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  • Social and Environmental Impacts in the Serra do Piriá Region, Viseu: Focus on the Geoecology of Landscapes

  • Data: 17/07/2024
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  • Socio-environmental impacts, which are changes suffered by the environment and caused by
    human actions or activities that have a direct influence on the quality of life of populations.
    These aspects can be verified in the Serra do Piriá region, located in the municipality of Viseu-
    PA, where among the various activities we highlight the mineral exploration that led to sudden
    changes in the natural space, with impacts being identified, such as: the deforestation of native
    vegetation, the destruction of soil, subsoil fires, among others. The objective is to analyze the

    socio-environmental impacts in six communities around the Serra do Piriá in which they were
    directly affected by anthropic activities (mining, livestock, extractivism) and their consequences
    related to the appropriation of natural resources by communities. The methodology is based on
    the assumptions of environmental analysis with a view to the Geoecology of Landscapes to
    analyze the socio-environmental impacts that together with renowned authors will serve as a
    framework for the understanding of socio-environmental phenomena. Anthropogenic activities
    can lead to the risk of these landscapes disappearing, in which the deepening of studies is
    necessary, being essential that they are conserved and/or preserved.


  • Data: 09/07/2024
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  • The present report constitutes a mandatory prerequisite for the qualification exam for the
    Master's in Geography in the Postgraduate Program in Geography (PPGEO) at the Pará
    Federal University. The report´s objective is to present the academic activities and results
    obtained in the first year of the Master's degree in Geography (2021-2022). The report is
    composed of two parts. The first one is the academic memorial, with reports of the
    academic trajectory developed in the course, presenting the subjects studied, the activities
    carried out and the participation in events and academic productions (articles and chapters
    in published books). The second part presents the project to be discussed during the
    dissertation, as well as the main authors who will be addressed, a theoretical-
    methodological matrix proposed for the paper´s preparation. The ongoing investigation
    that led to this qualification report deals with geotourism as a territorial development
    strategy for São Miguel do Tapuio, adding to the already existing production chain in the
    city, and the possibilities for its territorial development.

    Keywords: Geotourism; Territory; Development; Family farming; São Miguel do Tapuio.


  • Data: 08/07/2024
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  • O objetivo do estudo é analisar a concepção de universidade que vem sendo implementada no século XXI a partir da gestão e do movimento sindical dos e das docentes da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA) nas duas primeiras décadas dos anos 2000. Este período marca uma conjuntura complexa, caracterizada pelas consequências da reestruturação produtiva do capital que impactou as estruturas educacionais e sindicais, com fins de adequar os trabalhadores ao processo sociometabólico do ideário neoliberal pela incorporação dos preceitos mercantis para a vida humana. Parte-se da hipótese que mediante as disputas de projetos de classes os docentes universitários têm sido levados a incorporarem os preceitos neoliberais que os imputam práticas sociais sintonizadas aos aspectos do individualismo, do produtivismo e da competitividade. O que reflete de forma significativa e determinante na sua atuação político-sindical já que eles ingressaram na universidade em meio à conjuntura de desmonte da educação superior pública, precarização das condições de trabalho e da desvalorização do magistério, conjuntura que o limitam a compreender processo de contrarreforma da educação superior, seu papel protagonista diante da conjuntura de privatização da universidade pública, de criminalização e cooptação dos sindicatos, e dos limites político-ideológicos impostos aos trabalhadores dos dias atuais. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa o método adotado é baseado nas categorias da totalidade, mediação e contradição da teoria social marxiana que deverão ser articuladas às abstrações empíricas do objeto de estudo. O problema da tese é: qual a percepção de universidade e de movimento sindical dos docentes da UFPA admitidos no período de 2007 a 2020? A busca por resposta se deu em dois momentos: o primeiro, pela aplicação de formulário com questões que traçam o perfil da população de docentes da UFPA. E o segundo,pela realização de entrevistas semiestruturada em dois dos eixos temáticos: Concepção de universidade; Função social do professor do ensino superior; de Movimento sindical docente.

  • PROGRAMAS RAÍZES E PARÁ QUILOMBOLA: uma análise da titulação quilombola paraense de 2000 a 2020

  • Orientador : JOAO SANTOS NAHUM
  • Data: 25/06/2024
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  • O objetivo geral da tese é compreender as ações dos programas Raízes e Pará Quilombola na
    titulação de territórios quilombolas, durante os 20 anos (2000-2020).de vigência daquelas políticas de
    ações afirmativas para estas comunidades tradicionais paraenses Nesse viés, foram feitas leituras
    sobre políticas de ação afirmativa, sobre território, sobre territorialidade e sobre comunidades
    remanescentes de quilombos, pesquisas e análises de sites oficiais dos órgãos responsáveis pelas
    titulações dos territórios das comunidades remanescentes de quilombos no Pará (INCRA, ITERPA e
    FCP) e entrevistas às coordenações do Programa Raízes, da MALUNGU e da GCQ e aos membros
    do movimento negro paraense Nilma Bentes (CEDENPA) e Domingos Conceição (MOCAMBO).
    Concluímos que, em 20 anos de execução de políticas de ação afirmativa para estas comunidades
    tradicionais, não houve um aumento no número de titulações, que desse continuidade à fase
    quantitativamente mais produtiva, ocorrida entre 2000 e 2010, quando foram homologados 48 títulos
    de territórios de comunidades remanescentes de quilombos e houve 61 processos de expedição. No
    período posterior em estudo, entre 2011 e 2020, constatou-se uma queda acentuada no quantitativo
    de titulações, que foi de 17, com a expedição de um processo, apenas. Em nossa avaliação, os
    principais motivos para tal decréscimo foram: indefinição de órgãos públicos, quanto à
    responsabilidade de realização das titulações; recursos financeiros parcos para o exercício das
    políticas de ação afirmativa; conflitos internos nas comunidades remanescentes quilombolas e entre
    estas e agentes externos; e carência de conhecimentos dos remanescentes quilombolas sobre a
    organização de processos de titulações de terras.


    GEOGRAFIA, POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS DE CULTURA E CARTOGRAFIA(S): uma reflexão sobre a experiência brasileira neste início de século XXI

  • Data: 29/05/2024
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  • In Brazil, the first decade of the 21st century was a time of debates, construction, institutionalization, implementation, and implementation of a structured public policy for culture in a systemic and participatory manner. Mechanisms and management tools for this policy were designed to guarantee and strengthen democracy, cultural diversity, and intercultural dialogue. Through the National Culture Plan (PNC) and the configuration of the National Culture System (SNC), a broad and complex management architecture was structured, which has as an instrument for generating data and information for the production of cultural cartography the National System of Cultural Information and Indicators (SNIIC). In this work, our objective was to analyze the production of data and cultural information in the cultural cartography generated by Brazil's public culture policy, its contribution, and its limits to processes that reveal a geographical dimension in/of the diversity of Brazilian cultural manifestations. Following a path where different notions and concepts such as culture, public policies, cartography, and territory intersect, we chose to work with an applied methodology of qualitative nature, producing methodological experiments for cultural cartography processes that directly contribute to the construction of public culture policy and enabling geographical analysis. We found that Brazil's territorial diversity and its "opaque territories," become obstacles to the full realization of this policy.


    Keywords: Geography and Culture; Cultural Data and Information; Cultural Cartography; Public Culture Policy.

  • FROM CASTANHAL TO CATTLE FARMS: spatial dynamics in São Geraldo do Araguaia-Pará
  • Data: 29/05/2024
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  • This master's research discusses the spatial dynamics, understood as changes and permanence,
     related to the transition from the Fortaleza chestnut grove to the Fortaleza village 
    and the cattle farms in the municipality of São Geraldo do Araguaia/PA, which had areas of chestnut groves 
    in its territory and had its non-indigenous spatial formation initiated by migrations of 
    chestnut trees during the Brazil nut cycle (Silva, Pereira and Rodrigues 2019). 
    The research area will be limited to the village of Fortaleza and the cattle farms surrounding this village.
  • DINÂMICA TERRITORIAL RURAL E URBANA NA REGIÃO IMEDIATA DE BELÉM (RIB): Estudo comparativo em Santa Izabel do Pará e Santo Antônio do Tauá.

  • Data: 17/04/2024
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  • A presente tese se debruça sobre as relações complexas e dinâmicas emergentes entre o espaço rural e urbano nos municípios de Santa Izabel do Pará e Santo Antônio do Tauá. A análise em questão é sustentada por uma compreensão que procurou se aprofundar na influência da dispersão metropolitana sobre esses territórios, onde as intrincadas dinâmicas territoriais e culturais desempenham um papel fundamental, evidenciando-se através das transformações do uso da terra em ambientes considerados rurais. O epicentro dessa pesquisa reside na proposição intrínseca de que as metamorfoses nas interfaces rural e urbanas estão incitando uma reconfiguração econômica substancial no âmbito do uso da terra dessas localidades. Nos locais onde as estruturas urbanas estão mais presentes, emerge a figura das Áreas de Periurbanização (APs), ao passo que nos espaços rurais mais remotos florescem, o que denominamos de Dinâmicas de um Novo Rural (DNRs). Estas manifestações empíricas contrariam a premissa tradicional que sugere que a disseminação urbana resulta na absorção completa do rural. As DNRs denotam um determinado padrão de uso da terra, concomitantemente a alterações no perfil produtivo tradicional do rural local, originando-se em uma complexa e híbrida intercessão entre o rural e o urbano. Para embasar essa abordagem, este estudo explora fundamentos conceituais sobre a interface entre campo e cidade conhecida como Periurbano e, finalmente, a conceituação do Novo Rural, tendo como uma importante delimitação a Região Imediata de Belém. Em síntese, esta investigação tem como desígnio primordial evidenciar que o contexto rural nesta parcela do estado do Pará está passando por transformações profundas em sua estrutura tradicional, engendrando novas configurações nas relações campo-cidade. Nesse ínterim, emerge a gestão pública municipal como um elemento de magnitude indispensável à compreensão dos conceitos de rural e urbano, bem como para a instrução de políticas de desenvolvimento, a exemplo dos territórios municipais sob investigação. Destarte, a conclusão inarredável é que o reconhecimento lúcido e abalizado da reorganização e ressignificação do rural torna-se um imperativo crucial para uma governança eficaz e contextualmente pertinente a tais dinâmicas territoriais. Nesse contexto, emerge a necessidade premente de uma abordagem mais abrangente e sistemática voltada a enfrentar os desafios latentes e capitalizar as oportunidades emergentes inerentes a essas novas relações entre o rural e o urbano no contexto municipal.

  • Não informado.

  • Data: 15/04/2024
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  • The availability of water is an essential requirement for survival, well-being and health of humankind and, therefore, the prosperity of society. In addition to that, it is also essential to the proper sustainable functioning of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. The general objective of this work was to propose, from Copernicus images - Sentinel, a water quality assessment index surface areas and its use as a management tool for inspection within the Barcarena watershed (PA). For that, several studies were made from the collected material of these parameters in the studied area, in the period of 2018, 2020 and 2022. The acquisitions of the images were taken using the Copernicus platform, from the European Space Agency (ESA), respecting the field collection date, three water quality parameters were analyzed: transparency, chlorophyll-a and turbidity. Such data was compared to data from collections. The images were processed in geoprocessing programs, such as Google Earth Engine and Qgis, in which the most powerful electromagnetic spectrum bands were selected, which were suitable for the analysis of each parameter. Within these bands, it was established lines of gray levels that were correlated with water analyses. We also sought to assess the importance of the applicability of using satellite imagery for management and inspection of the Barcarena (PA) hydrographic microbasin, since there is the possibility that the environment could be impacted by human action, especially due to the high degree of disturbance of the aquatic ecosystem indicated by the trophic state index. The results revealed that the The behavior of the parameters have gone through changes in comparison to the years analyzed, and such changes infer modifications in water quality, which must be associated with climate change, variation in water level and/or anthropogenic interference. Therefore, the use of data from remote sensoring proved to be an excellent tool for environmental analyzing and monitoring, with the goal of informing the community about the importance of conserving water bodies (rivers, lakes, beaches, etc.) and thereby obtaining benefits and quality of life, and also, pay attention to mining practices and their processes. With the results it can be stated that the use of the sentinel-2 Tool allowed generating a basin information model that is enabled through sensing response remote control that will generate transparency, turbidity and chlorophyll-a data. This information can help in planning water resources in the basin, analyzing them and serving society as an environmental management tool, in the Barcarena watershed.


  • Data: 15/04/2024
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  • This research aims to understand the urban economy of a riverside city in the Amazon, in light
    of the theory of spatial circuits of the urban economy - the upper and lower circuit, proposed
    by Milton Santos in 1970. The locus of this research is the city of Porto de Moz/PA, located in
    the Lower Xingu (mesoregion of the Lower Amazon), at the confluence of the Xingu River and
    the Amazon River. The focus of the research analysis is to understand, through the theory of
    circuits, the urban economy of a riverside city, considering that the small riverside cities of the
    Amazon present peculiarities regarding their formation, the relationship with the river, and
    traditional ways of life. Thus, the dynamics and elements of these cities differ from other
    regions, as many emerged during colonization in the Amazon and through developmental
    projects in the region. In this sense, the riverside cities of the Amazon present a lower and
    traditional economy, it is hypothesized that the city of Porto de Moz is based on a lower
    economy that contributes directly and indirectly to the local economy. Through the realization
    of field research through (photographic/aerial records, application of forms with commercial
    agents, in addition to cartographic mapping), it was found that the city of Porto de Moz presents
    more elements and characteristics of the lower circuit and the marginal upper circuit, since the
    city aggregates different economic agents, such as fishermen, street vendors, hawkers, etc.,
    these local agents contribute significantly to the local and regional economy of the city, as it
    establishes economic relations with the other municipalities in the region around it, and also,
    has economic relations with the RESEX, which is part of the territory.

    Keywords: Amazon; spatial circuits; Porto de Moz; riverside cities; economy; lower circuit.

  • Ambiguidades de Interesses: implicações no ordenamento territorial de Vitória do Xingu - PA

  • Data: 08/04/2024
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  • Na região amazônica, a implantação de Grandes Projetos de investimento deu origem a
    uma sequência de repercussões nas áreas em que estão integrados, antes e depois do
    processo de construção, portanto, compreender essas alterações assume uma
    importância primordial. Esta tese apresenta a análise sobre as implicações no
    ordenamento territorial urbano da cidade de Vitória do Xingu, destacando assim a
    natureza intrínseca do ordenamento territorial que muitas vezes envolve conexões
    complexas e é marcado por várias disputas políticas. O novo ordenamento territorial
    urbano em Vitória do Xingu abrange o dilema entre atender às demandas da sociedade
    ao acesso aos bens e serviços urbanos, ao mesmo tempo em que aborda o anacronismo
    de instrumentos administrativos, regulatórios e normativos. Deste modo, a pesquisa tem
    como objetivo analisar as mudanças nas práticas de gestão e ordenamento territorial em
    Vitória do Xingu a partir da construção da Usina Hidrelétrica de Belo Monte (UHBM),
    pois ordenamento territorial é entendido como um instrumento de articulação
    interinstitucional e de articulação transetorial, que tem como propósito um planejamento
    integrado e articulado junto à ação pública, consequentemente, dado à compatibilidade
    de políticas públicas no rebatimento do espaço integrado à ação do poder público.
    Portanto, compete estabelecer um diagnóstico do território, aferindo as demandas de
    modo que venha compor o escopo da tese, articulado com as políticas públicas nas quais
    permitirá analisar o rebatimento do ordenamento e gestão territorial que visa realizar os
    objetivos estratégicos impostos pelo governo. Desta forma, tem como propósito projetar
    meios de transformação para sociedade, estabelecendo relações possíveis para o
    desvelamento do real, buscando elementos e conexões entre os diferentes aspectos que
    caracterizam a realidade, deste modo o fenômeno investigado é analisado ou
    compreendido a partir da totalidade.


  • Data: 08/04/2024
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  • A diversidade de incentivos em polÌticas p ̇blicas e a sobreposiÁ„o de grandes
    projetos de desenvolvimento na AmazÙnia, a tornaram uma regi„o complexa,
    influenciando diretamente as transformaÁıes da paisagem e sua din‚mica
    geoambiental. A ·rea de estudo desta pesquisa compreende a bacia hidrogr·fica do

    rio Ituna (BHRI), localizada nos municÌpios de Altamira-PA e Senador JosÈ PorfÌrio-
    PA, atualmente constituÌda por seis unidades fundi·rias, entre projetos de

    assentamento e terra indÌgena, criadas sob diferentes contextos. AlÈm disso, a ·rea
    est· sob influÍncia de grandes projetos como a UHE Belo Monte e a especulaÁ„o de
    implantaÁ„o do Projeto Volta Grande (Belo Sun) de exploraÁ„o miner·ria. Diante
    desses fatores, a pesquisa analisou a din‚mica geoambiental e as transformaÁıes
    da paisagem da BHRI, atravÈs das alteraÁıes do uso e cobertura da terra, durante
    36 anos, considerando o contexto de polÌticas p ̇blicas de incentivo para as formas
    de uso da terra (polÌticas fundi·rias e agrÌcolas/agropecu·rias), assim como a
    inserÁ„o e especulaÁ„o de grandes projetos em sua zona de influÍncia. Os resultados
    apontam para modificaÁıes significativas em uma escala multitemporal, onde em
    2022 a Agropecu·ria representava 60.829,59 hectares (38,67%) e FormaÁ„o
    Florestal 95.879,32 hectares (60,96%) da BHRI, sendo importante ressaltar que
    desse total de FormaÁ„o Florestal, 17.464,9533 hectares est„o localizados na TI
    Koatinemo. Os dados confirmam um aumento substancial da expans„o da agricultura
    e pecu·ria sobre a floresta da BHRI. O estudo evidencia ainda, a conservaÁ„o da
    floresta na TI Koatinemo quando comparada aos projetos de assentamento. O estudo
    reforÁa a complexidade da criaÁ„o e execuÁ„o de polÌticas desenvolvimentistas para
    AmazÙnia e como as aÁıes dos seres humanos afetam constantemente a paisagem.

  • O CONTRA ESPAÇO RIBEIRINHO AMAZÔNICO: as contradições da UHE-Belo Monte no espaço da Comunidade
    Boa Esperança

  • Data: 05/04/2024
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  • O presente estudo contribui com as discussões acerca dos impactos gerados pelo barramento do rio Xingu para construção da Usina Hidrelétrica de Belo Monte - UHEBM, na Amazônia brasileira, que gerou impactos nas condições de uso das ilhas, canais, furos e lagos da Comunidade ribeirinha Boa Esperança, localizada na área de
    remanso do reservatório da UHEBM no município de Altamira-PA. Neste âmbito, a pesquisa tem por objetivo analisarr as condições de reprodução material do trabalho ribeirinho mediante alterações nos ambientes fluviais das ilhas, após o barramento do rio Xingu para fins de produção de energia hidrelétrica. O estudo tem como base teórica metodológica o conceito de espaço, produção do espaço e contraespaço na Amazônia, realizando-se, todavia, pela análise de três variáveis: Capital, Técnica e Trabalho, fundamentado no materialismo, histórico e dialética no processo contraditório do espaço agrário na Amazônia, partindo da compreensão do espaço como um conjunto indissociável de sistemas de objetos e sistemas de ação que gera contradições no espaço a partir da materialização do contraespaço. O contraespaço é a manifestação no espaço das consequentes formas de resistências das populações excluídas e marginalizadas no processo de tecnificação do espaço agrário, produto das relações da sociedade no espaço geográfico. A pesquisa apresenta como principais resultados a condição do trabalho material do pescador-ribeirinho, conceito utilizado nesta pesquisa para identificar os sujeitos sociais que ocupam as ilhas da comunidade e tem sua identidade dissociada das suas relações de trabalho, a pesca. Portanto, a pesquisa contribui não só para as discussões paradigmáticas no campo da ciência geográfica, como também para o processo de reconhecimento de área impactadas pelo barramento do rio Xingu, através das observações e dados obtidos em campo na comunidade pesquisada. Essas mudanças interferem no nível de vazão do rio, elevação da temperatura da água, carga sedimentar, nível d’água na cheia e da seca, impactando diretamente as condições de uso dos pescadores-ribeirinhos a partir das transformações materias nas condições de trabalho, ocasionado pelas mudanças no comportamento natural do ambiente do regime hidrológico. Assim sendo, as alterações provocadas no rio Xingu contribuíram para a instabilidade do regime hidrológico dos canais e furos que impactaram diretamente nas condições de subsistências das famílias viventes dessas ilhas. Com efeito, direto no comportamento natural do ambiente fluvial que interfere na expressão material do pescador-ribeirinho, ou seja, no seu trabalho, que se realiza pela prática cotidiana do vivido. O trabalho, portanto, realiza-se toda via, pelas técnicas do fazer da essência do ser ribeirinho, que coexistem na sua forma e conteúdo na intermediação do homem com a natureza ao definir as práticas espaciais e materiais do percebido, concebido e vivido na produção da mais-valia, ou seja, como parte material da divisão internacional do trabalho. Desta forma, é, contudo, na condição do valor de troca que o monopólio do espaço passa a ser disputado, surgindo as relações de contraespaço, questionando o poder hegemônico que racionaliza os espaços da natureza primeira, na insurgência do pescador-ribeirinho como Sujeito protagonista das relações de produção abstrata e material do espaço agrário de Altamira-PA.

  • POR UMA OUTRA PECUARIZAÇÃO: Incremento técnico e produção do espaço agrário em Pacajá/Pará/Brasil

  • Data: 05/04/2024
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  • A agricultura e a pecuária na Amazônia tem sido alvo de muitas críticas nos últimos quarenta anos, pois são apontadas como as principais responsáveis pelos desmatamentos e queimadas. No entanto, existem tecnologias atuais que possibilitam uma agricultura mais sustentável, que concilia a oferta de matéria-prima e a geração de renda com a conservação e a preservação da Amazônia, sem a necessidade de abrir novas áreas. Ainda que as atividades agropecuárias tenham se intensificado com a construção da Rodovia Transamazônica, no começo dos anos 1970, e Pacajá tenha se tornado um município somente no ano de 1988, o modelo de produção de gado não mudou muito, permanecendo de forma extensiva. Assim, a demanda por novas pastagens continuou ano após ano, colocando o município em uma situação de quase insustentabilidade e sob a pressão de políticas de controle do desmatamento, como por exemplo as ações do arco do fogo, iniciadas no começo dos anos 2010. Para compreender a formação do espaço agrário em Pacajá, é necessário esclarecer alguns pontos, pois se nota que há um processo de produção do espaço agrário no município provocado pelo Estado e outros agentes, por meio de políticas públicas que impuseram sistemas produtivos que exigem alta intensidade de trabalho, pouco capital investido e que usam baixo nível técnico e tecnológico. Esses sistemas produtivos que se repetiram ao longo das últimas décadas, é necessário entender se os sistemas de produção tiveram avanços técnicos ao longo do tempo e qual o impacto que esses processos causaram sobre a produção do espaço agrário do município. A partir da análise dos fatores históricos ocorridos desde a abertura da Rodovia Transamazônica, abordando desde o projeto de colonização da região, passando pelas políticas públicas de crédito e de assentamentos rurais, o presente trabalho se propõe a descrever o meio natural compreender como os sistemas de produção se consolidaram, identificando os conjuntos de práticas produtivas utilizadas por produtores rurais. Após a tipificação dos produtores, o detalhamento de suas trajetórias, seus sistemas de produção e suas práticas agropecuárias, chegou-se à conclusão de que houve baixa incremento técnico ao longo dos anos nos sistemas de produção e o impacto na produção de um espaço desordenado é significativo.


  • Data: 27/03/2024
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  • Não informado.


  • Data: 27/03/2024
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  • The study of coastal environments is crucial for public management, since a large part
    of the Brazilian population occupies areas near to the coast. Brazil has a large coastal
    zone, but demographic pressure and urbanization affect its landscape. In the state of
    Pará, a law was created for coastal management, which promotes decentralized
    management and planning for the effective implementation of these policies. The city
    of Salinópolis, especially Atalaia Island, suffers from coastal erosion, garbage,
    untreated sewage, groundwater contamination, mangrove reduction, land conflicts,
    and irregular occupations due to uncontrolled urbanization. Given this scenario, it is
    essential to conduct studies on coastal vulnerability to erosion in order to understand
    the local dynamics and subsidize management actions. In this research, with the aid
    of Digital Shoreline Analysis, a multitemporal evaluation (20 years) of the variation of
    the coastline in the extension of the edge of the island of Atalaia was carried out from
    Landsat satellite images. The average linear retreat from 2002 to 2022 was 84.80 m,
    while the linear advance was 230.54 m. The areas under erosion represent 21.81%
    and, these places are more exposed to the ocean and where urbanization
    consolidates in a disorderly way, since the depositional tendency of sediments on the
    coastline is derived from the high sediment load brought by the estuaries that cut the
    area .

  • Geograficidade e espacialidade urbanas na Amazônia: o caso das juventudes reassentadas em Altamira-PA com a
    construção da UHE Belo Monte.

  • Data: 27/03/2024
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  • The thesis examines the living conditions of resettled youth affected by the compulsory displacement caused by the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant in the Xingu Integration Region, Pará, Amazon. The study reveals the complexity of the changes and challenges faced by the youth and provides insights, should similar projects be planned for the region. The compulsory displacement resulted in the rupture of material and immaterial ties with their former territories, leading to the reconfiguration of spatial dynamics. However, these young people have shown resilience, building multiple identities and subjectivities to overcome socio-spatial inequalities. Although the resettlements offer better physical facilities, socio-spatial segregation persists, and youth continue to face challenges in their daily lives. The research highlights the importance of considering not only physical infrastructure but also the economic, social, and cultural dimensions in the conception of such projects. A critical aspect is the need to consider the multiple temporalities involved in these processes, recognizing that each resettled youth has a unique trajectory and experiences. The thesis points to the importance of a holistic and interdisciplinary approach in analyzing the impacts of large projects in the region, focusing on the well-being of local communities, especially youth facing real and significant challenges in constructing their urban spatialities. The study reveals various aspects of youth in the Collective Urban Resettlements (RUC) Jatobá and Laranjeiras, highlighting their interactions with various spaces in the city of Altamira-PA, such as the labor market, riverside practices, urban spaces, social movements, motherhood, government assistance, criminalization, and violence.

  • No Campo das Ideias, nem todo Silêncio é Paz: Interfaces Entre Educação do Campo Paradigmas em disputa e (Re)existência territorial Camponesa.

  • Data: 21/03/2024
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  • Não informado.



  • Data: 18/03/2024
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  • This project is oriented within the research line of territorial dynamics. It is an investigation that focuses on the daily life of the Nasa indigenous people in the city of Popayán, Cauca, Colombia, located in the southwest of the country. This indigenous community is the third largest ethnic group in Colombia, with their native language being Nasa Yuwe, and they generally reside in protected areas. The general objective of this study was to understand the daily life of the Nasa indigenous people in the urban space of Popayán. This research stems from the need to ascertain whether this indigenous community still preserves and practices its customs and traditions, as well as the causes or reasons that led this population to relocate to urban areas. To identify the territorial dynamics of the Nasa People, guiding questions were posed: What are the consequences of the arrival of ancestral peoples in urban areas? How do the Nasa indigenous people relate to and adapt to the city? How does this affect the urban life of the Nasa indigenous people? And what customs and traditions are affected by being in the urban space? The main hypothesis is that the Nasa indigenous people strive to survive as an indigenous community despite having to live in an urban space. The theoretical basis is Lefebvre's dialectical method, which analyzes urban space in three dimensions: conceived, lived, and perceived. Methodologically, semi-structured interviews were conducted with leaders, common people, young men, and women in December 2022 to understand their lives in the urban space as Nasa indigenous people from different perspectives. Similarly, cartography workshops were conducted to identify their perception of the urban space they inhabit. From the results of this research, it was identified that the Nasa indigenous people living in the city of Popayán start their lives in the urban space with some difficulties, but gradually adapt. Furthermore, it was found that they still practice traditional medicine, engage in weaving, perform rituals, some members speak their native language, and wear their traditional clothing. Additionally, it was identified that the indigenous community engages in community processes and territorial governance. In general conclusion, it can be said that this group brings their culture to the spaces where they develop their territorial dynamics and highlights the need for public policies that accompany indigenous peoples migrating to urban areas for their adaptation and cultural strengthening, as current policies are often not designed with the ethnic diversity of cities in mind. Keywords: city, lived space, daily life, Nasa indigenous people, Colombia.


  • Data: 29/02/2024
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  • A dissertação explora o processo de construção dos territórios impactados por hidrelétricas, especialmente na região amazônica, onde a exploração dos corpos e os atravessamentos causados pela concepção de desenvolvimento dos grandes projetos afetam dinâmicas ambientais e sociais. Na Amazônia, esse processo é ainda mais complexo devido à extensão e diversidade de paisagens e populações diretamente dependentes. O modelo energético, discutido na Geografia e quanto a seu real impacto, levanta problemáticas como deslocamentos compulsórios, compensações injustas e questões hídricas causadas por mudanças nos fluxos e vasões dos rios. Além das questões territoriais e espaciais, as transversalidades sociais são evidentes, embora muitas vezes invisibilizadas pela estrutura patriarcal presente nos espaços de debate. Assim, a pesquisa tem como objetivo compreender os reflexos dos impactos causados pela UHE Tucuruí sobre as mulheres no Baixo Tocantins, especialmente na comunidade ribeirinha de Paruru do Meio, e analisar a reprodução de poder do Capital, bem como os desafios e formas de resistência das mulheres na defesa dos corpos territórios. A pesquisa examina as questões fisiográficas e sociais das ilhas do Baixo Tocantins, bem como a participação das mulheres nesta realidade. Identifica-se a percepção das mulheres atingidas, as influências nas jornadas de trabalho doméstico e como essas demandas são levantadas na participação política feminina na defesa do Território. O percurso metodológico adotado inclui análise bibliográfica, trabalho de campo, participação em reuniões de lideranças comunitárias, aplicação de questionários socioeconômicos e entrevistas semiestruturadas, além da elaboração de mapas e gráficos. Conclui-se que existe uma diferenciação estrutural de gênero na construção do território estudado, influenciando os impactos ambientais e dimensões corporais. Destaca-se a importância do protagonismo feminino na defesa dos territórios como um movimento de enfrentamento direto ao grande capital, em prol da dignidade das comunidades e famílias afetadas.


  • Data: 22/02/2024
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  • A paisagem natural vem sendo intensamente alterada devido a ação humana, que usa a lógica de “progresso” associando-a a exploração do meio ambiente. No entanto, entender a capacidade de regeneração da natureza é fundamental para o desenvolvimento de estratégias que possam amenizar os diversos impactos ambientais, ou até mesmo poder sanar tais intervenções antrópicas. A área de estudo é uma terra Indígena localizada em uma curva do rio Xingu, conhecida como Volta Grande do Xingu, é uma área que faz parte do processo de ocupação e tipos de uso relacionados a chegada dos padres jesuítas, com a missão Tavaquára ou Tauaquéra e as políticas públicas desenvolvidas pelo Estado brasileiro na região, no qual deste a década de 1970 fomentou a ocupação deste bioma, com projetos de abertura de estradas, bem como criação de assentamentos, logo, toda população indígena desta região passa pelo processo da economia seringalista, sendo inseridas como mão-de-obra barata na coleta do látex da seringueira. Recentemente, com a chegada da Usina Hidroelétrica de Belo Monte, surge a problemática da modificação dos ambientes da TI Paquiçamba, o que alterou de forma significante a vida dos indígenas Juruna da Volta Grande do Xingu. A pesquisa analisou a mudança da água e da terra dentro do limite da TI Paquiçamba, a partir de uma perspectiva Geoecológica, que foi norteada por Bertrand (2004), Rodriguez, Silva e Cavalcanti (2013), Rodrigues e Silva (2013; 2019), Souza (2010), Paula (2017). A partir das análises feitas através da compartimentação geoecológica e análise das modificações em uma escala multitemporal de 2011 a 2023 percebe-se intensas modificações  na área estudada, que vem, a partir da diminuição da água, que em 2011 era de 4911,27 há, e que a partir de 2016, com a criação o barramento pimental a água  passa a ter 2854,03 há, no ano de 2023, tendo redução de 41,88%, o que acarreta em mudanças nas áreas de praias, aumento das áreas de pedrais que no ano de 2011 era de 1477,80 e no ano de 2023 é de 1889,80, logo causando a  diminuição nas áreas navegáveis, tornando a vida dos indígenas cada vez mais vulnerável.


  • Deliveryzação do Território? Difusão e práticas espaciais dos trabalhadores de delivery no espaço

    metropolitano de Belém

  • Data: 20/02/2024
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  • The thesis aims to analyze the process of uberized work in the metropolitan space of Belém from the
    years 2000, seeking to reflect on transformations in the context of the world of work in the space-time
    dimension, where both the city and its social dynamics, spatial processes and realizations of the territory
    through its use, jointly and through inseparable affections, established interpositions to the advent of the
    capitalist mode of production, which enabled tessituras that externalized the metropolitan space, a space
    that has come to form complex relationships with its most hegemonic and subordinating phase in terms of
    exploitation (neoliberalism and globalization), as well as its consolidation and expansion, which vilifies
    social rights and guarantees, which have become externalized in spatial processes, through vectors where
    the features of center and centrality are realized through more precarious forms of work, which are
    processed in and through spatial processes, materialized in the derealization of work. We defend the
    thesis that the new condition of the urbanized work of delivery drivers in the metropolitan area of Belém,
    as an expression of the new nexuses of neoliberal globalization, marked by the intense precariousness of
    the workforce, has contributed to the deepening of differentiations and socio-spatial inequalities and to
    the process of subsumption and deprivation of workers' basic social rights, constituting a denial of the
    right to decent work and the exercise of their citizenship. The research carried out here involved a
    bibliographical survey and analysis, a documentary survey and analysis, the application of forms,
    systematic qualitative observations, cartographic production, photographic records and semi-structured
    interviews with delivery workers. The relevance of the thesis is related to the need to highlight the new
    conditions of uberized work in the metropolitan area of Belém in the second decade of the 21st century,
    given the process of metropolization, urban restructuring and the city, and its expressions in urban
    landscapes, in the conditions of social exclusion, unemployment, precariousness and informality, as well
    as its inherent consequences for the exploitation of work in a world marked by the strengthening of
    neoliberalism and intense fragmented globalization.

  • DAS ÁGUAS PARA A CIDADE E DA CIDADE PELAS ÁGUAS: mudanças e permanências em Maracanã/PA, uma cidade ribeirinha-costeira do Salgado Paraense

  • Data: 07/02/2024
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  • This research has as its theme: the city's relationship with the river and the coastal space in the Pará Amazon. As an object of study, it points to the production of urban space based on the city-river relationship and the coastal space. The locus of investigation is Maracanã/PA, a riverside-coastal city of ancient colonization in the Amazon of Pará, which had its dynamics changed over time by different processes of territorial modernization. It is an urban nucleus linked to the organization pattern of the Amazon river-floodland-forest space (GONÇALVES, 2015), with its economic dynamics linked to the past and the riverways, revealing the city's articulation with a temporality not fully assimilated by the new activities and recently implemented ways of life. Given this, the central objective is to analyze the socio-spatial changes and permanence manifested in the relationship between the city of Maracanã and the river and the coastal space, given the territorial dynamics of roads, fishing modernization, tourism and Conservation Units (CU). The guiding question seeks to know: how the production of urban space has occurred in the city of Maracanã, considering the dialectic of riverside sociospatial changes and permanence intrinsic to the city-river relationship and the coastal space, given the territorial dynamics, derived from the action of the State and the interest of capital? The main hypothesis maintains that, in the process of coexistence of intra-urban socio-spatial changes and permanence, the riverside-coastal dynamics of Maracanã/PA continues to produce a space of resistance with Amazonian characteristics, typical of the dynamics that the city establishes as a river and a coastal space. This has occurred even in the face of transformative territorial modernization that comes from State action and the interest of capital, such as the opening of PA-127, fishing modernization, tourism and the Conservation Unit (UC) Maracanã Extractive Reserve, institutionalized in the County. The social production of space is used as a basic theory, from a Lefebvrian perspective, as well as its application to studies of regional urban diversity, using qualitative research techniques. As a result of this investigation, the hypothesis initially highlighted was confirmed. Thus, the city of Maracanã continues to produce a space of resistance with Amazonian characteristics, which Rente Neto and Furtado (2015, p. 159) called “ribeirinity”, typical of the dynamics that the city establishes as a river and a coastal space. Thus, the Maracanã River in the coastal space continues to have great socioeconomic and cultural importance, although the city currently has a bimodal transport character, with the road as the most used route. Therefore, the city of Maracanã continues to maintain a strong relationship between the river and the coastal space and manifests characteristics of an authentic riverside-coastal city, due to its location; by historical genesis; due to its strong relationship with its immediate surroundings; by values; by daily habits and economic dynamics linked to traditional activities, through the river. Keywords: City. riverine-coastal. Changes. Stays. Coastal space. Ribeirinity


  • Data: 31/01/2024
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  • The municipality of São João da Ponta-PA, located in the immediate region of Castanhal,
    according to the new official regionalization (IBGE 2017), has a population of 6059
    inhabitants according to the official estimate of the IBGE for the year 2018. It has its source
    income linked mainly to activities of the primary sector of the economy (extractivism,
    agriculture and livestock). São João da Ponta is bathed by the Mocajuba river basin, where
    the São João da Ponta Extractive Reserve was created (PINEDO; PIMENTEL, 2021). . This
    research seeks to investigate an important local socio-technical innovation, which
    synthesizes territorial knowledge and local knowledge. This is the snare technique that
    consists of making a trap made with sticks and lines and set at the exit of the crab's burrow
    or gallery. In accordance with Interministerial Normative Instruction No. 9, of December 30,
    2014 (Official Federal Gazette, section 1, p. 81, Jan. 02, 2015). Only two ways of extracting
    uçá crab (Ucides cordatus Linnaeus, 1763). They were allowed in Brazil. They were the
    techniques of the arm and the hook. However, the social organization of crab extractive users
    registered in the São João da Ponta RESEX. They filed a Conduct Adjustment Term (TAC)
    with the Federal Public Ministry. Requesting authorization for the use of the loop technique,
    which was accepted after confirmation by the communities that use the RESEX, of its
    efficiency and sustainability. Once the request was accepted, the Conduct Adjustment Term between the MPF, ICMBIO and users of the São João da Ponta RESEX was signed on
    August 8, 2018 (MPF, 2018). The general objective of this research is to investigate the
    intercultural dialogue between the cultural knowledge reproduced by the communities of
    São João da Ponta and the normative scientific knowledge carried by the State and its
    managing apparatus, ICMBIO, for the recognition of the technique of the tie as a sustainable
    practice in uçá crab capture. In this way, this research is justified in an attempt to understand
    and explain the trajectory of legalization and development of the noose technique within the
    RESEX - Marinha de São João da Ponta. As a form of social and sustainable technology to
    be better known and adopted in other crab producing areas inside and outside the RESEX of
    São João da Ponta. As well as analyzing the main socio-environmental implications relevant
    to the production of the Amazonian geographic space in the municipality of São João da

    KEYWORDS: São João da Ponta; Lace Technique; Sociotechnical.

  • Não tem no trabalho

  • Data: 17/01/2024
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  • This research addresses issues related to the territoriality of residents of RUC São Joaquim, in Altamira-PA, after the change processed by the Belo Monte hydroelectric plant on the Xingu river. Since they had a socio-spatial organization built in the lived space of the city's lowlands, which the entrepreneur from Belo Monte called ADA. In this context, it was considered necessary to try to understand the continuous process of building identity and the affirmation of the principle of territoriality in the constitution of its territory. Therefore, the problem of this research consists of answering the following question: How has the construction of new territorialities and the identity of belonging of these subjects been taking place in the construction of their territorial bonds? To answer this question, the main objective of the research is to analyze the process of building territorial bonds of identity and belonging from the subjects affected by RUC São Joaquim. Having the specific objectives of a) Investigating what the relationships of belonging and sociability were like between subjects before Belo Monte; b) Understand how the process of moving to RUC São Joaquim took place and its consequences for residents; and c) Understand the territorialities of the subjects in relation to RUC São Joaquim, identifying the processes related to multiterritorialities. The research has an explanatory nature based on a qualitative approach to the proposed topic. The methodological path of structuring and developing this research sought paths that not only allowed understanding, but also the appreciation of the subjects' interpretations of the investigated object combined with the data collection and processing parameters of information obtained in interviews during field activities, which were analyzed based on the proposed theoretical framework. It can be seen that the residents of this RUC present a crossed reality marked by nostalgia for the territoriality that was perceived, lived and conceived in the ADA, demonstrating a multiterritoriality in the continuous process of territorialization, deterritorialization and reterritorialization based on the territorial dynamics imposed by UHE Belo Monte.
    Keywords: Territory; Territorialities; Multiterritorialities; Identities; RUC São Joaquim; UHE Belo Monte.

  • Não informado.

  • Data: 03/01/2024
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  • The Amazon is a place where there are intense struggles for the rights of populations in
    cities, countryside, waters and forests. At the root of these struggles is the way in which
    governments and hegemonic capital see the Amazon: a provider of wealth for Brazil and
    the world, based on its landscape converted into resources. Faced with these practices, the
    populations that live in this biome have become subjects outside the government's order of
    priority. In view of this, it is left to family farmers, indigenous peoples, fishermen,
    quilombolas, extractivists, riverside dwellers, residents of the outskirts of cities and towns,
    to express their opposition to this rationality that excludes them. This study was carried out
    in the southwest region of Pará, between the municipalities of Pacaja and Rurópolis along
    the Transamazônica and through the Xingu from Vitória do Xingu to Porto de Moz. The
    objective is to analyze the actions of the Movimento Pela Sobrevivência na
    Transamazônica (MPST), currently Fundação Viver, Produzir e Preservar (FVPP),
    identifying the relevance of the role played by it in improving the lives of the populations
    and the changes in the territory of the Transamazônica and Xingu. The study begins with
    recording the voices of migrants who came to this region before, during and after the
    Integrated Colonization Project (PIC). The goal is to identify the reasons for migrating,
    how was the arrival in the new land, the participation and formation of social movements
    and the challenges of the relationship with the federal government. We also analyzed the
    trajectory of the MPST, which emerged in 1990, initially formed by these migrants and the
    support of the Catholic Church, from the Base Ecclesiastical Communities. The basic
    category of this study is the geographic space as defined by Milton Santos: a hybrid
    qualified by the subject. In the dominant space, constrained by capital, migrants and their
    supporters, based on their struggles, produced their counterspace, according to Ruy
    Moreira. They denounced, built collective propositions and provoked changes in the
    current formation of the territory of the Transamazônica and Xingu. For a better
    understanding of the formation and unfolding of these counterspaces, we focused on three
    important struggle flags for the movements: Land and environmental issues, agricultural
    credit and education. The last part of the work outlines an overview of current social
    movements in this region. Who they are and what challenges they face. The results of this
    study demonstrate that the MPST with its collective and regionalized mobilizations
    produced a counterspace within the hegemonic order of the PIC, guaranteeing voice and
    rights for the populations. Their practices lasted and influenced the emergence of other


    Keywords: Social movements; Geographic space; Counterspace; Transamazônica and


  • Data: 18/12/2023
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  • This article had aimed to analyze the concepto of space production with real estate finance capital, but specifically in neighborhood of Umarizal in Belém(PA), having as object the impacto of financialization of the house after arrival of the real estate market in the neighborhood of Umarizal In this sense, we seek to inquire about the observed changes, in the referred neighborhood in question, if these modifications were similar in other cities in Brazil.The implementation of public policies by the state for the revitalization of the city center is observed, where we observe an adaptation of the city, in the new logic of the capital, according to the interests of the developers. the research was developed firstly, through a bibliographical survey, of the authors who analyze the concept of space production and the housing financialization process both national authors as Carlos, Fix, Rolnik; international authors as Harvey, Gottdierner and local authors as Ventura Neto, Cardoso and Lima; through data collection, we observed the projects built through graphs, mapping of the constructions made by the construction companies. we conclude that there was a decrease in the construction of projects between 2009- 2017; there was also an intensification of the public-private partnership.


    Key Words: Financialization, Real estate Market, Space Production


  • Data: 19/09/2023
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  • The natural landscapes of the island of Marajó are sources of exceptional environmental resources in the Amazon biome, as well as revealing the contrast between ecologies, landscapes and multiple social uses of occupation. The features of the relief modeling on the island have physical traits that obey the influences of the regional morphodynamic process, the climatic conditions inherent in the fluvial and marine environmental dynamics, as well as a mosaic of soils and vegetational typologies that favor distinct environmental characteristics. From this perspective, the aim of the research was to identify and describe the bioclimatic domains, based on the ecodynamic regimes for the island of Marajó, taking into account the exceptional landscapes. In view of the above, the following hypotheses were formulated: the island of Marajó is made up of bioclimatic domains and landscapes of exception that coexist and co-evolve with the physical-natural peculiarities of the Amazon region; landscapes of exception are established in response to the process of exhaustion and natural regression of the Amazonian insular coast, due to the process of territorial occupation on the natural and geographical conditions of the island of Marajó. The research fits into the context of geo-environmental discussion, based on an inductive and integrative approach to physical-natural and social conditions, where through the use of techniques such as: bibliographic and geocartographic data collection; classification of data and bases at orbital levels, use of geospatial data on a refined scale for the acquisition of climatic data, elaboration of indicators of the socioenvironmental vulnerability of the municipalities, it was possible to measure the bioclimatic domains and landscapes of exception, from the perspective of the composition of the landscape on the island of Marajó. The results of the research revealed the presence of two Bioclimatic Domains that give the region different landscape conditions, as well as granting and reaffirming the popular proposition "Marajó between Forests and Fields". However, the presence of exceptional landscapes was observed, with emphasis on areas of savannah formation, which are intertwined with transitional areas of forests and floodplains on the island. In the course of the analysis, we observed the occurrence of increasingly frequent extremes of rainfall, with greater variations between maximum and minimum values due to climate change and the intensification of vulnerability patterns. In addition, periods of water surplus were recorded, between 7 and 9 months, a factor that produces good environmental conditions in the island's landscape, but water standstill alternated between 2 and 5 months, causing local changes in the environment. The research proved to be relevant and pertinent to understanding the bioclimatic dynamics operating on the island of Marajó, as it is unprecedented. As such, the information and data on bioclimatic issues discussed in this thesis is crucial for understanding local nature, biodiversity and socio-environmental interactions, as well as acting as a basic tool for the conservation and sustainable management of exceptional landscapes, environments that have been severely damaged by anthropogenic action. Another factor of equal relevance to the research is the monitoring of climate change over time, in order to provide up-todate bases and insights into climate change, especially in the natural environments of the island of Marajó.

    Keywords: Bioclimatic Domain. Marajó. Exceptional landscape. Ecodynamic regimes. Amazonia.


  • Data: 30/08/2023
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  • The Amazon has an extensive coastline consisting of 35% of the Brazilian coast, and the
    Amazon coastal zone starts in Cabo Orange, in Amapá, to Ponta de Tubarão (State of
    Maranhão) measuring approximately 3,044 km in length. The beaches of Crispim, Bora and
    Marudá make up the coastal area of Marapanim, located in the northeast region of the state
    of Pará and 153 km away from the capital Belém, being PA-318 state highway the main
    access route to Marapanim. Marudá beach has the highest tourist demand, with an
    infrastructure of bars, restaurants, hotels, residences and inns. In 2011, the government of
    the state of Pará built the urbanized edge of the district in order to increase tourism, which
    contributes to a significant rise in the flow of tourists over the region. However, this growth
    was not followed by an improvement in urban infrastructure, since most streets are not
    paved, have low light, no adequate sewage system and lack of regular garbage collection.
    On the other hand, Bora beach is still an unexplored coastal environment, due to its access
    being exclusively by river, through small boats that leave Porto do Sossego in Marudá. The
    three coastal environments are characterized by the regime of semidiurnal macrotidal with
    up to 5.2 meters in amplitude, in which the high incidence of waves and tidal currents reach
    the beaches directly, altering the coastline and favoring the occurrence of erosion and coastal
    accretion. The population located on the edges of Crispim and Marudá suffers recurrent
    exposure to processes of erosion and coastal accretion that affect the coastal beaches of
    Marapanim in different ways, in this sense, the elaboration of the coastal vulnerability map
    aims to identify the coastal sectors vulnerable to these natural events in order to support
    management plans to relocate and prevent anthropogenic occupation in order to minimize
    damage to local people and vacationers. The methodology consists of literature review and
    published data, definition of physical variables during future field work to be carried out,
    acquisition and analysis of satellite images, classification of variables into units, assigning
    vulnerability values through the Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) on a scale from 1 to 3 for
    later mapping of Crispim, Bora and Marudá beaches. The partial results are in the stage of
    construction of the theoretical framework for further field research.

    Key words: Vulnerability. Coastline. Erosion


  • Data: 16/08/2023
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  • This research, integrated into the research line Territorial Dynamics in The Graduate
    Program in Geography at the Federal University of Pará, has as study object the real estate
    expansion through gated communities. The research was conducted in Natal, Rio Grande do
    Norte, Northeast Brazil, more specifically in the North Zone of the city, which is the most
    populous area and has the largest territorial extension. The North Zone was the city area that
    had the slowest urban growth, receiving investments that modified its structure and service
    offerings only from the 2000s. This favored real estate speculation, giving rise to the first
    projects of gated communities in the North administrative Region of Natal, which appeared
    later compared to the South and East Zones that experienced their real estate boom in the
    early 1990s. The overall objective of the research is to analyze to what extent the production
    of gated communities in the North Zone of Natal contributes to the expansion of the real
    estate sector in the city. To achieve this, three specific objectives have been defined: firstly,
    to discuss the historical background, related to a present analysis, regarding the spatial
    changes that have occurred since the 2000s in the study area and their connection to housing
    production and the gated communities; secondly, to analyze how real estate production
    unfolds in the North One; and finally, to present the effects of real estate expansion through
    gated communities on the structuring of services, both before and after the arrival of gated
    residential communities in the North Zone. It is a quali-quantitative research, and to achieve
    the objectives, exploratory research will be user. The data collection procedures employed
    include literature review, data collection at the real estate registry office, semi-structured
    interviews conducted with representatives of the construction companies responsible for the
    development of the projects, and interviews with merchants who have establishments in the
    vicinity of the condominiums. The research considered gated residential communities in the
    North Zone that were delivered between 2010 and 2023 (with real estate incorporation
    registration), as well as commercial establishments located within up to 500 meters from the
    condominiums. This approach aims to understand the role of these transformative agents in
    the urban space of the North Administrative Region. By investigating the construction of
    these condominiums, the research focused on analyzing whether they contributed to the
    transformations that occurred in the North Zone. Ultimately, the goal is to gain a
    comprehensive understanding of how gated communities participate in the process of real
    estate expansion.

    Keywords: Urban space. Real estate expansion. Residential condominiums.


  • Data: 08/08/2023
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  • Não informado.


  • Data: 04/08/2023
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  • Brazil has a large extension of an extremely heterogeneous coastal zone, rich in uses,
    occupations and quite complex territorialities. In this sense, the study area chosen for this
    research was Caratateua Island, popularly known as Outeiro Island, in Belém do Pará.
    The history of the occupation of the island was marked by several historical periods that,
    consequently, generated various types of uses and occupations, not only in its interior,
    but mainly in its edges. In view of this, the general objective of this research is to analyze
    the processes of private occupation and the different uses given to the soil on the edge of
    Ilha de Caratateua, highlighting the differentiation, accessibility and the need and
    challenges for territorial reorganization. It has the following specific objectives: to
    identify, based on the historical-geographical aspect, the access problems arising from
    the use and occupation of private land of public heritage; identify the actors responsible
    for the management (or lack of management) of the areas delimited in the study area;
    carry out a survey of the current state of the Projeto Orla in Belém and its perspectives
    based on the State Plan for Coastal Management; in addition to identifying whether there
    is, in any way, the execution of a territorial organization in the area in order to propose a
    perspective of planning of use in order to enhance accessibility. In order to achieve the
    objectives of this project, the following methodological path was adopted: Initially, the
    first stage consisted of a bibliographical survey about the discussions on the concepts and
    categories used as a basis for the research: territory and territoriality, the public and the
    private and territorial planning, as well as applied to carry out a survey on the historical
    course of occupation of the Island of Caratateua. The second stage consisted of a
    documentary research work. In a third moment, a mapping of the study area was carried
    out from the year 1985 to the year 2020, which served as a basis for analyzing the use and
    territorial occupation of the edge of the island of Caratateua. The fourth included a field
    visit to the study area, at which time photographic records were taken in order to confirm
    the data collected from the mapping carried out. Finally, there was an analysis of all the
    data collected, either by mapping or by notes and empirical observations made in the
    field. There was a reflection on a proposal for territorial ordering, reaching another part
    of the fourth proposed specific objective. It was verified that the process of production
    and reproduction of the occupation of the Island of Caratateua shows the contradiction of
    the occupation of its territory due to the absence of an effective territorial planning. They
    are characterized by a private occupation culminating in a process of restricting collective
    access to spaces considered public. Therefore, this work pointed to the need for territorial
    organization of the Island of Caratateua, in order to value a more adequate use of its edges,
    aiming at the accessibility of the community.

    Keywords: Urban borders, Use and occupation, Territorial planning, Caratateua Island


  • Data: 04/08/2023
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  • The present study had as a spatial cut the Providência channel in the neighborhood of Maracangalha, in the city of Belém, which is part of the sub-watershed of Val-de-Cans. The dissertation aimed to subsidize proposals for the requalification of the urban canal of Providência, taking into account spatial, social, and environmental issues. Since, the case in question illustrates a panorama in which the canal has been going through several environmental problems such as the release of domestic sewage, residential urban solid waste (garbage), irregular occupations on the banks of the said canal, an issue that has evolved into a geoenvironmental framework of degradation, due to the intense process of urban expansion in the area around the canal, which corresponds to its floodplain. Thus, the importance of this dissertation is justified as a form of subsidy for a proposal for the requalification of the Providência channel through systems of environmental indicators, such as the methodology Pressure – State – Impact – Response (PSIR). This work was carried out through literature review, field observations, questionnaires, and elaboration of maps, as a way to elucidate the research. As well as the use of the PSIR matrix, which was thought to provide a general mechanism to analyze environmental problems, bringing the idea that the environment is a system of multiple interactions, according to Ariza and Araújo Neto (2010). According to the authors, the methodology is advantageous because it is easily adjustable to different realities and, thus, can be an important instrument in public management, mainly because it shows the connection between the various elements that make up the environmental system (Ariza; Araújo Neto, 2010, p.133). The results of the investigation favor an understanding of the anthropic action on the Providência canal, corroborating a high degree of degradation of the water body, and that the requalification of the Providência canal, linked to a participatory urban and environmental management, is the best possible solution to improve the environmental indexes of the said channel.


  • Data: 26/07/2023
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  • The Amazonian campinaranas/campinas, known regionally as fields of nature, constitute an important ecosystem for biodiversity, as they harbor endemic species of flora and fauna. The objective is to characterize the dynamics of the landscape that houses these vegetations present in the municipality of Cametá, Pará. In order to identify the agents causing degradation in these landscapes and emphasize the importance of conservation and/or preservation of the same. The methodology is based on the assumptions of planning and environmental management, with the elaboration and application of geoecological investigation programs, checklists and impact assessment tables. As preliminary results, it was found that the process of urban expansion, along with extraction of mineral resources, road construction and proximity to dumps, are the main activities that degrade the campinaranas. These activities produce numerous impacts such as: soil erosion, loss of endemic species and fragmentation of landscapes. Anthropogenic activities can lead to the risk of these landscapes disappearing, in which further studies are necessary, since many of these phytophysiognomies are still unknown, and it is essential that they are conserved and/or preserved. 

    Key wordsAmazonian Campinas. Landscape geoecology. Impact assessment. Environmental planning. 


  • Data: 31/05/2023
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  • The object of this research is the Ver-o-Peso Fair, located in the city of Belém do Pará,
    as a popularly activated territorial heritage. That is, it intends to understand the fair as a
    territory where sociocultural practices and popular memorials, ancestral knowledge and
    doings, maintained by subjects historically subalternized by the processes of territorial
    formation in Latin America, resist; and to investigate what risks this heritage-territory
    faces in the face of urbanization, especially the processes of global patrimonialization.
    The following objectives are proposed: to identify and analyze which elements and
    practices of Amazonian culture give notoriety to the Ver-o-Peso Fair, as a popularly
    activated territorial heritage facing risks in the face of the global patrimonialization
    process; to identify who are the subjects that activate and how the popular activation of
    the territorial heritage of the Ver-o-Peso Fair is constituted; and to identify which risks
    the territorial heritage faces in the face of global patrimonialization. Thus, we start from
    the dialectical relationship between the urban economy, global patrimonialization and
    activated territorial heritage, to investigate the fair from the problem-questions: Which
    elements and practices of the Amazonian culture consecrate the Ver-o-Peso Fair as a
    popularly activated territorial heritage, facing risks in the face of the global
    patrimonialization process? And more specific questions, such as: Who are the subjects
    that activate the territorial heritage of the Ver-o-Peso Fair and resist the processes of
    global patrimonialization? How is the popular activation of the territorial heritage of the
    Ver-o-Peso Fair, faced with the process of global patrimonialization? What are the risks
    faced by the popular cultural elements and practices that make Feira do Ver-o-Peso a
    territorial heritage in face of global patrimonialization? The geographical approach to the

    research is guided by the historical-dialectical materialist method, starting from the inter-
    scalar dimension of the universal - particular - singular movement of contemporary

    urbanization, in order to understand how the mechanisms of global patrimonialization are
    particularized in the Central Area of Belém and land on a social fact represented by a
    territory appropriated secularly by sociocultural relations. In this way, the cultural
    dimension of the territory is privileged, whose thesis is based on the perspective of
    heritage utopisms, as a theoretical-methodological proposal focused on the Latin
    American reality, seeking to understand the spatial contradictions and social
    vulnerabilities generated by the universal Eurocentric logic of global
    urbanization/patrimonialization particularized in the Ver-o-Peso Fair. And at the same
    time, capture elements and values of spatial order that activate and highlight the Fair as a
    territory guardian of memories and ancestral social and cultural practices. The research
    found that heritage utopianisms are already underway at the fair, ratifying the thesis that:
    the Ver-o-Peso fair is an Amazonian heritage-territory popularly activated and
    fundamental for the maintenance of ancestral life, from the metropolis. It is represented
    by the singularities of handicrafts, herbs and medicinal remedies, typical spices such as
    Maniva and Tucupi, and Afro-religious elements and practices. However, it is impacted
    by contemporary urbanization mechanisms, such as: urban requalification projects and
    heritage policies aimed at the tourist market, which trigger risks of re-signification and
    loss of identity. Thus, the thesis brings a contribution to the debate of the contradictions
    linked to heritage, to rethink new proposals for preservation, from the existential
    perspective of the subjects that compose it.


    Keywords: contemporary urbanization, cultural heritage, popular fair, territorial identity.


