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  • "Study of the participation of Traditional Communities in the municipality of Barcarena, in the state of Pará, in the construction of the Municipal Urban Development Master Plan (PDDU), under the aegis of Convention 169".

  • Data: 09/09/2024
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  • This research work aimed to analyze carrying out a study on the Public Management of municipal development of Barcarena. This research line of Municipal Public Management based on analyzes of policy government passed through Planning and Institutional Coordination Secretary (SEMPLA) in order to analyze the political guarantee and the traditional communities participation as law subject. The research objective was to analyze the nature of community participation in the execute of the Urban Development Master Plan (PDDU), from 2010 to 2021, in Barcarena, from the Convention 169 perspective of the International Labor Organization and considering the historical occurrence of environmental. Finally, we started with the following guiding question: The participation of traditional communities in the preparation of Barcarena's PDDU has been carried out in accordance with Convention 169 of the International Labor Organization mainly because they are territories located in sacrificial zones. As a methodology, documentary analyzes were carried out, as well as interviews with leaders and residents of three communities in Barcarena - Arienga Rio, Acuí and Vila do Conde. As a result, from two lines of analysis, called, Land Right and Communities Invisibilization. There was an occurrence of invisible strategies on the part of public authorities in order to hinder the community participation leaders in strategic forums and in decision-making that build the PDDU. It was found that the Barcarena communities continue to face serious confrontations with representatives of big capital over the dispute over their territories, without due legal-manager coverage and at the mercy of continuous environmental crimes caused by industries installed in the municipality.


    Keywords: Convention 169, PDDU, Traditional communities, Participation, Invisibilization of communities.



  • THE USE OF TDIC TOOLS IN THE TEACHING PROCESS: an applied study at IFPA Campus Castanhal

  • Data: 16/08/2024
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  • Digital Information and Communication Technologies are innovative tools that can help in the development of education. However, its effective implementation requires understanding and qualification of its use, in addition to investment and expansion of access to equipment and internet. Its emergency use during the pandemic can serve as an element of analysis for its implementation in everyday education. The study aims to investigate the use of Digital Information and Communication Technologies at the Instituto Federal do Pará - Campus Castanhal as a tool for remote teaching. The research, in terms of methodology, was exploratory-descriptive. In relation to the procedures, it was configured as a bibliographic and documentary review, also involving field research. Regarding the approach and analysis, quantitative and qualitative methods were combined (mixed method). The field research was carried out at the Federal Institute - Castanhal campus, state of Pará. The qualitative and quantitative responses provided the main categories of analysis for this study, highlighting several impacts arising from the transition from in-person to remote teaching during the pandemic. The study identified barriers, limits and potentialities in pedagogical and management practice, highlighting rigidity in training and practices in relation to the dynamic nature of the world. It highlighted the importance of training education professionals for emergencies, including health, climate, war and socioeconomic crises. The socioeconomic inequality of students, especially in remote communities, is a barrier magnified by the lack of access to technologies. Digital Information and Communication Technologies can be allies, but they must be tools and not protagonists of human relationships that strengthen educational processes. The study highlighted that technologies, when properly used, are valuable aids for education, to mitigate socioeconomic and territorial inequalities, especially in the Amazon region, and to effectively foster democratic education. Public policies need to include access to technology, as well as changes in the training and training of teachers and managers are essential, and are also responsibilities of governance and public investments.

    Keywords: Education. Digital Information and Communication Technologies. pedagogical process. institutional management.


  • Data: 12/07/2024
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  • The growth of industrial and port activities in Barcarena (Pará), starting in the 1980s, has generated social and, in recent years, environmental burdens on the municipality. To mitigate the situation, municipal managers have sought, either through executive actions or through institutions aligned with the development agendas of the United Nations (UN), to institutionalize sustainable development. This work analyzes, through exploratory and descriptive research and considering the perspective of the New Institutional Economy (NIE), the results of the institutionalization process of such agendas in Barcarena, especially the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, between the period of 2015 to 2023. To this end, it identified actions and institutions created and promoted by municipal managers; analyzed the municipality's performance in the period using the Sustainability Barometer (BS), a tool from the Amazon Foundation for Studies and Researc (FAPESPA), and the Sustainable Cities Development Index - Brazil (IDSC-BR); and, finally, analyzed and compared the results obtained in the indexes. The research result indicated that the process improved indicators related to sustainability in Barcarena, with actions, such as the creation of the Photovoltaic Energy Plant, and institutions, such as the PPA 2022-2025 and the new Tax Code, which can be considered innovative for amazon municipalities. Despite this, the process was still insufficient to solve common issues to Amazonian municipal entities (such as poor income distribution, lack of basic sanitation, quality education, etc.), in addition to others of Barcarena, such as hot spots and pollution and environmental risk management. Managers are recommended to maintain the process, especially improving its social impacts and paying due attention to possible future environmental threats related to climate change; to FAPESPA the recommendations are to provides a more accessible digital platform, in order to improve access to information related to BS; and to the Sustainable Cities Program (PCS), responsible for IDSC-BR, the recommendations are the insertion of retroactive data in the index, referring the period from 2016 to 2021, to increase the relevance of the tool. Keywords: Barcarena; Municipal Public Management; Sustainable Development Index of Cities - Brazil (IDSC-BR); New Institutional Economics (NIE); Sustainability Barometer. LISTA




  • Data: 28/06/2024
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  • The process of re-democratization in Brazil, based on the Federal Constitution in 1988, triggered profound political, death and social transformations. Faced with a complex scenario, governance initially emerged as a regulatory instrument in the corporate world and, later, its guidelines and principles were inserted in public organizations, promoting participation for the scope of better results. In the educational context, governance promotes the expansion of the effective participation of the school community in decision-making processes. Considering that the implementation of good governance practices strengthens community participation, the hypothesis was delimited that the governance model implemented in the municipal public schools of Belém is based on the principle of democratic management. The general objective of the study is to analyze: to analyze the governance model implemented in public schools in the city of Belém, from 2020 to 2022. To achieve the general objective, the following specific objectives are defined: a) present the theoretical foundations of governance and democratic management; b) analyze the perception of the school community regarding the decision-making process adopted and c) prepare a virtual booklet aimed at the school community for social participation purposes. The bibliographic research was developed based on selected material on the subject, consisting mainly of books, scientific articles, magazines, newspapers and electronic networks. For the development and achievement of the objectives, a qualitative approach with focus group technique will be used.


  • GOVERNANCE AND INTERNAL AUDIT IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR: An assessment using the IA-CM Method in federal government entities located in the State of Pará

  • Data: 24/06/2024
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  • Based on the understanding that governance must serve the collective interest, internal audit is consolidated as an instance that supports governance, being the one that monitors and evaluates risks, communicating events that have occurred in a timely manner to senior management. Given the need to make auditing practices efficient, this work's main objective is to analyze the level of maturity of the Government Internal Audit Units of federal entities headquartered in the state of Pará. In this aspect, the following question arises: Based on the IA-CM Model, what is the status of the Internal Audit Units of federal entities located in the State of Pará? This research is qualitative, exploratory and descriptive in nature and adopts a multiple case study in its methodological plan. Among the 52 federal public entities in the State, 8 indirect administration entities that have autonomous internal audit areas were selected as a sample. For the research procedure, bibliographical and documentary research and unstructured interviews with the managers of the aforementioned units are adopted, comparing the data collected with the best practices defined by the model, in order to verify the institutionalization of essential activities of each key process, thus measuring the level of maturity reached by the researched unit. The results found indicate the achievement of 33.3% to 90.1% of the requirements for level 2 of IA-CM maturity in the units researched, revealing strengths and needs for improvement of each unit as well as demonstrating the difficulties and facilities of compliance with each group of KPAs, these results being a basis for the construction of action plans for evolution in the model and technical supervision from CGU.


    Keywords: public governance; internal audit; IA- CM Model.

  • "PUBLIC POLICIES FOR INDIGENOUS PEOPLE IN BELÉM: how beneficiaries evaluate it"

  • Data: 03/06/2024
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  • Since the Federal Constitution of Brazil in 1988, and with a series of other legal landmarks, among which the International Labour Organization Convention 169 stands out, there has been a discussion and development of methodologies aimed at giving voice to those who would benefit from public policies. However, experiences in this regard in Belém, the capital of the State of Pará and one of the most politically important municipalities in the Amazon, are still in their infancy. Since 2017, public policies have been created to serve urban indigenous populations in the city, aiming to mitigate and address the vulnerabilities faced by this population within the urban context. The research aimed to update studies on public policies for urban indigenous populations in Belém and to gather feedback from beneficiaries regarding their assessment of the quality of existing public policies in Belém and their suggestions for improvement. Key Words: Public Policy; Indigenous People; Public Policy Evaluation.

  • Orientador : MARINA YASSUKO TOMA
  • Data: 27/05/2024
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  • Law 11,079/2004, known as the Public-Private Partnerships Law (PPP), defines PPPs as administrative concession contracts, which can be carried out in sponsored or administrative modalities. PPPs involve partnerships between the public sector and the private sector, where the private sector assumes responsibility for providing a certain public service or developing infrastructure projects in exchange for payments from the public sector. These partnerships can cover areas such as health, education, transport, basic sanitation, among others, and the legislation establishes the rules and procedures to be followed for the implementation and management of these contracts. This production aims to study Public Private Partnerships (PPP’s), at the Federal Rural University of the Amazon. PPPs are an alternative that will contribute to universities carrying out their mission in the current context, taking into account their advantages for the public sector, in this case in particular, in public universities. The aim is to propose how these PPP's can be established, bringing a legal aspect, with benefits for both the institution and the Company involved, mainly, satisfaction with the services provided to the target audience: students, teachers, technicians and the community at large. In this context, the general objective is to analyze the PPP's celebrated with a Federal Education Institution (IFES) that contributes to its final institutional development; and as specific: verify the documents that deal with the practice of public-private partnerships at UFRA, through contracts and PPPs carried out with the support foundation (FUNPEA); analyze the PPPs signed between Ufra and supporting foundations (FADESP and FUNPEA); analyze the perception of managers from the UFRA Contracts and Agreements Department; prepare a Normative Instruction that facilitates the establishment of PPPs at UFRA. This research contributes to the importance of investigating the way in which PPPs are applied and developed more efficiently at UFRA, as well as the main challenges to leveraging culture within UFRA, seeking ways to increase the number of PPPs signed at the institution. , aiming for benefits for both companies, the University and society. Documentary and field research will be used as a methodology, with analysis of reports and interviews with employees working in the UFRA Contracts and Agreements Directorate. The conclusions highlight the significant role of PPPs in several key aspects for institutional growth and improvement, such as investments in construction, renovation and modernization of the institution's physical facilities, directly benefiting the learning environment and promoting an infrastructure suited to the needs of students.
    Keywords: Public-Private Partnership; Public Universities; UFRA; Economic development; Social development.

  • MUNICIPAL PUBLIC GOVERNANCE: an analysis of leadership, strategy and control mechanisms in small municipalities in the northeastern mesoregion of Pará.

  • Data: 15/04/2024
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  • This research aims to analyze the leadership, strategy and control mechanisms of two city halls located in small municipalities in the northeastern mesoregion of Pará. To this end, the starting point was the presentation of the historical-conceptual assumptions of public governance and its systematization in Brazil, led by the Federal Audit Court. Methodologically, it constitutes research of an applied, exploratory and descriptive nature, with a qualitative approach. For data collection, a semi-structured interview applied to the main municipal leaders-managers was adopted as a research instrument.
    The questions were prepared based on the National Public Governance Policy and the Basic Framework for Organizational Governance (RBGO), aimed at public organizations, which considers the mechanisms of leadership, strategy and control as constituent assumptions of the concept of public governance. To prepare the interview script, an adaptation was made to allow greater reach and understanding of the object of analysis with the interlocutors of this study, focusing on the perspective of municipal public governance. To process the data, content analysis was used to identify, describe and interpret the interview script; responses. Among the conclusions of this research, the results indicate that the interviewed managers have a heterogeneous understanding of public governance, with limitations in training/training around the topic, and understand leadership, strategy and control , in general, disregarding the components that constitute the respective mechanisms. The research leaves as a product a draft bill capable of favoring the establishment of a governance model that promotes continuous improvement and in accordance with the objectives and priorities of municipal management, as a consecutive proposition, recommendations to encourage the implementation of a forum of permanent assessment of municipal governance, in order to contribute to the improvement of municipal management with the participation of society.
    Keywords: Public Governance; Northeast of Pará; Public Management; Small municipalites; Court Union accounts.

  • Data: 21/03/2024
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  • The management of the Special Social Welfare Policy (RPPS) has a financial impact on the lives of millions of Brazilians. Given the concern for financial and actuarial balance, social security has been undergoing changes to achieve its sustainability, which involves challenges of different orders that can be overcome with the contribution of a systemic perspective capable of dealing with in an interdisciplinary way the plurality of areas of knowledge that integrate, especially, the RPPSs. In this context, it is believed that compliance can impact public pension management, in terms of compliance with ethical precepts and rules, governance and transparency, promoting a culture of integrity, among other aspects that may reflect on social security sustainability, necessary to guarantee the achievement of the greater aim of subsistence and dignity of the human being. Therefore, based on the precepts of Niklas Luhmann's General Theory of Social Systems, this research aims to analyze the potential contribution of integrating compliance elements in conducting a RPPS management unit, for the presentation of a diagnosis that supports the improvement of public management of social security. The result of the analyzes indicates the relevance of applying the systemic approach in public pension management, especially regarding the integration of compliance elements related to the CRP, Pró-Gestão RPPS and ISP-RPPS, in addition to identifying the advances and challenges related to the Pará state.


    Keywords: Public Management; General Theory of Social Systems; Compliance; Special Social Welfare Policy.

  • ACCOUNTABILITY IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR: a systemic view on transparency portals and social control of municipalities in the Metropolitan Region of Belém, Pará.

  • Data: 26/02/2024
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  • Public fairness and social control are increasingly relevant topics in contemporary society, especially in a scenario of crisis of trust in public institutions. For social control to work with active and responsible collaboration between members of society, in order to promote common well-being and ensure that everyone's interests are taken into account, it is necessary to apply strategies and approaches, as well as encouraging social participation, through the provision of efficient means of public consultation. In this context, considering the obligation of publicity, through Transparency Portals, government accountability reflects the importance of these instruments of sincerity within public management. Therefore, based on precepts of the Theory of Social Systems, this study obtains the quality of the information made available on the website of the municipalities in the Metropolitan Region of Belém, state of Pará, contributing to a more active participation of social control in public management. The analysis was carried out on the city hall website, taking into account the Eppler Model and the National Public Transparency Program and the perception of Civil Society Organizations as entities representing social control. It is observed that although the RMB management units comply with the classification of clarity in reporting, this is only an accountability mechanism. The difficulty of navigation, the lack of clarity in the data presented and the lack of details compromise the interaction between public management and society, hindering understanding and effective participation. Finally, as a product, we created an instant digital social feedback tool for use on municipal transparency portals.


    Keywords: accountability; social control; public transparency; social systems Theory.

  • "ECONOMIC AND SOCIO-ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF THE MILITARY FIRE DEPARTMENT OF PARÁ: systemic view of the absence of a cost information system"

  • Data: 19/12/2023
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  • The CBMPA has the challenge of enhancing its resource management capabilities through a Cost Information System (CIS) to reflect an increase in its performance and the quality of its services in the state of Pará, a region with numerous economic and social problems due to the exploitation of its wealth that impacts the services provided by the systematic interaction with the Corporation and Amazonian sustainability. In this understanding, the methodology of this work aims specifically at an analysis of the socio-environmental and economic aspects of the CBMPA for not adopting a CIS and proposing a Cost Information System model. To address this question, a theoretical investigation of the CIS was carried out, based on Accounting Science, which has different information purposes within public entities, and through systemic analysis. A methodology compatible with the proposal was sought, corresponding to exploratory descriptive research with data collection through bibliographical, documentary research, and statistical survey among 15 CBMPA employees assigned to management and planning directorates. It was found that 86.7% of the respondents have a permanent connection with the Corporation, 46.7% of the employees working in these directorates have little knowledge in the accounting, financial, and budgetary areas, although 63.6% claim that cost information is gathered, but it is information from some structural systems, not constituting a proper CIS. For 63.6% of them, the information used for decision-making is budgetary. The main challenge of implementing the CIS is the accountability system for managers linked to the basic management cycle, with 70%, and for 90%, the CIS can contribute to the sustainability of the Amazon, with management indicators in the Basic Military Units with 81.8%. For a CIS, information would be extracted through a systemic approach facilitating the overall understanding of the subject, being interdependent components of the entire system, which makes it possible to constitute a larger functional unit, transforming into characteristics that are not found without their components alone. In this sense, we propose a CIS based on the organizational structure of the CBMPA and the RISP/RIB, which is the division of the state of Pará for public safety. The objective is to map and measure all CBMPA costs, as well as obtain the costs of the parts (Sectoral, Support, and Execution Bodies) that make up the whole and obtain the costs of the UBM's and their regions, to create perspectives for regional evaluations that can assist in the PPA, LDO, and LOA, based on regional peculiarities that can be identified.


    Keywords:  CBMPA; SIC; costs; sustainability

  • FINANCIAL COMPENSATION FOR MINERAL EXPLORATION IN THE MUNICIPALITIES OF THE STATE OF PARÁ: a proposal for the instrumentalization of social control under a systemic view.

  • Data: 14/12/2023
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  • The Northern Region of the country has mining as one of the main drivers of its growth, especially in the state of Pará, which is one of the main mining states and collectors of Financial Compensation for Mineral Exploration (CFEM) in Brazil. In this context, the objective of this research is to analyze the mechanisms available for society to monitor the collection and application of Financial Compensation for the Exploration of Mineral Resources (CFEM) in the five main mining municipalities in the state of Pará. On a methodological level, this is a research based on the Theory of Social Systems, of a bibliographic and documentary type of empirical nature, since a survey of CFEM information was carried out on the five main collecting municipalities in the state of Pará, through the official pages of the municipalities studied, their respective transparency portals and the official website of the National Mining Agency – ANM, to assess the degree of transparency on a scale from 0 to 4 based on research by Green and Giust  (2021) as shown in Table 1. As a result, it was found that, despite the mandatory legislation regarding access to information, no municipality studied managed to achieve the highest degree of transparency. In this context, Parauapebas, Canaã dos Carajás, Itaituba and Paragominas reached level 3 in the years studied, while Marabá reached level 1 in the same period, that is, none of the municipalities fully complied with the Access to Information Law, in addition, there is a disparity levels of transparency among the municipalities studied, which indicates a lack of standardization. Thus, it was found that the only mechanism currently available for society to monitor the collection and application of CFEM is the municipal LOA. In other words, it is only possible to access planning that indicates how much and where to spend public money over a period of one year, and there is no access to information on the collection and application actually carried out. Therefore, this study proposes as a product the information panel, which is a tool to achieve these objectives, allowing civil society to actively participate in inspection, monitoring, collection, application and decision-making related to CFEM resources. Keywords: Financial Compensation for the Exploration of Mineral Resources; Access to information; Social Systems Theory. 

  • FOREST GOVERNANCE: an approach in the State Forestry Development Fund of Pará

  • Data: 12/12/2023
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  • New forms of forest governance have been established in the Amazon through the participation of different social actors who interact in action arenas to promote sustainable forest management. Public funding can be an important driver of the development of a sustainable forest economy and mitigation of climate change, therefore, monitoring actions is extremely important. The study in question deals with the forestry governance of the State Forestry Development Fund (FUNDEFLOR), responsible for managing the state forestry concession resource in the state of Pará. The fund's premises are to promote forestry-based public policies, through its lines of development. focused on sustainability. The prevailing model for implementing the annual actions planned by the fund is through project promotion. Given this, the study had the general objective; develop a monitoring model for forest-based projects based on widely accepted good governance principles; transparency, accountability, participation and coordination to assist FUNDEFLOR in managing forestry concession resources. As for the methodology, it is a case study of a qualitative, descriptive and documentary nature. The study concludes that it is important to have a real-time monitoring platform for projects promoted to converge good governance principles into good forestry governance practices at FUNDEFLOR. The proposed model presents feasibility for; Transparency and disclosure of data (projects carried out and other relevant information). Encouraging citizen participation (Channel for receiving community demands, ombudsman channel) Identification of those responsible for implementing projects and Sharing strategic actions for interested parties. As suggestions for future work, studies that identify the rules established for the accountability of actors who carry out forest-based projects for sustainable development in the Amazon.


  • Data: 10/11/2023
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  • The research is a case study that aimed to analyze the current degree of economic-financial dependence on mining activity, based on the majority municipalities that host large projects in this industry in Pará, focusing on: Parauapebas and Canaã dos Carajás, in parallel with the Municipality of Itabira in the State of Minas Gerais. For this purpose, data was collected in the period from 2010 to 2022 of the budgetary execution of these municipalities, identifying the generating facts and parameters that form the revenue ecosystem, establishing the degree of commitment to the economically mineral activity, and concomitantly measuring the application of resources through the evolution of current expenses (costing). To this end, bibliographical research was used as a method for data collection, and accounting statements: annual balance sheets, fiscal management reports (RGF), summary budget execution reports (RREO), published on the municipalities' transparency portal, and on the Brazilian Public Sector Accounting and Tax Information System – SICONFI, on the website of the National Treasury Secretariat. The methodology is characterized as quantitative in nature, because to explain the variables that determine the formation of the budgetary basis, units with quantifiable variables will be addressed, as well as descriptive, since it analyzes and describes the determining factors in the efficient provision or not in the use of resources. revenues. From the investigation and data analysis, it was possible to perceive the high degree of economic-financial dependence of all the municipalities analyzed. Taking the municipality of Itabira (MG) as an example of a critical situation, inserted in a scenario of submission to economic activity, and the beginning of the total exhaustion of its mines. Parauapebas was highlighted among the municipalities of Pará because it is the oldest in activity in the State, where it already presents a high risk status, measured through its political-administrative structure. Canaã dos Carajás comes next - also -, mostly supplied by the mineral economy, but to a lesser extent in the commitment of revenues to ongoing expenses, justified in part by the few years of operation of the last project installed (S11D).

