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Data: Dec 22, 2022
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Linhagens celulares estabelecidas a partir de células neoplásicas e nãoneoplásicas são muito utilizadas em estudos relacionados ao câncer, como por exemplo na descoberta de genes e vias que estejam envolvidas na gênese e desenvolvimento do câncer. O câncer gástrico (CG) apresenta uma etiologia complexa, responsável por cerca de 780.000 óbitos anualmente no mundo. Tanto a etnia quanto o sexo têm influência no risco de desenvolvimento do câncer gástrico. Essa complexidade dificulta o entendimento do papel das alterações genéticas em seu desenvolvimento. Dessa forma, a caracterização das anormalidades genômicas em linhagens estabelecidas a partir de células tumorais de CG pode ajudar a encontrar novos marcadores genéticos, direcionando abordagens e tratamentos eficazes para o CG, em especial de populações nas quais há um alta incidência desse tipo de neoplasia. Poucas linhagens tumorais gástricas foram estabelecidas e caracterizadas até o momento, representando uma amostra pequena da variabilidade genética humana. No Pará, o CG apresenta taxas de mortalidade acima da médica nacional. Assim, a caracterização das anormalidades genômicas em linhagens estabelecidas a partir de pacientes dessa população, etnicamente miscigenada, pode trazer dados interessantes que nos auxiliem a entender a alta taxa de incidência de CG, bem como direcionar abordagens e tratamentos eficazes para esses pacientes. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho foi caracterizaro genoma de duas linhagens de câncer gástrico, AGP01 e ACP03, estabelecidas a partir de amostras tumorais de pacientes paraenses, e identificar alterações no número de cópias (CNAs) por meio de Hibridização Genômica Comparativa em microarranjos (aCGH). Os resultados indicaram que ambas as linhagens ainda conservam características genômicas associadas ao CG do tipo intestinal. As regiões de ganho 7p11, 7p21, 8q24 como as mais ricas em oncogenes e as regiões de perdas 19p13, 3q25-q27, 15q21-q26 como as mais ricas em supressores tumorais em ambas as linhagens. Essas regiões já foram encontradas em outros estudos como associadas ao CG, e influenciam diretamente as vias de sinalização do ciclo celular, PI3K-AKT bem como a predisposição para infecção viral. Identificamos a perda da citobanda 9p21, que inclui um cluster de IFN do tipo 1, o que pode influenciar no escape de células tumorais da imunovigilância. Nossa análise in sílico também apontou para os genes ERBB2, MYC, CDK6, CYP51A1, ANKIB como importantes marcadores moleculares para câncer gástrico, uma vez que, tiveram o aumento da sua expressão associada ao ganho no número de cópias. Além disso, apresentaram uma super expressão em amostras tumorais do TCGA quando comparados com tecido normal, e somente ERBB2teve o aumento da expressão consistente com a piora no prognóstico. Já a relação de marcadores moleculares encontrados principalmente nos genes CYP51A1 e ANKIB ainda é pouco esclarecido no CG e devem ser melhor exploradas por experimentos in vitro e in vivo.Concluímos, assim, que as linhagens AGP01 e ACP03 conservam alterações genômicas relacionadas aos seus tipos histológicos originais, representando importantes modelos para experimentos in vitro que busquem desvendar a biologia e comportamento desses tipos tumorais, incluindo ensaios pré-clinicos.
Data: Dec 20, 2022
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Howler monkeys of the genus Alouatta are the Platyrrhini with the widest geographic distribution, occurring from southern Mexico to northern Argentina. Different phylogenetic studies show partially congruent results among them, with some uncertainties remaining. Here, we investigated the phylogenetic relationships among Alouatta species using 24 molecular markers, two from mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and 22 from nuclear DNA (nuDNA). Through bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses, we inferred the phylogeny and estimated separation dates between species and species groups of the genus. Two clades have been recovered within Alouatta, one representing Trans-Andean America individuals, and another representing Cis-Andean individuals. Most diversification events occurred during the Pliocene epoch. Two groups within the Cis-Andean clade were recovered. One of these groups is formed by species that occur in the Atlantic Forest and eastern Amazonia, which probably separated during the Pliocene with the emergence of the dry diagonal. The other group is composed of A. caraya, forming a sister group relationship with the A. seniculus species complex. Furthermore, this study showed a close relationship between A. discolor and A. belzebul, and between A. macconnelli and A. nigerrima, which occur on opposite sides of the Amazon River. With publicly available DNA sequences of two mitochondrial genes for 13 taxa of howler monkeys, we conducted a Bayesian inference analysis to estimate phylogenetic relationships and divergence times among Alouatta species. The results of this study indicate that the most recent common ancestor of Alouatta lived about 6 million years ago, a date coinciding with the formation of the northern Andes, an event that probably led to the first separation in Alouatta. The western Amazon was identified as a key area for the origin and diversification of the main groups of the genus, in addition to the formation of the dry diagonal of the South American continent. Our results indicated that the Pliocene epoch was the period of major diversification and group formation within Alouatta. However, some species have a more recent origin, dating from the Pleistocene. The taxon A. puruensis forms a polyphyletic group, grouping with A. sara and/or with A. seniculus. Therefore, the validity of this taxon is not supported by phylogenetic data.
Keywords: Molecular Phylogeny, Phylogeography, Amazon, New World Primates
Data: Dec 19, 2022
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A malária é um problema de saúde mundial, que apesar de todo esforço científico e tecnológico para sua erradicação, continua com altos índices de mortalidade e morbidade em áreas endêmicas. A Organização Mundial de Saúde reportou 241.000.000 casos e aproximadamente 627.000 mortes por malária a nível mundial, no ano de 2020. Na Amazônia, em particular, a malária constitui um importante problema de saúde ocasionando perdas econômicas e contribuindo para a precária condição de saúde das populações expostas. A existência de fatores genéticos do hospedeiro humano que conferem resistência para a malária tem sido bastante estudada. Atualmente sabe-se que este mecanismo é evidente em diferentes níveis de análise epidemiológica e muitos determinantes genéticos têm sido identificados. Dentre eles, podem ser destacados: hemoglobina S, talassemia alfa, deficiências da enzima G6PD, sistema sanguíneo Duffy, etc. Diante desse cenário, estamos propondo a investigação em quilombolas de Oriximiná, município pareaense que constitui área de risco para malária, fatores genéticos do hospedeiro humano associados a mecanismos de proteção inata e específica na malária, que poderão ajudar a esclarecer aspectos da epidemiologia da transmissão dessa patologia. Além de reforçar a necessidade de monitoramento do tratamento para evitar complicações causadas pelo uso da primaquina nos pacientes portadores de deficiência de G6PD e haplótipos CYP2D6 de atividade reduzida ou nula, que terão impacto importante no controle da malária
Data: Dec 16, 2022
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A má oclusão tem elevada prevalência na população, e por este motivo é considerada um problema de saúde pública, por ter determinantes genéticos e ser influenciada por comportamentos, hábitos deletérios e outras patológicas. Como objetivos o estudo se propôs a identificar os fatores de risco nos marcadores investigados e criar um painel como ferramenta auxiliar de diagnóstico genético precoce. O estudo foi descritivo quantitativo, constituído por 142 indivíduos, da cidade de Belém/Pa, classificados em relação aos padrões esqueléticos e faciais utilizando a documentação pré-ortodôntica. Alguns fatores foram utilizados, como: idade, ausência de sintomas de disfunção temporomandibular (DTM), genes MYO1H e MYO9B, e quando associados, fundamentam o prognatismo. Individuos entre 18-29 anos (p= 0,015, OR=4,6) apresentaram maior risco de prognatismo do que os entre 30-49 anos (p=0,034, OR=3,5); bem como os que apresentaram na MYO1H - del (p=0,044; OR: 1,9) e MYO9B – del1/del1 (p=0,049; OR:3,2). Em relação ao retrognatismo, a MYO1H - del (p=0,046; OR: 2,4) apareceram também como fator de risco. O uso prolongado da mamadeira, e a deleção na MYO5B (p=0,026 e OR=2,1), representou um aumento no risco de retrognatismo mandibular (classe II de Angle). A deleção no FGFRL1 foi um fator de risco para homens e mulheres respectivamente, (FGFRL1 (p=0,008; OR=17,37) e (p=0,010; OR=20,03)). A deleção no COL18A1 (p=0,049; OR=22,63) foi um fator de risco para os homens enquanto a deleção no MY05B (p=0,016; OR=2,58) e uso de chupeta/dedo (p=0,002; OR=5,50) foram fatores de risco para as mulheres. A deleção no DUSP16 – del (p=0,042; OR:3,109), o padrão facial braquifacial (p=0,033; OR=1,100) e o gênero feminino (p=0,014; OR=3,152) foram fatores de risco entre 30-49 anos. Nossos resultados sugerem algumas vias genéticas que desempenham importante papel na variação esquelética anteroposterior e vertical observada em pacientes com má oclusão e no tipo de má oclusão esquelética. Observamos associações que encorajam outros estudos no sentido de ampliar os conjuntos de dados, em outras populações, com outros perfis genéticos e ambientais, resultando em um conjunto de dados ainda mais influentes para confirmar nossos achados e possivelmente identificar novas variantes funcionais.
Data: Dec 15, 2022
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Gastric adenocarcinoma remains a serious public health problem worldwide and, especially, in the northern region of Brazil, it has a high incidence and mortality. Most diagnoses occur at an advanced stage of the disease compromising therapeutic results. The identification of the individuals at higher risk for this neoplasm could provide the development of screening strategies, favoring earlier diagnoses and less severe clinical outcomes. Among the clinical situations whose risk is known to be higher, families with hereditary gastric cancer stand out. However, the frequency of diagnoses of hereditary gastric cancers is scarce, and there are few recognized molecular markers in these syndromes, despite a significant number of patients diagnosed at younger ages and/or with multiple familial cases, in with it is not possible to establish a molecular diagnosis of hereditary gastric adenocarcinoma. Aiming to explore the occurrence of germline mutations potentially related to higher risk of gastric adenocarcinoma in young patients, 95 individuals diagnosed with this neoplasm up to the age of 50 years, were submitted to complete sequencing of serum exome, in an NGS platform. The total number of germline mutations and germline mutation in subsets of specific genes, known to be relevant for cancer, were calculated and compared with individuals without cancer, a group composed of Ameridians. None of the classical described as causal mutations occurred in the investigated patients. However, several germline mutations potentially related to increased risk were found, which are currently not related to carcinogenesis and require further validation. The total number of germline mutations (GMB) was superior in the group of gastric cancer patients, with statistical significance, which, if validated in other series, could become a potential minimally invasive test to identify individuals at increased risk for gastric cancer. Additionally, the subsets GHFI (high functional impact germline mutations), GMed (high functional impact germline mutations among genes related to clinical diseases), GHallmark (high functional impact germline mutations in cancer’s hallmarks genes), also showed statistical significance, with higher numbers in the cancer group when compared to the non-cancer group. Regarding the GRepRep subset (high functional impact germline mutations in genes involved in the replication or repair process), despite the cancer group having a higher number of mutation then the non-cancer group, the small number of mutations found in both groups possibly contributed to the lack of statistical impact. The classically related hereditary cancer pathway (CDH1), when investigated by the specific genes subset (GCDH1path), showed few mutations in both groups, and no known pathogenic mutations, strengthening the hypothesis that other germline alterations are involved in the genesis of hereditary gastric cancer.