  • Data: 16/05/2023
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  • The city of Marabá is located in the Amazon region, in the southeastern mesoregion of Pará
    and in the homonymous microregion. It is historically affected by the phenomenon of flooding.
    Every year, in the wettest period (January to March), the population residing in susceptible
    areas is vulnerable to the natural event. In this sense, this dissertation aims to identify and
    analyze the risk of natural disaster from the flooding of the Tocantins and Itacaiúnas rivers in
    the city of Marabá. Disaster risk is understood as the product of threat, exposure and
    vulnerability. The susceptibility analysis was based on a methodology that aggregates the
    following variables: the alert quota, susceptibility map of the flood occurrence areas, Digital
    Elevation Model (MDE) and analysis of the slope of the study area. After surveying the data
    and crossing the analyzed variables, the results obtained show that in the urban perimeter of
    Marabá we can find three areas susceptible to the threat of flooding. High susceptibility areas
    cover approximately 41,083 km2 and represent 9.41% of the urban perimeter of Marabá. The
    areas of medium susceptibility to flooding are areas subject to flooding due to their gently
    undulating shape with a slope of 3 to 8% in relation to the plain. Its area corresponds to
    approximately 3,691 km2 and represents about 5.49% of the urban perimeter of Marabá. The
    areas of low susceptibility to flooding are places with higher topography, not being affected by
    flooding. These areas have a slope that varies from 8 to 20% of the relief. They correspond to
    85.18% of the urban perimeter of Marabá, that is, 257.341 km2. For the exposure analysis, we
    took into account the mapping of exposed built units (houses, businesses, restaurants, bars,
    workshops, stores) located below the 82m alert level. For this mapping, we used a Cbers 4A
    image with 2m of spatial resolution and field work. The results show that 6583 built units are
    exposed to the threat of flooding in Marabá, 220 in the São Félix nucleus, 1527 in the Nova
    Marabá nucleus, 2684 in the Marabá Pioneira nucleus and 2152 in the Cidade Nova nucleus.
    Vulnerability was calculated based on the construction and application of the social
    vulnerability index (IVS), which included data from the 2010 IBGE demographic census on
    absolute population and income by census sector. After applying the variables, it was found
    that, of the 265 census sectors, 61 had low social vulnerability, 41 had medium vulnerability
    and 163 had high social vulnerability. In the risk analysis, threat and vulnerability data were
    integrated at three levels: low, medium and high. The results obtained show that 41,596 km2 or
    13.76% are in high risk areas, medium risk areas are equivalent to 199,666 km2 and correspond
    to 66.08% of the urban area and low risk areas add up to 1,173 km2 and correspond to a
    percentage of 0.38% of the urban perimeter. The result of disaster risk corresponds to 42,651
    km2, that is, 14.11% of the area has a high risk of disaster, 3,691 km2 or 1.22% of the area at
    medium risk of disaster and 196,093 km2, which corresponds to 64, 90% at low disaster risk.
    The results obtained in the research are of great importance in the sense of helping the public
    power in the implementation of mitigation policies that make it possible to minimize losses and
    damages caused by flooding in the vulnerable population. On the other hand, including this
    theme in the participatory master plan of the Municipality of Marabá is important to subsidize
    the municipal civil defense in taking actions in the face of the phenomenon.
    KEYWORDS: Tocantins and Itacaiúnas Rivers; Exposure; Social vulnerability; Built units;


  • Data: 01/05/2023
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  • The Marujada of the São Benedito and São Sebastião is a religious festival, held in the
    municipality of Tracuateua, located in the Amazon region and in the northeast of the
    state of Pará. With the participation of the Catholic Church, this festivity has been
    happening in the municipality since, probably 1921, counting more than a century. It is
    a traditional festival present in six (6) municipalities of the bragantina microregion
    (Pará) and has in its organization, collective practices that incorporate in the festive
    space, a tradition of dance and African rhythms brought to this region in the XVIII
    century. This study had as main objective to analyze the organization of the territories
    and territorialities in the festival of the Marujada of the São Benedito and São Sebastião
    of Tracuateua/PA and the articulation of territorial agents in their territorialization
    processes. We start from the premise that a celebration as complex as the Marujada
    of Tracuateua, in a feast of saints, required at least the following strategies of of study:
    a) a brief description of the ritualistic process and the way its makers understand it in
    the feast; b) the analysis of the forms of connections, through the roles and
    performances played between sailors and sailors of the Feast with their rituals, as well
    as the hierarchy developed among the category of participants; c) understanding of
    the territorial organization of the party, listing each symbol and symbolic objects of the
    festive space; d) the analysis of the forms of articulations, through the uses, domains
    and relations of services between the different agents and the attributions and links of
    these territorial agents. As methodological procedures, we started with a bibliographic
    review, accompanied by a documentary research for the maturation of the concepts
    and analytical categories of the study, since it is a qualitative research with dialectical
    approach. For this, the following research techniques were used: participant
    observation, semi-structured interviews and virtual forms. The results of the research
    indicated that in the process of territorialization of Marujada of Tracuateua we realized
    that the relationships built spaces of disputes, where the festive practice was
    aggregated in the various forms of domain defined in the space of tracuateuense
    tradition, producing multiple territories such as: tradition and resistance; the religious
    agent managed by the church; the political conquered by municipal public
    management and the alternatives ordered by local merchants and vendors. The result
    of the research also showed that the configurations produced and administered by the
    agents, established the construction of a territorial heritage that is embodied, in
    particular, in the festive symbolism, revealed by the territorial elements experienced in
    the multiple festive territorialities of Marujada de Tracuateua. Therefore, this festival
    develops a plan of territorially constructed strategies, which constitutes Marujada as a
    living territorial heritage, maintained by the recognition of the subjects and makers of
    this festival.

    Keywords: Territory, Territoriality; Feast of the Marujada; Heritage-territorial.

  • TERRITÓRIOS PESQUEIROS NO MÉDIO ARAGUARI: mudanças e permanências frente aos empreendimentos hidroelétricos na Amazônia amapaense

  • Data: 26/04/2023
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  • Approaches concerning fishing territories in geographic science, in the current context, have become an increasingly profitable discussion given the relevance and complexity through which the most distinct social subjects produce their territorialities. However, even though these territories are of enormous importance for the development of artisanal fishing, they are constantly invisible and deprived of economic and social value when compared to other productive forms, such as the generation of electricity. In this sense, with the aim of reflecting on fishing territories in the mid-Araguari region, in the context of the implementation of hydroelectric projects, we sought to analyze, based on the artisanal fishermen of Ferreira Gomes and Porto Grande, the changes and permanence of fishing territorialities in the artificial lakes of the Ferreira Gomes and Cachoeira Caldeirão hydroelectric plants. To this end, the methodological procedures adopted, involved the collection of primary and secondary data, obtained both through observations, photographic records and interviews in locus, as well as through bibliographic research. Thus, by constituting an activity developed in an indivisible environment and with multiple interests among subjects with dissymmetric forces, artisanal fishing practiced by the fishermen of Ferreira Gomes and Porto Grande is an activity of economic and social relevance to local fishing families, who unanimously state that fishing is an essential source for the reproduction of the family group, especially for those who live in the municipal headquarters. Moreover, they are also categorical in affirming that the hydroelectric projects implemented in the Araguari river have promoted significant changes with regard to the fishing catch and fishing territories, especially those located in the areas adjacent to the projects, showing that they are works with various negative effects. In the process of deterritorialization and reterritorialization, new disputes and pressures on socially occupied or unavailable territories have come under greater pressure, making the delimitation and recognition of the fishing territories still existing in the Araguari medium a matter of great urgency and relevance


  • Data: 20/04/2023
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  • The process of insertion of the Amazon selected strategic places, causing the
    redefinition of the urban network, differentiation of cities and the resignification of
    small towns. In this sense, this work analyzes the production of space due to sport
    fishing in a small town in the Amazon, more specifically located in the coastal area of
    Northeast Pará, called the Salgado microregion, which is the city of São Caetano de
    Odivelas. The general objective of the research is to analyze the extent to which sport
    fishing contributed to the socio-spatial organization of that city, in addition to
    understanding the change in the role that this city assumes in the course of historical
    time. The methodology adopted to reach the proposed proposals started from
    bibliographical revisions of a historical-geographical nature to understand the socio-
    spatial formation; of a theoretical nature, aiming at adjusting the research to the main
    concepts seen; in addition to document analysis. Field work took place between the
    years 2020 and 2023 in order to collect data that could bring greater understanding of
    the main processes, forms and agents linked to the research object. Several interviews,
    photographic records, “informal” conversations and information that enabled the
    production of cartographic materials were carried out. The hypothesis presented is that
    the production of the urban space of the small town of São Caetano de Odivelas is being
    produced in an expressive way by sport fishing, a capitalized activity, brought in the
    process of modernization of the Amazonian territory that ends up placing this city in a
    different function from that of that existed in the colonial period.

    Key-words: Space product, little cities in the Amazon, sport fishing.



  • Data: 20/03/2023
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  • The present work substantiates research carried out within the scope of the so-called human geography, specifically, political geography, composing an investigation around the territorial dynamics of cocaine trafficking in the Metropolitan Region of Belém-PA. The study of these territorial dynamics, in turn, despite the differences between locations and their multiscalar relationships, can contribute to the extraction of potentially universalizable results to other contexts, contributing scientifically and pragmatically to the treatment of drug trafficking. And, faced with a framework of practical contradictions evidenced by science and experience, the following research problem was adopted: what is the role played by the Metropolitan Region of Belém, State of Pará, in face of the territorial networks of cocaine trafficking? The study was based on the hypothesis that the Metropolitan Region of Belém would play the role of the final regional consumer market for narcotics, as well as a point of influx of profits from regional territorial agents of trafficking. Methodology: the study adopted the hermeneutic and dialectical method as its research route, which made use of the application of quantitative and qualitative approaches applied in constant data triangulation. The analysis began with a literary review of works published between 2018 and 2021, according to specified inclusion and exclusion criteria, subject, therefore, to a content analysis process. Next, the analysis of data resulting from the occurrence records of drug trafficking in the State of Pará was carried out, specifically, related to cocaine seizures, allowing the extraction of indexes analyzed using descriptive statistical and of spatial statistical techniques. These data were analyzed in the light of cross-sectional techniques advocated by the study, especially regarding the outliers found. Finally, a qualitative research was carried out, through interviews directed at public security macro-agents and researchers with knowledge on the subject, equally subject to triangulation through transversal techniques. The data were analyzed continuously, in order to reveal the final conclusions. Results: the presence of cocaine (and by-products) was found to be sold in most of the neighborhoods of the cities comprising the RMB, which led to the conclusion that the region comprised a consolidated consumer market. In addition, the role of the RMB as a node in the international traffic network territories was confirmed, so that it was denoted as: a) a region that would serve as a secondary route for any shipments that, for whatever reason, were unable to embark through the Port of Vila do Conde, in Barcarena-PA; b) a region that would easily absorb eventual cocaine residues; and c) a privileged platform for shipments of cocaine to other regions of the country. Consolidating conclusions beyond the initial hypothesis, we have that the RMB represents an important hub for the coordination of trafficking, as well as a financial hub for illicit activity, which would occur due to the concentration of material, financial, service and communication structures. That impose themselves in a hierarchical and functional way over those existing in other regions and cities. In addition, the study provided various information placed as proposals for practical intervention and as suggestions for continuing the analysis.


  • Data: 17/03/2023
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  • The contributions of the Urban Geography of Health are of broad relevance in understanding
    the territorial logic of the Primary Health Care Network operating in the Metropolitan Region
    of Belém, which follows the collective health model of the Family Health Strategy present in
    Basic Health Units - the so-called territorialization of the Unified Health System. In this sense,
    this research aims to analyze the territorial constitution of the public primary health care
    network and the market logic of popular private health care - exemplified in the popular medical
    clinics located in Belém and its metropolitan region - with a focus on understanding the
    processes of diffusion and permanence of popular clinics, in view of the apparent fragmentation
    of the Primary Health Care Network in the country - the deterritorialization of the public health
    system). For a deeper analysis, a review of relevant documents was made, such as: The Organic
    Health Law (Law No. 8,080/1990); the Belem Municipal Health Plan (for the period 2018-
    2021); and the National Primary Care Policy (PNAB – of 2012 and 2017). The discussion is
    based on the observation of primary and secondary data, provided by the DATASUS-CNES
    system, and information, captured in the fieldwork in 2022, with the application of
    questionnaires in the 119 clinics located in the Metropolitan Region of Belem. Some findings
    indicated that the public primary care network operating in the region follows a pattern of a
    deterritorialized gateway, within a traditional care model, according to spontaneous demand,
    without the full territorial coverage of the Family Health teams, denoting the existence of two
    gateways to public health: the territorialized one, made by the Family Health Strategy; and the
    non-territorialized one, consisting of the traditional Basic Health Units care, without the
    presence of Family Health teams. The popular health clinics have benefited from this aspect in
    recent years, as well as from the underfunding of the public system, particularly the Primary
    Care network, which is going through fragmentation and deterritorialization processes,
    considering the reduction and disarticulation of its multiprofessional teams, after the updates of
    the norms of the National Primary Care Policy, adding to the losses from the supplementary
    health sector. However, these popular clinics offer an unfinished and contradictory care model,
    besides being discontinuous, which is why a large portion of their users are returned to the
    national health system. Although the country's public health has been thought within the
    principles of universality, integrality, and equity, the Unified Health System follows as a mixed
    model and of questionable universalization, in its controversial association with the private
    sector, which results in losses to public health, generating economic barriers that prevent free
    care. In agreement with this assumption, the territoriality of high complexity medicine in the
    region of Belém is mostly formed by the private network, which has ample vacancies reserved
    for the Brazilian health system. However, the availability of high complexity resources in the
    private sector should not be thought of as universal coverage, given the fact that the forms of
    access to these services present filters of a legal-institutional nature or, in other words, what the
    Unified Health System calls hospitals with open or closed doors to universal access.


  • Data: 15/03/2023
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    support the thesis that there are territorial tensions between the quilombola peoples and the
    large enterprises located in Baixo Tocantins (PA). The assumption adopted is that after the
    outbreak of Operation Amazonia in 1966, the Brazilian State focused its interests in a special
    way on this territorial fragment, which became the target of diverse and distinct development
    paradigms, leading to a series of transformations that reached in filled not only with local
    populations and here, I highlight the quilombola peoples, but also with the dynamics of nature.
    The general objective is to build a geographical reflection on the territorial tensions produced
    in the encounter between the large enterprises and the quilombola peoples in Baixo Tocantins,
    for that, I observe the territorial dynamics in the municipality of Baião, one of eleven in the
    Tocantins region. The justification for the choice is related to the relevance of their territorial
    experiences for the proposed research. The analytical category that underlies this reflection is
    the used territory. From the methodological point of view, I adopt two complementary
    procedures: an analytical methodology based on the concepts of periodization and event that
    led me to think of two distinct times, time 1 (T1), prior to the arrival of the event, which I signal
    here as the insertion of the large undertakings in the region and, time 2 (T2), situation after the
    implementation of the undertakings; an operational methodology that includes a bibliographical
    review, structured and semi-structured interviews and field work. The results confirm the thesis
    that there are territorial tensions between quilombolas and large enterprises, however, these
    tensions are not always accompanied by conflicts and territorial disputes, since there are subtle
    forms of exercise of power, in and over the territory, capable of triggering symbolic
    mechanisms, promoting a symbolic violence that makes believe and see.


  • Data: 10/03/2023
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  • This study analyzes the Festa de São Benedito in the city of Bragança, state of Pará. It is one of
    the events of greatest cultural and religious expression in the Northeast Paraense region. Saint
    Benedict is the saint considered to be the patron Saint and has an expressive representativity in
    Bragança. The problematic of this study involves the investigation of the territoriality of the
    festival, as well as the action of the agents of patrimonialization and tourism in the Festa de São
    Benedito in Bragança, Pará. The problem-questions of this research are the following: How did
    the process of constitution of the Feast of Saint Benedict in the territory of Bragança occur?
    How can the Festa de São Benedito be identified as a cultural heritage and an element of cultural
    resistance in Bragança? How do the processes of patrimonialization occur in the Feast of Saint
    Benedict in Bragança and what are the implications and conflicts among the agents? Are there
    elements that identify a process of tourism of the Feast of Saint Benedict in Bragança? The
    general objective of this research is to analyze the territory of Bragança based on territoriality,
    the processes of heritage and tourism of the Festa de São Benedito, as well as its issues and
    conflicts. Such purpose is subdivided into the following specific objectives: To understand the
    process of constitution of the Feast of Saint Benedict in Bragança; To identify how the Feast of
    Saint Benedict can be a cultural heritage of the place and an element of cultural resistance in
    the city of Bragança. To understand the processes and agents linked to the heritage of the Festa
    de São Benedito and the implications and conflicts between them in the Bragantine territory;
    To analyze the specificities of the tourism process in Bragança, especially during the Festa de
    São Benedito in Bragança. In order to reach the proposed objectives, bibliographic and
    documental research and analysis were carried out, as well as semi-structured interviews, in
    loco observations and the application of surveys. Through this research it was possible to
    identify that the process of constitution of the Festa de São Benedito occurred with popular
    participation, but that it was also marked by conflicts between the Church and the civil
    brotherhood of the Marujada, a situation that lasted until the mid-1980s. It was also found that
    the Festa de São Benedito is an element of cultural resistance in the city of Bragança, for
    through its religious and cultural rituals it has resisted throughout more than 200 years of
    history. The heritage and tourism processes were analyzed in this research, not as established
    processes, but it was possible to identify elements and agents who take part in


  • Data: 10/03/2023
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  • This study analyzes the Festa de São Benedito in the city of Bragança, state of Pará. It is one of
    the events of greatest cultural and religious expression in the Northeast Paraense region. Saint
    Benedict is the saint considered to be the patron Saint and has an expressive representativity in
    Bragança. The problematic of this study involves the investigation of the territoriality of the
    festival, as well as the action of the agents of patrimonialization and tourism in the Festa de São
    Benedito in Bragança, Pará. The problem-questions of this research are the following: How did
    the process of constitution of the Feast of Saint Benedict in the territory of Bragança occur?
    How can the Festa de São Benedito be identified as a cultural heritage and an element of cultural
    resistance in Bragança? How do the processes of patrimonialization occur in the Feast of Saint
    Benedict in Bragança and what are the implications and conflicts among the agents? Are there
    elements that identify a process of tourism of the Feast of Saint Benedict in Bragança? The
    general objective of this research is to analyze the territory of Bragança based on territoriality,
    the processes of heritage and tourism of the Festa de São Benedito, as well as its issues and
    conflicts. Such purpose is subdivided into the following specific objectives: To understand the
    process of constitution of the Feast of Saint Benedict in Bragança; To identify how the Feast of
    Saint Benedict can be a cultural heritage of the place and an element of cultural resistance in
    the city of Bragança. To understand the processes and agents linked to the heritage of the Festa
    de São Benedito and the implications and conflicts between them in the Bragantine territory;
    To analyze the specificities of the tourism process in Bragança, especially during the Festa de
    São Benedito in Bragança. In order to reach the proposed objectives, bibliographic and
    documental research and analysis were carried out, as well as semi-structured interviews, in
    loco observations and the application of surveys. Through this research it was possible to
    identify that the process of constitution of the Festa de São Benedito occurred with popular
    participation, but that it was also marked by conflicts between the Church and the civil
    brotherhood of the Marujada, a situation that lasted until the mid-1980s. It was also found that
    the Festa de São Benedito is an element of cultural resistance in the city of Bragança, for
    through its religious and cultural rituals it has resisted throughout more than 200 years of
    history. The heritage and tourism processes were analyzed in this research, not as established
    processes, but it was possible to identify elements and agents who take part in


  • Data: 09/03/2023
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  • The old Railway Belém-Bragança (RBB), which operated effectively from 1883 to 1965, contributed to the socio-spatial formation of several cities that were located in the former Bragantina Zone (ZB), largely constituted today by the northeast of Pará. Among the cities included in this process, Benevides, Castanhal, Igarapé-Açu and Bragança (located in the Metropolitan Region of Belém and in the Northeast Region of Pará), are chosen as locus-cities, for having been carriers of railway branches; nodal points of connection with other locations and trading posts of relevant importance in the territorial expansion at that time. In such cities, the railway complex of Bragantina produced a railway cultural heritage (material and immaterial), which remains active in the reminiscences (memories) of local residents, especially the oldest ones. This situation leads us to and motivates us to a central objective in the study that proposes to analyze how the spatialization of the RBB, within the former ZB, contributed to the production of space and, consequently, to the formation of a memory related to the railway cultural heritage in the cities in question. For this purpose, some specific objectives were also taken into account, such as: understanding how the introduction of the RBB influenced the production of space in the former ZB and in the research locuscities; apprehend the interface between the railway cultural heritage and the FCPs in such cities and, finally, understand how the resumption of the memory of the railway cultural heritage contributes to the appreciation of the local socio-spatial formation. Regarding the methodological procedures, a bibliographical and documental review and previous field observation were carried out, aiming at the selection of relevant social actors and institutional agents for the application of the interview investigation technique. The theoretical-conceptual discussion turned to the concepts of space and form-content (SANTOS, 1977, 1982, 2004); Memory (HALBWACHS, 1990; NORA, 1984; ABREU, 1998) and cultural heritage (CHOAY, 2001; CRUZ, 2012; RODRIGUES, 2017; CASTRO and MONASTIRSKY, 2013). Such an essay involves a qualitative and quantitative research with a dialectical approach that aims to support the process that involves the socio-spatial contradictions present in the research object of the thesis. Documental research and interviews were necessary to carry out a mapping of the most representative (FCP) of the railway period, as well as to analyze the heritage policies (official and non-official), which contributed to the recovery and preservation of the local railway heritage. Therefore, through the resumption of the memory of the railway cultural heritage, it was possible to reach the places of memory (NORA, 1984), which, due to their significant references and representation value, are considered as FCPs; that keep within themselves accumulated temporalities and spaces, which can be retaken and analyzed through a process of periodization in the cities in question.

  • Urban Restructuring in the Eastern Amazon: Parauapebas as a 10strutsized city?

  • Data: 27/02/2023
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  • Parauapebas, traditionally portrayed in studies of Urban and Regional Geography as a support center for mining and mobile and multipurpose labor, with verticalities restricted to mining and characterized by activities of the lower circuit of the urban economy with dynamics of low technical and informational density in the center of “spontaneous” formation, can it be qualified, nowadays, as an average Amazonian city? The thesis presented is that Parauapebas has expanded its command capacity and enjoys a new position in the urban and regional dynamics, comprising a diversity of public and private services of sub-regional reach, starting to intermediate and command flows in its Immediate Geographic Region. In this way, the work examines Parauapebas from the point of view of the articulation between two sets of dynamics and processes that are distinct, but complementary to each other: the restructuring of the city, which takes place on an intra-urban scale, and the urban restructuring, which considers its new roles in the urban network. . Through the dialectic method, it carries out a qualitative and quantitative research, with a bibliographic survey, associated with documentary research with analysis of primary data, field work, photographic surveys, structured interviews and open questionnaires, in addition to the analysis of multitemporal images from the Landsat-TM sensor as which recognize the advancement of the municipal urban fabric and the new uses of the territory. Finally, despite confirming the fact that mining remains the flagship of its socioeconomic structure, the study demonstrates the progress of other social, political and economic dynamics responsible for the expansion of commercial activity, public management, the provision of advanced services in the areas of health and higher education that show their polarization in the face of the sub-regional set in which they are inserted and are responsible for the emergence of new intra-urban dynamics with repercussions on the inter-urban structure.


  • Data: 03/02/2023
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  • In order to contribute to the studies on the effectiveness of geography teaching-learning processes in the development of youth critical thinking, this work introduces an analysis of the criticality of young students, segregated in the context of the implementation of Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant in Altamira/PA, between 2009 and 2021. To this end, three axes constitute the basis of this work’s analytical strategy: an account of some common impacts from large Brazilian hydroelectric projects in comparison to the transformations that occurred in the municipality of Altamira due to the construction of such hydroelectric plant; the characterization of compulsorily displaced communities, especially children and adolescents, considering conceptions and experiences by public high school students and, finally, these students’ positionings regarding the cause-andeffect relationships between the plant, the different powers, interests, and ideologies that advanced it, as well as its originating circumstances. For this purpose, the methodological path is dialectic with the aid of phenomenology and discourse analysis applied mainly to data resulting from interviews with such social actors. Among the results obtained, this work argues that the curricular component of Geography in public high schools has played an almost entirely irrelevant contribution to the formation of critical thinking of these students and, consequently, to the misunderstanding of their own realities.


  • Data: 03/02/2023
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  • In order to contribute to the studies on the effectiveness of geography teaching-learning processes in the development of youth critical thinking, this work introduces an analysis of the criticality of young students, segregated in the context of the implementation of Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant in Altamira/PA, between 2009 and 2021. To this end, three axes constitute the basis of this work’s analytical strategy: an account of some common impacts from large Brazilian hydroelectric projects in comparison to the transformations that occurred in the municipality of Altamira due to the construction of such hydroelectric plant; the characterization of compulsorily displaced communities, especially children and adolescents, considering conceptions and experiences by public high school students and, finally, these students’ positionings regarding the cause-andeffect relationships between the plant, the different powers, interests, and ideologies that advanced it, as well as its originating circumstances. For this purpose, the methodological path is dialectic with the aid of phenomenology and discourse analysis applied mainly to data resulting from interviews with such social actors. Among the results obtained, this work argues that the curricular component of Geography in public high schools has played an almost entirely irrelevant contribution to the formation of critical thinking of these students and, consequently, to the misunderstanding of their own realities.


  • Data: 31/01/2023
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  • From the urban core of the city of Altamira-PA, this study aimed to analyze the spatiality of
    leisure in the reproduction of everyday life in the city of Altamira-PA, based on the tensioning
    and mediation between the representation of space (space conceived ) and spaces of
    representation (lived space). It is not a question of two antagonistic and excluding realities, but
    of a unit that is continuously dialectized in/through space.From a theoretical-methodological
    mediation between the category of leisure and the social theory of space, we sought to answer
    the following question: how is the spatiality of leisure expressed in everyday life in the city of
    Altamira-PA? The central hypothesis suggests that: leisure in the city of Altamira-PA
    constitutes an indissoluble part of everyday life, materializing spatially through the collective
    agency of subjects who, in an insurgent way, appropriate the different urban spaces of the city.
    The methodological course of qualitative bias, was based on a bibliographical analysis, open
    and semi-structured interviews and elements of urban ethnography. The research results
    demonstrated the theoretical-methodological power of the leisure category in the face of urban
    studies, allowing the discussion of the limits and possibilities of the city based on leisure
    experiences. At the everyday level, the results showed the existence of collective tactics,
    materialized by the counter-uses of the city where urban spaces are achieved the condition of
    public spaces through different forms of collective appropriation. The sustained and proven
    thesis states that the clash and the permanent mediation between the representation of space
    (conceived space) and the spaces of representation (lived space) materializes a spatiality of
    leisure in the daily life of Altamira-PA, which is produced in function of of the insurgent
    practices that are created and maintained by the subjects from their daily interaction and
    sociability networks.

    Keywords: leisure, insurgent practices, counter-uses, everyday life.


  • Data: 27/01/2023
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  • O Mercado Imobiliário tem se constituído de forma predominante a partir da materialização de condomínios habitacionais de alto padrão nas últimas duas décadas. Apresentando novos modos de exploração da terra enquanto mercadoria e uma nova forma de morar. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a intensificação da produção do urbano na Metrópole a partir da construção de grandes empreendimentos imobiliários habitacionais. A importância do estudo consiste em fazer uma discussão sobre as transformações socioespaciais ocorridas com a intensificação da produção imobiliária na área da Avenida Pedro Álvares Cabral, cidade de Belém-PA. Também investigando as mudanças no que diz respeito à produção e demanda do setor imobiliário bem como a caracterização de condomínios que se relaciona a valores culturais, simbólicos e sociais, a partir da atuação do Mercado Imobiliário no processo da produção do espaço urbano. Dessa maneira, foram analisadas as formas que o mercado. imobiliário utiliza para expandir seus grandes empreendimentos habitacionais e a (re) produção do capital imobiliário em Belém, buscando compreender as articulações feitas por tais agentes imobiliárias. Foram verificados os condomínios habitacionais materializados na Avenida Pedro Álvares Cabral nos anos 1990 e, sobretudo os condomínios estabelecidos nos anos 2000.

  • DINÂMICA ECONÔMICA E REESTRUTURAÇÃO DA CIDADE: uma análise da indústria da construção civil em Imperatriz (MA)

  • Data: 29/09/2022
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  • This thesis focuses on understanding the economic dynamics of the city of Imperatriz-MA, as
    well as the restructuring of its urban space based on the expansion process of the real estate
    market. This economic activity has intensified capitalist relations, and thus, has been one of
    the main agents responsible for creating and stimulating new demands for production and
    consumption in the city. In this sense, the research emerges from concerns regarding the
    growth of the housing real estate market from the 2000s onwards - which, based on a logic of
    (re)production of the city as a commodity, has potentiated the production of urban space
    divided into social classes and concomitantly the spatialization of a range of contradictions.
    For the development of the work, we sought theoretical support based on the postulates of
    Sposito (2004; 2007) on urban restructuring and city restructuring. The research method is
    based on the Marxist approach of dialectical historical materialism, with bibliographic,
    documental, simple-observation and standardized-structured interviews. The research
    highlighted the developer-builder capital, real estate brokers and the State as the main agents
    of valorization of the urban space of the Imperatriz city. This valorization could be seen in the
    analysis of the neighborhoods Jardim Três Poderes, Santa Inês and Avenida Pedro Neiva de
    Santana, which exposed the form and characteristics of this valorization that has resulted in a
    strong transformation of the city's structure. In addition, the study discussed the construction
    of housing projects by the Federal Government called "My Home My Life Program"
    (MHMLP), Level 1, aimed at the low-income population in peripheral areas, discontinuities
    of the urban fabric as an element that has caused the accentuation of socio-spatial
    disagreements. It is considered that the research achieved its proposed objectives, since it was
    possible to understand that the economic repercussions arising from the growth of the real
    estate market are associated with changes in the morphology and landscape of the city,
    making it more complex, segmented, segregated, fragmented and unfair.

    Keywords: Imperatiz-MA; real estate market; urban and city restructuring.


  • Data: 28/09/2022
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  • The research focus on to present the territorial dynamics of the Galibi Kali'na people, mainly
    with regard to Brazil's territorialization. The Kali'na are a native people, whose origin space is
    starting from Venezuela to French Guiana and, in July 1950, when moving through the Guiana
    Plateau, in the French Guiana area, they rebuilt their life on the right banks of the Oiapoque
    river, in the state of Amapá – Brazil. The absence of a geographical point of view of the Kali'na's
    process in Brazil prompted us to propose a thesis, considering that it is an unknown subject in
    the academic universe of Geographic Science, since the research did not only address issues
    related to an Indigenous Territory, but to an autochthonous group that made migration with
    international negotiations. We ask ourselves how the process of occupation and installation of
    this group in Brazil took place, since this territory was not part of their displacement route?
    What political and institutional articulations were necessary to move for the demarcation of the
    Galibi Indigenous Land? Why was this specific Indigenous Land in the Oiapoque region the
    first to be homologated? What elements defined the demarcated area? What factors interfered
    in the population dynamics of Galibi's Indigenous Land? What is sustained in terms of thesis is
    that the territorial dynamics of Kali'na, considering their experiences in French Guiana and its
    installation in Brazil, occurred due to a political mobilization of this people who, although were
    formed by just a few families, made the migration. Upon arriving in Brazil, they had the first
    Indigenous Land demarcated in the Oiapoque region by Decree 87,844 of 11/24/1982. And
    even with commercial relations established since French Guiana and that continued when
    arriving in Brazil with agriculture as the main economic activity - which is being changed to
    the service sector, especially in the condition of public servers. This work aims to analyze the
    territorial dynamics of the Galibi Kali'na of Oiapoque in the seventy years of their presence in
    Brazil, taking into account three elements of/in the territorial dynamics, namely: 1. The
    displacement of this people from French Guiana to Brazil and the socio-political-economic
    context; 2. Their installation and relationships established with the new land from the point of
    view of nature and society; 3. The Kali'na's own view of the Territory. To achieve this general
    objective, we list the following specific ones: to verify the expanded territory of Galibi Kali'na
    people in the northern arc of the Guianas; understand the formation process of the Kali'na
    Territory in Brazil; to map the organization of the Galibi Kali'na and the challenges of the Galibi
    Indigenous Land. We made use of a space-time methodology, with temporal cut being the 70s,
    since the territorialization in Brazil and as spatial one, the Galibi Indigenous Land itself. The
    bibliographic research was built throughout the doctorate, in the subjects taken, the participation
    in events and in the various interactions, with the goal of subsidizing the understanding of
    concepts of territory, territorial dynamics, Kali'na people, decoloniality. The Kali'na lived
    through different institutional arrangements in their territorialization in Brazil; to come to this
    conclusion, we used documentary research as instrument to demonstrate the legal agreements
    established by these people and the generation of new documents and maps from oral reports
    formally granted through interviews and informally through everyday conversations. Field
    research with immersion of experience helped with the continuity and choices taken during the
    thesis building. The organization of the thesis results is developed in four chapters: the first,
    entitled “Territory, concepts and experiences”, presents the conceptual basis; the second one,
    “The context of Kali'na migration”, makes a historical and documentary retrospective of the
    political and institutional situation in Brazil and French Guiana on the decision part of that
    people took to leave the Guiana; the third, “Territorialization of the Kali'na in Oiapoque Brazil”,
    presents the elements of territorialization, the use and reproduction of land, the spatial
    organization based on culture and the school as a mediator of flows; the fourth, “The Kali’na
    view of the territory: social cartography in perspective”, using the methodology of social
    cartography to show how the Kali’na see themselves in the territory.


  • Data: 05/09/2022
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  • Nowadays is essential that everyone knows about danger, that is calculated or not ando also
    threaten human beings (VEYRET, 2007). Caratateua’s Island (Outeiro) in Belém/PA goes
    through coastal erosion processes, causing environmental and material damages. Three
    monitoring points were identified at the local, which led to the interdiction of some stretches of
    the Beira Mar road, as recommended by the SGB/CPRM. The research brings the participatory
    elaboration on social cartography, with the objective of spatializing the socio-environmental
    risks of the mentioned stretch and their geological risk with students from EMEFM Prof.
    Eidorfe Moreira, located in the São João de Outeiro neighborhood. One of the problems is the
    difficulty in finding methodologies and teaching materials on landslide’s risk areas focused on
    the context and scale of the Amazonian reality. The research objective is to verify possible
    occurrences of landslides through geological erosion at Avenida Beira-Mar small stretch, for
    the material’s production, which is; mapping through socio-environmental cartography in print
    (maps/booklet) and digital (site-blog-PDF) format. The research application methodology
    consisted of 5 (five) basic steps according to the National Center for Monitoring and Alerts for
    Natural Disasters (Cemaden) in an adapted way in educational contexts, such as, preparatory
    phase; explanation of environmental risks; cartographic base reading; perception’s of the
    thematic map environmental risks’ production; reflection on the weaknesses of the place. This
    proposal is theoretically based on the Federal Government Decree, No. 5,376, of February 17,
    2005, article 13, item VII, in order to promote the inclusion of civil defense principles in school
    curricula, providing full support to the teaching community in the development of pedagogicaldidactic material for this purpose. Environmental education (Law No. 9,795/1999, CNE/CP Opinion No. 14/2012. CNE/CP Resolution No. 2/201218), Decree No. 4,281, of June 25, 2002,
    which specifically provides for Environmental Education (EA) and institutes the National
    Environmental Education Policy (PNEA). The results of the Social Cartography of
    spatialization of socio-environmental risks supported the materialization of thinking and acting
    through methodologies that incorporate active participation in the analysis of maps,
    photographs, interviews, tables and graphs, making it more meaningful for students, putting
    into practice formative assessment, in which the student becomes the subject of his learning and
    the teacher assumes the role of mediator of the process, as he accompanies all the steps of the
    student, being able to help him in his difficulties.

    Key words: Erosion’s risk; Social Cartography; Environmental education; Outeiro Island.


  • Data: 02/09/2022
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  • The COVID-19 pandemic on a planetary scale has been the object of intense changes at the
    global level, on multiple scales, reverberating dilemmas inherent to the conditions and social
    practices that have been established throughout history. The escalation of the aforementioned
    pandemic exposed a complex set of socio-spatial vulnerabilities linked to the unequal
    insertion of the brazilian and amazonian territory in the technical and territorial division of
    labor, as well as the precarious conditions of urban and health infrastructure, essential
    elements for the fight against COVID-19. On a local scale, the population of the city of Belém
    was deeply impacted by a mostly unfavorable conjuncture added to the pandemic, which
    claimed thousands of lives. The high number of deaths in neighborhoods and territories on the
    outskirts of Belém should be highlighted here, indicating different scales, movements, rates of
    dispersion of COVID-19 and their possible links with levels of vulnerabilities and socio-
    spatial inequalities, associated with accessibility to urban facilities, such as running water,
    sanitary sewage and housing conditions in Belém. In view of the particularities of the spatial
    condition of the city of Belém, this research is relevant due to the need to understand the
    territorial effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, from an interscalar movement in global and
    national dimensions. The hypothesis is defended that the current dynamics related to the
    territorial effects of COVID-19 are closely connected to the conditions of socio-spatial
    vulnerability in the city. The research, therefore, consists of a case study that, from a
    methodological point of view, will be carried out through a survey and bibliographic and
    documental analysis, cartographic production, qualitative systematic observations, application
    of survey and statistical analysis. Therefore, in that dissertation, the main elements of the
    research developed are presented, as well as a propositional path based on the dynamics of
    smartie cities for the consolidation of a sustainable city.

    Key-words: Territorial effects; Sociospatial Vulnerability; COVID-19; City of Belém.



  • Data: 02/09/2022
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  • Heritage education is one of the relevant issues when we talk about heritage issues, in this sense
    the research sought to focus on educational practices and their impact in the city of Curuçá-PA,
    located in the Northeast region of the State of Pará, 130 km from distance from the capital
    Belém. The paths that lead us to think about an urban space focused on natural and cultural
    issues. The research was developed from the reflection of a patrimonialization process, being it
    the main form of development through the valorization of a certain culture and regarding the
    heritage look, I understand the importance of it within a city, which dynamically has without
    its genesis cultural issues and lives culture daily, elevating it not only to a concept but a way of
    living. immaterial and natural and from that to understand the importance of heritage
    preservation for the rescue of the cultural identity of the community and its memory, taking us
    specifically, to analyze the existing public policies in the municipality around heritage issues
    and the educational and constructive practices on the heritage. In a qualitative research and
    based on reports of experiences, theoretical concepts and a practical perspective were gathered,
    education provides this two-way street, as defined throughout the chapters. Semi-structured
    interviews, records of temporal changes in patrimonialized spaces and public consultations
    were the means used to encourage responses to understand the urban space of Curuçá, regarding
    the process of patrimonialization. The research demonstrated the importance of living and
    feeling the cultural 'ground', that is, defining and recording the appreciation of what is beyond
    the tipping point, is in the day-to-day of Curuça, is in school, being on the walk through the
    historic center and defining Thus, the records obtained from this research, humanized, allow us
    to write about the practice and make us think and reflect on each decision that has been or will
    be taken, allowing us to improve the relationship with the people and adapt it frequently to the
    needs of residents and important makers. of culture. Finally, we conclude that there is a lot to
    look at within a local culture, there are several relationships between the individual and his
    heritage, there are not always records, he did not always go through a tipping, it is important
    for his affective relationships, with the square, with the river, with a sound, with a rhythm and
    so on. The research became relevant at various times, due to the fact that it made a little studied
    record, with few productions thus motivating and academically encouraging other researchers,
    including the residents themselves to enter the University taking about their culture of a small
    Amazonian city even better known and participate. of registration and decision-making
    processes. Finally, knowing in order to preserve becomes increasingly important, knowing this
    importance, looking at heritage does not just portray a moment in the past but an inheritance to
    be maintained, culture is born within the human being throughout life, it is up to the producers
    of knowledge to be the channel for recording what is important to each one.

    Keywords: Patrimonization; Urban space; Cultural Heritage; Heritage Education;


  • Data: 01/09/2022
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  • Water is an indispensable element for the continuity of human life and the planet's
    environmental balance. As a result, the struggle for its access and resources is a struggle
    that has been going on for centuries around the world. In each space/territory, it takes on
    specificcharacteristics,stemmingfromthe existing interrelationships. In Brazil, the
    existence of multiple conflicts over access, control, and the right to water and its resources
    can be seen in different spaces/territories, and the consequences of these conflicts take on
    new contours, whether in terms of defense strategies by social movements or by big
    capital,asactionsthatareharmfultothesegroups.The debates about water and
    movements can be understood from numerous theoretical and methodological perspectives,
    but here we start from the conflictuality and the historical and dialectical materiality that
    actions of different actors leave on different spaces.Once these actions are historical
    processes, which are in constant movement, acting and materializing in different ways in
    each space, leaving marks that can be described and analyzed in a critical way. In view of
    this, we propose to understand the different processes in which disputes over water are
    embedded, based on scientific debates and analyses of the actions suffered, practiced, and
    other strategies developed by socio-territorial water movements to safeguard the rights of
    their members and of society in general. The hypotheses raised in this work are that the
    movement, or allied with others, seeking different ways to face the adversities arising from
    the conflicts in which they are inserted, such as: demonstrations, occupations of companies
    and public agencies, lawsuits, against mining, agribusiness, industrial fishing, among
    others. The debates in this paper sought to understand the different processes in which
    disputes over water are inserted. In this sense, the bibliometric research and its subsequent
    analysis provided conditions for the observation of how science has been producing water
    conflicts worldwide. Not only the forms, but the diverse processes and conceptions that
    water assumes for each of those who dispute it. In this sense, it was possible to observe the
    dynamics resulting from the processes of appropriation and differentiation of uses and
    conceptions of water, noting the existence of hegemonic actors who seek to control it in
    order to satisfy their needs. The processes related to the disputes for and over water are
    complex, arising from the sum of factors resulting from the spaces and territories where
    socio-territorial movements are important contesting actors of the current order, producing
    a set of actions and strategies to confront the hydro-hegemonic actors.

    Keywords: Water; Movements; Water Conflicts; Hydrohegemonic Actors.


  • Data: 31/08/2022
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  • The capitalism makes the mobilization of the entire economic chain through the consumption, thus always encouraging people to consume more. The consequence of consumption is solid waste, causing urban environmental problems. The production of space through the exploitation of forest resources was fundamental to the foundation of the city of Altamira. The influence of economic cycles and major works have determined the form of consumption and generation of solid waste throughout the formation of the city, which grew in a disorderly manner and without planning causing an urban environmental management that allowed the emergence of the municipal dump. Nowadays problems have caused by disability of management of the UUs, making it a major problem for municipal administrations of the municipalities of Brazil, not being different in the city of Altamira. The Law 12,305/2010 enacted, determining the extinction of dumps in the national territory, in 2011 the construction works of the Belo Monte UHE began, whereby its conditions ensured the cost of the remediation and deactivation of the dump, as well as the construction of the Altamira Landfill. After receiving the work, the Municipal Public Management has the important task of implementing the Solid Waste Policy Municipality of Altamira to ensure the healthy quality of life its population. To consolidate the expectations of the research it is necessary to go through three chapters, the first, it is intended to understand whether the conditioning of the construction of the Belo Monte UHE - Basic Environmental Project (PBA), contributed to the implementation of the Municipal Solid Waste Policy of Altamira, in the second, it is intended to understand if the Municipal Public Power performs  the Municipal Solid Waste Policy in the city and in the third, it is intended to understand the implications of the implementation of the Municipal Solid Waste Policy in the daily life of families of Altamira. To achieve at the results, it was necessary to seek bibliographic references, conduct interviews with key actors, apply semi-structured forms, adapted to an urban analysis the "Index of the execution of the Municipal Policy of USR of the city of Altamira - PA - Brazil", as well as the construction of tables, schematics, graphs and tables, to try to evidence whether in fact there is in execution of an Urban Environmental Policy,  respects what is provided for by law and does not waste the public money used for the pre-established purpose. 


     Keywords: Space Production, Environmental Education, Urban Environmental Management


  • Data: 31/08/2022
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  • The performance of agents producing urban space in Altamira has gone through several phases,
    from the opening of the trans-Amazonian highway (BR-230) in the 1970s to the construction
    of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant complex in the early 2011s. contributed
    significantly to the population density of the region, producing urban spaces driven by real
    estate speculation and real estate producing agents, especially production by subdivisions that
    contributed to the current configuration of the urban fabric, densifying new areas and creating
    new peripheries, marked by discontinuity. and low occupancy density. In this way, the present
    research aims to analyze the dynamics of the expansion of urban space in Altamira-PA from
    the perspective of real estate development with the advent of the Belo Monte hydroelectric
    complex, highlighting the location of urban land subdivisions, infrastructure urban areas,
    housing densities, urban control and regulation instruments and in addition to the socioenvironmental reflexes related to these activities. The methodological procedure adopted to
    carry out this research can be divided into the Pre-Field stages with a bibliographic and
    documentary survey on various concepts related to urbanization, urban space, promoters, real
    estate sector, urban expansion and land subdivision, in addition to data consultation and
    information in Official Bodies and Institutions; Field, with in loco verification of points to
    verify the current state of the most deficient land subdivisions of basic infrastructure in the city
    of Altamira; and the Post-Field (analytical/comparative), consolidating the information
    collected in the form of graphs, tables, charts and cartographic representations, in addition to
    discussions and propositions on the theme of the dynamics of urban expansion conducted by
    land subdivision projects in the area of urban perimeter of Altamira. It was found that the real
    estate production in Altamira has contributed to the configuration of a fragmented urban reality
    from a spatial point of view, characterized by aspects of continuity and densification and
    discontinuity and sprawl, with the location of many projects in areas far from the urban core.
    main feature, a reality that has become the standard that characterizes the urban fabric of the
    Altamira headquarters.

    Keywords: Production of Urban Space; Real Estate Development Agents; Installment of the

  • Não informado.

  • Data: 31/08/2022
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  • The Amazon has been going through a process of social and environmental transformation over the
    years, however, in recent decades the replacement of the forest by capitalist agriculture has become
    an increasingly common scenario in the territory, this phenomenon is due to new strategies of
    territorialization of capital. This research presents a set of elements that make up the territorial
    disputes that occur in the Amazon, especially in the west of Pará, due to the form of use and
    appropriation of land, which presents new characteristics to the dispute, in the form of immaterial
    territory that build new territorializations due to the social relations that develop in the interior of the
    Amazon, even though, contradictorily, the construction of the resistance territory of rural
    communities is built in the dispute over land and the way of life of rural populations. The São
    Francisco da Volta Grande community in the municipality of Belterra-PA presents some of the
    dynamics of territorialization of soy agribusiness, causing a decrease in vegetation cover throughout the municipality, intoxication by exposure to pesticides and disruption of the collective dynamics of the traditional territory, in the marginalization of environmentally differentiated settlements such as the Bela Terra II Collective Settlement Projects, where the community is located.

    Keywords: Amazon; Territory; Agribusiness; West of Pará


  • Data: 30/08/2022
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  • The performance of agents producing urban space in Altamira has gone through several phases,
    from the opening of the trans-Amazonian highway (BR-230) in the 1970s to the construction
    of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant complex in the early 2011s. contributed
    significantly to the population density of the region, producing urban spaces driven by real
    estate speculation and real estate producing agents, especially production by subdivisions that
    contributed to the current configuration of the urban fabric, densifying new areas and creating
    new peripheries, marked by discontinuity. and low occupancy density. In this way, the present
    research aims to analyze the dynamics of the expansion of urban space in Altamira-PA from
    the perspective of real estate development with the advent of the Belo Monte hydroelectric
    complex, highlighting the location of urban land subdivisions, infrastructure urban areas,
    housing densities, urban control and regulation instruments and in addition to the socioenvironmental reflexes related to these activities. The methodological procedure adopted to
    carry out this research can be divided into the Pre-Field stages with a bibliographic and
    documentary survey on various concepts related to urbanization, urban space, promoters, real
    estate sector, urban expansion and land subdivision, in addition to data consultation and
    information in Official Bodies and Institutions; Field, with in loco verification of points to
    verify the current state of the most deficient land subdivisions of basic infrastructure in the city
    of Altamira; and the Post-Field (analytical/comparative), consolidating the information
    collected in the form of graphs, tables, charts and cartographic representations, in addition to
    discussions and propositions on the theme of the dynamics of urban expansion conducted by
    land subdivision projects in the area of urban perimeter of Altamira. It was found that the real
    estate production in Altamira has contributed to the configuration of a fragmented urban reality
    from a spatial point of view, characterized by aspects of continuity and densification and
    discontinuity and sprawl, with the location of many projects in areas far from the urban core.
    main feature, a reality that has become the standard that characterizes the urban fabric of the
    Altamira headquarters.

    Keywords: Production of Urban Space; Real Estate Development Agents; Installment of the


  • Data: 30/08/2022
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  • The implementation of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Complex brings with it
    a series of changes in the dynamics of various production chains in the region, including
    artisanal fishing. Giventhe importance of the fishing activity in the economic and cultural
    context, it becomes necessary to know the agents present in its production circuit that
    goes from the capture to the marketing offish.

    characterization of artisanal and ornamental fishing and the practice of fish farming in the
    municipality of Altamira.With the historical rescue of the occupation of the region,
    seeking how it reflects on the fishing territories, thus seeking to approximate the study
    area. Besides the contextualization of the implementation of large hydroelectric projects
    and how they contribute to a scenario of artisanal fishing.The bibliographic and data
    survey was carried out through consultation of theses and articles, fishing monitoring
    reports, as well as other readings carried out. Besides the field data survey.

    This research will be divided as follows: a first section will deal with the
    historical and geographical characterization of the municipalityof Altamira, Pará State,
    bringing its main characteristics, the use of natural resources, as well as the relationship
    with artisanal fishing and its characterization.The second section will deal with the
    conceptual approach on spatial circuits of production using theoretical foundations of
    Santos (2014) and others, because the approach of this concept is indispensable for the
    understanding of the dynamics of fishing activity in the headquarters of the municipality
    of Altamira.And a third section with thestages of the spatial circuit of artisanal fishing
    in the municipality of Altamira considering the agents involved in the process from
    capture to marketing, considering the context of the installation of the CHBM Belo
    Monte. Finally, the final considerations highlighting the relevance of the research for the
    knowledge of the reality of the fishing sector with considerations to the actors present in
    the spatial circuit of fishing in the municipality ofAltamira, Pará.

    Artisanal fishing, spatial circuit,Belo Monte.


  • Data: 30/08/2022
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  • In this paper, the objective is to understand the process of capitalist production of space in
    Paragominas/PA, from the analysis of the territorialization of the neoliberal reason by the
    Paragominense Agroindustrial Cooperative (Coopernorte). Through our study, we realize that
    the cooperative has been dictating a hegemonic model of territorial development of
    agribusiness, through its collective actions of territorialization and capitalist organization in
    the countryside, acting as a socio-territorial movement and spreading to other subjects the
    need for integration to the neoliberal agrarian capitalism, from the diffusion of a "package" of
    products and ideas. Initially, we carried out a theoretical discussion between territory and
    neoliberalism, questioning whether it is part of an ideology, a policy, or a rationality. To
    understand the process of transformations that Paragominas went through after the entry of
    soybeans, we went to the historical and material bases of its territorial formation. Finally, we
    analyzed the discourses and the actions of the cooperative, mainly through the Show Agro, a
    fair organized by them. To this end, we carried out fieldwork in Paragominas, photographic
    records, survey and analysis of secondary data and documents, cartographic production,
    theoretical and bibliographic review.

    Keywords: Agribusiness; Neoliberalism; Cooperative; Territory

  • Não informado.

  • Data: 30/08/2022
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  • This research proposes to analyze the increase in urban occupations in irregular areas after the
    Belo Monte project in the municipality of Altamira-PA, which is located in southwest Pará with
    a territorial area of 159,533.401 km², on the banks of the Xingu River above the volta grande,
    in which the large Belo Monte hydroelectric project was installed, which was part of the
    restructuring process, altering and reorganizing the internal dynamics of the city, which
    participated in the process of changing the place of residence of more than 22 thousand people.
    The project was one of the main factors for the process of occupation of the river to take place
    on the mainland, since it removed the population from the banks of the Altamira, Panelas and
    Ambé streams, to be resettled far from the city center, with the non-recognition of the new
    territory. However, real estate agents, together with the State, have been responsible for
    obtaining profit from the sale of urban land, since a portion of the population does not have
    enough income to buy their right to the city and housing, is at the mercy, and without state aid.
    The objective that guides the dissertation is to analyze the increase of urban occupations in
    irregular areas in Altamira-PA after the installation of Belo Monte. For a better understanding,
    we tried to understand how the spatial processes linked to the installation of Belo Monte imply
    the redefinition of urban occupations, and it was verified through analysis which are the main
    vectors of urban occupation in Altamira. The research was developed through the following
    procedures, bibliographic survey, field work in the study area, photographs, reports from
    residents and elaboration of maps. Therefore, it is clear that after the installation of the
    enterprise, the problems of irregular occupations in the municipality were not solved. The
    problem of irregular occupations was transferred from the center of the city to some points such
    as the banks of the Transamazon Highway, the current point of occupation for the low-income
    classes. In this way, the occupations go through a process from “river to highway”.

    Keywords: Urban occupation, Large-scale projects, Belo Monte, Right to the city.


  • Data: 30/08/2022
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  • In this year 2022, after the peak of a pandemic period of Covid-19 and its variants, it is still
    worrying the fact that more than 2 billion people around the world live in countries under water
    stress, therefore, they do not have directly or have difficulties accessing drinking water to meet
    basic daily food and hygiene needs, according to data from the United Nations (2021). In this
    context, the difficulty of access to drinking water for riverside populations in the Brazilian
    Amazon is evident, especially for rural and riverside regions that become less assisted, favored
    and even excluded from the infrastructure networks for the supply of drinking water. At the
    center of this thematic research proposal, we sought to identify and analyze, from a socioenvironmental geographical reading, together with the political ecology of water, water justice
    and hydroterritories in access to drinking water for human consumption, in the spatial cut of
    communities João Pilatos and Igarapé Grande, on João Pilatos Island, and that make up the
    insular region of the municipality of Ananindeua (integrates the Metropolitan Region of
    Belém), state of Pará, in the North Region of Brazil (Brazilian Amazon). that the insular region
    of the municipality of Ananindeua has nine islands occupied by 12 communities that reside and
    organize themselves collectively, based on a riverside and rural way of life. this research was
    developed by an exploratory approach, along with the case study with qualitative and
    quantitative data nature, collection and analysis of data in the field and
    bibliographic/documental survey. Having these methodological and analytical directions, it was
    possible to point out intentions and actions that occur in a certain temporal and spatial scale, to
    identify and reach representations of the hydroterritorial configuration of these territories.
    Furthermore, to point out the water justice and injustice in these territorial representations,
    considering the movements underlying the normative structure of access to water (selfmanagement) and the political, cultural and environmental recognition of the provision and
    allocation of water, in the analysis bias of the interests that move the absence and/or presence
    of access to potable water in the region. The proposed study showed that the residents of these
    communities are not being served by a water supply system by a conventional provider (public
    or private supply network), with the need to organize and manage an individual and community
    system in order to meet their demands. of human consumption.

    Keywords: Political Ecology; Water injustice; territories; Amazon; Water’s supply


  • Data: 30/08/2022
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  • Critical Geography, a proposal to break with the neutrality of geographic science in the face
    of the capitalist system, allows new possibilities in relation to the objects of study that, in the
    past, could not be contemplated by a more traditional Geography, more attached to studies
    with a natural bias. At this point, football is inserted, a sport of relevance that goes beyond the
    simple practice of the modality, having economic, political, cultural significance within
    societies. It is with this foundation that the present work aims to correlate geographic studies,
    football and society, aiming to scrutinize and understand the identity, representative processes
    and territorialities conceived by and from social movements, through conflicts, linked to
    football. This junction occurs through the preponderant factors to the supporters/collectives
    linked to blacks, women and the LGBTQIA+ community related to football, who make use of
    this sport to achieve social agendas engendered in the bosoms of collectivities, mainly from
    the 2014 World Cup, carried out in Brazil. To achieve these objectives, research was carried
    out in order to improve the bibliographic collection on the subjects discussed here, access to
    social networks of participatory supporters regarding the theme, at the national and local level
    and semi-structured interviews in order to enrich this work together. to the social actors
    participating in these movements, in the municipality of Belém - PA, territorial cut of this
    study, in which female and LGBTQIA+ supporters were found, who were present in stadiums
    and on the streets, in protests for social improvements and/or in social actions , whether
    collectively – as a crowd – or individually and/or punctually. These are concrete examples of
    the use of football as a process of reaffirmation and legitimation of these groups, mainly
    realizing that the territorialities conceived by them are intimately connected to the
    identification with the clubs, materialized in the stadiums, in the streets and in the social
    networks, from which it could greater engagement of social movements and collectivities in
    Keywords: Football; Socio-territorial movements, Conflicts, Identities.


  • Data: 29/08/2022
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  • The overall objective of this study is to analyze the environmental vulnerability of the
    Jaurucu sub-basin and to understand how land cover and land use changes between
    1990 and 2020 affect the loss of its landscape potential and its geoecological and
    socioeconomic features, including the pattern of encroachment of environmental
    systems. . , possibilities and limits of use and the impact on spatial changes. To
    achieve the desired goals, the theoretical and methodological foundations of the earth
    system approach, the theory of ecological dynamics, the concepts of landscape, land
    system and stability of the environmental system were chosen; The concepts of risk
    and vulnerability were introduced to avoid confusion when understanding these
    concepts. The research used techniques and methodological procedures as
    theoretical and methodological support for mapping environmental systems,
    assumptions by Bertrand (2004), Sotchava (1977), Tricart (1977), Monteiro (2000),
    Souza (2000) and others. The cartographic products were created with the support of
    geographic information systems (GIS). The environmental vulnerability analysis was
    adapted by applying the methodology of Crepani et al. proposed method. Persons.
    (2001), Grigio (2003), Tagliani (2003), Costa et al. (2006), Oliveira and Mattos (2014),
    based on Tricart (1977). Field work has been performed to verify the generation of land
    cover and land cover maps using MapaBiomas, vulnerability determinations are
    calculated using the grid calculation tool from algebraic equations crossing data in the
    GIS environment. Therefore, creating a sustainable development plan requires
    planning and analysis of the environment. Understanding vulnerable environments and
    the systems used within them helps with territory planning.

    Watersheds, Environmental Vulnerability, Geographic Information


  • Data: 29/08/2022
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  • 8

    The urbanization process has been present since ancient times, intensifying with the industrialization
    process in the 18th century and in Brazil from the mid-19th century on. In the Amazônia this process
    occurred from the 1960s with transformations that deeply impacted its territories. Contemporarily, with
    the process of metropolization, beyond a phase of urban development, these territories are increasingly
    affected by the interests of capital, especially with regard to production and housing conditions, where
    part of the population lives in degrading conditions and in constant socio-spatial vulnerability, as occurs
    in the municipality of Ananindeua-PA, a city that makes up the metropolitan region of Belém-PA and that
    is affected by it in all its structural changes. In this sense, we present the following central problem: How
    the process of metropolization, such as the actions of the State (land title regularization and the
    implementation project of the Liberdade Highway) in addition to the expansion of the land market in the
    metropolitan spaceof Belém has been interfering in theconditions of socio-spatialvulnerability
    (infrastructure and housing) of the southern portion of Ananindeua territory between the years 2020 and
    2022. The main objective of this work is to analyze how the metropolization process, the actions of the
    State (land title regularization and the implementation project of the Liberdade Highway) and the
    expansion of the land market in the metropolitan space of Belém have been interfering in the conditions
    of socio-spatial vulnerability (infrastructure and housing) of the southern portion of Ananindeua's
    territory between the years 2020 and 2022. In the present work we will use the historical and dialectical
    materialism method, because it focuses on the materiality of the history of men in society. The research is
    quantitative and qualitative, where the first makes a quantification of the data on the growth of the
    population of the municipality, especially of its southern portion, and the second, makes a survey of
    qualitative data, which obtains the description about the neighborhoods of the southern portion of
    Ananindeua and its urban growth over conservation units and territories of traditional Amazonian
    communities. The analysis is inter-scalar that considers the time and space of urban relations. It counts on
    a systematic observation of the study area and the application of questionnaires, in addition to the
    cartographic production showing the advance of urbanization in the southern part of Ananindeua. This
    work is justified from a theoretical and methodological point of view by the need to understand the new
    territorial dynamics, in the conditions of infrastructure and housing, from the metropolitan expansion
    present in the southern portion of Ananindeua. From a theoretical and practical point of view, this work
    has the relevance of contributing to subsidize public actions and the construction of the right to territory.
    The present work showed us that the housing conditions in the southern part of Ananindeua are the result
    of the unequal process of metropolization where some parts of the population live with a good
    infrastructure in detriment of the majority of the population who live without the minimum conditions of
    basic sanitation. Added to this, the work showed us that the southern population of Ananindeu has the
    constant territorial conflicts of traditional communities that are there in the face of urban expansion.

    Keywords: Territory, metropolization, vulnerability, housing, infrastructure and sanitation


  • Data: 29/08/2022
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  • Brazil has its economic growth based on the exploitation of natural resources, mainly in the Amazon region, through the implementation of large projects, which provide deconfigurations in the socio-spatial dynamics of the local subject. The growing demand for energy generation, based on the discourse of the country's development, increases the number of large hydroelectric projects in the Amazon region of Pará.  The construction of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant (UHEBM) in the Volta Grande do Xingu - PA, caused the compulsory displacement of several families who lived in the areas of influence of the project, resulting in deformations in the traditional ways of life of riverine subjects, decharacterizing their origins and, necessarily transforming them into urban individuals or farmers/rural workers, those who were once recognized as riparian families, given the condition of the space in which they lived and their direct relationship with the river, are now characterized as resettled families, still under the condition of space that transfigures them into resettled from the Rural Collective Resettlement. In view of these transformations in the region, the research aimed to understand the production of space in the Collective Rural Resettlement of km 27, located in Vitória do Xingu - PA (RRC), which arose in order to provide equivalent or better conditions than those families had before the implementation of the Hydroelectric Power Plant. For the primary data survey, semi-structured interviews were conducted with both the resettled families and the families living in the Resettlement in the years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021 and 2022, allowing to understand the production of the RRC space, as well as the apprehension of the reality of the relocated families, besides the insertion in the field, the official documents of Norte Energia were analyzed, such as the consolidated reports among others, referring to the object of study. It was verified that the relocated families obligatorily seek to establish new modes of production, new strategies and new socio-spatial dynamics in the new space, trying to adapt to what the external agents imposed as reproduction aid for their new living conditions.


    Keywords: Pará Amazon. Large hydroelectric projects. Displacement. Rural Resettlement.