    Fiscal Balance; Public finances; Ore dependency; Budget planning.


  • Data: 31/10/2023
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  • In recent times, one of the greatest challenges facing municipal management is finding viable solutions for solid waste management and, from this perspective, cooperatives of recyclable material collectors are included, as proposed by the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS) - Law no. 12,305, of August 2, 2010. The municipality of Belém (PA) currently has ten associations and/or cooperatives of recyclable material collectors. This context includes the Filhos do Sol Cooperative and the Belém Selective Collectors Work Cooperative (ACCSB), which are the subject of this study. The participation of recycling cooperatives is fundamental to the implementation of PNRS, although they are often neglected by municipal management. It is intended, within the limits of this study, to answer the following question. What are the structural and/or organizational obstacles that prevent or hinder the expansion of recyclable materials cooperatives? In order to answer this question, the main objective of the research is to identify the obstacles that limit the expansion of cooperatives and how to overcome them. The methodology adopted will be exploratory in nature, with a qualitative and quantitative approach. As results of qualitative and quantitative research, it was found that the process of implementing public policies for recyclable collectors constitutes a highly complex, transversal and comprehensive task, with a long path that needs to be systematic, continuous and aligned with strategic planning of municipal public management. It should be noted that the Cataforte and Pró-Catador projects were decisive for the socioeconomic inclusion of recyclable material collectors. It is noted that it was possible to identify projects and actions aimed at waste picker organizations, although the remuneration for the daily services provided to society and the municipality are still far from guaranteeing their sustainability. It is  oteworthy that cooperatives that do not have formal registration, that is, are not regularized with the competent bodies, present difficulties when selling recyclables. The quantitative data identified that the percentage of  emale collectors is (55%), which reflects the national average, which corresponds to (56%). It is noteworthy that cooperatives do not yet have the economic and financial sustainability to be competitive in the recycling market. Finally, the need for an action plan aimed at providing improvements in the work of cooperatives was identified. Keywords: public policies; cooperatives; recycling; collectors; solid waste.

  • Functional Performance Assessment within the scope of MPC/PA: A diagnosis based on the perception of the institution's employees.

  • Data: 25/10/2023
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  • The present dissertation addresses the evaluation of functional performance within the Public Accounts Prosecutor's Office of Pará (MPC/PA), an organization that implemented this process in 2018 and has not conducted any diagnosis since then. Although the topic is more widespread in the private sector, it has gained prominence in the public service. Therefore, given the relevance of the subject, the research was guided by the following question: In the perception of MPC/PA employees, what does the diagnosis of functional performance evaluation reveal for the improvement of the process? The general objective was to evaluate the perception of MPC/PA employees regarding the current process of functional performance evaluation in order to enhance the evaluation instrument. In this direction, the specific objectives outlined for the study were: a) Identify the limits and challenges of the functional performance evaluation system carried out by MPC/PA, and b) Detect actions that MPC/PA can take to enhance the employee performance evaluation process. The theoretical approach used encompasses the conception of performance evaluation throughout the evolution of personnel management, its limits, challenges, and its relationship with public administration, as well as the various reforms promoted in the field of public administration during this period. The methodology used in the research consisted of bibliographic research, documentary analysis, and a case study, conducted through a questionnaire. In addition to the participant's profile, the questionnaire included six axes related to the performance evaluation process: general aspects, culture, leadership, remuneration, team, and fairness. The research instrument was directed to all MPC/PA employees and obtained the participation of 68 respondents out of a population of 77 people. Among the main results, the perception of employees revealed a desire for the performance evaluation process to be reformulated and improved, contributions to functional enhancement, leadership by supervisors, the benefits and difficulties of linking remuneration to performance evaluation results, organizational immaturity in relation to performance evaluation, and employees' desire to evaluate immediate supervisors. Based on this, it was possible to map the limits and challenges of the MPC/PA evaluation system and propose actions to enhance the process.


    Keywords: Performance Evaluation; Supervisors; Subordinates; Organizational culture.



    The role of the Federal Public Ministry - Pará in supervising and monitoring the Xingu Sustainable Regional Development Plan.

  • Data: 27/09/2023
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  • The objective of this dissertation is to evaluate the performance of the Federal Public Ministry - Pará in supervising and monitoring the governance of the Xingu Sustainable Regional Development Plan, an innovative institution, which emerged from the partnership between the Federal Government and the State Government of Pará, in the context of construction of the Belo Monte HPP, with the purpose of promoting decentralized public policies that result in improving the quality of life of the population living in the territorial area covered by it, the Xingu Integration Region, characterized, among others, for its multi-level, networked governance. On the other hand, it is known that the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil of 1988 granted important functions to the Public Ministry, which aims to defend the legal order, the democratic regime and unavailable social and individual interests (art.127), between others. In line with this constitutional mission, the National Council of the Public Ministry, seeking to sow a culture of institutional results within the scope of the Brazilian MP, has undertaken its strategic mission of strengthening and promoting responsible and socially effective action, which presupposes the promotion of resolute action, notably in inducing, monitoring and supervising the implementation of public policies that enforce fundamental rights. However, numerous manifestations (complaints or representations) have been received by the Federal Public Ministry - Pará, regarding the (mis)governance and mismanagement of the Xingu PDRS. In effect, these problems that call for the MPF to act in Pará led to the following question: to what extent has the work of the Federal Public Ministry – Pará contributed to effectively solving problems related to the governance of the Xingu PDRS? The study is inclined to ratify, or not, the hypothesis that the work of the Federal Public Ministry - Pará has achieved an unsatisfactory rate of resolution of problems related to the governance of the Xingu PDRS.

    Keywords: Effectiveness; Governance; Federal Public Ministry; Xingu PDRS; Resoluteness.


  • Data: 19/09/2023
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  • The Amazon Development Fund (FDA) is an important instrument for the National Policy for Regional Development (PNDR) in the Legal Amazon, inducing large productive enterprises in the region. Some constraints of its systematics may harm the Fund's attractiveness to credit applicants in the region and financial institutions able to act as operating agents. This paper analyzes these constraints from normative, technical and project approval aspects, using data extracted from FDA technical reports prepared by Sudam and technical reports from Condel/Sudam, PRDA and CGU. The theoretical framework addresses the main theories on regional development, the main government interventions in terms of development in the Amazon, from the creation of SPVEA and SUDAM in 1966 until their extinction in 2001 and recreation in 2007, in parallel with an analysis of the funds that preceded the creation of the FDA, going through the approach of the main aspects about Institutions, governance and management and the main characteristics that differentiate them. Next, the paper analyzes the normative history that has guided the FDA's system since its creation, details 5 operational difficulties listed based on the data in the reports and presents analysis and proposals for changing the norms.

    Keywords: FDA. Legal Amazon. Regional development. SPVEA. SUDAM. Governance. Normative History. Operational Difficulties. Change of Rules

  • The Governance of the Fund for the Defense of Diffuse Rights and the role of the Federal Public Ministry.

  • Data: 17/08/2023
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  • The proposed study, based on the fundamental premise that the Fund for the Defense of Diffuse Rights (FDD), a budget allocation for restitution of damages to society or the realization of diffuse rights able to promote the common good, has been suffering, over the last few years, from undue contingency of funds and undue disapproval of projects presented to the Management Council (CFDD), a collegiate body, with the participation of the Federal Public Ministry (MPF), created by regulatory law, to manage the funds of the fund, has the intention of analyzing, for through diagnostic and purposeful means, the governance of the FDD is able to promote the realization of human rights. It is intended, from the concept of the Fund and starting from the role of the MPF, as the central ombudsman of fundamental rights in the national scenario, to examine the means for carrying out public management, in fact, committed to the principles inherent to the Welfare State , seeking to demonstrate the form of management capable of making the FDD an authentic instrument for the realization of human rights. The objective of the research is, therefore, for the future, to present a draft of a Bill, to change the composition, the presidency and the way of making decisions of the Management Council of the Fund for the Defense of Diffuse Rights, from in order to achieve an efficient and democratic product, able to facilitate the governance of the FDD, making the use of the funds that compose it entirely focused on the realization of diffuse rights, without any type of contingencies or deviations, as well as, for the present, the mitigation of the flaws identified, by outlining forms of judicial and extrajudicial action by the MPF, which, as an institution that promotes rights, has a primordial role in this process. The formulated hypothesis is that, considering the current composition of the CFDD, through the prioritization of a managerial model, with the majority of the members being formed by members of the Executive Power, without diversity of social actors, as well as a performance, even if firm, still considered timid by the MPF, due to its own contextual complexity, in terms of its main role in conducting and applying funds to recompose damages within the judicial process, FDD resources are not being earmarked for the execution of public policies that guarantee diffuse rights, in frustration of the primary purpose of the fund. To support this initial assumption, using a hypothetical-deductive method, with inductive aspects, through a diagnostic-propositional analysis, bibliographic research will be carried out, referring to the doctrine subscribed to in articles, theses, books and other works, as well as a study of the legislation itself applicable, in addition to document analysis, meeting minutes and other acts of the CFDD, examination of typical acts of action by the MPF, as well as other documents that may be necessary, passing through the analysis of the Public Civil Action AND FDD, of the MPF AND ITS ROLE IN RELATION TO THE FDD, UP TO THE FUND'S PUBLIC GOVERNANCE. As a result, it is intended to deliver to one or more federal parliamentarians of the State of Pará a draft bill with the aim of amending Law 9008/1995, mainly in relation to the composition and organization of the Management Council of the Defense of Diffuse Rights, as well as an adjacent product, proposes to point out ways of acting through which the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office can reach the mitigation of the effects of the problem faced, within its institutional action.


  • Data: 16/06/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The present study aims to analyze the obstacles and challenges in the inclusion of collectors in the implementation of the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS) in the state of Pará, in particular with the municipality of Barcarena as a case study based on the evaluation of the implemented initiatives and the relationship with the instruments of the PNRS, the State Plan for Solid Waste and the Municipal Plan for Integrated Management of Solid Waste in Barcarena that will be adopted as references for the research. The systemic view adopted for this work guides the practice of interdisciplinarity and transversality in order to conduct an analysis based on a set of different factors and actors and their interactions, composing its interpretation based on several variables, such as: environmental, social, cultural , economic, technological and public health as guidelines for solid waste management, integrated rather than isolated. In terms of methodology, this is a documental study of an empirical nature, whose data will be obtained from secondary surveys available from public sources for understanding the thematic scenario and the composition of the theoretical framework based on information collected, including: in sources from the municipality itself, through the application of questionnaires among the actors with the intention of understanding the implemented actions and the context of the

  • "Integral Human Training in the context of social vulnerability: contributions from the interface between education and psychology in the protagonism of professional education at IFAP- Laranjal do Jari".

  • Data: 19/05/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Professional, scientific and technological education is now a reality in all Brazilian states, due to the expansion evidenced from the creation in 2008 of the Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology, bringing with it a new model of professional education for the country, with differentiated pedagogical and curricular management, having among its educational guidelines, the development of integral human formation capable of boosting the access, permanence and success of students in professional, scientific and technological education. The object of this study pervades the educational action and the contributions of social psychology to the technological professional training of students who live in a context of social vulnerability. The research problem is centered on the following question: How can the interface education and social psychology contribute to integral human formation for protagonism in professional education at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Amapá-IFAP, considering the socio-historical vulnerabilities in the region of Vale do Jari? The general objective seeks: to analyze the integral human formation from the interface professional, scientific and technological education and social psychology in the perspective of promoting the protagonism in the professionalizing education in context of social vulnerability. The work methodology included bibliographical and documental research, with a qualitative approach, exploratory descriptive method, the questionnaire used was the Likert scale type. The results revealed the perception of the servers about the integral human formation in the professional education in the IFAP-Campus Laranjal do Jari, from the look in the interface of a social psychology of decolonial vision. The study reaffirms the need to make professional, scientific and technological education still inclusive, not only numerically representative, but mainly, a protagonist in teaching that respects human diversity, taking into account the ideologization of domination and exploitation left in history. Therefore, strengthening popular instances that occur in popular groups, especially groups excluded from dominant civilizing processes, is an essential part of education. Make the educational action the privileged place for rescuing the memory of struggles, in a work of valuing and enhancing relationships, capable of truly transforming inequalities and social violence.

    Keywords: Professional education; Integral human formation; Social vulnerability; Social Psychology.

  • Local Development in the State of Amapá: The contribution of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Amapá (IFAP) in the Municipalities of Macapá and Laranjal do Jari

  • Data: 10/05/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This research evaluated the role of the Instituto Federal de Educação do Amapá (IFAP) in the local development of the municipalities of Macapá and Laranjal do Jari, focusing on educational, economic and social aspects, based on the theory of endogenous local development. The importance of this study resides in the need to understand the impact of educational institutions, such as IFAP, in promoting socioeconomic development and improving the quality of life of local communities. The study methodology involved quantitative and qualitative analyses, using secondary data, bibliographical research and questionnaires. Information sources included socioeconomic, educational, and demographic indices. The research compared the FIRJAN Index of Macapá and Laranjal do Jari before and after the implementation of the IFAP. Thus, it was possible to achieve the objective of the work, which was to analyze the contribution of IFAP in the local development of Macapá and Laranjal do Jari, proposing an integrative extension project. The results showed a significant increase in the Firjan Index in both cities, being higher in Laranjal do Jari (16.3%) compared to Macapá (5.1%). In addition, the survey revealed improvements in local infrastructure. The community values IFAP for providing job opportunities, professional training and integral development. The study concludes that the implementation of the IFAP campuses contributed to the local development of the municipalities of Amapá, confirming the objective of the research. This work hopes to encourage new research and debates on the importance of Professional and Technological Education. In addition, it is expected that this study will contribute to the expansion and improvement of public policies aimed at the integration between academic training and the labor market, promoting an emancipatory teaching and learning process that benefits local communities.

  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of the National Student Assistance Program (PNAES) at the Federal University of Pará.

  • Data: 13/04/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • In the last twenty years, there has been an expansion in the number of enrollments in undergraduate courses at the Federal Institutions of Higher Education (IFES), resulting from the implementation of a set of affirmative actions inserted in the Brazilian educational context. Affirmative actions led to a change in the profile of students
    entering the IFES, who started to carry out actions to support the permanence of this new public in the institutions, these actions are defined as student assistance. This is the context in which this research is located, which has the general objective of evaluating the effectiveness of the National Student Assistance Program (PNAES) at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), taking the period from 2017 to 2021 as a cutout. , the research presents in its theoretical framework discussions on the evaluation of public policies, student assistance and on the National Student Assistance Program within the scope of UFPA. With regard to methodological procedures, the research has an applied nature, with a qualitative approach, with exploratory - descriptive objectives and the case study was used as a research strategy. For data collection, a bibliographical and documental survey was carried out, semi-structured interviews with the five managers that make up the team that coordinates student assistance actions at UFPA, and questionnaires were applied to 48 students benefiting from the PNAES. The results of the research indicate that PNAES has been effective, the students assisted by the program have satisfactory academic performance, and data referring to retention or evasion was not identified among the students participating in the research. In addition, the data indicate that although it has been identified within the scope of this research that the program has achieved the intended result, the UFPA institutionally does not carry out the evaluation of the program, with only occasional pedagogical evaluations. As a final product of the research, monitoring and evaluation actions of the PNAES at UFPA were proposed.

    keywords: Evaluation; Student Assistance; PNAES; UFPA


  • Data: 05/04/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • In 2020, with the measures to restrict the movement of people practiced in the fight against COVID-19, Communication and Information Technologies have become indispensable for the maintenance of public services to the population. In ATER (Technical Assistance and Rural Extension), remote activities to ATER beneficiaries through digital communication platforms have enabled a broad process of innovation and learning, called "Digital ATER". The present research aimed to evaluate the digital communication model adopted by EMATER/PA, in the management of ATER monitoring in the municipality of Marituba/PA during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the principles of PNATER. The research is characterized by the hypothetical-deductive method, of exploratory classification, having as methodological procedure the "Case Study". The data collection was based on surveys of the home pages and official social networks of EMATER-PA; and semi-structured interviews with ATER workers and beneficiaries of ATER, about the satisfaction on the remote intervention used by EMATER/PA during the Covid-19 pandemic. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, univariate and multivariate statistics techniques were used, in addition to the 5-point Likert scale to assess the degree of satisfaction with ATER services. The main results showed that the digital communication strategies adopted by ATER institutions in Brazil during the Covid 19 pandemic were: telephone, institutional websites, social networks, youtube channel and whatsapp. With regard to EMATER/PA, the company made available on the website and institutional social networks (Facebook and Instagram) and on the portal "Agência Pará de Notícias" of the government of the state of Pará, telephone contact with WhatsApp, for information and service requests, which enabled 92% of the beneficiaries to have their requests answered and, 86% said they understood the guidance through the digital communication platforms.
    There was a high degree of satisfaction with the quality of the service, with the content made available, and with the results achieved from the guidance received remotely. On the other hand, the degree of satisfaction of the beneficiaries is reduced, in relation to the items mentioned, when asked about the quality of Internet access and the online fairs project. Half of the extensionists at EMATER/ Marituba were satisfied with the ATER services provided during the COVID-19 pandemic to the beneficiary public. It was concluded that the digital communication model adopted for ATER follow-up management during the COVID-19 pandemic by EMATER-Marituba met the principles of quality and accessibility of PNATER, laid out in article 3, Item II, of Law 12,188/2010. Thus, the results of the research confirm the hypothesis that the digital communication model adopted by EMATER/PA in the period of the COVID-19 pandemic enabled the public of ATER in the municipality of Marituba/PA to have access to quality ATER services, according to the principles of PNATER.

    Keywords: Rural Extension; Family Farming; Digital ATER; COVID-19 Pandemic.


  • Data: 28/03/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Inserting people with disabilities (PwD) in the work environment does not necessarily imply their inclusion. Public institutions must promote the permanence of these people in their functions in an egalitarian and dignified way to other workers. The Management case to be studied will discuss the accessibility policies for servers with disabilities (ScD) at the Federal Institute of Education Sciences and Technology of Amapá (IFAP), Macapá campus. The Federal Constitution (CF) of 1988 has as one of its fundamental objectives the good of all its citizens without any type of discrimination or prejudice (BRASIL, CF/1988, art. 3rd item IV), thus, the aspects that are related to the welfare of such servants is of utmost importance. The general objective of this research is: To analyze the working conditions for public servants with disabilities belonging to the IFAP staff, Macapá campus. As a central problem of this study, we have the following question: How are the working conditions for public servants with disabilities at IFAP, Macapá campus? The approach chosen for this research was qualitative and, as a methodological design, the case study was used. For data collection, we opted for a semi-structured interview with open questions to the ScD and the managers linked to the area of accessibility. At the end of this research, an institutional action plan will be presented with recommendations aimed at improving or promoting the accessibility of such servers.



  • Data: 21/03/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • In the present study, linked to the line of research “Municipal Public Management, Sustainability and Development”, it addresses tourism as a program that enables regional development in the Legal Amazon through the Regional Development Plan for the Amazon (PRDA), in which the Superintendence for the Development of the Amazon (SUDAM) holds the legal responsibility to prepare and work. In this context, concerns arise regarding the way in which the development of tourism activity in the Legal Amazon is worked, giving rise to the following question: how is the tourism program contained in the economic development axis of the PRDA adopted as a guideline in the tourism planning process in the states that make up the Legal Amazon. In this way, it presents as a general objective to examine how the PRDA tourism program contributes to the tourism planning process in the states that make up the Legal Amazon. As well as identifying which of the operational instruments used by SUDAM in conjunction with the PRDA are the most effective to work the tourism program, it also seeks to describe SUDAM's protagonism in the development of public policies for the tourism activity in the region through the exercise articulation with the states under its jurisdiction. Another important factor was the attempt to identify possible bottlenecks that make it difficult for states to operationalize what is proposed in the PRDA for tourism and, finally, propose directions so that the PRDA, through a technical note, to reference the process of elaboration of the tourism planning in the Amazon states. In the theoretical framework, it addresses tourism; tourism and public policy; tourism and regional development, highlighting sustainable tourism as a work program for the axis of economic development within the PRDA. Regarding the methodology, the research has an investigative and qualitative focus whose research strategy is the study under the PRDA, tourism program. As for the data collection procedures, they took place through semi-structured interviews, application of a research form and document analysis.The interviews were carried out with the support of a script with semi-structured questions and in person with authorized recording. For analysis and interpretation of the data, this researcher carried out an interpretative verification of the data, through what was obtained with the application of the interviews and form applied to the target public. The research took place according to the schedule presented. In this way, relevant information is obtained for SUDAM to be assertive or adjust the paths seeking such assertiveness, in which the PRDA guidelines are adopted in the development of the Amazonian states, in particular, when dealing with sustainable tourism.

    Tourism; public policy; regional development, Regional Development Plan for the Amazon (PRDA).

  • MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISION OF OUTSOURCED SERVICE CONTRACTS: an analysis at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Amapá (Ifap) through Management by Processes.

