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  • Public Instruction. Pará. Magalhães Barata.

  • Data: 03/05/2024
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  • This research analyzed the organization processes regarding public instruction in the Pará-located Amazon during Joaquim de Magalhães Cardoso Barata’s first interventionist government, between November 1930 and April 1935. The analysis jumps off a comprehension of both Brazilian and Pará political-educational contexts in said period, touching upon how organization processes of public instruction are characterized, and how the legal framework put in force by interventionist governor Magalhães Barata is identified. The research problem seeks to answer the following question: how was Pará state public instruction organized by reglementary documents enacted between 1930 and 1935? Through this question, the main objective was outlined, consisting of analyzing organization processes of Pará state public education between 1930 and 1935, as well as specific objectives, which are: a) to understand the Brazilian educational and political landscape at the time; b) to identify the legal basis for organization of Pará state public instruction; and c) to characterize organization processes of Pará state public instruction, as enacted by Magalhães Barata during his first term. The theoretical framework was based on authors such as: Fausto (1986, 1990, 2006), and D’Araújo (1997, 1999, 2011), who discuss the Brazilian Second Republic; Andreotti (2006), Damasceno (2015, 2016), and Fausto (2006), who deal with questions related to Brazilian public education in the 1930s; Castro (2011), and Rodrigues (1979, 2023), who present and discuss Pará state political landscape at the period studied; and Damasceno (2012), who discusses Pará state public education during Barata’s first interventionist government. In addition, the theoretical framework is also based on the philosopher Antonio Gramsci’s (1982) ideas, taken as a form of understanding and analyzing reality. Among the source documents examined, there were decrees enacted during the period under analysis, a resolution published in 1933, and two editions of the Revista do Professorado do Pará (Pará State Teachers’ Magazine) published in 1934 and 1935, all of which were found in several places, such as the Pará State Public Archive (APEP), Arthur Vianna Public Library (BPAV), and Pará State Official Press (IOEPA). Data treatment was done by using the Content Analysis technique, as proposed by Bardin (1977). The results achieved confirm the thesis that Magalhães Barata’s government put in force in Pará president Vargas’ guidelines, marked by a liberal and authoritarian orientation with different aspects and dimension, especially in education, using school offer to create an education based on “pure” and “sane” principles, in opposition to others of “impure” and “baleful” nature. Under this perspective, those implementation methods presupposed, among other characteristics, teaching acceleration through “programs simplification”, as well as “severe” inspection and control of teaching activities, aiming to assist a project of ideological domination, adopting as one of its main measures an ostensive expansion of school network in that state.

  • Endoeducation of Quilombola Women: crossings through knowledge, social and pedagogical practices in the

    rurality of artisanworkers from the quilombola community of Rio Genipauba, municipality of Abaetetuba-PA.

  • Data: 23/04/2024
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    The ongoing investigation presents as its object of study the relationship between the knowledge of
    rural workers and artisans and the 'education of life' as it occurs in the Quilombola Community
    “Sagrado Coração de Jesus” on the Genipaúba River. Thus, I seek to verify whether the knowledge
    and social practices of rural workers and artisans from the Quilombola Community “Sagrado
    Coração de Jesus” on the Genipaúba River, stimulate educational processes of sharing the social
    production of existence, which enable a movement of resistance and maintenance of quilombola
    sociability, facing sociability in the logic of capital. Gramsci's (1988) ideas regarding hegemony and
    counter-hegemony were used as a theoretical contribution, since both the State and civil society are
    permeated by class struggle, the concept of experience that Thompson (1987), elaborates, making it
    possible to understand and analyze the knowledge of rural workers. That of Freire (1977, 1982) and
    Brandão (2002), when affirming the process of endoeducation, in which learning is participating in
    cultural experiences in which, by participating in such founding events, each of us reinvents
    ourselves. And other studies on quilombola women, quilombos in the Tocantina Amazon, social
    organization of workers, and the disputes produced within them and the interference of capital
    brought through agribusiness, through commercial and productive relations. It was found that these
    quilombola women assume a shared way of doing and knowing, privileging the preservation of
    ancestry, territory, care and cultivation of community relationships, work, and ways of living and
    being in the world, which reinforce practices of existence in river waters, in fields, in backyards, and
    in the creation of biojewels, corroborating with their experiences of struggle the maintenance of
    quilombola sociability, in a counter-hegemonic movement in the face of interference in the logic of


