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  • KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND LESSONS LEARNED IN UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES: an analysis at REDETECA/UFRA in the provision of services during the Covid-19 pandemic

  • Data: 04/09/2024
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  • Knowledge Management (KM) is an essential tool for any organization, public or private. However, its application in University Libraries (BU) is complex due to the specific characteristics of this type of institution. The adoption of KM practices and tools is crucial for both managers and librarians. In this context, Lessons Learned (LA) gain prominence, especially in crisis situations, as they can generate operational improvements in processes and services, in addition to promoting learning. This research has the general objective of studying the LA of librarians and managers of the Library Network of the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (REDETECA/UFRA) during the COVID-19 pandemic, as a contribution to Organizational GC. The theoretical foundation addresses KM in the organizational context and in BUs, in addition to LA in project management and in BUs in crisis scenarios. This is an exploratory research, with a qualitative approach, focused on LA in BU. The method used is a single case study and data collection through semi-structured interviews with three library managers and questionnaires applied to twelve librarians from REDETECA/UFRA. Data assessment is based on Bardin's Content Analysis (2010). The results indicate that collaboration between senior management and superintendence positively influenced decision-making. Among the positive aspects of the LA, unity and technical support stand out, while the team's distancing was a negative point. It was found that sharing information is valuable and relevant to colleagues, but there are barriers, such as data centralization and limited access to information, that made learning difficult. The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) facilitated the sharing of knowledge, which was quickly documented and made available. The sharing of experiences during work activities was also recorded, concluding that the library implemented an LA process, promoting the sharing of knowledge, which opened new possibilities for crisis management, consolidating itself as an effective tool for management for libraries.

  • CONTEXTUAL TRENDS IN DOCUMENTATION: Neodocumentation and Redocumentation from Technological Evolution in Information Science

  • Data: 30/08/2024
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  • This paper addresses the evolution of the field of documentation, highlighting the emergence of new concepts and approaches in response to the new reality of information. Movements such as Redocumentarization (RD), which seeks to optimize analog documents for the digital environment, and Neodocumentation (ND), which expands discussions to social and political issues, exemplify how Information Science is adopting an interdisciplinary approach to face the challenges of the digital age and the explosion of data. Although the integration and proximity between Neodocumentation researchers drive the advancement of the field, these factors also hinder the inclusion of new researchers. Furthermore, documentation is the basis of studies in Information Science, making it relevant to investigate the movements that emerge in this field. The objective of this paper is to understand the concepts of Neodocumentation and Redocumentation, deepening scientific knowledge about emerging theories of documentation and the impact of technological evolution. To achieve this objective, the proposed methodology involves exploratory research, with a quantitative-qualitative approach, and the procedures used include historical, bibliometric and categorization analysis. The database used is Google Scholar, and of the 1,372 documents in this database, only 57 had any mention of the terms RD or ND. Thus, the main contribution of the research is to provide an overview of publications on RD and ND, serving as introductory resources and helping new researchers to become familiar with the main concepts.


  • Data: 14/08/2024
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  • Introduction and context: Accessibility has been the subject of academic debates in different areas, and Information Science has specifically focused on both physical and informational accessibility. The academic community of the Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia - UFRA, Belém Campus, participates in this debate since it has deaf students and professors in its academic community. The interest in this research arose from the researcher's experience with deaf people, serving deaf students and professors in the library and as a member of the UFRA Accessibility Center. Concepts: It is based mainly on information mediation and literature on the deaf from a cultural perspective, informational accessibility and accessible university libraries. Research problem: In what aspects do the information mediation services offered by the UFRA Belém campus library meet the demands of deaf users who speak sign language, according to the informational accessibility parameters of this linguistic minority? Justification: In the social aspect, the research contributes with reflections that make it possible to promote access to information in an inclusive manner, providing deaf people with quality education, collaborating with their personal and professional fulfillment, providing their integration into society, and guaranteeing the law of inclusion in education. In the scientific and disciplinary scope, the research contributes to the construction of knowledge on information accessibility in libraries, especially in university libraries, as a scarcity of studies on the subject has been identified in recent research. General objective: To analyze the information mediation services offered by the library of the UFRA campus in Belém, related to meeting the demands of deaf users according to the information accessibility parameters of this linguistic minority. Specific objectives: To identify the resources available in the library to mediate information in a way that is accessible to deaf people according to their linguistic difference; to verify with deaf students at UFRA whether the ways in which services are made available in the library meet the communicational parameters of this public; to discuss the perspectives for information mediation in the library, so as to contemplate the linguistic needs of deaf users. Methodology: This is a case study using an Information Science approach. Data collection was carried out with staff and users of the UFRA Belém campus Library, through interviews and questionnaires, respectively, in addition to document analysis. The data were processed using content analysis, of the categorical type, and four categories were chosen: Lack of material in Libras; Communication barriers; Strengths and weaknesses. Results: The questionnaire revealed that deaf users have difficulty locating books in the collection, since they are not visually identified, which is not good, since deaf users need to be autonomous in navigating the collection and choosing the work they need for their research, but in this way they will always depend on the help of other people. It was observed that there is no provision for the acquisition of material that includes deaf users, although the library's Collection Development Policy provides for the acquisition of collections for blind users, that is, in Braille, but in Libras, it was not identified. According to some interviewees, there is no specific material for the deaf, and deaf users reported that the library does not have books in Libras. The library received a donation of materials related to the Letras-Libras course, but these were not yet available in the collection and required technical treatment. Among the demands of deaf users are the provision of: a tablet with a collection in Libras, books in the area of Libras, virtual and visual accessibility of subjects. Deaf users, students and teachers reported that they would like the library collection to have accessible material from several subjects. One of the main points is the communication barrier between users and library staff, since none of them know how to communicate in Libras, despite having already completed basic level Libras training.  The results also point to some indications of improvements that deaf users would like to see offered by the library, such as hiring an employee who is fluent in Libras, purchasing works in sign language and having a professional interpreter in the sector.

  • Análise das práticas de organização e acesso da informação na coleção do escritor Haroldo Maranhão na Biblioteca Arthur Vianna via sistema Pergamum.

  • Data: 02/08/2024
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  • A presente pesquisa, a partir da análise pormenorizada do processo de representação e consulta do acervo particular do escritor paraense Haroldo Maranhão localizado na Biblioteca Pública Arthur Vianna, via instrumentos de pesquisa e no sistema Pergamum, identificou como a representação via sistemas digitais podem potencializar o acesso informacional das coleções particulares inseridas em bibliotecas públicas. Também foi apresentado, de forma comparativa, as práticas de organização e representação da informação dos instrumentos de representação convencionais (ficha catalográfica) com os do sistema Pergamum, apresentando potencialidades e fragilidades ligadas ao acesso da informação aos seus usuários. A pesquisa baseia-se em estudo de caso de caráter exploratório e qualitativo, a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica e de entrevistas com as bibliotecárias ligadas ao projeto, além de visita ao acervo e análise das informações inseridas no sistema. Foi percebido, a partir de um exemplo prático ligado a obra Flauta de Bambu, que há uma expansão do potencial de consulta no acervo, podendo ser feito tanto presencialmente quanto na obtenção da obra digitalizada no sistema. Porém percebe-se também a necessidade de pesquisas mais aprofundadas sobre a estrutura e potencialidades do projeto, mais especificamente após a total inserção das obras da coleção via formato digital, com análises comparativas de caráter quantitativo das consultas ao acervo em formato físico e digital. Por fim, este estudo identifica informações que podem ser aproveitadas em futuros estudos sobre o tema da representação e acesso da informação em coleções particulares em instituições públicas.

  • THE SCHOOL LIBRARY IN PRESERVING THE ENVIRONMENT: mediation of environmental information in the Prof.ª Hosana Pires Library

  • Data: 02/07/2024
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  • A This study examines the mediation of environmental information in school libraries, recognizing the importance, urgency, and relevance of research focused on environmental preservation issues. The general objective is to analyze the role of the school library as an agent of environmental preservation and in the mediation of environmental information for elementary school students. The specific objectives are: a) to identify the mediation of environmental information in the school context, for environmental awareness in student formation; b) to describe sustainable environmental practices that can be applied in school libraries; c) to present the sustainable environmental practices developed in and by the "Prof.ª Hosana Pires" library; d) to propose new sustainable practices to enhance the role of the "Prof.ª Hosana Pires" school library in promoting environmental preservation. An exploratory, descriptive, and documentary research was conducted, characterized as inductive and basic in nature, with a qualitative and quantitative approach. Interviews were conducted with the general director and the pedagogical coordinator of the Adventist School of Coqueiro, along with observations at the school and on the interactive platform of the Adventist Education Network. Data analysis utilized interviews, documentary research, and observations as sources of evidence to ascertain the mediation of environmental information in and by the library. The results highlight that the "Prof.ª Hosana Pires" Library has various sustainable environmental practices that promote the mediation of environmental information, contributing to students' concern for environmental issues. However, this research suggests additional practices to be implemented in and by the library, aiming at the formation of critical citizens engaged in environmental preservation. It concludes that the school library is an influential agent in the mediation of environmental information and in environmental preservation, enabling students to develop environmental awareness from the early years of their schooling.


  • Data: 28/06/2024
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  • In the current global context, environmental issues have become a concern for all, leading  to the growth of environmental actions in various contexts. The 2030 Agenda, released  by the United Nations in 2015, is a reference document for promoting sustainable  development actions based on social, economic, and environmental aspects. The  document is organized into 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 universal targets  that address issues such as the elimination of poverty and hunger, quality public  education, gender equality, access to natural resources, and economic growth. For the  effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda, the commitment of both the public sector  and civil society is necessary in proposing actions and allocating resources. In this  scenario, information stands out as one of the most relevant tools and must be accessible  and useful in knowledge construction. The general objective of this research is to identify  the Information Practices of the members of the Ecotroca Project of the Rua Piquiarana  Association, to evaluate the Association's contribution to Information Practices and the  development of Critical Information Literacy, which, in turn, can guide sustainability  actions on Caratateua Island. To achieve the proposed objective, the methodological  approach adopted was qualitative, structured as bibliographic research, which enabled the  construction of the theoretical framework and subsequent discussion of the results, as  well as documentary and ethnographic research, with evidence obtained from documents  and non-directive interviews. The research results demonstrate that the information  practices developed by the Association's members significantly impact the formation of  critical information literacy. The Association played a fundamental role in disseminating  environmental information and educating its members, promoting a culture of  sustainability. Interviews revealed that members feel more capable of making informed  decisions about environmental practices, and participation in the Ecotroca Project  contributed to greater involvement and environmental awareness. These findings  underscore the relevance of local and community initiatives in promoting sustainable  development and empowering individuals to act critically and informatively regarding  the environment.

  • INFORMATIONAL AND DIGITAL LITERACY IN UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES: a study based on educational actions carried out by the Library Network of the Federal Rural University of the Amazon

  • Data: 24/06/2024
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  • Studies focused on information and digital literacy aim to answer questions related to the effective construction of knowledge, the articulation between technological competence and the consumption of information. As a central issue for development within the Information Society, this problem is of relevance to the Amazon because the sustainable development of the region depends on the ability to use digital technology and information effectively, efficiently and ethically. In this regard, university libraries play a central role as information consumption units and training centers for handling content and technologies, which in this research is referred to as infodigital literacy. This research focuses on the problem of how information literacy and digital literacy are integrated into the educational activities of the library network of the Universidade Federal Rural da Amazonia (Redeteca). It aims to characterize the Redeteca informational and digital literacy actions by reviewing the state of development of actions to build infodigital competencies. The study will (1) identify the informational and digital literacy actions in Redeteca's educational practices, (2) verify the definitions used as a basis for these actions, and (3) analyze the educational praxis used. The method to be used will be the case study of Redeteca UFRA, applying documentary analysis to institutional records, Redeteca records on specific actions carried out in the period from 2020 to 2023, interviews with librarians and with Redeteca users. The importance of the study is based on the power of infodigital literacy for informational efficiency and effectiveness in the context of the globalized Information Society, the emancipation of the subject regarding the autonomous solution of their problems and their sustainability, and the full development of citizenship in the context of the growing dominance of e-government. From a scientific and disciplinary point of view, this research is justified by the scarcity of studies on this subject in Brazil and the Amazon, and the interest of Information Science in the processes of literacy and the formation of infotechnological skills that are the foundation of the activities of management, organization and mediation of information and knowledge in the Information Society.

    Keywords: information literacy; digital literacy; user education; university libraries; UFRA Redeteca


  • Data: 20/06/2024
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  • The need for inclusive resources for visually impaired people is crucial to promote equal access to information and participation in society, and within the university, libraries play a key role. The Federal University of Pará has approximately 1,000 students with disabilities, among whom, approximately 30% of them/as, contain some visual impairment. Understanding the educational needs of the visually impaired person in the context of the university, the general objective of the research was to analyze the accessibility resources to visually impaired users in the Central Library of UFPA, including the Braille Space. The specific objectives were: to discuss the university library from the perspective of accessibility and inclusion to users with visual impairment; analyze data collection through interviews with users with visual impairment and to identify accessibility resources for people with visual impairment in the Central Library of UFPA. As a methodology, a qualitative research was conducted discussing through literature review and document analysis, the needs of people with visual impairment in relation to libraries, in addition to producing a case study aimed at identifying the accessibility resources for visually impaired people available in the Central Library of UFPA from semi-structured interviews and Checklist. The theoretical framework addressed the following concepts: university library, inclusion and accessibility, visual impairment, and accessibility for people with visual impairment. As a result, it was identified the existence of several support resources for the visually impaired user in the Central Library of UFPA, such as the audiobook, screen reader, among others, and especially the Braille Space, contributions of the Central Library regarding the inclusion of people with visual impairment, in line with the discussions and guidelines related to this public and libraries. On the other hand, weaknesses were identified, such as the lack of adequate training for employees and the need for improvements in physical accessibility. It is concluded that the accessibility process is the practice of obtaining or providing information available to all. In this context, current professionals must acclimatize with more inclusive systems and environments in order to promote accessibility and equality to information.


  • Data: 18/06/2024
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  • Strategic planning (SP) as a management methodology has information management (IM) as one of the main elements contributing to its success or failure. The SP process is essential for guiding the actions of organizations and enabling them to be more effective. In this sense, IM can be considered a relevant subsidy for the success of this process. In view of this, the research emerged from this researcher's work and experience in the organizational unit responsible for formulating and implementing UFRA's institutional planning and development policies, where it was possible to see the lack of clarity in institutional processes, the lack of integration between units and, especially, the difficulty in breaking down the SP to the tactical level. Thus, taking these considerations into account, the present study was based on the following research question: How does Information Management occur in the process of building UFRA's Strategic Planning and its deployment at the tactical level? The general objective is to analyze information management in UFRA's strategic planning process and its deployment at the tactical level. The specific objectives are a) To characterize, based on the literature, the elements of strategic planning and information management; b) To verify how UFRA's current Strategic Planning process takes place; c) To identify how information is collected, processed, structured, organized and stored, shared and used as a strategic resource by UFRA, during the strategic planning process, in order to identify whether there is alignment between the SP and its deployment up to the tactical level; and d) To propose improvements to the Strategic Planning process based on Information Management and its interdisciplinary connections. As for the methodology: this is a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study, whose data collection methods were bibliographic, documentary and field surveys, such as semi-structured interviews, which were treated using categorical content analysis. The results showed a lack of organizational integration, failures in the flow of information and information products (strategic and tactical plans) that did not add value to the organization. The conclusion is that information management has not been effectively applied to the practices of the SP process and that its dismemberment down to the tactical level has also proved ineffective. To this end, some proposals were suggested to help improve the institution's EP process in the light of IM. 


  • Data: 17/06/2024
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  • Introduction: The research proposal aims to discuss the topic of organization and representation of knowledge in museums, using the Information Science approach, within museum collections. Museological objects, in turn, belong to the context of museological heritage and museological documentation. Problematization: How the organization and representation of knowledge occurs in the museum objects of the museum documentation in the permanent Black Pepper collection at the Japanese Immigration Museum in Tomé-Açu/Pará. Justification: Present proposals for the organization and representation of knowledge in the Pimenta-do-Reino collection due to the historical, cultural and social significance of the region following the arrival of this spice in the region through Japanese immigrants in the state of Pará. Methodology: This research is exploratory in nature, as technical visits to the site, bibliographical survey and investigation on the subject were carried out, it was based on documentation guidelines in museums and thematic and descriptive representation tools used in other areas such as Librarianship, due to the interdisciplinary dialogue between the areas. Results: Card templates were created for three categories of museum objects from the black pepper collection with fields describing and contextualizing the object, following the AACR2 regulations and the guidelines of the Declaration of Documentation Principles in Museums and Guidelines information on objects (CIDOC). Conclusion: The cataloging practice adopted in libraries is a viable practice with museum objects, as within its structure, there are chapters and rules that can be adapted for museums, where the information professional can conduct this process in the museum. The importance of analyzing the black pepper collection goes beyond the exhibition criteria, this section brings with it the memory, culture, representation and identity of the Japanese community in the state of Pará, it is known that the “boom” of black pepper do-reino also involves the issue of the development of the municipality of Tomé-Açu/Pará. We suggest research and studies on the organization and representation of knowledge that can assist in the development and improvement of viable catalog card models for museum object categories, taking into account the specificities of each item.


  • Data: 14/06/2024
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  • Informational and digital skills are complementary, with digital being the privileged mediation vehicle of our era. It is not viable to think about informational inclusion without access and use of computers and the internet, nor efficient and responsible digitality without informational competence. In the global information society, having a population competent in infodigital is key to socioeconomic development and the exercise of citizenship, basic elements for sustainability and compliance with the targets of the 2030 Agenda. In this context, this case study addresses the situation of the Central Library of Federal University of Pará (UFPA), as a training unit for infodigital skills, to verify the existence of actions and/or policies relating to these skills, as an input to promote competent citizens in this regard, and promoters of regional sustainable development through efficient use and effective use of information, and the digital technologies that support them. The case of the UFPA Central Library was analyzed through documentary review, using three different sources: (1) institutional documents; (2) unit documents; (3) records referring to institutional practices, programs and policies effectively developed. Additionally, employees who work at the Central Library and participate in these actions were interviewed. The aim was to characterize UFPA's actions and policies in this area to verify the university's level of development in this regard. As a public university and the largest in the North Region, the institution has a strong commitment to the development of the Amazon and to the formation of these skills in its professionals and the general population. This research is justified by the importance of infodigital skills in local and global contexts, in the exercise of citizenship and in the effectiveness and efficiency in using information to solve problems. Although this is a recurring theme in Information Science, research in the Amazon is scarce. The results indicate the existence of actions and policies on infodigital skills in the institution, however in a timid way and presenting gaps in their structuring, which demands the elaboration of adequate means for their development and improvement, through the structuring of an infodigital skills program in the Central Library, which is effective and supports investment in infrastructure and resources, dissemination, evaluation and transparency.


  • Data: 29/05/2024
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  • Analysis of data management in smart cities, aiming to understand how data management and its tools contribute to the development and implementation of smart cities. To address this question, the general objective is to analyze data management for the formation of smart cities, within the context of Information Science, aiming to improve the quality of life of the urban population, with specific objectives: a) to review scientific production on the relationship between data management and smart cities; b) to identify factors and indicators for the characterization of smart cities; c) to highlight data management in the scope of Information Science, to promote smart cities. This research is characterized as bibliographic, exploratory, and explanatory, with a quali-quantitative approach, aiming to demonstrate how data management, its tools, and characteristics contribute to the development of smart cities. For this, a systematic literature search was conducted, with a temporal cut-off of 10 years in the SCIELO, BRAPCI, and SCOPUS databases. The Rayyan software was used for article selection, and for content analysis, a metasynthesis was conducted as a qualitative technique, and the Iramuteq software was used as a quantitative technique, using the following categories: data, technology, smart cities. As a result, it was found that articles revolve around three main themes: the intensive use of data and advanced computational technologies, concern for security and efficient management of data systems, and discussion on new network technologies applied in smart cities. These thematic nuclei reflect the priorities and challenges in building smart cities. Regarding scientific production on the subject, it is stated that only the SCOPUS database retrieved articles according to search criteria, with predominance of publications in English. It was concluded that data management for the development of smart cities has had greater production and dissemination of knowledge in international contexts, possibly reflecting lower research activity or publication in other languages, such as Portuguese, in Brazil. On the other hand, the most emphasized characteristic is the use of technologies to make a city smart, to the detriment of other perspectives, for example, the need to empower the population to operationalize and live in smart cities. Finally, Information Science plays an important role in structuring and managing data for the development of smart cities, promoting digital inclusion and active citizen participation, as well as assisting in strategies for analysis, organization, and dissemination of urban data, contributing to the improvement of urban services and the quality of life of citizens.