  • Data: 29/08/2022
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  • This research addresses issues that arise from the production of the space inhabited by the
    riverside community of Boa Esperança, located in an archipelago of river islands upstream
    from the city ofAltamira-Pará on the Xingu River. Being located in low latitudes, this
    community has a short dry season tropical climate regime (am type climate), with stilt houses
    that occupy the plains that are influenced by the flood regime of the river, the "beiradão",
    which also offer fertile fields for polyculture agricultural activities. Thus, in general, this
    research work seeks to understand the production process of the space inhabited by the
    riverside community of Boa Esperança, at first, enumerating the aspectsof the landscape in
    the daily life of the community, as well as, in addition to these objectives adds the
    construction of a certain reflexive analysis on the work relations that attribute functionality
    to the territorial configuration of the community. Itwas sought to build a certain analysis
    focused on spatial dynamics with the empirical observation of the socio-environmental
    conditions existing in the daily life studied and, for this, the research team relied on the
    application of form interviews and the lifting of aerial images obtained with a drone that
    helped in the observation of the landscape. Thus, the fact that field research activities have
    been built with the intention of structuring data and collecting information of spatial-
    historical, socioeconomic and environmental relevance on the context in which the living
    conditions of the riverside community are developed is mentioned. of Good Hope. This, in
    turn, shows traces of their ancestry linked to the rubber tappers who migrated from the
    Northeastto work in the rubber plantations of the middle Xingu, extracting latex mainly
    from the native rubber trees of the region in the mid-nineteenth century, the decade 1870.
    Since then, labor activities such as extractivism, burning and artisanal fishing havebeen the
    territorialization of the aviamento system in the region, at the time of the first cycle of the
    rubber economy.

    Keyword:Amazon. GeographicSpace.Riverside.


  • Data: 26/08/2022
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  • The present dissertation will deal with the gentrification processes observed in the
    heritage of the historic center of the city of Belém-Pa observed in these culturally
    representative spaces from the perspective of a case study in the Feliz Lusitânia space.
    The object of study of the research will be the historic center, with regard to urban
    planning actions on the cultural heritage of the city and will have as general objective: To
    understand how the actions of public agents in the patrimonial requalifications of the Feliz
    Lusitânia space became catalysts of the gentrification process in the historic center of
    Belém. And the specific objectives will be: 1) To analyze the political-economic sphere
    of urban planning from the policies under the heritage in the city of Belém, and the
    interests for this purpose in the historic center of the city; 2) Understand how
    gentrification is accelerated in view of the new functions and images given to heritage,
    taking as an example the Feliz Lusitânia complex; 3) To verify the consequences for the
    local society of gentrification in the Feliz Lusitânia complex. This analysis will be
    governed by the theoretical-conceptual construction of the urban planning category, the
    public policies adopted in the intra-urban space of the city specifically on the heritage that
    foster gentrification actions, ennoblement under a representative space of the history and
    memory of the city, observing this logic such as that which governs the urban spaces of
    colonial cities in peripheral countries. This idea is built under a historical moment based
    on the economy and reproduction of capitalism where the place is reproduced from a
    global logic, characterizing the globalization of places. This proposal aims to show that
    the gentrification of consumption is underway in the area that comprises the historic
    center of Belém and that this process is the result of urban policies of public agents
    initially, but it also appears that not only public agents act in the reproduction of this logic.
    The current stage shows new actors of gentrification from entrepreneurs to the regular
    citizen. This fact presents new articulations that grant the urban environment a new form
    of space reproduction.

    KEYWORDS: Gentrification; Patrimonialização; Urban planning; Historic center;
    Happy Lusitania.



  • Data: 26/08/2022
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  • The present research defends the thesis that the agrarian dynamic of the Paraense Amazon results from the relationship between agrarian space and state planning. It is possible to verify this relationship in the dynamics of cattle ranching in Novo Repartimento-PA. The objective of the research was to analyze the relationship between regional planning and agrarian space in the municipality of Novo Repartimento, considering the dynamics of cattle ranching on pasture. Areas (deforestation in rural properties) and landscape unit (pastures) related to the dynamics of cattle ranching are terms that make up the operational methodology of the research. From an analytical point of view, the work is structured in two stages: a contextual retrospective was elaborated which highlights policies, plans and programs forged for the Amazon region of Pará, specifically from 1960 through the 1980s; the second stage of the research was configured in a perspective in which cattle ranching is considered as a result of the relationship between agrarian space and regional planning, examined in the period 1990 to 2020. The research was divided as follows: Introduction, in which the research is presented in its essential aspects; followed by four chapters, where the first chapter deals with contextual situations and the conceptual terms of the research; the second chapter presents Regional Planning and cattle ranching in the middle Tocantins River between 1960 and 1980; the third chapter addresses the Conversion of forests into pastures in Novo Repartimento-PA; and the fourth chapter focuses on Regional Planning and cattle ranching in Novo Repartimento-PA; after which the final considerations of the research are presented.


    Keywords: Agrarian space. Regional Planning in the Amazon. Spatial dynamics of cattle ranching. Novo Repartimento-PA.


  • Data: 26/08/2022
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  • This research analyzed the process of removal of poor communities from Altamira who lived
    in the floodplain areas of the Altamira, Ambé and Panelas streams, to Collective Urban
    Settlements (RUC) in outlying areas. The study is based on the installation of the Belo Monte
    hydroelectric plant in Altamira and the re-urbanization of the central areas, which, among
    other factors, culminated in the removal of thousands of families, changing the entire dynamic
    of their lives. Our main objective is to demonstrate that the process of planned removals of the
    residents of the baixões is constituted as socio-spatial segregation. In this way, we present
    elements that prove the idea raised. The methodology used was qualitative research where we
    sought, through semi-structured interviews with residents, to identify elements that prove
    socio-spatial segregation. The results of this study showed that the residents are dissatisfied
    with the change of their homes, mainly due to the mobility factor, and that the distance from
    the central areas caused other problems such as unemployment, increased poverty, violence,
    low quality of education, health problems, social isolation, loss of affective ties with neighbors
    and family, loss of identity with the river, among other social and psychological problems.
    Thus, this research proves the initial thesis.

    Key words: Socio-spatial segregation, Planned Removals, RUC, Belo Monte Hydroelectric,


  • Data: 25/08/2022
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  • This research is an analysis of the planned city in the Altamira Master Plan, comparing it with
    the lived city. Urban planning is extremely important for the functioning of the capitalist city,
    it is through it that its functioning is planned, but the city does not always live what was planned,
    the lived city is the city that reflects the struggle of interests and forces. different. The theoretical
    framework on the subject is not only seen from a geographical point of view, as it also involves
    legal and sociological research on the analysis of the subject. Understanding if what was
    planned was followed is of extreme importance, the conclusions of this research affirm that the
    city did not follow everything that was planned, mainly in relation to its verticalization, in the
    research the changes of the first Master Plan of Altamira of the year of 2003 and its 2011
    revision, as well as popular participation in the construction of the Plan, as required by the City
    Statute, for cities with more than twenty thousand inhabitants, as is the case of Altamira, a city
    in the state of Pará, located in Brazilian Amazon.
    Key words:
    Urban planning, master plan, urban expansion, ZEIS, Altamira, Amazon, urbanization


  • Data: 03/08/2022
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  • The present research seeks to present the changes and permanence of the way of life
    of the riverside people of Ilha da Fazenda from the Belo Monte hydroelectric plant, and
    has as a general objective: to understand the changes and permanences in the way of
    life of the residents of Ilha da Fazenda in Volta Grande do Xingu in front of the large
    Belo Monte hydroelectric project. To this end, it outlined the following specific
    objectives: 1. To characterize the way of life of the riverside dwellers of Ilha da
    Fazenda; 2. Analyze the Belo Monte Dam as an event; 3. Understand the changes and
    continuities on Ilha da Fazenda after the construction of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric
    Plant. The Ilha da Fazenda, located in Volta Grande do Xingu, belonging to the
    municipality of Senador José Porfírio, suffered major impacts after the construction of
    the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant, changing the way of life. To verify these
    transformations, bibliographic and documentary surveys were carried out, visits to the
    community, application of semi-structured interviews with residents of the Island and
    with former residents. The research is organized into three chapters and has the way
    of life as a guiding category for the study.
    Keywords: Belo Monte hydroelectric plant; lifestyle; changes and stays; impacts.


  • Data: 27/07/2022
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  • In this present master’s degree dissertation we seek to present a research related to the territorial planning of the municipality of Senador Jose Porfirio - State of Para, which inserted the Amazonian territorial context, presents itself as the only city that has a discontinuous territory. The territorial planning requires establishing interrelationships with a high degree of complexity, involving political conflicts, which can generate impasses and new spatial configurations. The territorial planning establishes government guidelines as new definitions of powers are established in the territory, with challenges imposed on municipal administrations and the influences created by a globalized policy. The municipality, on the other hand, is an institution thought of as an administrative tool that has been shaping itself on the European continent and is inserted in Brazil by its colonizers, that has always been seen in an inferior position compared to other units of federation (Federal and Government). After a historical formation that dates back to the 17th century (1639), Senator Jose Porfirio, which was once one of the largest municipalities territorially in the world, that was once named Souzel, reaches the present day with its separate territorial limits, after the emancipation of the municipalities of Anapu and Vitória do Xingu in the early 1990s. With the socio-economic dynamics established in the region and the implementation of large projects such as UHE Belo Monte and Volta Grande Gold, the occupation of the territory intensified, putting pressure on municipal management with basic demands such as health, education and road maintenance. The present research will try to analyze the possible implications in the territorial management of the municipality of Senador Jose Porfirio. Considering the context of discontinuity, municipal public management and territoriality, since it is imperative to strengthen the latter to achieve sustainable development.


    Keywords: Territorial planning; municipality; Senator Jose Porfirio; discontinuous; ower.



  • TERRITORIALIZAÇÃO DA PECUÁRIANA AMAZÔNIA PARAENSE: uma análise na Região de Integração do Guamá, Estado do Pará.

  • Data: 27/06/2022
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  • The advance of cattle ranching in the Amazon is expressed in extensive fractions of the regional
    territory. From the 1960s onwards, this phenomenon will becomemore intense. In the case of
    the state of Pará, several fronts have noticed an increase in cattle breeding. The Região de
    Integração do Guamá is located in the Nordeste do Pará, the oldest agrarian frontier in the
    Eastern Amazon, a space of intense anthropic action and whose colonization was related to
    family farming based on small properties. In this territory, cattle ranching has manifested itself
    in the intensification of local deforestation, in the creation of centers for the concentration of
    activityand in the use of urban infrastructure to transport and improve production. In order to
    understand this reality, we chose a time frame that would guarantee a view of the process, in
    this sense, the last three agricultural censuses (1996, 2006, 2016) are taken as a reference. In
    the research, primary and mainly secondary data were used. Cattle ranching in the Região de
    Integração do Guamá is concentrated in some municipalities, having shown a deceleration in
    the growth rate in the last ten years analyzed. The road and service infrastructure supports the
    consolidation of cattle breeding in the region.

    Keywords:Cattle ranching;Territory;Integration Region


  • Data: 18/05/2022
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  • The current qualification report is going to present the doctoral thesis proposal whose title is TECHNOLOGICAL RISKS AND ENVIRONMENTAL INJUSTICES IN THE AMAZON: a region of National Sacrifice. This thesis which is going to be defended highlights that the Amazon has been a region of National Sacrifice for a long time according to the hypothesis that technological threats, environmental injustices and vulnerability of socio-biodiversity are responsible for the Amazon continues to be Sacrifice space. Moreover, this study in order to analyze the setting of this scenario from the territorial policies promoted by the Brazilian state. The presence as logistical infrastructure, as tax incentives granted by the government made it possible to attract large enterprises that impacted ecosystems and populations in general. Technological risks and disasters have been representing the Amazonian problem built since in the second half of the 20th century, with environmental conflicts as a consequence. The analysis of this research is going to involve different geographical scales (International, National and Regional) based on a dialectical perspective of interpretation of reality and emphasis on the contradictions of the current model of unequal and combined capitalist, development, bases for the emergence of a risk society. Besides that, there is a theoretical and methodological need to analyze and identify the main zones of sacrifices, in order to be able to contribute to the reduction of the Sociobiodiversity Vulnerability. We can realize that the study will be the first thesis with this perspective, as it is a methodological advance that will result in the construction of a Composite Index of Environmental Sacrifice in the Amazon (ICSAAM). The methodology proposes the construction of a database involving technological threats and response capacity; technological disasters and environmental conflicts. The operational methodological procedures are going to be: some bibliographic review, documentary survey and application of forms (Google form). The report has divided into five parts: the first one concerns the academic activities developed; the second noment refers to the introduction of the thesis that contains the objectives, the hypothesis, the justification, the theoretical-conceptual framework; chapters I, which will address the main concepts of the research and chapter II, which refers to the methodology. Eventually, the third part refers to the projection of chapters III, which shows how the process of sacrificing the Amazon took place; IV, which highlights Sacrifice zones in the Amazon; V, which refers to the perception of Sacrifice Zones and technological risk in the Amazon and, finally, the final considerations


  • Data: 29/04/2022
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  • This work examines how the construction of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Dam at Xingu River, in Altamira city, Pará state is transforming the relationship between ribeirinhos, riverine people, and their traditional territories. Before the dam, the riverine people maintained relative territorial and social-economic autonomy. Since the construction of Belo Monte, the State and private companies are abusing their power in an attempt to gain territorial control and influence local dynamics. Subsequently, land-use planning in the region is changing. Previously organized by the ribeirinhos according to their own rules and subsistence needs, the land is now regulated by new private actors, impacting and altering the nature and purpose of the communities’ traditional activities. In order to conduct this analysis, I use the dialectical method due to its ability to analyze the contradictions of the territory


  • Data: 28/04/2022
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  • Conservation Units present themselves as tools for the protection and conservation of spaces,
    however on a global scale, most ofthese spaces are pressured to the point of going through the
    disaffection process, which consists of changing their boundaries or recategorization, thus
    compromising their objectives However, the Marine Resex Araí-Peroba, the study area of this
    work, presented the opposite path, where in 2014 it went through the Affectation process, thus
    increasing its limits, characterized as an exception to what is expected in the dynamics of
    protected areas. Going into the theme, this project is initially divided into introduction,
    contextualization of the problem, justification, objectives, hypotheses and the methodological
    procedure used in the dissertation. It then presents a first chapter of bibliographic reference that
    comprises three main points of the research: therelationship between man and nature, change
    in the limits of conservation units (disaffection and affectation) and conservation units, the latter
    emphasizing marine extractive reserves. Finally, the projection of the two chapters of the
    dissertation is demonstrated in order to verify the hypotheses that guide the research, in order
    to explain the causes and consequences of this singular process that occurred in the Araí-Peroba
    Marine Resex, identifying whether the process of increasing limits was beneficial to this
    Conservation Unit.

    Keywords: Disaffection, Affectation, ConservationUnit.


  • Data: 27/04/2022
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  • During the construction and completion of the UHE Belo Monte from 2010 to 2020, the city of
    Altamira experienced an exponential increase in rates related to violence and crime, reaching
    alarming levels as a result of the problems arising from the project in the region. This increase
    in violence and crime spread with force in all directions in the urban space of Altamira, affecting
    especially the population directly impacted by the project and the local youth. Of all the crimes
    that had their growth leveraged, homicide is the one that draws most attention in this period,
    because it is the most dramatic face of urban violence, it can be seen then that this type of crime
    gains strength to be reproduced with more intensity from the moment that the works of the UHE
    Belo Monte begin to be built. Thus, of the 11 municipalities affected by the construction of the
    plant, the city of Altamira, being the center of this region and concentrating the largest number
    of services, was the city most impacted by Belo Monte. In this way, this work is born with the
    intention of launching itself to the challenge of discussing and analyzing more deeply the
    phenomena of violence and criminality, using Belo Monte as a catalyst event of old and new
    problems in urban space, thus contributing to the production of knowledge, to the studies of
    violence and criminality in this municipality, in the light of Geography, enabling an
    understanding of the phenomenon, of its dimension and intensity. Based on these premises, the
    general objective of this dissertation is to analyze and understand the spatial dynamics of
    violence and criminality in Altamira, what are its causes and implications in urban space, having
    as a catalyst of these problems the construction of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant and its
    relationship with the indicators of violence.

    Keywords: Urban Violence, Crime, Altamira; Belo Monte, Urban Space.


  • Data: 31/03/2022
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  • Our objective in this article is to analyze from the perspective of geography the
    debate that brings the New Mining Code (NCM). Our purpose is to critically reflect on the
    roleof mining within the Brazilian geographic space, where mining territories have different
    degrees of socio-environmental processes and conflicts. The central idea is to analyze the
    production model that exploits mineral resources on land use planning, and thus further
    instigatethe debate that has been made by society to think of another mining code, which in
    fact is sovereign and guarantees the Brazilian society the appropriation of wealth and the
    debate aboutwhat we want! What are our real interests? What does it mean to choose a type
    of economic exploitation that disregards society and its real interests? It implies the new
    mining code to interfere in the territories and impose a perverse deterritorialization on the
    interests of Braziliansociety, a savage territoriality. What is at stake in the new mining code
    by weakening the powerof the state to regulate mineral goods and to increase revenue,
    disregarding the real interests ofBrazilian society? These are essential issues in the debate
    about the use of territory, which we seek to analyze in this article.

    Keywords: Mining Code; Territory; Natural Resources; Politics; Large Enterprises.


  • Data: 23/02/2022
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  • This is a research that analyzes the territorial control strategies by different subjects involved in the dynamics of the formation of territories and territorialities of the natural heritage in the context of the interior and surroundings of the Municipal Environmental Park of Mosqueiro. The relevance of this research lies in the fact that it constitutes a subaltern thesis as a result of the literature on the subject being mostly focused on the problematization of cultural heritage, as it is the first thesis on natural heritage that deals with the contexts of traditional populations in Amazonia and for presenting a dissonant discussion of official and hegemonic perspectives in technical and academic circles. This research was supported by the spatial dialectic of destructive construction by considering socio-spatial conflicts and contradictions that involve the appropriation and use of natural heritage. It has a qualitative character, involved bibliographical, documentary and exploratory research with the accomplishment of field work with monitoring of cultural practices and nature management in the Extractive Communities Caruarú, Tucumandeu and Tamanduá, Pratiquara and Rio Murubira localities. Data were analyzed using discourse and content analysis techniques. The research problem was supported by the understanding of tensions, conflicts and socio-spatial practices that resulted from the institutionalization of the Mosqueiro Environmental Park. The central question of the research revolved around the understanding of how islanders appropriated and used the natural heritage mediated by the promotion of territories and territorialities. The guiding questions asked which agents were involved in the appropriation and use of natural heritage within and around the Park and how did they exercise territorial control? What were the territorialities that were configured in natural heritage control practices and how were they related and conflicted? How did the appropriation of nature occur in the extractive communities and localities of Mosqueiro and how were they configured in alternative strategies for the possession of natural heritage in a utopian and territorial perspective? The general objective sought to analyze the dynamics of appropriation and use of nature in the non-urbanized part of Mosqueiro (Parque), which was configured as a process and formation of territories and territorialities of natural heritage. The specific objectives intended to identify and map which agents were involved in the appropriation and use of natural heritage inside and around the Park and analyzing how they exercised territorial control; Identify and discuss which territorialities were configured in natural heritage control practices and how they related and conflicted. To verify and analyze the appropriation and use of nature in the extractive communities and localities of Mosqueiro and how they were configured in alternative strategies of possession of the natural heritage in a utopian and territorial perspective. The central thesis of the research is based on the understanding that natural heritage results from socio-spatial practices that involve the territorialization of power resulting from social, historical and spatial conditions permeated by the management of nature. Therefore, it has no innate value and does not express the gathering of natural elements dissociated from the socio-spatial whole.

    Keywords: natural heritage; territory; territoriality; traditional populations; socio-spatial practices.


  • Data: 21/02/2022
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  • As protected areas they were essentially for the conservation of fauna and flora. Analyzing its socio-environmental dynamics becomes a challenge, and at the same time contributes to the understanding of the landscape. The present study aims to model future scenarios from remote sensing and geoprocessing techniques in the Jaman National Forest-PA, based on the use classification of the years 2013 and 2020 of Artificial Intelligence. Apply the DINAMICA EGO model using the transition method for simulated deforestation trajectories 2030, based on the dependent variables (land cover and use 2013 and 2020) and independent variables (altimetry, slope, to roads, to settlements) and at a distance) The high conservation indexes in the limits of the conservation units, cause great environmental losses along the Brazilian time. , with a model of increase of 41% compared to 2018. Through which it will be possible to analyze “Where”; “When” will it be deforested and at what deforestation rates; and “How”, which will be the spatial representation of the new land use areas, such as, for example, as the basis of the deforestation process. independent, it is possible to realize the future of deforestation in FLONA do Jamanxim. Theories of authors representing different currents of Geography are approached to conceptualize space, landscape and dynamic modeling. In Physical Geography, one starts from Bertrand's concepts. For Quantitative Geography, Waldo Tobler was used as a basis. The discussion of Critical Geography is based on the works of Milton Santos. And Soares-Filho for dynamic spatial modeling. The methodology consisted of three main phases: 1- Processing of satellite images, using the supervised classification method through the Maximum Likelihood phenomenon; 2- Processing of independent variables; 3- Stage considered the main part of the study, which consists of spatial modeling in DINAMICA EGO. As a result of the analysis of land cover and use, it was observed that there was a reduction in the area of 112.51 km² (0.87%) of primary forest, and an increase in the mosaic class of occupations (deforestation) with an area of 393.53 km², equivalent to 3% of deforested area. The main activities observed were: forest exploitation and mining. There is also a deforestation pattern classified as geometric and regular, with economic activities, such as agriculture, and mainly medium to large-scale grain and livestock monocultures, and an intermediate stage of occupation. The independent variables assume Bertrand's GTP model to observe landscape dynamics. It was observed that 0.28% of the primary forest was converted to deforestation. That is, from 2013 to 2020 deforestation is occurring at a net rate of 28% per year. And there is a high probability of transition from primary forest to a mosaic of occupations, and from forest exploitation to a mosaic of occupations to the north and south of the FLONA do Jamanxim, areas that may be associated with the implementation of roads (BR-163), and to the PDS Brasília and Vale do Jamanxim Project settlements, which consequently can impact the resilience of the landscape. Based on the modeling and analysis of future scenarios, it appears that there may be a loss of 198.79 km² of the primary forest class, and a considerable increase in deforestation of 155.20 km² by 2030. The mapping of this study can support policy actions public, through the analysis of the impacts of laws and identification of priority areas for government action in FLONA do Jamanxim. Based on the spatial modeling, together with the command, control and monitoring plans, it is possible to guide the socio-environmental, economic and cultural development in this UC, for the maintenance and conservation of natural assets.

    Keywords: Amazon Forest. Deforestation prognosis. Geosystem


  • Data: 15/02/2022
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  • The Círio de Nazaré in Belém-PA has attracted flows of visitors since its origins, but from the midtwentieth century, with the advance of capitalism, the Church, agents of marketing offer and public authorities started to organize and intensify actions for the expansion of that attractiveness touristic, as well as to act in the heritagization of that event. Such processes stand out in the production of the space of this festivity and can be analyzed from the Lefebvrian dialectical triad of perceived, conceived and lived spaces, where the hegemony of some agents who make up what Gramsci understands as integral State is revealed in actions that they mix consensus and coercion. Thus, this research analyzes the production of the Círio de Nazaré space through the processes of its touristification and heritagization, investigating the agents involved in them, the coercive and consensual control strategies used in the conceived space and its effects on the festivity’s perceived and lived spaces, as well as the contradictions, pointing out from actions subversive to the market logic the viability of restitution of the Festival. For this purpose, the main methodological procedures are survey and bibliographical and documentary research, field observation and semi-structured interviews. The research demonstrates that the hegemonic agents of touristification and heritagization of the Círio de Nazaré have sought to expand their domain over the this festivity’s space, based on the capitalist logic, masking contradictions that, when identified by subordinate agents, leverage actions that can contribute to the construction of a new hegemony.

    Keywords: Círio de Nazaré, Touristification; Heritagization; Space Production and Integral State.


  • Data: 15/02/2022
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  • Water resources play a fundamental role in the structuring of the territory, as they are
    dendritic points and tend to establish human occupations from them. Urbanization
    takes these ramifications for itself, in some cases it preserves its limits, but mostly it
    transposes and rectifies them. It is also common the possession of the non-visible
    resource, that is, the one that runs under the rock, which is more difficult to measure
    and notice changes. In an institutionalized territory, such as a municipality, there are
    laws that cover activities that have water as their main use in the production process,
    however, such laws were not designed from the water, but from the economic and
    social relationship established with it. . In the laws, the waters are denaturalized, as it
    fulfills a social function, just like nature, a nature is then created that starts from the
    individual (with their perceptions, values and beliefs) to the individual, that is, from
    power relations. This exercise of power, most of the time, is heteronomous, not
    considering existences or identities, based on the principle of homogenization. This
    exercise also does not work without the spatial substrate, in the present research,
    hence these plots configure the territory. That is why it is necessary that the
    instruments for management, as well as management, are efficient and comply with
    the specifications and demands of each territory. However, despite the management
    of monitoring the use of the resource, the State ends up giving ownership to the
    resource to private agents, that is, the waters have owners. As is the case of the
    municipality of Benevides/PA, where there are water bottling companies, soft drinks,
    breweries, food production, timber and cosmetics companies. The history of the
    municipality reveals that the waters have always been an object of interest since
    colonization, at first for tourism and leisure and then for water bottling companies,
    reconfiguring the natural space of the waters. We understand that the history of the
    place reveals the nuances of different temporalities, imprinted on the material in a
    dialectical movement. From this, we focus on analyzing how the water territory is
    organized in Benevides/PA, having as main objective to analyze the process of
    appropriation of the water territory of the municipality; for this, two specific objectives
    were listed in which the identification of geological and hydrogeomorphological
    characteristics are present, and to analyze the scales of power present in the
    municipal territory. The hypothesis raised is that the transformations that the territory
    has gone through are supported by antagonistic interests, where the economic
    (private companies) and tourism (where water is used as a desire for consumption)
    prevails, therefore, water is treated as merchandise. This can generate tensions and
    conflicts between local actors and agents, as the concept of hydroterritory
    Keywords: Water resource, territory, hydroterritory, Benevides.

  • GEOGRAPHY OF CONFLICT: Contributions to the construction of a theory from the Agrarian Maranhão

  • Data: 21/01/2022
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  • In this paper we seek to recognize conflict as part of a theoretical and methodological discussion that has been eclipsed in geographic science. We seek to demonstrate conflict as a process that takes place in social relations that are shaped in space-time, therefore, endowed with spatialities and, therefore, with porosities to a geographic analysis. Our objective of studying conflict as a theme of/in Geography has as a reference the land conflicts in Brazil and in Maranhão at the beginning of the 21st century. Based on an extensive theoretical reference and data analysis, we identify some ideas-elements for thinking about a geographic approach to conflict, and we also point out some structures of the agrarian issue that allow us to make a synthetic map of the Maranhão agrarian issue, based on land conflicts. Finally, we conclude that the conflict are part of a relational process of agents who construct the reality from their spatial practices, therefore, open to a geographical analysis.


    Keywords: Conflict - Geography - Maranhão - Land conflicts


  • Data: 25/11/2021
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  • Energy policies in Brazil have been undergoing several reforms to implement privatization,
    using concessions for private companies, creating the energy market with differences in energy
    economic agents. At the same time as politics, the country is under global pressure to invest in
    renewable energy. Among these energies stand out as SHPs. The increase in water availability
    in the Legal Amazon, the diffusion by expansion of SHPs and UHEs around the agricultural
    industry in the states of Mato Grosso, Tocantins, Pará, Maranhão and Rondônia is underway.
    This is when the connection between the spaces of these water plants and the obstinate nature
    of silos, warehouses and slaughterhouses is done. The diffusion of these PCHs and UHEs are
    materialized in the plants in operation, in the plants under study and in the plants with study
    processes. The main objective of this work was to analyze how the current global energy
    transition has influenced energy policies in Brazil. The specific objectives were: to understand
    how energy policies in Brazil have contributed to increasing the diffusion of UHEs and SHPs
    around the agricultural industry in the Legal Amazon; understand how energy policy and the
    energy market in Brazil have been reflected in the increase in demand for hydropower in the
    Legal Amazon; demonstrate how the territorial-productive dynamics of soy work, as well as
    the surroundings of silos and warehouses and livestock (refrigerators) which cause the demand
    for electricity to increase, therefore, in more constructions of small and large hydroelectric
    plants in the Legal Amazon. The methodology used was a bibliographical review of a
    theoretical-methodological nature of Geography, Sociology, Engineering and Economics.
    Documentary analysis on energy policy and planning in Brazil. Primary and secondary data
    collected on the websites of IBGE, ME, ANEEL, EPE, MAPA and ODS. Finally, maps, graphs,
    tables and maps were built, as well as figures extracted from documents. The form of
    presentation of these data was in a graphical form. It is concluded that the diffusion of
    hydropower plants in the Legal Amazon is underway, because the PCHs are renewable and the
    UHEs can be built by run-of-river, as well as this diffusion is induced by the demand for energy
    from the agricultural industry in the Legal Amazon. As well, this diffusion is also fostered by
    the global climate change policy that influences the global energy transition.
    Keywords: energy policy; spatial diffusion; hydroelectric power plants; small hydroelectric
    power plants; agricultural industry


  • Data: 18/10/2021
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  • In 2020, the discussion about housing and the housing rights gains strength in the context of the
    global pandemic given the needs of social isolation, which affects different social groups across
    the globe in many ways, highlighting socio-spatial inequalities that permeate society, based on
    the capitalist production mode translating into housing access inequalities.At the regional level,
    it is worth to note that urban space and the cities in the Amazon, while in 21st century, have
    been undergoing deep transformations associated with determinations inherent to the capital
    propagation in the urban-regional space, the advancement of new economic agents, the
    extensive territory urbanization permeated by elements that have contributed to the production
    of socio-spatial inequalities.Amidst the interpretation of these processes it is essential to
    consider the participation of the State in the ‘territory urbanization’ production and its influence
    on the constitution of the current Amazon urban network. On a local scale, the Tucuruí city
    stands out, which underwent a high demographic growth from the period of construction of the
    UHT and presents itself as a fertile soil for study, taking into account the particularities and
    diversities of the Brazilian and Amazonian urban space.Thus, this research is based on the
    premise that the housing production within the urban space scope constitutes a focus and
    indicator to capture the dynamics, shapes and processes of Socio-spatial Inequalities. In this
    regard, this dissertation aims to show how the issue of housing and housing rights are spatialized
    in the Tucuruí city, especially in the period from 2000 to 2020. And referring to the
    aforementioned period, it is necessary to highlight that this is constituted a 'clipping' and as such
    is part of a historical-geographic 'whole', which cannot be studied in an isolated and stagnated
    manner.The cut helps in the development of the research and the formulation of its problems,
    in order to enable a clearer focus on the processes to be unveiled, taking as quidelines the
    historical and dialectical materialism and its perspective on reality. The pandemic scenario
    made field research impracticable, so the search for primary data was carried out through semi-
    structured interviews, remote application of questionnaires, both over the phoneand through
    instant messaging platforms and e-mai along with the use of tools such as Google Earth Pro,
    ArcGis 10.1, QGIS. 2.18.20 for the elaboration of cartographic products and treatment of the
    collected data, in order to demonstrate the materiality ofthe distribution and accessibility of
    goods and services to capture the conditions of spatial injustice, as well as the Sociospatial
    Inequalities present in the current Tucuruí urban space.


    Keywords:Urban Spaces;, socio-spatial inequalities;housing;Tucuruí-Amazonia-Pará.

  • Data: 18/10/2021
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  • The modern city derives from the advent of the industrial capitalist production mode, which forged the production of metropolitan space as one of the primary elements for its consolidation and expansion. In the course of 20th century the capitalist productive process forged the third industrial revolution, promoting the fortification of the power from monopoly capital and the development of financialization process of the world economy or financial globalization. With the transition of capitalism for a flexible productive system, fragmented and of global interaction ,dispersion becomes the principal brand of production of metropolitan space. The dynamics of concentration and territorial expansion act as potentiating forces of the contemporary metropolitan dispersion causing the redefinition of the periphery-center pattern, producing new centralities and promoting new labor displacements in the metropolitan space. Considering that the new configurations of human habitat mark restructuring process in periphery metropolitan spaces like Belém, the research present herein has a objective of study the metropolization and the production forms of the households in Belém and part of the questioning about how it works the habitation production and popular households on metropolitan context of Belém on the first quarter of XXI century. The thesis to defend is that the recent disperse metropolitan form constitutes expression, product, environment and condition of the determinations from the capitalist production of the city, which is revealed through a desigual geographic development, which express on the popular households scope by the maintenance of periphery pattern of the localization from formal production of habitation and for the reinforcement of precarious conditions to which the popular settlements are submitted on the metropolitan space. Having as a research cutout the Metropolitan Region of Belém (RMB), aims to understand how has it been the popular household‟s production on the scope of metropolitan dispersion of Belém on the start of the XXI century. The theorization about the space production orientated the methotodological procedure of biblioghaphic study, review-oriented and theorical-conceptual deepening of themes as: urbanization; metropolization; metropolization restructuring; urban dispersion; households production forms; urban and metropolitan formation of Belém. The research of practical stamp consisted on the development of procedures as: fieldwork, that have provided the empiric observation of the studied reality; data collection and interpretation about the habitational production in the period of BNH and the recent production of popular households in metropolis, generating as a product the elaboration of thematical maps about the localization pattern of the household produced by habitational political in RMB. The data of the Demographical Censes of IBGE on the years of 1991, 2000 e 2010 provided subsidies for the analysis of the popular households‟ access to basic conditions of urban infrastructure and also generating as a product the elaboration of thematical maps about the theme. The analysis of recent political of popular household‟s production on metropolis was realized through a empirical research and interviews realized with managers of SEHABs from Belém, Ananindeua e Marituba. The systematization of the results from the research allows to infer that on the camp of household‟s production, especially on popular households, are found important keys to comprehend the dispersion of the metropolis Belém on actuality.

    Keywords: Belém; Metropolitan Dispersion; Habitational Complex; Popular Households; Metropolitan Periphery


  • Data: 30/09/2021
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  • Mining is the main economic activity in the State of Pará, and one of the main ones
    in the Amazon, especially iron ore, placing it first in the export of this commodity in the
    country, recently surpassing Minas Gerais Highlighting the mineral province of Carajás, in
    southeastern Para, which, since 1985, with the PFC - Ferro Carajás Project, of the former
    state-owned CVRD, now Vale S / A, concentrates the production of ore, in the Carajás
    region, highlighting the municipality Canaã dos Carajás, where the largest open pit iron mine
    in the world is located, with an annual exploration capacity of 90 million tons. In this sense,
    the present master's dissertation seeks to analyze and understand, within the scope of
    Economic Geography, supported by the theories Circulation, Transport and Logistics,
    transport logistics in the process of economic and territorial integration of the S11D project in
    Canaã dos Carajás, in the period 2000-2019, identifying the role of the various agents, their
    possibilities, obstacles, stages of economic integration and their impacts on the territory, in an
    inter-scale and multidisciplinary analysis, promoting a integration between geographic,
    historical, economic, environmental and sociological knowledge. Interpreting the spatial
    object from the lens of historical and dialectical materialism, privileging its material
    dimension (technical density), especially in the economic sense, being historically situated
    and defined from socio-spatial and economic relations, starting from the real and the
    concrete, the result of work, in a clear and objective way, highlighting the human praxis of
    (re) production of space, investigating the problem from the bibliographical and documentary
    research. For this purpose, a survey was carried out in virtual libraries, in mining companies
    (in particular, Vale), and in libraries in the city of Belém, and in the secretariats and archives
    of the municipalities that are part of this research; in addition to the preliminary visit to the
    municipality of Canaã dos Carajás.

    KEYWORDS: Mining, Logistics, Transport, Territory, S11D, Canaã dos Carajás.


  • Data: 31/08/2021
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  • The field education consists of a process under construction based on the participation of the subjects. In Brazil, the social movements mainly led the struggle for field education. In the Altamira microregion, applied education in rural schools portray scans of development policies designed for the Amazon. The objective of this research is to make a diagnosis of applied education in the field of the Altamira microregion, from the teaching of geography in EJA classes in schools in the field, seeking to understand its contribution in the construction of the territory of the Amazonian peasantry. Methodologically, the bibliographic survey was adopted using bibliometry in order to identify scientific debates on the research theme, in addition to secondary research on official government websites to obtain the actual data available as mechanisms for the implementation of public policies in the locality. A school unit located in the Ressaca Settlement Project was chosen to confront with bibliographic and secondary data. Thus, it was possible to affirm that in the microregion of Altamira the education offered to the peasants does not ensure the interest of the subjects, but these resist external interferences and maintain their socio-productive practices in the territory.

    Keywords: Field Education; Amazon Peasantry; Altamira Microregion.

  • Data: 31/08/2021
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  • The analysis undertaken here aims to emphasize the riverside dimension of space in the Amazon region of Tocantins in Pará, taking as its starting point the insular portion of the municipality of Abaetetuba, Northeastern Pará State, locally known as the “Abaetetuba islands”. We defend as a guiding thesis the existence of a riparian space production process in the region, especially in the study area, as part of the broader process of production in the Amazonian space. The research is structured in four moments or analysis axes, preceded by the final considerations. At first, dissolved in the first chapter, we describe general aspects about the empirical spatial context from which we are proposing the construction of the research, that is, the Amazon region of Tocantins and particularly the islands of Abaetetuba. This is a preliminary characterization of the empirical reality to be studied where aspects referring to both the territorial configuration and the riverside social dynamics will be considered without, however, the intention of deepening the debate on the temporality of social processes inherent to the production of space . In the second and third moments (understood in the second and third chapters), we propose an exercise of regression, that is, of reconstituting some historical-spatial processes that had important correlations with the historical process of production of the riverine space in the region, in a special way on the islands of Abaetetuba, with the creation of villages commanded by the missionaries during the first phase of Portuguese colonization in the region; the creation of captaincies and land grants; the establishment of Indian directories; the introduction of black slaves in the region as a form of labor supply; as well as the more systematic development of the sugar mills economy already in a post-colonial situation. In the fourth moment, we propose a return to the riverside spatial context in the present time, seeking to understand it in a more enlightened, resignified way. At this point, we take as a starting point the political organization strategies, especially those linked to land use, in view of their correlations with the dynamics of production in the riverside space. In line with the purposes of the research, we chose the (social) production of space as the guiding theory, placing the debates in the horizons opened by the dialectical perspective raised mainly in the writings of the philosopher Henri Lefebvre, whose foundations proved to be pertinent and adaptable to the development of the analysis proposed here. From this perspective, we seek to guide the discussion in the sense of valuing the social dimension of space, understanding the social practices projected in a given space also translate into space production practices. This production, however, does not refer strictly to the production of things, objects, or goods, but refers its understanding to the existence of social relations, which includes the production of objects and the production of space in a broad sense. It is from this perspective that we raise this analysis with the islands of Abaetetuba as the empirical locus of the research.
    Keywords: Riverside. Amazon. Space production. Abaetetuba Islands. Land use.


  • Data: 31/08/2021
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  • The Natural Domains of the Brazilian Amazon - DNAB have a high biogeographic diversity, favored by a complex geological substrate and an equatorial climate, both preponderant in the Amazonian landscape, located in the northern portion of Brazil, comprising an area equivalent to 40% of the Brazilian territory (~3,700,000 Km2). Human expansion in the Amazon has produced a series of transformations in its natural resources. In this sense, the work aimed to carry out a retrospective of the trajectory of Man over the Amazonian domains, through the spatialization of anthropogenic evidence and the analysis of anthropogenic indicators that can be associated with the precepts of the Antopocene, made possible by a geographical perspective. The analysis under the DNAB raised the aspects of the morphoclimatic and phytogeographic domains, highlighting their dominant landscapes and their respective natural systems, through biophysical compartmentalization, working as a substrate in the analysis of the dynamics of socio-spatial events and evidence of human action materialized in the landscapes, under a wide temporal spectrum - Holocene. The investigation was based on a holistic approach that integrates variables related to natural and socio-spatial aspects, from a systemic view, aimed at scaling and measuring patterns of use of natural resources, the degree of anthropogenicization of DNAB and the proposition of landscapes/ anthropocene structures. In this sense, the research revealed that the DNAB currently present a very significant anthropogenic percentage, of approximately 64%, the result of a wide and diverse sociospatial dynamics, which attributed to the region a marked variability of human macrosystems and semi-natural landscapes embedded in apparently natural ecosystems . However, it was detected that this estimate is probably underestimated, if we consider the evidence from an accumulative perspective, reaching a value around 150%, that is, 50% above the total area of the DNAB, which reveals a high anthropogenic pressure on the region. Given the above, and considering the Anthropocene precepts, centered on the anthropogenic conception, it is suggested that the Amazon conditions anthropogenic landscapes, substantially altered, for at least 4,000 years BP, when a good part of its domains were already occupied and significantly used and managed by human groups.

    Keywords: Amazon. Natural domains. Anthropogenic factors. Anthropocene.


  • Data: 30/08/2021
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  • Based on incentive policies and international trade in commodities, the instruments of
    reprimarization are related to the maintenance of the subordinate condition of peasants and
    peripheral capitalist countries, as an instrument for the expansion of agribusiness and its
    increasingly intense consolidation. It also shows how the conflict is represented in the dispute
    for territory, to overcome the unequal and subordinate condition, from the presence of struggle
    and resistance expressed in peasant territory in Brazil. Facing the neoliberal policies in the field
    and commodity markets, engendered and represented by port enterprises and projects,
    production and organization in the capitalist logic in the fishing region and riverine
    communities in Abaetetuba/PA and Cajueiro/MA. In this research, we seek to understand how
    riverine and fishermen's resistance is expressed against the process and context of
    reprimarization of the Brazilian economy, with state support and incentive, and direct action in
    the traditional territory of riverine people in Abaetetuba/PA and fishermen in the community
    of Cajueiro, in the municipality of São Luís/MA. For this, we analyze and discuss concerning
    the installation projects of the Terminal de Uso Privado (TUP) Abaetetuba/PA of the North
    American multinational Cargill S/A and the Terminal de Uso Privado (TUP) Porto São Luís, a
    Chinese transnational operated by WPR São Luís Gestão de Portos e Terminais S/A, of the
    WTorres group. The scope is centered on understanding the conflicts that occur around the
    territorial dispute, its unfolding, and repercussions, considering the territorial singularities and
    heterogeneities in the wide expansion of agribusiness in riverine communities. With the
    incursion of TUP-Abaetetuba and TUP-São Luís, and subjugation of these social groups, either
    by the monopolization of territory without the effective territorialization of the port, either by
    the repossession that expropriates residents in Cajueiro/MA. From the bibliographical research
    (Web of Science and Scopus), data about the waterway transport market, contained in the
    “Boletim Aquaviário” of the 1st quarter of 2021, the analysis and development of the research
    will be built from the perspective of historical materialism and expression of class struggle in
    the construction and management of territories, as well as the conflict related to its construction
    in resistance, in which the production, family unit, and organization/management of the riverine
    territory, as a territory in marginality to capitalist center, are possibilities and alternatives of the
    existence of different models of organization of a territory, which besides being built in a system
    between communities, is on the route of the reprimarization system. In the first part of the
    research, a panorama of the Agrarian Question was built, influencing and expressing the
    conflict present in the countryside with the expansion of the capitalist production mode. It is
    also present in the contradiction of the industrialization of Brazilian agriculture for a
    development that goes back to production as an agrarian-exporter of primary products; as well
    as the insertion of new subjects in the dispute for land and territory in the marginalization and
    exploitation of the countryside and its territories.
    Keywords: Territory, Agribusiness, TUP-Abaetetuba, Porto São Luís.


  • Data: 30/08/2021
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  • he main objective of this work is to understand the participation of the Xingu organic products cooperative in the territorial planning of the Xingu Integration Region. This territory presents profound transformations that have served to expand an unequal condition of reproduction to local subjects, as a result of territorial policies, carried out mainly in the last 50 years. The condition of territory ordered by the State in consortium with the private sector is expressed in the contradictions of its uses, in these terms, there are two perspectives of territory (SANTOS, 1999), one in the resource conditions, used by hegemonic actors who they only consider its exchange value and strongly appropriate its economic potential; and the other, designed and used as a shelter/resource, expressing a more rational use, as well as its use as a condition for the reproduction of culture, identity and daily practices. This second condition is perceived from the local organization, through cooperativism, as an instance that enables the organization of farmers, cocoa production and marketing of almonds, that is, the entire cocoa production chain. Starting to understand this condition, it uses historical and dialectical materialism, considering in geography the categories space and time, with a quantitative-qualitative approach, thus exposing the production of agrarian space and territory used, exposing its contradictions, its resistance, and the new possibilities built by local subjects. Therefore, it was concluded that cooperativism has contributed, through its organization, to territorial planning in the Amazon.

    Keywords: Amazon; Used territory; Cooperative; Local actors; Ordering


  • Data: 30/08/2021
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  • Resumo apresentado na língua francesa:

    Le processus de valorisation capitaliste de l’espace s’établit par son utilisation comme
    entreprise. La valeur d’utilisation des biens patrimoniaux entre dans le marché capitaliste par
    sa valeur d’échange et favorise ainsi une valorisation de son environnement. C’est devant ce
    processus que l’objet de cette recherche est délimité par la valorisation spatiale des patrimoines
    et son environnement dans l’avenue Nazaré à Belém-PA. La recherche a pour objectif
    d’analyser la relation de la valorisation spatiale et du patrimoine et son environnement dans
    l’avenue Nazaré à Belém-PA. Pour la réalisation de cette analyse, on utilise comme approche
    et méthode de recherche l’analyse dialectique, en s’appuyant sur l’étude de cas des immeubles
    Parque da Residência, Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi et Basílica Santuário Nossa Senhora de
    Nazaré, situés sur l’axe de l’avenue Nazaré et Magalhães Barata à Belém-PA. Il est identifié
    que les patrimoines de l’étude de cas favorisent un processus de valorisation spatiale à leur
    environnement quand: a) il y a la possibilité de les utiliser en tant qu’entreprises, b) il ya un
    processus de touristification dans ces espaces et; c) par un bon état de conservation. Le
    patrimoine est donc considéré comme un élément pouvant apporter une valeur ajoutée à la terre
    urbaine. Dans le processus de valorisation capitaliste des patrimoines de l’avenue Nazaré, la
    consommation de l’espace patrimonialisé ne se produit pas d’une manière directe, par leur achat
    et leur vente, mais par les voies de la domination de l’industrie du tourisme et du marché
    Mot-clé: Patrimonialisation, patrimoine utilisé comme entreprise, patrimoine et son
    environnement, valeur de l’espace, valorisation capitaliste de l’espace.


  • Data: 30/08/2021
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  • The present work intends to carry out an analysis and debates, based on bibliographic and documental research and field data, emphasizing the subsistence activities performed by traditional populations of Marajó, presenting categories and tools of geographic analysis, which can be worked on the understanding of the way of life and the use of natural resources by these populations. This proposal started from the consideration that local production, generated in the execution of the so-called territorial strategies of survival of these traditional populations is extremely important for supplying both urban centers and communities themselves. In this way, this research will also seek to verify and discuss the viability of using social cartography techniques in the participative mapping of the traditional populations researched, seeking to understand how territorial planning can integrate information about: the traditional populations' way of life; the residents' economic activities; and geotechnologies and equipment used in the collection and capture of natural resources - fish and forests. The bibliographical research, integrated with data from the field research and participatory mapping in the village Mainardi, in the municipality of Breves, Marajó Island, Pará State, in addition to laboratory work, using geoprocessing techniques, allowed us to map the dynamic complexity of some socio-spatial and socio-environmental structural relations in the study area, showing how participatory mapping techniques can help the understanding of natural resource planning, by both the public managers and the users themselves, who will be able to see their territorialities on the map. Keywords: Traditional populations. Way of life. Territorial survival strategies. Participatory Mapping. Vila Mainardi, Breves, Marajó.


  • Data: 30/08/2021
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  • The hydrographic microregion of Altamira – MRHA, located on the left bank of the Xingu River,
    between the municipalities of Altamira and Vitória do Xingu/PA, is a region that experiences
    important processes of anthropogenic transformation of the landscape and its territory, as a
    result of the processes that occurred with the construction of the Belo Monte UHE hydroelectric
    complex. In this context, the present research aims to conduct a geoenvironmental study
    mapping the environmental vulnerability of the MRHA, with theoretical support of geosystemic
    analysis and methodological operationalization using geotechnologies, multicriteria analysis
    and map algebra. The results achieved are: the proposition of delimiting the MRHA in
    accordance with the dynamics of the watersheds that make up it; the physiographic partner
    characterization of the microregion; and the environmental vulnerability of the microregion and
    its watersheds. It is deduced that the current stage of use and occupation of the MRHA is
    sustainable, with low environmental vulnerability for the microregion and for most watersheds,
    but with areas that are prone to environmental imbalance and degradation, if any variable has
    problems and thus reaching the sustainability thresholds. The information obtained leads to
    the need for integrated territorial management, subsidizing the environmental planning of
    hydrographic basins, with the intercity initiative for the socio-environmental sustainability of the
    hydrographic microregion.
    Keywords: Watershed, Water Management, Environmental Vulnerability.

  • Não informado.

  • Data: 27/08/2021
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  • The urban space can be understood as a mosaic of dialectical relations between society and
    space over time, in other words, the city can be incorporated as a set of human and historical
    relations in space. Among them, it is mentioned the formation of differentiated and
    contradictory areas driven by the current capitalist system. An example of this is the dynamics
    of cities in underdeveloped countries that presented accelerated urbanization and because of
    this brought several problems that extend to the present day, among them is the
    peripheralization that is marked by the unequal production of urban space that is configured in
    relations between center and periphery. The central areas are highlighted for their visibility
    and concentration of resources and capital, so investments and the presence of the State
    becomes more effective, unlike what happens in the urban peripheries of the capital of Pará,
    which were produced by low-income groups that were segregated from the city center.
    Therefore, these spaces started to be self-built and occupied in an accelerated and unplanned
    way by the State. On the outskirts, as is the case of the Terra Firme neighborhood, the public
    power is inefficient with regard to its territorial actions, so these spaces become conditions for
    new territorialities that seek to establish their power relations, as in the case of drug
    trafficking and militias and often generate tensions and as a result violence is present in these
    locations. The objective of this research is to understand the dynamics of homicides between
    the years 2011 to 2019, and its relationship with the precarious areas of Terra Firme district,
    as well as with the territorial actors involved with their territorialities. The method adopted
    was the historical and dialectical materialist, which allowed a discussion on socio-spatial
    analyzes and power relations in the territory. We used thematic cartography geoprocessing
    tools such as Quantum Gis, linking homicide data from the SIAC, to IBGE data and its social
    indicators. This dissertation is divided into four essential chapters, the first is consistent with a
    methodological approach to the research, the second the theoretical discussion, the third the
    characterizations and peripheralization of the neighborhood of Terra Firme and the last
    chapter corresponds to the analysis of homicides and agents that manifest themselves from the
    power gaps left by the State.
    Keywords: The Peripherization Process, Urban Violence, Territorial Agents and Terra Firme.


  • Data: 27/08/2021
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  • Although the Amazon Biome has an incalculable value for balance and maintenance of life on the planet, in recent years it has suffered from the construction of controversial infrastructure works, in particular the construction of hydroelectric plants, as is the case in the Xingu River basin, which has and it can also cause, several modifications in diverse spatial scales, mainly the local and regional. To this end, it is of utmost importance to understand the functioning of these landscapes and their tendencies for changes arising from human activities, thus providing subsidies for planning environmentally sustainable uses. Adopting the concept of hydrographic basins as a physicalterritorial unit for measuring socio-environmental impacts and the geoecology of landscapes as a methodology for systemic environmental analysis, this research aims to study the operation and the changes caused by the construction of the Belo Monte HPP in the sub- hydrographic basins of the Igarapés, Panelas, Altamira and Ambé that are located within the Direct Influence Area (AID) of the Belo Monte HPP and that drain the urban area of the city of Altamira in the State of Pará. qualification containing central problem, objectives, hypothesis, justification and the methodological procedures used for the development of the research, as well as presenting the academic activities that were carried out in 2019.

  • Data: 26/08/2021
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  • The accelerated process of climate change, loss of fauna and flora biodiversity, accentuated deforestation, among other problems faced, influences debates at the global level on the various themes related to climate, water, biodiversity, standing out as World Environmental Conferences, idealized by the United Nations - UN; World Water Forums, organized by the World Water Council; Climate Conferences, organized by the UN, among other events. All to debate a global environmental situation and proportionately measures and agreements that will contribute to the effects of intensification and mainly to climate change. The objective of this qualification project is to understand the geographical and ecological perspective of the policy as different ways of using water and its conflicts in the municipality of Barcarena - PA. Among the specified objectives: Identify and characterize as different forms of surface and underground water availability in the municipality; Identifies and analyzes how different forms of water demand and uses (consultative and non-consultative) for water in the municipality; Identity, characterize and analyze the different actors involved in the different forms of use and as appropriations of water resources, in the face of the generation of conflicts over water; Identify the role of the State (State and Municipal) in water resource management given the situation of privatization and multiple uses and conflicts over water. To carry out the work, the following methodological procedures will be followed, organized in four stages, the first following this theory and method. Use of landscape concepts in the Geosystemic view, territory, landscapeGTP, territory, conflicts over water. The second stage is devoted to documentary research, the requirements to support research. Third stage of conducting field research to meet and understand how water use dynamics in the municipality of Barcarena - PA, and analyzes of natural aspects in the society in a dialogue with the exhibition of photos, structured and semistructured interviews with managers and some representatives of local society. The fourth stage consists of handling and systematizing the data used. Thus, the expected results are aimed at understanding how environmental dynamics in the water resource, in a geographical analysis, given the problems faced in the municipality of Barcarena - PA and, thus, questioning the actions of the uses, tensions and conflicts over water, including privatization.


  • Data: 26/08/2021
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  • Esta pesquisa integra-se ao projeto construído pelo Grupo de pesquisa Dinâmicas Territoriais do Espaço Rural na Amazônia – GDEA, onde Nahum (2018) propõe a utilização de conceitos geográficos que possibilitem analisar geograficamente a Amazônia paraense e em especifico seu processo de formação. De acordo com Nahum (2019) a Amazônia passou por uma sucessão e coexistência de meios geográficos, o meio natural sendo caracterizado pelas relações camponesas ligadas ao extrativismo; seguido de um meio técnico marcado por um período agrário ligado a atividades agropecuárias; e um meio técnico-científico-informacional sendo este rural, com atividades agroindustriais, compondo o quadro atual. Defende-se a ideia de que o meio natural ao qual a Amazônia passou compreende o período de 1616 a 1960. O ano de 1616 marca a fundação da cidade de Belém, e assim o início da formação da futura Companhia Geral do Pará e do Maranhão, definido como ponto de partida, e 1966 data o princípio da “Operação Amazônia”, conjunto de investimentos voltados para o desenvolvimento da região, como ponto de chegada. Tendo isso em conta, sustentamos a tese da existência de um meio natural na Amazônia paraense, busca-se construir uma periodização da Amazônia paraense, a fim de mostrar o movimento espacial que estruturou sua formação. Para isso, será caracteriza a paisagem, configuração espacial e dinâmica social nestes três séculos e meio, e assim singularizar o meio natural na Amazônia paraense. Pensar tal concepção exige-nos compreender que a existência dos meios geográficos caracterizados por Santos e Silveira (2001) são leituras espaciais que tem como referência a técnica. Busca-se nesta pesquisa ir além das contribuições, históricas, economicistas e sociológicas, no sentido de evidenciar a partir de uma periodização como a paisagem, configuração espacial e a dinâmica social de cada período possibilitou a Amazônia alcançar seu estágio atual. Pensando a metodologia analítica da pesquisa compreende-se que o espaço é a categoria fundamental para se compreender a ideia de período, evento e periodização em Santos (2008). Enquanto metodologia operacional, realizou-se revisão bibliográfica acerca da Amazônia paraense no período de 1616 a 1966, para assim construirmos a base de dados necessária ao entendimento da paisagem, configuração espacial e dinâmica social, da área de estudo. Incorporar a geografia no processo metodológico torna-se um desafio que se busca alcançar, no entanto, tem-se aqui uma tentativa.



  • Data: 25/08/2021
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  • Sanitation is a basic service that corresponds to a set of infrastructure and operational facilities that are the responsibility of the public authorities and implemented to ensure a better quality of life for city populations. Unfortunately, despite all the importance of sanitation, few cities in Brazil have this service, which includes water supply, sewage and solid waste management. Given the importance of environmental issues, the research issue aims to understand how the processes involving the production of space in Altamira-PA redefine the basic sanitation system after the introduction of Belo Monte. To answer this question, the main objective seeks to analyze the redefinitions of the sanitation system in Altamira-PA between 2011 and 2018, considering the articulation between large capital and other public/private agents. The methodology used consists of bibliographical and field research, in which the bibliographical research addresses the theme of urban environmental problems, and the impacts on the environment. In the field research, we collected data through interviews with municipal agencies to obtain data about the researched services. The results identified by the survey show that despite the improvements provided by the conditions in Belo Monte, through the installation of modern equipment in the city, this did not mean that the entire population was covered by basic sanitation coverage. To make these improvements possible, it is suggested the elaboration of public policies in a planned way with the collaboration of managers and the State with the participation of the population in the implementation of measures that can visibly solve the real problems of the city.
    Keywords: Altamira-PA, Basic Sanitation; Belo Monte Dam; Urban Environmental Problems.

  • BELO MONTE HYDROELECTRIC AND THE CONCEPT OF REACHED BY DAM: The case of the occupation of Lagoa do Independente I in Altamira (PA)

  • Data: 24/08/2021
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  • This work aims to identify different conceptions of space that support the concept of being
    affected by dams - subjects that emerge from the contradictions within the expansion of the
    energy industry in the context of the development of dependent capitalism in Brazil. The
    research is a case study about the residents of the Lagoa occupation in the Jardim
    Independente 1 neighborhood, in the city of Altamira, Pará. They have been organized
    together with the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB) to be recognized as affected
    by the Belo Monte hydroelectric plant, in a case that highlights the limits of the spatial
    concept used by the electricity sector to define those affected. The research was based on
    secondary data and semi-structured interviews with former residents of the area and other
    actors involved with this process. The result of the research indicates the existence of at least
    two spatial perspectives that shape the disputes around the concept of the affected: an “areal
    conception of space”, which is related to the territorial-patrimonialist and water view of the
    affected, prioritizing the physical aspect of space and hiding social relations; and a “human”
    or “relational” conception of space, which considers the spatial effects of these large-scale
    projects under the logic of totality, taking into account the social relations in the production of
    space, including political determinations.

    Keywords: People affected by dams, production of space, Altamira, Belo Monte
    hydroelectric plant


  • Data: 24/08/2021
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  • The objective of this dissertation is to analyse the “disintrusion” process of the Cachoeira Seca indigenous reserve in relation to the reproduction of the extractivist riverine way of life on the Terra do Meio reserve, in southwest Pará state. The undertaking of this research created challenges that permeate the understanding of the issue of a new social and decolonial cartography, which can enable understanding of the spatial conditions that arise through the metamorphosis of space and imprint of new landscapes, social dynamics and spatial configurations. The research attempts to understand the spatial condition of reproduction of the way of life of an extractivist riverine peasant community that has been enveloped by the creation of the Cachoeira Seca indigenous reserve of the Arara tribe. The land tenure status of the Cachoeira Seca reserve was officially declared in 2008, and in 2016, after the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant (UHEBM) Operation License was granted. Therefore, the general objective is to analyze the reproduction of the Iriri extractivist way of life in the spatial conditions of the disintrusion of the Cachoeira Seca reserve. To this end, the specific objectives of this research are to describe: the extractive activities experienced by riverside dwellers in the process of space metamorphosis; elements of the formation of the extractivist riverine way of life of the Xingu region; the disintrusion process of the reserve Cachoeira Seca; the calendar of extractive activities and the locations and communities: Santo Estevão, Porto Seguro and Soledade (riverine of Maribel on the Iriri river). This research supports the idea that the extractivist riverside dwellers of the Iriri River that inhabit the Cachoeira Seca reserve have a way of life that resists the transformations that have occurred. The variables farming (land) and fishing (water), listed in this research, are inspired by the two patterns of occupation of the Amazon: road, dry land and subsoil and river, floodplain and forest. Keywords: Way of life, Extractive Ribeirinho, TI Cachoeira Seca, Disintrusion


  • Data: 23/08/2021
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  • This research investigated the geographic space from a child's perspective, having as locus the
    São Joaquim Collective Urban Resettlement in Altamira-Pará, analyzing the process of
    compulsory displacement experienced by resettled children due to the installation of the Belo
    Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant. The theoretical framework was based on studies of Urban
    Geography and Geography of Childhood, the research aimed to analyze the experiences of
    children residing in the Collective Urban Resettlement São Joaquim, considering their space
    of origin. The methodological approach used was the qualitative ethnographic research, added
    to the techniques of participant observation, semi-structured interviews and the production of
    drawings, whose problem was how the compulsory displacement affected the childhood of
    children residing in the Resettlement. The conclusions of this study evidenced two scenarios:
    a rupture of a child's sociocultural space as a result of compulsory displacement, with
    implications for the daily lives of families, in particular, for children who are the subjects of
    this research, regarding the way of playing, the relationship with the river. and, on the other
    hand, the realization that they are trying to reinvent new ways to develop their peer culture
    and build their other geographies and spatialities in this new space.