  • Data: 04/04/2024
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  • The thesis presents, as object of study, the Pedagogy of Competences as a reference in high school educational policy, with which it seeks to analyze the ruptures and permanences identified in documents from the 1990 to 2019. It is problematic that, considering the theoretical basis, the purposes, the training objectives and the proposed strategies, which are the ruptures and permanences of the Pedagogy of Competences, as a reference for high school, have materialized in educational policy in the period from 1990 to 2019. The theoretical-methodological framework is based on historical-dialectical materialism, based on studies by Nosella and Buffa (2005), Kopnin (1993) and Kosik (1976). The methodology is of a qualitative approach, using bibliographic and documentary research, data analysis carried out using the content analysis technique, based on Bardin (1977), with legal-normative instruments systematized with the following time frames: 1990 - 2002, 2003 - 2015 and 2016 - 2019. In this research, we start from the thesis that the Pedagogy of Competences is a basic reference in Brazilian educational documents in the last three decades, being hegemonic between 1990 -2002, disputing the educational project with integrated high school between 2003 - 2015 and regaining prominence of hegemony in documents in the context of the reform of the “New” high school, between 2016 - 2019. The research results lead to conclusions that the Pedagogy of Competences has been hegemonic in the Brazilian educational project for most of the last 30 years, in particular on the theoretical basis, the aims and training objectives, while elements of rupture were identified based on the shifts in focus. The ruptures identified refer, in particular, to the period 2003-2015, when the content of the educational project competed with integrated education, resulting in a conceptual mix in a period of accommodation of interests. It was found that the resumption of the hegemony of the Pedagogy of Competences from 2016 onwards, occurred with a focus on the socio-emotional aspect of the psychological dimension, differentiating itself from the cognitive aspect of the 1990s. And youth protagonism, life project and entrepreneurship, which are the slogans of the ongoing reform, and also the type of subject that is desired to be formed, were characterized in a more exacerbated manner compared to the 1990s. It was also identified that homo economicus reveals itself as the type of subject that Since the 1990s, the Pedagogy of Competences has aimed to train people, which expresses the perspective of the subject defended by the capitalist project, which, nowadays, is characterized as the sacrificial citizen.


  • Data: 28/03/2024
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  • The thesis moves through the childhood blocks experienced by Paul Klee in his diaries and works. We aim to fable a minor art in the encounter with the creation of biographemes to experience a biographematic education as a creator of affections and desires in education. The biographeme is a concept created by Barthes that presents new ways to reveal the sense of unknowing of life and work. In our case, we seek to experiment and create new meanings for Paul Klee's life-work. The minor art expresses collective enunciation experienced in the transgressions, sensations, desires, and delights of the work on canvas without a representation model of imitation and totalization. In other words, the minor art produces biographemes that create sensations and intensities still unknown within the biographologists – who write biographemes – deep senses that came to the surface through the singular affections experienced in Klee during a lost time. The biographematic method developed by Corazza (2010b, 2014) is based on Roland Barthes and his concept of biographeme. In other words, it is a method that brings a new notion to biography that gains new writing to create a composition without resentments of the past, giving it new meanings. In the biographematic method, we looked at Klee's diaries (1990) and his works of art, which we experimented with in workshops in Basic Education and Higher Education in Mocajuba and Cametá, cities in Pará. In short, the lines of writing in This thesis provided clues to a biographematic education in its encounter with minor art as a power of life-work in Klee. We created unique biographemes and biofragments that emerge as signs of education, sometimes revealing pain and sometimes spreading affection. These signs were experienced in school and became singular affections that needed to get inside of school grounds to touch the interior of the other, in the rumor of a teaching-learning between childhood blocks and sensations created in life for affection in education.