  • Data: 29/05/2024
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  • Studying the mediation of information in community libraries means understanding that there is a scarcity of resources, and at the same time there is a needy public eager for information, which often only has access to it from these libraries. The research answers the following question: How do community libraries from the National Network of Community Libraries (RNBC) organize themselves to mediate information to their communities? The justification is based on the need to understand the way in which community libraries mediate information, since their operation and management are carried out by the community itself and do not have in their administrative structure a municipal, state or federal agency that finances its resources. Furthermore, in most cases there is no librarian acting in a permanent and formalized way. Therefore, investigating this phenomenon is important for Information Science and Library Science. As a general objective, it investigates how RNBC's community libraries organize themselves to mediate information. As specific: a) knows the way in which the RNBC Librarians Committee develops its advisory work and activities in RNBC's local and national working groups; b) verifies how decisions regarding technical processing are made in the Network's libraries; c) identifies what challenges and potential are perceived by librarians in mediating information at RNBC; d) understands whether or not RNBC librarians recognize themselves as protagonists in this context. As a research method, it uses multiple case studies and as evidence, it uses semi-structured interviews, documentary and bibliographical research. As general results, it discusses themes regarding the daily routines of the Network's libraries and their work groups, as well as the work of librarians in these libraries. It considers that community libraries are articulated through local working groups and are supported by librarians and that, even without the guarantee of financial resources by any body, they resist with the support of the community they are part of.
  • KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT IN REMOTE WORK: analysis of practices, tools and organizational learning at REDETECA/UFRA

  • Data: 28/05/2024
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  • Technological advances are driving rapid transformations in global organizations. Remote working is becoming commonplace, including in university libraries, requiring knowledge management to promote organizational learning. The research question is: What knowledge management practices and tools have been used by librarians at Redeteca/UFRA, and if so, how do they contribute to organizational learning? To this end, the general objective seeks to analyse the use of knowledge management practices and tools focused on creating, sharing and recording knowledge about organizational learning at Redeteca/UFRA, when working remotely. The specific objectives are [1] to characterize remote work at Redeteca/UFRA; [2] to map the knowledge management practices and tools used in remote work; [3] to categorize the use of knowledge management practices and tools and the elements of organizational learning (intuition, interpretation, integration, institutionalization and network learning). In terms of objectives, this is an exploratory and descriptive study. In terms of procedures and techniques, a bibliographical survey was carried out, as well as a case study, whose field research used data collection instruments by means of protocols, interviews and an electronic questionnaire. The results reveal the absence of a formal knowledge management policy at Redeteca. Remote working follows government regulations and is supported by training for staff. The benefits pointed out by librarians are a better quality of life and flexible working hours. The challenges include a lack of
    organization and an accumulation of tasks. Knowledge recording practices and training programs are used to manage the processes. Finally, with regard to knowledge management practices and tools, although there is interest and effort to implement them, they still need to be developed and formalized in order to maximize the potential of these practices, which can have an impact on organizational learning through the formalization and institutionalization of processes for recording and documenting learning from remote work.


  • Data: 28/05/2024
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  • Libraries tend to follow the evolutionary process of the institutions they are part of and, as they are impacted and stimulated by social, educational, cultural, technological contexts, etc., they need to apply behaviors in the routine provision of information services that allow the refinement of the amount of information that reaches the user. Much information and documents are made available to users in analogue and digital form, enhancing the possibilities of searching and retrieving information, however, they need to be available in a contextualized way and relevant to their demand to become relevant and properly appropriated by them. In this scenario of excess information with possibilities of access in hybrid environments, the research answers how the Curation of Informational Content manifests itself as Implicit Mediation of Information in hybrid Libraries in professional education at Senac Pará. As a general objective, the research investigates the inter- relationship between the curation of informational content and the implicit mediation of information in hybrid libraries with a focus on the Central Library of the National Commercial Learning Service of Pará. As specific objectives, the research discusses the concepts of Content Curation, Information Mediation and Hybrid Libraries; describes, based on professional experience, how Implicit Mediation of Information occurs in the Hybrid Library; identifies whether the curation of information content contributes to the teaching action of technical course instructors; and, analyzes the convergences and divergences between such processes in the context of vocational education. The research is descriptive and explanatory, with a qualitative approach and its method is a single case study, using as sources of evidence the literature review, which makes it possible to survey the concepts, the interview, which highlights the aspects in which mediation of information and the curation of informational content contributes to teaching action and documentary research that favors the analysis of institutional guidelines. It concludes that Information Content Curation is a potential tool for implicit mediation of information in hybrid libraries in the context of professional education.


  • Data: 30/04/2024
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  • Documentary Linguistics and the Diplomatic, has as its study object the document, being that first develops its analysis and applications of point of view from the structure of document and the second through the Formal Elements of the Document according to organicity. Therefore, we can see the peculiarity between the two research methods and a possible interrelationship between them as a method of processing information. This research is based on studies on Documentary Linguistics through the Structure of Documentation and Diplomatic Elements of Archive Document. In this sense, the research presents a problem that aims to answer how Documentary Linguistics and the Diplomatic Elements of the Document, through its methods and procedures, can be used to systematize metadata indexing modeling? General Objective: To analyze how Documentary Linguistics and the Diplomatic Elements of the Document can be understood as methodological procedures that assist in the modeling of metadata indexing based on the modeling of information systems. The Specific Objectives consist of the following: a) Understanding the structure of the document presented by documentary linguistics in its production/elaboration; b) Identifying which formal elements of the document can be used as a requirement for indexing; c) analyzing which interface between the documentary linguistics and the diplomatic elements of the document; and d) Prospecting document metadata indexing modeling. The method used in the research comprises a descriptive study with the application of a case study, whose data collection procedures initially consisted of a bibliographical survey using key terms: <Documentary Linguistics=, <Documentary Language=, <Diplomatic=, <Indexing=, <Information Representation=, <Requirements Analysis= and, <Systems Modeling= in scientific and periodic magazines databases; therefore, interviews were conducted with employees working in the school office of the State High School Deodoro de Mendonça, supported by a guided itinerary, the preparation of an observation report carried out on the official portal of the State Department of Education of Pará, supported by a systematic formulary, beyond the use of comparative analysis from the collected data during the interview and through the observation report in the portal. Therefore, this research is justified by discussing the use of Documentary Linguistics as a method of contribution to standardization of information representation from the production and elaboration of the archive document and Diplomatic through the formal elements of the document, using these to prospect the modeling of an indexing instrument that guides the professionals of information about which hotspots are needed for their representation. As a result, it was possible to prospect the modeling of document metadata indexing with the diagraming of the internal formal elements of the documents necessary for indexing in a standardized way based on the interrelationship between the structure of the documentation presented by Documentary Linguistics and the internal elements of the document presented by the Ideal Model of Diplomatic Analysis. It is concluded that in the indexing perspective presented, the access points that must be indexed in the document are presented in a diagrammatic way and not just the steps that the user needs to follow to identify what should or should not represent the document.

  • Integrated System of Heritage, Administration and Contracts of Higher Education Institutions: characterization of the platform as a knowledge organization system

  • Data: 29/04/2024
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  • Information Science studies phenomena present in the production, organization and use of information. In the scope of Information and Communication Technologies, they involve studies regarding the digital record of information, covering systems such as: Information System, Communication System, Knowledge Organization System and Information Retrieval System. To this end, the structures and characteristics of the Enterprise Resource Planning Management Information System model and the model of the Mathematical Theory of Communication by Shannon and Weaver (1949) were demonstrated. To demonstrate how Technologies are inserted in Public Administration, the Integrated System of Heritage, Administration and Contract, used by the Federal University of Pará, was selected to exemplify how the elements of the Knowledge Organization System can be identified within a System. In view of this, the problem of this research is to verify which elements of representation in the Knowledge Organization System as observation are present in SIPAC? The objective is to analyze which representation elements in the Knowledge Organization System are present in the Integrated Heritage, Administration and Contract System. The specific objectives are: a) Describe the theoretical aspects about IS and SC within the scope of ICT; b) Demonstrate CI and the role of SOC and SRI using ICT; c) Correlate the SI and SOC, as well as the SC and SRI; and d) Characterize the SIPAC software as a SOC. As for the methodology, the research is characterized as theoretical exploratory and bibliographic, searches were carried out in periodicals related to Information Science, in the BRAPCI and Web of Science Databases, with the aim of identifying, systematizing and analyzing references from national and international articles recovered on the subject. It was found that Information and Communication Technologies, together with Knowledge Organization Systems, have the purpose of organizing, representing and retrieving information in systems, but to guarantee their excellence it is necessary to improve the connection between technologies and users, achieving improving responses to informational demands. The elements of the Knowledge Organization System observed within SIPAC were: keywords, folksonomy, description, search, classification, header list and concept maps.

  • The potential of the mediation of scientific information: a case study at the Lourenço José Tavares Vieira da Silva Library of the Federal Rural University of the Amazon

  • Data: 18/04/2024
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This research deals with the mediation of scientific information in the Lourenço José Tavares Vieira da Silva Library at the Federal Rural University of Amazonia, highlighting ways of popularizing scientific knowledge and making it accessible to internal and external audiences through the practice of mediation. This study arises from the need to make science more accessible to society, to expand the dissemination of scientific content to the general public, in order to arouse people's interest in accurate, quality information that can benefit their lives. In this way, it highlights that the mediation of scientific information can be carried out through interactive events and dynamic activities that bring the academic community and the general public closer together, promoting the socialization of knowledge and, at the same time, strengthening the connection with society. The general aim of this research is to map the actions of the Lourenço José Tavares Vieira da Silva Library related to the mediation of scientific information. The specific objectives include identifying the initiatives that promote this mediation; classifying its presence in the library's daily activities as implicit or explicit; analyzing forms of mediation that promote the popularization of science and emphasizing the social role of the university library in providing quality information through this mediation. As for the methodology employed, the research is classified as descriptive and exploratory and the approach adopted is qualitative for interpreting the data collected; the method chosen is a single case study in the university library of the Belém campus, using three sources of evidence: semi-structured interviews, documentary study and participant observation, with the aim of deepening and detailing the investigation of the phenomenon in question. The main results show that initiatives to mediate scientific information stand out mainly in the educational, informative and cultural events promoted by the library; in user training (face-to-face or virtual); in publications on social networks and in the availability of scientific productions through institutional repositories. It concludes by highlighting the need for further studies to broaden the understanding of the phenomenon investigated, thus recommending future research that explores the role of this type of information unit in promoting interactive and dynamic events aimed at popularizing science for internal and external audiences. It concludes by stating that the university library has the potential to contribute significantly to the popularization of science as a mediator of scientific information by offering events accessible to the general public, such as lectures, seminars, workshops and others. 

  • FROM THEM, BY THEM, FOR THEM: the organization of information from the digital collection of the Indigenous Documentation and Research Center (CDPI) of the Pro-Indigenous Commission of Acre (CPI/Acre)

  • Data: 28/03/2024
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The objective of this dissertation was to analyze the digital collection of the Indigenous Documentation and Research Center (CDPI) available on the website of the Pro-Indigenous Commission of Acre (CPI/Acre), from the Information Organization. The delimitation of the theme is based on the need to discuss the forms of organization and representation of information regarding indigenous themes and, thus, be able to contribute to decolonial studies in the field of Information Science (IS). The interest in the topic arose due to understanding the relevance of discussing the topic in the theoretical-methodological and interdisciplinary field of IC. I also emphasize that this interest comes from my ancestral roots, as I lived part of my childhood and youth in Sítio Novo, Maranhão, flanked by the indigenous lands of the Krikatí people. Furthermore, professional contact with indigenous peoples awakened in me the desire to study the topic, as I work with projects aimed at these peoples. Thus, the research problem is structured around the following question: how is the organization and representation of information in the CDPI digital collection available on the CPI/Acre website? The methodology adopted was qualitative, descriptive and exploratory in nature. The production of scientific knowledge regarding the organization and representation of indigenous information and decoloniality in the Information Science Database (BRAPCI) was identified. The publication interval period was delimited from 2003 to 2023, using terms in Portuguese. The method was Systematic Literature Review (RSL) and Document Analysis (AD). Document Analysis carried out through the analytical phase allowed me to use technical reading to identify the main points of the document. The organization of the analysis was carried out as follows: identification of documents available in the CDPI digital collection, identification of available documentary categories, selection and organization of documentary categories for analysis. As results, I identified: in RSL, despite BRAPCI being a reference base for studies in the area of IC, it presented itself as a limitation to the present study due to the restricted number of information sources and failures in filling in the fields, generating incompleteness in the records and duplicity in the results, presenting bias in the identification of the production of scientific knowledge relating to the theme of this dissertation. I conclude that the originality and aesthetic expressiveness of the publications edited by CPI/Acre represent a significant experience in the construction of a decolonial perspective on the organization of knowledge, in particular the knowledge produced and transmitted by indigenous Amazonian communities in Acre. The technical processes responsible for analyzing, representing and enabling the recovery of information still do not consider the singularities of forms of informational recording that are different from the forms known and recognized in the Western scientific field. I observe that in scientific production in general and in IC, in particular, there are several challenges to be overcome in order to build a more plural and dialogical science, open to other possibilities of elaboration, recording and transmission of knowledge. In addition to contributing to this reflection, I hope that this study serves as inspiration for further research into the gaps, contradictions and asymmetries involving this process.


  • Data: 27/03/2024
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Context: The Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, based in Belém do Pará, presents important collections for understanding Brazilian narratives and identities. Objectives: This research seeks to analyze the musealization process of the Emília Snethlage teaching collection at the Goeldi Museum, focusing on the anthropological collection. Methodology: This is a descriptive and bibliographical research. The methodological procedures are configured in: selection of bibliographies related to the collection, ethnographic object, information, document, museological documentation and musealization, technical visits to the collection, interview and analysis of the book “Indigenous Artifacts”. The Emília Snethlage teaching collection is a unique space for the museum, in addition, it presents the phases of the musealization process, considering its particularities, in the Anthropology collection, specifically, ethnographic objects. Results: It is hoped that the reflections carried out can contribute to debates on the topic and the importance of a didactic collection in one of the country's pioneering museum institutions. Through the lenses of Information Science and Museology, we aimed to discuss this collection, whose name is a tribute to ornithologist Emília Snethlage, the first woman to manage a scientific institution in Brazil and South America.  


  • Data: 26/03/2024
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The research theme is to find a way of representing the singularities of the narrative fiction text of the comic book genre in the context of information organization. The scenario found consists of the superficial treatment given to comics at the time of documentary analysis, and this implies representations only centered on their form (genre), but without making explicit the content (subject) of these works. It is in this context that the following research problem arose: what would be the best way to identify subjects for indexing comic books in the field of information science? The general objective of this research is to contribute to the documentary analysis of comic books by developing a model that adapts to their singularities in order to carry out documentary reading of this genre within the scope of Information Organization; and the specific objectives are to: a) Present the concepts and definitions of documentary analysis and indexing, and contribute to the idea of documentary reading models; b) Situate the theoretical foundations of French matrix Discourse Analysis and consequently of Literary Discourse Analysis as a research method; c) To demonstrate the model of documentary reading for comics for the application of Literary Discourse Analysis, for the purposes of removing terms for indexing and representing comics in information units; d) To survey the issues/themes found with the application of the model of documentary reading in the Turma da Mônica comics. The Methodology applied in this work is characterized as bibliographical, used for theoretical referencing, preceded by experimentation with the reading model in Mauricio de Sousa's comics entitled: HQ Turma da Mônica cuidando do mundo (2012) and HQ Turma da Mônica a gente se entende (2008), through the stages of: 1- application of the guiding questions created based on Maingueneau's (2016) ideas of literary discourse in parallel with Orlandi's (2008) categories of discourse analysis; 2- application of the documentary reading model for comics to extract terms/subjects. As a result of applying this model, it was possible to identify five (5) themes/subjects in the comic Monica's Gang Caring for the World (2012), while ten (10) themes/subjects were recovered in the comic Monica's Gang We Understand Each Other (2008), which is subdivided into three stories. Based on this experimentation, it can be concluded that the documentary reading model for comics can be applied in order to better understand the text and identify concepts for indexing and representing these works. It is worth remembering that, as this is an experiment with a proposed Reading Model, it is a model that can be modified and improved, especially if applied in libraries or information units that hold this type of work in their collections. 


  • Data: 11/03/2024
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The research explores the role of information literacy in the school environment, crucial to preparing students for the information society with skills linked to access, retrieval and use of information from different sources, efficiently, effectively and ethically. Therefore, it becomes the responsibility of the school and educational institutions to promote and develop this Competence. To this end, we seek to identify how this competence is arranged in Brazilian educational legislation, the following research question was presented: How to demonstrate Information Competence in Pedagogical Projects of Technical Courses in the Environment of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology from Pará? As a General Objective: Identify associations between CoInfo development standards for school students and the competencies listed in the Pedagogical Projects of the Technical Courses in Integrated Environment of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará. Based on the following Specific Objectives: connect the theory of Information Literacy with the role of libraries in education; structure a checklist with information literacy elements for high school; identify in the objectives of the Political-pedagogical Projects of the Environmental Technicians Courses the necessary skills that students need to develop and relate them to information competence. Methodologically, the research is descriptive in nature, using a qualitative approach of a basic nature. Its object of study is the Political-Pedagogical Projects of the Technical Courses in the Environment of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará, aiming to investigate the information literacy in these documents, as well as their implications in library contexts, based on the following methodological procedures; bibliographic and documentary research. Regarding the bibliographic study, it made it possible to understand the historical relationship between Information Competence in the context of libraries, and in the educational context, as well as generating a CoInfo Checkilist to check Political-Pedagogical Projects. In the documentary study, the identification of CoInfo skills was carried out based on the checklist in the objectives described in the Political-Pedagogical Projects, subsequently generating a field of skills around the Information Competence Standards for the Technical Course in the Environment of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará, also in the Political-Pedagogical Projects, verification of pedagogical strategies was carried out with a focus on the search, selection, organization, evaluation and use of information. Regarding the interface resulting from CoInfo proposed in the training of these professionals, it was possible to detect that the largest field was generated around the pattern <Use= information, followed by the pattern <participate effectively in groups to seek and generate information= then the pattern <evaluate=. In <pedagogical strategies= the frequency of related words was carried out: search, selection, organization, evaluation and use of information, noting that <Use= and <Evaluation= are skills that stood out, determining an alignment between the professional profile and activities proposed to students.


  • Data: 05/03/2024
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • With the increasing use of Information and Communication Technologies and the availability of the Internet, Online Social Networking Services have also grown. These platforms foster discussions and information flow beyond traditional means. These services are known by various terms, ranging from simply "Network" to "Online Social Networks." It is essential to establish a proposal for the concept of Social Network, especially in Information Science, which investigates information phenomena, including these services. The research problem arises from the lack of studies that systematize a theoretical framework on important concepts for
    researchers to understand the worldview of an area of knowledge about a phenomenon without proper reflection. The aim was to establish a portfolio of proposals for concepts related to Social Networks, mapping scientific communications and understanding of this topic. The specific objectives were to map scientific communications that use the terms Social Network or Social Networks; identify and select those dealing with theoretical proposals on the subject; understand conceptualizations of Social Network and other identified terms; and propose a portfolio with concept proposals based on research results. The research was conducted with a qualitative approach and basic nature, being descriptive and bibliographic. It was divided into four stages: definition of strategies and selection of scientific communications; data collection; categorization of scientific communications; and systematization of results and construction of the portfolio with concept proposals. The Analytical-Conceptual Method was chosen for the construction of the portfolio and concept proposals, while for epistemological issues, analysis was based on the Critical Theory perspective. A total of 138 scientific communications were analyzed, divided into six categories: Evaluation, Use, Ethics, Politics, Theory, and Development. Twenty-two Verb Forms were identified, along with 686 descriptive elements, which generated 64 characteristics, and 58 services as references. In the concept proposals, Social Media, Social Network, Digital Social Network, Online Social Network, and Virtual Social Network stand out, with greater complexity in some Verb Forms over others. The application of the Analytical-Conceptual Method revealed symmetries and asymmetries between these concepts. Peripheral concepts to the context were also observed, such as Media, Platform, and Network. The most detailed Verb Form is Social Network, central to the research. Finally, the limitations of the research and suggestions for future investigations were presented.

  • Bibliometric Analysis of Scientific Production Related to the Theme of Water Management and Sanitation in the Amazon Region

  • Data: 26/09/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The study in question carries out a bibliometric analysis covering publications in Portuguese and English languages in the last five years (2017 to 2022) related to the Amazon Region and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDG nº 6, which deals with "Clean water and sanitation". The research is conducted on the Google Scholar, Scopus, Scielo and Crossref platforms, focusing on works that contain at least two of the four keywords: Drinking Water, Sustainability, Water Management and Sanitation. The methodology used is descriptive, quantitative, bibliographic and documentary, with the application of Zipf's classic bibliometric law, using Microsoft Office's Excel 365 software. The results include both a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the geographic areas where the publications were applied. During the search, great difficulty was identified in finding scientific articles from Portuguese-speaking countries that would meet the awards of journals with a JCR impact factor greater than 1 and an H index greater than 1, at the same time that they addressed the Amazon and included in their titles or keywords the terms "Drinking Water", "Sustainability", "Water Management" or "Sanitation". Even when expanding the search to additional academic databases, such as Web of Science, PubMed, Nature.com and Taylor & Francis Online, and applying specific filters, the results were still limited in comparison to studies on the Amazon published in journals. high impact, which generally deal with topics such as ecology, biodiversity, deforestation and climate change. 


  • Data: 26/09/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Gender studies aimed at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual and Transvestite, Queer/questioning, Intersex, Asexual/Aromantic/Agender, Pansexual/Poly, Non-binary (LGBTQIAPN+) community has been one of the contemporary and emerging strands of study in Information Science. As a general objective, it investigates scientific production on the topic of gender studies in Information Science, specifically aimed at the LGBTQIAPN+ community. As specific objectives, it identifies the types of scientific productions and the channels in which they are broadcast; gets to know the authors and institutions that stand out in the scientific scene, in relation to the production of knowledge on the subject and analyzes the most cited authors to conceptualize gender and gender studies. The research is basic in nature, exploratory and has as its method bibliographical research that uses the techniques of bibliometrics and scientometrics. It adopts Content Analysis as an analysis technique, based on categorical analysis. As results, it presents the analyzes of theses and dissertations and articles from recovered journals, as well as the authors and their institutions, theoretical foundations and people cited to conceptualize gender and gender studies. Furthermore, it presents the subthemes in the field of Information Science that appear in the works analyzed. It considers that the area and researchers, based on the various movements that have been carried out, increasingly reinforce the social character of Information Science by revisiting topics such as gender studies aimed at the LGBTQIAPN+ community. It concludes that CI, when also concerned with resolving conflicts of an informational nature, while inserting this theme into its research agendas such as Information Mediation, Organization and representation of information, information architecture and design, public policies, the which can contribute to reducing the rates of violence against the LGBTQIAPN+ community.


