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  • Data: 15/07/2024
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  • A malária cerebral (MC) é a manifestação infecciosa mais severa provocada pelo protozoário Plasmodium falciparum, apresentando mecanismos imunopatogênicos complexos que incluem inflamação, produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROs) e obstrução da microvasculatura cerebral; ocasionando encefalopatia, disfunções neurocognitivas e coma, podendo evoluir a óbito. A limitação das possibilidades de acompanhamento dos processos patológicos da doença em humanos tornou necessário o desenvolvimento de modelos experimentais, utilizando linhagens de roedores suscetíveis à infecção por diferentes espécies de plasmodium, contribuindo para o entendimento e desenvolvimento de novas terapias. Este estudo avaliou o efeito do composto antioxidante Sesamol em condição de malária cerebral experimental (MCE) induzida por Plasmodium Berghei ANKA (PbA) em murinos, por meio da avaliação de aspectos comportamentais, parasitemia e curva de sobrevivência. O tratamento dos animais infectados em terapia com 20mg/kg de Sesamol promoveu um aumento significativo na sobrevida e proporcionou resultados favoráveis durante a aplicação dos testes comportamentais de campo aberto, SHIRPA, labirinto em Y e reconhecimento de objetos, determinantes do comprometimento cognitivo, em que os indivíduos não tratados apresentaram sinais clínicos frequentemente observados no contexto da malária cerebral e rapidamente evoluíram a óbito na fase aguda da infecção; enquanto os animais submetidos à terapia com Sesamol exibiram sintomas atenuados, demonstrando maior período de sobrevivência pós-infecção e preservação das memorias de trabalho e de curto prazo, bem como desempenho motor, tônus muscular e reflexos. A porcentagem de parasitemia manteve-se a mesma entre os grupos infectados, reforçando a melhora conferida pelo composto.

  • Data: 04/04/2024
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  • A doença do chikungunya é uma infecção causada pelo vírus Chikungunya (CHIKV)
    pertencente à família Togaviridae. A transmissão tem como seus principais vetores a
    picada dos mosquitos do gênero Aedes, sendo os mais evidenciados o Aedes aegypti e
    Aedes albopictus. Segundo dados fornecidos pela organização mundial da saúde, a
    febre chikungunya, como é conhecida, apesentou um avanço em seus índices de
    infecção em cerca de 60%, dentre estes dados está incluso o Brasil, em especial a região
    amazônica, graças ao seu clima chuvoso que proporciona potencial de avanço para o
    principal vetor da doença, o A. aegypt. Um dos principais empecilhos no combate dessa
    virulência, no Brasil, é a ausência de fármacos específicos aprovados; à luz disso, o
    CHIKV apresenta um importante complexo glicoproteico conhecido como E3-E2-E1
    (PDB: 3N42), que é responsável pela acepção viral à célula do hospedeiro, assim,
    apresenta-se como um alvo promissor para o planejamento de novos inibidores, vacinas
    e demais métodos profiláticos. Ademais, em 2021, novas pesquisas apresentaram o
    potencial de inibição deste complexo de proteínas através de uma enzima, a fosfolipase
    (PLA2CB) (PDB:3R0L), encontrada na peçonha de uma serpente ocorrente em território
    brasileiro, Crotallus durissus terrifus, popularmente conhecida como cascavel. Com o
    objetivo de compreender a forma de interação entre a fosfolipase e o complexo,
    aplicamos técnicas de docking proteína-proteína com o auxílio do servidor LZerD, que
    apresenta um eficiente algoritmo de busca baseado em 4 funções de pontuação. Com a
    obtenção da melhor pose do complexo formado, foram geradas as topologias dos
    sistemas (com o inibidor e sem o inibidor) com o auxílio do módulo TLeap (Amber 18).
    Doravante, submetemos os sistemas a cálculos de dinâmica molecular acelerada
    utilizando o pacote de programas Amber 18, assim avaliamos a estabilidade do sistema
    através de cálculos de RMSD e RMSF e descrevemos os estados mínimos através de
    PCA e FEL. Em seguida, discutimos a viabilidade do sistema com cálculos de energia
    livre de ligação MM/GBSA em 3 réplicas de dinâmica molecular clássica. Em nossas
    análises, percebemos que a PLACB se liga a regiões importantes do complexo
    glicoproteico, principalmente na cadeia E1, principal responsável pela acepção. Nossos
    resultados de energia livre também se mostraram promissores, apresentando valores em
    torno de -50kcal/mol, demonstrando boa relação de viabilidade do sistema
  • "Nanopartículas de L-triptofano: Síntese e Caracterização Físico-Química em Hidróxido Duplo Lamelar

  • Orientador : CLAUDIO NAHUM ALVES
  • Data: 14/03/2024
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  • O Mundo se encontra em estado de epidemia de ansiedade segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), onde o Brasil se destaca, atualmente os transtornos mentais como Depressão e Ansiedade são a principal causa de incapacidade em que pessoas, com condições graves de saúde mental, morrem prematuramente comparadas a população em geral. O aminoácido L-triptofano (TRP) tem sido amplamente utilizado por indivíduos acometidos por transtornos como depressão e ansiedade. Sendo o TRP, precursor do neurotransmissor serotonina, é um aminoácido essencial, ou seja, sua absorção é obtida somente através da alimentação ou suplementação diária, em concentrações elevadas e aproveitamento baixo, no que se trata da síntese de serotonina. Por essa razão, o TRP foi intercalado em hidróxidos duplos lamelares(HDL/MgAl) via método de coprecipitação, onde o HDL/ MgAl sendo utilizado como nanocarreador, visando o melhor aproveitamento do aminoácido na síntese do neurotransmissor. Esta pesquisa investigou o melhoramento da biodisponibilidade do aminoácido na produção de Serotonina, a fim de potencializar seu efeito ansiolítico e antidepressivo na suplementação alimentar.  Todas as amostras obtidas foram caracterizadas por meio de difração de raio-x (DRX), onde os padrões demonstram se o HDL puro e o composto híbrido (HDL-TRP) exibem alto grau de cristalinidade, o que confere uma liberação mais controlada e contínua, Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) e Espectroscopia por Dispersão de Raios- X (EDS) os quais podem predizer o arranjo morfológico dos cristais gerados e sua composição específica e quantificação no Espectrofotômetro de Ultravioleta- Visível(UV-Vis). Os padrões de DRX puderam demonstrar que o HDL puro e o composto híbrido (HDL-TRP) exibiram alto grau de cristalinidade, com tamanhos desejáveis do padrão de partícula. Já a quantificação do TRP na matriz de HDL foi realizada através da espectroscopia no ultravioleta visível (UV-vis), apresentando como valor quantificado a média de 45,88% de TRP intercalado nas lamelas de HDL, essa concentração demonstra uma molécula promissora quanto ao aumento da sua biodisponibilidade.


  • Data: 29/02/2024
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  • Introdução: A dor ou algia afeta a qualidade de vida de muitas pessoas no mundo. Muitos fármacos são usados para o tratamento da dor. O Piroxicam é um fármaco pertencente do grupo dos oxicans, derivado de ácidos fenólicos, fazendo parte da classe dos AINEs. Apesar de não ser o medicamento de primeira escolha em alguns tratamentos, o fármaco é indicado no tratamento de distúrbios musculoesqueléticos agudos, dor pós-traumática outras algesias. Contudo os AINEs tendem a ocasionar uma série de efeitos adversos a nível hepático, cardiovascular e principalmente gastrointestinal. Objetivo: Avaliar a relação estrutura, estabilidade química,atividadeantinociceptiva e gastroprotetora de um derivado do piroxicam (DPCAM)..Metodologia: Foram utilizados 65 camundongos da linhagem Swiss pertencentes à espécie Mus musculus, machos, adultos (aproximadamente 40 dias de idade), pesando entre 30 e 40 g provenientes do Biotério do Instituto Evandro Chagas (IEC), o projeto foi aprovado com o número 28/17. Os camundongos foram tratados por via oral para avaliar atividade gastroprotetora, em grupos PCAM (200mg/kg), DPCAM (20 mg/kg) e grupo controle o qual foi dado o equivalente em volume de solução salina 0,9%. Na verificação de potencial antinociceptivo realizou-se testes de: contorções abdominais induzidas por ácido acético a 0,6%; teste de placa quente e teste de formalina. Resultados/Discussão: O aumento da nucleofilicidade contribuiu para a redução da gastrotoxidade, uma vez que os cálculos moleculares indicaram que o derivado do Piroxicam apresentou o maior valor de HOMO (-6.13 eV) quando comparado ao ácido salicílico (-6.66 eV) e piroxicam (-6.61 eV). O DPCAM demonstrou seu efeito analgésico reduzindo em 71,66 %, o número de contorções abdominais quando comparado ao controle; O DPCAM não apresentou aumento no tempo de latência em nenhum dos intervalos analisados quando comparado ao grupo controle; Na primeira fase da formalina, a dose de 20 mg/kg do DPCAM diminuiu o tempo de lambendura de pata, com inibição de 7,82% quando comparado ao grupo controle. Na segunda fase, o DPCAM apresentou diminuição no tempo lambedura de pata na do se 20mg/kg quando comparada ao controle, com inibição de 88.65%.Na indução das lesões gástricas agudas, o DPCAM (0,08 ± 0.01%) apresentou diferenças em relação ao grupo PCAM (0,40 ± 0,09 %) quando analisado o aspecto macroscópico da mucosa gástrica. O que indica que a droga possui um efeito adverso mínimo de lesionar essa estrutura. Conclusão: O DPCAM apresentou efeitos positivos em relação a estrutura e atividade indicando um efeito gastroprotetor  ação antinociceptiva. 

  • Data: 20/11/2023
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  • O diclofenaco (DCF) é um anti-inflamatório da classe não esteroide (AINE) que possui as atividades de analgesia, com propriedades antipiréticas e anti inflamatórias, sendo um dos medicamentos desta classe terapêutica mais consumido e prescrito no mundo, para o tratamento de doenças como artrite, reumatismo, espondilite anquilosante e dores musculares agudas. Entretanto este medicamento possui alto índice no desenvolvimento de hepatotoxicidade, mesmo em doses terapêuticas, por algumas ocasiões levando ao óbito do paciente, assemelhando-se a quadros de hepatites virais. A classe de derivados propostos objetivou a modificação do núcleo do DCF, levando a análogos dos fármacos neuroprotetores edaravona (EDV) e Riluzol (RLZ), amplamente utilizado em terapias medicamentosas, concomitantemente com outros fármacos pró-oxidantes produtores de espécies reativas de radicais livres. Nossos resultados preliminares mostraram que os derivados propostos do ácido diclofenaco apresentaram melhores valores para as propriedades relacionadas a doação de elétrons, indicando que estes possuem maior estabilidade química. Além disso, demostraram a mesma tendência que os orbitais de fronteira HOMO e LUMO, apresentando uma performance superior a EDV e RLZ, com propriedades de SET, HAT e EDLC-H semelhantes à da edaravona, tornando-o uma nova alternativa promissora para o tratamento de doenças
  • “Identificação de potenciais entidades químicas com atividade quimioterápica antimicrobiana frente a Cepas de Staphylococcus aureus: uma abordagem no ensino de bioinformática”.