Data: Dec 14, 2022
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Gastric Cancer (GC) is a multifactorial, complex and aggressive disease, in which factors such as genetic, epigenetic and environmental changes contribute to the onset and progression of the disease. The genetic factor is favored through gene mutations and epigenetics, as both influence the control of cell proliferation and death. MIRNA-type biomarkers play a crucial role in the disease mechanism of numerous human diseases, and can also be interpreted as markers of their process, prognosis, diagnosis and in the evaluation of the response to treatment. Our research investigated the genotyping of INDELs markers, related to several pathways involved in cancer, in patients with a medical diagnosis of gastric cancer. The markers were genotyped in a single PCR reaction and subsequently submitted to capillary electrophoresis. After the conclusion of our analyses, we obtained the standardization of a panel with 11 biomarkers, we evaluated the susceptibility and the association with the clinical data of the patients with GC. Therefore, we found significant associations in three INDELs: hsa-mir-4463_rs5877455, hsa-mir-3945_rs145931056 and hsa-mir- 548H-4_rs150141473 associated with increased risk, but hsa-mir-920_rs66686007 and hsa-mir- 3652_rs62747560 associated with decreased risk develop the GC. The hsa-mir-4463_rs5877455 also presented clinical data with a significant association for increased risk for diffuse Lauren-type adenocarcinoma, for tumors developed in the non-cardia region and for early diagnosis of GC. In addition, we performed marker validation in 27 cases of GC belonging to the study by the RNAseq technique, in which we analyzed transcript expression levels in solid tumors and adjacent tissues of GC. Our data corroborate the importance of these biomarkers in the genetic and clinical analysis of patients with gastric adenocarcinoma.
In vitro evaluation of antioxidant activity and biological effects of Annona glabra and Euterpe oleracea
Keywords: Antioxidant, Neoplastic, Nuclear division, Cell cycle, Cytoprotective
Data: Dec 14, 2022
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Training in our ethnobotanical knowledge took place and still takes place slowly, being based on observation and experimentation techniques. Currently, it is known that vegetable preparations can exhibit, in addition to toxicity effects, also antioxidant, free radical scavenging and antimutagenesis effects, when they protect or reverse damage caused to genetic material. Therefore, this work aims to evaluate the in vitro effects of two plants already used: Euterpe oleraceae, known as açaí, from the ethanolic extract of black (AP) and white (AB) açaí seeds and Annona glabra, known as araticum -do-brejo, by the ethanolic extract (EE), methanolic fraction (FM) and rutin (RUT), isolated substance obtained from FM, derived from the stem bark of this plant. After preparing and characterizing the extracts and their derivatives, the DPPH antioxidant evaluation test was performed at increasing concentrations from 6.25 µg/mL to 400 µg/mL for all tested substances. For in vitro tests, two stomach cell lines were used, normal gastric (MNP01) and gastric adenocarcinoma (ACP02). With AP and AB extracts, the MTT test was performed at concentrations from 6.25 µg/mL to 400 µg/mL, in which, for the evaluation of the cytoprotective potential, the same concentrations were tested concomitantly with doxorubicin (DOX) (200 µg/ mL). For the micronucleus assay (MN), only concentrations from 25 to 200 µg/mL were used. For EE, FM and RUT, MTT was tested at concentrations from 6.25 to 200 µg/mL and micronucleus at concentrations from 25 to 200 µg/mL. The apoptosis and necrosis and cell cycle tests occurred only with EE and FM at concentrations of 100 and 200 µg/mL. As a result, for araticum-do-brejo, EE, FM and RUT exhibit antioxidant potential, with EE and FM having the highest potential. The MTT test and the apoptosis and necrosis test reveal the absence of cytotoxic activity of the substances tested and the micronucleus test does not show the presence of MN or other anomalies, but demonstrates a reduction in the nuclear division index in ACP02 only for FM and in MNP01 in EE and FM. This alteration in cell division was also observed in the cell cycle test, suggesting that more evaluations of possible DNA damage in the cycle phases and molecular analyzes in specific genes related to the repair system can better elucidate the results. For açaí, DPPH reveals that both extracts are antioxidants, with AP being 30% more efficient when compared to AB. In in vitro tests, the micronucleus assay shows no genotoxicity and the MTT test shows no cytotoxicity in ACP02 and a small reduction in viability in MNP01 at 400 µg/mL. In this test, it was also observed that both extracts protect the two strains at concentrations of 200 and 400 µg/mL, probably due to their antioxidant activity. We believe that a better investigation of the cytoprotective potential is essential, since exogenous antioxidants can contribute to the prevention or minimization of symptoms of several diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
Data: Dec 9, 2022
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Every clinical decision-making process involving genetic diagnosis requires a high degree of complexity. In human stages, in those that depend on the interpretations of a specialist, obtaining more accurate information about the genetic variants becomes fundamental. ClinVar stores about 774,000 genetic associations and clinical records, but one large set still has a conflict of interpretation (CI) and uncertain meaning (VUS). The present study aims to apply machine learning techniques to create a Random Foreset-based meta-predictor (AmazonForest) for genetic variant pathogenicity prediction to support the interpretation of clinical treatment at the genomic level. In the methodology, we used ClinVar data annotated with SnpEff/SnpSift(v4.3) for eight cataloged functional impact predictors (FATHMM, SIFT, PolyPhen-2 (HDIV), PolyPhen-2 (HVAR), PROVEAN, MutationAssessor, MutationTaster2, and LRT). Also, we evaluated the performance of several representation learning algorithms, such as autoencoders, to propose a better classification strategy. We applied AmazonForest to the complete dbNFSP(4.0) database and explore the genes involved in ten cancer-related signaling pathways. From AmazonForest’s integration with the entire dbNSFP base, we handled a set of 3,468,526 highly suspected variants with pathogenicity (FR probability >= 0.95). In cancer-related signaling pathways (cell cycle, Hippo, Myc, Notch, NRF2, PI-3- Kinase/Akt, RTK-RAS, TGFbeta signaling, P53, and beta-catenin/WNT (SANCHEZ-VEGA et al., 2018) we found 935 genetic variants, 536 rare genetic variants with genetic diversity among continental populations. According to COSMIC data, 84 rare variants are related to carcinoma, lymphoid neoplasia, glioma, melanoma malignancy, and hematopoietic neoplasia. Regarding AmazonForest model and the generation of new enriched set variants on top of the dbNSFP, we provide a potential computational resources to assist genomic studies of complex diseases such as cancer.
Data: Dec 6, 2022
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Acute Lymphoid Leukemia (ALL) is a malignant pathology of B or T lymphoblasts characterized by the clonal expansion of lymphoid precursor cells, being the most frequent childhood neoplasm. The National Cancer Institute (INCA) estimated for the three-year period 2020-2022 approximately 10,800 new cases of leukemia in Brazil. Furthermore, in the North region alone, for the year 2020, approximately 320 new cases were estimated among men and women. For the treatment of ALL, one of the main and effective chemotherapeutic agents is asparaginase, demonstrating a high therapeutic efficiency, however, its use has shown several complications, such as hypersensitivity, hepatotoxicity and the development of pancreatitis associated with asparaginase (AAP). Seeking to reduce adverse effects, a new formulation was developed, PEG asparaginase (PEG ASNase), which has been shown to reduce these harmful effects during treatment, but with interpersonal oscillations, both in efficiency and adverse effects. Genetic variants in MYBBP1A (NF-kB co-repressor), CPA2 (a pancreatic carboxypeptidase), RGS6 (G protein signaling regulator) and ULK2 (pancreatic cell autophagy regulator) are related to the physiology of pancreatic cells, influencing in the response of this organ to PEG ASNase treatment, affecting the effectiveness and favoring the development of pancreatitis. Therefore, this study sought to evaluate the impact of the variants (rs3809849, rs3807342, rs199695765, rs17179470 and rs281366) on this serious adverse effect, aiming to find AAP predictive biomarkers and thus collaborate in modulating the therapeutic approach of patients with ALL. Taqman assays for allelic discrimination were performed in 35 patients undergoing therapy with PEG ASNase at a reference hospital in oncopediatrics in the State of Pará. Associations between genotypes and allele frequencies with AAP were investigated by Fisher's Exact, Chi-square and Regression (p≤0.05). Our results showed an association between the GT of RGS6 and CT of ULK2 genotypes with AAP, with a risk of approximately 8 times in the presence of both. These gene variants can collaborate in decisions about the protocol with the use of PEG ASNase, and thus help to reduce AAP in pediatric patients with ALL
Data: Dec 5, 2022
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As beta-hemoglobinopatias pertencem a classe dos distúrbios genéticos mais difundidos do mundo. Na grande maioria dos casos essas desordens são decorrentes de mutações pontuais nos genes responsáveis pela síntese de globinas tipo beta. Essas mutações provocam uma série de alterações fisiopatológicas ao portador. A grande quantidade de mutações, em conjunto com o complexo processo de regulação de síntese das cadeias globínicas, geram um mosaico clínico. Os níveis de hemoglobina fetal são um dos principais fatores associados a melhora clínica de indivíduos portadores de beta-hemoglobinopatias. A região HBBP1-BGLT3 tem sido associada como tendo um papel critico na transição da transcrição de globinas fetais para as hemoglobinas do adulto devido a sua atuação na conformação tridimensional da cromatina. O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar polimorfismos na região HBBP1-BGLT3 (rs10128556, rs2071348, rs16912210, rs7924684, rs11036415) em portadores de beta-hemoglobinopatias atendidos pelo Hemocentro do estado do Pará (HEMOPA) para identificar mutações presentes nessas regiões, bem como comparar com o banco de dados públicos, e calcular o impacto dessas mutações nos níveis de hemoglobina fetal. Os resultados do estudo revelam que os polimorfismos rs16912210 e rs7924684 demonstraram associação com os níveis de hemoglobina fetal e que a presença de apenas um alelo mutante do rs7924684 é capaz de alterar esses níveis.As comparações com bancos de dados públicos revelaram valores estatisticamente significativos para quase todos os valores comparados. Os resultados do estudo estão de acordo com diversos estudos publicados acerca da influência desses polimorfismos nos níveis de hemoglobina fetal. As divergências encontradas podem sem explicadas por características únicas de cada população, demonstrando que a herança e a influência desses polimorfismos ocorrem de forma diferenciada em diversas partes do mundo, e que o nosso estudo pode apresentar um novo capítulo na elucidação desses processos.
