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  • Data: 29/10/2024
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  • Memories, Identities and the City: The trajectory of Faculty Graduates from the CampusUniversity of Abaetetuba

  • Data: 19/09/2024
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  • The present research aims to understand the social, identity and educational context of the University Campus of Abaetetuba of the Federal University of Pará. The objects of study of this work are the memories and identities of the teachers trained by this Higher Education Institution, who returned to this same campus in the occupation of university professors, and the relationship of these aspects with the city/ municipality of Abaetetuba. In this way, our research is characterized by the qualitative approach and use of semi-structured interviews. In this sense, adheres to the methodology of Oral History allied to inductive and deductive methods. The research corpus consists of five Professors Egress from the University Campus of Abaetetuba, courses of Letters/ Portuguese Language, Pedagogy and Letters/ Spanish Language, two academic authorities and a former student of this institution, who were interviewed between November 2023 and August 2024. In the present work, we use as theoretical foundation the concepts of Memories, Collective and Individual Memory according to POLLAK (1989), HALBWACHS (1990) and LE GOFF (1994); identities in light of theorists such as HALL (2006, 2014) and POLLAK (1992); and Cities, from the perspective of theorists such as AGIER (2011), HARVEY (2012) and LEFEBVRE (2013). Thus, we realize that this Educational Institution trains individuals academically and socially and during this process, these subjects learn new knowledge, change their mentalities, discover new skills and break taboos in society. However, there are still many difficulties for the advancement of science in the municipality. The Campus needs more technological
    resources for classrooms, investments in student transportation, research grants and new projects development. In this way, academic education can achieve even better results in the municipality of Abaetetuba.

  • IDENTIDADES E VIOLÊNCIA URBANA: representações sociais sobre o papel do Centro de Referência da Assistência Social-CRAS no bairro de São Sebastião (Abaetetuba/Pará)

  • Data: 16/09/2024
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  • O Projeto Albras/Alunorte é um empreendimento nipônico, situado no município de Barcarena/PA, a 37 Km de Abaetetuba. No final da década de 1980, assistimos à formação do bairro de São Sebastião, no município de Abaetetuba, resultado da concentração de famílias migrantes. Nos primeiros anos, o bairro não possuía infraestrutura básica, nem a presença do Estado, motivos pelo qual se tornou uma das áreas mais violentas do município, devido principalmente ao envolvimento de adolescentes e jovens em gangues. A insegurança e o medo dos moradores devido aos confrontos desses grupos e à segregação e estigmatização do território, levou à implantação do primeiro Centro de Referência da Assistência Social-CRAS no município. A pesquisa objetiva compreender como o processo de industrialização realizado pelo Projeto Albras/Alunorte influenciou socialmente o bairro de São Sebastião, nomeadamente em termos de identidade e cultura. A abordagem metodológica é de caráter qualitativa, descritiva e exploratória, a qual tem por base a aplicação de entrevistas semiestruturadas a membros de famílias que foram vítimas das “gangues”, membros de famílias que faziam parte das “gangues”, funcionários e ex-funcionários do Estado que participaram do processo de implantação e implementação do CRAS e um dos fundadores do bairro de São Sebastião. Bibliograficamente, a pesquisa foi norteada pelos trabalhos de Bauman (2005), Bourdieu (2002), Costa (2022), Cruz (2011), Harvey (1989), Hall (2006), Koga (2011), Lefebvre (2011) e Machado (2020). Assim, a pesquisa demonstra, o quanto o Complexo Industrial Albras/Alunorte realiza de forma direta influência na composição populacional-socio-territorial-cultural na formação do território do bairro de São Sebastião. No que se refere ao crescimento demográfico, o bairro de São Sebastião se interligou a teia urbanística rapidamente, contudo essa expansão demográfica realizou-se de forma desigual, fazendo implodir uma das mais atenuantes expressões da questão social: a violência urbana. Com a chegada do Centro de Referência da Assistência Social (CRAS) e tempos depois do Centro de Artes e Esportes Unificados (CEU’s), a contribuição desses espaços através dos serviços por eles disponibilizados para a comunidade, faz emergir nos moradores não só um sentimento de pertença, mas também o seu redescobrimento enquanto seres humanos e detentores de seus direitos. Aos poucos, estas instituições começaram a obter resultados positivos e os adolescentes e jovens que antes reuniam-se para “guerrear” entre si, passaram a agrupar-se em ensaios e encontros formativos, transformando um território de violência em um território de paz.

  • CULTURA E IDENTIDADE NA COMUNIDADE INDÍGENA MAPURUPY-ANAMBÉ/PA: Negociações e conflitos interculturais na Modernidade

  • Data: 16/09/2024
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  • A pesquisa debruça-se sobre a Cultura e a Identidade em uma comunidade tradicional indígena no interior da Amazônia e tem por objetivo refletir sobre o processo de reconfiguração da Cultura e Identidade no contexto da interculturalidade e Modernidade na Comunidade Indígena Mapurupy – Anambé/PA. A abordagem metodológica é de carácter qualitativo, de natureza básica e exploratória quanto a realização dos objetivos e tem por base a observação participante e o registro etnográfico da Celebração do Dia dos Povos Indígenas na Comunidade nos anos de 2023 e 2024, lócus da pesquisa, assim como a aplicação de entrevistas semiestruturadas com 07 (sete) lideranças indígenas. Iluminada pelos trabalhos de Bauman (1999, 2003), Hall (2014, 2017), Giddens (1992, 1999), Featherstone (1997), Assis e Neves (2013) e Krenak (2019, 2020, 2022) a presente dissertação conclui que, devido a uma série de fatores históricos, sociais, econômicos e culturais, os habitantes do Alto Cairari passam, atualmente, por um significativo processo de (re)construção de suas identidades, reconfigurando costumes e tradições, para além da incorporação de novos elementos identitários e culturais provenientes da convivialidade com a sociedade moderna.


  • Data: 04/09/2024
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  • Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a proposta do Novo Ensino Médio (NEM) e seu alinhamento com o Ensino Médio no Pará e com a Educação do Campo paraense. Estabelecendo inicialmente análises mais amplas, este trabalho paulatinamente especificará suas asserções a partir do olhar atento à realidade do ensino médio em contexto ribeirinho do município de Abaetetuba. Deste modo, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo principal compreender como as diretrizes do novo ensino médio estão estruturadas nos documentos oficiais e em que medida se alinham à realidade específica da escola do campo, tendo como ponto de reflexão uma escola situada na zona ribeirinha do Município de Abaetetuba (Pará). Assim, refletimos: Em que medida a proposta Curricular do Novo Ensino Médio (NEM) apresentada pela Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Pará (SEDUC) em 2021, e sua difusão na jornada pedagógica realizada no início do ano de 2024, que possibilitou o envolvimento das escolas do campo e da cidade em discussões acerca da Matriz curricular do Novo Ensino Médio (NEM), em seus documentos oficiais, apresenta alinhamento teórico-metodológico e curricular à realidade educativa específica das escolas do campo paraenses? Optou-se pela análise documental e utilização do método de análise de conteúdo, com o objetivo de examinar criticamente as diretrizes curriculares do Novo Ensino Médio no Estado do Pará, com foco de microanálise em uma escola localizada na zona ribeirinha do Município de Abaetetuba (Pará), com a finalidade de partir de um recorte da realidade para consubstanciar a microanálise proposta no estudo. Assim, a partir da existência de um projeto pedagógico elaborado pela escola, com a finalidade de operacionalizar todos os níveis de ensino por ela oferecidos e, ao mesmo tempo, implementar o novo ensino médio (NEM) com base nas orientações do documento curricular norteador, ao fim da pesquisa identificamos que a escola de Abaetetuba em estudo, segue as orientações do Documento Curricular do Estado do Pará, como um documento orientador tanto na perspectiva teórica quanto na perspectiva prática. Apesar de identificarmos que na realidade em que a proposta do ensino médio se efetiva em Abaetetuba, muito deve ser feito, em especial em dois aspectos centrais: no investimento em infraestrutura para garantir o tempo integral, e também na qualificação dos profissionais da educação que atuam na realidade camponesa, sem desconsiderar a valorização profissional associadas a carreira e a questão salarial.


  • Data: 02/09/2024
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  • A pesquisa intitulada “Acampamento pedagógico Oziel Alves Pereira: arte, cultura e educação na formação da juventude Sem-Terra”, com objetivo de refletir sobre o papel da arte, da cultura e da educação na formação identitária de jovens do MST, enfatizando as manifestações culturais, performances e protagonismos no processo formativo vivenciados durante o Acampamento Pedagógico da Juventude. O acampamento pedagógico da juventude Sem-Terra é um evento anual que se realiza no período de 10 a 17 de abril, na Curva do S em Eldorado do Carajás, região sudeste do Pará. Para fundamentar a pesquisa buscamos dialogar com autores do Movimento Sem Terra entre esses, Bogo (2008), Caldart (2004), os quais dão suporte para entender desse movimento e as interlocuções com a educação, a arte e a cultura, além desses também os de Pozenato (2003), Brandão (2004, 2008, 2009) e Ostrower (1987). Na parte documental foram úteis as imagens, poemas, poesias, músicas produzidas durante o evento e para esclarecer sentidos formativos aos envolidos, além disso a leitura de documento oficiais do movimento e do acampamento, situando o referido acapamento e entrevista. Os resultados apontam para o acampamento da juventude Oziel Alves Pereira como espaço formativo, cuja prática entrelaça arte, cultura e educação desde o processo organizativo até as vivências que decorrem durante o dia alusivo ao massacre de Eldorado dos Carajás. Este evento conta com o protagonismo dos jovens como a força dos processos vividos, que espraiam práticas contra hegemônicas desse fazer o acampamento, o qual possui cunho formativo, desde uma aprendizagem coletiva. Resulta, desta empreitada, um engajamento da juventude camponesa nas demais lutas e ações do Movimento dos trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra, sempre ditada pela formação intelectual dos jovens.


  • Data: 28/06/2024
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  • A presente Pesquisa centrou-se na análise da Escola pública como espaço onde a juventude resiste e apresenta suas identidades. O problema partiu da seguinte indagação: Quais os elementos, ou condições, existentes no interior da Escola Pública que incomodam e provocam reação na juventude? O objetivo geral trata de analisar a Escola Pública como território de resistência e de manifestação das identidades juvenis. Em relação à metodologia utilizada para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, utilizou-se o método Qualitativo pela necessidade da utilização de referenciais bibliográfico que tratam do assunto, analise documental e o cruzamento com a escuta verbal, ocorrida através do Grupo focal, que apontaram que a escola, através de seu  instrumentos mediadores educacionais tais como: Currículo Escolas, PPP (Projeto Político Pedagógico), ocorrências registradas, avisos, doutrinas e permissões, não contemplam os anseios e perspectivas da juventude. No desenvolvimento do presente trabalho, fez-se uma reapresentação histórica da origem da Escola Pública no Brasil, sua evolução e um breve histórico das políticas educacionais, bem como uma profunda análise das propostas educacionais já existentes, com destaque as suas coerências na intencionando a construção de uma sociedade almejada pela intelectualidade brasileira, para tentar mostrar que seu pensar, expresso por meio dos processos formativo, invisibiliza a existência das identidades juvenis. Mostrou-se que o atual modelo educacional inalterado e desgastado, diante dos interesses e do que busca a juventude os levam a manifestarem suas reações de formas e comportamentos variados dando existência e publicidade as suas relações culturais, negadas de se manifestarem no interior da escola, pelas regras e obrigatoriedades existentes no ambiente escolar. Isso faz da escola um território institucional, ocupado em grande maioria pela juventude, sem interesse e perspectiva juvenil, estando-os ali apenas pela necessidade de um diploma e não pelo interesse formativo. A escola passa assim a ser o local de resistência e encontro de identidades representadas pelas diversas e inúmeras arenas ali constituídas e cada vez mais crescentes e fortalecidas cada vez mais pelas ferramentas tecnológicas, que favorecem a criação e aproximação indenitária de seus adeptos. A pesquisa mostrou ainda que na escola as identidades juvenis sofrem diversos tipos de ataques negacionistas, vindos do olhar e da prática dos educadores, que as tem padronizada por um modelo moralista que cria bloqueios e impedem que a escola penetre nesse universo Juvenil. Conclui-se que a juventude, marcada por novas formas de expressões de suas identidades, vem cada vez mais perdendo o interesse pela intencionalidade formativa da escola, desinteressante aos seus desejos indenitários, que reage tentando transformar a escola em território de resistência e de manifestação de suas identidades. Conclui-se ainda que a não inclusão das identidades juvenis, “negadas” pelo currículo que se sustentam nos diversos paradigmas educacionais, gera desinteresse da juventude estudantil pelo atual papel desenvolvido pela escola, que os leva a dar novo sentido à esta e provoca a “falência” do real papel da Escola por não ser a voz das novas identidades e formas de sociabilidades juvenis existentes no seu interior.

  •  PUBLIC POLICIES: Social and educational aspects of northeast Pará, eastern Amazon


  • Data: 26/06/2024
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  • This research addresses how the insufficient presence of public authorities in the countryside portrays the disregard for its peasant citizens. In view of this, the setbacks in rural education caused by the absence of public policies in rural communities in the municipality of Tomé-Açu, mesoregion of northeastern Pará, are addressed. Methodologically, it involves qualitative research carried out in quilombola and rural communities. As data collection techniques, focus groups and participant observation were used. Among the main results found are the nucleation of schools and their absence, impassable roads during the rainy season that make school transport difficult, the lack of internet and insufficient resources from the PDDE to promote the quilombola identity. The impediments of teachers in perpetuating the identity of the remaining quilombolas who yearn for a differentiated resource for these schools that present greater economic and cultural vulnerability stand out. For research participants, the main problem is linked to education, when students have difficulties continuing their studies in their territory. In view of this, it is understood that it is necessary for public authorities to act effectively in the application of public policies for the countryside as guarantees of the peasant's permanence in the countryside. The duty of the Brazilian state to fulfill its role as financier of public education and the failure to monitor the problems and difficulties faced by these and other poor and rural schools in Brazil, show the failure to supervise and the insufficiency in promoting the preservation of culture Afro-Brazilian.


  • Data: 22/03/2024
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  • This Dissertation problematizes the use of bajubá, a language circulating in the LGBTQIAP+ community, seeking to understand the use of this form of communication as a tool in the construction of an identity of resistance in the face of the binary discourse of construction of heteronormativity as a standard of normality and its intimate relationship with the cultural environment of city of Abaetetuba. The objective of the research is to carry out a Critical Discourse Analysis (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001) in BAJUBÁ, a dialect circulating in Abaetetuba in the LGBTQIAP+ community, how this dialect has impacted the cultural environment of the city, since members of this community are in evidence and frequently involved in the various cultural practices experienced in the municipality. The research is justified by raising important questions about the discourse in relation to power (FOUCAULT, 1979) that are rooted in the dimensions that permeate bajubá, contributing to studies about the subjectivities of human relations, from the point of view of the functioning of language in the community and the relationship of power and resistance (Fairclough, 1989). Through the memories experienced by actors from the LGBTQIA+ community of Abaetetuba, it will be possible to draw a map of social meeting locations in which we can investigate the relevance of Bajubá in the LGBTQIA+ community and its contributions to the cultural environment of the city of Abaetetuba. Given this, I question how the use of this language by LGBTQIAP+ people is configured? How does the city of Abaetetuba/PA with its spaces and territories relate to these subjects? How are the identities of LGBTQIAP+ people constituted in these spaces and in relations of power and resistance? The approach to be taken is Qualitative Research (DUART, 2004) and Ethnographic Research Chizzotti (2010), in dealing with the problem. The instrument for collecting data and information will be through the Focused Interview Method (MINAYO, 2010) to survey the corpus and investigate the proposal in question, with a semi-structured script, in which we will seek to collect data on the historical-identity trajectory. social network of the LGBTQIAP+ community in Abaetetuba. I conclude that cultural factors, organization of spaces and communication strategies enabled forms of resistance that contributed to these members being able to fight for survival, fight for more guarantees of rights and create other ways of living.

  • RIVERINE COUNTER-DISCOURSE: a linguistic-discursive analysis of demonstrations against the implementation of the Private Use Port Terminal on Xingu Island in the municipality of Abaetetuba-Pará

  • Data: 07/03/2024
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    This research presents important considerations regarding how the discourses of the demonstrators against the implementation of the Port Terminal for private use are constructed on Xingu Island, in the municipality of Abaetetuba, Pará. To this end, the general objective was to discuss the discourse of these demonstrators, considering the statements about the impacts of the installation of the port on the culture, identity and memory of the riverside dwellers. Regarding the specific objectives, we sought to expose how the demonstrations were disseminated on social networks, aiming to reach more people; and to present the riverside counter-discourse, considering the words of the participants and leaders of social movements during the demonstrations. With regard to the methodology, it is a qualitative approach, of a basic nature, as for the research objectives are: descriptive, exploratory research and field research. As an analysis technique, Critical Discourse Analysis - CDA will be used, which in addition to being a method, is also an approach, used as a way to interpret linguistic data. In this way, an analysis was made of publications on Facebook about the demonstrations against the permanence of the port complex on Xingu Island. Then, the speeches made by demonstrators during the demonstrations were analyzed. The results point to constructions in which speakers use metaphors, interdiscourses and intertext strategies, which support their discourses. In view of what has been presented, it can be said that the demonstrators use their voices to claim their rights, the main one being the prior consultation, in which they will be able to express their opinion against the implementation of the port and consequently the departure of the riverside dwellers from their territory.


  • Data: 28/02/2024
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  • The present research aims to investigate the agency of deaf women in the educational context, exploring how education can promote their autonomy and empowerment, considering the intersectionality of gender and deafness. It also has specific objectives: a) Analyze challenges faced in the educational system, investigating obstacles/inequalities that impacted the access to quality education for deaf women; b) Discuss the perception of these deaf women regarding their role and agency in the educational context, analyzing how they see themselves as agents of change and leaders in their educational trajectories; and c) Evaluate the experiences of deaf women interviewed in the educational context, taking into account the specific barriers and challenges they face due to the intersections of gender and deafness, focusing on their needs and demands. The research was built on a qualitative methodological approach and used Oral Narratives (author) and Critical Discourse Analysis (authors). Our theoretical framework was based on the postulates of authors such as Freire (2007), (2019), and (2015); Thompson (1992); Moura (2020); Perlin (2013), among others. The research collaborators were deaf women from the municipality of Igarapé-Miri/PA. As a result, we found that education can be an instrument of emancipation and resistance for deaf women, provided it respects and values their diversity and uniqueness, ensuring access to bilingual education that recognizes sign language as the first language and Portuguese as the second language. Additionally, it acted as a promoter of autonomy and empowerment for these women concerning gender and race issues in the municipality of Igarapé-Miri/PA.

  • MANAGEMENT OF FIELD EDUCATION POLICY IN THE MUNICIPAL NETWORK OF ABAETETUBA/PA (2010 - 2022): advances, obstacles and possibilities for expanding and qualifying the offer.