  • Data: 26/09/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The study of the flow of information in a solid waste collection and transportation company is a tool that enables improvements in the business information management process, promoting greater efficiency in meeting the demand for management services. This work aims to analyze the information flow of a solid waste collection and transportation company, located in the state of Pará, Brazil. The research was carried out based on a technical visit to the company, where those responsible for the organization's sectors were interviewed, using structured questionnaires. Thus, the elements of information flow and their influential aspects were investigated. After this, data mapping was carried out using the CMap Tools program, which made it possible to compare the company's flow with the models of Davenport and Prusak (1998), Choo(2006), Barreto (2007) and Beal (2007) and carry out the crossing relevant information (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats), when applying the Swot analysis tool. Based on the joint results of these analyses, actions were proposed to eliminate or minimize weaknesses and threats, valuing the advantages arising from the company's strengths and opportunities. The work can contribute to solving problems linked to the inefficiency of the information flow in different companies, as it brings together important information that guides the process of optimizing the information flow, with the methodological use of analysis tools and models found in the available literature.




  • Data: 25/09/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This research is part of the Information Science study area, in the Information Organization subarea, with the aim of how the organization of Information can contribute, with the management of solid waste collection carried out by the company terraplena. The search has justification the need to investigate aspects of information organization in information management in physical space and how this flow is structured, organized and disseminated within the Terraplana company. there is the problem research: How can the organization of information contribute to the management of solid waste collection in the city of Belém-PA? Having as general objectives: Use the organization of information to assist management in solid waste collection services to improve the dissemination of information and ensure a quality and efficient route specific objectives are: a) Carry out bibliographical research on the organization of information and current information management procedures in solid waste collection; b) Carry out a diagnostic study of the organization of information in the management of information present in the solid waste collection process; c) Characterize the elements of information organization that contribute to the management of information in the collection of solid waste. Methodologically, the research is characterized as a case study, of an exploratory nature and with qualitative data analysis, in which the instruments to collect the data are: bibliographical research in databases and the questionnaire, passed in loco to the company's administrators and employees. As results from the proper use of this information in an organized way, it is possible to allow those responsible for the collection system to identify patterns, monitor performance, make decisions and implement corrective actions when necessary, and when applied in the context of the Metropolitan Region of Belém, the organization of information can play a fundamental role within Public Management by adapting the collection methods within the scope of Public Policies and current legislation. Concluded that despite the non-formalization of the information present within the company, from its creation to storage, use and distribution, in order to demonstrate that obtaining and having accurate and updated information on the production and management of this waste is fundamental to plan and execute a collection efficiently, giving the possibility of using this research as a model for the elaboration of a quality management and collection, in addition to contributing to new studies on the theme of organization of information in the management of solid waste collection.




  • Data: 25/09/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Study of information management as an important tool to improve efficiency, transparency and decision-making in the urban solid waste sector in the state of Pará. To this end, the general objective is to analyze the management of urban solid waste information in the state of Pará. Pará, and as specific objectives: describe how the process of information management and urban solid waste management occurs; identify information systems that provide data on urban solid waste for the State of Pará; analyze the information made available on the topic of urban solid waste to assist the sector's decision-making in the state of Pará. The research is exploratory, bibliographic and documentary in nature, and is a case study of the urban solid waste sector in the state of Pará. Pará, from information systems that provide solid waste data. In the analysis, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the information available in information systems on solid waste were identified, in order to observe whether they can support decision-making for the sector in Pará. As a result, it was inferred that with the information on waste presented in the information systems, it is possible to partially understand the current situation of the urban solid waste sector in the state of Pará, as better management of information on urban solid waste in Pará is necessary, including updated information from all municipalities, in order to avoid making decisions that are not accurate or correct. It was then concluded that the strategic relevance of information is evident in an administration that seeks to operate with transparency and accessibility. This also applies to solid waste management, where municipalities have a responsibility not only to manage their municipal waste, but also to make this data available for public access. To establish effective solid waste management across the State, it is essential to promote a collaborative approach. This allows you to obtain an accurate understanding of the current situation in the environment, facilitating the formulation of strategies with less margin for error. 


  • Data: 29/08/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The indexing policy is an essential document capable of improving and guiding the indexer in the indexing process, making it possible to achieve quality indexing and promoting more appropriate decision-making on the part of the indexer. Considering that the indexing policy serves as a guide for the indexer, it is proposed to carry out an investigation into the use of instruments used by indexers in the indexing process, through the application of a questionnaire, interview and analysis of documents used in the indexing of documents in the public libraries of the State System of Public Libraries of the State of Pará - SEBP-Pa. The justification for the research is the theoretical and practical contribution to the area of knowledge organization, by investigating the implementation of indexing policies in public libraries in the SEBP-Pa. Its general objective was to analyze the implementation of indexing policies in SEBP-Pa public libraries, taking into account the practical experience of the indexers who index documents in these institutions. The specific objectives were: a) Carrying out a theoretical survey on Knowledge Organization, Indexing and Indexing Policy, identifying their characteristics, elements, procedures and use; b) Identifying the indexing policies and manuals used in the public libraries of the SEBP-Pa, examining the procedures adopted in the indexing process, by means of a questionnaire, interview and document analysis; c) Outlining and comparing the panorama of indexing policies and manuals in the public libraries of the SEBP-Pa. The methodological procedures used in this research include bibliographical research, documentary research and empirical research, characterizing it as a case study, as well as having a qualitative data analysis approach. The questionnaire was applied to 40 libraries and the semi-structured interview to 15 SEBP-Pa subjects. For data analysis, categories and subcategories were used as a categorization technique to facilitate data interpretation. The results showed that there are significant gaps in the practice of indexing and in the services offered to users, as well as the absence of an indexing policy in libraries, capable of establishing well-defined guidelines and making a significant contribution to quality and efficiency in indexing and information retrieval. This makes it essential to draw up guidelines for indexing and to establish these guidelines in indexing policies, with a view to improving quality. The conclusion is that libraries are concerned with improving and adopting more efficient practices and indexing strategies, as well as investing in resources and professional training to offer more efficient and satisfactory services to users. In addition, there is a clear disregard for public libraries on the part of the government, which is reflected in the lack of leadership and technical processing positions held by librarians.


  • Data: 28/08/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The organization, visualization and monitoring of physical space information becomes a necessity for institutional management in universities, as it eases the decision-making regarding physical infrastructures, which are, in this type of institution, increasingly more complex, due to demands required by university education, such as laboratories, multimedia rooms, auditoriums, museums, and multicampus distributions, as well as expansion areas. This study carried out a diagnosis of the situation of the Institute of Geosciences (IG), Academic Unit of the Federal University of Pará, regarding the management of information on the use of its infrastructure, and analyzed the use of GIS in supporting the management; the analysis was based on the review of previous experiences and antecedents of GIS applications in the management of physical spaces in Universities, and on a pilot experience carried out at IG. This work is a case study of the Institute of Geosciences of UFPA, between the years 2021 and 2023, regarding the possibility of implementing GIS in the management of the spaces of the IG. In addition to reviewing cases of GIS applications in other Universities, relevant information was collected from key actors in the IG administration, and questionnaires were applied to the unit's academic staff and technicians to verify their perceptions in this area, and their attitude towards the GIS implementation. Additionally, a documentary review of the processes and infrastructure related to the institutional facilities was accomplished, combining this information through direct observations. Finally, a GIS application pilot was developed with QGIS software version 3.16, a free platform for creating cartographic representations. The literature reports the great potential of applying GIS to support the management of physical spaces in public universities. The perception of the IG servers is positive about the use of GIS, and with the application of the pilot, it was possible to demonstrate the possibilities of support in the management decisions of the Institute's managers, through different views of the Institute's infrastructure, making it possible to verify the reactions of the staff and analyze with them the benefits and limitations of the tool. The GIS pilot had more positive than negative reactions, as its visualizations allow a great wealth of information condensed in images. The visual element subserves the verification of the existing infrastructure, but also allows to perceive areas for possible expansion. However, in order to have a reliable and up-to-date registration base, with adequate software development, it is necessary to have qualified and stable technical staff. A GIS system will allow you to expand the management paradigm to visual representations of the space to be managed, linked to numerical and descriptive data that allow you to have a general and particular overview of the physycal space resources in the institution.


  • Data: 25/08/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • It discusses the course of legislative information in the proposition of bills for Women's Rights, as well as the main achievements of the feminist movement that made possible significant advances in terms of equal rights. The research aims to understand the flow of legislative information in the development of bills carried out by parliamentarians from Pará, for this, the specific objectives are: to map the elements of the flow of legislative information regarding women's rights, as well as sources and channels of information , technologies and people involved in these processes; Identify informational barriers and facilitators for accessing and using this information; and, Diagnosing the flow of legislative information in the development of these projects. As for the objectives, this is an exploratory and descriptive research, with a predominantly qualitative approach, through a case study that used qualitative data, collected from interviews with parliamentarians and advisors responsible for bills. The results showed that: there was a significant creation of laws in the state of Pará involving women's rights. Deputies are the actors with great responsibility in moving the informational flow. It was identified that the needs and motivations for creating projects involve several factors, which occur from serving the public and receiving complaints, among other aspects, but which are mainly aimed at improving people's lives. The main barriers identified are related to financial issues and access to information. It concludes that the mapping of legislative information can make a significant contribution to the drafting process of bills, specifically with regard to the identification of sources, channels and technologies used to boost information flows and generate instruments to protect women.


  • Data: 25/08/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Study of the scientific production on the subject of urban solid waste, pointing out the contributions of the scientific production of the Federal University of Pará to the management of solid waste and that favor the achievement of target 11.6 established in the 2030 Agenda, which consists of “reducing the negative environmental impact per capita cities, including paying special attention to air quality, municipal waste management”. That said, the general objective of this research is to analyze the scientific production on Urban Solid Waste produced at UFPA, to meet target 11.6 of the UN Agenda 2030, having the following specific objectives: a) reflect the role of universities in relation to Development Sustainable and the understanding of Solid Waste; b) categorize the scientific production (theses and dissertations) of UFPA in Solid Waste; c) analyze the contribution of UFPA dissertations and theses on Urban Solid Waste, considering target 11.6 of the UN 2030 Agenda. For this, exploratory, documentary and descriptive research was carried out, applying the bibliometric study, with analysis of theses and dissertations available in the Institutional Repository of UFPA (RIUFPA), without temporal delimitation, followed by Categorical Content Analysis. As a result, 30 theses and 90 dissertations were identified in 20 Graduate Programs at UFPA, with 59 professors who conduct research on different types of solid waste, with a higher occurrence in industrial waste, in which most of the research was developed. in the Graduate Programs of the Institute of Technology. Regarding the theme of Urban Solid Waste, 27 dissertations and 1 thesis were identified that were developed in 12 Graduate Programs at UFPA, with 22 guiding professors, in which, again, it was observed that most of the research was developed in Programs of the Institute of Technology, so that the researches were categorized in relation to the action addressed: selective collection, management plans, reuse and recycling and in terms of the target audience: government officials, public agencies, private companies and civil society. It is concluded that the Federal University of Pará has contributed to achieving target 11.6 based on the development of scientific research on solid waste management, demonstrating the academic commitment to seeking viable solutions to the problem of urban solid waste, in order to meet socio-environmental demands. for local development.

  • ACCESS TO ARCHIVISTICAL INFORMATION: The use of Atom software for the Permanent Archive of the Federal University of Pará.

  • Data: 24/08/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Technological advancements, coupled with the widespread dissemination of the internet in the last two decades, have brought significant transformations in the organizational practices of archival institutions. Due to the rapid changes resulting from the emergence of new technologies, these institutions found themselves compelled to adapt to the new digital reality in an almost mandatory manner. Public archival institutions, in turn, began to conceive strategies for managing archival information in digital environments and started to adopt information retrieval systems within their organizational structures. The demand for tools that could assist in storage, dissemination, preservation, and access to information has grown significantly, reinforcing the importance of the right to information. Knowledge Organization, a discipline that explores elements that enable retrieval and access to information, carries out the systematization of the methodological principles that underlie these information retrieval tools. The use of these digital management tools has become imperative for archival institutions. In this context, this study aimed to investigate the representation and organization of information in the archival context. Furthermore, it sought to identify, discuss, and systematize the representation and retrieval of archival documents through AtoM (open-source software) in a permanent collection at the Federal University of Pará. This research analyzed the use and benefits of an Information Retrieval System in an archival collection, with a focus on archival description activities, making these documents accessible and optimizing research. A case study was conducted on a set of documents currently stored in the Central Archive, with the purpose of conducting this evaluation. The results of this research highlighted the importance of information organization in the Central Archive of UFPA, emphasizing the need for standardized archival descriptions to improve efficiency and accessibility. The integration between Archival Science and Knowledge Organization proved to be decisive in addressing contemporary challenges, particularly those related to technology. This research not only bridged the gap between these fields but also promoted innovation and continuous improvement in information organization and access.

  • MATURITY IN ORGANIZATIONAL INTELLIGENCE: case study of the Integrated Library System of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará

  • Data: 24/08/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Addresses maturity in organizational intelligence in a library system. It introduces the concept of Organizational Intelligence, which is when an organization makes appropriate use of information for decision-making, obtained from the collection of data in its internal and external environments. It is complemented by the use of tools and instruments for the implementation and maintenance of this process, among them the maturity in Organizational Intelligence that measures the level at which an organization is found, ranging from initial to advanced. It is presented as a research question: How does the generation of organizational intelligence occur within the scope of the Integrated Library System of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará? and What is the level of maturity in Organizational Intelligence of the IFPA Integrated Library System? The general objective of the research is to analyze the generation of organizational intelligence of the Integrated Library System of IFPA, through the measurement of the level of maturity in IO. The model applied was that of maturity in Organizational Intelligence of Álvares, Itaborahy and Machado, which classifies the organization into six levels: Unmanaged; Structuring, Formative, Effective; Analytical and Proactive. This is a qualitative-quantitative research with a descriptive and exploratory nature. The case study method is used, with triangulation of three types of evidence: Interview by case study survey; Participant Observation and Document Analysis. The following information is presented as main results: The categories Value of the individual, Organizational memory, Environmental monitoring, Intelligence report are at the level 1. The categories organizational learning, Organizational capacity, Culture, Spaces, Information and knowledge processes, Information policy, Technology, Knowledge sharing and reuse, and Usability are at level 2. Therefore, it is concluded that the SIB-IFPA is in the initial stage, called Structuring, of the Level 3. It is verified that the System has an adequate structure for the management of information and a qualified and qualified team that together with categories such as Business Knowledge; Storage, Search and Retrieval; and Information security, can come to generate organizational intelligence for the organization.

  • ARCHIVE INTELLIGENCE AT THE FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF PARÁ – TUCURUÍ CAMPUS: a look at the internal users of the Integrated Heritage, Administration and Contracts System - Protocol Module

  • Data: 23/08/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Recorded information is an input for organizational processes, which when managed can facilitate administrative transparency, streamline administrative processes and guarantee administrative efficiency. In this context, technological tools have been developed and implemented aiming to optimize production and information management, as well as promote access to information. In this sense, the Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Pará - Tucuruí adopted the Integrated Management System with the Enterprise Resource Planning concept as one of its systems, which manages the various institutional activities in the same tool, however the focus of this research is the Protocol Module of the Asset Administration and Contract System, where activities ranging from production to the final destination of documents are carried out. The general objective is to understand how Archival Intelligence can enhance the skills of internal users of the Integrated Heritage, Administration and Contracts System - Protocol Module at IFPA Campus Tucuruí. To this end, the specific objectives propose: Theoretically systematizing the themes covered in the research; Explore the experiences of implementing Enterprise Resource Planning systems and the Integrated Management System; Know how the Integrated Heritage, Administration and Contracts System works - Protocol Module; identify users, their needs, practices, skills and their possible difficulties in using the system; Point out solutions in the world of Archival Intelligence, which can improve and/or develop practices related to the process of searching, accessing and using archival information. Methodology: the method chosen was the case study at the Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Pará - Campus Tucuruí, comprising a bibliographical research, followed by a Systematic Bibliographical Review, accompanied by a documentary research. And finally, a consultation with the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and a user study with the application of interviews and questionnaires with the servers of the Tucuruí campus and with the Director of Information Technology of the Rectory, in order to identify and/or confirm the user difficulties in relation to the system. Results: The users of the SIPAC Módulo Protocolo are interns, administrative technical staff and teachers carrying out their activities, which confirmed that they have difficulties in using the system, which are more related to the lack of training and the lack of intuitiveness of the system , most of them understand that the role of the archivist is related to the archive and the users. Furthermore, it was confirmed that this need to develop skills related to archival practices can be improved based on the archival theory and methods considered Archival Intelligence, based on an initial action plan proposed to be carried out by an archivist.

  • Diagnosis of the Archive  at the Federal Justice of Pará: a case study of the Federal Regional Court of the First Region

  • Data: 22/08/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The importance of judicial archives and their management spurred the Brazilian judiciary to sign a cooperation agreement in 2008 between the National Council of Archives (CONARQ) and the National Council of Justice (CNJ). It was noticed that the creation of specific legislation for the management of judicial documents was not enough to guarantee the preservation of archival information. Additionally, the computerization process brought by the new millennium together with the desire to apply the MoReq-Jus format in these records, brought several challenges for the management and preservation of these units. In this context, the judicial archives are in a moment of profound changes and this work aims to understand such challenges in the Amazon, through the analysis of the file case of the Federal Regional Court One (TRF1), section of the State of Pará. The specific objective of this work was to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the TRF1 Archive in Document Management in view of the threats and opportunities that the new context offers. For this, the Archival Diagnosis was used as a means to address the strategic planning and management of the institution in context. This study was carried out in two phases: (1) analysis of the context of the Archive and (2) internal analysis of the unit. In the first phase, the PEST systematic (analysis of the Political-normative, Economic, Sociocultural and Technological environment) was applied, and the perspective of Soft Systems Analysis was integrated with the CATWOE (Customer, Actor, Transformation, Worldview, Owner, Environment ). In the second phase, it studied the resources, capacities and generic and distinctive competences present or missing in the archive and in the institution. Information collection used document analysis, semi-guided interviews, questionnaires and field observation. The evidence was organized using a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) matrix. In conclusion, the SWOT diagnosis was analyzed with the members of the Archive to identify the elements with the greatest positive and negative impact on the management of the Archive, as well as the most urgent or medium and long-term ones. With this diagnosis, it is expected to contribute to the planning and strategic management of the TRF1 Archive towards its continuous improvement in terms of its archival functions.

    Key-words: File diagnostics. Federal Justice Brazil. Legal files. Federal Regional Court.

  • INSTITUTIONAL REPOSITORIES OF UFOPA, UFPA and UFRA: evaluation of the quality of indexing based on the elements of the Indexing Policy

  • Data: 13/07/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This research discusses the evaluation of the quality of indexing in institutional repositories, according to the elements of the indexing policy: exhaustiveness, specificity, recall and precision. The study is part of the Organization and Representation of Information line of research, with the objective of investigating the quality of indexing of documents inserted in the institutional repositories of Higher Education Institutions in Pará. The research is justified by: the importance of organizing knowledge to enable access to scientific productions from institutional repositories. As a research problem, there is the following question: according to the elements of the indexing policy: exhaustiveness, specificity, recall and precision, the quality of the indexing carried out in the Institutional Repositories of UFOPA, UFPA and UFRA can satisfactorily meet the informational needs of the users of these institutions? With the general objective: the contribution to Information Science, collaborating for the organization of knowledge and information, as well as encouraging reflection on the importance of indexing for the organization and retrieval of knowledge. The specific objectives are: a) to carry out a bibliographical survey, in order to provide subsidies for the construction of the theoretical framework regarding the conceptualization, process and purpose of the organization of knowledge, indexing, indexing policy, evaluation of indexing and institutional repositories; b) investigate how the indexing process performed by professionals in the institutional repositories of UFOPA, UFPA and UFRA takes place based on the application of the Individual Verbal Protocol (PVI) and Questionnaire; c) evaluate the indexing quality based on the categories elaborated through the indexing policy elements: exhaustiveness, specificity, recall and precision. The research has as methodology: a qualitative approach, by means of instruments: individual verbal protocol and questionnaire, applied to indexing librarians of institutional repositories. As a result, it was considered that the quality of indexing follows the standards of exhaustiveness and recall elements, the others need more depth to be met by the quality of indexing. It was observed that the configuration of the environment of the repositories is a factor that can influence the quality of indexing in a negative way, since there is a shortage of professionals for the demand of the repositories. In addition, there was a need to improve both the indexing task and the training of professionals working in this service.


    Keywords: indexing; indexing evaluation; indexing policy; institutional repositories; knowledge organization.


  • Data: 28/06/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Introduction: The Brazilian military dictatorship was marked by the repression of opponents of regime and for serious human rights violations. In 2011, the creation of the National Truth Commission that gave rise to the installation of dozens of commissions of the true, including in Pará. Concomitantly with the creation of the National Commission for True, the Access to Information Law was approved to, among other objectives, facilitate
    access to files on human rights violations. Purpose: To understand the relation of the Law of Access to Information with the archives of the military dictatorship in Pará by through the analysis of the works of the paraense truth commissions. Methodology: This is a qualitative, historical-documental research, based on a literature review, in the final report of the State Commission for Truth and Memory of Pará, and in interviews semi-structured with committee members and professionals linked to the institutions that keep these documents. To understand the relationship of the Freedom of Information Act with the archives of the military dictatorship in Pará, the context of regulation was analyzed Freedom of Information Act, truth commissions and access to archives. Results: It was possible to identify the centrality of access to information for the construction of collective memory, implementation of Transitional Justice mechanisms and investigations into human rights violations. In contrast, from interviewees' experiences, the contributions of the Access to Information Act to access to the archives of the military dictatorship in Pará seem to be timid, although it was possible identify that the archives played a fundamental role in the work of the commissions. At perspective of the holders of the collections, the importance of the Memories project emerged Revealed for the collection and availability of the archives of the dictatorship military. Conclusions: Despite the difficulties in accessing the archives, the commissions of the the truth of Pará developed research that contributes to the understanding of the period dictatorial in the state. The regulation of the Access to Information Law is fundamental for the exercise of the right of access to information, in addition to investigations into rights humans. The Memórias Reveladas project contributed to the collection of collections on the military dictatorship in archival institutions. 