    KEYWORDS: Minor art. Childhood blocks. Biographeme. Paul Klee. Biographematics Education.


  • Data: 01/03/2024
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    This study aims to analyze the Educational Legislation referring to the basic school in interface with
    the DCNEEQ in the State of Pará. For this, as specific objectives, we will seek to elaborate a legal
    panorama on the construction of DCNEEQ in a historical and conceptual approach supported by our
    theoretical contribution, insofar as we recognize the way in which the theme is being marked out by
    academic productions. In this way, we propose to outline the profile of the State Education Plan of the
    State of Pará as a structural document, so, using these data, we will seek to identify the Educational
    legal apparatus of the State of Pará under the bias of its regulation and regulation policies with a view
    attentive to the profile of the agents that integrate and mobilize this field in dialogue with the
    DCNEEQ. The data were methodologically structured from the conformations on content analysis, in
    Bardin (2016) and interpreted through the concepts of habitus and field of Bourdieu (1989; 2003;
    2013); anchored in the conceptual notions of Curriculum in Apple (1979; 1995; 2001; 2006); Silva
    (1996; 2005) and Sacristán (2008; 2013) and, to conform the concept of quilombo, we used
    (ALMEIDA, 1998; MUANGA, 1996). The problem is based on studies by (MIRANDA, 2012; 2018).
    Thus, we provisionally point out that the field of quilombola school education has been affected by
    social tensions and articulations; Policies; Legal and Educational under the aegis of a refracted habitus
    of a cultural and economic field whose agents with autonomy to establish the rules compete between a
    Eurocentric cultural hegemony and codified by the capital code, disputing space with intercultural
    diversity under the eyes of culturally differentiated peoples. This process has implied advances and
    setbacks between regulatory and regulatory laws in what forms and shapes the organic and reliable
    construction of an education based on school knowledge – ancestral – and, notably, anti-racist.
    Keywords: Quilombola Education. National Curriculum Guidelines for Quilombola School
    Education. State of Pará.

  • This research was part of the line of research 'Education in the Amazon:
    educator training, pedagogical praxis and curriculum' in the Postgraduate Program in
    Education in the Amazon (EDUCANORTE) and its theme and object was the northern
    curricula reformulated by the National Common Curriculum Base. The general aim of the
    work was to analyze how the curricula in northern elementary school incorporate the
    guidelines of the National Common Core Curriculum (BNCC), especially those relating to
    ethnic-racial relations in the teaching of history. Among the specific objectives were: 1) To
    highlight the structure of the BNCC and northern curricula; 2) To reflect on the specialized
    literature related to the pillars of the work: BNCC, Curriculum and History Teaching; 3) To
    identify the place of regional specificities in history teaching in northern curricula guided by a
    unified Base; 4) To detail the composition of the narrative focused on regional history in state
    curricula; 5) To assess the insertion of ethnic-racial themes in history teaching in state
    curricula. Through this incursion, we argue that the state curricula of Acre, Amapá,
    Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima and Tocantins follow the homogenizing logic of the
    BNCC to varying degrees, which is reflected in the approach to Amazonian identity, which
    includes regional history and ethnic-racial formation. In this sense, these dimensions are
    addressed in the curricula analyzed based on the neoliberal and neoconservative premise
    professed by the BNCC, which supports not only Eurocentrism, but also Southeastcentrism.
    In this sense, we argue that the northern curricula do not fulfill their function, which is to
    guarantee 40% of the diversified part of their curricula. Since, in addition to the small and
    superficial inclusion of regional history and ethnic-racial relations, they also sideline these
    spheres in favor of the hegemony of the agency, culture and history of Europe and the Southeast.

  • Data: 29/02/2024
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  • BNCC; History Teaching; Ethnic-Racial Relations; Northern Region Curriculums..