  • Data: 22/01/2024
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    This Research deals with Educational Management in the Municipal Education Network of Abaetetuba/PA, based on the Rural Education Policy, based on Federal Decree no. 7,352/2010. The problem inquires: how to establish the management dynamics of the Countryside Education Policy, in the Municipal Education Network of Abaetetuba/PA, to meet the provisions of art. 1st, of Federal Decree no. 7,352/2010, regarding the expansion and qualification of the provision of Basic Education to rural populations? The general objective is to analyze the dynamics of public management aimed at expanding and qualifying the provision of Rural Education, in the Municipal Network of Abaetetuba, from 2010 to 2022, based on the foundations of the Rural Education Policy. The methodological path is based on the assumptions of Qualitative Research from a critical perspective and includes the following research techniques: (i) bibliographic review, ii) document survey and analysis, iii) participant observation, iv) visit to rural schools and v) free interview. The results indicate that educational management in the Municipal Public Network presents, in terms of guidelines for organizational action and in terms of organizational action, differentiated treatment of Rural Education, with priority given to city education, resulting in few advances and many obstacles in the expansion and qualification of the offer in rural territories. In conclusion, the possibilities for overcoming obstacles permeate the public treatment of educational management, the guarantee of participation of social and trade union movements in the field in the composition of collegiate bodies and in the dynamics of planning, monitoring and evaluation of educational policy, and the organization of a bank of data specific to the educational reality of the Municipality and open to public consultation.

  • Data: 28/12/2023
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  • This research aims to discuss the main impacts of different mining and port undertakings in the communities of Barcarena - PA, the problem of this research goes through the understanding of how these projects were implemented and what are the short, medium and long term consequences on the communities of that municipality, observing its historical construction and its reflections today, and what future prospects if no one does anything to change this model of transnational transfers of wealth, whether monetary or mineral, and still check how they are doing organizing the sectors that fight this model and how is their reaction to the constant environmental crimes they are subjected to, that without choice, there is only to resist. The methodology adopted for the construction of this research was that of bibliographical and empirical references, based on studies and information from primary sources and data from specialized literature. The process of developing capitalism in the region is slow and complex, and its results are far from human, socially and environmentally safe. Environmental disasters in the municipality of Barcarena are clear examples of how the irresponsibility of big capital has been transforming the region since the policies adopted during the military dictatorship in the 70-80s of the last century. Much has yet to be changed, but organized civil society has begun to articulate itself in different movements since the end of the last century, and the very change in legislation today stresses the need for that same community to appropriate its local reality and transform it and change it, thus build social control mechanisms to discuss a model of sustainable regional development, and that the ills and misery caused by major projects can be minimized and thus, perhaps, build a new stage of development for the city and the region, now without the common disasters that devastate lives and the environment.

  • CREATIVE PRACTICES IN THE LIVED TERRITORY: Experiences of rural education in the municipality of Igarapé-Miri/PA


  • Data: 26/12/2023
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  • The dissertation analyzes the effects of the municipal public rural education policy called Curso Saberes Miriense (SAMI) in the municipality of Igarapé Miri, state of Pará, based on the Pro-Jovem Campo Saberes da Terra Program that operated in the municipality from 2006 to 2020. The The research problem is related to the effects of Saberes Miriense on schools and communities in rural areas, in comparison to other educational proposals offered to rural subjects, which allows us to question the extent to which this public policy contributes to strengthening peasant education in the municipality from Igarapé-Miri? To this end, the experiences lived in the Mariteua and Assentamento Estradinha communities were taken as an empirical object. The research had the general objective of verifying how Saberes Miriense (SAMI) contributes to strengthening rural education in the municipality of Igarapé-Miri and the quality of life of rural subjects in that municipality. It was based on methodological procedures of a bibliographic and documentary nature, with a focus on a qualitative approach of a descriptive nature, achieved through participant observation techniques with semi-structured interviews with students, teachers and farmers from the selected communities. It is concluded that, even in its short scope, when compared to the regular and modular education systems offered in rural schools in Igarapé Miri, the contribution of the Curso Saberes Miriense (SAMI), appears to be a promising alternative for strengthening rural education. And this occurs through the valorization of the existence of subjects and their cultural forms. Popular and generational knowledge, added to the school knowledge provided by the course, has contributed to perfecting techniques, developing and diversifying creative practices or innovations of rural subjects, which gives them possibilities to create, adapt, change and develop ways of existing and resisting.


  • Data: 21/12/2023
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  • The açaí berry, a fruit originating from the Euterpe oleracea palm tree, is a staple in the diet of the Amazon region's populations. With its intense color and distinct flavor, this fruit not only nourishes but also carries with it a rich cultural tradition. Its harvesting and processing involve techniques passed down through generations, making açaí a symbol of identity and belonging for the local communities. Thus, this study focuses on the central role that açaí plays in shaping the social, economic, and cultural identity in the Amazon, using the municipality of Igarapé-Miri and the community of Santo Antônio as specific case studies. The relevance of açaí in the local economy, as well as its connections with cultural and social practices, are explored to understand its contributions to Amazonian identity. The research combines qualitative and quantitative approaches, including the analysis of existing studies, landscape analysis, questionnaires, typologies, interviews, and participatory observation. In Igarapé-Miri, observations and visits were made to the complex of fairs and the municipal public market Miguel Tourão Pantoja to understand the commercialization and local population's relationship with the açaí fruit. In the community of Santo Antônio, various data collection and analysis activities were carried out, notably the application of questionnaires to local families, observation, and the categorization of production systems into three distinct types, based on the main sources of income and productive arrangements associated with açaí. Thus, in Igarapé-Miri, açaí is not just a product for trade; it is a pillar of local identity, a link that connects generations and perpetuates traditions. In the community of Santo Antônio, it is observed that açaí is intrinsic to daily life and community practices, being the main vector for income source, social cohesion, and the transmission of ancestral knowledge.


  • Data: 16/11/2023
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  • This research deals with Cordão do Mapará in the neighborhood of Angélica, Abaetetuba-PA, which is configured as a popular theater that problematizes culture and education as dimensions of the same social practice, radiating educational processes. Thus, the study seeks to understand how the educational processes that permeate this June festivities develop, through the participation and involvement of children and adolescents. We start with the following question: what educational processes are present in all Cordão do Mapará production, especially through the experiences of children and adolescents? The central objective is to investigate the educational processes that originate/occur in Cordão do Mapará through the participation of children and adolescents. To achieve this, the research involved a vast bibliographic and documentary review on the cordon present in the municipality of Abaetetuba as well as the use of iconography and oral sources. At the same time, field research was carried out using observations and interviews with actors involved with this June celebration, focusing on the relationship of children and adolescents with this practice. The results indicate that these subjects who frequent Cordão do Mapará build educational processes based on the local/Amazonian characters and elements that are present in this manifestation, and such learning, experiences and experiences in their lives constitute concrete possibilities for cultivating and valuing knowledge, Furthermore, these children and adolescents, when participating in the cultural event, are fully developing their potential, as they act and occupy spaces in the city's urban scene.


  • Data: 29/09/2023
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  • The research in question is the partial result of the investigation that aims to analyze the cultural event called A Tiração/Folia de Reis - which takes place annually in the municipality of Abaetetuba-PA - as a learning space. The choice of this theme has, finally, to register the experiences of the social subjects that collaborate for the organization of the procession and to emphasize how A Tiração/Folia de Reis contributes to the valorization of the Memory and identity of the people of Abaetetubense, in addition to understanding how this cultural manifestation -artistic-religious is a space for leisure, sociability and learning. The research proposed to verify how the procession came about, in addition to understanding how the religious and cultural elements present in the Festival contribute to the exchange of experiences of the participants, having memory, identity and culture as central categories of analysis. From a methodological point of view, the research is based on the bibliographic analysis of authors such as Loureiro (2020), Durkheim (1968), Le Goff (2003), among others who discuss the concepts of culture, religiosity, sacred and profane, and party as a learning space. In the field research, interviews and observations were carried out, which allowed us to understand how the procession was created, its objectives and its importance in the cultural and religious scenario of the municipality. The considerations, so far, point out that A Tiração/Folia de Reis is a sacred-profane festival that takes place along a predetermined path and has peculiar characteristics that distinguish it from other events and official religious processions and is an instrument important for the socio-cultural formation of the people from Abaetetubo, as values, worldviews, symbologies, resistance and struggles for power are intertwined in it, and it was born as a tribute and gratitude from the municipality's artists to Menino Jesus.


  • Data: 28/09/2023
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  • Known in the northeast region of Pará as the Feast of Two Saints, the Festivity of San Sebastian and Saint Benedict of Tracuateua takes place every year between the 18th and 21st of January. In 1946, when the current municipality was still a village, it was decided to create the Association of Sailors of San Sebastian and Saint Benedict of Tracuateua (AMSSSBT) and in the following year, in 1947, the Marujada tracuateuense began to be held annually. With the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic, which arrived in Pará in March 2020, man had to resignify himself to try to reduce the infection and mortality rates caused by the virus. It is known that one of the main forms of contagion is human agglomerations. Faced with this new scenario, since 2021, the management of the Tracuateua party has had to take certain measures to organize Marujada without putting the health of participants and other spectators at risk. The theme of the work refers to the Festa of Marujada in Tracuateua in the context of the pandemic. The main objective of the research is: To analyze the Marujada of Tracuateua through its practices, relationships and festive representations present in the period of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a theoretical basis, studies of Pinheiro (2017), Bordallo da Silva (1981), Nonato da Silva (2006), Silva (2015 e 2019), Hall (2008), Canclini (1995), as well as other authors who discuss topics related to research. The methodology is based on survey of documentary and bibliographic data in its theoretical discussion, and the qualitative approach with field research and interviews. In the field, an ethnographic study was carried out during the festive period. The AMSSSBT board established another festival format that consisted of religious celebrations with a limited audience, rigidity in relation to security measures in the festive spaces and the removal of the cultural part (the dances). Between the acceptance of some and the resistance of others, in the pandemic, the Marujada of Tracuateua happened as God allowed.


  • Data: 23/09/2023
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  • This dissertation proposes to analyze the installation process of the Cargill Private Use Terminal in PAE -– Santo Afonso, the discursive strategies and the implications of the project for the riverside community of Caripetuba. Since 2016, the municipality of Abaetetuba/PA has been of interest to the large multinational Cargill S.A, one of the largest private companies in the United States of America (USA), a company focused on food production and processing. It was of interest to large multinationals, among which we highlight Cargill, one of the largest private food production and processing companies in the United States of America. Since 2016, the municipality of Abaetetuba/PA has been of interest to the large multinational Cargill S. A, one of the largest private food production and processing companies in the United States of America, USA. Currently, Cargill S.A.'s scope is to install a Private Use Port Terminal (TUP), with the purpose of transporting and exporting grains (soybeans and corn) to external markets through river waterways. The installation of this private port has generated conflicts in different ways, both territorialization and deterritorialization. The Caripetuba River Community is the locus of this investigation, as it is one of the traditional communities that will be directly affected by the installation of the port terminal. uSince changes in geographic space directly affect the people who inhabit it, who have an identity and culture in the place, that is, territoriality. Considering this discussion, we question how the speeches of the company Cargill S.A change the notions/relations of communities with territories? The research is part of the qualitative approach and, to investigate the given phenomenon, we resorted, as a method, to Discourse Analysis and ethnographic research. Observation was also a fundamental part, as it allowed a direct approach to the research site, favoring the understanding of reality and the extraction of knowledge. To collect more accurate information, we developed a semi-structured guide for interviews with residents of the local community. Furthermore, we theoretically base the work based on And to have a theoretical basis, we carried out a survey of authors whose works are related to the theme and concepts of this research. Access to these bibliographies made it possible to deepen the concepts and obtain the necessary data. Based on these methods, the research began in 2021 and continued until 2023, seeking to achieve the intended objectives. In specific objectives, we seek to understand the relationship between Caripetuba residents and the territory; analyze the context of the installation process of Cargill S.A's private port and the company's speeches to convince the riverside population about the possible benefits of installing the TUP, in addition to analyzing the implications of the private port for the Caripetuba community and the strategies for resistance from the community population. Thus, considering the objectives and seeking to achieve the result for the question that guides the problem of this research, we came to the conclusion that the process of installing the Cargill Port Terminal, in the riverside region of the municipality of Abaetetuba, has not been occurring in accordance with the company's intentions. As you can see, the numerous irregularities that the project has presented since the first installation efforts, starting with the area in which it intends to build the port, are examples of the company's objectives being frustrated. The area is within the Agroextractivist Settlement Project (PAE) – Santo Afonso, recognized since 2005. Nearby, there are also quilombola communities that will be impacted. Furthermore, the studies carried out and contained in the company's EIA/RIMA have flaws and mistakes that do not match the reality of the communities. It was also possible to perceive that Cargill S.A violated the right to Prior, Free and Informed Consultation, as stated in ILO Convention 169. Furthermore, through speeches, the company has been seeking to propagate the idea of development for the region with the intention of convincing the population that the installation of the port will contribute to improving the communities' way of life through the provision of jobs. Considering our analyses, it was found that the speeches are not being well received by the communities, in addition to the communities acting in resistance to the installation of the Port Terminal.


  • Data: 05/09/2023
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  • This dissertation has the general objective of analyzing how teachers who work in the EJA modality build their practice with PAEE students. And it has the following specific objectives: To understand how teachers perceive in-service training; reflect on how teachers perceive their work with students Target-Public of Special Education (PAEE) in the modality of Youth and Adult Education (EJA) in the inclusive perspective and Identify the initial and continued training of teachers. For the construction of the theoretical framework, it is crucial to use authors who bring specific reflections around the proposed themes, therefore, Haddad and Pierro (2000), help in the historical construction of EJA in Brazil. Picollo (2022), reflects on the understanding of society's representation of people with disabilities; Nóvoa (2022) makes notes on initial and continuing education; Freire (1996), with the perspective of liberating education. The research is qualitative in nature, based on Minayo (2007); Flick (2008), and data collection Minayo and Costa (2018), are essential references, to guide the ways of carrying out and producing the semi-structured interview, for data treatments we will use content analysis, Bardin (2016), to achieve the proposed objectives, based on the paradigm of educational inclusion and the complexity of teacher training, this study highlights that the teaching process is not restricted to a group of homogeneous students, at the same level of education, but because of the right of PAEE students to be regularly enrolled in any type of education.


  • Data: 04/09/2023
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    Faced with the civilizing crisis that the Western world is experiencing, with dramatic climatic, social, economic, cultural and ethical imbalances that threaten human life on Earth, the search for alternatives to the hegemonic model of modernity is fundamental for maintaining the life, especially human life on earth. It is in this sense that traditional peoples and communities have raised proposals that aim at other praxis based on millenary experiences of co-evolution of such peoples and traditional communities with natural ecosystems. The perspective of “Bien Vivir” or Good Living is understood as one of these proposals for building a more resilient society, especially in the Amazonian ecosystems. Of the various agroforestry systems reproduced for millennia in the Amazon, what called our attention were the so-called agroforestry systems practiced in farms, yards and backyards, in particular because they are elements of everyday life and domestic life of families, composing bases of territorialities. Therefore, there has been a very high demand for proposals for food production and for the sustenance of families that preserve the diversity of forests and avoid deforestation. Loureiro (1992), when discussing the Roça-Mata-Quintal system, reveals that the process of land enclosure and environmental degradation promoted by large projects in the Amazon made the peasant's living conditions precarious, forcing him to migrate or change activities, reaching thus traditional agricultural systems, this study aims to analyze experiences of reproduction of peasant life in farms, yards and backyards, in view of the territorial dynamics between countryside and city. The ethnographic qualitative approach study started from the life history of subjects/agents who develop activities in sites, yards and backyards in the city of Belém, Pará.

  • Gender and Sexuality in the PNLD's English language textbooks

  • Data: 30/08/2023
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  • This research addresses gender relations and sexuality in the English language textbooks from PNLD. As cultural artifacts, textbooks attend constant educational changes, demanding that research on these artifacts also be done incessantly. Thus, in this research, I question how the State came to control textbooks from evaluation and distribution programs? What are the emergency conditions provided by the PNLD public notices for the presence of statements about gender relations and sexuality in English language textbooks? And how do these statements operate in the English textbook on gender and sexual relations? To attend these questions, I use the studies of Foucault as a theoretical-methodological support to perform a discourse analysis inspired by this author. As a corpus of analysis, I use statements present in the PNLD public announcements and in the four textbooks of the “Way to English for Brazilian Learners” collection for Elementary School (PNLD 2020) and the single volume for High School “English Vibes for Brazilian Learners” (PNLD 2021). From this, public announcements need to be more specific about gender and sexuality issues and allow more for the appearance of statements that operate in a non-biologizing way regarding gender relations and sexuality in textbooks. In addition, although the books seem, at first, to bring a discourse of diversity, they still also bring biologizing discourses, marked by compulsory heterosexuality that neglects other gender identities and sexualities.

  • Collective action, public policies and pandemic: analysis of an association of fairground farmers in Abaetetuba, Pará.

  • Data: 28/08/2023
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  • This research brings with it aspects related to the social construction of the Associação dos Feirantes da Feira do Agricultor Familiar de Abaetetuba – AFAFA, since the construction of its pilot project that was called “shopping for the family farmer” made by technicians from the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company of Pará. EMATER/PARÁ until the present day. It brings understanding of factors linked to the decisions of these subjects in relation to access to public policies, which are the result of experiences acquired over time and which currently have a significant weight in terms of participation or not in these programs. It contains factors related to collective decisions regarding the control measures adopted during the pandemic, which in a way directly impacted the normality of the association and created new alternatives, except for some of the difficulties faced by farmers, including the one that culminated in the temporary stoppage of in-person sales at the shed. where the fair takes place. The research contains aspects related to the interactions between the association and the public power, both in the discussion of more flexible public policies, and in the demand for action by these agents to provide the insertion of the largest possible number of farmers within the institutional purchase processes of the municipality of Abaetetuba.


  • Data: 31/07/2023
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  • The nature of this work is presented from the restlessness experienced in the classroom during the Supervised Internship I period, which provided the initiative to discuss about the Teaching Identity, its challenges through a curriculum that indisposes the teaching of literature before and after BNCC. And the purpose of this dissertation is to highlight the teachers' concerns about the contents and teaching strategies, since they disregard that literature goes beyond aesthetic classifications and literary movements. In this sense, the methodological course took place in front of a qualitative research, through documental analysis and application of a questionnaire that was forwarded to the informing subjects, using the interview for data collection. In terms of conclusion, the teaching identity causes concern in teachers, whether due to lack of information or administrative issues of the State Department of Education, considering that they are not aware of what this identity really is, and it is unacceptable for them to work from an unknown theme. And with regard to the Curriculum, this ends up being followed according to the conventions of the educational institution, which ends up leaving the knowledge and nuances of literature at the mercy.



