificação das práticas docentes, da atuação desses professores na sala de aula junto a seus educandos, numa perspectiva de valorização da cultura, modos de vida e saberes dos alunos e da própria comunidade camponesa? Para a efetivação desta investigação, buscamos nos fundamentar, teoricamente, nos estudos e pesquisas dos estudiosos que tratam acerca de educação do campo, prática docente e formação docente, como: Freire (2018), Tardif (2002), Lima (2003), Hage (2006), Caldart (2008) e Santos (2014). Utilizamos o aporte metodológico de Yin (2005), André (2008), Lüdke e André (1986), Minayo (2001) e Triviños (1987). Por meio do Estudo de Caso e alguns elementos da etnografia, procuramos aprofundar a compreensão da prática docente diferenciada de duas professoras, possibilitando o contato direto do pesquisador com o cotidiano escolar. Também efetuamos a pesquisa de campo nas escolas situadas na área rural do município de Mocajuba, Santa Luzia do Siloé e Professora Raimunda Maria Leão, assim como a realização da observação e a entrevista semiestruturada e técnicas de coleta de dados. Analisamos dois documentos oficiais do MEC, o projeto base do Programa Escola Ativa e a Resolução nº 1 do CNE/CEB/2002 para o aprofundamento sobre a prática docente. Os resultados da pesquisa apontaram que apesar do PEA ter passado por reestruturação e mudanças nos aspectos institucional e pedagógico, no cotidiano escolar não expôs contribuições significativas para a prática docente, uma vez que professores e alunos não tiveram acesso aos materiais do Programa, reformulados com base na Política Nacional de Educação do Campo. Além disso, a formação continuada dos professores foi frágil e apresentou descontinuidade por falta de recursos financeiros e estruturais da Secretaria Municipal de Educação. Percebemos certa resistência ao livro didático por parte das professoras, devido ser descontextualizado das reais necessidades das turmas multisseriadas, levando-as a adequar os conteúdos curriculares do PEA à cultura e modos de vida dos alunos do campo.

  • FABULAÇÕES CLARICEANAS: Devir mulher entre sentidos de uma Educação Múltipla

  • Data: Jul 1, 2020
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  • Fabulation and becoming-woman move the connection between art, gender, and Education devised in this text-rhizome woven by plateaus. These are the cartographic body fabled in multiple recesses to the art-literature of Clarice Lispector, through which images of social representations of “being a woman” introduced by patriarchy and reinforced by conservative traditions in Education are stretched, and a multiple education is examined among the to manage political and poetic art-literature as a power of creation. Minor art. Escape lines to the dominant system in Education. This cartographic research takes place through the philosophy of Difference by Deleuze and Guattari. Our theoretical path confluences with feminist studies, such as those of Beauvoir, Butler, Rago, plotting philosophical and literary approaches in the interstices of Clarice art, fabulating to become and multiple directions to Education. In the plateaus, we reterritorialize the processes of existence though the lines of escape from patriarchy through becoming-women, becoming-animals, becoming-grotto and, the grotesque, reterritories disrupt representation and they are born as the power of Difference in education. To reverberate with Stigger, screams, and convulsions of political bodies in their drifts and delusions. We questioned the patriarchal oppression in the female body. Freedom arts organized in Education as possibilities to explain other ways of becoming-woman with Clarice. 


  • Data: Jun 23, 2020
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  • En esta investigación buscamos examinar si la historia-cultura del pueblo Kỳikatêjê y la institución de la Educación Escolar Indígena producen tensionalidades discursivas alrededor de la creación de la escuela Mẽ Akre Kôjakati, de la comunidad indígena Kỳikatêjê, que vive en la aldea Kôjakati, hubicada en el Km 16 de la BR-222 –hacia Marabá- Bom Jesus do Tocantins – en la Reserva Indígena Mãe Maria, en la ciudad de Bom Jesus do Tocantins, Pará, para demonstrar cómo la escuela ha sido idealizada e implementada discursivamente y también cómo la historia de este pueblo influyó e influye en esta idealización. Para esto, discutimos la historia del pueblo Kỳikatêjê, sus desplazamientos y reubicaciones, así como los intentos de “domesticación” que sufrieron. Paralelo a estos procesos de domesticación y los intentos de insertar este pueblo en la sociedad no indígena, trazamos una historia de la Educación Escolar Indígena tratando de mostrar cómo ha sido utilizada históricamente por el Estado como instrumento unificador y homogeneizador de pueblos, razas, etnias y sus culturas, lengua y cosmovisiones, en general. Por lo tanto, intentamos demostrar que la Legislación de Educación representa el reconocimiento cultural de cada época, reconocimiento que se logra a través de muchas luchas de las sociedades minoritarias. Por lo fin, discutimos cómo la historia de lucha y resistencia de los pueblos minoritarios, sea por el derecho a preservar su identidad y cultura, sea por lo derecho a la educación, afecta discursivamente los sujetos de manera a mostrar en su discurso la tensión marcada, históricamente, entre legislación y la legitimación de la educación escolar indígena. De esta forma, analizamos el corpus de esta investigación en base a las contribuciones del Análisis del Discurso que nos permite comprender los sentidos de los dichos y así relacionar lengua, historia y sujeto. Por lo tanto, este estudio se basa teóricamente en autores que discuten la historia y cultura del pueblo Kỳikatêjê, el camino de la historia de la Educación Escolar Indígena y en las contribuciones de la teoría del Análisis del Discurso de la corriente francesa

  • A PARTICIPAÇÃO DAS TRABALHADORAS AGRICULTORAS NO STTR/CAMETÁ: Trajetória histórica, lutas e constituição da mulher em SER SOCIAL

  • Data: Sep 2, 2019
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  • This text is the result of an Academic Master's Degree research of the Graduate Program in Education and Culture - PPGEDUC/UFPA, whose object of study was the process of organization and participation of the social being working woman in the interior of the actions of the syndicate. The aim of the research was to analyze the participation of the working woman farmer, in order to characterize her as a social being based on her achievements in the organization of the union movement. Methodologically, the production was guided by the qualitative approach, using data collection techniques, such as literature review and documentary analysis. The analytical perspective of the collected material was subsidized by a theoretical-methodological framework capable of problematizing the object of study and the political and social context in which it is inserted, through the use of some of the categories of historical materialism and dialectic, namely: mediation, totality and contradiction. The theoretical contributions that guided the study are based, among others, in Gohn (2011); Demo (1988); Grzybowski (1987); Marx and Engels (2005; 1975); Frigotto (2008); Silva (2008,); Aquime (2018); Swan (2018) and others. The results of the research are explained by the review of the literature from which it is understood that the historical project of capitalist societies that made the hegemonic elitist class, antagonistically, produced numerous struggles and resistances, contributing decisively for the organization of different socio-political movements, including political parties, trade unions, diverse associations, potentially capable of building clashes for the oppressions of one class over the other, of groups on others and gender equality. In this context, the Syndicate of Workers and Rural Workers plays an important role as a collective space in ensuring the legal rights of rural workers, because the state government is the main financier and regulator of policies, including, the peoples of the field. The documents analyzed revealed that STTR/Cametá is linked to contag and reflects the positions that are nationally taken in proposing greater participation of workers in targeting and decision-making in trade unionism, including equal conditions in the executive boards since the discussion that ensured the quota system in 30% of the positions for unionized women to the current configuration of parity between men and women in these positions, which means progressive appreciation of the female figure in the different administrative spaces. It was also evidenced by the research that among the achievements of rural workers in this entity are mentioned: sickness aid, maternity aid and death pension, as well as income projects under the technical assistance of organs such as FETAGRI and SAGRI. Finally, the study revealed that rural workers associated with STTR/Cametá also have a limited participation in this entity, while this limited female participation constitutes a condition of Being Social, potentially capable of emancipation and citizen constitution for a fair and egalitarian society project.

  • Data: Sep 2, 2019
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  • This text is the result of a Masters Research in Education and aimed to analyze the implications of the More Education Program from the perspective of the Full-Time School, in view of the feasibility of financing actions carried out in two municipal schools of Cametá / PA - Santa Teresinha Municipal Elementary School and Raimunda da Silva Barros Municipal Elementary School. As a question / problem, it was highlighted: What are the implications of the management of the More Education Program from the perspective of the Full-Time School in Cametá / PA? Methodologically the research was conducted through the qualitative approach, with literature review on educational policy, focusing on management. Among the data collection techniques, we used document analysis and semi-structured interviews conducted with school managers and coordinators of the Mais Educação Program of the investigated schools. The foundations of the text are supported by authors in the field, such as Höfling (2001); Boneti (2011); Frigotto (2002); Martins (2010); Cavaliere (2009); Cabral Neto and Souza (2008); Peroni (2003). The results showed that the Program is an action of the Education Development Plan - PDE, a reflection of the policies of financial decentralization that, although justified by the principle of Integral Education from the perspective of Full Time School, is problematic for the educational reality. in the Amazonian context. The assumptions of the More Education Program and its constraints regarding Integral Education and the Full-Time School are inconsistent with funding for actions under the decentralization process according to data from the two schools in the municipal network. Other factors limiting Program actions include lack of information on bureaucratic issues, adequate physical structure of schools and insufficient financial resources to meet real needs. The research revealed that the Program's assumptions derive from vertical orientations characterized by management management in which control is maintained in central power, through the adoption of previously decided actions, not offering the spaces for building autonomy as a principle of democratic management. In this sense, decentralization assumes a logic of control of public actions, while exempting the Union from its obligations to offer education as a right of every citizen, prevailing its discourse as an element of reduction of social inequalities. It is possible, however, to characterize the Mais Educação Program as an action that induces integral education from the perspective of the full-time school, both in the activities of Santa Teresinha Municipal Elementary School and Raimunda da Silva Barros Municipal Primary School. however, only on the logic of the PDE guidelines as decentralized funding was not sufficient to fully educate learners. It was observed by the research that it was guaranteed, in part, the development of a set of important activities for the students that met the previously defined requirements for the attendance, without, however, promoting a integral formation as the integral education suggests. Yes, we advocate integral education under the heading of Full-time School through the Federative Pact where the obligation of the federated entities with education is fulfilled by the Collaboration Regime and that such principles are universalization.


  • Data: Aug 30, 2019
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  • This Master's study entitled “Intellectual emancipation and the defense of the public school”, has important reflections and theoretical questions about education and the public school, focusing on the concept of “intellectual emancipation” present in Jacques Rancière's educational thought in the work The Ignorant Master of Jacques Rancière (2010), in articulation with the concept of “school language” developed by Masschelein and Siomons (2017). These concepts are necessary to think the public school to another level and think directions for the intellectual emancipation and the inventiveness of the school learner. The research methodology is configured as a theoretical study of bibliographic nature, based on the approach of the theme with deepening in the studied authors: Rancière (2010), Larrosa (2017), Masschelein and Simons (2017), Walter Kohan (2013), Esteban (2001), Skliar (2014), Signorini (1998) among others who dialogue with the theme in question. The text transits in this educational environment where the public school is often questioned and condemned for being a “normalizing machinery”, where intellectual emancipation and inventiveness resonate little due to the historical mechanicism of knowledge and the centrality of the master's figure as the conductor of teaching. However, it is necessary to remove the school from this normalizing level and return it to its emancipating and inventive potential. The study concludes that the freedom of learning enhances the intellectual autonomy of educators, being able to overflow knowledge and creativity and displace conventional teaching methods. We can seek new directions for school education, enhance and enhance the public school, question our practices and methods, experience an education as a way to collective emancipation, strengthened in friendship and the inventiveness of learning.


  • Data: Aug 29, 2019
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  • This paper investigates the relationship between what is prescribed in vocational training processes and the renormatization in their work environments, in terms of knowledge of work triggered by the dynamics of the needs of these environments, from the daily work of graduates of the Technical School Feeding Course / PROEJA, headquartered in the municipality of Cametá (Pará, Amazon, Brazil). It is a qualitative research, supported by the dialectical historical materialism and the ergological approach of work. We used as data collection procedures semi-structured interviews and document analysis. Data treatment followed the guidelines of content analysis. From the theoretical point of view, we take discussions about vocational training and work knowledge, considering the ergological approach as important, involving the process of professional training and qualification that considers work knowledge and professional knowledge against the prescribed knowledge and renormatized knowledge. Our references took Alves (2009), Schwartz and Durrive (2007), Guérin (2004), Machado (2006), covering issues of training, vocational education and ergology; Gramsci (1991), Kuenzer (2002) and Kosik (1976) assisted us in debates about work and historical-dialectical materialism. We start from the assumption that, at work, the egressed subjects renormatize the knowledge and knowledge arising from school education, given the creativity needs of the world of work, given the metamorphoses of this world. However, we perceive disarticulation between the prescribed and the renormatized, demonstrating distancing between the work as the form in which it is required and in the way it is actually performed. We can affirm that the work activity of the Technical Graduates in School Feeding has a formation characterized by the distance from the notions of the antecedent norms that are broader than the prescribed work, evoking emergent situations beyond the norms and prescriptions, having knowledge built in the professional work as negation. also possibilities of a theoretical-practical unit as praxis in activity.  

  • SÍTIOS AGRÍCOLAS DAS COLÔNIAS SÃO VICENTE E PONTA GROSSA: uma experiência agrícola desenvolvida nas décadas de 1970 e 1980 na comunidade de Carapajó, município de Cametá/Pará

  • Data: Aug 28, 2019
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  • This paper analyzes the processes of implantation, training and organization of rural workers from the São Vicente and Ponta Grossa Colonies Agricultural Lands project, at Carapajó community, in Cametá (Pará, Amazon, Brazil). This project was one of the social activities carried out by the Prelature of Cameta between the 1970s and 1980s. It had the priest Johannes Gerardus Boonekamp as its main creator. The research problem is linked to the understanding of how the participation of rural workers in the implementation of Agricultural Lands took place, the socio-political engagement of these subjects and the relationship between work and education in the rural context. In order to have the answers to this problem, the following specific objectives were proposed: to investigate in which context, social and ecclesial, the Agricultural Lands project arose, as well as its purposes and objectives; to verify how it was implemented, the training practices and the workers' organization; and identify the ruptures and permanences of the Agricultural Lands project. Considering this agricultural experience as part of a process that contributed to the formation and organization of rural workers in Cametá region, this research adopted Oral History as a methodology and qualitative research as a method. Also, as part of the methodological procedure, we conducted research in the archives of Diocese of Cametá and field visits in order to establish contact with people from Carapajó community and to conduct Oral History interviews. These interviews were guided by a script of questions and were conducted with subjects that were part of this project, as well as with other people who witnessed or experienced this agricultural experience, totaling eighteen people contacted. The project involving São Vicente and Ponta Grossa colonies can be considered a pioneering agricultural experience in the lower Tocantins region, both for access to land and the financing method. This research allowed us, therefore, to verify in what context this project was developed, and how the training process developed by Prelature of Cametá took place; but also to identify ruptures and permanences of this agricultural experience, to understand the historical course of rural workers of Carapajó community and, above all, to give visibility to these rural social subjects, who fought for the overcoming of social relations of exclusion.


  • Data: Aug 16, 2019
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  • This dissertation aims to analyze the implementation of SENAI in the municipality of Cametá, seeking to understand the reasons for its implementation, the pedagogical conceptions, the political, economic and social interests involved and their relations with the labor market. The methodology of this investigation is based on the assumptions of qualitative research of descriptive-analytical type, with the following steps: bibliographic research, survey and document analysis, field research and interview. It is also intended, through Oral History, to understand the implementation of SENAI / Cametá and its implications, through the memory of our interviewees, which will serve as a basis for understanding the events. Moreover, this approach will allow the problematization of the research object from a critical analysis on how the conception of the professional education policy was related to the implementation of SENAI / Cametá, from a perspective guided by the theoretical contribution of the research. We work with the concept of Educational Policy, which serves as a basis for understanding the phenomena to be investigated. These concepts will have as theoretical support discussions of authors that we consider important for the understanding of the object: Araújo (2007), Batista (2013, 2015), Cunha (2005a, 2005b, 2005c), Frigotto (1989, 2010a, 2010b), Germano ( 1994, 2011), Manfredi (2002, 2016), Mészáros (2008), Müller (2009a, 2009b), Petit (1996, 2003), Prins (1992), Schultz (1973a, 1973b) and Thompson (1992). The survey showed political interests related to the implementation of the Cametá Integrated Center for Vocational Education (CIEP), through former Federal Representative Gerson dos Santos Peres, who was mainly responsible for the installation, in the city of Cametá, of the SENAI educational institution. / Cametá, whose official inauguration took place on October 28, 1982, with the presence of the then President of the Republic João Baptista de Oliveira Figueiredo. Interestingly, before the founding of SENAI / Cametá, the SENAI DR-PA Mobile Center (CEMOVEL) was provisionally installed in 1975, a circus-shaped school that was set up in the Praça da Justiça, in front of Governor Alacid Nunes State School (GEAN), with the following courses: Basic Electricity, General Mechanics, Carpentry, Automotive Mechanics, Civil Construction and the Agricultural Tractor Operator Course. With the implementation of SENAI / Cametá, which was linked to the concern with the productive market, perhaps it was believed that the municipality of Cametá would become an industrial hub, however, this institution now forms for the tertiary and services sector, and It is not integrated into a large industrial network, as the region has no structure for industry


  • Data: Jun 28, 2019
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  • Heidegger (1889-1976), a German philosopher, had long thought of the danger that could befall mankind. Even because, within his existential analytic, the greatest danger lay in the forgetting of being. He witnessed both the First and Second World Wars that plagued 20th century Europe. Heidegger warned of the predictability of a time when the technique could dominate the planet. He later emphasized this thought from the relation he made between the atomic age and how to be present in the modern world of technology. In The Question of Technique (1953) the German philosopher pronounces the questioning of technique in the possibility of preparing a free relation with it. The technique implies a constant and visible destiny that affects everything, controls and plans. This determination led Heidegger to choose the term Gestell as a clash between man and nature, as the fate of something very close in the sense of human exploitation, the installation of something that produces and consumes. In his constant preoccupation with the future of humanity he perceived the state in which the human being found himself and what could happen if he did not awaken to a dis-cover. Its existence is at stake if it does not know how to revert to the situation that controls it and submits to a dominant and calculating "service" of the technique in the contemporaneity. How is human being becoming the era of technique? This question is pressing because the networks of information create the idea of a true world, permeated by a pure and unquestionable truth and that determines the way of acting and thinking of contemporary man. Given this question, how can we understand the events that have transformed the conceptions of the human being? At the same time it is possible to meditate in order to understand what is happening in the world. Heidegger was a philosopher and "poet of being", professor and dean of the University of Freiburg. Discussed in his meetings and conferences themes that contributed to human education and training. In Heidegger we can find a critical way of viewing education as imposed and planned standardization and technical framework as instruction, as well as a standardization of teaching and a pedagogy that intervenes not as liberating practice. Thus, the research brings as a guiding element of the problem the phenomenological hermeneutics and texts of Heidegger. In addition to Inwood (2004), Schneider (2005), Loparic (1996), Vatimo (1996), Rüdiger (2014), Hermann (2002), Kahlmeyer-Mertens (2008) and Hodge (2015).


  • Data: Jun 28, 2019
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  • Dissertation on the pedagogical practices of teaching and learning of language (reading and writing) in the 4th year of a municipal public school in the urban zone of Cametá / PA. It brings as a problem the following question: how are pedagogical practices focused on language teaching (reading and writing) being developed in the 4th year of elementary school? It seeks to investigate how the pedagogical practices of language teaching are built, based on the historical-cultural approach of Vigostki and Bakhtin, through which it is argued that language is a symbolic and constitutive activity of the subject and its teaching should not only be the appropriation of a technique of reading and writing, but of a social practice (the writing) that allows the child to transform his memory, attention, ways of seeking information; forgetting information that can be recovered through registration; to participate; to share; and above all to create relationships with others. It is a qualitative study in the case study modality with bibliographical, documentary and field research. The instruments used in data collection were: observation and interviews. The research subjects were: 03 regent teachers of the 4th and 03 teachers of the Reading and Writing Project. From the narratives of the situations in the room and the speeches of the subjects, the data were analyzed dialectically, guided by the historical-cultural approach. The classroom observations pointed out that, in all classes, practices are exhausted in practice, that is, there is a great concern in teaching content, grammar, text in the text, leaving aside the problematization, dialogue with the other, the beauty of the literary text. Practices are still impregnated with the old reproductive, technical, silencing, and dehumanizing pedagogy. Teaching in the project was also effective, especially copyist and reproductive. The interviews revealed contradictions between what is thought about PPP and what is actually done in the room. And they have proved that it is the conception of language as a technique that guides practices. It is necessary to break with this type of hegemonic education present in the school; is looking at the pedagogical practices of the other and reflecting the promotion of a counter-hegemonic practice in which education does not serve as an instrument to maintain and naturalize inequalities, that students are seen as historical subjects within a real world and that language as a symbolic and constitutive activity of the subject is the north of the pedagogical practices of language teaching.