    Keywords: Infancy, children, geographic space, RUC São Joaquim, UHE Belo Monte.

  • De seringueiro a ribeirinho: um estudo de caso sobre a reprodução do modo de vida beiradeiro na comunidade Bela Vista, Reserva Extrativista Rio Xingu

  • Data: 23/08/2021
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  • This dissertation is a case study on the reproduction of the beiradeiro (riverine) way of life in the middle Xingu river region. The study analyzes three aspects of the way of life that produced this place, from its origin to the present day. The former Belo Horizonte seringal (rubber state), more than 300km distant from Altamira's town, in the state of Pará, was inhabited by non-indigenous migrants since the last years of the 19th century. Today, in this same space, there are riverine families living in the Bela Vista community, which since 2008 has been part of the Rio Xingu Extractive Reserve. The study shows how beiradeiro’s way of life has been reproduced in this place, the dynamics of the use of space, the work involved in the support of families and the social relations existing in the place, comparatively in ancient times and in the present time.

    Keywords: way of life, reproduction, Reserva Extrativista, beiradeiro, ribeirinho, riveirine, seringueiro, rubber tapper.


  • Data: 20/08/2021
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  • This dissertation discusses the transformations that took place in the Deus é Amor community, municipality of Vitória do Xingu, with the construction of the Belo Monte hydroelectric power plant, which, upon arriving in the territory, disrupted the socio-spatial organization of the families, in addition to causing a rupture with the place. and change the ways of life historically established by the subjects, contributing to the geographical movement Territorialization-Deterritorialization-Reterritorialization (TDR) in the Amazon. The community under study is part of what was demarcated by the hydroelectric project through the studies of the EIA-Rima (2009) as a rural Directly Affected Area, located in the sector referring to the Canals Reservoir. This area began to be occupied by families in the early 1980s, until 2011 had 59 families, and after the arrival of the Belo Monte HPP there were only 6 remaining families. The development of the research allowed the analysis of three central points about the object, the first with the understanding of the actions that made possible the territoriality of subjects in the Amazon (1970-2012), the second with the departure of the subjects from their historically constructed places, the deterritorialization (2011-2016) and finally the current process in which they are inserted, with the experience of progressive reterritorialization.
    Keyword: Amazon; Place; Territory; Belo Monte hydroelectric plant.

  • THE CITY AND RIVER RELATIONSHIP IN THE AMAZON: changes and permanence in Vitória do Xingu / PA in view of the construction of HPP Belo Monte

  • Data: 17/08/2021
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  • This research has as central theme of analysis the changes and permanences in the city-river relationship in the Brazilian Amazon, presenting as locus of study the city of Vitória do Xingu, located on the right bank of the Tucuruí river, near its outlet with the Xingu river, in the Intermediate Geographic Region of Altamira, in southwest of Pará State. Its relevance is related to the analysis of the set of transformations through which the region has passed in recent years due to the installation of the mega-project of construction of the Belo Monte hydroelectric power plant (HPP) in the municipal territory, expressing a new temporality in the (social) production of space. The main question that the research seeks to answer is: what changes and permanences does the city of Vitória do Xingu point out in the relationship with the river due to the construction of the Belo Monte HPP? The argument supported as a hypothesis is that within the intra-urban space of Vitória do Xingu changes and permanences exist in the relationship of the city with the river, whether through the use and appropriation of spaces, socio-spatial and everyday practices, economic activities or the symbolic and material bond established by the different subjects. Through the research (field records in the central spaces of the research, application of forms with local subjects, as well as cartographic mapping and spatial representations of the study area), it was found that the city of Vitória do Xingu exhibits a marked dynamics, condensed in a relatively short space, undergoing changes with an intensity in a very fast time. At the same time it presents dynamics linked to a past temporality, evidencing strong permanences in the city-river relationship, such as the port function performed by the city, besides being a reference space for the experiences and experiences of the subjects, which signal practices and symbolism linked to the use of the river.

    Key-words: Amazon; City-river relationship; Changes; Permanences; Vitória do Xingu; Belo Monte HPP.


  • Data: 16/08/2021
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  • The research now presented, seeks to support the idea that the landscape should be thought together with the action of public policies, assuming that one cannot fully understand the changes in the landscape without considering the participation of State policies. This study aims to understand the process of producing space in the municipality of Marabá between the years 1980 and 2019 from the changes in the landscape, considering the implementation of the Grande Carajás Program as a political event that is part of this process. The scientific investigation of this work followed the principles of landscape geoecology, having as a field of study the municipality of Marabá, in the state of Pará, in the period between the years 1980 to 2019. The data were collected through bibliographic, documentary and cartographic searches a from a methodological framework based on systemic theory. As a result, it has been observed that the landscape units analyzed in the initial time (T1), presented changes from the insertion of the PGC policy, changes that reflect in the reduction of the vegetal cover of the municipality, as well as in the expansion of consolidated and non-consolidated areas. less important, it affects the population's way of life.


    Keywords: Public policy, Amazon, Marabá, systems theory, landscape.


  • Data: 13/08/2021
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  • In the Xingu Integration region, the dynamics of land use and land cover takes place through accelerated transformations, consolidated mainly by road transport networks, especially from the 1970s onwards with the opening of the Transamazon Highway (BR-230). Thus, the work prioritized analyzing the dynamics of land use and land cover in the municipality of Senador José Porfírio, located in an area of intense socioeconomic and environmental change, especially after the installation of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant. In this sense, the methodological procedures focused on collecting information and data in digital databases, and on the subsequent analysis and interpretation of the material obtained and bibliographical research on the dynamics of land uses in the Amazon region and on the use of geotechnologies as tools for monitor the territorial dynamics of these uses. Thus, in the first stage of the work, bibliographical research was carried out in digital databases, seeking studies on the dynamics of land uses in the Amazon region and on the use of geotechnologies as tools to monitor the territorial dynamics of these uses, particularly in relation to the process. deforestation, one of the most sensitive issues in the environmental issue today. In the second stage of the work, the website of the Annual Mapping Project for Land Cover and Land Use in Brazil - Mapbiomas, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and Instituto Socioambiental (ISA) were searched for land use and occupation of the municipality of Senador José Porfírio for the period 2010 to 2018. The same is being done in PRODES 2019 (General Coordination of Earth Observation-OBT/INPE). The objective of the research was to analyze the dynamics of land use in the municipality of Senador José Porfírio, from 2010 to 2020, considering the historical and economic aspects, as well as their socio-environmental, landscape and territorial expressions. In the results, it was found that, for this period of research, agriculture suffered variations in its perennial culture in relation mainly to government restrictions, but there was an emphasis on cocoa production. It was analyzed that illegal logging, deforestation, in addition to land grabbing for agricultural production has been advancing mainly in areas of settlements and indigenous lands, which intensified political, socioenvironmental, economic, land and landscape problems, especially with the sector agriculture, mining, traditional peoples and agroextractivos. In this context, there is an accelerated process of antagonistic appropriation of space by its various social agents for eventual productions of territories and territorialities. In this regard, in this 21st century, with the entry of international capital in the municipality of Senador José Porfírio-PA, local populations and their ways of life are still disregarded.

    Keywords: Xingu Region. Territorial dynamics. Environmental impacts.


  • Data: 30/07/2021
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  • Mining and its territorial dynamics in the Amazon, historically, are objects of analysis of geography, as well as its spatial transformations. The expansion of global capital over mineral resources has been transforming the social and environmental relations of communities, subordinated to commodities, appropriating nature to expand the capitalist logic, nature being considered a commodity, resulting in different social, economic and environmental issues. In this context, this research aims to analyze how the appropriation of the territory through the large mining companies in the Ressaca Community in the municipality of Senador José Porfírio in the state of Pará, with the implementation of the Volta Grande Project, by the Canadian company Belo Sun Mining Corporation . In order to reach the objective of this dissertation, as methodology were carried out: bibliographical research; field work; interviews and data tabulation, with the elaboration of maps and summary tables. This community was chosen because of the significant socio-territorial changes that took place with the construction of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant and currently with the possible implementation of the Volta Grande Project in this area, justifying the need for research, precisely in an area already impacted by a major project. In contrast, to the development model, the Ressaca community claims to be heard and repaired, as to the damage it has been suffering, such as in the territory and in the way of life.

    Keywords: Territory, Ressaca community, Belo Sun, Volta Grande and Socioterritorial Impacts.


  • Data: 01/07/2021
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  • Esta Tese de Doutorado em Geografia versa sobre a Zona Costeira Paraense como um recorte espacial que sintetiza as particularidades amazônicas, e simultaneamente, ilustra com clareza os elementos constitutivos e estruturantes da formação espacial brasileira. A investigação objetiva compreender a importância da propriedade da terra (em sentido amplo, envolvendo os recursos hídricos, em suas múltiplas dimensões, sendo assim, propriedade das terras e das águas), para a reprodução das elites locais enquanto agentes hegemônicos, no controle da produção do espaço, do ordenamento territorial e na regulação das formas e do valor do trabalho. Enxerga-se nas “atividades compensatórias” um fundamento da reprodução da subsunção formal que caracterizou o pacto horizontal interoligárguico fundante da formação espacial brasileira, que estrutura o Estado nacional brasileiro, após a superação das formações espaciais particulares herdadas da colonização. Defende a análise das estruturas espaciais, das dinâmicas territoriais e, particularmente, da mudança dos vetores de desenvolvimento da Zona Costeira Paraense como ferramentas para compreender a passagem histórica da subsunção formal para a subsunção real na formação espacial brasileira (a qual, no caso amazônico, se deu na forma truculenta da imposição dos “Grandes Projetos”), com a produção de contraespaços que materializam e espacializam as exterioridades do capital.


  • Data: 29/06/2021
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  • A região amazônica, onde está localizada a capital paraense Belém, apresenta uma grande disponibilidade de recursos hídricos e constantes chuvas bem distribuídas ao longo do ano. Todavia, há ocorrências frequentes de interrupção no abastecimento de água. Parte de sua população não tem acesso à água em suas residências ou o fornecimento é irregular, apesar de Belém não apresentar secas meteorológicas ou hidrológicas. Com as interrupções no fornecimento de água a população necessita buscar medidas adaptativas autônomas, sem auxílio do governo ou instituições privadas, para adquiri-la, pois o elemento supracitado é essencial no cotidiano. A pesquisa tem o objetivo de identificar as medidas adaptativas autônomas adotadas pela população de Belém para diminuir os transtornos vinculados a falta de água, denominada insegurança hídrica. Analisou-se, portanto, em jornais online e televisivos - no período de 2014 a 2020 - a frequência em que os bairros eram notificados, as causas da interrupção, as consequências, bem como as decisões tomadas pelos moradores para obtenção de água. O resultado obtido corresponde tanto a produção do mapa dos bairros com índice de insegurança hídrica quanto informações sobre o tempo sem abastecimento de água e as medidas adaptativas autônomas utilizadas pela população, tais como: a compra de água mineral, a captação da água da chuva e o uso da água de poço, consideradas geralmente como medidas reativas, visto que ocorrem ou no momento ou posterior a falta de água.



  • Data: 07/06/2021
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  • The climate change causes concern due to the material and immaterial impacts that society has. The cities are more exposed to these impacts, because concentrate people and essential services, such as hospitals, banks, schools, among others. The adaptation and mitigation of climate change in cities is a means of coping with impacts, however it requires financial investments that may come from public, private or climate funds. The climate finance is an important topic in the debate on climate change, it aims to concentration financial investments that are directed to countries or cities to assist in the elaboration and implementation of adaptive or mitigating measures in the face of climate change. However, access to climate finance is still restricted due to factors such as technical or organizational capacity, and scenarios of social and structural vulnerability of stakeholders in financing. Another restrictive factor of access is that the sources of financing have limited financial resources. Through this, funding sources need criteria to select funding recipients, one of the criteria involves the applicants' readiness and vulnerability scenario. The climate change and the accentuation of extreme events also have an impact on the Amazon; therefore, actions preservation and conservation have always been a global public and private interest. The Amazonian cities have also suffered from the impacts of climate change, so its insertion in debates involving climate change and climate finance is of paramount importance to promote their development combined with facing the adverse damage from climate change. In this scenario, the research aims to elucidate the climate financing scenario for Amazonian cities and their levels of adaptation considering vulnerability and readiness. Therefore, the methodology for the climate financing scenario of Amazonian cities uses stages of searching, processing and analyzing data from climate financing projects. For the adaptation levels, the propositions used by Notre Dame Environmental Change Initiative in the Notre Dame Global Adaptation Initiative (ND-GAIN) project, known as the Country Index and Urban Adaptation Assessment, are used on a methodological basis aiming at the formulation of the Adaptation Level Index of Amazonian cities facing extreme flood events.
    Keyword: Vulnerability. Readiness. Adaptation. Mitigation. Cities. Climate Finance. Amazon.


  • Data: 30/04/2021
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  • The Circular Campina-Cidade Velha Project started in December 2013, designed by artist
    Mkiko Akaó, aiming to create cultural activities that aimed to expand the use of urban and
    heritage structures in the Historic Center of Belém (CHB), especially on weekends, and
    thereby stimulating the creation of cultural enterprises and associations that seek to develop
    a creative economy and the tourism potential of the space. The CHB has been gaining other
    dynamics due to the Circular Project, configuring new relationships between the individuals
    promoting the event and the residents of the neighborhoods where it takes place, and it extends to the city in general. That is, if in the CHB relations referring to the use and appropriation
    of space and heritage are formed without structured government programs, one can imagine
    that policies and concise initiatives in this sense enhance the different uses that this space
    has. Thus, the practices developed by the Circular Project were analyzed from the perspective
    of the production of space, taking into account social subjects, symbolic constructions and the
    heritage of the city. The research is directed to the dynamics of production of the CHB space
    from the implementation of the Circular Project Campina-Cidade Velha, in view of the political
    praxis of the relations of re-production of space and the symbolic load printed on the heritage
    through the construction discursive part of the Circular Project. In this way, our main objective
    analyzes the forms of use and appropriation of the patrimonialized space from the implementation of the Circular Campina-Cidade Velha Project in the CHB. As specific objectives, we
    have: a) to analyze how the circular project's socio-spatial dynamics occurs in the production
    of the CHB space and the city of Belém; b) Identify which power relations involve the Circular
    Project and how it produces the city; and c) analyze how the project's heritage education discourse substantiates the uses of the CHB's patri-monialized space. Considering the reading
    done, the discursive practice of the Circular Project is constructed in a formal and creative
    way, which contributes to the reproduction of social identities, relationships, ways of knowing,
    belief. We show that the relations established during the activities of the Circular Project, which
    are under the context of appropriation and heritage use, depend on the coherence of ideas
    and the consistency of discursive patterns (words and images) inside and outside the CHB.
    Therefore, we understand that the Circular Project conceives the space from the pre-existing
    public and private structures perceives in these structures new ways of acting, through the
    discursive practice, and experiences the space through the activities developed by the partners.
    Keywords: Production of urban space; Belém Historic Center; Campina-Cidade Velha Circular Project; Discursive construction; Patrimonial Education.


  • Data: 18/03/2021
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  • This dissertation proposes to analyze the homicides in one of the Marabá (PA) nuclei, the
    Nova Marabá. Violence and criminality are in evidence in the ambit of academic discussions,
    therefore, it is becoming increasingly important to understand these dynamics, since they are
    phenomena that are impacting all social spheres, thus demystifying the notion of common
    sense that they occur only in marginalized areas of Brazilian cities. It can be identified that the
    formation of territories in urban space serves as a stage for the materialization of violence
    through various agents residing and producing the space according to their interests. The city
    of Marabá is an example, its historical-geographical formation process carries the
    materialization of violence in its diverse faces. Considering this characteristic, the research in
    question aims to understand how the entry of new territorial agents resulting from the process
    of urban expansion implied the territorialization of homicidal violence in the Nova Marabá
    nucleus, in the city of Marabá (PA), between the years 2014 and 2019. For a better
    understanding of the problem, let us stick to a theoretical reflection on the theme of urban
    violence, rescuing in the territorial formation of the city of Marabá its first signs of violence,
    which range from economic cycles, land conflicts, speculation through large projects to urban
    expansion still occurring, where violence is present in different intensities. However, through
    the data provided by the Regional Policing Command (CPR II) it was possible to identify the
    excessive growth of homicide rates in the Nova Marabá nucleus, taking into account that the
    city of Marabá is polynucleated (Marabá Pioneira, Cidade Nova, Nova Marabá, São Félix and
    Morada Nova), the time cut-off chosen is related to the availability of official data that
    subsidized the analysis. The work is structured in three chapters: the first refers to a
    theoretical discussion of territory and violence, the second is about the socio-territorial
    formation of Marabá and the third follows the formation of its nucleus, Nova Marabá, as well
    as its territorialization of violence happens.

    Key-words: Urban violence; Homicide; Marabá; Nova Marabá; Territorialization.

  • Modern and traditional: Territoriality and expressions of Carimbó in Belém-PA

  • Data: 01/03/2021
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  • This work seeks to understand the territoriality of the different types of Carimbó in the city of Belém-PA, analyzing its origins and connections. Although originating in the interior of the state of Pará, Carimbó has maintained a strong presence in Belém since the 19th century, being present in official documents and reports related to popular festivities, especially in the peripheral neighborhoods where the black and caboclo communities lived. From 1920, an intellectual elite from Pará "rediscovered" Carimbó in its search to identify elements to compose a northern or Amazonian cultural identity, finding in the figure of the caboclo and in its cultural manifestations the support they sought to strengthen this identity. The biggest reference sought by these intellectuals was the Carimbó of the interior of the state, considered more primitive and free of influences, creating an idea of what would be the traditional Carimbó. In parallel, the Carimbó from the urban periphery, which circulated through the Peripheral Cultural Circuit, comes into contact with the musical influences received at that time by the periphery, mainly from neighboring countries and the Caribbean, through contraband routes and shortwave radios. From this process it emerges that it would be called "Modern" Carimbó. The phonographic success of the rhythm would highlight the aesthetic and sound differences between the two strands, generating controversies and ruptures. This work seeks to look at the current territoriality of Carimbó in Belém, taking into account the previous processes that influenced the current configuration of the rhythm and the emergence of its types.


  • Data: 25/02/2021
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  • São Caetano de Odivelas is a municipality in the Amazon coastal zone, located in the Microregion of Salgado, in the Northeast of Pará, with the coastline cut by wide recesses or the coast of “rias”, composing a dynamic environment, under which a vast mangrove forest. Recently, the Mocapajuba Extractive Reserve was created in the municipality in 2014. Therefore, this research aimed to evaluate the mangrove areas from driving force, pressure, state, impact and response indicators (DPSIR), to provide support to the management of the Conservation Unit. The method chosen was the use of socio-environmental indicators, combined with the DPSIR methodology created by the United Nations Environment Program - UNEP, and updated by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - OECD. It was necessary to carry out a systematic review of the literature and conducting on-site visits, in order to assist in monitoring the state and in the analysis of the pressures found in the study area, parallel to this, a classification of the different types of land use was made. in order to identify the anthropic causal activities or sources of pressures and impacts. And the responses obtained through the research of programs and projects at the federal and municipal levels that can solve or mitigate impactful actions. The methodology proved to be satisfactory, once, which allowed inferring about the following indicators: Pressure (P) urban expansion, real estate expansion towards mangrove areas, tourist intensity and the absence of sewage treatment; State (E) legally protected area / marine reserve, predominant mangrove vegetation, main ecological functions of mangroves, water availability, land use - artisanal fishing, sport fishing, shrimp fishing, crab withdrawal, aquaculture, agriculture, beekeeping, trade , among others and the inadequate disposal of waste; Impact (I), the most significant ones were applied to the model according to the weighting performed. These are: mangrove deforestation, reduction of fish stocks due to disordered tourism, predatory fishing by virtue of “sporting” fishing, the “in natura” sewage dumping Mojuim River, and the effects of garbage disposal in inappropriate areas, on the quality of the environment, and the quality life of the population. The analysis responses (R) revealed the Mocapajuba Marine Extractive Reserve (RESEX), since it is possible to obtain control over land use, under the domain of the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) (federal sphere) ; the guidelines of the Brazilian Forest Code in Areas of Permanent Preservation - APP (MMA), in contrast, the municipal government through investments and public expenses with the purpose of promoting the protection and management of natural resources, such as the promotion of environmental education. Thus, the need for an effective inspection and long-term projects for environmental management, which reconciles use with environmental protection, stands out. Thereby, this work is configured as an important tool, in order to provide subsidies for the elaboration of environmental planning projects and management policies, and actions based on the protection of the mangrove ecosystem (s).

  • não consta.

  • Data: 23/02/2021
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  • The delimitation of geoenvironmental units enables knowledge of the potential and limitations of the studied physical environment, through the integration of the constituent components of the landscape, pointing out guidelines that minimize and / or avoid negative environmental impacts, subsidizing environmental planning. The objective of this research is to carry out the mapping of the Geoenvironmental Units of the Atalaia Island located in the municipality of Salinópolis PA. This island was chosen because of the significant socio-environmental changes that are currently taking place in this area, which makes it possible to perceive the negative impacts, especially in vulnerable environments, where there are contrasts in the way of using and occupying land, in urban expansion, in agricultural activities and in tourist intensification. In order to arrive at the result of the research, bibliographic surveys, Geoprocessing and remote sensing techniques were used, analysis of satellite images, fieldwork, necessary for the observation in locus and the crossing of the information obtained, which resulted in the map of Geoenvironmental Units. In this way, it was obtained the definition of four homogeneous units according to the potentialities and limitations to the processes of the physical environment and the indiscriminate use of these environments. These units were found from information on secondary materials, essential for the elaboration of the Geoenvironmental zoning proposal of the study area, which serves as a contribution in the elaboration of future plans, as well as for the purposes of rational exploration of natural resources and sustainable use in Atalaia island.

  • Analysis of the hydrographic basin of the Itacaiunas river to define floodable sectors.

  • Data: 22/02/2021
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  • The Itacaiunas River Basin (BHRI) has its source in the main channel located in the Serra da Seringa, in the municipality of Água Azul do Norte, state of Pará. Much of the economic resources come from mineral and agricultural exploration; consequently, the basin also faces strong environmental impacts arising from this and other activities linked to the economic use of its natural resources. With this information and others in mind, this dissertation aims to analyze the landscape dynamics in the Itacaiunas River Basin, through the application of bibliographic review methodology, cartographic elaboration, morphometric characterization, land use and occupation and diagnosis aiming subsidize environmental planning. The theoretical basis was based on the discussion about the geoecology of the landscape, highlighting the Landscape as a category of geographic research, in addition to the discussion on hydrographic basins in environmental management. The research covers three levels of analysis: characterization of the social and environmental aspects of BHRI; verification of information extracted from vector and matrix data for physiographic and fluviomorphological characterization of the basin, a stage in which it is intended to apply the morphological and vegetative indices; and the elaboration of the diagnosis and prognosis for BHRI. The research results present important data on this spatial cutout, primarily on environmental elements in addition to socioeconomic data. Subsequently, the morphometric data of hypsometry, slope, compartmentalization in high, medium and low course were analyzed, and also the hierarchy data of the channels, confirming a 5th order drainage, in addition to the morphometric data from which the conditions of susceptibility to floods. On the classes of land use and occupation, through the analysis of Landsat 8 Oli sensor images, acquired on 06/28/2020, in orbits 223, 224, 225 and points 65, 64, 4 classes were identified: Water ( 0.228%), Ombrophilous Dense Forest (41.934%), Agriculture (56.625%) and Non-Agricultural Anthropic Area (1.147%), making it possible to correlate these data with vegetative indices, presenting the spectral thresholds for dense vegetation, little vegetation and without vegetation the NDVI, SAVI and IAF values respectively (0.6729715 / 1,009 / 1,609), (0.0189145 / 0.028 / - 1.122), (-0.308115 / -1.492 / -2.949). Finally, regarding the diagnosis of the identification of environmental problems in the basin, they confirm a high degree of anthropic intervention, due to the intensive nature of land use and occupation, aggravated mainly in agricultural areas, modifying the landscape by removing vegetation cover, in addition to cause changes in the hydrological patterns of the basin. In turn, the transformations of the landscape are the result of the interaction of man with nature, which shows the need to carry out an integrated, participatory planning, according to the current scenario in the referred basin, raised through consistent and sufficient data to propose solutions. legal, through the types of land use, aiming at an ideal scenario, with the intention of reversing the current situation of the referred basin.



  • Data: 22/02/2021
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  • The present research looks at the Cotijuba Island, Belém / PA, located in the island region of the municipality of Belém. The study turns to the geoenvironmental theme from the integrated analysis of the landscape. The choice of this study area is justified, because in the last decades Cotijuba has undergone a rampant urbanization process, with irrational use of its resources, generating deforestation for the extraction of wood and removal of sand for civil construction. Thus, we sought to map the geoenvironmental units of Cotijuba Island, based on a survey of the elements that make up the landscape. The methodology followed the following steps: Bibliographic survey that enabled the survey of concepts that were guiding factors for the development of the research, Field study that allowed the survey of data and analyzes that are only possible with the measurement in loco, and Laboratory study that was essential to the development of the research, using techniques of remote sensing and geoprocessing that linked to the GIS allowed the making of all cartographic products presented in the research. For the mapping of land use and land cover classes, the Envi 5.1 software was used for supervised classification, extracting a Kappa index of 0.96. For the study of landscape metrics of forest fragments, the software arcgis 10.1 was used from the extension Partch Analyzes. In both procedures, the Sentinel-2 satellite image from the year 2018 was used. For the production of the MDEs, the Alos Palsar radar image was used, which allowed the analysis of the island's altimetry and slope. The mapping of the variables: geology, geomorphology and pedology, were carried out using information collected in the field and analysis of the results obtained from the products made in the Sentinel-2 and Alos Palsar image, based on Florenzano's remote sensing techniques methodology ( 2008). In view of this, the mapping of the Five Geoenvironmental Units of Cotijuba Island was made, highlighting their general characteristics. The results showed that Cotijuba needs a Management and Management plan on a municipal scale aimed at conserving natural resources and promoting the generation of jobs and income for the local community. In this sense, it is expected that the products raised here will serve as subsidies for them. Thus, ecotourism and the implementation of ecological corridors are suggested as measures to mitigate the problems presented here.


  • Data: 22/02/2021
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  • The rapid growth and the lack of policies for city planning provoke changes that affect
    the quality of life of the population. In this perspective, the analysis of environmental
    quality arises from the need to improve urban environmental conditions. Given this, the
    present research had as general objective, to evaluate the urban environmental quality in
    the city of Paragominas-PA, in the mesoregion of the southeast of Para. For this, the
    methodology developed by Vasques (2017) was adapted, based on objective analysis,
    using a system of urban environmental indicators, being the same, Water supply; Sewage
    collection and treatment; Household solid urban waste collection; Selective collection of
    solid waste; Flooded areas; Vegetable cover and free spaces. The procedures followed:
    definition of indicators and data collection; application of quantitative indices and spatial
    representation of each indicator and subsequent assessment and diagnosis of
    environmental quality. Inhabited blocks of the urban area were used as the spatial unit of
    analysis. Data analysis indicated that the entire study area has a water supply, provided
    by the Paragominas Sanitation Agency. Only 0.37 km² (3.04%) of the city are served by
    sewage collection and treatment services, restricted to condominiums and residences. The
    household waste collection is carried out in the entire urban area, while the selective
    collection mainly covers the central area and the nearby subdivisions, totaling 6.30 km²
    (51.90%) of the inhabited spaces. 1.85 km² (15.24%) of the inhabited spaces have already
    been affected by flooding in Paragominas. The data for vegetation cover showed a
    percentage of 15.43%. Data analysis indicated that 4.35 km² (35.83%) of inhabited places
    have public free spaces up to 300 m. The diagnosis of environmental quality showed that
    77.31% (9.38 km²) of the urban area of Paragominas was classified as “intermediate
    environmental quality”, 19.20% (2.33 km²) as “best environmental quality” and 3.49%
    (0.42 km²) as “worst environmental quality”. The result had direct interference from the
    sewage collection and treatment indicator and the spatial distribution of free spaces, also
    influenced by vegetation cover. Considering the approaches carried out in this research,
    it is necessary to emphasize the need for urban planning by integrating social and
    environmental elements, so that the problems that affect the quality of urban life are
    remedied or minimized.

  • MULTITERRITORIALIDADE E SUSTENTABILIDADE: a influência das partes interessadas da mineração em Mariana (MG) e Canaã dos Carajás (PA) de 2004 a 2019

  • Data: 19/02/2021
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  • The objective of this Doctoral Thesis was to present the multi-territoriality existing in the
    municipalities of Mariana, in the state of Minas Gerais (MG) and in Canaã dos Carajás (PA) in
    the state of Pará, triggered by decision-making carried out by the interested parties considered in
    the research as dominant in the surveyed municipalities. Although historical and geographical
    issues change the beginning of productive life in municipalities, the direct actions developed by
    power relations over the years influence the processes of territoriality, deterritoriality and
    reterritoriality, using powerful tools to relax rules, laws and actions. , which although they are
    considered sustainable, in practice do not add value to the local socioeconomic development,
    mainly in the Social Dimension of local societies, which are, in the great majority, the most
    impacted and excluded stakeholders in decision making. It is said that such actions and relations
    have increasingly isolated and marginalized such societies, further aggravating relations in recent
    years, due to the expansion and creation of new units of mineral production, which has been
    achieved through the stakeholders with greater power of decision, postpone and make flexible the
    mandatory reparatory, indemnity and compensatory processes based on conditions or conduct
    adjustment terms, which will be analyzed in the present study, requiring greater attention and
    performance, since the mineral resources are finite and the needs of the society they need. be
    taken care of, as they are the result of pre-assumed agreements, which are not being respected,
    besides irreversibly harming the Economy, the Environment, the Society and the Territories. Both
    territories have the exploitation of mineral resources as their flagship, Mariana being one of the
    first municipalities in Brazil to explore minerals, beginning her trajectory more than 300 years
    ago, with the commercialization of gold in the colonial period, one of which was the main one
    responsible for the reconstruction of the Catholic Churches of the city of Lisbon destroyed after
    a great earthquake in 1755 and in 2015 the society negatively impacted directly in Mariana suffers
    as a result of one of the biggest socio-environmental catastrophes of great extension in the history
    of the Brazilian mining, due to the rupture of the Samarco dam, Joint Venture of the companies
    Vale and BHP Billiton, however the disaster was not able to limit the growth of the mining
    company, one of those responsible for the rupture of the dam, which practically a year later, the
    beginning of the operation of the largest iron ore exploration plant in the world, Ferro Carajás
    S11D P rojeto - Eliezer Batista, occurred in ten January 2016 in the municipality of Canaã dos
    Carajás. The second municipality, although relatively new, presents constant conflicts, resulting
    from disputes of power, for the use and possession of the land, involving non-conformities and
    responsibilities practiced by the interested parties, which in recent years, presented new scenarios,
    designed in Canaã dos Carajás, which, according to analyzes carried out in the territory, it has
    negatively compromised the sustainability of the local society, located in the mining company's
    area of influence, which although it has placed Canaã dos Carajás in a prominent position in the
    national and international productive sector, for having the best iron ore in the world, in terms of
    purity content, it also has one of the largest stocks of this ore on the planet. The Thesis presents
    dualities around Mineral Plants, containing contradictions regarding the socioeconomic
    development of local communities, in particular, around mineral production plants, as well as the
    actions carried out by dominant stakeholders, has compromised sustainability in the territory,
    which although keep the discourse of improvement of the socioeconomic conditions of the
    municipalities, in practice it was presented in the thesis that it did not generate the necessary
    conditions for such development, having its practices contrary to the alleged intentions and
    agreements, presenting dualities in the molds used, reinforcing the unsustainability, further
    intensifying plus multi-territoriality.

    Keywords: Multiterritoriality, Mining, Stakeholders, S11D and Sustainability.

  • Data: 12/02/2021
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  • The restructuring processes of the city, emanating from the new centralities from high-impact urban equipment, have been the target of many recent studies. Within this perspective, the city of Belém-PA, in recent years, underwent reconfigurations in the territorial structures as a result of the process of metropolitan dispersion and the advance of new agents producing urban space, contributing to the induction of new forms of use and occupation of the urban soil It is worth noting here the role that Augusto Montenegro Avenue has played as a space of production and consumption linked to state actions, excluded social agents, and last but not least, the actions of new economic agents associated with the territorialization of capital, such as financially-owned real estate. The motivation of this work was due to the observations made on the recent modifications coming from the construction companies and real estate agents installed in said avenue, which aim at the implementation of services, commerce and the production of houses in closed condominiums, that is, they exercise a direct action in the process of restructuring the urban space, interfering both in spatial relations. The objective of this research is to analyze how the urban centrality in the Augusto Montenegro Avenue has been configured, starting from the activities of commerce and services, given the context of the densification of the circuits of the urban economy, the advance of the financialized real estate and the restructuring of the city of Belém from the years of 2000. The methodology adopted consisted of an approach of the dialectic method of way, that allows to investigate the contradictions in the production of the constructed space. From the point of view of the methodological procedures, qualitative research was carried out with a survey and bibliographical analysis, survey and documentary analysis, qualitative systematic observations, cartographic production, photographic records, application of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews to understand the various aspects of the restructuring in the studied perimeter.
    Keywords: Restructuring of the city. Urban Space. Center and urban centrality. Belém.

  • Data: 27/01/2021
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  • Coastal spaces focus special attention with regard to ecological, political and social
    discussions contemporary because they are areas increasingly densely populated, encompass
    essential ecological functions and have huge economic importance. The production of space
    on the Amazon coast points to a diversified reproduction movement, causing problems related
    to the natural, social and economic dynamics, repercussions on contradictions that are
    revealed in the fragility of the public actions present in the coastal municipalities. The
    Municipality of Salinópolis concentrates, a diversity of socio-spatial practices marked by the
    complexity of the activities established in its spatial reproduction process. This study focuses
    on the territorial dynamics in the municipality of Salinópolis from the forms of use throughout
    the space production process. Analyzes that the use today generates social and environmental
    inconsistencies, with significant loss of its natural and landscape resources, which reveals that
    coastal policies are often economistic, giving priority to certain activities such as tourism and
    the urbanization. Several public actions are taking place in the municipality to manage
    productive activities. These actions can cause conflicts due to the discrepancy of urban land
    use that does not show concordance with social dynamics and environmental conservation.

    Keywords: coastal zone; production of space; territorial dynamics.

  • Intra-urban heteroendogeny: Urban and urban restructuring city of Marabá-PA from three centers and centralities economical

  • Data: 29/10/2020
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  • The objective of the research is to understand how the process of urban and city restructuring of Marabá has been taking place, through the processes of center and centrality in the socioeconomic dimensions, whose spatial scope are the three central areas of the nuclei, namely: Marabá Pioneer, Nova Marabá and Cidade Nova in the period between 2000 and 2020. Although the analysis is based on the three intraurban spatial fractions mentioned and with indicated temporal clipping, it was sometimes necessary to insert long-distance sway mentions to to substantiate the scope of the research, as well as to go back in time in order to apprehend the spatial processes that determined the formation of the Maraba territory, apprehended in the forms and even functions that still persist and coexist with "new" dynamics, establishing a dialectical relationship between the traditional-modern and its resistance, coexistence and suppression. It became necessary to insert the discussion about modernity in order to understand the manifestations of this phenomenon in space through polycentric urban centralities, that is, materiality under technical support modern production and consumption. Thus, the economic centers and centralities emerge, with their greater significance of reconfiguration in the urban fabric, for services and trade activities, interpreted as polycentrality by the technical-transnational content it carries. The phenomenon of centrality produces substantial changes in urban content, which denotes the creation and / or intensification of central areas, complexing the intelligibility of the relations of both interscalarity and intra-urban spatial interaction. Given this reality, we carried out the analysis in order to unveil the dynamics of the three centers that promote interscalarity by the facet of services and commerce, the same factors being associated with the social factor that was used to understand the relationships of intra-urban spatial interaction, in addition to an urban subsystemic perspective, aiming to apprehend complementarities and competitiveness among themselves. In this way, we consider that the contribution of the thesis results from the set of empirical elements raised and assessed as spatial dynamics, whose results apprehend that the concepts, center and urban centrality exerts significant importance when it is envisaged to recognize the process of urban and city restructuring, through the treatment of secondary and primary data, these, obtained through interlocution through various operational methodologies applied to subjects, resident, consumer, worker, capital and state, highlighting that it is a (multi) polycentric city composed of three interrelational polymorphic inter-scale centers, that is, with its particular forms, whose spatial expression is it verifies in the urban landscape of each center and the economic centralities with their respective interbred endogenous and exogenous contents.

  • Production of Space and Social Control Violence: from functional articulation to spectacular commodification

  • Data: 16/10/2020
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  • The present work entitled “Production of Space and Social Control Violence: from functional articulation to spectacular commodification” presents a research about the relationship between the production of space and the violence of social control, on the conditions of its foundation and transformation in capitalist society. It aims to theoretically substantiate our hypothesis that the crisis of expanded reproduction of capital, manifested from the 1970s onwards, represents a turning point that leads to the production of spectacular space that starts to incorporate the violence of social control as a spectacular commodity, in order to interrupt the possibilities of an urban like the Lefebvrian utopia, as well as reproduce the social relations of capital production. In view of this objective, a bibliographic review was undertaken, presented on the form of debates, which intercross knowledge from different areas of knowledge, involving works and researchers from Geography Becker (1978), Harvey ([1989], 2012) and Trindade Jr (2016), Social Sciences, Oliveira, (2003), Shearing & Stenning (1981) and Souza (2015), Arantes Philosophy (2014), Lefebvre ([1971], 2008) and Zizek (2008), History, Liang ( 1992) and Architecture, Arantes ([1998], 2014), Benevolo ([1971], 2015) and Hall ([1988], 2016), addressing themes ranging from the urban, to the city and metropolis, violence and social control , capital reproduction and commodification processes. These, in turn, are organized into four theoretical paths that seek elements that are fundamental to the central hypothesis. Finally, after consolidating these elements, a brief conclusion and some notes for future research are presented.


  • Data: 25/09/2020
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  • We have exposed in this work the doctorate thesis titled: LAND USE, OIL PALM
    FARMING AND PRODUCTION OF FOOD CROPS: An Analysis of Family Farmers
    Integrated with the Company Agropalma, in the municipality of Moju, PA, Brazil. We defend
    in the thesis that oil palm farming reduces food production in the locations where it is
    implemented. Our hypothesis is that this reduction occurs because the implementation of family
    agriculture projects with oil palm cultivation requires two essential resources: labor and land.
    In the specific case of pilot projects I (2002) and III (2005), integrated with the company
    Agropalma, the occupation of the area was different compared with the occupation of the area
    of project IV (2006). We aimed to analyze the impacts of oil palm farming expansion on food
    production by the family groups integrated with the productive chain of oil palm in the
    municipality of Moju. We wished, in this study, just as Nahum and Santos (2015), to
    geographically interpret the oil palm farming dynamics in the municipality of Moju starting at
    the category of used land (Santos; Silveira, 2001). We used, in this study, two methodologically
    complementary procedures: The analytical methodology based on the periodization and event
    concepts by Santos (2006) and Santos and Silveira (2001), which allowed us to think of a
    previous time (T1), the arrival of events (projects), and a period of time after the implementation
    of the projects (T2); and the operational methodology composed of literature review,
    cartographic surveys, structured and semi-structured interviews, and field work. The thesis is
    structured in three parts: In the first chapter, we analyze the land use by small family farmers
    prior to the arrival of family projects with oil palm crops. We used the peasant farm category
    by Woortmann (1983) to empirically show those dynamics. In those properties, land uses were
    subjected to different forms of work, solidarity bonds, and production systems. Their
    productions aimed at both consumption (use) and sale (exchange). In the second chapter, we
    show the events that shaped the family agriculture projects with oil palm farming in the Alto
    Moju and PA 150 regions, in the municipality of Moju. We analyzed, above all, the events that
    enabled the emergence of projects I (Arauaí I) and project II (Arauaí II), part of the Association
    of Community Development of the Arauaí Sector (Associação do Desenvolvimento
    Comunitário do Ramal do Arauaí - ASDECRA). In the third chapter, we analyze the
    transformations the process of integrating family projects to oil palm farming brought to land
    use, to the subjects, and to the production of food crops that fed the households and myriad
    remote homes.
    Keywords: Land use, oil palm farming, peasant farm, family and peasant agriculture.

  • Data: 26/08/2020
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  • Among the various challenges presented to urban planning and management, the issue of violence and the sense of insecurity in Brazilian cities stands out in relation to the whole range of urban problems in Brazil in recent years. In the last three and a half decades, homicide rates (an extreme example of violence) have widened vertiginously in the national territory, with several works in the academic literature highlighting the relationship between the escalation of violence and Brazilian urbanization, which has been characterized by peripheralization processes precarious and widening intra-urban socio-spatial inequalities. In this sense, this report seeks to present the project of the doctoral research that is developed in the Postgraduate Program in Geography (PPGEO-UFPA). Based on the question about the possibility of the Multifinal Territorial Cadastre, geoprocessing tool applied in the context of the planning and management of the urban space of Belém, to be able to contribute to the promotion of public safety in the capital of Pará, a hypothesis was elaborated that argues that this instrument can be applied on two fronts in the promotion of public safety: both in confronting direct violence (legally criminalized), by supporting the police institutions that operate in the municipality, and in mitigating structural violence (indirectly and not legally criminalized) from the support to the promotion of affirmative public policies through actions of institutions linked to other dimensions of urban planning and management, such as the modification of the organization of the forms of content of urban space in order to mitigate precariousness and socio-spatial inequalities. In this way, the research aims to understand how the Multifinal Territorial Register of the municipality of Belém can contribute to the promotion of public safety in the context of urban planning and management, focusing on the qualification of direct violence by police institutions and support to affirmative policies for the transformation of urban spatial organization aimed at mitigating socio-spatial vulnerabilities, a manifestation of structural violence, in the capital of Para. To this end, it will count on the support of analysis and bibliographical discussion for the production of theoretical and methodological reference and survey of applications of geoprocessing instruments and techniques in police action, application of semistructured interviews with professionals from public security institutions and other spheres of planning and urban management and documentary analysis of reports and manuals of the CTM of Belém and of security institutions. The first answers come from the perspective of proving the importance of understanding the phenomenon of violence not only from the events of direct violence, but also from its relation with structural violence, which is manifested as the production of precariousness and socio-spatial vulnerability that hinder or even impede the full reproduction of social groups within the real economic, political and cultural possibilities of society. Although this understanding appears in the literature on the subject of public security, state practice still focuses on a purely institutionalist approach, which considers promoting public safety only as a police case and expanding legal punishments, minimizing the complexity and the importance of the socio-spatial dimension of the phenomenon.
    Keywords: Multifinal Territorial Cadastre, Direct and Structural Violence, Urban Space Planning and Management.

  • The two circuits of the urban economy and tourism: modernization and patrimonialization in the Atlantic Amazon, Pará.
  • Data: 24/08/2020
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  • Tourism emerges in institutional discourses as one of the main economic possibilities
    for underdeveloped countries. Several approaches have consolidated the attempt to
    conceptualize or dimension tourism in the academic and institutional spheres. Some
    contributions in the social sciences characterize as a phenomenon of social, economic,
    political, cultural, psychological, anthropological, ecological and spatial dimensions.
    Given this, this proposal starts from the conceptual distinction between tourism and
    tourist space. The first as social practice and the second as a material expression, the
    objects and actions of the spaces of representation and the representation of space, a
    dimension of geographical space. Due to the multiple possibilities of approach on the
    tourist space and the need to overcome the traditional conception of industry or industry,
    an alternative analysis is sought that reaches the reality of the Amazon. In order to
    respond to this challenge, this work aims to analyze the implications inherent to the
    degree of modernization and the process of patrimonialization in the formation of two
    circuits of production of the tourist area of the Atlantic Amazon in Pará, based on the
    case study of municipalities of Bragança and Salinópolis. For such an effort to
    understand the production of the tourist space in the Atlantic Amazon, Pará. The first
    chapters deal, respectively, on theoretical-conceptual aspects and on the regional tourist
    space. The third and fourth chapters characterize and analyze the production of the
    tourist space in the chosen municipalities as a case study, starting from the application
    of the theory of the two circuits of the urban economy. It is hoped to demonstrate the
    particularities of the production of the regional tourist space, its limits and possibilities.
    Keywords: Tourism, Modernization, Patrimonialization

  • Data: 11/08/2020
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  • The spatiality of the urban dynamics of Belém and the metropolitan region has in public transport of passengers its major articulator, this movement guarantees the displacement and the mobility of the population of different areas, that are directed predominantly to the center of the metropolis. The subject, public transportation, presents a great complexity that will be approached in this research from the socio-spatial differentiation the articulating role of the public transport system, as well as the supplementation promoted by the smaller articulation of the circuits of public transportation in the municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of Belém (RMB). The research addresses the identifiable territorialities of transport agents, bus companies, cooperatives, associations, and autonomous, responsible for the circulation movement in the metropolitan space. In the case of data and information organization, a large collection of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) was organized considering the structuring of primary and secondary data, which, after successive geoprocessing treatments, allow for the overlapping of readings about the reality of the urban space and metropolitan area of RMB. Thus, the results of this research are broadened. It is possible to understand the role of the central area of Belém, the occupation of areas less suitable to large population groups, the process of urban growth towards the farthest districts of the center, a similar movement in the process of urban growth in the municipalities of the RMB, pari step to the role of public transport of passengers articulating these spaces, and establishing, consolidating, overlapping, alternating, reproducing territorialities among the transport agents in the process of dynamism in the metropolitan urban landscape.

  • A Geografia da Criminalidade no Campus: A multiterritorialidade do crime na cidade universitária Professor José da Silveira Netto (UFPA).

  • Data: 24/07/2020
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  • The problem of criminality is a subject that is increasingly present in contemporary society, either by the growth of urban centers and, consequently, the concentrated and accelerated urbanization process, which has provided the development of a set of socioeconomic and infrastructural problems more present in Brazilian cities: the rise in the unemployment rate; increased poverty; and the precarious public policies aimed at the basic social sectors, may be some of these problems. In this sense, the work will be dedicated to analyzing and understanding the multiple territorialities of crime on a university campus, observing the following illegal activities: drug trafficking / consumption; theft; and robbery. Such crimes will serve as a basis to answer how crime specializes and relates to the daily life of the university city Professor José da Silveira Netto, based on the guiding questions that seeks to know: What are the main occurrences of crimes in the university city and how is crime territorialized in the university space? What are the main strategies and “modus operandi” used for crimes on campus? How these multiple territories are related and can this relationship (or not) corroborate the practice of crimes? Thus, these questions are intended to assimilate the consequences of this socio-spatial phenomenon within the university scope, based on a structure of work divided into three chapters: I) Power, Territory and Crime on Campus; II) The Socio-Spatial Characterization of the Study Area; and III) The Geography of Crime: The Multiterritoriality of Crime in the University City Professor José da Silveira Netto (UFPA). Therefore, this research will help to reinforce the importance of contributions to this theme and consider that the problem of public security by which most Brazilian cities suffer, should be treated with new perspectives, in this case that of Geography.

  • POWER AND TERRITORY IN GEOGRAPHY: Territorial agents and Violent Intentional Lethal Crimes (2013-2017) in the Cabanagem neighborhood, Belém-PA
  • Data: 24/07/2020
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  • The violence has been occupying and growing for decades a prominent place in the national and international scenario, be it in the media, in the increase with the public expenses or even reflecting in the behavior of the society in general. This is due to the complexity in which violence and the urban question have been related, for example, to social vulnerability, connivance to "spontaneous" settlements, as well as to violent deaths, which in a way contribute to the consolidation and territoriality of territorial agents, based on power relations, correspond to a process of affirmation of extremely worrying trend scenarios, pointing to the aggravation and, simultaneously, to the escalation of Violent Intentional Lethal Crimes (CVLI), generating new territorialities from of links with the territorialisation of territorial agents. In this way, recognizing the presence of territorial agents in the Cabanagem neighborhood, the present investigation is based on the following question: How do territorial agents exert influence in increasing the occurrence of Intentional Lethal Violence in the Cabanagem neighborhood of Belém, to 2017 We start from the idea that the actions of the territorial agents, from the territorial disputes, explain the increase of the violent deaths in the neighborhood studied. To this end, the main objective for the present Masters qualification project is to investigate the dynamics of Territorial agents and Intentional Lethal Violations between 2013 to 2017. From the power relations in the territory, in the study area. This was due to the fact that it is part of the Graduate Program of the Federal University of Pará, where, based on activities carried out in conjunction with the university, the present report was made possible, being fundamental for structuring the research, culminating in what was once developed in the first and second chapters of the dissertation and in the outline of the third.
    KEY-WORDS: Urbanization, Space, Territory.

  • Between the Axes of Circulation: The faces-phases of the production of the urban space of Tucuruí-PA.
  • Data: 21/07/2020
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  • Considering that the process of socio-territorial formation of the city of Tucuruí had been configured in the organization undertaken by the axes of river-railroad and road-energy circulation, the city started to contain forms and contents that explain the production of space in a constant movement of actions internal and external. Thus, in order to visualize the various faces of the city, its urban expansion and to characterize its role in the regional division of labor and in the urban network of its immediate region, it was problematized, as the historically constituted circulation axes promoted an inter and intra organization -urban differentiated for Tucuruí? Thus, the objective was to analyze from the axes of circulation the production and spatial organization intra and inter urban of Tucuruí and to portray what the city profile that Tucuruí started to develop after the structuring of the energy industry, its current configuration in the urban network Amazon. To this end, we proceeded with: Bibliographic and documentary surveys and analyzes, fieldwork, direct systematic observation, application of field forms and interviews, surveys of ichnographic material and their analysis. Two spatial arrangements were adopted: commerce (supermarkets, department stores and fishing activity) and services (technical / higher education and medium and high complexity health, plus subscription TVs) to analyze the objective of this research. This technical and empirical tool gave us support to highlight: the production of urban space based on technical networks and circulation axes in Tucuruí-PA; b) to point out, currently, that there is a social production of space starting from / around the city, no longer configured to exclusively serve UHT; and c) that Tucuruí, even presenting permanences and coexistences of a riverside city, has been presenting itself in a profile of regional sub-center of territorial responsibility vis-à-vis the urban network of its immediate region.


  • Data: 26/05/2020
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  • This research aims to relate three notions - geographical environment, way of life, and flour culture. As a proposal for analysis, we seek to understand the culture of manioc flour in the Paraense Amazon linked to the way of life of the Amazonian man through processes, in a historical context. Given the singularities of the knowledge to be impregnated in a product that represents the geographies of the place, in successions and coexistences in the geographical environments of the dynamics of life of the cultural and economic relations of the municipality. From an empirical situation seen in Bragança, the culture of cassava flour envisions the production process, and the reproduction of the rural communities that produce the flour, their insertion in the market in different media. And in the hypotheses, an intrinsic relationship between way of life and geographic environment can be verified, with manioc flour being the link in this relationship. At first such relationship jumps from the symbolic action, to an appropriation of European culture, making the product a food habit in the colony, later becoming a food that was consumed in several Brazilian territories - presenting a circuit of production, commercialization and consumption that was based on local aspects. And that up to the present moment are identified in the forms of work that involved more diverse social subjects, whether indigenous, Portuguese and Northeastern among others. Relationships that characterize the identity embedded in the collective form of social reproduction with the environment. Currently, the production and commercialization process for Bragança flour is carried out by small producers in rural areas, as well as in other municipalities in Bragantina. Our empirical approach is restricted to eight communities as mentioned above, in the study it was possible to observe that over the years new technologies are increasing the way of life of these communities whose logic is configured in the strategies of reproduction of life of these small farmers in the case here associations, and local cooperatives.

  • Data: 23/05/2020
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  • In addition to the work already established by other researchers on conflicts and cartographic representation as a central axis in the study of the Amazonian territory, the main argument of the project is focused on highlighting the territorial conflicts surrounding the first mineral projects since the arrival of the first mineral projects. Serra dos Carajás deposits, a space bordering several municipalities of Pará. The work includes a geographical explanation of the evolution of mining and how since the second half of the twentieth century it transforms the space to conform the territorialities that currently delimit the municipalities of the old Marabá. Knowing the operational areas and interests of Vale and the gold mining, it is possible to identify the conflicts generated by mineral exploration and the consequences for groups of the territory with different socio-spatial realities. Given that mining exercises as a dominant group in the territory, it shapes in space some territorialities for development that satisfy the political power, but that does not reflect the spatial reality of the local population. With this, the cartographic representation of the groups can face different themes.

  • PUBLIC POLICIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS IN THE AMAZON: a multi-scale approach to the correlation between the Bolsa Família Program and exposure to natural disasters.
  • Data: 18/05/2020
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  • The Brazilian Amazon is largely susceptible to the occurrence of natural disasters, especially those of hydro climatic origin. The population affected by these events is generally very poor and vulnerable. One of the great dilemmas experienced in the region today is the paradox that places, on the one hand, the wealth provided by the exploitation of vast natural resources and, on the other, the poverty that subjects millions of families to misery. Due to the high percentages of people who are below the poverty line, there are many institutional initiatives that aim to minimize the harmful effects of inequality that characterizes the region, among them, the Bolsa Família direct income transfer program, which attended, in 2019, more than 2, 5 million families, which correspond to about 32% of the population of the Brazilian Amazon and who have inserted almost 7 billion reais in benefits into the local economy, in resources made available by the Union in the same year. In this sense, the objective of the present work is to analyze the efficiency of the direct income transfer policy through the Bolsa Família Program for the reduction of risks in areas exposed to natural disasters in the Brazilian Amazon in an analytical and multi-scale way. To this end, initially a theoretical-conceptual review of disasters, vulnerability, fragility and risk is carried out, as well as the phenomena related to poverty and the instruments for its reduction in Latin America and Brazil. As a result, the characterization of natural disasters in the region was carried out and the areas of greatest occurrence were identified on a regional and local scale, with the Mesoregions Centro Amazonense (AM) and Baixo Amazonas (PA) and local, the city of Alenquer (PA) as a regional cut. . Subsequently, disasters were correlated to the PBF in the two selected areas, in order to analyze the efficiency of the PBF for the reduction of natural risks at the regional and local level. The results showed that the Amazon is one of the poorest parts of the Brazilian territory and that the direct income transfer policies practiced in the region need a more specific look, which takes into account the socioeconomic, cultural and physical-natural particularities of the region. The situation of vulnerability prevails among the inhabitants of the Amazon, due to the high condition of poverty, which is exacerbated by exposure to threats derived from dangerous natural events, such as hydro climatic events. Exposure to natural disasters affects the poorest populations most devastatingly, increasing poverty in the region. Therefore, the territory must be the starting point for the application of policies aimed at reducing poverty and extreme poverty. Environmental variables and regional particularities must be part of the vulnerability measurement and identification process, as well as the adoption of more efficient criteria in the distribution of resources to the country's regions.

  • Data: 08/05/2020
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  • The Amazonian territory is globally known for its social, cultural, wildlife, florist, biological, mineral and hydrographic wealth, a contrast with the population's indiscriminate poverty. This fact, resulting from the way in which Amazonia was linked to the territorial division of labor in Brazil and in the world, where its subordinate connection defined the profound exploration of the landscape and consequently of the people. To this end, the Union implemented a territorial domain strategy through institutional actions, putting the floodplain, the highlands and the border in these areas under its control, the State acted knowing its resources, populating, inserting objects and economic activities which carried out the Order proposed for Amazonia, realizing the exploration territory. The objective of the research is to verify Order and Disorder, as dialectical results of the Union's actions on the Amazon, from the territorial domain. The methodology used valued a dialectical-materialist approach and geosystems, a theoretical methodological framework to understand the transformation of the phenomenon at different scales. The results of the Order were expressive territorial occupation, development of non-extractive activities such as livestock and capitalization of mining, and timber. As for Disorder, it meant an increase in the number of people with low wage income, reaching 99.24% of the population in the northern region and the high incidence of conflicts over water and land. In the Jaurucu basin, there was a loss of 3,000 km2 of forests and the complete projection of livestock over an area of 3,760 km2 with loss of landscape potential and the rise of conflicts. In this complex framework, emerges from the place Emerging Order that projects itself to the world, as an economic and social model of development based on the lived and resilience of the landscape.

  • Data: 08/05/2020
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  • The studies related to islands in the Amazon, whether of greater or lesser importance, are minimal, although more than 50% of the municipalities in the Amazon coastal zone - ZCA have a territorial area composed of islands. However, the islands whose definition are portions of land surrounded by water, face numerous barriers such as isolation, development and management aspects. In this sense, the general objective of this work is to analyze the importance of islands in the Amazon coastal zone, and the relationship of development and geographic isolation on islands in the municipality of Belém - PA. The methodological procedures involved two stages, the first involved (i) Presentation to the population of the ZCA municipalities (ii); Identification of the PIB of the municipalities in the coastal zone; (iii) classification of municipalities in the coastal zone that have islands in their territorial composition; (iiii) Quantification of the total area of islands in the ZCA. The second stage consisted of a multicriteria analysis that determined the degree of isolation of the most relevant islands in the municipality of Belém - PA. The determination of the degree of isolation took into consideration two indicators: Accessibility and Connectivity and their respective variables. The data showed that the ZCA, especially the islands, has its significant relevance in terms of the economy, territorial area and PIB of the municipalities. It was also found that the most isolated islands have been boosted on different conditions of autonomy and development. Islands with a lower degree of isolation have physical connections and intense connectivity, a way in which they reduce isolation. In such connections, the islands most prone to development are not those closest to the continent, but those with the greatest service offers.

  • Data: 31/03/2020
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  • This master's thesis has as main objective to identify which is the new role or meaning of Igarapé-Miri in the region of Baixo Tocantins and the socio-spatial implications resulting from this new meaning. To this end, we seek to show how the socio-spatial formation of Baixo Tocantins and, in particular, the municipality of Igarapé-Miri / PA took place through a periodization, with an emphasis on the occupation of space and the development of economic activities, since its origin , in the 18th century, to the present day. Based on this initial proposal, it is sought throughout the work, to show that this new economic meaning assumed by the municipality in the region, based on the production and commercialization of açaí, has had repercussions regarding its centrality and insertion in the economy at different scales, as well as provoking socio-spatial implications verified in the improvement of the quality of life of the diverse social agents that participate in the productive chain and in the restructuring of the urban space due to the influence of social relations inherent to this new meaning. In order to arrive at the results, we tried to use the theoretical-conceptual review based on authors who used the Marxist dialectical historical materialism to interpret reality for the discussion of geographic space and socio-spatial formation as a path. For other stages, methods based on bibliographic research, field research, interviews, photographic survey and use of software that helped in the production of thematic maps on spatial cutouts referring to the study areas were used.


  • Data: 31/03/2020
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  • The Brazilian Amazon constitutes a space marked by successive and several transformations linked to the advance of the urbanization of the territory and the new territorializations associated with "Urban and City Restructuring". On a local scale, the city of Ananindeua has presented a set of metamorphoses at the beginning of the 21st century, as a result of economic, demographic and spatial dynamics, elements that have contributed to the emergence of new centers, to the production of new expressions of urban centrality, with the expansion of socio- spatial inequalities. In this sense, the aim of this research is to analyze how the Center and urban centrality of commerce and services in Ananindeua-PA have been configuring the Center and Centrality of commerce and services in Ananindeua-PA, in view of the context of urban and city restructuring since the 2000s. As a theoretical-methodological approach, we trigger "historical-geographic materialism", as an indispensable itinerary to analyze the material conditions of existence in its complex set of sociospatial contradictions, which are found expressed in the forms, functions and structures of that city. From the point of view of methodological procedures, we conducted bibliographic and documentary survey and analysis, cartographic production, photographic records, qualitative and quantitative systematic observations, as well as interviews semi-structured. The idea launched here focuses on the perspective that the Urban and City Restructuring of Ananindeua has been contributing to the territorialization of new economic agents, expressed in the content forms of the Centers, their respective and multi(poly)urban centralities, as well as for the (re)production and deepening of socio-spatial inequalities, when considering the socio-spatial differentiations between the Center and the areas furthest from the Centers, where the conditions of accessibility to basic urban equipment and services are quite precarious, when non-existent, constituting an expression of contradictions and the denial of spatial justice and the right to the city.