  • Data: 19/10/2023
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    As substâncias antimicrobianas são componentes químicos capazes de inibir o
    crescimento ou eliminar microorganismos, como bactérias. Essas substâncias
    desempenham um papel vital na prevenção e tratamento de infecções causadas
    por esses agentes patogênicos, contribuindo significativamente para a saúde
    humana e animal. A atividade antibacteriana é frequentemente direcionada a
    alvos moleculares específicos nas células microbianas que desempenham
    funções vitais para sua sobrevivência. Isso gerou um interesse clínico no
    desenvolvimento de atividade antibacteriana e seriam potenciais medicamentos
    contra esses danos, pois a vancomicina é um antibiótico usado principalmente
    para tratar infecções causadas por bactérias gram-positivas, incluindo cepas
    resistentes de Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). O alvo molecular da vancomicina
    é a parede celular bacteriana. Assim, neste trabalho serão planejados potenciais
    compostos com atividade antimicrobiana na enzima essencial na síntese de DNA
    bacteriano, com o auxílio de ferramentas computacionais, utilizados para
    otimizar o processo de síntese de compostos. A atividade antibacteriana será
    avaliada via Triagem Virtual baseado em alvo e ligante, bem como na
    determinação das propriedades farmacocinéticas e toxicológicas (ADME/TOX).
    Por fim, o método de análise de adme/tox, afinidade e energia de ligação
    mostraram resultados satisfatórios para a predição atividade antibacteriana nos
    compostos obtidos via triagem virtual baseado em alvo e ligante.


  • Data: 09/10/2023
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  • A Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA) também conhecida como Doença de Lou Gherig, é uma doença neurodegenerativa fatal. Caracterizada pela morte celular seletiva de neurônios motores superiores (NMS) e neurônios motores inferiores (NMI) levando a sintomas não motores como depressão e ansiedade e sintomas motores como paralisia irreversível. Pode ser classificada em dois grandes grupos: esporádica e familiar, onde a esporádica é a forma mais comum sendo responsável por 90% dos casos. Sua causa não está totalmente esclarecida, as primeiras hipóteses etiológicas relacionadas a ELA foram a mutação da SOD1 (superóxido dismutase-1) e a neurotoxicidade do glutamato. O diagnóstico é clínico e baseado na história e no exame físico. A morte ocorre por volta de 3 a 5 anos após o início dos sintomas. Atualmente não há cura para a doença e o tratamento medicamentoso é feito com o uso do Riluzol ou Edaravona. Por esse motivo, neste trabalho foi realizado um estudo teórico relacionando a estrutura e atividade antioxidante do riluzol e edaravona. Um estudo teórico comparativo da estrutura e capacidade antioxidante entre edaravona e riluzol foi realizado usando o método TFD (Teoria do Funcional de Densidade) com o conjunto de base B3LYP/6-31+G (d, p). Os cálculos foram realizados em fase gasosa e o método PCM em solventes apolares (clorofórmio e heptano) e solventes polares (água e etanol). Uma análise conformacional mostrou que o amino-exocíclico é o tautômero preferencial do riluzol quando comparado ao amino-endocíclico. Não há diferença entre a fase gasosa e o meio solvente usando o modelo contínuo polarizável (PCM). As propriedades antioxidantes foram calculadas com base nos valores de HOMO, potencial de ionização (PI) e energia de dissociação da ligação (EDL). Os valores de HOMO e PI mostraram que ambos os compostos têm desempenho comparável como nucleófilo e antioxidante por transferência de elétrons e os valores de EDL mostraram que a edaravona possui uma maior capacidade antioxidante por transferência de hidrogênio. As contribuições da densidade de spin explicam a melhor estabilidade química do radical livre catiônico do riluzol em comparação com a edaravona. Por fim, foram avaliados dois derivados de benzotiazol com suas capacidades antioxidantes comparadas com a edaravona. Existe uma forte relação estrutural entre riluzol e edaravona quando comparados com outros análogos de anel relacionados.


  • Data: 11/09/2023
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  • Um estudo de Química Quântica no nível da teoria DFT/B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) foi empregado para a seleção de novos derivados pirazólicos alquilados  relacionados à edaravona e seus mecanismos antioxidantes. A partir da determinação das propriedades físico-químicas - HOMO, LUMO, Gap, Potencial de Ionização (PI) e Energia de Dissociação de Ligação (EDL) - para derivados de pirazol substituídos por grupos metil nas posições 3, 4 ou 5, identificou-se que a presença de duas ou três metilações aumentam a capacidade de transferência de elétrons e hidrogênio quando um dos grupos metil está na posição 5. De acordo com as contribuições de densidade de spin, o radical livre catiônico do derivado trimetilado apresentou as melhores estruturas de ressonância, mostrando-se o mais estável entre eles. Nossos resultados identificaram pelo menos quatro derivados do pirazol como potenciais antioxidantes relacionados à edaravona, dentre os quais o trimetilado se mostrou o mais potente.


  • Data: 23/08/2023
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  • The enzyme PcEST, from the fungus Penicillium chrysogenum, has enormous potencial in the pharmaceutical industry, as it acts in the conversion of lovastatin catalysis into monacolin J, the main precursor in the production of simvastatin, a cholesterol-lowering drug. In this work, we seek to evaluate the impacts of mutations on the stability of the PcEST enzyme, through computational methods of molecular dynamics, in order to obtain structural and energetic analysis of the native and mutant PcEST enzymes. According to the results, the native PcEST enzyme and the D106A mutation presented an enzyme-ligand complex (Δ𝐺𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑑) with greater affinity. Molecular dynamics (DM) studies also revealed that the PcEST enzyme and the D106A mutation are more active due to multiple effective interactions with Ser57, Phe129, Tyr170, Ile236, Gly240, Gly241, His253 and Phe309 residues, which play a key role on substrate stability. The W344K and Y127A mutations, on the other hand, exhibited loss of hydrogen interactions during molecular dynamics simulation between the main residues present in the active site of the PcEST enzyme. The W344F and Y127F mutants showed an increase in 𝐾𝑚, thus causing a reduction in their catalytic activity. Therefore, we discuss the main interactions between the native PcEST enzyme and the mutations D106A, D131A, S57A, W344K, W344F, Y127A and Y127F in complex with the lovastatin substrate, in order to add information to increase its resistance and contribute to the production of Monacolin J and, consequently, for the synthesis of simvastatin. The information obtained from its analysis will be of paramount importance for the conjecture of new variants of the PcEST enzyme proposed for future synthesis and biological assays.

  • Computer Simulation of 1,2,3-Triazole Acid Analogues Kojic as Tyrosinase Enzyme Inhibitors.

  • Data: 26/05/2023
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  • The enzyme Tyrosinase (TYR), a constituent of the biosynthetic steps of melanogenesis, is linked to various skin dysfunctions in individuals. In particular, hyperpigmentation, melasma, and skin cancer in the non-melanoma form and malignant melanoma stand out as some dyschromias caused by imbalance in the TYR complex . The vast majority of skin diseases are treated with substances with depigmenting agents, which have demonstrated adverse actions on the melanocytes of the skin, such as kojic acid (AK) that despite its side effects, has been gaining prominence in research for TRY inhibitors. With this, TYR has become an important biological target for the development of new drugs. In this work, we intend to study tyrosinase inhibitors, having as pathway the kojic acid analogues, in this case, the 1,2,3-triazole acid analogues (6a-p), using the computational approaches Molecular docking, Molecular dynamics and the LIE (Linear Interaction Energy) Method, used to calculate binding free energy in complexes. The molecular docking calculations showed agreement with experimental data, with distances (Å) close to crystallography and more stable conformations. These computational techniques will enable a more surgical analysis of the systems to be investigated.

  • Computational studies with a view to designing selective inhibitors for the Mpro enzyme and the Spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, with an interest in future alternative treatment for COVID-19.

  • Data: 16/03/2023
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  • At the end of 2019, a new species of coronavirus emerged in Wuhan, China, defined by the WHO the following year as SARS-CoV-2, which causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (COVID-19), with thousands of deaths worldwide. the world. The new coronavirus has two proteins that are essential for its survival, Spike, responsible for the entry of the virus into the cell through interaction with ACE2 (angiotensin-converting enzyme 2) and the Mpro protein, which promotes proteolytic cleavage forming viral proteins functions involved in viral replication and transcription. Due to the pandemic scenario, computer-aided medication planning was critical for drug discovery and repositioning for possible alternative treatments against the viral infection. This study aims to investigate the Mpro and Spike proteins, all at the molecular level, based on structures deposited in the Protein Database (PDB), in complex or not with ligands/inhibitors to perform virtual screening based on shape, similarity and pharmacophore, using composite databases. After different virtual screening experiments, filters of pharmacokinetic and toxicological properties of each potential inhibitor were applied to their most likely molecular site of action, followed by new visual controls and, finally, 27 potential inhibitors/ligands for the Mpro and Spike proteins, from the which 9 were classified as the most promising and could be used in future research to develop an alternative treatment for COVID-19.

  • Data: 20/02/2023
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  • Stress is an everyday reaction observed in most living beings, being related to situations of danger or alert. However, it can be harmful, occurring in the long term or out of a situation that justifies such a reaction, being related to diseases such as anxiety, causing homeostatic imbalances in the body. In this bias, the GABAergic system has a prominent role related to anxiety and stress, as it has the ability to modulate the activity of various brain structures, inhibiting neurochemical pathways. Thus, being able to act on structures that are directly related to anxiety and stress, such as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which is the main one involved in the dynamics of the organism's reaction in response to stressful stimuli, resulting in alterations physiological and behavioral changes that prepare the organism to react to a new situation, being directly related to anxiety-like behavior. Thus, the GABAergic system is seen as the main pathway for mitigating such effects, as the stimulus to GABA receptors inhibits neurochemical pathways in the central nervous system of adult mammals, which can combat the effects of stressor stimuli. In this context, such studies are of utmost importance, since many drugs currently used in the treatment of anxiety, such as benzodiazepines, are related to iatrogenic effects, with the need for further research aimed at improving the drug arsenal against anxiety. Thus, the study will evaluate the effects of a muscimol derivative, MK-0605, a potent selective agonist of GABAA receptors, in an animal model Danio rerio (zebrafish) that will be submitted to the protocol of acute restraint stress (EAC), with the aim of generating an anxiolytic effect, mitigating anxiety-like behavior in zebrafish




  • Data: 29/11/2022
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  • Melanoma is the most aggressive type of skin cancer, accounting for more than 60% of deaths from this type of cancer. One of the main risk factors is high exposure to UV radiation, and it originates in defense cells, melanocytes, which are cells that produce melanin, the brown pigment whose main function is to protect the cell genome against the harmful effects of radiation. UV. The tyrosinase enzyme is of great importance in the melanin synthesis process. Due to the hyperpigmentation present in melanoma, tyrosinase inhibitors are promising in the therapy of this neoplasm. In this context, the objective of this work was to evaluate the cytotoxic effect of Deferiprone (S-04) in an in vitro model of murine melanoma. S-04 has a potential cytotoxic effect on B16F10 melanoma cells after treatment at different concentrations, and this effect is observed from a concentration of 25µM, in addition to demonstrating a high degree of safety at different concentrations tested, through the viability of murine fibroblasts by the assay from MTT. Regarding the mechanism of death, treatment with S-04 showed an increase in annexin marking, indicative of death by apoptosis, thus S-04 was shown to be capable of inducing apoptosis. Drugs with a tyrosinase inhibitor profile may be candidates for the treatment of pigmentation disorders.