  • Data: 27/06/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • It discusses the sharing of open research data by professors and researchers from three Graduate Programs in Health at the Federal University of Amapá (UNIFAP), which are: Health Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Innovation. The central objective of the research is to investigate the perceptions and practices of sharing research data from graduate programs in health at UNIFAP, with the specific objectives: a) Identifying the perceptions of permanent professors of graduate programs in health from UNIFAP on research data sharing; b) Map research data sharing practices; c) Present an overview of perceptions and practices by area of knowledge/programs. As for the objectives, this is an exploratory and descriptive research, with a predominantly qualitative approach, through a case study, with an investigative scope on sharing research data, with UNIFAP as the research locus, to operationalize the research we used if the electronic questionnaire and the protocol of interviews with research professors of programs in the health area, therefore, 12 people participated in the research. Additionally, a data triangulation was performed, as a data analysis technique, based on different sources of empirical evidence, in order to ensure greater robustness to the results. The results showed that professors are aware of research data sharing, although they know little about Open Science. Regarding data sharing practices, the survey points out that most share data informally, this may be related to the fact that the institution does not have a Data Management Policy. With regard to practice, it was noticed that researchers are afraid of sharing research data. Finally, the importance and necessity of adopting the institution's normalization instruments to support the sharing and security of data from various perspectives (research reproducibility, citation, trust, credibility, scientific record) is highlighted.

    Keywords: search data; data sharing; open science.


  • Data: 14/06/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The Information Organization, which itself has the objective of strengthening the relationship between informational products and access by users, when linked to Information Representation, focuses on the process of describing the material and content, following faithful to the data of the material. and thinking strategically about what is relevant in user search and retrieval. For this, in Librarianship, codes, norms and instruments are adopted for representation that best adapt to the needs of the library and the user. One of the services offered by Libraries, specifically those of a university nature, is the preparation of the catalog file that can be performed in a traditional or automated way. This type of information service has as its product generated the catalog card itself, which, due to the two preparation options already mentioned (traditional and automated) can present divergences and errors, when compared with the guidelines that the cataloging code or instructions of the system itself. automated feature. Due to this diversification that can be found in the product of the catalog card, the following question is generated: How is the Information Organization being applied in the representation of information in catalog cards in Public Institutions of Higher Education in the North region, Brazil, based on the Anglo-American Cataloging Code and Resolution no. 184/2017 - Federal Council of Librarianship. Having as justification the need to standardize the information for presenting a diversity, both by graduated and experienced professionals and by users (laymen to the cataloging process) of the automated format. With this, this research aims to analyze the application of the Information Organization with the service/product of the Catalog Card in Public Institutions of Higher Education in the North region, to highlight the diversification regarding the presentation of this catalog card, the possible errors found and highlight the obligation stipulated in Resolution No. 184/2017 - Federal Council of Librarianship. And for that, specific objectives were established with the purpose of conducting the research in the reach of the results: a) Map the catalog service among the IPES of the northern region, regarding the provision, procedure and format of the service available; b) Study the functionality of the manual and automated format with the IPES in the North region; c) To analyze the elaboration and incidence of the catalog sheet made available by the IPES in the North region. The methodological course is built on the objective as descriptive research, with a qualitative-quantitative approach and of a basic nature. About the types of procedures, the following research methods were adopted: bibliographic research, documentary research, field research and multiple case studies, making use of the following instruments for data collection: survey (bibliographic, documentary and data), direct observation, electronic questionnaire, and interview and, in addition, to analyze the collected data, content analysis was chosen. As for the expected results, the aim is to highlight the diversification in the service/product of the catalog card with the University Libraries; list the most common errors and/or failures in the preparation of the catalog card, whether in the traditional or automated format and highlight the obligation stipulated by Resolution n. 184/2017 - Federal Council of Librarianship.

  • UNIVERSITY MUSEUMS OF THE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF PARÁ: A look at Information Science and Museology

  • Data: 18/05/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • In the Brazilian context, university museums emerged with the creation of Universities, mostly in the 1950s. Although there are museums executing teaching and research activities, the aggregation of Institutions came as a response to modern society. At the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) there are several spaces that are auto-claimed museums”, sometimes with museum characteristics, sometimes collections or even science centers. In view of the plurality of locations and the teaching, research and extension triad, the question arose: What is the integration between the research, teaching and extension actions of the UFPA’s museums, collections and museological centers and the university policy of this Institution? Thus, this descriptive, documentary and bibliographical research aims to map university museums, collections and museological centers, from the perspective of Information Science and Museology, investigating teaching, research and extension actions,  in order to establish, or not, the integration with actions proposed by the Institution. From the exclusively online mapping, we found 14 museological centers, distributed in six Institutes, two Centers and one Unit. Of these, we collected information on the UFPA Portal, on the websites of the Institutes and spaces, when there are, in the Bylaws, Unit Development Plans (PDU) and activity reports. In addition to scientific articles, when found. As a result, we prepared a summary of each space and, based on them, we observed that: 06 spaces are open to visitation, exercising communication with the internal and external public of the University; in 07 we identified academic own productions or about them; 05 are registered on the Sucupira Platform; among other results. We conclude that most of the spaces are in line with UFPA's university policies but lack recognition by the Institution and by the units that are subordinated. We point out that one possibility of highlighting museums and university collections and creating dialogue between them is through a network of museums, like other Universities. We hope that the reflections are able to contribute within  the debate on the theme, the importance and the role in the context of the Institution. From the perspective of Information Science and Museology, we aim to demonstrate how these spaces are organized and interact within the Federal University of Pará.



    1. University Museum.


    2. Teaching, research and extension.


    3. Federal University of Pará.


    4. Information Science.


    5. Museology


  • Data: 27/04/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Introduction: The Network Society has been employing the use of technologies, valuing information and Information and Communication Technologies to increase the capacity to acquire new knowledge and expand the integration of people in communication in real-time and without barriers. In this context, part of individuals became users of Online Social Network Services one of the objects of the study of Information Science. During the COVID-19 pandemic, users sought information about the epidemiological situation in these services in posts (audio-visual or textual), a phenomenon that also went through the construction of alternative narratives, also called pseudoscience, starting to be shared in uninformative messages. Information requires to be backed by scientific knowledge and has become essential in the fight against Fake News and Fake Science, especially by information professionals. Research Problem: The context of Online Social Network Services in the COVID-19 pandemic revealed clusters in which disinformation about science (Fake Science) presents, through an inference, strength equal to or greater than the dissemination of reliable sources of scientific information from institutional profiles, resulting in low dissemination, interaction and reach of reliable information to users of Online Social Network Services on important topics for the fight against COVID-19. Objective: To map the interactions that occur on Online Social Networks based on the analysis of publications on COVID-19 carried out by scientific content creators to identify the scope of this information in the health domain. As specific objectives, it is proposed: to identify, select and describe profiles of digital scientific disseminators and the performance of these social actors in Online Social Network Services on the topic of COVID-19; and a control profile related to Fake Science to understand by comparison the performance of Brazilian science communicators; develop and apply a data collection instrument for transforming Online Social Network Services data into data analyzable by the Social Network Analysis method, and; create a database with collected data and perform a content analysis among the scientific dissemination posts that make up the sample, to observe the contributions of these posts to the fight against misinformation about COVID-19. Justification: The research is relevant, as the moment pandemic raised questions regarding the source of information, the validity of the data, and Information Science operates in areas that include investigating the phenomenon of disinformation, guaranteeing government transparency, and providing references from his point of view for computing to develop new services in digital environments. Scientific communication faces the challenge of selecting information, sources, and documents among so superfluous information on the internet, and the chronology created by Facebook users will become the future memory, and it is interesting to search Online Social Networking Services for the fundamental understanding of beliefs and values, observing users from the links established in cyberspace. Scientific knowledge organizations depend on the credibility of individuals. Digital scientific popularizers provide relevant facts and results, transformed into information about what is happening in science, to users of Online Social Networking Services to promote citizenship, politics, and the transparency of their actions. Methodological Procedures: The strategies adopted for carrying out the research were carried out using combined methods: a) theoretical framework, containing the results of the bibliographical research; b) Analysis of selected profiles on Facebook; c) Data analysis by Social Network Analysis; d) Qualitative analysis of posts for categorization and coding. Results: In the bibliography review, used as a theoretical framework for the research, 46 scientific communications were collected, 12 of which were used in the research. In the case of posts, a total of 2,123 posts published between January 2, 2020, and December 16, 2021, were collected, asymmetrically, that is, each of the profiles analyzed published different amounts in this period. Of this total number of posts, 949 posts were analyzed. For the analysis, the set of 949 posts allowed the use of data from 2,129 comments, used in the Social Network Analysis. In the case of qualitative results, through the analysis of the posts, two categories Fake Science (with data from the control profile) and Scientific Dissemination (with data from the profiles of scientific dissemination) were developed. Each category had a set of specific codes, and for Fake Science, the codes are Anti-vaccination, Disinformation, Hate Speech, Fact-checking, Bolsonarista Media, Scientific Denialism, Standards, and False Testimony. In the case of the Scientific Dissemination category, the following codes were used: Discourse of Authority, Scientific Education, Epistemology, Scientific Media, Standards, and Vaccination. All these codes originate from the interpretation of the research based on the research results of the bibliographic review. In the Fake Science category, the main codes identified in excerpts from the posts were: Bolsonarista Media, Scientific Denialism, and Disinformation, representing 65.00% of the encodings. In the Scientific Dissemination category, the main codes were: Standards (45.60%), Scientific Media, and Authority Discourse, representing 87.10% of the codifications. From the analysis of excerpts from the posts - and their relationship with category codes - it was possible to synthesize patterns and differences between the performance of these profiles. Conclusion: It is concluded that the objective of the research was achieved but with certain impediments. The sample related to scientific dissemination profiles was collected prior to the analysis, that is, all data to be used were collected in a single period. However, it is important to point out that during the research, both profiles of science communication on Facebook were excluded by the owners, making it difficult to make impressions that could establish more qualitative layers in the information of the posts, such as, for example, the verification of styles in the use of images. , preventing the comparison with the control profile (which was still active at the time of writing the dissertation).

  • Occasions of User Data Gathering by Online Social Network Services: Analysis of Legal Documentation for the formation of Twitter Trending Topics.

  • Data: 31/03/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Introduction: Online Social Networking Services are services that help the process of communication and interrelationship between individuals and companies through the internet, expanding the reach of Social Networks. The movement of users on these services has created flows of data that have never before been imagined. The information generated by these flows has piqued the interest of technology companies and researchers. Research Problem: Therefore, it is important that the legal documentation presents the occasions on which data is collected by Online Social Networking Service Twitter, allowing the characteristic mapping that can support the processes of collecting user data for targeting content and in the construction of what is presented in Trending Topics whether organic or artificial — problem of this research. Objective: Identify in the legal documentation of Online Social Networking Services the occasions on which user data collection processes occur, especially aimed at the context of user interactions for the Trending Topics formation. As specific objectives, it is proposed: Map possible data collection occasions, through legal documentation; Determine which users data sets can be collected from processes; Identify characteristics of Trending Topics and relate them to the structures and data sets collected by the service. Research universe: To compose the research universe, it was decided to analyze Twitter’s legal documentation, as it was the first Online Social Networking Services with global operations to adopt a specific area for displaying current affairs. Two versions of the legal documentation were used: 16 and 17. At first, in the preparation of the dissertation, version 16 was used, which came into force on August 19, 2021. The information in this version was used in the theoretical framework and complementary to the results, that is, in the case of elements that were hidden or removed from version 17, information from version 16 was used. Justification: From the moment that Online Social Networking Services such as Twitter begin influencing data flows that circulate in user’s timelines and profit from the provision of services and products based on collected data from these users, the need to understand the occasions on which these processes occur objectively since the legal documentation can hide such information. Methodological Procedures: The strategies adopted to conduct or perform the research were through combined methods: Theoretical framework, containing subjects related to the context of the research: history and characteristics of Twitter, its resources and the characteristics of Trending Topics; Descriptive analysis of Online Social Networking Service Twitter’s legal documentation, to obtain information regarding the occasions for user data collection and available data sets, and; Comparative analysis between information from data collection occasions processes carried out by the service and the characteristics of the Trending Topics. Results: The results are divided into 2 parts: a) Occasions for user data collection, based on the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy, in which the excerpts on how data is collected, which data can be collected and which the use or sharing of the Online Social Networking Service Twitter indicates that it will be carried out. At the end of this part, a synthesis was elaborated relating the occasions and data sets with the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy, and; b) Comparison between information identified in the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy and the characteristics of the Trending Topics, through a comparative analysis between the results of the first stage (synthesis) and the characteristics of the Trending Topics. Eleven characteristics of Trending Topics were identified, as well as 15 collection processes and 34 references on data sets collected by the service. In the comparison, it was possible to establish that the characteristics of the Trending Topics are possible through 42 repetitions of these collection processes, with a total of 390 data sets collected. Final considerations: The main feature of Twitter when it comes to data collection was the creation of structures that allow access to collected data, which became its trademark. It is considered that the objective of the research was achieved because it was possible to extract information about the data collection occasions and their structures through the legal documentation of Twitter and thus relate them to their systematization. Research limitations are related to Twitter’s current timing. And future possibilities are to use other tools and techniques to perform new data analysis. 

    Keywords: Online Social Networking Services. Trending Topics. Data Collection. Terms of Service. Privacy Policy.


  • Data: 24/03/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Introduction: Information and communication technologies provide communication autonomy to individuals with access to the internet and its web services. Social indexing, in this context, is a method of representing information based on natural language, where the web user is the protagonist. In the universe of online social networking services, social indexing can be observed in the form of hashtags, and its applicability understood as a potential resource to promote information visibility. A question that can contribute to the purposes of scientific dissemination on online social networks. Objective: To carry out a quantitative and qualitative analysis on the use of hashtags in the context of science dissemination on TikTok, in order to identify the characteristics and visibility strategies based on social indexing. Methodology: Exploratory research of a qualitative and quantitative nature, carried out from profiles and scientific dissemination videos shared on TikTok in 2022. It is divided into three phases: 1) selection, whose objective is to determine the identification strategies and selection parameters of the two data sets (profiles and hashtags) analyzed in this study; 2) collection, whose objective is to collect the necessary information for the analyses proposed in the third phase; 3) analysis, whose objective is to carry out: i) quantitative analyses of the sample; ii) analyses of the characteristics of the most popular hashtags collected; and iii) identification of possible visibility strategies based on social indexing. Results: 172 profiles were collected through research strategies applied to Google Search and TikTok, of which 17 were selected for hashtag collection. From the analyses it was possible to observe hashtags linked to the academic context, generic hashtags unrelated to the scientific universe, hashtags that identify or personalize the search for information conveyed to a profile and a political hashtag. It was possible to observe the use of visibility strategies based on social indexing in videos intended for scientific dissemination on TikTok. However, it is concluded that social indexing alone cannot promote content visibility with regard to TikTok. This does not negate the importance of information representation in this online social networking service. Social indexing should be understood as one part of the actions that help promote the visibility of scientific information on TikTok. Conclusion: When starting the analysis process, it was noticed that social indexing is one of many strategies and resources that the TikTok algorithm uses to segment content. Therefore, in order to obtain an overview of the visibility of scientific content on TikTok, it is necessary for future work to expand the observation of mechanisms that promote information visibility on TikTok. From this, it will be possible to understand how the algorithm benefits from other elements such as: the chosen soundtrack, user interactions on the interface and other mechanisms that can contribute to a content being considered relevant or not to the user and being recommended in the for your feed of this online social networking service.

    Keywords: Social Indexing; Science Communication; Online Social Network Services; TikTok.

  • Constitution of the Institutional Memory on environmental sustainability disclosed within the scope of the Federal University of Pará

  • Data: 31/01/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Environmental sustainability is an urgent issue to be debated in order to stimulate the growth of society's environmental awareness. One of the difficulties in achieving this goal is access to content in a language accessible to the general public. The Federal University of Pará News Portal is the Institution's main communication channel. It is through it that one has access to information about events, institutional actions and the scientific and academic knowledge generated within the scope of the University, and it is also a space for retrieving information about the Institution. Understanding that the Institutional Memory is constituted from the process of choice and selection of what was and is relevant to the history of an Institution, in this scenario the News Portal of the Federal University of Pará and the Institution's Academic Units is studied to identify this relationship. This research has as its guiding problem: How does the information on environmental sustainability disseminated within the scope of the Federal University of Pará constitute its Institutional Memory? To answer this question, the general objective is to analyze the dissemination of academic-scientific production on environmental sustainability generated within the scope of the Federal University of Pará for the constitution of Institutional Memory. As research methods, the single case study was used, used for data collection, and Content Analysis for the analysis of the data obtained. According to the cut delimited by the research, five sources of evidence were analyzed: Institutional documents from the Federal University of Pará and the Institutional Communication Office; Analysis, based on data mining, of the pages of the News Portal of the Federal University of Pará and the websites of the Academic Units; Questionnaire answered by the administrators of these pages; Interview with the Director of the Communication Office of the University and research in the Institutional Repository of Theses and Dissertations of the Federal University of Pará. As a result, it was identified that the disclosures made through the Portal and the websites of the Academic Units are recognized by the University's management as an instrument in achieving the Institution's strategic management. There is dissemination of information on environmental sustainability on the University's websites, however the theme is still little explored. The Communication Office recognizes the relevance of the theme and has been developing strategies for greater dissemination. As for the constitution of the Institutional Memory, although there is recognition that the Portal is a form of Constitution of the Institutional Memory of the Federal University of Pará, there is still no concern in the sense of structuring and maintaining it from this perspective, with the need to instrumentalize such a need. It was concluded that the University News Portal and the websites of the Academic Units can be considered as instruments in the constitution of the Institutional Memory of the Federal University of Pará, although currently they are not treated nor prepared to act in this way, however, they can become institutionalized places of memory.


  • Data: 19/01/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • As a starting point, studies inherent to the Information Ecosystem are presented, attributed to the idea of organizing informational spaces, arranged in a digital environment present today, where development and use have advanced and the dissemination of false and dubious information has been gaining space, raising questions about the reliability and authenticity of the information that is being accessed and disseminated by society. Given this scenario, it is possible to identify the installation of the Disinformation Ecosystem linked to a chain of informational phenomena linked to disinformation, intensified in economic, political, cultural and health contexts, requiring knowledge, skills and attitudes of the subjects involved in this scenario. In this perspective, the following question arises: “what is the relationship between the Disinformation Ecosystem and Archival Information and what are the contributions of the triad Information Competence, Media Competence and Critical Information Competence in this scenario?”. The overall objective is to relate the structure and characteristics of the Disinformation Ecosystem with Archival Information in the post-custodial current, linked to studies of Information Competence, Media Competence and Critical Information Competence. The general objective is subsidized by three specific objectives: a) theoretically systematize the main themes listed in the research; b) investigate in contemporary national and international literature the relationships between the themes: Information Ecosystem, Misinformation Ecosystem and Archival Information; c) develop a conceptual representation highlighting the possible relationships between the Disinformation Ecosystem and Archival Information, pointing out how the triad Information Competence, Media Competence and Critical Information Competence can help in this context. As a methodology, a bibliographic survey was carried out, followed by the application of a Systematic Bibliographic Review. The collected data is processed by Wordart software, presented in a cloud of words and analyzed through Content Analysis. The results of this research point to the incidence of four points that converse between the Ecosystem of Disinformation and Archival Information, emphasizing the contributions of the triad of competences, for subjects involved in the Ecosystem of Disinformation, for Archivists and users of Archival Information, evidencing a discussion between social justice, science and archival practice. Concluding with Insights for further research.


  • Data: 31/05/2022
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  • Despite the school library (BE) playing an important social, educational, informative, and cultural role, until the end of the 20th century, the theme did not receive due scientific recognition in Brazil. From the beginning of the 21st century, the discussion of the theme was endorsed, mainly, by the legislative debate that resulted in Law 12.244/2010 on the universalization of the school library in the country and caused an impact on technical and scientific communication on the subject, generating numerous studies on the production of this theme, which served as a reference for this work, compiled through narrative review (ABREU; GONÇALVES, 1998; CAMPELLO, 2003; CAMPELLO et al., 2007; CAMPELLO et al., 2013; LEMOS, 2015; SILVA, 2015 ; SILVA; VENTORIM, 2016; PASQUIM, 2016; GASQUE; CASARIN, 2016; OLIVEIRA; CAMPELLO, 2016; SILVA; OLIVEIRA, 2017; RITA; BLATTMANN, 2018; OLIVEIRA, 2019; OLIVEIRA, 2019; ROCHA; SANTO, 2019). This research seeks to analyze the Brazilian scientific production on BE in postgraduate studies in Information Science (IC). The study's overarching goal is to examine works defended between 2011 and 2020 with the central axis of investigation being BE in Graduate Programs in CI (PPGCIs). With the specific objectives of: discussing the context of research on BE in Librarianship and CI and reviews of scientific production on the subject in the area; describing the academic work on BE of PPGCIs in the last decade; and identifying, through content analysis (BARDIN, 2010), the thematic categories of the selected works. Therefore, a literature review was carried out with a systematic search in the Catalog of Theses and Dissertations of CAPES to present the report of the characteristics of the collected works, followed by the identification of 14 research themes on BE in the selected studies, compared with the thematic categories from the literature review (CAMPELLO et al., 2013; SILVA, 2015 and LEMOS, 2015). The results point to a low representativeness of BE in PPGCIs research in the last decade (2.94%) and reveal new research themes in postgraduate studies on BEs: information mediation, accessibility, management, information organization, and studies of historical aspects of the school library, in addition to those already known in previous studies. In general, the most discussed categories among the selected studies (Competence in Information, Reading, and the educational function of the BE) reinforce the primary function of the BE of contributing to the formation of students through the processes of reading development and search skills, as well as access and use of information for citizen information literacy.

    Keywords: School libraries; School librarianship; State of art; Scientific communication; Post graduation; Information science; Library science.