  • Data: 24/02/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The macro process of public procurement of outsourced services is one of the main concerns of the public administration due to its complexity, especially in terms of contracting planning, monitoring and inspection of execution, as well as for representing contracts with high values. In order to manage the activities of this type of contract, the management and inspection of contracts is essential to minimize risks of damage to the public interest and damage to the treasury. The Federal Institute of Amapá (Ifap) has services with exclusive labor, through outsourced companies, which help the scope of core activities. And for the success of this contract, the entity must follow all current legislation, including those that guide and determine the procedures to be adopted for good contractual supervision, such as Normative Instruction No. 05/2017 and Decree No. 11.246/2022 , which establish guidelines and routines for this type of contract. Thus, the present work is characterized as a case study, and was based, initially, on the bibliographic exploration of the literature, followed by the application of structured interviews with the main agents involved in the inspection process, which are the execution managers and the contract tax. The study aims to contribute to the improvement of the management and inspection of Ifap outsourced service contracts through process management. For this, a mapping and analysis of the current situation of the inspection process of outsourced service contracts was carried out, using Business Process Management (BPM) methods, in the AS IS version and, later, observing the critical processes and bottlenecks, modeling was performed using the TO BE version. This methodology has been used to obtain processes that are less bureaucratic, more agile and with better use of resources. As a product of the present work, proposals were created with opportunities for improvement for the Ifap, with the redesign of the management and inspection process of current contracts, which can also be extended to other types of common services.

    Keywords: Public Management. Process management. Contract management. Supervision and
    contractual follow-up. Outsourcing of services.

  • Analysis of tenders and administrative contracts carried out at SUDAM - 2015 to 2022

  • Data: 08/02/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The Public Administration has a duty to publicize its purchases, especially with the advent of Law nº 12.527/2011, the so-called Access to Information Law (LAI), which established as public governance guidelines the use of advertising as a general precept. in compliance with legal provisions relating to transparency practices in its bidding processes and in the management of its purchases and contracts. The entities that make up the structure of the Brazilian public administration are required by the Federal Constitution to account for the use of public resources and to respect the principle of publicity, among other principles of public administration. In this way, the path of good governance permeates, among other principles, the transparency of the accounts of public entities and their component bodies in direct and indirect administration. This theme has received greater prominence in recent laws, such as the Fiscal Responsibility Law (LRF), of May 4, 2000, Complementary Law 131/2009 - Transparency Law - and Law No. 12.527/2011 - Access to Information Law (LAI). Considering that SUDAM is in this context of a government agent that has an obligation to provide transparency in its purchases, this work is based on proving good public governance, with regard to active transparency of bids and contracts in the period from 2015 to 2022. Thus, based on a bibliographical and documentary exploration, 2 objectives were defined for this research: To analyze the bids and contracts carried out at SUDAM in the period from 2015 to 2022 and To present 2 indicators that propose to measure the levels of transparency in the processes of acquisition and publicity of hires at SUDAM in the period from 2015 to 2022.
    Thus, the purpose of the research is to present and analyze, within the scope of public administration, the levels of active transparency in contracts carried out at SUDAM in the period from 2015 to 2022, seeking to meet the content of the principle of transparency as a strengthening of the public interest.

  • "FUNDING IN PUBLIC HEALTH: analysis of expenditure indicators in the Metropolitan Region of Belém".

  • Data: 02/02/2023
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Based on the theories of situational strategic planning by Carlos Matus and urban planning and socio-spatial development by Marcelo Lopes de Souza, this work establishes reflections on health financing in the Metropolitan Region of Belém (RMB) - formed by the municipalities of Belém, Castanhal, Santa Izabel, Marituba, Benevides, Ananindeua and Santa Bárbara -; in particular, on the expenses and impermeabilities that involve the municipalities that compose it from the point of view of public management. All the municipalities that comprise it establish a dynamic flow among themselves, making conventional planning not as profitable as it could be. The right to health is universal and essential to every citizen and constitutionally enacted, and must be enjoyed, in fact, by the inhabitants and guaranteed by the State. The main objective of this research is to analyze the behavior of these expenses in the 10-year timeframe and their contradictions in the practice of planning, as well as to situate the social actors involved in this process, considering the socio-spatial diversity of the analyzed reality. To carry out the study, the following methodological procedures were used: a) theoretical-conceptual bibliographical review of relevant themes, theories, concepts and notions; b) historical-geographical bibliographic review and survey of primary and secondary data on the Metropolitan Region of Belém, as well as on public policies relevant to the issue of planning; c) survey and analysis of data regarding financing, resources, effectiveness and efficiency, made available in PROADESS (Project Evaluation of the Performance of the Health System). The results showed that: a) the form of planning used cannot optimize citizens' access to health in the Metropolitan Region of Belém; b) personnel expenses were higher than those related to equipment, and Santa Izabel and Santa Bárbara are the least equipped municipalities; c) the municipalities are quite dependent on transfers from the Union and, of all of them, including own resources and transfers from the Unified Health System (SUS), Marituba emerges as the municipality with the lowest performance. As for health care, in general, we found that the planning developed by the federated entities of the RMB does not satisfy its citizens in order to achieve an integrated and permeable management from the metropolitan point of view, making access to health restricted. to only a portion of the population.

  • The Tax Waiver Policy of the State of Pará and its Effects on the Revenues of the Municipalities in Pará, from 2016 to 2020.

  • Data: 21/12/2022
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The objective of this master's thesis is to analyze how municipal revenues were affected by the fiscal waiver policy of the state of Pará during the quinquennium 2016-2019. In the context of Brazilian fiscal federalism, the tax on operations related to the circulation of goods and the provision of interstate and intercity transport and communication services (TCGS), the Tax on the Property of Motor Vehicles (TPMV) and the Tax on Transmission Causa Mortis and Donation (TTCD) are taxes collected by the states of the federation The 1988 constitutional rule allows federated entities to grant tax benefits (exemption, reduction of the tax base, amnesty or tax rate reduction). It so happens that, as the product of state tax collection is shared with municipalities, when states grant tax benefits, it not only reduces their collection, but also reduces municipal revenues. Therefore, the relevance of this study is to verify the reflexes of the policy of tax waivers by the state of Pará in the economic development of the municipalities of Pará. For this, the institutionalist approach will be used as a theoretical element of analysis, especially the analytical bodies developed by Douglass North, Daron Acemoglu and Ha-Joon Chang. Methodologically, the research will have an exploratory character, since it is the most appropriate because it is based on the use of indirect documentation, through contact with official plans and reports, Annual Budget Laws (ABL), Budget Guidelines Laws (BGL), Multi-Year Plans (MYP) of the state and selected municipalities, in addition to bibliographic research. In summary, we start from the hypothesis that the tax waiver policy can affect both positively and negatively the economy of municipalities. However, the confirmation of one of the contradictory hypotheses will depend on the strategies formulated, which we hope to reveal at the end of the work.

  • An Analysis of the Influence of Responsible Fiscal Management Standards on the Recent Path of the State of Pará

  • Data: 20/12/2022
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This work aims to verify if the national responsible fiscal management standards have contributed significantly to a possible change in the trajectory of Pará towards development. To this end, the following specific objectives were conceived: a) to analyze the historical-institutional formation of the State of Pará in the Amazonian context, with emphasis on the recent institutional scenario; b) Investigate the main responsible fiscal management indicators outlined in the post-1988 Brazilian conjuncture; c) Verify the influence of the federalist model on the conformation of the national, regional and state institutional matrix; d) contrast the socioeconomic and fiscal management indicators of the State of Pará, from 2011 to 2020. The discussion has been considered important, since these standards have occupied a prominent role especially with regard to the discussion related to interrelation between social and fiscal responsibility. To achieve its objectives, the research will have as its central theoretical landmark the general neoinstitutionalist precepts of Douglass North, to be complemented by converging conceptual contributions. The methodology adopted was an exploratory, qualitative-quantitative, bibliographic and documentary approach, so that the inductive method will be used to assist in understanding the object of research and in achieving the respective proposed objectives. For the analysis of the development conjuncture of the state of Pará, the following criteria were used: (a) GDP per capita; (b) life expectancy at birth; (c) Poverty rate proxy; (D) percentage of the economically active vacant population; (E) IDEB referring to the state public network; (f) water supply by general network; (g) SUS hospital hospitalization beds; and (h) child mortality. Regarding responsible fiscal management, the following indicators were verified, based on the dictates provided for in the Federal Constitution and the Fiscal Responsibility Law (LRF): (a) personnel expenses; (B) public indebtedness; (c) compliance with the “golden rule”; (d) compliance with primary result goals and nominal outcome; (E) minimum health expenses; and (f) minimum spending on education. The data collected refer to the period between 2011 and 2020. The hypothesis initially proposed was that the mere formal compliance with Pará's fiscal management rules has not contributed significantly to the improvement of development indicators at the state level. In the conclusion there was the confirmation of the hypothesis, given that the good results obtained by the State of Pará, regarding the responsible fiscal management criteria, did not necessarily represent a favorable institutional change in development, so that there were no major advances regarding the indicators of the state social sphere. The dissertation also proposes a draft legislative indication, to be sent to parliamentarians who make up the Pará bench in the Federal Senate, aiming to motivate the competent parliamentary committee to conduct studies to subsidize consequent legislative proposition that culminates in the modernization of the Federal Law of Fiscal Responsibility.

    Keywords: Development; New Institutional Economics; Fiscal Federalism; Responsible Fiscal Management; State of Pará.

  • “LITTLE FLOUR, MY FIRST PIRÃO”: Here is the Public Choice Commitment Regarding Basic Sanitation in Belém in the Period 1997-2020"

  • Data: 19/12/2022
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This work is the result of explanatory research with a quali-quantitative approach, through bibliographic and documentary procedures in a case study with analysis of the collected results. Also considering that the research object demands an interpretative documental study, it aims with a general purpose to identify the factors that contribute to the maintenance of low levels of investments in basic sanitation in the city of Belém do Pará in the period 1997-2020. municipal public budget, its components and applications in the light of the Theory of Public Choice, as a theoretical reference aimed at the decision-making process on investment in the public policy of basic sanitation in the referred Municipality. In this sense, the main amounts contributed by the municipal Legislative Power through the Annual Budget Laws (LOAs) in the referred period were researched and analyzed, a condition that identifies the importance of the deliberative focus on the planning and execution of the municipal budget. The results confirm the hypotheses established, considering the institutionalization of a corrective measure on the identified factors to be opportune and imperative, considering that public investments should be effected soon and contribute positively to the aspirations of the local society and converted into effective purposes of improvement and municipal development.

    Keywords: Public Choice Theory. Federalism. Municipal Public Budget. Sanitation.


  • Data: 19/12/2022
  • Mostrar Resumo

    The world economic crisis demanded from the States the resumption of a planned intervention. In Brazil, regional development planning agencies reappear, including SUDAM, recreated in 2007 with the competence to strengthen the articulation and planning of public policies in the Amazon. But since the beginning, this agency alleged that it often lacks resources, which would make it difficult to carry out its duties. The analysis of the autarchy's management report for the period 2008-2019 shows that, although there are several resources, the most alleged (budget) is not so insufficient. It also shows that the agency's main competence - planning - is warmed by another insufficiency, this one is hidden: that of complying with the legal provision relating to the social planning process and the approval of the regional plan. The purpose of the research is to elucidate how the portfolios affected by SUDAM managed to execute their competences, and its objective is to explain and demonstrate that, in the period under analysis, regional planning was the mainly affected by the “insufficiency” of compliance with legislation. The research methodology is document analysis (of the law that created SUDAM and its management reports) in the light of Francisco de Oliveira's theoretical-methodological conceptions and Discourse Analysis. The research results showed that the legal competence of greater weight is the most supported, but not by the most prominent coverage in the management reports, but by another unspoken in the reports. Finally, the study suggests interventions to overcome the identified factors, seeking to avoid the failure of regional planning in the Amazon.




  • Data: 19/12/2022
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The Regional Development Plan for the Amazon is the regional development planning instrument that guides Sudam's actions, which as a public policy must contribute to sustainable development. Among its pillars is the environmental axis, which should promote the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. The implementation of the projects foreseen in the PRDA impacts the environment and produces the release of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) in the Amazon region, contributing to global warming, climate change and impacts resulting from the greenhouse effect. The search for the transition to a low-carbon economy is essential for the impacts of global warming to be mitigated and contribute to sustainable development. Carbon Neutralization is an alternative to fight GHG emissions and the imbalance of the greenhouse effect. This technique provides the generation of environmental services to offset or credit emissions: REDD+ and CDM, providing a decrease in anthropic actions with an increase in carbon stocks. The work proposes that the PRDA projects neutralize their emissions, monitor the indicator and contribute to environmental services in the Amazon region. The structure of the theoretical framework has as specque legislation on the environment, public policy, sustainable development, mechanisms for mitigating the greenhouse effect and the incorporation of a new procedure for the environmental axis in Sudam's processes. The theories that guided the work were the theories of systems and sustainable development because they consider the issues from the totality. The methodology that served to structure the work is exploratory, based on a bibliographical and documentary survey, through a survey of the collection related to the subject in which an intervention that contributes to a decarbonized economy is sought.


  • Data: 16/12/2022
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The notability of Pará in the Brazilian scenario as an ore producer is well known, ranking first in ore exports among the states, especially in the production of iron, bauxite, copper, kaolin, manganese, nickel, limestone, gold, gems and other ores used in civil construction, which makes it the largest national collector of the Financial Compensation for Mineral Extraction (CFEM), in which Parauapebas accounts for 49.3% of the collection, showing the importance of this revenue for the public coffers. Under these conditions, the object of the present study is the municipality of Parauapebas, the largest CFEM tax collector, as well as the prerogatives that defined it as the object of the research due to three peculiarities: a) mining is its main economic matrix; b) the circumscription is the biggest CFEM tax collector and; c) being located in a region of the Brazilian Amazon that presents numerous social and economic vulnerabilities, highlighting the importance of public policies that induce development. Therefore, the hypothesis arising from this questioning led to the assumption that, in addition to historical, sociocultural and geopolitical causes, there were socioeconomic determinants that directly contributed to the dynamics of penetration, occupation, expansion of the economic frontier, based on the institutional apparatuses established by the policy of integration, the guiding question was determined: How does the Institutional Theory explain the use of Financial Compensation for the Exploitation of Mineral Resources (CFEM) in the municipality of Parauapebas-PA? Thus, the general objective of this dissertation is to analyze how the budgetary and financial resources coming from the CFEM of Parauapebas are being invested and if these contributions are positive for the development of this municipality. It was pointed out that the CFEM plays an important role in the distribution of wealth to subnational entities, and, in this perspective, the Kandir Law and the CFEM are key constituents of the economic regime of capital accumulation. The changes in the economy resulting from Complementary Law 87 of 1996 (Kandir Law) had a correspondence in the short, medium and long term in the transformations that occurred in the Brazilian economy and in the commodity exporting states, especially with the growth of the mineral extraction industry, which occurred at a pace unprecedented in the history of the state. It is proposed that the municipal government document the results obtained with public policies, develop open indicators for society and academic centers for their evaluation. Public and private universities, in addition to research centers, need to better fulfill their role, demanding greater participation from these institutions, since it is not just about directing resources, but about creating correct incentives and demanding results. Key words: Financial Compensation; CFEM; Local Development; Institutional Theory. 

  • “Normative Assessment of SUDAM Agreements in the Municipalities of the State of Pará within a context of Local Development and Alignment to the PRDA in the period between 2016-2019”;

  • Data: 14/12/2022
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This ongoing dissertation aims to analyze the performance of agreements signed between SUDAM and the Municipalities of the State of Pará in terms of regional development and whether they have been consistent with the Regional Development Plan for the Amazon - PRDA. To support this work, a literature review was carried out, initially with an approach on local development, making a contextualization focused on the development of the Legal Amazon; then it is explained about the impacts of the transfers of federal resources for the regional development of the Amazon, besides verifying the main concepts related to the voluntary transfers, with emphasis on one of its modalities - the agreements and, finally, it is presented the research carried out at SUDAM, making a survey, in the period from 2018 to 2021, on the agreements concluded by SUDAM with Municipalities in the State of Pará, in order to analyze the performance of the agreements concluded by SUDAM with municipalities in Pará and if it has been consistent with the PRDA. At the end of the research, it is intended to provide necessary recommendations in this regard and indicate a Manual to serve as a guide in the management of accountability of agreements with SUDAM and to enable greater efficiency in the application of federal public resources.


  • Data: 14/12/2022
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The proposed subject to be addressed consists of a sad social reality, which must always be brought to the fore so that it can be debated and ways to reduce the current malady seen in Brazilian public health are created. The constitutional norm guaranteeing health as a state duty is already 33 years old, as it was standardized in the 1988 Constitution, regulated by law 8080. The problem to be researched is when the judicialization of health, regarding the distribution of medication, reaches the Municipal Management, since every time there is a judicial decision the Municipality is obliged to comply, otherwise it may suffer severe financial sanctions. with daily fines that would affect him even more. With this, will the prioritization created by justice become another obstacle for the Municipality to achieve what is provided for by law? The universe of this research will be carried out by consultations in the public farm sticks of the State of Pará, with the aim of enriching what is discussed here with quantitative data of the actions aimed against the Municipality that deal with health care. As well as the Municipal Health Department of Belém (SESMA), with data that demonstrate how the judicialization of health can affect municipal Health Management. In this way, the area to be researched will be the region of the municipality of Belém, covering only the legal and administrative area that concerns the Municipal Health Management. The research will be supported by two methods for the elaboration of this study. It will use characterization as a method to robustly demonstrate the issue of judicialization of health. This time, it will use essentially bibliographic research, making up the relevant current legislation, as well as the vast doctrine that encompasses various thoughts on the subject that will be discussed and its confrontation with current jurisprudence. This means that the study will be based on the understanding of Brazilian courts to form a better conviction on the topic addressed. And in the same way, it will base its research on the quantitative method, since through the collected data it will demonstrate the consequences of the judicialization of health in the municipal management of the city of Belém.

  • “Management of Public Policies for Professional and Technological Education: A study on the Student Assistance Program of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Amapá”.

  • Data: 12/12/2022
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • In the federal education network, public policies for Student Assistance are present and guaranteed from the enactment of Decree Law 7234 of July 19, 2010, which established the National Student Assistance Program (PNAES) of the Ministry of Education (MEC). It is a financial resource guaranteed in the Budgetary Guidelines Law (LDO) and the Annual Budget Law (LOA) that is intended for students in the public education network who are in socioeconomic vulnerability. The research outlines the historical and legal course of student assistance through bibliographical and documental research; in the analysis, evaluation and execution of the IFAP Student Assistance Program from 2020 to 2022 with a focus on school dropout and retention indicators extracted from SUAP (the institution's database and the results obtained in the period). Thus, we propose at the end of the document, based on this context, a web platform (available at https://cadastrosocioeconomico.com.br/) - as a product of this work - to improve the selection process of student assistance students to qualify, improve and reduce time, making the process efficient, impartial, technical and rigorous in results, raising the quality level of the selection process of student assistance at IFAP

  • ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND THE NEW PUBLIC MANAGEMENT: an analysis of the asymmetry between planning and execution.

  • Data: 05/12/2022
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The organizational culture in the current Brazilian Public Administration makes it difficult to correctly measure resource execution behaviors in the face of their institutional demands, the administrative function of strategic planning deviates in many evaluations of expenses and delivery of public policies, revealing functional disagreements and negative impacts of expenses. The complex budgetary system and its performance are fundamental in the understanding of these dysfunctions, chances in which the dissertation concentrated its research, applying the method in quantitative analyzes with documentary and bibliographic reviews approaches, opportunity in which planning tools, annual budgetary laws, reports of management, federal government database systems and cross-cutting literature on New Public Management, converging on Neo-institutionalist and Public Choice theories, took on their forms and results. In order to achieve the objectives, the data comparison analysis was carried out using tables and graphs in a historical series of seven years of budgetary and financial execution, belonging to a federal public educational autarchy unit, called Campus Santana, of the Federal Institute of Education. Amapá. The study was limited only to the execution of costing expenses, in 5 groups and elements well defined by the 20RL action codes dealt with by Law nº 4.320/64 and its amendments. The research results found expressive asymmetrical levels, which revealed an average rate above thirty percent of deviation per year, configuring a performance standard that requires attention in the light of efficiency and public quality, which escalated the need to characterize the organization and understand the cultural systems that involve political-administrative and legal capacities. In the balance of practical and scientific concepts, specific lines of analysis emerged that model more realistic and compatible roles at the level of the researched structure, which in the case study enabled the proposal of a new functional model, focused on the decision-making power of resource distribution, execution and results-oriented assessment, prioritized by the effective participation of interest groups, management sectors, as well as local and academic representatives, which was incorporated into the legal and regulatory mechanisms to which the organization already belongs.

  • Impact of Sudam's tax incentive policy on constitutional transfers (FPE and FPM) from states and municipalities in the Legal Amazon.

  • Data: 27/10/2022
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The present work intends to investigate the relationship between the tax incentives administered by Sudam and mandatory constitutional transfers (FPE and FPM) in the Amazon region, considering the tax waiver data provided by the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil (RFB), based on the existing debate on the effectiveness of fiscal incentives to reduce regional inequalities and the existing tax collection imbalances between the federation's entities. The general objective of the study is to analyze the impact on constitutional transfers (FPE and FPM) in the states and municipalities that are part of the Legal Amazon if the tax incentives administered by Sudam did not exist, in the period from 2009 to 2018, based on the hypothesis that the possibility of absence of these incentives, in financial terms, would be harmful to the region because the conversion of this amount into federal collection would cause a lower monetary return to states and municipalities via participation funds. The research was structured on the collection of data from the RFB and the Federal Audit Court (TCU) for the stipulated period, which were ordered year by year according to the peculiarities and distribution methodology of each participation fund, and thus, it was possible to identify the amounts that would be allocated to the states and municipalities that make up the Legal Amazon with the absence of Sudam's tax incentives, assuming that the behavior of private agents and the affected economic sectors would remain the same. The study results confirmed the initial hypothesis and showed that, on average, only 12% of the amounts referring to tax incentives granted between 2009 and 2018 would return to the states and municipalities of the Legal Amazon for investments through the FPE and FPM, which did not prevent the realization that, despite being an important policy to generate investments, jobs and income, it alone is not capable of solving the problems of underdevelopment in the Amazon region, which, by the way, does not have a concrete diagnosis of its causes and consequently it lacks consistent programs and projects, with defined objectives and goals, involving the Union, states and municipalities in favor of its development.