  • Data: 30/03/2020
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  • The great metropolises and cities of the world have been going through an accelerated process of urban complexification, "the result" of processes of capitalist urbanization, urban restructuring, restructuring of cities, globalization of capital, "planetary urbanization" and the neoliberal and financialized global logic. This process-scenario is intertwined with “general patterns and processes that engender the geographical inequalities of capitalist development”, whose “essence” / nature of such dynamics and processes reverberate in socio-spatial inequality and urban violence, which, incidentally, is found in the capitalist urbanization process itself. Thinking about the scale of the city of Belém, this scenario presents itself as a repetition in which spaces, with urbanization of the territory, with the growing expansion of “precarious settlements”, as “expression” of the (uneven) production of the urban space that comes presenting a socio-spatial metamorphosis in the last decade of the metropolization process marked by the consolidation and refunctionalization of the metropolitan space. In view of this configuration, we seek to analyze how processes of socio-spatial inequalities and their correlation with urban violence have been occurring (and / or expanding), in precarious settlements in one of the axes of metropolitan expansion in Belém, Pará, since 2000. The research is guided by Dialectical Historical (Geographic) Materialism, which is based on or considers time, space and social being, the objective reality in its entirety, as well as considering (links between) conflicts and contradictions; finally, it unveils nature and its historical contours, its connections and relations, in a kind of movement that is born and is embodied in a present space-time and actions in recent space-time (integrity of the relationship between the whole and the part). This study was developed through theoretical review, field research, interviews and analysis of secondary data provided by the Municipality of Belém (PMB), Pará State Public Security Secretariat (SEGUP), Deputy Secretariat for Information and Criminal Analysis ( SIAC), Federal University of Pará (UFPA) and Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), Development and Administration Company of the Metropolitan Area of Belém (CODEM), Housing Company of the State of Pará (COHAB). Thus, we found that the crime of homicide is more prevalent in areas where the worst indicators of infrastructure, income and sanitation predominate, which we call indicators of urban quality (Bad and Very Bad). These areas are defined as poor sanitation. In these settlements, the materialization of urban violence is observed (violence as an unequal product of the production of space and violence that manifests itself in its most perverse form in which it results in homicides) as expressions of socio-spatial differentiation and inequality. This is because the settlements would present themselves as spaces that are produced in an unequal way, in which such inequalities can be verified in their forms-contents and uses / appropriations of the city and the Neighborhood.

    KEY-WORDS: Socio-spatial inequality, Metropolization of space, Urban violence, Precarious settlements.

  • Data: 26/03/2020
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  • This paper presents the results of research on a small city on the Northeast coast of Pará, on the eastern portion of the Brazilian Amazon, Vigia of Nazaré, with emphasis on understanding it is role in the network regional urban. Based on initial observations and impressions in the urban space of watch, as well as considering the historical importance of this city in the coast of Pará, it was tried to answer the following question: what is the watch function in the amazon urban network? The present research is of a qualitative nature, and is structured in the historical-dialectical materialism method. It is was thought as a contribution the studies of the processes that involve analysis of the importance of the meanings that small cities on the Salgado state of Pará present in the context of the urban network regional. The methodology of the research used until the present moment is composed the following steps survey and bibliographical revision of historical character on the Amazon urban network and about small cities; And theoretical discussion of the concepts that guide this research as network urban flow horizontality and verticality and small cities; as well as discussions about the Amazonian urban network evidencing the construction process as well as the characteristics and recent dynamics and social-spatial formation of coast of Pará with emphasis on the Salgado region and soon after the discussion about small cities in the amazon, with emphasis on the research locus; and the production of thematic maps. Based on theses procedures, it is intended to answer questions about the problems raised and achieve the proposed objectives by offering a contribution to the academy and society on the understanding the role of Vigia of Nazaré in the Amazonian urban network.

  • Data: 26/03/2020
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  • The ancient colonization of Pará (Salgado Region) and the consequent marginalization from the point of view of the main economic contexts in the Amazon contributed to a very particular socio-spatial formation, even within the context of Pará’s Northeast Area. The insertion of Vigia, Curuçá and Marapanim in the urban network as small towns in the Pará’s Salgado Region occurs in a complex scenario since the multidimensionality that fishing takes on in these cities, therefore it is necessary to understand how these small cities fit in and are inserted through the action of several agents, in the urban network, having artisanal fishing as an element of variant centralities. The general objective of the research is to analyze the way in which the small towns of Vigia, Curuçá and Marapanim, from Pará’s Salgado Region, participate and are inserted in the urban network from artisanal fishing expressed in multiple centralities. The methodology adopted for the realization of the present intent was given by a bibliographic review of a historical-geographical nature for the analysis of the socio-spatial formation, the empirical object, a theoretical point of view to adjusting the research to the main concepts addressed and also the document analysis through the data secondary to subsidize production information, flows and investment allocation at the most diverse scales. Secondary data were obtained through requests for public information by the Citizen Information Service of the government of the state of Pará and also by the Electronic System of the Citizen Information Service of the Federal government. Fieldwork also took place between the years of 2018 and 2020 in order to identify the main processes, forms and agents linked to the object of the research, conducting interviews with the presidents of the fisherman’s colonies, municipal fisheries secretaries and workers from the respective cities, in addition to photographic record and information gathering for the production of cartographic materials. The hypothesis presented is that the small towns of Pará’s Salgado Region participate in the urban network in a complex way, where only the scheme of their insertion due to economic centrality is insufficient in view of the socio-spatial formation of the region, especially when considering fishing as a multidimensional activity and that they are projected at multiple scales, it is therefore believed that it is necessary to carry out analyzes that also include the cities of Vigia, Curuçá and Marapanim in the context of other centralities such as the socio-territorial

  • Data: 25/03/2020
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  • The present research intends to analyze the transformations in the territorialities of fishermen and artisanal fishermen of the municipality of Porto Grande, comprising the areas of direct influence of the hydroelectric enterprises, considering the exogenous aspects that promoted the establishment of these. Therefore, we seek to identify such factors, as well as to present the territoriality modifying effects and to point out the implications on the activity. The generation of energy from Hydroelectric Power Plants along Araguari is part of a project that aims to subsidize, as an infrastructure supporting activities such as mining, in addition to expanding the energy sector of Amapá. Despite the counterparts offered to the population, such as the reduction in energy tariff, job creation, economic and social development, expectations do not correspond to reality. What is observed is that the populations of the areas of influence suffer with aggravation on the environment, the inequality, and consequently, the impoverishment of the amapaense population. It results in the commitment of activities such as artisanal fishing, located in the area of influence of the enterprises, causing alterations in the ecosystem, causing in the escape of species, loss in the aquatic environment, besides the loss of vegetation. Therefore, the current phase of artisanal fishing in Araguari is affected by changes resulting from the transformation of the landscape as a result of the installation of hydroelectric projects and, consequently, affecting the territorial systems of artisanal fishing communities. Keywords: Amazon. Amapá. Hydroelectric. Fishing. Porto Grande.

  • Data: 06/03/2020
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  • Urban and peri-urban agriculture is an important tool to meet the growing food needs of the urban population worldwide and especially in large cities and even in some small municipalities. In this sense, the objective of this qualification report is to seek to understand the contribution of urban and peri-urban agriculture to the development of the municipality of Marituba do Pará. Thus, the experience was conducted to a theoretical discussion by means of a bibliographic survey referring to urban and peri-urban agriculture. Too much we will be interviewing through right observations and meetings with farmers. It is also noteworthy in this report the strengths of urban and peri-urban agriculture, as well as its weaknesses in the light of several authors who work in the field that produce reflections that allow us to understand the potential of agriculture in the city, as well as its areas Peripheral. Moreover, from the fieldwork, other chapters will be developed to identify the socio-spatial relations of production related to its activities and the effects of urban and peri-urban agriculture on urban environment and to analyze the role of Socio-spatial forces of urban and periurban agriculture of Marituba do Pará.
    Keys words: urban and peri-urban agriculture. Local development. Marituba – PA.

  • Data: 19/02/2020
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  • This research presents the analysis of the landscape units of Marapanim River basin from Para State, in order to support the environmental planning of this area. This study is justified initially by the socioeconomic relevance of the intermediate region of Castanhal City, whose aspects of occupation follow the pattern of the Amazon: river - forest – city, as well as, its characteristics of land use are directly related to local economic activities such as oil palm, black pepper production, extensive livestock, family farming, flour production among others. Firstly, it was carried out a bibliographic survey about the landscape dynamics, water resources, environmental management and landscape cartography, including studies on landscape geoecology with characterization of the methodological aspects that support environmental planning, from an analysis, which were divided in organization, inventory and diagnosis. This study allowed the identification and diagnosis of landscape units in the Marapanim River basin, land use characteristics, and physiographic and socioeconomic characteristics that may be used in planning of the study area. As methodological procedures were carry out the field research, data organization for the elaboration of cartographic material of the watershed inventory, use of satellite images landsat 8 (2019), SRTM and use of SIGs to gather information. An important step of this research was elaboration of the land use maps, so that it was carried out global accuracy method, Kappa index to determine the agreement indexes between the obtained information and real one. The research results enabled the elaboration of use and occupation land maps, based on the classification of satellite images, use of Kappa index with value of 0.77 and an overall accuracy value of 85% that indicated the good agreement for the identified uses, and the identification and diagnosis of 6 landscape units. These units present the relationship between the aspects of use and occupation with the physiographic characteristics that lead to a need to consider the geoecological potentials of each landscape unit to accomplish an environmental planning in accordance with the resource and local characteristics. Keywords: Landscape. Landscape Units. Hydrographic basin. Environmental planning.

  • Data: 10/12/2019
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  • The Tomé-Açu Microregion (MRGTA), composed by Acará, Moju, Thailand, Concórdia do Pará and Tomé-Açu municipalities, are quite different from the past, whose transformations in the landscape mosaic reflect the attention and integration strategies. Amazon with the rest of the country. Several mechanisms have been created to attract investments to facilitate and expedite the exploration of the region, including the distribution of tax and credit incentives that have benefited and continue to benefit various companies, including non-payment of taxes, all with the purpose of ensuring trade and to guarantee the survival of productive apparatus of great significance for the country, especially of plant extraction. National incentive programs for biodiesel production reflect the attention and strategies of integration of the Amazon with the rest of the country, through the diversification and expansion of the industrial sector, especially the palm oil production industry. Thus, it is observed that to some extent the rural landscape of MRGTA has changed, as a result of the money and benefits granted by the State for the planting of Elaeis guinenses jacq (palm). We reflect on MRGTA's landscape transformations, such as “space-clad clothing”, which refers to a place associated with other places, originating a region that interacts with others in the national territory, which in turn dialogues with global spatial logics. The main methodological procedures adopted were: the bibliographic review to study the plans, programs, policies and formation of palm oil production in the Paraense Amazon; interpretation and extraction of satellite images from African palm (oil palm) crop plots and their distribution and special dimension; study of geosystemic Landscape Units (UPs) at higher levels (zone, domain and region) and lower units (geosystem, geofacies and geotope), as well as the combination of physical, biological and anthropic elements and finally the transformations and dynamics from 1988 to 2018. In three decades, some changes in the landscape mosaic were interpreted, resulting from new re-editions of the policies implemented in the Amazon, especially for the production of palm oil agribusiness, understood as necessary to the interests of society. based on “sustainable policies” on the generation of labor, employment and income and environmental conservation in economically stagnant and environmentally degraded regions.
    Keyword: Permanent culture. Public policy. Landscape units.

  • Data: 01/11/2019
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  • The research is about the water catchment area of the Araguari river, in Amazônia Amapaense, which is the largest water system in the area, width and volume of water, with approximately 41,903km² occupying 1/3 of the state area. Its springs located in the Tumucumaque Mountains National Park, make up the main course of the Araguari River that will cover a distance of 300 km until its mouth in the Atlantic Ocean in direction NW-SE cutting the state latitudinally and draining with its waters the municipalities of Serra do Navio , Pedra Branca do Amaparí, Porto Grande, Serra do Navio, Cutias do Araguari and Tartarugalzinho. The mean and high angular convergence of its canals, added to its dense mixed or rectilinear meanders, are directly related to the variation of the morphostructural compartments that make up the basin and are directly influenced by a morphothectonic process still active in the pre-holocene phase. As a result, the coastal plain composes one of these geomorphological units, that is, still composed of Holocene sediments that characterize an evolution of the estuarine system and related to its depositional events. Besides the middle and upper portion of the basin, it is composed of pre-Cambrian and Tertiary rocks belonging to the Barreiras Group and Guianense Complex, and characterized by crystalline basement (granulites, granites and gneisses). Its morphostructural characteristics, together with an average annual rainfall of approximately 2,800 mm / year, influence the phytogeographic diversity of the forest along the basin, composed of a dense Ombrophylous Forest upstream, Cerrado Arbório Arbustivo and Cerrado Park in the middle, and field and forest of lowland and lowland mangroves. The history of the use and occupation of this basin is directly related to the political actions of intervention in this territory, in which the national and international conservationist moment in the 1980s and 1990s, materialized the creation of extensive and varied national, state and municipal conservation units , as well as areas for agrarian reform, indigenous lands and quilombolas, small urban centers and rural areas, making up an area of more than 50% of the basin. On the other hand, it encouraged the installation and potentiated the use of natural resources in front of areas discovered by these federated environmental territories. In fact, it hosted the first multinational company for the mineral exploitation of manganese (1957) and the Hydroelectric Power Plant Coracy Nunes (1974). In addition, the Araguari ecosystem has been heavily influenced by the extensive silvicultural and planting of grain crops since 1970, mainly occupying regions of dissected and conserved trays coated with cerrado, and the presence of bubalinocultura and artificializing the environment, cultures, societies and economies, re-producing spaces and relations of power that will manifest in the landscape within a holistic and systemic vision. Therefore, this work has the perspective of fostering spatial ordering through an integrated environmental assessment, analyzing the spatial self-correlation of multiple physical, social and economic variables, spatially modeling the fragility of these environments under an ecodynamic perspective, designing in the end a plan environmental management of the Araguari river basin in Amapá. Keywords: Hydrographic Basin. Araguari River. Amapá. Ecodynamics. Landscape.

  • "HOUSING PRODUCTION AND SOCIOESPACIAL INEQUALITY: An analysis of the program my house my life in the municipality of Marituba, Pará"
  • Data: 30/08/2019
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  • Socio-spatial inequalities are characteristic of contemporary society. This is a reflection, product, condition and means of this relationship in the city's production that reveals its visible or not visible marks. The villa is one of these brands. Over time the rent of land and private property conferred housing exchange value. These are one of the many faces of the capitalist mode of production. This paper aims to make an analysis of the production of urban space from the production of housing in the municipality of Marituba in the state of Pará. Marituba is characterized by its location near the capital Belém and also located within the RMB. Entry and exit point of the capital, the city has its history marked by the construction of EFB. The methodology used will be historical and dialectical materialism. The methodological procedures consist of a bibliographical review referring to the developed theme. The second part of the research will be of paramount importance as field work will be developed with quantitative and qualitative data collection, including visits to projects already implemented. Field visits to the Municipal Housing Secretariat (SEHAB), COHAB, Caixa Econômica Federal and housing agency. The third part will be the analysis of the data obtained regarding the PMCMV and the cartographic production and the production of the written dissertation with all the results obtained throughout the research. In the last part will be produced, charts, tables tables with the results. Abstract: Urban space production, socio-spatial inequality, Housing Production, Marituba.



  • Capitalist development and living conditions of displaced families compulsory for Collective Rural Resettlement in Vitória do Xingu, State of For

  • Data: 28/08/2019
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  • "There will be a party in the city": Space production at the carnival of the city of Vigia-PA
  • Data: 09/08/2019
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  • In the production of the city's space, the party is characterized as a phenomenon of rupture of the ordinary space-time of the daily life that has its rhythm dictated by the labor activities giving rise to the denominated festive space-time, being also one of the socio-spatial practices responsible for the appropriation of space in cities, especially those considered public. This appropriation is carried out from the strategies and / or tactics of different socio-spatial agents that act in the production of the festive space, either within the space of representation or the representation of space and through this festive appropriation it assigns other types of uses that usually do not appear in the ordinary space-time of the daily life of the city. Among the many examples of parties that change the usual temporality, we adopt as an empirical reference, the carnival of the municipality of Vigia - PA, one of the most traditional in the Amazon region and that throughout its history has undergone transformations in its content following the logic of urban-spectacularization (also present in other cities of the Amazon region) and that influences the spatiality of the party's socio-spatial agents and the way they use public spaces. Therefore, the present work has as objective to analyze the production of the space of representation and representation from the appropriation of spaces considered public paying attention to their different uses during the festive events having as an empirical reference the carnival of Vigia-PA. In order to reach this objective we opted to develop the research through the dialectical method and the methodology of qualitative basis that had as procedures the survey and bibliographical revision, field work and cartographic production. The structure and writing of the dissertation followed the steps of the regressive-progressive method proposed by Henri Lefebvre, which consists of three stages: theoretical-descriptive, analytic-regressive and historical-genetic. The research found that even with the logic of the representation of space coopted by capital and imposed by those who play the dominant strategies in the carnival party, there are resistances, spontaneous manifestations that do not follow the normative strategies and that are there because the agents who practice them have in the space of the party a symbolism and that certain ways in which these public spaces are used in the carnival are the way they live the party which refers to the lived aspect or space of representation of each participant.
    Keywords: carnival; City; production of space.

  • Data: 23/07/2019
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     The expansion of the Amazonian economic frontier, especially in the 1960s, led to the restructuring of Amazonian cities, especially in the urban network and the importance of these cities in the logic of capitalism. From this process of expansion of the economic frontier cities have gained new roles in capitalist logic. In this context, we highlight Altamira (PA), which plays a role as a polo city of the Region of Integration of the Xingu, where residents of neighboring cities seek to use public services and commerce that they can not find in their cities. In this sense, both the lower and upper economy of the city has a role of relevance in the State, Federal and World Scale. From this perspective, the aim is to understand the role and importance of the city of Altamira for the national economy, through the superior circuit of the urban economy; and also seeks to verify if the installation of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant has altered the city's economy and if the city's economy has undergone a restructuring to meet the implementation of this space object. Considering the socioeconomic importance of Altamira for the region of integration of the Xingu, in the present dissertation, the researched topic is presented; the introduction, with the following elements of the research: central problem, objectives, hypothesis, justification and methodological procedures used in the dissertation; the first, second and third chapter, with the systematization of the research, in which the first chapter presents a bibliographical review about the concept of the economy circuit developed by Milton Santos to analyze the economy of the underdeveloped countries, the second chapter seeks to survey about the and the third chapter presents the main components of the upper circuit of the urban economy of the city of Altamira-Pará, as it was transformed from 2000 to 2018 and how the relationships of horizontality and verticality are established.
    Keywords:Amazônia; Superior circuit of the economy; Altamira and Belo Monte HPP.

  • Data: 26/06/2019
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  • The analysis of the relationship between the dendeiculture and the New Brazilian Forest Code in the Tomé-Açu microregion, Northeast of Pará, is the object of reflection of this study, whose objective is to describe and analyze environmental legislation from the time when Brazil was a colony, until the present day, so that the theme can be understood culturally in relation to the history of the region. The methodology used was documentary research and bibliographical review, through which historical, conceptual and legal elements about the forest were recovered. The results showed that since the colonization period, the Portuguese have imposed "environmental" legislation, which was, in fact, much more concerned with defending the monopoly of the crown and environmental laws are fragile and require various modifications. In the course of the 20th century, several agricultural projects were organized in the north-east of Para, in the micro-region of Tome-Açu, until reaching the oil palm, which had public or private investment, techniques and public policies, aimed at the expansion of the oil palm in the Amazon, international importance. It has been verified, according to previous researches, that this culture allows man to be established in the countryside, that he has a source of income throughout the year, thus making it possible to improve his socioeconomic condition, absorbing large numbers of local labor, counting with more than 10,000 direct and indirect workers, although some scholars believe that the plantation promotes the destruction of local peasant agriculture, contributing to the exclusion of the peasantry. However, the considerations presented in the last chapter of this study do not intend to defend a single and absolute truth on the subject, given their magnitude and importance, but they lead one to believe that both the current Forest Code and the oil palm culture in the region are still in the process of evolution, serving as a reference guide for further steps.
    Keywords: Forest Code. Farming. Environmental legislation.

  • Data: 25/06/2019
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  • This work is a contribution to the reading of urban movements from Geography. In view of a concrete case, the objective is to analyze how the territorialization of the struggle for housing occurs, starting an urban occupation in the insular portion of the city of Belém-PA in the recent context of urban transformations resulting from the development of metropolitan dispersion accentuated in the 1980s. In the first theoretical moment there is the debate about the metropolization linked to the discussions about the struggle for housing, the right to the city and urban resistance processes. Soon after (in the chapter IV), in the light of this tool, we performed the field work; bibliographic sources of Geography and Social Sciences were used; by means of sampling, we applied questionnaires and interviews. We have seen that the tactical and strategic expedients of an urban social movement at the beginning of the on-screen case were imbued with insurgent spatial practices that shaped dissident territories within the metropolis as a counter-hegemony to the violation of constituted rights. From 2011 to the presents days, however, the wear and tear seems to be much more evident in the movement of housing, which has led to the verification of our initial hypothesis - due to both the intensification of urban predation and the identified patronage. We conclude by pointing to the consideration of multiterritorialities in metropolitan urban planning. In this sense, the importance of geographic reading on the collective actions engendered by social movements in order to approach them, to understand them in a conjuncture of challenges imposed by capitalism, where both the geographers and the movements can cooperate to realize the right to City and more socio-spatial justice.
    Keywords: Urban Social Movements; Metropolization process;.Right to the City; Belém; Caratateua.

  • Data: 24/06/2019
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  • Brazilian cities have been experiencing an intense process of population growth resulting from a migration of the population of rural areas towards the more urbanized areas. Due to this movement many areas grew without any form of planning leaving these spaces with socio-environmental problems. In this sense, it is important to carry out an environmental planning in order to reduce the negative impacts on urban spaces and thus improve the environmental quality to develop an urban sustainability that has environmentally balanced spaces, providing comfort for the resident population. The objective of this work is to analyze the environmental situation of the Cruzeiro and Tenoné districts of the administrative district of Icoaraci - Belém. The methodology proposed by Kawakubo and Morato (2007) was used to analyze the situation of the urban environmental quality of neighborhoods, based on data provided by IBGE (2010), for the elaboration of indices of ten selected indicators: lighting, paving, sidewalk, plant cover, absence of accumulated garbage, collected garbage, water supply, sewage absence open air and sanitary sewage, after developing a synthetic index, the urban environmental quality index. Next, a map of the distribution of the indicators used by the census tract of the neighborhoods was elaborated. And with the results about the urban environmental quality of the neighborhoods of Cruzeiro and Tenoné, it was possible to see which indicators are the most precarious and that need intervention of public policies aimed at the minimization of the impacts so that adequate conditions of living of the populations are established.
    Keywords: Environmental Planning; Urban Environmental Quality; Environmental Indicators; Geoprocessing; Environment.


  • Data: 19/06/2019
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  • This research presents an analysis about flooding processes in the urban area of Ferreira Gomes in Amapá related to the hydroelectric projects in the middle course of the Araguari River, which bathes the entire border of the town. In order to understand the dimension of the environmental and social exposure involved, the studies were based on the geosystemic theory of landscape analysis, where the different elements that compose the system are observed from the dynamics of the relationships between these and the effects to the environment. In addition, a historical survey was taken on hydroelectric projects in the Brazilian Amazon region, the impacts and risks associated with the implementation of large projects in order to support the understanding of the use of natural resources from the point of view of environmental management. The concepts and methodology presented here were based on the environmental diagnosis of the area, through the biophysical characterization of the urban perimeter of Ferreira Gomes and field activity where sector files were filled out, with observations of environmental aspects and collection of images of the current scenario of the area. This survey allowed the classification in sectors with different degrees of flooding risks, considering elements such as the constructive pattern of the dwellings and the proximity to the river. In this way, the conditions of reception and resilience of the population and of the public and private entities involved in emergency situations are analyzed and as environmental diagnosis and risk mapping studies can assist in the development of impact management strategies.
    Tags: Amazon, Flood, Geosystems, Hydroelectric, Araguari River.

  • SOCIO-ENVIRONMENTAL TERRITORY AND CONFLICTS: a case study of the Igarapé Mata Fome Basin in Belém, Pará
  • Data: 11/06/2019
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  • The Mata Fome Basin in Belém has been undergoing socio-spatial changes since the 1980s due to the urban occupation process, which has resulted in the diversification of land uses in the basin. In turn, the diversity of land uses has led to socio-environmental conflicts. The present work has the objective of analyzing the socioenvironmental conflicts in the Mata Fome Basin, emphasizing land conflicts. For this purpose, land use mapping was carried out, as well as the socioenvironmental conflicts that occur in the basin, where it was found that land conflicts are the most numerous. In this sense, it was verified throughout this research that the land conflicts in the area of study have different times of occurrence and involve two social actors: the residents of the spontaneous occupations and the proprietors land. These litigations occur due to the different interests of these social groups regarding land ownership, since for the first group the land has the function of housing, while for the second, it has the purpose of real estate speculation.
    Keywords: Urban occupation; Land use; Conflicts.

  • Data: 10/06/2019
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  • The process of patrimonialization can be characterized as a vector that contributes considerably to the production of urban space, based on urban transformations and proposals, where we observe actions aimed at the preservation, valorization or re-signification of the patrimony. Observing its importance for the socioeconomic dynamics of the city, this study aims to analyze the production of space on the edge of the Historic Center from the process of patrimonialization, to achieve this goal the research presents the following questions: How has the patrimonialisation process influenced the production of living spaces and designed on the edge of the CHB? What are the main agents that contribute to the process of production of the space in the border? What strategies of use and appropriation are adopted and the possible conflicts between the agents that produce patrimonial spaces? The methodological procedures followed were: theoretical-conceptual bibliographic review, documentary analysis, cartographic production, survey and photographic record, as well as fieldwork in the area of the object of study and interviews directed to the agents of space production. Thus, the analysis of this process makes it possible to understand the political strategies for cultural heritage from the urban interventions, the understanding of the importance of each agent and how they appropriate these spaces, even with the conflicts caused by the intense transformations in the edge space.



  • Data: 31/05/2019
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  • The city of Castanhal from the beginning of the XXI century has undergone significant transformations in the composition of its urban space, marked by an intense population increase and by a rapid process of expansion of the urban fabric that grows by means of the expansion of its peripheral spaces. The whole of these transformations reverberates in new territorial configurations regarding the production of socio-spatial inequalities and housing in the city, where the My Home My Life Program (PMCMV) plays an important role. In this respect, the respective program launched in 2009 by the federal government, has significant effects on (re) organization of the space of several Brazilian cities. In the scale of the city of Castanhal the analysis concerning the conditions of insertion of the enterprises of the respective program brings to the fore problems related to the reproduction of the inequality and the spatial injustice. In view of this, this paper aims to analyze how the production of urban space from the PMCMV, interfere in the production of housing and social and spatial inequality in the city of Castanhal / PA. It is defended the idea that the current dynamics of housing production promoted by PMCMV ventures in the city has contributed to reinforce the existing pattern of socio-spatial inequalities by ratifying the differences between the subjects that produce and consume the urban space of the city, constituting still element of negation of the principles of space justice and the right to the city. The research, therefore, consists of a case study, from which a bibliographic and documentary survey, cartographic production, qualitative systematic observations, photographic records and semi-structured interviews were carried out in the enterprises that make up both the income brackets of the program and in those built and marketed through the granting of credit to housing finance. The results show that the meaning of the program in the expansion of the urban fabric of Castanhal as well as the promotion of socio-spatial inequality are directly related to the type of public served in their respective income brackets. It was also found that its effects on the city extend beyond only the implications related to the undertakings of its ranges of performance. The program, which also introduced a large amount of credit in the private sector, has boosted the city's real estate growth and the number of private enterprises built, thus characterizing not only as a public policy of social interest but also as an essential opportunity for expansion of the real estate market and of the city's own urban fabric by printing in the production of its spaces a series of inequalities and spatial injustices through the production of housing. KEYWORDS: Household Production; Socio-spatial inequality; My Home My Life Program; Castanhal.

  • THE PRODUCTION OF URBAN SPACE AND EVERYDAY LIFE: an analysis of the different urban settlements in Castanhal-PA

  • Data: 22/04/2019
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  • It is understood that the city is not characterized as a through and finished mold, serving only as a stage for the performance of society, contrariwise, is a reflection of the social relations existing in it. Embedded in the idea that space is a 'condition' for nature and society to exist, a 'means' for it to reproduce and at the same time 'product' of its actions and transformations (LEFEBVRE, 2008), we consider space dynamic, produced by different agents and in constant structuring process. Based on these affirmations, the main objective of this work is to understand the process of production of the urban space of Castanhal / PA from different urban settlement spaces, analyzing the territorial expansion and the effects on the daily life of the residents. The city is part of the Metropolitan Region of Belém - MRB, but still has its own centrality, polarizing fourteen cities to the surroundings, according to the study of REGIC 2007 (Region of Influence of Cities) and characterizing itself as a Sub-regional Center A. This dual dynamic presented by Castanhal results from its historical process of formation that helped to highlight the city as a center, according to Ribeiro (2017) it was: the construction of the Bragança Railway – BR; the withdrawal of BR and subsequent implementation of the BR-316; and the strong metropolitan dispersion process that the city has suffered, which resulted in its inclusion in the MRB in 2011. Thus, each element that was highlighted contributed to the organization of the Castanhal spatial forms, resulting in the urban-regional complexity in which it today it presents, for example, the structuring of urban settlement spaces, produced by different agents, some of them: the State, implanting the constructions by the My House My Life - MHML Program; the private real estate capital, with the medium and high standard enterprises, such as the large closed condominiums; and the socially excluded population, that organizes their homes from self-construction, located in irregular areas. We can verify, from the analysis of the structuring of these enterprises, the intense process of production of the urban fabric of the city composed of the actualization logic and the spatialization of these agents, that despite working in nearby areas, modify and structure this space in a different way, looking for, analyze this process and the effects on the daily lives of the residents.
    Keywords: Castanhal; Production of space; Structuring; Daily life.


  • Data: 15/04/2019
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  • The city of Bragança, located in the Northeast of Pará, is classified under the urban network of the Northeast of Paraense as a sub-regional center B according to the study of REGIC 2007 (IBGE, 2008), based on its regional urban centrality as a fundamental element in the process of intensifying spatial interactions and, therefore, the very structuring of the urban network. In this sense, Bragança constitutes important regional articulations that are expressed through fishing activity, highlighted in the present research, whose main objective is to analyze the implications of the fishing activity on the urban-regional centrality of Bragança and on the structuring of its urban space. The methodological procedures, developed with the purpose of reaching the established objectives, involve the constitution of a theoretical basis, the collection and analysis of documents and secondary data and the accomplishment of fieldwork, with several purposes, among them, the accomplishment of interviews. In this way, it was observed that fishing stands out as a structuring activity and constituent of constant flows of people, goods and services to the city of Bragança, providing the municipality by means of the commercialization of the fish great prominence in what concerns its urban-regional centrality within the urban network of Northeast of Para.
    Keywords: Urban Structuring, Urban-Regional Centralization, Spatial Interactions.

  • INFLUENCE OF TIME IN NATURAL DISASTERS: problematic areas with high flood or flood records, Belém-PA

  • Data: 15/04/2019
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  • ABSTRACT The floods and floods that occur in Belém, capital of the state of Pará, usually bring with them environmental, social and economic problems that directly influence the dynamics of the city, as well as of the individuals who live or travel in it. In view of the above, several studies on the occurrence of these events in the municipality were produced, these studies usually address topics such as natural or anthropic characteristics that give rise to or intensify the occurrence of these disasters in Belém, and the vulnerability of the population to these phenomena. However, there is no research on one of the key elements for the characterization of risk, threat, disaster and vulnerability, Time. Therefore, the main objective of this work was to understand the influence of time on the characterization and analysis of natural disasters, by investigating the problem of areas with greater flood and flood records in Belém. greater recurrence of floods or floods in the municipality, which were used as a case study of this study; to delimit the influence of time on the threat (flood and/or flood) and to analyze the influence of time on vulnerability (exposure, resilience and susceptibility) of the inhabitants of Belém to these disasters. The results indicate that the approach of Time is necessary to understand the context of disaster and the vulnerability of the population to the occurrence of floods or floods in Belém, consequently, it is also relevant for the development of strategies, by the State, aimed at minimizing or solving the vulnerability of these citizens to these harmful events.
    Keywords: Time. Natural disasters. Vulnerability. Floods and Floodplain.

  • SOCIOTERRITORIAL MOVEMENTS AND AGRICULTURAL ISSUE IN AMAZÔNIA PARAENSE: Territory and education as elements of struggle, resistance and peasant recreation.

  • Data: 12/04/2019
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  • This dissertation presents the research on the socio-spatial and socio-territorial movements of the field and the Agrarian Question in the Paraense Amazon, above all the theoretical reflections signed within the scope of the debate in the Nucleus of Agricultural Studies and Research on Development, Space and Conflict (NEADEC). we aim at an interpretation of the territory, as a totality that composes the manifested conflict in multiple dimensions and scales, and the unfolding of this in the concept of socio - territorial movements as a seminal geographic methodological theoretical instrument to understand the conflicts in the midst of the struggles of collective agents in the countryside. among them, we established the Field Education as an element that produces and reproduces the territorialities and way of life of peasants, revealing their indispensability for resistance and re-creation of the peasantry. this report contains a theoretical reflection on space, territory, sociospatial and socioterritorial movements, and then the framework of what has been constructed as second, third and fourth chapter, which present the paradigmatic debate between the Agrarian Question Paradigm (PQA) agrarian capitalism paradigm (PCA), the current trajectory and struggles of the MST, as well as its struggle for Field Education. the methodology used was the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the topic discussed, participant observation and interviews with Sem Terra leaders.
    Keywords: Amazon; Territory; Rural Education; Socio-territorial movements.

  • Data: 28/03/2019
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  • The district of São João do Abade, study area of the present research, in the municipality of Curuçá, is one of the main fisheries warehouses of the region. With a diversity of refrigerators, as well as warehouses and the municipal market itself, it is able to add relevance to the development of the fishing industry. In Curuçá, commercial fishing of the artisanal type is practiced, according to Article 8 § 1 of Law No. 11. 959 of June 29, 2009. This dissertation research started from the premise that these artisanal commercial fishermen are divided in two distinct groups in Curuçá: the autonomous fishermen and the fishermen subordinated to the masters in which both sell their fish in the district of St. John of the Abbot. The morreteros who reside in the Abbot and who have their origins in the municipality of Bragança verbally hire by the aviamento these fishermen that in their majority are also of other municipalities of the northeast part of Pará, whereas the autonomous fishermen, of curuçaense origin for the most part, seek to break with this dependence on the intermediaries made by marreteiros or regatões in the fish trade. The present dissertation states that the territorial conflicts between these two social segments are placed in this way due to the dispute for the consumer markets of fish and also for the species of greater commercial value. In order to maintain and survive as a social segment in the fishing activity, these two groups develop territorial strategies and to analyze these pragmatic actions and the conflicts between the agents involved was used as a research methodology in this study the participatory mapping with the aid of the Global Positioning System (GPS) along with these social actors in addition to structured interviews with observations in questionnaires and photographic records in loco of the reality of the research.
    Keywords: Territories. Fishing. Curuçá. Saint John of the Abade. Amazon.


  • Data: 28/03/2019
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  • The community The remnant quilombo community of São Tomé de Tauçú presents
    restructuring in its way of life, via capitalist system of production and insertion of new
    cultural standards. Based on this, this research is questioned around which are the factors that
    are generating modifications in the traditional way of life from the insertion of new patterns
    and elements that are restructuring and remodeling the culture of the remainders of quilombo.
    As well as, it aims to a) Analyze the concepts and conceptions about the way of life, methods,
    etc .; b) Explain how the process of restructuring the quilombola way of life has been
    occurring from its trajectory in the Amazon and, consequently, if these social actors are
    resisting this process or not; c) Identify the factors that are contributing to the restructuring of
    the traditional living standards of quilombo remnants. We propose to verify: "The
    restructuring of the quilombola way of life of São Tomé de Tauçú in the River Acutipereira
    Municipality of Portel (PA)" aiming to analyze the transformations in the quilombola way of
    life and its unfolding in contemporaneity and consequently the elements that are being
    replaced by the innovation of the production process in the Quilombola territory of Tauçú.
    Thus, the capitalist system of production has promoted to the reorganization, restructuring of
    the social environment, customs, beliefs, habits and production process, presenting facilities
    in the way of subsisting. Therefore it is also verified as a result of the bond with the municipal
    public power and by the benefits of social programs, family bag, green bag and etc.
    Keywords: Restructuring, Remnant of Quilombo, Way of life, Amazon.


  • Data: 14/03/2019
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  • With its fragile ecosystem, due to its great biodiversity, the coastal zone is considered to be one of the most physically and socioeconomically vulnerable environments. In addition to the natural hazards (floods), coastal zones are in increasing occupation. in the case of the coast of Pará, that its coastal zone, was connected by the rivers with the capital, facilitating its initial occupation, its intensification was due to the tourist and economic practices, which increased its vulnerability, intensifying the problems related to the floods. This is the case of the district of Marudá in the municipality of Marapanim, the municipality is located in the northeast mesoregion of Pará, with a population of 26,605 inhabitants. It consists of four districts, where the spatial analysis is the district of Marudá, also known as coast of the salty Paraense that presents / displays to the recesses or "false estuaries", that serve as sewer for the rivers that are born in the coastal plateau. In this area the disorderly growth in the coastal cities predominates with the grounding of mangroves. It should be noted that the problem of flooding is a Brazilian reality that causes great disruption to the coastal population, which causes negative impacts and consequently their imbalance, generating vulnerable areas and potential risks for the local population. Thus the research intends to carry out a diagnosis of potential flood risk in the district of Marudá, facing the occupation dynamics. With this, this report presents the introduction, objectives, justification and methodological procedures of the dissertation. Where the first chapter is a bibliographical review on the coastal environment and its morphodynamics, together with the analysis of the concepts and classification of the risks.
    Keywords: coastal morphology, coastal, vulnerability


  • Data: 14/03/2019
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  • Since the second half of the 20th century the Legal Amazon was the target of regional development polices whose impacts alter the space organization pattern. A new urban configuration associated with the national integration arose. In this context, new urban cores emerged.  The analysis of statistic data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) indicates a relation between the urbanization process and the population dynamics emerging through the implantation of projects of infrastructure (power lines and roads), colonization, mineral resources exploration (mineral and wood extraction) and agropastoralism. Considering that information and using data from the state of Para, the Annual Growth Geometric Rate (TGCA) and the Urbanization Degree were calculated for the intercensal periods of 1991 to 2000, 2000 to 2010 and estimated for the period of 2010 to 201. These values allowed the production of maps that indicate new trends on the population and urban dynamics showing a new growth rate and a new population distribution among these periods. The results are: a population growth of 72% between the years 1991 and 2018 and the fact that the majority of this population lives in the urban area and compose 68% of the state population. There were a reduction on the number of municipalities since 1997 which induced an increase on the number of cities with bigger population, consequently, enhancing the amount of cities with more than 50.000 habitants. The number of immigrants increased by 8% for the Para state according to the census of the years 2000 and 2010 and most of these are inter-regional immigrants.


    Keywords: Space of Para State. Population Dynamics. Urbanization.


  • Data: 28/02/2019
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  • The main importance of buffer zones (ZA) in Conservation Units is precisely the protection of
    the unit and its environment in the management of natural resources in a sustainable way,
    aiming to reduce the pressure that human activities exert on the unity. In the specific case of
    the ZA of the RESEX Marinha de São João da Ponta, this pressure is mainly related to the
    growth of agriculture and the expansion of the urban area, to the detriment of the reduction of
    vegetation areas (dense alluvial forest and mangrove). The large mosaic of RESEX fragments
    located in the coastal zone of the state of Pará. The objective of this dissertation was to
    evaluate the landscape dynamics based on the multitemporal evaluation of land use and
    coverage, later applying the landscape metrics to understand structure. The use of landscape
    metrics allowed us to evaluate that despite the reduction of vegetation areas, a high number of
    fragments of less than five hectares was found, allowing us to infer that it is necessary to
    strengthen environmental control in these areas. Monitoring the buffer zone (ZA) of
    conservation units is essential for the management and protection of biodiversity, especially
    when dealing with the different types of land use found in the Amazon. It was verified
    through the landscape metrics related to area indices (CA) and (PP) and size (NP) and (MPS),
    that mainly fragments of vegetation smaller than ten hectares (> 10 ha) are more prone to
    shredding and the loss of connectivity, that is, they are priority areas for public policies of
    environmental protection, these smaller fragments suffer greater pressure from agriculture,
    observed from remote sensing data. As a result of this discussion, the development of the
    Project Orbital Monitoring of Damping Zones in Conservation Units (MOZAUC) is proposed
    as a technical cooperation with ICMBio/São João da Ponta, since it collaborates greatly for
    the environmental management and modernization of management processes. Finally, the
    study of the dynamics of the landscape in the vicinity of RESEX Marinha de São João da
    Ponta contributed to the management of the unit, as it enabled the evaluation and monitoring
    of local biodiversity pressures through the analysis of landscape dynamics.

    Keywords: Ecology of Landscape; Geoprocessing; Extractive reserve; Coastal Zone
    Paraense; Environmental Geography.


  • Data: 22/02/2019
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  • The use of the hydroelectric option in Brazil was disseminated in the 1950s, during
    which the country had as its main purpose the construction of Large Projects, with the purpose
    of solving problems related to electric power issues in Brazil. In this way, the insertion of the
    Great Projects in the Amazon, whose main argument was that with the construction of these
    enterprises would bring the coveted socioeconomic development to the region, disregarding the
    regional dynamics and the traditional populations there. For, when deployed in the region, they
    disorganize the logic of social organization, inferring innumerable impacts generated both
    material and immaterial, the rupture of affective and cultural ties established in the territory,
    and these projects are responsible for the organization and control of the territory. The objective
    of this dissertation is to analyze the deterritorialization experienced by the families resettled in
    the Jatobá RUC, Altamira-PA, as a function of the Belo Monte hydroelectric project. It was
    tried to verify the new relations in the resettlement, since they distance themselves from the
    relations established in the old territory, of the historically established conditions of material
    and immaterial production. In research, the following procedures were defined: bibliographical
    and documentary survey, which involves bibliographical survey acquired during the course of
    the subjects and orientations, accomplishment of fieldwork, analysis of the study area,
    photographs and elaboration of maps. Therefore, the complexity of the processes that take place
    with deterritorialization is central, making it clear how these large projects modify not only the
    regional productive structure, but also the process of organization of the space and the living
    conditions of the people living in the areas affected by the development. Notably, the interests
    are based on the capitalist dynamics and seek to produce the spaces, to circumvent the territory,
    usually, characterizing the anxieties and dynamics of the local population.
    Keywords: Resettled; Territory; Great Projects; UHE Belo Monte;


  • Data: 22/02/2019
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  • The deterritorialization suffered by children and adolescents in the city of Altamira,
    Sudoeste Paraense, triggered drastic ruptures in the living conditions of children and
    adolescents, especially in the prevailing materialities and immaterialities. In this
    premise, the objective is to analyze the territorialities of such subjects / social actors
    in the RUC Jatobá. However, such analysis is a challenge because, in the Brazilian
    academic world, there is a lack of sciences in discussions undertaken in the defense
    of children and adolescents, especially in Geography, in considering these subjects /
    actors as protagonists and participants in life as a whole , and how, objects of
    scientific research. In the meantime, this dissertation is supported, using Dialectic as
    a method to analyze the territorialities of children and adolescents in the Jatobá
    Collective Urban Resettlement, due to the deterritorialization caused by Belo Monte
    HPP. In this way, semi-structured interviews with the children and adolescents
    subjects were taken as methodological procedures, a documentary survey was
    carried out through the public bodies installed in the JUC-Jabobá as the Day Care
    Center and the Health Unit, data and interviews with members of the Movement of
    People Affected by Dam (MAB) and the Tutelar Council of Altamira. Obtaining as a
    result different territorialities, but with ruptures in the immaterial bases, fragile and
    insecure as far as the re-production of the social space in not feeling belonged there
    is a territory-place. It is important to stress that this dissertation was executed with
    the support of the Study Group on Territorial Dynamics and Development in the
    Amazon (GEDTAM-UFPA Altamira).
    Keywords: Altamira-PA, Territory, Territorialities, Children and Adolescents, Belo
    Monte HPP.
  • Data: 22/02/2019
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  • The municipality of Altamira in the state of Pará, goes through sociospatial, profound
    transformations after the construction of the Belo Monte hydroelectric power plant, which
    constitutes itself as a space for the rationalization of capital, from the technical objects used as
    a mechanism to bar the Xingu River and thus generate energy. The rational space produced
    after the hpp of Belo Monte is directly linked to the hegemonic spatial order, which dictates
    rules and spatial norms raved nature and imposing unequal relations. Thus the Xingu region is
    affected by mechanisms that bring with it a great environmental impact and a huge social and
    spatial inequality after the installation of this technical object. Thus, we sought to understand
    from this reflection on the role of social movements in the conjuncture of consolidation and
    compliance with the constraints in the agrarian area of Altamira, constituting as agents of
    contention of the hegemonic order in space in Formation of the "counter-space" that is
    concretized from the organization of civil society in search of rights in the agrarian space of
    Altamira (PA).
    Keywords: Rational space. Counterspace. Social movements.


  • Data: 08/02/2019
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  • Isolation in island territories in Chile can be found in areas of connectivity, economic, productive, social and even cultural factors; based on the interdependence of the population, on natural resources to meet their own needs. Therefore, this research identifies the degree of isolation of the municipalities of the Province of Chiloé (Region of "Los Lagos", Chile), developing as a result a methodology that allows to recognize and compare the degree of isolation of each communal area, through analyzes of the variables of connectivity and presence of services in the territory, followed by the perception of the population in its isolated geographic space, and the coastal management processes that are developed within the provincial area; according to the socioeconomic activities carried out in the coastal limit. Understanding, therefore, the condition of isolation of the provincial territory as a characteristic of its insularity, which is linked to the accessibility of the population to the services present in each communal space and demonstrating the communes of Puqueldón and Dalcahue with the highest degree of isolation in the Province of Chiloé. Keywords: Accessibility. Local Development. Insularity. Insulation. Coastal Zone.

  • SPACIALITIES OF NATURAL HERITAGE IN THE AMAZON: Space Production in Cotijuba, Belém-Pará.

  • Data: 27/08/2018
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  • This work discusses the concept of Natural Heritage produced by Scifone (2006) and the Production of the Social Space of Lefebvre (1974), having as study area an Amazonian island represented by Cotijuba in Belém do Pará. The general objective is to analyze the Production and Reproduction of the Space of Natural Heritage on the island of Cotijuba, taking into account possible changes in land use and occupation measured by the product of the expansion of the urban fabric of the metropolis. For this purpose, the following methodological procedures were used: a) bibliographic review of themes such as an urban geography and geography of the Amazon for a coherent territorial series between a rural - urban question, a territorial formation of Belém; b) bibliographical review on concepts, themes and theories, highlighting: Natural Heritage, Cultural Heritage and Social Production of Space; c) bibliographic review of a historical-geographical character on the study area in question; d) documental survey about the island of Cotijuba and the information of Belém also related to the island; e) Semistructured interviews that occurred in the fieldworks, carried out with key agents selected in the research, namely: representatives of the community of Cotijuba, external visitors and public authority; f) systematic classification of the workfield and with photographic record on the ways of appropriation and uses of the island, its daily social organization and, thus, its social reproduction in space; g) analysis and systematization of the informations and results, and write the dissertation. As a result, it can be seen that the production of the space in Cotijuba, as an unpatrimonialised Natural Heritage, contemplates issues directly related to the tourist activities carried out there, the intervention of the public power and the organization of the local community. As a living space for former farmers of the reforming colony, migrants from other islands, of the periphery of Belém, and owners of holiday homes, the island urgently needs a territorial planning that takes into account its Natural Heritage, not forgetting the need for Socio-Spatial Development by/for the residents of the Island of Cotijuba.
    Keywords: Social Production of Space. Natural Heritage. Metropolization. Tourism. Island of Cotijuba (PA).

  • Data: 09/08/2018
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  • The historical process of occupation of the Amazon was the object of many conflicts
    and transformations between them the process of colonization of the Transamazônica in
    the 1970s, where it suffered drastic and irreversible alterations in its landscape through
    the incentives of the national policy, in which the advance of the agricultural frontier
    and the introduction of livestock introduced in originally forest areas. It is assumed,
    then, that the transformations in the landscape dynamics of the study area are related to
    the anthropic occupation in the regional-local context, where an analysis of the
    transformation occurred in the landscape and the cumulative changes due to time are
    sought. responsible for the dynamics of the physical environment and consequently alter
    the relation Nature Society. Based on the bibliographical survey and empirical research
    in the Princesa do Xingu agrovila located geographically in the municipality of
    Altamira, the objective is to analyze the transformations occurring in the dynamics of
    the Xingu Princesa agrovila landscape. When studying this transformation of the
    landscape, it was decided to take as reference the main social agents that propel local
    development, because they are important elements of change, as far as environmental
    aspects are concerned, as well as social ones. Methodologically, 52 families from a total
    of 83 residing in the agrovila were interviewed, totaling 323 residents, characterizing
    62% of the universe of this research. The environmental problems resulting from human
    action at the local level may interfere with the dynamics of the landscape and the
    agricultural production and maintenance of these agrovilas may be interfering with the
    continuity of the agricultural potential of the agrovilas.
    Key-words: Agrovila, landscape, transformations, rural.


  • Data: 26/06/2018
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  • This dissertation analyzes the main socioeconomic changes occurring in the
    municipality of Breves-Marajó-PA, from 2000 to 2015, due to the decline in logging
    activity, which is the main source of employment and income for the local population.
    current economy. Through interpretation of the interviews applied to different social
    individuals who were part of this process as: ex-logger, traders. This research seeks to
    characterize today's social and economic and territorial configuration after the
    productive and economic disruption, this, directly interfering in the subsistence
    maintenance capacity of the inhabitants of Breves from this activity, besides
    emphasizing the main negative social reflexes as unemployment , crime, violence in
    general, in this period. However, other traditional economic alternatives such as
    agriculture, fishing and extraction of açaí that had been abandoned or underdeveloped,
    today, show a remarkable production, especially açaí. At this juncture, welfare policies
    along with trade and civil service provision and functionalism have been strengthened
    over the decades due to the transformations brought about by the closure of the timber
    industry in Breves
    Keywords: Economic de-structuring - Logging - Unemployment - Crime
  • URBAN MANAGEMENT AND MEMORY IN BELÉM, PARÁ: A Study on Urban Management and the Memory of the Revolution Cabana in Belém in Management from 1997 to 2004.

  • Data: 20/06/2018
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  • This paper deals with urban planning and management and its relationship
    with memory. The objective of the same is the analysis of the management of the
    former mayor of Belém Edmilson Rodrigues in the years of 1997 to 2004 and the
    relation of the same with the memory of the Cabana Revolution. The qualitative
    research is a management analysis, a case study, and for this we have used extensive
    bibliographical research to understand the Cabana Revolution, the concept of memory,
    the concept of urban planning and management, its variables and perspectives. The
    need to master the concept refers to the demand for analysis of the management of
    the city of Belém between the years of 1997 and 2004 and how this popular
    revolutionary memory was spatialized in the city, an analysis made with the reading of
    Souza (2011), Santos (2005), Moreira (2012 and 2014), Vainer (2002), Maricato (2002),
    Rolnik (1990, 1994 and 2003), grounding the criticism against physical and territorial
    management (Souza, 2011) (Maricato, 2002), or even a market town (Souza, 2011),
    based on the spirit of the city as a country, a company and a commodity (Vainer,
    2002). city that invests of Cabana, in the speech, for second Edmilson Rodrigues, to
    create a relation of belonging with the city and of appropriating itself taking care of the
    directions of the city. After a long bibliographical and documentary analysis, semistructured
    interviews were conducted with the former mayor of Belém of the period in
    question, where together with the theoretical analysis it was possible to identify the
    material elements of management, the spatialities of the management mode, (Souza,
    2011), in ways that in addition to the criticisms and ponderings had a character built
    on the basis of dialogue, participation and social control of the works and management
    of the city.
    KEY WORDS: Urban Planning and Management, Urban Management, Memory, Cabana
    Revolution and Participative Management.

  • FROM THE RIA TO THE ROAD: The role and meaning of small towns in the Amazon northeast, the case of Marapanim, Pará

  • Data: 14/05/2018
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  • The present study aims to uncover the role and significance of small cities in the amazonian northeast, more precisely on the coast of rias from Pará, through directed research to the municipality of Marapanim and its urban center as listed. As analytical basis was used the proposal of geographic method developed by Milton Santos, with the help of categories and concepts that contribute to the spatial analysis, such as urban network and small cities. The research intents to understand, trhough the effect of spatial division of labor, the consequences of the processes accumulated over the years and the dynamics that make up the Amazon in Pará, thus striving to understand the distinct patterns of traditional cities, roads cities and the inseparability between them on the coast of rias. With the objectives to verify and analyze the participation of the cities in the spatial division of labor, to identify and investigate the intra-urban structuring of urban centers on the coast of rias, as well as the relation of this structure with its role and significance for urban network and the spatial division of labor.
    Keywords: small cities; space; urban network; Marapanim; Amazônia.

  • Data: 11/05/2018
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  • According to the Brazilian legislation provided in the National System of
    Conservation Units (Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação - "SNUC") (Law
    No. 9.985/2000) Conservation Units are protected territorial areas by public power.
    They can divide in Full Protection Conservation Unit and Sustainable Use. In the
    Brazilian State of Para, the regulation of the creation and the appropriateness of the
    Conservation Units to "SNUC", occurred from the creation State System of
    Conservation Units (Sistema Estadual de Unidades de Conservação - "SEUC") (Law
    No. 5.887/1995). In relation to the Full Protection Conservation Units, in the category
    of State Parks, four parks have already been created for the State of Para: Utinga State
    Park, Serra of Martírios/Andorinha State Park, Monte Alegre State Park and Charapucu
    State Park. However, in this article we will present the results of the studies developed
    in the Utinga State Park (Parque Estadual do Utinga – "PEUT") that was created in
    1993, it currently has 1393.87 hectares. It is standing at the Metropolitan Region of
    Belen, Para being the main supplier of water in the city where the issue of this research
    has focused on the anthropic actions that happen in the surrounding and particularly
    inside the park. It can modify the Use of the Land and Vegetation throughout from the
    creation of the park to 2015, focusing on: assessing the transformation of the Use of the
    Land and Vegetation in the Utinga State Park between the periods of 1993-2004-2015,
    with the purpose of subsidizing with information that contributed for Planning and
    Management in the Conservation of the Ecosystems and Forests in Preservation in Full
    Protection Conservation Units of Brazil. The images Landsat 5 e 8 were used
    classifying them in the categories: water, building, vegetation, aquatic, forest, disturbed
    vegetation and agricultural. Next, the "Protocol for the Evaluation of Use of the Land
    and Vegetation in Natural Federal Protected Areas of Mexico" was applied using the
    last three categories mentioned to make an overlapping between the years researched
    thus to identify the transformations of deforestation, disruption, recovery and revegetation.
    Therefore, it was determined that respectively for the 1993-2004-2015 in the
    Utinga State Park, the forest type covered 55.61 %, 59.61 % and 65.06 %, the disturbed
    vegetation bridged 13.85 %, 7.82 %, 7.37 %, and the agricultural kind comprised 2.65
    %, 1.83 % and 0.43 %. Whereas for the periods 1993-2004 and 2004-2015 it was
    estimated that respectively, the areas with re-vegetation encompassed 0.7 % and 1.44 %,
    with recovery 5.65 % and 2.10 %, with disruption 0,58 % and 0.96 % and the
    deforestation maintained with 0.04 % for both years. As well as, rates of transformation
    for the Forest sort of 9.74 % for the period 1993-2004 and 9.92% for the period 2004-
    2015, showing a constant increase of the Vegetational Forest.
    Key Words: Conservation Units, Full Protection, Use of the Land and
    Vegetation, Utinga State Park.


  • Data: 27/04/2018
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  • The present work aims to redeem the field of politics in geography, in the context of the
    mineral activity in the state of Pará, mainly faced with various understanding that
    conflicts of interests in societies and territories also resolve by bias Political; Starting
    from a theoretical reading of the concept of territory, power and politics, where this triad
    will be decisive for the understanding of the legislative propositions of the years of 2011
    to 2016 focused on mining, and the analysis of the political and territorial management
    in the mineral sector Pará and Its impacts on society from public Policy. The relevance
    of the research is in the political aspect which involves the decision making which is
    essentially important in the social relations of the Government of the state of Pará that,
    materialized, cause impacts on the territory with mining, especially in the use of the
    mineral rate, Action-regulating instrument in the territory.
    Key words: Territory, Power, Politics, Mining; Mineral Rate; Pará.

  • Data: 13/04/2018
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  • The present study addresses with the direct relationship between landscape and politics.
    In this way we seek to unite the contributions on such categories to analyze the spatial
    dynamics of Moju municipality in the XXI century, based on the idea that changes in
    the landscape are structured from certain policies exercised in this territory. The
    objectives of the research pervades by: to relate the categories rural landscape and State
    policy, taking as its focus the municipality of Moju; understand how the landscape
    trajectory follows in close connection with the policy trajectory and analyze how the
    national policies in the region influenced the use and coverage of land in such
    municipality. We represent the relationships between landscape and politics in the form
    of a mosaic that synthesizes the various uses of the soil, constructed historically and still
    present in the current period. As methodology departed from the theoretical analysis
    performed based on articles, dissertations, books and websites; followed for the
    elaboration of landscape research mosaics and data tables generated in interaction with
    the obtained images, characterizing the bias of the research on the changes that
    occurred. It is understood that the period of expansion of notable productions in the
    state of Pará consecrates some municipalities, among them is Moju, with emphasis
    currently in the cultivation of oil palm. In this way, it became necessary to address
    programs that install in the region and the temporality that such facts occur, highlighting
    the Amazon Development Plans as a starting point, Related to the later as the National
    Program for Production and Use of Biodiesel (PNPB) acting directly on the cut of
    study, specifying its importance and what changes occur from it.
    Keywords: Landscape; Policy; Moju; Amazon

  • Marapanim Terra do Carimbó: Essays on Geography and Cultures
  • Data: 05/04/2018
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  • The present work seeks to make a problematization about the spatialities of the carimbo of Marapanim. We run from experiences and experiences, in transcriptions of "talks" and in field work reports, to trace the flows and practices of the Maraimatim Carimbo, as well as its spaces of representation and spatial representations; We problematized the relations of territorial formation of Marapanim, as the carimbo as a matter of expression, produces territorialities, in its various negotiations, putting into play the different temporalities (from archaisms to modernity). In this sense, it is a reflection on the territorial formations of Marapanim, the influence of music, dance, corporeity and exchanges for the constitution of territories, having the carimbo as a reference for research.


    Keywords: Carimbo; Marapanim; territories; Production of space and modernity;


  • Data: 03/04/2018
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  • It focuses a geographical situation in the quilombo of Africa and Laranjituba, municipality of
    Moju / Abaetetuba (PA). The spatial practices of the Logistics Investment Program (PIL)
    conception based on the idea of empty space are emphasized and how this collides with the
    dimension of the lived space of the quilombo communities. It is a program that considers
    space as an area and announces, at the level of the "psychosphere", the construction of the
    Açailândia (MA) - Barcarena (PA) Railway that interferes in the area. It is intended, therefore,
    to reflect on the relationship between space and politics. The analytical methodology adopted
    considers the existence of an initial geographical situation where landscape, spatial
    configuration and the social dynamics of quilombola rural populations suffer the interference
    of the perspective of the construction of the railroad, producing dialectically territorial
    strategies of resistance that are manifested in the (re) organization of the Amazonian space.

  • PRODUCTION OF SPACE, TERRITORY AND VIOLENCE IN A PERIPHERAL NEIGHBORHOOD OF BELÉM: Cartography of Homicides from the years 2011 to 2015, Guamá-PA

  • Data: 29/03/2018
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  • In the large Brazilian metropolises, with accelerated and uneven urban development, there was a significant process of segregation in the cities - many of them seen as a "social mosaic". Timms (1971, apud CORRÊA, 2013), in the context of intense socio-spatial changes, there was an increase in urban violence, materialized mainly by the fear of the city. In Belém, in the last decade, rates of urban violence have grown too much. According to the Brazilian Public Safety Yearbook of 2017, Belém occupies the second place with the highest homicide rates among capitals per 100 thousand inhabitants, and the Guamá neighborhood follows the same perspective, being the neighborhood with the highest homicide rates in the five years of analysis (2011 to 2015), with 322 homicidal deaths. From this brief exposition, this research had as objective to analyze the production of the space of the Guamá neighborhood, as well as the territory and the relations of power that the territorial agents print in this area to verify if these factors imply in the growth of the dynamics of the violence and, more especially homicides there. In addition, to think that crimes such as homicides are not random, that is, several factors are factors that cause a certain portion of the population to be more exposed to this type of violence than others. In this research, we also seek incessantly to understand relevant concepts such as space and territory, power and violence; then it is important to bring to the debate who are the actors who experience these processes more intensely, not only in terms of mastery but of living in the territory (HAESBAERT, 2014), which counts on the participation of the State, often inefficiently , opening spaces for crimes such as: drug trafficking, robberies, even generating an increase in homicides. For this, the methodology used consisted of a bibliographical, documentary, cartographic and field survey, aiming a deep investigation about the possible relations between the way spatial production was triggered in the researched area, with the large number of homicides. From the maps, tables and graphs created, the thematic maps of homicide of the Guamá neighborhood, from the years of 2011 to 2015, stand out. Concluding this dissertation, it was noticed that the issues related to the high homicide rates in the area can’t be considered in isolation, since there is a whole socio-spatial-urban set that has direct or indirect relation with these numbers, and with the profiles the victims and the people who commit such crimes, we can’t see violence as a simple case of police. Issues such as income, housing and education, have a direct influence on the areas most exposed to violence within the Guamá neighborhood.
    KEY-WORDS: Space; Territory; Violence.