  • An analysis of the discourse of the working group representation and organization of knowledge within the scope of the National Meetings for Research and Graduate Studies in Information Science-ENANCIBs

  • Data: 31/05/2022
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  • The Knowledge Organization (CO) has been present since the beginning of Information Science (CI), therefore, works related to this area (CI) are considered important. The research aims to identify the ideologies present in the studies carried out within the scope of the National Meeting of Research in Information Science (ENANCIB), for this, it will use the theoretical contributions provided by the Discourse Analysis (AD), specifically the one of French origin, having as its precursor Michel Pêcheux, being the latter along with Michel Foucault the two main authors that will be used as a theoretical framework of AD in the research. Regarding the research questions, it was necessary to identify the paradigms that influence the work in IC within the scope of the Enancib Work Group 2 (GT2), so that there is more clarity in the studies developed within this line of research and also investigates how AD can contribute to the advancement of CI. This research is justified by the lack of studies focused on the theoretical-methodological area in IC, so it will contribute to the advancement of this science and therefore of society, given that information is found in all its spheres. Thus, it aims to: identify the ideological aspects that permeate the scientific production of IC within the scope of ENANCIB, more specifically in the research line of Knowledge and Information Organization; analyze how investigations on OC and IO are currently taking place within the scope of the event; identify the main paradigms that influence research in this area; understand what and for whom the Knowledge and Information Organization serves within the scope of ENANCIB; to point out the differences and similarities present in the speeches elaborated in the area of OC and IO within the ENANCIB. The main methodological instrument will be the French-based AD, to carry out the research, the works published in ENANCIB in the years 2014 to 2019 were used.


  • Data: 31/05/2022
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  • An analysis is made regarding the development of Knowledge Organization in the field of Archival Science, presenting as a central discussion, the theoretical and methodological foundations that involve the use of the thesaurus in the context of the web. A more detailed model of the organic-functional information is proposed for the series Police Inquiries from the collection of the Public Archive of the State of Pará - APEP, based on the Australian model, with the help of the Applied Semantic Thesaurus - (THESA). We consider that the Knowledge Organization is an area that contributes significantly to the creation and development of methodologies for accessing information. So how can we apply Knowledge Organization Systems in the context of files? In order to answer this question, we started with a methodological approach in three stages: the exploratory phase, fieldwork and data processing and analysis. The results demonstrate that the THEESA software can be adapted and used as a terminological control instrument in archives, and can be used by other institutions. Through the product developed in a precise and representative way of organic-functional information.


  • Data: 31/05/2022
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  • The rapid spread of COVID-19 around the world has caused the number of research related to the disease to also increase at a rapid pace, setting up an unprecedented scientific race. The Brazilian Collective Health scientific community was also involved in this movement. To visualize Brazil's contribution in this field, this work seeks to analyze the profile and contribution of the Brazilian Collective Health scientific production in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a descriptive study, with a quali-quantitative approach, which used bibliographic research and bibliometric, altmetric and content analyses. Scientific production was measured using indicators of productivity, impact, and visibility. For these purposes, articles on Collective Health and COVID-19 were searched in the Web of Science, Scopus, SciELO, and PubMed Central databases, with Brazil as the country of affiliation of one or more authors, and the publication period delimited from Jan./2020 to Dec./2021. As a result, 735 articles were selected, most of them published in 2021 (62.04%), in English (50.07%), in foreign journals (72.41%), as original article (58.23%). These articles received 7,027 citations. The Southeast Region showed the highest number of publications (51.56%), and the University of São Paulo was the most productive institution (6.88% of articles). The area managed to articulate with researchers from 827 institutions in 71 countries. The most productive author published 18 papers. Only 25.44% of the articles mentioned a source of funding, with CNPq being the most cited. The 100 most cited articles had 47,982 interactions on social media platforms, the majority from Twitter (54.76%) by members of the general public (92.69%). The article with the highest rate of attention on social media ranked 82nd in the most cited ranking. A total of 14 subjects were identified. “Health care in the pandemic” showed the majority of articles (108). However, “Epidemiology and health surveillance in the pandemic context” was the most relevant topic for the scientific community and the one that aroused greater interest in the general public. We concluded that the articles analyzed in this study reflect the Brazilian scientific production and were considered relevant, as they were cited by other authors in their studies and attracted the attention of a public not only scientific/academic, but also media and general. With this mapping, we sought to contribute to a clear view of the level of evolution of Brazilian Collective Health and its global collaboration during one of the biggest public health crises in recent decades. In addition, we hope that this study can stimulate new studies on Brazilian scientific production, as a way of showing its relevance and the imperative need for investments in science even in times of political and economic difficulties.


    Keywords: COVID-19; Collective Health; scientific production; scientific communication; Information Science.

  • MEDIATION OF INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: focus on the library of the School of Application of the Federal University of Pará

  • Data: 30/05/2022
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  • The mediation of information can be seen as a guarantee of accessibility, especially in the context of inclusive education, creating possibilities for special education students to acquire informational skills for reading, researching and using information technology. It is important to know the difficulties and potential of these users in order to offer products and services to mediate information, helping schools to promote inclusive education. The main objective of this research is to analyze the practices of information mediation for students with disabilities in the EAUFPA library, aiming to identify these practices developed by the employees working in the EAUFPA library and enable more informational accessibility to these subjects. The research universe comprises the school library of the School of Application of the Federal University of Pará. The research is descriptive. Classified as bibliographic and documental, in a qualitative approach focusing on the inclusive practices of the EAUFPA library. The procedure for data collection will be carried out in two phases, the first phase will be the bibliographical research having as material for analysis articles, dissertations, theses and books, in the areas of Pedagogy and Teaching, Library Science and Information Science. In the second phase, the field diary will be used as an instrument to record the data collected in institutional documents and in activities with professional servants who work at EAUFPA. Data analysis will be based on the categories: mediation demand and type of resource for communicational accessibility. At the end of the study, it is intended to bring new information to help carry out projects that include all students of that school, regardless of conditions, characteristics and possibilities.


  • Data: 30/05/2022
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  • Archival Literacy, translated in this research as Archival Competence, is considered in the current international academic-scientific scenario as an aspect of Information Competence. The present research has as general objective to propose a concept for the term Archival Competence suitable for the Brazilian archival scenario. To achieve this objective, the research proposes to systematize the themes related to Archival Competence, investigate the bibliographic production on the subject in order to identify the characteristics and perspectives of Archival Competence and finally, propose a concept for the term Archival Competence. For the operationalization of the presented objectives, it was decided to carry out different methodological procedures to achieve them: Bibliographic Research, Systematic Bibliographic Review and Grounded Theory. The data collection procedures of the Systematic Bibliographic Review took place from October 2020 to April 2022, in the Portal of Periodicals of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, in the Library & Information Science Abstracts, in the Web of Science and in the Library of Online Knowledge. This phase was divided into three stages with different objectives: 1. understand the essence of Archival Competence using the search string "Archival Literacy"; 2. understand the fields of knowledge that make up Archival Literacy using the strings: Domain Knowledge, Artifactual Literacy and Archival Intelligence; 3. know the national debates around Archival Competence using the expression itself (in Portuguese) and possible variations. From the analysis of the data obtained in the Systematic Bibliographic Review in combination with the Grounded Theory, a proposal of a concept for the main theme of this research is presented. Thus, exposing that the relationship between Information Competence and Archival Science is characterized as a fertile field for the development of new research. Finally, the present study identifies the existence of application contexts that modify the development of Archival Competence according to its singularities and that, for a better understanding of these contexts, studies focused on the informational practices of each possible subject inserted in the contexts are necessary.


  • Data: 30/05/2022
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  • Study on Information Management from a strategic perspective within the scope of Public Administration in the Lago de Tucuruí Environmental Protection Area Conservation Unit, from elements of the external and internal organizational environment, connected to Strategic Management of Information and Strategic Intelligence, bringing as a question of investigation to know how information management can contribute to the development of Strategic Intelligence on the Environmental Protection Area of Lake Tucuruí in the State of Pará? For this, the general objective is to analyze the Information Management process as a determining factor for the development of Strategic Intelligence for the public environmental management of the Lake Tucuruí Conservation Unit in the State of Pará. Specific objectives: to map the information management process within the scope of public environmental management in conservation units; b) identify strategic factors influencing the internal and external environments of the Forestry and Biodiversity Development Institute; c) verify the available resources applied to the management of data and information of the Institute of Forestry Development and Biodiversity related to the environmental preservation of the Monitoring System of the Lago de Tucuruí Unit; d) analyze the potential of Strategic Intelligence, aiming to provide greater efficiency in the public environmental management of the Forestry and Biodiversity Development Institute aimed at the Tucuruí Lake Conservation Unit in the State of Pará. The research is characterized as exploratory and descriptive, with a qualitative and quantitative approach, being a case study of the Lago de Tucuruí Environmental Protection Area, in the State of Pará. A bibliographic survey and field research were carried out, using systematic observation to capture data from the operational routine of the Institute and the physical structure of work, and application of a semi-structured interview applied to the technicians of the Institute of Forestry Development and Biodiversity of the Lago Conservation Unit of Tucuruí focusing on the activities of collection, storage, treatment and dissemination of information. The results made it possible to verify that the main threats to the local environment are related to the advancement of productive activities on land use in the region and based on field research it was possible to demonstrate that the Strategic Information Management, through mapping and ordering of the informational flow, enhances the construction of Strategic Intelligence in a Conservation Unit, qualifying decision-making and the production of public environmental policies. Finally, it was concluded that Information Science has many possibilities to collaborate with the preservation of the environment and sustainability through Information Management, generating efficiency, effectiveness and effectiveness of public policies and management actions capable of producing inferences that direct public and private managers to more assertive decisions.


    Keywords: Information Management, Strategic Management, Strategic Intelligence, Environment, Information System.

  • Women in Regional Science: analysis of the presence in the scientific production of professors and researchers at the Federal University of Pará - UFPA

  • Data: 27/05/2022
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  • Scientific production is a fundamental instrument to promote and strengthen the knowledge cycle. This contribution to the production of knowledge occurs through the dissemination of articles in journals, indexed in national and international databases, it also contributes to the certification of research and recognition by peers, which guarantees acceptance and visibility in the scientific society. The female presence in the scientific field has contributed to the production of knowledge, enabling social discussions about the reasons that keep them less productive and the impasses in the progression of the scientific career within universities. In this sense, this research sought to analyze the female presence through scientific production and visibility in publications indexed in Scopus. For this, it aimed to identify the scientific production of UFPA researchers at Scopus in the time frame from 2010 to 2021; categorize scientific production and visibility metadata; to map the networks of co-authorship, of co-occurrence of keywords from the scientific production of women at UFPA; present an overview of the female presence at UFPA by thematic areas. This is a research characterized as quantitative-qualitative, exploratory-descriptive and sought to relate variables and indicators that can measure and evaluate the scientific production of UFPA researchers indexed in Scopus, through the search term affiliation "university of paramedics". ”, using bibliometric techniques for research. The collected data were grouped into three four-year periods: a) 2010 to 2013, b) 2014-2017 and c) 2018 to 2021. The VOSviewer software was used to prepare maps with the co-authorship networks and co-occurrence of keywords. There was a gradual increase in publications by researchers in Scopus and a high level of production by teachers and researchers in Biological Sciences and Health Sciences. Finally, it is possible to infer that the female scientific production of UFPA is focused on collective well-being and regional development. In this way, scientific collaboration between women has the potential to impact health and sustainable Amazonian development.

  • Scientific productivity of Institute Evandro Chagas : contribution to Amazonian public health (2000-2020)


  • Data: 27/05/2022
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  • The Evandro Chagas Institute (IEC), located in the city of Belém in the state of Pará, is an institution that develops research in the areas of Biological Sciences with a focus on surveillance and public health in the Amazon. Throughout its history, it has generated a vast scientific production that is deposited in its institutional repository called Patuá. Given the absence of studies that point out the importance of the contribution of studies carried out to public health in the North region and in Brazil, this research emerged, which aims to analyze scientific productivity, through the analysis of articles produced by researchers at Instituto Evandro Chagas in the last two decades. To achieve the proposed objective, it will use as object of research scientific articles indexed in Patuá - institutional repository of the IEC that correspond to the period 2000 to 2020, totaling 1.100 scientific articles distributed in 8 scientific sections. Therefore, the research has a descriptive character with a quanti-qualitative approach and will adopt Patuá as the research locus – institutional repository of the IEC, and the metric studies of information as an evaluation method.

     Scientific Productivity. 2 Institutional Repository. 3 Evandro Chagas Institute.

  • ARCHIVISTICAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT: a framework proposal about procedures and skills.

  • Data: 25/05/2022
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  • From the emergence of discussions about Archival Information as an object of study of post-custodial Archival, the literature begins to signal the concept of Archival Information Management, however, with regard to the processes that compose it, they have not yet been discussed and presented. . Those already consolidated comprise the Document Management processes, that is, linked to the Archival Document. In this scenario, using interdisciplinarity, it was intended to seek possible solutions to this problem in Information Science, analyzing the relationship between Information Management with its object, Information, Document Management with the Archival Document, for then provide the steps to be followed for the "concretion" of Archival Information Management, aiming at treatment, control and access for society. Thus, this study seeks to answer two questions: how to develop an Archival Information Management? What skills will the archivist need to develop this management? The General Objective is to present a framework with the essential components to the Archival Information Management process and the skills that the archivist needs to act in this scenario. From this, a bibliographic research was carried out to map the following themes: Information, Information Management, Archival Document, Archival Information and Archival Information Management. After the provision of the theoretical assumptions, Grounded Theory was applied, being used to analyze and compare the points in common, enabling the elaboration of a theory from the data, which explains the particular phenomenon/problem worked on in the research. Finally, equipped with the comparison data and elements predisposed to the embodiment of Archival Information Management, a framework is presented containing dimensions, specific activities, professional and informational skills for the archivist to carry out the treatment of Archival Information.

    Keywords: Information; Information Management; Records; Records Management; Archival Information; Archival Information Management.


  • Data: 23/05/2022
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  • Relating what happens between the lines of ICT with problems of privacy and access to data is complex, even because individuals simply use them naturally. That is why it is perhaps difficult to have any critical sense about the real objectives of the companies responsible for its development. In this sense, this investigation is relevant because it discusses studies that address issues related to ICT, SRSO and data privacy. This is a topic that has been increasingly in evidence due to problems arising from leakage, misuse and exposure of data. Thus, the general objective is to prepare a Systematic Literature Review from scientific communications that address aspects of Social Network Services, privacy and potential risks that affect the security of user data. The specific objectives were: a) to collect information on data privacy in scientific communications that deal with the topic of Social Network Services, b) To identify in scientific communications the main theoretical aspects related to the context of data privacy in SRSO, c) List the potential data privacy risks in SRSO identified in the scientific literature, c) Relate the main data privacy risks identified in the RSL to the groups and subgroups defined and described in the privacy taxonomy. The research universe was scientific communications on SRSOs and data privacy. A Systematic Literature Review was adopted as a research method, which involved conducting research in three knowledge bases (SciELO), Reference Database of Journal Articles in Information Science (BRAPCI) and Academic Search Premier (ASP). -EBSCO). From the quantitative results, 331 scientific communications were obtained, subject to inclusion and exclusion criteria, as well as the reading of articles in journals to verify adherence to the theme, totaling 20 scientific communications. As for the qualitative results, information was obtained on aspects related to Social Networking Services, privacy and potential risks that affect the security of users' data. Among the aspects, the role of ICT and mobile devices in privacy issues such as prolonged use, ease of access to SRSOs through smartphone stands out. Another aspect that raises some concern is the issue of surveillance carried out both by companies and by the users themselves. This type of occurrence in SRSO leads to the discussion of problems related to a control society, crimes committed through the use of multiple profiles or false profiles by users both associated with the anonymity of individuals, the intense use of SRSO and by sharing or re-sharing. of control of ideal standards of beauty. It is concluded that the risks related to Social Networking Services and privacy were access to confidential data, judgments, embarrassment, persecution, decontextualization of publications, in addition to exposure of groups protected by Brazilian legislation as in the case of children. Therefore, the unconscious and thoughtless use by users in these online environments can irreversibly affect their lives as there are reports of cases including suicides provoked by judgments.

  • PRIVACY AND INFORMATION ETHICS: an analysis about Terms of Use on Online Social Networks Services

  • Data: 28/02/2022
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  • The objective of this study is to analyze the characteristics contained in the Terms of Use of Online Social Networking Services, specifically, the articles and other legal paragraphs that deal with privacy elements and relate them to the elements that define the properties of Information Ethics and the Digital Law. The delimitation of the research theme is based on the study of services available on the internet, especially those considered Online Social Networking Services that have a high number of users. Furthermore, the discussion on privacy in the Network Society has promoted debates on the ethical implications in the informational environment and how these implications are reflected in the provision of data when the user accepts the conditions to use the services. In this sense, the problem of this research is structured: the distance between the concepts of Information Ethics and Digital Law in the information in the Terms of Use can create a favorable environment for potential actions harmful to personal data collected by Online Social Networking Services. The criteria for choosing the sample for the SRSO were those that presented the following characteristics: being free (not charging a fee for use) and being ranked among the twenty most accessed website services. The method to be used is a combination of techniques divided into stages. Initially, the first step was a literature review on the main concepts of privacy in online social networks, analyzing the main notions about personal data and their relationship on the internet in order to understand how the collection, storage and processing this information. Therefore, concepts were selected and identified that served as parameters for systematized content analysis that have informative elements that have a direct relationship with: aspects of the privacy of personal data of those referred (Collection, Purpose, Sharing, Sharing with external agents, Persistence/ Processing and Deletion), aspects related to Information Ethics (Choice, Consent, Correction, Explanation, Collection, and Use) and aspects related to Digital Law (characteristics of adhesion contracts made by social networks).

  • Bibliometric analysis of the scientific production of Postgraduate courses NAEA and NUMA related to natural resources in amazon

  • Data: 25/02/2022
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  • Bibliometric analysis of the dissertations defended in the postgraduate program in sustainable development of the moist tropic (PPGDSTU) and the postgraduate program in natural resource management and local development in the Amazon (PPGEDAM) at the Federal University of Pará. It aims to identify the main research currents linked to the access of natural resources. The research is characterized as quantitative, descriptive and bibliometric, from the survey of the dissertations in the online portals of the programs (PPGDSTU and PPGEDAM), Institutional Repository of UFPA (Riufpa), and on the Curriculum Lattes Platform. The year of defense analysis, research themes and more productive researchers were selected, presenting the main research strands and offering a "state of the art" in the scientific production of PPGDSTU and PPGEDAM. It was used as research tools: a) The software VOSviewer to identify the main thematic trends of postgraduate programs analyzed; b) The Wordclouds.com software in order to elaborate clouds of keywords, aiming at mapping the most used terms and discussed in the analyzed dissertations, and c) The Software Gephi to view the scientific collaboration network between teachers and tasks of the programs. The first year of defense of each program was adopted until 2018. It was found that so PPGEDAM as PPGDSTU have 172 dissertations produced between 2009 to 2018 while PPGDSTU / NAEA has 254 dissertations between 1987 to 2018 and, as for teachers which more guided in the PPGDSTU, 39 guiders were counted, while in PPGEDAM, has 27. It is concluded that research carried out in these programs through the natural resources theme in the Amazon, have been contributing to a more sustainable and predatory planet of predatory actions. It is also suggested the stimulus of collaborative partnerships between programs, creating academic master's incentives at PPGEDAM and Professional Master in PPGDSTU, in which it will contribute to the increase in the productivity of the institution. It is also suggested the implementation of research fueling scholarships to improve the performance of the programs, thus avoiding the
    oscillation of scientific productivity.

     Keywords: Scientific communication. Scientific production. Bibliometry. Natural resources. Amazon.


  • Data: 24/02/2022
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  • This research is part of the study area of Information Science, in the Knowledge Organization subarea, in order to discuss the importance of indexing policy in university libraries. The research is justified by the need to investigate aspects of organizational infrastructure for the development of indexing policy for the organization of knowledge in the physical and social space of university libraries. There is a research problem: How can the indexing policy contribute to the organization of knowledge in the sectorial libraries of the Federal University of Pará? With the general objective: To contribute to discussions on the relevance of the indexing policy for the organization of knowledge in sectorial libraries of the Federal University of Pará; and the specific objectives are: a) To carry out a bibliographic survey on the topics of organization and representation of knowledge, indexing, indexing policy, information retrieval and the like; b) Conduct a diagnostic study of the organizational infrastructure of the Federal University of Pará libraries; c) Investigate the elements of indexing policy by the cataloger in the Library System of the Federal University of Pará. Methodologically, the research is characterized as a case study, of an exploratory nature and with qualitative analysis of the data, in which the instruments to collect the data are: the bibliographic research in databases and the questionnaire, sent through Google forms to the professional catalogers of the Library System of the Federal University of Pará. As a result, from a sample of twelve libraries that participated in the research, it was identified the inexistence of an indexing policy, motivating the non-standardization in the strategies of use of Subject Analysis and Translation in the cataloging, however, based on the daily experiences of the catalogers, it was found the elements of: human resources, clientele, subject coverage, selection and acquisition of source documents, level of exhaustiveness, indexing process, documentary language, system evaluation and search strategies, which are part of a indexing policy. It was concluded that despite the non-formalization of the indexing policy, the integrated network of libraries has subsidies and elements for the formalization of guidelines, since the indexing policy in the integrated network can be an ally in the standardization of the indexing process among cataloging professionals, as well as as in carrying out training/training with a focus on subject cataloging, with guidelines on the use of retrospective conversion of bibliographic records, use of catalogs and databases in subject cataloging, giving the possibility to use this research as a model for the elaboration of an indexing policy, in addition to contributing to new studies on the topic of indexing policy in the Brazilian context.