    Key words: Participation Funds; Tax breaks; Legal Amazon.


  • Data: 25/10/2022
  • Mostrar Resumo
  •  The research addresses how the Court of Auditors of the State of Pará acts in the control of budgetary changes related to environmental policies, in order to identify whether there is a preponderance of the strictly legal perspective and a weakness in the inspection of environmental management actions regarding the reach of the highest benefit and lower cost in the optimal allocation of resources. For a better understanding of the complexity of society, the study considers the theoretical conception of the systemic view, having Niklas Luhmann as one of the main theorists, with the objective of verifying the exercise of control of additional credits by the Government of the State of Pará to promote associated actions the preservation and conservation of the environment. With Pará as a spatial delimitation, the time frame of the research is four years, considering the period of the 2016-2019 Multiannual Plan. Environmental policies are part of a list of rights dealt with in the Federal Constitution of 1988 and that must be implemented by the State with a view to preserving an ecologically balanced environment for present and future generations. To this end, the State plans and executes public policies using the budget and other regulations, with the necessary flexibility in planning via additional credits. The performance of the Court of Auditors, in the control of budget execution, promotes such policies in line with the constitutional principles that guide public administration, associated with compliance with legality as a requirement for the public manager to conduct government actions, but not enough, since with the current principles have strengthened functions such as guiding and teaching the courts of accounts, considering that public resources are scarce and must be used in such a way as to provide the effectiveness of public policies. From the perspective of normative progress and evolution of the approach of external control over additional credits, efficiency must be guaranteed in the administrative political system as a way of sealing off inappropriate means of tasks in which the minimization of product costs occurs and allows the maximization in the combination of inputs. In this sense, given the complexity of modern society, the heuristic approach was the approach for a better understanding of the role of the Court of Auditors in the involvement of communication with the Public Administration in the implementation of environmental actions for the defense and preservation of the environment. from the perspective of legality and efficiency. 


    Keywords: External Control. Audit Office. Public Policy. Budget. Environment. Efficiency. 



  • Data: 29/09/2022
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The number of people affected by some mental disorder is increasing in the first decades of the 21st century. And with the COVID-19 pandemic, announced in March 2020, it is estimated that this situation tends to get worse. And, considering that work is seen as a source of illness, and that health professionals are on the front line of facing the pandemic. Considering also the overcrowding of health services. In this way, we seek to investigate, by the present work, which are the mental health problems faced by public servants in the hospital area. The focus of the research will be the Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Pará Foundation, a public hospital that is a reference in maternal and child care, with availability of neonatal, pediatric and adult ICU beds. The general objective of the study is to analyze the issues that involve the health-disease process of these health professionals. To this end, the following specific objectives were defined: i) Identify the types of mental or behavioral disorders presented by the servers, in the period 2018/2021, in order to compare the two previous years with the two pandemic years; ii) Check which preventive measures/actions in mental health the Foundation has adopted; iii) Propose a mental health prevention guide, in electronic format, to be made available to civil servants. In the methodological course, the research method that will be used is the Dialectic, with a quali-quanti approach and the techniques of direct and indirect documentation research.

  • IMPOSITIVE PARLIAMENTARY AMENDMENTS IN THE LIGHT OF THE THEORY OF PUBLIC CHOICE: a case study in the Superintendence for the Development of the Amazon – SUDAM. 

  • Data: 05/09/2022
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The difficult and challenging fiscal scenario that has been outlined in recent years, makes the legislative amendments imposing, individual and of benches, created by Constitutional Amendments nº 86/2015 and nº 100/2019, respectively, relevant instruments for the achievement of public policies, given mandatory in their execution. From this perspective, this work aimed to determine whether the tax amendment projects, received and executed by SUDAM, in the period from 2014 to 2022, have a technical or political character, based on the theory of public choice. The classification of the research follows the hypothetical-deductive method, is of an applied nature and of qualitative and quantitative approaches, in addition to being considered of an explanatory, exploratory and descriptive nature. In relation to the procedures, bibliographic and documental analysis was used, as well as the case study technique, with the application of a questionnaire, which had the participation of six SUDAM servers who work directly with the activities inherent to the tax amendments in the Institution. In order to reach the conclusions of the study, in addition to the application of the questionnaires, a survey of secondary data was also carried out for the diagnosis of these tax schedules for the autarchy and that permeated the budget and financial execution of the amendments to the compatibility of the same with the banks of projects from the national (PPA) and regional (PRDA) strategic plans to achieve the intended objective – determine whether these projects are more technical or political in nature. The results showed that SUDAM is, in fact, an intensive body in amendments, having received almost R$ 700 million from these tax resources, an amount that is 1,200% greater than the body's own final resources in the same period. In the same segment, the autarchy received 1,064 projects, 81.2% of which (864) came from individual amendments and mandatory benches. However, in spite of the high volume of resources and projects received, it was diagnosed, through the data and the answers to the applied questionnaire, the lack of technical support of these impositive amendments, since they were not directed to the execution of priority projects. constant in the PPA and PRDA, as well as defects characteristic of low quality projects, such as the lack of technical documentation, such as the basic projects for individual amendment works and mandatory benches celebrated by the SUDAM, causing impacts ranging from the delay in the execution of objects - more than half (54.9%) who are in this situation have been in progress for three years or more - to the low percentage of financial execution, which had an average of payments, in the same exercise of authorization of the amendment, a paltry 2.4% of the total committed, in the historical series analyzed. These factors indicate the predominance of political factors, to the detriment of technical ones, in the public choice of tax amendment projects in Institution. Finally, considering the above scenario, it was suggested as an intervention proposal, the edition of a normative with the creation of specific rules for the application of these resources, within the scope of SUDAM, as a way of qualifying the projects executed by this autarchy.


  • Data: 19/08/2022
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This study investigates the contributions of the implementation of a Management Information System, called Tax Incentive Management System - SIN, within the scope of the Amazon Development Superintendence - SUDAM, whose starting position was a holistic analysis of the situation. The study's general objective is to analyze the contributions of the SIN to regional development, in the context of document processing, in the SUDAM tax incentive process and uses the Systemic Theory as a basis. It has as field research the application of questionnaires, being a structured one in which the Likert Scales were used to evaluate the perception of the users of the system in aspects that involve the Support, Usability and Efficiency. In addition, a semi-structured interview was applied to SUDAM employees and a document analysis was carried out on the subject. As a result, from the perspective of tax incentive technicians, the SIN presents as positive highlights the themes of Support and Support for users, in addition to providing an improvement in the Efficiency of the works, while presenting as an opportunity for improvement a large space for the evolution of the Usability of the system. Still composing the results, there was a great alignment between the PRDA and PDTIC documents and an expressive trend of improvement in procedural indicators was identified in the Management Reports.

  • MODULAR TEACHING ORGANIZATION SYSTEM (SOME): assessment of management compliance in a municipality in Pará

  • Data: 17/08/2022
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Faced with the scenario of rural education in the state of Pará, in 1980 the Modular Education Organization System (SOME) was created, a public educational policy instituted by law. 7,806/2014, which aims to ensure the right to basic education for populations in the interior of the State where there is no regular education, covering students from the fields, waters, forests and villages. Initially conceived as a temporary solution, it expanded and remains in different locations, thus becoming a policy of great relevance. This system, as rural educational policy, submits to the current norms that guide the practices of rural schools, as these define the minimum quality standards to be followed. Against Furthermore, the present research aims to promote a normative evaluation about the management of SOME, that is, verify their compliance with the norms that regulate rural education in Brazil, having as locus the city of Bujaru-PA. To that end, research was carried out literature, document analysis, semi-structured interviews with teachers, managers and system students, as well as on-site observation. At the end of the research, it was possible to verify that some dimensions of the management of this policy still act in dissonance with what is defined in law, demonstrating a need to rethink solutions and adjustments to better achievement of its objectives.

    Keywords: rural education, public educational policies, evaluation of public policies.


  • Data: 04/07/2022
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This dissertation deals with the budgetary governance of the Superintendence for the Development of the Amazon (SUDAM), whose approach is made from the organizational perspective in defining public expenditure. The study aims to analyze the organizational budget governance of SUDAM in the development of public policy, in addition to describing how budget governance takes place in the body, explaining how decision-making takes place in the planning and execution phases of the SUDAM budget and representing the field and capital of budget governance in which the autarchy is inserted, characterizing the performance of the Collegiate Board of that organization in the process, but also proposing improvements in budget governance in the Superintendence, in order to understand how budget governance practices can contribute to a better decision-making in defining the expenditure of budget resources destined to SUDAM. The methodological approach is qualitative, developed through the description and interpretation of data. Data were collected through bibliographic research, documental research, and, mainly, through the application of questionnaires. The research described the budgetary governance of SUDAM based on the perspective of organizational public governance developed by the Federal Court of Auditors (TCU) and from the perspective of capital and field of Pierre Bourdieu. To understand the theme, theories related to governance, public governance and organizational public governance were used. public. Based on the analysis of the way in which decision-making takes place in the planning and execution phases of the budget, it was possible to identify the procedures for preparing the PPA, PLDO and LOA, as well as knowing the Agency’s Budget Programming Plan. Similarly, the field of budget governance and the agents active in this process were demonstrated, with the DPLAN being detected as the agent with the largest capital involved. As a form of intervention, some actions were proposed to improve the performance of the municipality in terms of the use of the budget. It was inferred that SUDAM has, in the adoption of organizational budget governance practices, guided by the TCU, an opportunity for improvement, which allows for better decision-making to define public expenditure, contributing to the achievement of institutional objectives of reducing costs. Amazon inequalities.

    Keywords: Budget Governance. Budget. Public Policy. Public Finances.

  • Sustainability at the University: circular economy potentialities for the reuse of organic solid waste at the Universidade Federal do Pará

  • Data: 24/06/2022
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Even today in Brazil millions of tons of solid organic waste are thrown in the open, buried or burned due to the lack of knowledge of its potential value as an input for new production processes and the environmental and human health impacts resulting from its inappropriate disposition. In this direction, this research intended to analyze the management of Organic Solid Waste (OSW) generated in the production of meals at the University Restaurant - Basic Sector of the Cidade Universitária Prof. José da Silveira Netto from the perspective of the National Solid Waste Policy. Therefore, multimethod procedures were adopted for data collection using primary sources (1 - Field diary, 2 - characterization of OSW) and secondary sources (3 bibliographic research). As it was found, the various residual portions produced by the Unit, which include from husks, seeds and parts that are damaged or unsuitable for consumption of vegetables, as well as meat trimmings, waste water from their washing and biosolids, can provide organic and inorganic nutrients that are valuable if properly managed and recycled, usable as ingredients for nutritional production or fortification, production of biopharmaceuticals, biofuels, bioelectricity, biofertilizers and natural biosorbents for soil and effluent treatment. However, the final destination of this material has been carried out improperly according to the premises of the National Solid Waste Policy, with regard to minimizing damage to the environment. In this sense, it is evident that there is a mismatch between the production process of the meals at the University Restaurant - Basic Sector from the perspective of the treatment that should be given to the OSW, recommended by the National Solid Waste Policy and thus, also regarding the role played by the Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA) in being one of the most important Brazilian Higher Education Institutions active in the promotion of sustainable development and protection of the Amazon,
    highlighting the need to reflect on the need to change the view on OSW, such as the
    implementation of policies with greater impact. In addition, it was considered relevant, based on the data collected, to prepare an educational booklet on OSW, as an instrument that allows the reflection of the entire university community involved in the process of generating OSW, on environmental and human health issues, related to their inappropriate destination. 

  • "RISK MANAGEMENT IN PAYROLL: A Case Study in the Court of Justice of the State of Pará".

  • Data: 21/06/2022
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Risk management was inserted in the public sector as a component of effort to improve internal control, being considered, therefore, a relevant instrument for achieving better results for organizations. Specifically, in the Judiciary, which aims to improve the effective judicial provision to society, it becomes relevant to consider the various risks of the most varied orders that generate impacts on public resources. Thus, as there is a need to manage critical risks, studies that point out that the item personnel expenses have high relevance in public accounts, as it consumes a large part of the budget in relation to other public expenditures, stand out. In this sense, the research aims to propose a set of effective control mechanisms capable of mitigating risk events in the TJPA payroll processing. As a research strategy, the case study was adopted, having as instruments semi-structured interviews applied to six employees who are members of the CAPP/SGP/TJPA, who necessarily participated, directly or indirectly, in the processing of the payroll in the biennium 2019/2020. From the interviews, thirty-two risk events were identified, which, after consolidation, nineteen of them were analyzed and evaluated in the risk matrix, making it possible to determine the ways of treating fourteen risk events, according to the degree of severity, choosing The preferential treatment of high and extreme risks, which are assessed as defined in the TJPA Risk Management Plan, is considered unacceptable. The results showed that there is a set of control mechanisms that can be implemented in order to mitigate risk events in the TJPA payroll processing, while this research can serve as a reflection and help managers of the Courts of Justice to identify of important measures that contribute to the strengthening of risk management in the bodies of the Judiciary.

  • THE REALITY OF TELEWORK AT UFPA: limits and challenges

  • Data: 02/06/2022
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • With the emergence of the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic, announced by
    the World Health Organization in March 2020, the world has undergone massive transformations in all aspects. One of these took place workwise, with the adoption of teleworking in most private and public organizations. Thus, the Federal University of Pará established, in April 2020, the adoption of working hours only in telework. In this scenario, this research aimed to analyze the impacts of teleworking on the personal and professional life of the technical-administrative server, in the position of in administration assistant at UFPA, in the context of the pandemic. For this, we sought to answer the following research question: “under what conditions did technical- administrative servers, in the position of in administration assistant, develop their activities in the form of telework in the context of the pandemic?”. This dissertation addresses a very current theme and its relevance is justified because this work model has been adopted in a totally peculiar context: pandemic and precarious work. The research is of a quantitative nature, having characteristics as applied, exploratory and descriptive, being carried out through a survey, through the
    application of a questionnaire. The results show that the telework has caused an impact on the servers (conflict between work and family life; performing work during non-business hours; need to set up an organizational structure; work overload and mental health problems, the latter two mainly for women, among others). However, the respondents' perception is that there was an improvement in the quality of life, which allows us to infer that teleworkers are still unable to perceive the obscured sides of this type of work (violation of rights, non-workload disconnection, working long hours, and liberty deprivation). Therefore, it is imperative to think and seek mechanisms in favor of health and quality of life at work, as the International Labor Organization recommends when defending the importance of decent work. These aspects must be constantly pursued, especially in the face of multiple psychosocial impacts, with systemic effects caused by teleworking, so present in contemporary society, a “society of tiredness”. 

    Keywords: Telework; Impacts; Pandemic.


  • Data: 02/06/2022
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The implementation of the managerial model in the Brazilian public service has guided several changes in the Judiciary Branch, so that it can deliver a fast, efficient and effective justice to society. Thus arises the need to plan its human resources in accordance with strategic goals, a practice still scarce in the public sector. In this scope, the research proposes to develop a human resources planning model that enables its integration with the TJPA’s organizational strategic planning. Therefore, three specific objectives were defined: to describe the current personnel planning model, to observe how it interacts with organizational strategic planning and to point out operational concepts that can be contributed to the intended model. The theoretical framework presents the main aspects of personnel planning, its contextualization in public management and the importance of integrating it into organizational strategic planning. The systemic approach was highlighted for the desired integration, using the concepts of complexity, systems and communication of the Theory of Self-referential Systems. The research uses the heuristic method, adopts mixed method with nested strategy concomitant and is classified as applied research with exploratory and descriptive objectives, having been guided by 3 independent variables and 8 dependent variables that investigate practices regarding the allocation, development and strategic management of people. As a research strategy, the case study was adopted, with semi-structured interviews as the main instrument. Qualitative data were submitted to content analysis, while quantitative data were processed by descriptive statistical methods. The coding and categorization process was defined based on the interviewees' speech and theoretical reference, resulting in 3 central codes covering 9 thematic categories. Through the serendipity process, three thematic categories were listed: discretion, organizational culture and communication. The research hypotheses were confirmed, once it was observed that the practices of the personnel area that make up the TJPA personnel planning are not integrated among themselves, with the predominance of linear logic (cause-effect) to the detriment of a systemic modus operandi (cause-effect- cause), as well as that the current model also does not favor its integration with organizational strategic planning, due to the isolation that prevails in operations. In the end, an initial proposal for a strategic planning model for people with a systemic/communicative approach was presented. 

  • "The Woman in Management Positions at UFPA"

  • Data: 31/05/2022
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • In the present research, the objective was to understand the rise of women to the management of UFPA, identifying the positions where they are most present, the opportunities and barriers faced by them and how their access to management is related to sustainable development actions of the institution. In the theoretical framework, the dimensions of work, education, politics and management were addressed, focusing on women. As for the methodology, the research had a mixed focus, the investigation strategy was the case study, the sample was by judgment, the data collection took place in documents and 21 interviews and the data analysis took place through descriptive statistics and analysis of content supported by Atlas.ti software. The research results indicated that, quantitatively, there is gender equality in UFPA management positions, but women are the majority in secondary/tertiary management positions while men are the majority in elective positions, especially the position of Rector, which will still take few years to be occupied by a woman. Currently, the profile of UFPA managers is diverse, but most of them are teachers, mothers, brown people, have a history of working in the institution, as well as seek to be democratic leaders and do not dispense with femininity. At UFPA, compared to the past, women have more opportunities to access management positions, but they face gender barriers such as double working hours, gender prejudice, structural machismo, the need to prove competence and the glass ceiling . Regarding the UN SDGs, UFPA already works on gender equality as a sustainable issue, as it participates in an international ranking that evaluates them in universities, but the debate on these objectives still needs to be expanded at UFPA. In addition, no information was found that related women's access to management to sustainable university action. In view of this, it is concluded by stating that UFPA should increase the internal debate on gender equality through campaigns, lectures and projects. Furthermore, it is important that the university encourages professors to run for the Dean's Office. Increasing opportunities and decreasing barriers at UFPA will strengthen the institutional image and make it more engaged in sustainable development. 


  • Data: 27/05/2022
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The interest of leaders and managers in the culture of institutional security increased in the mid-twentieth century, when studies indicated the possibility of managing its aspects and increasing the performance of organizations, in the face of technological advances and the globalization of resources. In health services, organizational culture is considered an indicator of the quality of care provided and patient safety. The study aimed to analyze and compare the Safety Culture of a public hospital, to verify how and how much this culture has developed over 4 consecutive years. This is an exploratory study of a qualitative nature, which used documental research as a strategy. The documents used were the results available from the Patient Safety Culture Survey, carried out from 2016 to 2019, whose data are stored in the Quality and Safety Management Advisory (AGQS) of the aforementioned hospital. The result of these culture surveys is the product of the application of the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSOPSC) questionnaire, which is an instrument validated since 2004 to assess culture in health services by the Agency Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). The main characteristics of the respondents were gathered, most of them female workers in the public service area, belonging to the nursing team. The Safety Culture in the institution was shown to be neutral over four years with a tendency to fragility, but with several aspects with a positive trend. It was evidenced that the actions related to the quality of care processes and patient safety should be intensified so that they increase the employees' perception of the safety practiced and become more effectively part of the institutional culture.


    Descriptors: Culture, organizational culture, Patient safety, health quality, leadership, hospital management


  • Data: 04/04/2022
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This research sought to analyze the intensity of engagement among servers who work in the normative telework of the Regional Labor Court of the Eighth Region, in addition to identifying the characteristics of this environment and the changes caused by the act of "teleworking" in the routine of professionals who work in the justice of the work. The literature points out that the insertion of telework in the Brazilian Public Administration arises with the purpose of achieving better organizational results, causing transformations that affect organizations, workers and society. In this way, understanding how teleworkers have reacted in the context of telework, based on the balance of telework demands and resources, and their consequent implications for engagement and psychosomatic health, becomes a differential to achieve better organizational results and the promotion of a healthy work environment. The methodology in the form of an exploratory and descriptive survey had (61) interviewees in an intentional non-probabilistic sampling, which used the Ultrech Work Engagement Scale (UWES-09). Data processing involved descriptive and multivariate techniques and content analysis. The survey results show four different groups, two had very high and high scores for vigor, dedication and absorption (53%) e (28%), while two other groups had moderate (16%) and very low (2%) scores for engagement at work. The conclusions demonstrate the need for intervention in the work environment, aiming at a balance between the resources and demands that affect groups with lowengagement, in view of the risk of developing chronic stress, and consequently burnout. In the same sense, it is necessary to develop strategies that guarantee the maintenance of engagement in other groups.

  • "PUBLIC GOVERNANCE: Assessment of governance practices in a hospital unit".

  • Data: 25/02/2022
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Governance is an innovative management alternative that recommends principles and practices capable of providing organizations with greater flexibility and security, contributing to the improvement of management. To meet the dynamics and complexity in the global scenario, aggravated by the pandemic moment that the world is going through, health governance is a necessary prerogative to improve the structures of health organizations and systems, so that they can articulate strategies around unique purposes capable of providing organizations with transformative management models. Considering this need, this work proposes to evaluate the adherence of Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Pará Foundation to the SUS by measuring good governance practices as a way to contribute to the planning of actions, inducing improvements and encouraging behavior changes in public administration. For this evaluation, the research used as a reference the methodology of the governance and management guide applicable to health secretariats and councils prepared by TCU, which was duly adapted to build a management tool (questionnaire), applied, and tested in the organization, pointing to an enhanced maturity level resulting in a considerable contribution to the collaborative governance of SUS. It is considered that the objectives of this research have been achieved because the study of a qualitative, quantitative, and applied nature managed to establish a governance model for the health organization, in addition to making managers aware of the available leadership, strategy and control mechanisms to assess, direct and monitor management in the development of good governance practices.