  • Data: 31/07/2023
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  • Data: 30/06/2023
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  • The implantation and development of capitalist conglomerates in the Amazon intensified from the 1960 sonwards, since then they have caused socio-territorial and environmental changes, as well as changes in the management of natural resources in the region. In view of this, it is questioned, how did the transformations that occurred in the territory of the Tocantins Amazon, alter the artisanal fishing on the islands of the municipality of Abaetetuba, Pará? In view of this, the general objective of this research is to analyze the changes in artisanal fishing caused by territorial transformations in the islands of the municipality of Abaetetuba, Pará. Methodologically, a qualitative research approach was used, added to the case study in the riverside communities Rios Assacú, Sapucajuba and Costa Maratauira, in the municipality of Abaetetuba. The collection of information occurred through the application of forms containing closed and semi-structured questions, as well as participant observation and photographic records, the data obtained were tabulated and analyzed using the content analysis technique. A total of 25 artisanal fishermen (men and women), aged between 23 and 65 years old, participated in the survey, of which 14 (56%) are residents of the Rio Sapucajuba community, six (24%) from the Rio Costa Maratauira community and , five (20%) from the Rio Assacu Community. Bottom, bubuia, blockage and matapi fishing activities are carried out by them, in which, using blocknet, gillnet, longline and matapi fishing equipment, they capture aquatic species such as mapará, hake, dorado, puppy and shrimp. The artisanal fishing activities carried out by fishermen in the communities under study reverberate in socioeconomic and cultural segments, however, in recent years, decreases in the quantity of fish and shrimp captured have been observed by fishermen, on the other hand, they have increased. if the quantities of fishing equipment such as longline and gillnet.


  • Data: 30/09/2022
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  • The research analyzed the management of education in the municipality of Igarapé-Miri, as a public policy inserted in a normative framework of goals and strategies represented by the Municipal Education Plan (PME), which is the main focus of the implementation of municipal educational policy. The general objective is to analyze whether the educational policy of the municipality of Igarapé-Miri, implemented from the Municipal Education Plan, law nº 5.098/2015, favored the democratization of educational management. The problem is how to democratize educational management in the city of Igarapé-Miri/Pará, through the Municipal Education Plan? The methodology started from virtual, bibliographic and field research, in which interviews and documental research took place, with qualitative and descriptive data. The theories adopted were public and educational policies, social justice, education management and others. The results show corruption in government policy as a decisive factor for the low quality of formal education, political fragmentation as a factor of governmental discontinuity, the loss of labor rights, the absence of the implementation of the Municipal Education Council (CME) and the Municipal System of Education (SME). Therefore, education management does not follow national regulations, because the municipality did not form the CME and the SME, the inexistence of these bodies, associated with governmental fragmentation and suspicions of administrative improbity, prevent the democratization of educational management in the city of Igarapé-Miri.


  • Data: 30/09/2022
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  • The compulsory object of analysis of this study is essential in the debate, at its core, the mining activity and its major influence and interference in the Amazon territorial dynamics. To this end, the mining-metallurgical dynamics in the industrial complex of Barcarena-Pa is approached, in the incisive investigation of the socio-territorial impacts derived from the mineral transformation activities in the municipality. The objective is to correlate the perspective of development ordered by large mining enterprises and their relative influence, above all, on regional, national and international economic dynamics. However, it is essential to diagnose the socio-territorial contradictions and inequalities arising from the mineral economic vector. In this aspect, an analysis is carried out, with regard to the mineral economic vector in Barcarena and its instructive impacts that are correlated in the economic, political and social spheres. Municipal revenue data; Goods and Services Circulation Tax (ICMS), Industrialized Products Tax (IPI) and Municipal Participation Fund (FPM), which consist of means of investigation to measure the collections resulting directly and indirectly from the bauxite industrial complex alumina-aluminum and, it is essential to study an Index to mention a possible quality of life of the local and adjacent population. The Index chosen was the FIRJAN Index of Municipal Development of Barcarena, in order to ascertain the quality of life from the variables of Education, Health and Economy, following, of course, the perspective of the index methodology, which aims to be quanti-qualitative, that is, an effective index for measuring the applicability of resources derived from the mining-metallurgical dynamics, with regard to an effective spatial and equitable destruction, aiming at the quality of life of the local population, that is, to consider the contradiction between economic underdevelopment and development of the place and for the aspirations of the place, based, essentially, on the brand relations by power, configuring itself in a mining-metallurgical territory.

  • High School. Field Education. Youth. Pará Amazon.

  • Data: 30/09/2022
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  • The work has as its theme: "Territory and Education: High School Policies for young people from the countryside of the Amazon of Pará, whose central question is the access of youth to Modular High School, from the specific questioning if SOME as a training model meets the actual reality of students? In order to identify whether the educational policies developed by the State of Pará for the countryside respond to the concrete reality of peasant youth, the investigation aims to analyze the High School policies for the countryside in the Amazonian Pará from the perspective of youth formation; understand the historical, political, social and economic context in which rural secondary education is structured in the Amazon region of Pará and the dynamics of its organization in the SOME modality; to characterize the High School policy, in this modality, for the formation of rural youth, in the Pará Amazon and to investigate its effectiveness in meeting the training needs of rural youth. The work is a qualitative research (Minayo, 1995), carried out by bibliographic, documental (Lakatos and Marconi, 2003) and field (Gil, 2002) research. The focus group (Kitzinger, 1999) and the questionnaire (Gil, 2011) were the techniques used to obtain empirical data. The theoretical- methodological reference that underlies the apprehension and analysis of the object was mainly Arroyo (1999, 2007 and 2011), Caldart (2004, 2006 and 2012), Frigotto (2004, 2010 and 2016) Freire (1996 and 1987), Krawczyk (2013) and State Law no. 7,806, which provides for the regulation and operation of SOME. Data were analyzed with the help of Content Analysis, Bardin (2004), from the following categories of analysis: Educational Policy, Regional and School Context; High School in the Countryside in the Amazon of Pará and the sociocultural reality of the educational subjects; Curriculum, Work and School Training. The results show that SOME has two antagonistic aspects: on the one hand, it is an important policy for communities due to access to high school education for rural youth, on the other hand, it shows a mismatch between the curricular organization and the sociocultural reality of the educational subjects, valuing an urban-centric model of education, whose training model does not meet the actual reality of students.


  • Data: 30/09/2022
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  • This research analyzes the role of women who, through their collective identity, persist in continuing a practice carried out in a floodplain environment in the Amazon estuary. These are the so-called Concheiras, a group of women who collect shells from bivalve molluscs in beach areas around the Palmar community, an insular region of the municipality of Abaetetuba (northeast of Pará). Collecting shells has been an activity carried out for generations in the community and has already been considered one of the most relevant in the socioeconomic aspect, being carried out by both men and women. After the implementation of the Tucuruí HPP, changes occurred that altered the environmental dynamics, reducing production. Since then, the activity has been carried out only by women, which gave them the identity of Concheiras. This collective constitutes interrelationships with the environment and with other individuals in a way that these interactions have a preponderant effect on the construction of their territories. The central notion is the specific territoriality that works as a factor of identification, defense and strength, even in the case of temporary appropriations of natural resources (ALMEIDA, 2013). The qualitative research followed the theoretical guidelines of social anthropology and human geography, which guided the ethnographic practice of the way of life of riverside women, taking into account not only the point of view of the investigated women, but their interests, their culture, their denunciations and claims, thus placing the research work at the service of the peoples studied (SOL TAX, 1975). The main objective was to investigate knowledge and practices that guide the life of shellfish trees and from this perspective, the appropriation of identity related to natural resources is analyzed, given the socio-environmental context affected by large capital projects in this part of the Amazon estuary. From the performance of these women, a network of meanings of Ser-Concheira emerges, incorporating them into the territory, the estuary, the climate, the tide and a form of relationship with the territory that is complex and heterogeneous, but that interconnects forms of production and production. of knowledge. This leads us to conclude that knowledge cannot be linked to something fixed and immutable, but is configured in a range of meanings and multiple connections that exist between knowledge and technique, which in the case under study refers to the freedom to be and to live.

  • The dedication is in the açaí”: Commoditization and its effects on the insular floodplain
    of Abaetetuba/PA
  • Data: 30/09/2022
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  • The present work studies the effects of the increase of açaí plantations in areas of floodplain domain in the Pará estuary. Specifically, it focuses on the insular part of the municipality of Abaetetuba, northeast of Pará, where the palm tree (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) dominates the landscape, replacing the original lowland vegetation. It starts with the following questions: what effects has the açaí monoculture had on the territories of the traditional peoples of the insular area of that municipality? Could these effects be causing food insecurity, since there is already a strong dependence on the consumption of products sold in the city, which were previously found locally? Would the new farming practices have altered the ecological relationships in the floodplain ecosystem? To answer these questions, the main objective was to analyze the effects of the açaí monoculture in the territories traditionally occupied in the insular area of the municipality of Abaetetuba. The specific objectives were: to relate the expanded use of cultivated areas with açaí trees and the food security of the social agents of the research; to identify physical changes in the study area linked to açaí monoculture practices, and finally, to verify which agents in the production chain are most affected in the commercialization process of this fruit. The research is qualitative in nature with an ethnographic contribution, in order to make a “new description” (ALMEIDA, 2018) based on dialogue with social agents directly involved in this system, through auto-cartography workshops of these territories. The work points out as one of the results, the change in the way of life, which joins that expressed in the form of large capital-intensive enterprises, which has transformed the floodplain into a disputed territory (ACSELRAD, 2013), whose greatest effect is the deterritorialization (HAESBAERT, 2004) of traditional peoples of the floodplain.


  • Data: 29/09/2022
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  • The adoption of remote teaching was presented as the best way for the school to enable the continuity of teaching during the period of greatest infection peaks of the COVID-19 pandemic in the entire Brazilian territory. In this sense, considering the pandemic context, the education of deaf students has become an important subject to be discussed and verified by education professionals who have maintained the responsibility for enabling the continuity of education, now through other ways, for these students. Therefore, with regard to the education of the deaf in times of the covid19 pandemic, this work has as a problem the following question: How is deaf education in remote teaching in Abaetetuba represented in the speeches of the official guidelines guiding remote teaching in Abaetetuba and in the teaching discourses of implementation? The general objective of this research was to analyze the speeches of the guidelines and teachers on the education of deaf students in remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic in the municipality of Abaetetuba - PA. The specific objectives are divided into comparing the discourse contained in the guidelines with the AEE teaching discourses on the education of the deaf, in order to verify the guarantee of the right of inclusion and accessibility of these, during remote teaching in Abaetetuba - PA. To verify the impacts of the relationship between the discourse of the guidelines and the teaching discourses about remote teaching in the AEE on the choice of TIC used by teachers for deaf students in Abaetetuba - PA. And to analyze how the discourses of the guidelines regulate the teaching work with deaf students during remote teaching in Abaetetuba - PA. In the methodological direction, this work used Critical Discourse Analysis (ADC), which highlights the proposals of social practices developed through remote teaching and implicit in the speeches of the directive and of the AEE teachers, having as a subsidy the use of Technologies of Information and Communication (TIC), as well as its effects on students' learning, considering the inclusive character of the deaf through this new way of teaching. Although this work is still in the development phase, we can consider, in advance, that the analyzed document does not present self-sufficiency to regulate the work of teachers who serve deaf students through the specialized educational service exercised in the multifunctional resource rooms of the municipal schools of the territory that makes up the municipality of Abaetetuba. Thus, signaling, therefore, the need for AEE teachers to follow a plan with more specific guidelines and guidelines for the education of deaf students who attend SRM.


  • Data: 22/09/2022
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  • This text discusses sexual harassment in high school in a public school in the city of Abaetetuba, from the perspective of gender violence, identities and youth resistance. The research problem aims to know how is the interconnection between gender violence, sexual harassment and identities in elementary school? The general objective is to analyze the interconnection between gender violence, sexual harassment and identities in elementary schools. The specific objectives are outlined: To analyze a case of sexual harassment that occurred in a high school in Abaetetuba; investigate the school's attitude towards the denunciation of sexual harassment, as well as its preventive pedagogical actions; reflect the effects of sexual harassment on the identity of the student involved; make visible actions of resistance to sexual harassment at school. The theoretical contribution required an incursion into different categories such as youth, resistance and knowledge-power, for this I activated: Dayrell (2009), Altman (2003), Alves (2018), Butler (2008), Del Priore (1999), Louro ( 2003), Foucault (1998, 2014), Saffioti (1987, 2015), Scott (1990,1995), Paraíso (2012), among others. The methodological decision was for the ethnographic/netnographic case study. It starts with postmodern ethnography, and from the pandemic context, incorporates elements of netnography. The research subjects are young students between 18 and 23 years old from a public school in Abaetetuba/PA. The research results indicate that in the school where the research took place, identities are being constructed in a relational way, in the ways in which the lived experiences constitute and mediate certain relationships of the person with himself. Among such forms, there are heterogeneous practices and processes as well as strategies that name, separate, categorize, hierarchize, normalize and govern the subject.


  • Data: 08/09/2022
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  • As part of the field of decolonial studies, this investigation has as its object the narratives of resistance of black women teachers. I seek to problematize the intersections of social markers such as gender and race present in the constitution of these identity paths; another objective is to highlight the contribution of these black women teachers to miriense education. Therefore, some concerns composed the guiding questions of this research: How did race-gender oppression constitute the identities of black women teachers? How did black women teachers resist race-gender oppression? What are the contributions of black women to Miriense education? These guiding questions allowed us to pursue the following objectives: To analyze narratives of resistance to race-gender oppression experienced by black women teachers in Igarapé-Miri/PA; to analyze the effects of race-gender oppression on the identities of black women teachers; to make visible the contributions of black women to Miriense education. The methodological option for carrying out this investigation was to study within the decolonial theorization considering the other paradigm or episteme-in-formation, the decolonial turn that analyzes the world-system and its intense relationship with everyday life and identities. This required a method that promoted theoretical-methodological coherence, so, as the history of life is also inserted in the historical and social reality, and, therefore, the reports of practices are social relations, this one seemed the most appropriate. Therefore, this study followed the theoretical contributions guided by authors such as: Maria Lugones (2008); Akotirene (2019) Kimberle Crenshaw (2004); Giroux (1986); Quijano (2005); Hall (2000) and Kathryn Woodward; Priore (2016); Moore (2012), among others. This study deals with ethnic-racial issues, and exposes that subjects considered outside the standard identity are left on the sidelines and for this reason are made invisible like black women teachers from the Amazon, for example. But these have stories, struggles, conquests. They were resistances. Resistances can be produced in multiple spaces of everyday life, in this way, knowing the resistance narratives of black teachers who worked in the education of the municipality of Igarapé-Miri, seeking through this bias, the decolonization of knowledge and the production of other knowledge denied by this society, configures possibilities for the echo of other voices.


  • Data: 06/09/2022
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  • The present study aims to understand the socio-productive, cultural and political processes and dynamics and their relationships among young family farmers in a settlement context, specifically the Emanuel settlement. The research is defined as a case study from the perspective of Goldenberg (2004), of a qualitative nature, based on interviews carried out with 22 participants aged between 15 and 29 years, 08 men and 14 women; to which a semi-structured questionnaire with 16 open questions was applied. This research is structured in four sections; the first addressing methodological procedures; the second dealing with the main characteristics of the municipality of Igarapé-Miri; the third points out about family farming (both in the local context and in the Amazon context) and the territory/territorialities; and the fourth presenting the analysis of data and research results, followed by final considerations. In the results of this research, it was found that young people survive through the commercialization that their families make of their production, especially açaí, for the provision of services, for the desire for improvements through educational studies, both personal and for the settlement.


  • Data: 31/08/2022
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  • The interest in the research theme “Continuing Teacher Education in the era of Education 4.0: Knowledge, Teacher Identity and pedagogical practices” came from personal inquiries and reflections on the continuing education of teachers in the 21st century, where there is a diversity of technologies digital information and communication - TDIC, and as for the pedagogical use within the educational environment. Thus, the present research aims to investigate in which perspectives the continuing education of teachers who make use of Information and Communication Technologies influenced the pedagogical practices of these teachers in remote teaching during the pandemic scenario. The locus of the research was a Top Down approach in a generic way, emphasizing the municipality of Abaetetuba-PA, where a questionnaire was applied via google forms with direct questions and others of a subjective nature, however we obtained only 30 teachers of basic education distributed among schools Public and Private in the urban area of the municipality. The research also addressed the vision of the pedagogical coordination of 04 professionals from a public school and 03 from a private school to close the topic addressed. Furthermore, a bibliographic survey was carried out where the main authors were NÓVOA (1992), TARDIF (2002), MORIN (2000), FORMOSINHO (2002), THURLER (2002), GARRIDO; CHILI; MOURA (2000); KENSKI (2012), SCHWAB (2016); FUHR (2019); GAUER (2021); As results achieved through the research, it was found that both in the view of teachers and in the gestational view, the fundamental importance of continuing teacher training with regard to the use and better use of information and communication technologies - ICTs in the pandemic period, especially in the remote teaching, in this way it was concluded that the lack of training of teachers for the use of ICTs, and the difficulties faced by students in relation to the distance/location of their housing or technological equipment and especially the financial difficulties for the acquisition of mobile data , in this way, we can emphasize the need to advance in the proper insertion of these technologies through continuing education, enabling the school to be a privileged place for teacher training and professional development.




  • Data: 26/08/2022
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  • Economic-natural relations are dichotomous in the current development model, which causes environmental degradation and social inequalities, this process intensifies and takes on global dimensions, as contemporary rationality is structured by the capitalist logic that embodies unsustainable practices for the local ecosystems. To face this reality, the territorial and environmental planning of strategic areas for the maintenance of natural resources is essential. In this context, it is important to study the process of creation and management of protected areas. In Brazil, the process of creation and management of protected areas bases its actions on institutionalized parameters and international models, resulting in public policies that disregard the existence of traditional communities residing in these territories which have local traditional ecological knowledge. In this reality, the Extractive Reserve is one of the categories of conservation units in the group of sustainable use units of the National System of Conservation Units in Brazil - SNUC, whose basic objective is to make the conservation of nature compatible with the sustainable use of a portion of its resources natural. In the municipality of Bragança, state of Pará, the Marine Extractive Reserve Caeté-Taperaçu (REM Caeté-Taperaçu) was created by Federal Decree s/nº of May 20, 2005, and which covers exclusively coastal, estuarine and mangrove areas. Therefore, the research problem investigated here is based on the following question: "Can the traditional ecological knowledge of the traditional communities that use the Caeté-Taperaçu Marine Extractive Reserve collaborate with the reduction of anthropic processes that reflect on the unsustainable use of natural resources in this territory?". The general objective of this research is to analyze whether traditional ecological knowledge can collaborate with the socio-environmental sustainability and management of the REM Caeté-Taperaçu in the municipality of Bragança, state of Pará. The theoretical foundation of this research is interdisciplinary, consisting of concepts, perceptions and by authors who dialectically converge to the object of this study. In this aspect, everyday life, lived experience, experiential learning and reality, phenomenology and the historical-cultural approach, territory and place, traditional communities and traditional ecological knowledge are the theoretical and methodological foundations for the construct epistemological related to the theme, objectives and problematization investigated here. The methodological strategy used is qualitative research with a focus on the phenomenological method and the cultural-historical approach. The relevance of this work is demonstrated in the analysis of public policy establishing the National System of Protected Areas in Brazil and particularly in the management of the Caeté-Taperaçu Marine Extractive Reserve, in which institutionalized power relations are identified, in addition to an advancing socio-environmental issue about the territories of the traditional communities object of this research, which causes changes in their way of life and their relations with the environment, however, this study understands that traditional ecological knowledge is related to the daily activities of the members of these communities and defines how these subjects elaborate their actions, conceive strategies, seek technological alternatives and thus transform and sustainably conserve nature and themselves through their cultural praxis.