  • Data: 18/05/2022
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  • Folk medicine was widely used by ancient and low-income peoples. The Amazon flora has always been coveted by foreign countries for having chemical, pharmaceutical and medicinal potential due to molecular diversity, with biopiracy being a common case. Despite all its potential in bioactive compounds, there are no patented drugs developed in the region itself, especially due to the lack of industries and qualified human resources for the areas of drug design and development from molecular modification of bioactive natural products. In this study was to demonstrate that methods of empirical analysis can be used for drugs development, using as an example the class of hypoglycemic agents. The molecular modeling and computational simulation using semi-empirical PM3 and DFT/B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) methods were only applied to explain the differences in hypoglycemic activity in the alloxan induced diabetes model of a possible natural fragment presente in the chemical structure of
    glibenclamide. The analysis between structure and empirical activity relationships divided the hypoglycemic compounds into different classes. The results showed a structural molecular similarity between riparins, meglitinides and other hypoglycemic agents, showing that the presence of a carboxylic acid group is essential for biological activity. The solubility and electronic parameters showed that the structural analysis associaeted to the molecular modification methods were more important than the computational calculations both for the
    elucidation of the mechanism of action and for the selection of the most promising compounds. Due to their higher nucleophilicity and lower electrophilicity comparable to meglitinides, the proposed derivatives may be an alternative for the treatment of diabetes. Examination of CLogP and EH values indicates that the solubility properties of the new compounds are similar to first and second generation hypoglycemic agents. The basic structure of the hypoglycemic agents was maintained between the aromatic and aliphatic groups, with a reduction in the values of ionization potential and stabilization energy, increasing the antioxidant capacity of
    the new derivatives when compared to the average values of the different molecular classes evaluated in this work. The antioxidant capacity may be associated with the anti-inflammatory activity, which could explain the impact of riparin as a hypoglycemic moiety and the addition of acidic functional groups may increase its hypoglycemic properties. The synthesis proposals of the new compounds were added.
  • Data: 18/01/2022
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  • The Coronavirus, belonging to the Coronaviridae family and the order Nidovirales, is a nonsegmented virus that acts on the single strands of RNA. A new virus was discovered in December 2019 when an epidemic started out in the city of Wuhan, China. Officially known as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-2). The infections occur through the interaction of protein S with Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. Screening studies have been explored to determine potential candidates for the treatment of various diseases. Even with the discovery of vaccines for COVID-19, the virus is still being disseminated. Hydroxychloroquine presents studies showing efficacy for SARS-CoV-2 in vitro. In this study, the planning and identification of ligands with potential activity against the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 was carried out. Structures of different antiparasitic were used to build the pharmacophoric model. Determined the active region of the crystal structure of the ACE2-linked spike protein (PDB ID: 6M0J). Virtual screening was carried out and 2000 molecules were obtained that went through several stages of filtering their pharmacokinetic and toxicological characteristics. Data obtained from pharmacokinetic, pharmacological and toxicological characteristics were used to separate only those with the best profile for the drug. Applicants who pass the drug profile move on to the binding affinity study. Molecular docking apresented five structures with better binding affinity than hydroxychloroquine. Ligand_003 had a binding affinity of -8,645 kcal.mol-1 , being considered an optimal value for the study. Ligand_003, ligand_033, ligand_013, ligand_044 and ligand_080 have favorable values that fit the profile of new drugs. Synthetic accessibility studies and similarity analysis were performed to select molecules with favorable potential for synthesis. Theoretical IC50 values demonstrate that the candidates are promising for in vitro testing. Chemical descriptors demonstrated good molecular stability for candidates. The theoretical studies here demonstrate that these structures have the potential to be studied as antivirals for SARS-CoV-2.

  •  Design of bioactive compounds from piperidine derivatives with insecticidal activity against Aedes aegypti. (Linnaeus, 1762) (Diptera: Culicidae).

  • Data: 20/08/2021
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  • Aedes aegypti is the transmitter of several human pathogens that have transmission to the death of millions of people worldwide, mainly in Latin America. The exaggerated use of the main commercialized insecticides has provided the vector with resistance to compound actions. N-acylpiperidine derivatives have robust data on larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti. Based on these experimental data and advances in computational chemistry and molecular modeling, the planning of bioactive compounds has become a viable and efficient strategy. Among several strategies in the planning and development of bioactive compounds, computational methods of virtual screening based on ligand and structure are techniques that have facilitated the search for new bioactive compounds. In this study, a virtual screening of potential compounds from n acylpiperidine derivatives was performed in relation to compounds with potential insecticidal activity against Ae. aegypti, through in silico methods in order to build and evaluate pharmacophoric hypotheses (PharmaGist), perform a virtual screening based on pharmacophores (Pharmit), predict the ADME / Tox properties of the studied compounds (Preadmet / Derek 10.0), predict the probability of biological activity of the new compounds (PASS), perform Molecular Docking simulations (AutoDock 1.5.6) of the best structures with the crystallographic biological targets cataloged in Proteín Database: PDB ID's: 1QON, 4M0E, 6ARY and 5V13. In addition to these steps, predictions of lipophilicity and water solubility (SwissADME) were made, as well as the preparation of the Theoretical Synthetic Route with a view to future biological tests. The pharmacophoric model includes compounds that define good results of ADME/ Tox predictions and activity predictions on relevant biological targets. The molecules MP-416 and MP-073 exhibited the best results for binding affinity to targets, in addition to showing interactions related to amino acid residues. Finally, the molecules MP-416 and MP-073 proved to be potential insecticide candidates against the Aedes aegypti.



  • Data: 30/06/2021
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  • Stroke is a neural disorder that affects millions of people worldwide, being the second leading cause of death among all other global diseases. After an ischemic injury caused by the interruption of blood flow in the vessels that supply the brain (EVAi), functional deficits are generally disabling and permanent for the patient. And with the exception of the use of thrombolytics, there are no other pharmacological treatments or cell therapy available for this pathological condition. Due to its epidemiological, clinical, and economic-social relevance, it is essential to search for new treatments, such as the development of neuroprotective agents. There are several natural products with antioxidant action, but their therapeutic actions for central nervous system (CNS) diseases are poorly investigated. In the present work, we used an experimental model of focal IVA to evaluate the neuroprotective actions of the bioactive compound present in mango, Mangiferin (Mng). Adult Wistar rats underwent focal ischemic injury through microinjections (40pMol/µl) of endothelin-1 (ET-1) in the primary sensorimotor cortex (S1/M1) and treated with intraperitoneal injections of Mangiferin (30 mg/kg). Animals were perfused 4 days after injury. Histological analysis was performed by staining with Cresilla violet. The results obtained indicate that mangiferin has a protective activity for nerve cells against damage caused by ischemic injury.


  • Data: 29/06/2021
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  • The enzyme 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase known as EPSPS is present in the shikimate pathway and catalyzes the reaction involved in the production of essential amino acids for the survival of plants and microorganisms. The EPSPS enzyme is the main target for herbicides and antibiotics, since this enzyme is not present in mammals. The most widely used herbicide in the world for over 40 years, glyphosate, targets the EPSPS enzyme, however, some mutations in the enzyme make it resistant to glyphosate. There are two mechanisms of resistance of the enzyme EPSPS, and they are described as TSR (Target site resistance) and
    NTSR mechanism (Non-target site resistance) being the first mechanism, (TSR) related to changes in the three-dimensional structure of the enzyme, as well as mutations within the target site. The second mechanism, NTSR are other mechanisms that do not involve conformational changes in the enzyme. Two species of EPSPS of weeds were the object of study for this research, each of them in their native and mutant form, Conyza sumatrensis, which developed a mutation in the P106T residue, Eleusine indica, with the double mutation in the T102I and P106S residues. In order to theoretically compare how these mutations influence the resistance of these species, Molecular Dynamics (DM) calculations were performed for 100ns (nanoseconds) for all systems, native and mutant, and after the DM calculations, energy analyzes were performed. Free of binding by three methods: MMPBSA; MMGBSA and SIE for determining the energy stability of the complexes. Corresponding energies were obtained, where species sensitive to glyphosate correspond to the most energy-stable complexes and species resistant to glyphosate show less stability, as well as the loss of important interactions to EPSPS enzymatic
  • Intercalação do Ácido Ferúlico em Hidróxidos Duplos Lamelares Suportados por Quitosana: síntese e caracterização físico-química


  • Data: 04/08/2020
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  • Ferulic acid (FA), is one of the most abundant phenolic acids in nature - present in plants and food that are part of the Brazilian diet - has certain properties, mainly to stop chains of radical reactions by resonance, followed by their polymerization and, therefore, provides protection against the ultraviolet radiation, but the instability that leads to the oxidation of this molecule, still, is a challenge. The present work, therefore, sought to synthesize, characterize and the controlled release of the ferulic acid (FA), intercalated in double hydroxides lamellar (HDL) and behaved in chitosan (QUI). In this work, the ferulic acid (FA) was intercalated in ZnAl-HDL (molar ratio 2: 1) and QUI through the coprecipitation method. In this way, the synthesized nanohybrids were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), visible ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy (UV-vis), infrared (IR) spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential thermal analysis (DTA), and, finally, scanning electron microscopy (SEM); the quantification and kinetics of AF in the matrix was determined by UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy. Confirmation of synthesis was demonstrated by XRD analysis with the basal planes of type (003), (006), (110), characteristic of HDL and the peak (100) typical of QUI found in hybrids. In the IR, the regions considered the “fingerprint” of HDL, in 604 and 425 cm -1 were present in the hybrids. In the SEM readings, it was possible to observe the structures of HDL and hybrids with evident changes, as well as the hybrid (HDL-AF-QUI). In TGA it was possible to observe in HDL-AF and HDL-AF-QUI the thermal stability that the lamellar double hydroxides and chitosan provide. In UV-vis, the release kinetics were read, proving that the hybrids do have a controlled release. The main conclusion that nanohybrids showed the presence of HDL and chitosan in their structure through DRX, proving thermal stability through TG, biocompatibility, protection to photosensitivity; and finally, through UV-Vis it was possible to monitor the controlled release, until the present moment it is through which it suggests having excellent drug potential.



  • Time course of degradation and restoration of perineuronal networks after the action of the enzyme ChABC delivered via biomembrane implantation in the cerebral cortex of rats
  • Data: 18/03/2020
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  • The chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) founded on the extracellular matrix (ECM) of nervous tissue are the main components related to the restriction of neuroplasticity. When condenserd, they form the perineuronal nets (PNNs) and their appearance coincides with the end of the critical period of
    plasticity and reduction of the reorganization potencial of the central nervous system (CNS). The degradation of PNNs by the enzyme chondroitinase ABC has been used as a tool for reopening periods of neuroplasticity in adult nervous system.
    . In this work, we analyzed the temporal dynamics of PNNs degradation and restoration in the primary somesthetic cortex (S1) after degradation by the enzyme ChABC in an in vivo experimental model using a biomembrane vehicle for focal delivery and without damaging nervous tissue. In this way, we used adult Wistar rats that were submitted to the implantation of the biomembrane made with ethylene-vinyl-acetate saturated with the enzyme ChABC, with 1, 3 and 7 days of survival time after implantation, using the nonimplanted side cerebral hemisphere as a control. Our results demonstrated that degradation via implantation of the biomembrane saturated with ChABC was efficient from day 1, with a drastic reduction in the implanted hemisphere (LH) of mature PNNs. There was also a significant increase in the number of immature
    PNNs in the HD even 7 days after implantation. Neither the biomembrane or the enzyme triggered signs of a neuroinflammatory process or glial activation, but the removal of ECM components interfered with the immunostaining of nerve cells 7 days after the implantation of the biomembrane with ChABC. Therefore, we concluded that the ethylene-vinyl-acetate polymer biomembrane was
    efficient for focal delivery of the ChABC enzyme and promoted degradation of PNNs in the S1 area of adult rats, did not cause mechanical damage to the nervous tissue, nor activated glial reactivity and the area of enzymatic degradation decreases over time (from 1 to 7 days).