  • Data: 27/03/2018
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  • The purpose of this dissertation is to concentrate studies on the municipal rural territory of
    Santo Antonio do Tauá, Metropolitan Meso-region of Belém, Northeast of the State of Pará.
    The central question is related to the transformations in this space and the capacity of the
    public power in manage its available resources and thus promote local development
    considering its economic conditions of human occupation based on the primary sector. At the
    heart of the debate are the dynamics that affect this area and, in fact, it imposes itself as
    challenges to municipal public management and its capacity to establish itself through the
    political decentralization adopted by the 1988 constitution, which opened space for a work of
    the populations The most significant issues present in their realities. However, the evident
    findings in loco account for the fact that the sector of strong small municipal agricultural
    tradition, suffers from a certain decline, even though it still presents a prominent agricultural
    productivity in the state of Pará. With a view to the elaboration of a reading about this reality
    will be appropriate secondary data obtained with the IBGE, in addition to the figures provided
    by other sources linked to this economic sector. Finally, the geographic theoretical reading
    here on this administrative unit will support the discussion of the territory as a socioproductive
    base and open the possibility to understand the results of the various processes that
    have been imposed on the rural area of Santo Antônio do Tauá intervening directly in its
    capacity Local development.

    KeyWords: County; territory; Administrative autonomy; public power


  • Data: 20/03/2018
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  • The present Way of Life shows a set of characteristics that fills with the values and meanings
    and we can state that we are talkin about of a community (Achada Ponta), full of cultures,
    traditions and traits that connect them to the growth / development and make part of a whole
    in evolution / transformation. In the Cape Verde archipelago, fisheries resources are
    considered to be a potential vector of development, since they create wealth and jobs, as well
    as guarantee, as the feeding source of many families. The principal method by which
    fishermen and the rest of the inhabitants of the locality construct their territory and their
    territorialities are closely linked with the seasons, which in turn are relevant elements in the
    activities already developed. Moreover, in the movement of the species (coming and going),
    it directly influencing the option for fishing and the place to build their houses (nature). Due
    to the characteristics of small boats and the ages of fishermen and the means used to navegate
    at sea. Worthy to emphasize here is for the fact that Fishing is rarely done beyond the limits
    stipulated by the authorities (3 miles). Fishing is one of the activities that has always been part
    of human cultures, not only as a source of food, but also as a way of life, providing identity to
    countless communities, and as an artistic object. In Achada Ponta, fishing is practiced mostly
    in the artisanal molds, where traditional techniques, high attachment to the coast, a high
    family presence "family labor" and a great dependence on the climatic conditions and the
    state of the sea.
    Keywords: Achada Ponta. Cape Verde. Lifestyle. Territory. Territoriality: Fishing.

  • THE TERRITORIAL DYNAMICS OF THE HOMICIDES IN THE CITY OF BELÉM-PA: A study of occurrences in the Jurunas neighborhood between 2011-2015

  • Data: 19/03/2018
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  • Violence, more specifically, homicide, has received in the last decades great attention on the
    part of the researchers of diverse scientific branches, fruit of the increasing occurrences in
    Brazil. In the city of Belém, data in the 1980s were already worrying, but they were still close
    to the national average (SOUZA, 1994), a fact that changed in the 1990s (ANDRADE;
    DINIZ, 2013), the capital city of Pará emerges as one of the most violent cities in the country.
    However, most of these homicides are concentrated in a few neighborhoods, with Jurunas, the
    locus of the investigation, one of the admittedly dangerous neighborhoods. There are more
    than 180 homicides during the five years surveyed, but, that, they are not homogeneously
    distributed within their limits, and the downtown areas are the most impacted by these crimes.
    In this sense, the main objective of this work is to analyze the dynamics of homicides in the
    Jurunas neighborhood, between the years 2011 and 2015. More specifically, it aims to
    understand the process of occupation and production of the neighborhood space, based on the
    contribution of the agents the transformation of space over time. In addition, the profile of
    homicides, victims, types of weapons and areas of greater vulnerability will be identified,
    finally mapping the homicides between 2011 and 2015, building annual maps and a
    multitemporal map. For this, it was necessary to construct the present research, with the
    acquisition of quantitative and qualitative data about the neighborhood, and the data of
    intentional homicides, acquired from the Assistant Public Security Secretariat (SIAC), the
    basic information of the research. In this sense, the work is structured in three chapters: the
    first, aimed at understanding the concepts of space and territory; already, the second, shows
    the process of occupation and production of the space of the Jurunas; and finally, the last
    chapter will analyze the crime profile and their dynamics in the neighborhood. Thus, the
    construction of the research leads us to believe that the concentration of homicides in
    structurally more precarious areas is due to the absence of state hegemony and the relation of
    territorial agents in these areas.
    KEY-WORDS: Territorial Agents; Downtowns; Homicides.


  • Data: 19/03/2018
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  • This dissertation discusses about the impacts of hydroelectric enterprises in fishing activity, notably artisanal fishing practiced by fishermen from the municipality of Ferreira Gomes - Amapá. Therefore, the present research started from the assumption that in the deployment of Hydroelectric Power Station the natural dynamics of the river is modified, going from natural to artificial environment, directly reflecting the development of the fishery. In this way, we sought to analyze how the installation of hydroelectric plants of Ferreira Gomes and Cachoeira Caldeirão have been impacting the artisanal fishing in the Araguari River, considering that it refers to an activity in which the knowledge of the fishermen about the environment constitutes a knowledge of great importance for the greater use in the fisheries. The research methodology was based on structured and semi-structured interviews with observations and photographic records in the field of research. The systematization and analysis of the data obtained shows that the construction of hydroelectric plants in territories occupied by populations that develop their activities in relation to nature, tend to pass through major changes, spanning from the modification of the environment until the traditional knowledge presented by artisanal fishermen, as well as, they act provoking and / or intensifying conflicts between distinct territorialities, problems that the fishermen of the municipality of Ferreira Gomes are experiencing, reflecting directly on the precariousness of their social reproduction.

    Keywords: Hydroelectric; Artisanal Fishing; Araguari River; Territorialities.

  • Data: 16/03/2018
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  • The Igarapé-Açu River Basin, the sub-basin of the Marapanim Basin, covers the municipalities of Igarapé-Açu and Marapanim, in the Northeast region of the state of Pará. Its high course, the locus of this research, is in the municipality of Igarapé-Açu and presents a variety of ways of using land and water. An important point to consider is that the urban site of the city of Igarapé-Açu represents 25.79% of the total area of the high course of that basin. With this information and others, this dissertation aims to analyze the dynamics of the landscape in the upper reaches of the Igarapé-Açu River Basin, through the application of an integrated approach aimed at subsidizing the environmental planning actions with a participative character. The theoretical basis was based on a discussion about the Landscape as a category for the geographic investigation, as well as the discussion of environmental planning of watersheds, based on Geoecology of Landscapes. The research covers three levelsof study, namely: the Marapanim River Basin, where a regional approach is carried out in the context of the basin; The sub-basin of the Igarapé-Açu River, this one intends to carry out a survey of physical environment, as well as the characteristics of use and occupation of the area, in this scale level the inventory was carried out (LEAL, 1995), with the intention of performing a integrated research on the use and occupation of the basin; the High Course of the Igarapé-Açu River Basin, where the diagnosis, prognosis and proposals were carried out (LEAL, 1995), highlighting the forms of use and occupation diagnosed within the basin, and these are confronted with what is foreseen in instruments such as the Brazilian Forest Code (Federal Law 12.651 / 2012) and the Municipal Master Plan of Igarapé-Açu (Law No. 600/2006 ), in order to highlight the extent to which the forms of use that have historically been imposed on the drainage areas of the basin have implied in its dynamics of the landscape. The results of the research confirm a high degree of anthropic intervention in the upper reaches of the sub-basin, due to the intensive nature of the land and water uses established in it, and the landscape transformations resulting from the interaction between man and nature in the upper course indicate the need to think / execute an integrated and participatory planning, consistent with the actual situation and needs of the referred sub-basin. key-words:Landscape Dynamics. Geoecology of Landscapes. Hydrographic basin. Environmental planning. Hydrographic Basin of the Igarapé-Açu River.


  • Data: 09/03/2018
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  • The production of dwelling and housing policy in Brazil within the urban space has been
    carried out in an articulated way between the public power and economic agents since the
    decade of the 1960s. In the context of contemporary socio-spatial processes and dynamics,
    housing policies have contributed to an unequal production of the urban space of cities
    marked by a hierarchy and fragmentation of space by the real estate sector. In the national
    scale, the Lula government defined measures to preserve the Brazilian economy, betting on
    the housing sector. Thus, in early 2009, the “Minha Casa Minha Vida Program” (PMCMV)
    was launched. On the local scale, the city of Ananindeua becomes a strategic space without
    PMCMV investment rights. This dissertation, therefore, intends to analyze the PMCMV and
    its implications in the production of social and spatial inequalities in the city of Ananindeua
    (Pará) until the year 2016. We defend the idea that PMCMV interferes in the production of
    socio-spatial inequalities in the city of Ananindeua (Pará) as an expression of an unequal
    production of urban space.
    Keywords: Production of Urban Space; Socio-spatial Inequality; Minha Casa Minha Vida
    Program; Ananindeua.

  • DETERRITORIALIZATION OF THE TUFI BAIXÃO: From the spatial formation to the new Collective Urban Resettlements (RUCs) in Altamira / PA
  • Data: 08/03/2018
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  • In the dissertation, we discussed geographic phenomena that occurred in a space known as Baixão do Tufi, an urban area of Altamira, Southwest of the State of Pará. The problem is related to the understanding of the spatial experiences of the population of Baffin do Tufi with the change to the (RUC) in Altamira, in the period (2014-2017), provoked by the projects included in the "Urban Rehabilitation Plan" and the "Plan to Attend to the Population Affected" in the PBA Understand the history of deterritorialization from the 1990s until 2015 with the "disappearance" of the place. The central objective is to understand the processes of deterritorialization and reterritorialization provoked by the resettlement of part of the group of victims living in the Baixão and chose (research universe) the housing unit built by the entrepreneur. This is how to practice a geography of local action and understand the strategies to mitigate socio-spatial impacts caused by the construction of the plant. It is important to refer to the production of space, the analysis of daily life, space practices and the restructuring of space intricate by the new geographic dynamics carved in the areas of urban resettlement. We start from historical and dialectical materialism, from quantitative-qualitative research, from the interview as a way of unveiling everyday life and space as an elemental geographic category. In the sense of ratifying the hypothesis of the shattering of the territory, the precarious establishment of territorial networks and the processes of deterritorialization and reterritorialization, materialized by the resettlement of the population affected by the impacts of this great technical object of national development.

  • FACES OF THE METROPOLIS: socio-spatial inequalities and violence in the District of Icoaraci, Belém-PA

  • Data: 28/02/2018
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  • It is understood that urban violence becomes one of the great problems faced in the cities, being a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. In Brazil, violence has influences generated by accelerated urban growth and the precariousness of living conditions in large cities. In the state of Pará, especially in the city of Belém, these situations also present, however, with their particularities. In this sense, three processes are important for the work, they are: production of metropolitan urban space, socio-spatial inequality and urban violence. From these processes it was thought how they unfold in the Administrative District of Icoaraci. In this way, it was intended to analyze the dynamics of violence and crime in the neighborhoods of the Icoaraci, District of Belém, from the geographic information of urban space production, metropolization, socio-spatial inequalities, the territory and its relation with the homicides practiced in the period from 2013 to 2015. This study was developed through theoretical review, field research, interviews and analysis of secondary data given by the Avertano Rocha Public Library, Belém City Hall (PMB), Public Security Secretariat of the State of Pará (SEGUP), Deputy Assistant Secretary for Information and Criminal Analysis (SIAC), Federal University of Pará (UFPA) and Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). In the first chapter, we present a bibliographical review of authors of world, national and regional reference regarding the concepts of space metropolization, socio-spatial inequalities, territory and violence, subsidizing the understanding of such processes in the city of Belém and in its District of Icoaraci, locus of research. In the second chapter, a periodization of the formation of the city is exposed, in which we quickly explore its first moment, that of the riverside city, later the city of rubber and the role of Belém as centrality. The decade 1960 was important to understand the reconcentration of the urban space of Belém and the decade of 1970, the process of metropolitan dispersion to new spaces outside the center of the city, among them, Icoaraci, emphasizing the districts of Cruzeiro, former occupation (1850 to 1950); Campina de Icoaraci, intermediate (1950 to the 1970s) and Paracuri, considered as recent (1970 onwards). Regarding the third chapter, we look at the fieldwork and the idea of territories of violence through the conceived, perceived and lived. Being the territory understood as an expression of contradiction, we could understand by means of images the scene of the perceived; the conceived can be seized through data, the precariousness in infrastructures in the neighborhoods of Icoaraci, perceived by the analysis of the cartographic material referring to the homicides and infrastructural problems encountered; the lived was understood through interviews conducted in fieldwork, survey of news from newspapers that permeated the situation of violence in the district, passing quickly by the concept of insecurity. The crime of homicide was analyzed and it was verified that their occurrence has higher indices in the districts that have the most precarious services, relating the same with the processes of metropolization and formation of the district, besides the socio-spatial inequalities, being this crime understood as the extreme apex of urban violence against the person, in which young men, aged between 18 and 24 years were the biggest victims. In this sense, it was thought of the peculiarities that make possible the territorialization of those who wish to dominate the territory: the agents of crime.
    KEY-WORDS: Metropolization; Inequality; Violence.


  • Data: 27/02/2018
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  • According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), land management supports the creation of resilience to possible impacts of climate variability. The Ecuadorian Amazon presents with vulnerabilities related to climate change as: a) ecosystems and species at risk related to stress factors, b) food security, availability of supplies, services and production systems threatened due to not contemplating any actions to adapt to extreme events, caused by climate variability, and c) difficulty in the development of economic activities due to climatic shocks, hindering or making it more difficult to reduce poverty. Therefore, the theme of this proposed work aims to create a discussion that supports building resilience to the negative effects of climate change, through the identification and design of adaptation and mitigation measures, as complementary actions within the land management plans, and the analysis of changes in structure of Ecuador´s Amazonian landscape, as guideline elements for the incorporation of actions that promote synergy for economic and social development, by the establishment of resilient territories.
    Keywords: Climate change; resilience; adaptation and mitigation; territorial ordering



  • Data: 04/12/2017
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  • The study of landscape dynamics and environmental degradation in river basin areas in urban environments has shown an acceleration in the midst of human presence. In this sense, it is necessary to use efficient management models in order to provide efficacy in the preservation of these environments. According to Botelho and Silva (2004), river basin development and planning programs aim to maintain water within the basin, thus controlling runoff time and future environmental damage. The present study is based on the river basin Maguari-Açu, located in the municipality of Ananindeua-PA, and aims to analyze spatially the dynamics of the landscape in the urban area of the basin area, using the concepts of geography in its socio-environmental approach based on the PEIR methodology, in order to offer support for the environmental and watershed studies and their process of environmental degradation.In this sense, we will use knowledge about the Landscape category and understand its degree of degradation in studies of impacts in micro urban basins.Using the Pressure-State- Impact and Response to identify indicators of degradation of the proposed area, considering field observations questionnaires, interviews, bibliographical and documentary revision, cartographic and laboratory analysis, as a way of elucidating the research. The research results favor an understanding of the anthropic action on the Landscape dynamics from a socioenvironmental perspective. The results demonstrated the presence of anthropic action on the area of the basin through the inadequate use of land, water and vegetation, where the research identified indicators that caused this process, such as urbanization in the Pressure dimension; the use and occupation of river and land and suppression of vegetation in the State dimension; solid waste pollution, deforestation and sedimentation in the dimension Impact and actions of public agencies and the community itself in the response dimension.
    Keywords: Landscape. Hydrographic basin. Socio-environmental. PEIR. Ambiental degradation.


  • Data: 04/12/2017
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  • It is necessary to think of the Amazon region as fertile and complexly constituted by diverse geographies. In this sense, we take as a point of reference a riverine community, belonging to the municipality of Muaná, officially mesoregion of Marajó (Pará). The purpose of the dissertation is to analyze and discuss the importance of memory, perception and community experience as dimensions that lead to geographic reflection. The landscape, in this sense, emerges as the whole existence of the riverine being, revealing a geography that possesses smell, color and taste, in the wandering flow of its aesthetic quadrature and its poetic-thinking way of being-in-the-world, in which we will call it the geopoetic of the riverside habitation. Methodologically, we launch into action research and the use of the phenomenological method in dialogue with existentialism, in which the perceptual projection, the relationship between subjectivity / objectivity, interiority / exteriority become fundamental to the ontological understanding of riverside culture and its spatial formation as a poetic daydream of existence between the river and the forest. Bachelard, Heidegger, Sartre and Merleau-Ponty and among others, are invited to dive into this enigmatic world where imagination, aesthetics, myth and the real are intrinsically involved in the reciprocal illumination of the Amazonian-Marajoara riverside culture. The relevance, therefore, of the present study is to demonstrate how the riverine community articulates its existence in the changing flow, dialogical, with the physical nature, announcing the importance of the existential places as reflective principles to the geography studies, including, helping for the decolonization of the region Amazon as a hegemonic space.

  • Data: 30/10/2017
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  • The present dissertation aims to characterize the urban climate of Altamira-PA and to analyze how the population perceives it, emphasizes the temperature and humidity of the air. For this, two approaches were used: climatic and climate perception. The climatic approach uses as a conceptual and methodological basis Monteiro's Urban Climate System (SCU) (1976) to characterize the urban climate with a focus on the thermodynamic human perception channel (thermal comfort) and rhythmic analysis of time types (1971). The rhythmic analysis is carried out from a transect with six points of collection with different geoecological characteristics in the first month of each climatic season of the year. The climate perception approach uses as reference the methodological proposal of Sartori (2000). It should be noted that Sartori's proposal (op. Cit.) Has undergone some changes depending on the geoecological characteristics of the study area in question to be different from the one analyzed by it. In this way, the climatic perception was evaluated from field work with the application of interview forms to the urban population of Altamira-PA, in order to identify people's perception of weather and climate conditions, emphasizing the characteristics of the Winter and austral summer, considering also the geoecological characteristics of the neighborhood where they reside. It was evidenced that in general, for the interviewees the thermal behavior in Altamira-PA shows a variation throughout the year. This behavior associated to other factors linked to the landscape, to sensitive and sensitive components linked to weather, climate, thermal comfort and discomfort, air humidity, rainfall incidence and air temperature behavior throughout the year, allows the definition of a particular season of the year, from a local perspective, which differs from the zonal scope. The climatic rhythm presented in the temporomandibular delimitation tended to below-average temperatures when associated with precipitation and increased cloudiness. On the other hand, the increase in temperature exhibited a tendency to present above-average sunshine for the period. However, summer showed greater dynamism and complexity, so that there were situations with increased temperature, despite expressive rainfall.

  • Data: 31/08/2017
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  • The present research has as object of study the Hydraulic Reservoir of the municipality of Tucuruí, located in the southeast of the state of Pará, seeking to analyze the multiple uses of this space, especially the sport fishing activity and its possible social development. Considering the participations of the RDCs of Pucuruí-Ararão, Alcobaça and the APA that form the Mosaic of Preservation of the lake of Tucuruí, this analysis in national, state and municipal scale. In view of this, we sought to dialogue with Santos' space modernization theory, articulating with the notion of the use of territory (Santos and Silveira, 2008) and Steinberg Public Policies (1013), which provided us with a basis for reflecting on our object As well as to provide answers in order to examine how the Brazilian state, at its different scales, has promoted multiple uses of hydraulic reservoirs in hydroelectric power plants and their spatial repercussions in the municipality of Tucuruí and its conflicting uses, emphasizing the fishing activity. Thus, observing the emergence of dams and their different uses, emphasizing the sport fishing as a strategy of local development implied in understanding the sport event TORTUC with its history and the perspectives of local development.
    Key-words: Multiple uses, Sport fishing, Land use, Sustainable development and Tourism.

  • Data: 29/08/2017
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  • In face of the new science paradigm, participatory cartography can be a tool for the analysis
    of several territorialities of geographic space. These territorialities are based in the daily life
    of who lives in a certain territory. This paper will mainly focus on the dialogue with this
    category, understanding the territory in a material way based in the relations of the subject in
    this determined fraction of space. Facing this perspective, the main available methodologies
    for participatory mapping will be presented. This paper is characterized by a case of study in
    the reminiscent quilombola community of Acaraqui, based in field works, bibliographic
    research and analysis of documents, as well as observation and techniques of participative
    cartography as an instrument for analysis and representation of the territory and territorialities.
    It will be presented the process of quilombola territorial formation in Para’s Amazon side.
    Highlighting the search for territorial refugee and the strategies developed of survival in these
    territories showing the complexity of the presented relations through participatory
    cartography representing a set of meanings built through time by the collective subjectivity.

    Keywords: Territorialities, Territory, Participatory Cartography.

  • "Spatial Analysis Unit paisagem do Municipio ON ON QUATIPURU - ready"
  • Data: 04/08/2017
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  • The modification of landscapes provides the basis for the maintenance of the economic system (REFOSCO, 1996), generating in turn, impacts that need to be known and studied. There is an aggravation concerned to the coastal zone, since it is formed by environments that are highly fragile and important from an ecological and economic point of view. In addition, it has a high rate of urbanization and consecutively high settlement rate. Regarding the Amazonian coastal zone, PNGC has been operating in an incipient way, since there is still no political articulation, basic information and methodology that guarantees the execution of the plan. However, other strategies for the protection of coastal environments are being implemented in relation to the study area, since it is becoming or at least part of itself, a protected area. In this way, the following question is asked, how to protect or think about actions of what is unknown in detail? Thus, this work aims mapping and understanding the main spatial relations of the landscape units of the district of Quatipuru - Para. In this manner, the landscape split into homogeneous areas called "landscape units" is used in a model that allows its study and treatment through qualitative and quantitative methods in Landscape Ecology. Such approach uses the tools of Remote Sensing allied to Geographic Information Systems to spatialize and understand such processes through the object-oriented classification method. Two large geomorphological units were identified that are known as Low Coastal Plateau and Coastal Plain. The first unit is formed by the following landscapes: Terra Firme, which is composed by secondary vegetation or regionally known as Capoeira in different stages of regeneration. Urban area formed by human occupation (district headquarters, and Boa Vista community), traditional communities forming a cluster of family farming, secondary vegetation, and pasture areas; the second can be divided into: Coastal Sandy Plain, Estuarine Plain, Muddy Plain and Alluvial Plain. These units are formed by a set of landscapes with similar characteristics that are spatially grouped in smaller units from the point of view of a cartographic scale. In this way, due to the actuating and modeling processes of the landscapes, the Fulvio-marine interaction stands out, that is, the balance between fresh water and salt water, which is deeply linked to the influence of the tidal process, in which two Regulate the level of salinity of the rivers in the two bays, both the river Japerica and the river quatipuru. Another important process is climatic seasonality, which presents two well defined seasons, one dry and the other rainy, which contributes strongly to the modification of the landscapes units. Thus, the mangrove stands out as the largest and most important landscape
    unit, since it has a spatial relation with all other units, the fields stand out because they are managed by the traditional communities and the other units need an adequate management.


  • Data: 29/06/2017
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  • The current Amazonian context characterized by dispersed metropolitan dynamics
    led to the conformation of new urban spatial arrangements that began to interfere in
    the conditions of urban mobility and city planning. In this process, the Metropolitan
    Region of Belém (RMBN) since the mid-1980s has shown a significant population
    growth in the central areas of the municipalities and peripheral areas, forming a
    dispersed metropolis with new residential settlements especially located along the
    the main urban roads of access to the more urbanized portion of the Municipality of
    Belém, the capital of the State of Pará. The municipality of Belém began to present a
    dispersed and fragmented character by creating new vectors of expansion beyond its
    officially boundaries of the metropolitan area. The objective of this study is to analyze
    the effects of metropolitan dispersion on urban mobility and to identify the main
    actions of public policies for urban transport corridors in view of the high intercity
    movements that occurred mainly along Avenu Almirante Barroso and Highway BR-
    316, which form the main access roads to Belém. In order to reach these objectives,
    from the methodology of research in official documents and interviews with
    managers, three central contribution of analysis were established: The production of
    new housing spaces, the planning of Belém (PDU / PDTU) and public policies for the
    Public Passenger Transport System (PPST) for the RMB. It is concluded that the
    metropolitan dispersion implied in the existence of a population that moves
    pendularly toward the place of work and the spaces of consumption of diverse goods
    and services. In this sense, there is a daily mobility of the population among the
    municipalities of the RMB consolidated by the strong relationship between the
    periphery and the central area of the metropolis. It is inferred that such a relationship
    began to present a new metropolitan configuration, in the face of which urban
    planning actions and public management for urban mobility have privileged the trunk
    road corridor connecting the municipalities of the RMB, located in the urban area but
    also fundamental for the fragmented, dispersed and discontinuous environment.
    Finally, it is suggested that urban mobility should be treated in an integrated way to
    the urban management, seeking the best performance of the mobility conditions
    between the cities polarized by the metropolis.


  • Data: 19/06/2017
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  • The research seeks to analyze a geographical situation that occurs in the Amazon frontier, territories of tensions and conflicts, in which the forest peoples have their lands threatened by the new colonization process. Thus, the rights of these populations are violated, and the judiciary becomes the way out of these issues. The objective of the dissertation is to understand the territorial tensions between the company Imerys and Biopalma with the Tembé Turé-Mariquita Indians in Tomé-Açu and among the Indigenous people, due to the transformations brought about by the arrival of the company around the Tembé territories. This tension is not only internal to the territories, but external where institutional relations such as Funai, Federal Public Ministry and research centers intend the life of the indigenous. The operational procedures used consist of: bibliographic research, field research; Interviews; Document analysis and mapping. Initially it was intended to make a historical analysis of the trajectory of the Tembé Tenetehara Ethnicity; In the second moment was analyzed the arrival of the stranger in the territory and in the third moment we analyze the territorial tensions.

  • Data: 02/06/2017
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  • The Amazon settlements were created as a strategy to integrate the regional space with the national economy and as a way to release the demographic pressure over the big cities, promoting a migration flux from urban to rural areas. The rural settlements end up having divergent characteristics and spatial patterns from the one idealized by the agrarian reform policies, being dynamic in relation to the transformation and appropriation of their geographic space. One important aspect of this transformation is the need of exploitation and degradation of the natural capital in the process of production of their geographic space. This fact has been reflected by the actual role of the settlements on regional reforestation, representing in average one third of the forest conversion yearly in the Amazon. To evaluate the process of spatial and temporal transformation of the geographic space in the settlements, mainly the one related with loss of forest cover, it is necessary to make use of satellite images and remote sensing analysis. Based on this context, the objective of this research is to use geotechnologies as tools to understand how agrarian reform policies interfere in the landscape dynamics of Amazonian settlements, using the study site the Bom Jardim Settlement Project. This study was done using literature review on the topic of space production and public policies related and affecting the settlements, in addition to the use of the Environmental Regularization Plan of Bom Jardim settlement. These analysis were complemented with the use of Geography Information System and image processing software used to evaluate and classify Landsat 5 and 8 images of distinct periods in order to access the spatial and temporal dynamics of the forest cover 10 years before and 18 years after the creation of the settlement (from 1987 to 2015). The methodology follows the “periodization” approach used to analyze the space temporal dimensions of the problem allowing the identification of distinct breaks that occurred during the establishment of the settlement. Thus the study identified that the process of space production is not only linked with the intervention between the human being and nature, but also that public policies have an important role on shaping the landscape in the settlements. Even with the existence of a solid agrarian reform policy which has been successful in settleling families, the bureaucracy of accessing financial credit, the fragile technical assistance and monitoring of the investments done by the agencies linked with agrarian reform, allied with the immediate needs of the settler, reflects the process of transformation of the geographic space in these settlements, having as main impact the loss of the forest resources.

  • Data: 26/05/2017
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  • The present work approaches a relatively recent framework of territorial transformations in the Amazon, a framework triggered by Brazilian legal frameworks in the Federal Constitution of 1988 regarding the recognition, demarcation and titling of quilombola populations. In this sense, it took as object of analysis the quilombola territory of Araquembaua located in the municipality of Baião (PA). In general, the objective was to analyze the changes and permanences that had been forming within the territory used from the titling process that took place in the year 2002, focusing on three central elements: land, work and family. It also sought to understand the territorial strategies developed by the subjects in the community before the titling, as well as to identify the territorial, technical and political factors that explain the titling of the quilombola territory in Araquembaua. Finally, it sought to analyze the territorial dynamics that are expressed in the territory after the titling. It was hypothesized that the land uses in the community were not homogenous and indicated relations of conflict, resistance and antagonism in relation to the assumption of the ethnic identity of the Quilombola, which indicated that the option of the group materialized mainly a territorial strategy to guarantee The security of land use. The results revealed that quilombola titling represented an important event within the community, however, it did not change the way of life of the population nor was it able to help overcome the poverty and inequalities historically imposed on the territory, however, some changes occurred , Among them, the gradual assumption of the black ethnic identity and the quilombola territorial condition, which shows that the agitation of the group is under way.

  • Data: 11/05/2017
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  • River basins are key geographic units in water resource management, and river basin problems throughout the world are mainly due to anthropogenic pressure related to land use, domestic effluent disposal, agricultural and industrial effluents, soil erosion, Deforestation, changes in the structure of the biotic communities, among others (GIORDANO et al., 2004, TANAKA, 2008 and DELINOM, 2008). The object of study of this research is the Mocajuba River Basin - BHRM, located in three municipalities of northeast São Paulo: São João da Ponta, Terra Alta and Curuçá, in the demarcation of its limits are contained two Conservation Units. In the western portion the São João da Ponta Marine Stratigraphic Reserve and in the eastern portion the Marine Extraction Reserve Mãe Grande de Curuçá. In general, this river basin has been undergoing degradation as a consequence of lack of basic sanitation, territorial occupation in inappropriate places, deforestation of mangrove areas and other areas for the expansion of agriculture, degradation of Permanent Protected Areas (PPAs), fires, Sedimentation of water bodies (ICMBIO, (2010); PANTOJA, (2012); RODRIGUES & FRANÇA, (2014); TELES, (2016)). And for lack of a management plan, it can manage its various uses. On the other hand, the Mocajuba river has a high importance for the communities that live in its surroundings, since they need their resources for their survival, given that their economic, social and cultural activities are developed in these areas. Therefore, the conservation of natural resources and the sustainable management of BHRM are considered a strategic issue from the environmental point of view, as social and economic for these populations. In this sense, the aim of this research is to analyze the Mocajuba river basin, based on the model PEIR - Pressure-State-Impact-Response as an instrument to evaluate the conditions of use and management of this natural resource, with the aim of contributing to its management . This matrix (PEIR) is structured from the identification of causal anthropic activities or sources of pressures and impacts. These activities, based on socioeconomic, on natural resources produce pressures and impacts that alter the state of its components, in order to assist in mitigation, it is proposed by society or by the public power actions (answers) that can solve or soften them. The research is considered as descriptive, exploratory and in terms of the means evaluated as a case study resulting from the process of consulting the various social and institutional actors directly involved with the environmental problems of the basin. The developed methodological model constitutes an original tool for the area of environmental management, specifically, with respect to activities that impact the environment. Regarding the variables of the PEIR model, these were analyzed based on the absence or presence of the same to the sustainability, taking into account the dimension analyzed.


  • Data: 04/05/2017
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  • Conservation Units and protected areas are generally instituted by the Brazilian State, following the publication of laws or creation decrees, in order to comply with recommendations for the conservation of nature or the maintenance of areas inhabited by indigenous populations, quilombolas and / or calls Populations. Specifically the Extractive Reserves, which are Conservation Units of the sustainable use group, constitute territorial spaces destined to self-sustainable exploitation and conservation of renewable natural resources, by traditional populations. In such areas there is the possibility of materializing sustainable development, balancing ecological interests of environmental conservation, as well as the social purposes of improving the lives of the populations that inhabit this territory. The present work aims to identify the elements expressed in the environmental perception of individuals or social groups, that is, to understand the relationships and experiences that promote positive values and attitudes towards the environment, and that are contained in the perception of the residents of these spaces. For this purpose, the Mocapajuba Marine Extractive Reserve was chosen, located in the municipality of São Caetano de Odivelas, in the northeastern state of Pará, created in 2014. The methodological procedures were initiated with the literature review for the theoretical discussion on environmental perception and Relation to the concepts of place and landscape. Subsequently, through interviews conducted in 2015 and 2016, it was intended to reveal the elements expressed in the environmental perception of users to understand the relationships and experiences that clarify positive values and attitudes before the concept of Extractive Reserve. As a result, we have identified theoretical and practical elements that contribute to the direction of studies, actions and / or policies to be implemented by environmental agencies in UCs, especially in extractive reserves.

  • Data: 19/04/2017
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  • From 1990, the first Conservation Units, which contemplated and favored the presence of traditional populations, were verified in Brazil, a process resulting from the mobilization and struggle of the rubber tappers of the Amazon. Extractive Reserves, specified as a category of sustainable use, initiate the insertion and valorization of traditional knowledge in a regulated and recognized way in the preservation system in Brazil, in spite of that, the economic activities as a source of subsistence Of native flora or artisanal fishery) in the traditional way, and subject to specific regulations (Diegues, 2008). The concept of RESEX was extended until the implantation of territories conserved in coastal zone, covering fishing communities in all extension of the Brazilian coast. With the fishing potential found in the state of Pará (which together with the Maranhão and Amapaan coast, the largest continuous mangrove coast in the world), the creation of RESEX Marinhas in this coastal landscape has increased successively. Between tides, forests, mangroves, rivers, roads, dwellings, squares, ports and other landscapes, artisanal fishermen of RESEX Marinha São João da Ponta, characterize, organize, conceive, structure their territory of daily activities, materializing territorialities and Shaping landscapes. This territory, defined by processes of temporal relations, can not be understood as dissociated from the landscape, since, considering that the landscape "clarifies and humanizes the territory", as is well illustrated by Passos (2013, p.29), it is understood that already It is not enough to analyze the territory, and the respective territorialities that constituted it, without understanding the subjectivity and distinct physical and symbolic elements imbricated to it. It is intended to analyze, in this way, how the landscape territorialized by fishermen is identified by them, and if this identification of their territoriality addresses or can guide paths that conceive the landscape as a "web of relations" that social subjects construct with their territory. In order to interpret the identification of the territorialities of the fishermen it is fundamental to consider the traditional knowledge and their conceptions about the landscape. Therefore, mapping the production sites, which are fishing spots called fishing grounds (where fish species are concentrated in the tide), through participatory mapping, was one of the methodological paths used to interpret the landscape territorialized by artisanal fishermen. This research was carried out in a qualitative approach, developed in the methodology of action research indicated by Thiollent (1996) and aligned with the methodological procedures of field work with semi-directed interviews, participatory mapping with remote sensing image, elaboration of cartographic products with treatment Of information in GIS and geo-photography. The development of this research is significant so that these territories, identified by the fishermen themselves through the marks of the landscape and the paths to which these subjects belong and belong, remain contemplated in the management process, from the elaboration of materials and instruments that continuously Monitoring and protection, for the management and selection of areas of conflict or possible overfishing and consequent impoverishment and / or depletion of exploited resources.

  • Data: 22/03/2017
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  • Recently the geographic science has been using the territory concept/category frequently to explain many transformations in the geographical space in the most diverse scales. It has been observed that in the last years the concept/category of lifestyle have been resumed in the geographical researches, principally in the traditional populations analysis. The geography’s events have been the main publication space for researches that deal with this concept/category, most in agrarian geography studies events. In this way, in this research both concepts/categories have been utilized, since comprehends that the lifestyle construction is also a construction of the territory. Therefore they must be treated in an indissociable way to emphasize that the territory is essential for the existence of a lifestyle and vice versa. The use of these two concepts/categories in an indissociable way in the analysis of traditional populations is also important because it is perceived that they need a territory to guarantee their existence and on other hand, lifestyle is an instrument of resistance and combat against hegemonic actors. In one sense, the object of this research is to identify, analyze and periodize the ribeirinhos’ of Caxiuanã Community lifestyle and territory changes that occurred since the creation of the Caxiuanã FLONA and the ECFPn, as well the conflicts and the main individuals in this process. To achieve that objective the following inquire was made: 1) Which changes occurred in the ribeirinhos’ of Caxiuanã Community lifestyle and territory, since the creation of the Caxiuanã FLONA and ECFPn? 2) Which are the conflicts and the main individuals in this process? Besides, the utilization of a participative cartography methods the following methodological steps: bibliographic and documental investigation indispensable to cement theoretically this dissertation, fieldwork through by means of structured and/or semi-structured interviews, informal conversations with the older habitants of Caxiuanã Community, elaboration of community maps using participative mapping, photographic investigation of the community’s quotidian and the treatment and systematization of the collected data. In this way, stands out some data about the results obtained with the hypothesis confirmation that the Caxiuanã FLONA as well ECFPn creation are events that have a direct relation to the lifestyle and territory changes observed in the community analyzed, among which it is highlighted the almost extinction of the religions’ traditions which were and still are the main cultural expression of the Community and the community’s majority abandon of the farming and other inherent activities of the riverside lifestyle as consequence of the territories superposition which the Community had principally with the EFCPn’s arrival that utilized in the beginning all the local available manpower ant still utilizes nowadays, however much less.

  • Data: 16/03/2017
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  • The hydrographic basin of the Apeú river is located in the northeastern region of Pará, more precisely in the metropolitan mesoregion of Belém, it covers the municipalities of Castanhal, Santa Izabel do Pará and Inhangapí. The Apeú river basin presents itself as an important area for observation of the processes of landscape transformation, because this unit, during the last thirty years, underwent significant transformations, imposed by the dynamics of land use. This basin presents rural and urban characteristics, in this area there are socials and environmental problems, resulting from the absence or deficiency of public services. The main factors that contribute to the degradation of the basin are: the waterproofing of the soil, resulting from the urban expansion; lack of erosion control; removal of land cover for land use purposes; contamination and silting of the water courses. Given this context, this dissertation has the objective to provide subsidies to the environmental planning of this hydrographic basin. The methodology adopted in this research was developed by Rodriguez (1994) and Rodriguez et al. (1995), adapted to environmental planning by Leal (1995), this methodology contains the following steps: Inventory, Diagnosis and Proposals. The research was based on data and information about the physical environment, the dynamics of land use and vegetation cover, environmental legislation, social and economic information. The obtained results demonstrate that the landscape of the Apeú river basin has undergone a progressive process of transformation, due to the anthropic interference, resulting in different social and environmental problems, unaccompanied by effective policies of environmental planning and territorial ordening. The proposals presented aim to subsidize the environmental planning of the basin that should be a joint and organic initiative of the three municipalities that cover it.

  • Data: 21/02/2017
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  • Urban violence is one of the most complex problems and has provoked fear and insecurity in society. The city functions as a research laboratory in relation to the problem of violence and crime, since it is in it that most crimes occur. It is in this context that this work has as main objective, to analyze the way the territory of the city of the Beach (Achada Santo António and Palmarejo) is ordered and its relation with the criminality. In order to better understand the problem, a discussion of the concepts of territory, territorial planning, crime (violence) and the application of a questionnaire survey was made, comprising a sample of 500 households and interviewing the National and Judicial Police. The districts of Achada Santo António and Palmarejo were taken as object of observation (study) because they are more populous and complex (involving different social classes). The results show that the two districts grew in two completely different ways, a growth of planned territory occupation, where the population resides in most social classes (medium and high), with better infrastructure and security, while the other with growth Of occupation of the unplanned territory, where it concentrates population of lower social classes with deficits of infrastructure and security. The crime occurs with greater intensity in the unplanned / ordered territories (Monte Vermelho, Casa Lata, Palmarejo Valley, Dinós, Kelém, Brazil and part of the Middle of Achada that borders the Palmarejo Valley). However, in the planned / ordered territories (Palmarejo Centro, Palmarejo Base and Middle of Achada Central), the crime is registered in a smaller amount, especially the robberies and thefts, which are the most practiced crimes. Most crimes are related to young people, especially those considered "thugs". However, a good part of them happens in the nocturnal period, due to poor public illumination, poor planning in urban terms (precarious constructions and narrow streets), little movement of people and lack of vigilance. However, unplanned / ordained occupation territories are more susceptible to the commission of the crimes and of a greater sense of insecurity and fear of it. Faced with this, several factors contribute to the emergence and increase of crime, such as: lack of education, unemployment and lack of occupation, lack of street policing, self-will and influence, urban disorder, drug and weapons use, lack of social and among others. Thus, it is essential to assume in a consistent way the territorial planning and qualification of urban territories in the agenda of public policies to combat crime and to reduce the feeling of urban insecurity and fear of crime.

  • Data: 30/01/2017
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  • The Abaetetuba city, located in the Northeast Paraense of Pará state, was born in the bank river Maratauíra, where some neighborhoods were established such as the downtown, São João, São José and Algodoal. However, this place corresponds to a flood plain that for years has been decharacterized, it has been causing in the formation of a technogenic plain, characterized by flood events and collapse, as result this situation brings damage to the population in general. In this context, we analyzed the vulnerability of them, with emphasis on the perception of risk as a response capacity in the intangible aspect. This element have prioritized because it had found that even after the disaster in the neighborhood of São João, however the population have been remaining in the place, making it necessary to analyze the reason for occupying these spaces. In this research it was as achieved results, the neighborhood of Centro presented Moderate vulnerability from the Index of Unit of response by Perception. The point is the fact that the population considers that there are no risks in the place have contributed to this result of this research, due to the good infrastructure of the area. The reason of permanence in the place happens due to the importance some native people for the development of commercial activities. As a contrast, The other districts presented low vulnerability in reaction to this index, presenting a perception of the threats that are present. But, the population has been remaining where threats are present until now. This occurs, due to the identity relations established in the space, whether due to family, neighborhood or the meaning of the landscape represented by the river, as it happens in the neighborhood of Algodoal and São João. Therefore, it can be consider a voluntary exposure to risk. In São José neighborhood, this happens due to economic aspects due to the importance of being close to the commercial center, symbolized by the "Beiradão". Therefore, in this case it is considered that the risk is accepted, due to the particularities of the subjects involved. From this result, it was possible to discuss the environmental planning and management in the city of Abaetetuba by proposing a territorial planning that considers the creation of Special Zones of Social Interest; Areas of Permanent Preservation; New uses for places at risk and actions of interventions to reduce losses in the face of possible disasters. The methodology of this work used to identify the flood threat, it was based on the Junior’s proposal (2010) based on interviews, Digital Elevation Model, Fieldwork and participatory cartography. About to the collapse in the soil was based on the report of the Mineral Resources Research Company of 2014 that identified the risk of flood and mass movement in the neighborhood of São João. For vulnerability methodology was adapted the proposal of Szlafsztein (2015), With the construction of a Vulnerability Index of Environmental Threats in the Amazon by Perception, where social vulnerability and the capacity of response were analyzed based on people's perception of the highlighted threats, resulting in the map of vulnerability with emphasis on perception . It is considered that the results achieved are important to subsidize environmental management and sustainable urban planning and participatory in the city of Abaetetuba.

  • Data: 17/08/2016
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  • In this article, we will try to introduce a research related to Social Responsibility Actions
    undertaken for the mining company Vale in the municipalities of Parauapebas and Canaã dos
    Carajás, because both as cities has the largest Mining Projects in Brazil, and Canaã soon will
    welcome the Major Mining Company the planet Called Ferro Carajás S11D project. The
    experienced changes in territories occur instantly, as the Municipal Government and Vale are
    organized to prepare a city to begin the Carajás S11D project, looking this time to invest in
    targeted infrastructures construction and refurbishment of public facilities, bringing many
    impacts positive results due to the acceleration of investments and activities in the region
    negative impact to create chaos, because the increase in volume migration, because the
    projects in the region are still working more for longer than 30 years of form interruptible that
    strengthens the migration people all states. The research territory Pará examines in measure
    the land management benefits of exploration of mining production activities resulting energy
    Projects large and aims to analyze how actions Vale company direct on improving the local
    population quality of life, analyzing also commitment and responsibility company related to
    in activity and decision making paragraph minimize negative impacts on society and the
    environment. The search also analyzes the relationship between the Government and the
    Company, as well as analyze a territoriality exercised paragraph controlling a through area of
    data released by the company Vale and Municipal Government related to investment in Social
    Responsibility Projects, a measure the quality in application resources for sustainable
    Keywords: Territory,


  • Data: 16/08/2016
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  • With the growth of the exploitation of natural resources, the natural environment becomes, since the 80s, one of the guidelines under discussion among the major countries of the world, from the realization of world conferences on the environment, such as the United Nations conference on Environment and Development (ECO 92) held in Brazil in 1992. Among the discussed guidelines, preservation of existing natural resources stands out, emphasizing the issue of water resources. Currently the discussion on the preservation of the sources of water resources around the world won major proportions, it may be cited the Amazon, due to a considerable decrease of drinking water in the world, therefore, the resulting conflicts by disputes over control of water reserves tend to increase. Being the Amazon one of the largest holders of drinking water, this thesis aims to conduct a study on conflicts over water use in the Amazon territory, having as study area the Hydrographic Micro basin of the Piraíba River, located within the Industrial District of Icoaraci and which has been suffering considerable changes arising from the expansion of the urban space of the city of Belém.

  • Zoning of Maranhão State Using Geosystems as Geographic Category Analysis

  • Data: 12/08/2016
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  • The state of Maranhão possesses 331.937 square kilometers; coated to the west by dense ombrophylous forests and to the east for cerrado and forests of babaçu, in transition for the biome caatinga. In the latitudinal dimension, are distinguished two large bays: coastal and continental, separated by a structural and step-W/NW. To this geographical diversity correspond geological, geomorphological, climatic and soil nuances, which result in different occupations and uses of geographic space. Even here, the territorial planning has supported in the political-administrative division and in actual or potential uses of the natural environment. The ambient boardings are based on the thematic striking on the ecological dimension and/or on the geomorphological compartments. In the present study, it was opted to the zonification under the systemic perspective of the geossystem-territory-landscape method, wich embraces the the biases physical, biotic and sociocultural. The discrimination of geossystems and the search for its origins had allowed to greater clarification on the connection and tectonic evolution of the Brazilian continental platform, on account of the continental drift, that separated Brazil from Africa. In the local regional/locale/, the 12 geossystems mapped behave as “crustals paving-tiles”, put into motion for forces of the internal dynamics of the Earth. The delineation of the geossystemic units is consonante with the one of the gravimetrical anomalies and the limits of the hydrographic basins. Biotic and physical themes are reflected on the geossystemic units, as the uses of land, and cultural aspects are, showing their integrated nature. Of this form, the zonification, on the basis of geossystems, makes possible the territorial management, through its ambiental, hydric, ecological and economic biases. As retrospective of the territorialities, implanted throughout the history of the Maranhão, the fact ascends of that they had as force-motor the production of substances cousins for global markets. These contingencies, associates with the non- inclusive politics involving populations on the global businesses resulted in significant social exclusion. Finally, an assay directed to the formularization of alternative scenes, under the optics of the sustainable development, advocates for new aimings marked out with buoys in complete a territorial vision, that over all prioritizes the technological quality of the human resources and innovations with respect to the energy matrix, infrastructure, verticalization of local productive chains and in the adoption of ambient politics regarding nature conservation and preservation of environmental services.

  • By a management of the waters in the "city of the waters": a analysis geographic of the management of the water resource and of the services of supply of water in the city of Belém- shovel (2008 the 2015).

  • Data: 01/08/2016
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  • Given the existence of a legal group that aims to legislate on the subject of water in Brazil and in the State of Pará, through the National Water Resources Policy (PNRH) and the Pará State Water Resources Policy, we realized that these create at its core a set of intentions. Some of them are to a certain extent, still, innovative and between the Water Resources Management and inserted in this context, the Management, aiming to give the water being treated differently to From the year 1997, thus making water a water resource. Furthermore, for effectuation of the Water Law call (9.433 / 97), set out a set of instruments which aims to assist in water management in Brazil, establishing the Granting Use of Water Resources. Accordingly, in an attempt to understand behaves the Water Management for the City of Belém (PA), with regard to water supply services, we bring in the proposal for this dissertation, the theme of water resources from the geographical look.

  • Data: 07/07/2016
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  • Water resources are global public goods essential to the maintenance of life on the planet and an important economic-political instrument. The relationship between supply and demand of water for the coming decades related to energy generation and food production is a global concern. The estimated population growth for the next few years and the threats related to climate change have stimulated debates in several scales of the globe, remitting the need to rethink the ways of planning and managing these resources. In order to contribute information to the integrated management of water, energy and food resources in the Amazon, the present study aimed to analyze the nexus of water, energy and food in the context of the municipalities of Para. For this, a bibliographical and documentary research was carried out, analysis of secondary data about the population; human supply and water consumption; social and sanitation indicators; production and consumption of electricity; food production; (GDP), besides the classification of the variables studied in observational units, listing for each a set of specific indicators. For the observational unit water: water consumption by volume (m³ / a); access to the sewage network and IDH-M. For the energy unit: state energy consumption; ICMS losses; municipalities served by the electric power grid. For the food unit: agricultural and livestock production. Digital cartographic data and geoprocessing were also used for the spatialization of the information studied. From the analysis, it was possible to perceive that the demand for water, energy and food in the State is not satisfactorily contemplated, apart from the lack of dialogue between the three sectors, the lack of interest of the competent authorities in the local demands, and inefficient management of water in the region, are some of the main obstacles to meeting Amazon demands. This study is part of the research activities of the Project "Risks, Climate Disasters and their Impacts on Food Water Safety in the State of Pará in the Context of Climate Change", integrated to the Group of Studies and Research on Disasters in the Amazon - GEPEDAM.


  • Data: 30/06/2016
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  • O Estudo a que propomos neste trabalho tem por objetivo mostrar a realidade territorial no município de Canaã dos Carajás (Pará), partindo da exploração mineral e os reflexos socio-espaciais naquele território, tendo como base de pesquisa a relação direta do aumento de arrecadação de impostos e a expansão das ações delituosas nos últimos anos (2008 a 2014). Considerando que o território é uma parcela da superfície terrestre apropriada por um grupo humano (Ratzel 1871), se expressam de várias formas, alguns migram atrás de oportunidades, por uma vida digna, outros, entretanto, praticam atividades ilícitas e é sobre esse contraste, ou seja,  o enriquecimento do município por meio de impostos e por outro lado o crescimento da pobreza e a insegurança pública, é que se chega à conclusão onde deveria existir mais investimento na educação, em consequência dos royalties, deparamos com mais pobreza e aumento da violência e criminalidade, o que nos leva a pensar que o dinheiro oriundo dessas fontes de renda não vem sendo empregados de forma adequada e correta, conforme observamos ao analisar os dados de arrecadação municipal (ICMS,IPI e FPM), enquanto que o índice de criminalidade (IC) só aumenta a cada ano.


  • Data: 29/06/2016
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  • Estudar a organização da atividade pesqueira e da articulação dos pescadores artesanais numa perspectiva sócio espacial é trazer estas problemáticas para o campo geográfico. Considerando, sobretudo, a discussão do território e das territorialidades, entendendo o território enquanto uma categoria de análise da Geografia capaz de incorporar os interesses antagônicos dos agentes atuantes em dadas frações do espaço, bem como as relações de poder que aí se estabelecem, como elementos centrais na análise do processo de territorialização dos grupos sociais. É assim que a dinâmica da atividade pesqueira tem sido marcada por lutas e conflitos desafiadores para a vivência daqueles que dependem da pesca. O certo é que a territorialidade dos pescadores tem sido norteada por arranjos que balizam sua relação com a pesca e os recursos que dela emanam. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa compreende um estudo acerca de como a pesca artesanal influencia a dinâmica sócio territorial da comunidade de Cachoeira no município de São Caetano de Odivelas por indicar a maior concentração de famílias de pescadores no município, bem como analisa o modelo de gestão do território de pesca no que se refere a exclusão e inclusão de usuários nos arranjos locais no manejo dos recursos pesqueiros. Foram adotadas metodologias como entrevistas informais e entrevistas estruturadas e semiestruturadas, subsidiada com a metodologia da cartografia social, além de observação direta in locu, com o fim de estimular a interação e integração entre o pesquisador e os membros envolvidos na pesquisa. Assim, foi possível identificar, descrever e analisar os arranjos e normas elaboradas pelos pescadores da Vila de Cachoeira para os acordos de pesca considerando o manejo dos recursos naturais, conhecendo de perto a realidade local, sua estrutura organizacional, suas representatividades e sua dinâmica em relação com o território de uso e sua relação com a sociedade que o cerca e a natureza. Permitindo afirmar que a dinâmica da pesca artesanal no território normado é composto por especialidades formadas pela relação de poder próprias da territorialidade, e é assim que os pescadores da Vila de Cachoeira vivem a luta de territorializar-se em confronto com a influência que os agentes dominantes exercem sobre o território.

  • “Centralidade Política e Econômica de Macapá na sub-região norte do Marajó entre 1990 a 2015: Gurupá e Afuá”

  • Data: 28/06/2016
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  • A partir de 1960, a Amazônia Oriental experimentou grandes transformações através das mudanças na organização do espaço regional que as estratégias de ocupação então manifestaram. Uma importante mudança experimentada foi à reestruturação na rede urbana da região. A nova rede urbana que começou a se organizar não removeu a importância das tradicionais metrópoles regionais: Belém e Manaus, mas essas metrópoles passam a conviver com centros regionais de importância cada vez mais crescente. O crescimento desses centros regionais os tornou capazes de exercer diferentes níveis de centralidades nas suas respectivas sub-regiões. Esses espaços urbanos têm convocado vários estudos para defini-los como cidades médias e refletir as implicações desse processo no território. É neste contexto que Macapá a partir da década de 1990, emerge como cidade media e com capacidade crescente de exercer centralidade em todo o território amapaense e na sub-região norte do Marajó. A pesquisa em questão trata de um estudo qualitativo, tendo como instrumentais metodológicos a observação, a entrevista, questionário e formulários. O método de interpretação está baseado o materialismo histórico e dialético. O referencial teórico convocou debates acerca da centralidade política e econômica de Macapá em relação à Gurupá e Afuá; e estão pautados na produção social do espaço, dinâmica territorial, e centralidade de cidade média discutidos a partir do objetivo geral do trabalho que é analisar a centralidade política e econômica de Macapá na sub-região norte do Marajó: Gurupá e Afuá em detrimento de Belém, no período de 1990 a 2015. O trabalho está desdobrado em outros três objetivos que orientaram a realização da pesquisa: analisar a implicação de Macapá como capital de estado e cidade média nos os fluxos políticos e econômicos com Gurupá e Afuá; identificar os principais agentes articuladores dos fluxos políticos e econômicos; analisar os fluxos políticos e econômicos que articulam a centralidade política e econômica de Macapá em relação à Gurupá e Afuá. As principais conclusões apontam que i) a condição de capital de estado e de cidade média de Macapá carrega é fator decisivo nos fluxos políticos e econômicos que a cidade desenvolve; ii) há uma centralidade de Macapá na oferta de serviços públicos e bens basicamente no norte do município de Gurupá e iii) Macapá exerce centralidade nos fluxos de serviços públicos e fluxos econômicos no município de Afuá em relação a cidade de Belém


  • Data: 13/05/2016
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  • A questão do acesso, uso e apropriação da água afeta diretamente a qualidade de vida da população residente nas margens dos rios urbanos. O presente trabalho tem como ponto de partida um estudo da relação cidade e água, com enfoque no curso do rio Tucunduba, na cidade de Belém e estará estruturado em três momentos. O primeiro abordará uma revisão histórico-geográfica da problemática da água e a produção da cidade no contexto amazônico. O segundo buscará identificar o acesso à água nos bairros que compõe a bacia, assim como  usos e práticas sociais vinculadas à água no curso do Tucunduba. E o terceiro momento buscará contribuir na discussão das políticas públicas destinadas à população local. O processo de produção do espaço em áreas de baixadas apresenta consideráveis entraves, porém observam-se ricas particularidades que as populações mantêm com os recursos hídricos, notadamente com o rio.


  • Data: 10/05/2016
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  • O presente trabalho teve por objetivo analisar as metamorfoses no espaço de Tomé-açu, utilizando a vila Forquilha como estudo de caso, a partir da introdução da dendeicultura na região. Buscamos ressaltar as metamorfoses no lugar tendo como foco a ressignificação do trabalho enquanto elo de ligação entre o homem e a natureza, ao observarmos as mudanças ocorridas em seu contexto geral na vila Forquilha, compreendemos que se há mudança no trabalho, há mudanças nas relações entre o homem e a natureza. Para entendermos melhor a configuração espacial e a dinâmica social da vila faz-se necessário compreender a natureza do trabalho antes da chegada das empresas; dessa forma, é caracterizado em um primeiro momento a situação geográfica que se estabelecia antes da instalação da Biopalma e da Galp, tendo como foco as relações de produção camponesa, onde no lugar predominava o trabalho como um meio para se obter dinheiro para a compra das demais mercadorias necessárias à sua existência. Em seguida apresentamos os planos e políticas públicas que possibilitaram a instalação das empresas e por fim caracterizamos essa nova situação geográfica, destacando como as relações de trabalho se metamorfoseiam na vila Forquilha, a partir da chegada da dendeicultura em Tomé-açu, e como isso ecoa nas demais dimensões da vida cotidiana dos moradores da vila, pois o trabalho é apenas uma dessas dimensões. Os resultados revelam novas formas de trabalho, a presença do trabalho assalariado, a expansão do setor de comércio e serviços fundando novas oportunidades de emprego e uma diminuição no trabalho produtivo camponês o que transforma o camponês em um assalariado rural. O emergir do circuito do capital comercial, observado no sistema de parceria existente entre a empresa e o agricultor familiar; e o capital financeiro estabelecendo-se na presença do arrendamento, venda de terras as empresas de dendeicultura, garantem a vila Forquilha uma nova dinâmica social.


  • Data: 28/04/2016
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  • A ideia inicial deste trabalho era fazer um diagnóstico da violência no município de Paraupebas e dissipar a dúvida de que o município em estudo por possuir uma das maiores reserva de minério do Brasil e do mundo e uma receita das mais elevadas, teria alguma(s) particularidade(s), no que se refere às modalidades criminosas.E, se esta receita estaria contribuindo, de forma direta, para a redução das práticas criminosas sobre seus cidadãos. Também, se esta receita estaria sendo distribuida de maneira equânime os bens e serviços dentro do território. Ou se ela sofre dos mesmos percalços vivenciados pelas demais cidades do território paraense. Para tanto, foram feitos levantamentos histórico, bibliográfico, de dados econômicos e populacionais e pesquisa de campo. No decorrer do estudo, veio à tona uma revelação bastante importante e grave que é a redução e esgotamento da reserva por volta de ano de 2035 interferindo na captação de receita; o município ainda não começou a trabalhar formas econômicas alternativas para sua população, de maneira que esta não venha a sentir o impacto da queda da receita e por consequência, veja disparar, o que hoje é uma realidade bastante grave, que é a violência. Esta abordagem analisa a violência considerando os aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos, a partir de um procedimento metodológico de dados e pesquisa interpretados por meio do materialismo histórico e dialético e do estruturalismo, que estão conectados ao poder, a formação da periferia urbana, que se transformam em produtores e produto da violência. As principais conclusões foram:as relações sociais e econômicas em uma cidade como essa em quase nada se diferencia de outras realidades vivências em outros municípios paraense; a elevada receita municipal não tem servidor para melhorar a qualidade de vida da população; o índice de violência é bastante elevado e é reflexo de uma má distribuição de renda; o prognóstico é bastante desanimador uma vez que o fim da reserva se aproxima.