  • O ENSINO MÉDIO INTEGRADO NO PARÁ COMO POLÍTICA PÚBLICA: implantação e implementação no Centro Integrado de Educação do Baixo Tocantins/Cametá

  • Data: Jun 27, 2019
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  • The present study deals with the way in which the Integrated High School (EMI), through the State Department of Education of Pará (SEDUC-PA), in the municipality of Cametá (PA), Brazil, has materialized in the school. this Secretariat, from 2008, with the creation of the Network of Technological Schools of Pará, implemented this form of provision of High School to the youth of Pará. The locus of this research is the Integrated Center of Education of Baixo Tocantins in Cametá, a school that integrates said network. It discusses and theorizes about the process of implementation and implementation of a Public Policy for Secondary Education, which was proposed revolutionary, but which, effectively, was not, evidencing its limits and contradictions. This imposed on us to rescue the way the Brazilian State has conceived the Public Educational Policies, which is done in the first two chapters of this work. The first one, entitled “State, Public Policies and Education in Brazil: advances and ruptures in the difficult consolidation of an identity”, is based on Carnoy (1986), Marx (1973), Mészáros (2008), Ciavatta (2005), Frigotto (2003), Ramos (2005), Haddad (2008), Machado (2007), Araujo (2010), Araujo and Rodrigues (2011), Azevedo (2001), Gramsci 2011), Wood (2001), Paro (2008), Saviani (2008, 2011, 2014); and the second chapter, entitled “Integrated Secondary Education in Brazil: Historicizing and Identifying Principles, Bases and Contradictions”, supported by Freitag (1986), Gramsci (2001), Carcanholo (2011), Saviani (1987, 2006), Kuenzer (2007), Frigotto, Ciavatta and Ramos (2003, 2005a, 2005b, 2009), Ciavatta (2012, 2015), Ramos (2005, 2011, 2014), Saviani (2014), Moura (2005, 2009), Haddad (2008), Harvey (2005), we identify how the relations between notions of State, Public Policies and Education in Brazil and how the movements that underpin the Educational Policy for EMI in Brazil have been configured. It is a research carried out under the methodological contribution of the historical-dialectical materialism (MARX, 2010; MARX; ENGELS, 2007; KOSIK, 1976; RAMOS, 2011; CIAVATTA, 2009), with a semi-structured interview (TRIVIÑOS, 1987), associated with content analysis (BARDIN, 2011; FRANCO, 2012). This course was considered necessary to understand the contradictions revealed by the voices of Management Agents (AGs) who actively participated in the EMI implementation, implementation and implementation processes, SEDUC-PA and CIEBT. It is the voices of the AGs, in the third chapter, that confirm our hypothesis: that the state of Pará was successful in the process of implementing EMI as a public policy, through the establishment of the EETEPAs Network, based on a theoretical framework and legal foundation that sustain its existence. However, it does not come guaranteeing the material, physical-structural and pedagogical conditions for this policy to be implemented in the daily practice of the network’s schools, especially with regard to the integration between Professional Education and Secondary Education. On the other hand, even if the integration process is not satisfactorily noticed by the subjects interviewed, the establishment of the EETEPAs Network is still an advance in the process of management of Professional Education in the State. These revelations appear in the third chapter, entitled “The implementation of the Network of Schools of Technological Education of Pará and the implementation of EMI in CIEBT: the implementation of a Public Policy in Education in Pará.” Here we begin by differentiating the meanings of the terms implantation and implementation, a phenomenon of the Portuguese language called paronimia: words similar in pronunciation and writing, but different in meaning. The confrontation between the prescribed (implantation) and the materialized (implementation), brought by the voices of the GAs, reveals great contradictions, among them: a) education managers, when proposing the construction of counter-hegemonic education projects, need to be safe of the changes they propose, at the risk of failing to achieve their proposals; b) The capitalist state, a classist state, deliberately does not invest in public education in the polytechnical perspective, which is capable of training workers in multiple dimensions: intellectual, corporeal and technical, especially when neoliberal governments establish themselves, as at present, where the resources for public policies are scarce and where there is a clear orientation of submission of the human formation to the precepts of market; c) the Instability of a staff of effective staff in the technical base is one of the most limiting factors, and that make difficult the pedagogical work with success in the EETEPAs, this factor and its implications are brought in this research; and d) Political interference in network schools: the previous problem (non-tendering for technicallevel teachers) gives rise to another factor, which directly interferes with the teaching quality of the EETEPAs: the indication of hiring by political sponsorship. Local political groups directly interfere in this direction. The political leaders see the Technology Schools as a space where there is a possibility of temporary contracting, this is a reason for the great dispute for the indication of the directions of these institutions, this has been happening since the year of the creation of the EETEPAs in 2008, passing through different governments . In the end, we reaffirm, however, that the constitution of the EETEPAs network was a milestone in the management process of Vocational Education in Pará, and has recognition of the society and involvement of a set of servers in its daily life. There is still a lot to walk, assessing the experiences, improving them, filling their gaps and projecting a future of dignity for the youth of Pará, for education, in the perspective of integral formation.


  • Data: Jun 27, 2019
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  • This work is an investigation about the social, cultural and economic role that the ka’apor woman develops in and outside the Xie Pihũ Renda indigenous community located in Alto Turiaçu Indigenous Land, Maranhão, Brazil. It starts from the observations in the field, from the theoretical framework constructed, from the analysis of the photographs made during the research and mainly from the analyzes of the narrators’ discourses. The research starts from the central objective of investigating the role of women in society, the way it has been and continues to be treated historically, as well as the importance of inserting it as a social and cultural subject, based on the assumption that women ka ‘ have a role of great importance for the development and maintenance of the Ka’apor people, and are currently developing other social and economic functions. In this sense, a hypothesis that can be raised to explain these modifications would be the interference of new knowledge introduced by the school in the community, which, when apprehended by the women, would contribute, perhaps, to the development of a new social function. In order to reach this goal, we first analyze the social function of Ka’apor women in the present day, trying to identify similarities in indigenous discourses. Through interviews, the oral narratives were recorded and transcribed, to be analyzed initially, based on four aspects: Magalhães’ critical discourse analysis (2017); the concepts of Culture and Education, by Brandão (2009); a theory on oral history, by Thompson (1992) and Ferreira and Amado (2006); and the concepts of ethnography, by Geertz (1978). The research leads us to understand that Ka’apor women continue to develop the multiple roles that have always been developed within communities, being mothers, wives, daughters, but now they are also teachers, health workers, captains, and shamans. Thus Ka’apor women living in the Xie Pihũ Renda indigenous community have learned to develop new social, cultural and economic roles.


  • Data: Jun 27, 2019
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  • O presente trabalho trata da constituição da identidade de mulher negra na comunidade remanescente do quilombo de São Benedito do Vizeu. Este objetiva saber, como essas remanescentes desse quilombo no município Mocajuba-Para formam sua identidade nas atividades laborais associadas aos saberes do trabalho numa materialidade histórica da vida junto a classe trabalhadora. A pesquisa toma como base o método materialismo histórico- dialético diante das contradições e mediações a partir do princípio da totalidade. Destaca-se ainda uma abordagem de base qualitativa com a entrevista semiestruturada, associada a análise de conteúdo para entender que as vozes e memórias dessas mulheres narram constituição de identidade na relação com o mundo do trabalho. Nesse viés metodológico partimos de autores como Marx (2010), Marx e Engels (2007), Thompson (1981), Schwartz (2003), Tiriba (2009), Rodrigues (2012), Pinto (2012), Davis (1987), Beauvoir (1985), Saviani (1997), Mead (1999), Aquime (2018), Santos (2003), Antunes (2010), Hirata (2015), Saffioti (1987), Bogo (2009), Dubar (2009) dentre outros que buscam os caminhos dessas discussões. Nisso a pesquisa concluiu que as mulheres negras dessa comunidade revelam uma identidade que se dá no antagonismo entre capital e trabalho e a medida que o trabalho dessas mulheres dado a intensificação das necessidades de sobrevivência materializam-se nas diversas atividade em que essas a vida toda participam cria-se um produto do trabalho dela é alienado. Nisso, as narrativas não apresentam somente o trabalho com essa relação antológica do ser humano, onde observamos uma singularidade da identidade dessas mulheres, pois elas dominam a totalidade do processo produtivo, mas, contraditoriamente, esse processo se mostra estranho ao resultado da produção. Diante das análises entendemos também uma identidade polivalente dessas mulheres negras, resultante do modo de produção capitalista, que não lhes garante as condições básicas de existência. Elas dominam um conjunto de ofícios para atender às necessidades e ao mercado, mesmo porque estão vinculadas a um processo de exploração que se liga a uma tripla jornada entre o saber profissional, o saber laboral e o saber do lar. Ou seja, essa mulher acumula saberes e se identifica por meio deles entre eles ainda encontramos uma identidade de resistência que se representa no tempo do trabalho e nos mutirões contrapondo a lógica do capital.

  • DOS MUTIRÕES AOS PIMENTAIS: a (re)construção das Identidades na contradição Trabalho-Capital, em comunidade quilombola no nordeste paraense

  • Data: Jun 10, 2019
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  • Esta pesquisa analisa, a partir de materialidades produtivas realizadas por homens e mulheres da Comunidade Quilombola de Tambaí-Açu, no município de Mocajuba, Pará, a (re)construção de identidades, na contradição Capital-Trabalho. Busca responder à indagação de como esses sujeitos constroem processos de resistência, ou não, às determinações do modo de produção capitalista, considerando as reproduções ampliadas da vida e as reproduções ampliadas do capital, que lhes possibilita estabelecer, conforme Marx (2013), mediações que (re)constroem suas identidades como classe. Para tanto, adotamos a abordagem qualitativa, pautada no materialismo histórico-dialético, pois entendemos, conforme Araújo (2007), que os fenômenos sociais correspondem a dimensões tanto quantitativas quanto qualitativas, constituindo-se também culturais, de acordo com Thompson (2001), não seguindo os fenômenos econômicos à distância, pois são partes da mesma rede de relações consideradas como totalidade social, unidade do diverso (MARX, 2008). Metodologicamente, com base em Triviños (1987) procedemos ao levantamento documental, às observações e anotações de campo, além da realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas, tratadas, em termos de significância, conforme Bardin (1977), pela análise do conteúdo. Assim enquanto referencial teórico nos pautamos em Marx (1978; 1996; 2008; 2013), Marx e Engels (2007; 2009), Thompson (1981; 1987; 1998; 2001), Mészaros (2002; 2011), Dubar (2005; 2006), Acosta (2016), Antunes (2009), Bogo (2010), Tiriba (2001; 2008; 2012; 2018), Pinto (2001; 2004; 2007), Gomes (1996; 2003; 2006), Funes (2012), Rodrigues (2012), dentre outros. A investigação nos levou à conclusão de que as identidades da Comunidade Quilombola Tambaí-Açu se (re)constroem na mediação dos saberes sociais do Trabalho-Capital, contradição configurada entre o trabalho nos mutirões e trabalho nos pimentais. Para se chegar a tal conclusão, constatamos, a partir de entrevista junto a quatro mulheres e cinco homens da Comunidade Quilombola Tambaí-Açu, que os saberes do trabalho, caracterizados de identidade quilombola, se entrecruzam na prática de trabalho socializado do mutirão, como culturas do trabalho que se (re)constroem no contexto das relações sociais de produção, na perspectiva de luta de classes. Identificamos, ainda, que a partir das materialidades objetivas e subjetivas dos sujeitos, as transformações nas reproduções ampliadas da vida, em face da contradição em relação às reproduções ampliadas do capital, ocorreram por meio do monocultivo intensivo da pimenta-do-reino, observado no entorno da comunidade. Dessa forma, compreendemos que a relação dialética entre aderência e resistências à tentativa de homogeneização da comunidade, para suprir objetivos do mercado, (re)criou experiências que possibilitaram, por conseguinte, um (re)criar identidades, na contradição capital-trabalho. Assim, desde um passado de formação político-cultural, social e econômico, até o presente, os quilombos têm sido alvo de diversas tentativas de aniquilamento, tanto material quanto simbólico. (Re)construindo-se no constante fazer-se quilombola, a partir das reproduções ampliadas da vida, ao unir forças para diminuir o dispêndio do trabalho que produz subsistência e valores que destoam das reproduções ampliadas do capital, caracterizada pela produção em larga escala e divisão do trabalho, que nega experiências, presentes em: comunidades tradicionais, produções comunitárias, associações, agroecológicas, economia e cultura popular. E, nesse constante vir a ser, (re)constroem outras reais possibilidades de viver bem, como culturas do trabalho que se manifestam em experiências, a exemplo do mutirão quilombola. Resistência econômico-cultural à produção capitalista e base da constante formação da classe econômico-cultural, que vive do trabalho.


  • Data: May 21, 2019
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  • This study has been investigated the strategies of the rural region of Torrão-Mupi built to have access to education. In this way, we analyze the life and schooling trajectories of different narrators, highlighting their personal, collective, and professional experiences, emphasizing material and non - material barriers, as well as the processes of overcoming the search for education. The methodological approach that followed was based on the concepts of Oral History, for which we listened to the narrators and adopted this qualitative approach, since it tends to provide a broader view both of the people who participate in this process and of the space where the are inserted. The interviews were guided by a semi-structured questionnaire. From the analysis of the open and closed interviews, the research concludes that the material question of the students of the Torrão-Mupi community seems to be the main barrier, because the material barrier is indeed fulfilled in the different life histories. But the struggle, the arduous waiting times that rely on the help of hands that appeared along the path of higher education, is also to overcome this social and economic condition in which they find themselves. The way in which race relations are found in the community is based on its own structuring process, in the absence of public policies of the State, in the daily relations that face prejudice and racial discrimination, especially when leaving the community and entering other spaces historically in white. The research is based on the theoretical contributions of authors such as Salles (2004); Schwarcz (2012); Minayo (2001); Thompson (1992); Ferreira and Amado (2006) and Chimamanda ((2009). Thus, the racial and economic question is found in the life histories of the residents of the black community Torrão-Mupi. But the strategies that have been observed in the support networks constituted by the families, community and the university itself by the Affirmative Actions have cherished and realized dreams.

  • ENTRE DISCURSOS E REPRESENTAÇÕES: o livro didático e nacionalismo na Angola independente (1975-1980).

  • Data: May 21, 2019
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  • This research aims to analyze discourses and representations about identity (national) and Angolan culture in textbooks used in independent Angola. The thematic clipping, which takes place in the first five years after the independence of the Angolan state (1975-1980), can lead us to the possibility of knowing a little about the history of Angola and the ideas that developed from the Pan-African movements, as well as the nationalist ideals that also propelled the liberation movements in Africa in the twentieth century. The textbook, in this sense, becomes a link of fundamental importance in the education and constitution of a "new" representation of Angolan vis-a-vis emerging nationalism, since it constitutes one of the control materials of nationalist education. Using as a research methodology, a critical analysis of historical sources made available in digital collections such as the Colloquiums and Textbooks, present on Memories of Africa and the East, as well as the bibliographies of authors who critically discuss the "book" object and on cultural, postcolonial and African studies, especially the history of Angola, we can project the Angolan historical-social panorama on the eve of pre and postindependence, showing the history, politics, economy and cultural and social factors that culminated in the clash between European culture and Angolan culture in the formation of an Angolan national identity. At this juncture, the textbook may have been as much a key element in the spread of racism and stereotypes as in the appreciation of Angolan culture, in a general sense. Being one of the driving force of a future that was intended in Angola, the textbook through its contents could reveal the internal conflicts; showing not only how anticolonial struggles developed ideologically to the point where these discourses present in the books are instrumented in means of resistance and contribute to the development of a national identity, but also, the ethnic opposition present in the country to the present day. The textbooks had many facets during the process of colonization and independence of Angola. With them were the politics of assimilation, the valorization of Portuguese literature and culture, the valorization of Angolan culture and literature and the formation of a "new man", uprooted from the old structures of domination. The didactic book as a form of colonial and postcolonial opinion leaves us with an understanding of its discursive power and the perpetuation of the ideologies of the moment, precisely because it brings the notions of Europeans, Africans and others to different ages and generations peoples and nations. For this reason, we must understand that, because it is a powerful and fundamental weapon in education, content selections exert influences on those who have the attributes of power, and because it is a cross-cutting material, it must above all propagate tolerance and respect for other 

  • TECNOLOGIAS DIGITAIS NA EDUCAÇÃO: implicações do uso de dispositivos móveis nas escolas de Ensino Médio no município de Cametá (PA) 

  • Data: May 10, 2019
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  • La investigación analiza las implicaciones derivadas del uso de dispositivos móviles en las escuelas públicas de enseñanza media en el municipio de Cametá/PA y las posibles mediaciones resultantes de este uso. El objetivo principal es el de identificar de qué forma los profesores y los alumnos usaban el celular en el contexto de las escuelas públicas y sus efectos en el proceso educativo, como la percepción que los actores tienen sobre la inserción de esa tecnología móvil en la escuela, para analizar los cambios ocurridos en la relación espacio/tiempo en el cotidiano de las escuelas estatales. Para el análisis de las tecnologías digitales móviles en el contexto de la sociedad capitalista y las contradicciones surgidas de ese proceso se adopta el referencial teórico marxista tomando como base Marx, Vieira Pinto, Mészáros y otros autores que discuten en la misma perspectiva. Los análisis de los datos son referenciados por el materialismo histórico-dialéctico por permitir conocer y comprender en su totalidad concreta los movimientos complejos y contradictorios que rigen el objeto en estudio. Las particularidades de la inserción de las tecnologías digitales móviles en el contexto de las escuelas públicas de enseñanza media en el Municipio de Cametá/PA son presentadas y analizadas por medio de instrumentos de recolección de datos utilizando una entrevista semiestructurada con profesores y la aplicación de cuestionarios con alumnos. Los análisis evidencian que el acceso a las tecnologías digitales móviles en las escuelas estatales están siendo proporcionados más por el esfuerzo de los alumnos que tienen la posesión de los aparatos que propiamente por la esfera pública, ya que los alumnos y profesores, quienes por innumerables veces, por no tener acceso a tecnologías digitales de calidad en la escuela, son "Obligados" a utilizar sus propias tecnologías y a comprar el servicio de internet su para uso en las actividades escolares. En cuanto al uso del aparato celular en la escuela se infiere una convergencia en un doble sentido (personal y pedagógica) y retroceso en desdoblamientos favorables y, al mismo tiempo, desfavorables a la enseñanza, el aprendizaje, la construcción del conocimiento, la práctica docente y las relaciones tejidas en el ambiente escolar, confirmando la ambivalencia de los recursos tecnológicos en la educación. Desde el punto de vista de la inserción de la tecnología móvil personal en el ambiente educativo, se evidencia que hay una relación tensa y mal resuelta cuando se trata de la presencia del celular en la escuela, pues no hay consenso en las opiniones, sobre la la apropiación o prohibición de la tecnología, por los sujetos. En el ámbito de las relaciones/espacio/tiempo desarrolladas a través de las tecnologías digitales móviles en la escuela se constató que, por un lado, está la construcción de una “nueva” dinámica escolar que influye en la forma de comunicación y en la relación profesor-alumno, alumno-profesor y demás categorías profesionales que componen el núcleo escolar, pero, por otro, (in)visibilizan, por las positividades enfatizadas, otras relaciones tejidas en el espacio/tiempo virtual/real relacionada, especialmente al trabajo docente. En medio de esa relación tensa, se observa que, aunque este uso es delineado a partir de la lógica económica, los sujetos vienen buscando tejer mediaciones en el sentido de planificar y orientar las acciones desarrolladas con la ayuda de la tecnología junto a los sujetos. 


  • Data: May 10, 2019
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  • This research analyzed “Distance Education in higher education from the UAB Polo/ Cametá/ PA experience”. The main objective of this study was to investigate the implementation and implementation process of the Presence Support Center - UAB / Cametá, as an experience in higher education in the state of Bahia, in the baixo Tocantins / PA region, seeking to identify the conditions of offer of teaching, the challenges or difficulties experienced / experienced by the graduates of the UAB / Cametá Polo Course in Mathematics between 2009 and 2016. The theoretical framework was based on different authors from a Marxist perspective such as: Marx (1982; 2011), Marx and Engels (2007; 2011), Frigotto (1991, 1993, 1995, 2017) and Kosik (2002). In order to deal with Distance Education, I supported Belloni (1999, 2012, 2015), Mill and Pimentel (2013), Guarezzi (2009) and Preti (2011). The methodology used brought dialectical historical materialism as a method in the perspective of the real. The research brings a qualitative approach and as instruments, documentary analysis and semi-structured interview. The subjects of the research were: coordinators, tutors and students graduating from the Mathematics Course / class 2009. Data were analyzed based on content analysis. The results show that Distance Education, under the discourse of democratization and the universalization of education, has expanded significantly in higher education in our country, however, although EaD brings contributions to Brazilian education, it certainly brings with it countless challenges and problems that must be analyzed in relation to the access, permanence and success of the ED subject. According to the graduates of the Mathematics Course, class / 2009, to be trained by EaD was the opportunity found to have access to a free public university, but it is necessary to consider the correlation of different forces in the process by which they are defined and public policies are implemented, aimed at the training of working-class youth. Regarding the UAB / Cametá poles, from the data collected among the subjects of this research, it was evidenced that there is still a lot to be done for the pole, however, this one was constituted as a fundamental link for the teaching proposal in EaD in the municipality of Cametá, seen in general terms, as a successful experience in our Amazon region.