    Keywords: Public Governance, Public Management, Health Governance, Hospital Management

  • Governance and the Tax Budget at the Federal University of Pará

  • Data: 30/11/2021
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The Impositional Budget makes the budgetary and financial execution of a certain percentage of parliamentary amendments on the public budget mandatory, characterizing itself as an important instrument for deputies and senators to effectively meet the demands of the communities they represent. This work had as a general objective to analyze the challenges of budget governance at the Federal University of Pará, taking into account the programmatic, participatory and accountability dimensions (OECD, 2014). To achieve this objective, the study was based on budget governance and the normative understanding that regulates the matter, through which it was possible to identify the dimensions and factors appropriate for this management. The data collection procedures used were participant observation, document verification, interviews with four managers of the institution and application of questionnaires. From the latter, 34 answered questionnaires were obtained, containing 20 items related to budget management practices. To analyze the qualitative data, content analyzes were performed, and for the questionnaires, descriptive statistical analysis. Thus, this research found challenges in the need for improvement in the three dimensions of governance, highlighting the need to strengthen the link between planning and execution (programmatic dimension), improving the participation of the results achieved (participatory dimension), and high risk of technical impediment and/or non-execution of resources through agreements (accountability dimension). From the analyzes carried out, this study generated as a product the main premises for improving the execution of parliamentary amendments and a draft resolution for the management of decentralized resources through agreements.

  • Engagement. Work Engagement. Self-efficacy. Public Administratition.

  • Data: 29/10/2021
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This study dealt with engagement and self-efficacy at work, positive constructs emerging in the international scientific agenda, responsible for improving results and performance for organizations and people. The research aims to analyze work engagement and self-efficacy and establish the relationship between these constructs, guided by the following questions: what are the characteristics of work engagement and self-efficacy among employees of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) and how do these constructs relate? Therefore, a literature review was carried out to theoretically and methodologically support the investigation of how it occurs and what influences engagement and self-efficacy at work. For data collection, questionnaires were applied to employees of the Federal University of Pará with questions adopted in other similar studies to assess engagement and self-efficacy in a sample of 326 employees, including teachers and technicians. From the results, median general indices for the intensity of engagement and selfefficacy of the sample were inferred. The study's hypotheses were tested indicating that there are no significant differences in the scores of men and women regarding work engagement and self-efficacy, similar indices for occupants of managerial position and teaching positions and administrative technicians and more engaged older employees and higher self-efficacy beliefs. One group proved to have the highest intensity of self-efficacy beliefs and high intensities of vigor, dedication and absorption, being classified as having “high self-efficacy beliefs and engagement at work”. The results of this study allowed us to propose developments for other research and interventions within the institution that was the locus of the research.


  • Data: 14/10/2021
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Recognizing the right to use and occupy public areas of the Union for riverside populations in the Amazon region of Pará is a challenge. In this study, the issue of Land Regularization in floodplain areas of the Union is presented, and the management arrangement elaborated by the author and adopted and applied by the Union Heritage aiming at solving the problem of promoting access to citizenship with the riverside extractive population. It is presented as a case study, the impact of using the public management instrument in promoting land tenure regularization in floodplain areas along with traditional riverside communities in the Municipality of Muaná. This way of working land title regularization in floodplain areas is innovative, considering that in addition to social benefits, it is strictly related to the principles of sustainable development. This innovative management perspective comes from the use of the TAUS - Term of Authorization for Sustainable Use, which aims to guarantee the security of land tenure, ensuring that the property's socio-environmental function is fulfilled, considering organizational, political and economic aspects. The target audience are the riverside populations occupying the floodplain areas of federal rivers and islands where the influence of the tides is felt, as they are in the federal public domain. The legal basis used to implement this modality of public policy expressed in Ordinance No. 89/2010 which defined the management arrangement called Sustainable Use Authorization Term (TAUS). With the application of this term, the security of the possessions and occupations of the areas is guaranteed. 

    This innovation had its genesis in the State of Pará from the demands of riverine families, who were under pressure from the "bosses" to accept and be submitted to the so-called "meação", which is a debasement relationship, where half of what they produced were forced to deliver to these “alleged owners”. In this secular framework, no family could access public credit, they found it difficult to reach social security rights, they could not prove their residence, in addition to the difficulty in obtaining environmental licensing for their rural activities. Thus, they could not prove residence either, as they did not have SPU/PA recognition until then. The exploratory and qualitative research showed that the implementation of the pilot project in the Municipality of Muaná-PA helped riverine communities in accessing citizenship, as it guaranteed land tenure security, access to credit (PRONAF), to social security benefits, environmental licensing, proof of residence and closed-end insurance. In the field, the research obtained several reports of the “liberation” of the target population of the action, since all those who accessed public policy stopped “giving half” to those who claimed to be owners of public lands. Therefore, the management arrangement proved to be important, effective and, above all, innovative. The experience provided subsidies for the application of TAUS in other municipalities in Pará, similar to those of the pilot experiment, as a way to improve and strengthen public policy. 


  • Data: 30/06/2021
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Faced with the challenges for the sustainable development of Amazonian municipalities and the economic dependence of the municipality of Limoeiro do Ajura/PA in relation to its production and marketing of açaí in the Local Productive Arrangement (APL), defined as an environment of articulation, cooperation and interaction , productive specialization and learning among private, third sector and governmental actors in order to increase the competitiveness of the arrangement, as well as improve local socioeconomic indices, but which need good governance for maintenance and economic success. Given that, based on governance, actors are governed and it is possible to identify how they relate and organize, therefore, it enables the creation of institutional mechanisms for better coordination and guidance of economic activities. Thus, this dissertation aims to analyze the relationship of municipal public management with the Local Productive Arrangement of Açaí, from the perspective of production and marketing, in Limoeiro do Ajuru/PA. For this, it was defined, regarding the methodological approach, this research as qualitative. The initial stage consisted of an exploratory research, data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews and the analysis of data collected during fieldwork consisted of the treatment and critical interpretation, using the analysis of contents. The data collected and analyzed showed that despite the municipal public action to strengthen the production and marketing of açaí in the municipality and the type of governance identified in the arrangement is mixed, with the predominance of private over public governance, as well as the APL of Limoerense açaí is classified as incipient.


  • Data: 28/06/2021
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Belém’s municipal city hall – ‘Prefeitura Municipal de Belém’ – is dependent on the destination of its solid waste to the Marituba municipal landfill – ‘Aterro Municipal de Marituba’ – and sees in encouraging recycling a solution to reduce this need. In this scenario, analyzing the solid waste management conditions in the city of Belém is a starting point on the search of practical solutions based on the application of instruments provided in the national solid waste policy – ‘Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS)’, established by Law Nº 10.305/2010. This research sought to analyze the panorama of solid waste management in Belém sourcing information available in the national sanitation information system – ‘Sistema Nacional de Informações de Saneamento’, the brazilian association of public cleaning and special waste companies – ‘Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Limpeza Pública e Resíduos Especiais’, and Belém city hall – ‘Prefeitura Municipal de Belém’. The results showed that the efforts of municipal management are focused on the collection and disposal of waste to the landfill. Demonstrating the lack of structured public policy focused on recycling, adjustments were identified with the purpose of creating a plan to enhance recycling levels through the achievement of goals related to administrative adequacy and the operational structure management, the establishment of a project bank, the improvement of recycling index and composting stimulus.


  • Data: 09/06/2021
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Through this study, we sought to evaluate the influence of governance and management recommendations on the efficiency of the public accounts of a Federal Education Institute. For this purpose, we developed an exploratory research with mostly qualitative approach, based on analysis of multiple sources of evidence, wich we obtained through a case study at the Federal Rural University of Amazon (UFRA). For this, we selected and presented the main practices of governance and management, according to Federal Court of Accounts recommendations; as well as the Key Performance Indicators able to define efficiency of an institution's public finances. Based on these instruments, we conducted individual analyses about the rate of acceptance of governance and management recommendations, also about the performance obtained by the accounts of the Institution it was examined, for the years 2017 and 2018. When we compared the results achieved by UFRA, we concluded that the efficiency of the institution's budgetary and financial accounts can be achieved by compliance with the governance and management recommendations about the themes of planning, risk management, internal control, integrity and accountability. With these results, we were able to submit a proposal for guidelines with main recommendations about governance and management that are capable of improve efficiency of the public accounts of the institution examined.


  • Data: 22/04/2021
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The state of Pará, currently, carries out an intense policy of decentralizing its environmental management, granting responsibilities and competences, once centralized in the hands of state power, to the municipalities of Pará. It is a notorious fact that the municipal sphere has historically always suffered from a lack of good work structures, managerial deficiencies, political influences and the lack of trained human capital to meet local demands. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the institutional capacity of environmental management in the municipalities of Marabá, Redenção and Parauapebas, from the analysis of the aspects of infrastructure, human resources, financial management and cooperative management, thus describing the current moment of municipalization of environmental management in these municipalities and their current performance. The survey of the main environmental theories as well as the legal legal foundations in the area of the environment were carried out through documentary analysis and the legal framework. Considering that municipalized environmental management is a federative commitment, since the municipality is inserted in a shared and decentralized management system with the Union, the States and the Federal District, theoretical contributions of the decentralization of public policies in their social dimension were also used . The methodology used in this dissertation used a questionnaire applied to local managers, covering themes of 5 variables (current legislation, basic infrastructure, human resources, social participation and financial management) that run through the structural, financial and cooperative segments, which together form the institutional capacity concept. After collecting such information, an individual analysis of each municipality object of this study was carried out, presenting, in a direct and holistic way, a portrait of each municipal environment secretariat in terms of operational, organizational and institutional aspects. Following the analysis, a comparative and integrated study of the three chosen environmental departments was then carried out, as a way of presenting the reader with the strengths and weaknesses, challenges, strategies, difficulties and benefits that environmental management brings with it at the moment when the municipality assumes its ownership. With this perception and analyzing the results, this study found certain deficiencies exposed in the municipalized environmental management and as a way to eradicate them or mitigate their harmful effects, presented proposals for guidelines to optimize the municipalization of environmental management in the State of Pará.

    KEYWORDS: Environmental Management, Decentralization, Municipalization, Institutional Capacity

  • EXCLUSIVE DEDICATION REGIME: Challenges and perspectives at the Federal University of Pará

  • Data: 17/12/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This research consisted of verifying, through the evolution of the Brazilian Public Administration, the way in which the lack of internal regulation in the Federal Institutions of Higher Education (IFES), about the Exclusive Dedication Regime (DE), contributes to the occurrence of cases of transgression to that work regime. The referential started from a historical focus on how the theoretical contribution related to public management evolved to the present approach, based on results-oriented management and guided by the principle of efficiency to clarify the mechanisms that strengthened social control and, therefore, the identification of infringing acts such as transgression to the DE regime. The methodological procedure used to implement the research objectives, as to the purpose, can be classified as "applied or practical research", in addition to explanatory research, using data from documentary research, based on secondary data. In this sense, the data collection process had two stages: first, the collection of Resolutions, from the websites of the Superior Councils and academic units, having adopted, as a criterion for sample selection, the existence, in the content of the Resolution, of devices that regulated the exceptions provided for in art. 21 of Law no. 12,772 / 2012; in the second stage, the data already compiled by CGU were used, through the management track n. 201413612, made available through three excel software spreadsheets. In this sense, the information worked on in this stage was extracted from the fields referring to the sex of the offending teachers, from the amount of the debt of each teacher, from the number of occurrences in each type of infraction, in addition to the moment when the server joined UFPA. The association of the results obtained in the two stages indicates that the University has issued adequate and sufficient rules for the regulation of all exceptions provided for in the Law and, therefore, this aspect would not directly influence the occurrence of the infractions. In addition, considering the average profile of the offending teacher, it was suggested, as a product of this dissertation, the elaboration of a booklet that would allow teachers to identify, in a simplified and summarized way, what they can or cannot do.


  • Data: 07/12/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • With the crisis of the Brazilian State, from the beginning of the 1980s, the transfer to municipal managers was given the role of implementing actions and projects that would contribute to the resumption of economic growth from the localities. However, municipal public administrations face difficulties in making programs that include the distribution of jobs and income viable. This dissertation analyzes the government procurement policy as a local development strategy, mainly through the promotion of micro and small businesses of local base. The research covers two cases of government procurement in the municipalities of Belém and Paragominas, where a questionnaire was applied to 60 agents of the population of the Micro and Small Entrepreneurs, with the end of a parameter between these two locations. Secondary data from documentary sources of the municipal statistics of the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service were also collated; the information system of social indicators of the municipalities of the Public Ministry of the State of Para and the Amazon Foundation of Support to Studies and Research in Pará, both of which provide socioeconomic, cultural and tax data of the municipalities that are of interest to this research. As a result, we hope to understand how Municipal Public Management, through government procurement policy, can induce local development.

  • Data: 19/10/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Technological advancement, the young Brazilian democracy, the process of public governance and accountability, as well as the constant waves of corruption, imposed a greater demand on the part of the population so that the public accounts were evidenced by the bodies responsible for executing and inspecting them, highlighting the theme of public transparency in Brazilian institutional, academic and social debates. In addition, several studies show that there is a high correlation between the levels of public transparency and the socioeconomic indices of a locality. Whereas the social indicators of the Amazon region reveal that the State of Pará has numerous vulnerabilities, whether of a social or even ecological nature, and that the Court of Auditors of the State of Pará assumes the institutional mission of overseeing the transparency of the state bodies of that entity, This research aimed to assess, based on the current access to information legislation, the level of transparency (active, passive and good practices) of the bodies that are under the jurisdiction of TCEPA. To this end, we sought to develop a research of a descriptive nature with a qualitative and quantitative approach and application of the evaluation methodology developed by the National Strategy to Combat Corruption and Money Laundering (ENCCLA) in a multiple case study. As research techniques, bibliographic and documentary research were used. The latter was based on sources of documentary evidence from the jurisdictions of TCEPA available on the internet and accessible to citizens' request for access. The results pointed to a scenario of critical and deficient transparency on the websites of the jurisdictional units of TCEPA, in which, the agencies did not reach 50% of the proposed Transparency Index. In view of this, improvements were proposed in the process of disclosing the public information of the agencies, pointing out good management practices for units with insufficient levels of transparency, as well as instrumentalizing the supervisory and pedagogical performance of Pará's external control regarding access to information from the TCEPA's jurisdictional authorities.

  • INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY GOVERNANCE: The Strategic Alignment of Information Technology at the Federal University of Pará

  • Data: 28/08/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Information Technology (IT) has been gaining prominence and importance in the Institutions over the decades. It is expected that its strategic use will not only support business operations, but, mainly, allow the initiative of new strategies and greater competitive advantages. However, these expectations about the gains with IT do not always materialize, raising questions about the effectiveness of the results obtained in return for the investments made. One of the alleged causes is the lack of alignment between the organization's strategies and the IT strategies, that is, the Strategic Alignment (SA) of the IT. Federal Higher Education Institutions are inserted in this context, having a strong presence of technology within their structures. This study aims to identify the IT SA at the Federal University of Pará, using as a reference the processes defined by the COBIT 5 framework for achieving this alignment. Regarding the approach to the research problem, a mixed approach was adopted, with a qualitative predominance. As for the classification of the investigation procedures used, this research is characterized as a case study, based on documentary research and a semi-structured interview, using content analysis as an interpretive technique. The documentary research was carried out on public documents present on the institutional page of Federal University of Pará, the Ministry of Planning / Economics, the Federal Court of Accounts and on legislation related to the theme. Similar to the Court of Accounts study on IT Governance, the present work proposes a specific index for the study area - SA (Strategic Alignment), calculated from the processes indicated by COBIT 5 to reach the SA , as well as in the analysis of public documents and the interview. As a result, an SA of 0.322 was found, an intermediate index between the values found in two adjacent surveys carried out by Court of Accountsin the years 2017 and 2018, which mirrors how IT governance at UFPA is found, which is still linked to the vision Data Processing, presenting a more operational than strategic vision. This is due to the fact that there is a low adherence to the recommendations made by the Ministry of Planning / Economy and legal provisions, since UFPA does not have a Digital Governance Policy, Open Data Plan, Resource Optimization Policy, Management Policy Assets, Risk Management Policy for IT, Portfolio Management Policy, observing a lack of several processes, which is mainly due to the lack of a formal strategic plan for IT. Thus, the index found by the present research, 0.322, is perfectly aligned with the results found by Court of Accounts, showing that the processes listed in COBIT 5, with regard to IT alignment, are the guidelines to be followed to have good IT governance. Palavras-chave: Information Technology, Federal Institutions of Higher Education, Strategic IT Alignment.


  • Data: 25/06/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This study brings the relevance of the management and the management of urban solid waste implemented by the municipal executive power with the purpose of balance and sustainability of the environment, and consequently the confrontation of one of the biggest problems of the contemporary society: the garbage. The research aims to present an analysis of public policies for urban solid waste of the municipal governments of Belém, Ananindeua and Marituba from the period 2015 to 2018 in view of the national policy for this purpose, considering the right, economic, social, environmental and technical operational aspects in order to contribute with studies for a management capable of acting in its treatment. The research used the mixed method, concomitant, with data collections, through interviews and semi-structured questionnaires with their respective City Halls, recyclable material collectors who maintain a relationship with them, as well as the community surrounding the landfill currently located in Marituba, which receives solid waste from the municipalities where the research was carried out. Finally, in addition to the aggregation of knowledge produced with the conclusion of the research, mitigating and sustainable measures are suggested for the improvement and management of solid waste that allow for reflection by the population when considering conscious consumption, sharing responsibility, managers, which can contribute in the search to assist them in decision making and in the production of goods and services by industries in a rational way and with appropriate technologies that respect the capacity of natural resources with opportunities to meet the needs of present generations and future.


  • Data: 24/06/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Labor relations in the globalized world has changed and organizations have increasingly demand from people. In this context, the organizational climate is an important construct to direct actions of management, as it assists in the identification of workers' perceptions about the organizational aspects that impact on their behavior and quality of life since negative organizational conditions can trigger occupational diseases such as the burnout syndrome (BS) defined as a psychosocial condition in response to chronic labor stressors. In this sense, this thesis aims to analyze the dimensions of the organizational climate that contribute to the incidence of burnout according to the perception of administrative technicians of the Federal University of Pará in order to propose interventions for its reduction and prevention. Regarding the methodology, it is a case study of a qualitative and quantitative approach with questionnaires whose data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, correlation and content analysis The results showed that problems in the dimensions "interpersonal relationships", "recognition" and "workload" are the main risk factors for the syndrome and that "autonomy", "organizational structure" and "perception of injustice" had a moderate impact on BS. The interventions proposed are in line with the guidelines for the mental health of public servants involving the strengthening of management, mainly through investment in managerial tools, planning and worker health policies.These measures will contribute to the promotion of the physical and mental quality of life of servants through organizational strategies that reduce the risks of incidence of BS and enhance the factors that contribute to a good organizational climate in Federal Institutions of Higher Education

     Keywords: Burnout. Interventions. Organizational Climate. Quality of life. University

  • THE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT OF UFPA SERVERS: in search of new perspectives from the internal communication process.

  • Data: 09/03/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  •  The Performance Appraisal (PA) is a fundamental process for organizations because its results provide tools for various institutional actions, in addition to the direct influence it has on careers. Despite this, the Universidade Federal do (UFPA) registers increasing disorders in this process, which materialize in formal discrepancies that result in consequences for its strategic purpose. Considering that organizations and their processes are result of the communicative interaction between their components, the main purpose of this research was to investigate the role and the importance of communication in the PA of UFPA servers.To this end, sought to elucidate which actors interact in the appraisal process, how communication is related to it, as well as the communication channels and information flows related to this context.The research is applied in its character, being descriptive from the perspective of its objectives and quantitative as to the approach method.The technical procedure for data collection was the field survey, with application of a questionnaire to the proportional stratified probabilistic sample, composed of Technical-Administrative in Education and Professors who exercise a managerial function, both categories were participants in the PA 2018 and work at the UFPA's CampusBelém.There are positive aspects, such as the high qualification of the servants, the considerable interest in feedbacks, the existence of modern communication channels, and the evidence of dialogue between the actors.However, there are signs of noises interfering with the flow of formal information about the appraisal process, since, to obtain it, most informants do not refer to the Administrative Unit that manages the process, in addition to ignoring the basic rules of the PA.In addition, the computerized system that receives the appraisals needs to be improved so that it can allow, mainly, the feedback and the availability of the appraisal results.The research concludes that communication still needs to assume its strategic role in the People Management area and that there is a need for dialogue between the actors that carry out the UFPA appraisal process, enabling continuous feedback both to improve individual measurements and to build, together,a process better suited to the needs of the public service.


    Keywords: Performance Appraisal. Communication.Processes.Dialogue.

  • Engagement at work. Organizational climate. People management. Public service. Public administration.

  • Data: 06/03/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This study seeks to verify the relationship between work engagement and organizational climate between employees and contractors of the Federal University of Pará. In this sense, an exploratory and descriptive field research was carried out, with cross-sectional data survey applied to 209 interviewees. in 2019. The approach is quantitative in nature, using descriptive statistical technique, correlation analysis and multiple linear regression for data treatment. Engagement at work is defined as a positive state of job accomplishment characterized by the presence of vigor, dedication and absorption. It is understood that engaged workers feel more involved with work, experience positive emotions and enjoy good mental and psychosomatic health. These aspects collaborate to increase the performance of these professionals. The organizational climate corresponds to the mood or satisfaction of the workers of an organization. The result of the analysis between the two constructs should identify whether there is a dependency relationship between the variables, enabling a more accurate understanding of the impacts of working conditions on the engagement of working consitions on de engagement of workers. 