  • Data: 19/04/2016
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  • Grandes Projetos, como este de mineração de bauxita, conseguem provocar mudanças sensíveis onde se instalam. Juruti, município do estado do Pará, localizado na Amazônia brasileira, não fugiu da regra desses grandes projetos. Estamos falando de impactos ambientais provocados pelo processo de territorialização da mineradora Alcoa. Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar os impactos ambientais, à luz de conceitos e teorias da ciência geográfica. A metodologia aplicada, partiu sobretudo, no enfoque do presente, formatou-se, com base nos períodos geográficos, ancorados na situação geográfica: SGI 1 (situação geográfica inicial 1) – Evento – SG 2 (situação geográfica 2), configurando a metodologia analítica. Bancos de teses e dissertações, anais de congressos e simpósios, sites e artigos em periódicos foram pesquisados, assim como, entrevistas em instituições e com diferentes atores, observações no espaço e análises de documentos foram realizadas, o que deram suporte a metodologia operacional. Com isso, formulou-se a hipótese: A implantação da atividade mineradora, aqui entendida como evento, ocasionou impacto ambiental nas comunidades rurais, Lago Preto, Santa Terezinha, São Pedro, Seringal e Café Torrado? As investigações deste trabalho nos modos de vida, presente na área de estudo, indicam alterações no tempo/espaço de vivência. Terra, floresta e água, sendo indissociável aos modos de vida presente nas Amazônias, denunciam que a partir do processo de instalação, ocorreram mudanças que geraram desordem no espaço destas localidades. Essa desordem provocada por uma ordem global, possibilitou a regulação nos territórios aqui investigados. Ao longo do trabalho foram identificadas relações com diferentes atores, que em diferentes lugares, engendraram um conjunto de ações para a materialização de um sistema de objetos. Dessa forma, a pesquisa concluiu que a presença da atividade mineradora, ocasionou impacto ambiental, nos territórios de trabalho, nas águas de trabalho e nas florestas de trabalho, ou seja, nos modos de vida.


  • Data: 30/03/2016
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  • Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o lugar a partir das relações dos sujeitos no cotidiano do Porto da Palha enquanto lugar de vida, através da intencionalidade e geograficidade dos ribeirinhos, carregadores, barqueiros, moradores, donos de barracas do Porto da Palha. A construção teórica desta dissertação encontra-se cimentada na geografia cultural e na fenomenologia. Assim o cotidiano é palco do empírico na construção de uma geografia cultural na Amazônia, principalmente no Estado do Pará onde a discussão ainda caminha a passos lentos. Neste sentido essa dissertação é uma busca-se de como os sujeitos produzem seus lugares de vida, suas simbolidades ao longo de sua vida em relação com o Lugar. Através da oralidade de cada sujeito e de seu cotidiano perceber como o Porto que seria um lugar de transição de passagem se torna parte de uma rede de lugares e se torna um lugar de vida.

  • “Análise da Paisagem na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Mocajuba, Nordeste Paraense, a partir do Modelo (GTP)"

  • Data: 29/03/2016
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  • O presente estudo objetivou compreender a dinâmica de uso e o manejo dos recursos naturais na bacia hidrográfica do Mocajuba, localizada na microrregião do Salgado Paraense, a partir da apreensão da paisagem proposta pelo modelo teórico-metodológico GTP. Algo importante na compreensão dessa relação é entender de que paisagem se está falando, e dos processos que engendram sua construção. A base de construção da análise apresentada é o modelo teórico GTP, proposto por Bertrand e Bertrand (2009), esse modelo teórico faz uma relação entre os conceitos de geossistema, território e paisagem, e a partir dessa relação é possível perceber como se constroem as diferentes paisagens. Nas palavras de Bertrand e Bertrand (2009. p. 197) “a paisagem nasce quando um olhar percorre um território”. O que significa dizer que ela é resultante da apreensão da relação das construções territoriais, circunscritas no geossistema, ou seja, a paisagem é construída a partir da percepção que os moradores da área estudada têm sobre o seu espaço de vivência, mas esse espaço possui uma base material, (geossistema) e é estruturado a partir de processos socioeconômicos (território) na construção dessas paisagens. Para alcançar os objetivos propostos foram traçados procedimentos metodológicos, como a revisão teórica bibliográfica sobre o tema e a área estudada, o levantamento das características geoecológicas da bacia hidrográfica, a análise socioeconômica, feita a partir do levantamento de dados sobre as atividades produtivas, o mapeamento de uso da terra, e entrevistas semidirigidas, acompanhadas de registros fotográficos para representar as paisagens destacadas pelos entrevistados. No levantamento de informações sobre os componentes do geossistema, destaca-se o mapeamento da cobertura vegetal e dos usos da terra, que inferem informações importantes sobre as condições dos elementos naturais. No levantamento de informações sobre os componentes do território destacam-se os conflitos identificados pelo uso e apropriação desses recursos, que estão ligados as principais atividades econômicas que alicerçam a economia local, a pesca, agricultura, coleta de moluscos e crustáceos. As paisagens apontadas pelos entrevistados indicaram o sentimento de pertencimento, suas perspectivas de mudança e necessidades de melhorias no ambiente onde vivem.


  • Data: 29/03/2016
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  • Este trabalho tem por objetivo “mapear” as ações e representações ribeirinhas no entorno do rio
    Tucumanduba, em Abaetetuba-PA. Esse rio é um dos principais afluentes do rio Pará e, abrange
    cinco projetos de assentamentos agroextrativistas, nove comunidades e um modo de vida
    singular que representa, não somente, a cultura histórica ribeirinha amazônica, mas também, a
    carga identitária local do homem com seu meio, desmistificando a ideia de cultura ribeirinha
    tradicional e homogênea. A pesquisa realizada pauta-se em metodologias que levam em
    consideração duas principais práticas no território do rio Tucumanduba. A primeira, as ações
    ligadas às atuações/ausências governamentais e a segunda, as representações territoriais que
    nascem da história, por meio do convívio e modos de vida das comunidades. As ações
    concernem aos projetos desempenhado pelo INCRA, a assistência social às famílias e os
    incentivos econômicos para a produção das atividades da pesca e a extração do açaí, que
    possuem grande relevância local, devido as potencialidades naturais das ilhas. Já as
    representações, dizem respeito aos elementos que formam o território e o modo como eles
    contribuem para a territorialização em um determinado espaço que passa a ser dotado de
    personalidade. Essa dualidade cria uma complexidade espacial e territorial, que as abordagens
    teóricas bem como, as análises empíricas deste trabalho ajudam a compreender e explicar.

  • “Uma Interpretação geográfica dos impactos da hidrelétrica Belo Monte: um estudo de caso da Vila Santo Antônio e da comunidade Babaquara na microrregião de Altamira - PA”

  • Data: 10/03/2016
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  • Nesta dissertação, discutisse o processo de transformação do espaço agrário da Comunidade Babaquara e da vila Santo Antônio, enfatizando as perdas em relação ao sentimento de pertencimento do lugar. Para tanto traçou como objetivos específicos: 1. Resgatar a história das famílias em relação ao lugar e aos modos de vida; 2. Caracterizar a produção do espaço vivido pelos moradores do lugar; 3. Identificar os elementos de mudança nos modos de vida das famílias impactadas, e; 4. Verificar as perspectivas das famílias com as mudanças em função dos efeitos do empreendimento em seus cotidianos. A Comunidade Babaquara, localiza-se na área rural de Altamira e a vila Santo Antônio, pertencia ao município de Vitória do Xingu. Ambas tiveram sua formação socioespacial vinculada à colonização da região (dirigida e espontânea). Foi possível constatar com a chegada do empreendimento que os lugares da vila e da comunidade sofreram transformações drásticas com consequenciais nos modos de vida das famílias residentes. Metodologicamente, foram realizados levantamentos bibliográficos e documentais junto ao IBGE, INCRA e CEPLAC, aplicação de formulários com vinte e quatro famílias, sendo doze moradores da comunidade Babaquara e doze ex-moradores da vila Santo Antônio. A Comunidade Babaquara apresenta os problemas vividos pelos moradores que ficam tanto na parte de terra firme quanto na margem direita do rio e que deste modo, faz-se o esforço em pesquisa para delinear as consequências às famílias que tiveram seus modos de vida alterados, destacando o fato de permanecem no lugar de origem, necessitando reestruturar seus sistemas de produção devido a intervenção do empreendedor na comunidade. No caso da vila Santo Antônio, localizou (mapeou) os ex-moradores do lugar, de modo a verificar as principais consequências em função do não realocamento da vila como estava previsto e identificar quais são as perspectivas dessas famílias mediante a drástica mudança em suas vidas.

  • “Turismo de Base Comunitária e uso do Território em Comunidade Ribeirinha da Amazônia Paraense: o caso de Anã no Município de Santarém/Pará”
  • Data: 25/06/2015
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  • Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a relação do turismo de base comunitária e o uso do território na comunidade ribeirinha Anã, localizada no Município de Santarém, no oeste do estado do Pará, considerando as participações da ONG Saúde e Alegria e do Estado, considerando este último em escala nacional, estadual e municipal. Diante disso, buscamos dialogar com a teoria da modernização do espaço de Santos, articulando com a noção uso do território (Santos e Silveira, 2008), que nos deram base para tecer a reflexão diante do nosso objeto de estudo, bem como dar respostas aos questionamentos que foram a gênese dessa pesquisa. Nesta pesquisa fizemos ainda uma revisão bibliográfica, sobre a categoria Terceiro Setor e consequentemente sobre o termo ONG – Organização Não Governamental, já que além do Estado e dos comunitários de Anã, a ONG Saúde e Alegria se configuraram como sujeitos de nossa pesquisa. Partimos da premissa que o turismo de base comunitária é um contraponto ao turismo convencional, por assim dizer uma contra-racionalidade hegemônica. E é dentro dessa abordagem, que identificamos que o turismo de base comunitária desenvolvido em Anã, ainda não se configura como uma contra-racionalidade, uma vez que a ONG PSA atua com hegemonia frente ao turismo de base comunitária, e isso se perpetua principalmente pelas ações e inações do Estado na comunidade ribeirinha de Anã.
  • "Paisagem, Lugar e Percepção: um estudo das relações do homem e os manguezais do município de Quatipuru - PA”,

  • Data: 28/04/2015
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  • Esta dissertação é a história das descobertas que dos manguezais fiz nos meus anos de infâncias e adolescência, somadas as árduas observações de campo que fiz no município de Quatipuru – PA, onde convivi com os caranguejeiros e os caranguejos e observei suas relações com o ecossistema manguezal. Esta é, portanto, uma confissão de uma geografia vivenciada que traz à tona, a partir de percepções, experiências e idéias, uma reflexão sobre a comunidade de coletores de caranguejo-uçá associado na AEXQUAT no município de Quatipuru – PA. Não apresento uma analise exaustiva e teórica das condições de produção e reprodução, mas sim da paisagem, do lugar e do sentimento de topofilia e a percepção ambiental da comunidade, visto sob o viés da Geografia Humanista, em que pese à interrelação entre a paisagem, o lugar e o ecossistema manguezal. A paisagem é o cenário de nossas experiências cotidianas, uma vez que nos encontramos envolvidos pela paisagem, fazemos parte dela. Uma paisagem não envolve apenas a topografia, os rios, o clima e a vegetação, os meios de circulação e produção econômica, o contexto social, histórico e cultural, mas também, é igualmente, a experiência diária de pessoas que têm vontade, necessidades, emoções e sentimentos, afetividades. É o morador quem percebe e vivencia as paisagens, atribuindo a elas significados e valores, e as transformando em lugares. O lugar é construído, significado, recomposto e criado pelas pessoas que nele vivem. Mas é impossível desconsiderar a ação de agentes externos que ignoram o conhecimento e as especificidades que só as pessoas do lugar podem conhecer. Lugar enquanto essência fundamental para a geografia humanista e para a compreensão da geografia enquanto experienciamos o mundo. Ao enfocar o homem e o manguezal, o texto foi pontuado pelo saber científico integrado as geografias vernaculares. Onde, o homem, os caranguejos, as plantas, a água, as experiências e os sentimentos fazem parte destas reflexões que foram desenvolvidas à luz dos postulados teóricos de Yi-Fu Tuan.

  • "Geografia e Violência nos Aglomerados de Execução na Cidade de Marituba – 2011 a 2013"
  • Data: 23/04/2015
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  • A violência é por essencial fruto de conflitos, na maioria das vezes ela está conectada a realidade local de uma determinada sociedade, por isso, cada sociedade manifesta um tipo comum de violência. Nossa realidade, ou melhor, a sociedade que integramos apresenta em sua gama de ações violentas, a refutação dos códigos em inúmeras instancias, tanto que, viabiliza e mantem a insalubridade de espaços e o subdesenvolvimento humano. Por efeito, a resistência, adequa a insalubridade da vida social e o transforma em oportunidade, isto, aproxima as práticas ilegais na vida cotidiana, a ponto de transformar-se em referência, neste sentido, as relações sociais sofrem transformações que proporcionam a particularização das formas de sociabilidade e consequentemente a territorialidade violenta. Esta pesquisa trata de um estudo qualitativo e quantitativo da violência, tendo como procedimentos metodológicos o questionário e a observação participante, os métodos de interpretação foram o materialismo histórico e dialético, bem como o estruturalismo. O referencial teórico alinha-se aos métodos e estão conectadas ao poder, a formação e manutenção constituição da periferia urbana e a violência. As principais conclusões apontam que i) o poder é intrínseco a todas as relações sociais e esta presente de forma multiescalar, ii) que o espaço periférico, ou melhor, o espaço periférico da Região Metropolitana de Belém (RMB), sua produção, organização e desenvolvimento é fruto de conflitos e acordos sociais, onde verifica-se segregação e insalubridade e, iii) que a violência e ocorre por um complexo processo de socialização que alinha formas de territorialidade tendo como referência a violência e a atividade criminosa.

  • Data: 27/03/2015
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  • O espaço amazônico, em sua complexidade, se apresenta de forma multifacetada, tanto em seus aspectos naturais, quanto nas sociedades que fazem desse espaço seus locais de vivência cotidiana e de produção material e imaterial de suas existências.  Em tal espaço, as comunidades locais, como os ribeirinhos, com suas marcas inconfundíveis nas paisagens e com suas múltiplas territorialidades, desenvolvem diferentes estratégias de sobrevivência ligadas diretamente aos seus modos de vida. Este estudo buscou avaliar o espaço amazônico pelo prisma de sua complexidade, tendo como conceitos centrais a territorialidade e o modo de vida da população ribeirinha do baixo rio Meruú em Igarapé-Miri-PA. O objetivo é discutir, a partir de revisão bibliográfica, observação empírica, entrevistas estruturadas e semi-estruturadas, bem como pelo uso de mapeamento participativo, a constituição das territorialidades e do modo de vida da população local. A pesquisa permitiu afirmar que os ribeirinhos do baixo rio Meruú desenvolvem estratégias de sobrevivência intimamente ligadas à safra e entressafra do açaí. Neste sentido, enxergamos a comunidade a partir da constituição de sua dinâmica social, econômica e cultural, em grande parte ligada à sazonalidade do açaí. Isso porque o comércio do fruto é a base de suas reproduções materiais, mas também é geradora de uma apropriação imaterial do produto, pois é dotado de outros significados, além de ser e essencial para a segurança alimentar. Paralelamente ao manejo, extração e comercialização do açaí existem múltiplas estratégias de sobrevivência, principalmente na entressafra do fruto, que afirmam e sustentam a relação entre o homem e a natureza local reforçando o sentido de pertencer a um território que lhes pertence. Esta condição permitiu compreender a territorialidade e o modo de vida da população que produz um território não apenas desigual, mas também diferenciado, pois é moldado não somente pela força do comercio do açaí, mas também pela materialização de um modo de vida que se transforma e se afirma no fazer cotidiano e na relação íntima com essa cultura extrativista.

  • “Transporte público de passageiros: uma análise sobre as territorialidades das empresas de ônibus urbano regulamentadas na Região Metropolitana de Belém (2000-2012)”

  • Data: 26/03/2015
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  • Nos últimos dez anos, o trânsito e o transporte público tornaram-se temas de grande relevância no cenário urbano. No Brasil, esses temas têm despertado o interesse de pesquisadores e estudiosos que buscam através de variados métodos de análise encontrar um “entendimento lógico” e “solução” para os problemas resultantes dessas duas questões, que por sinal avançam rapidamente com forte impacto negativo nas relações socioespaciais no espaço urbano das grandes cidades. Na Região Metropolitana de Belém (RMB), os problemas do sistema de transporte público acumulam-se em décadas; no entanto, com o acelerado processo de consumo de veículos automotores, os empresários de ônibus locais engendraram uma nova estratégia para assegurarem suas margens de lucro. O ano 2000 é um importante marco para a compreensão desse processo, pois até este momento as empresas de ônibus monopolizavam o serviço em áreas definidas pelo Estado. Entretanto, em meio ao processo de imobilidade urbana, os agentes transportadores locais visualizaram uma nova perspectiva para aumentar a renda do sistema de transporte público de passageiros. No período de 2001 a 2012 foi observada elevada fragmentação de capitais destes agentes, a qual lhes possibilitou fantasiar uma competitividade entre empresas, aparentemente distintas, mas que pertenciam, na origem, ao mesmo agente transportador. No ambiente de aparente competição, o passageiro acredita ter o poder de escolha, e os trabalhadores rodoviários acreditam estar defendendo a empresa e o seu emprego, aceitando que o agente transportador eleve o nível de exploração de sua mão-de-obra. O Estado possibilitou as condições para as fragmentações do capital, quando permitiu a criação de 40 novas empresas de ônibus no período de 2001 a 2012, com a fragmentação da operação nas linhas de ônibus. Esta pesquisa foi estruturada a partir de um acervo organizado a partir de 1998 até o momento atual; contudo, a partir de 2010 estas informações foram integradas ao Sistema de Informação Geografia (SIG), e foram ajustadas a partir da análise geográfica. A aproximação da análise geográfica, com o conhecimento cartográfico implementado no SIG, possibilitou organizar um conjunto de informações geoespacializaveis necessárias para o entendimento dos dois últimos momentos. No entanto, num primeiro momento a produção da cidade e a penetração do transporte urbano é analisada com o intuito de apresentar os principais agentes promotores do espaço urbano e o papel dos agentes transportadores dentro de uma coerência espacial da cidade. No segundo momento resgata-se os processos históricos que possibilitaram a atuação dos agentes transportadores urbanos na RMB. No terceiro momento, o sistema de transporte público é analisado a partir da organização socioespacial no período de 2000 a 2012. E, por último, no quarto momento são apresentadas as territorialidades dos agentes transportadores no ano de 2012, apresentando o elevado grau de fragmentação dos capitais, necessária para o aumento da capitalização dos agentes transportadores. Contudo, diante da complexidade do tema transporte, é necessário integra-lo com outros temas necessários para a compreensão do seu papel no espaço urbano metropolitano.

  • “Governança para o desenvolvimento territorial: da concepção à ação – o caso do Pará Rural”

  • Data: 23/03/2015
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  • A presente dissertação analisa a proposição de uma política pública do Governo do Estado do Pará, trata-se do Programa de Redução da Pobreza e Gestão dos Recursos Naturais do Pará - Pará Rural, sua concepção e ação com vista ao desenvolvimento territorial sustentável, a partir de projetos produtivos no meio rural, financiados com recursos de acordo de empréstimo entre Banco Mundial e Governo do Estado do Pará. Um propósito que tem como ideia a governança em termo compartilhamento de poder exercido entre a sociedade e o governo como possibilidade de um ordenamento territorial como elemento a possibilitar a sustentabilidade de pessoas pobres do meio rural do Estado do Pará. O texto é discutido geograficamente, na ideia de território e seu uso. Desse modo, o objetivo central é analisar a luz do Programa Pará Rural, as possibilidades e dificuldades no estabelecimento de um processo de governança para o desenvolvimento territorial. Para a consecução desta dissertação, partiu-se metodologicamente do levantamento do instrumental que se considerou necessário a realização da pesquisa. Tais quais: referencial teórico conceitual pertinente para fundamentação e construção da pesquisa; e, de dados primários e informações elementares. Assim, apresenta-se a organização da Dissertação com os seguintes capítulos: O primeiro, de caráter teórico conceitual de categorias e temas, em essência, as ideia de governança e de desenvolvimento territorial; o segundo, tratando-se de apresentar o Programa Pará Rural, em sua estrutura e concepção; por conseguinte, se discuti a ações do programa em termos de oportunidade, dificuldades e desafios, na perspectiva do Pará Rural e dos entes envolvidos do meio rural do recorte territorial escolhido e em quarto capítulo apresenta-se o uso do território, das “mudanças” no ordenamento, uso e apropriação do território. E, finalmente as considerações finais. No geral apresentamos como primeiros resultados que, o pretendido estabelecimento de um processo de governança pelo Governo do Estado do Pará através Programa Pará Rural, a partir da criação de Fóruns de Desenvolvimento Municipais e da reunião de instituições do próprio Estado para o desenvolvimento sustentável, perdeu força no nascedouro, sendo assistidos pelo Estado, municípios fora do processo pretendido, tendo o Governo do Estado como principal ator para o pretenso desenvolvimento territorial. E o Programa Pará Rural, vem sendo tratado ainda no caráter de uma proposição e não uma realidade no sentido do desenvolvimento sustentável no meio rural Paraense.


  • Data: 19/03/2015
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  • O presente trabalho tem como objeto de estudo os camponeses do município de Moju integrados à cadeia produtiva do dendê. Os objetivos do estudo foram: analisar as formas de associação da agricultura camponesa às empresas Agropalma, Biopalma e Marborges no Moju; examinar como a dendeicultura reinventa a dinâmica do trabalho em comunidades tradicionais no município de Moju e, caracterizar a produção de alimentos nas comunidades tradicionais do Arauaí, Vila da Paz, Apiteua, Olho D’água, Jupuuba, Pirateua, Sarapoí, Severo, São Pedro e Ramal do Levi que tem unidades familiares produtivas de dendê. No espaço agrário do município de Moju é marcante o cultivo de mandioca (Manihot esculenta) e o fabrico de farinha de mesa. Aqui, a agricultura camponesa possui destaque na produção econômica, cultural e social de centenas de comunidades. O meio rural do município vem sofrendo transformações, sobretudo, a partir de 2002 com a chegada do Projeto de Agricultura Familiar com Cultura de Dendê na comunidade do Arauaí e com mais intensidade no ano de 2004 a 2010 a partir da criação do Programa Nacional de Produção do Biodiesel (PNPB) e do Programa de Produção Sustentável de Palma de Óleo (PPSPO), agora, com a presença de novos empreendimentos, como é o caso da Biopalma Vale, da Petrobrás Biocombustíveis (PBIO), da portuguesa GALP Energia, Guanfeng Group dentre outros. A partir, de então, vem se intensificando o processo de incorporação dos camponeses à cadeia produtiva da palma de óleo. Partimos da hipótese de que a introdução do plantio do dendê trouxe mudanças no modo de vida, nas formas de trabalho e de produção das comunidades camponesas onde a atividade aportou.

  • “Conflito pelo uso da água na Amazônia brasileira: uma análise envolvendo a atividade mínero-metalúrgica e as comunidades Ilha São João e Curuperé no município de Barcarena – PA”

  • Data: 13/03/2015
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  • Registra-se nos dias de hoje um aumento considerável nos conflitos envolvendo o recurso natural água, seja em escala local, regional e até internacional. No entanto, estudos como o de Lanna (1997), Petrella (2002), UNESCO (2003), Vianna (2005), Torres (2007), que procuram compreender e explicar esses conflitos, não são suficientes para analisar o crescente número de disputas pelo recurso água, ainda mais na Amazônia brasileira, que por apresentar considerável riqueza hídrica, vem sendo palco de disputas pelo uso desse recurso tão importante para seus habitantes. Nesse sentido, esta dissertação de mestrado busca analisar os conflitos envolvendo o uso do recurso hídrico na atividade minero-metalúrgica no município de Barcarena, no Estado do Pará, de forma a contribuir com informações para entender as problemáticas que envolvem essas disputas. O desenvolvimento do estudo ocorreu a partir de levantamentos bibliográficos, cartográficos e de registro de conflitos, e trabalho de campo. Além de analisar tais conflitos, este trabalho apresenta um produto cartográfico que auxilia na identificação dos conflitos.


  • Data: 19/01/2015
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  • A presente pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo: a interferência da construção de novos espaços de moradia (condomínios fechados) e da implantação de serviços e comércios na produção do espaço urbano. Tendo como objetivo principal estabelecer relações entre as dimensões da reprodução do capital em diversas escalas e mostrar a inserção do circuito inferior da economia urbana no processo geral de reestruturação urbana a partir da inserção de outro circuito econômico: o superior, em lugar onde predominava a precariedade do primeiro circuito. Novas relações se estabelecem na Avenida Augusto Montenegro com a finalidade de reprodução do espaço urbano para outra classe social. As contradições aprecem nesse processo em que há o desmonte de uma cidade para a construção de outra, uma cidade que tenta esconder o pobre com o projeto de centralidade da Nova Belém, qual fica apenas no plano do ideal e do marketing do setor imobiliário, influenciado pelas novas ditaduras do capital que adentram a produção e mercado imobiliário belenense. É apenas a reprodução e a velha acumulação com “nova face”: Nova Belém patrimonialista, fruto da concentração do capital.


  • Data: 24/09/2014
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  • O presente estudo objetiva identificar e caracterizar as unidades de paisagem da porção meridional do município de Soure, Ilha do Marajó, no estado do Pará. Para tanto, a análise é pautada nos fundamentos teórico-metodológico da paisagem em uma perspectiva integradora, cujos elementos constituintes da paisagem interagem entre si de modo complexo. Com isso busca-se compreender os principais elementos físicos, biológicos e antrogênicos que marcam a referida área. Sob essa base conceitual foram selecionados os seguintes procedimentos: seleção de uma área que detivesse as características suficientes para considerá-la como uma área de interferências dos elementos e fenômenos que interagem entre si de modo complexo e mais interessantes a serem mapeados, levantamento topográfico, levantamento e análise da composição e fisionomia da vegetação, análise de imagem de satélites para identificar as principais formas de relevo e distribuição da vegetação e outros elementos integrantes da paisagem costeira, bem como a identificação das principais formas de usos e ocupação atuais. Constata-se diferentes feições da cobertura vegetal aliadas às distinções de organização pedomorfológica, as características topográficas internas e as formas de uso e ocupação mais recorrentes nas UP. Destacam-se nas unidades antropizadas pastagens cultivadas como elemento fonte de nutrição ao gado nas dinâmicas de pecuária extensiva na área estudada, bem como a associação de outros usos, sobretudo o extrativismo vegetal, animal e mineral. A aplicação metodológica, resultou na classificação de unidades coforme a tipologia fisionômica e ecológica nas grandezas 4 (geossistema) e 5 (geofácies). Assim sendo, distinguem-se os seguintes geossistemas: GI, GII, GIII, GIV E GV e suas nomenclaturas foram associadas à formação vegetal, ao potencial ecológico e/ou à exploração biológica. Os geofácies foram subdivididos em: GIgf1, GIgf2, GIgf3, GIIgf4, GIIgf5, GIIgf6, GIIgf7, GIIgf8, GIIIgf9, GIIIgf10, GIIIgf11, GIIIgf12, GIIIgf13, GIIIgf14, GVgf15, GVgf16, GVgf17, GVgf18, GVgf19, GVgf20, GVgf21). Para a definição de cada Geofácies, levou-se em consideração o potencial ecológico e gêneros ou espécies vegetais mais representativas e análises qualitativas observadas in locu. Essas classificações são mais que suficientes para atestar que a proposta de representar e analisar a paisagem através da identificação de suas unidades de paisagem revelou-se um valioso instrumento para o conhecimento das relações entre os elementos que a configuram, visto que este representa um elemento síntese da realidade, capaz de fornecer subsídios a práticas que vislumbrem um melhor aproveitamento do potencial ecológico, exploração biológica em associação a ação antropogênica do mosaico paisagístico da área em questão.

  • “A Urbanização e os assentamentos precários na Bacia do Paracuri - Belém - PA"
  • Data: 29/08/2014
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  • O presente trabalho refere-se à Dissertação de Mestrado do Curso de Pós- Graduação em Geografia, do Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas da Universidade Federal do Pará. Fundamenta-se numa abordagem qualitativa e investigativa de cunho científico, o qual foi elaborado com a finalidade de analisar as ações norteadoras e as intervenções urbanas que estão sendo realizadas pela Secretaria e Urbanismo de Belém na área da Bacia Hidrográfica do Paracuri, localizada no Distrito Administrativo de Icoaraci, Belém-Pa. Tem-se por objetivo geral, analisar as ações das políticas públicas habitacionais nas áreas consideradas de assentamentos precários. Os resultados encontrados na pesquisa são baseados nas fontes teóricas, científicas e através da coleta de materiais no trabalho de campo. Apresentam-se as alterações sócio-espacial, ocasionadas pela ocupação, urbanização e produção do espaço, a partir de estudos preliminares sobre a área em questão, incluindo os principais fatores que tem contribuído na expansão urbana, ao longo das últimas quatro décadas, no Município de Belém e sua relação com seu entorno, assim como, a política habitacional do governo Federal, Estadual e Municipal, relacionando as mesmas com as metas e com os objetivos do Projeto de Urbanização da Bacia do Paracuri.

  • Data: 05/08/2014
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  • O    presente    trabalho    realiza  uma    análise  de   duas     comunidades      rurais

    extrativistas do município de Abaetetuba, na região do Baixo Tocantins, a partir

    de    suas   estratégias   de  produção,    que   têm   sua   base   econômica     voltada

    principalmente para o extrativismo do açaí, onde a comunidade Campompema

    possui    vínculos   com   cooperativismo     e   a  comunidade     do   Capim    tem   sua

    produção       marcada      por    estratégias     individualistas    de    produção      e

    comercialização.      Para   tal  feito  trabalhamos   a  caracterização    do  camponês

    típico da região amazônica, que é o ribeirinho, e suas estratégias de produção

    e   reprodução    social  e  de   sua  territorialidade.  O  objetivo   desta  análise   foi

    comprovar que estratégias de ação coletivas, principalmente o            cooperativismo,

    é   um elemento   que  pode   ser trabalhado  com  no   intuito de  garantir  melhores

    condições     de   vida   para   os  ribeirinhos   e  mercados     para   seus    produtos

    regionais, principalmente o açaí, que nas últimas décadas tornou-se produto de

    elevado valor comercial nos mercados interno e externo, sem perder o vínculo

    com a terra e fortalecendo sua territorialidade.

  • Data: 22/07/2014
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  • Investigou-se o gênero de vida das comunidades Vila dos Pescadores e Vila do Bonifácio que fazem parte da Reserva Extrativista Marinha Caeté-Taperaçu, localizada no município de Bragança, nordeste do Estado do Pará. O estudo foi desenvolvido com uso de algumas técnicas, tais como a observação e a pesquisa de campos, com a realização de entrevistas com membros das comunidades e pessoas ligadas a gestão. Ao se referir a categoria geográfica gênero de vida notou-se que as comunidades em estudo criam possibilidades de vida conforme o que lhe é disponível pelo meio. Em geral, a cultura e as técnicas utilizadas são consideradas para a execução de atividade nos ambientes em que estão inseridos. A implantação da Reserva Extrativista veio a corroborar com formas de uso dos recursos naturais marinhos, a pesca e a catação de caranguejo que faz parte da realidade destas comunidades. Diante da situação constatou-se problemas sociais e ambientais que fogem às regras preconizadas pelo Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação- SNUC e o Decreto de criação da Resex, no qual determinam a promoção social e do meio ambiente em que se inserem as unidade de conservação.
  • Data: 04/07/2014
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  • Com a perspectiva de acirramento dos fenômenos hidroclimáticos extremos e as relações conflituosas historicamente estabelecidas entre os processos de uso e ocupação do espaço amazônico, desastres naturais tem ocorrido com maior frequência e intensidade na Amazônia. Dentre as bacias hidrográficas pertencentes à região, a bacia transfronteiriça do rio Purus, situada entre Peru, Bolívia e os Estados brasileiros do Acre, Amazonas e Rondônia, está entre as mais atingidas pelos eventos desastrosos. Em busca de contribuir com dados e informações para a gestão de risco de desastres, esta pesquisa avalia o risco de desastres naturais na bacia do rio Purus. Para tal se utiliza de dados oficiais de registro de desastres, dados fluviométricos, geomorfológicos, de focos de calor e desmatamento trabalhados em ambiente de Sistemas de Informações Geográficas (SIG). Paralelamente, análises conjuntas dos processos e fatores naturais e antrópicos envolvidos nos desastres naturais recorrentes da área de estudo são realizadas. Através da integração dos dados e informações de ameaças e vulnerabilidades, avalia-se a dimensão dos riscos por tipo de desastre: os associados ao incremento das precipitações hídricas, e os associados à intensa redução das precipitações hídricas. Em ambos os tipos são apresentadas semelhanças na distribuição dos riscos. O alto e moderado risco correspondem às áreas mais antropizadas da bacia; o risco se apresenta inexistente em localidades pertencentes ao alto curso; e as áreas menos antropizadas e com abrangência aos territórios de Unidades de Conservação e Terras Indígenas são equivalentes às de baixo risco. Pela eficácia na estimativa de danos e prejuízos potenciais e pela abordagem holística dos fatores e processos envolvidos, os resultados da pesquisa são capazes de subsidiar discussões acerca do planejamento e gestão de riscos de desastres na Amazônia por bacias hidrográficas.
  • Data: 30/06/2014
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  • Interferências no meio geográfico e território podem ameaçar comunidades agroecológicas? A colonização oficial ocupou o entorno do quilombo Abacatal desde fins do século XIX; em meados do século XX implantou empreendimentos agropecuários, sucedidos pela expansão urbana a partir de 1970. Esse contexto geopolítico e econômico justificou conhecer as formas de superação utilizadas pelo quilombo para manter as funções abrigo e recurso em seu sistema territorial ameaçado pela economia moderna que prioriza, apropria e remove componentes do espaço fonte. O método utilizou a abordagem geográfica associando risco epidemiológico, gestão, teoria geográfica e sociologia para construir modelo prospectivo das motivações, ações e resultantes da reconfiguração territorial sobre componentes físicos, bióticos e antrópicos. A análise revelou dicotomia entre as funções do patrimônio natural e os sistemas técnicos informacionais vigentes. No contexto cultural o dominante atribui ao dominado um atributo opaco pretendendo reduzir-lhe a autonomia, dificultar sua organização e reprodução do modo de vida. O contexto socioeconômico domina, territorializa e fecha o espaço, despreza o pré-existente, esgota o patrimônio natural, apropria seu valor e instala novas funções. Os resultados comprovaram a validade do método para detalhar processos de reconfiguração espacial e territorial e suas resultantes socioambientais, culturais e econômicas surgidos de mudanças na cobertura e uso do solo. Os achados, recomendações e objetos de pesquisa contemplam regulação, gestão, desenvolvimento e organização social; podem minimizar os impactos da reterritorialização que envolve o quilombo e recompor sua viabilidade para reproduzir seu modo de vida, tendo em vista a diversidade cultural da RMB.
  • Data: 10/06/2014
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  • O turismo a partir da década de 1990 passou ser vislumbrado como uma importante alternativa de desenvolvimento para muitas cidades brasileiras atreladas ao processo de urbanização, marketing e venda das localidades turísticas. As políticas públicas de turismo são estabelecidas sempre com o discurso da geração de emprego e renda e melhoria da qualidade de vida da população local. Entretanto, apesar da importância do turismo como gerador de riqueza é necessário analisar as reais possibilidades desta atividade ser potencialmente geradora de desenvolvimento, considerando que vivemos no modo produção capitalista, que acima de tudo visa o lucro e gera exclusão social. Neste sentido, este relatório de qualificaçãotraz um estudo preliminar da relação entre turismo, políticas públicas e desenvolvimento sócio-espacial a partir da implantação de grandes obras de urbanização turística, procurando demonstrar quais as repercussões no desenvolvimento sócio-espacial. Para alcançar os objetivos propostos foi realizado coleta de dados em órgãos públicos relacionados ao turismo em Salinópolis e análise dos planos, programas e projetos de desenvolvimento turístico, além disso, estão sendo realizados trabalhos de campo à localidade para realização de estudo descritivo de caráter exploratório objetivando investigar a atual dinâmica do turismo na cidade e realização de entrevistas com os atores locais e com pessoas envolvidas de alguma maneira com o turismo, não só moradores locais, mas também com os turistas. Pretende-se apresentar o quadro de Salinópolis revelado a partir dos Parâmetros Subordinados e Subordinadores construído a partir da observação e principalmente do registro dos próprios moradores, com o objetivo de evidenciar os diversos conflitos e problemas sócio-espaciais.

  • Data: 06/06/2014
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  • A dissertação aborda a dinâmica socioespacial ribeirinha na Amazônia tendo como ponto de
    partida as comunidades circunscritas na porção insular do município de Abaetetuba, Nordeste
    do Estado do Pará. Trata-se do desdobramento de uma discussão que envolve o dinamismo da
    vida ribeirinha, sobretudo no que diz respeito à inter-relação entre o uso dos recursos naturais,
    o modo de vida e a dinâmica socioespacial prevalecente nas áreas sob influência dos rios e
    igarapés onde tradicionalmente os ribeirinhos estabelecem suas moradas. O trabalho encontra-
    se   dividido   em   três   capítulos  seguidos  das   considerações   finais.   O   primeiro   capítulo   visa
    resgatar alguns aspectos históricos da formação ribeirinha na Amazônia com vistas à área de
    estudo.    O  segundo    capítulo  trata  do  processo   de  expansão    e  declínio dos   engenhos    de
    aguardente   no   município   em   estudo   e   suas   implicações   na   dinâmica   socioespacial   entre   os ribeirinhos  no   período   compreendido   entre   as   décadas   1960   à   1988.   O  terceiro   e   último capítulo   analisa   a   dinâmica   socioespacial   local   a   partir   das   práticas   de   uso   dos   recursos naturais (de modo especial a pesca e o agroextrativismo do açaí) e sua relação com o modo de
    vida. De uma maneira o trabalho busca dar ênfase as experiências concretas vivenciadas pelos
    ribeirinhos que habitam as mais de 60 comunidades existentes na porção insular do município
    de Abaetetuba. Os primeiros resultados (de um esforço analítico que pretendemos desdobrar
    em trabalhos futuros) permite a conclusão de que, à exemplo de outras áreas ribeirinhas do
    estuário   amazônico,   o   contexto  socioespacial  ribeirinho   nas   ilhas   de   Abaetetuba   reflete   a
    capacidade   de   resiliência   de   um   modo   de   vida   que,   a   despeito  da   histórica   condição   de invisibilidade e preconceitos, se mantém vivo ainda hoje caracterizando uma das mais antigas
    formas de produção do espaço amazônico.

  • Data: 30/05/2014
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  • Esta pesquisa discute sobre os desdobramentos das políticas e ações de turismo e de preservação do patrimônio cultural que intervêm na produção do espaço da cidade de Bragança, no período compreendido entre os anos de 2001-2011. Discute-se, também, como ocorre a participação dos agentes ligados ao turismo e ao patrimônio cultural no processo social e histórico da produção do espaço do centro histórico de Bragança. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter qualitativo. Foram realizados levantamentos e analises bibliográficas sobre o tema e a área de estudo; analises de documentos referentes ao patrimônio e ao turismo; entrevistas semi-estruturadas com representantes dos órgãos ligados ao patrimônio e ao turismo das esferas municipal, estadual e federal, trade turístico e moradores antigos. Ocorreram, também, várias observações in loco ao longo dos dois anos de pesquisa. Observou-se que Bragança é uma das cidades históricas mais antigas da Amazônia que o processo de colonização iniciou ainda no século XVII e ocorreu pelos rios, em especial o rio Caeté. A ferrovia, também, contribuiu para as transformações que ocorreram naquele espaço, foi um período de forte dinâmica social, econômica e cultural, pois circulação de mercadorias, informações e pessoas tornou-se mais intensa. Entretanto, com a desativação da ferrovia o município passou por um período de estagnação, recuperando-se lentamente com o surgimento das rodovias. Todos esses períodos contribuíram para a constituição de um patrimônio cultural que expressa parte da identidade do povo bragantino. Observou-se com a pesquisa que a preservação do patrimônio cultural em Bragança, especialmente no centro histórico, ocorreu, principalmente, por instrumentos como os tombamentos que foram criados nos últimos dez anos e que o Estado é o agente que mais intervém no espaço com a elaboração, criação de ações que visem à preservação, entretanto isso não é suficiente para a preservação. Quanto ao turismo notou-se que vários são os agentes presentes naquele espaço e que o Estado, também, é um dos principais a induzir o turismo naquele lugar, entretanto isso tem ocorrido apenas muito recentemente, pois como Bragança não conta com um plano de turismo municipal, as orientações que são seguidas são as estabelecidas nos planos estaduais de turismo.
  • HABITAÇÃO PRODUZINDO ESPAÇO URBANO NA REPRODUÇÃO DE CONJUNTOS HABITACIONAIS: experiências e tendências na Região Metropolitana de Belém.
  • Data: 23/05/2014
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  • O trabalho discute a produção do espaço urbano, extraindo dos conjuntos habitacionais os elementos centrais de análise. Parte-se da política do Banco Nacional de Habitação (BNH) chegando até o Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida (PMCMV), o que representa cinco décadas de materializações expressas nos conjuntos habitacionais da Região Metropolitana de Belém (RMB). Para fins didáticos, os indicadores analíticos foram subdivididos em dois grupos: os que revelam a produção do espaço urbano na escala metropolitana e os que a revelam na escala local. Dentre os primeiros, ressaltam-se a localização dos conjuntos e os agentes responsáveis pela sua produção. Na escala local, os indicadores são representados pela forma arquitetônica original e suas dinâmicas internas, considerando, também, os usos no interior dos conjuntos. A metodologia utilizada incorporou o levantamento bibliográfico sobre a temática, ressaltando, sobretudo, a produção do espaço urbano nos aglomerados metropolitanos e as políticas habitacionais do BNH ao PMCMV. Foram elaborados mapas temáticos, revelando as materializações das políticas habitacionais e as práticas espaciais dos diferentes agentes. Trabalhos de campo foram desenvolvidos no interior dos conjuntos, identificando o padrão arquitetônico original, suas dinâmicas e seus usos, além da realização do levantamento fotográfico. Desde a década de 1960, a mancha urbana da RMB vem crescendo de forma acelerada, num contexto em que a construção de conjuntos habitacionais tem assumido destaque. As políticas habitacionais do BNH ao PMCMV vêm se materializando em localizações específicas na RMB, com ritmos e intensidades que expressam a lógica conflituosa da produção do espaço urbano na escala metropolitana. Os agentes elegem as localizações de acordo com o poder aquisitivo das demandas, estendendo muitas vezes o tecido urbano para áreas rurais, numa lógica em que as acessibilidades são diretamente proporcionais ao poder de compra dos mutuários. A forma original dos conjuntos, suas dinâmicas internas e seus usos têm revelado uma série de conflitos e contradições na escala local. Esses conflitos vêm se expressando nas modificações das unidades habitacionais padronizadas, no nível de infra-estrutura e na diversificação dos usos presentes no interior dos conjuntos. Na síntese entre as materializações nas escalas metropolitana e local, o espaço urbano expressa sua dinâmica conflituosa, a partir dos conjuntos habitacionais, revelando experiências e tendências na RMB.

  • Data: 23/05/2014
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  • O Círio de Nazaré em Belém do Pará é realizado desde o final do século XVIII e, ao longo dos anos, tornou-se um complexo de eventos sagrados e profanos, atraindo de modo crescente milhares de turistas para a cidade no mês de outubro. Observando a sua importância para a atividade turística, esse estudo visa analisar a turistificação de espaços em santuários e eventos católicos, enfocando essa festividade a partir da atuação dos agentes envolvidos nesse processo. Tal objetivo se desdobra na identificação e análise tanto de espaços turistificados durante a festividade, quanto dos agentes, os quais se apropriam de tais espaços, com interesses religiosos, políticos, econômicos e culturais (em sentido amplo). As pesquisas realizadas demonstram a diversidade de suas intenções, que historicamente convergem e divergem entre si, ocasionando conflitos de territorialidades, que os impelem a criar estratégias para manterem seus territórios, dentre elas as parcerias. Assim, a análise desse processo possibilita a compreensão da importância de cada agente e a necessidade de se buscar o entendimento entre eles de modo a democratizar os benefícios ocasionados pela atividade turística em seu segmento cultural e, mais especificamente, religioso.