  • Data: May 2, 2019
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  • O presente estudo, intitulado “A PRÉ-ESCOLA NO CONTEXTO DA DITADURA MILITAR, MUNICÍPIO DE CAMETÁ – PARÁ: MEMÓRIAS DO TRABALHO DOCENTE E PRÁTICA PEDAGÓGICA”, realizado no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação e Cultura – PPGEDUC, na linha de pesquisa Educação, Cultura e Linguagem, trata, a partir de relatos orais de seis professoras que vivenciaram a pré-escola no contexto da ditadura militar em Cametá, no Pará, das práticas didáticopedagógicas presentes no cotidiano da experiência do pré-escolar no período de 1970 a 1985. Neste contexto, apontamos como problema de pesquisa: Em que medida as ações didático-pedagógicas na educação pré-escolar se contrapunham a uma formação voltada para a manutenção da ordem e em que medida a mantinham, tomando o pressuposto de uma formação integral e emancipadora do ser social infantil? Visando a responder a tal inquietação, objetivamos, de modo geral, analisar como docentes cametaenses realizavam suas práticas pedagógicas junto às crianças da pré-escola, no sentido de compreender analiticamente se estas mantinham ou se contrapunham à ordem, em um contexto marcado por um autoritarismo expressivo dos militares quanto à manutenção da ideologia da segurança nacional, além de se estar em um período da história brasileira pautado na perspectiva desenvolvimentista, para a qual o investimento no capital humano era uma tônica. De modo específico, consideramos importante: (i) compreender a implantação desta etapa de educação voltada para o público infantil cametaense, visto que, até então, esta educação destinada às crianças menores de sete anos não representava prioridade no contexto nacional durante o período militar, que perdurou até o ano de 1985; (ii) descrever os espaços de acolhimento nesse período no município de Cametá e as condições que apresentavam para garantir o acontecer do processo ensino-aprendizagem, buscando averiguar se as escolas atendiam, no mesmo espaço, a crianças advindas de condições sociais distintas; (iii) analisar a relação entre professor e aluno, no interior de práticas pedagógicas, no sentido de compreender se essa relação se concretizava mediante um formalismo institucional ou extrapolava para uma dimensão mais voltada para o campo da afetividade, em um contexto de ditadura. Para tanto, buscou-se apoio teóricometodológico em autores como Bosi (1987), Bergson (1990), Contreras (2002), Tardif (2002), Lessard (2005), Sarmento (1997), Rocha (1989), Germano (2005), Silva (1990), dentre outros. Em acréscimo ao estudo das obras de tais autores, realizou-se a pesquisa de campo, mediante diálogos informais e entrevistas com professoras, considerando seus espaços de trabalho no contexto da ditadura, em termos de práticas pedagógicas com a pré-escola, além da análise de documentos, tais como a Lei nº 5.692/1971. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, uma vez que considera o contexto sociopolítico-econômico e cultural vivido pelos docentes da educação pré-escolar, pressupondo a descrição dos dados desse contexto, interligando-os com aspectos mais amplos da história nacional e internacional, dentro da lógica societária. A pesquisa apresenta como resultados que: o Estado militar dispunha o espaço físico, mesmo sendo este não pensado e apropriado para que as crianças da pré-escola estabelecessem relação com o conhecimento formal, viabilizando a remuneração dos professores, porém não canalizando verba para as demais necessidades que a educação da criança pequena exigia naquele contexto, repassando assim tal compromisso e dever para a comunidade, o que caracteriza uma condição privatista de educação. Também constatamos que as práticas pedagógicas reproduziam a concepção de educação que tinha como princípio o disciplinamento do corpo; a “necessidade” do ensinar a ler e escrever, sobrepondo-se ao tempo do brincar; infere-se que a educação das crianças da pré-escola em Cametá, durante o período estudado, distanciava-se de uma perspectiva de educação emancipadora, uma vez que o fervor do patriotismo se fazia de inspiração e direção nas práticas educativas desempenhadas na sala de aula. Constatou-se ainda que o trabalho com o lúdico assumia um distanciamento em relação a uma formação crítica, embora se constituísse, contraditoriamente, numa oposição ao disciplinamento do corpo imposto pelo momento. Outrossim, também observamos a perspectiva de uma hierarquização sobre o trabalho docente, impondo um silenciamento político nas ações docentes, além de uma elitização da presença de crianças na pré-escola no contexto cametaense, dada a falta de investimentos na formação das crianças.


  • Data: Apr 30, 2019
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  • This research, which has the title of Practice, Knowledge and Resistance of women in the historical and cultural context in the period of rubber extraction on the island of Itanduba, municipality of Cametá / PA, investigated the participation of riparian women during rubber extraction in this locality, I try to analyze the history of women who cut syringes through orality and memories, as they describe their experiences in the diversity of the forest during practices in the cutting, collection and commercialization of the syringe. Among reports, looks and silence, the respect of the presence of this woman in sociocultural practices and the dynamics of collecting and marketing the syringe is understood. In the story of each lived and experienced moment, knowledge was also internalized by time as a form of identity of rubber women. In this way, we seek to hear voices that set out to translate experiences as a symbol of resistance. Methodologically, we seek theoretical assistance in studies of authors that deal with themes related to gender, orality, memory, cultural knowledge, and rubber economy in the Amazon, such as: Thompson (1992), Pollak (1986) LUDKE AND ANDRE (1986), WOLFF (2001), SIMONIAM (2010), PINTO (2004, 2010), LAGE (2015) and BONDIÁ (2002) among others. In addition to field research, interviews and informal conversations were carried out, always in search of traces, experiences and experiences of women collecting syringes. In the course of the research, we were able to analyze in the course of the research, listening to the memories of each woman, that their work in the bush, cutting a syringe, was of great importance for their training as a working woman and also as administrators of their families, always fulfilling their obligations within house, whether she was married, single, or lover of her own fortune, always sought means to support her offspring. Still, articulating the daily work with the practice of resisting, the feminine value through its position of power was found in the memory of each woman, within a cultural, social and religious system with years marked by machismo thoughts and attitudes, vestiges of a life registered in the memory, body and soul of every rubber woman of the island of Itanduba.

  • CHILD AND SUBJECTIVITY: A study from the perspective of L. S. Vigotski
  • Data: Apr 30, 2019
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  • The study have like focus has been translated from the education of knowledge the knowledge has been in which have the knowledge has been in time to have social? e intelectuais de seus alunos, a medida que oportuniza o acesso sistemático aos recursos científicos. Os escritos de L.S. Vigotski subsidiram teoricamente esta investigação e, não há envolvimento com a literatura, procuramos aprofundar as análises, mostrando não o debate da presença de uma ideia de subjetividade e constituição do sujeito.E, como a natureza da pesquisa, privilegiar uma abordagem qualitativa do tipo etnográfica, elegendo uma técnica de coleta, análise e interpretação dos dados, uma observação, uma entrevista não dirigida, o registro em diário de campo e uma narrativa de episódios. Improved the data between students and professors of the aula of aula, subordinating the performance of the students are not execut at the context, the practice of teaching, the expressions, the actions and behaviores, between outros , buscando, subsídios, apreender, indícios de processos de subjetivação a partir da mediação do conhecimento Os indicadores evidenciam a necessidade de uma escola para se tornarem seguras e satisfatórias com os conceitos científicos, por meio de processos de ensino organizados, sistemáticos, és o que significa uma aprendizagem da criança. Você é capaz de vivenciar, reconhecer e se ocupar de maneira eficaz e inspirar sobre eles, de modo que suas atitudes e comportamentos sejam úteis.

  • SIGNIFICANT LEARNING: the teacher-student relationship in Carl Rogers and Paulo Freire.
  • Data: Apr 30, 2019
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  • This study consists of a theoretical research that seeks to interpret the conceptions of Carl Rogers and Paulo Freire presenting within these proposals the meaning of a Significant Learning, being fundamental in this process the teacher and student relationship. In this way, relationships and reflections on the Person Centered Approach and the Pedagogy of the Oppressed are developed, which configure the concepts elaborated by the authors mentioned in this study. In addition to points that approximate and distance the two theories, we emphasize how complementary they are in the educational field. However, the school has a great challenge in the contemporary world where human relations are affected, dominating power relations, which oppress and disrespect the rights to citizenship, where lack of acceptance and trust are gaining more space than values and attitudes that provide for the growth of the person and the development of critical thinking. This research is qualitative, carried out through a bibliographical research, based on theories of Carl Rogers and Paulo Freire, in the concepts formulated by them for a pedagogical practice that is directed to Significant Learning. The trajectory of this research relied on other authors who study and analyze the biography and the Rogerian and Freireano thought, among them, Justo (2002, 1978), Fonseca (2006), Moreira (2010), Leitão (1986), Campos 2017, 2005), Tassinari (1995), Freire A. (2017) and Gadotti (2010, 2001). Based on the reflection of the authors studied, we arrive at five categories: Humanism, Freedom, Experience, Interrelations in Groups, Teacher-Student Relationships and Learning, presented in the last chapter, because they present approximations and distances and we conclude that complementarity between two theories, proposing through these categories, a new look at the teacher-student relationship as a way of seeking Significant Learning. We consider that the theories cited in this work are still current, since they have not been forgotten and are understood and practiced by their students according to historical, social, cultural and political needs, but they need to reach schools in a more emphatic and effective, in addition to speeches.

  • FORMAÇÃO DE PESCADORES ARTESANAIS NA AMAZÔNIA: um estudo na Colônia Z-16 de Cametá, Pará

  • Data: Apr 30, 2019
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  • This research aims at answering how the formative processo of artisanal fishermen from Colônia Z-16 de Cametá, through the ―Pescando Letras‖ project, contributed to the professional qualification and the organizational processes of the fishing workers who have participated in this project? It is a qualitative research based on historical-dialectical materialism. For the data collection, we used a semi-structured and open interview, in situ observation and documentary analysis, treating the data produced through content analysis. The theoretical contribution of the research is embodied by Marx (2004, 2008, 2013), Gramsci (1978, 1991), Grzybowski (1986, 1987), Frigotto (1999, 2010), Thompson (1987) and Kosik. The research allowed to conclude that, in the historical context, education is an inherent element to man and with it has an umbilical relationship, being built in the production relations of existence, mediated by labor relations. In this educational aspect, the training of artisanal fishermen linked to the Z-16 of Cametá takes place in the educational processes that unfold in the course of collective living, in the forms of sociability, in meetings, in meetings, in lectures and in educational projects that educate in as they are part of their concrete life experiences. The research reveals that the training of these workers through the ―Pescando Letras‖ project contributed to their professional qualification and to their organizational processes, giving them: broadening of the world view, mainly in what concerns work and the power of participation individual and collective; empowerment and socialization of knowledge, job qualification subsidies; interaction with reality, allowing them critical analyzes and reflections; knowledge for both Z-16 and small-scale struggles at local levels (such as the creation of Associations, for example). However, ―Pescando Letras‖ did not fully comply with its objective, which was to eradicate illiteracy among Z-16 fishermen, because, as the data show, some of the fishermen were unsuccessful in the short six-month period. that the Project was executed. But from the point of view of training the experience was valid because it opened up other possibilities for fishermen, as in the context of professional qualification and the organizational processes acquired and strengthened by them

  • DESENHOS DE UM CURRÍCULO MOVENTE: Experimentações com arte e produção de sentidos na escola básica

  • Data: Apr 26, 2019
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  • This dissertation addresses issues related to art-curriculum in Elementary School, emphasizing the development of experimentation and production of meanings in artistic activities through image / drawing compositions, such as teaching practicesin art classes. A movement that allows students to experience art through the ethical-aesthetic-creative dimension. It emphasizes the art connected to the existence to the modes of Friedrich Nietzsche especially in its work "The birth of the tragedy". From this perspective, it aims to problematize the curriculum of elementary education through the lens of art in the sense of thinking another image for the curriculum. To think designs of a moving curriculum that move through art beyond an instrumental and / or pedagogical function and to go through other directions, that allow the opening for the awakening of creative powers through artistic experiments in learning spaces. For this, he dialogues with Nietzsche's (2002, 2007, 2008, 2014), Deleuze and Guattari (1992) philosophical thinking to work with the concepts of transfiguration and experimentation, as well as authors of post-critical curriculum theories such as Meyer and (2010), Silva (2014), Oliveira (2012), Costa (2013), Corazza (2010), to deal with the art-curriculum relationship in the perspective of difference. In order to follow the processes, movements and events, it was decided to make use of cartography as a research method based on the studies of Virginia Kastrup (2015), for understanding that this research is not intended to reveal something, but to follow each step and movement. In this way, the research moved beyond the school environment, allowing students, unusual encounters, affectations and multiple sensations for other spaces in which art manifests itself. With this, it is evident the moving and procedural aspect of the curriculum and its unfolding in the learnings of the students giving way to the production of drawings-images and their flows of creation, affectation and senses in the teaching of art in the basic school.


  • Data: Apr 26, 2019
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  • The present study entitled "Acting of the Catholic Church in the Prelature of Cametá: the context of Popular Education in the period 1980 to 1999" is part of the research line Education, Culture and Language - PPGEDUC/UFPA and sought, in a general way, to understand how made popular education by the Prelature of Cametá to its bases. Specifically, it sought to analyze the realization of this process of formation and information by the Prelature and, in that context, to verify if it, in forming and informing its leaders, directed towards the political struggle. It also sought to observe what results of the education made possible by the Prelature became visible. Allied to these objectives, the purpose of the study was to understand and demonstrate the work of the Catholic Church in the Prelature of Cametá not only as an institution focused on the mission of proclaiming the Gospel, but also concerned with contributing to the educational formation and in the citizen construction of the people of this portion of the land of the Amazon of Pará. The study was based on research and documentary analysis of reports of educational activities and travels, minutes of meetings, work plans etc., archived in the Diocese of Cametá documents, as well as interviews and bibliographic research in related literature. For the accomplishment of this work, the theoretical-methodological contribution was based on the considerations of Paulo Freire on a model of education that aims at a critical educational pedagogy in his works "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" (1970), "Education and Change" (1979), "Politics and Education" (1993) and "Pedagogy of Autonomy" (1997), as well as Moacir Gadotti's reflections on "State and Popular Education in Latin America" (1992) and "Educating for a Possible World" (2007). Through this theoretical-methodological framework was based on studies produced both in the area of popular education in Brazil and Latin America and in studies related to the Amazon and its connection with the brazilian dictatorial period, contexts that are intertwined with the period experienced by the Prelature of Cametá in the course of time analyzed. In this methodological context we also consider Oral History based on a qualitative research with subjects who have experienced this process and, in this way, were part of this educational practice of Prelature, in order to add and crossrefer the data obtained with the documental and bibliographic research. In this process, among the great findings of the research we summarize important factors evidenced: the Popular Education as denunciation of the absence of the State; the Popular Education as militancy; the Popular Education focused on training and work associated with economic factors; the Popular Education in the perspective of transformative ethical-political activity; the Popular Education as integration. Therefore, we affirm that the Prelature enabled popular education to the Freire molds to their bases, promoted a process of adult literacy, as well as provided a citizen education with a political bias.


  • Data: Apr 26, 2019
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  • Based on the recognition and importance of art in school environments beyond its instrumental and / or pedagogical function, this dissertation research on the theme "Clowns, Monsters, Bodies on Canvas: Art-performance as a de-teritorialization of pedagogical practices in the school basic, "aims to dialogue, from theoretical and practical bases to Art, more specifically, Art-performance, within an experimental aspect of teaching practice, which allows other forms of creation, freedom, experimentation that launches the student to the unusual . The theoretical-methodological contribution is based on the concepts of performance as a border, hybrid and multicultural art, anarchic, of rupture, of rupture and aglutination, and at the same time, capable of producing infinite perceptions and, for such an understanding, we approach the perspectives of Richard Schechner (2012), Paul Zumthor (2014) and Ranato Cóhen (2002). We will also raise discussions about the concepts of deterritorialization and becoming, by a movement of intrinsic forces that ensure that the body is much more than just a set of organs, but a series of plateaus that overflow, criss-cross, a body made of a group of becomings and no longer a fixed place of identities, conceptions that are brought under the guise of Deleuze and Guattari (1996), because we observe that, in the course of the experiments carried out in the elementary school, the relation body and space metamorphose in a series of intersections, intersections and displacements, affected by multiple sensations. In this way, we made use of the cartographic method of research that aims to attenuate the process as a practice, as an action, marked by meetings and disagreements, without worrying about previously established results as indicated by the studies of Virgínia Kastrup (2015). The relevance of this research is to realize the importance of deterritorializing educational practices and create spaces of artistic experimentation beyond what has already been instituted, allowing new forms of experience that challenge and give opportunities to teachers and students to experience the new, that which mobilizes new forms of creation and apprenticeships in Arts in basic school.

  • NOS ENTORNOS DA CIDADE DE CAMETÁ (DÉCADAS DE 1980- 2000): um estudo da ocupação da terra e formas de trabalho e moradia

  • Data: Apr 25, 2019
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  • The dissertation In the surroundings of the city of Cametá urban zone (decades of 1980-2000), it is a study of the occupation of land, forms of work and dwelling. It aims to investigate the process of land occupation, forms of work and housing, linked to the social and historical relationships, developed in the surroundings of the city of Cametá, in the decades of 1980-2000. As a research problem, I present: how the land occupation process occurred, the forms of work and housing in the surroundings of the city of Cametá, located in the micro-region of Baixo Tocantins of the State of Pará in the 1980-2000? The main object is to analyze the process of land occupation in the surroundings of the city of Cametá, in the decades of 1980 to 2000. The method of studying dialectical historical materialism situated in the categories of totality, mediation and contradiction, therefore, the totality presupposes the context of the object defined by material contradictions, thus allows an analysis of the set of theoretical references, results of other research and empirical analysis of the reality of the concrete world. Theoretical conceptions bring important contributions in the reflections and problems with regard to the occupation of land within the urban space and its surroundings, as well as to point out perspectives of transformations based on the changes in socio-historical, political and cultural relations of society. Thus, it is assumed in terms of hypotheses that the process of land occupation in the city of Cametá in the period of study, has occurred, through donation and documented strategies that treat as inheritance; the relations of exchange of political favors between families and beyond the acquisition that occurred between merchants for the speculation of purchases and sales of land, which revealed the social exclusion and the denial of the right to city, the work and the dwelling of much of the population of the city and its surroundings, constituted by peripheral districts.


  • Data: Apr 17, 2019
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  • In the present context, it will be necessary to discuss the applicability of the laws that determine the modification of the school curriculum for insertion of studies on indigenous, afro-brazilians and quilombolas in formal education. In this perspective, the proposal to discuss the issue of teacher training in quilombola schools in one of the most well - populated regions of quilombo, specifically in the Rio Genipaúba, in the Municipality of Abaetetuba, State of Pará, arises. In this way, to understand the process of continuous formation of the teachers and teachers who work in that locality, analyzing to what extent this training contributes to the changes of the teaching practices, to the one that talks about the ethnicracial questions constitutes the general objective of the dissertation, while the specific objectives are: Analyze the process of continuing teacher training; To discuss how the teachers incorporate in their teaching practices the guidelines of Laws 10.639 / 03 and 11.645 / 08, and assume in the educational practice in the classroom in the appreciation of the cultural knowledge of the quilombola students; To analyze how the courses of continuing training of quilombola teachers problematize and discuss racial ethical relations based on the specific legislation that deals with this topic. The present work deals with a case study of the investigated reality. As theoretical reference we have Freire (1996), Nóvoa (1992), Tardif (2002), Godoy (1995). To value the knowledge and culture of traditional peoples, materializing the demystification of the lack of quilombos in the Amazon, since the very narrative of the peoples of the community locus of the research indicates the existence of quilombos and their insertion in the social context, which helps to conclude that in the school that is the object of the research there is a continuous formation of the teachers who seek a more directed qualification for the updated and contemporary understanding of the formal education, especially with regard to the cultural, regional and social aspects of the quilombolas.


  • Data: Apr 17, 2019
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  • The present work, entitled the process of emancipation of quilombola women: political participation in the Association of the Remnant Communities of Quilombos of the Islands of Abaetetuba – ARQUIA, investigates if the process of emancipation of quilombola women from the community occurs. Andfor this, we analyze the categories identity, gender, emancipation and ethnicity, because when working these categories in the course of the research, they provided a fundamental dimension to the context of quilombola women. The epistemological premises adopted here arebased on cultural and post structuralist studies. Theorists are chosen as: Gonzalez (1984); Gomes (2003); Munanga (1996); Bhabha (1991); Louro (2000); Scott (2005) among others. It ischaracterized by a qualitative research, since we are looking for data of the reality of the investigated subjects, which cannot be quantified. We use oral history as a methodology, which is important in the sense, of working with the subjects, in order to highlight their life histories, in which they bring meanings in their daily lives, and oral history explicitly specifies and singles, out the procedural, character of life. And, this occurs in a game of articulation of spaces, times and in the different dimensions of individuals, inhe arch of knowledge. We applied open interviews, which wereanalyzed in their entirety, because, when working with the "life narratives", we were able to get closer to the research subjects. Based on the theoretical framework and the field research, this approach allowed the problematization of the research object from a critical analysis of the process of emancipation of quilombola women, through their political participation in the Association of Remnant Communities of Quilombos of the Islands of Abaetetuba- ARQUIA - in the Arapapuzinho community. Specifically we seek to understand from the empirical research if the process of emancipation of quilombola women occurs and under what aspects the political participation of the quilombola women of the Arapapuzinho community occurs. From this perspective, we identify socially significant phenomena among the quilombola women of Arapapuzinho, who enable them to be in the process of emancipation.


  • Data: Apr 16, 2019
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  • A presente dissertação tem como objeto de estudo os saberes tradicionais da comunidade remanescente de quilombo do Itacuruçá (Abaetetuba/Pará) com o intuito de compreender as formas de valorização e proteção desses saberes a partir da análise da efetivação do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro que dá base para a proteção dos povos tradicionais, na medida em que se identifica sua relação com as práticas culturais e formas de transmissão desses saberes de geração em geração por meio da memória coletiva e das histórias orais dos guardiões da memória da comunidade. Para empreender o trabalho utilizamos de uma abordagem qualitativa e como metodologia destacamos a historia oral. Como aporte teórico base para a pesquisa, temos: Bosi (2003), Thompson (2014), Martins (1999), Pollak (1989), Carneiro (2007) e Geertz (2014) autores que discutem sobre a compreensão do estudo da história oral, memória, saberes tradicionais e meio ambiente. E ao problematizarmos sobre quais as práticas marcam as estratégias para o fortalecimento da cultura da comunidade e seu papel na dinâmica de valorização dos saberes tradicionais, território, identidade e da memória coletiva, contribui efetivamente para a organização politica, educacional e cultural do quilombo do Itacuruçá numa ótica jurídica. Nesta perspectiva, utilizamos: Diegues (2000), Salles (2005), Michelotti (2008), Hall (2003), DaMatta (2000) e Bourdieu (1989). Desta forma, de acordo com os caminhos de pesquisa, inicialmente, identificamos a relação dos dispositivos jurídicos, elencando como referência a Constituição Federal do Brasil de 1988, com olhares atentos aos posteriores dispositivos que se relacionam com a proteção dos saberes tradicionais. Assim, procuramos legitimar a proteção de tais saberes, bem como compreender a constituição do direito em nossa sociedade e o diálogo com as formas de organização educacional, politica e cultural do lócus de pesquisa na perspectiva da valorização dos saberes tradicionais. Logo, a pesquisa aponta que a comunidade coloca-se como detentora de uma gama de conhecimentos tradicionais, expressões culturais próprias num repertório considerável de mitos, ritos e conhecimentos herdados de ancestrais ligados às atividades produtivas que, para além dos procedimentos técnicos e agronômicos envolvidos, garantem a produção, o consumo e uma maneira específica de se relacionar com a natureza e com o mundo; assumindo, paralelamente, a necessidade de rever as formas de implementação dos dispositivos jurídicos junto às comunidades tradicionais, pois quando posto em analise identificamos um caráter, em certa medida, classificatório e conceitual por não compreenderem a complexidade e o significado das comunidades tradicionais em sua totalidade, logo, assumem fragilidades em efetivar estratégias que possibilitem a proteção desses saberes. Assim, os sujeitos de pesquisa atribuem, dentre outros fatores, ao avanço da lógica capitalista e a influência midiática de universalização de uma cultura hegemônica, a visível descontinuidade de traços culturais próprios da comunidade, enquanto isso, interpretamos tais falas e analisamos junto às vivencias de campo sinalizando as contradições e resistências incorporadas pelas práticas culturais no cotidiano do local.