  • SUBJECT ANALYSIS IN THE MUSEOLOGICAL CONTEXT: application of individual verbal protocol in UFPA museums and MPEG
  • Data: 24/02/2022
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  • The subject analysis aims to identify and select the concepts that represent the essence of a document, making it possible to recover it within a system, consisting of the first and most important step of the Indexing process. However, there is a lack of methodologies in the literature in the field of Museology for the practice of subject analysis in its Museological Documentation process and, consequently, in the retrieval of information in the museological context. This problem drove this research, whose objective is to contribute to the studies of the subject analysis process and Museological Documentation, aiming to improve the strategies of dissemination and retrieval of information in museums. Its specific objectives are: a) To carry out a theoretical study on the representation of information in museums; b) Conduct a theoretical study on subject analysis in indexing and verify the subsidies for subject indexing in museums; c) Identify whether the process of subject analysis and indexing occurs in the practice of cataloging in the museums of the Federal University of Pará and in the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, through the application of the Individual Verbal Protocol. The methodology adopted is characterized as a case study, with an exploratory nature and qualitative analysis of the data. For data collection, the Individual Verbal Protocol technique is used, as it allows the generation of categories for analysis, enabling an investigation from the mental processes of professionals in relation to the subject analysis process in the practice of cataloging in the museum context.

  • SHARING SCIENTIFIC DATA: perception and practices of professors of postgraduate programs at ITEC and ICSA

  • Data: 30/09/2021
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  • Open Science can be considered as a paradigm shift within the Open Access movement, containing in one of its pillars the open access to scientific research data in order to contribute and collaborate with the use, reuse and reproducibility of these data. Through sharing, research can be validated and bring more transparency to the studies developed. Among the issues debated about the sharing of research data is the authors' perception of this practice, which can both inhibit and influence it. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate the perceptions and practices of permanent professors of graduate programs at the Institute of Technology (ITEC) and the Institute of Applied Social Sciences (ICSA) at UFPA regarding the sharing of research data. The methodology, of an exploratory nature, through the case study, composes the investigation regarding the sharing of research data, with the UFPA as the locus of the research, through a questionnaire and interview. The survey was conducted through 51 questionnaire respondents and 10 interview participants. The results showed that the professors have knowledge about research data sharing, but not in relation to the fundamentals of Open Science. Regarding data sharing practices, the research points to the occurrence informally, without the use of data management tools. The importance of this study at UFPA is highlighted, given the incipience on the theme and the need for guidelines and support at the institutional level, given the relevance of the theme in identifying and researching factors and characteristics that can increase the balance between the participants in the process and use of research data sharing.

    Keywords: sharing research data; research data; open science.


  • Analysis of the implementation of the Access to Information Law and the scope of the 2030 Agenda in the context of Federal Universities in the state of Pará.

  • Data: 31/08/2021
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The publication of Federal Law No. 12.527/2011 stipulated new ways of handling public information, establishing guidelines and procedures to be followed by public entities belonging to the Union, States, Federal District, and Municipalities, implementing active and passive transparency. The 2030 Agenda is a document composed by the United Nations (UN) that has 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that aim to contribute to sustainable development globally. Among these, SDG 16 "Peace, Justice and Effective Institutions" aims to "promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels" (UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION, 2015, unpaginated). The goal 16. 6 "develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels" as well as 16.10 "ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements". Aforementioned goals present as a central theme "access to and transparency of information in the public sectors", linked to the regulation of access to information in the public sphere. Hence, this research designated the following as a general objective: to demonstrate if the channels of access to information of the federal universities of the state of Pará present the requirements provided by the Access to Information Act, contributing to the achievement of the goals in the 2030 Agenda, 16.6 and 16.10. To this end, specific objectives were stipulated: identify the instruments of access to information used in the federal universities of the state of Pará; evaluate the instruments of access to information within the Federal Universities of the State of Pará according to the guidelines and procedures of the LAI and the indicators of the goals 16.6 and 16.10 and present potentialities and weaknesses of the universities observed from the analysis of the results. The research embodies a qualitative and quantitative approach. We adopted exploratory and descriptive methodology. Data collection was carried out through an observation script filled out by the universities and the author. The results indicated that the universities were in an progressive process of implementation of LAI. These institutions are adapting their channels of access to information according to the guidelines and orientations of the Act. Regarding goals 16.6 and 16.10, the results revealed that all four universities contribute to the achievement of said goals by disseminating reports and having SIC, e-SIC, Ombudsman and e-OUV (Plataforma Fala.BR), to respond to requests for information, following the guidelines of the Act. As for the structural and content (information) standardization signaled, all four utilize a language of easy understanding (citizen). The study also presented the potentialities and weaknesses of the universities from the LAI perspective and for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda observed from the analysis of the results. It is concluded that the process of implementation of LAI and goals 16.6 and 16.10 in the federal universities of the state of Pará contributes to the democratization of information, from their communication channels, contributing to the improvement of public service delivery in the North Region.

     Keywords: Access to information; access to Information act; 2030 Agenda; Public Universities.


  • Data: 30/08/2021
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The scientific communication uses the formal and informal channels for the disclosure of science that is done in the research and teaching institutions being the scientific periodic one of the channels in formal communication, in this way we have as our study object of this dissertation of the Post Graduation Programs of the Federal University of Pará .For that as general objective to analyze the scientific production published in electronic periodics of the Post Graduation Programs of the the Federal University of Pará in relation to the objectives of the sustainable development of the 2030 Agenda, has specific objectives: a) To elaborate theoretical contributions about communication and scientific production of the indexing bases of the periodics to the open access; to have sustainable informational in the Amazon; objectives of sustainable development and 2030 Agenda; b) Identify and characterize the criteria of indexing of the indexing bases from Google Scholar; Scopus and Web of Science, in what has to do with the electronic periodics; c) Verify the criterias for the establishment of the strata qualis periodics, in what refers to the electronics periodics of the quadrennium (2013-2016) and d) Map the interrelation of the scientific program objective of electronic periodics of the Programs of the Post Graduation of the Federal University of Pará to the objectives of the sustainable development from the 2030 Agenda. The universe of the research is of 16 electronic periodics that have a bond with Post Graduation programs and are stored in the Portal of the scientific magazines of the Federal University of Pará. The research for this study is the exploring kind with the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data; featuring as a study of the case. Starting from the specific objectives the analysis cathegories elaborate themselves, are divided in two blocs: in the first bloc we have the magazine credentials, the strata qualis and the thematic area; the second bloc corresponds to the criteria of the indexer bases Google Scholar, Scopus and Web of Science, in the metric impact of each base and the related content to the objectives of the sustainable development of the 2030 Agenda. It was found out that the electronics periodics of the Federal University of Pará contributes with the 2030 Agenda by the publishing of the works that approaches the three areas of sustainable development- economical, social and environmental- in the context of the amazon region. Concludes that the Federal University of Pará has electronic magazines of good quality that attend, to the indexing criteria of the Google Scholar bases, Scopus and Web of Science, being necessary the construction of an indexing policy of the magazines in the Federal University of Pará Portal based on international indexing criteria of the scientific information quality, in this way the internationalization of the knowledge produced in Federal University of Pará will have a global reach.

    Keywords: indexing of scientific periodics; information quality; 2030 Agenda; Objectives of the Sustainable Development; scientific production from the Amazon; indexer data bases.

  • ARCHIVISTIC INTELLIGENCE: a concept in the light of Grounded Theory

  • Data: 28/07/2021
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Archival Intelligence, translated in this research as Archival Intelligence, presents a growing scientific production internationally, still little explored in Brazil. Archival Intelligence is related to the knowledge and skill set of archival users for effective research with primary sources. Thus, the objective of this work is to propose a concept for Archival Intelligence suitable for the national scenario, with the delimitation of characteristics, contexts and subjects involved, in order to broaden and consolidate the discussions around Information Literacy with Archival Science in Brazil. We elected as methodological options: Systematic Bibliographic Review to identify the presence of the term Archival Intelligence in publications indexed in the Journal Portal Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education and Grounded Theory to propose the concept of Archival Intelligence, having as main theoretical contribution the article - AI: Archival Intelligence and User Expertise, by Yakel and Torres (2003), precursor on the theme in the international context. The results of this research point to the importance of transversality among Information Literacy, Information Literacy in Archival Science, Archival Literacy and Archival Intelligence to deepen the studies on archival instruction, foster the creation of teaching and learning standards with primary sources and infer their practical application to archival users. It is necessary the archivist's protagonism in this process, as well as his partnership with information professionals, researchers, teachers and students from different areas.

    Keywords: Information Literacy; Archival Science; Archival Literacy; Archival Intelligence.



  • Data: 31/05/2021
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The development of Distance Education (DE), over the years, has enabled an accumulation of teaching methodologies and strategies that have expanded the opportunities for initial and continuing training for remote populations that face-to-face education was unable to meet, and thus, has be used as an alternative for admission to public and private higher education institutions. In view of this, the following question arises that will guide the development of this research proposal: the informational products and services, made available to students enrolled in distance education undergraduate courses in the context of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), meet the needs of the respective students? The general objective of the present work is to analyze the informational products and services offered by the University Library System - SIBI/UFPA to the student body mentioned above, while the specific objectives intend the following points: to raise the literature on theories, concepts and related definitions distance education and information products and services offered in this mode; verify how the participation of libraries and librarians in the classroom support centers of the Open University of Brazil (UAB) takes place in the context of UFPA; identify, characterize and evaluate the informational products and services offered at UFPA's on-site support centers in relation to the needs and expectations of the students served. To support this study, we opted for a methodology based on descriptive and documentary research, of an exploratory nature and with a quantitative approach, such as a case study. The research universe is the library of the university campus of Salinópolis at UFPA. The research subjects are constituted by the coordinator of SIBI / UFPA and by the librarian who works in the studied information unit, for which the following data collection instruments will be applied: questionnaire and interview. Subsequently, the data triangulation technique will be used in order to compare primary and secondary data with the reviewed literature. It is hoped that the fruit of study and application of this research will lead to an equitable offer of information products and services for undergraduate students in distance learning.  


  • Data: 31/03/2021
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The information production and communication process belongs to Information Science interest. Scientific divulgation or popularization is a concept related to the scientific production process, in which the scientific community has an interest in disseminating its activities through a simple and intelligible language to the lay public. Bearing in mind that the action of disseminating science has a social role, with regard to the construction of people's critical sense through information, the research aimed to demonstrate the informational potential of scientific dissemination of the archaeological heritage of the Parque Estadual Monte Alegre (Pará) represented by cave paintings, in the perspective of the valorization and preservation of these remains, considering them, in a preliminary way, as relevant sources of information from the memory records of the Amazon region. Besides to identifying the documentary and informational potential of cave paintings, based on document definitions (expanding it beyond written records), based on the theories of Documentation by Bradford (1961), Otlet ([1934], 2018) and Briet (2016). It had as general objective: To investigate the scientific divulgation about the rock paintings located in the Monte Alegre State Park (Pará), in the perspective of the preservation of these vestiges. And as specific objectives: a) Verify the main initiatives used in the dissemination of the results of archaeological research on the rock paintings of the Monte Alegre State Park, as well as the respective types of initiatives, characteristics and subjects engaged in this work; b) Identify the scientific production on the rock painting of the archaeological sites in Monte Alegre, Pará; c) Point out the informational and documentary aspects of cave paintings. A qualitative and descriptive research was carried out, exploratory and bibliographic featured, using sources of information for theoretical support and collection of materials and instruments used in the dissemination of rock paintings to the lay public. The results showed that the scientific dissemination of rock paintings in Monte Alegre, Pará, has a significant informational potential, being promoted through an expressive number of initiatives, whose main characteristics are: institutional, educational and artistic-cultural. It was verified that the rock painting is a document with specific aspects to its support distinct from the traditional documents of written texts. It was also found that scientific production provides a basis for the creation of products and practices for the dissemination of these testimonies. It was concluded that the role of scientific dissemination in the process of transferring information to the population is essential for the preservation of rock representations in Monte Alegre, since information is a resource of significant potential for social transformation.  

    Keywords: Scientific Divulgation. Scientific Communication. Archaeological Heritage. Rock Paintings. Monte Alegre (Pará).


  • Data: 31/03/2021
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This research aims to analyze, within a historical, social and cultural context, the Informational Practices of quilombola students at the Federal University of Pará, in order to contribute to the elaboration of affirmative actions, with the perspective of minimizing the problem of access to information faced by these people. To reach the proposed objective, this research was divided in three stages, the first presents a theoretical systematization, product of the bibliographical research developed with reflections about the theoretical approaches related to the User Studies. The Informational Practices and the Critical Competence in Information, after a brief historical exposition of the quilombolas in Brazil, their fight for education, the access to higher education aiming to understand the historical, cultural and social trajectory of them. The second stage: the development of the research is presented, including the documental research that made it possible to identify the quilombola students at the Federal University of Pará and to trace an overview about the presence of quilombola students enrolled in the different campuses, poles, centers, and courses that form the institution. In order to conclude the initial objective, it was verified the Informational Practices of quilombola students through the ethnographic research, specifically with the application of a questionnaire in Google forms and semi-structured interviews, configured as tools for data collection. For the analysis of this collected data, we elected the Critical Discourse Analysis. Finally, a triangulation between the results of the bibliographic research and the ethnographic interview was carried out. The results indicate that the informational practices developed by quilombola students both in the academic field and in the community, field are influenced by factors such as history, cultural, social, political and economic capital. In this way, Critical Information Competence is observed in the individual and collective actions produced in the students' daily lives, showing that the dialogues between Informational Practices and Critical Information Competence contribute to the generation of fundamental knowledge on the issues of social and cultural differences within the researched context.

    Keywords: Informational Practices, Quilombola Students, Critical Information Literacy, Federal University of Pará, Critical Discourse Analysis.

  • Data: 26/02/2021
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Among the institutions dedicated to the organization, preservation, and dissemination of information, four stand out due to the tradition of their work in ancient and modern society: archives, libraries, museums and documentation centers. However, in addition to these spaces, the present research highlights the documentary relevance of personal archives such as that of Edson Soares Diniz, a gone anthropologist in the Brazilian academic scene with relevant work carried out between the 1970s and 1990s. The main object aims to reflect about the indexing of the contents present in the photographs that compose the personal archive of the ethnologist Edson Diniz about the Tenetehara-Guajajara group. And specific objectives: to study the concept of documentation and documents in Information Science and Museology; carry out a theoretical survey on  knowledge organization, as well as on indexing; investigate procedures, difficulties, and strategies in the process of indexing photographs in the context of the personal archive of the ethnologist Edson Diniz about the Tenetehara-Guajajara group using the analysis sheet based on the Pato Method. The use of the Pato Method allowed the analysis of photographic images; with the participation of three professional museologists, with the support of a support text made available on the Tenetehara-Guajajara and Edson Diniz group, it was possible to apply in a contextual way the indexing of photographic images. Then, the three professionals received a  retrospective questionnaire, in which they could point out their considerations on the analysis form, on the photographs and describe their decision making at the time of filling in the analysis form. Thus, the results obtained both by applying the PatoMethod and by the retrospective questionnaire allowed to verify: the applicability of the analysis form for image indexing; the theoretical approaches to Document and Documentation between the areas of Information Science and Museology; and the importance of revising the support material for applying the analysis form. Therefore, by understanding that the establishment of reflections on documentary content, such as those present in the chosen photographs, are inserted in the debates in the field of Knowledge Organization; thus, it is proposed from the present research the importance of elaborating a manual that can promote the reproducibility of files based on the Pato Method to be adapted to the most diverse professional profiles. 

    Keywords: Knowledge Organization. Photograph Indexation. Tenetehara-Guajajara. Edson Soares Diniz. Pato Method.

  • Data: 25/02/2021
  • Mostrar Resumo

    Permanent collections are spaces of memory, have a social function in the space they occupy, constituting an inexhaustible source for research, whether academic and scientific or not. The relevance of indexing with regard to the organization of permanent files is very important, as it is used with an action to describe, identify and retrieve a certain document, with the intention of achieving excellence in information retrieval. Many professionals organize
    archives according to empirical non-archival criteria, creating a problem of inconsistency between custody and access to stored documents, precisely because the collections do not meet archival standards, premises and foundations. The objective of this research is to diagnose the indexing processes of permanent collections in five public agencies. Specifically, it is intended to: contextualize the specialized literature on the theoretical and methodological framework of the Knowledge Organization, in terms of: archival representation, the rules for archival description and indexing in permanent collections; analyze how the process of indexing permanent collections in public agencies occurs. The methodology consisted of a set of procedures, including research steps, questionnaire application, structured in the form of open, closed and multiple choice questions, sent by e-mail to 5 (five) professionals/archivists, whose subjects in this study are representatives of the archives of the Central Archive of the Federal University of Pará; of the Public Archive of the State of Pará; of the Federal University of Minas Gerais; of the Federal University of Bahia; and from the Federal University of Paraná. The results showed that the indexing procedures that are being used in the permanent archives of the researched institutions are characterized by the lack of pre- defined guidelines for indexing; absence of elaboration of a manual to index; little use of  Software to index and the field to include terms; as they also use few cross-references; indexing time is not evaluated; little use of catalogs and/or databases; the number of assigned terms is not measured; do not have a degree of specificity; uses little controlled language; professionals/archivists have no knowledge of indexing instruments and have little automatic help in the process of permanent collections. These indications allow us to conclude that: The investigated public institutions do not adopt indexing procedures, as they are delimited in this process, the most evident cause of which is the absence of a policy focused on this activity, which ultimately results in little use and lack knowledge of archival tools. It was also found that these same institutions use forms of information representation for their search and retrieval, having as methodological-theoretical parameter to assist the archivist two pertinent tools: (a) the fundamentals of Information Science, and (b) NOBRADE, based on the premises of international norms, to describe the documents in the researched collections.

     Keywords: Knowledge Organization. Indexing. Permanent Collections. Representation of Archival Information.

  • OPEN ACCESS TO SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: an analysis from the Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology of Brazil

  • Data: 30/01/2021
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This research analyzes the strategies promoted by the Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology of Brazil (IFs) regarding the adherence of the implementing process of their institutional repositories to the open access movement to scientific information. It investigates the concepts of scientific communication, open access to scientific information e digital repositories. It presents a national panorama of the deployment of Institutional Repositories (RIs). It analyzes the Institutional Repositories of the Federal Institutes that have been deployed from the perspective of the specialized literature. Based on data collected by a data collection tool applied via e-mail and messaging application to the 38 institutes of Brazil, it evaluates the general state of their open access digital repositories and analyzes how was their implementing processes. It surveys the presence of the repositories of the Federal Institutes in  the webpages of the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology, the Registry of Open Access Repositories directories, and the Directory of Open Access Repositories through their respective websites. It shows that from the 38 existing and consulted IFs, 32 had answered the survey and 16 have IRs deployed. It reveals that the first IR deployed in the Federal Institutes network was at the Federal Institute of Goias (IFG) in 2013, and most of the others, 11 out of 16, were implemented in the last years, between 2018 and 2020. It concludes that the deployment of the institutional repositories of Brazil is in an
    intermediate state and it follows the specialized literature and the guiding principles of the open access movement to the scientific information. It presents the final considerations, highlighting the main results and recommendations.

    Keywords: Scientific Communication. Open access. Digital Repository, Institutional Repository. Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology



  • Data: 29/01/2021
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Studies Governmental Information Systems, considering that its growing use, in confluence with technologies, seeks to meet the current demands for transparency and efficiency of public services, and leads to discussions as to which technologies can be used for this purpose and how Library & Information Science (LIS) can contribute in this context. Thus, the research aims to explore the relationships between LIS and Data Science and their applications in Governmental Information Systems to enable the transformation of data into information, and as specific objectives: a) to understand Information Systems and Governmental Information Systems, relating to the concepts of Open Government and Open Data; b) identify the concept of Data Science and its application in Governmental Information Systems in the context of Library & Information Science; c) to indicate the relationships between Data Science and LIS applied in Governmental Information Systems processes. The research is of a bibliographic nature, of qualitative analysis, with an exploratory study, in order to analyze the multidisciplinary relations between LIS and Data Science, studying aspects of the use of these intersections in Governmental Information Systems. As a result, the research shows that Governmental Information Systems tend to incorporate the use of technologies, including those related to Data Science, in order to meet demands for transparency, accountability, access to information and better government services, with possibilities of correlations between LIS and Data Science in areas such as Open Data, interoperability, Knowledge Management, analytics and Artificial Intelligence. It is concluded that the study and application of these correlations is capable of generate benefits to the operation of Governmental Information Systems, considering the informational competences of LIS as support to the use of technologies, contributing to a greater interaction between government and society to meet the needs informational requirements, thus having the broad possibility of studies on the subject and application opportunities.

    Keywords: Information Systems. Governmental Information Systems. Data Science. Libray & Information Science. Interdisciplinary.

  • “LITTLE SCIENCE” vs “BIG SCIENCE” IN NORTHERN BRAZIL: a study on the academic evolution of the Amazon Federal Institutes

  • Data: 25/01/2021
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This study aims to investigate the main characteristics of the scientific production of the Federal Institutes (FIs) of the Northern Region in their evolution towards the "Big Science", or "Mainstream" science, in order to visualize their performance in knowledge production and human capital, in the context of the difficulties of an academically and economically peripheral region. It aims to examine, specifically, from the concepts of Big Science, Center-Periphery and the types of Capital, the scientific evolution of the FIs in Northern Brazil; to contextualize the historical facts of the FIs and socioeconomic facts of the Region, which sustain its condition of academic periphery in the Brazilian global and national system; to identify and analyze indicators of scientific production for evaluation of scientific performance and its potential to contribute to the sustainable development of the region. The research is characterized as a case study, using bibliometric and scientometric indicators and economic data. In scientific capital, 890 articles and 2,758 citations were retrieved from the period 2009 to 2019. The results indicated a cumulative linear growth of 46% over the analyzed period. The most prevalent language was English, with 70.1% in publications. A balanced trend of publications in national and international journals was noted (51.5% versus 48.5%, respectively). The impact of the journals was ranked as high impact (Q1=21%), medium impact (Q2=21%), low impact (Q3=21% and Q4=17%) and no ranking 20%. In social capital, regional collaboration had the highest occurrence with institutions in the North Region and Southeast Region, and internationally with the United States. In intellectual capital, the Northern FIs presented the lowest qualification index in relation to the Southeastern FIs (5.2% against 36.3%). In economic capital, the data indicated that the Northern FIs and their region received the lowest investments for education, for research, and for S&T. It was concluded that low investments (dominant capital) prevent FIs from reaching a level of scientific maturity capable of driving the transition from local to global science.  