  • Data: 28/04/2014
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  • O contexto de complexidade, desigualdade e injustiça do espaço urbano capitalista nos remonta a necessidade de um planejamento e uma gestão deste espaço que considere estas variáveis como intrínsecas a esse modelo de sociedade, porém sem aceitá-los ou defendê-los, tendo como objetivo final o desenvolvimento urbano entendido enquanto promoção de qualidade de vida, justiça social e autonomia para todos aqueles que produzem, reproduzem e vivem o espaço urbano. Essa prática planejadora e gestora deve ser apreendida como uma pesquisa social aplicada, interdisciplinar, que contemple uma participação popular efetiva, assim como utilize os seus diversos instrumentos de forma a apreciar os objetivos de forma satisfatória. Entre esses instrumentos temos o Cadastro Territorial Multifinalitário (CTM), que apesar de não ser uma ideia nova, tendo sua gênese datada de milênios atrás, sendo os modelos atuais muito próximos daqueles produzidos na Europa já no século XIX, o Brasil só contou com uma “legislação” específica voltada para o CTM a partir do final da primeira década do século XXI, sob uma portaria do Ministério das Cidades que trouxe recomendações genéricas acerca da estrutura e metodologia de implantação de um modelo de cadastro. Enquanto que no contexto local, em Belém do Pará, a produção de cadastros remonta da década de 1970, tendo como o mais atual aquele produzido em 2000, chamado de Cadastro Técnico Multifinalitário. Desta forma, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar, com certa comparação, os modelos de cadastros do Ministério das Cidades, proposto na sua portaria nº 511/09, e da prefeitura de Belém - chamado de Cadastro Técnico Multifinalitário, com foco na questão da multifinalidade, esta considerada a partir da possibilidade do uso do CTM em todas as esferas do planejamento e gestão urbanos, principalmente àquelas não diretamente ligadas às esferas fiscal e tributária, já que estas últimas constituem historicamente a preocupação inicial do cadastro, configurando, assim, sua finalidade primeira. O trabalho foi produzido a partir do uso de técnica de consulta bibliográfica em obras de autores que discutem principalmente os conceitos de espaço, território, espaço urbano, ordenamento territorial, planejamento e gestão urbanos com coleta e análise de dados secundários, realizada através de pesquisa documental em textos oficiais do Ministério das Cidades, que envolvem o seu modelo de CTM, tais como a portaria 511/09, e relatórios de execução e planilhas do cadastro de Belém, fornecidas pelo seu órgão gestor, culminando com técnica de entrevista semiestruturada com técnicos dos órgãos competentes à sua produção e gestão, como a CODEM e a SEFIN.
  • Data: 10/10/2013
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  • Este trabalho analisa as formas de atuação do Estado na figura do INCRA em relação à formação e manutenção de Projetos de Assentamento, em específico, o PA Surubim em Medicilândia. Para isso, investigou o processo de formação do PA Surubim e a capacidade dos projetos implantados pelo Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária em contribuir com a manutenção dos mesmos. A pesquisa revelou que o processo de distribuição da planejada da terra na Amazônia na década de 1970, é uma das ações de promoção de Ajuste Espacial no território brasileiro realizado pelo capital utilizando-se do poder estatal através do Programa de Integração Nacional. As ações decorrentes disto configuraram o espaço amazônico e desencadeou o processo de formação de territórios com características peculiares, como os assentamentos formados por agricultores migrantes que vieram a região em busca de melhores condições de vida, atrelada a posse da terra. Os agricultores migrantes passaram a exercer sua territorialidade nessa porção da Amazônia através da luta pela legalização do PA. Como também através de estratégias de pressão junto ao Estado, seja na figura do INCRA, e/ou outras esferas do Governo em suas três instancias, para a obtenção dos mínimos direitos que possibilitem sua reprodução enquanto agricultores e família por meio de sua permanência no Assentamento.
  • Data: 04/10/2013
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  • Procurar estudar e entender as questões ambientais que tomam a agenda de debates científicos em esfera global e nacional é a meta de grande parte dos estudiosos contemporâneos, e assim sendo, este trabalho também segue este caminho, contudo o olhar geográfico se faz presente nesta analise. Logo, este trabalho se detém no assunto ambiental, porém o aproxima dos debates que incluem a ação e a dependência humana a este cenário. Estudando a política nacional de meio ambiente, mais especificamente a forma de Unidade de Conservação, Reserva Extrativista, unidade esta tão importante ao modo de vida do homem amazônico. O intuito deste estudo é de aproxima-lo da realidade amazônica, concomitante a isto, o recorte espacial é feito sobre a Reserva Extrativista de São João da Ponta-PA, e tem como objeto principal de analise o Conselho Deliberativo desta mesma unidade de conservação e da forma de participação da comunidade desta reserva neste conselho e nas ações da RESEX. O objetivo deste estudo é entender qual o papel da comunidade usuária da RESEX no Conselho Deliberativo e na gestão da mesma. Todo este debate ira ser precedido de analise sobre a chegada do modelo de unidades de conservação no Brasil, sua origem, seus pressupostos teóricos, filosóficos e políticos. A necessidade ou justificativa para tal estudo, além de toda a importância regional, se assenta na dependência que as comunidades pertencentes a esta unidade de conservação possuem com relação aos recursos que a natureza lhes proporciona e somando-se a isso, as dificuldades de se conseguir de fato estabelecer esta unidade, com todas as prerrogativas e objetivos para os quais a mesma foi criada, causa certa frustração e relativo descrédito sobre este modelo de conservação do meio ambiente, por parte do publico externo a reserva e mais preocupante, também por grande parcela daqueles que a compõem.
  • Data: 30/09/2013
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  • O diagnóstico ambiental e a análise da adequabilidade da ocupação permitem a identificação de áreas mais críticas quanto ao nível de degradação, sendo extremamente relevantes para o estabelecimento de medidas de preservação, conservação e recuperação. Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um diagnóstico ambiental da Reserva Extrativista Marinha de São João da Ponta, através de técnicas de geoprocessamento. Foram realizadas análises baseadas nas informações que compõem a paisagem da UC, principalmente no uso e ocupação do solo e das relações entre alguns aspectos considerados no trabalho. As análises envolveram aspectos relacionados ao uso e ocupação do solo, ao clima da região, a composição do solo e sua geomorfologia, aos recursos hídricos, a fauna e flora da região, as condições de vida nas comunidades, ao risco de erosão. Constatou-se que os recursos hídricos da bacia estão sendo degradados, o uso e cobertura do solo ainda apresenta áreas degradadas e um processo de fragmentação está ocorrendo na paisagem, principalmente no entorno da UC. Fontes potenciais de degradação da paisagem dos manguezais foram identificadas no entorno da Unidade, comprometendo a qualidade e quantidade da oferta de recursos. A urbanização é o fator de maior influência sobre a UC, pois exerce uma pressão sobre a RESEX. Situações irregulares com relação à legislação e a preservação ambiental foram detectadas na bacia. Na maior parte da UC ao longo dos cursos d’água o uso e cobertura do solo apresentam um estágio de regeneração avançada, o que remete ao processo de ocupação do nordeste paraense. Os corredores ecológicos que interligam as florestas de terra firme encontram-se degradados e inadequados, principalmente por não cumprir a função ambiental determinada pelo Código Florestal, predominando nestas áreas as pastagens. Uma política de controle ambiental eficiente é necessária para essas áreas, considerando um planejamento ambiental adequado que oriente a ocupação do entorno da UC e a adoção de medidas para a recuperação da mesma
  • TURISMO DE BASE COMUNITARIA E DESENVOLVIMENTO SOCIOESPACIAL: um estudo de caso da Vila de Pesqueiro (Marajó –PA).
  • Data: 24/09/2013
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  • A vontade de superar a pobreza levou milhares de comunidades a buscar fontes de alternativas de renda frente aos limitados resultados da economia de sobrevivência. Sansolo e Bursztyn (2009) mostram que o turismo tem sido uma opção adotada por famílias e pequenos proprietários rurais e, de alguma forma, vem sendo apoiado pelo governo federal. O trabalho analisa a contribuição do turismo de base comunitária para a construção do desenvolvimento socioespacial em um contexto local, mais precisamente no Município de Soure com o “Projeto VEM (Viagem Encontrando Marajó)”. Os questionamentos que norteiam esta pesquisa levam em conta quais os agentes ligados ao turismo de base comunitária e quais são as suas estratégias; que indicativos permitem avaliar se o desenvolvimento socioespacial na Vila de Pesqueiro?; e que atributos revelados permitem avaliar se o TBC possibilita o desenvolvimento socioespacial? A pesquisa desenvolve-se a partir de uma abordagem dialética, partindo do materialismo do materialismo histórico-dialético como método de interpretação. A natureza da pesquisa segue uma abordagem qualitativa ancorada nas seguintes técnicas de investigação: levantamento e revisão bibliográfica levantamento e análise documental, observação sistemática em campo, e entrevista do tipo qualitativa (semi-estruturada). A dissertação é composta por quatro capítulos: a proposta do primeiro capítulo é fazer uma construção teórica e histórica, discutindo o surgimento do turismo enquanto atividade econômica e a política de turismo do Estado brasileiro desde 1966 até o momento atual; o segundo capítulo, teórico, discute ações sobre o TBC e os sítios simbólicos de pertencimento, a relação entre a teoria e a atividade em questão; o terceiro capítulo, empírico, faz considerações sobre as políticas de turismo em uma escala municipal,os agentes ligados ao TBC e suas respectivas funções e ações; o quarto capítulo, teórico e empírico, discute os indicadores de autonomia, justiça social e qualidade de vida e se esses indicadores revelam atributos que admitam considerar o desenvolvimento socioespacial a partir do exemplo do Projeto VEM, enquanto um caso de TBC.
  • Data: 23/09/2013
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  • As Reserva Extrativistas (RESEX) são unidades de conservação classificadas como de uso sustentável pelo Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação (SNUC) tem o objetivo proteger os meios de vida e a cultura de suas populações extrativistas tradicionais e assegurar o uso sustentável dos recursos naturais da unidade, sendo administradas pelo Instituto Chico Mendes de Biodiversidade - ICMBio. O Conselho Consultivo e o Plano de Manejo são os instrumentos básicos de planejamento e gestão destas unidades. Atualmente existem no Estado do Pará 09 Reservas Extrativistas Marinha , Sendo que Resex Gurupí-Piriá não possui Plano de Manejo estipulado. O Roteiro Metodológico proposto pelo IBAMA para orientar a construção de Planos de Manejo das Reservas Extrativista prevê uma série de temas a serem estudados para a elaboração do diagnóstico e zoneamento, porém não prevê uma metodologia específica para integrar os diversos temas estudados. Nesta pesquisa foi proposta a abordagem do Planejamento da Paisagem como metodologia integradora dos diversos temas facilitando a análise das características, através da geração do mapa com as Unidades de Paisagem. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida na parte leste da Rsex Gurupí-Piriá, onde está localizado as comunidades que fazem parte de 03 polos, Limondeua; Piquiateus e Cidade (Viseu/sede), é importante destacar que a Resex Gurupí-Piriá é a maior Resex do Estado do Pará com extensão territorial de 74.000 há. Com base na metodologia citada foram identificadas 08 unidades de paisagem, apresentadas através de textos descritivos, de um quadro- resumo e de um mapa ilustrado na escala 1:100.000. Foi possível demonstrar que a abordagem baseada nos princípios do Planejamento da Paisagem pode ser utilizada como uma abordagem integradora entre os diversos temas que normalmente estão previstos nos Roteiros Metodológicos dos Planos de Manejo.
  • REPRODUÇÃO CAMPONESA EM ÁREA DE ASSENTAMENTO NA AMAZÔNIA: Um estudo no Assentamento João Batista II, Castanhal- Pará
  • Data: 16/09/2013
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  • Nossa pesquisa enfoca a reprodução camponesa em área de assentamento rural na Amazônia. Como estudo de caso elegeu-se o Assentamento João Batista II, localizado no município de Castanhal, estado do Pará, sendo este o mais antigo organizado pelo Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem-Terra, na mesorregião do nordeste paraense. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é analisar a reprodução camponesa na Amazônia, entendendo que este processo se dá na construção do território. Para melhor estruturar nossa investigação, foram escolhidas as variáveis: atividades produtivas e organização social, compreendendo-as como parte de ações que compõem a reprodução dos camponeses. Aspectos como: endividamento, pobreza natural do solo, dificuldades de comercialização e disputas políticas no interior do assentamento, têm se constituindo como fatores que limitam a reprodução sócioespacial dos camponeses no Assentamento João Batista II.
  • Data: 12/09/2013
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  • A presente dissertação realiza uma reflexão sobre a Nova Política Habitacional brasileira, caracterizada como momento de mudanças organizacionais proferidas pelo Estado brasileiro frente ao problema do hiato histórico de atenção à habitação popular ou Habitação de Interesse Social e a defasagem criada nas últimas três décadas sobre este aspecto imprescindível à vida da classe trabalhadora: o acesso à casa própria. Neste intento, procurou-se analisar o processo de produção do espaço da Região Metropolitana de Belém sob a ótica do modo de produção capitalista e a tentativa da incorporação à regulação do espaço de novos instrumentos, que de forma incutida, teriam a possibilidade de amenizar o problema da carência habitacional na Região com a inserção do direito à cidade intrinsecamente presente nos programas de Habitação de Interesse Social, originados após a criação do Sistema Nacional de Habitação de Interesse Social em 2005, que trazia naquele momento, reivindicações das organizações sociais em seu bojo, após a promulgação do Estatuto da Cidade, que de forma implícita, abarcou elementos discutidos pelo Fórum Nacional da Reforma Urbana durante as décadas anteriores. O trabalho, assentado sobre bases críticas em geografia, na análise bibliográfica e seu confronto com as falas dos principais sujeitos fomentadores desta política nos últimos anos (técnicos de organizações sociais, agentes institucionais, da Caixa Econômica Federal, militantes, sindicalistas e empreendedores do setor privado), na RMB, evidencia o descompasso entre a elaboração e a execução dos Programas de Habitação de Interesse Social e a mudança de perspectiva de execução de propostas orgânicas, advindas com o SNHIS/FNHIS e a adoção de estratégias mercadológicas instrumentais tipicamente criadas para atenção à reprodução do capital, com o advento do Programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida (2009). Os resultados apontam para visões difusas dos agentes e atores sobre o problema habitacional e seu equacionamento, mas convergem no entendimento da ruptura criada em um momento histórico específico, para sustentação do aquecimento da economia, no contexto de ameaça de crise econômica global (2008) e congelamento das intenções governamentais de supressão da maior parcela do déficit habitacional brasileiro, a de “interesse social”, naquilo que chamamos de contramão do direito à cidade, isto é, reorientação político-econômica em favor do não resfriamento do mercado e permanência de condições de governabilidade aos grupos políticos atualmente dominantes.
  • A AMAZÔNIA RIBEIRINHA E AS POLÍTICAS DE DESENVOLVIMENTO REGIONAL: o Baixo Tocantins no contexto da concepção e gestão do Plano Popular de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Região à Jusante da UHE Tucuruí (PPDJUS)
  • Data: 11/09/2013
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  • A pesquisa consiste em estabelecer relação entre as políticas de desenvolvimento regional e as particularidades da região do Baixo Tocantins, levando em consideração o processo de planejamento participativo desenvolvido na região por meio do Plano Popular de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Região à Jusante da UHE Tucuruí (PPDJUS). No contexto do referido plano, a pesquisa busca analisar o planejamento e a gestão regional, levando em consideração os limites e as possibilidades da participação popular, a articulação entre as escalas municipais e o rebatimento na gestão à escala regional e, por fim, a concepção de desenvolvimento proposta no plano e sua consonância às particularidades regionais. Como metodologia para a realização do trabalho procedeu-se a levantamento e análise bibliográfica; levantamento e análise documental (PPDJUS, convênios e projetos); e entrevistas semi-estrututuradas com representantes dos movimentos sociais, com representantes do poder público e com representantes da ELETRONORTE. Evidenciou-se, assim, que o modelo de gestão desenvolvido nos conselhos gestores (municipais e regional) criados para a definição de investimentos representa um avanço em face do processo de negociação dos diversos sujeitos sociais envolvidos no processo (movimentos sociais, empresa e poder público), indo ao encontro da ideia de planejamento participativo. No entanto, os limites à participação ainda são evidentes devido à participação restrita a poucas lideranças, à institucionalização dos movimentos sociais e à presença ainda fortalecida de relações tradicionais, como assistencialismo e clientelismo. A despeito dessas fragilidades, essa proposta de desenvolvimento a partir das bases apresenta maiores condições de ajustar-se às particularidades regionais.
  • Data: 30/08/2013
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  • O presente estudo tem como objetivo conhecer as formações vegetais que ocorrem no topo de platôs de idade Plioceno/Pleistoceno, integrantes dos chamados Campos de Natureza de Cametá, município localizado no baixo curso do rio Tocantins, na região nordeste do estado do Pará, Amazônia. Os Campos de Natureza são protegidos pela legislação ambiental municipal, considerados como patrimônio natural, integrando tanto o Plano Diretor Municipal, como a Lei Ambiental Municipal. A indefinição acerca do que seriam os “campos de natureza”, em termos fitogeográficos e florísticos gerou grande dúvida na interpretação da legislação municipal criada para protegê-los, ao mesmo tempo, as formações vegetais estão sendo gradativamente alteradas e mesmo destruídas, por causa da intensa extração de areia que compõe o seu substrato, tendo em vista o acelerado processo de urbanização que passa atualmente o município de Cametá. O conceito de paisagem foi utilizado como norteador da pesquisa, em um contexto sistêmico, pois a paisagem é a unidade geográfica que integra elementos abióticos, bióticos e antrópicos, individualizados segundo as relações entre esses elementos que se organizam em um sistema, em constante evolução. Os procedimentos metodológicos incluíram o levantamento bibliográfico acerca das bases conceituais que integram a paisagem e as formações vegetais com os biótopos correspondentes, juntamente com inventários florísticos e fitossociológicos, geralmente empregados com sucesso na definição das diferentes formações vegetais, que integram os campos de natureza, além de sua caracterização fitofisionômica prévia. Os inventários totalizaram 14 pontos distribuídos por áreas conhecidas, informalmente, como Juaba, Côco, Carapajó e Curuçambaba. Os resultados mostraram que há duas formações vegetais diferenciadas que integram os “Campos de Natureza” – a Campina e o Cerrado – ambas em platôs com substrato arenoso, cujas espécies arbustivas e/ou arbóreas que as compõem são mutuamente excludentes, assim como as características fitofisionômicas e estruturais. Assim, a pesquisa definiu um mosaico de unidades de paisagem, com elementos fitogeográficos, composto por campinas e cerrados, cujas histórias evolutivas singulares devem ser consideradas para a criação e gestão de áreas protegidas, conforme a legislação municipal
  • Data: 28/08/2013
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  • A bacia hidrográfica do rio Benfica, localizada na Região Metropolitana de Belém-PA, se apresenta como área importante para observação dos processos de alteração da paisagem, pois esta unidade, nos últimos vinte cinco anos, passou por significativas transformações, impostas pela dinâmica de uso e cobertura da terra. Inicialmente, apresentava uma dinâmica rural e hoje vem se consolidando como uma área urbana que se agrava pelo surgimento de problemas associados ao desenvolvimento e crescimento das cidades: saneamento, habitação e uso dos recursos hídricos. Diante deste contexto, esta Dissertação possui o objetivo de subsidiar o planejamento ambiental desta bacia hidrográfica. Em termos de metodologia, buscou-se a elaboração do Inventário, Diagnóstico Ambiental, Prognóstico e Propostas. De forma específica, foi executada a análise das informações referentes ao meio físico, histórico de ocupação dos municípios que abrangem a bacia hidrográfica do rio Benfica, condições socioeconômicas e de saneamento básico da população residente na bacia, dinâmica do uso e cobertura da terra entre os anos de 1984, 1993, 1999 e 2009, principais problemas ambientais e políticas ambientais vigentes. Os principais resultados obtidos demonstram que a bacia hidrográfica do rio Benfica passa por uma expressiva expansão urbana nos últimos vinte cinco anos, com diferentes problemas ambientais, desacompanhada de políticas eficazes de ordenamento territorial. Esta dinâmica perfaz sobre uma unidade física caracterizada, sobretudo, por baixas amplitudes e declividades altimétricas, com processos sedimentológicos em detrimento dos erosicionais. A integração dos dados físicos da bacia permite que esta seja compartimentada em dois setores (A e B), caracterizados respectivamente por apresentar maiores problemas ambientais desencadeados pela consolidação da área urbana; e outro por ter os maiores índices de crescimento urbano nos últimos dez anos, apesar de ainda ser considerada a área rural da bacia.
  • Data: 15/08/2013
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  • Na bacia hidrográfica do rio Paracuri, situada na porção continental centro-oeste do município de Belém, o aumento das precipitações entre os meses de dezembro e maio tem propiciado enchentes na área de várzea da bacia e consequentemente inundações nas residências e estabelecimentos comerciais instalados na área, ocasionando perdas e danos. Nessa perspectiva, diante da ameaça de inundação na bacia hidrográfica do Paracuri, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo geral identificar e analisar a Vulnerabilidade e a Capacidade de Resposta presente na área da bacia. Para o estudo da Ameaça foram realizados o levantamento documental da ocorrência de inundações na bacia, a geração do Modelo Digital de Terreno, a análise morfométrica da bacia, a caracterização sedimentológica e a comparação das áreas verdes e urbanizadas na bacia; O estudo da Vulnerabilidade a teve como unidade espacial de análise os setores censitários, dentro dos quais foram realizados trabalhos de campo com levantamento fotográfico e preenchimento de planilhas de caracterização ambiental que subsidiaram a identificação das Vulnerabilidades Estrutural, Financeira e Social; Para o estudo da Capacidade de Resposta foram avaliadas as presenças das unidades de resposta escolas e hospitais ou unidades de saúde também por setor censitário. As análises permitiram a classificação dos setores quanto a Vulnerabilidade em Alta, Média e Baixa e quanto a Capacidade de Resposta em Existentes e Inexistentes.
  • Data: 06/08/2013
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  • Esta dissertação tem como objetivo mostrar por que os programas Raízes e Pará Quilombola não conseguem concretizar seus objetivos diante das comunidades remanescentes de quilombo do estado do Pará no que tange a esfera socioeconômica. Buscou-se este propósito através da comparação e análise da atuação destes dois programas, a partir de 2000, dentro da comunidade Filhos de Zumbi, focalizando os projetos produtivos inseridos na mesma. Esta dissertação se estrutura em 4 capítulos: No 1º capítulo apresenta-se a base teórico-metodológica que contou com a discussão de conceitos chaves como comunidades remanescentes quilombola, políticas de ação afirmativa, território e ordenamento territorial, também foram utilizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas na comunidade Filhos de Zumbi, na CEPPIR e no IDESP. O 2º capítulo traça os caminhos do processo de titulação de terras quilombolas no estado, estreitando a discussão à formação de seus quilombos, aos do Baixo Acará e da comunidade Filhos de Zumbi. O 3º capítulo enfatiza a origem do programa Raízes e Pará Quilombola suas caracterizações, obstáculos e analise das ações, principalmente, na esfera dos projetos produtivos. O 4º capítulo mostra a atuação destes dois programas na comunidade remanescente Filhos de Zumbi.
  • Data: 04/07/2013
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  • O presente estudo tem sua análise pautada no conceito de paisagem na perspectiva sistêmica. Sendo assim, entende que existem elementos constituintes da paisagem que interagem entre si de maneira complexa. A praia do Areião mostra uma particularidade em relação às demais praias da ilha de Mosqueiro. Com isso, busca-se compreender os elementos que atuam na parte sudoeste da zona costeira da referida ilha, onde se encontra a área de estudo. Do ponto de vista físico, são analisados elementos da paisagem, tais como: a ação das ondas, dos ventos, das marés, da vegetação e da pluviosidade. Em relação aos elementos antrópicos, analisam-se fatores como a influência do trapiche, dos efluentes urbanos e do processo de uso e ocupação. Não obstante, para se compreender a paisagem da praia do Areião de maneira satisfatória, foram obdecidas etapas no estudo. Primeiramente foi elaborado um levantamento teórico-conceitual do conceito de paisagem em geografia, seguindo os objetivos do presente trabalho. Nesse sentido, adota-se a classificação em unidades de paisagem proposta por Bertrand (1972). Posteriormente, foi compreendida a estrutura da paisagem, mostrando a distribuição espacial em planta dos fenômenos encontrados na área de estudo. Delimitou-se assim, quatro compartimentos na praia. Em seguida, a sazonalidade dos elementos da paisagem foi evidenciada através da fisiologia da paisagem. Neste aspecto, ressaltou-se a análise pautada nas interpretações dos dados de variabilidade da morfologia dos perfis e da granulometria, bem como suas interações com os elementos antrópicos. Neste momento, identificou-se a influência do trapiche na dinâmica da paisagem. Acredita-se que o trapiche cria uma zona de proteção, onde a ação das marés é atenuada no tocante aos processos erosionais que atingem a praia. Além disso, as análises da média granulométrica e do grau de seleção evidenciaram que existem duas células de transporte sedimentar. A primeira antes do trapiche, onde estão localizados os perfis 1 e 2. E a segunda após o trapiche, na área de localização dos perfis 3, 4 e 5. Desenvolvida a compreensão da estrutura e da fisiologia da paisagem, partiu-se para a classificação da praia do Areião em unidades de paisagem. A praia foi classificada na escala do Geosssistema, sendo subdividida em Geofácies Ie, IIa1, IIa2, IIa3, IIIe, IIIa, IVe e IVa. Na definição de cada Geofácies, objetivou-se pontuar, em uma escala espaço-temporal de detalhe, a inter-relação entre os elementos físicos e antrópicos atuantes em cada unidade de paisagem. Para tal definição, houve o cruzamento dos dados da morfologia e da granulometria com as análises qualitativas desenvolvidas através das observações in loco.
  • GÊNERO DE VIDA RIBEIRINHO NA AMAZÔNIA: reprodução socioespacial na região das ilhas de Abaetetuba-PA
  • Data: 02/07/2013
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  • O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar a reprodução socioespacial dos ribeirinhos da região das ilhas de Abaetetuba, com base em seu gênero de vida, frente às recentes transformações ocorridas nas últimas três décadas na região, advindas do processo de modernização e inserção da Amazônia na lógica do capitalismo global. A noção de gênero de vida foi cunhada na geografia clássica por autores como Herder e La Blache e corresponde, genericamente, a um conjunto de práticas materiais e imateriais pelas quais um grupo é capaz de utilizar os recursos de seu meio físico para a sua reprodução socioespacial. Apesar de ter uma grande importância epistemológica para a geografia, essa noção foi renegada ao esquecimento em função de preconceitos arbitrários. Partimos do pressuposto de que a noção de gênero de vida pode ser trabalhada com comunidades rurais do mundo subdesenvolvido, como é o caso dos ribeirinhos da Amazônia, possibilitando o entendimento dos processos pelos quais os ribeirinhos se reproduzem espacialmente. Nessa região, a relação entre a sociedade e o ambiente sempre se constituiu no elemento principal no processo de produção do espaço. Essa relação com o ambiente contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de um gênero de vida peculiar dos ribeirinhos da Amazônia. No entanto, a região amazônica vem passando nos últimos anos por transformações que são políticas, econômicas, sociais e geográficas e que envolvem o município de Abaetetuba e sua região das ilhas e estão ligadas diretamente a um processo de inserção total da Amazônia em uma lógica capitalista de produção aos moldes do chamado mundo globalizado. Nesse sentido, o gênero de vida ribeirinho tem sido alvo constante das transformações advindas deste processo. Portanto, há nessa discussão uma importante variável concernente à relação existente entre as atuais transformações sociais em curso na região e a reprodução socioespacial dos ribeirinhos da região das ilhas de Abaetetuba, principalmente no que concerne ao seu gênero de vida. Observamos, então, que existe uma relação dialética entre a reprodução socioespacial dos ribeirinhos de Abaetetuba, que se materializa em um lugar por intermédio de seu gênero de vida, e as formas de produção social e espacial, ligadas a lógica do capitalismo global. Essa relação, entretanto, não é somente de submissão e/ou destrutiva, mas também de resistência e de reprodução do gênero de vida dos ribeirinhos da região das ilhas de Abaetetuba.
  • Análise das Unidades de Paisagem da Microbacia do Igarapé Moura, Município de Castanhal (PA): subsídios para o planejamento/ordenamento territorial
  • Data: 13/06/2013
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  • O presente trabalho analisou as unidades de paisagem da Microbacia Hidrográfica do Igarapé Moura no Município de Castanhal-PA, considerando a estrutura e a dinâmica face à capacidade de suporte às ações antrópicas, com o intuito de dar subsídios ao planejamento/ordenamento territorial da Microbacia. Para a realização de tal análise, optou-se pelo método de interpretação sistêmico, baseado na Teoria Geral dos Sistemas e na Teoria dos Sistemas Complexos/Dinâmicos. O roteiro de interpretação se deu a partir dos seguintes procedimentos operacionais: análise integrada dos aspectos fisiográficos da microbacia (geologia, unidades de relevo, hipsometria, declividade, pedologia e cobertura e uso solo); elaboração da cartografia de estrutura da paisagem (unidades de paisagem); análise da dinâmica das unidades de paisagens (cartografia multitemporal da cobertura vegetal e uso do solo a partir das imagens de satélite dos anos 1984, 1994 e 2010); delimitação das áreas de estabilidade/instabilidade do meio físico; identificação das áreas de aptidão agrícola para lavoura, pastagem e silvicultura, bem como as áreas inaptas ao uso agrícola; delimitação das áreas de incompatibilidade legal; e por fim elaboração da cartografia de uso indicado à capacidade de suporte. A partir da análise dos aspectos fisiográficos da microbacia foi possível delimitar seis unidades de paisagem: Geossistema dos Tabuleiros e Colinas com Atividades Produtivas, Geossistemas dos Tabuleiros e Colinas com Áreas Urbanizadas, Geossistemas dos Baixos Platôs com Atividades Produtivas, Geossistemas dos Baixos Platôs com Áreas Urbanizadas, Geossistema das Capoeiras sobre Colinas, Baixos Platôs e Tabuleiros e Geossistema das Florestas Ombrófilas Inundáveis em Planícies Aluviais. Do ponto de vista da instabilidade a Bacia apresenta, predominantemente, áreas com significativos índices de instabilidade, destacando os geossistemas que são caracterizados pela ação antrópica. Em contrapartida, as áreas que apresentam condições mais estáveis são caraterizadas pelas áreas onde é possível verificar um substrato vegetativo mais denso, localizadas no Geossistema das Capoeiras sobre Colinas, Tabuleiros e Baixos Platôs e no Geossistema das Florestas Ombrófilas Inundáveis em Planícies Aluviais. Na análise da aptidão agrícola das paisagens da Bacia Hidrográfica, constatou-se que sua maior porção possibilita a utilização de desenvolvimento tecnológico para fins de lavoura, pastagem plantada e silvicultura. Além dessas, verificou-se também áreas inaptas para o desenvolvimento de atividades agrícolas. Por fim, estabeleceu-se sete áreas de uso indicado de acordo com a capacidade de suporte das unidades paisagísticas da Bacia do Igarapé Moura: agropecuária com tecnologia, agropecuária mecanizada, área urbana, preservação, preservação prioritária, conservação/uso sustentável e recuperação prioritária. Portanto, a partir de tais análises constatou-se, uma necessidade de utilização de níveis técnico-científicos na produção agropecuária da Bacia, visando o melhoramento das formas de manejo das diferentes unidades de paisagem. Além disso, a necessidade de conservação da cobertura vegetal secundária a partir de técnicas que visem o desenvolvimento sustentável atrelado a manutenção da floresta, indispensável para o planejamento/ordenamento territorial dessa área.
  • Data: 22/05/2013
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  • A presente pesquisa foi realizada sobre a porção norte do Município de São Caetano de Odivelas, na qual tem por objetivo geral caracterizar as unidades de relevo e as mudanças morfológicas, incluindo a variação da linha de costa. Especificamente, buscam-se identificar as unidades de relevo, analisar a distribuição dessas unidades a partir dos condicionantes fisiográficos; verificar a variação multitemporal da posição da linha de costa e dos canais de drenagem, pelo reconhecimento de formas em imagens de satélite dos anos de 1984,1994 e 2008. Os procedimentos metodológicos da pesquisa incluem o levantamento bibliográfico e revisão de literatura; o levantamento de base cartográfica e de produtos de sensores remotos; tratamento e processamento digital das imagens orbitais de diferentes anos; elaboração de mapas temáticos e trabalhos de campo. Dentre as unidades morfológicas nesta área de estudo estão os tabuleiros que perfazem um total de 56.171.367,09 m². Estas se situam no centro desta área de estudo, na forma de blocos isolados por sítios de inundação/acumulação e canais. Tem um relevo suave ondulado, na qual a altimetria vai de 6 a 30 metros; os bancos lamosos de intermaré contam com 3.596.927,12 m². Posicionam-se de forma planos paralelos à linha de costa. Seu relevo é ligeiramente inclinado e vai de 0 a 2 metros. As planícies lamosas de maré perfazem 101.576.076,13 m². Posicionam-se como sítios paralelos à linha de costa, ao longo do baixo curso dos rios ou de localização insular. Possuem uma topografia plana, na qual sua altimetria vai de 2 a 6 metros. As planícies aluviais sob influência de maré contam com 2.511.688,22 m². Apresentam uma topografia plana que vai de 2 a 6 metros, e situam-se na zona de intermaré e supramaré. Os cordões arenosos subatual medem 2.511.688,22 m². Posicionam-se em formato de flechas dispostas no sentido da atual linha de costa. Possuem topografia plana, com uma altimetria de 6 a 12 metros. As planícies aluviais contam com 11.414.121,33 m². Posicionam-se em contato com as áreas de mangue e ao longo de alguns canais fluviais. Possuem uma topografia plana, acima de 6 metros. As planícies lamosas de supramaré perfazem 3.894.455,26 m². Localizam-se em forma de sítios estreitos do fundo de vales. Possuem uma topografia plana que vai de 4 a 10 metros. As barras arenosas contam com 3.090.505,98 m². Situam-se como depósitos alongados no sentido das desembocaduras dos estuários. Possuem uma topografia plana, que vai de 0 a 2 metros. Os indicadores geomorfológicos identificados são a linha de costa, a formação de novas áreas costeiras, o padrão “escada”, o padrão “paliteiro”, a migração de bancos arenosos, a migração da linha de costa e a deposição de areias sobre os manguezais; os indicadores biológicos dizem respeito a formação de neossolos e a instalação da vegetação de mangue. A linha de costa deste município é formada pelo limite externo dos manguezais que se apresenta de forma retilínea margeando a baía de Marajó, até a ponta de Taipu, a partir da ponta de Taipu, seguindo para leste, a linha de costa passa a apresentar contornos que acompanham os canais e ilhas da desembocadura do estuário conjunto Mojuim-Mocajuba. As mudanças morfológicas podem ser classificadas em sua maioria como acrecionais apesar de em alguns setores ter ocorrido erosão, pois, em 24 anos ocorreu um acréscimo nas áreas de mangue de 2.416.100 metros quadrados o que responde por 2,63% da área total progradada. A dinâmica que ocorre neste município causa modificações no solo, na vegetação e na morfologia.
  • Data: 30/04/2013
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  • Esta pesquisa objetivou uma análise sobre as territorialidades (práticas e elementos da construção e controle de territórios) que envolvem a mineração de pequena escala (MPE) no nordeste do Estado do Pará, apresentando como estudo de caso a valorização de minerais de uso imediato na construção civil (seixo e areia) no município de Capitão Poço. A análise considerou os indicativos socioeconômicos, ambientais e políticos (inclusive a regulação) que condicionam a valorização de substâncias minerais, e também os aspectos relativos à configuração e organização do território, a exemplo da base de recursos naturais (e mesmo os humanos), o manejo que se faz deles e os conflitos e impactos associados. Preferiu-se por estruturar o estudo empregando-se parcialmente o método dialético. E, a partir de uma discussão geográfica integrada às observações em campo e a sistematização de dados secundários de instituições governamentais se obteve uma produção cartográfica referente ao uso e poder sobre os recursos minerais. Desta maneira, espera-se que as informações produzidas forneçam subsídios quando na gestão e planejamento dos recursos minerais a nível regional e municipal.
  • Data: 25/04/2013
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  • Nesta dissertação apresentamos uma pesquisa sobre as interferências sofridas pela comunidade São Pedro, em Juruti, oeste do estado do Pará, desde o início da instalação da atividade mineral no município. No início do século XXI, a instalação do projeto Juruti, pela ALCOA, desencadeou uma série de transformações locais e regionais que associaram o lugar a economia global da mineração. Nossa análise enfoca o espaço rural, sobretudo os processos vivenciados pela comunidade São Pedro, que recebeu, desde o processo de licenciamento da mineração, projetos voltados para o desenvolvimento rural, como por exemplo o projeto Pajiroba, o projeto de criação de galinhas financiado pelo FUNBIO e o projeto agroextrativista da EMATER. Destacamos a forma de implantação destes projetos para analisar como são concebidas as políticas de desenvolvimento para o meio rural no Brasil, que sempre entende o campesinato como sinônimo de atraso, vivendo num espaço a ser desenvolvido por meio de investimentos em projetos agrícolas. Estratégia esta que, segundo nossa pesquisa, desconsidera a especificidade do campesinato na Amazônia, tendendo por isso a limitações que vão além da atividade agrícola, pois confrontam um complexo modo de vida que se tem diversificado para continuar a existir.
  • A RIBEIRA & A ORLA: espacialidades e territorialidades urbanas ribeirinhas em uma cidade amazônica em transformação
  • Data: 25/04/2013
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  • Tendo por base a teoria do espaço socialmente produzido, as reflexões deste trabalho vão ao encontro do tema referente à relação cidade-rio na Amazônia, a partir de um estudo de caso: a orla fluvial da cidade de Marabá. O objetivo é analisar a produção social do espaço e os conflitos de territorialidade existentes em face da dinâmica recente da Amazônia, levando em conta as especificidades locais da relação/interação econômica, política e simbólica dos diferentes agentes com o rio. Para tanto, utilizou-se como instrumental teórico-metodológico o materialismo histórico e dialético, e os seguintes procedimentos metodológicos de pesquisa: a) revisão bibliográfica de temas pertinentes ao desenvolvimento do trabalho, relacionados à geografia urbana e à geografia da Amazônia, e assentados na teoria do espaço socialmente produzido; b) levantamento bibliográfico de caráter histórico-geográfico sobre a orla e a cidade de Marabá; c) levantamento de dados primários, secundários e de fontes documentais da área de estudo; d) observação sistemática de campo sobre a interação cidade-rio em Marabá, com inventário (identificação, comparação e análise de elementos) da paisagem urbana e de suas dinâmicas espaciais, temporais e territoriais; e) levantamentos através da aplicação de formulários com base na relação cidade-rio na orla; f) realização de entrevistas individuais gravadas com questões semiestruturadas com os principais agentes (representantes do poder público, moradores, grandes empresas, comerciantes etc.) existentes na orla fluvial da Marabá. A partir dos dados levantados e analisados, constatou-se, mesmo diante dos processos modernizantes pelos quais passa a cidade, a permanência, de forma residual, do modo de vida ribeirinho na orla fluvial de Marabá. Por outro lado, essa permanência se dá através de uma relação conflituosa com os agentes/grupos que têm na orla um referencial predominantemente econômico, como o Estado, os comerciantes locais e regionais, as grandes empresas, os proprietários fundiários e os promotores imobiliários. Tal contexto ratifica a importância de atentar para as especificidades de como se desenvolve a vida nas “ribeiras” amazônicas, o que significa entender, também, a forma complexa, diversificada e desigual com a qual se desenvolve as relações existentes entre a cidade, espaço complexo, contraditório, obra por excelência, e o rio, elemento que define ritmos, signos, saberes e dinâmicas sócioespaciais urbanas no contexto regional.
  • Data: 04/03/2013
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  • Este estudo aborda a gestão compartilhada dos recursos pesqueiros em Áreas Protegidas, enfatizando a RESEX Mãe Grande de Curuçá e objetiva analisar como a delimitação da RESEX corrobora para a gestão dos recursos pesqueiros, através do estudo de caso da comunidade de Arapiranga de Dentro. O estudo foi realizado através de levantamento bibliográfico sobre os temas Território, pesca artesanal e recursos de uso comum. A pesquisa qualitativa se respaldou na aplicação de questionários semi – estruturados, no levantamento de dados de campo acerca da atividade de pesca, na elaboração de carta e de 2 croquis objetivando demonstrar a área de uso do recurso pesqueiros pela comunidade de Arapiranga. Este estudo pretende analisar não somente as Normativas Legais, parâmetros de ação em Áreas Protegidas, mas como estas normativas são inseridas e absolvidas pelas populações que delas fazem uso e como as práticas locais de pesca são afetadas por essa forma de mediação da relação território – população – recurso.
  • Data: 24/01/2013
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  • O turismo enquanto atividade social, econômica e cultural, possui a enorme capacidade de produzir e reproduzir o espaço geográfico, necessitando, então, de uma organização, ou melhor dizendo, de uma “gestão” desse espaço turístico sob a tutela de quem possui interesses sobre o mesmo. Os agentes produtores do espaço turístico compreendidos pelo Estado, a iniciativa privada e a sociedade local (FRATUCCI, 2009) criam espacialidades e contribuem para a dinâmica do espaço turístico que para Cruz (2006) é o objeto de consumo do turismo se referindo ao próprio espaço, objeto de interesse da Geografia enquanto ciência. Um dos objetivos deste trabalho é discutir como o Círio de Nossa Senhora de Nazaré se constiui como um constructo socioespacial, um recurso turístico (religioso, cultural etc.) que produz e reproduz espaços distintos e necessita de uma gestão, nesse sentido, exercida por agentes distintos. O cerne do objeto de pesquisa em questão será entender essa dinâmica dentro da gestão do espaço turístico que o Círio de Nazaré no município de Vigia proporciona para acontecer todos os anos no segundo domingo de setembro, bem como a produção de territorialidades pelos sujeitos envolvidos nessa trama social. Entender e analisar essa dinâmica nos proporcionará uma outra visão para que futuras políticas públicas de turismo possam vir a acontecer tendo uma compreensão mais holística sobre esse evento e sua gestão que serão estudados aqui.
  • Data: 28/09/2012
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  • O presente estudo aborda os impactos ocasionados pela indústria de pesca frente a uma comunidade tradicional de pescadores, localizada no Município de Bragança, Estado do Pará. A mesma situa-se a 9 km da cidade de Bragança. A partir da segunda metade da década de 1980 algumas indústrias de pesca começaram a ser instaladas nesse espaço. O modo de vida tradicional dessa comunidade prezava muito intensamente pelas relações de parentesco e de vizinhança, assim como acompanhava os ritmos da natureza e o conhecimento dos mais antigos. Com a abertura da rodovia Bragança–Ajuruteua, no início da década de 1980, e posteriormente com a eletrificação desse espaço, são criadas as condições mínimas para que, em seguida, a vila de Bacuriteua se tornasse o principal polo exportador de pescado do Município, contribuindo para a instalação de algumas indústrias de pesca em seu espaço. Concomitantemente à chegada da indústria de pesca, acontece um processo migratório de pescadores, maciçamente do Estado do Ceará. A existência de comunidades tradicionais, que ainda perpetuam seus modos de vida seculares, pode ser vista como uma forma de negação à reprodução de um modelo socioeconômico homogeneizador, onde os indivíduos são vistos simplesmente como potenciais consumidores. Entretanto, gradativamente as comunidades tradicionais são abarcadas por novas práticas socioeconômicas e socioculturais, sendo que o resultado desse processo de inserção é a perda de seus modos de vida seculares, em prol de um modelo de vida tipicamente urbano. A partir da chegada da indústria de pesca, observa-se que a Vila de Bacuriteua passa a sofrer um intenso processo de expansão espacial. Da mesma forma, passaram a ser recorrentes alguns problemas que eram típicos da sede municipal, como o aumento da criminalidade, surgimento de prostíbulos, problemas relacionados ao tráfico e consumo de drogas.
  • Data: 28/09/2012
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  • A patrimonialização e a turistificação, enquanto processos socioespaciais, têm contribuído significativamente para a produção do espaço urbano, por meio dos conflitos entre interesses exógenos às áreas, e as dinâmicas sociais locais, de modo especial nos Centros Históricos urbanos. Nesse contexto, este estudo foi norteado, de modo geral, por questionamentos sobre como os processos de patrimonialização e turistificação tem contribuído, recentemente, para a produção do espaço no bairro Cidade Velha, em Belém-PA. De maneira mais específica pergunta-se: a) Quais são os agentes dos processos de patrimonialização e de turistificação do bairro Cidade Velha, Belém-PA? b) Que estratégias de apropriação e uso do espaço são adotadas por esses agentes? A pesquisa permite compreender as consequências das políticas para o patrimônio cultural e para o desenvolvimento do turismo nos aspectos materiais e nas relações sociais e simbólicas no bairro estudado. Além disso, o trabalho permite evidenciar a diversidade de agentes e de estratégias socioespaciais contraditoriamente presentes nesses processos. Para o desenvolvimento do estudo, com abordagem qualitativa, foram realizados levantamentos e análises em bibliografias que forneceram subsídios teóricos e conceituais para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa. Realizamos trabalho de campo, participando de reuniões dos moradores do bairro, bem como entrevistas semiestruturadas com agentes representantes dos grupos sociais apontados pelo aporte teórico da pesquisa, considerando também as observações em campo.
  • Data: 28/09/2012
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  • A presente dissertação é resultado de uma pesquisa que visa abordar a complexidade socioambiental quanto ao uso do solo e da água na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Murucupi e averiguar quais as principais normativas legais da gestão dos recursos hídricos, no que tange aos princípios e instrumentos, foram pensados e/ou efetivados para esta realidade. A bacia hidrográfica do rio Murucupi está localizada no município de Barcarena no Estado do Pará. O estudo dessa área foi motivado em virtude de pertencer a um município que desde a década de 1980, apresenta um significativo pólo industrial (vinculado à transformação de minérios), um importante sistema portuário, além do crescimento e diversificação de atividades econômicas formais e não formais. As atividades econômicas vinculadas direta e indiretamente à indústria de transformação mineral foram e são responsáveis por intensas modificações sócioespaciais no município de Barcarena alcançando sua complexa rede hidrográfica e, consequentemente, a área da bacia hidrográfica do rio Murucupi, a qual se encontra parcialmente localizada no distrito industrial. Para desenvolver a presente pesquisa, foram realizados os seguintes procedimentos metodológicos: Levantamento bibliográfico e documental, realização de trabalho de campo, produção cartográfica e análise das informações obtidas. A bacia hidrográfica analisada apresenta em sua área diferentes atores sociais e distintas formas de uso e ocupação do solo e da água, representadas: pela atividade industrial desenvolvida pela empresa Alunorte, pelo seu depósito de resíduo sólido (DRS) e pela área de proteção ambiental; pelas áreas de ocupação urbanas planejadas e espontâneas; pelas comunidades tradicionais e ribeirinhas. Portanto, verificou-se uma complexidade quanto às formas de uso e ocupação do solo e da água na área pesquisada, como também foi constato que a qualidade da água e as formas de uso tradicionais dos recursos hídricos são comprometidas. Situação esta decorrente da liberação de resíduos domésticos, in natura, diretamente no rio e com o lançamento de efluentes industriais decorrentes de acidentes ambientais. Diante desse fato foi constatado a carência de políticas públicas por parte dos órgãos públicos responsáveis pelo gerenciamento dos recursos hídricos e, em especial, pela proteção dos corpos d’água. Sendo assim, urge a necessidade da concretização de ações efetivas na área em estudo com vista a promover uma gestão dos recursos hídricos no município de Barcarena, em especial na área da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Murucupi, com intuito de concretizar os instrumentos de gestão que contam na Política Estadual de Recursos Hídricos (PERH).
  • Data: 27/09/2012
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  • Esta dissertação analisa a natureza do turismo fomentado no Polo Turístico de Belém, buscando identificar os limites e as possibilidades de desenvolvimento do Ecoturismo de Base Comunitária na comunidade de Caruaru, ilha de Mosqueiro, Pará. Para analisar o espaço fez-se uma análise crítica sobre a implementação do Programa de Regionalização do Turismo (PRT), assim como do Plano de Desenvolvimento Turístico do Estado do Pará (PDTPA), e da participação do Fórum de Desenvolvimento Turístico de Estado do Pará (Fomentur) no processo de gestão dessa política. Para identificar os limites e possibilidades de desenvolvimento do Ecoturismo de Base Comunitária no local acima referido, buscamos caracterizar as práticas territoriais e as territorialidades advindas do processo de turistificação da comunidade. Pretende-se assim, confirmar que a natureza do turismo fomentado no Polo Turístico de Belém é expressamente massivo e seletivo de territórios e de beneficiados, e que isso constitui um limite para o desenvolvimento do Ecoturismo de Base Comunitária no local pesquisado, a comunidade de Caruaru, ilha de Mosqueiro, contribuindo assim, com a sua melhoria de qualidade de vida.
  • A EXPANSÃO DOS ASSENTAMENTOS RESIDENCIAIS NA ILHA DE MOSQUEIRO: uma particularidade de dispersão urbana no espaço metropolitano de Belém (PA)
  • Data: 27/09/2012
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  • O presente estudo tem como objetivo principal analisar a forma dispersa de Belém, tendo como referência empírica o Distrito Administrativo de Mosqueiro, espaço de lazer, tradicionalmente frequentado pela população da capital paraense. Nesse distrito, os assentamentos urbanos que se destacam em sua paisagem são os residenciais, especialmente os de uso ocasional, as chamadas segundas residências. Estas cresceram numericamente, em virtude do processo de metropolização de Belém, a partir de 1970. Atualmente, entretanto, a dispersão metropolitana de Belém, em uma escala geográfica mais ampla, tem sido decisiva para a incorporação de Mosqueiro como espaço de ação dos grupos sociais excluídos que lutam pela moradia, assim como para que as segundas residências sejam convertidas em moradias de uso permanente. Desse modo, a produção do espaço mosqueirense ocorre, fundamentalmente, em razão da reprodução das relações sociais de produção, sobretudo no que diz respeito à reposição da força de trabalho, por intermédio da conquista de uma moradia.
  • Data: 27/09/2012
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  • A dinâmica metropolitana que caracteriza o atual contexto amazônico acarreta a conformação de novos arranjos espaciais urbanos, que necessitam ser considerados a partir de uma leitura dialética da realidade. No caso belenense, percebe-se que essa metrópole apresenta um caráter disperso, ao mesmo tempo em que se desconcentra, amplia-se ao criar novos vetores de expansão para além de sua área oficialmente considerada metropolitana. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a dinâmica socioespacial do Município de Castanhal em face do processo de dispersão metropolitana de Belém, haja vista a notória articulação existente entre ambos. Com o intuito de alcançar esse objetivo três variáveis foram consideradas para efeito de análise: a produção de espaços de moradia, a produção industrial e a acesso a serviços básicos. Para tanto, utilizou-se como instrumental teórico-metodológico o método de interpretação baseado no materialismo histórico-dialético, onde as relações de produção são analisadas como produto sociohistórico. Sendo assim, o processo de metropolização e de dispersão urbana devem ser compreendidos a partir do movimento dialético das práticas espaciais da sociedade. Com relação ao instrumental técnico-empírico, ressalta-se que a natureza da presente pesquisa está pautada em uma perspectiva qualitativa e quantitativa. Na perspectiva quantitativa algumas técnicas foram empregadas a saber: a quantificação da expansão urbana de Castanhal a partir de uma análise das imagens de satélite dos anos de 1984, 1994 e 2008, utilizando o software de geoprocessamento ARCGIS 9.3, bem como a construção de gráficos, tabelas e quadros a partir da sistematização de dados obtidos junto a órgãos oficiais, a exemplo do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, buscando identificar estaticamente a intensidade das relações entre a Região Metropolitana de Belém (RMB) e Castanhal. Quanto à natureza qualitativa, utilizou-se técnicas como levantamento e análise bibliográfica, levantamento e análise documental e realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas com representantes das principais indústrias e distribuidoras de Castanhal, com intuito de analisar a produção industrial desse Município e sua relação com o processo de dispersão metropolitana de Belém. A partir dos dados levantados e analisados constatou-se que as práticas espaciais urbanas existentes no Município de Castanhal, voltadas aos espaços de assentamentos residenciais e industriais e serviços, promovem uma relação de interdependência com a RMB. Infere-se que tal relação seja fruto de uma nova configuração metropolitana, com base em uma dinâmica de fluxos que aponta para a existência de uma unidade urbana mais ampliada, fragmentada, dispersa e descontínua. Ratifica-se, portanto, a necessidade de se estudar o fenômeno metropolitano para além de sua forma institucionalizada, mas confirma a importância de se compreender o processo de urbanização, que imprime a determinados espaços características consideradas metropolitanas.
  • Data: 26/09/2012
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  • O presente trabalho discute os impactos socioterritoriais e a construção da identidade territorial quilombola em realidade metropolitana, mais especificamente na Região Metropolitana de Belém, tendo em vista a influência das diversas ações públicas – políticas públicas, grandes empreendimentos de infraestrutura e outras formas de intervenção no espaço – e privadas, levando em conta a franca expansão urbana, processo intriseco à metropolização. A comunidade quilombola de Abacatal, em Ananindeua, possui histórico de graves conflitos fundiários e, em meio a esta constante luta pela sua terra, a identidade desse grupo é consolidada, culminando na titulação de suas terras, entretanto, a pressão que sofre da metrópole coloca em xeque os membros deste território etnicamente configurado. A partir de uma metodologia pautada na pesquisa explicativa através de análise qualitativa, foi possível observar os inúmeros impactos no território em questão e os efeitos dos mesmos, que contribuem, paradoxalmente, tanto para fortalecer quanto para enfraquecer a identidade quilombola. A perspectiva de novos conflitos aparece no horizonte conclusivo da pesquisa, em que se considere que Abacatal estará destinada a lutar pelo seu território por um longo tempo ainda.
  • Data: 26/09/2012
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  • Abordamos neste trabalho as transformações na reprodução do campesinato do Planalto Santareno em decorrência do avanço do agronegócio da soja nesta região. Utilizamos como exemplos duas localidades camponesas que foram profundamente alteradas por este evento iniciado em fins do século XX: as localidades de Tracuá (pertencente ao município de Santarém/PA) e de Jenipapo (pertencente ao município de Belterra/PA). Para atingir tal propósito, fizemos a reconstituição da situação geográfica dessas localidades quando ainda não haviam se deparado com o agronegócio. Quando os sojicultores provenientes do Centro-Sul do país chegaram, seduzidos pelas abundantes e baratas terras antropizadas da região, passaram a adquirir os terrenos dessas localidades com bastante facilidade e velocidade, pois pertenciam a camponeses que se encontravam em condições precárias de existência, desejosos de melhores dias, que, porventura, poderiam alcançar com aquele (pouco) dinheiro oferecido. A partir desse encontro, portanto, apreendemos as mutações no gênero de vida desses camponeses, nos deparando, por outro lado, com o desencontro desses opostos sociais. Com as profundas transformações no uso do território nestas localidades, está posta a tendência de seus desaparecimentos – e, ao mesmo tempo, em outra escala, a recriação desse campônio regional.
  • Data: 24/09/2012
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  • Este trabalho faz uma análise qualitativa do Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal no campo – Vila de São Sebastião de Arapixi e na cidade, sede do município, de Chaves – Arquipélago do Marajó, Pará. A discussão se desenvolve a partir do estudo da percepção dos moradores sobre os indicadores educação, saúde (longevidade) e renda. Ressaltam-se algumas limitações dos indicadores, que visam à superação do caráter reducionista e fragmentado do conceito de desenvolvimento. As contradições e os movimentos das áreas pesquisadas estão descritas e revelam a relação entre o “campo-cidade”. Os resultados assinalam novas possibilidades para um avanço nas condições de vida dos moradores destas espacialidades, pois se constitui em instrumento para contribuir com a adoção de políticas públicas, no que se refere às melhorias nestas áreas, da mesma forma em que a questão do trabalho, também volta a se afirmar como categoria central para o desenvolvimento humano.

  • Data: 31/08/2012
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  • No atual processo de avanço de unidades de conservação de uso sustentável na Amazônia, a criação de Reservas Extrativistas do tipo marinhas na zona costeira paraense, cobrindo atualmente nove municípios, evidencia-se como estratégia para responder questões relacionadas à gestão dos recursos naturais, pelos quais sobrevivem centenas de comunidades tradicionais pesqueiras nesta região. No entanto, como instrumento na busca de desenvolvimento territorial, a RESEX precisa ser compreendida mediante as limitações que se impõem no contexto de sua implementação. Neste sentido, o território da RESEX Marinha de São João da Ponta, criada no ano de 2002, localizada no nordeste do Estado do Pará, e as políticas públicas decorrentes da criação da Unidade compõem o objeto de análise desta pesquisa, objetivando trazer para o debate acadêmico da Geografia, bem como de outras áreas de interesse, questões relacionadas ao empoderamento e gestão participativa dos recursos de uso comum entre a população tradicional extrativista deste município.

  • Data: 31/08/2012
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  • Este trabalho tem por objetivo discutir e analisar as condições da prestação dos serviços de abastecimento de água e esgotamento sanitário na ilha de Caratateua, município de Belém, Estado do Pará, Brasil. Apresenta como objeto de estudos a avaliação da distribuição e a qualidade dos referidos serviços na ilha. A área de estudos corresponde a dois bairros da ilha de Caratateua: Brasília e São João de Outeiro. Os bairros são limítrofes, localizam-se na porção oeste da ilha e fazem parte da área urbana da mesma. Seus limites foram definidos pela Prefeitura Municipal de Belém. A ilha de Caratateua é uma das mais importantes ilhas que compõem o Distrito Administrativo de Outeiro – DAOUT e passou a ser mais intensamente ocupada após a construção da ponte Enéias Martins Pinheiro em 1986, que facilitou o acesso, sobretudo da população carente que necessitava de espaços para habitação. A ilha também apresenta uma intensa dinâmica populacional aos finais de semana e férias escolares, períodos em que o fluxo de pessoas aumenta consideravelmente, principalmente nas praias. O recorte temporal da pesquisa tem o ano de 1986 como marco inicial de referência. A dinâmica na organização do espaço da ilha não foi acompanhada por políticas públicas compatíveis com o processo de dinamismo e incremento populacional apresentado pela mesma a partir de então. Como consequência, os bairros Brasília e São João de Outeiro apresentam um déficit em termos de infraestruturas e equipamentos de uso coletivo urbano, incluindo os serviços de abastecimento de água e esgotamento sanitário adequados nas residências. A pesquisa foi realizada com base em revisão de literatura sobre a temática dos recursos hídricos nas escalas mundial, nacional e regional, bem como sobre a trajetória das políticas sanitárias no Brasil e em escala metropolitana. As análises decorrentes das pesquisas de campo demonstraram a insatisfação dos moradores dos bairros pesquisados em relação ao atendimento dos serviços de saneamento em questão, especialmente porque estes necessitam buscar formas alternativas para suprir suas necessidades diárias. A busca dessas alternativas faz surgir formas de união entre os moradores e têm levado ao esclarecimento dos seus direitos enquanto cidadãos e do poder que possuem para reivindicá-los perante o poder público local
  • Data: 30/08/2012
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  • A migração internacional tornou-se um tema de grande importância no cenário mundial tanto para os países de destino quanto para os países de origem. Na Amazônia ainda existe certa falta de interesse com a questão. No entanto, já existem alguns trabalhos específicos de cada país amazônico sobre o assunto. Porém as informações tratam estudos de caso sem levar em consideração a análise de toda a região. Isto se dá entre outros motivos pela falta de um banco de dados sobre migrações para a Amazônia. Entretanto os censos demográficos tornam-se importantes instrumentos de análise. Com base nos censos demográficos brasileiros de 2000 e 2010 que se busca questionar a dinâmica migratória recente para a Amazônia brasileira a fim de dar prosseguimento a uma série de discussões sobre as mudanças de origem, a distribuição espacial e o perfil desse novo migrante. Em um primeiro momento cria-se uma breve revisão teórica sobre a migração internacional, posteriormente discute-se a história da migração internacional na Amazônia brasileira e logo após analisam-se os dados dos dois últimos censos demográficos brasileiros sobre a migração internacional Num segundo momento analisa-se a distribuição espacial da migração de brasileiros retornados a Amazônia brasileira com intuito de fazer uma comparação entre os municípios que evidenciam essa dinâmica tanto para estrangeiros quanto para brasileiros. Essa espacialização retrata o processo histórico de ocupação e urbanização da Amazônia e também a porosidade da fronteira. Assim como o perfil migratório dá indícios de ser resultante do crescimento econômico da exploração de recursos naturais na Amazônia. Contudo, diante da complexidade do tema migração, é necessário integrar conhecimentos para a análise do processo migratório que ultrapassem os limites dos paradigmas clássicos.
  • Data: 24/08/2012
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  • A presente dissertação versa sobre a reprodução da agricultura familiar na região metropolitana de Belém-PA, enfocando de forma mais específica agricultores dos bairros de Almir Gabriel e Uriboca, no município de Marituba, o qual está inserido na região metropolitana supracitada. Nesta perspectiva, centrou-se a análise em aspectos diversos, como a visão da agricultura presente nos documentos do âmbito do poder municipal, as politicas voltadas a este segmento, as trajetórias vivenciadas, as práticas empreendidas por estes grupos no que concerne à produção e comercialização, enfim, uma amostra das incontáveis ações e processos que afetam a reprodução destes agricultores familiares inseridos em espaços metropolitanos, desenvolvem atividades ligadas à agricultura o que nos remete a uma tradição rural expressa em movimentos migratórios experimentados.

  • Data: 14/07/2012
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  • Data: 09/07/2012
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  • Soure município da Ilha do Marajó apresenta grande potencial turístico, sobretudo por suas paisagens naturais, a exemplo de suas praias e fazendas, diante disso e por ser umas das cidades marajoaras mais próximas da capital paraense, tornou-se um dos destinos mais visitados pelos turistas, fatos dentre outros que levaram esta cidade marajoara a receber intervenção do Estado por intermédio de  políticas públicas destinadas ao fomento do turismo no estado do Pará. O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar as políticas públicas de turismo, nas quais Soure está inserida. Contudo, o foco dessa análise ocorre sobre a apropriação de sua paisagem pelo Estado, que busca através dessas ações fomentar o turismo no município desde a década de 1970. Buscou-se analisar a apropriação da paisagem pelo Estado, mercado, turistas e população local, bem como os três últimos estão incluídos nessas políticas. O estudo foi realizado a partir da análise geográfica do turismo, pois entende-se o turismo, para além do viés econômico,  como uma  atividade socioespacial. Para alcançar os objetivos seguiu-se as seguintes etapas metodológicas: coleta, organização e sistematização das informações contidas nos documentos. Trabalho de campo, onde foram feitas entrevistas com turistas e população local. Enfim, observou-se que, a paisagem de Soure é utilizada nas políticas sobre a ótica da exoticidade, característica que também é utilizada pelo trade turísticos, porém a população local, contraditoriamente não a usufrui em sua totalidade da paisagem do município.  Há em Soure um processo de turistificação, fato proporcionado pelo Estado, trade turístico, e turistas, cabendo à população local papel secundário nesse processo

  • Data: 04/07/2012
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  • Essa pesquisa partiu da análise empírica das alterações ocorridas na paisagem da Vila da Barca, tendo como objetivo principal analisar a reconstrução dessa paisagem e suas implicações para a qualidade de vida da comunidade, a qual se localiza a margem direita da baía de Guajará, no município de Belém, estado do Pará. Tais alterações deveram-se à inserção do Projeto de Habitação e Urbanização da Vila da Barca, que aos poucos age sobre a paisagem desse lugar, bem como, sobre o modo de vida dessa comunidade. Esse Projeto é resultado de reivindicações e lutas entre sociedade organizada, membros de instituições religiosas e outros. Todavia, o que se observa a partir de relatos de moradores é que há um constante descontentamento devido a suas características arquitetônicas que acabaram não relevando as peculiaridades da comunidade da Vila da Barca, que apesar de ter diferentes ritmos sociais e estarem em meio urbano, ainda expressam relação de cumplicidade com o rio e seus recursos naturais. E isso, se deve à origem ribeirinha dos primeiros moradores, que em grande parte, vieram do interior do Estado, além do fato de os mesmos terem adaptado seu modo de vida às dinâmicas ambientais do rio. Contudo, há de se destacar a importância de planejar os Projetos Habitacionais a partir das reais necessidades dos moradores que habitam e vivem o espaço em seu cotidiano, tendo em vista que são eles que vão conviver com as alterações socioambientais que perpassam pela paisagem e que levam a comunidade a se readaptar a estas para poder sobreviver. Levando em consideração o fato dessas pessoas se sentirem na maioria das vezes a margem dos serviços públicos prestados, veem nessas ações governamentais a única oportunidade para alcançar a qualidade de vida, que infelizmente ainda está presente apenas no âmbito do conceito.

  • Data: 03/07/2012
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  • Este trabalho trata do processo de migração e a conseqüente territorialização de pescadores nordestinos em Augusto Corrêa a partir da década de 1990, ou seja, no contexto da pesca da lagosta que a partir do referido período foi implantada naquele município. O objetivo central foi analisar a influência da pesca da lagosta na dinâmica migratória, populacional e espacial do município de Augusto Corrêa no período de 1990 a 2010. Além de discutir e analisar a relação entre as taxas de crescimento e/ou retração populacional, bem como identificar e compreender os fatores que contribuíram para a migração em direção ao nordeste paraense, em especial para o município citado; e, ainda, realizar uma cartografia da dinâmica migratória da pesca da lagosta e de seus atores. Para tanto, se realizou pesquisas bibliográficas em instituições específicas, seguida de visitas a campo, que embasaram empiricamente este trabalho. O resultado foi a constatação das hipóteses sobre a temática, exceto uma. Dentre as constatações estão o crescimento da área urbana da sede municipal e de sua população e a existência de conflitos territoriais na cena pesqueira local. Espera-se, portanto, que as análises e reflexões contidas neste trabalho contribuam para o conhecimento e suscitem novas e necessárias indagações e interpretações sobre a realidade socioespacial regional.


  • Data: 26/06/2012
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  • A região da Calha Norte, localizada na região do Baixo Amazonas do Estado do Pará, sofre historicamente com vários tipos de ameaça, como Cheias, Enchentes, Alagamentos, Erosão, Estiagem, Enxurrada, Fortes Chuvas e Secas, todas registradas pela defesa civil. Todos os anos, seja no período da chuva ou no período da seca, a população fica vulnerável com tais eventos. A presente dissertação consiste em adaptar uma metodologia que permita a incorporação da temática de gestão de riscos naturais no Zoneamento Ecológico Econômico do Brasil, tendo como estudo de caso o ZEE da Calha Norte do Pará proporcionando instrumentos para a gestão e melhorias das ações do poder público. A análise das ameaça se baseou em uma metodologia que agrega dados históricos, mapa geomorfológico, mapa geológico, mapa hipsometrico, mapa de declividade, identificado às três classes de analises: (i) área de alta suscetibilidade (ii) área de moderada suscetibilidade e (iii) área de baixa suscetibilidade, sendo assim gerado os mapas das ameaças de inundação, erosão e das secas. A construção da vulnerabilidade social ocorreu a partir da construção do Índice de Vulnerabilidade Social (IVS) e do Índice de Unidades de Resposta (IUR), ambos a partir dos dados do censo 2010 e do Cadastro Nacional de Endereço para Fins Estatísticos (CNEFE) ambos do IBGE. Após a aplicação do índice verificou-se que do total de 397 setores censitários da área de estudo, 365 setores apresentam alta vulnerabilidade, e os demais moderada e baixa vulnerabilidade, o que retrata uma quando preocupação com a área. Na análise de risco os dados de vulnerabilidade e ameaças foram integrados e novamente classificados em três níveis: (i) Alto Risco, onde há poucas concentrações de unidades de respostas e de alta ameaça, o que poderá provoca danos sociais e econômicos quando ocorrer (ii) Médio Nível, resultado gerado do cruzamento de áreas de alta x baixa e (iii) Baixo Nível de risco, o que resultou em dois produtos cartográficos: Mapa de Risco de Inundação e no Mapa de Risco erosão. O Zoneamento Ecológico Econômico da Calha Norte do Pará foi analisado com alguns questionamentos para verificar a inclusão da temática de ameaça, vulnerabilidade e risco no documento, após a análise pode se concluir a falta de inclusão da temática no documento técnico. Os resultados obtidos com a pesquisa são importantes para subsidiar o ordenamento territorial e criação de políticas publica pra região

  • Data: 14/10/2011
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  • A Baixada Maranhense, Microrregião que compõe a Mesorregião Norte Maranhense, pela sua importância ecológica foi transformada em uma APA pelo Decreto Estadual n. 11.900/1991 e inserida na Convenção de Ramsar como uma zona úmida de importância internacional. Tal contexto se justifica porque a unidade de conservação em questão possui diversos ecossistemas que se desenvolvem em uma superfície predominantemente rebaixada e sujeita a periódicas inundações, o que lhe atribuem peculiaridades que a torna complexos, frágeis e únicos em sua ocorrência. As mesmas peculiaridades que imprimem importância ecológica à Baixada, são aquelas que possibilitam o desenvolvimento da agropecuária, pesca e extrativismo, atividades que suprem diversas necessidades alimentares e econômicas da população local. Porém, a utilização dos solos, fauna, flora e demais recursos tem comprometido o equilíbrio ambiental com fortes e negativos reflexos aos ecossistemas locais, situação que exige rápidas e coesas atitudes para sua contenção. A Microrregião da Baixada Maranhense, apesar de ser uma Área de Proteção Ambiental, vem historicamente observando diversas alterações ambientais que resultam em perdas tanto ecológicas quanto sociais. Tal contexto tem se configurado porque não há uma preocupação da população local para com a conservação das áreas de uso comum (áreas de preservação permanente, áreas de domínio da União etc.) e porque muitas regras de usufruto das áreas inundáveis têm sido violadas em função da intensificação de atividades produtivas como a pecuária, agricultura e obras de engenharias nas planícies inundáveis da região. Tal conjuntura tem redefinido territorialidades e configurado conflitos com reflexos desastrosos sobre o meio e sobre o próprio homem, já que muitas famílias têm sido marginalizadas em seus territórios para dar lugar às multiterritorialidades estabelecidas pelo Estado. Esse processo se intensificou a partir das ações estatais voltadas à definição de uma “nova” dinâmica produtiva para a região, o que culminou na construção da MA 014. Na década de 1960, com a MA 014, concomitante à integração regional e crescimento econômico, houve um incremento significativo do quantitativo populacional dos municípios situados às suas margens e de problemas sociais, representados por uma sobrepressão nos recursos naturais pelo avanço da agricultura, pecuária e pesca e por vários conflitos sociais estabelecidos entre os habitantes e as pessoas em trânsito. Após a construção da rodovia em questão, houve a construção de estradas vicinais, um crescimento populacional significativo e a intensificação das disputas pelas áreas de marinha (que historicamente eram de usufruto comum) para a criação de animais, realização da pesca e mais recentemente para o desenvolvimento da agricultura e construção de casas e tanques de piscicultura, o que tem resultado em danos ambientais e em problemas sociais. Assim, a MA 014 ocasionou a fragmentação dos campos inundáveis (várzeas) da Baixada Maranhense, resultando na transformação da paisagem, o que se reflete na perda de habitats para as espécies locais, na morte de muitos animais e em dificuldade para a conservação da biodiversidade deste bioma. Os dados da pesquisa apontam para um elevado nível de fragmentação ambiental, já que em dois meses de observação foram identificados 215 animais mortos (72 mamíferos, 49 anfíbios, 48 répteis e 46 aves) num trecho de 41 quilômetros entre Pinheiro e São Bento.
  • Data: 22/06/2011
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  • As religiões, hoje, participam ativamente da vida cotidiana da maioria das pessoas no planeta, produzindo relações diversas e conflitos também, a partir de um referencial de existência transcendente. Sendo assim, a construção de seus espaços de ação – seus territórios – recortam, de maneiras diferentes, a sociedade, especialmente nas grandes cidades, onde o choque de diferentes visões de mundo implicam modos diferentes de viver e sentir o espaço urbano. Propomos aqui a discussão acerca do território e da identidade da Igreja dos Santos dos Últimos Dias, mais popularmente conhecido como Mórmons, em Belém do Pará, tendo como percurso o método fenomenológico, destacando essa experiência vivida dos membros da igreja como fundamental para produção relacional e hierarquizada do referido território, de modo que o mesmo passa a ser fonte geossimbólica de afirmação do grupo na cidade e no mundo. Esclarecendo os elementos identificadores dessa identidade territorial sagrada e explicitando suas formas de agir e conceber o mundo, contribuímos para aprofundar o debate em torno de categorias fundamentais para as ciências sociais em geral: espaço e cultura; e, também, debatendo e repensando conceitos específicos da geografia em sua perspectiva cultural.
  • Data: 30/06/2009


  • Data: 26/01/2009
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  • A dinâmica dos agentes e processos costeiros que atuam ao longo dos setores costeiros das praias Grande (Município de Salvaterra) e do Pesqueiro (Município de Soure), Leste da Ilha de Marajó, Estado do Pará, reflete na paisagem setores em diferentes níveis de instabilidade física, caracterizados pela predominância dos processos de erosão e de acreção Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo analisar a instabilidade física a partir da identificação, quantificação e caracterização dos indicadores e parâmetros de instabilidade com base na magnitude freqüência e intensidade dos setores costeiros que compõe a praia Grande e a praia do Pesqueiro, sob duas perspectivas: a transversal e a longitudinal. A perspectiva transversal basea-se na variabilidade dos parâmetros morfológicos, tais como largura e gradiente da zona de pós-praia (supra-maré) e na variação da posição da Linha de Maré Alta. A perspectiva longitudinal diz respeito à análise da diferença entre as áreas progradacionais e retrogradacionais entre 1986 e 2001, à taxa de erosão nesse mesmo período e ao grau de exposição da costa às ondas. Ainda foi aplicado o Modelo de Equilíbrio em Planta para Praias de Enseada (MEPPE) e o Método de Souza para a identificação de células de deriva litorânea ao longo do setor costeiro que compõe a praia Grande, onde foi possível identificarmos setores em equilíbrio estático e em equilíbrio dinâmico, quantificar a área em erosão e acreção e identificarmos o comportamento da corrente longitudinal. A identificação e quantificação dos indicadores e parâmetros quanto à magnitude, freqüência e intensidade a partir das duas perspectivas mostrou que o setor costeiro onde se localiza a praia Grande (setor sul da área de estudo) encontra-se em média instabilidade física, evidenciada principalmente por causa do processo erosivo das falésias, que provoca queda de árvores, perda de ruas e destruições de residências O setor costeiro sul onde se localiza essa mesma praia encontra-se em baixa instabilidade devido à linha de costa desse setor não estar sofrendo grandes variações quando á erosão e à acreção e também pela baixa variabilidade dos parâmetros morfológicos. Já o setor costeiro onde se localiza a praia do Pesqueiro (setor norte da área de estudo) encontra-se em alta instabilidade em toda a sua extensão da linha de costa. No setor norte a predominância é do processo de acreção, no qual evidencia-se a formação de inúmeras dunas e pontos comerciais sendo soterrados pelas areias. No setor sul, o que predomina é a erosão, evidenciada principalmente através da derrubada de vegetação de mangue, escarpamento de dunas, destruição de pontos comerciais. A quantificação, caracterização dos indicadores quanto a magnitude, freqüência e intensidade, nos proporcionou a classificação dos setores costeiros em diferentes níveis de instabilidade. Esta classificação poderá servir como subsídios para o planejamento e gerenciamento das zonas costeiras de Salvaterra e Soure, com vistas a uma melhor intervenção e melhor uso.

  • Data: 01/09/2008
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  • O estudo em questão tem como objetivo analisar como se processou o reordenamento territorial das áreas pertencentes à Aeronáutica e que constituem o Cinturão Institucional de Belém, identificando as transformações ocorridas nessa parte da cidade bem como seus agentes transformadores. A fim de consolidar o referencial teórico, estabelecemos um diálogo à luz das ideias de estudiosos importantes que discutem noções conceituais sobre território, poder e reordenamento territorial, utilizadas para proporcionar um melhor entendimento sobre as mudanças ocorridas no Cinturão Institucional, a partir de 1930. Para efeito da interpretação sobre a dinâmica do Cinturão, foi realizada uma pesquisa documental como sugere Pádua (2002), envolvendo análise de mapas, fotografia e outros documentos relacionados aos acordos institucionais. Os resultados desta pesquisa apontam que as transformações impressos pela sociedade na cidade de Belém, ocorreram perante um recente e intenso processo de reordenamento territorial das áreas pertencentes às instituições militares, em especial as da Aeronáutica. As reordenações territoriais que vêm ocorrendo nas áreas pertencentes a Aeronáutica em Belém, derivam de interesses que surgem diante de novas exigências do exercício de poder, gestão e reestruturação do espaço da cidade, as quais se constituem enquanto reflexo e condição das novas relações socioespaciais que redefinem a funcionalidade militar. O estudo mostra também que o reordenamento territorial das áreas da Aeronáutica em Belém é resultante de um dinamismo que obedece as orientações de interesses do Estado, sendo, portanto, uma ação de cunho governamental em sua essência, reconstruído historicamente e evidenciando de forma prática no espaço seu poder de governança. As modificações nas áreas da Aeronáutica, também, se estabelecem pelo motivo de tornar menos oneroso ao Estado a sustentabilidade dessas áreas sem um melhor uso, daí a origem da cessão de uso, tudo isso estabelecido pela circunstancia de modificações na estrutura do próprio Estado. Sendo assim, na estrutura de formação do Cinturão Institucional de Belém surgiram novas instituições ligadas ao nível de governo do estado e da prefeitura, resulta dos novos diálogos estabelecidos entre os níveis de governo que buscam na atualidade trabalhar juntos na reconstrução do Estado.
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