  • Data: Sep 14, 2018
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  • The present research was born out of the interest in the quilombolas of the Umarizal community (Baião / PA), awakened from the contact with these people, which occurred through a specialization research in Afro-Brazilian Culture, held in 2010. The dimension of reality of this quilombo pointed out instigating elements that led us to understand how important it was to deal with matters pertinent to the local knowledge of these remnants of quilombolas from Umarizal. In this sense, the research was based on questions about the Traditional Knowledge that characterize the Quilombola Community of Umarizal, and how these knowledge are being transmitted from generation to generation. Thus, we defined as a general objective to analyze the traditional knowledge that characterize the Quilombola Community of Umarizal, taking into account the transmission of these knowledge through everyday experiences, considering the important cultural aspects that are preserved from generation to generation. The discussions were based on the following authors: GEERTZ (1989, 1997), PINTO (2002, 2004, 2011), DIEGUES (2000), SANTOS (2012), DA SILVA E NASCIMENTO (2000), SILVA e SILVA GARCIA (2012). The research methodology was performed through documentary analysis, field research, locus observation and, as a resource for data collection, oral history was used. The categories of informants were selected according to participation criteria in the movements organized by the community. it was pointed out: young people, point of view of conjugal relations; Leadership of the representativeness of the quilombola association; families that participate actively in the current conjuncture of the movements carried out in the quilombo and; individual that lives in the community, but is not considered a quilombola. These categories were oral sources in the course of this work and were called by their proper names, according to the declaration of Free informed. Through this resource, that is, oral history will be able to collect information regarding the importance of traditional knowledge to the community. The locus of research is the community of Umarizal, district of the city of Baião-Pará. The traditional knowledge of the Quilombola community of Umarizal, object of this research, are found in natural medicine, as in the plants and roots used for home remedies; in labor performed at home; in dances and songs with instruments of Afro-Brazilian culture; at religious festivals; in the preparation of land for subsistence agriculture; in vegetable extractivism.


  • Data: Sep 13, 2018
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  • This study investigated the daily school life and the interactive dynamics lived in the classroom by its protagonists - teacher and students, in the processes that involve the appropriation of knowledge. We direct the look at the formative processes experienced by the children in the classroom, conceiving them as historical-cultural subjects that humanize themselves in means to the interactive processes that they experience in the sociocultural environment. Based on the historical-cultural theory of human development, the study had as its main locus of research the classroom of a class of the fourth year of elementary school in a public school linked to the municipal education network of the municipality of Cametá, state of Pará The research was guided by the following question: How does the school as an education and training space has been developing its training practices in the face of the processes of appropriation of knowledge by the students? For this, it was verified that the educational process disregards the context of cultural-historical constitution of the students, not conceiving them in their singularities and as subjects of possibilities. The conception of teaching undertaken in an attempt to make students learn to read and write evidence a disassociation between what one wants, what is prescribed, and practices, what is accomplished. Pedagogical practices are oriented from a conception of an idealized subject incapable of thinking, reflecting, interpreting and assigning meaning to reality. The practices undertaken in the classroom everyday, form a subject devoid of a humanizing school culture, since it can not appropriate the objects of human culture, for example, written language. They form a subject devoid of an integral formation in view that the readings and the practices of writing that the school gives them, is directed only to the form, through activities of copying and decoding of the writing, therefore disconnected from the contexts of the reality in the sense to promote processes of interpretation, reflection and understanding of reality, elements that deny students the right of access to cultural goods as an elementary condition for the appropriation of human qualities.


  • Data: Sep 11, 2018
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  • The research titled “A vida como travessia: metamorfoses de Alfredo nas narrativas dalcidianas” aims to analyze the character Alfredo in the narratives Chove nos Campos de Cachoeira (1991) and Três casas e um rio (1994) by the writer from Pará Dalcídio Jurandir. In dialogue with these works, this dissertation intends to extract from the narratives the paths, scenarios, encounters, experiences and construct, through an interpretative work, points of connection between Alfred's life and Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy, especially the transmutation of the spirit in passage “The Three Metamorphoses”, present in the work Thus spake Zarathustra (2011). In this sense, the research focused on aspects that denote Alfredo as a spirit in support in the midst of social problems due to the poverty of Cachoeira, the desire for travel and unrealized study, the death of the brothers, malaria and, mainly, conflict ethnic background. In this interpretive analysis, it was possible to identify Alfredo as a spirit of repulsion against impositions and rules, as well as the pioneering spirit in the face of the pulsating desire to live and to know worlds not only through travelers' reports but also in adventures lived nearby of Waterfall. If, at times, Alfredo's life was too heavy, his delight came in the playfulness of the tucumã carocinho, in which the boy fulfilled the life he desired with innocence and the creation of an invented life. This analysis shows the trajectory of this character permeated by existential conflicts, which affect him in his way of bearing the weight of existence and of overcoming his problems, facing the obstacles, unfolding worlds and reinventing life as a creative art in the small town of Cachoeira. In the heart of this discussion, the challenge of moving between philosophy and literature arises, with the purpose of thinking about life as a crossing from the metamorphoses of Alfredo in the Dalcídio Jurandir’s narratives.


  • Data: Aug 20, 2018
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  • The present research, entitled Curriculum and Cultural Dialogue in the construction of Quilombola Education at the São Tomé school in the municipality of Abaetetuba /PA, sought to inquire how the quilombola school works the curriculum and to what extent cultural dialogue takes place in the processes of student formation. As a research problem I have the following question: how has the curriculum and the cultural dialogue in the construction of quilombola education worked in the São Tomé school? The objective of the research was to analyze the curriculum and cultural dialogue in the construction of quilombola education in the São Tomé school, considering the culture, identity and reflexes in the formation of the teaching-learning construction of the students. The theoretical conceptions of Giroux (1986), Laraia (2006), Moreira (1990), Apple (1994), Gesser (2002), Adiron (2007), Pinto (2007), Mattos (2009), Klein (2010), Gomes (2011), among others, and legal instruments, brought contributions in conceptual and theoretical terms about the curriculum and cultural dialogue in the construction of quilombola education, demonstrating the contradictions of thought and pedagogical practices in that school, as well as critiques, reflections and propositions to think about the school quilombola from the local historical and cultural realities inserted in the curriculum and dialogue. As for the methodology, a qualitative approach was chosen with emphasis on ethnography, which included the social reality of the researched context of the São Tomé quilombola school, including observations, semi-structured interviews and reports from people in the community. After data collection, the information was submitted to analysis, interpretation, description and articulated with the theoretical foundations to obtain results. Finally, the research showed that the educational problems of the São Tomé quilombola school are due to situations of non-adaptation of the curriculum and dialogue to school reality; lack of political commitment from the Education Department of Abaetetuba, in not respecting the specific legislation that guarantees a differential treatment in the quilombola school; devaluation of culture and identity; students' disinterest in part in school learning and a standard curriculum model for all schools in urban and rural area

  • A FORMAÇÃO CONTINUADA DOCENTE NO CONTEXTO DA POLÍTICA DE EDUCAÇÃO DE CAMETÁ/PA: As implicações do Plano de Ações Articuladas (PAR) no período de 2007 a 2014

  • Data: Jun 29, 2018
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  • This text is the result of the master’s research whose aim is to analyze the policy of continuing education for teachers of the municipal education system of Cametá-PA, considering the implications of the PAR (Articulated Actions Plan) and considering the trends in formative terms for emphasizing training and/or qualification and professionalization of teachers. In this research, the guiding questions of study are: What are the implications of the PAR in the policy of continuing education for teachers in the municipal education system of Cametá in terms of guarantee of the quality of teaching resulting from the formation processes? Are the formation processes subsidized by guiding elements of mere training and/or elements that ensure the teacher professionalization through qualification? Is the offer for courses of continuing education for teachers guaranteed through the collaboration between federated entities or partnerships? This is a qualitative study whose data collection is based on techniques of document analysis and semi-structured interviews. The temporal cut chosen for the study comprises the first and second PAR, from 2007 to 2011 and from 2011 to 2014, respectively. The research locus was the Municipal Secretariat of Education of Cametá (SEMED/Cametá) and the individuals involved were: 01 (one) technician responsible for the PAR in the corresponding period to the versions under analysis, 02 (two) teachers of the municipal school, one of whom is representing the Public Education Labour Union of Pará (SINTEPP) Subseat Cametá and the other is a teacher of the early basic education, and also 03 (three) informants from the OBEDUC-PAR National Survey that included technicians and managers of SEMED/Cametá. Content analysis was chosen, considering the possible unveiling of latent meanings to the discourses conveyed in the analyzed policy although its meanings are important. The contradiction, mediation, totality, and the historicity are founding and indispensable principles in the data analysis because they are categories of the founding historical and dialectical materialism in social work, in particular, those of phenomenon that shapes conflicting interests such as education. The authors the text is based on are as follow: Frigotto (2001), Ramalho, Nunez, Gauthier (2003), Almeida (2005), Maués (2005), Camini (2009), Gatti, Barreto and André (2011), among others. The results of the research point out the importance of PAR as an essential planning tool for municipal education that guides the pedagogical actions and the management of education. In the pedagogical field, one can mention the continuing education that is one of the criteria for the quality of teaching, although the courses are conditioned to respond to the requirements of the IDEB as a quality parameter, which indicates a formation based on the instrumental and technical aspects. The organization of Continuing Education in the PAR, among the indicators, seeks to improve the quality of learning of all curricular components of teachers in the initial and final years of elementary education. In the provision of the municipal report of the first PAR (2007 to 2011), the Intensive Teachers' Training Program in Activity (PROFORMAÇÃO) was verified with more emphasis, and in the second PAR (2011 to 2014) the National Pact for Literacy at the Right Age (PNAIC), measures strictly linked to IDEB, due to the emphasis on curricular components - portuguese and mathematics. The research indicated the realization of other actions of continuous education for teachers from the early basic education and its modalities by various initiatives such as Literacy and Letrar, the latter being a separate initiative of the Municipal Education Department. The research also revealed as training actions developed by SEMED/Cametá the Gestar I Program and the Gestar II 12 Program that although they anticipated PAR were important programs. Regarding the Collaboration Regime for training actions, it was noted that although the Federal Constitution recommends shared responsibilities among the federated entities only indicative of the action of the Ministry of Education (MEC) in the orientation of the Integrated Monitoring System regarding technical assistance and through trainings to coordinators and trainers. The counterpart of the municipal entity was the "adhesion" to the PAR in the form of an agreement and update of the system via the SIMEC / PAR Platform and in the implementation of the training actions, being still responsible for the provision of logistics, but not an effective Regime of Collaboration among the federated entities, since some actions depended on local partnerships


  • Data: Jun 26, 2018
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  • The research, entitled "Modular middle school policy in Pará: principles, guidelines and formative practices for youth in the countryside in the Amazon", aims to analyze modular high school as a policy for the care of youth of the countryside, in the context of Cametá, to problematize the conception of training proposed by the State, considering the official guidelines of the SOME and the principles and guidelines of the education of the field. The study has an approach based on Historical and Dialectical Materialism and follows the following procedures: bibliographical review on the topic under study, observation in locus in the town of Juaba and application of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with the direction of the 2nd Regional Education Unit - URE/Cametá, with the direction of E.E.E.M. Prof. Osvaldina Muniz - which coordinates the SOME - and with teachers who work in the school community in question. Field research had the goal of gathering information that could contribute to the analysis of the object investigated, thus considering ways that allow reflection and contradiction and, with that, motivate a new discovery in the field of knowledge. To base the analysis, Marxist thought contributes to the interpretation of data, taking into account categories as the principle of mediation, contradiction and wholeness. In this sense, the following authors corroborate with the text: stand out Carnoy (1987), Corrêa (2005), Cury (1995), Freire (1996; 2011), Frigotto (2004; 2011), Krawczyk (2004; 2009), Kopnin (1978; 1993), Kosik (1976; 1978), Kuenzer (1988, 2009), Machado (1998; 2009), Ramos (2004; 2005), Oliveira (2004; 2009), among other. In the analysis it was understood that the principles and guidelines of modular high school have collaborated with the formation of the youth of the field, since they constitute as a set of actions and goals with openness to adequacy of the school formative practices. However, research has shown the lack of operational policies such as: adequate infrastructure for students and teachers, transportation, school meals with quality and regularity, as well as technical, didactic and pedagogical support, among others. What is noticeable is that the State in part remains "neutral" of its responsibility to education. Highlights itself still the limitations of SOME in it securing itself as an active policy for youth.

  • Data: Jun 26, 2018
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  • The research aims to answer how occurs the relationship between productive praxis and processes of identity formation among artisanal fishermen affiliated to Colony Z-16 of Cametá /PA. The methodology is based on bibliographic reviews and field research. Data were collected through a semi-structured interview (PÁDUA, 2012). The analyzes were structured from the singular-particular-universal dialectic (LUKÁCS, 1978), it being understood that social phenomena are not limited to the immediate and factual expression, but are bound by a series of mediations to the general laws which condition the functioning of capitalist society as a whole (KOSIK, 1976). Based in Dubar (2005), Lukács (2010; 2012; 2013), Marx (2013), Marx & Engels (2009), Vázquez (2011), it is concluded: on the ontological level, the identity of being social artisanal fisherman is constituted in the process of socialization mediated by labor relations. In the existential historical plane, the process of the constitution of identities among artisanal fishermen of the Colony Z-16 occurs in the midst of a materiality of dispute between capital and labor for the control of productive praxis. Capital uses forms of identification based on the shape-commodity to assign identities based on the commodification of social relations, in individualism, in the overlapping of the value of exchange in relation to the use value, in the exploitation of the work force and in the incessant search for profit, as a way to prevent artisanal fishermen from seeing other forms of social relations beyond capital and are inserted in the logic of the capitalist system. On the other hand, experiencing the precariousness of their working conditions due to the environmental impacts resulting from the construction of the Tucuruí Hydroelectric Plant, artisanal fishermen deny the identities attributed to them by capital and begin a process of political-organizational strengthening as fraction of the working class. The need to implement productive alternatives to decadent fishing directs them towards the conquest of the management of the Colony Z-16, until then, under the control of the economic and political elites of Cametá. Artisanal fishermen have imposed themselves on their living and working space and they still demanded to negotiate with the capitalist state the implementation of assistance policies in order to assist them in their process of reorganization of their productive praxis. Although in the interstices of these alternatives the logic of commodification of production and distribution of wealth is present, the capital has not yet been able to control the totality of fishermen's work processes. Within the productive praxis, besides the constitution of resistance identities, fishermen rehearse emancipated forms of production and distribution of wealth, as in the collective management and equal distribution of fish in the Fisheries Agreements, constituting, so, identities in a counter-hegemonic perspective. However, despite resistance to capital and advances, in terms of political-organizational expression, the process of constitution of the class identity for itself has not been completed, because the fraction of the class of artisanal fishermen experiences in recent years advances and setbacks both in its political organization both in terms of alternative production maintenance and / or in the fight for broader issues to beyond immediate interests.


  • Data: Jun 25, 2018
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  • The present research investigates the Curriculum for the education of the Field with reference to the Projovem Campo Saberes da Terra government program in the community of Porto Alegre Cametá / Pará, in which our objective was to analyze how the curricular practices that are developed by the program are contributing to the life of young rural farmers in the construction and / or strengthening of their traditional knowledge, cultural and agricultural practices linked to the world of work and their emancipation. We consider not only the curricular guidelines developed by teachers focused on the construction and / or enhancement of knowledge and culture of the farmer, but the relationship between education and work in school education and the transformative and emancipatory character of the program for that student . We take as object of study the curriculum of the Saberes of the Earth, by a field of ample study, the Education of the field. The studies sought an approximation with the Ethnographic Survey through some elements such as observation in locus and direct contact between the researcher and the research subjects. The approach was Qualitative Research and the Critical - dialectic approach. As an instrument of data collection we used documentary analysis, participant observation and semi-structured interviews; seeking to gather information necessary for the interpretative-critical analysis of the data collected. Among the results of the initial analysis some proposals are possible to perceive: the curricular activities developed by the program have been cooperating in the life of the peasants, respecting their traditional knowledge that comes from work and agricultural practices; as well as to identify that some proposals oriented by the Operational Directives of the education of the field have been materialized, regarding the guarantee of educational rights proper to the rural people, however, it needs to be expanded this service, through effective public policies, so that these have the opportunity to ascend socially, politically, economically and culturally in society. 



  • Data: Jun 22, 2018
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  • This dissertation discusses the relationship between identity and work, analyzing the work done by women in artisanal fishing as a potentiating element of the identity of female fishing workers. It addresses the cultural and professional identity of fishermen seeking to value women's work in fishing as a use value. It refers to a qualitative research, of the case study type, together with the artisanal fishermen associated with the Z-16 Fishermen's Colony, in Cametá, state of Pará. For the data collection, oral history was used as methodology. recording of interviews with the fishermen of the Island of Jorocazinho de Cima on work and daily life in fishing and the relationship with the representative entity; document analysis and participant observation, using content analysis to produce results. As a theoretical basis of the research, we seek in Dubar (2009), Bogo (2010), Frigotto (2002), Marx (1985), Marx and Engels (2002), among others, theoretical presuppositions for the understanding of work as an element that makes possible identity constructions . The main problem of the investigation was to know how the work carried out in artisanal fishing by the women fishermen associated to Colony Z-16 makes possible the construction of the identity of fishing workers. The research revealed first, that fisherwomen denote a cultural identity; secondly, that female fishworkers refer to a professional identity when the state subordinates artisanal fishing to capital, but is by no means disintegrated. Work, as well as other elements that are products of the relationship with nature and social relations, make possible social forms of identification that are shared among the riverside and fisherwomen. Historical materialism, a Marxist assumption, allows us to observe the materiality of the social elements of identification in the riverside culture. Therefore, women fishermen are riverside workers who work in artisanal fishing mainly for subsistence purposes, but when the state subordinates the work in the fishery to the exchange value it disqualifies the female work and weakens the identity of the riverside and fisherwomen as fishing workers.


  • Data: Jun 21, 2018
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  • This study aims to analyze the knowledge and practices present in the coexistence of former residents of the city of Cametá-PA, assisted by the Center for the Coexistence of the Elderly (CENCAPI) regarding the use of medicinal plants for curative purposes, describing different cultural manifestations that bear “Hybridism”, integrated by changes and permanence as the use of therapeutic resources, from the miscegenation of knowledge, practices and techniques from different conventional cultures. It is used as theoretical-methodological support works by some authors who discuss the historical process of the use of medicinal plants, knowledge, culture, memory, hybridity, among others, such as: Hobsbawm (1998); Alves and Caes (2015); Di Stasi (1996); Portelli (1997): Le Breton (2011); Santos (2000); Gurgel (2011); Calainho (2005); Pimenta and Salgado (2016); Pinto (2010); Thompson (1992); Marconi and Lakatos (2010); Canclini (1997); Geertz (2008); Hall (2006); Laraia (2009). In the same way, the field research is carried out, through participant observation, interviews, home visits and informal conversations. Data from the research show that knowledge and practices through the use of medicinal plants permeate experiences and memories, intertwined and woven by memories, ancient customs, traditions and socio-spatial progression, told through memory, expressive relationship of strength and vitality, explored by the exposition of “living pharmacies”; the reflexes extracted from fertile teachings by a humanizing care, and the understanding and knowledge about the curative powers of medicinal plants


  • Data: Jun 20, 2018
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  • The present study entitled "The affective in the relations of knowledge: repercussions in the interactive dynamics in the classroom" sought to analyze how the affective, as a field of meanings, manifested in the interactive dynamics, marks the relations of knowledge and is reflected in the context of the students of the 3rd year of primary education, from a public school in Cametá-Pará. The research was oriented by the qualitative methodology, with historical cultural approach, data collection, from participant observation and analyzes, marked by the social dimension. The cultural historical approach to human development, developed by Vygotsky et al. And the studies on the interactive dynamics established in the classroom with this approach, developed by Falabelo (2005), Tassoni (2008), Oliveira (1992), Braggio (1992), Patto (1996), Pino (mimeo), (2000), Fontana (1997), (2005), Tunes, Tacco, Bartholo Jr. (2005), Padilha (2011) and Leite (2012).The text presents sections, dialogues with each other, bringing the research problem; considerations about the history of research, which study the dynamics of the classroom; the Cultural Historical theory, in Vygotsky; the methodological course of the research; and, search results. The results show that each man is constituted, from historical and cultural bases, that will manifest in the relationships he establishes with others and with the objects of the environment. There are produced senses, which verbal and nonverbal, reveal how, each participant feels affected and can affect each other mutually. The affective dimension is part of the psychic life, which develops in the relational process, within which the identity and the conscious personality are constituted. Faced with this perspective, knowledge relations should not be conceived only from the cognitive point of view, because in them everything is affective, interconnected and impacting, impacting on the result of learning and human development. Teacher-student-object establish an impactful relationship, which can be reflected in the different contents, worked in schools and results of this work. From a dialectical perspective, the school can break with all relationships, starting from the segregating and exclusionary logic, toward relationships, in which student-teacher-educational environment constitute interconnected, active coparticipes of the learning process. Interactive dynamics tend to present themselves in favor of learning, when their participants intertwine in connected movements, in which everyone recognizes, accepts, respects and supports each other throughout the process. In this direction, continuing education should be highlighted in the agenda of public policies and schools, since it constitutes a space for more in-depth reflection on conceptions of education, man, teaching-learning and evaluation, as well as the relationships that arise from different conceptions. The school is an educational social environment, with a specific social function, which is fulfilled by and in relationships. The theoretical contributions allowed the reflection on the importance of the school, the different knowledge that it works, the mediations that take place within it, which are translated by the ways of relating, affect, mark, constitute learning, considering all aspects of historical diversity human development as well as development from the human whole. The reading of knowledge relations, constituted in schools, can be done by all educational agents, from what is verbalized and non-verbalized, aiming at a more humanized, inclusive and conducive process of human learning and development


  • Data: Jun 20, 2018
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  • This Master’s degree dissertation aims to investigate the pedagogical practice of a teacher of a private school in Cametá-PA, regarding school inclusion, as well as the relation of these practices to the Vygotskian theories. The research problematic rules around the following questions: what was this teacher different that stood out from so many others? Were their pedagogical practices really inclusive? How was the learning of the students with disabilities? Did Vygotsky's theories underpin the pedagogical practice of that teacher? In the case of the theoretical analyzes that underpinned this research, we can highlight: Silva Filho (2013), Pimenta (1997), Bueno (1999), Ainscow (1997), Omote (2008), Sassaki , Poker (2008), among others. Regarding the documentary analyzes on inclusion, we highlight: Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), Federal Constitution (1988), Declaration of Jomtien (1990), SCA / Statute of Children and Adolescents (1990), Salamanca Declaration (1994), Law of Directives and Bases of Education (1996), Guatemala Convention (1999), NCE / CBE (2001), National Education Plan - NEP (2001), National Policy on Special Education in the perspective of Inclusive Education ), the new National Education Plan - PNE (2014) and the Statute of the Person with Disabilities - Brazilian Law on Inclusion (Law 13.14 / 2015). The research carried out was a qualitative case study. The locus of the research was a private school in Cametá-PA. The sample of this study was the pedagogical practice of a teacher in a regular classroom with school inclusion. The data collection was constituted from empirical observation and interview script with semi-structured questionnaire. As a data analysis procedure, we used the documentary analysis, the observations and the contents of the speech of the researched teacher. The answers obtained showed that the pedagogical practices used by the teacher are considered as inclusive and have contributed significantly to the development of their students with disabilities. The indicators present in the research were mostly Vygotsky's theoretical light, especially those present in the Fundamentals of Defectology, such as: social interaction, affectivity, inclusion, zone of proximal development, mediation, learning, development and compensation. We understand that the pedagogical practice of the teacher corresponds to a preponderant factor for the learning and development of their students with disabilities, Vygotsky being the theoretical light of these practices.