  • Data: 15/07/2022
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  • The potteries The dollar trees located in the islands of the municipality of Abaetetuba, in the region of Baixo Tocantins (in the State of Pará) occupy a prominent position in the regional economy, also having socioeconomic relevance due to the generation of revenues, jobs and the manufacture of products fundamental to the construction sector. This research presents and discusses, from the reality of potters workers from the riverside community of Baixo Ajuaí, the socio-environmental impacts of this economic activity and its cooling. It is noteworthy that this process has been observed for about a decade, when the main potteries of the community began to end their activities. The aim of this study is to analyze the dynamics of organization of potter's work, considering its origin, its development, its implications for the environment, as well as the social life and future perspectives of workers, since a "domino effect" is observed, because in a short time a new pottery ceases to exist. The approach is predominantly qualitative in nature, including digital mapping through cartography-free software such as QGIS, TrackMaker and Google Earth. For the construction of the work, it was necessary to resort to bibliographic research, documentary research and field research. The field research was carried out at two distinct moments: the first, carried out in early 2020, in the community that is the locus of the research, directly in the potteries, being verified and mapped via collection of GPS points the quantity of potteries that already existed and how many are still in operation; and in the second moment, visits were made in the residences of former potters and former owners of potters, as well as people who are still working in the field, in order to understand the factors that led to the closure of the activity and what future prospects for those who lost their jobs. One of the main difficulties of data collection was the sanitary restrictions imposed widely worldwide because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and therefore the second part of the fieldwork was possible to be carried out safely in early 2022, having been made unfeasible for a period of almost two years. Questionnaires and scripts of semi-structured interviews were adopted as data collection instruments. According to previously established criteria, the questionnaire, with open and closed questions, was applied to workers from different potteries and with their respective owners, with the purpose of understanding their working and living conditions, their impressions about the consequences of the pottery activity for the environment and their future prospects. For each type of subject, a specific script was elaborated to elucidate important questions for the understanding of the objective of the dissertation. During the field research, the participant observation technique was used, which allowed the approximation and experience with the research subjects. In addition, photographic records and annotations were also made in a field diary, which supported the final elaboration of the text. As main results, the research demonstrated the most important factors that are negatively influencing the cooling of the pottery activity, the development of the ol-pottery in the community, the particularities of the organization of work in the different phases of the production process, the weaknesses of the work relationships, as well as the forms of access and use to natural resources, their socio-environmental impacts and, finally, what new work alternatives are the research subjects are seeking in view of the progressive cooling of this activity.


  • Data: 15/07/2022
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  • Agroforestry backyards in the Amazon are a means of subsistence, preserving traces of the past and generating income for the populations. Agroforestry systems are represented by multiple land uses, which may include forest species, agricultural crops and animal species. Thus, the preservation of these territories plays a fundamental role in the local socioeconomic development, above all, in the generation of income and in the fixation of men in the countryside. In this context, the present study aims to analyze the transformations that have taken place in agroforestry backyards and how this has been reflected in local phytotherapy and food security of the subjects of the Guajarazinho community, islands in the municipality of Abaetetuba. This being one of the 72 islands in this municipality. The qualitative approach through a case study was used as research methods. The instruments used to collect field data were: interviews, observation, questionnaires, field diaries, etc. Data sampling consisted of 20 interviewees who own agroforestry backyards, who were submitted to the Free and Informed Consent Term (ICF), which informs what the research refers to and authorizes the dissemination of results, completing the data collection, cognitive maps were also used. The results show that in the community, the diversity of agroforestry backyards has always been widely observed by the residents, who consider local cultures important for the health of the population and food complementation, with this, it was found that several changes have occurred in these backyards in the last few years. decades, being negative and positive. The research also pointed out that the residents of the community have a vast traditional and empirical knowledge about medicinal plants, and this ancient knowledge is transmitted between generations. These backyards still have a variety of production that provide the riverside people with an improvement in food areas. In view of this, it is emphasized that studies such as this are necessary as a way of valuing agroforestry backyards and preserving the knowledge of the residents of the Guajarazinho community.

  • Local Productive Arrangements and their relationship with the Territory: The production strategies of the Santo Antônio Quilombola Community in Concórdia do Pará

  • Data: 15/07/2022
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  • The importance of reflecting on the territorial formation and the form of appropriation and use of space in the Amazon of Pará and the need to organize new productive systems associated with biodiversity, motivated this study that seeks to understand recent territorial strategies and local productive arrangements - APLs in the Santo Antônio quilombola community in Concórdia do Pará. The focus of our study is on the process of development of local productive arrangements as a strategy of economic, social and environmental organization of the territory with a view to sustainability. The exploratory research with a qualitative approach was carried out in four distinct and complementary phases: the first phase comprised the survey and bibliographic analysis for the characterization of APLs; the second phase consisted of the characterization of the community, highlighting the forms of production, organization of the territory and the potential for the development of APLs considering the socio-environmental characteristics; the third phase was the moment of the research with participatory observation, formal and informal conversations, meetings with the group of farmers who changed the production from the swiddens system to the APLs and structured and semi-structured interviews to get to know and analyze the production strategies, the organization social, economic and environmental, internal and external relations and the importance of cooperation, interaction and learning ties between community members, ARQUINEC, ABAA and institutions that guarantee technical and financial support for the consolidation of local productive arrangements. In the fourth stage, we performed the data analysis and, as a result, we presented the transition from the plantation system to the Consolidation of fruit clusters in the community, highlighting the observed socio-spatial, socio-economic and socio-environmental transformations that give a new spatialization of production and a new configuration to the territory.


  • Data: 09/06/2022
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  • This work aims to analyze the process of transformation that has been taking place along the urban riverfront of Abaetetuba - PA, occupations in the Amazonian landscape, in areas affected by the tidal course and riparian forests in areas that should be protected.  These occupations are turning into areas of vulnerability, where risks are present in houses built in areas of water courses, in areas of erosive soil, constructed improperly and without protection infrastructure. As happened in 2014 in the São João neighborhood, a landfill collapse that destroyed 13 (thirteen) houses as a result of the construction of housing in areas without adequate urban infrastructure and as a consequence 51 (fifty-one) families were affected by the disaster with problems which also shook other areas of the waterfront, especially the waterfront of the commercial center, the arrimo pier. This fact that I’ve been following working in the Municipal Civil Defense Coordination, I could see the suffering of people with losses of all kinds, not being able to return to their homes, this motivated me to analyze the risk areas and their territorialities to prepare a proposal planning for the Abaetetuba river, which prevent new disasters before they happen. The risk scenario takes place in areas of different land uses and occupations, social vulnerability areas, environmental fragility, commercial overvaluation area, commercial flow, concentration of urban facilities and areas of historical memory. In this way, I intend to analyze the transformation process on the riverfront of Abaetetuba in the formation of risk areas and the support work to protect the arrimo pier, and propose a planning that considers the risks and vulnerabilities present. Based on the results of the research, it was found that both the municipal management as the categories present on the edge did not understand the support work of the arrimo pier, as a urbanism work, but also as a protection work to avoid any risk of collapse and it needed to have a plan that would protect its structure and prevent new disasters from happening. It is necessary to consider the possibilities of public intervention based on urban planning instruments with the participation of society. The research was carried out through data collection and application of semi-structured questionnaires with agents from the public sector and civil society, to enable a proposal more efficient planning. The research is designed in a multidisciplinary analysis, in which contributions from municipal plans and scholars from the fields of geography, environment, social sciences, and urban policy are articulated.



  • Data: 30/05/2022
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    The research that has as its title the educational policy of municipalization in elementary education in Tomé-Açu/Pa and its effects on rural education, seeks to analyze how the process of municipalization of elementary education in the municipality of Tomé-Açu is effective in rural schools. in respect of their indemnity peculiarities guaranteed by law. From this incursion, the study returned to an analysis of how the policy of municipalization of education has taken place in the Brazilian educational scenario, showing which factors were taken into account for the act of municipalizing the educational process, with the approval of Fundef as a great incentive. . Faced with this scenario of educational reforms, Rural Education has taken on great proportions in Brazil, where the discourses of social movements, trade union organizations and scholars from different areas of knowledge, surrounding the struggle for basic education in the countryside, were totally different from Education Rural. The rural social movements took the lead in the search for new demands for Rural Education, from which it was possible to hold two National Conferences For A Rural Education, in 1998 and 2004, being fundamental to strengthen rural education, as well as as programs and projects for rural schools. The methodological procedures initially used were: bibliographic research based on the main formulations of authors such as Bolth (1997), Ávila (1997), Caldart (2001; 2004; 2008; 2009) Fernandes (1999; 2004), Arroyo (2006) , Lakatos, Marconi (2003), and documentary, semi-structured interviews, carried out with eight subjects, subdivided into: secretary of education, coordination of municipal education, principal and vice, school coordination and teachers, in an exploratory and descriptive approach. It is expected as a result of this research to contribute to a better understanding of the municipalization policy and consequently clarity of its reflexes in rural education in the Municipality of Tomé-Açu/Pa.


  • Data: 29/04/2022
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  • A pesquisa faz uma abordagem acerca do empobrecimento educacional que tem se ampliado no campo em decorrência da política de nucleação que levou ao fechamento de escolas multisseriadas, interferindo, assim, na realidade social dos educandos. O objetivo do estudo se pautou em analisar as estratégias organizacionais das unidades educativas no município de Abaetetuba-Pará pelo fato de apresentar os desdobramentos mais significativos da Política de Nucleação da Educação local. O estudo está ancorado nas discussões dos principais aportes teóricos que subsidiaram o desenvolvimento da pesquisa e deram embasamento e consistência à investigação, a saber: Arroyo (2004); Hage (2001); Molina (2008) e Caldart (2002). O procedimento metodológico adotado foi a pesquisa documental, a qual possibilitou  o levantamento do número de escolas da Rede Municipal de Ensino e dos dispositivos legais (Decretos, leis, resoluções e Plano Municipal de Educação); além disso, por meio de pesquisa de campo, realizou-se entrevistas semiestruturadas com os membros da Coordenação de Educação do Campo municipal e lideranças comunitárias, para uma melhor percepção dos processos organizacionais, sociais e educativos que envolvem as questões da política em questão. Foi possível constatar, preliminarmente, a escassez das informações sobre a Política de Nucleação que foi implantada no ano de 2005. Evidencia-se ainda, que a Educação do Campo em Abaetetuba precisa ser refletida a partir das dinâmicas dos movimentos sociais e das comunidades, mediante seus modos de vida, dos saberes, das questões socioeconômicas e ambientais. Nesse sentido, pensar a escola do campo é compreender o conjunto de transformações que a realidade vem exigindo. Logo, a nucleação sem planejamento, sem o reconhecimento de todos os condicionantes e determinantes contextuais não é a melhor opção, pois fechar as escolas é violar os direitos dos grupos sociais, tendo em vista que geralmente é uma das formas pelo qual o poder público se faz “presente” na comunidade. Desse modo, uma proposição que pode contribuir com o desenvolvimento da educação nessas localidades é reforçar o protagonismo desses sujeitos para a construção de um projeto político educacional que possa abranger as especificidades dos povos do campo.


  • Data: 29/03/2022
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  • Urban transformations in riverside cities from the process of construction of large port projects, the case of Abaetetuba/PA, from 2016 to 2019.

  • Data: 28/03/2022
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  • The present work analyzes the urban transformations in the city of Abaetetuba, state of Pará, having as secular clipping the years of 2016 the 2019, when the update of the Municipal Managing Plan became. In this document, the macrozoning of areas of the explicit city some propitious points of urbanization and installation of great enterprises with destined zone the port projects, thus giving, beginning to the process of institutionalization of the related Plan in the city. Ahead of this, in 2017, the grains company Cargill S, For intermediary of Logistic the Brick company it acquires areas in the island of the Xingu, for the construction of a Terminal of Use Privado (TUP). In turn, in the same year, the company Terminals of Liquids of Amazônia LTD (TLA), protocolled the process of authorization of a TUP in the region of Guajará de Beja, municipal district, located in the environs of the city. Such you arrive in port had modified the use of the urban space modifying the fixtures and the flow of the territory, and consequently, the feature of the marginal city. Ahead of this problematic one, this research has as objective to analyze the structures of a new center of the city of Abaetetuba, since the territorialization of the great capital and its effect in the daily life of the marginal city. The adopted methodology understands the dimensions theoretical and empirical, being the first one of theoretical recital, with techniques of bibliographical revision, subordinated the critical analysis in the field of the research to interdisciplinary; the empirical boarding encloses the unfoldings of the port enterprises in the city of Abaetetuba, demonstrated by means of the mapping of the territory. The results demonstrate that enterprises of lesser transport had started if to install in the city and forfeiture has transformed existing the configuration space already, where the city for having marginal characteristics, as a fair of products of extractivist origin to the edge of the river, start to have its process of sped up urbanization, mainly throughout the Dr highway João Miranda and Pará 252, way of linking of the city the bordering cities. This geographic clipping and its adjacent areas gain new enterprises that go to thus give to new significance to this parcel of the city, producing a new urban center of services and territorialization still more the capital inside of the structure of the city.

  • Modos de vida na Comunidade São José: Conflitos, Territórios e Territorialidades frente a Implantação do Projeto Albras/Alunorte (Barcarena-Pará)

  • Data: 22/03/2022
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  • The present research entitled “Ways of life in the São José Community: Conflicts, Territories and Territorialities facing the Implementation of the Albras/Alunorte Project (Barcarena-Pará)”, presented to the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Cities, Territories and Identities (PPGCITI) , from the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Campus Universitário de Abaetetuba, specifically, in the Line of Research: Public Policies, Social Movements and Territories, seeks to contribute with reflections on the impacts caused by the implementation of a large industrial project on the way of life of a traditional population in the Amazon of Pará. It originated from the following problem question: How were the ways of life of the residents of the São José Community and their territorialities changed after the period of implementation of the actions of the Albras/Alunorte Project in the municipality of Barcarena, Pará? It aims in general: to analyze the ways of life of the residents of the São José community and their new territorialities, considering the post-implementation period of the actions of the Albras/Alunorte Project in the municipality of Barcarena, in Pará, until the present day. In order to support the investigations, the following specific objectives were developed: Study the ideas of development in Brazil that led to the installation of the Albras/Alunorte complex; Present a brief history of the occupation of the territory where the São José community was located; identify, through mapping, the residents of the São José community affected by the implementation of the Albras/Alunorte Project; To collect, through semi-structured interviews, information about the ways of life of the residents of the São José community and their territorialities in the period preceding the implementation actions of the Albras/Alunorte Project; and finally, To analyze the existing relations between the implementation actions of the Industrial Project Albras/Alunorte and the process of occupation/territorial eviction through which the residents of the São José Community in the municipality of Barcarena, Pará went. of a qualitative approach, of the historiographical type, triggering the methodological course of Oral History according to the premises of Alberti (1996) and Portelli (1997) and others. In order to do so, a bibliographic and documentary survey was carried out in collections and electronic sites, also making use of the semi-structured interview as a data collection technique with the residents, subject of the research, in order to establish a relationship between history and memory for understanding of the historical process of occupation/territorial eviction through which the residents of that community went. In this sense, the theoretical contributions of some authors were used, such as: Saquet (2011), about territorialities; Santos (1994; 1998 and 2000), on territory; Thompson (1987; 1998; 2001), on lived experience and perceived experience; Hall (2005) and Sahlins (2003), regarding the dynamics of identity changes and updates; Rostow (1974), on the stages of economic development; Sarmento (2008), regarding Brazilian developmentalism; Oliveira & Carleal (2013), to developmentalism in the Amazon; Pinto (2010), Silva et al (2017), on the implementation of the Albras/Alunorte industrial complex in Barcarena. It was based on the epistemological conceptions of Historical-Dialectical Materialism to analyze the relationships between the implementation actions of the Albras/Alunorte Industrial Project and the process of deterritorialization and reterritorialization through which the residents of the Community went. It is concluded that, through the analysis, it was possible to identify significant changes in the ways of life of the residents of the São José Community in the municipality of Barcarena, Pará, such as the need for repeated displacements: for some, there was an aggravation in the housing conditions and access to employment and income; for others, a vision of improving opportunities in terms of access to education and employment and income, a reality similar to that of others dispossessed by the implementation of the Albras/Alunorte Industrial Project.


  • Data: 16/03/2022
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  • The object of study of this dissertation are the professional teaching identities of teachers in the municipality of Abaetetuba Pará. In this perspective, the objective was to analyze how teachers build their professional teaching identity, seeking to identify the elements that contribute to the construction of identity, the from the teachers' memories. In this context, memory narratives are part of this study as a possibility of knowing the professional teaching identities built in the paths of the teachers' professional trajectories. The interlocutors are four professors, two professors and two professors from the municipality of Abaetetuba-Pa. It is a qualitative approach research that has the Oral History method, carried out based on bibliographic and documentary research, photographic records and semi-structured interviews. The data were grouped according to categories of meanings and the content was analyzed according to the theoretical-methodological framework for the research. As theoretical support, authors Bosi (1994; 2003), Maurice Halbwachs (1990), Le Goff (2013), Nóvoa (2014); Tardif (2014); Dubar (1997, 2005), Hall (2011), Gatti (2009), Ludke and André (2020); and others. The results of the investigation revealed that teachers build their professional teaching identities in the experiences of their professional trajectory, in the exercise of the profession, in the social relationships they establish in the daily work of teaching, in the knowledge acquired in initial and continuing education and, mainly, in the experiences gained throughout the profession. Identity is a singular and collective process and each individual presents his own way of building his identity, characterized as an evolutionary process of observation and reflection of himself. In this process, it is important to highlight that memory is a valuable instrument that makes it possible to interpret and get to know the other, an important source for the knowledge of training trajectories and teaching professional identities that recovers the past and what is “forgotten” and/or silenced and makes it possible to to reflect on the transformations that occur in Society.


  • Data: 28/02/2022
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  • The research takes as its theme the deaf condition in the experience with peers and with the other - the listener -, within the social conjuncture in which, for the most part, the latter dominates. Specifically, it deals with the territoriality of deaf people in the municipality of Abaetetuba, in the State of Pará, in a discursive perspective. It is considered that, historically, there has always been a power relationship demarcated by the dominance of a majority group over a minority one. And, in this dynamic of social mobilization, they continue to produce new forms of territories in which a collective seeks to ensure survival, assert a belonging or ensure territoriality. In this sense, the investigative problem originated from the following question: how is the deaf community defined in the sociopolitical space in Abaetetuba, Pará? In order to answer the research question, we established the following general objective: to describe the territoriality of the deaf community in the municipality of Abaetetuba from the intersection of the mapping of agency spaces and the discourses of the leaders of these spaces. As specific objectives, we seek to: to map the spaces of agency of the deaf community in Abaetetuba; to analyze the speeches of the leaders in the mapped spaces and to discuss the discursive construction of territoriality of the deaf community in Abaetetuba, Pará, from the understanding of how this community is delimited in the sociopolitical space. This is a qualitative research according to Minayo and Sanches (1993); and ethnographic perspective (MAGALHÃES, 2017), based on the theoretical assumptions of British Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), with Fairclough (2016) as the main reference to address the meanings of discourse, which within the social level constitute if in social practices, emphasizing the conceptual category Interdiscursivity. For this purpose, a semi-structured interview with the leaders of the organized groups was used as an instrument and technique for data collection, namely, Associação de Surdos de Abaetetuba (ASABAE), ACESSO CURSOS and Grupo de Estudos de Libras (GELIBRAS), to establishing the research corpus. The reflections carried out in this research are based on the theoretical contributions of some authors, such as Haesbaert (2021), about territoriality. To discussing about community, Anderson (2008), and deaf community, the studies of Strobel (2018) and Perlin (2013). To discussing about territoriality of resistance as a political strategy that refers to the sociopolitical use of space, the studies by Silva (2014). The analyzes showed that the agency of the deaf community in Abaetetuba is constituted through the action strategies of organized groups, with ASABAE being characterized as the center of deaf territoriality, as it is an environment for deaf people to enjoy where coexistence is purely based on visual culture; ACCESS COURSES, as a space that guarantees linguistic integration, seeking to reduce communication barriers and deconstruct the hegemony of “ouvintismo” about deafness; GELIBRAS as a space for aggregation and reduction of barriers between deaf and hearing people, as it is a group with actions aimed at the visibility of deaf people. Therefore, all the spaces mentioned create integration to the deaf community, demonstrating how it exerts a territoriality of resistance in the municipality of Abaetetuba, in Pará, in the fight for guaranteeing the rights of deaf people.