Data: Dec 1, 2022
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Tucuruí is the second largest entirely Brazilian Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP), the artificial lake modified the ecosystem of the region. Many pathogenic and free-living microorganisms harboring Antibiotic Resistance Genes (ARGs) are adapted to live in aquatic habitats, which makes rivers possible sources of ARGs. This work aims to describe the occurrence and abundance of ARGs according to spatial and seasonal variability in the lake of Tucuruí HPP. The samples were collected from the Photic, Aphotic and Sediment layers of the Montante 1 and Montante Novo Repartimento stations, during the Amazon's summer and Amazon's winter. The DNA samples were extracted and sequenced in the Ion Proton platform for the whole metagenomic analysis. Megahit performed de novo assembled in the reads, the Open Reading Frames (ORFs) were predicted by Prodigal, and the ARGs were obtained from CARD and MEGARES data bases. The ARG-carrying contigs were generated for downstream analysis. The statistical analysis was evaluated on the R and the package ggplot2 was used. The Amazonian winter and the water surface presented significant abundances and diversity of ARGs in the lake of the Tucuruí HPP, indicating that the human influence on this lake represents one of the reasons for concern about the spread of these genes, mainly in the rainy season. Keywords: antibiotic resistance genes, metagenomics, hydroelectric power plant
Data: Nov 28, 2022
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Metagenomics is commonly applied to understanding the analysis of diversity in an environment. In this work, it was possible to understand that its development is mainly due to the growth of the computational which can help the development of this study in a direct way. The automation of computational routines has become a trend in laboratories of genetic and metagenomic studies, as well as their production. This project aimed to produce an educational pipeline that performs metagenomic analysis of 16s rRNA, focusing on diversity and taxonomy analyses. The production of this tool aimed to use the Python, R and Shell languages, in addition to the integration of the “Tkinter” graphic interface, present in the Python repositories. The automated routines in this tool start using Usearch for data preparation; merging the “fastq” input files, applying the quality filter, searching for unique readings, grouping the sequences into OTUs, creating the OTU tables and the taxonomic data table. Then the execution of analyzes of ACE, CHAO1, Shannon, Simpson and Inverse Simpson, using the software R. Finally, the package “canvas” of python merges the results, plotting and assembling a final report that can help in the analysis of results and discussion of them, in addition to becoming a good tool in teaching the interpretation of these final data. The need to apply bioinformatics in the educational area is due to the constant advance that occurs in the step of technology development, in this way the Metadoon Pipeline can be mentioned and applied within the classroom.
Keywords: Pipeline, Graphical Interface, Metagenomics, Usearch, Education, Python, Tkinter.
Evolutionary chromosomal dynamics in the genus Gymnotus
Data: Nov 28, 2022
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Gymnotidae is a family of electric fish belonging to the order Gymnotiformes, with extensive distribution throughout the neotropical region. With two genera and 46 valid species, it has a large karyotype variation and intense chromosomal dynamics, being the target of chromosomal, morphological and phylogenetic studies to understand the relationship of the species in this group and their evolutionary pattern. The diploid number in Gymnotidae varies from 2n = 34 to 2n = 54, presenting a great karyotype diversity. Recent studies of cytogenetics and molecular analyzes show important results regarding the diversity of repetitive sequences and genomic reorganization in the genus. This study aims to understand the evolutionary dynamics of the group through mapping by whole chromosome painting the karyotypes of the species Gymnotus carapo ‘Catalão’ and G. pantanal and the identification, characterization and mapping of repetitive sequences obtained from the genomic sequencing of G. carapo ‘Catalão’
Data: Nov 25, 2022
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A mucopolissacaridose (MPS) tipo VII é uma desordem de depósito lisossômico de origem autossômica recessiva, resultado da deficiência de em uma enzima lisossomal, causando acúmulo de glicosaminoglicanos ou problemas em vias metabólicas secundárias. Possui sintomatologia sistêmica que abrange principalmente displasia esquelética, características faciais acentuadas, problemas cardiovasculares, hepatoesplenomegalia e hidropsia fetal. Os tipos de MPS apresentam frequências diferentes em populações distintas. Muitas variantes patogênicas que causam as MPS costumam ser relacionadas a determinados grupos étnicos resultantes de possível efeito fundador. A variante mais frequente no gene GUSB que causa MPSVII é a p.Leu176Phe. Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar o efeito de uma variante nova (p.Leu292Pro) sobre a expressão do gene GUSB. Além disso, foi investigada a ancestralidade de 5 pacientes com MPS VII, considerando a contribuição ameríndia, africana e europeia. Para o estudo de expressão, foram coletadas amostras de sangue periférico de 20 indivíduos, que compõem o grupo sem a doença, do paciente com MPS VII em heterozigose composta (p.Leu176Phe/p.Leu292Pro) e dos pais do paciente. O método utilizado para analisar a expressão do RNAm de GUSB foi a Transcrição Reversa seguida da Quantificação por PCR. A análise de ancestralidade foi realizada por PCR multiplex utilizando marcadores INDEL. As análises permitiram a identificação de proporções diferentes na contribuição populacional da amostra de pacientes com MPS VII com a maior contribuição europeia a qual se mostra significativamente distinta (p = 0.0031) da contribuição africana. A análise de expressão relativa pelo método do 2-ΔCT mostrou a expressão superior do gene GUSB do paciente com MPS VII comparado ao grupo sem a doença. Na comparação entre os ciclos de amplificação 14/20 amostras apresentaram resultados significativamente diferentes do paciente com MPS VII. Os pais também apresentaram valores diferentes (p < 0,05) para os ciclos de amplificação. A predição in silico da nova variante indicou como patogênica por modificar uma região conservada da proteína. Quanta à ancestralidade, é possível supor que a variante p.Leu176Phe apresenta origem europeia. Houve discordância entre os níveis de RNAm para GUSB e a dosagem da enzima beta-glucuronidase sintetizada. A nova variante Leu292Pro é indicada como patogênica, mas ainda é preciso elucidar seus efeitos sobre o fenótipo da MPS VII
Data: Nov 10, 2022
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Hipóxia é uma condição resultada da baixa oxigenação nos tecidos orgânicos, e um fator essencial para o entendimento dos acidentes vasculares cerebrais e do câncer, que são as maiores causas de morte mundialmente. Com base nisso, faz-se necessário o estudo da hipóxia para identificar biomarcadores moleculares associados. Os RNAs não-codificantes (ncRNA) são uma classe de RNAs que não sintetizam proteínas, mas que apresentam outras funções como intermediários de processos biológicos. Os RNAs circulares (circRNA) estão incluídos nessa classe, apresentando estrutura circularizada e relacionados a inúmeras doenças, e por conta dessa especificidade, essas moléculas se tornam excelentes candidatas para serem biomarcadores de hipóxia, o que pode levar ao melhor entendimento de doenças relacionadas. Zebrafish é uma espécie utilizada como modelo genético em diversas áreas de pesquisa, de estudos genômicos a testes farmacológicos, além de apresentar facilidade de criação em cativeiro. Esse organismo pode simular os efeitos da hipóxia de forma similar aos efeitos biológicos que ocorrem no organismo humano, por conta do alto nível de homologia genômica. O objetivo desse trabalho é realizar análise do perfil de expressão dos circRNAs no cérebro em condição de hipóxia, utilizando o zebrafish como organismo modelo.
Data: Oct 31, 2022
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O câncer de pulmão é uma das neoplasias mais frequentes no mundo. O câncer de pulmão de não pequenas células (CPNPC) representa a grande maioria das neoplasias pulmonares. Por ser uma doença complexa, sua formação ocorre em vários estágios, decorrentes de interações entre fatores de risco ambientais, como tabagismo, e suscetibilidade genética individual. Nosso objetivo foi investigar associações entre polimorfismos genéticos e o risco para o câncer de pulmão. Trata-se de um estudo, caso-controle, que incluiu 276 indivíduos com e sem câncer. As amostras foram analisadas para os polimorfismos do gene UGT1A1 (rs8175347), NFKB1 (rs28362491), PAR1 (rs11267092), TP53 (rs17878362), IL-1A (rs3783553), UCP2 (INDEL 45-pb) e genotipados em PCR, seguido de análise de fragmentos em que aplicamos um conjunto previamente desenvolvido de marcadores ancestrais informativos. Usamos regressão logística para identificar diferenças nas frequências alélicas e genotípicas entre os indivíduos. Para o UGT1A1 (rs8175347), indivíduos com o alelo TA7 têm maior chance de desenvolver adenocarcinoma de pulmão (p = 0,035; OR: 2,57), assim como aqueles com genótipos relacionados de atividade enzimática reduzida ou baixa: TA6/7, TA5/7 e TA7/7 (p=0,048; OR:8,41). Indivíduos com TA7/7 homozigotos têm maior chance de desenvolver carcinoma espinocelular de pulmão (p=0,015; OR=4,08). Indivíduos com genótipo Del/Del do polimorfismo NFKB1 (rs28362491) (p=0.018; OR=0.332) demonstraram efeito protetor para o desenvolvimento CPNPC, similar ao observado nas variantes do PAR1 (rs11267092) (p=0.023; OR=0.471) e do TP53 (rs17878362) (p=0.041; OR=0.510). Além disso, indivíduos com o genótipo Ins/Ins do polimorfismo IL-1A (rs3783553) demonstram maior risco para o CPNPC (p=0.033; OR=2.002), assim como os voluntários com Del/Del do UCP2 (INDEL 45-pb) (p=0.031; OR=2.031). Os seis polimorfismos investigados podem contribuir para a susceptibilidade especificamente para o CPNPC, adenocarcinomas e carcinomas espinocelulares.