  • Data: 07/11/2023
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  • This thesis has as an object of study the meanings of the practices of school managers based on the results of external evaluations and intervention proposals of the SEMEC of Belém, in the period from 2013 to 2023. It aims to analyze the way in which the practice of school managers articulates forms of emancipatory meanings in the face of prescriptive formats dictated by the education system in the context of external assessments. It discusses the ontological dimension of the work carried out by school administrators as an immaterial and unproductive activity, highlighting its uniqueness and purpose of producing human emancipation; characterizes the conceptions of school management present in organizational perspectives and their relationship with educational evaluation; seeks to identify how the processes of regulation and emancipation are produced in the practices of school managers, in the context of the new public management and the policy of external evaluation, and verifies the meanings that assume the practices of school managers in the organization of their work after the results from external assessments to the development of emancipatory management practices in the face of regulatory processes. To this end, it is methodologically supported by the theoretical foundations of dialectical historical materialism, which starts from the syncretic view of the presented object, reaching a rich totality of determinations and numerous relationships through synthesis, as a way of understanding and analyzing reality, having as procedures : bibliographic review, document analysis and empirical research, with participatory observation and semi-structured interviews with directors and pedagogical coordinators. The research results present some contradictions and reveal: a) the intensification of elements of managerial, regulatory and responsive grammar that occurred in the school environment for a long time, contributing to the weakening of participation mechanisms; b) difficulty in materializing democratic principles, mainly due to conceptual misunderstanding of this perspective of school management; c) coexistence of different conceptions, supporting the practice of school management, as a reflection of the pendular and intersecting movement, not clear, around two predominant conceptions, the managerial and the democratic; d) recent shift from managerial grammar to democratic grammar, which occurred in the conduct of municipal education policy; e) valuing democratic management as an important mechanism for the functioning of the school; f) incompatibility of the implementation of managerial management principles in the educational process, causing, among other harms, the illness of education professionals; g) school managers uncritically appropriate the hegemonic discourse on the importance of external assessments, at the same time valuing other dimensions that provide a broad human formation; h) the circumstances arising from multiple regulatory processes within the school space, more than the control of the application of guidance for the action of the actors, enable the production of norms or counter-regulation, in the horizontal perspective of the negotiation. It is concluded that the meanings of management practices apprehended in the school environment, in the context of external assessments, translate a process of conception hybridity, congruent with the post-democratic societal movement, presenting fluid and contradictory displacements, above all, enabling emancipatory grammars.

  • Education as a social business in the Brazilian Amazon

  • Data: 15/12/2022
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  • This research analyzed new configurations among relationships between state, the market and society as they enact public policies for education, focusing on when education is turned into a social business by the “2.5 sector”. Analysis also considered as its space the Brazilian Amazon, leading to choosing the Partnership Platform for the Amazon (PPA) as a case, as it represents a type of network working in this region under the interests of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Hypothesis asserts that, as represented by PPA, the network-based work in the new social relations strengthens private sector actions in the state structure, impacting the state managerial role, as exemplified by its subsumption to corporate rational, as business owners and philanthropists need to be a part of public management as to also have control over it. Research problem arises from the question: how is education configured in the so-called social businesses for sustainable development through PPA? Some specific objectives are: a) to identify how corporate globalization promotes an strengthening of other forms of social relations when contemporary philanthropists emerge and are incorporated to a new societal project; b) to unveil why corporate entities are incorporated to networks for promoting educational development through social businesses which may boost profitability; and c) to verify how education underlies contradictions, mediation and bindings  to PPA dynamics of structuring social businesses that alter ways of living within the Amazonian reality. Theoretical and methodological framework were based on the Dialectical and Historical Materialism as a modo of comprehending and analyzing reality. Also, bibliographical and document analysis were carried out, with empiricism being collected from five PPA members, as to reveal its structure and dynamics. Results confirmed the hypothesis and supported the thesis according to which policy networks are part of a global movement towards development, one that is proposed by philanthropic businessmen – a new section of the ruling class – who aim at creating new patterns of progress informed by a philanthropic logic as business, in order to unlock markets by investing in an education for entrepreneurship, in way that configures it as a social business. From all the analyses, it is understood that in general the education proposals arise from international articulations in the name of the Amazon, which may end up intensifying social inequalities.

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