  • FACES E INTERFACES DO GENERO: Imaginário social e poder em um território de educação do campo na Amazônia

  • Data: 25/02/2022
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  • Este trabalho trata das relações de gênero no programa saberes da terra no município de Igarapé-Miri/Pá, que tem como método a pedagogia da alternância. A pesquisa de cunho qualitativo busca compreender, como as concepções e o imaginário de gênero presente nas práticas pedagógicas e as condicionantes sócias do território em que essa dinâmica educacional se insere, conformam as faces e interfaces das relações de Gênero? Para essa analise utilizamos a pesquisa teórica e de campo privilegiando-se o estudo de caso. Os principais procedimentos utilizados serão questionários, observações e conversas ocasionais. A amostra será constituída por alunos(as), devidamente matriculadas, desistentes ou que já concluíram, assim como, as suas famílias, professores do programa, e lideranças do movimento social que protagonizaram as primeiras experiências de educação do campo no município lócus da pesquisa.

  • Apartation and indifference: designs of Apathy in Two brothers, by Milton Hatoum

  • Data: 24/02/2022
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  • This work seeks to interpret Dois Irmãos, by Milton Hatoum, from the hypothesis of an apathetic narrator, seeking to find in this notion a perspective of interpretation capable of dialoguing with the form of composition of the novel to the narrative of its narrator Nael and the conditions of a mediated lack by a “trauma” (as postulated by Freud in …). Therefore, the work starts from a reading hypothesis of Dois Irmãos, mapping the testimony of Nael, character and narrator of the novel, in relation to an excess of events and characters, among which the following stand out: Domingas, Yaqub and Omar, with which systematically departs. If the constant testimony of the characters themselves seems to be enough to qualify Nael as apathetic, deepening the notion of apathy, starting from Freud, this qualification is reinforced, as it requires a mediation of a historical and psychological nature. Thus, as an apathetic disposition, in which an individual defines himself as separate and indifferent from another, apathy seems to be in accordance with Nael's subjective narrative, in its constant borders, silences and attempts at forgetting. On the other hand, as a typical social phenomenon of modernity, apathy leads us to problematize the narrator of Dois Irmãos as apathetic, in view of its insertion in a new social order articulated by phenomena of modernity in which behavioral assumptions seem to combine a blasé attitude towards the sphere of the urban and the people. From this premise, the following question arises: how is the apathy of the narrator of Dois Irmãos formed and expressed, in the wake of a trauma? Seeking to answer this central question, the work was developed in order to investigate Nael's designation of apathy, considering the history of its social origin and its form of narrative manifestation. This investigation led us to conclude that, forming during a partial and systematic separation of the twins, the narrator Nael's apathy manifests itself as a subjectivation of the indifference of a trauma, in which the constant need for distance between the siblings seems to depend of designations that make him apathetic, thus converting into resistance.



  • Data: 23/02/2022
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  • The Cordões Juninos Festival, adapted from surveys carried out by assistants, educators and users of the artistic movement that took place in the past, figures as one of the main social intervention strategies of the Reference Centers in Social Assistance (CRAS) in the territories of Abaetetuba’s city. During the first semester of each year (2010-2016), assistants and social educators, in addition to children, adolescents and their families (users of social programs) carry out research work in their respective territories. Theatrical texts and musical compositions are created from a set of social themes already explored in meetings by groups of the Service of Coexistence and Belonging Strengthening (SCFV).Objectively, the most relevant themesare: a) combating child labor; b) domestic and family violence; c) sexuality; d) culture of peace; e) environment. It is in this sense that the Festival presents itself as a model of intervention that aims to promote coexistence and the strengthening of family and community belongingthrough valorization of art and popular culture in Abaetetuba, considering the central concern, which is reflected by the expectations of minimizing situations of violence, vulnerability and social exclusion. Notwithstanding this purpose, no diagnostic study of the expected results of the Cordões Juninos Festival project over its target audience is yet known. Only diffuse comments from actors generally linked to the coordination and organization of the Festival are constantly produced after each edition, however, always related to empirical experiences. So, in this sense, it urges to ask:What socio-formative impacts did the Cordões Juninos Festival have produced on the social assistance services developed by CRAS? Has it contributed to the strengthening of intergenerational family and community ties, to the reconstruction of collective memory, to the reaffirmation and the non-stigmatization of identity and to the fight against rights violations in the territories of Abaetetuba? Specifically, the study focuses on the analysis of three Cordões: Cordão Boi Pai do Campo Ribeirinho (CRAS Angélica), Cordão Junino Boi Pingo de Ouro (CRAS São Sebastião) and Cordão da Arraia (CRAS Beja). The present research proposal is designed in an interdisciplinary perspective, in which we try to articulate contributions from scholars in the fields of Social Work, Literature, Philosophy, Sociology and Culture, such as Marilda Iamamoto, Alfredo Bosi, Marilena Chauí, Florestan Fernandes, Nestor Garcia Canclini, among others.


  • Data: 15/02/2022
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  • The growing demand for the pulp of the fruit of the Açaizeiro (Euterpe oleracea) has increased the interest of family farmers and agribusinesses in the agro-extractive exploitation of this fruit, since this presents itself as a product of great economic value for these populations. And in the search for greater production, farmers in Ipanema began to implement crop production systems. Given this context, the objective of this work is to study the actions of this crop production system adopted by quilombolas in the agro-extractive production system of Açaí in the Ipanema community. As theoretical support, the following authors were used: Porto (2003), Mazoyer & Roudart (2009), Dufumier (1996), Wünsh (1995), Lamarche (1994), Nogueira and Homma (1998), Farias (2012) Grossmann (2004) , Drummond (1996), Gusmão (2019), Freitas (2010), Tagore (2017), Pagliarusse (2010), among others. The environment determined as the locus of the research is the Quilombola Community of Rio Ipanema, which is located in the municipality of Abaetetuba-PA. Being one of the 72 existing islands in this municipality. Regarding the methodology, it was based on a qualitative approach, descriptive exploratory research and semi-structured interviews, carried out with twelve subjects, subdivided into four distinct groups, which involve: adult/elderly farmers, young farmers, community representatives and women farmers . To which the Informed Consent Term (FICF) was applied, which mentions what the research is about and authorizes the dissemination of the results. The results show that the new agroextractive açaí production system has several particularities, encompassing a diversity of producers with the most varied models of agrosystems, which have their own mode of organization that goes beyond the production system, which also permeates , by the commercialization process and the cultivation production system. ince, in the commercialization process, we have the presence of several channels, circuits and a well diversified chain of social actors. And the cultivation production system demonstrated, within its actions, the increase in fruit production, the improvement in the quality of life of quilombolas and their families, as well as in the community in general. Where they acquired goods, home appliances and electronics; food security, especially during the harvest period. However, the crop production system brings with it impacts together with environmental damage, related to the homogenization of the landscape, the reduction of species, both animal and plant, leading to an imbalance in the ecosystem, which does not only affect animals and plants, but also the quilombolas themselves who depend on natural resources for their survival, thus threatening the main source of income for these families. Therefore, it is a very important study for academia, policy makers, field professionals and society in general, as it shows results that need to be taken into account when training citizens who come to work within traditional territories and communities .


  • Data: 07/02/2022
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  • The urban growth of many Brazilian cities has advanced towards the urban floodplains, and this occupation has been taking place without taking into account the natural characteristics of the place, which has contributed to causing socio-environmental damage. The municipality of Abaetetuba, like most Brazilian cities, has also undergone a disordered urbanization process and presents several situations of risks and vulnerabilities such as the occupation of the floodplain areas. Some neighborhoods in the city grew in floodplain areas such as São João neighborhoods, which was born and expanded over the floodplains, in areas of APPs (Permanent Preservation Areas). The occupation process in that neighborhood caused significant changes in the landscape. According to the report by the Companhia de Recursos Minerales (CPRM), this precarious and disordered urbanization process contributed to the occurrence of the disaster that occurred in 2014 in the São João neighborhood. Given this context, this study aimed to understand the main causes that contributed to the occupation  the urban floodplains of the São João neighborhood on the banks of the Maratauíra river, and what are the consequences of this occupation process. The methodology used consisted of a qualitative case study that used direct observation and interviews with 12 residents of the neighborhood as data collection instruments. The conceptual basis of the research is based on authors such as Almeida (2012), Souza and Zanella (2009), Veyret (2007) who associate the social vulnerabilities with environmental risks and these risks as decisive factors for the occurrence of disasters; with Yu-Fu Tuan (1980), the notion of place as an identity factor;  Marandola and Hogan (2009), which support the discussion about the approach to place in studies risk perception; with Santos (2002) in understanding the landscape as a result of the interaction between natural components and anthropic actions; in HARVEY (1980), the right to the city in a way that meets human needs.  Preliminary results of the research show that the demographic growth and the lack of urban planning contributed to a disorderly urban expansion in the São João neighborhood. Despite the municipality's master plan establishing guidelines for the use and occupation of urban land, the omission of the public power with the neighborhoods that grew on the banks of rivers, in APPs areas, contributed to an urban occupation incompatible with the principles of environmental preservation. It was also found that the identity factor, associated with the residents' previous place of living, and the absence of public housing policies aimed at people with low purchasing power are decisive factors both for the occupation of environmentally fragile areas and for the permanence of residents in the neighborhood studied.


  • Data: 31/01/2022
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  • This research has the theme "The Implementation of the Municipal Education System of Abaetetuba: The Municipal Council of Education as the Conducting Thread", with the objective: To investigate the implementation of the Law of the Municipal Education System of Abaetetuba in the period from 2017 to 2019. The its result enabled a better understanding of the actions that are being implemented and developed for the organization of education in the Municipality of Abaetetuba, its legal bases, policies, limits, possibilities, contradictions and limitations in the process of implementing Law No. 490/2017, of 17 February 2017, which establishes the Municipal Education System of Abaetetuba, analyzes the main challenges of municipal education. Discussing the decentralization of the State, the autonomy of the municipality to organize a network of schools maintained and administered by the municipal power and those of early childhood education in the private network. It considered qualitative research of theoretical and bibliographic nature, document analysis and interview. Subsidized by the investigative walk, it considered the theoretical aspects about the reflection of the role of State, Public Policies and Educational Legislation from the competence of the federated municipality, in a historical-geographic and social participation process. The data collected show the educational reality within the scope of the Municipal Education System of Abaetetuba, evidencing advances, contradictions and obstacles in the process of implementing that system, having in the dynamics of the Municipal Education Council, the guiding axis of educational policies within the municipality, against the legal bases and the educational reality in the space / time of the research.


  • Data: 28/01/2022
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  • This research analyzes the discourse of agribusiness in Brazil, its discursive marketing practice and its possible ideological effects, based on advertising in the television media called “Agro: the Industry-Wealth of Brazil”. It is necessary to problematize these discursive practices that follow the logic of globalization, questioning: what discursive practices are constructed in the advertisements “Agro: the Industry-Wealth of Brazil”, which focus on the products “Palm Oil, Manioc and Palm tree (Açaí)”? How are the subjects represented and what real actions are put into practice through this discourse? Therefore, this study aims to understand the meanings constructed in the discursive practices of the advertisements “Agro: the Industry-Wealth of Brazil”, which focus on the products “Palm oil, Manioc and Palm tree (Açaí)”. With regard to the specific objectives, it is proposed: to analyze the semiotic resources (text and image) used in advertisements. Identify the representations built in this discursive practice and analyze the ideological aspects present in this representation. The methodology consists of the use of documentary research, of a qualitative nature, based on the theoretical-methodological contributions of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) by Fairclough (1989, 1995, 2001, 2003a) and Chouliaraki & Fairclough (1999), which combine the analysis of texts with social analysis, making use of analysis categories aimed at a Social-Critical approach. Thus, the analysis presented is centered on Representational Meaning, maintaining a relationship with other moments of discursive practice. The corpus of the research originates from material made up of videos, which present a specific theme related to agriculture, livestock and services in the agroindustrial sector. Thus, frames (cuts) of 3 (three) videos published in the media, respectively, in the years 2017, 2018 and 2020 were used, based on the following criteria: I - Themes that talk about products produced in the Brazilian Amazon, specifically in the State do Pará, and that are related to the practices of social actors (People and traditional communities) in the Lower Tocantins Region, in the Amazon region of Pará. II - Themes that include in their composition products that have social, cultural, political and economic relevance for the Lower Tocantins region. III - Themes that address linguistic or visual elements in their composition, which enable a critical reading of the context of the situation and the cultural context intrinsic to agribusiness advertising. Based on these criteria, the chosen themes are Palm Oil, Manioc and Palm Tree (Açaí). The study takes into account the context of discursive production (media), the multimodal character of advertising texts and their semiotic modes, focusing on both the linguistic system and the role of images in the construction of representations in the text. The analysis of Representational Meaning in verbal language was performed using Transitivity, a category related to Systemic-Functional Linguistics (HALLIDAY & MATTHIESSEN, 2004) and the Ideational Metafunction, which consists of analyzing who does what, to whom and under what circumstances. In relation to Representational Meaning in visual language, the categories used are those belonging to the Grammar of Visual Design (KRESS & VAN LEEUWEN, 2006). To understand the causal effects of this discourse on social practice, the ADC resorted to the concept of ideology according to Thompson (1995) because it is of a hegemonic nature. The results show that discursive practices are constituted in the text through relational and material processes; and, in the visual mode, they are constituted by the narrative and conceptual processes.


  • Data: 28/01/2022
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  • En el presente trabajo presentamos una investigación centrada en el análisis de los mecanismos de Resistencia por medio del Discurso, en los relatos como objetos literarios, pertenecientes a la literatura infantil censurada en la última Dictadura Militar Argentina (1976-1983), identificados en las obras La torre de cubos, (1966), de Laura Devetach y Un elefante ocupa mucho espacio, (1975), de Elsa Bornemann, concretamente en los cuentos, “La planta de Bartolo”, de la primera escritora, y “Un elefante ocupa mucho espacio”, de la segunda. Seguiremos los principios y procedimientos teóricos y metodológicos del Análisis Crítico del Discurso propuesto por Fairclough (2003, 2016), Van Dijk (2015), Ramalho y Resende (2004, 2011) y Resistencia de Bosi (2002), Leite y André. (1986), respectivamente. El ACD, al ser un estudio interdisciplinario y trabajar con el lenguaje incrustado en las prácticas sociales, nos permite trabajar y articular las discusiones entre resistencia y discurso. Objetivamente, nuestro corpus se caracteriza por un lenguaje que incorpora formalmente los problemas sociales, en especial los vinculados al autoritarismo y la violencia, al mismo tiempo, las personas, también incorporan, una postura que resiste las prácticas dentro de este campo de relación social, literaria y discursiva.

  • The Social Representations of high school students sbout Urban Violence in
    the municipality of Igarapé Miri

  • Data: 24/01/2022
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  • The Violence is widespread in several sectors of society, in the municipality of Igarapé-Miri, in the interior of Pará, besides influencing the daily life of the city, it directly interferes in the routine of schools and in the construction of social representations that explain some ways of acting and think. That said, the present work has the general objective of: Understanding the social representations of high school students in the municipality of Igarapé-Miri about urban violence and its repercussions at school, and as specific objectives: Identify the meanings and meanings of social representations of high school students in the municipality of Igarapé-Miri; Investigate the influence of urban violence in schools; and Describe the development processes of social representations. The methodology adopted is based on a perspective of qualitative interdisciplinary studies (MINAYO; DESLANDES; GOMES, 2009) having as a data collection instrument: the questionnaire, and using as a method of analysis, content analysis based on Franco (2008). In theoretical terms, the understanding of social representations is based on Serge Moscovici (1978) and Jodelet (2001), in addition to authors such as Abramovay (2002), Priotto (2009), Ultramari (2019) and Agier (2011 [2009]) that support discussions about violence and cities. The partial results allow us to infer that the schools surveyed are affected by various forms of violence and that students represent violence by forms of physical and verbal aggression. In addition, the data presented already shows us that urban violence is responsible for the feeling of fear and insecurity generated in students, whether on the way to school, at school, or in the social spaces of the city.


  • Data: 22/12/2021
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  • It highlights the extent to which the extractive economic activity of babassu coconut has caused changes in the lives of extractive babassu coconut workers, in the socioeconomic context, in the community of Olho D'água in the municipality of São Miguel do Tocantins - TO, in order to contribute to improving the quality of life of these women. As well as the importance of women's participation in the extraction of babassu coconut in the state of Tocantins, since this activity is a source of income and subsistence for most families residing in the micro-region of Bico do Papagaio. Therefore, the objective of the research shows the history of women babassu coconut breakers in the community of Olho D'água, in terms of social representation, labor relations, gender, construction of identities, agrarian struggles, and union and union movements. aid such as the Interstate Movement of Babassu Coconut Quebradeiras (MIQCB). The method used was the conception of Dialectical Historical Materialism. Where he gave voice to the subject and considered the contradictory. Field data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews with open questions, as well as the application of a questionnaire, observations in the community, meetings with the women's group, walks and formal and informal conversations, in relation to the analysis of the research content used the method of Bardin (2004) is used to verify that the coconut breakers in the Olho D'água community make a living from picking, breaking and producing products from the babassu coconut, such as olive oil, charcoal, soap and handicrafts. The research finds the importance that extractive activity has and it is inserted in the cultural core of the population of communities in a very natural way, since this activity is performed by families from generation to generation, being a traditional extractive activity, thus living in Campo shows the actions of female participation in extractive activities and the meaning that these products bring to the lives of these women in the community and identifies the contribution and participation of women in the extractive economic activity of the babassu coconut, through the eyes of the subjects who live this reality . The activity in the community is carried out only by women, who are socially recognized for their work and have achieved their financial autonomy through extractive activities. Thus, it is clear that the extraction of babassu coconuts carried out by the breakers of the Olho D’água community changed the lives of these women, both in the social and economic context.