Data: Oct 27, 2022
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The hematophagous bat Desmodus rotundus, also known as the common vampire bat, has a wide distribution in the tropical and subtropical areas of the New World, occurring from northern Mexico to southern of Uruguay. Thus, it is expected that species with extensive geographic distributions may consist of two or more distinct evolutionary units. Being D. rotundus the main vector of the rabies virus, it is even more necessary to understand the type of structuring and whether there is any level of gene flow between populations, as this can lead to the spread of the virus. Therefore, in the present work we carried out a phylogeographic study of the species D. rotundus from different populations throughout its distribution, focusing on the Brazilian territory, using the mitochondrial marker cytochrome b. Combining published data with new mitochondrial DNA sequences, it was covered the largest distribution area of the vampire bat to date. Phylogenetic and population structuring analysis supported the existence of 7 main clades: CA (Central America), AMC (Amazon/Cerrado), AF (Atlantic Forest), PAN (Pantanal) and 3 other clades from Peru (AUH, MAC and LIMA). Likewise, a clear mixture was observed between most of the different groups, with sharing of haplotypes that may indicate gene flow in both ways between the populations of Central America, Amazon/Cerrado, Atlantic Forest and Pantanal. The results give support to previous studies that suggest the presence of cryptic diversity in the D. rotundus complex and provide, for the first time, evidence of gene flow that can potentially have a direct influence on the dynamics of dispersion of divergent strains of the rabies virus, representing a serious concern for health and economy, therefore being of great importance
Identification of variants associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Native American populations from the brazilian Amazon
Data: Oct 21, 2022
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Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic health problem, characterized by increased blood glucose concentrations due to reduced tissue response to insulin produced by the body. Although it occurs more frequently as a consequence of obesity, it is observed that the disease is also associated with genetic characteristics. Recent data show that diabetes has a predicted heritability of 30-70%; additionally, more than 100 genetic loci that affect the T2DM risk have already been identified, demonstrating the significant influence of genetics on the disease development. However, the most part of the available information related to T2DM genetics presents European and Asian populations as object of study. Thus, it is interesting study metabolic risk factors to T2DM in other populations, such as Native American individuals, that presents high prevalence of diabetes due the presence of Native American ancestry. Therefore, the objective of this work was characterize the molecular profile of 10 genes involved in the DMT2 risk through exome analysis of Amerindian populations from the Amazon. 64 samples of Native Americans belonging to 12 different Amazonian ethnicities were analyzed. Exome libraries were prepared using commercial kits and sequencing reactions were performed on the NextSeq 500 ® platform (Illumina ® , San Diego, CA, USA). Native American populations allele frequencies were obtained by allelic counting and compared with the other populations evaluated in the study (American, African, East Asian, South Asian and European). The results showed that Native American populations present
particularities both when evaluated separately and when compared to the other populations studied. Such particularities could be better explored through functional genetic studies, in order to better understand the profile of genes associated with DMT2 in indigenous populations, facilitating the targeting of efforts to prevent and reduce the cost of managing DMT2 in these populations.
Data: Oct 14, 2022
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The present study proposes to legitimize in sepsis a characteristic found in platelets thatsuffer storage lesions in blood banks, which is the increased expression of miRNA miR- 320ainrelation to miR-127. Under physiologically normal conditions, an inverse relationship isobserved.The aim of this study was to verify whether the analysis of miR- 320a and miR-127expression inplatelets could detect a decrease in their viability and function due to thepresence of pathogens inthe blood of patients hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit. We also investigated the expression of membrane antigens sensitive to platelet activation. Of the 200 patients analyzed, only those who developed sepsis (140) were found to have a higher relative quantity of miR-320a than that of miR- 127. This characteristic and the increased expression of membrane antigens P2Y12, CD62P,CD41, and CD61 showed a significant association (p < 0.01) with all types of sepsis evaluated in thiss tudy. Additionally, 40% of patients hospitalized for sepsis had negative results for the first cultures. We conclude that analysis of miR-127 and miR-320a expression combined with membrane antigens evaluation, in association with the available clinical and diagnostic parameters, are important tools to detect the onset of sepsis.
Keywords: Sepsis; Platelets; MicroRNA; Membrane antigens.
Data: Oct 14, 2022
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infection begins,a dynamic cascade ofevents istriggeredthat culminates in altered patterns
of gene expressionin bothinteractingorganisms.To survivewithina host,pathogens have
responsetoinfectionisimportantforthestudyofthe host-pathogenrelationship.AndRNA-
study, analysis of thedifferential expression profile ofgenes involved in the host's immune
response to infection by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis was performed. The cells
RiodeJaneiroCellBank(BCRJ). ThestrainofC.pseudotuberculosis PA09wasobtained
performed for three hours with MOI 5, then total RNA from the host cell was extracted and
RNA of the biologicaltriplicate sampleswas sequenced by the Illumina platform.Analyzes
ofquality, quantity anddifferentialgene expressionthroughthe miARma-Seqpipelinewere
ontologies through the Go feat program. A total of 8,003 differentially expressed (DE) genes
induced expression was the Csf3gene,whichencodes animportant cytokinein stimulating
could possibly be related to the survival of C. pseudotuberculosis in the chronic phase of the
infection.Therefore,the evaluationofDEgenesinthe hostimmuneresponseprocessmay
contribute to new insights into the C. pseudotuberculosis-host interaction, which allows for
a more focused study of gene targets for obtaining treatmentsuch as vaccines.
Keywords: Macrophages. Differential Expression. Caseous lymphadenitis.
Data: Oct 11, 2022
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A hanseníase é uma doença infectocontagiosa causada pelo bacilo Mycobacterium leprae e que apresenta um espectro contínuo de manifestações clínicas e patológicas. Para fins de tratamento, a OMS propõe a classificação dos pacientes em dois grupos: paucibacilar e multibacilar. O Brasil é o segundo país com a maior taxa de incidência de hanseníase no mundo, sendo o Pará considerado um Estado hiperendêmico. Apesar de ser uma doença intrinsicamente ligada a fatores socioeconômicos, diversas linhas de pesquisa têm evidenciado a importância da genética do hospedeiro como um fator de risco à infecção. Neste trabalho buscamos identificar biomarcadores que possam auxiliar no prognóstico da doença através da investigação de vintes e cinco SNPs em genes codificadores de miRNAs e associados à maquinária de microRNAs em pacientes diagnosticados com hanseníase paucibacilar e multibacilar, sendo o grupo controle indivíduos contactantes saudáveis sem parentesco sanguíneo com os pacientes. Por se tratar de uma população altamente miscigenada, utilizamos Marcadores de Ancestralidade Individual para avaliar a ancestralidade genômica dos participantes. Nossos dados sugerem que pre-miR938 é associado a proteção contra a hanseníase paucibacilar, enquanto DROSHA, AGO1 e miR570 são associados a proteção contra o desenvolvimento da hanseníase multibacilar. Em contrapartida, pri-let-7a1, miR200C e miR4513 foram associados ao risco de desenvolvimento da forma paucibacilar da doença. pri-let-7a1 também foi associado à suscetibilidade da hanseníase per se. Outro polimorfismo em DROSHA foi associado ao risco de desenvolvimento da hanseníase multibacilar, enquanto miR146A, em teste entre pacientes, foi associado a proteção à hanseníase paucibacilar. Com este trabalho buscamos fornecer novas informações para uma melhor compreensão de como os fatores genéticos influenciam a fisiopatologia da doença, com potencial para encontrar marcadores que possam auxiliar no prognóstico da hanseníase na população amazônica. Nosso outro trabalho se trata de uma revisão de literatura acerca da importância de ncRNAs em hanseníase. Este tipo de estudo ainda é escasso nesta doença, e acreditamos que tenha um forte potencial para melhor compreensão do desenvolvimento da hanseníase, além de novas alternativas de tratamento
Data: Oct 7, 2022
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Introduction: Celiac disease (CD) is an immune-mediated enteropathy triggered by intake of gluten in genetically susceptible individuals. The global prevalence of CD is estimated to be 1%, it affects more female patients and has a higher prevalence in the high-risk population. Its pathogenesis results from the interaction of genetic, environmental and immune factors. Virtually all patients are carriers of HLA-DQ2 or DQ-8 alleles and the presence of specific HLA genotypes define different risks for disease incidence. CD has a wide spectrum of symptoms and associated conditions, including Down Syndrome (DS) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the latter being still the subject of study, since its connection with CD cannot be proven. Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of predisposing HLA alleles for CD (DQ2 and DQ8) in patients with ASD, SD and in the general population in Belém-PA. Material and Method: Descriptive, cross-sectional study Blood samples from 265 children and adolescents were analyzed using the PCR technique to search for HLA-DQ2, HLA-DQ8 and HLA-DQ7. Patients were allocated into three groups: control group (118 healthy patients), ASD patients group (57 patients) and DS patients group (90 patients). Results: The most frequent risk allele was DQ2.2, with higher prevalence in the DS group, followed by the ASD group. DQ7 was more prevalent in the control group, with 51.7% positivity. Patients with ASD and DS present a higher frequency of CD risk genotypes than the control group, but this difference was significant only for the DS group (p< 0.0256). In the risk classification, the majority of the control group (44.9%) and the DS group (33.3%) were classified as low risk for CD, while in the ASD group (24.7%), the majority was in the moderate risk group for celiac disease. Conclusion: There was no difference in the prevalence of CD risk HLA-DQ alleles between patients with autism and the general population. Patients with DS have a higher frequency of risk HLA for CD than the general.
Key words: celiac disease, down syndrome, autism spectrum disorders, human leucocyte antigen and children.