  • Data: Apr 30, 2018
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  • The Education System is seen by society as one of the alternatives to reduce social inequalities, but there are barriers that impede the achievement of its real objectives, obstacles that prevent the success of a large part of the students that constitute this system in Brazil . In this sense, the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, the main theoretical reference of this research, based on the studies of the French educational system, sought to investigate what these problems would be and revealed that, contrary to what one thinks, the school functions as an instrument of reproduction of social inequalities, through the cultural imposition of a dominant culture on a dominated culture, and which has negative consequences for students' lives. In this way, the author verified that in this process there is as much or more harmful violence as other types of violence, which has come to call Symbolic Violence. In the same direction, the present research seeks to investigate the psychosocial impacts of symbolic violence on the life of the students of a municipal school in the center of the city of Cametá / Pa. To that end, it was defined as a general objective of the study, to problematize symbolic violence in the school context and its psychosocial impacts on students' lives, and the specific objectives were to discuss power relations and conflicts in school institutions; verify situations that show symbolic violence in the school context and the perception of the students involved; reflect on the psychosocial impacts of symbolic violence on students' lives; identify pedagogical actions that influence and combat symbolic violence. The study was carried out with 06 students, randomly chosen from the series of 6th to
    9th grade of Elementary School. It is a qualitative research, where a semi-structured interview technique was used for data collection. The data were analyzed through the categories of power relations among students in the school space, this was divided into two subcategories: the relation of power from the point of view of language, where a significant difference in treatment was identified among the students in the relationships that are established in the researched school space, it was verified situations of corrections, games of bad taste, or nonverbal behaviors. As psychosocial impacts produced by these reported situations, we identified the presence of emotional reactions, through negative feelings, such as sadness, anger, low self-esteem, nervousness, inferiority, especially in correcting the students' way of speaking. In the relation of power from the geographic point of view, a characteristic strength struggle of the fields was observed, where students coming from other places, such as islands, towns and roads, faced some rejection, difficulties in the reception by other students. In the category of Symbolic Violence of the educational system, (re) production in the context researched, it was verified that in the accomplishment of the events the students did not feel fully contemplated and valued culturally in the school, they reported a posture of ambiguity and that they had consequences psychosocial aspects.

    violence, the historical context and its causes is presented, followed by the sociological analyzes developed by Pierre Bourdieu on the society emphasizing the system of education and the symbolic violence and other concepts developed by the author. Finally, the investigation procedures of the research are described, showing the results that will be achieved in order to reach the results.


  • Data: Apr 27, 2018
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  • The work entitled "CAPOEIRA AND DIALOGUE AT SCHOOL: The socio-educational and inclusive experience at the School Art School / ASSOCASE, Cametá-PA", will talk about the sense of education present in the practice of capoeira, which makes it an environment that produces knowledge as orality, collectivity, inclusion and memory, characteristic features of popular culture. Its objective is to analyze the tensions, articulations and knowledge that spring from the dialogue between the practitioners of this Afro-Brazilian manifestation and the school space. It was investigated how the capoeiristas collective of the Capoeira Senzala Association, active in the Capoeira School Art Center, in the urban area of the Municipality of Cametá-PA, contribute to the cultural and educational formation of children and youngsters, considering their actions in the daily school life, family relations and the sharing of their knowledge with other spaces, public squares and University. It was decided to cut the dialogue that the interlocutors established with the EMEF school Prof.ª. Maria Nadir Filgueira Valente. Analyzing the speech (orality) of the capoeiristas, results of the partnership, interests and the tensions that have arisen by both parties. He walked alongside CANCLINI (2008), BURKE (1992), CHAKRABARTY (2000), reflecting studies of the subaltern culture. The work is qualitative with support in cultural anthropology, GEERTZ (2012), GINZBURG (1989), in the anthropological doing, "the indiciary paradigm" and the "dense description". Using the participant observation method, BRANDÃO (1986) and SILVA (2001) present the researcher as participant, observer and mediator of the actions within the researched group. The methodology based on Oral History and techniques of interviews, THOMPSON (1992) and PORTELLI (1997), collection of narratives of the capoeiristas and parents of the students / apprentices. Other types of sources were used, projects of capoeira elaborated by the interlocutors, Political Project Pedagogical of the mentioned institution and photographic registers. With theoretical references in REIS (2000), SALLES (2004), LIBERAC (2004), OZANAM (2013), CONRADO (2015), LEAL (2008), DAYS (2004), SOARES (2005), OLIVEIRA (2004), CAMPOS (2009), approach capoeira as a historical, educational and cultural practice. The results of this study show that the teaching of capoeira in the Campus school space is seen only as a transient action, although there is dialogue, educational institutions and the educational policies themselves that include capoeira and its agents in the school environment, do not take into account the bonds and relationships that are built between who teaches and who learns in the formation of capoeira, or even the meaning of collective that is formed from experiencing, characterized by a continuous learning that has education and inclusion. Even in the face of the tensions that are created in the school space, the Capoeiristas of the Escola Art / ASSOCASE pole try to cultivate the dialogue with schools and other spaces of the community, since, besides cultural agents, they identify themselves as educators responsible for the diffusion and strengthening of the black culture in the cametaense scenario.


  • Data: Apr 27, 2018
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  • En la actualidad, existe la necesidad de reflexionar acerca de las interacciones digitales de la juventud a través de una Media Social, como Facebook. En tal sentido, el objetivo de esta investigación es identificar y evaluar cuáles son las contribuciones que puedan surgir a partir de la interacción digital para fundamentar una propuesta de sensibilización ambiental de la juventud para el respeto a su medio ambiente. Se creó un espacio virtual en la red social Facebook, que generó un diálogo de Saberes Ambientales entre estudiantes jóvenes de las series finales de la Enseñanza Fundamental de cuatro escuelas, dos de la Región Norte y dos de la Región Sur de Brasil. En este contexto, y tras el análisis de los indicadores enumerados, se afirma la posibilidad de diálogos de saberes, que son constructores de conocimientos por medio de una media social a partir de una concepción Educomunicativa. El referencial teórico se desarrolla en base a la propuesta dialógica que propone Paulo Freire (1987), enriquecida por diversos autores que auxilian a afianzar el pensamiento sobre la tecnológica en la educación, como Álvaro Vieira Pinto (2005) y Pierre Levi (1999). En el ambiente creado en Facebook, un grupo cerrado, los jóvenes dialogaron estableciendo, con su participación, un espacio que propició una convivencia segura en la diversidad dentro de un ambiente digital ofrecido por la tecnología. En este proceso, se propuso a los jóvenes un diálogo de sentidos y saberes de colectividad en el principio de la complementariedad de prácticas ambientales que desarrolló Enrique Leff (2013). A partir de indicadores de diálogo, como la necesidad de horizontalidad que Buber (1979) propone en su filosófica del diálogo y Paulo Freire (1987) en su Pedagogía del Dialogo, se realiza un análisis de contenido de los comentarios y conversaciones en el chat de Facebook, que provocaron las interacciones entre jóvenes y profesoras. El resultado confirma que este movimiento de subjetividades logra crear la posibilidad de reflexionar con las profesoras y los jóvenes. La investigación-acción demarcó la ruta de esta travesía, el análisis de contenido permitió analizar los datos recolectados por medio de entrevistas semiestructuradas. Así, la contribución de la investigación en la educación y cultura brasileña, se confirma en la afirmación de la posibilidad de una acción dialógica que genere un aprendizaje, con límites y limitantes a ser considerados y esto será compartido para ser fuente de futuras y nuevas experiencias.


  • Data: Apr 26, 2018
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  • This work aims to analyze if there are integration processes between the prescribed in the school institutionality, represented here by the official curriculum of the history of the 6th to 9th grade history of the Escola de Ensino Fundamental de Cametá-Tapera, and the daily life of the students of the community of Cametá-Tapera, mainly in its cultural aspect, and if this relation seeks to strengthen or not the class identities of the subjects present in the formative processes of teaching and learning, recognized here as everyday life, that is, lived experience, work and social relations. It is therefore necessary to study the structure of the curriculum of History of the Escola de Cametá-Tapera and its impacts on the teaching and learning process of the students of the final series of Ensino Fundamental. In considering school knowledge, which is a central theme of the curriculum field, we also sought to analyze this curricular proposal of History in the light of the Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais da Educação Básica, as well as the pedagogical projects developed in the school, to determine if there is a relation of these documents with the reality of the students; in addition, we compared the curricular contents of History with the content of the didactic book used in the school, verifying how this content is effective in the practice of the classroom; we still study how the curricular procedures – theoretical and practical – take place in the classroom, verifying if there is integration between the students’ experiential knowledge and the content of History of this level of teaching in that school. For this, this research starts from the epistemological axis whose focus is the criticdialectic, that considers the action as the fundamental epistemological category for scientific explanation. The research method, on the other hand, was based on historical-dialectical materialism to carry out an analysis of the object in its totality and from the perception of the society through the negation and the social contradictions. The research concluded that there is no integration between the curricular knowledge and the daily experiences of the students of the Escola Cametá-Tapera in the History, and that these students perceive this separation between their reality and the school knowledge, which has no meaning for their practical life. In this context, the non-integration between knowledge is translated into the main cause of students’ lack of interest in the teaching-learning process. It is, therefore, an investigative work that starts from reflections of the field of the curriculum, correlated with the historical and cultural identities that are at the center of the propositions that the research sought to unravel.


  • Data: Apr 26, 2018
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  • This research, whose title is Assesment Policy of Basic Education: Implications of IDEB for the quality of teaching in Profa. Maria Nadir Filgueira Valente Secondary School, CametáPará, aims to analyze the assessment policy of basic education, taking the IDEB (Basic Education Development Index) as a parameter based on its assumptions and its implications for the quality of teaching in a school in Cametá, Pará. The object of study is under the guidelines due to reforms in the 1990s, whose changes in public policy centered on management with implications in the secretariats of education and, consequently, extending to schools. By focusing the IDEB as a quality parameter in the official guidelines, one proposed to analyze the political-pedagogical activities of that school according to the guidelines of the Municipal Secretariat of Education in Cametá on how to manage the IDEB in the activities of the school before the requirements of improvement of the educational index, considering the goals established in the National Plan of Education (PNE). The historical delimitation of this study corresponds to the period from 2007 to 2015, considering the origin of the IDEB and the external assessment editions of elementary school that comprised it in that period. The research was guided by the qualitative approach, having data collection techniques such as literature review, the documentary analysis and semi-structured interview applied to education technicians of the Municipal Secretary of Education in Cametá as well as to the teachers, managers and pedagogical coordinator of the chosen school for the sampling of the empirical data. The analysis is based on Historical-Dialectical Materialism, considering the relevance to the educational phenomenon that constitutes the object. This perspective of analysis provides an interpretation guided by the principles of mediation, contradiction, entirety and historicity, being configured in the study of categories in a contextualized way. Among the authors, we can highlight Abrúcio (1997), Araújo and Castro (2011), Ball (2012), Bonamino and Sousa (2012), Cassassus (2001; 2013), Chirinéa (2005), Coutinho (2012), Cocco and Sudbrack (2012), Cury (1986), Dourado, Oliveira and Santos (2007), Dourado and Oliveira (2009), Fonseca (2009), Krawczik (1999, 2005, 2008), Mororó (2011), Novaes and Fialho (2010), Oliveira (2011), Orso (2011), Peroni (2000, 2013), Schneider (2010, 2012, 2014a, 2014b) and others. The results indicate that the IDEB is inserted in a policy based on the principles of the labor market from the view predominantly technical, focused on the maximization results. Since the IDEB is an action of Committed Goals of All for Education Plan and also a policy action strongly influenced by the country's business class, it has the role of regulating the educational results as well as teaching work. Through the transfer of responsibility from central agencies to the subnational ones, the Plan of Goals induces educational institutions, such as SEMED (Municipal Secretariat of Education)/Cametá, to become "decentralized centers" of the administration of education from some programs such as the “Mais Educação”, whose criteria is defined by the central organs, characterized by a kind of regulation and control. Even though Nadir Valente Secondary School has developed other actions through educational intervention projects developed by the teachers, taking as example the “Projeto Aluno Nota 10”, one has verified that the assumption remains faithful to these guidelines, giving grounds for establishing competitive attitudes that encourage more results. The research also indicated a certain performance in the context of the practice, in which the IDEB is considered as an indicative instrument of quality, but it ended up influencing the practices developed in the school that became actions aimed at increasing the results through the growth of the index, even if this growth does not represent the social quality that is required.

  • MICROPOLÍTICAS E EDUCAÇÃO PARA AS RELAÇÕES DE GÊNERO: Pistas Cartográficas do Grupo LGBT de Igarapé-Miri/PA.

  • Data: Apr 16, 2018
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  • O estudo intitulado MICROPOLÍTICAS E EDUCAÇÃO PARA AS RELAÇÕES DE GÊNERO: Pistas Cartográficas do Grupo LGBT de Igarapé-Miri/PA tem por objetivo perceber, por meio das pistas cartográficas, as linhas de fuga empreendidas pelo grupo LGBT de IgarapéMiri/PA, no sentido da produção de uma micropolítica da diferença. Com Deleuze e Guattari (1996) discute a questão da Micropolítica, bem como os conceitos Multiplicidade, Agenciamento coletivo, Devir, Segmentaridade Molar e Molecular. Assim, nossos esforços investigativos centram-se em descrever as condições de emergência do movimento, marcada por lutas de resistência. Para o desenvolvimento da presente pesquisa, utilizamos as pistas cartográficas para observação de campo e acompanhamento de processos, como procedimento para a construção de um percurso investigativo e análise processual da pesquisa. Desse modo, cartografamos encontros, cenários, diálogos e debates, percursos de lutas coletivas do grupo e suas formas de atuação política. Dentre os principais autores-interlocutores da pesquisa podemos citar: Michel Foucault (1984, 1988), Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari (1996, 2010), Judith Butler (2003; 2008), Guacira Louro (2000), Berenice Bento (2011), Richard Miskolci (2012) entre outros. Assim, buscamos perceber como os processos socioeducativos se desenvolveram ao longo da organização do Grupo LGBT de Igarapé-Miri/PA. Para tanto, buscamos mostrar as linhas de fuga e movimentos de captura tecidos em uma cartografia política inscrita na sociedade miriense, no intuito de pensar em um aprender-educar transgressor por meio das micro-resistências dos sujeitos LGBT no espaço escolar e para além dele enquanto espaço formativo.

  • Data: Apr 16, 2018
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  • The research studies about the plots of the sexuality that permeated the Antônia Cudefacho’s trajectory, a prostitute woman and cametaense subject-character of the 1950s, which was inscribed and fictionalized through the literary narrative "Antônia Cudefacho" by the cametaense writer Salomão Laredo, published in 2006. The discursive constructions of the sexuality and the literary narratives are predisposed in this research within the Michel Foucault’s archeo-genealogical approach (1996), (1999), (2004), (2008), (2015), as well as, they establish a fertile dialogue between the studies the history of sexuality and the feminism, post-feminism and queer theory with Butler (2016), Miskolci (2015), Rago (2008), (2013), Britzman (2000), Louro (2000), (2004); and also, Del Priore (2011); Deleuze and Guattari (1995), (1997). This theoretical movement provided a problematizing look at the discursive, social and literary scenarios that entangled the plot of the subject-character Antônia Cudefacho, in the midst of the micropolitics of power and resistance, instituting values, ways of life and education, while moving in the territory of a "compulsory and phallocentric heteronormative culture," as Rago (2013) states. In this way, the research articulates some questions: How to think the plots of sexuality that entangle the literary and life narrative of Antônia Cudefacho? How can we analyze the gender statements that reverberate from these plots of power and resistance, through the ages and what participation do they play in the construction of moral values and modes of education in relation to sexuality seen as deviant? The methodological construction of the research is based on Foucaultian archeogenealogy intertwined with the analyzes of the literary narrative and the testimonies of thirteen cametaenses interlocutors cognizant of the Antônia Cudefacho’s life, of varied age groups and social compositions, that helped to draw an analytical of the microspheres of the power, taboos and transgressions that permeated the Antônia Cudefacho’s plots of the sexuality, in order to observe this movement between an education of the past and the present and to think about how the subject of sexuality is constituted in the midst of the webs of power and resistance. Through the analysis of the research, we perceive that these plots of sexuality are skewed in the micropolitics of power and resistance that shaped the moral values and hegemonic norms instituted in the cametaense society of its time, being plots constituted by norms, taboos, labels, exclusions, but also, becomes, resistances, transgressions that cross the present temporality and lead us to think about sexuality from other perspectives. In the academic and social spheres, the research challenge us to think about sexuality in education in the perspective of difference, allied to (post) feminist studies and queer theory, being able to stress the (pre) concepts forged within the heteronormative parameters that permeate sexuality, sex, gender, the normalized body, as well as the way of experiencing the sexualities different, usually seen as marginal and deviant, also aims to contribute to the opening of plural socio-educational spaces in consideration of the freedom to live sexuality and their differences beyond the normalizing codes instituted in the society of before and today.

  • THE READING TO COME: Poetic melodies of learning-to-teach in the crossings of the text-reader.
  • Data: Mar 27, 2018
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  • The reading to come is devouring melodies woven in this essay. Melodies to come: the song of the sirens, cannibal rites, abysses, transfigurations, literary experience, poetry resonate crossings the reader-text. A lovely smile! The storm power! The wind strength and lightness! The sea depths and tides! Unheard melodies devour reader and reading sense in an open literature space the reader dances in the learn-to-teach melodies. A song to come shows abyss for transfiguration and devouring. The devouring impetus is the motor of the crossings. The reading to come navigates in the deterritorialization of the usual meanings of the reader-text. It chants a primitive reading melody in freedom and arrival, an adrift navigation, without route and in the rumor of the surface of the literary word and its depths. The reading to come slips in the abysses, transfiguration, and devouring of the book in becomes movements, incompleteness, experiences, affections encounters or mismatch of the reader-text. The reading to come experiences deterritorialization of literary space and dances in the literacy word freedom and silence where the reader finds poetry when reader find poetry he embraces another learn-toteach in an image of creation. The readings paths the essays are composed move from writing-experiment through rhizomatic plateaus (Deleuze and Guattari, 1995) engendered by singular ways, free essays, thus, we will aim to navigate in the adventure of a reading to come, as in Blanchot The infinite conversation (2010), The Space Of Literature (2011), The book to come and others melodies, as Nietzsche (2011, 2012), Foucault (2009), Proust (2011, 2012, 2013), Costa (2008, 2016) and Skliar (2014a, 2014b). In the crossing, a reading to come risks outlining in this writing-experiment that is approaching with philosophy, literature, and education, in the vertigo of aesthetic creation and disquieting delight of the literary word in worlds unfolded in poetic melodies of the learn-to-teach at the crossings of reader-text. The landing of the reading to come dances a poetic melody of the reader-text in movements of the becoming for enigmatic songs of the sirens, the devouring and the abysses of the creative imagination, the poetry.