    Keywords: Federal Institutes - North Region. Big Science. Center-Periphery. Sustainable Innovation. Types of Capital.


  • Data: 31/08/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Informational behavior studies are dedicated to identify information needs, the way of searching and the use of information by individuals from the point of view of information as a social construction, of the individual as a user and also a provider of information in the cognitive perspective. We sought to know the information behavior of the residents of Ophir Loyola Hospital through qualitative case study research, with the participation of 57 health professionals, medical and non-medical residents, who answered an electronic questionnaire in order to know their information needs, search behavior and use of information in the hospital routine based on an integrative model validated in Information Science and adapted to the study. The results were treated by analyzing the categories and showed that the residents’ information needs refer to patient care. The main feelings that accompany them when they perceive the information need are: curiosity, anxiety and uncertainty. The search for information occurs at the moment when residents feel the need. Databases are the sources of information they seek most often and those that residents trust most. The use of information retrieved by residents is for the understanding of the clinical problem in different specialties. The integrative model used allowed the achievement of the proposed objectives and the elaboration of a diagram of the residents’ information behavior. 

    Keywords: Study of use and user of information. Information behavior. Health professionals. Medical and non-medical residents.


  • Data: 24/03/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This research addresses the theme of information representation in Archives and Libraries from the analysis of the descriptive elements pointed out in the ISAD (G) standards and in the first chapter of AACR2. The main question for the elaboration of this research is: do the standards for archival description and cataloging of libraries dialogue with respect to the descriptive process? Based on this question, the general objective of this work is to identify and present the convergent and divergent points of information representation in archives and libraries based on the rules of archival description and library cataloging. Specific objectives are also to present the archival description and the representation of information in libraries as representation processes; categorize the descriptive elements found in ISAD (G) and AACR2 and compare these elements. This work observes, in particular, the descriptive items presented by the two manuals according to the categories established through Content Analysis, a methodology established for the development of the analysis of the two standards. It can be seen within the context presented, the trajectory of the description and cataloging processes until the conception of the principles considered fundamental for the development of internationally recognized standards and it is also noted that the Representation of information in Archives and Libraries is linked to processes which demand intellectual work from the professionals involved and have as their main objectives the possibility of organization and access to information. The Analysis of the Standards demonstrates the aspects regarding the texts of each one, going from the general context of both of them to the descriptive items occasionally found and lists them within the established categories, highlighting the similarities of elements considered essential for the development of descriptions. Finally, it considers that the two areas dialogue both in terms of processes and in the structural parameters of content to be applied by their descriptive standards and what should be reflected in their results. 

    Keywords: Information Representation. Archival Representation. Representation in Libraries. Description. Cataloging.


  • Data: 29/02/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Investigating the practice of reading in the school universe is fundamental because it dialogues with all disciplines, in order to point to the interdisciplinary perspective, and, therefore, with the integral formation of the student as subject of his own reading of the world and the text. properly. The theme, namely, “the meanings constructed about reading by the school community in the elementary school of the city of Alenquer-PA”, seeks to understand the perception about reading in the schools Monteiro Lobato State School and the Municipal School of Elementary School Jorge Sadala in order to reflect the practice and perspective for the formation of readers in the school space. This is a bibliographical, documentary and field research, qualitative and quantitative. Therefore, it brings the senses built by the school community in relation to reading in the teaching-learning process of students, in 02 public elementary schools, as well as a mapping of actions aimed at encouraging reading in the city of Alenquer. Such study has as central theoretical support the theses of Paulo Freire (2015) and VYGOTSKY (1995) that support a critical reading about the world and the act of reading. The research indicates disarticulation of reading policies in schools, as well as the lack of continuous reading incentive projects that fundamentally can involve students. In addition to a lack of connection between city projects taking place in schools, lack of guidelines and continuing education for teachers working in the reading rooms and libraries of the city. The perception of the school community about reading demonstrates the importance of reading practice for the education of students, teachers and the community, but it is still a little cultivated practice in schools, since the reading incentive projects suffer greater articulation with each other.

  • THE FLOW AND REPRESENTATION OF INFORMATION IN THE NATIONAL INVENTORY OF CULTURAL REFERENCES: the case of Auto do Círio and the registration of Círio as Intangible Cultural Heritage in Belém / PA

  • Data: 28/02/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Elaborated and used by the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN), the National Inventory of Cultural References (INRC) is a research methodology for the registration of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Brazil since 2000 and is based on the law of registration and recognition of this type of heritage: Decree-Law 3.551 / 2000. In 2004, Círio de Nazaré, held in Belém, capital of the State of Pará, officially since 1793 was the first to use this methodology for the category of the register book of Celebrations. This celebration involves not only the capital and its metropolitan region but expands to several other cities in the state and other regions of Brazil. Being held in honor of Our Lady of Nazareth, the Círio has strong popular participation, becoming one of the great symbols of manifestation coming from the people and their interaction with the sacred. This research aims to analyze the applicability of this methodology in Círio de Nazaré and the documentary basis of the process that results in the production of a representation of the identified Intangible Cultural Heritage, specifically the content of the documents referring to the spectacle Auto do Círio, performed by the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) since 1993 and its representation within the registry. Seeking to identify the flow of information and mediations that occur in the heritage and its social range of meanings and symbols, the study explores the social context of the term “Cultural Heritage”, its construction and its informational side in relation to the user. Based on the information contained in the documents present in the Archive of the Superintendence of IPHAN in Pará (Forms, Filled Questionnaires, Photographs and Newspapers) and the INRC product: The Dossier Círio (2006). The results present the documentary basis of the INRC Círio process and the survey of information about Auto do Círio within the process. 

    Keywords: Cultural Heritage. Documentation. Círio. Auto do Círio


  • Data: 28/02/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Addresses the recovery of part of the memory of the classical costumes of the Pará theater, with the aim of contributing to the studies of descriptive representation of photographic services of theater costumes. And, for that, delimit them with the following objectives: a) discourse on the context of the organization and representation of information; b) address a descriptive representation of photographic images; c) portray a history of Pará's theater and its costumes; d) to analyze the descriptive representation of the collection of classical costumes in Pará between 1950 and 1960. For this, bibliographic research was carried out, using a qualitative approach of an exploratory nature, with data obtained from different bibliographic resources, in addition to documentary research, in which photographs of paraense theater costumes were analyzed. The results showed that, the constitution of the cataloging of the costume collection of theatrical pieces performed by theater groups from Belém of Pará, will play an important role as a documentary record of performances once performed, regardless of, the role of memory, since, by transforming the theater plays into visual products, it will allow the research, the reconstruction of the plays and costumes, in the most faithful way possible. It is concluded that from this research a concrete possibility was generated for the recovery and cataloging of part of the photographic collections of the costumes of plays staged in the Pará theater of the 50s and 60s.

    Keywords: Organization and Representation of Information. Descriptive Representation of Information. Paraense theater. Costume. Photographic collection.

  • Analysis of Information Treatment in the Museum of the Historical and Geographic Institute of Pará

  • Data: 28/02/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Information Treatment investigates the support and subject dimensions that make up the document, seeking to formulate access points and representations that enable the relationship between user x information x document in different information units. In this sense, this research arises from the concern about the informational treatment of the Museum of the Historical and Geographic Institute of Pará (MIHGP), located in the downtown of Belém - PA, in which weaknesses in the processes of organization and representation of information have already been observed. This research seeks to analyze the Information Treatment of MIHGP, focusing on the catalog card, using, in an interdisciplinary way, conceptual and methodological elements of the Organization of Knowledge and Information. It is a descriptive and experimental research, using direct observation as a methodological strategy. The methodological procedures were configured as: the selection of bibliographies related to the Organization of Knowledge and Information and the Subject and Descriptive Treatment; construction of levels of informational treatment, in the descriptive and thematic dimensions, from the analysis of these bibliographies; the adequacy of the fields of the catalog to the established levels; observation of the levels reached by the research instrument, outlining strengths and weaknesses. It was noticed in the results that the informational treatment reached satisfactory levels in the descriptive sphere, by enabling essential functions of investigation of the support of the objects of the MIHGP. However, the research instrument did not reach acceptable levels of subject treatment, as it did not allow indexing terms related to the content of the document and the identification of the association between owners and the objects of the MIHGP. As a solution to these problems, we sought to reformulate this instrument using the Tainacan software, using new guidelines and processes present in the field of Archivology, Museology and Information Science.

    Keywords: Information Treatment; Descriptive Treatment of Information; Subject Treatment of Information; Cataloguing; MIHGP.


  • Data: 28/02/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Study on Digital Curation inserted in the context of institutional repositories of federal universities, which promotes the management of the digital object throughout its life cycle, with the general objective of contributing to the theme of digital curation in institutional repositories. For this, the specific objectives are: a) to investigate in the scientific literature about institutional repositories and digital curation; b) identify forms of digital curation applied to institutional repositories; c) reflect on the digital curation practices developed for the management of digital objects in the institutional repositories of federal universities. From this, as a methodology, bibliographic, documentary and descriptive research was adopted, with a quantitative approach to data collection and a qualitative approach to data analysis; it is characterized as a multiple case study, focusing on the digital curation practices used in the institutional repositories of Brazilian universities, based on the actions of the Digital Curation Center life cycle. As a technique, extensive direct observation on the repository sites was used and as a data collection instrument, the questionnaire applied to the managers of the investigated repositories. As a result, it was observed that the institutional repositories of the Brazilian universities studied make little use of Digital Curation as a way of monitoring the management of their digital objects, as well as the actions of the digital life cycle. Finally, it was concluded that the digital curation practices can be used in the institutional repositories of universities, in order to give more quality to the scientific information produced and that are made available through digital objects

    KEYWORDS: Digital Curatorship. Institutional Repositories. University Libraries.

  • DIGITAL APPROPRIATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION: A Case Study on Digital Divide at Pará State University.

  • Data: 27/02/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Information and Communication Technologies, as teaching resources, are being increasingly inserted in Education. The computer and the Internet have provided students with varied learning possibilities. However, these technologies are not used effectively. In general, the student uses them for a limited set of tasks such as reading and viewing news on the Internet; sharing text, image or video; sending messages through applications and Online Social Networking Services. This simple use can contribute for the student to be inserted in Digital Exclusion environments. The Digital Exclusion consists of the lack of physical access to technologies, as well as the lack of skills to use them and the lack of benefits from the types of Internet use. Its causes are diverse and have been distinguished at three levels, where the 1st level refers to the lack of physical access to Information and Communication Technologies that can be caused by an individual's economic condition; the 2nd level is related to the individual's experience with these technologies; the 3rd level corresponds to not obtaining benefits from the types of Internet use. The objective of this research was to investigate the action of Digital Exclusion in Higher Education based on the student's skills in the use of Information and Communication Technologies. This investigation corresponded to a Case Study, being carried out at the State University of Pará (UEPA). One (1) sociodemographic questionnaire was applied to identify the student's profile including their age, sex, ethnicity, housing and family income and their use of Information and Communication Technologies as experience in years, frequency of use, possession of devices computational and Internet and 1 (one) practical test performed on the computer connected to the Internet, called the digital skills test. Its purpose was to assess the student's ability to operate computers, as well as his ability to search, locate, select and evaluate information on the Internet. The researched population was 84 (eighty-four) students from 4 (four) Undergraduate courses in Natural and Technological Sciences and Social Sciences and Education. Thus, from the results, it is a fact that the university student has skills problems in certain types of tasks performed through Information and Communication Technologies. This student does not explore all the resources that the computer and its technologies can offer. Operational tasks were solved efficiently. On the other hand, in informational tasks, the student demonstrated not to know advanced resources for the location of information. Considering that the way these tasks were performed is a reproduction of the way he uses technologies in his daily life, it is possible to state that the university student, in general, is not skilled with them. The effective use of Information and Communication Technologies in Higher Education can be hindered by problems of skills to explore the varied resources that these technologies can offer. This reality indicates that this student may be living in a Digital Exclusion environment.


    Keywords: Digital Divide. Digital Inclusion. Digital Appropriation. Information and Communication Technologies. Education.

  • Use of documentary languages in the context of institutional repositories of federal universities in the Northern Region of Brazil

  • Data: 27/02/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Study on the use of documentary languages in the context of university institutional repositories in the Northern Region of Brazil. It specifically aims to conceptualize Knowledge Organization and the paths that lead to the elaboration of documentary languages, as well as their characteristics and main types. Draw an overview of the Free Access movement, the crisis of traditional journals and the search for more freedom in accessing scientific texts, the context under which the repositories were developed. Demonstrate adherence to the free access movement and the first actions in its favor around the world and in Brazil, such as incentive actions by researchers and government agencies. It has a qualitative, explanatory approach, featuring a case study on the use of documentary languages in the standardization of representative terms of documents made available in university institutional repositories. The data collection instrument was configured in a semi-open online questionnaire, containing 23 questions, applied to the research subjects (librarians), one respondent from each repository. The 23 questions are divided into three macro analysis sessions, each aiming to observe a guiding aspect of the investigation: a) setting of the repository and the activities of the librarian, b) verifying the existence of an indexing policy and the use of documentary languages ; c) observe the aspects of the conceptual translation method adopted by the indexers. Eight questionnaires were sent, one per repository, and 100% (one hundred percent) responses were obtained. The analysis of the data was made from these answers, according to the categories that make up the macro analysis sessions, being a proportion of 8/1, that is, for each question 8 answers were analyzed, which made it possible to draw a profile of the document indexing activity in federal university digital repositories in the Northern Region. In this sense, it was observed that the use of documentary languages in the researched repositories is not yet unanimous, since the absence of a policy of indexing in libraries allows the free choice for the use or not of a controlled language, still prevailing the use of language natural or the use of it together with LDs. Another factor that reflects in the adoption of a documentary language is the particular character of the Amazon region, where the terms, concepts and spellings vary, which, commonly, are not contemplated by the languages normally adopted, as these are more general and not specific to attend the demand of professionals who work with the indexing of documents generated by research in the region. It was concluded that, despite the prevalence of natural language, the indexers have an understanding of the importance of terminological control and the processes that involve it, such as technical reading and the adequacy of cross-references. However, there is still a lack of libraries to adopt a guiding policy on indexing, which helps professionals to maintain a standardized catalog, which can be recovered in an exhaustive manner, be it from physical or digital collections.

    Keywords: Indexing. Knowledge representation (Information theory). Institutional repositories. Brazil, North.

  • Bibliometric analysis in scientific health production: a study at the Institute of Health Sciences (ICS) at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA)
  • Data: 27/02/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The general objective of the research was to analyze the scientific production of the Institute of Health Sciences (ICS) of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) in Belém, from the survey of 172 dissertations defended in the Postgraduate Programs of Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Brazil from 2010 to 2016. The specific objectives were: characterize the UFPA Graduate Health Programs, map the dissertation documents defended in the Graduate Programs, extract the metadata for standardization and measurement application and present the co-occurrence networks of keywords and health research topics, as well as the guidelines. The theoretical framework of the research was delineated in the literature and concepts of scientific production and productivism, as well as bibliometric conceptions, as well as the importance of bibliometric indicators such as the use of keyword co-occurrence networks, and the laws from Bradford, Zipf and Lotka. Regarding its nature, this research is characterized as applied, whose approach was qualitative and quantitative, with emphasis on document analysis and measurement of scientific production in health. Documentary analysis used a bibliometric form with variables such as year of publication, author, title, advisor and keywords. The metadata was then organized into a sheet in the Excel spreadsheet editor, where the data was tabulated and processed in VOSviewer software, version 1.6.11. The analysis of dissertations on Health Science, especially Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, made it possible to highlight in academic research the interdisciplinary thematic areas, verified by the following keywords: “Etidronic acid”, “Dental adhesives”, “Dentine”, “Orthodontics ”, “Medicinal plants”, “Oxidative stress”, “Antimicrobial activity”. The research identified that bibliometrics contributes to the process of evaluating scientific production in health studies, as it can organize, map, systematize and measure information in this field of study.


  • Data: 27/02/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The object of study is to index the institutional repositories of the North Network (NORTE / RIAA), with the theme of Knowledge Organization and Representation. It is situated in the contemporary context of Information Science, Organization and Representation of Information and Knowledge, centered on the social paradigm (users / information). Its general objective is to collaborate with discussions for the Knowledge Organization area based on
    reflections on Indexing in institutional repositories, and as specific objectives: to study the concepts of knowledge organization and indexing in institutional digital repositories; investigate the indexation process carried out in the Norte / RIAA repositories, through a questionnaire and diagnose the representation standards by indexing, adopted in the Norte / RIAA Institutions. Given this, the research has a descriptive character, with a qualitative approach. Using as method, the study of multiple cases, as the institutions that make up the North/RIAA will be analyzed. The research universe comprises all thirteen 13 institutions that are part of the Network. As for the data collection instrument, the semi-structured questionnaire was used, applied using the google docs form in November 2019, based on the questionnaire by Gomes (2015) and the main indexing theories of: Lancaster (2004), Rubi (2008, 2009), Fujita and Gil Leiva (2009), Dias e Naves (2013), Fujita (2016), Fujita et al. (2016) and repositories from: Leite (2009), Leite et al. (2012), Costa and Leite (2017), Sayão et al. (2009), Shintaku and Meireles (2010). The main results were obtained: most of the North Network repositories are located in the State of Amazonas; all have at least one librarian on their technical team; use Dspace software; they do not have guidelines / policies or an indexing manual, they index specifically; use natural language; do not carry out indexation assessment; in the retrieval of information they use the Boolean operators and display the results in a long form and by author and title. It was concluded that the repositories must recognize the importance of the indexing policy or guidelines for the standardization of information in the repositories; create own vocabulary from the combination of natural and controlled language; provide more effective training to the entire IR team; evaluate indexing in the repositories. This will provide information retrieval effectively and efficiently to all users of the North Network. 

    Keywords: Knowledge Organization. Indexing. Institutional Repositories. North Network of Institutional Repositories.



  • Data: 20/02/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This research is a case study that aimed to analyze the insertion and visibility of scientific production at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) in mainstream science, as a contribution to understanding the mechanisms implicit in the generation and construction of knowledge in a peripheral region international and national scientific system. The research carried out a bibliometric and diachronic scientometric analysis to measure the insertion of UFPA's production in mainstream science, based on the bibliographic database Scopus, as a representative of international literature. The dominant communication vehicles and their impact indicators were
    identified; the languages of publication; the research areas most covered; citation rates by research area and scientific collaboration networks, at meso (institutional) and macro (national) levels. The period analyzed was the five-year period 2014–2018. A high degree of productivity was observed for researchers in the Biological Sciences, Exact and Natural Sciences and Health Sciences, who also had the highest rates of scientific impact. However, the Social and Human Sciences had the highest growth rates, which denotes the dynamics of insertion and evolution of UFPA in mainstream science, which is characterized by publication in international scientific journals, with emphasis on the American and English dissemination channels. The collaboration took place to a greater extent with Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) located in the South and Southeast regions of Brazil, which have the highest national productivity rates; and with central countries of the international scientific system, with emphasis also on the United States and the United Kingdom.

     Keywords: Communication in science. Center-periphery. Bibliometrics. Scientometrics.

  • DIGITAL ACCESSIBILITY OF THE HOMEPAGE OF THE UFPA CENTRAL LIBRARY WEBSITE: evaluation with WAVE software and tests with blind students using NVDA

  • Data: 19/02/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Accessibility allows the safe and autonomous use of urban, communicational, informational and technological structures by people with disabilities and reduced mobility. Digital accessibility on university library websites ensures the right and autonomy in accessing information on the web for everyone, especially people with disabilities, which is provided for in several laws. Given this panorama, the research problem is: “Does the homepage of the UFPA Central Library website meet the accessibility requirements for W3C web content, allowing blind people using NVDA to access the information contained therein”? For this, the general objective was outlined: To analyze the digital accessibility of the homepage of the Central Library of UFPA, with regard to access to information, taking as parameters the accessibility guidelines for web content (WCAG) 2.1 and the user experience blind in interacting with the web using the NVDA screen reader. The specific objectives were: a) Identify items that compromise the accessibility of the homepage of the UFPA Central Library website, pointed out by the automatic evaluator WAVE; b) Check the browsing experience of the blind user using NVDA with the homepage of the BC / UFPA website, accessing information about the products and services available; c) Verify the compliance of the accessibility guidelines for web content 2.1 according to the results of the WAVE evaluation and tests with blind users using NVDA. This research had as methodology a descriptive case study. A bibliographic and documentary research was carried out, followed by an analysis of the digital accessibility of the homepage of the UFPA Central Library website, with the application of three evaluation methods: automatic with the WAVE software, tests with blind users using NVDA and a satisfaction interview.The results showed that the digital accessibility of the BC / UFPA website's homepage is compromised in the perceptible, operable, understandable and robust aspects. The WAVE software identified accessibility errors that prevent access to information about digital products and services through images without alternative text, decorative images without null, images used as links without proper description, empty links, forms and buttons without labels. Tests with blind students ratify the errors pointed out by WAVE and also show problems of digital accessibility related to usability, information architecture, good accessibility practices, proficiency in the use of NVDA, lack of predictability and clarity, among others. Causing users disorientation, giving up, discouragement, tiredness etc. It is concluded that analyzing the digital accessibility of the BC / UFPA website homepage was fundamental to verify the technological and human aspects necessary to guarantee democratization and autonomy in access to information from university library sites to blind students, who will automatically attend other categories of students. users. Attitudinal accessibility, WCAG attendance is necessary for the development of digital products and services with the perception of the disabled user so that they can meet their specificities of navigation, perception, understanding, operation, interaction, contribution and access to information on the web.

    Key-words: Digital accessibility. University library. Blind students. Digital inclusion. 