  • development of drug candidates for the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia from imatib

  • Data: 28/02/2020
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  • Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) is a chronic clonal myeloproliferative disease, characterized by leukocytosis with left shift, splenomegaly and the presence of the Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome, which results from the reciprocal and balanced translocation between the advanced states of chromosomes 9q34 and 22q11, generating a hybrid protein BCR-ABL, with increased activity of tyrosine kinase. Thus, it carried out a virtual screening study based on the ligand Imatinib, with a defined crystallographic pose, deposited under the code PDB ID 1IEP. Six databases of merchants were used to select molecules, using the software ROCS (shape similarity) and EON (electrostatic similarity), followed by pharmacokinetic and toxicological predictions in silicon, resulting in 9 methods with satisfactory values, compared with Imatinib , which were submitted to a study of biological activity prediction via PASS Prediction online server, resulting in two structures with Probability of being "active" (Pa) values for protein kinase inhibition activity, such as LMQC01 molecules (Pa = 0.457) and LMQC04 (Pa = 0.658), selected for the study of molecular docking. Use a Pyrx 0.8 graphical interface, to evaluate as likely interactions with amino acid residues and binding affinity as structures with the BCR-ABL active site, resulting in -8.6Kcal /
    mol-1 for structure LMQC01 and -12.2Kcal / mol -1 for LMQC04, with the LMQC04 structure reaching a value higher than the experimental binding affinity of imatinib (- 11.18Kcal / mol-1), being the one selected as a drug promoter for further studies.



  • Data: 27/02/2020
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  • The cyclooxygenase-2 receptor is a therapeutic target for planning potential drugs with antiinflammatory activity. The selective COX-2 inhibitor Rofecoxib was selected as a pivot molecule to perform virtual ligand-based screening and search for similarly shaped (ROCS) and electrostatic (EON) structures, and six commercial databases were used. This method used as a filter the pharmacokinetic and toxicological properties, determined through the software QikProp and Derek. The selected LMQC72, LMQC50 and LMQC36 structures show satisfactory pharmacokinetic results related to absorption and distribution. The toxicological predictions of these structures did not display alerts for possible toxic groups. Then, they proceeded to the molecular anchorage study, these structures showed results of binding affinity with the COX-2 receptor of: LMQC72 (∆G = -11.0 kcal / mol), LMQC36 (∆G = -10.6 kcal / mol) and LMQC50 (∆G = -10.2 kcal / mol). Evaluated with higher binding affinity achieved, compared to Rofecoxib (∆G = -10.4 kcal / mol), indicating that they bind to the COX-2 receptor. And finally, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were used to evaluate the interaction of compounds with Cox-2 during 150 ns. In all MD simulations trajectories, the ligands remained interacting with the protein until the end of the simulation. The binders were also capable of complexing with Cox-2 favorably. The compounds obtained the following affinity energy values: Rofecoxib, pivot compound, ΔGbind = -45.31 kcal/mol; LMQC72: ΔGbind = -38.58 kcal/mol; LMQC36: ΔGbind = -36.10 kcal/mol; and LMQC50: ΔGbind = -39.40 kcal/mol. Therefore, future in vitro and in vivo studies are needed to confirm the anti-inflammatory potential of the compounds selected here with bioinformatics approaches.

  • Establishment and cytogenetic characterization of cell line of adenoid cystic carcinoma

  • Data: 16/12/2019
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  • Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is a rare neoplasm that mainly affects the head and neck regions, especially salivary glands. Growth is slow, but with but with a propensity to perineural invasion, local postoperative recurrence and metastasis. The most used treatment for this type of tumor is surgery followed by postoperative radiotherapy. The molecular characteristics of ACC are unclear, and unfortunately, the rarity of this type tumor limits to obtain in vitro and in vivo models that contribute in the investigation of pathogenesis and more efficient treatments. In the present study, a cell line was established and characterized for the evaluation of anticancer molecules. For this, it was obtained tissue samples of ACC off the tubular histological subtype from the retromolar trigone and a blood sample from a 59-year-old female patient. Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH) performed molecular cytogenetic characterization in tumor tissue and cell line, while blood was genotyped for ancestry. Cell culture established from the collected tumor tissue showed rapid growth of tumor colonies from passage 18, stabilizing at passage 30. Blood genotyping revealed an ancestral contribution of 19% Amerindians, 31.5% Europeans and 49.5% of blacks. In cytogenetic analysis, gains were observed in loci harboring important genes such as EGFR (7p22.1-p11.2), BRAF (7q32.3-q34), HER2 (17q12-q21.2) and SMARCA1 (xq25-q27.1). Also in the lineage, loss (6q23.3-q25.1, PLAGL1 gene locus) and deletion (9p21.3-p21.1, CDKN2A/B gene locus) were observed; In tissue, only gains were observed (9q34.3, NOTCH1 locus and 5q32, PDGFRβ locus). The loss in 19p13.3-p12, locus of the CDKN2D gene, stands out as a common event in both samples. These findings corroborate other studies in the literature and make the established lineage a good in vitro model that can assist in the investigation of the pathogenesis of CAC and the basic research for new therapeutic modalities.

  • Data: 09/12/2019
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  • Gastric cancer is considered the fifth most common type of tumor in the world, and due to its heterogeneity, it is necessary to use individualized therapies that present less toxicity and greater efficacy during treatment. In a previous study, our group reported an increased copy number of the MELK gene in approximately 55.9% of tumors in patients with gastric adenocarcinoma and such tumor cell lines. This gene encodes maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase (MELK) protein, a member of the serine/threonine kinase family, which participates in multiple cellular processes including cell cycle progression, cell proliferation, apoptosis, cell migration, and others. The increased expression has been observed in different cancers, including gastric cancer. Thus, the present study evaluated by in silico analysis the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of OTSSP167, its antineoplastic activity in gastric cancer cell lines ACP03 and AGP01, analyzing cell viability, the interference of this inhibitor in the protein expression of MELK in lineages, the ability of cell invasion and migration. In silico analyses, OTSSP167 showed a high probability of intestinal absorption, grade III toxicity and higher activity score for kinase inhibition. In vitro experiments, OTSSP167 showed cytotoxic activity in gastric strains, with higher cytotoxic activity against ACP03 (IC50 = 8.5nM). Also, this inhibitor was able to reduce MELK expression in ACP03 and AGP01 strains gradually according to the concentration of the compound. Regarding migration capacity, OTSSP167 was able to significantly inhibit the migration of ACP03 cells treated for 12 hours with three different concentrations of compound (4.25nM, 8.5nM, and 17nM), but in the 24-hour analyzes, there was only significance. OTSSP167 8.5nM and 17nM concentrations. However, the evaluation of cell invasion capacity after treatment with OTSSP167 for 48 hours did not yield significant statistical results. Thus, the results suggest that OTSSP167 has antineoplastic activity in lines with MELK gene amplification and inhibits cell migration capacity. Therefore, OTSSP167 has potential applicability in future therapies, requiring additional tests to delimit the mechanism of action of the compound.


  • Data: 09/12/2019
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    Muscimole is a psychoactive izoxazole compound extracted from mushrooms of the genus Amanita muscaria has been studied as a GABA inhibitor due to behavioral genes, since its structural structure is based on mammalian neurotransmitters GABA and glutamic acid. Due to its high selectivity and its own potential for neural activity, it is able to act as a drug, since it has a higher affinity for the GABAA receptor than GABA. Since the 1980s studies suggesting that GABA and muscimol are related to serotonin concentration, where increased GABA concentration or muscimol injection increases serotonin concentration and decreases inactive product after serotonin. oxidation, 5-HIAA. For this reason, this work aimed to plan and develop muscimol derivatives as an alternative for increase the serotonin using antioxidant activity. For this reason, this work aimed to plan and develop muscimole derivatives as an alternative for the treatment of anxiety and depression. For this, was used the drug planning method known as bioisosterism, which is characterized by being compounds or subunits of bioactive substances with similar structural characteristics, as well as similar physical and chemical properties with the ability to present analogous biological properties, can be agonists or antagonists. Firstly, a study was made of the groups that are responsible for the biological activity through the muscimole pharmacophores, where the groups that interact with the GABAA receptor are the -NH2 groupings, the isoxazole ring, as well as the oxygen present in the carbonyl. Then molecular modeling was performed, which was performed using the DFT B3LYP 6-311G (2d, 2p) method to verify the values of HOMO, LUMO, GAP, ionization potential (IP), bond energy dissociation, hydrogen atom transfer and single electron transfer, where it was found that the derivative S1 presented values equal -7.61 eV, -1.36 eV, -6.25 eV, 205.87.85 kcal/mol, 80.81 kcal/mol, -15.45 kcal/mol e -6.99 kcal/mol, respectively. The derivative S2 presented values of -6.80 eV, -1.08 eV, 5.72 eV, 198.41 kcal/mol, 77.73 kcal/mol, -18.53 kcal/mol e -0.47 kcal/mol, respectively. When compared with GABA, it was found that they are reactive, among which derivative S2 is more reactive, presenting lower GAP value compared to S1, and with PI values, it was found that derivative S1 has a lower electron donor capacity than derivative S2, highlighting that the best route is through the hydrogen donation mechanism. Then, the regioisomers derivatives were synthesized with a yield for S1 and S2 of 74,08% and 60,42%, respectively, as well as characterization through the melting point, where the derivative S1 had equal melting point. at 114,5 ° C - 115 ° C and S2, 182,5 ° C, showing that the synthesized molecules are pure, since they were compared with the data in the literature. With these data it is possible to say that muscimol derivatives have high antioxidant activity.

  • Planning and synthesis of new piroxicam-related derivatives.

  • Data: 09/12/2019
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  • Piroxicam is a drug belonging to the group of oxicams, derived from phenolic acids, in the class of NSAIDs. Although not the drug of choice in some treatments, the drug is indicated for the treatment of acute musculoskeletal disorders, post-traumatic and postoperative pain, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, primary dysmenorrhea, endometriosis and hemorrhagic cyst. Like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, piroxicam is able to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis from arachidonic acid by competitively reversible inhibition of COX activity, with some predominance to inhibit COX-2 activity. Photosensitivity is one of the adverse effects caused by the drug, being observed in about 1% of patients. In addition, various techniques have been used to improve the stability of piroxicam without diminishing its potential. Thus, the objective of this paper is to plan, synthesize and evaluate more stable derivatives related to the phototoxicity of the study drug. Calculations of electronic properties such as high energy occupied molecular orbital (HOMO), low energy occupied molecular orbital (LUMO) and ionization potential (IP), as well as reactivity index calculations (Mulliken, CHELPG and Fukui) were calculated. performed using the Gaussview and Gaussian 2009 packages.
    The proposed derivatives have been synthesized through classical reactions such as esterification and nucleophilic substitution and are in the process of purification. The results of the HOMO and LUMO values showed that the D4 molecule has a better electronic distribution, with the second lowest HOMO value and the highest LUMO value, and can be considered the most stable. The D6 molecule proved to be the most reactive derivative and this can be explained by the presence of two hydroxyls in the naphthalene ring of the derivative, influencing the reactivity of the molecule. Based on the GAP values, the nitrated derivative (D2) presented lower value (3.36 eV), indicating high reactivity. The D4 molecule presented the highest GAP value, confirming its stability. In the analysis of Mulliken, CHELPG and Fukui loads of piroxicam, differences in substitution orientation were observed, probably due to the difference in calculations performed for each index. In the theoretical results of the chemical reactivity study using UV-Vis, piroxicam and its naphthalenic derivative showed completely different profiles, referring to its three main peaks, being the most expressive in the C = C system, indicating that in the benzothiazine system it functions as a reactive alkene after energy absorption.
    Thus, the molecular modification by the naphthalene system presented a compound with higher chemical stability and lower reactivity.