  • Data: 14/12/2021
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  • This research investigated the digital marketing strategies used in the Family Farming Fair of Abaetetuba profile on Facebook. The research context was a family farming fair in Abaetetuba, located in the Baixo Tocantins region of Pará, investigating the occurrence of digital marketing present in the “A-Feira Abaeté” profile on Facebook; configuring the search field as the virtual one. The methodology consisted in a Case Study on Facebook. The method used was Netnography with statistical support for processing the data collected from the Facebook profile. Data were collected in 192 posts, the period was from November 2017 to December 2019, classified into 26 categories, after being treated in the SAS statistical program, they were transformed into 4,992 data. The results from the research analysis were presented in tables and graphs, complemented with prints of some profile posts, to highlight the marketing occurrences in the studied categories. The present research demonstrated, as a result, positive and negative aspects in relation to the work to publicize the Fair on the social network. It points out possible strategies on how to better manage marketing on social media. Based on the theoretical concepts, data and research results presented, it is understood that the communication strategies used in "A-Feira Abaeté" were efficient, and that the digital marketing carried out on Facebook promoted product sales, as well as strengthened the farmers as a social group that carries out important work in the city of Abaetetuba. This work enabled greater visibility for the Fairs, pointing out their importance. The research had a social commitment to help groups of farmers who wish to sell their products directly to customers, using social networks as a dissemination channel, benefiting from their low cost.


  • Data: 17/11/2021
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  • This research analyzed the degree of action of the National Health Surveillance Policy (PNVSA) in a medium-sized municipality in Baixo Tocantins, Pará State, Brazil. The project of this research was approved by the Ethics and Research Committee of the Institute of Health Sciences (UFPA) with the number of opinions: 4,440,439 and was developed based on quantitative and qualitative approaches, based on methodological procedures: bibliographic, documentary and empirical research, with the collection of data in the field that occurred in December 2020 and January 2021 through the application of questionnaires and participant observation with the Municipal Secretary Health Coordinator and the coordinators of the different Surveillance, involving the dimension of management and execution of implementation activities. The data were analyzed based on the triangulation of methods and the univariate and multivariate statistics and the scores were obtained from the arithmetic mean. The results indicate that the degree of action of the Health Surveillance was classified as intermediate, while the Epidemiological Surveillance and Environmental Health Surveillance was insipid, and the action of the Worker's Health Surveillance (a) was nonexistent. Among the critical points for both, the sub-dimensions stand out: material and technological resources; information management, implementation of actions; monitoring and resolution by goals, and process management is the best evaluated indicator. The weaknesses observed are related to the lack of physical resources for administrative and field work, challenges in relation to the municipal VS database and the periodicity of mandatory actions and health promotion, which occur according to the conditions of the service, absence of internal evaluation and lack of direct communication channels with the population, in addition, the professionals were dissatisfied with the work. The data also show that there is a great technical and managerial challenge to conduct the policy and articulate with the different territories in the implementation of actions, and there is a need for multiple initiatives to enable it, such as the training of agents that allows a more adequate understanding of the policy, because there are several knowledges inherent to health surveillance that need to be worked on a logic of integration of these knowledges; more financial investments; elaboration and discussion of the goals together with the population so that they meet their anires and the real needs of the current context, monitoring and continuous evaluation to improve the effectiveness of the policy and ensure a more effective action in the dynamic and heterogeneous context that are the territories of the Amazon, being crucial the effective support of the local and state government for actions and transformations to take place in practice.



  • Data: 11/11/2021
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  • The debate on the issue of public policies for school inclusion is current and necessarily involves a broader reflection on the groups that have been located in the current discourses of social exclusion and a reflection on the issue of the right to education of groups that have been away from such a right. In this sense, this dissertation aimed to understand which inclusive educational public policies exist in the perspective of teaching the deaf in the city of Igarapé-Miri/PA. The research follows a qualitative approach (GÜNTER, 2006), as it is not our responsibility to make judgments or allow concepts already formed to influence the research. Taking into account that data collection techniques must be aligned with the research strategy, document analysis was used as a data collection technique (CELLARD 2008; HELDER, 2006). The theoretical framework of the work is based on studies on the right to inclusive education for deaf people and on public policies that include these subjects, especially the international, national and local regulations; public policies (CHRISPINO, 2016; DI GIOVANNI, 2009; MULLER; SUREAL, 2002); studies on school inclusion of the Deaf (GESSER. 2009; STROBEL 2009, 2018; VALSECCHI; MARTINS FILHO, 2020) among others. The Municipality, according to its regulations, has planned education to serve deaf students, and adhering to programs made available by the MEC as a promoter of inclusive special education for the deaf. The data obtained show that the Municipality of Igarapé-Miri was awarded the Inclusive Education Program: Right to Diversity, Accessible School and Program, Implementation of Multifunctional Resource Rooms Program, Accessible School Transport Program and PDDE Program - structure - accessibility and classroom resources, such programs were crucial for the Municipality to structure its public policy for inclusive education for the deaf. The survey showed that compared to the number of schools in the Municipal education system, there are few schools that have Specialized Educational services in Igarapé-Miri. Therefore, the creation of new Multifunctional Resource Rooms is necessary to serve more deaf students, especially in the rural area of the Municipality. The data showed that the municipality of Igarapé-Miri has few regulations that address the education of the deaf, however it is necessary to be aware of the school inclusion policies for the deaf as education is a dynamic process, requiring new organizations and local actions. to new questions from the deaf. Because the existence of legislation serves as an expansion of the possibility against exclusion.

  • FAMILY AGRICULTURE IN THE FOOD MARKET: an analysis of the National School Feeding Program (PNAE) in the municipality of Igarapé-Miri-PA

  • Data: 08/09/2021
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  • This research analyzed the national program of school feeding (NPSF) in the county of Igarapé-Miri – PA, Brazil, its possibilities and challenges in relation to the dynamic process of food acquisition from family farming. As it is considered a public policy by law 11.947/2009, which establishes that at least 30% from the value passed on by National education Fund to states, counties and the Federal District must be used obligatorily in the acquisition of food kinds that would come from family farming, since this public policy theoretically has sought to favor the family farming, the food production and distribution in a local and regional level, the sustainable rural development and the quality of school meals. In face of this, it looks for understand: How does it happen in the dynamic of acquisition of food from familiar farming to the NPSF in Igarapé-Miri? This way, the general goal is to analyze the National Program of school feeding in the county of Igarapé-Miri, Pará, its possibilities and challenges in relation to the dynamic process of acquisition of food from family farming. In the specific case of this research, it was chosen a qualitative approach, because of being an appropriate way to understand the nature of a social phenomenon, using as method of approach the study of case. Data collection and analysis occurred in at least two different moments: Before and during the pandemic of COVID-19. At first, were done interviews with social actors as well as visits and observations at local entities. At the second moment, it was applied an online form, through digital platforms to parents, managers, farmers and entities, in order to evaluate the first months of the program during the pandemic. Therefore, the data of this study shows the dynamic of this program in different moments. It was possible to understand that the county of Igarapé-Miri, during the observed time, had a lot of difficulties to execute the program, emphasizing that in the beginning of the pandemic, the program could not execute its dynamics. It was concluded that these difficulties are related to the public administration, to local political interests, to the excessive bureaucracy to the documentation of products and because of the lack of organization from the farmers, whether individually or collectively. And in the end, it is clear the importance of this program for both students that for many times have their main meal through school feeding and family farming because it is an important way of commercialization.


  • Data: 30/04/2021
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  • The research in question demonstrated how is the process of the arrival of the paraense railway and the forms of organization and resistance of the communities in the face of the project (Fepasa) that is in process, being this, a project strategically thought and articulated to meet the demands of logic outlets mercantilist. Therefore, the arrival of such a project is causing disagreements and conflicts between the population and the State, given that the communities elucidate that such action is imposing and without dialogue, in addition, they fear the possible occupation and usurpation of their territories, as well as the consequences for the Amazon and for traditional quilombola communities that will be directly affected, represented in this research by the África and Laranjituba communities, in which a large part of the trails will pass, being located in the region of Baixo Tocantins, belonging to the municipality of Abaetetuba-Pa. It is worth mentioning that the railway network has been growing in the last century as a result of the relationship established between the State and private capital, being a means of transport used for the transportation of goods and is well established in the discourse of socioeconomic development. In this perspective, the objective of the study sought to understand how traditional quilombola populations build the resistance process in the face of the imminent construction of the Paraense Railway. In addition, in order to carry out the research, we opted for the qualitative approach and the ethnographic method that enables the understanding of the relationships established within the imminent process of the Railway, by the way it is described, taking into account that in the Amazon there are subjects, with their most diverse cultures and with different manifestations, in territories demarcated by their identity actions. Based on the analyzes, we sought to understand the experiences, dynamics and relationships of resistance of the population towards / with the arrival of this enterprise in the region. Given the relevance of addressing the tensions generated by the aforementioned project, it was necessary to understand the duality existing in the space, its perspectives, challenges and actions that foster the struggles that emerged with the imminent arrival of the “Iron Dragon”, a name attributed to Ferrovia by inhabitants of the communities.

  • THE ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION POLICY FOR TERRITORIAL DYNAMICS: An analysis from a riverside community, Abaetetuba-PA.

  • Data: 29/04/2021
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  • This study has as its theme the Environmental Education Policy (EE) for the territorial dynamics analyzed from a riverside community (Ilhas de Abaetetuba-PA), among the aspects that institutionalize it for the socio-educational and territorial process. Because EE as public policy, educational and social practice aims to build a culture that understands nature and society from interconnected relationships, where individuals build values, knowledge, skills and attitudes aimed at environmental conservation, quality of life and sustainability, highlighting it as a training directed to the territory, due to daily life and belonging based on the reference in critical EE, the relations with the territory, schooling, experiences, dependencies and meanings. From a methodological point of view, this was conducted from a qualitative approach, using the Case Study as the method of investigation, the research techniques used were: the semi-structured interview, observations, bibliographical and documentary research. The field data were analyzed using the triangulation technique and the contribution of countless authors. As a result, it is pointed out that the documentary data are presented as guiding and structural axes of this policy when justifying its effectiveness and legitimacy through normative actions and guidelines for the development and implementation in basic education. And in a subjective character, the different perceptions about EE, the importance of school, environmental problems, stand out as an educational principle for socio-territorial relations, training in environmental education in teaching practice, interdisciplinarity and curriculum, as well as, its recognition between the limits and weaknesses as an educational and social practice in the context and reality of the riverside school experience. Therefore, Environmental Education projects new perspectives on territorial realities, and developing it as a teaching perspective in riverside communities enables new ways of interrelating with the territory, perceiving it, as indispensable for the production of knowledge, through a dialogical, formative and emancipatory teaching towards territorial dynamics, represented in the possibilities of approach when moving through knowledge in relation to difficulties and challenges, becoming effective as a socio-environmental right in the floodplain.


  • Data: 08/04/2021
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  • The research has as its object of study the effectiveness of the Pact for Education Policy for the formative process in a high school in the municipality of Moju / PA. Thus, it seeks to answer the problem: How are the founding elements of the Pact for Education policy implemented in the public high school located in the municipality of Moju / Pará? Its general objective: To analyze the effectiveness of the Pact for Education policy in the provision of high school in a public school located in Moju / PA. The specific objectives aim to: Identify the legal guidelines and the theoretical and methodological principles of the policy of the Pact for Education for High School; Analyze the effectiveness of the Pact for Education in the School's Pedagogical Political Project and the materiality of this policy in the voices of school subjects (management team, teachers and students). Based on the theoretical-methodological reference of dialectics and qualitative research, bibliographical research on public policies was developed, based on the theoretical basis of Hofling, Dourado, Arroyo, Lima and Muller. In order to emphasize the references of public educational policies, focusing on the scope of Formation and High School, theoretical support from authors such as Nascimento, Krawczyk, Frigotto, Carneiro and Antunes was used. Concomitant documentary research was carried out on legal instruments of the Pact for Education Policy in Pará, on legal references of basic education at the federal and state level: Law No. 9.394 / 1996 (LDB / 1996), Law No. 13.005 / 2014 (PNE / 2014) , Law No. 8,186 / 2015 (PEE / 2015), Law No. 844/2010 (PME Moju / PA) and standardization of education in the institutional space: Political Pedagogical Project of the School (PPP / 2010), complemented by interviews with the team manager and teachers; and focus group with students from the third year of high school. The analysis was anchored in elements of content analysis, from three categories emanating from the object for the understanding that was intended to establish on the effectiveness of the Pact Policy in the High School stage: continuity of studies, citizen activity, and possibility for occupation of jobs, which emerged from the apprehension about the policy of the Pact and the legal reference constituting the reference matrix of the analyzes undertaken in this study. The research shows that the principles of the Pact's policy focus on market aspects and does not focus on training in a citizen perspective, as its central idea is to train, through EM, low-cost labor to meet the needs of the market, as well as no theoretical-methodological traces were identified that envisage the effectiveness of the Pact's policy in the pedagogical proposal of the investigated school. Thus, the Pact's policy takes on a contradictory bias in its materialization, since it is not successful, it does not guarantee investments, inputs, actions or projects in the school towards the consolidation of what is its central element - the attendance of the student. Marketplace.

  • Conflict mediation: weaving theoretical paths between conflict and school violence, writing potentialities.

  • Data: 25/02/2021
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  • Having as a common thread the mediation of conflicts in its relation with the school, the dissertation weaves a theoretical path that peremeates diverse categories of analysis, among them violence and conflict, leading to the conclusion potentially by the systematization of mediation in its practical applicability in the school space. It aims to contribute to the perspective of conflict mediation, as a bet of a distinct pedagogical and educational practice, which can help in the treatment of conflicts and mitigation of violence in school spaces. Opposing to the use of repressive, authoritarian and punitive methods in the school space, clings to a different paradigm in the approach and management in the social treatment of conflicts. It is based on the principles of a culture of peace, empowerment and dialogue between human beings. It provides opportunities for the creation of listening space, expressing and building dialogue, for the openness expression of the words of the subjects involved. Having a democratic, pedagogical and preventive character, values that move towards the reaffirmation of human rights, it becomes an emancipatory experience of communicative action in society, with the maturation of own citizenship. To this end, the present work uses the hypothetical deductive method as an approach methodology, developing on prepositions that are believed to be viable and feasible in the Amazonian soil of Baixo Tocantins. Regarding the techniques, it integrates bibliographic and documentary research. The analysis is subsidized, bibliographically, by the theoretical foundations and central contributions of the following visited authors: regarding restorative practices, including conflict mediation, by Antônio Ozório Nunes (2019), Malvina Ester Muszkat (2008), Marcelo Rezende Guimarães (2005) , Carlos Eduardo de Vasconcelos (2008). Regarding conflict and violence, including the school environment, it brings theoretical support from Álvaro Chrispino (2002, 2007), Miriam Abramovay (2003, 2019), Nilia Viscardi (1999), Bernard Charlot (2002). As for post-modernity, in order to situate the school in the present time, it discusses under the light of the thinker Zygmunt Bauman (1999, 2001). Supported by Paulo Freire's thought, (1986) it enters the perspective of dialogical action, present in conflict mediation, with subsidiary support from other authors. In a perspective of an interdisciplinary approach, in view of the complexity of liquid or postmodern society, of the phenomena and categories under analysis: conflict, violence, dialogue and conflict mediation - holders of social, historical and subjective roots - it is proposed to dialogue with the Pedagogy, Law, Sociology, Philosophy and other knowledge, highlighting the dimensionality of an interdisciplinary look. From the discussions presented, through theoretical and documentary references, at a conclusive level, we will seek to point out restorative practices, especially conflict mediation, as an alternative method of fostering a culture of social pacification, with an emancipatory purpose, transformative and liberating. The term of this path is woven like a possibility that breaks with an old archetype of punishment and authoritarianism, overcoming binary and dichotomous logic, transmuting the school spaces of bureaucrats into potential democratic spaces.

  • Socio-educational Measures and Adolescents: Materialization of Public Policies in the Municipality of Igarapé-Miri / PA

  • Data: 25/09/2020
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  • The Statute of Children and Adolescents [Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (1990)] considers adolescents, for legal purposes, those aged between 12 and 18 years old; if they commit an infraction, socio-educational measures are applied, without prejudice to their protection. In view of this, the object of this study are the referred norms, and the subjects, adolescents in conflict with the law who comply socio-educational measures of assisted freedom at the Specialized Reference Center for Social Assistance [Centro de Referência Especializado da Assistência Social (CREAS)] in Igarapé-Miri (PA, Brazil). The general objective of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the work of CREAS and the school in the conduct of socio-educational measures of assisted freedom, and as specific objectives: to understand the legal frameworks of public policies and the performance of education and social assistance professionals who serve to the demand in focus, and to analyze the speeches of the subjects involved in the execution and repercussion of the socio-educational measures (teachers, pedagogical coordinators, social workers and adolescents) as a possibility of social reintegration. The research is theoretically anchored in Baratta (1997), Freire (2005), Julião (2010), Liberatti (2003), Lima (2007), Sá (2005), among others. The adopted methodology is qualitative, of descriptive/explanatory type, having its method guided in the dialectical conception and the theoretical frame of reference, in the historical materialism. It adopts as instruments for data collection, the direct and individual observation and the semi-structured interview. The results show that the implementation and effectiveness of the regulations, by schools and CREAS, lacks intersectoral relations, which does not occur naturally and extensively in the municipality. The socio-educational policies instituted in Igarapé-Miri present weaknesses of various kinds, resulting in precarious socio-educational assistance to adolescents in conflict with the law. Professionals work with what is within their reach, because they are not given the minimum conditions to carry out social, educational, cultural, sports, leisure, professional work, among others, which presents effectiveness in the process of reintegrating to the society. The speeches of the professionals point out that the main responsible for social reintegration would be the family, however, they do not exempt the responsibility of the State and civil society in this process; while the speeches of the adolescents indicate that education can constitute itself as a mean of accessing and building the perspective of a promising future, of a social, academic life project and of changing the current reality. Through the analyzes and notes made, we can conclude that the means of reintegrating the adolescent into society are challenging, however, they are not impossible, if the social institutions (State, family and civil society) assume their roles in a committed way with the social well-being of these subjects, with the work in partnership, seeking the psychosocial strengthening of these young people and their promotion as people and citizens. It is a responsibility of the State to offer concrete means of combating school dropout, enabling continuing education for professionals in Education and Social Assistance, ensuring an adequate physical, pedagogical and human resources (multidisciplinary team) infrastructure, creating and developing sports, culture, health projects, professionalization and leisure in order to avoid the recurrence of infractions and to favor social reintegration.


  • Data: 28/08/2020
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  • The PNAIC – National Pact for Literacy in the Right Age was launched in 2012 through a formal commitment made by the Federal, Federal District, State and Municipal Governments, in order to ensure the full literacy of all children in the literacy cycle until the age of eight. The actions of the Pact were centered on four axes of action, with the Continuing Education of Literacy Teachers being the main and greatest wide axis. In this context, the objective of this essay is to analyze the contribution of the Continuous Training of the PNAIC in the Training of Literacy Teachers, aiming to obtain a more critical understanding about the training structures that the governmental spheres have ensured to the teaching professionals of the municipal education network of Abaetetuba. For this, bibliographic research and field research were developed, which are theoretically anchored in: Apple (2005), Shiroma (2011), Vieira (2003), Oliveira (2009), Gatti (2019; 2009), Dubar (1997), Tardif (2014), Lüdke (1986), Chizzotti (2001) and others. The methodology used was the case study, from a qualitative approach, the method is based on dialectical conception and the theoretical framework of reference in historical materialism. The instrument for data collection of the field research went to the semi-structured interview with six literacy teachers from the Maria Zaíde Cardoso Municipal School. The object of study is based on the conceptions of literacies about the formations of the PNAIC. As a result of the research,, it is concluded that in the Program the continuing education is based on formative policies of instrumental technical character guided by a compensatory view of training, which aims only to mitigate gaps left in the formative path of professionals in the initial series of education. In this context, when assuming a model of technical rationality, it outlines a conception of teaching mediated by principles of productivity, that is, teaching and curriculum are seen as activities planned to achieve certain results and products, reducing professional practice to instrumental solutions of problems. The research showed that the formations because they are disconnected with the specific reality of literacy teachers caused a clash between the knowledge of training and the knowledge of the profession, fostering a culture of dependence that conditions the actions of teachers, leading them to perform their pedagogical work through instruments predefined by others, reducing their autonomy to a set of skills and rules that must be followed. In this perspective, through research it is inferred that more than the creation of Teacher Training Programs, it is necessary to consider the territoriality of teachers, given that they are professionals with knowledge and identities, socially constructed with intimate interconnection with the various situations of their work environment.