Molecular profile of genes associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in indigenous populations of the Brazilian Amazon
Data: Oct 3, 2022
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ADHD is a highly heritable neurodevelopmental disorder (80%) and is among the most prevalent worldwide, with an average frequency of 5% among different populations. It is described by inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive behaviors in varying degrees, associated or not with the presence of comorbidities, impairing several areas of the patient's life. Evidence suggests that its expression is characterized by a broad symptomatological gradient, governed by additive genetic effects of common variants, which result in its remarkable phenotypic heterogeneity. Therefore, genomic studies have focused their efforts on identifying common variants that potentially act as biomarkers for the diagnosis of the disorder, since their identification and early treatment increases the chances of symptom improvement. However, most of these studies were carried out in genetically homogeneous populations, especially those of European origin, making it challenging to extrapolate the genomic data obtained to other populations with a different population structure, such as indigenous populations. Therefore, in order to provide genomic data for genetically distinct and poorly studied populations, we investigated the exome of 64 individuals from 12 Amazonian indigenous ethnicities, referring to 19 genes associated with ADHD, described in a European GWAS, and compared the results with the data from 5 world populations available in 1000 Genomes and GnomaAD. We did not find in our sample any classic variant associated with ADHD in European GWAS. However, we identified 119 variants in the genes investigated, of which twelve variants of modifying impact did not have a frequency in any other world population, and an intronic variant in the MED8 gene had not yet been described in the literature. In addition, we analyzed the interpopulation variability regarding the identified indigenous variants, ad we found a unique genomic profile for the indigenous population compared to other world populations. We conclude that indigenous populations have a particular gene pool, suggesting that the genomic architeture that guides the phenotypes of ADHD in indigenous peoples is distinct from other genetically discrepant populations, giving this population unique and heterogeneous patterns of expression of the disorder.
Data: Sep 30, 2022
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Hemodynamic responses to physical training are not heterogeneous and uniform, and considerable inter-individual variations in the blood pressure of hypertensive individuals are noted in both aerobic and resistance training protocols. Thus, “exercise genomics” could partially explain the changes caused by exercise. The objective of this thesis was to evaluate the heterogeneity and responsiveness of a strength and aerobic training program in elderly patients with arterial hypertension. The groups were randomly divided into a) resistance training (RT); b) aerobic training (AT); c) control group (CG). After the first intervention period (12 weeks), individuals underwent a washout period (6 detraining weeks), followed by a second intervention. This process is called the “cross-over” model, where individuals who performed the aerobic exercise protocol also performed resistance training and vice-versa, comprising another 12 weeks of intervention. The main results showed that resistance training (pre 133.2 ± 14.1; post 122.4 ± 7.3; p<0.05) and aerobic training (pre 134.2 ± 14.4; post 123 ± 9 .4; p<0.0.5) reduced systolic blood pressure. Regarding responsiveness based on the minimal clinical important difference, ten and nine responders reduced systolic blood pressure in the AT and RT groups, respectively. Furthermore, only the AT group (pre 9955.3 ± 1769.4; post 8800.9 ± 1316.1; p<0.05) decreased the double product, and only the RT group improved functional performance. Finally, it is possible to conclude that there is a wide variability in the blood pressure response triggered by aerobic and resistance training in hypertensive elderly, and part of this responsiveness can be attributed to genetic/epigenetic mechanisms. Still, both protocols reduced the systolic blood pressure of elderly hypertensive patients. Keywords: responsiveness, strength training, aerobic, exercise genomics, high blood pressure.
Data: Sep 29, 2022
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A complexidade dos genomas eucariotos não resulta, exclusivamente, de seu conteúdo gênico, mas deve-se, sobretudo, à expressão de diferentes transcritos e proteínas a partir de um mesmo gene. O splicing alternativo é um dos mecanismos mais importantes associados ao processamento de RNAs, expandindo significativamente o conteúdo da informação do genoma para o transcriptoma. A resposta imune de um indivíduo está diretamente ligada ao ambiente e a como esse indivíduo dispõe sua maquinaria celular para reagir a um tipo de infecção. Com a descoberta de que efetivas mudanças no mecanismo de splicing constitutivo ocorriam de acordo com estímulos externos que o organismo sofria, conscientizou-se de que havia uma possibilidade de mudança de função dos linfócitos e de outras células de defesa no processo de resposta imune. Esse mecanismo ocorre através da ativação e desativação das células efetoras do sistema imune por proteínas codificadas através de splicing alternativo. O splicing alternativo é um evento molecular complexo e finamente regulado. Entender as circunstâncias nas quais os eventos de processamento constitutivo são preteridos, os mecanismos associados à regulação do processamento alternativo – e que definem a formação de mRNAs funcionais ou não. Com o objetivo de identificar in silico a ocorrência de eventos de processamento alternativo de genes de peixes-boi da subespécie Trichechus manatus latirostris reanalisamos um transcritoma disponível em banco de dados de domínio público e verificamos a ocorrência de processamento alternativo por diferentes estratégias. Nossos resultados evidenciaram maior número de eventos de processamento alternativo utilizando o pipeline Cufflinks em comparação com os resultados obtidos aplicando a ferramenta IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR. A primeira ferramenta, no entanto, não permitiu definir a quais tipos de splicing cada uma das isoformas está relacionada. Observamos ainda que o sistema imune dos peixes-boi não somente sofreu intensa modulação transcricional, como apresenta grande número de genes processados de forma alternativa em resposta ao efeito de toxinas da maré vermelha. Finalmente, observamos que os padrões de evento de splicing obtidos com a ferramenta IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR diferem do perfil geral observado na literatura. Nossos dados precisam ser mais bem explorados, utilizando outras ferramentas de identificação de eventos de splicing, para que possamos assumir que os eventos de processamento alternativo ocorrem de forma distinta em peixes-boi em relação a outros mamíferos. Concluímos que, assim como a modulação da expressão de genes é importante como resposta dos peixes-boi ao efeito tóxico produzido pelo evento da maré vermelha, aqui evidenciamos que muitos genes são transcritos de forma alternativa também como uma estratégia de resistência aos efeitos nocivos das toxinas.
Data: Sep 19, 2022
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Câncer engloba um grupo de doenças complexas decorrentes do acúmulo de alterações genéticas e epigenéticas em vários genes, em especial aqueles envolvidos nos processos de diferenciação e crescimento celular, levando a uma proliferação anormal. Estudos voltados para a oncologia comparada com caninos vêm crescendo nos últimos anos devido a semelhança da tumorigênese em humanos e cães, apresentando uma importância do ponto de vista prognóstico e preditivo. Além disso, o cão é uma das únicas espécies que apresenta um tipo de câncer transmissível, o tumor venéreo transmissível canino (TVTC), considerado de grande importância dentro da oncologia por essa característica atípica. Diante disso, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a expressão gênica de melanoma ocular canino e caracterizar a inserção do transposon LINE-1 no gene MYC no tumor venéreo transmissível canino (TVTC), associando os resultados aos diferentes tipos citomorfológicos. A análise de expressão gênica global foi realizada a partir da comparação entre o RNA da amostra tumoral e não tumoral, com o uso da hibridização genômica comparativa em arranjos (aCGH) A comparação dos dados obtidos com melanomas humanos e a análise de enriquecimento da ontologia genética foi realizada usando ferramentas de bioinformática DAVID (Banco de Dados para Anotação, Visualização e Descoberta de Integração)e Panther Classification System.Encontramos 1.437 genes diferencialmente expressos, sendo 416 hiperexpressos e 516 hipoexpressos. Destes, um gene hiperexpresso mostrou-se com valor prognóstico significativo tanto em amostras de melanomas humanos, o gene SLC7A5, e cinco hipoexpressos apresentaram uma correlação prognóstica com o percentual de sobrevida, os genes MEDAG, FCHO1, CFH, CA6 e ACPP. Dessa forma, podemos concluir que o estudo oncológico comparativo é de extrema importância tanto para a Medicina quanto para a Medicina Veterinária, no que diz respeito ao avanço de novas descobertas de genes com potencial diagnóstico, prognóstico e preditivo. Em relação ao TVT, nossos resultados mostraram que o LINE-1 foi inserido em todas as amostras analisadas, na mesma posição e apresentando o mesmo tamanho (400 bp). Concluímos que mesmo sendo importante para o processo de oncogênese, essa inserção não tem influência no tipo citomorfológico e nas diferenças clínicas observadas
Genetic variants, βS haplotypes and HbF levels in patients with β-Hemoglobinopathies in the state of Pará.
Data: Sep 8, 2022
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The study of genetic variants associated with fetal hemoglobin (HbF) levels in patients with βhemoglobinopathies has been the focus of studies in molecular genetics, since HbF has a global effect on the phenotypes of sickle cell anemia (SCA) and β- thalassemia, most common monogenic disorders. Among these variants are rs3751395 (FLT1), rs2072597 (KLF1), rs1867380 (AQP9), rs9376173 (PDE7B) and rs3191333 (KLF10) and βs haplotypes that are associated with HbF levels. In addition, research in public databases and analysis of pathogenicity predictors help in the interpretation of these genetic variants. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the variants rs3751395 (FLT1), rs2072597 (KLF1), rs1867380 (AQP9), rs9376173 (PDE7B) and rs3191333 (KLF10) and of βs haplotypes in HbF levels and clinical manifestations of individuals diagnosed with β-hemoglobinopathies in the state of Pará, in addition to investigating the allelic frequency of these variants in this population and investigating their respective pathogenicity classifications. The population studied consisted of 160 individuals with SCA and 30 individuals with β-thalassemia. Genotyping was performed for the investigated population, βs haplotypes were determined in individuals with sickle cell anemia, allele frequencies were investigated in international and national databases, and the pattern of pathogenicity of non-synonymous variants was investigated using five different prediction tools (FATHMM, SIFT, PROVEAN, POLYPHEN- 2 and PANTHER). In β-thalassemics, a significant difference in HbF levels was observed for the rs3751395 (FLT1) and rs9376173 (PDE7B) variants, in which the presence of the wild-type allele has a positive association for HbF levels in beta-thalassemic individuals. In individuals with sickle cell anemia, there was an association of the heterozygous genotype of the rs3751395 variant (FLT1) with the clinical manifestations: vaso-occlusive crisis and pain, demonstrating that this genotype is possibly a risk factor for these manifestations. Regarding the βs haplotypes, the Bantu/Bantu genotype was related to the decrease in HbF levels and the Bantu/Senegal and Bantu/Cameroon genotypes were related to the increase in HbF levels, in addition, there was an association between Bantu/Benin and the clinical manifestations: acute chest syndrome and edema. Research in international public databases (gnomAD and Clinvar) allowed us to observe that the Brazilian population is underrepresented, especially when comparing the northern region of Brazil, which has a greater contribution of Amerindians when compared to other regions of the country. The allele frequencies observed for each variant investigated in the present study showed some divergent results when compared to the national databases (AbraOM and SELAdb), which may be justified by the fact that the Brazilian population is highly mixed. Of the total of missense variants investigated by pathogenicity predictors, all were classified as benign. Thus, these findings emphasize that both sickle cell anemia and β-thalassemia present a complex network involving variants associated with HbF levels and clinical manifestations, in addition to βs haplotypes in individuals with sickle cell anemia, which together with non-genetic factors (social, cultural, economic and environmental issues) can influence the clinical course of the disease, and that public databases and pathogenicity predictors can to help guide the interpretation of the investigated genetic variants. Keywords: β-Hemoglobinopathies; genetic variants; βs haplotypes; HbF
Data: Aug 29, 2022
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A Leucemia Mieloide Crônica (LMC) é caracterizada como a proliferação anormal da linhagem granulocítica sem a perda de capacidade de diferenciação, ocasionada pela translocação recíproca e equilibrada entre os braços longos dos cromossomos 9 e 22 nas regiões q34 e q11, respectivamente, essa translocação leva à formação do cromossomo Filadélfia (Ph). O tratamento de primeira linha da LMC é realizado com o inibidor de tirosina-quinase, imatinibe, que embora seja alvo-específico, cerca de 30% dos pacientes desenvolve resistência ao tratamento. Os mecanismos de resistência independentes de BCR-ABL serão o alvo deste estudo e compreendem, principalmente, variantes em genes da farmacocinética e da farmacodinânica do imatinibe. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a associação de 40 variações de nucleotídeo único (SNVs) em genes envolvidos na farmacogenômica do imatinibe com as a resistência ao tratamento da LMC. Além disso, analisar a relação entre 32 SNVs em genes implicados no processo carcinogênico com a falha terapêutica do imatinibe. Nossos resultados apontaram que a variante rs12505410 do gene ABCG2 está envolvida na resistência primária (presente desde o início do tratamento). Assim, os pacientes com o alelo G neste SNV têm menor risco de apresentarem resistência primária do que indivíduos com o genótipo TT. E ao analisar a resistência secundária (que se manifesta ao longo do tempo e depois de uma resposta positiva ao tratmento), encontramos que pacientes com o genótipo recessivo AA na variante rs2290573 do gene ULK3 tem três vezes mais chances de desenvolver resistência ao longo do tempo do que pacientes com outros genótipos. Além disso, realizamos a análise de interação das variantes investigadas e diversas combinações apresentaram resultados estatisticamente significativos tanto para resistência primária quanto secundária. No tocante à falha terapêutica, os resultados mostraram que os SNVs rs2372536 no gene ATIC e rs10821936 no ARID5B gene são estatísticamente significantes com esta variável clínica. Ressalta-se a importância de biomarcadores preditivos de tratamento para a avaliação precoce do tipo de resposta e possíveis resistências ao tratamento, melhorando o manejo terapêutico e a qualidade de vida dos pacientes.