  • Data: 03/12/2019
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    Natural products are sources of secondary metabolites with wide pharmacological applicability, including anticancer. Biflorin, a prenylated ortho-naphthoquinone that has been isolated from the roots of the Capraria biflora L. plant, has stood out as a potent prototype antitumor drug. However, despite promising potential, its antineoplastic capacity is incipiently applied to gastric cancer, one of the most incidente, aggressive and lethal cancers, nationally and globally. In this context, this study aimed to analyze the structure-toxicity relationship of biflorin by the redox in silico mechanism, as well as the in vitro cytotoxic and anti-invasive potential, using as a model strains of intestinal-type gastric adenocarcinoma   metastatic (AGP01) and isolated from primary tumor (ACP03). In silico analysis showed that biflorin has a differentiated reactivity characteristic and can act as electron donor or acceptor in nucleophilic and electrophilic reactions, respectively. Moreover, when compared to other natural naphthoquinones such as β-lapachone and lapachol, it presented better redox properties and reactivity conditions, but with less toxic effect due to their ability to form more stable intermediates. The molecular simplification of biflorin also allowed to infer that the ortho-naphthoquinone functional group is probably the most related to naphthoquinones toxicity. Additionally, biflorin showed cytotoxic activity at considerably low concentrations for both strains, however, cytotoxicity was more pronounced for AGP01 (IC50 3.1 μM) compared to ACP03 (IC50 4.5 μM) at 48h treatment. Regarding antimetastatic activity, biflorin reduced the cell invasion capacity of the AGP01 strain only (p <0.0001). The results indicate that biflorin has cytotoxic activity for both gastric cancer strains AGP01 and ACP03, as well as anti-invasive specifically for metastatic cells AGP01. In addition, it was 

  • Theoretical Study of the Methylation Reaction of Protein Lysine Methyltransferase (PKMT)

  • Data: 12/09/2019
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  • Cancer is one of the main targets in academic research and its understanding is relatedto gene regulation through histone methylation. G9a protein is responsible for themethylation of histone 3 Lysine 9 (H3K9), which can perform one or two methylationson this specific residue. Thus, computational techniques were used to describe this
    reaction through QM/MM simulation using the techniques of SEP, PMF in the Dynamo program and the mechanism in the AMBER program with the methods AM1, AM1D, PM3, PM6 and RM1 determining the best method. the parameters to describe the reaction. The results show that the reaction for deprotonation of Lysine 9 showed better
    values in the Amber18 program, being close to expected through a direct transfer of Lysine 9 to Tyrosine 1154 with the RM1 method and energy barrier of 27.15 kJ/mol. The transfer of the methyl group from the SAM molecule to Lysine 9 showed that the PM6 method using the Dynamo PMF technique had an energy barrier of 72.80 kJ/mol
    which is close to that obtained by the experimental data.

  • Planning of Enzyme Inhibitors 3-Deoxy-D-Hand-Octulosonate 8-Phosphate Synthase (KDO8PS): A New Target for Treatment of Bacterial Infection.


  • Data: 23/07/2019
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  • Bacteria can be distinguished in two groups through the Gram technique, where Grampositive and Gram negative bacteria can be differentiated, the main differences between these organisms being the structure of the cell wall, its components and its functions. More evidence has emerged of bacteria resistant to antibiotics, the case of Gram-negative bacteria is more worrisome due to the emergence of strains resistant to various antibiotics. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a component of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria responsible for toxic manifestations such as inflammation. 3-Deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate (KDO) is a site component of the inner core of LPS essential for its formation. The reaction for KDO production requires two substrates, phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) and D-arabinose 5-phosphate (A5P), catalyzed by 8phosphate synthase 3-Deoxy-D-mannoocobluconate (KDO8PS). This reaction is important because it plays a crucial role in the assembly of LPS. This enzyme is in two distinct forms as the dependence of the presence or absence of divalent metal ion in the active site. There are several inhibitors of KDO8P synthase, two were selected based on their inhibition constants (Ki), with BPH1, the most active among them with a value of 0.37 μM in KDO8P metal synthase independent in E. coli and BPH2 with value of 7.9 ± 1.6 μM for metal-independent KDO8P synthase in N. meningitidis, these K i values are approximately 2 to 3 times higher than the Km values for PEP that were also used in this work, in addition to a third hypothetical inhibitor that combines the main characteristics of the inhibitors already described in the literature. Molecular Dynamics, Molecular Dynamics and Free Energy of bonding with the methods MMGBA, MMPBSA, SIE and Energy decomposition by residue to analyze the coupling mode of these ligands and the PEP substrate were used. With the results obtained, we analyzed the main interactions of these ligands and the molecular behavior of both the ligands and the protein. Therefore, more favorable binding-free energy values were obtained for the complexes formed with the BPH1 linker with the three methods -96.07 Kcal / mol with MMGBSA, -107.09 Kcal / mol with MMPBSA and -13.53 with SIE and observed these complexes perform a greater number of effective interactions. Thus, it is suggested that the BPH1 linker has an excellent potential for inhibiting the catalytic activity of the enzyme KDO8P synthase responsible for the production of KDO, essential component of LPS for the formation of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria.

  • Data: 09/07/2019
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  • Parkinson's disease is currently the second most common neurodegenerative disease in the world, with a high incidence in North and South America and Europe, for more than 50 years we have not seen any revolutionary treatment for the disease and many aspects of its neuropathology that still remain without a concrete enlightenment, in this feeling the experimental model in primates approaches the human reality are invaluable value for the development of new therapies and elucidation on mechanisms related to the disease. The 6-hydroxydopamine model in primates is a model that mimics some motor symptoms characteristic of PD. The present study aimed to develop a protocol for the induction of HemiParkinsonism in Sapajus apella primates. Three Sapajus Apella monkeys, all adult males, were submitted to daily conditioning sessions using the positive reinforcement clicker technique for primate chair positioning. Concurrently, the staircase and Brinkman tray motor tests were performed to determine laterality by the manual preference and dominance attributes. After this period, two 6-OHDA induction protocols were performed, the first protocol was injected into 10 sites in the nucleus striatum and the second protocol was injected into 10 sites in the nigrostriatal pathways, one week after the injections were performed twelve weeks of clinical analysis . All animals learned the input and positioning behaviors in the chair in a minimum of 30 sessions using pure positive reinforcement. The results of the staircase test demonstrated that the animals presented laterality consistent with the assignments of manual preference and dominance. The Brinkman test, specifically, presented lower sensitivity for determination of the same attributes, despite being the most commonly used test. Clinical analysis revealed that the second induction protocol had more motor symptoms characteristic of PD. Induction by 6-OHDA in the nigrostriatal pathways has been shown to be a good induction method for treatment studies and for a better understanding of the disease

  • Chemical study and biological activity of extracts and piperine obtained from black pepper.

  • Data: 27/05/2019
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  • The black pepper (Piper nigrum L.), member of Piperaceae family, presents the alkaloid piperine traditionally used as antidepressant, neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal and larvicidal and bioavailability of several drugs with concomitant use. This natural amide has motivated several scientific studies due to chemical composition. Thus, the procedures for extracting, isolating and characterizing the piperine component from the Piper nigrum L. species were developed. The extraction was fulfilled in Soxhlet (40 g black pepper ground, 250 ml of absolute ethyl alcohol) to obtain solid piperine, followed by analytical procedures for substance characterization, such as: Thermogravimetry (TG), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), powder X-ray diffraction (DR-X), infrared (IR) spectroscopy, Raman and 13C and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). As well as the combined use of molecular modeling techniques in the spectral identification via NMR, Raman and infrared of the piperine molecule to corroborate with experimental data obtained. A second method for extraction by maceration (200 g ground pepper / 1L of absolute ethyl alcohol) was applied for 30 days. The components in the macerated extract (EEPM), the pepper extracts from the soxhlet (EEPS) and purification stages (RP and SR) were evaluated by phytochemical prospection. Also, biological tests were performed with the samples (EEPM, EEPS, RP, CP and SR) for proof antimicrobial, fungal and larvicidal bioactivities. All characterization analyzes for piperine crystals (MEV, DSC, XRD, IR-ATR, Raman and NMR) were effective in confirming the component. With the use of molecular modeling the theoretical data (IV, Raman and 13C and 1H NMR) obtained showed promising correspondence in comparison with experimental data. The theoretical and experimental compared, through Simple Linear Regression, reached statistically satisfactory results (R2, Q2) values above 94%. Alkaloids, Catechins, Anthocyanins and Anthocyanidins, Leucoantocyanidins, Catheter tannins, Flavonones and Phenols were detected in the samples (EEPM, EEPS, RP and SR). In the microbiological analyzes, the EEPM sample showed high efficiency of the extract in the inhibition of Salmonella sp. (MIC) <100 μg/mL. The EEPS sample presented promising inhibitory activity for almost all microorganisms, with no inhibition relevant to Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Also showed potent inhibition coefficients against Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella sp. (MIC) <100 μg / mL) for the RP sample. The CP sample showed a great inhibition coefficient in most of microorganisms occurring inactivity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In the analysis of larvicidal activity, the percentage of larval mortality did not reach 50% in any of the samples submitted to 24 hours of exposure and at 48 hours, the concentration of 100 μg.mL-1 of the EEPM sample was the most significant with a mortality rate of 85.7%.



  • Data: 29/03/2019
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  • The emergence of drug-resistant strains used in antiretroviral therapy grows alarmingly on a global scale. Antiretrovirals used in the treatment of first and second line HIV are the ones that most have case reports of resistant strains. Protease inhibitors are a class of antiretroviral drugs that play a key role in AIDS treatment regimens. In addition to the emergence of resistance to IPs used in the usual treatment regimens, Darunavir, a protease inhibitor used in therapeutic rescue treatment, is already reported in patients who already have failed initial treatment and proven resistance. The aim of this work is to evaluate, identify and quantify HIV-1 3UCB protease mutations, as well as to evaluate, through molecular dynamics simulations, the impact that mutations produce on the interaction of 3UCB and its darunavir ligand when compared to the native HIV-1 protease 4LL3 complexed to the same linker.The results obtained in this study showed that the 3UCB multi-resistant HIV-1 protease had a slightly more stable binding profile than the native HIV-1 protease complex 4LL3, with binding free energy results -68.77 and -64.62 kcal / mol, respectively.


  • Data: 28/12/2018
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  • Paracetamol is a clinically proven analgesic and antipyretic, which promotes analgesia by
    elevating the pain threshold and antipyretic through action in the hypothalamic center that
    regulates the temperature. Currently paracetamol is one of the medicines that is available in all
    the countries of the world in places related to health and can be acquired without prescription.
    Considered one of the most widely used drugs in the world as it is cheap and easy to access, it
    can also be used from birth to the elderly. Like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
    paracetamol is able to inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins from arachidonic acid under
    specific conditions by inhibiting cyclooxygenase (COX). Although it is considered safe at
    therapeutic doses, Paracetamol has a toxicity attributed to one of its metabolic intermediates
    called N-acetyl-p-imine-benzoquinone (NAPQI), produced through enzymes present in
    cytochrome P450 (CYPE21). Thus, the objective of this present work is to plan, synthesize and
    evaluate possible antinociceptive and antipyretic activities of paracetamol analogues,
    ortacetamol and its derivatives in order to obtain a less toxic derivative. The calculations of
    electronic properties such as higher energy occupied molecular orbital (HOMO), lower energy
    unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO), ionization potential (PI), phenolic bond dissociation
    energy (BDEOH) and spin densities were performed using the Gaussview and Gaussian 2009
    packages. The values of the average values of BDENH, among others, are those that are observed
    with the quality of a heating cycle for the high speed with the possibility of a chelation defined
    by a hydrogen bond of the amide with the phenoxyl radical. Given the results it is possible that
    BDENH energy compounds may be less potent than hindering the action of CYP on oxidation
    to form toxic intermediates. A proposed chlorinated derivative was proposed and synthesized.
    It is in biological evaluation phase. Orthacetamol was more potent antioxidant than
    paracetamol. Experimental results are in aggrement with theoretical values. We conclude that
    ortcetamol may be a potentially safer bioactive candidate than paracetamol.