  • Data: 20/06/2020
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  • This research has as object of study the culture of resistance in the quilombola community Nossa Senhora das Graças in Moju-PA, evaluating its political and symbolic dimensions. It describes the cultural processes that exist in the community, analyzing the extent to which they reflect or not the sense of a culture of resistance, with representations through memory, the quotidian and their webs of social life as the guiding thread. It seeks to show how these processes are conceived in the studied context. In addition to identifying the existing relationships between countryside-city with regard to interrelationships, interactions, differences and complementarities and whether such relationships interfere in this culture of resistance. It is also intended to point out the discursive aspects, as well as affirmative actions that inform about the constitution of an identity of resistance in the place. As a method, we opted for ethnographic qualitative and interdisciplinary research developed based on observation, bibliographic research, photographic records and open interviews. Theoretical contribution was made by the authors Geertz (1989), Bourdieu (2007), Cunha (1986), Bosi (1997), Le Goff (1997), Pollak (1992), Faoro (1997), Foucault (1996, 1997) Hall (2011), Castells (2018), Pesavento (2004), Sacramento (2007), Saquet (2009), among others. The results of the investigation revealed that there are different forms of resistance to the invasion of agro-industrial projects and the interaction between the countryside and the city, such as interference in people's way of life, violence, lack of reparative assistance from companies and the public authorities to the damage caused to the environment. environment and local communities. In this context, the community reacts by strengthening its tradition through practices aimed at raising awareness and caring for the territory, treating it as a space for cultural reproduction that through collective organization and political participation (meetings, lectures, forums, seminars, actions reparatory judicial proceedings) seek to reinforce the local ethnic identity characterized as remaining quilombolas.

  • Data: 17/06/2020
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  • The object of this dissertation is the teaching identities reflected in the pedagogical practices of teachers graduating from the Proinfo Integrated Program training, which was constituted by the need to understand how professional identities are constituted from training through government programs in public schools of basic education in Brazil . The objective established for this understanding is to analyze the relationship between pedagogical practice and the constitution of teaching identities based on the formations of the Integrated Proinfo Program. Specific objectives were also established in order to understand the information produced. They are: To analyze the influences of the training processes of the Integrated Proinfo Program on teachers' practices; Reflect the types of identities that Proinfo courses are creating for teachers; Examine whether the training offered by the Department of Education through the Educational Technology Center addresses the needs of teachers from the state network in the municipality of Abaetetuba. The discussions held could rely on theoretical contributions from authors such as Hal (1999), Levy (2010), Castels (2000), who supported the reflections on the socio-cultural transformations of postmodern society, Kenski (2009), Freire (2007) , Costa (2009) on the importance of educational technologies in the teaching / learning process, Tardif (2014), on pedagogical knowledge: Morin (2014), regarding technological knowledge and Silva (2000) and Castels (2018 ) who contributed to the discussions on the constitution of identities, Paraíso (2007), Rosi (2001), Larrosa (2008) and Silva (2001, 2008) who contributed to the reflections on subjectivation, among others mentioned throughout the work. Dialogging with the theoretical framework presented, I used netnography as method, Kozinets (2014) and Hine (2005), which are based on this methodology is the observation of virtual records, the writing and translation of the information produced. As a result, I indicate that the formations of the Proinfo Program produced new professional identities. the understanding of their realities in the media society and the presence of ICT in both the domestic and educational spheres; teachers also interact and weave relationships in cyberspace through their social networks; changes in pedagogical practices that are now concerned with articulating the use of ICT with the student's daily media in a somewhat safer way. But it is necessary to point out the challenges faced by these teachers in the search for technological knowledge, which are configured in problems of structural and logistical orders. Despite the government initiative to encourage the insertion of ICT in the exercise of teaching, the specific needs of teachers from the city of São Paulo were not considered, thus, it is registered that technological development did not meet the local pedagogical problems satisfactorily, so that there is still an absence of continuing training in order to align pedagogical practice, the use of ICT and the teaching-learning process to promote a quality educational process.

  • Data: 28/02/2020
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  • This Dissertation (under construction) analyzes the discursive forms that aim to constitute the identity of a healthy student in the School Health Progam (PSE). Biopolitcs devices and governmentality practices used as a strategy of governance, conduct and control of juvenile bodies are investigated. To this end, the question that guides the research is: How does a governmental, intersectoral policy, activivates the Knowledge of education and health as a strategy of conduct and control, constitutes the discourse of governmentality of children and youth bodies? The general objective is to analyze health promotion strategies articulated to medical knowledge in a school environment for the conduct and control of children’s bodies. As a development of the guiding question, we present theoretical contributions about the elaboration and constitution of the PSE (documents), discoursing the concepts of practices, biopolitics and governmentality, analyzing in the selected documents how the discourses of healthy students are produced and engendered. This study will discuss these issues from the foucaultian theoretical-methodological contributions, archaeogenealogica analysis emphasizing the micropowers preset in all relations, a plurality of forms of governments in (co)existence with the biopolitical device for the practice of practices discursive and non-discursive of the governmentality. Besides Foucault (1996,2004,2006, 20008a,2008b, 2011, 2016, 2017). WeworkedwithOrtega (2004, 2008), Ortega; Zorzanelli (2010), Donzelot, (2001), Costa (2004), Portocarrero (2009), Veiga-Neto (2003). From Michel Foucault’s archeogenealogy, the bibliographic and documentary method is applied in this research. The main documents analyzed are the materials (textbooks, books and manuals) built by the Ministry of Health and Education to used by the PSE in the integral formation of students of basic education. From the analysis of the documents the dissertation proposed in this study is that life in a program tries to “brake” the resistances present in power relation, but can.


  • Data: 28/02/2020
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  • Dissertation that problematizes the school bathroom as a heterotopic territory of desiredevices. In view of this problem, I propose, as a general objective, to analyze which practicesand strategies of power the school normalizes in the bathrooms and in the bodies to controlthe students' desires. I bring as guiding questions of the research: What strategies are used sothat the school bathroom serves as a device for normalizing the body and desire? By whatsubversive forms do sexual desires get fixed in the trans(ins)crições of the schoolbathrooms? Which lines of flight are drawn by the micropolitics of (a) normalization ofdesire? Five were the state public schools of elementary and high school that participated inthe research, since five other schools denied their participation in carrying out the research intheir school units. In all schools, male and female bathrooms were visited (all designedaccording to cis / hetero norms) and according to reports from employees who followed theresearch, the trans(ins)crições messages written on the bathroom walls were made by studentswho do use of said sites. Although the bathrooms are spaces that are under constantsurveillance (FOUCAULT, 1987; BENTHAM, 2008), the trans(ins)crições that are made inthem occur frequently and express dissenting desires and sexualities (BUTLER, 2016;PRECIADO, 2014), that escape the hetero/cis norms of expressing sexual desires andconstitute micropolitics (GUATTARI; ROLNIK, 1996, GUATARRI, 1985) of the ass. Duringtrips/visits to school toilets, photographic records of messages, text and drawings were made,which were written in the referred territories. The theoretical framework of the cartographywas composed by the authors, such as: Deleuze e Guattarri (2011,1996); Rolnik (2016), Silva(2015), Foucault (2014, 1998, 1979), Barbosa (1986), Machado (2009). At the end of theresearch, I point to displacements that the entries of this cartographic map traced, in thebiographical perspective, for Artistar new lives and (in) conclude that the trans(ins)critasmessages written in the school bathrooms ensure the anonymity of the exposure of the desiresthat trace rhizomes of other desires and new ways of existing and experiencing life and itsdesires.


  • Data: 28/02/2020
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  • The proposed theme presents the television media as a device that helps build young adult‟s subjectivities, aiming to analyze how the young people from Carmem Cardoso Ferreira State School are influenced and resist the concept of black female characters portrayed in the Brazilian telenovela Malhação Vidas Brasileiras. Therefore, the following question is posed: how to analyze the way students of Carmem Cardoso Ferreira State School are influenced by and resist the concept of black female characters portrayed in the Brazilian telenovela Malhação Vidas Brasileiras? The research‟s problematic was broken down into three leading questions: which techniques are activated by the television media to give visibility to the black female characters the program focus on? How is the black young female portrayed on Malhação? How the students of Carmem Cardoso Ferreira State School are influenced and resist the telenovela‟s discourse? Considering the main aim, the secondary aims were elaborated: to identify which techniques are activated by the mediatic device to give visibility to black female characters; to map out how the young black female appear discursively within the Malhação program; to problematize how the young people from the State School are influenced and resist the concept of black female characters portrayed in the telenovela. As a methodological procedure, some Foucaultian tools from his arch genealogical method are used, focusing on historical processes of subjective constitution. The aforementioned reflection was based on the following texts: Foucault (1979, 1984, 2004, 2005, 2006 e 2008), to analyze the scenes where the black female characters named Dandara, Talíssia and Jade are the protagonists and also the answers of the young students who were interviewed at the school. To start the discussions, the program‟s weekly episodes were recorded and then watched during the weekend. To analyze the techniques used to fabricate youth in the media and on the telenovela, the authors used were Kellner (2001), Fischer (2001, 2012), Veiga-Neto (2003), Courtine (2013), Canevacci (2005), Coimbra, Bocco and Nascimento (2005). To analyze the program‟s characters, the authors chosen are the ones which emphasize the intersection of race, gender, and class, such as Del Priore (2004, 2011), Davis (2016), Hooks (2014, 2017), Gonzalez (1982, 1984), Bilge (2015), Crenshaw (2002), Akotirene (2019). The analysis of the program indicated a continued change in the way black female characters are fabricated. They are put in the spotlight but some historical stereotypes are reinforced. The information analyzed in the course of the dissertation signal to what is called “boundaries subjectivities” as the young people live in the tension between discourses marked by coloniality and contemporary discussions led by black feminist movements that problematize the intersection or markers that accentuate prejudice.


  • Data: 27/02/2020
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  • Esta tesis de maestría presenta el siguiente problema de pesquisa: cómo ocurre la constitución de las identidades de los estudiantes del curso de Letras-Español, del Campus de Abaetetuba, de la Universidade Federal do Pará? Considerando eso, el objeto de estudio es la constitución de identidades, y el objetivo general es analizar la constitución de las identidades de los estudiantes del curso de Letras-Español, del Campus de Abaetetuba, de la Universidade Federal do Pará. Los objetivos específicos son: cartografiar los elementos culturales que constituyen  las identidades de los alumnos del curso de Letras-Español; mapear las identidades estudiantiles constituidas en el curso de Letras-Español; hacer una reflexión de las identidades de los estudiantes del curso de Letras-Español, a partir de los elementos que la constituyen. Para el abordaje teórico sobre Identidades, cultura y Estudios Culturales utilizaré autores como Hall (2003,2006), Da Silva (2003), Larraín (2005), Williams (1992), Eagleton (2011), Woodward (2003), Escosteguy (2004), e Johnson (2004). Realicé  pesquisa etnográfica por siete meses, en el abordaje postmoderna de Clifford (2016, 2002), desarrollando la observación participante en el curso de Letras-Español, Campus de Abaetetuba/UFPA, y las conversaciones con un grupo de alumnos de los años 2016 y 2017. Como resultado, tengo que las identidades de esos estudiantes se constituyen por medio de muchos elementos culturales como la música, los videos, sin embargo la literatura se destaca con mayor frecuencia en este proceso, principalmente la feminista y de resistencia, pues permite conocer más la sociedad en que viven, particularmente los problemas de la diferencias culturales a las condiciones femenina, los volviendo críticos, reflexivos y tolerantes, y este aspecto tiene efectos en su formación como profesores de lenguas.

  • CULTURAL TENSIONS AROUND IDENTITIES IN BASIC SCHOOL: cultural formation for another art to be

  • Data: 21/02/2020
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  • The object of study of this dissertation is the cultural tensions in the school, which was produced through Post-modern the ethnographic experience based on James Clifford (2014, 2016), which starts from the notion of culture as plural, contested, produced in the middle power relations and has as a norm participant observation, conversations, writing and translation of information produced in the field of research. The ethnography was developed for six months, in the afternoon, at the State School of Elementary and High School Professor Bernardino Pereira de Barros, Abaetetuba, State of Pará. The interlocutors are a group of teachers and students of the Institution. Throughout the field experience, the problem was reformulated and the objectives rewritten based on the information produced. Thus, the research problem is expressed through the following questions: What cultural tensions are evidenced in everyday relationships at school? What is the attitude of teachers in the face of these tensions? How can Cultural Teacher Education contribute to another art of being a school? The central objective is to analyze the relationship between cultural tensions and cultural teacher education; the specific objectives are: to map cultural tensions in the daily relations of the State School of Elementary and Secondary Education Professor Bernardino Pereira de Barros; analyze the attitude of teachers in the face of such tensions; and to analyze the contribution of cultural formation to another art of being in school. The central objective is to analyze the relationship between cultural tensions and cultural teacher education; the specific objectives are: to map cultural tensions in the daily relations of the State School of Elementary and Secondary Education Professor Bernardino Pereira de Barros; analyze the postures of teachers in the face of such tensions; and to analyze the contribution of cultural formation to another art of being. The theoretical contribution is situated in the field of Cultural Studies, in the theory of Latin American Decolonial Studies and Critical Interculturality with the central contributions of the following authors: Hall (1997, 2015, 2018); Silva (2014); Bhabha (2014); Canclini (2014, 2015,); Pérez Gómez (2001); Giroux (1999, 1997); Maclaren (2000); Imbernón (2000); Walsh (2007, 2009); Palermo (2014); Quijano (2005); Maldonado-Torres (2008); Castro-Gómez (2007, 2005) and Candau (2003, 2010, 2008). As a result, the research points out the following: there are cultural tensions in the school that demonstrate discrimination and inferiority in relation to gender, sexual, ethnic and linguistic identities which are naturalized and made invisible by the teachers; the teachers' attitude is one of inertia and indifference in the face of these problems because they are not prepared to intervene affirmatively on them and work with differences; in view of this, cultural teacher education is an imperative in the sense of training them so that they can act as cultural workers through the ethics of difference and decolonize pedagogical thinking and practices. Acting through the ethics of difference and decoloniality, it is possible to create another art of Being.


  • Data: 21/02/2020
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  • Taking into account that the Critical Discourse Analysis proposal is interested in the study of social problems, which can be partially sustained by discourse, the inclusion thematic of deafs at university finds a fruitful way for this articulation. Principally when it is about understanding the object of study of this research, that is the professors discourse about the inclusion of these subjects, who historically were invisibilized and stigmatized, nowadays they occupy their social place at university, they enter social spaces that had never been dreamed before. Before the fact of insertion of deaf people at university, it aims to investigation to analyse the representation about the inclusion of deaf students, materialized discursively by professors. As specifics objetives it intends to: verify how the professors identify and represent the deaf person in their discursive manifestations; understand how the insertion of deaf people at university reflets in the professor work and finally, verify how it reproduces or discursively minimizes the inclusion of deaf people at university. The research is based on Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) theoretically and methodologically. The theoretical bases of CDA finds references in Fairclough (2001; 2003) Chouliaraki e Fairclough (1999); Resende (2009); Resende e Vieira (2006; 2016), who consider the discourse as integral part of social practice. For the discussion about identities we are based on Hall (2006), Castells (2001), Silva (2000), Woodward (2000). Thompson (2011), in his turn, contributes to the postulates about ideology. For the reflections about the inclusion of deaf people, Skliar (1997; 2003; 2013); Lacerda (2000; 2014), Quadros (2004; 2008), Perlin (2003) contribute. It is a qualitative research, which has the critical discourse analysis as methodology of analysis of data, to try to understand the investigate object. The locus of research was UFPA – Abaetetuba Campus, the subjects of research were some professors of Pedagogy course. The data collection instruments were interview and observation, plus some field notes. The results indicate that professors don‟t feel sufficiently prepared to act with deaf students. In this sense, the professional interpreter is identified as a key figure to ensure communication accessibility of deaf people. Professors understand that inclusion is important in academia, but affirm the need for continued training.


  • Data: 20/02/2020
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  • The production of açaí (Euterpe oleraceae Mart.), Has significantly contributed to the distribution of income among riverside families in several municipalities in northeastern Pará. Açaí, in addition to being an extremely important source of income for being the basis of the economy in the state of Pará, is also an indispensable product for the food of the people of Pará, as it is a fruit rich in proteins, fibers, lipids and vitamins. Also known for being the second largest antioxidant in existence, açaí has a good amount of phosphorus, iron and calcium. With so many benefits açaí has become a product of great importance which has contributed to its expansion and export on a large scale. The state of Pará is positioned as the main producer, consumer and exporter of the product, which among other factors has great cultural value in the region and due to its nutraceutical qualities, demand has grown in Brazil and worldwide. The municipality of Igarapé Miri is one of the main producers in the state, with about 28% of production, becoming the main product of the floodplain. However, this immense production has contributed to social, economic and environmental transformations, providing a new form of social organization in riverside communities. Care needs to be taken, as large-scale expansion can hide high risks in the medium and long term. Thus, this research had as main objective to analyze the socio-environmental changes in the floodplain of the municipality of Igarapé-Miri, observed from the expansion of the production of açaí in the region of Baixo Tocantins, through the eyes of the subjects who experience this reality. The research method used was qualitative, through a case study. The collection of field data was carried out through semi-structured interviews with open and closed questions, application of forms, observations, formal and informal conversations, and meeting with the focus group for the creation of mind maps. The results show the difficulties, struggles and transformations that occurred in the Igarapé-Miri floodplain from the decline of sugarcane to the consolidation and expansion of açaí production and the main socio-spatial, socio-economic and socio-environmental transformations observed by social subjects touch the riverside territory. The results show the difficulties, struggles and transformations that occurred in the Igarapé-Miri floodplain from the decline of sugarcane to the consolidation and expansion of açaí production and the main socio-spatial, socio-economic and socio-environmental transformations observed by social subjects touch the riverside territory. It was concluded that the expansion of açaí production is extremely important for the local population and propels a series of transformations that impacted the social, economic, cultural and environmental fields of Miriense territory. This is a very important achievement for the comfort and survival of families, so it is necessary that care be taken so that it does not get lost over time, just as happened with other cultures in the Amazon.