  • CLARICE'S HANDS The blossoming of literary experience in the Reading Room Clarice Lispector

  • Data: Mar 27, 2018
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  • In this research the main purpose has to analyze experiences of literary reading with student goers in Reading Room Clarice Lispector, of the Simão Abraão Jatene State High School, in the city of Cametá-PA. Specifically, we sought to build bridges and sense experiences between readers and the literary universe; to cartograph the processes of the experiences of literary readings in the reading activities of the students and to analyze the reading resonances of the Clarice’s text to the formative experiences of these readers. For the development of this study were articulated, especially, the concepts of reading, experience and sense, starting from Jorge Larrosa in “Profane Pedagogy: dances, pirouettes and masquerades” (2015), “Language and education after Babel” (2004) and “Tremors: writing about experience” (2016), intertwined with the literary universe of Clarice. The research was based on the clues of the cartography method from the perspective of Deleuze and Guattari, through the work “Thousand Plateaus” (1995), and of Passos, Kastrup, Tedesco and Escóssia by means of the works “Clues of the cartography method: research-intervention and production of subjectivity” (2015) and “Clues of the cartography method: the research experience and the common plan” (2016). In this theoretical-practical process, the research result demonstrated that the encounter of the reader with the power of the Clarice’s works caused an opening to the literary word, by subjective and artistic processes. The Clarice’s works came to life after being read to and by the students in that space. By presenting Clarice by means of documentaries, short films, readings of works, theatrical presentations, essas, performances and recitations of texts, the Reading Room was being populated of literary way beyond its instrumental function. In the meantime, the activities carried out in this poetic scenario, among other purposes, developed strategies of teaching, reflection, and production of subjectivities, which sought a meeting of the writer with the reader, of the work with the discovery of the world, which sometimes passes through subjective awakening connected to the outside world of the student. It was perceived that the cartographic strategies of the research - realized in the second semesters of the years 2016 and 2017 - propitiated the exposition of themes that awoke in students the pleasure of reading, the think, he discovery of the unusual, the existential drama that affects any human. In the reflection resulting from the activities of reading and interaction through conversations, the readers highlighted a living movement of pain, joy and personal experiences that sent them to a search of senses of themselves in relation to the other and to the world. Clarice passed from the foreigner who only named the reading room to be part of the literary universe of the students, sharing restlessnesses, anguishes, dreams, poetic resonances, desires and discoveries that provoked in the reader multiple sensations and multiple thoughts. The challenge of the actions realized in the Reading Room was to let literary reading resonate with each reader. Introducing Clarice to the students was instigator, for even if there was a reading room with her name, it was not poetically populated, assuming only the function of a space for sporadic readings, consultation, or pastime, was not intended to unleash literature.


  • Data: Mar 27, 2018
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  • The research aimed to investigate how the dialogue occurs in the student/farmer between two dimensions of knowledge – science and common sense – in the Rural Family House of Cametá/PA (RFHC). We questioned aspects the new epistemological rationality in the Institution and what elements compose this new rationality education in the transition from modernity to postmodernity. Therefore, we think a school for rural population with a new epistemological rationality of knowledge. The study was based on characteristic elements of the ethnographic type with a qualitative approach. We used as methodological instruments the observation, direct conversation and semistructured interview with students/farmers in the Agricultural Technician High School course, EJA (Teenager and Adult Education) modality, class of 2016. As a theoretical reference we discussed: Dialogue (FREIRE, 2005), Education (GADOTTI, 2004), Postmodern Science (SANTOS, 1987, 1989, 1995 and 2003; HARVEY, 2002; PEREIRA and Orgs., 2000; POURTOIS and DESMET, 1999), Rural Education (CALDART, 2002; PRAZERES, 2012), Modern Science (GIDDENS, 1991; ALMEIDA, 2004), Rationality (HÜHNE, 1994), and others. In conclusion, the RFHC promotes the dialogue between scientific knowledge and common sense and it presents aspects that have been identified with elements of postmodern science. It possible proposes a new school to the rural population with a new epistemological rationality of knowledge.

  • EDUCAÇÃO QUILOMBOLA Constituição de Lideranças e Práticas de Resistências na Comunidade Quilombola de Umarizal Beira, Baião-Pará

  • Data: Jan 4, 2018
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  • This research aimed at the formation of leadership and resistance practices as an educational factor in the Quilombola Community of Umarizal Beira, Baião-Pará. The problem of the contextualized investigation of the exclusionary processes of colonial violence against the enslaved Afrodescendant population that culminated in the production of racism in the political and social organization of Brazilian society. The questions that guide this research are: How to launch the process of constituting the remaining quilombo community of Umarizal Beira in relation to cultural, ethnic-racial and political elements and how is it for a relationship with educational processes? In what way do life histories of Afro-descendants and Quilombola leaders constitute their identity formation as a local community? For the realization of the research, we use the postcolonial (decolonial) theoretical and methodological contributions dialoguing with a notion of Afrodescendence. In order to do so, the field work in the community aimed, through interviews with 08 (08) community leaders who occupy a board of the Quilombola Association, to locate the analytical cut of the narratives produced. Based on interviews with some leaders of quilombolas, the outstanding study of the knowledge of Afrodescendant culture and as educational practices as mechanisms of struggle, formation and community political organization. The Survey opens space for thoughts-others denied and deprived of the colonial process. The results indicate that the constitution of the quilombola leaderships is strongly based on cultural and political processes that constitute Afrodescendences of their (re) existence in the struggles against racism and all as maladies, having an important role to contribute to the constitution process of their ethnic-racial identities.


  • Data: Sep 30, 2017
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  • El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la práctica docente de los profesores de español que actúan en la Enseñanza Secundaria en siete escuelas, entre públicas y privada, situadas en Belém bajo la perspectiva de la interculturalidad. Para tanto, el primer paso fue investigar el proceso de formación docente, inicial y continuada, enseguida verificar bajo cuál perspectiva ellos discuten la cultura de ese idioma, considerando la diversidad cultural, e, por fin, verificar si los profesores de la educación básica consideran la América Latina en el contexto educacional de enseñanza-aprendizaje o refuerzan el modelo de enseñanza imperialista. Se trata de una pesquisa de abordaje cualitativo, descriptivo y exploratorio. Para llevarla a cabo optamos por hacer un levantamiento bibliográfico, un análisis documental y un estudio de caso con conversas guiadas para comprender cómo ocurre esa práctica docente. En la fundamentación teórica de este trabajo abordamos la formación y profesionalización docente apoyándonos en autores como Tardif (2014), Pimenta (2014), Nóvoa (2011), entre otros; discutimos la interculturalidad en la enseñanza del español básicamente recurriendo a Fleuri (2003), Hall (1997/2003) y Veiga-Neto (2003) y al final hablamos sobre la enseñanza de la lengua española considerando las orientaciones de los Parámetros Curriculares Nacionales (PCN), los aportes teóricos de Moreno y otros estudiosos del área, siendo este último capítulo el resultado de las conversas guiadas realizadas en los propios establecimientos de enseñanza del español en el cual cada profesor actúa. Al término de este trabajo concluimos que la práctica docente escolar no fomenta la interculturalidad, pese a que los profesores afirmen explorar los aspectos socio-culturales en clase, lo que tampoco contribuye para la creación de la identidad latinoamericana de Brasil junto a los países hispanófonos. Tal situación evidencia la poca relevancia de esa temática en los cursos de formación docente en el estado de Pará. 

  • DA GÊNESE ÀS NOVAS GERAÇÕES SINDICAIS: juventude e atuação política no Sindicato dos Trabalhadores(ras) rurais de Cametá

  • Data: Sep 29, 2017
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  • This research had as object of study the youth labor praxis of STTR-Cametá Youth. The objective of this study is to analyze the political activity of young people in the Rural Workers 'and Workers' Union of the municipality of Cametá, State of Pará (STTRCAMETÁ), their historical, socio-political contexts and aspects of their formations. In a specific sense it aimed: i. Discuss the historical context of STTR-Cametá and the role of the youth as a socio-political agent in this process; Ii. To analyze the formative process guided by STTR-Cametá for the militant youth; Iii. Investigating the current challenges of rural youth, their social and political expectations in the municipality of Cametá-PA, as well as discussing public policies for youth. For the development of this study was based on the qualitative approach and was chosen by the case study, taking as reference the historical materialism. The following are the theoretical references: Carrano (2002, 2008), Freire (2009), Gohn (2000, 2008, 2010, 2014), Gramsci (1988), Marx and Engels (1998), Sposito others. The results of the interviews were analyzed in order to reach the following conclusions: a) Young people play an important role in the historical, political and social construction of STTR-Cametá; B) The historical process of the STTR-Cametá is subdivided into two moments: the first in the 1970s and the second in the 1980s with the union taking by the workers. This historical movement has repercussions on the role played by young people. In the second moment he observed that the young people had more involvement and participation in the process of organization, struggle and union formation; C) The recognition of youth in STTR-Cametá as subjects of rights and legitimate spaces is a recent and persistent process, with the creation of the Youth Secretariat in 2006, after 22 years of its foundation; D) The challenges of young trade unionists remain alive in the midst of their struggles, since the Public Policies, so far implemented, do not correspond to the real social and political needs of these subjects and in the internal field much need to be made in the legitimacy and recognition of these As dignified and able leaders to assume the union leadership itself, among other spaces inside this union. However, the study does not end the debate on youth labor practice in the STTR-Cametá, which obviously need other studies, other analyzes, to contribute to the Youth Trade Union Movement and the continuity of this reflection can favor the empowerment of organizations , Training and contemporary debate about the problem addressed in this study.


  • Data: Sep 29, 2017
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  • O presente trabalho, que traz por título “O olhar do docente sobre a implementação/execução do Curso Técnico de Nível Médio em Informática no CIEBT/Cametá-PA: a integração prescrita e a integração materializada", analisou a relação entre o prescrito e o materializado no desenvolvimento do processo de implementação/execução do Curso de Informática do CIEBT/Cametá em uma perspectiva de Ensino Médio Integrado, problematizando-se como foi desenvolvido esse prescrito e materializado no processo de implementação/execução desse curso. Trata-se de trabalho pautado no materialismo histórico-dialético, constituindo-se pesquisa qualitativa, com dados obtidos por meio de entrevista semiestruturada e documentos, tratados por meio de análise de conteúdo. O locus da pesquisa foi o Centro Integrado de Educação do Baixo-Tocantins situado no município de Cametá, Pará-Brasil, tendo sido entrevistados quatro docentes que vivenciaram a implantação/execução do curso de nível médio em informática. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que o Curso Técnico de Nível Médio Integrado em Informática foi implantado pelo CIEBT numa perspectiva de ensino médio integrado, mas com dificuldades reais de se viver um ensino integrado, seja pela falta da infraestrutura para o desenvolvimento do curso em informática, seja pela lógica de mercado que impusera a sua elaboração e execução, seja pela falta de uma cultura de organização escolar em torno de um projeto de ensino integrado.


  • Data: Sep 29, 2017
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  • This Master research work comes up with a title School Development Plan (PDE): an analysis over the financial resource decentralization for urban schools that hold Cametá/ PA Town Education Cycle. Its aim was checking the School Development Plan according to target plans, Everyone for Education Assignment and their implications around Cametá/PA educational reality, considering the assumption of financial resource management decentralization. We can sum the problem among the study issues this way: What sets of decentralization that PDE takes on and what its contributions and/or implications for urban school operation between 2008-2011? Were the financial resource sent to schools show on data from the Articulate Action Plan (PAR) through partnership with the city? The empirical field was the Town Education Cycle based on the management of the above period presented by the Town Education Department- SEMED/Cametá. The methodological procedures used are part of the qualitative research approach and include in addition to the literature review, the techniques of document analysis and semi-structured interviews. The interviews were carried out with some members of the Coordination of Projects and Programs of the Town Education Secretary from Cametá, which coordinated PDE. Among the authors who base this work we can highlight as main: Costa (2001); Dourado (2007); Ferreira (2000); Fonseca (2009); Oliveira (2000); Pereira (1997); Saviani (2009); Fonseca, Oliveira and Tosch (2004) and others. The research analyzes the object, as a result of the state reform of the 1990’s citing the reflexes in educational policies in general, and in the financing, in particular, since the discourse of decentralization impacted on measures such as programs and projects like PDE, reconfiguring itself now, because it is a main FUNDESCOLA project conceived in the 1990’s. A result of a partnership between the Ministry of Education (MEC) and the World Bank. The data shows that, although PDE has reoriented its methodology according to national political and economic contexts, its technical-instrumental essence remains. The study showed that in Cametá Town Education Cycle through the sample of urban schools that PDE is expressive in decentralized resources whether we consider other programs that attend the set of schools. However, we perceive that the decentralization of PDE financing and "attached actions" to it represent a greater proportion of school responsibility transference, because taking the responsibility for financial resources application, the school also becomes accountable for its results. It is observed that what happens is a process of defocus for tasks execution and not a decentralization, because the decision-making power remains focused in the federal sphere.


  • Data: Sep 29, 2017
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  • This dissertation analyzes the process of land occupation, through the appropriation of landscape and rural production in Amazonian communities, starting from the presupposition of ethnoecology, as an interdisciplinary field of research. It involves the relationship between historical formation, knowledge and its different ways of approaching the forest environment. The study was carried out on the island of Conceição, which comprises the communities of Santana, São Joaquim and Costa de Santana, located in the municipality of Mocajuba in the Northeast region of the State of Pará. The study intends to describe the landscape constructed by the economic activities developed in this island to it is possible to understand how the forest and the river were active agents in the interpretation of the riverside man and thus to understand the strategies of occupation that generated conflicts and understandings around the access, use of the land and the values that its occupants were constructing. To study rural Amazonian communities from the process of land occupation and agricultural production and taking into account human perceptions, that is, the relation of man and the lived space, which leads us to locate the phenomena spatially, explaining the reason for the distribution, considering the importance of economic activities linked to agriculture and extractivism explaining the places and the reasons for this occupation is what we propose.


  • Data: Sep 4, 2017
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  • This study investigates the identity formation processes of artisanal fishermen from Tentém island, in Cametá-PA municipality, by material conditions of production of knowledge of fishing work, in the post-construction context of the Tucuruí Hydroelectric Power Plant (UHE). The dissertation is presented to the Master Course of the Postgraduate Program in Education and Culture of the UFPA / Cametá Campus, research line: Basic Education, Technologies, Work and Social Movements in the Amazon. The analyzes are directed to the identity formation of the artisanal fisherman in the stage of disputes between work and capital, considering that identity is formed from the changes in the knowledge production of fishing work ., corroborates to the emancipation process of fishers and conformism and maintenance of capital. Methodologically, the research makes use of historicaldialectical materialism, observing the contradictions and mediations, from the principle of totality, that are locked by the subjects in their productive processes and in the construction of work knowledge in relation to the formation of identities, within the struggles between work and capital. The approach is qualitative based, using data collection instruments, semi-structured interview and participants observation. At the end of the methodological course we use the Content Analysis (CA) to interpret the data. The results of the research showed that the construction of the Tucuruí Hydroelectric Power Plant caused negative impacts on the productive material of the artisanal fishermen from Tentém island, making them,as of knowledge production , create mechanisms to cope with these conditions. Regarding the disruption caused by the construction of the UHE, the fishermen from Tentém island showed their attitude towards the defense of their rights, being the organization in Representative Entities and Associations of Fishermen, a form of counter-hegemonic resistance. We can affirm that the identity of the artisanal fisherman from Tentém island has a formation characterized by the distancing of fishing work as an activity that creates values of use, and that guarantees its material conditions of existence.


  • Data: Aug 31, 2017
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  • This work deals about gender identity in capoeira wheels in Belém-Pará, treated at the same level of the Capoeira Wolmen’s Movement, a social collective of female capoeiristas from various groups and associations of capoeira operating at the city of Belém of Pará. My research lócus. It is in this scenario that as a black intellectual woman with political and academic engagement in the antiracist and antimachist struggles that I tell my empirical and scientific experiences, together with this social collective to give visibility to the subjectivities, inequalities, silencings and omissions experienced by female capoeiristas, to understand – What are the experiences of social, political and pedagogical resistances that women use to construct their identities in movements in the urban peripheries of the Grande Belém, by sharing a common cultural practice, the capoeira, and how their knowledge and experiences can contribute to rethinking others epistemologies for education. Regarding the methodological procedures of the participant research and the traditional and digital ethnographic observation, Emphasinzing my engagement end interaction with the social collective, aiming to describe and interpret the data collected in the field. Considering the ethos of capoeira in the process of analysis, because they are part of the cultural and symbolic universe of the daily life of the investigated subjects as elements to rethink hegemonic cultural and educational values that sediment sexism and male chauvinist in Brazilian society. The perceived results point to the political awareness of female capoeiristas, to the invingorating role of the wheel of capoeira, as well as the promotion of capoeira as an Afro-Brazilian cultural expression that embraces and promotes social identities, beliefs and values in the perspective of rethinking other epistemologies for education in the Amazonia Paraense.

  • A FORMAÇÃO DOCENTE NO PNAIC: concepções segundo as orientações prescritas e as ações efetivas no município de Cametá-Pá

  • Data: Aug 26, 2017
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  • This research has as object of study the Axis “Continuing Education for Literacy Teachers and their Study Counselors" contained in the PNAIC (National Pact for Literacy at the Right Age), and whose locus is the city of Cametá-Pá. It aims to analyze the conception of teacher training prescribed in the training proposal which is contained in the PNAIC and its materialization in the local context through the effective actions promoted by the Municipal Secretariat of Education of Cametá-Pá. For this purpose, the contributions of Historical-Dialectical Materialism are used as a theoretical possibility which seeks to reveal the set of relations which determines the object under study, also being a research characterized by a qualitative approach. Initially, the research path was based on the survey, definition and analysis of the documents and training books used by that program, and a survey on the studies already carried out on the PNAIC. Simultaneously, a review of the literature was made in order to approximate the object through its apprehension in a critical perspective. The main authors can be cited: Duarte (2001, 2010a, 2010b), Marsiglia (2010, 1013), Martins (2006, 2010), Saviani (2007b, 2009, 2013a). Then, four categories were defined for the development of our line of research: National Pact for Literacy at the Right Age, conception of teacher training, Teacher Training and Literacy is adopted under the perspective of literacy. The study provides, as field research technique, the application of semi-structured interviews. The trajectory of research highlights that the PNAIC was conceived in a context which represents the continuity of the principles and guidelines which subsidized the project of educational reform from the decade of 1990. And that the conception of teacher training is based on the practical rationality whose theoretical matrix, in turn, is based on the theoretical model of constructivism, on the pedagogy of the reflexive teacher and on the pedagogy of competences. In line with this theoretical matrix, the concept of literacy is adopted under the perspective of literacy, being as an instrument in which literacy is a technology or technique of reading and writing. And that the formation in its process of materialization in the local context presents the same logic incorporated in the guiding proposal of the formation by its approach to the model of practical rationality. Although we have identified the presence of characteristic elements of technical rationality and of the critical rationality, in the local context this dimension ends up standing out among the counselors and literacy teachers including the experience report which becomes one of the main elements to help the teachers in the education process to build new knowledge in order to face the problems of their teaching practice.


  • Data: Jun 27, 2017
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  • The text is due to the research for Master's Dissertation, linked to the Post-graduate Program in Education and Culture - PPGEDUC / UFPA / CUNTINS. The study aim was to analyze the implications of PAR in the school management network in Cametá-PA city, regarding democratization through school councils. We used as methodology the perspectives of a qualitative research approach based on literature review techniques, documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews. The empirical field of the research was the Education Town Department from Cametá and as part of these two educational network schools. The research insiders were subjects related to the object, making them technicians and managers from Cametá Education Town Secretary and School Council members from two schools, in a universe of 14 (fourteen) informers. The research is due to PAR first two versions implementation period, that the city was delayed by 1 (one) out at first of each of these versions (2008-2011) and (2012-2014). The theoretical-methodological analysis reference is inserted into the perspectives of historical and dialectical materialism, considering data treatment, totality elements, mediation and contradiction. Among the authors who base the text we can mention Wood (2007), Peroni (2011), Saviani (2009), Camini (2009), Barroso (2011), Paro (2001), Dourado (2006). PAR implementation in Cametá municipality revealed a process of management operation, besides punctual, since the municipality was induced to join the policy in exchange for technical and financial advice from MEC. The envolvement of individuals in the city management in other to formulate the plan for it was limited to the information provision and the choice of predetermined actions, which is against to democratic management provided in 1988 CF. The actions foreseen in the second version of PAR , regarding school councils were not developed due to the creation of PAR Local Committee, which would be responsible for monitoring the implementation of PAR actions as foreseen in the official documents and mainly to the strong presence of asset management features forming SEMED oparation team from Cametá, as it happens in other public agencies and offices in Brazil. In addition to party political alignment, other criteria for the educational technical staff composition are preserved as bond of fidelity, personal trust, clientelism and / or nepotism, to the detriment of closer criteria to public policies management, such as technical knowledge and training appropriate to the position. In the performance of the specific activities of PAR management positions, one from the main characteristics of Patrimonialism, the confusion between the public and the private was more clearly presented. The example of government change in the municipality of Cametá, in 2012, without democratic transition lets the new technician responsible for PAR without the necessary information to carry out the actions. The delay of work, the privilege of choosing personnel over public selection for positions as well as the defense of private interests harm what is due to cametaense population as a right. In sum, PAR had little influence on the creation and functioning of school councils in Cametá city. SEMED provided technical support only for board organizations and accountability. The councils of the schools surveyed, as well as of the other schools from this city act more in the financial aspect, through limited way, however. Although PAR was important, taking the School Board as one of the indicators of democratization of the school, the research revealed that there were no substantive changes in the management of schools in order to improve the functioning of CE mainly in administrative and pedagogical matters. The subjects' intervention was more pointed out to financial issues because of the programs which the schools were contemplated rather than being constituted in a consultative and deliberative body with management democratizers from public schools more democratic.

  • Education. Deafness. Pounds. Cartography. Teacher training.