  • Data: 21/12/2018
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  • The enzyme Tyrosinase (TYR), responsible for the catalysis of the early stages of melanogenesis in various organisms, is described in some groups. Among those that stand out: hyperpigmentation, melasma and skin cancer, in not melanoma forms and malignant melanoma. In general, dysfunctions are treated with depigmenting agents, TYR enzyme alerts. However, among them is the kojic acid (KA), marked side effects. Such phenomena make a TYR a model of biological  development of drug prototypes. In the meantime, I investigated some TYR enzyme inhibitory genes, in particular AK and analogous plants, as well as a Tropolone and some benzaldehyde derivatives, structurally related to the natural substrates of TYR (L-Tyrosine and L-Dopa), as the Molecular Docking, Molecular Dynamics (MD), and the Linear Interaction Energy (LIE) method, used to calculate the free binding energy of the systems. Specifically application of Molecular Docking defined the mode of binding of the inhibitors in the TYR site, being possible to quantify how interactions occur in the systems. As the MD simulations, they exhibited the effect of the enzyme with different inhibitors and how they act when complexed with a TYR enzyme, using a copper dummy atom model. Thus, the results obtained by LIE were concordant with the experimental results, obtaining an R2 of 0.91 in a linear regression of LIE vs Experimental, and this allowed to analyze how Tropolona, KA, MOL2 and MOL3 interactions with the important to the active site of TYR. Thus, the results achieved at work contributed significantly to the achievement of inhibition of the TYR enzyme, helping to combat the evils caused by a cycle of melanin production in organisms.


  • Data: 25/09/2018
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  • The Chagas disease, caused by protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, still has high rates of
    contagion in the present days, especially in the Amazon region, being orally the most
    common type of transmission. After contagion, the disease has two phases: acute and
    chronic. The acute phase is, in most cases, asymptomatic and treated with greater
    efficiency, the chronic phase, despite being symptomatic, has not efficient treatment. To
    treat the disease, there is only one available medicine, benznidazole or Rochagan®,
    distributed free of charge, and it must be administered during, approximately, 60 days.
    However, benznidazole has low efficiency, being effective only on acute phase
    (asymptomatic). Besides that, the medicine use to cause severe side effects in patients
    treated, causing many times the abandonment of treatment. The molecular modeling has
    become an important tool on new drugs design, using theoretical study to evaluate of the
    new molecules potency. Thereby, the goal of this work was to design new derivatives using
    molecular modifications of benznidazole and metronidazole aiming to reduce their redox
    capacity. With this purpose, a theoretical study was performed of two benznidazole
    derivatives, using molecular association and methylation. The molecular association was
    accomplished with the union of benznidazole and metronidazole molecules, another
    medicine with antiprotozoal activity, but with less toxicity than benznidazole. Both
    designed derivatives were synthesized on laboratory using the classics methodologies of
    electrophilic and nucleophilic substitution, esterification, alkylation and nitration. From the
    theoretical study, it was possible observe that the nibendazole 1 and nibendazole 2
    compounds have lower redox capacity than benznidazole, according to its results of
    HOMO, LUMO, ionization potential and electron affinity.The GAP values showed that the
    derivatives are less reactive than benznidazole. The HOMO and LUMO graphics, showed
    that the nitroimidazoles rings have high electron-donation capacity as well as benzyl radical
    has high electron-aception capacity, on benznidazole and on derivatives compounds.

  • Planning and development of nitazoxanide analogs

  • Data: 25/09/2018
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  • Nitazoxanide is a molecule applied in the antihelminthic therapy and has a broad spectrum
    as antiparasitic agent. In biological studies by using this molecule, new therapeutic targets
    and good results were found. Nevertheless, it still has some chemical and pharmaceuticals
    problems which need improvements. The objective of the study is the design and
    development of stable nitazoxanide derivatives using molecular modeling and organic
    synthesis approaches. All calculations of electronic properties such as frontier orbital
    (HOMO and LUMO), ionization potential (IP) and electronic affinity (AE), electrostatic
    potential map (MPE) were performed using the Gaussview e Gaussian. The theoretical
    study of nine amino-nitro-azolic derivatives, an essential moiety of nitazoxanide
    pharmacophore, was performed using the DFT/B3LYP/6-31G (d,p) method and showed
    that thiophene ring modifications can reduce the redox potential changing the reactivity
    and toxicity. All derivatives have better electrophilic properties and depends on the
    presence of nitro group. These results are confirmed by maps of electrostatic potentials
    and can indicated the most reactive regions that probable act on electrophilic attacks.
    Physicochemical parameters of nitazoxanide analogues were also evaluated using the
    DFT/B3LYP/6-31+G (d,p) method. A significant increase in the electron donating
    capacity for these new molecules from the HOMO, LUMO and GAP values was
    observed. An additional nitro group on ring structure beget compounds that have great
    stability and electron-accepting capacity. This electronic property is essential for
    biological activity on nitro compounds. The electrostatic potentials for nitazoxanide and
    its related analogues show the significant negative charge density on the nitro region. In
    addition, a conformational analysis of nitazoxanide, tizoxanide and a nitazoxamide
    derivatives was performed. The lower conformer of nitazoxanide agrees with the
    crystallographic structure. The more stable structures of the derivatives are related to their
    conformational similarity. The nitazoxanide molecule and three other derivatives have
    been synthesized and are available for biological evaluation on future works.



  • Data: 28/03/2018
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  • Edaravone is a commercial drug released on the Japanese Market, indicated in the treatment and prevention of ischemic stroke. Its action is due to its scavenger properties of free radical released in the ischemia. However, its use may lead to a kidney toxic effect. Therefore, in this work, a new bioisostere derivative from Edaravone was proposed, by the change of a pyrazolone ring for an indolone. Antioxidant properties was determined through computational methods. Calculations were undertaken in the software Gaussian, through the B3LYP method, with the set of bases 6-31G (d, p). Antioxidant activity was predicted from HOMO, LUMO, Gap, Ionization potential (IP) and Bond dissociation energy (BDE). Results indicate analogous compounds showed higher ClogP values compared to Edaravone, which means higher facility to pass through biological barriers, with higher liposoluble properties. Edaravone derivative, called Imidazone, also showed higher antioxidant potential than Edaravone. Methyl group in second position of heterocyclic ring was essential to more stable resonance structures formation to semiquinone form. All new derivatives proposed were extremely promising with antioxidant capacity superior to Edaravone.


  • Data: 28/03/2018
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  • The drug delivery systems shows several advantages when compared with traditional release
    systems, such as allowing the employment of lower concentrations of drug, having greater
    efficiency, and minimizing side effects. The improvement of drug delivery depends strictly on the
    choice of and adequate support allowing to effectively controlling the drug release. Thus, the use
    of inorganic hybrid materials, such as layered doubles hydroxides (LDH) is of great interest
    because of their properties. Caffeic acid (CA), coming from several natural sources, exhibits
    different biological activities with featured for the leishmanicidal activity. In this work, the ion
    exchange methodology was used for the intercalation of Caffeic acid (CA) molecules between the
    LDH/MgAl layers. This, in order to obtain more stable AC formulations compared to free drug.
    Physico-chemical characterizations were used for analysis of the structure and morphology of the
    hybrid compounds obtained, such as XRD, FT-IR and SEM.

  • Analysis of extraction methods and parameters for in vitro evaluation: photoprotective activity, antioxidant activity and assay of total flavonoids from extracts of spondias mombin L. 

  • Data: 28/03/2018
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  • It is a plant popularly found in the North and Northeast of Brazil, being called taperebazeiro or cajazeiro, belongs to the family of Anarcadiaceae, whose scientific name is Spondias Mombin L., is considered a high plant, being able to reach up to 15 meters of height, its leaves are considered glabrous and unequal in the base, their bark presents a whitish and rough coloration. In addition, it has in its chemical composition alkaloids, resin, tannins and saponins. It has several biological effects, such as: antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antipsychotic effect. The Amazon has one of the world's largest reserves of biodiversity, however, there are few researches on plant species with potential to be used as natural sunscreens. In recent years cases of skin cancer have grown, in 2016, the National Cancer Institute estimated that 175,760 people would contract the disease. In the cosmetic market there is a great demand for products of natural origin, especially those that have proven scientific studies. Therefore, the objective of this work was to analyze extraction methods and parameters for In Vitro evaluation: Photoprotective Activity, Antioxidant Activity and Total Flavonoid Dosage for the preparation of photoprotector from extracts of Spondias Mombin L.


  • Data: 28/03/2018
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  • Amphetamine are drugs that stimulate the central nervous system, cause increase physical and mental capacities, and are sympathomimetic substances that have the basic chemical structure of beta-phenethylamine. It is a drug that can be produced from easily accessible reagents. Its synthesis is most often done in clandestine laboratories of low cost and its consumption is a public health problem. In the present work the methamphetamine synthesis reaction (MDMA) was investigated from Safrol. This reaction occurs in two steps: first a halogenhydride addition, followed by a nucleophilic substitution. The thermodynamic properties of the Safrol reaction were investigated, and the nuclear magnetic ressonante (NMR), UV-visible, IR reagent, intermediate and product spectra are shown. In addition to being also suggested an alternative route of synthesis of higher yield. In order to obtain results with chemical precision (CBS-QB3) or with a minimum of numerical deviation in relation to the values, the DFT method with different functional and set of bases was used for the electronic structure calculations experiments. Finally, a study of the QSAR of 30 amphetamine derivatives and the MDMA molecule was carried out, since according to the literature it has biological activity, and the R2 adjustment coefficient, close to 0.9 and Q2 (coefficient of determination of the cross validation) near 0.74, these two values confirm the high variability and predictability of the model.





  • Data: 18/12/2017
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  • Leishmaniasis is protozoan caused by different species of the parasite of the genus Leishmania that present themselves in the promastigote form, when they are infecting the insect vector or amatisgota, when they are infecting a vertebrate host. The chemotherapy treatment is still the main means of fighting the disease, however due to the high cost and some unwanted side effects, it makes treatment difficult. Several proteins with enzymatic and structural functions have been identified as possible pharmacological targets against the parasite species in question due to their specific functions, cellular location and considerable phylogenetic distance. Glucosomal proteins are pharmacological targets that meet these requirements and have been targets of different studies. The glycosomal enzyme Glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH) from Leishmania mexicana has its crystallographic structure attached to the NAD+-DHAP bissubstrat (NDE), available in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). 10 residues in the active site are noted which are highly conserved and conformational changes in their structure. From this, in the present study, molecular dynamics (DM) simulations were combined with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to verify the conformational activity in the non-bounded form (apo) and in the bound form (holo). A total of 100 ns of DM for each system were generated, as well as free energy calculations that estimated the structural mechanism by observing that the C-terminal domain moved considerably while the N-terminal remained conservated and stable. The results also show that the closed state after NDE formation is favorable for the enzymatic action process.