Molecular approach to phylogeny and species identification and population genetics of fish of the Cynoscion group (Sciaenidae)
Data: Aug 26, 2022
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Keywords: Estuarine fish; Mitochondrial DNA; Cynoscion; Western Atlantic; Eastern Pacific; Barcode DNA
Data: Aug 25, 2022
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The extraction of iron ore in the eastern Amazon occurs mainly in ferruginous outcrops, known as canga. Plants that develop in these ecosystems are subject to severe environmental conditions and must present adaptive mechanisms to establish themselves. Mined areas represent challenging environments for ecosystem rehabilitation. Species of the Fabaceae family such as Dioclea apurensis and Mimosa acutistipula are among the most representative in these environments. Considering the importance of reducing the loss of biodiversity through revegetation, it is essential to identify high-yielding native species in these environments. The species D. apurensis and M. acutistipula are considered promising because they present high ranges in rehablilitating minelands. It is expected that plants that evolved in canga have stress response mechanisms that enable better performance in projects to recover mined areas. Understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in the responses of these species to environmental stimuli is essential to deduce their adaptive capacities in the face of possible stressors in rehabilitating minelands over time. This study aimed to compare the root protein profiles of D. apurensis and M. acutistipula grown in canga and in rehabilitanting minelands in order to identify essential proteins in their adaptations in canga and that should support their establishments in mined areas. The most representative protein groups were related to responses to water deficit, heat, metal ions and nutrient deficiency, as well as biocontrol activities against phytopathogens and symbiosis. The results showed that in both species the proteins of responses to abiotic and biotic stimuli with significant differential abundances showed higher levels in plants grown in canga. This study provides insights into proteins involved in the responses of D. apurensis and M. acutistipula to environmental stimuli, suggesting critical mechanisms to support the establishment of native canga plants in rehabilitating minelands. Keywords: rehabilitating minelands, plant proteomics, adaptive mechanisms, stress response
Data: Aug 18, 2022
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A Ordem Chiroptera é a segunda maior ordem de mamíferos conhecida, com mais de 1.400 espécies (mais de 20% dos mamíferos conhecidos). Esses animais sofreram drásticas adaptações no decorrer de sua evolução, as quais lhes permitiram chegar a habilidades únicas entre os mamíferos, como o voo e a ecolocalização. Entretanto, uma das características mais interessantes dos morcegos é a capacidade de abrigarem uma grande variedade de vírus, muitos causadores de viroses emergentes e letais para outros mamíferos, sem sofrerem qualquer sinal clínico de infecção, tornando-se assim reservatórios de uma série de vírus com potencial para zoonoses. Essa capacidade de acúmulo viral dos morcegos deriva da sua habilidade de supressão, a qual é associada a uma imunidade inata superativa e capaz de detectar e impedir a proliferação viral dentro do seu organismo. Entre os principais atuantes no processo de resposta imune e supressão viral estão os Receptores Toll- Like 3, 7, 8 e 9 e os interferons do tipo I, responsáveis por ativar o estado celular antiviral. Em razão do potencial zoonótico desses animais e da imunidade inata como um fator determinante para tal, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo determinar a organização genômica dos genes de interferon do tipo I para quatro famílias de morcegos e avaliar a expressão desses genes e de outros genes associados à produção desses interferons e à supressão viral em rim, encéfalo e fígado em três espécies da família Phyllostomidae. Nossos resultados sugerem que a organização dos genes de interferon do tipo I no loci onde se localizam evoluiu de diferentes formas nas diferentes famílias de morcego, visto que tanto eventos de contração quanto de expansão do loci puderam ser observados, bem como variável numero de genes de IFN-α e IFNω. Além disso, os genes de interferon se mostraram modulados, com um acúmulo de transcritos comparativamente mais elevado para os genes que codificam IFN-β que para os que codificam IFN-α; para os TLRs, IRFs e para o NLRP3 não houve evidência de modulação. Por outro lado, todos os animais foram negativos para infecção por Coronavirus, Flavivirus e Lyssavirus, evento UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO PARÁ INSTITUTO DE CIÊNCIAS BIOLÓGICAS PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM GENÉTICA E BIOLOGIA MOLECULAR que pode ter influência sobre a dinâmica de expressão dos genes analisados.
Data: Aug 18, 2022
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A dinâmica de interação entre patógeno e hospedeiro no decorrer do processo infeccioso é responsável por uma complexa cascata de eventos celulares que envolvem a expressão de genes para a ativação de vias modulatórias em ambos os organismos. Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis é uma bactéria Gram-positiva, intracelular facultativa e agente etiológico de patologias que afetam uma vasta gama de hospedeiros, dentre elas a linfadenite caseosa. Este patógeno é capaz de subverter a resposta imunológica do indivíduo infectado, se instala no interior de macrófagos e pode migrar para diferentes tecidos causando infecções sistêmicas. Devido ao avanço nas tecnologias de sequenciamento e bioinformática, é possível monitorar a expressão de genes do hospedeiro, o que pode fornecer percepções acerca dos eventos envolvidos na interação e traçar estratégias para novas terapias contra doenças infecciosas. Desta forma, este trabalho se propôs a avaliar o perfil de expressão gênica de macrófagos humanos derivados da linhagem monocítica THP-1 perante a infecção in vitro por C. pseudotuberculosis PA09. A cepa bacteriana foi obtida a partir de material caseoso, identificada por métodos moleculares e seu genoma foi sequenciado pela plataforma MiSeq. Os monócitos THP-1 foram cultivados e diferenciados por meio de PMA a 100 ng/mL, seguido da infecção em MOI 1:5. O sequenciamento do transcriptoma dos macrófagos ocorreu na plataforma NextSeq e a análise in silico para a identificação dos transcritos contra o genoma de referência GRCh38 envolveu um workflow dos programas Trimmomatic, HISAT2 e StringTie. Posteriormente, o edgeR foi adotado para a determinação da expressão diferencial e a plataforma g:Profiler compilou os dados funcionais destes genes. No total, 1213 genes foram hiper-regulados e 1679 foram hipo regulados, dos quais baseados na análise de enriquecimento, vários deles tem funções relacionadas a mecanismos do sistema imune. Dentre os genes induzidos destacam-se IDO1, CLEC4D, CLEC6A, CXCL13, CCL8, IL-6, IL-7 e IL-12, ao passo que IL-4 e catepsinas mostraram ser negativamente reguladas pelo patógeno.
Data: Aug 12, 2022
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For decades researchers have tried to control arbovirus epidemics but often without success. This is because these viruses are transmitted rapidly and on a large scale by mosquito vectors which are distributed around the world, especially in tropical areas. Due to this public health problem, many studies with mosquitoes have been developed in recent years, and a new concept has been applied to the vector competence of these insects: the way that arbovirus transmission occurs depends on the other associated microorganisms. In other words, the transmission of important diseases like yellow fever also depends on the bacteria that this mosquito carries and also depends on the other types of viruses present in the mosquito. Knowing this changes the way we understand vector competence and epidemic control. Therefore, the aim of this work was focused on knowing the diversity of bacteria and viruses associated with mosquitoes that transmit wild yellow fever. For this, the next generation sequencing approach together with metagenomics were used to analyze Sabethes spp. collected in the metropolitan region of Belém-PA, Brazil. In this work it was possible to find a great microbial diversity that was similar for all the Sabethes studied, not being possible to observe a significant phyllosymbiosis. Bacteria with potential for biological control such as Listeria monocytogenes, Wolbachia and Enterobacter cloacae could be identified in the samples, as well as a wide range of viruses, mainly insect-specific viruses, which still do not have concrete data in the available literature. In-depth studies are needed to experimentally describe the role of the microorganisms described here in order to promote the development of new strategies to control arboviruses.