  • Data: Jun 27, 2017
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  •  This research arises from the elaboration / execution of the PIBEX 2015 project entitled: "Teaching of Libras in Tocantina region in the Amazon: The Training of Teachers of Early Childhood Education", in partnership with SEMED / Cametá, which aims to contribute to the training of 210 teachers who work with children in the Municipality of Cametá-PA. The research problem consists in investigating the constitution of Libras as a difference in education, dealing with close and distant zones between Deaf Studies and Philosophy of Difference. It is a self-critical and analytical practice that takes the project of teacher training as an activity of its own research, by an exercise of thinking which is capable of inciting historically instituted views on inclusion and the vision of the other as deficiency and, in an affirmative way, it aims to empower Libras as a difference in education, paying attention to its singularities. The study points to the idea of a deaf-back in the teaching of Libras, signaling Libras itself as a minor language through processes of "de-territorialization" of deaf language and culture, and of the elements of the "political" and "collective" teacher training. As theoretical background, Deleuze and Guattari (2014), Guattari and Rolnik (1996), Gallo (2013), Skliar (2001), Larrosa (2004), Veiga-Neto (2012), Meyer and Paraíso (2014), Passos and Kastrup and Escóssia, were used among others, in order to look at multifaceted views on Libras as a difference in education, articulating relationships networks with each other in the ties of formation. In this movement of becoming, in the midst of multiple movements of possibilities, the cartography of Deleuzian and Guattarian inspiration will provide the necessary methodological clues for the construction of the research itineraries, not only to be with the other and to listen to their question (of difference) in education, but also to capture the flows and processes of a coming and going in teacher training. The collective composition of a deaf-deeper perception of Libras as a "minor language" is one of the challenges of this research, so that at each reading we can perceive different angles of deafness, and that these angles make us realize how much the work itself belongs to the unfinished and / or to the possibility of seeing and seeing the other much further than what we propose ourselves to at this moment.


  • Data: Jun 26, 2017
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  • Nas viagens pelos caminhos das memórias de minha infância, algo me passou e tocou a compor esse texto, que nasceu das múltiplas composições-pedaços de minhas experiências que escreveram a trajetória do caminhar desta pesquisa. Nesses entre espaços de uma vida de criança-estudante-professora, que se entrecruzam no decorrer do percurso, constituí como objetivo do presente trabalho discutir as relações entre língua, currículo e tradução cultural no contexto de formação do curso de Língua Inglesa, no Campus Universitário do Tocantins/Cametá (CUNTINS/UFPA), em diálogo com os sujeitos que vivenciam e fazem acontecer a perspectiva de formação do curso e perscrutando os campos discursivos tomados como pressupostos de efetivação da proposta curricular oficial do curso. A tradução se constitui como fio condutor do trabalho em diálogo com o currículo, com base na perspectiva analítica da desconstrução, por meio da proposta de pensar a língua para além dos mecanismos de dominação cultural, abrindo espaços-brechas para um pensamento pós-colonial e projeto de tradução em sua tripla dimensão: a tradução linguística; a filosófica-e-cultural. Ao longo dessa caminhada, muitas contribuições teórico-metodológicas emergiram nos estudos da linguagem, da tradução, do currículo e da cultura, desde sua perspectiva estruturalista a filosófica: Jacques Derrida (1973; 2000; 2002; 2003); Paul Ricoeur (2011); Jorge Larrosa (2014; 2016); Paulo Ottoni (2005a, 2005b); Jakobson (1959), Marcos Siscar (2012), em diálogo como uma perspectiva filosófica cultural de tradução, da teoria pós-colonial como: Homi Bhabha (2013); Adriana Pagano (2000); Nestor Canclini (2013); e do campo do currículo em uma abordagem pós-crítica: Sandra Corazza (2001; 2005; 2007; 2008; 2013; 2015), Guacira Louro (2012); Marlucy Paraíso (2005; 2010; 2012); Tomaz Tadeu da Silva (2010); Alfredo VeigaNeto (2002). Ao se enunciar o currículo como ser falante que opera por meio da tradução cultural, abre-se ao diálogo entre línguas-e-culturas estrangeiras-e-locais, que, por meio de múltiplas vozes do ser-currículo-falante, manifestam seus anseiosdesejos de reinventar suas práticas formativas. O movimento de desconstrução em que operou as análises ocorreu por entre os deslocamentos culturais que se teceram nos entre espaços do curso de Língua Inglesa do CUNTINS/UFPA e suas mesclas com as culturas locais. Os deslocamentos desde as próprias ideiasconceitos dos autores, que são discutidos no decorrer do trabalho, resultaram em múltiplas possibilidades de caminhar e pesquisar em zonas de trânsitos e trocas constantes nas quais elas se tocam, línguas-e-culturas, fomentando, assim, os hibridismos culturais e possibilitando a perspectiva de novos olhares e escritas.



  • Data: Jun 19, 2017
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  • The work titled Language in the classroom: emotional and emotional marks in the interactions of knowledge aim to investigate evidences of emotional and emotional marks in the relations of knowledge, in the context of the dynamics of teaching learning, in the classroom. The cultural historical approach developed by Vygotsky and colleagues in which the issue of the human development of the child in its intellectual (mind), affective and emotional partner aspects is discussed is used as theoretical support. In this approach we discuss the issue of learning, knowing, developing mental functions as an interactive process mediated by adult subjects. It was also used, other authors that have been developing studies on the school routine based on this historical cultural approach, such as Smolka (2001), Braggio (1992), Fontana (1997) and Falabelo (2005). It should be noted that Vigotski recommends that empirical studies should be carried out in their immediate conditions of production. This means that the researcher should seek to record the phenomena at their moment of occurrence. To meet this methodological orientation, we used the ethnographic methodology of research. In this the observer can maintain direct contact with the subjects of the research and object of study, knowing more closely their history, their cultural aspects, besides witnessing and recording the relations maintained with the knowledge in the teaching learning activities. The results show that the relationships of teaching learning mediated by school knowledge and everyday knowledge are rich in evidence that show the dynamic interaction between the development of the intellectual and emotional aspects affecting the children towards those knowledge of diverse affective forms, such as: reception , participation, distancing, joy, fatigue, etc .. Thus the study shows that teaching relationships, when they present meanings and meanings to children, seem to support teaching relationships that promote the appropriation of this knowledge in a participatory and dialogic teacher and student dynamics.

  • NATIONAL PLAN FOR TEACHER TRAINING OF BASIC EDUCATION - PARFOR: Conceptions, Guidelines and Formative Principles
  • Data: Jun 16, 2017
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  • This work is the result of the research entitled National Plan for the Formation of Basic Education Teachers (PARFOR): Conceptions, Guidelines and Training Principles. The purpose of this study was to analyze the conception of teacher education present in the National Plan for the Training of Teachers of Basic Education, in view of the guidelines contained in the Guidelines and Principles in the documents that regulate it as well as under the "gaze" of teachers and managers Program. The methodological approach adopted in the elaboration of the work is based on the guidelines of the qualitative research, being used as techniques documentary analysis and semistructured interview applied to categories of teacher-trainers, teachers-egresses, students-teachers and managers of the program. Among the main authors that founded the research we can cite: Azevedo (2004); Oliveira (2009); Nóvoa (1995); Berzezinski (2014); Gatti (2011); Tardif (2014); Duarte (2010); Schon (1995); Camargo and Mendes (2016). The research results indicate that PARFOR is an emergency plan that has contributed to the training of teachers, reaching a significant number of professors in courses offered by the Federal University of Pará. In the theoretical field the research identified at least two strands of Conception of formation: that of eminently technical, instrumental and pragmatic rationality and the other that points to the perspective of integral formation, mediating between knowledge and know-how, besides considering research as the founding principle of the formative process. Regarding the documents analyzed, the research indicates that the training in Pedagogy / PARFOR subsidized by the Pedagogical Project of the Course meets the National Curricular Guidelines for teacher training based on the legal precepts on Human Rights and Environmental Education, for example, so that the training principles Direct to a professional capable of acting beyond the school space, reflecting their practice and conceiving work as an educational principle. The research subjects recognize the relevance of the program and its consistency as a teacher education policy. Although there are structural problems of functioning of the classes, especially in the municipalities that make up the poles of Campus de Cametá, the course proposal as human skills and competence presents the teaching, research and extension profile contemplating what ANFOPE proposes. The course is an opportunity to systematize the experiences of the student-teachers in what Tardif proposes as knowledge of the experience in order to systematize the theoretical-practical level. As well as the theoretical foundations that make up the basic core of the course, it is an opportunity to deepen the political, philosophical, historical, and sociological foundations that propitiate a more conscious professional positioning as Duarte asserts. Thus, we assume that the PARFOR Course presents itself even though it needs to be perfected as a formative space that integrates knowledge with experience and attitude, ensuring an omnilateral or integral formation.


  • Data: May 19, 2017
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  • O presente trabalho analisou as contribuições da participação dos movimentos sociais do Campo no processo de construção do Plano Municipal de Educação – PME, do município de Abaetetuba - PA, dando ênfase às formas de organização do plano, assim como apontando as contribuições culturais dos Movimentos Sociais atuantes na Educação do Campo. Nesse sentido, define-se como objetivo geral analisar as contribuições da participação dos Movimentos Sociais do Campo no processo de construção do Plano Municipal de Educação, no município de Abaetetuba, com foco no progresso do Sistema Educacional. Assim, os objetivos específicos deste estudo foram: a) Compreender de que maneira foi construído o Plano Municipal de Educação de Abaetetuba; b) Analisar como se deu o processo de participação dos Movimentos Sociais do Campo na construção do PME; e, c) Identificar as contribuições culturais dos Movimentos Sociais do Campo e como são entendidos no processo de construção do PME. A metodologia proposta foi a pesquisa participante, que priorizou os métodos de dados por meio da realização de entrevistas e análise documental, assim como levantamento bibliográfico sobre a temática. Os principais autores utilizados foram, vale destacar: Arantes (2006), Dagnino (2002), Pereira (2003), Fenelon (1993), Hall (2003), Paoli (1991, 2003), Penteado (1991), Gohn (2005, 2006), Santos (1996), Silva (2006), Cardoso (2004), Brandão (1998, 2007) e Oliveira (2010 e 2003). Sendo assim, a partir desta pesquisa, compreendeu-se que a participação dos Movimentos sociais do campo, na construção do referido plano se deu de maneira ativa e propositiva, e em muito contribuiu para ações, metas e estratégias apresentadas no documento final do PME.


  • Data: Apr 28, 2017
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  • This work has the philosophical Hermeneutics and its greatest exponent, the philosopher and educator H-G Gadamer. Throughout the course, we seek a timid and honest dialogue with tradition, especially with the modern heritage. It has developed on three central fronts, namely education, ethics and aesthetics, in order to think a possible way to the formation and that faces the hegemonic instrumental education. It is based on a formation based on the respect and the recognition of the alterity of the other as fundamental process of humanization. Such a position sees in the open, fraternal and democratic dialogue a possibility of guaranteeing solidarity and, therefore, who knows, one can re-signify the pedagogical character of education. To educate in the direction of art, in the permanent dialogue with the poetic work, in the ambit of Dasein, implies transcendence and freedom, we consider in the same way the art, therefore in the scope of the own art. It is thus the formation as a formation in transformation.


  • Data: Apr 28, 2017
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  • Este estudio, titulado En casa, en las aguas, en la vida: prácticas y conocimientos de las mujeres en la pesca en las comunidades ribereñas en el municipio de Cametá, Estado de Pará, examina cómo las prácticas y conocimientos de pescadoras se procesan dentro de las comunidades costeras, las estrategias que destacan el trabajo, la dinámica de participación y diversas formas de aprendizaje que están involucrados. Metodológicamente, para dar sentido a este trabajo, se adopta un enfoque cualitativo y la investigación descriptiva de un estudio de caso. Para recoger información utilizada entrevistas abiertas y semi-estructuradas con pescadoras dos comunidades del municipio de Cametá-Pará, así como la observación participante y análisis de documentos. Como marco teórico guiar este estudio, para entender tema como las mujeres, la pesca, la participación, la vida cotidiana, el trabajo, contaron con autores como ayudar a Maneschy (2000), Furtado (1993), Rubio (2003) DÍAS (1995) , PERROT (2007), Pinto (2004), Rodrigues (2012), NETO y BRASIL (2006), Gohn (2013), y Tiriba Fischer (2006), entre otros. El estudio reveló que las prácticas y el conocimiento de las pescadoras explotados en el hogar, en las relaciones sociales y la actividad pesquera sigue estando limitada a las zonas cercanas a la casa y la carga de las tareas domésticas. El espacio y el tiempo de actividad de pesca para las mujeres se diferencian cuidando casi exclusivamente a la preparación, almacenamiento, procesamiento de pescado, y la preparación y mantenimiento de las herramientas de pesca. La participación en las organizaciones todavía tímidos clases, como se muestra en los estatutos de las colonias y de las asociaciones y su propio papel como ama de casa. Hemos identificado, de manera que las pescadoras de municipio Cametá tienen enfáticamente el conocimiento tradicional de pescadores que se evidencia en la práctica, cada vez que necesita para ser visualizado y alentó.


  • Data: Apr 28, 2017
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    Esta pesquisa é o resultado de um estudo realizado durante o curso de Pós-Graduação em Educação e Cultura, da Universidade Federal do Pará, que tem como título “O Ideb e a quantificação da qualidade da educação: reflexões acerca da cultura dos resultados em uma escola pública no município de Cametá-Pa”, que situa os conceitos de desempenho escolar/avaliação/ qualidade da educação como indicadores para analisar o Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (IDEB) em uma escola pública do município de Cametá-Pa. Tem como objetivo analisar a relação entre os resultados do Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (IDEB) e a melhoria na qualidade social da educação, em particular na escola pública municipal de Cametá-Pa. A metodologia toma a abordagem qualitativa como base, tendo como tipo de pesquisa o estudo de caso. Dentre as técnicas de levantamento de dados optou-se pela observação e entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados para análise foram coletados a partir das falas de atores sociais (equipe gestora e professores) participantes das atividades desenvolvidas em  (uma) escola pública municipal que figura como instituição destaque do Ideb no ranking municipal, nas séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental (2009, 2011 e 2013).  Dentre os autores que balizam a revisão da literatura podemos citar Luckesi (2002), Saul (1994), Vasconcelos (1994), Calderano (2013), Cabral Neto (2009), Oliveira (2005), Dourado (2009), Freitas (2007), Oliveira (2005), entre outros. A pesquisa permite afirmar que a elevação dos resultados do Ideb na escola pesquisada nos anos observados podem ocultar problemas presentes na instituição, como as condições de funcionamento, infraestrutura ainda inadequada, ausência de equipamentos e materiais didáticos necessários à prática pedagógica. Os resultados apontam que as avalições externas não consideram as múltiplas dimensões da escola e acaba gerando um modelo de avaliação que responsabiliza a própria escola e/ou sistema educacional pelo sucesso ou fracasso, o que acaba favorecendo ao rankeamento entres as escolas e seus sistemas de ensino. Embora a escola pública pesquisada tenha conseguido êxito no Ideb, no entanto, há outras implicações no âmbito da escola que acabam fragilizando a conquista de uma educação de qualidade social. 


  • Data: Apr 28, 2017
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  • O presente estudo, intitulado Gênero, Saberes e Poder: o protagonismo de mulheres negras na organização política e social da Comunidade Remanescente de Quilombos São José de Icatu – Mocajuba/Pará, tem como objetivo analisar e problematizaro protagonismo político de mulheres lideranças da referida comunidade. Da mesma forma, intenta ainda investigar o engajamento político dessas mulheres quanto aos direcionamentos e às lutas por melhores condições de vida dos moradores da comunidade. Destarte, ao salientar o papel de destaque de algumas das moradoras na gestão e na organização da comunidade, tencionamos analisar o processo de empoderamento das mulheres de Icatu. Para a efetivação deste estudo, buscou-se apoio teórico-metodológico nas reflexões de autores como: PINTO (2004, 2007, 2012), SALLES (2005), SCOTT (1995), SOHET (1995), THOMPSON (2011), CERTEAU (2014), FOUCAULT (2012), FUNES (1996), DIAS (1995), RAGO (1995), dentre outros. Da mesma forma, realizou-se pesquisa de campo, mediante a observação participante, com auxílio da História Oral, através de entrevistas semiestruturadas, relatos orais e histórias de vida, acrescida a fontes imagéticas e escritas. Verificou-se que o protagonismo político das mulheres do povoado de Icatu, frente aos cargos de gerência, resulta de aspectos históricos de suas ancestrais quilombolas, bem como de um intenso processo militância nos movimentos sociais de base, fatos que favoreceram formação dessas lideranças femininas no engajamento e atuação política na comunidade de São José de Icatu. Constatou-se ainda que as mulheres lideranças de Icatu conseguem se afirmar enquanto sujeito político e empoderar-se utilizando-se de microrresistências colocadas em práticas por meio de astúcias, invenções, ousadias e pequenos subterfúgios que lhes garantem poderes e, por conseguinte, tornamnas empoderadas e protagonistas de suas ações individuais e coletivas.


  • Data: Apr 27, 2017
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  • A presente pesquisa tem como tema a finitude do Dasein no pensamento de Heidegger, articulado em tres dos existenciais: mundo, angustia e morte. O problema: o que e finitude e qual a sua implicacao sobre a existencia. O objetivo e compreender qual o sentido da finitude e suas implicacoes no nosso modo de ser-no-mundo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliografica de cunho qualitativo e que tem como metodo a fenomenologia hermeneutica. Tendo como base central a obra Ser e Tempo segue um itinerario de destruicao da metafisica com o intuito de abrir um horizonte mais originario em relacao ao modo de ser mais proprio. A finitude nao se apresenta simplesmente pelo fato que caminhamos para a morte, mas sim pelo modo como compreendemos a existencia, pois a nossa interpretacao do mundo e de nos mesmos e sempre finita. O Dasein, ente que nos mesmo somos, devido a facticidade ja se encontra lancado no mundo e pode ganhar-se ou perderse, uma vez que nao possui uma essencia no sentido da ontologia tradicional, mas a sua essencia e a propria existencia. Enquanto ser-no-mundo e de seu modo proprio angustiar-se e na abertura provocada pela angustia poder escolher um modo autentico de existir.


  • Data: Apr 27, 2017
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  • Este trabalho visa analisar o corpo afrorreligioso e os saberes culturais entrelaçados por uma história de resistência e luta pela valorização da cultura afro-brasileira em Cametá-Pa. Compreende o corpo como um polo difusor dos saberes culturais afrorreligiosos, que por meio de sua prática religiosa mantem vivo o universo simbólico da cultura religiosa afro-brasileira e reativa a luta e a resistência contra o racismo religioso e a atitude de intolerância religiosa na sociedade. Considera que os saberes transmitidos nas práticas culturais e religiosas de tradição afro são instrumentos de combate ao racismo que possibilitam pensar uma perspectiva de educação étnicoracial. Em seu aspecto teórico-conceitual a pesquisa estabelece um diálogo com autores do campo dos estudos da cultura e religiosidade afro-brasileira, mais precisamente os estudos sobre a umbanda, sendo eles Bastide (1971), Silva (1994), Birman (1985), Concone (2008), Prandi (2004, 2008) entre outros. Para melhor compreender a realidade religiosa amazônica, a pesquisa dialoga com Silva (2015), Campelo e Luca (2007), Luca (2003), Furuya (1994), Leal (2011), bem como com Gomes (2013), Caputo (2012, 2013) sobre a perspectiva da educação voltada para relações étnico-raciais. Em seu aspecto metodológico a pesquisa foi conduzida por uma abordagem antropológica, de caráter etnográfico que envolveu a descrição do trabalho de campo no terreiro e o acompanhamento do ritual de oferendas à Iemanjá, bem como a organização, análise e interpretação dos resultados. A perspectiva da etnografia com base na interpretação da cultura de Geertz (2013), permitiu descrever e analisar um ritual religioso observando as múltiplas relações tecidas pelo corpo afrorreligioso, que se materializam no terreiro umbandista de Dona Isabel Oliveira na cidade de Cametá. Em seus resultados podemos observar e concluir que os saberes culturais da religiosidade afro-brasileira são intermediados e difundidos na prática religiosa. Nesse contexto, o corpo afrorreligioso compõe um conjunto de saberes culturais, ancestrais, coletivos e simbólicos produzidos na prática religiosa e que permitem pensar uma nova inserção da cultura e religião afro-brasileira na educação com base na perspectiva das relações étnico-raciais, tanto na valorização da cultura religiosa afro-brasileira, como arma de combate ao racismo.


  • Data: Apr 19, 2017
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  • O presente trabalho de pesquisa tem o objetivo de analisar como os saberes tradicionais trazidos do Tempo-Comunidade pelos alunos dialogam com os saberes científicos do Tempo Universidade no espaço acadêmico, a partir da Pedagogia da Alternância. Dessa forma, analisou como se materializa o Tempo-Universidade e o Tempo-Comunidade, enquanto componente curricular presente no projeto pedagógico do curso de licenciatura em educação do campo, Identificar como se aplica a docência multidisciplinar por áreas de conhecimento de forma prática na formação de professores do Curso de Licenciatura em educação do campo; Analisar a Educação do Campo a partir da décadas de 90 em que instituíram os cursos de Licenciatura em Educação do campo. A proposta metodológica é a pesquisa participante, que foi realizada nas turmas de Licenciatura e fundamentada em várias fontes bibliográficas que dão base teórica ao estudo em tela. Utilizou-se a observação participante, houve entrevista com 40 alunos e 05 professores para coletar os dados em campo. Na análise do Projeto Pedagógico do Curso (PPC) encontramos como princípio curricular e pedagógico a valorização da vivência sociocultural dos alunos e dos seus saberes como elemento formativo. Através dos dados desta pesquisa, identificamos que a falta de formação específica para atuar no curso de educação do campo do campus universitário de Abaetetuba, foi um fator que se sobrepôs em quase todos os dados obtidos juntos aos alunos e professore. Essa formação especifica para atuar no curso ainda não é realidade para esse novo curso, este é um curso de graduação que dá seus primeiros passos no campus de Abaetetuba em 2011, são apenas seis anos que tenta se materializar-se. Outro fator importantíssimo, para refletirmos é que ainda não temos formação em mestrado ou doutorado nessa área nas Universidades, a qual proporcione aos alunos do curso de educação do campo a atuarem não somente em escolas urbanas, mas respeitando também as especificidades das escolas do campo.