    Keywords: Work engagement. Organizational climate. People management. Public Service. Public Management.

  • "Perspectives for the implementation of teleworking at the Federal University of Pará"

  • Data: 19/02/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The current Brazilian social, political and economic context requires reflections on management alternatives in public organizations, especially in the field of work relations / organization, based on innovative models and with a focus on obtaining positive and satisfactory results for society as a whole. This research investigates the prospects for the implementation of teleworking at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), discussing the flexibility of the working hours of the Technical-Administrative category in Education and its impacts on civil servants and the public service. The general objective is to verify the legal and operational possibilities for teleworking at the Institution, seeking to answer the following question: “what is the feasibility of implementing teleworking in the administrative area of the Federal University of Pará?”. It is a very current and relevant topic that is justified in view of the growing need for the evolution of management techniques in the scope of the public service, in particular people management, to adopt more efficient practices. This dissertation is structured in three chapters, the first contextualizes the objectives, methodology and justifications of the research; the second seeks to establish a theoretical framework and the legal assumptions to support the study; and the third is dedicated to the presentation of semi-structured interviews carried out with employees of the Regional Labor Court of the 8th Region (TRT-8) who work in teleworking, and with employees of the Federal University of Pará, in which the possibilities for the implementation of the remote work. Finally, in the light of expectations (UFPA) and reality (TRT-8) of this type of work organization, it concludes by pointing out suggestions on rules and procedures for the efficient and sustainable use of teleworking at UFPA, paying attention to the adoption of protocols and conducts that aim to minimize or remove the negative aspects that may affect the server and / or cause damage to the Public Administration.

    Keywords: teleworking, flexible working hours, public administration.

  • PERFORMANCE OF MUNICIPAL PUBLIC MANAGEMENT: an analysis based on the Effectiveness Index of the Municipalities of the State of Pará


  • Data: 07/02/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The objective of this study is to evaluate the factors that impact on the management performance of municipalities in the state of Pará, calculated using the Municipal Management Effectiveness Index (IEGM). The IEGM has been used as an official indicator by the Audit Courts of the States and Municipalities, with a view to improving municipal management and the performance of external control bodies, proposing to evaluate the effectiveness of municipal public policies from the standpoint of seven indicators education, health, planning, fiscal management, environment, citizen protection and governance of information technology and communication. The relevance of this research is to broaden the debate about the performance of municipal management, presenting the IEGM as a possible instrument for monitoring and evaluating public policies. Methodologically, it is an exploratory research, of applied nature, of quantitative and qualitative approach. The procedures adopted include extensive bibliographical and documentary research on municipal public management and the use of performance indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of municipal public policies. As contributions of this research, the results for the municipalities of Pará are discussed, in order to identify possible explanations and intervention proposals for the levels of effectiveness found

    Keywords: Municipal Public Management. Performance indicators. Effectiveness. State of Pará.


  • Data: 05/02/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The aim of this research is to make a summative assessment of the Green Municipalities Program, devised by the Government of the State of Pará. The analyzed program deals with seven goals previously established, aiming to contribute for it participants to gains favorable results about the control and fighting against deforestation, land regularization, enforce to the municipal environmental management and support for the sustainable local development. This program assessment behold two steps. The first one analyzed the expected results for the program by secondary data, available in the public platform of the program on the web, through a document named complete form. For the complement of the research, was applied a second stage of evaluation as an exploratory method and based on primary data. The research applied a questionnaire with predominantly closed questions, aiming to analyze the achieved results in the local perspective and the interaction between the municipal actions and the endogenous development theory. As a result of the first step, the analysis concluded that on average 44% of the municipalities were ranked with high-levels of achieved goals, 41% of the municipalities were ranked with medium-levels of achieved goals and 15% of the municipalities were ranked with low-levels of achieved goals. Regarding to the second step, the research revealed that, in the municipalities whom answered the survey questionnaire, the founded upshots appoint to a positive association between the expected and the achieved results for the Program, ranking Canaã dos Carajás as the municipality that achieved the most results as waited for the program. Furthermore, the analysis also detected that in the municipalities whom answered the survey questionnaire, the founded results appoint to a positive association to the endogenous development theory, ranking Santarém as the municipality closest to the endogenous development theory’s factors.


  • Data: 14/01/2020
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Internal control is a subject under constant discussion in the control bodies (CGU, TCU and AUDINs) and in several public organizations such as the Federal Institutions of Higher Education (IFES), comprising internal controls as a process that must be performed by all the members of an organization with a view to ensuring that the established institutional objectives are reasonably achieved. Thus, the aforementioned dissertation aims to analyze the maturity of internal controls in the administrative organizational structures of IFES Superior in the State of Pará from the perspective of managers, from a maturity model based on and adapted from the Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT 4.1) and the COSO II framework (Internal environment; goal setting; event identification; risk assessment; risk response; control activity; information and communication; and monitoring), covering the maturity levels at: Initial , Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Optimized. Regarding the methodology, it is a multiple case study, of quantitative and qualitative nature, with an exploratory and descriptive approach, in which descriptive statistics with frequency distribution were used to calculate a maturity index that assumes values between 0.000 (zero) and 1,000 (one), so the closer to 1 (one) the higher the maturity level, in the same way the closer to 0 (zero) the lower the maturity level. The results showed that the IFES are between the intermediate and advanced levels of maturity.
    Keywords: Public administration. IFES. Internal control. Evaluation by maturity.

  • "Municipal governance: accounting statements for conservation units in the city of Ananindeua-PA

  • Data: 16/12/2019
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The study intends to indicate a specific instrument to support the participation of the population in decisions that affect the welfare in Conservation Units, having as delimiter the Conservation Units Parque Ambiental Antônio Danúbio and Museu Parque do Seringal, located in the city of Ananindeua, state of Pará, in Brazil. The research developments are aimed at verifying the existing governance structure in the Ananindeua municipal conservation units; develop a protocol with the necessary requirements to highlight the heritage of conservation units; and test the applicability of the instrument to Ananindeua conservation units. With qualitative approach and the hybridism of the dialectical and deductive methods, the work brought together a set of research techniques and various sources of evidence. Research techniques used were bibliographic research, field research, image production and analysis, multiple cases study and Likert scale. The sources of evidence were documents, archival records, interviews, direct observation, and production of physical artifacts. As research products were made two cartographic maps of the units; an short-term course for civil servants that works for these conservation units; development of a protocol for assessment of environmental and social wealth, considering non-economic and non-financial aspects; and development of the Social and Environmental Statement for Conservation Units (DSAUC). In addition, DSAUC was analyzed by an interdisciplinary group of professionals, which ones validated the instrument, as 85,7% of respondents confirmed the need for a specific statement to inform environmental and social issues in conservation units. Also, 42.9% of them are not satisfied with the financial statements to report environmental and social issues, as well as the statement proved to be easy to understand, according 85.7% of the validators. Also, 71.4% agreed that DSAUC can be an instrument for measuring environmental and social wealth in conservation units. The tool proved to be a stimulus to increase the number of visitors to conservation areas, since 100% of the validators were interested in visiting for the first time or returning to Parque Ambiental Antônio Danúbio and Museu Parque do Seringal.
    Keywords: Transparency. Accountability. Governance. Environmental accounting. Public administration. Ananindeua - Pará.


  • Data: 18/11/2019
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The scenario of higher education that extends from Latin America to Brazil refers to a movement of changes in the dynamics of higher education, with the purpose of adapting its own policies to the globalized market model, in which knowledge turns to logic productivity, vocational training. In Brazil, there is a growing effort to improve the vocational training of the population, mainly translated into government programs that encourage the access of the population to higher education. These programs have seen a noticeable increase in higher educated professionals entering the job market each year. In this sense, systematic literature reviews and studies on higher education in Brazil and the Eastern Amazon were conducted to understand the importance of the postgraduate course in the area of master's level administration, analyzing the contribution of this science in professional and personal life of the graduates. Its purpose is to contribute to the national productive sector in order to add a higher level of competitiveness and productivity to companies and organizations, whether public or private, seeking to understand the contribution of the master's degree in administration in the professional and personal life of the egress in Eastern Amazon. Thus, this paper aims to identify the contribution of the Master of Business Administration in the learning process and in the exercise of advanced professional practice of graduates from the Eastern Amazon necessary to promote efficient and satisfactory results, thus promoting excellence in public management. The research is based on an exploratory study of quantitative and qualitative nature, using the statistical method, sought to testify the data obtained in the application of semi-structured questionnaires to obtain the results. As for the results, it was verified in the application and analysis of the data that the graduates in the administration area recognize the importance of the master's degree for the development of the Eastern Amazon region, as well as for the excellence of the management (public or private). In conclusion, from these results the Master of Business Administration brought to the Eastern Amazon a differentiated vision of strategic management focused on the sustainability of the region, contributing to regional development, having a positive impact on the professional and personal lives of the graduates who attended the Master StrictoSensu Academic or Professional in Administration.


     Higher Education, Master of Business Administration, Eastern Amazon, Strategic Management, Graduates.


  • Data: 18/11/2019
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • In a scenario in which organizations seek effective results and in which the workers are not
    seen as a resource, but as collaborators who must understand what is expected of them and
    how they can contribute to the organization and, on the other hand, how these workers can be
    motivated and valued in their daily work, through the perception of the results of their work,
    this research aimed to analyze the performance evaluation performed at the Federal
    University of Pará (UFPA), based on the Balanced Scorecard method (BSC), from the
    perspective of the public employees of the position of executive secretary. To this end, the
    following objectives were established: to identify individual performance measurement
    method, based on the BSC method; to define three or more individual performance indicators
    for UFPA executive secretary public employees; and to analyze these individual performance
    indicators as a tool for managers' decision making. The research methodology was conducted
    from a post-positivist quantitative approach, carried out through literature review and field
    research. The field research was applied through a survey, which was validated with a sample
    of the universe of individuals, and was then applied to the general population. The results
    obtained had their consistency proven from Cronbach's alpha. The research pointed out that it
    is possible to elaborate individual performance indicators from the definition of the expected
    percentage of execution of a given public employee activity and the expected quality criteria,
    which are derived from the Institutional Development Plan (PDI). After that, seven indicators
    were aligned with the BSC’s Internal Processes perspective and were proposed according to
    the strategic objectives “Improve institutional communication” and “Promote environmental
    responsibility”. These indicators were used to analyze the perspectives of: elaboration of the
    work plan of the server, proposition of training and qualification, and dimensioning of the
    work team.
    Keywords: Individual Performance Indicator. Performance evaluation. Executive Secretariat.
    Balanced Scorecard. Federal University of Pará.


  • Data: 13/11/2019
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The public administration has an essential role at the economic and social development of a country and the administrative contracts has a fundamental importance for the effective working of public administration. However, without an effective risk management in these contracts, with a continuous monitoring of these risks, the possibility of a low quality in the services and the contracting institution governance be affected, is imminent.  Therefore, It is necessary a risk management instrument, that contributes for the institution good governance. In this sense, the problem that needs to be researched was: what criteria should be observed in a risk monitoring instrument in the contracting carried out by UFPA, in order to improve governance in this institution and that could serve as a model for other public agencies? The studies general objective was to analyze the criteria for the formulation of a monitoring instrument focused to strength the risk management in the public contracts, in order to contribute for the governance, in the subject organization. To achieve this objective, a research with predominantly qualitative approach, exploratory and descriptive character was developed. Regarding the types of procedures used, the dissertation used a study based essentially on a documentary and bibliographical analysis. The research is inserted in the risk management politics and guidelines structure context of Federal University of Pará, boarding specifically the risk management process in the acquisitions, stem from the Judgment TCU nº 1.679/2015 – Plenary and Joint Normative Instruction 01/2016 MP/CGU, besides the risk management politics of UFPA, describing the administrative contracts situation, in the period from 2016 to 2018, about the risk management, so that the result of the dissertation could be obtained. The research result demonstrated the set of criteria and actions that were considered necessary so that they can be included in an effective risk monitoring instrument that could contribute to the good governance of the institution, besides serving as a model for other public institutions.


  • Data: 23/10/2019
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The objective of this paper is to propose a corporate risk management methodology aligned with the governance context of the Federal University of Pará, having as a parameter the main market practices in the subject: Orange Book, COSO and the ISO 31000. The work used qualitative methodology, of an applied nature and exploratory purpose. Documentary research was used to consult the methodologies of other public agencies and to know the risk management structure of UFPA. Already action research was characterized according to the author be crowded in the sector responsible for proposing risk management methodology to the institution, and therefore, share search problem. The results presented consisted of the analysis of the risk management context at UFPA, culminating with the proposed risk management methodology for UFPA. The methodology presented sought to simplify the risk management process as much as possible to facilitate its application at all organizational levels of the university, considering its culture and management maturity in the subject, adopting the following basic steps: risk identification, risk assessment, risk treatment, and monitoring and reporting. 

    the case of the Pará Profissional program in the municipality of Ulianópolis-PA

  • Data: 16/10/2018
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Professional and Technological Education (EPT) has stood out in the public policy agenda in Brazil in recent decades and has been a strategic element for the country's economic development and social inclusion. In this way, the discussion about professional qualification in order to meet the demands of productive sectors, aligned with regional vocations, is part of this context. The implementation of programs formulated by the federal and state governments have found difficulties to suit the reality of Brazilian municipalities, especially those located in the Amazon. From this point of view, the Professional and Technological Education Program Pará Profissional was conceived with the objective of offering professional qualification to consolidate, expand and verticalize the productive chains strategically linked to the priority development axes, generate income and fight poverty in the State of Pará. the central theme of this study has emerged, which discusses how local governance can impact the management of EPT programs at the municipal level. The general objective of this study is to analyze how the CGIU / Ulianópolis, instituted by Municipal Decree No. 30/2016, impacts the actions of Pará Profissional. Among the elements identified in the characterization of governance, the focus is given to the transformation of the role of the State, where different social actors are involved in the elaboration and execution of sectoral public policies. The methodology of the research is exploratory-descriptive, and carried out a case study with a qualitative approach, through documentary, bibliographical and field research. The analysis of the results was based on the governance mechanisms (Leadership, Strategy and Control), used by the Basic Governance Framework of the Federal Audit Court (TCU), for public organizations. The site chosen to conduct the survey was the municipality of Ulianópolis, PA, because of its pioneering role in establishing the first Municipal Intersectorial Steering Committee (CGIU), as a management tool to support and coordinate local EPT actions in the municipality. The CGIU / Ulianópolis model was implemented in a collaborative way, involving the participation of both the public and private sectors, as well as organized civil society. It was conceived in a context that allowed to broaden the debate about the concept.

    Keywords: Vocational and Technological Education Program. Local Governance.

  • ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT OF SOLID WASTE: analys of federal resources for the solid waste sector in the city of Macapá/AP

  • Data: 11/10/2018
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • In Brazil, the responsibility for the management of solid waste is the municipal public power, which has a limited budget that does not meet the real need foreseen in law regarding their environmental management. In this master's dissertation, the analysis of public policy financing and its importance for the environmental management of solid wastes in the municipality of Macapá / AP, from the period of 2012 to 2015, was analyzed. Public environmental management of solid wastes was also evaluated; with information on fundraising of federal voluntary transfers to this sector; and proposing measures and actions to improve fundraising. In order to reach the objectives, it was established as a methodological procedure for the descriptive and exploratory objectives, and for the technical - bibliographic and documentary procedures, being applied in nature. Interviews were conducted with managers of the solid waste sector who demonstrated the main deficiencies and challenges of solid waste management in Macapá, as well as raising the financial deficit of the sector, as well as proposing federal funding through the Thematic Program of the PPA / federal Solid Waste and incentive to the composting and selective collection program. Finally, among the proposed measures, the urgent need for approval of the Municipal Sanitation Basic Plan and consequently Solid Waste.

    KEYWORDS: Public Enviomental Managment. Solidd Waste. Financing of Public Policies.



  • Data: 05/10/2018
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The present research sought to demonstrate the guidelines, challenges and implications of adopting cost management at the Federal University of Amazonia (UFRA) through the Cost Information System (SIC). It should be noted that Cost Accounting is a necessary instrument for the calculation and measurement of the results of the activities performed by the government, evaluating the achievement of the desired levels of efficiency. In these terms, efforts are focused on the study of cost management aiming at a better allocation of resources so that the economic result is increasingly positive and reverted to higher levels of excellence of the services provided by UFRA to society. Considering the existing obstacles and limitations to the operationalization of the SIC, since the utilization rate of this system by the Federal Institutions is very low, it is sought to discuss the benefits of adopting the cost information for decision making purposes by the managers, the tools available that will assist in the preparation of cost reports. The dissertation demonstrated the reports of the implementation of the cost information system in the Central Bank of Brazil (BCB) and in the Brazilian Communication Company (EBC), recognized as two of the best practices for implementing cost management among federal agencies. in these experiences and in the budgetary and patrimonial data of UFRA, models and strategies have been proposed that are adapted to their reality, within the current norms and laws. The research can be classified as applied for its exploratory characteristic and also has a multidisciplinary character. Qualitative analysis was used through bibliographical and documentary research. At the end of the research, the benefits of the operation of the SIC in UFRA were ratified by presenting the successful experiences of the BCB and EBC in their cost management implementation processes, in keeping with the similarities regarding the interference factors. Thus, it is concluded that the cost information extracted from the structural systems of the Federal Government will contribute in a relevant way to the managers of UFRA aiming at the achievement of excellence in the management and provision of services to the community.


    Keywords: Management Tools. System of Information of Costs of the Federal Government. Costs in the Government Sector. Quality of Spending.


  • Data: 05/10/2018
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The objective of this research was to analyze if Labor Justice units, when grouped based on levels of productivity, can be distinguished according to different perceptions of power configurations and leadership styles. Through a quantitative cross-sectional and correlational research, the variables of organizational behavior “leadership” and “power” were raised through the perception of public servants working in the studied units, and the productivity variable was raised through an index achievement of organizational goals. The starting point was the theoretical assumption that productivity can be influenced by a series of behavioral variables, such as variables that define the organizational environment, in the case of power configurations, and variables that define relationships at the workgroup level, in the case of managers' leadership styles, both constructs being able to influence positively or negatively the organizational performance defined by productivity. The research data showed that the public servants perceived more strongly power configurations that are characterized by a strong organizational ideology capable of influencing organizational actions, and configurations that delimit organizational environments that seek to increase or preserve their functional autonomy. Regarding the leaders of the units studied, they were characterized more strongly as focused on the relationship with their led, although all the leadership styles studied were significantly perceived. When the organizational behavior variables were associated with the productivity results achieved during the research period, there was no significant difference between the groups. However, important impressions of the organizational environment could be demonstrated, and may serve as a point of reflection and as an element to subsidize the formulation of institutional policies focused on organizational behavior.

    Keywords: Organizational behavior. Productivity. Leadership. Power. Work justice.


  • PUBLIC POLICIES OF BASIC SANITATION: a case study in the municipality of Ananindeua, State of Pará, as of Law No. 11.445 / 07

  • Data: 28/09/2018
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This research sought to analyze the Municipal Public Policy of Basic Sanitation in Ananindeua (PA), specifically regarding the compliance with the guideline related to the exercise of title, article 9 of Law n. 11.455/2007, known as the National Sanitation Law (NSL), which establishes the requirements that must be observed by the service holder in the formulation and implementation of the respective policy. Considering the low performance of Ananindeua in the sanitation service offer (second last placement in the National Ranking in 2018), it was assumed that, even though the existence of a legal framework to guarantee the provision of a quality service, it is necessary to adopt an adequate policy, able to meet the demand and promote the universalization of access in the municipality. The method of case study and qualitative approach was adopted as strategy. The technical procedures for collecting data were the bibliographical, documentary and field research, carried out through semi-structured interviews, with actors and institutions involved in this public policy in the municipality. There were several weaknesses in meeting the following requirements: planning and municipal plan for basic sanitation; regulation and inspection of sanitation services; establishment of the rights and duties of users; participation and social control and municipal information system on sanitation; it was concluded that the service holder does not adequately comply with the guidelines established in the NSL, demonstrating the damages resulting from this context and making recommendations for the improvement of sanitation services in Ananindeua, as required by Law n. 11.445/2007 .


  • Data: 27/09/2018
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This study focuses on the housing by self-management, which is understood as the housing supply model where individuals associated with cooperatives, associations or non-profit entities are responsible for controlling and managing of all the stages of housing production. The housing by self-management aims not only the production of housing, but also the strengthening of the ideals of equality, freedom, cooperation, autonomy and participation both in productive and decision-making processes. The aim of this study is to understand the process of hiring housing enterprises by the modality “Entidades (PMCMV-E)” of the “Minha Casa, Minha Vida (PMCMV)” program in Belém-PA, between 2009 and 2017, taking as its guideline the effectiveness of housing by self-management. The PMCMV-E is the modality of PMCMV designed to organized families in an associative way, which are represented by an Organizing Entity and whose monthly income is up to R$ 1,800.00 (one thousand and eight hundred reais). In addition to literature review and documentary research, an exploratory case study was conducted, whose study units were the Organizing Entities (OE) were able to participate in PMCMV-E, but were not successful in hiring housing enterprises by the program in Belém-PA. Therefore, were conducting seven semi-structured interviews with four leaders from the three most relevant national housing social movements, plus three leaders of OE authorized to participate in the program. The results were analyzed in order to identify the mainly elements that influence in the success or failure of hiring housing enterprises by PMCMV-E, according the following axes: (1) access to land; (2) bureaucracy; (4) technical-administrative capacity and internal policy of the entities; (5) technical and social advice; and (6) self-management. The research revealed that the same obstacles that the PMCMV-E faces in the national scenario are replicated in Belém. The design of the program, the land issues, bureaucratic obstacles and the technical-administrative capacity of the OE are the main demotivators of the practice between the OE and movements analyzed. Finally, strategies were proposed to mitigate these obstacles, such as the creation of a network of organizing entities; the formation of partnerships between public and private institutions; and changes in the type of submitted housing project to program selection.