  • Data: 31/10/2019
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  • This thesis aims to analyze the narrative of the play A Ilha da Ira (1976), by João de Jesus Paes Loureiro, and its intertextual relationship observed in the construction of the character a “Velha”, and with the historical context of the Military Dictatorship in Brazil. Brazil, marked by the use of state violence and fear as instruments of domination - physical and psychological - as a mechanism of repression and incarceration to resistance contrary to the authoritarian power of the character. We assume that this character understands the stereotypes that demarcate a dictator's own profile (dictatorship). To account for this hypothesis, we make use of two formulations for narrative analysis, namely: history and fiction and the real and the imaginary. In relation to history-fiction the narrative dialogues with a set of references to authoritarianism in the Amazon - the Cabanagem uprising - and the 1964 Military Civil Dictatorship; In the real-imaginary relationship, the intertextual dialogue with elements of classical mythology and legendary mythology stands out. In this way, we consider some theoretical questions, to understand the study about violence and fear and its ramifications in the process of understanding and analysis of the narrative.


  • Data: 24/09/2019
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  • This work makes a comparative study between the works “Belém do Grão-Pará” and “Passagem dos Inocentes” of Dalcídio Jurandir. In which, we look to verify how these works dialogue with the social reality of the first half of the twentieth century, considering the conflicts of the main character, Alfredo, when arriving and living in the city of Belém. The contact with new city environments showing the anguish and anxieties of the character according to the perception of the city and the individuals. Observing the conflicts that guide the romances, we seek to understand how the narrator represents the ruined Amazon universe after the economic decline produced by the end of the rubber cycle (1879-1912). Thus, we seek to verify how this narrative dialogues with the social reality from the city of Belém, once we will observe the social and economic reflexes inherent to the poorer social level. The individuals will be analyzed, divided between the dazzle before the attractions and the strangeness regarding the main problems of the city. To persue such considerations we will use as a reading keys the ideas of Charles Baudelaire the “Flâneur”, Flávia Gieseler and Tânia Sarmento-Pantoja about figure of the aggregate. Our view turns especially the children in the Alcântara’s family house in “Belém do Grão Pará” and Dona Celeste in “Passage dos Inocentes”.

  • TERRITORIES IN RESISTANCE IN THE SOCIAL WORLD OF VÁRZEA: the social cartography of the riverside and quilombolas of Xingu Island / PA

  • Data: 17/06/2019
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  • The study takes an approach on the collective identities and resistance of the riverside people, in their process of territorialization. It deals with socio-environmental transformations in these riverside areas of the floodplain that makes up the insular part of the municipality of Abaetetuba in the state of Pará, specifically the PAE Santo Afonso on Xingu Island, affected since the 1980s with the construction of large infrastructure projects such as the Tucuruí Hydroelectric Power Plant (UHT) and the Albras / Alunorte industrial and port complex in Barcarena, and currently, with the possibility of constructing a TUP Private Use Port Terminal by the North American company Cargill Agrícola SA Its main objective is to analyze the socio-environmental transformations that threaten territorial rights and the ways of life of the social agents that make the várzea a social world. Being an interdisciplinary research seeks to integrate territorial and environmental issues with the social and human sciences, based on the concepts of socio-environmental conflict (ACSELRAD, 2010), specific territoriality and devastation (ALMEIDA, 2014). Methodologically, the ethnography of this process was put at the center of territorial disputes, collective identities, in its struggle against the State and the great enterprises. And to represent these territorialities, cartographic representation was used through social cartography, because in order to face these disputes in the power game, collectives use it as a defense strategy for their territories, and thus, social cartography is crosses these disputes at stake, and becomes an instrument of political and identity valorization. It is concluded that there is a convergence of interests among development actors, which does not dialogue with the interests of traditional peoples and communities. These affirmations can be observed more closely in the edition of the laws, which has as major beneficiaries the great agribusiness companies worldwide and business groups that are territorialized in this region of the Low Tocantins, which have deterritorialized and unstructured ways of life of peoples and communities in the social world of the Abaetetuba floodplain.


  • Data: 23/05/2019
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  • This dissertation makes a comparative study between the myth of the "Boiúna Luna" fourth chapter of the Macunaíma rhapsody, the hero with no character and the legends about the "Big Snake" present in the collective memory of the city of Barcarena - Pará. My objective is to analyze the real contribution of the oral Amazonian culture for the constitution of the Andradina work and for the Amazonian Macunaíma.For that, I consider the oral narratives about the Big Snake that permeate the Amazonian imaginary of the region of Baixo Tocantins as a fundamental factor, and take as a basis some theories of different areas of knowledge such as: Anthropology, Literature and Philosophy. Initially I try to understand in a more general sense the relation between: Mythology, Memory, Imaginary, Culture and Identity with Andrades narrative and Brazilian Modernism. From this, I analyze in the work the peculiarities that characterize the Amazonian Macunaíma, giving emphasis to the Amazonian myths and the rich system of representation of the Amazonian cities. The Amazon is the mirror of this wandering hero, Emperor of the virgin Mato, Tapanhunas by birth who lives his adventures and peripécias through the Amazonian myths, among them the Boiúna myth that moves a cycle of significant events in the work, this time Macunaíma to follow his saga in search of the muiraquitã, also follows the traces left by the snake,because she is in everything, in the rivers, the forest, the memory, the social imaginary and the culture.

  • Affirmative actions and the challenges of quilombola students for their stay in the Federal University of Pará: what the protagonists say

  • Data: 04/04/2019
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  • The text presents a result of the master's research that has as main objective to analyze how the identity and the struggle for the permanence of the quilombola students in the Federal University of Pará (Ufpa) - Campus Guamá that entered this institution through affirmative actions with the reservation of vacancy for quilombolas in the period from the first semester 2013 to the first semester of 2018. And to achieve the main objective the purpose was defined as specific objectives: a) To make a brief survey on the affirmative action policy in Brazil and the implantation in the Ufpa; b) To discuss from the trajectory of the quilombola students of the Ufpa as it happens the recognition and the re / affirmation of the quilombola identity in the space of the University; c) To point out how the quilombola students organize themselves to guarantee the permanence in the Ufpa. It is a qualitative study whose data collection techniques include the documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews carried out with the universe of quilombola students enrolled and also of teachers who submitted the affirmative action proposal of UFPA and as methodology we have the ethnography focused on the participant observation and interviews that occurred during the field research in the period from October 2017 to June 2018 and from November and December 2018. Using the theoretical contributions of the main scholars that address the questions concerning the investigated object, being they : Geertz (2014), Cardoso de Oliveira (2000). In addition, to understand how the relations that involve the identity made use of the studies of Gomes (2005), Silva (2000), Hall (2000), Almeida (2002), and for understanding about affirmative actions and permanence we use Beltrão (2011 , 2013), Piovesan (2008), God (2008) and Santos (2009). However, the entrance, identity and permanence of the quilombola students in the university space become challenging for those subjects who begin to learn, to experience and to exchange different perspectives, conceptions and experiences. The current demands of the quilombola students who enter the Federal University of Pará through the reservation of places require a greater commitment of the institution with the institutional policies of permanence for these students. Thus, the university needs to be a space for the formation of these subjects so that they fight and make a confrontation against symbolic violence and invisibility through society, because it is not only a question of entering and completing the course, but through the process of formation of these social subjects and also that the university can provide other non-Quilombola students with antiracist actions and practices that allow an integration between these groups.


  • Data: 31/03/2019
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  • The State of Pará, specifically the Municipality of Abaetetuba presents a very peculiar political, economic, cultural, territorial, social and educational reality, the hydrographic network is very vast, navigable in almost all extension, it registers in the municipality the existence of forests of terra firme and floodplain forests. Thus, studying a territory so diverse requires the conceptualization of territory, culture, identity and state to understand what is public policy, so the objective of the work was to analyze the implementation of professional education policy in the IFPA-Campus of Abaetetuba and the contributions in the riverside community of the Genipauba River to verify how educational policies are fulfilling their purpose of vocational training that meet the local demands. The methodology of the study included interviews with the coordinator of the fishing course and with three teachers directly linked to the course researched, also five students of the class of 2017 of the course of fishing and a coordinator of the community of the Genipauba River, who would evaluate the contributions of the policy of professional education of IFPA for the Sacred Heart of Jesus community of the Rio Genipaúba, Municipality of Abaetetuba. With these analyzes it was possible to understand the need to update or reformulate the Technical Course in Fisheries, or even the offer of other courses, which can start from the local reality, its regional culture and territorial characteristics where the students are inserted, making it possible to approach to meet the wishes of the riverside communities for a professional technical education that promotes local development in a sustainable way.

  • The participation of social movements in the implementation of the National Education Program in Agrarian Reform: a study of the undergraduate and bachelor's degree in Geography - PRONERA / UFPA.

  • Data: 31/03/2019
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  • The object of study of this dissertation is the social participation in the execution of public policies of Field Education. The objective is to examine the process of: articulation, implementation and execution of the Bachelor's Degree and Bachelor's Degree in Geography with emphasis on Rural Territorial Development, a project executed by the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), in partnership with the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA) through the National Program for Education in Agrarian Reform (Pronera) to analyze the contradictions present in the construction and implementation of public policies that assert themselves as counter-hegemonic in the Field Education. The understanding of actors' participation in the construction and implementation of a public policy helps us to visualize the context and the ideological perspectives behind the constitution of this one, once the understanding of how the State and civil society interrelate identifies the project proposed by the State. In order to trace the paths of research, we begin by asking: 1) what limits and possibilities exist in the involvement of social and trade union movements in the process of struggle for the construction and implementation of public education policies in the countryside; 2) social movements mobilize strategies for coping with obstacles participation in the formulation and implementation of Field Education policies? 3) What are the contributions of the social and trade union movements in the process of construction and execution of the project of the Bachelor's Degree and Bachelor's degree in Geography with emphasis on Rural Territorial Development PRONERA / UFPA? The study is guided by dialectical historical materialism because it has as its source the knowledge of concrete reality - in this case, the participation of social and trade union movements in the process of execution and implementation of a public policy. It has research sources: documentary research (legislation on Education and Field Education and the documents that guide the operation of Pronera and regulate the execution of the course in reference); interviews with representatives of the three axes that underpin the Program: coordination of the Program in the executing teaching institution (UFPA), financing institution (INCRA) and petitioning institution (Movimentos Sociais Peasants). The research developed allowed us to identify the real contradictions that impede the advance of the public policy of education from the intervention of the State.


  • Data: 29/03/2019
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  • The present study deals with the investigation of the culture and the religious representations circumscribed around the festive tradition of São Sebastião da Vila de Maiauatá (Igarapé-Mirí-PA) and of a possible identity of religious resistance. The theoretical framework of the research is structured in three ways: on the religious field Bourdieu (2007), Micelli (2007) and on the representations Durkheim (1989), Mauss (2003), regarding issues of Bauman identity (2001 ), Hall (2014); (1999), Castells (1999), in relation to the theoretical support on festas and religiosidades I highlight some authors Brandão (1980), Maués (1999), (2000), Guimarães (1983), Silva (1997). Regarding the methodology used in the research, I follow closely the anthropological approach with the use of field research and participant observation, as well as the ethnographic method as a possibility to better understand the cultural arbitrary circumscribed to the cosmology of the Feast of Saint Sebastian and their cultural representations and social identification, followed by the analysis of the material collected. The research points to the following results: religious culture in the Paraense Amazon reveals a field shaped by different official and popular religious representations. Religious cultures, by preaching their truths through practices and discourses, deny mediation by enacting legitimizing and absolute religious identities. Another aspect to be pointed out is that, contrary to this, in the political practice of the cultural reality of the investigated reality, it is demonstrated that the agents position themselves in a perspective of cultural (religious) hybridism, thus redefining their identities, including those of resistance marked by tensions and ideological conflicts. The feast of St. Sebastian as a lived rite and daily political practice is the basis of the social and religious identity of that population, if on the one hand it shakes the religious field, in parallel dialogues with it in a process of resemantization between social forces and distinct interests.


  • Data: 29/03/2019
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  • The quilombolas peoples persevere in the struggle for rights and Constitution, despite some achievements, are still on track to enjoy them fully. And with the completion of the STICK (technical assistance and Rural Extension) in the territory that comes loaded with scientific expertise and the Maroons with knowledge of the analyzed empirically in the development of agriculture, we start from the following question: As the STICK is contributing to the strengthening of family agriculture in the territory is, as regards the productive organization, sustainable management and dialogue with the environmental knowledge of these peoples ' traditional ' sayings in the river Arapapuzinho, in the city of Abaetetuba-PA (locus ). This investigation focused on that community, where the quilombolas engaged in agriculture using the knowledge passed from father to son. So we bring to the discussion the role of the State and of social movements in National Policy STICK (PNATER) for the Maroons; the developing of family farming activities by the technical guidelines; knowledge of the Maroons in the plantations and crops in agriculture; and finally, the mediation of development between the technical and scientific knowledge and lore and the contributions of PNATER for farmers. for farmers. This is a case study where the following authors supporting this research: Yin (2014); Gil (2008); Minayo (2013) and Triviños, 1987, in addition to authors that dialogue with the theoretical discussion about knowledge, among them: Diegues (2000, 2001); Wedge (2007) and others. However we must emphasize on the role State and that debate on other topics, in this case the STICK, like Schmitz (2003); public policies, such as Pierre Muller and Yves Surel (2000); and among the other themes Freire (1983, 1987) and many other theorists who are subsidizing the research throughout the text, in the quest to understand the object investigated and achieve the objectives proposed. The qualitative research used the participant observation and semi structured interviews directed to farmers, technicians and Maroons COODERSUS Coordinator (work cooperative in support of sustainable Rural Development, which provided assistance to farmers), and representatives of the quilombola movement-ARCHY (Associação dos Quilombos Remnants of Abaetetuba). The results point to the strengthening of family agriculture, with the presence of water, and the cooperative shows a guidance that seeks innovation to economic, social and environmental interdependence, which consolidates a development model sustainable. On the other hand, shows that local development and increasing productive are technical knowledge practices, however, does not diminish the traditional knowledge. It was possible to identify which among the various categories of analysis the quilombola resistance in relation to the ecological transition, since even recognizing the importance of water, these farmers have continued to develop the activity of the farm and the management of the acai berry as their knowledge

  • SOCIAL MEMORANDUM AND RESISTANCE: the Popular Plan for Sustainable Development of the Region Downstream of the Tucurí Hydroelectric Power Plant (PPDS-Jus)

  • Data: 26/03/2019
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  • The research demonstrates the organization of downstream social movements in the condition reached by the Tucuruí Hydroelectric Power Plant, whose mobilization and resistance constituted over the years in the territory of Baixo Tocantins, resulted in the Popular Plan for Sustainable Development of the Region downstream of UHT (PPDS -Jus) that emerged as a demand and instrument of struggle of social actors who seek political recognition and compensation while impacted after the construction of the dam, however, such a plan is permeated by controversies. The objective was to draw the memory from the trajectory of the leaderships in the scope of the social movements after the rupture of the regime of exception, that have been resisting and demanding recognition in detriment to the violation of their rights. It is only from an analytical, linear and temporal cut of a reconstitution of the historical process that is divided in two periods, first by the dictatorial regime and later by the redemocratization that the country went through, that it became possible to verify the situationality of vulnerability in which the population was submitted as a result of the changes in the hydrological course of the Tocantins river that directly affected the economic, social and environmental conditions of the peasants and how the social guidelines were followed after the reopening of democracy. We used the qualitative approach, based on the contributions of the authors that made possible an epistemological and holistic understanding of the object investigated. In addition, the study allowed us to uncover how the claims were made in the reconstructed public sphere after the end of the authoritarian regime, as well as as the societal demands of the population affected as a result of the developmentalist project, revealing that democratization was not a panacea to solve the problems faced by the movements, since, even after democratic reopening, the drama, demands and leadership patterns remain marginalized, making is only present by the resistance that introduces new devices of struggle in search of political actions in the face of socio-environmental changes. Nevertheless, the PPDS-Jus proposals were not fulfilled according to the formulations, since among the nine municipalities included in the plan, only five were compensatory actions in the face of drastic changes in survival conditions and did not actually meet the interests of peasants.


  • Data: 11/01/2019
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  • The general objective of this research was to identify if the expansion of dendeculture in the Amazon brought the advance of this commodity over territories of traditional peoples and communities in Baixo Tocantins and if this advance had effects on the way of life of these communities in which it expanded. As guiding axes in the clarification of these questions, we have as specific objectives: to identify the presence of the dendeculture in communities of people and traction communities in Baixo Tocantins; to verify the effects that the expansion of this monoculture of the agribusiness of the palm oil caused in the researched communities; to observe how these communities organize themselves in front of the advance of this commodity in its territory; to analyze if this event, the expansion of the dendeculture, configures "land grab". In order to meet the feasibility of the research, the methodology used made a temporal cut in the implementation period of the PNPB until the date of the research, making an approach to the historical context and the process of genesis and the factors that enabled the implementation of the policy, the arena of public action, actors, values, algorithms, norms and images of that policy. As a result of the social sciences demand the confrontation of the real with research theory, (QUIVY, CAMPENHOUDT, 2005), the Quilombo de Jambuaçu Remnant Territory was chosen as the place of study, located in the "cradle of dendeculture", the Municipality of Moju in the Lower Tocantins Region, State of Pará. A description of this territory was made, as well as the designated communities as a locus of research. Non-directive exploratory interviews were conducted on an individual basis, or in a family group, where ladies, gentlemen, young people participated, as well as leaders or members of the community who helped in the process of formation of the territory and the arrival of oil palm (GIL, 2010; SEVERINO, 2007). In addition, the data were collected using the Global Positioning System (GPS) data points. As for the bibliographic material that supported the research, it was searched on university websites, government websites, websites that discuss the subjects related to the research, as well as visits to public organizations that could provide important information to elucidate the subject studied. Theoretical basis on the peasantry and the labor relations that characterized it as such, was discussed on the peasantry in Brazil. The territory was also another concept sought. As PNPB's policy refers to a model of development adopted by the Brazilian government for the Amazon region, some approaches to development at a global level, at a national level, and how this development in Amazonia took place, and finally what was meant by " land grab ". Based on data analysis, it is concluded that dendeculture is present in communities of traditional people in the Lower Tocantins bringing numerous effects on the way of life of these peoples. It is also concluded that this expansion stems from a global context of capital advance in the world race for land to meet its expansion goals, which at its core is land grab.

  • Data: 20/12/2018
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  • The purpose of this paper is the school production of gender identities in children's education, elected by the need to understand which the mechanisms, practices and events are used in the process of boys and girls’ identities constitution in the early years of school. The theoretical contribution dialogues with authors of Gender Studies, among them: Scott (1995), Louro (1997, 2000, 2001) and Felipe (1995, 2007); authors that discuss Identity and Representation, such as: Silva (2000a), Hall (1997, 1999, 2016) and Woodward (2000); and authors who discuss Childhood and Early Childhood Education: Ariès (2014), Oliveira (2010) and Bujes (2001, 2010). In dialogue with the theoretical framework I used as a method the postmodern ethnography, which standard is the participant observation, the conversations, the writing and the translation of the information produced during the six months of research. The purposes were rewritten in order to include the new information produced giving other directions to the research; they are: Identify the gender meanings of the town and know how they are disseminated at the Maria Santos School; Identify the pedagogical-cultural mechanisms that constitute the gender identities in early childhood education at the Maria Santos School; Reflect the practices of child resistance in the constitution process of identities in the school. Finally, I discuss the current circumstances of the research, pointing to the next chapter’s writing, about the practices and discourses that constitute, decisively, the gender identities in early childhood education.

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