  • Data: 30/11/2017
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  • Intercalation of species with pharmacological activity in layered double hydroxides
    (LDHs) is a growing field in academic and industrial research, these compounds are
    capable of promoting the controlled release of drugs. In this work we merge the kojic
    acid in LDH nanoparticles of Mg2+/Al3+ by co-precipitation method. This substance has
    many applications in various fields of research, however it is easily susceptibile to
    photo-oxidation which causes organoleptic and chemical modifications of its structure.
    Recently kojic acid was introduced as a potent inhibitor of Leishmania cultures, we
    believe that the particular properties of HDL, such as photoprotection, and stabilization
    of the interleaved facilitate the production of a material resistant to possible
    applications for health. All samples were prepared by the co-precipitation method, were
    further characterized by X-ray diffraction, Raman, IR, UV-vis spectroscopy,
    thermogravimetry, and biological evaluations of Leishmania cultures. Our results
    demonstrate that HDL has 53.018% AK intercalated kojic acid and is able to withstand
    high temperatures, in addition to having an anti-leishmania potential.
    Keywords: layered double hydroxides nanoparticles, kojic acid, anti-leishman


  • Data: 17/11/2017
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  • Chagas’ disease is an infection caused by the Trypanosoma Cruzi flagellated protozoan
    studies have shown that oral contamination has been frequent. The only available drugs
    for the treatment of Chagas’ disease - Benzonidazole (RochaganR, Roche) and Nifurtimox
    (LampitR, Bayer) - have shown limited efficiency and severe side effects. Cruzain is an
    enzyme present at all stages of the life cycle of T. cruzi and is the most abundant of the
    family of papain cysteine proteases found in the parasite, being a promising enzymatic
    target for the design and development of inhibitors against the disease. Non-peptidic noncovalently
    bound to the enzyme were synthesized and evaluated biologicallyin vitro andin
    vivo byFerreiraetal.(2014)analogsofthe8D(orB95)leadercompound(crystallographic),
    yielding a series of active compounds, of which the most powerful are: 8K, 8L and 8R.
    This work investigated the potential interactions and energies of the cruzain (PDB code:
    3KKU) complexed with these four ligands by means of computational tools in order to help
    elucidate their potential inhibition activity in this enzyme. The computational protocol
    (parameters, topologies, coordinates, minimizations, thermalizations and productions) was
    the same for each system. In the final stage of molecular dynamics (MD) production,
    each system was simulated for a period of 100 ns, to which the mean square deviation
    (RMSD) stability values of the enzyme and the marked change in 8L ligand conformation
    were analyzed. The quality of the simulation was also evaluated through potential, kinetic
    and total energy, volume and temperature graphs. Interactions of hydrogen bonds of
    the ligands with some amino acid residues belonging to the catalytic site were analyzed.
    The interaction between the ASP161 and the 8R ligand is emphasized, being ratified by
    the energy decomposition by residue showing that ASP161 has the best contribution.
    In terms of binding free energy, the ∆Gtotal follows the experimental trend, pointing
    the 8R ligand as the most favorable to the reaction having a theoretical value of -30.04
    kcal.mol−1. This spontaneity is ratified by means of the values obtained with the SIE
    method, whose theoretical value was -7.54 kcal.mol−1. The results of this work should favor
    the optimization of compound 8R or development of a series of analogs of this molecule in
    order to be used as a possible drug for the treatment of Chagas’ disease.


  • Data: 03/10/2017
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  • Data: 29/09/2017
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  • catalase-peroxidase, KatG, which produces an isonicotinoyl-NADH adduct, INNADH, whichtargets the M tuberculosis Enoyl-ACP reductase protein, InhA, in order to disrupt thesynthesis chain of mycolic acidsResistance to isoniazid alone or in combination with otherdrugs is one of the most common forms of resistant tuberculosis and poses a threat to thecontrol of this disease. In this context, triclosan (TCL) appears as an alternative inhibitor ofthe synthesis of mycolic acids, since it is also specific to InhA. This study aims to evaluate theinteractions of inhibitors of InhA through Molecular Dynamics Simulation (DM) and proposepossible new inhibitors for this enzyme. The system used in this work was captured from thedatabase PDB, code 4TRO. Eight ligands, NADH, INNADH, and the TCL, P31, P41, P52,P61, P72 and P80 derivatives were evaluated. In the lower region of the active site of InhAwere more frequent π charge stacks made by PHE41 and PHE97 with the ligands NADH,INADH, P80, P31, P72, however P41 made a hydrogen bond (LH) with PHE41. In the centralregion of the active site, residues such as A GLY96, SER20 and ILE21 did LH with NADH,INNADH, P31, P41 and P80. In relation to the upper region of the InhA site. The PHE149performed EC-π with the INNADH and P41. Already in P31 was an LH with this residue andin P80 the energies are favorable for interaction. The free energies of each system presentedin descending order are INNADH (-72,038 kcal / mol), P80 (-45,841 kcal / mol), NADH (41,463kcal / mol), P41 (-40,178 kcal / mol), P31 (-30.614 kcal / mol), p52 (-19.475 kcal /mol) and P61 (-12.297 kcal / mol). These results highlight P80 and P41 as promisingcandidates for M. tuberculosis mycolic acid synthesis inhibitors, since being an energy profileis competitive with the values shown by NADH.

  • Intercalação de Ácido Cafeico em Hidróxidos Duplos Lamelares (HDL) de Zn/Al pelo método de Coprecipitação. 

  • Data: 28/09/2017
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  • O ácido cafeico (AC) é um composto fenólico de ocorrência natural em frutas e vegetais que atua como importante antioxidante, antimicrobiana, antivírus e apresenta diversas aplicações terapêuticas potenciais no tratamento de doenças como câncer de pele, do cólon, doenças imunorreguladoras, cardiovasculares e leishmaniose. Os hidróxidos duplos lamelares (HDL) são matrizes inorgânicas caracterizadas por uma estrutura em lamela que apresenta biocompatibilidade e pode ser utilizada como sistema de liberação controlada de fármacos.  Neste estudo, o ácido cafeico (AC) foi intercalado em Zn/Al-HDL, através do método de co-precipitação a pH 6. O material híbrido obtido foi caracterizado por difração de raios-X em pó, espectroscopia infravermelho, espectroscopia Raman e microscópia eletrônica de varredura. Além disso, o teor de AC no material obtido foi determinado por espectroscopia UV-vis tendo um rendimento de 61%. O espaçamento basal de 11 Ǻ demonstrou a intercalação dos ânions AC nas lamelas do HDL. Os resultados de infravermelho confirmaram a presença de ânions de AC intercalados na estrutura da HDL através de duas bandas a 1406 e 1332 cm-1 (assimétricas e simétricas de alongamento COO-, respectivamente), o Raman complementa o resultado infravermelho apresentando o alongamento das bandas. As micrografias do HDL exibem uma morfologia com formatos hexagonal, no entanto, após o processo de intercalação, observou-se uma alteração considerável na estrutura do material, normalmente observada devido a incorporação do ácido orgânico entre as camadas do HDL. De um modo geral, os resultados sugerem que o material sintetizado nano-híbrido apresenta-se de forma cristalina e as moléculas do fármaco interagem com as camadas do HDL.


  • Cytoprotective and cicatrizing activity of the species Conocarpus eretus L in gastric lesions induced in adult wistar rats

  • Data: 06/09/2017
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  • The pharmacological research has been aimed at the knowledge of regional folk medicine, in order to establish the scientific bases of their respective pharmaceutical products’ effectiveness. Among the many natural sources used in our region are the species Conocarpus erectus L, popularly known as the "mangrove bud", belonging to the Combretaceae family. Different parts of the plant such as leaves, stems, fruits and flowers have their biological activity studied, among them the anticancer and antimicrobial effects. Ethnopharmacological reports obtained in the region of Salinópolis - PA also described a potential use in digestive disorders. Although a great advance in the drug therapy used in the cases of gastric ulcerationhas been made, it is important to carry out studies that prove its validity. This work aims to verify the cytoprotective activity and cicatrizing activity of the lyophilisatebark teaobtained by decoction of the species Conocarpus erectus L (LCE) in acute and chronic gastric lesions. The methodologies for evaluating the cytoprotective effect were acute lesions inducted by indomethacin and ethanol, while the cicatrization effect was evaluated by chronic acetic acid-induced lesions in adult Wistar rats. The intragastric pH variation was measured by the pylorus ligament assay. The lyophilizate’santioxidant activity was evaluated by the DPPH assay, as well as the lipid perioxide levels’ that were evaluated by the TBA-RS method in chronic lesions induced by acetic acid 5 and 10%. The results showed cytoprotective activity of LCE by the indomethacin induction model reduced the ulceration index (IU) in the treated group by 51,49%, omeprazole group by 51,33% and sucralfate group by 71,28%, all of them when compared to the controlled group. On the model of ethanol LCE’s induction, the area affected was reduced by 90.94%, and in the sucralfate’s induction group, by 75.88% when compared with the controlled group. The LCE’s healing effect reduced gastric lesions to 5% in 80.11%, while the on omeprazole group to 52.75% and the sucralfate group reduced to 66.33%, whereas in the 10%gastric lesionsthe LCE group reduced 72.11%, the omeprazole 57.47%, and the sucralfate group 43.77% (p>0,05Anova, post test Dunnett's and Turkey). The LCE treatment showed an increase of 39% onintragastric pH when compared to control (p>0,05Anova, post test Dunnett's e Turkey’s) and did not statistically showed any different from the omeprazol e group by themodel of pylorus ligation. The LCE antioxidant effect was confirmed by the DPPH assay, as it was diluted in 10x, 50x and 100x with a percentage of 67.65% ± 0.52, 73.22% ± 0.17 and 72.70% ± 1.39, respectively, when compared to the ascorbic acid antioxidant of 33,74% (AA) like this (p <0.05, Anova post test Dunnett). A lipid peroxidation evaluated in the lesions obtained by the 5%-acetic-acid-induction model showed that the average MDA levels in the nave group, controlled group and treated group LCE were 0.492 ± 0.0849, 1.579 ± 0.219, and 0.399 ± 0.092, respectively, showing that the LCE-treated group was able to reduce lipid peroxidation by 74.73% in comparison to the controlled group (p<0,05 Anova post test Dunnet) and it did not statisticallydiffer from the nave group. On the 10%-acetic-acid-model the average level of malonaldehyde in the nave group, controlled group and the LCE-treated group was 0.628 ± 0.042, 1.567 ± 0.234 and 0.441 ± 0.12, respectively.  The LCE treated group managed to reduce by 71.85% the lipid peroxidation caused by acetic acid induced lesions when compared to the control group (p <0.05 Anova post test Dunnet).These results confirm the cytoprotective and cicatrizing effects of LCE and suggest possible action mechanisms associated with its antioxidant potential, as well as possible acid secretioninhibition.

  • Drug candidates design with antileukemic activity (K562) based on the structure of 6α-hydroxyvouacapan-7β,17β-lactone and 16-(N,N-diethylamino)methylene-6α-hydroxyvouacapan-7β,17β-lactone

  • Data: 31/08/2017
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  • Leukemia is a neoplasm of hematopoietic tissue originating from the bone marrow and can be classified according to the cell line involved as myeloid and lymphoid. Thus, we have acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL) and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Studies have evidenced the essential role of the control of ABL tyrosine kinase activity for the treatment of CML. In this study the main objective is the planning of compounds that act as inhibitors of ABL tyrosine kinase activity, responsible for the proliferation of these tumor cells. Among the naturally occurring compounds that have activity in K562 chronic myeloid leukemia tumor cells are 6α, 7β-Dihydroxyivoucapan-17β-oic acid (ADV) and 14 derivatives that have undergone chemical quantum studies in order to select the best Set theory-based basis to be used in future molecular modeling for these compounds. The method that presented the best results was DFT / B3LYP 631-G **. Virtual screening was also performed to obtain structures similar to ADV and derivatives with potential activity in the cells studied. The structures obtained by virtual screening were submitted to studies of predictions of pharmacokinetic and toxicological properties (ADME / Tox) as well as the molecular docking study to predict the binding affinity between the protein-ligand complexes. The compound which showed the best binding affinity was ZINC38664626, also showed excellent pharmacokinetic and toxicological parameters, showing to be a promising compound to be used as a drug.