  • Data: 27/09/2018
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Endogenous development is an alternative capable of transforming productive units at the local level, in order to transform them substantially, to the point of resulting in significant economic and social advances. Initiatives in this way can establish forms of governance shaped by the creation of interaction bonds and cooperation mechanisms. Therefore, the purpose of this essay is to describe the structure that defines governance in the Local Productive Arrangement of açaí in the municipality of Igarapé-Miri, seeking to know how the relationship between agents can influence local development. For this, a bibliographical and field research was developed, whose qualitatively presented results are described in a way that clearly and objectively demonstrates the local reality. The data collected and analyzed reveal the path that Igarapé-Miri followed to constitute a Local Productive Arrangement and to become the "Acai World Capital", besides demonstrating the existing governance structure around the açaí commercial activities at the municipal level, represented by the way of acting and by the relation existing between the main agents of the Arrangement.


    Keywords: Local Development. Local Productive Arrangement. Governance.


  • Data: 21/09/2018
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The present dissertation analyzed the relationship between Human Resource Management (HRM) Policies and Turnover Intention of the technical-administrative servants in education from Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará (IFPA), in exercise in the city of Belém/PA. In this sense, HRM studies in the public service context, especially regarding the retention of servers, are extremely important in the current scenario, starting from the premise that servers give life to the organizational structures and constitute the main vector responsible for meeting social demands, through the provision of services, formulation and execution of public policies. In this way, a bibliographical, documentary and field research were performed, through a survey, in which the Scales of Human Resource Management Policies and Practices (DEMO et al., 2014) and Turnover Intention (SIQUEIRA et al., 2014) were used, characterizing a quantitative study, with the application of descriptive statistical analysis and multiple linear regression techniques. The descriptive results allowed observing that the servants do not perceive IFPA’s HRM policies and, largely, have medium/high turnover intentions. Through the regression analysis, it was possible to verify that the engagement policy is a predictor of turnover intention. Finally, based on the people governance framework proposed by the Court Union Accounts (TCU) and the analysis and results of this study, a series of recommendations were made, emphasizing the role of HRM in the dynamics of server retention, in order to contribute to the development and strengthening of HRM within IFPA.
    Keywords: HRM Policies. Turnover Intention. Public Organizations.

  • PUBLIC UNIVERSITY AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT: An analysis of the role of public university campuses in the Parana bragantina micro-region in relation to local development.

  • Data: 20/09/2018
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Public universities, through their teaching, research and extension activities, play an essential role in the local development process. The purpose of this study was to analyze the role played by public universities located in the bragantina microregion of the state of Pará, as agents of local development in the social, economic and environmental perspectives. The study is considered opportune by the presence of the progress provided by the relation of the academic environment to the activities of a locality. A study of the research environment was carried out with institutional and academic information about the university campuses of the paraense bragantina microregion. The documentary and bibliographic research was based on the following subjects: Federal System of Higher Education related to the Public Governance practices; University and local development and its socio-environmental scope; beyond the university and its production of knowledge to society through the articulation between teaching, research and extension. With regard to the objectives, this research is classified as analytical and descriptive with quantitative nature by the use of descriptive techniques and statistics in the phases of data collection, treatment and analysis. The subjects of the research were the active servers in the campuses of the public universities of the municipalities of Bragança, Capanema and Igarapé-Açu that filled out a questionnaire with closed questions. Data were also collected through the research and extension projects registered in the campuses of the studied micro-region and through municipal development indexes. The databases were created for treatment and later analysis and interpretation through the aid of tables and graphs. The results revealed that the research and extension projects registered in the campuses of the researched universities are mostly classified within the social, economic and environmental dimensions of local development. Most participating servers consider their university campus to be extremely important or important in the context of local development. And higher results of the municipal development indexes of the group of municipalities of the bragantina microregion were evidenced with the presence of a public university campus. It was concluded that the campuses of public universities in the paraense bragantine microregion play a dynamic role in local development, especially in the social and environmental dimensions.
    Keywords: Public University. Local Development. Bragantina Microregion. University Campi. Knowledge Production


  • Data: 13/09/2018
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • It analyzes the integration of the stages of the sanitation policy cycle implemented by the Government of the State of Pará, based on the systemic vision applied to the stages model. The methodological procedures were exploratory and descriptive, with a qualitative approach and using documentary and bibliographic research techniques. Initially, the documents related to the identification of public problems, the formulation of alternatives, decision-making, implementation, monitoring and evaluation were systematized. Next, the stages were analyzed by systemic parameters (inputs, processes, products and feedback) and mapped the cycles of the policy developed from 2012 to 2015. In the last step, the period 2016-2019 was partially analyzed, and proposals were presented to improve the next cycles of public sector policy. The results show deficient diagnoses for the identification of public problems; the need to increase the transparency of mechanisms for social participation; absence of the State Sanitation Plan, which negatively impacted the formulation of alternatives and undermined the orientation of short, medium and long-term actions in the sector. This framework directed the Pluriannual Plan mainly to meet the immediate needs of the executing agencies. It was also verified that sanitation represented a very small part of the programming (2.34% of the PPA 2012-2015), and that the quantitative concentration of actions and resources in the Metropolitan Region of Belém (59.41% of the total planned) prevented the fulfillment of the constitutional objective of  reducing interregional inequalities. In addition, the financial execution figures (59.97%) and physical (15.02%) were lower than the demanded and expected in the sector. The cycle was also hampered by the lack of quality indicators, indicators of the urban drainage component, and previous evaluation. In addition, evaluations provided limited feedback, mainly due to the timing of recommendations and determinations. At the end of the paper, suggestions were presented to strengthen the steps and increase the integration between the stages of the sanitation policy cycle in Pará, since these actions are important for the universalization of access to basic sanitation in the State of Pará, as established in the Law n. 11.445 / 2007.
    Keywords: Public policies. Basic Sanitation. Policy Cycle.



  • Data: 13/09/2018
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The present dissertation sought to analyze the contribution of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará (IFPA) of the Bragança's Campus in the formation of Local Human Capital (CHL) and its unfolding, starting from the premise that the Institutes of Higher Education, among them the Federal Institutes, are institutions of great importance for the formation of Human Capital in the municipality where they work, offering knowledge, skills and attitudes to their graduates through their internal competencies (intangible assets). These were measured, based on the structure of the faculty of the Campus, as to their degree of importance in the provision of knowledge, skills and attitudes to the graduates, from the perspective of the institution's managers, analyzed together and compared to the perception of the graduates themselves regarding the contribution of the institution in the formation of CHL. The methodological procedure used was based on a descriptive and exploratory analysis with quantitative and qualitative measurement. The results showed that the IFPA/Bragança’s Campus has contributed to the formation of CHL in a significant and relevant way in the offer of knowledge, skills and attitudes to the graduates of the institution, however, they were not enough to guarantee employability in their area of formation.
    Keywords: Local Human Capital. Knowledge. Skills. Attitudes. Competence. Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará.

  • THE SOCIO - ENVIRONMENTAL GOVERNANCE OF THE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF PARÁ: an investigation about the sensitization and qualification of the technical - administrative servers.

  • Data: 12/09/2018
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This thesis aimed to investigate whether the governance of the Federal University of Pará, at Guamá Campus in Belém city, on its socio-environmental actions is being effective in promoting the awareness and training of technical-administrative servants to adopt sustainable practices in carrying out their routine activities in the institution. The research is based on the sustainable themes of the Environmental Agenda in Public Administration (A3P), as well as criteria and mechanisms of good corporate governance presented by the Court of Audit of the Union (TCU) and Decree no. 9.203 / 17 which deals with the governance policy of the federal public administration, autarchic and foundational. The research has a quantitative and qualitative nature, carried out through bibliographical and documentary research, besides field research, having as a data collection tool a structured questionnaire with closed questions and answers on the Likert interval scale. The result of the study presented a favorable scenario regarding the sensitization and qualification of the servers for the adoption of sustainable practices in the accomplishment of the daily activities in the institution. Regarding the perception of the employees about the socio-environmental governance of UFPA, the results showed that there is a need for management improvements, so that a sustainable organizational culture can be established in the university.
    Keywords: Sustainability. Public Administration’s Environmental Agenda-A3P. Governance. Federal University of Pará. Public Administration.


  • Data: 31/08/2018
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This research seeks to analyze the transparency on municipal public management considering the perception of residents of the cities of Rondon do Pará, Redenção, Marabá and Parauapebas regarding the Law of Access to Information (LAI). The publishing of Law 12.527/2011 introduced a new way to handle public information, by establishing the rules to its access. Therefore, in this process of regulation to the access of information it is important to comprehend all the factors that permeate that transformation, to analyze the perception of the population regarding this law, what is the opinion formation that society is taking from this process. To serve this purpose, the methodology classified as exploratory and descriptive utilized the field research as a form to collect data on a sample of 39 questionnaires that were applied to the most relevant social actors of the participant cities. The data processing utilized descriptive statistics and a set of statistical techniques. The results made it possible to reveal aspects such as: the profiles of the respondents; the knowledge of the residents about LAI, as well as their access to the portals of transparency of the cities; it demonstrated information about the holding of public hearings; the results allowed to show evidence of the degree of agreement and disagreement of the residents regarding the general aspects of the Law of Access. Finally, there are proposed suggestions for the operationalization of future research regarding the perception of Law of Access to Information, Law 12.527/2011.


    KEY WORDS: Population. Decree. Right. Public Organizations. Information.

  • Strategic Planning at IFES: analysis of the use of the Balanced Scorecard at the Federal University of Pará.

  • Data: 16/02/2018
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Higher education institutions have fundamental importance for the social and economic development of the population in which they are inserted and therefore need to use appropriate tools to plan and measure their strategic institutional performance. In this sense, the general objective of this study is to perform a strategic planning process analysis of UFPA based on the perception of the managers of the areas directly involved with this process. To achieve this goal, a research of an applied nature will be developed, based on a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive approach. Regarding the types of procedures used, the study is considered as a case study based on documentary research and application of a questionnaire. The research will be part of the UFPA Strategic Planning framework, specifically addressing the process of monitoring the performance of the institution's Balanced Scorecard performance indicators, describing how it occurred in the period of validity of the PDIs 2011-2015 and 2016-2025 of the institution, and analyzing the adequacy of this process for the appropriate institutional strategic performance evaluation. It was concluded with the research developed that the institution adopts properly the BSC model and that institutional planning in general is well evaluated and recognized as a relevant factor for the success of the institution. However, deficiencies have been identified in certain parameters of the institution's planning policy, especially those related to the correlation between what is recorded in the planning and what is actually executed in addition to the variable related to the communication of planning results to the organization's staff.


    Keywords: Balanced Scorecard. Strategic Planning.Federal Institutions of Higher Education


  • Data: 04/12/2017
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This research aims to analyze the managers' perception regarding the performance appraisal process of the technical-administrative servants in education of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), investigating factors related to the purpose, structure and preparation of managers to participate in this appraisal process. The research is justified because of the strategic importance of this instrument in the institution contrasted with a scenario of high averages of grades and the perception of disagreement on the part of the servers in relation to the criteria used by the current evaluation model, besides the existence of few studies on the theme in the institution. This research can be classified as descriptive as to its objectives and quantitative as to the approach method. The procedure adopted for the collection of data consisted of a questionnaire survey for technical-administrative servers and teachers occupying a managerial role and filled out at the University Campus of Belém, UFPA. The research concluded that, in general, managers have a positive perception regarding the performance apprasial process, seeing the various purposes that this tool has, identifying several favorable points related to the apprasial structure and considering that they are prepared to participate in this process. However, some negative aspects have been found and require action by the competent sector of the institution in order to remedy them.


    Keywords: Performance Appraisal. Managers. Federal University of Pará.


  • Data: 30/11/2017
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This research deals with shared purchases at Federal Institutions of Higher Education (IFES) in the Municipality of Belém, during three annual budget periods (2014, 2015 and 2016). The central issue of the work addresses the possibility of shared purchasing being a form of sustainable contracting within the scope of the referred IFES. The justification of the theme is urgent, considering the important role played by the purchasing area in achieving the strategic objectives of the institutions, being a medium activity that affects the quality and delivery of products or services essential for the accomplishment of the end activities of the institutions. Organizations. Therefore, the overall objective of the study is to analyze the contributions of the implementation of the shared purchase as sustainable contracting between IFES. Thus, a fundamental guiding hypothesis is the fact that the shared purchase between IFES makes possible the practice of sustainable contracting, favoring local development and innovation in purchasing planning. The methodological basis of the research has a qualitative-quantitative approach, with a longitudinal temporal gap, and a descriptive statistical base, whose situational assessment will be performed through the Shared Buy Possibility Indicator (IPCC). As a result, shared purchasing, even though it is a recently introduced innovation in law, is an effective tool in the achievement of sustainable contracting, necessary for the promotion of Belém local development and sustainability.

    Keywords: Shared Purchase. Local Development. Sustainability. IFES. Belém.


  • Data: 30/11/2017
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The purpose of this work is to understand the process of institutionalization of sustainability practices at the Federal University of Pará - Campus Belém, based on institutional theory, which presents the process of institutionalization, composed of three phases: habitualization, Objectification and sedimentation.The research is methodologically structured as a kind of search qualitative, quantitative, for the processing of the data; exploratory-descriptive, about the objetives; bibliographical, documentary and as field research, as to the technical procedures. For a data collection, the instrument used in the questionnaire, structured with questions measured using the Likert scale. The proposed instrument had been applied to the servers of the University Campus of Belém. The results were analyzed and presented graphically by the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The research enabled the lifting of the factors for each phase of the proposed model for analysis. The results demonstrate that they are occurring in the process of institutionalizing sustainability practices in university.

    Keywords: Sustainability. Institutionalization. Institution of Higher Education.

  • MORAL HARASSMENT AND SEXUAL HARASSMENT: Research on forms of labor violence based on power relations.

  • Data: 30/11/2017
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The organizational environment is composed of the multiplicity of ethical and moral principles of its members, in line with the precepts employed by the organization. Conflicts can arise through violence based on power relations, such as bullying and sexual harassment. This dissertation aims to analyze the perception of men and
    women regarding moral and sexual harassment in the workplace. The research attempted to identify the factors that characterize these forms of violence and to classify the subjects regarding the incidence of the phenomena. Additionally, measures that reduce moral and sexual harassment within the Federal University of Pará have been proposed. The literature review is based on the main research on the two forms of violence arising from the imbalance of power relations. The research is an exploratory and descriptive research, conducted in the form of field research,
    with questionnaires. The data were treated quantitatively with statistical techniques of exploratory factorial analysis, cluster analysis and regression analysis. The results revealed three groups: subjects who never lived or perceived physical and sexual harassment in the work environment, subjects who are in the initial phase of the harassment spiral and the third group that are in the final stages of the harassment process.

    Keywords: Violence. Power. Harassment. Sexual harassment.


  • Data: 22/11/2017
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • In this Master Thesis, it´s intend to analyze the secretarial processes of Academic Departments of Para Federal University (UFPA), about the techniques of processes’ mapping. It stands out the present time when the Brazilian Federal Universities are in the adopt process the management technologies for the Federal Government, across the law and the experiences the adoption these technologies for the HEI (Higher Education Institution) to optimize organizational and final processes. In contrast, with a globalization and a development of Communication and Information Technologies (CIT), beyond of own organizational technologies enables a development of actions linked a management and mapping processes in a public and private organizations. From this perspective, the following question is proposed: how evaluate the work processes developed in some executive secretaries of University Campus of Belem in a Para Federal University? The theoretical context is substantiated in readings about a management and mapping processes (BRASIL, 2013; GISSONI, LEMES JÚNIOR, 2016; PRADELLA, FURTADO, KIPPER, 2012; SORDI, 2014, among others) and Secretariat (CASTELO, 2007; COSTA, VIANA, 2016, NONATO JÚNIOR, 2009, among others). Next, the methodologies’ procedure involved in an approach eminently qualitative, with exploratory and descriptive level, with case study classification. Already the collect data procedures are based in survey as of semi-structured focus group, applying questionnaires and structured interviews, in three moments, for attend objectives of identifying, prioritizing, mapping and improvement of secretarial processes, according proposal the research. And, in relation of analyze data techniques, were adopted combined techniques of content analysis and data triangulation, because of characteristics of interviews stages attend in a work, with representations through construction of processes’ maps by means of BPMN notation, own of mapping processes. The results pointed for an identification of nine secretarial processes developed for Executive Secretaries of Institutes and Centers of University Campus of Belem, with emphasis of prioritizing in three processes: General Direction Advisory, Documents’ Management and Public Service, with corresponding descriptions as of process maps and improvement proposal for each process. As conclusion, can infer there are own process of advisory area, with relation in a practice with other areas and exists differences between descriptions of processes, contrasting Departments, it demands special attention at the mapping moment. Because the differences, also is perceptive pointed the possibility more one proposal of process improvement, considering the particularity between the functional areas. Another conclusion pointed is a mapping processes contribute for an identification the work flows relations and products delivered intending permitting, thus, an effective diagnosis of activities and verifying points can be improved for achieve the support and organizational objectives, it permits ramifications for future studies and applications.
    KEYWORDS: Secretariat. Processes Mapping. Academic Departments. Para Federal University.


  • Data: 21/11/2017
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • In the last decades of the last century, the environment theme began to enter the agenda of most countries. Technological development and population growth represent two of the many causes that have brought the most consequences to the environment, besides the increase of economic exploitation to meet the growing demands of society, without due concern for the depletion of natural resources as well as the disposal of waste generated by consumption. The study does a study on the management of Solid Waste of Health Services at the University Hospital João de Barros Barreto. Analyzing and mapping the management processes of Solid Waste of Health Services, from its generation to the final delivery to the collecting company. It will also analyze the financial impact of the sector on the Hospital's operating expenses. And finally, prepare a proposal for improvement in the actions and processes of Solid Waste of Health Services at the HUJBB. The methodology that will be used in the study is an applied research, of a descriptive-exploratory nature, using methods of documentary survey, within the institution, interviews with the people involved, by means of a questionnaire, and systematic observation, field research in the sectors. Still in the research approach, this will be qualitative-quantitative, because it will use numerical data and descriptive data. As a result it has been found that there is inefficient management of Solid Waste of Health Services at the HUJBB, resulting in an increase in operating costs, poor management of the management processes and, lack of commitment of the people involved in the process, absence of a selective collection policy.

    Keyword: Management, Business Management, Solid Waste, Process.


  • Data: 21/11/2017
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • In this master dissertation, governance is debated as a result of strutures that are formed by the interaction among actors who work in public scholar organizations, with focus in schools in the munucipality of Castanhal. The majority of theses schools have not reached the goals of the IDEB projected to the final series of elementary schools. It is considered that structures that generate governance offer the conditions to the acting of management that serve to an educacional policy. Thus, to understand the relationship between governance and the results related to the performance of the learning community, the starting point is the identification of the governance structures of the public schools of Castanhal. It has as a methodolocal classification the qualitative approach and a descriptive objetive. The assumed procedures to data colletion were bibliographic and documental and case study. It was used the semi structured interview thecnic applied to municipal secretary of education; of questionaries applied to managers of the selected schools. It is infered from the research results that hierarchical structures, the ones which offer few conditions to the participation of interested actors, do not contribute to school performances of the students regarding the measured variables by IDEB. The organizations that privilege the power sharing are in front of those of centralazed structure, however, they still need to dispose of monitoring instruments of the actor’s performance and of made decisions. The visualization of the way as the governance structures are disposed, the structures of governance of the schools of the municipality of Castanhal demonstrate that, while contemplating the elements here proposed, they may help in the identification of obstacles to the achievement of the goals related to the teaching-learning process.
    KEY-WORDS: Governance. Public governance. Education. Castanhal/PA.

  • SOCIAL CAPITAL AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT: An analysis based on the work of the Mixed Agricultural Cooperative of Tomé-Açú - CAMTA, in the Municipality of Tomé-Açú, Pará.

  • Data: 13/11/2017
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • As a theory, endogenous development considers the presence of determining factors in the local or territorial context in three important dimensions: economic, sociocultural and political, which altogether explain the reasons why, or based on what specificities, regions, given the same conditions, show different dynamics or processes of development. In-order to understand the differentiations regarding the processes of development of the regions, another theory was also formulated, that of social capital, which theoretically affirms that regions with the presence of this capital are more developed when compared to regions in which social capital is absent. Based on these theoretical propositions, we sought to identify the presence of social capital in the municipality of Tomé-Açu and to analyze the contribution of the Mixed Agricultural Cooperative of Tomé-Açu (CAMTA) to local development. The research is characterized as an exploratory-descriptive case study. The results of the research confirmed that the Japanese social capital made effective contributions to local development and that the Mixed Agricultural Cooperative of Tomé-Açu operates in conformity with the dimensions of sustainability with a focus on Agroforestry System of Tomé-Açú - SAFTA, that is, social technology transferred to the communities of family farmers in the region.

    Keywords: Social capital. Endogenous development. Mixed Agricultural Cooperative of Tomé-Açu (CAMTA). Tomé-Açu (PA). Japanese immigrants.