Data: Aug 3, 2022
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Alzheimer’s Disease (DA) is a complex, progressive and irreversible neurodegenerative disease that leads to memory loss, severe dementia, and gradual disability in adults, predominantly in the elderly. Currently, olecular characterization of DA relies on the presence of β-amyloid plaques and neurofbrillary tau deposits in the eocortex. Fusiform gyrus, a structure that lies on the basal surface of the temporal and occipital lobes, is esponsible for object recognition. In DA, this region showed molecular alterations and a common symptom bserved is the inability to recognize family members. Distinct changes in functional connectivity of the fusiform gyrus have been reported in patients with mild cognitive impairment, these show a higher risk of conversion to DA. Thus, DA-linked genes in the fusiform gyrus may be critical in DA onset and progression and could be omising targets for early diagnosis and therapy. To improve our understanding of the molecular interactions in DA, public RNA-seq data from DA (n = 219) and healthy samples (n = 80) were extracted from GEO’s E125583 series and submitted to co-expression and differential co-expression networks analysis. These analyses sought to identify and defne the role of gene-gene interactions in the fusiform gyrus of patients with A as well as to fnd novel genes that might be related to DA diagnostic. To verify gene-specifc expression in the usiform gyrus and other brain regions, we examine RNA-seq data from samples with and without dementia talogued in GTEx (13 brain regions) and in the Aging, Dementia, and TBI study (four different brain regions). Our results highlighted three enriched pathways (Toll-like Receptor Cascades, L1CAM interactions, and G alpha (q) signaling events) and a total of eight gene hubs, fve which were found in co-expression analysis (DLGAP1, FNDC3A, MED23, NRIP1 and PKN2) and three in differential co-expression analysis (GABRD, TSPYL1 and SNL1). Finally, we highlight genes with moderate performance on prediction of dementia within the different brain tissues. Our fndings raise new biological pathways and genes into the molecular pathology of DA development, expanding signifcant nowledge aspects of gene regulatory networks in the fusiform gyrus.
Data: Jul 19, 2022
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A Proteína Carotenoide Laranja tem a função de permitir que as células se evadam de possíveis danos causados pela luz, por meio do mecanismo de fotoproteção. O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar in sílico a diversidade e caracterizar as propriedades estruturais e funcionais da Proteína Carotenoide Laranja (OCP) isoladas de Cianobactérias Amazônicas a fim de validá-las para uso em biotecnologia. As sequências de OCP foram obtidas do banco de dados NCBI e utilizadas como referência na busca por OCP nos genomas analisados das linhagens utilizadas no estudo. Para a análise filogenética foi utilizado o programa MEGA X. A análise estrutural foi feita através da modelagem comparativa das OCPs no programa MODELLER, utilizando como molde a proteína de Tolypothrix sp. PCC 7601 e os modelos gerados foram validados conforme parâmetros de Ramachandran, QMEAN, RMSD e Verify3D. Todos os modelos de homologia gerados aqui foram submetidos a simulações de Dinâmica Molecular (DM), com refinamento de 100 ns. Observou-se, que a filogenia corroborou as relações filogenéticas de cada um organismo do estudo, e evidenciou a funcionalidade das OCPs analisadas. Através do molde selecionado para construir os modelos, foi possível validá-los. Dessa forma, ao analisar a interação da proteína com o carotenoide hECN dos modelos de OCPs estudadas neste trabalho, mostrou que todos os complexos permaneceram estáveis durante a simulação. Por fim, foi possível observar que existe conservação estrutural de um grupo de resíduos, tais como Trp110, Arg155 e Leu107. Com isso, a busca por novas formas de OCPs obtidas de outras cianobactérias podem revelar novas aplicações para esta proteína.
Chemical, cytotoxic, genotoxic and action on gene expression in human tissue lines treated with Luffa operculata Cogn extract.
Data: Jun 9, 2022
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The present study carried out the evaluation of Luffa operculata, a medicinal plant, for the search for new therapeutic substances in the treatment of gastric cancer. This plant belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family, which is rich in cucurbitacins, triterpenes studied for anticancer action. It is popularly known as "cabacinha" or "buchinha do Norte" and in the literature reports that it is used for the treatment of sinusitis, nasal congestion, in addition to being used as an abortifacient, due to its cytotoxic action. The phytochemical evaluation of the Luffa operculata fruit extract confirmed the presence of cucurbitacin B (CB) as the major component. The assay with MTT in the gastric cancer lines AGP01, ACP02 and ACP03, confirmed the high cytotoxicity of CB and the extract of this plant, highlighting the greater selectivity of the extract in the gastric cancer lineage ACP03. The necrosis and apoptosis assay showed that the Ethanol Fruit Extract (EEF) and CB caused a high rate of death, mainly by apoptosis. Cell cycle assessment by cytometry verified that EEF and CB induced an increase in the percentage of cells in the G2/M phase, mainly in AGP01. The cell migration assay also found that EEF and CB inhibited this activity, especially ACP03. The gene expression of MYC, BCL2, CCND1 and EPCAM in cell models AGP01, ACP03 and MRC-5 exposed to L. operculata products was also evaluated and it was found that both EEF and CB impacted the decrease in MYC expression in ACP03, this This finding corroborated the phenotypic results of this study, since the low expression of this gene is related to both reduced cell progression and low survival of neoplastic cells. It is believed that CB, the major component of EEF, acts as an inhibitor of STAT3, and that this inhibition may be associated with both the decrease in MYC expression, as well as the ability of CB to inhibit Janus kinase family proteins, which has even been verified in the molecular docking study since CB was able to interact favorably with JAK1 and JAK2. This interaction could prevent JAK from autophosphorylating, therefore, it would not act in the JAK/STAT pathway, which acts on STAT3 activation. Another interesting result was from the micronucleus assay, where exposure to EEF and CB did not result in significant genotoxicity induction. Therefore, the high induction of gastric cancer cell death, the influence on the low expression of MYC, and the low genotoxic risk are very favorable evidence that Luffa operculata extract and cucurbitacin are promising for further studies that can confirm the their use in cancer therapy, including the possibility of formulating a phytotherapic.
Helicobacter pylori detection in gastric tissue biopsy images
Data: Apr 20, 2022
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Helicobacter pylori detection in gastric tissue biopsy images
Helicobacter pylori (HP) is a bacterium capable of inducing serious inflammation in the gastric mucosa, leading to the development of pathologies such as chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, and gastric cancer. It is estimated that the prevalence is 50\% in the world population and 70\% in the Brazilian population. HP is the most prominent cause of gastric cancer in the world, therefore, infection control is of fundamental importance for the prevention of diseases of the gastric tract. The main method of diagnosis is a histopathological examination, a method in which a pathologist examines a slide containing gastric biopsy tissue for the presence of HP. The advantage of this method is the possibility of also analyzing morphological structures of the tissue, however, it is an invasive method, depends on the experience of the pathologist, and takes a long time to complete the diagnosis. Deep learning algorithms have been potentially applied to the analysis of histological images and have shown promising results for pathologies of the gastric tract. It is expected that these models will help the pathologist in the diagnosis of HP infection, without time and subjectivity reduction in the analyses. However, the use of these methods for HP detection is scarce. Thus, the present study proposes: i) a systematic review to investigate how deep learning methods can help in the diagnosis and detection of HP infection during a histopathological examination; ii) in a pilot way the construction of a collection of marked histological images for training and testing of H. Pylori detection models, and iii) initial experiments on the application of detection methods based on the You Only Look Once strategy.
Deep learning, Detection, Helicobacter pylori, Histopatology.
Data: Apr 20, 2022
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GENE COEXPRESSION NETWORK IN PATIENTS WITH GASTRIC ADENOCARCINOMA Despite the decrease in incidence rates, Gastric Cancer (GC) still has a high mortality rate and poor prognosis. To change this scenario, there is a search for molecular markers. Recently, coexpression networks have emerged as a potential tool for mining new biomarkers. In the present work, gene expressions of 45 GC tissues were analyzed by Next Generation Sequencing. Gene coexpression clusters (modules) were constructed with WGCNA software and indexed. Gene Ontology (GO) analysis was performed to identify the functional profile of the modules. Next, the expression profile of genes in the modules was correlated with clinical features. Genes not differentially expressed were removed from their respective modules. 8 coexpression modules were found. 4 of which were statistically significant: Turquoise (24.5% of 11,032 genes analyzed in the network), Blue (16.7%), Green (5.7%), and Red (4.9). Significant correlations were found between the Turquoise module with intestinal subtype; Blue with diffuse subtype; Red with diffuse and TNM subtype; and Green with positive status for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. The hub genes with significant positive or negative implications in GC were: Turquoise (TWF1, GLO1, PSMA2, PPIA, SNRPG, USMG5, SF3B6, RPL39, C8orf59, RPL30, and PSMD14), Blue (PARP15, ABCC10, C4orf32, SHISA9, GRAMD4P3, ZBTB8B, ZNF554, and PCDHA4), Red (NEGR1 and WNT2B) and Green (ADAMDEC1 and DPYD). The hub genes identified may be possible prognostic markers. Future functional validations should be performed. Keywords: Gastric Cancer; Coexpression Network; WGCNA; Lauren Classification; EBV
Data: Apr 18, 2022
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The mountainous complex of Serra dos Carajás is located in isolated areas inserted in the forest matrix of the Amazon forest, considered one of the largest mineral provinces in the world. These areas , known as Cangas, are characterized by the high content of metals, especially iron, and by its acidity, nutrient deficiency and poor drainage. The ferruginous cangas harbor endemic plant species, which exhibit a series of physiological modifications to survive in these environments, and occur in four phytophysiognomies (woodland, vellozia, grassland and scrubland). The main objective of the present work was to describe the composition and functionality of the microbial community associated with the soils of the ferruginous Cangas, in order to understand the nutrient cycling processes present in these ecosystems. The DNA of microorganisms present in 48 soil samples collected along the Carajás National Forest was extracted and then sequenced on the NextSeq 500 Illumina platform, and the results analyzed in a locally installed pipeline, which to be evaluated, a comparison was made between microbial communities from a chronosequence of rehabilitation of mined lands and native vegetation in southwestern Brazil, identifying archaea, bacteria, viruses and the functional classification. Subsequently, the pipeline developed was used to characterize the microbial community in general, nitrogen fixing bacteria, archaea and mycorrhizal fungi, for analysis of the nitrogen cycle. The results showed that there are significant differences in the general microbial composition, that involved in the nitrogen cycle, and the proteins found in the different phytophysiognomies. When performing an RDA analysis, it was found that iron significantly influenced the structure of the general community, and iron and sodium significantly influenced the structure of the community involved in the nitrogen cycle. Vegetation cover along the canga and the microbial and micorrhyzal fungal community were significantly correlated. Finally, microbial genera and indicator proteins were found in each phytophysiognomy, while the core community (those genera present in more than 80% of the samples) was 80.28%. The study shows the strong 8 relationship between microbial communities and plant composition of ferruginous Cangas, highlighting the importance of studying nutrient cycling in these soils to understand the functioning of these ecosystems.