  • Data: 18/02/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The Digital Repositories were created within the Information Age and open access for the scientific production context. They work as informational environments projected to store, maintain and spread data of digital origin or not. For diverse users, one of the attractive features in the use of digital environment, such as the repository, is that the information needed can be effectively found. For deaf people this is not different, considering that their needs when using the repository are often like those who hear. That way, this research intends to analyse the problem rising from the question: What is the perception of the deaf community of the Instituto Nacional de Educação de Surdos (INES – National Institute of Deaf Education) about the data findability in the Huet Digital Repository? Based within this horizon, this research main objective is to analyse the Huet Digital Repository data findability from the perspective of the INES deaf people community. Specifically, it intends to: a) link the concepts of Digital Repository, Data Findability and Deaf; b) identify the Huet Repository data findability characteristics from the Checklist use; c) describe the INES deaf community perception about the Huet Repository findability of digital objects for deaf people education. To fulfil such objectives the research is defined as descriptive, with a quali-quantitative approach that uses an electronic questionnaire, there is also a semistructured interview as a tool for data collection. The sample to which the questionnaire was applied consists of 11 deaf and non deaf INES teachers. The semistructured interview was applied to five (5) deaf and non deaf INES students. Both tools were adapted from a checklist for the data findability features of informational environments. results show that not all the data findability features are present in the Huet Repository. Some of them have solvable problems. Besides that, the INES deaf community indicates important issues that are able to improve the digital environment analysed, that way breaking barriers to minorities digital inclusion, a linguistic minority in this case. This research does not reach a conclusion; however, it expects to stir up the discussion about findability, taking into consideration the opinions of the users, mainly the users that are part of minorities with diverse characteristics, which must be heard as well as the deaf ones.

     Keywords: Data findability. Deaf community. National Institute of Deaf Education (INES). Huet repository.






  • Data: 14/02/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This research investigates gender inequality in the access of women to Science and Technology (C&T) careers in higher education, at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Brazil. As a referent to C&T, this case study used statistical data from STEM courses (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). These courses are administrated at UFPA within two institutes: the Institute of Exact and Natural Sciences (ICEN) and the Institute of Technology (ITEC). All data was analyzed in light of gender theoretical categories, to identify differences in terms of the approval rates in admission exams, enrolment of undergraduates in STEM courses, successful graduation, participation in post graduation courses (MA and PHD levels), and the configuration of the academic team of professors at post graduation courses. We reviewed nine years of data, between 2011 and 2019. The results show that few women pursue careers in STEM professions. Data showed that from a total of 11,066 students, only 30% were women. There was also a low concentration of women in the academic team at postgraduate level in both institutes: 68 women to 321 men. Female student representation is worst in computer related courses, varying from 11% to 15%. However, courses related to "feminine categories" like aesthetics, food preparation, well-being and health, i.e. Architecture and Urbanism, Food Engineering, and Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, were dominated by women. Survival of undergraduate students is better in women, but in absolute numbers, male graduates overwhelm feminine presence. The longitudinal analysis following the nine-year term of this study, shows that the number of vocations in regard to computer technology is dropping in general, the number of girls entering STEM at UFPA stays constant or declining, but the number of boys is increasing comparatively. Even those fields "dominated by girls today" will cease to have such status in the short term. We conclude that in STEM courses at the UFPA, male-domination is so strong that gender inequality will persist for long, even in the presence of drastic measures today. Gender equality at the UFPA is a complex strongly rooted problem; nevertheless, it needs to be addressed at UFPA as a long term academic and social challenge.

    Keywords: Gender exclusion. Science and technology. Technological competence. Informational competence.


  • Data: 11/02/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • It deals with Knowledge Management (KM) in University Libraries (BUs). The guiding question of this research was how to share tacit knowledge in the context of the Lourenço José Tavares Vieira da Silva library (BLJTVS) at the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (UFRA). The general objective was to analyze KM in the context of the Library of UFRA campus Belém. The specific objectives were to build a theoretical and methodological framework about KM in BUs, make a comparative analysis between the libraries of UFSC, UFRGS and UFRA and propose ways to GC in the UFRA library. The methodology used was exploratory with the application of the instrument for the diagnosis of GC in BUs, proposed by Castro (2005), in the six sectors that make up the BLJTVS. The results showed that there is no formal KM policy. It was also found that the lack of a formalized KM policy is not only a problem present in the Brazilian scenario, but also in other nations, as was evident from the analysis of published studies on the subject. It is recommended for the creation and implementation of KM in the context of BLJTVS to use the framework GC@ BU proposed by De Bem (2015). To promote organizational learning, creation and knowledge sharing at BLJTVS, the following techniques can be applied: community of practice, dissemination of relevant practices and exit interviews. The tools can also be used: yellow pages, concept maps and groupware. It concludes that it is essential the formal establishment of a KM policy and the adoption of techniques, tools and a collaborative system in cyberspace, which contributes to the sharing of knowledge in the context of BLJTVS. At the end, it is recommended to carry out studies on GG in the BUs of the other Brazilian IFES, and the most appropriate groupware should also be analyzed to promote collaboration between the BUs in Brazil.

    Keywords: Knowledge management. University Library. Knowledge sharing. Tacit knowledge.

  • Digital Platforms and the Platformization Effect: Introductory Aspects for Information Science

  • Data: 28/06/2019
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The digital platforms are defined as software having at its base an extensible code, of modular architecture, which can be interconnected to a set of interfaces, allowing access to third parties (users, developers, partners, providers) from a business model that creates or affects its associated value chain and, therefore, also affects the human community articulated in a network within that value chain. The effects resulting from the digital platforms movements are called platformization; population changes inserted in the value chains affected by the platform, ranging from creation and changes in people's routines to the development of diverse cultures and forms of relationship and social representation. Then, this research aims to analyze what may be the development of studies and conceptualizations on digital platforms and the effect of platformization in Information Science (IC). To achieve this goal, a bibliographical research was developed focusing on the following specific objectives:

     a) to investigate in the literature the most relevant conceptual aspects about platforms and platformization; b) to develop an interdisciplinary dialogue regarding concepts of digital platform among the fields of Computer Science, Communication, Administration and Economics; c) Identify the definitions and approaches of IC on digital platform and platformization, and d) to describe the effects of platformization, aiming its future as a research field for the IC. The review included 72 researches obtained on data basis of the BRAPCI and Lisa, since 2000 to 2018. They were observed some disagreement about platform concepts, implying a tenuous line among the areas of knowledge regarding effect of digital platforms in Information Society, from which the platformization phenomenon is being explored in the IC. So, it is concluded that the IC, as an interdisciplinary field, may develop a protagonist role in this area, considering the sociotechnical nature of this phenomenon and its global impact on the Information Society.

  • Technological appropriation of the Portal of Periodicals of CAPES: Case study of the Federal 
    Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará.
  • Data: 27/06/2019
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Portal CAPES is a source of scientific information that was created as a solution for costing and democratization access to science publications in Brazil. Based on data collected by CAPES Georeferenced Information System, we noticed there was a low use of the portal at the Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology of Pará (IFPA) in relation to other federal institutions. Based on this observation, this project analyze the perception of users of the Portal CAPES at IFPA, based on specific determinants proposed by the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), to find explanations about the low use of the Portal, and how researchers users interact with the system, their difficulties and if their perception of usefulness for this audience in an efficient and effective manner. We describe the development of online scientific publication, the history of science and technology policies in Brazil, and the issues of democratization of access to scientific production. Then we explain the TAM model to apply it to the research. This is a case study, based on the collection of online questionnaires with closed questions, applies to a group of 1200 effective IFPA faculty members, and semi-structured interviews with coordinators of the Institute's postgraduate courses.


  • Data: 10/06/2019
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This work aims to propose a research instrument to the collection of the plastic artist Carmen Sousa (1908-1950), safeguarded by the Museum of the Federal University of Pará (MUFPA). The collection consists of the artist's collection of visual art (painting, sculpture and drawing) and communication (letters, diary, photographs, telegrams, newspaper clippings and others). The aim of this study is to elucidate the points of intersection between Archival and Museology from the concepts of archives and museum objects, as well as the treatment of information related to archival practices and museum documentation, as well as the impacts of communication technologies and information in the custody institutions about contributions to preservation. The methodology applied to the study seeks to associate the mechanisms of information retrieval from the comparative analysis of the description metadata of the ISAD (G) Standards, for archives, and the documentation of the CIDOC Guidelines for museums, in order to identify the fields registration of similar data to document the acquis. The results of the study point to the conformity of information representation to museum collections through the Free Software AtoM in a digital setting, in order to provide access to the collection, through a proposal of diffusion, preservation and communication of this cultural object of the university museum to its users.


  • Data: 07/06/2019
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • People who have visual disabilities find many barriers to access to
    information, such as the technical-scientific literature, widely used by
    university students, because the lack of accessible bibliographic
    material is still big. This research intends to analyze the problematic around
    the technical-scientific literature access by blind students of Federal
    University of Pará. The general objective is to investigate the processes that
    involve the technical-scientific literature access by blind students of Federal
    University of Pará. The specifics are: a) To promote a discussion about the
    mediation of information to people with disabilities as a field of study in
    information science; b) To discuss about legal aspects and actions related to
    access to information for people with disabilities; c) To investigate the
    barriers and strategies for access to the technical-scientific literature of the
    blind students of Federal University of Pará; d) To investigate the processes
    that involve the mediation of the information for the technical-scientific
    literature access by blind students of Federal University of Pará. This is an
    exploratory study in which a case study will be carried out with theoretical
    contributions of the bibliographical survey and field research with data
    collection instruments through documents and interviews that can support the
    study. The interviews were taken to the blind Federal University of Pará
    students and the librarians who work in the Braille Space of the Central
    Based on the collected data, categories of analysis were established based on
    the declarations issued by the social subjects involved in comparison with the
    literature of the area of Information Science and those related to people with
    disabilities. The results show that
    in the process that involves access to the technical-scientific literature by blind
    FUPA students there are barriers in the scope of the student-teacher
    relationship and others related to the availability of bibliographical material in
    an accessible format. These barriers have negative consequences on the
    performance of these students in the development of their academic activities,
    as in the concept of the disciplines. It is concluded that overcoming these
    barriers depends on efforts already underway and more investments in factors
    with the potential to eliminate or overcome them as human resources,
    technology and interinstitutional partnerships.

    Key words: Accessibility. Disabled person. Mediation of information. Access
    to information. Visual impairment.



  • Data: 31/05/2019
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • A pesquisa aborda as práticas informacionais relacionadas aos conhecimentos tradicionais das (os) erveiras (os) da Feira do Ver-o-Peso em Belém do Pará. De modo geral, objetiva analisar, em uma perspectiva interdisciplinar e transversalizada, os processos que envolvem a informação no saber e no fazer desses indivíduos que trabalham no Ver-o-Peso. Para cumprir tal objetivo utiliza como metodologia a pesquisa bibliográfica e a pesquisa de campo, fundamentando-se em uma abordagem qualitativa e fazendo uso de instrumentos de pesquisa como entrevistas semiestruturadas e a câmera fotográfica. Dos dados levantados em campo, somados ao referencial teórico adotado, resultaram o estabelecimento de 11 categorias de análise e a apresentação de um fluxo da informação no contexto da atividades das (os) erveiras (os). Mostra que a oralidade é o meio pelo qual as (os) erveiras (os) têm se utilizado para transmitir seus conhecimentos aos possíveis sucessores. As (os) filhas (os) ou os ajudantes das (os) erveiras (os) absorvem as informações auxiliando em casa e/ou no cotidiano do trabalho no Ver-o-Peso, as armazenam na memória e diante de uma necessidade desencadeiam um processo mental de recuperação de informações para o uso efetivo. Conclui que entender as práticas informacionais imbricadas no dia a dia de pessoas que detém conhecimentos tradicionais, pode subsidiar condições que favoreçam a continuidade desses conhecimentos estruturados por um legado de informações transmitidas no movimento das gerações e, neste caso, numa das feiras populares mais famosas do Brasil: a do Ver-o-Peso.



  • Data: 30/05/2019
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  • Analisa a linguagem natural de teses e dissertações do Programa de Educação em Ciências e Matemática (PPGECM), da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), com o objetivo de refletir sobre o uso das terminologias e linguagens documentárias para representação da informação no domínio das Ciências Matemáticas, adotadas no catálogo do Sistema Integrado de Bibliotecas (SIBI), da UFPA, e em linguagens documentárias que representem a área. Para isso, foi realizada pesquisa de cunho bibliográfico e documental, sendo um estudo exploratório com abordagem qualitativa. Foi dividida em quatro etapas: a) análise da bibliografia; b) identificação das teses e dissertações do PPGECM, no período de 2013-2017; c) elaboração de formulário eletrônico para coleta dos dados; d) análise da linguagem natural encontrada e sua relação com o catálogo do SIBI/UFPA e com as linguagens documentárias: Subject Headings da Library of Congress (LCSH) e o Tesauro Ciências Matemáticas (TESAMAT). Como resultado, na análise terminológica das teses e dissertações, constatou-se que os termos atribuídos nas palavras-chave na linguagem natural (306) foram em maior quantidade quando comparados aos termos indexados, retirados das linguagens documentárias (210), os quais foram inseridos no SIBI-UFPA. Isso sugere uma possível diretriz no processo de indexação quanto ao grau de especificidade, com baixa exaustividade na identificação dos assuntos nas linguagens documentárias. Contudo, na pesquisa não foi identificado nenhum documento com a política de indexação definida no SIBI-UFPA. Por outro lado, notou-se que as escolhas dos termos em linguagem natural foram, na sua maioria, identificadas na LCSH, o que demonstra que os autores das teses e dissertações analisadas representam de forma significativa seus temas, evidenciando o conhecimento de conceitos sobre a terminologia indicada na sua área. Ainda foi possível identificar que o cabeçalho “Matemática – Estudo e ensino” foi o que teve maior representatividade nos documentos analisados, o que sugere uma captura terminológica mais genérica sobre o tema desta pesquisa, tendo sido encontrados na LCSH e no TESAMAT. Finalmente, conclui-se pela importância dos estudos sobre as linguagens documentárias para garantir a representação do escopo do documento, contando nas práxis da indexação e, com instrumentos específicos para a determinação do assunto, particularizando as pesquisas científicas, a fim de evitar mais de uma interpretação nas práticas documentárias.

  • Indexation is one of the activities carried out in libraries for the thematic organization of information. Through this activity, librarians extract subjects from documents to represent them thematically, in this way, the users have access to the desired document through the information retrieval. Considering that the indexation evaluation is essential to provide more quality to its process, and to allow an efficient retrieval of information for users, it is proposed to conduct the evaluation of the quality of the indexation made in the documents of the Biological, Human, and Engineering Sciences areas from UFPA libraries, in the completeness and specificity aspects, through the information retrieval in the online catalog by the recall and precision elements, from the users’ point of view. This research aimed at contributing with theoretical and practical subsidies for the area of Thematic Processing of Data, based on a research on the evaluation of the quality of indexation, through the elements of completeness and specificity for the information retrieval recall and accuracy. The specific objectives were: a) To reflect on the indexation issue: theoretical and conceptual aspects, purposes, stages, instruments, as well as the inherent factors of its policy and evaluation by the information retrieval; b) To obtain a relevant judgment and opinions on the documents retrieved in the search of a subject in the catalog of the library system of UFPA, through the application of interviews with users of three undergraduate courses, in Belém campus; c) To check the levels of completeness and specificity in the indexation from the recall rates and accuracy in the information retrieval, in order to evaluate the quality of the indexation. As a methodological procedure, it was applied a semi-structured interview with 55 users of the UFPA library system, who were undergraduate students from the Biology, Psychology and Civil Engineering courses, in Belém campus, representing respectively the Biological, Human Sciences and Engineering Sciences areas. For the data analysis, it was used the categories of completeness and specificity, referring to the indexing process, and of recall and precision, which are regarding the information retrieval by subject. The results showed that the indexation of the analyzed documents of the three courses was considered satisfactory, mainly in the Biology course, in which a higher quality of the indexation was verified, since relevant documents were recovered with few irrelevant ones. However, for a higher quality in the courses of Psychology and Civil Engineering, it is necessary to elaborate guidelines for the indexation and to fix them in an indexation policy. It is concluded that evaluating the indexation through the information retrieval, including the subjects that belong to the documentary cycle, it becomes essential when seeking improvements for the process, since they can improve the representation and information retrieval through their feedback, showing what is desired for each specific area of the documents treated, as well as allowing the adequacy of the indexing according to the context of each library.

  • Data: 29/05/2019
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  • Indexing. Indexing Evaluation. Indexing policy. Information Retrieval.

  • Archival Representation: the role of ICA and CONARQ for the development of description policies

  • Data: 09/05/2019
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  • The representation of information in archives is understood as a process of organization of information in archival environments, proper to the entire process of treatment and organization of information is constituted by the identification, classification and description of documents (YAKEL, 2013; BARROS, 2014, 2015 (2006). These phases originate products such as lists, Tables of Temporality, Guides, inventories, Catalogs, among other instruments, with the purpose of representing the information that is in the documents and archive. In this research the objective is to deal with the aspects inherent to the Archival Description, its normative aspects from the International Concil of Archives - ICA (International Council of Archives). For this, a description and revision of the description norms and official documents, resolutions and opinions related to the Description, generated by the ICA will be made.

  • As Ontologias na Perspectiva da Teoria do Conceito e da Semiótica Discursiva: aspectos teórico-conceituais

  • Data: 07/05/2019
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  • A produção cada vez maior de informação traz consigo a necessidade de aprimoramento dos sistemas de organização do conhecimento. Diante dessa situação, a Ciência da Informação (CI) busca maneiras de aperfeiçoar esses sistemas tendo em vista a perspectiva de seus usuários, ou seja, considerando que há um indivíduo inserido numa sociedade e que, por determinados motivos, necessita recuperar uma informação. Assim, o presente trabalho visa a esse mesmo objetivo, realizando um estudo teórico de ontologias, que são sistemas de organização e representação do conhecimento que trabalham com domínios de conhecimento, agrupando os conceitos que compõem esses domínios em classes e explicitando as relações existentes entre eles. A pesquisa, então, partiu da premissa de que as ontologias podem ter na Teoria do Conceito de Ingetraut  Dahlberg uma base segura para serem construídas, de maneira que a informação é entendida por uma perspectiva semântica. No entanto, formulou-se a hipótese de que, caso as ontologias tomassem como fundamento o ferramental teórico da Semiótica Discursiva, seria possível obter maior subsídio teórico e, consequentemente, possibilitar a construção de ontologias mais eficazes, considerando que a abordagem da informação como discurso atua a partir dos fundamentos do fenômeno da significação, ou seja, é mais aprofundada que a abordagem semântica através da qual as ontologias são atualmente construídas. Assim, procurou-se responder à seguinte questão-foco: como a Semiótica Discursiva pode contribuir para a compreensão e construção de ontologias? Diante disso, a pesquisa, bibliográfica e descritiva, foi realizada em quatro fases: a primeira, de revisão bibliográfica; a segunda, cujo objetivo foi entender como a Teoria do Conceito se relaciona à estrutura e construção das ontologias e como essa mesma estrutura pode se adequar aos conceitos trazidos pela Semiótica Discursiva; a terceira, com o desenvolvimento de duas ontologias, uma com base na Teoria do Conceito e outra com base na Semiótica; e a quarta, em que foram comparadas as duas abordagens teóricas e as duas ontologias, procurando destacar as diferenças e similaridades existentes entre elas. Ao fim, concluiu-se que a hipótese formulada é apenas em parte válida: as ontologias fundamentadas na Semiótica Discursiva, apesar de poderem ser construídas, não são realmente viáveis, porém essa disciplina certamente contribui para entender melhor esses sistemas de organização em sua estrutura e no que concerne aos conceitos que são neles inseridos.

  • MEDIATION OF INFORMATION IN SOCIAL NETWORKS: a study on the engagement of users of the UFPA  Central Library on Facebook
  • Data: 14/09/2018
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  • The study addresses the use of social networks as tools for mediation of information, enabling the interaction and participation of users in this process and highlighting the ways in which users engage more in Facebook of the UFPA Central Library. With the advancement of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the development of virtual spaces, University Libraries (BU&#39;s) - as well as libraries in general - have undergone a process of resignification in the face of this new context. This means that the new possibilities of mediated information emerged through a more dynamic, interactive and connected process - since cyberspace allowed the migration of information flows to digital environments. In addition, it reports how information mediation issues can be important for the development of the Information Society, in relation to social, cultural, scientific-educational and informational aspects. Thus, among the contributions of the new technologies, the emergence of the web, computers and the Internet as tools that have propelled the information mediation process, enabling the development of a more egalitarian, informed society capable of disseminating knowledge that will reach future generations. In turn, the research is characterized as descriptive, obtaining as a guideline a unique case study, with quantitative-qualitative and experimental nature. In addition, as for the data collection and analysis procedure, the study is directed through the categorization of publications in the Facebook fanpage of the UFPA Central Library, the analytical metrics of postings and the analysis of content of the interactions and interlocutions of the users with the page . The research sample is comprised in the periods from January to June 2018, with the possibility of including isolated samples from other periods of action for discussion purposes and study results. As a result, the study describes, in a descriptive way, the publications made within the delimited period, showing which types of actions most generate interactions in the information mediation process, as well as exposing users' conversations in comments, Messenger, Checkin and evaluations. In general, some samples, such as those of categories F, Q, P and S, showed a higher index of interaction and efficiency, however, it was found that the other publications presented and the interactions observed in the interlocutions are also within acceptable range, effectiveness and consistency. Finally, it was concluded that, in addition to recognizing the importance of the use of Facebook in libraries, it is necessary that there be actions aimed at understanding the importance of knowing the efficiency parameters of these activities, such as the metrics and interlocutions observed. Thus, using such data allowed the UFPA Central Library to mediate information on Facebook in an efficient, interactive and constructive manner.


    Keywords: Mediation of Information. Social networks. Facebook. User interaction. Central Library UFPA.

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