  • Data: Mar 21, 2017
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  • O presente trabalho intitulado Mahíra e os Saberes Femininos: gênero, educação e religiosidade na comunidade indígena Assurini do Trocará, município de Tucuruí/PA, tem como objetivo analisar as relações de gênero dentro da aldeia indígena Assurini do Trocará, buscando identificar o papel exercido pela mulher Assurini nos mais variados espaços dessa comunidade, indo desde a relação familiar, até sua representação nos rituais de iniciação, além de verificar em quais setores estão envolvidas e suas estratégias para manterem-se atuantes e influentes entre esse povo indígena. Para atingir tais objetivos foram utilizados, como suporte teórico-metodológico, autores que enfatizam a temática indígena no Brasil, estudos e métodos que evidenciam as etnias indígenas brasileiras na sua heterogeneidade, não de forma única e pejorativa, mas que fornecem base para reavaliar conceitos e preconcepções sobre tais sujeitos, dentre os quais se destacam Alencar (2008), Almeida (2010), Andrade (1992), Candau; Moreira (2008), Dayrell, (1996), Hall (2006), Leão (2015), Silva (2000), Souza (2007), Tocantins (2013), Veiga Neto (2003), dentre outros. Além dos estudos de tais autores, também foi feita a pesquisa de campo, mediante a observação participante, quando se pode relacionar o diálogo estabelecido com fontes orais, escritas e imagéticas, proporcionando assim um contato mais direto com a história, cultura, vivência, as relações de parentesco, divisões de trabalho, participação feminina e sua atuação política entre os Assurini. A pesquisa de campo possibilitou, desta forma, um conhecimento prévio sobre esta população, para que fosse possível perceber mais a fundo suas relações no dia a dia, os conflitos e lutas que estabelecem para conseguir direitos perante a sociedade não indígena. Pôde-se observar e analisar, no decorrer da pesquisa, que a mulher tem participação significativa entre os Assurini, exercendo papéis de suma importância para funcionalidade de sua comunidade, pois estão atuando diretamente seja como professoras, mães, avós, buscando melhorias para seu povo, participando diretamente na luta por direitos fora da Reserva e dentro dela, assim como nas práticas culturais e religiosas, tendo participação em festas de iniciação, onde exercem função de grande importância para sua realização, tanto na dança, como no canto e na música, fundamentais para manutenção da cultura Assurini.


  • Data: Mar 17, 2017
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  • The present work has as main objective to analyze the process of learning and socialization of the children of the Trocará and what the different roles that children play in this society. We can perceive that indigenous childhood is full of meanings and the presence of children is in all fields of indigenous society in this sense, it is indispensable to understand how the child in the indigenous community of the trocará socializes and interacts with the knowledge that is part of the process of teaching learning Of this indigenous people. In order to do so, we sought as theoreticalmethodological reference studies of authors who discuss the subject in question, such as: Andrade (1992), Arnaud (1989) Silva (2008), Grupioni (2001), Cunha (2012), Cohn 2010), Fernandes (1976), Nunes, (2003), Kramer, (2003), Ribeiro (2014), Hall (2012). Subsequently, the field research was carried out, through the technique of participant observation, the observation of children's daily life, their ways of playing and socializing with the community, interviews with leaders and children. The research used written documents, images and the oral source, through oral reports and life stories. Data from this work showed that studies related to childhood have been growing thanks to ethnography, history and anthropology and from these studies the child begins to be studied as complete subjects and knowledge trainers. Teaching and learning occurs in the various fields and spaces Assurini, where through the transmission of knowledge the child participates actively in his own learning. The child has a socializing role, through play, orality and perpetual observation of their identity and value their culture, making the Assurini society continue to assert itself as an indigenous people, among whom education is learned and passed on by children themselves, generating a space of great learning, where the children play decisive roles.


  • Data: Oct 20, 2016
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  • This paper presents the results of research Education and Resistance in the Lower Itacuruçá Community in Abaetetuba in Pará: The Role of School St. Andrew in Affirmation and Exploitation of Quilombo Identity, which aims to understand how these educational processes contributed and contribute to the daily experiences of constituent elements of community resistance: education, memory and identity. Subsidized theoretically in reference to popular education, especially in the works of José Reis, Flávio Gomes, Vicente Salles, Robert Slenes, Nilma Lino Gomes, Miguel Arroyo, Tomas Tadeu da Silva, Antonio Ciampa, Frigoto, Vera Candau, we seek to understand the quilombo in its epistemology of resistance. The methodology of ethnographic research was supported by the contributions of collaborative knowledge., The insertion in the community took place from December 2015 to August 2016. The participants were 18 people and the analysis of the speeches of these employees seek to understand how these educational processes of resistance and curricular practices contributed and contribute to the construction of the quilombo identity of this community. The study was prepared by field research, using the technique of data collection, observation, daily journaling of campo.O locus of the investigation was limited to the community Our Lady of Perpetual Help in the Lower Itacuruçá in Abaetetuba in the state of Pará, as a Quilombola community, with a history of struggle and resistance to guarantee rights to education and improvement in living conditions, which the school seeks to firm as the lead in this process of resistance. The ethnographic record, from a field diary, has favored such an observation. Analysis of the interviews enabled us to see the emergence of two educational insights derived from the statements of the respondents education professionals: that education goes through neglect of the government and which shows up as an instrument of perpetuation and spread of prejudice; to that education built at school, through the community of struggle, organizations can be an instrument of transformation of reality itself.


  • Data: Sep 12, 2016
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  • The research aims to perform an analysis of the masterpiece of Dalcidio Jurandir, called Chove nos Campos de Cachoeira. It presents as the theme “EUTANÁZIO E AS DORES DO MUNDO: CONSIDERAÇÕES SOBRE A VONTADE, A MORTE, O AMOR E A EDUCAÇÃO.”. The main focus of the analysis is directed towards the understanding of the character Eutanázio, who together with his brother Alfredo are the key protagonists of the narrative. Eutanázio introduces himself as a complex and emblematic character that goes through the narrative showing his internal dramas and issues, and this highlights a set of ideas that allows us to think about issues of human existence and education. Through Eutanázio the research aims to establish a dialogue in the literature of Dalcidio and the Schopenhauer's philosophy without any pretension of enhancement or overlapping one or another field of knowledge, but above all, to enhance the dialogue in literature and philosophy to think about issues related to the man, the world and the education. As a methodological approach, the research is integrated in a hermeneutic perspective of the description and interpretation of the work Chove nos Campos de Cachoeira e Dores do Mundo. Through a descriptive and interpretive movement, we go through ways that the characters focus on his trajectory as: Love, Pain and Death, from these themes with a research in which is found an education based on the perspective of the human and the transfiguration of pain in the affirmation of life.

  • EDUCAÇÃO EM MOVIMENTO, TRABALHADORES RURAIS EM FORMAÇÃO: um estudo sobre lideranças no Sindicato dos Trabalhadores e Trabalhadoras Rurais de Cametá/PA
    (décadas de 1970-90)

  • Data: Apr 29, 2016
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  • A presente dissertação objetiva analisar o processo de formação de lideranças sindicais em Cametá/PA nas décadas de 1970/90, destacando os aspectos significativos desse processo educativo dentro do lócus de observação o Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Rurais de Cametá, situado no Nordeste do Estado do Pará, que se constituiu ao longo dessas décadas, na principal entidade representativa dos interesses dos trabalhadores rurais do Município de Cametá. Posiciona os processos educativos considerando o histórico da formação sindical e as influências das diversas concepções educativas. Abordaremos as primeiras iniciativas formativas e as experiências seqüenciais que proporcionaram a criação de espaços específicos de formação e qualificação dos trabalhadores rurais que atuavam neste sindicato e como estas formações foram importantes para a construção de lideranças políticas. A pesquisa caracterizou-se a partir de uma abordagem qualitativa, onde foi utilizado um conjunto de documentos produzidos no interior da entidade, como anais de congressos, atas, relatórios, registros fotográficos e cartilhas educativas que faziam referências às experiências formadoras. Como instrumentos de coleta de dados foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com líderes, assessores, pesquisadores e demais membros do sindicato. A idéia é, para além de uma identificação de informações, analisar os dados à luz do contexto em que foram produzidos, associarmos com os resultados das entrevistas na pesquisa de campo. Por fim, a pesquisa relata a trajetória histórica deste movimento nesta região, e como estes estão interligados ao cenário das organizações políticas a nível estadual e nacional, onde se transformaram em sujeitos comprometidos com os projetos sociais em defesa da cidadania, opondo-se ao domínio da lógica do capital.


  • Data: Apr 28, 2016
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  • Esse trabalho discute alguns princípios epistemológicos para uma pedagogia de base complexa,
    e reflete sobre como essa pedagogia pode contribuir para a reforma do pensamento. Reformar
    o pensamento da humanidade através da educação parece ser a grande utopia sonhada e
    empreendida por Edgar Morin. Também nós queremos pensar com ele, por meio de seus
    escritos e de comentadores, como essa reforma pode passar pela via pedagógica. Para Morin, a
    relação entre vida e pensamento é indissociável, pois o pensamento impulsiona a dinâmica da
    vida, da mesma forma que as experiências vividas movem o pensar. Sendo assim, como parte
    de nossa experiência vivida, a formação filosófica orienta nosso trabalho hermenêutico
    reflexivo de leitura, interpretação e produção de texto. Como método, seguimos a máxima
    moriniana, inspirada no verso do poeta Antônio Machado, O caminho se faz ao andar. Pelo
    caminho da história pessoal de Morin compreenderemos melhor seu método, o qual permite
    discutir as bases paradigmáticas das ciências, bem como repensar a educação, no sentido de
    favorecer uma religação dos saberes. Nosso trabalho, que pretende estabelecer uma relação
    constante entre o todo e as suas partes e, no entrelaçamento dessas, formar uma unidade diversa,
    parte do desenvolvimento do pensamento moderno para compreender a elaboração de uma
    epistemologia da complexidade, e, a partir dela, pensar e propor uma pedagogia de base
    complexa como caminho para a reforma do pensamento. Em seguida, o princípio da
    reintrodução do sujeito cognoscente no processo do conhecimento; o princípio da incerteza; o
    princípio do inacabamento e o princípio de uma racionalidade aberta são apresentados e
    discutidos como princípios reitores da complexidade. Por fim, pensamos e propomos uma nova
    pedagogia, a qual compreende os erros e as ilusões como problemas da vida e do conhecimento;
    entende a contradição e a dialógica como princípios da vida, da ciência e da educação e faz uso
    do método da complexidade para a aprendizagem prosaica e poética da cultura como uma via
    para a reforma do pensamento.


  • Data: Apr 27, 2016
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  • Este trabalho analisa a configuração do processo de formação dos servidores técnico-administrativos da UFPA/Campus de Cametá, no que tange aos cursos de capacitação desenvolvidos pela Coordenadoria de Capacitação e Desenvolvimento (CAPACIT/UFPA). Partindo da configuração do lócus de pesquisa, o espaços do CAPACIT/UFPA e do Campus de Cametá, são estabelecidos os procedimentos que norteiam a efetivação da pesquisa, em termos de abordagem qualitativa do tipo descritivo-analítico, cujo método de análise foi o materialismo histórico-dialético, bem como a revisão bibliográfica sobre as principais categorias de análise, tais como capacitação, qualificação, gestão gerencial, unilateralidade, omnilateralidade, emancipação, capital humano e neopragmatismo. Foram analisados documentos que regem a política nacional de qualificação técnica-administrativa, bem como os documentos, no âmbito da UFPA, que tratam da qualificação desses sujeitos, para investigar como se materializa o processo de qualificação dos servidores do Campus de Cametá. Nesse contexto, foram consideradas os documentos as três dimensões dessa qualificação: a dimensão prática; a dimensão dos sujeitos e a dimensão política. Todo esse conjunto de elementos permitiu constatar que as diretrizes para a qualificação dos servidores técnico-administrativos da UFPA e a materialização das ações de formação ocorrem em uma perspectiva de formação unilateral, neopragmática, através da gestão por competência, fomentada pela administração pública gerencial.


  • Data: Apr 25, 2016
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  • O estudo intitulado de “Plano de Ações Articuladas (PAR): implicações na democratização da
    gestão da educação da rede de ensino municipal de Marabá/Pa” teve por objetivo analisar as
    implicações do PAR na gestão da educação no município de Marabá por meio do estudo dos
    indicadores de democratização. O recorte temporal do estudo compreende os anos de 2007 a
    2014, que correspondem às duas versões do PAR (2007 a 2011; 2011 a 2014). A abordagem
    metodológica foi a qualitativa, sendo utilizadas como técnicas a análise documental e a
    entrevista semiestruturada realizada com um total de 08 (oito) informantes. Dentre principais
    autores que fundamentam a pesquisa podemos destacar OLIVEIRA, (1997; 2002) que
    analisa aspectos das políticas educacionais e da gestão na educação, sobretudo a gestão
    democrática e PARO, (2010) que analisa o caráter conservador da administração/gestão, bem
    como suas múltiplas determinações econômicas e sociais discutindo os supostos básicos de
    uma gestão comprometida com a transformação social. Tomando por base as diretrizes do
    Plano de Metas Compromisso Todos Pela Educação – PMCTE, no tocante organização da
    educação que tem como ferramenta de materialidade o PAR, optamos por analisar a dimensão
    de gestão da educação, dentre as quatro que o referido plano contempla, enfatizando a área de
    gestão democrática por meio da análise dos seguintes indicadores: Existência e
    Funcionamento de Conselho Escolar – CE; Existência e funcionamento do Conselho
    Municipal de Educação (CME); Existência e funcionamento do Conselho de Alimentação
    Escolar (CAE); Existência e funcionamento do Conselho do Fundo de Manutenção e
    Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica e de Valorização dos Profissionais da Educação
    (FUNDEB). Esse estudo demonstrou que a adesão ao PAR pelo referido município pouco
    alterou o processo de democratização da gestão da educação, pois pelo critério de pontuação
    estabelecido pelo MEC as condições eram satisfatórias não tendo gerado as ações de
    aperfeiçoamento democrático. A análise dos indicadores de gestão democrática - conselhos de
    educação e de controle social – demonstrou que, embora esses colegiados sejam importantes
    na organização da educação, pautados pelo forte discurso acerca da gestão democrática, a
    experiência vem assumindo características do modelo de gestão gerencial, com ênfase nos
    resultados, na medida em que incentiva a manutenção de um sistema de avaliação em larga
    escala, orientada para a busca de eficiência do sistema com indução ao cumprimento de metas
    do IDEB.

  • IDENTIDADE DOCENTE: Representações de Professores/as em narrativas ribeirinhas na Comunidade do Rio Quianduba em Abaetetuba

  • Data: Apr 21, 2016
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  • A presente dissertação apresenta os resultados da pesquisa intitulada Identidade Docente: representações de Professores/as em narrativas ribeirinhas na Comunidade do Rio Quianduba em Abaetetuba. O estudo foi elaborado por meio da realização da Pesquisa de Campo, através do uso das narrativas orais como fonte de obtenção de informações e análises das representações da identidade docente, com a utilização da técnica de coleta de dados de Grupo Focal, observação e registros realizados no cotidiano escolar, com o objetivo de analisar as representações de Professores/as construídas e veiculadas na oralidade da comunidade de Quianduba, considerando a relação com a prática docente no cotidiano da Escola Municipal Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro. O lócus da investigação limita-se a Comunidade do Rio Quianduba no Município de Abaetetuba, Estado do Pará, por ser uma localidade que possui uma estrutura educacional marcante, com uma trajetória de organização e lutas pelas melhorias nas condições de ensino, além de compor um arquipélago das vinte Ilhas do município que estão em processo de regularização fundiária, através dos Projetos de Assentamento criados nessa região a partir de 2005, no caso da Ilha Quianduba. As bases conceituais da pesquisa seguem as orientações de teóricos como Ciampa, Berger e Luckmann, Arroyo e Nóvoa, estes sustentam as discussões e o pensamento sobre identidade, representação e cultura; Williams é a principal referência para a concepção de cultura, por acreditar que a cultura é o lócus da formação e transformação dos sujeitos, é onde construímos nossa maneira de ser, de pensar e de viver. Pela cultura fazemos nossa humanidade, construímos e reconstruímos nossos modos de existir. É no contexto das relações socioculturais estabelecidos que formamos e transformamos nossas identidades, numa relação dialética entre o que somos e o que vamos nos tornando no decorrer de nossas trajetórias pessoais e profissionais. Nesse processo nos representamos e somos representados a partir das posições que assumimos ou ocupamos, nos mais diversos contextos socioculturais por onde passamos. E finalmente a metodologia de pesquisa pautou-se nas concepções e orientações do materialismo histórico dialético a partir da abordagem qualitativa com realização de Pesquisa de Campo sustentada pelas ideias de Marx, Ludke e André, Duarte, Gatti e Triviños. Para tratar das narrativas nos apoiamos nas ideias de Josso e Oliveira. As técnicas de investigação utilizadas foram, principalmente, a entrevista semiestruturada, a observação e registros das vivências. A reflexão se fez necessária no sentido de pensar as representações de Professores/as “por dentro” da profissão e pelos seus sujeitos, o que até então tem sido feito mais pela tradição pedagógica do que pela tradução dos sentidos, desejos e saberes produzidos e veiculados por professores, pais, alunos e demais membros da comunidade escolar de Quianduba.


  • Data: Apr 19, 2016
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  • Esta pesquisa é resultado de um estudo realizado durante o curso de Pós-Graduação em Educação e Cultura, da Universidade Federal do Pará, na Linha Cultura e Linguagem, sob o título “O Ideário Teórico Metodológico do PNAIC: Possibilidades de Rupturas no Chão da Sala de Aula”. Busca investigar possíveis e/ou efetivas rupturas provocadas pelo PNAIC, suas prescrições teóricas-metodológicas nos modos de ver, fazer e experimentar a práxis pedagógica mediadas pelos professores alfabetizadores e seus desdobramentos no chão da sala de aula. No percurso metodológico, foram realizadas análise dos Manuais, diretrizes e Cadernos de Formação do Programa, observações e intervenção em sala do 3º ano do Ensino fundamental, bem como nos cursos de formações, e realização de rodas de conversas, com cinco professores que fazem parte do ciclo de alfabetização (1º ao 3º ano) e uma professora do 4º ano. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo e tem a abordagem sócia histórica como orientadora da investigação. Tomamos como referencial teórico, para análise dos dados, a abordagem histórico cultural sobre a compreensão do desenvolvimento humano, desenvolvida por Vygotsky e colaboradores. Os direcionamentos e redirecionamentos assumidos na pesquisa permitiram manter a interação com a realidade investigada e compreendê-la como algo vivo e dinâmico, pois Vygotsky (2000) sugere que o fenômeno deve ser estudado em seu processo de acontecimentos, em suas condições reais de produção. De acordo com os dados levantados e analisados identificamos a uniformidade e homogeneidade que, ainda hoje, compreende a dinâmica interativa do chão da sala de aula, a qual não se apresenta como um espaço interlocutivo como propõe Bakhtin. As crianças, são vistas de forma idealizada e homogênea, ignorando a criança real, que por meio de sua linguagem expressiva, negam os métodos de aprendizagem que lhes são disponibilizados. A linguagem trabalhada ainda é, artificial, fragmentada e controlada, como denuncia Vygotsky, reduzida a sua função denotativa, mesmo sabendo que esta é fruto da experiência humana, que tem valores e características próprias para cada sujeito. As práticas pedagógicas parecem se apresentar como rituais preocupados com a forma e com a norma e assim, as crianças não vivem o ensino da leitura como prática social. Percebemos que, as formações que os professores recebem, ainda, não está dando conta de desestabilizar as concepções de alfabetização dos professores e não estão situadas no contexto sócio histórico de vivência das crianças. Portanto, não consegue afetar as práticas metodológicas historicamente construídas pelos alfabetizadores em suas formações anteriores e que são influenciadas por fatores internos e externos, bem como não garante uma segurança para o exercício de seu trabalho docente. A maioria dos professores acredita no seu método como o melhor, mas não dão conta de afetar, motivar e trazer as crianças para as relações com o conhecimento. As exigências com registros e controle de resultados das atividades desenvolvidas, acabam gerando, por diversas vezes, simulacros na sala de aula, assim os direitos de aprendizagem acabam não sendo consolidados e o PNAIC, não consegue afetar, ainda, esses sujeitos com sua proposta teórico-metodológica e/ou tenta romper com as práticas tradicionalmente enraizadas, mas as condições sócias, matérias e estruturais os “impedem” de traçar novos caminhos e cumprir com o objetivo do Programa.


  • Data: Apr 13, 2016
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  • A presente Dissertação de Mestrado tem por objetivo encontrar respostas sobre a formação repassada pela Universidade do Estado do Pará Campi Moju a dez egressas de pedagogia anos de 2008 e 2009, sendo cinco de cada turma, quanto a teoria e a prática, e em que essas duas categorias refletem hoje, na atuação no Ensino Fundamental. Nessa tessitura, a problemática de nossa pesquisa, foi a seguinte: Como se deu a formação teórica e prática das egressas das turmas de pedagogia anos 2008 e 2009 da UEPA Moju, e a sua articulação hoje na escola, no Ensino Fundamental? Esse fator desencadeou o método qualitativo de análise da pesquisa, por via de um Memorial Narrativo Reflexivo gravado com dez egressas anos de 2008 e 2009 do referido Campi. Em linhas gerais, utilizamos como apostes teórico como Triviños que abordou a pesquisa de caráter qualitativo; Bakhtin construindo a discussão sobre a linguagem, relatos e dialogismo dos sujeitos da pesquisa; Saviani, Gatti e Libâneo acerca da formação docente e seus pressupostos históricos; entre outras referências