Data: Apr 5, 2022
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A deficiência intelectual é caracterizada por limitações significativas na cogniçãoe comportamento adaptativo, que afeta de 1 a 3% da população mundial. Na ausência de exposição a fatores ambientais que possam explicar a deficiência, as diretrizes atuais recomendam, dentre outros, o exame cariotípico. Devido a limitações técnicas, a taxa de diagnóstico obtida por meio do bandeamento cromossômico para distúrbios do desenvolvimento intelectual e malformações está em torno de3%. Devido a isso, a hibridização genômica comparativa em microarranjos (aCGH) se firmou como uma técnica de escolha, por possibilitar verificar o genoma por inteiro, para investigar microdeleções ou microduplicações não detectáveis por cariótipo e, mais recentemente, até para variações de nucleotídeos (SNPs). Esta metodologia tem apresentado uma taxa diagnóstica de até 20% para casos de atraso no desenvolvimento, deficiência intelectual, malformações congênitas múltiplas e autismo de causa desconhecida, além de revelar novos genes que possam estar relacionados a esses distúrbios. No Pará, ainda não há nenhum estudo epidemiológico da participação de microrrearranjos nos casos de atraso no desenvolvimento cognitivo. Dessa forma, objetivamos avaliar o impacto das variações no número de cópias (CNVs) em casos de atraso de desenvolvimento psicomotor a partir de dados de aCGH de pacientes atendidos em dois hospitais públicos. No total, foram identificadas 1080 CNVs em 96 pacientes (média de 11,25), distribuídas em 533 regiões cromossômicas. Dessas CNVs, apenas 1,66% foram classificadas como patogênicas, e 1,85% como provavelmente patogênicas, de acordo com dados disponíveis em bancos de dados. Porém, um dado relevante foi a alta proporção de alterações de significado incerto (64,16%). Considerando que os bancos de dados disponíveis para consulta incluem principalmente pacientes da América do Norte e Europa, esse resultado pode ser devido a peculiaridades importantes das características citogenômicas de nossa população. Assim, a realização de análises mais profundas em relação ao conteúdo dessas regiões é necessária e imprescindível para se entender suas prováveis relações com as características clínicas dos pacientes.
Mitogenomics of the Callitrichinae Subfamily sensu Schneider, 2000
Data: Mar 31, 2022
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Neotropical primates are endemic to South and Central America. Among them, the subfamily Callitrichinae has the greatest diversity of species, bringing together the small primates that occur in the Amazon and Atlantic Forest, which are distributed in seven genera: Saguinus, Leontocebus, Leontopithecus, Callimico, Callithrix, Mico and Cebuella. The Callitrichinae subfamily is undoubtedly one of the most complex, in terms of taxonomy and inter- and intra-generic relationships. The main open questions that guide the development of this thesis refer to i) the discussions about the phylogenetic relationships between the species of the genus Callithrix, ii) the positioning of the emblematic M. humilis, iii) the kinship between Saguinus and Leontopithecus and iv) the relationship of the sister group of this subfamily. Therefore, the present study aimed to infer kinship relationships within a biogeographic framework consistent with the distribution of Neotropical primates and, in this way, advance knowledge about the evolutionary history of the subfamily Callitrichinae based on mitochondrial genome sequences. The results produced on comparative mitogenomics showed that the mitochondrial genome of Neotropical primates corresponds to a circular double-stranded molecule, composed of 38 genes, of which 13 genes code for proteins, 22 for tRNA, 2 for rRNA and two non-coding regions. With the exception of the ND6 gene and eight tRNA genes, all other genes are encoded in the heavy chain. The results of the present study showed the presence of a non-coding sequence with approximately 32 bp between the tRNA genes Asparagine and Cysteine. Protein-coding genes had four different start codons: ATG, ATA and ATT and GTG. Four complete stop codons were observed: TAG, TGA, TAA and AGG, the latter exclusive to the COI gene. The use of amino acids shows that Isoleucine, Leucine, Proline, Serine and Threonine were dominant in relation to the other amino acids. These amino acids are mostly composed of A or T in the second and third codon positions, contributing to the A+T bias throughout the mitogenome. We did not observe gene rearrangements throughout the mitochondrial genome, and in the Cebidae, Atelidae and Pitheciidae families, the control region is the main source of variation in mitogenome size. The Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Inference analyzes were congruent and recovered the monophyly of the genus Mico, including the dwarf tamarin M. humilis. The divergence time estimate showed that the emergence of M. humilis and C. aurita occurred practically at the same time and reinforces the proposal that “humilis” belongs to Mico and not to the genus Callibella. Topologies refuted Saguinus and Leontopithecus as sister groups. In the present study, Aotus was recovered as a sister group to the Cebids, which are more closely related to the subfamily Callitrichinae. The reconstruction of the biogeographic scenario revealed that the callitrichid ancestor had a wide distribution in the forest regions of Imeri, Napo and Negro for 19.3 Ma. The pattern of diversification of the genera Leontopithecus and Callithrix corroborated the hypothesis of a connection between the Amazon and the Atlantic Forest. The data indicate that there were several colonizations in the Atlantic Forest, first by Leontopithecus around 18 Ma and later by Callithrix around 5.1 Ma. In the Amazon basin, the diversification of the Leontocebus and Saguinus genera occurred approximately 13.1 Ma ago, and later, Cebuella and Mico diversified in 8.1 Ma. Changes in the Amazon river drainage system, geological formations, and Plio-Pleistocene climate change were the main drivers of the origin and diversification of present-day Callitrichine species. This study, for the first time, brings data from all genera of Callitrichines, reflecting the real kinship relationships and discussing the main events that guide the biogeographic history of this important group of New World primates.
Keywords: Phylogeny, mtDNA, Origin of Light Strand, New World Primates, Callitrichinae
Analysis of Increased EGFR and IGF-1R Signaling and Its Correlation with Socio-Epidemiological Features and Biological Profile in Breast Cancer
Data: Mar 9, 2022
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Even with intense progress in molecular biology, cancer still poses a challenge in the prognostic evaluation and treatment. The breast cancer has the great biological diversity and heterogeneity that require continuous studies on its biological and molecular profile. Growth factors have been shown important elements of cellular function and active cell signaling participants. Receptors of type 1 epidermal growth factor and insulin like growth factor are important components in the current evaluation of breast cancer, there are promising indications that altered cell signaling, due to the super expression of these factors of growth, plays a relevant role in the origin and progression of malignant neoplasia, maintaining constant stimulation of proliferation and blockage to apoptosis. In this study we want to evaluate whether how the super expression of receptors EGFR RNA m and EGFR protein and the IGF-1R RNA m and IGF-1R protein can influence specific biological types in the evolution of breast cancer and relate to the expression of epidemiological factors. In the results we observed that EGFR protein is more expressed in 18-40 years, while in IGF-1R overexpression is more seen between 41-60 years; mRNA and EGF-1R protein was more expressed in nulliparous, in smokers, in those with relatives with breast cancer as family history, in patients with body mass index (BMI) > that 25, the biological profile that most expressed the EGFR was HER. While mRNA and IGF-1R protein was more expressed in those who were left; in smokers and alcoholics, in patients with family history of cancers other than breast cancers and more associated with the biological profile Luminal B. Both proteins are super expressed in patients with lymph node involvement present (of 1-3 lymph nodes and in patients who evolved with unfavorable outcome such as relapses, metastases, and deaths. Further studies are needed to deepen the theme and introduce new therapeutic possibilities in breast cancer.
Data: Feb 25, 2022
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Gastric cancer (GC) remains one of the most incident and lethal tumors globally. The complexity of GC, including tumor heterogeneity, makes the diagnosis, prognosis, and the use of therapies universally difficult. Thus, there is an increasing number of studies searching for precision biomarkers. In this context, long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) stand out, a class of regulatory molecules that play crucial roles in carcinogenesis, progression, and resistance mechanisms to therapy of different neoplasms, including GC. Therefore, aiming to contribute scientifically to the understanding of the role of lncRNAs in GC, we proposed to evaluate, using RNA sequencing, the expression profiles of lncRNAs in tumor and non-tumor tissue samples (adjacent to the tumor) of 24 patients with gastric adenocarcinoma submitted to the FLOT neoadjuvant treatment (treated group) and 20 patients who did not receive neoadjuvant treatment (untreated group). Differential expression analyzes were performed with the DESeq2 package available in R, considering differentially expressed lncRNAs (DE) whose expression difference showed: |Log2(Fold-Change)| > 2; and adjusted p-value < 0.05. In silico analyses were adopted to identify DE lncRNAs with transcription factors (TFs) and RNA binding proteins (RPBs). Analysis of the KEGG pathway (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes, KEGG) was performed to elucidate the biological roles of these targets. Differential expression analysis revealed a tumor-specific expression signature of lncRNAs, which was more evident in samples from patients in the untreated group. In treated patients, the results indicated that neoadjuvant therapy led to changes in expression patterns, making tumor tissue similar to non-tumor. Furthermore, to assess whether this observed effect was restricted to the histological subtype, the groups were stratified based on Lauren's classification. The intestinal subtype presented the most expressive results, in which 961 DE lncRNAs were identified in tumor samples from the untreated group, among them 148 lncRNAs discriminated with high precision (Area under the ROC curve>0.9) tumor and non-tumor samples. Only 29 DE lncRNAs were detected in the treated group. Subsequent analyzes identified that nontumor tissues (treated vs. untreated) show similar expression profiles, regardless of treatment. Contrastingly, 54 DE lncRNAs were found among tumor samples, 16 of them with an AUC greater than 0.8, indicating that the neoadjuvant effect is predominant in the tumor. Changes in lncRNA expression in tumors treated as overexpression of LA16c-390E6.5, and LINC00273 and underexpression of RP11-598F7.6 and KB-7G2.8 were associated with better rates of OS (p < 0, 05). The detected lncRNAs interact with essential TFs and RBPs, enriched in cancer development and progression pathways, including transcriptional dysregulation, cell cycle, and cell senescence. Despite the need for further validation, the present study highlights the functional relevance of these transcripts in tumor biology and, mainly, shed light on the molecular effects of FLOT neoadjuvant treatment, which might help guide future investigations aiming to establish potential biomarkers. Keywords: Gastric cancer; lncRNA; RNA-seq; differential expression analysis; neoadjuvant; intestinal subtype. 5. RESUMO E PALAV