  • Drug Design with anti-inflammatory activity in the A2a-adenosine receptor (A2AAR)

  • Data: 31/08/2017
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  • Inflammation is a ubiquitous homeostatic mechanism generated to protect the body's integrity against endogenous or exogenous harmful agents. Inflammatory diseases constitute a complex and heterogeneous group of diseases, being an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Adenosine A2A receptor (A2AAR) has a considerable importance in the anti-inflammatory process. For the search of agonists with anti-inflammatory activity, the (6-(2,2-diphenylethylamino)-9-((2R,3R,4S,5S) -5-(ethylcarbamoyl)-3,4-dihydroxytetrahydrofuran-yl)-N-(2-(3-(1-(pyridin-2-yl)piperidin-4-yl)ureido)ethyl)-9H-purine-2-carboxamide) (UK-432097) and a set of 20 compounds found in the BindingDB database was analized. These compounds were used to generate several pharmacophore models. The predicted molecular properties were used for the construction of QSAR models (bi-, tri-, tetra-, penta-, hex-parametric) via Multiple Linear Regression Model for the prediction of biological activity. In addition, the PASS webserver was also used to predict activity. The best pharmacophoric model was used for commercial compounds in databases and the resulting compounds from the virtual screening were applied to the QSAR models. Following the methodological sequence, the results of the virtual screening were possible to select two compounds with promising activity to present specific characteristics delineated in the work, besides presenting satisfactory pharmacokinetic and toxicological profiles, being able to be used in future biological assays to confirm its activity and anti- inflammatory response to the A2AAR receptor.


  • Data: 30/08/2017
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    Prostate cancer PC-3 is one of the leading causes of disease and death on the planet. It is characterized by excessive enlargement of the gland, with consequent decrease in the volume and intensity of the urinary stream. In the prostate and other organs, testosterone is an androgen hormone, which is converted to dihydrotestosterone by the enzyme 5α-reductase (5αR) and binds to the androgen receptor (AR). Mutations in these androgens cause reproduction of cancer cells after formation of the androgen - receptor complex. The incidence varies by 25 times worldwide, with higher numbers registered in the developed countries of the continents oceania, europe and north america. In Brazil it is the most prevalent among men in all regions, with 95.63/100 thousand inhabitants in the south, 67.59/100 thousand in the Midwest, 62.36/100 thousand in the southeast, 51.84/100 thousand in the northeast and 29.50/100 thousand in the north region. The species Pterodon Emarginatus Vogel, commonly called "White sucupira" is a vegetable with fruits, which in the form of alcoholic infusion is used in folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases. vouacapan compounds extracted from the said species, have been shown to be promising for the treatment of potent antiproliferative agents against human cancer cells, especially for PC-3 prostate cancer cells, in which experimental values of activity (GI50) described in the literature, were significant. In silico studies of compounds with PC-3 prostate cancer potential in AR, were employed to obtain the probable bioactive pose of the vouacapan derivative, via semi-empirical method (PM3) and refined with the base set 6-31+G(d, p), calculated in the DFT method through the theory level B3LYP with the software Gaussian03. Binding-based virtual screening was performed on five commercial compound bases with the ROCS and EON softwares, predictions of pharmacokinetic and toxicological properties using Qikprop and Derek, evaluation of the molecular overlap index by steric / electrostatic contribution, in addition to molecular docking studies using Pyrx, between the ligand and structures from the bases complexed with AR (PDB code: 2oz7), to verify binding affinity. Between 238,922 molecules, only eight presented good theoretical values of pharmacokinetics, toxicity, esteric/electrostatic similarity and binding affinity, were the hits (7) 10,9kcal.mol-1 as the best of the series, (1) 8,1kcal.mol-1 as less favorable. The others appear within this range (2.8 Kcal.mol-1) with their respective values, (8) 8,2 kcal.mol-1, (5) 8,2 kcal.mol-1, (4) 8,3 kcal.mol-1, (2) 8,5 kcal.mol-1, (3) 8,6 kcal.mol-1, (6) 8,8 kcal.mol-1, indicating good efficiency of the screening method used. The results in predictions for 21 pharmacokinetic properties, were within the recommended range, similar to 95% of the drugs available on the market and no toxicity warning. The selected structures presented similarity with the pivot vouacapan greater than 75%. Based on binding affinity and predictions, two molecules were considered more promising, can be indicated as candidates for studies in vitro and in vivo.





  • Data: 30/08/2017
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  • Salicylate derivatives are successfully used as analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory agents and in prevention of cancer, mainly rectal colon. They reduce the risks of many diseases associated with old age. However, adverse effects related to gastrointestinal events are always associated to its main constituent (ASA). These aspects are linked to their chemical stability and affinity for biological receptors. The aim of this work are the design, synthesis and applications of naphthalene-salicylic derivatives as antioxidants. Thus, a theoretical study of the twelve studied compounds was carried out. The calculations of electronic properties such as frontier orbitals HOMO-LUMO, ionization potential (IP), bond dissociation energy of phenolic moiety (BDEOH), and spin density contributions were performed by using density functional theory (DFT) at the B3LYP/6-31G (d, p) level of theory on Gaussview and Gaussian computational packages. Some of these compounds were synthesized by using classical methods. The theoretical results showed that both additional hydroxyl or substitution on benzene ring for naphthalene increase the antioxidant capacity in the same values with small dissimilarities among acid, ester, and amide derivatives. A synergistic effect was observed when both are used together, producing the most potent molecules. In addition, spin density calculations have indicated a regioselective pathway can be gotten from monohydroxylated derivatives, with high possibility of generating of in vivo dihydroxy derivatives mainly at the para position relative to the phenolic group, through enzymatic or non-enzymatic reactions. Finally, the replacement of the naphthalene ring instead of the benzene ring increases both reactivity and chemical stability for the quinone-type intermediates, explaining how these compounds may play a role in the preventive mechanisms and way treatment of cancer. Some synthesized compounds are in anticancer and anti-inflammatory tests.



    Theoretical aspects of the interaction between cephalosporin compounds and Penicillin Binding Protein 5 of Escherichia coli using Molecular Dynamics


  • Data: 04/08/2017
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  • Escherichia coli is an anaerobic gram-negative bacillus that naturally inhabits the intestines of mammals. The diseases come when the bacteria reach other organs of our body, causing infections, mainly in the urinary tract of women, due to the proximity of the female urethra with the anus. In the treatment of these infections antibiotics are used that fight the bacterium, such as antibiotics of the class of cephalosporins, that are the group with the greater number of β-lactam antibiotics in clinical use. These compounds are capable of inhibiting the enzymatic function of Penicillin-Binding Proteins (PBP), which is responsible for the final step of biosynthesis of peptidoglycan, an essential component for the survival of bacteria. In this work, the antimicrobial compounds cefoxitin, cefuroxime, cefotaxime, cephalothin, cefixime, cefmetazole and 7-aminocephalosporanic acid were chosen based on experimental studies of biological activity in the fight against the Gram-negative opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, to be studied theoretically by means of Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations, binding free energy calculations and residue interaction energy, for the determination of their potential biological activity in inhibiting the enzymatic function of the specific E. coli PBP, Penicillin (PBP5), therefore, its inhibition leads to cell death. Free-binding energies were more favorable for the cefoxitin (crystallographic), cephalothin and cefuroxime ligands, -31.471 Kcal/mol, -34.225 Kcal/mol and -35.085 Kcal/mol, respectively, and it was observed that the catalytic residues Ser44 and His216 presented more favorable energy contributions to the system formed by the cephalothin ligand. Thus, cephalothin suggests to have excellent potential for inhibition of the enzymatic function of E. coli PBP5, responsible for the final phase of transpeptidation of the peptidoglycan layer.


  • Conformational mechanism study of 3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl Coenzyme A Reductase (HMGR) protein with the statins and substract through of Molecular Dynamics, PCA, and Free Energy
  • Data: 03/08/2017
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  • C

    Conformational mechanism study of 3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl Coenzyme A Reductase (HMGR) protein with the statins and substract through of Molecular Dynamics, PCA, and Free Energy
  •  Molecular Modeling of Complex Native and Double Mutant Protease Interactions of Complex HIV-1 to Atazanavir Inhibitor

  • Data: 27/04/2017
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  • Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a pandemic disease with the etiological agent Humanimmunodeficiency virus (HIV). According to the Brazilian Ministry of Health, 654,422 HIV-infected patients are estimated to exist until the last update (June / 2016) of their data. The drugs currently produced are based on a theoretical study based on computational molecular modeling, in which the interactions between drug-receptor are evaluated. Whose receptors are therapeutic targets in human pathologies. In this work the Molecular Dynamics (DM) and Binding Free Energy Molecular modeling study is proposed to describe the interactions between wild type HIV-1 Protease and mutants (I50V / A71V and I50L / A71V) complexed with the inhibitor atazanavir . For 100 nanoseconds of molecular dynamics the ligand (atazanavir) showed a better balance in its native protease binding site, however, in the other two systems under study atazanavir remained bound to its site, but with a lower balance. The binding free energy analyzes demonstrate that the native protease is the most energy efficient system having a value of ΔG = -46.30 kcal / mol, whereas the I50L / A71 mutant protease is the system that has the least spontaneity in the reaction having ΔG = -27.64 kcal / mol. In addition, the results of the MM-GBSA calculations demonstrated that the decrease in Van der Waals interactions is related to the increase in protease resistance to the drug under study.
  • Modelagem de análogos do ácido Kójico sobre a linhagem B16F10 de melanoma.

  • Data: 02/03/2017
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  • O melanoma maligno é resistente à maioria dos medicamentos disponíveis. A mortalidade causada pelo melanoma vem crescendo durante as últimas décadas, chegando a aproximadamente 150.000 novos pacientes por ano no mundo. Assim, neste trabalho foram investigadas a ação antoproliferativa e citotóxica de três novas moléculas derivados do ácido kójico (AK) em linhagem celular de melanoma B16F10 in vitro. O efeito da citotoxicidade in vitro foi avaliado pela redução do MTT. Além do mais, o modo de ligação e os efeitos inibitórios, na enzima Tirosinase (TYR), foram analisados por simulação computacional através da técnica de docagem molecular. Os resultados mostraram que as moléculas Mol 01 e Mol 03 já possuem potencial efeito antiproliferativo contra as células B16F10 de melanoma após um tratamento de 24h, a partir da concentração de 10 µM, com uma queda na viabilidade de aproximadamente 75%. Já nas concentrações de 75 µM e 100 µM a viabilidade já era de 0% em relação ao controle, para ambos os compostos. No entanto observou-se que o grupo de células tratadas com a Mol 02 em todas as concentrações e em todos os tempos, não apresentaram diferenças significativas quando comparadas ao grupo controle de 100%.   Por fim, os resultados de docagem sugerem que os inibidores exibem comportamentos semelhantes aos inibidores TRO (tropolone) e AK, o que enfatiza seu modo competitivo de inibição, bem como suas interações como os íons Cu2+ presentes no sítio catalítico da enzima TYR.

  • Simulação Computacional do Mecanismo Catalítico da Enzima Catecol-Metiltransferase.

  • Data: 16/02/2017
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  • Reações de transferência de metil são muito importantes em sistemas biológicos. A enzima catecol O-metiltranferase catalisa a reação de transferência de um grupo metil do co-substrato S-adenosilmetionina para dopamina. Esta enzima está relacionada com a doença de Parkinson que se trata de uma doença neurodegenerativa que afeta de 7 à 10 milhões de pessoas da população mundial, principalmente a parcela com mais de 60 anos. Devido a importância da reação catalisada por esta enzima, ferramentas computacionais em conjunto com métodos da mecânica quântica foram utilizadas para o estudo do mecanismo de reação da transferência de metil da S-adenosilmetionina para dopamina. Neste estudo, a presença ou não do íon Mg2+ na reação e mudanças na estrutura da dopamina para catecol e fenol foram levadas em consideração a fim de propor a região quântica mais adequada para futuros trabalhos de simulação no meio enzimático. Os métodos utilizados incluem o método semiempírico PM6, o ab initio DFT e o de correlação MP2. O modelo de solvatação PCM foi usado com o intuito de estudar a reação de referência na água do sistema enzimático e analisar  as barreiras de energia da reação na água e comparar com barreiras obtidas no gás.

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