  • Data: 06/11/2017
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The productive, commercial and social relations between the different agents of the agglomeration of municipalities when dynamized and without great asymmetries of power and with the effective participation of the local society, tend to develop the region in a truly way. In the case of agricultural productive activities, the geographic proximity between producer and consumer market may help on the economic viability of the business and increase quality perception on the consumers whose obtain fresh products. The business of flowers and ornamental plants grows all over the world and however Brazil has lost market internationally, and it has focused on the domestic market. This strategy is occurring in most Brazilian states, and in the state of Pará it is not different, so most of the local production serves the domestic market. The methodology of this research is classified as exploratory and descriptive, with qualitative approach for the data treatment; besides it will focus on the agents involved in the production of flowers and ornamental plants in the Guajará region of the State of Pará, covering the city of Santa Bárbara, peri-urban area of Belém - PA. The main objective of this research is analyzing the conditioning factors of this activities and their capacity of providing the local development. The results are that the activity contributes to local development, but with a very limited contribution, due to competitive factors, low social capital, lack of association and lack of adequate public policies.
    Keywords: Local Development. Flowers and Ornamental Plants. Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture.

  • Perceptions on Social Responsibility in the Context of the Federal University of Pará.

  • Data: 19/10/2017
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This work is about with social responsibility in public administration. The main objective is to identify the perceptions of servers that act in the provision of service to the surrounding community, as far as the social responsibility of UFPA. The specific objectives are: 1) discuss  conceptually social responsibility in the public sector, 2) describe the services provided by the  units that provide services to the surrounding community, and 3) to verify how these actions  are perceived and evaluated by the servers, based on the dimensions of social and environmental
    responsibility. The analysis approach is qualitative, consisting of bibliographical research, documentary survey and field research. The research actors are servrs of Núcleo de Prática Jurídica da UFPA, da Clínica de Psicologia e da Clínica de Odontologia, departments of UFPA,  that provide services to the community. Interviews were conducted, with Instruments based on the dimensions of the Social Responsibility of Ethos Institute. The results indicate positive perceptions of servers about organizational social responsibility, expressing general views about mission, vision and institutional values, job satisfaction and identifying the social commitment of the actions performed. In contrast, some obstacles to the strengthening of socioenvironmental commitments were evidenced as the need to improve thes public participation process, transparency and environmental education. Some difficulties related to problems with  physical and budgetary structure do not compromise the identification of the actors interviewed with the objectives of the Units and do not weaken the image on institutional social responsibility.


     Social responsability. Social and Environmental Responsibility. Sustainability. Public administration.


  • Data: 18/10/2017
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The Research developed highlights the governance and management of public aquisition. Proposing an analysis of measures of action of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), to mitigate the risks inherent to the acquisitions, in order to study its potential to promote a restructuring of the management and governance of the area. Therefore, the study is oriented to identify the University's acquisition system, to verify the risks pointed out in the 1679/2015 judgment of the Court of Audit of the Union (TCU), whose focus was the research institution, and the mapping of the actions in response to the notes of said agreement. The research was characterized as of an applied nature, using a mostly qualitative approach. It was adopted as a methodological strategy the case study, accompanied by technical procedures that involved exploratory, documentary and action research. The obtained data demonstrated an effort of the UFPA administration in attendance as recommendations and determinations of the agreement of the TCU. Finally, it is concluded that as identified actions have is potential to improve risk management, resulting in improved governance. However, an effective restructuring of governance still lacks more effective action by management.
    Keywords: Governance. Management. Acquisitions. Scratchs.


  • Data: 16/10/2017
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The current society scenario requires individuals to be prepared to deal with the multiple challenges that arise daily in the workplace. Thereby, support for informal learning as a variable that seeks to investigate how colleagues and managers encourage or restrict informal learning initiatives at work, becomes an increasingly relevant instrument either in the development of work activities, or in the improvement of the performance of professionals working in the organizations (COELHO JUNIOR; MOURÃO, 2011). Considering the above, the present study analyzes the support to informal learning in the context of work from the perspective of UFPA executive secretariat professionals through the identification of the factors that influence the learning support and the different perceptions about it. The research was carried out in an exploratory and descriptive way, through a survey, with a quantitative approach and application of the Informal Learning at Work Support Scale, constructed and validated by Coelho Junior (2004) and Coelho Junior., Abbad and Todeschini (2005). For data treatment, descriptive, parametric and multivariate statistical techniques were used. Descriptive analysis showed good support for informal learning at work, while inferential analysis revealed that survey participants perceived an organizational contribution to informal learning. The factor analysis revealed three factors, which explained 74.34% of the data variance and were denominated as: Hierarchical Superior (27.97%); Colleagues (24.21%); and Work Unit (22.16%). And cluster analysis resulted in a classification of interviewees into three groups, with different assessments for the support to informal learning. As conclusions of the study, it was verified that the support is not understood in the same way by the individuals, besides presenting weaknesses and deficiencies. Thus, there is a necessity to consolidate the learning support in the analyzed institution.
    Keywords: Learning. Informal learning. Executive secretariat.


  • Data: 03/10/2017
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This research has to identify the effectiveness of municipal water resources management in the Guamá and Terra Firma districts, considered as vulnerable in the Municipality of Belém, and the way in which the right of access to water is guaranteed for the population. Thus, it is sought to understand the role of public policies resulting from the Water Management of the municipality of Belém, with emphasis on the goals of the National Water Resources Policy (PNRH) regarding sustainable and dignified access to water as citizens' rights. The research is justified considering the worldwide concern with access to water, where in Brazil, in particular, the importance of public water management in preventive and effective way is seen, especially in the municipal sphere, even for municipalities located in a region abundant in water resources Like the Amazon. Thus, the theoretical basis of the research is based on three aspects: Initially, the water management of the Municipality of Belém and the promotion of water resources in the selected neighborhoods, followed by the presentation of the municipalities as a management subsystem of the municipalities within the PNRH and Its importance for local water development. Finally, the question of the effectiveness of municipal water management as a guarantor of trans-individual rights of access to water is based. The methodology of the research is documentary in nature, starting with a descriptive research, of transversal temporality, with a qualitative and correlational design. Partial results are presented showing that the Municipality of Belém, in general, does not have a Public Water Management that favors local development, requiring a system to institutionalize it, and promote municipal water policies appropriate to the municipal region.



    Key-Words: Water Management; Public policy; Efficiency of municipal water resources management; Access to water; Counties; Right to water resource;


  • EVALUATION OF PROBATION STAGE BY COMPETENCES: Proposal of methodology of performance diagnosis for the Administrative Technical Servants in Education of UFPA

  • Data: 05/04/2017
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The study that will be presented is the result of the need to adopt a management model that conceptually and methodologically references the evaluation of probationary stage. The complexity present in the context of the management of Brazilian federal public organizations, loaded with an extensive legal framework, requires research that reveals the effectiveness of applying the legal text to the work environment. The research considers the possibility of adopting competency management as a model, supported by the publication of Decree 5.707 / 2006, which established the National Policy for the Development of Federal Public Administration Personnel to manage capacity. The general objective of the research is to identify the possibility of applying this model to the evaluation of probationary stage, established by Law 8.112 / 1990, and to date, did not define the management reference to be adopted for its execution. The UFPA was the institution chosen for the study of this evaluation because it already started the implementation of the management by competencies, by mapping the competencies of its servers, an indispensable condition for conducting the research, considering that the theoretical reference of the model indicates that This is the initial step for your adoption. For conceptual understanding of the present study, theoretical references on the new public administration, management model, people management, management by competences, performance evaluation and performance management were used. The research carried out is of an applied nature, and as far as the objectives is exploratory and descriptive, having as a procedure the bibliographic and documentary research, as well as data collection through a structured questionnaire. The research made it possible to identify the perception of the key people of the institution regarding the proposed methodology for assessing the probationary stage by competencies, revealing that this model is feasible to be implanted. The main contributions of the research presented in the final considerations are: the process of applying the competency method to the probationary stage, the positive consequences of its adoption and the validation of a new proposal for an evaluation instrument.

    Key words: Competence. Management. Evaluation. Performance.

  • Data: 30/03/2017
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Amidst of contemporary democratic constructions, based on an instrumental approach, two overwhelming movements gain prominence: incoming inequality and the crisis of representativeness. It is, in a way, in opposition to such a scenario that the participatory institutions arise, like legal councils, as is the case of those related to people with disabilities. Thus, the present study aims to analyze the effectiveness of one of these experiences, the Conselho Estadual dos Direitos da Pessoa com Deficiência do Pará, through a qualitative research inspired by dialectical historical materialism, its design strongly influenced by the formulations of Silva (2006; 2011) and Lavalle (2003; 2011). Their sources include bibliography, documents and interaction with the subjects directly involved, using participant observation, interviews and questionnaires. Some of the meanings of democracy, the political action of society and the state, issues related to participation, representation, deliberation and operationalization of activities within the councils are analyzed, as well as their interaction with the political environment, in order to understand the main constraints and incentives for its performance, whose results are far below theoretical prescriptions with normative bias, and pertinent legislation, in the face of institutional and relational limitations.

    Key words: Participatory institutions. People with disabilities. Social control.


  • Data: 31/01/2017
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The objective of this research is to analyze the challenges related to the implementation of the universalization of water supply for the population of the Municipality of Breves, in the Marajó Archipelago, State of Pará, compared to what is foreseen in the current legislation of the sector. The theoretical basis of the work is anchored in the following axes. First, the evolution of the sanitation sector in Brazil is discussed. Then the planning of the sector comprising the instrument at the federal, state and municipal levels. Then, the issue of water supply management, efficiency, sustainability, information system, indicators, regulation and ends with the participation and social control of the sector. The methodology of the work is descriptive, bibliographical and documentary. The stages were defined for the evaluation of the services rendered, the demographic evolution and its impact on the evolution of services followed by the propositions for structuring the sector in the Municipality of Breves. Results obtained in the research show that the legal obligations of the municipality in the area of infrastructure are insufficient, in the aspect of economic, financial sustainability, the system is deficient, and the impact on the population in the next 20 years is deeply negative considering the management of the infrastructure and the instruments of municipal planning. The research proposed a set of actions for the structuring of the water supply sector in the municipality covering the following aspects: elaboration and / or updating of the basic sanitation plan involving its essential dimensions, delegation of regulation, efficiency, social control, creation of an administrative body to coordinate the reformulation of the plan and the treatment of information in the sanitation sector of the Municipality of Breves. The research found that the greatest challenge for municipal management in the sanitation sector is to promote the universalization of the water supply for the population, fulfilling what was established in the current legislation.
    Keywords: Basic sanitation. Planning. Management of water supply. Municipal Sanitation Basic Plan.

  • MANAGEMENT OF PEOPLE IN THE MUNICIPAL PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: Analysis of the policies of People Management in the view of the municipal officials of Breves.

  • Data: 27/01/2017
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The People Management is an area that is developing in the public administration. The Federal Government aiming to strengthen the professional quality of the servants, assumed the committed of improvement of this area though Decree 5.507 from February 23, 2006 that established the National Policy of Personnel Development (PNDP). It's up to the Brazilian municipalities to follow in this same direction searching for subsidy to improving in the management of the services. In this context, the study consists in a research about People Management Policy (Recruitment Policy and Selection; Involvement Policy; Training Policy and Education; Working Conditions Policy; Performance Evaluation Policy and Competencies) developed in a municipal administration with the objective to analyzing the perception of municipal servants about the People Management Policies adopted in a Municipal Government of Breves. To effectiveness of the research, was chosen an approach method hypothetical-deductive of applied and exploratory nature according the objectives. The data collection was in the form of field research that the instruments used was rage of Policies and Practice of Human Resources - EPPRH , applied in sample of 351 servants of municipal government, divided in two groups, 225 servants of Municipal Secretariat of Education and 96 servants of other Secretariats.Descriptive statistics techniques (frequency distribution, arithmetic mean and standard deviation) and non-parametric (Mann Whitney U) tests were used for the data treatment. The result obtained with the study showed, in the view of municipal public servants of Breves, that are in critical situation, needing urgent actions of improvement in all workplaces researched.

    Key words: People Management. Policies of People Management. Public Sector.

  • "School Violence and impacts on learning: perceptions of students and teachers of elementary schools in the municipality of Breves-Pará".

  • Data: 31/10/2016
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • This Case Study checks the school violence phenomenon and its relation with learning. The Literature has evidenced the reinforcement of the violence in Brazil in recent decades, as well as it has pointed out that in school environment, this not only degrades social relations, but also impairs educational development. In Breves City, it is located in Pará State; there is some inconsistency or even lack of records and studies about this phenomenon. The main goal of this study is to demonstrate the occurrence of violence in schools in Breves City, its consequences and its losses to learning, as well as to analyze the actions taken by the schools in order to minimize the problem. The definition of the universe of research has considered that the literature points adolescents as the main aggressors and victims of school violence and sought to include, among the institutions that offer the final grades from elementary education in the urban area of the city, schools with different results in what Learning, as measured by the Basic Education Development Index. Estevão Gomes and Santo Agostinho schools had selected. It was not a selection criterion although; the choice fell on the institutions that have quite different characteristics, including the socioeconomic profile of their students. The research has characterized as exploratory and descriptive. It had made by a mixed approach, sequential. The quantitative data had collected by a survey applied to a representative sample of the students, teachers, coordinators and school managers, chosen randomly and systematically. The forms used in the survey replicate in part the research conducted by Mirian Abramovay, as one of the most comprehensive surveys in Brazil. The qualitative data had collected in individual interviews and with focus groups, in which the same categories mentioned above were included. The research has confirmed the increase of violence in schools, although a few claim to be victims; it had identified the most frequent types and the circumstances in which they occur, as well as their consequences, including in terms of reactions, feelings and wishes of students, staff and managers. Some indications of generate factors of violence were found, but given the complexity of the phenomenon, the research does not allow to point out the causes of violence in schools. The impacts of violence on learning are not perceived by most of the research participants. This unexpected result is inconsistent with the perception on conditions that would contribute to propitiate a good school performance, as well as with the reports about the feelings generated by the violence. The school in which violence is least perceived is the one with the lowest Basic Education Development Index. Of course that the difference between school Basic Education Development Indexes can not be attributed only to violence, but in any case, the interpretation of that result must consider that the students of the school with the lowest school performance are inserted in a reality in which socioeconomic conditions may contribute, on the one hand, for the low result in learning and on the other hand, for the non-perception of experiences have lived in school as violence. The study also shows that actions to address violence in schools have been ineffective
    Keywords: School Violence. Learning. Breves City

  • This study aimed to evaluate the alignment of managerial skills described by GESTCOM for UFPA with management skills taken from the governance of MEGP criteria. It is a nature applied research, exploratory and descriptive, which used a collection of bibliographic data and documents procedures, using the content analysis technique to meet the proposed objectives. The study was conducted in two stages. At first, the points of the dimension of governance MEGP were selected, extracted their requirements, applied the model proposed by Carbone et al. (2009) for the training of professional skills and, finally, registered management practices related to each competency. In the second phase, comparisons were made between the extracted managerial skills of MEGP with those identified in mapping skills of IFES by GESTCOM. They were also  collated the competencies identified by GESTCOM with the framework of governance and management of TCU. nine skills and management practices have been described based on MEGP, totaling twenty-five management practices that managers must perform to meet the requirements suggested by the model. The analyzes show that servers in management positions need to develop management and leadership skills to maximize their performance and the challenges exposed in the public service; and the main of them is to be able to lead people through purposes waking consciousness in search of cultural change. This research also confirmed that efforts in mapping the UFPA skills, culminating in the identification of managerial skills to the institution are strongly aligned with the Excellence Model of Public Management and the proposed governance and leadership practices in Referential Basic Governance the Federal Audit Court.

  • Data: 13/10/2016
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Competences Management. Managing Competences. Transformational Leadership. Model of Excellence of Public Management. Public Governance.

  • THE BOLSA FAMÍLIA PROGRAM AND RURAL - URBAN MIGRATORY DYNAMICS: the case of the municipality of Bagre / Pará.

  • Data: 23/09/2016
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The main objective of this case study is to verify if there is a relationship between the implementation of the Bolsa Família Program (PBF) and the migration from rural to urban areas in the municipality of Bagre, Pará State, Brazil. The PSF is a public policy aimed at minimizing misery, having an intersectoral focus and national scope, characterized by direct income transfer to the beneficiaries, who must fulfill certain obligations related to education and health. The municipality is located in one of the less developed regions of Pará state, and its population is heavily dependent on government income transfer programs. In Bagre, the PBF serves about 90% of families enrolled in the CadÚnico, the federal government register containing personal identification and socio economic features of low-income families in Brazil. Several aspects of the PBF have been analyzed, but few studies refer to the effects of the program in fields other than those related to its explicit objectives. Only two more specific references to the impact of PBF on migration movements were found in the literature. This study was carried out with a mixed, qualitative and quantitative approach, adopting the sequential explanatory strategy. A field research was carried out in two stages. The first one conducted a structured interview with a random sample of immigrant beneficiary families living in the urban area of the municipality who previously lived in rural areas. The sample selection was systematic and stratified. The second stage conducted semi-structured interviews with selected families from the same sample. The research has identified the profile of the immigrant beneficiaries, the reasons for migration and their perception of living conditions in the urban area. The study concludes that the PBF promoted in Bagre the access of a significant portion of the population to a minimum income and basic services, which are the explicit objectives of the program. Furthermore, the migratory movement from rural to urban areas has increased due to the implementation of PBF. This was caused by the expectation of income guarantee and incorporation into the urban labor market raised among the beneficiaries, which has allowed them to meet their desire to migrate existing before entering the program or arising from the need to meet the requirements imposed by the obligations of the program. Although in the perception of the immigrant beneficiaries of the BFM the change of residence to urban areas has led to improvements in their living conditions, the housing and infrastructure conditions are still very precarious, which poses new challenges to the local management.
    Key Words: Family Income Program. Rural to Urban Migration. Municipality of Bagre.

  • In rural settlement projects the consolidation is the final phase of INCRA's role in a reformed area and occurs after the completion of all actions proposed and implemented by the Municipality in order to become viable and autonomous settlements under the National Program for Agrarian Reform. In the years 2001 and 2002, this process involved ten federal rural settlement projects, coming from expropriation for social interest, located in the northeast of Pará, foundation of this study, in which the object is the Settlement Project Itabocal, located in municipalities of Mãe do Rio, Irituia and Capitão Poço, in the state of Pará. In this sense it proceeded to check an updated analysis of the socio-economic and environmental conditions, in addition to topographic demarcation services, technical assistance, credit, and infrastructure deployed at the enterprise. Thanks to the use of a methodology anchored in a case study on the project that presented with greater areal extent, settled families and funds received from the Federal Government, based on a non-probabilistic sample accessibility, involving 100 actors, using a qualitative and quantitative approach, in a descriptive research, with data processing for quantitative systems. From the results obtained it was possible to analyze demographic, social, economic and technical indicators and social capital, concluding that there was impediment of the socio-productive inclusion of the residents of the area, since the agricultural production system is not feasible in isolation, and the income of residents stood mostly in up to two minimum wages, and that to achieve this level there was the need for monetary complementation of the Bolsa Família Program and retirements, despite the propertied families present themselves settling consumer durables, like refrigerator, TV and mobile. It was found that the reduced titration of individual plots did not reach half of the beneficiaries, and shipped domain titles were not settled, preventing registration in real estate registry office, which allowed, outside the law, the reconcentration of family plots by persons outside the settlement, leading to “fazendeirização”. There was also substantial environmental damage for breach of environmental legislation, since the absence of licensing the design to lack Rural Environmental Registry. Finally, there was that public policy in evidence was his unfinished cycle, and as tender proceeded suggestion reactivation of specific actions for consolidation, in fact, the project.

  • Data: 16/09/2016
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • Keywords: Consolidation. Settlement. Land reform. Family allowance. “Fazendeirização”.

  • FILOSOFIA DE POLÍCIA COMUNITÁRIA EM LOCALIDADES RIBEIRINHAS: realidades e perspectivas no Marajó Ocidental.

  • Data: 01/09/2016
  • Mostrar Resumo
  • The main focus of this research was to demonstrate that the combination of forces and informed actions on the knowledge and practices of the Community Policing Philosophy - FPC, local and sustainable development Governance can contribute positively to improving the quality of life of residents of the localities riverine rural Breves. The methodology was developed in two stages. The first exploratory based on documentary and bibliographic research and the second descriptive nature through the application From closed questionnaires on the topics community police philosophy, Local Governance and Sustainable Development. Official documents revealed characteristics and issues related to demographic, socioeconomic, environmental, structural, territorial identity, institutional, profile social participation and socioeconomic indicators produced between 2003 and 2015. The evidences allowed to answer the question about whether or not it is possible the implementation of the community policing philosophy in riverside locations in western Marajo. The results of the survey pointed to the possibility of applying the FPC, in compliance with the geographic, socioeconomic and environmental peculiarities of the region studied. Key words: Philosophy of Community Police. Public security. Local governance.
    Sustainable development. Western Marajo, Para.

  • This research has as main objective to understand the implementation of internal control system in organizational Court of the State of Pará, on the basis of the care the goal nº 16-2013 of the National Council of Justice, and to analyse the perception of crowded servers in the administrative units of this judicial power, on the activities of the Secretariat of Internal Control – SCI/TJPA before leadership mechanisms, strategies and control, actions needed to strengthen organizational governance (TRIBUNAL DE CONTAS DA UNIÃO, 2013). To this end, a mixed methodology was used (quali-quant). For the qualitative approach using the primary data base collected through semi-structured interviews applied the 7 (seven) member servers SCI/TJPA and Internal Control Cores what necessarily directly or indirectly participated in the structuring of the internal control system of the organ in the role. Examination of the data in this phase of the research took place through content analysis, with the development of central and selective categorization encodings. Regarding the quantitative approach to field research was based also on the basis of primary data collected on probability sampling simple random, through the application of questionnaires to 237 (two hundred thirty - seven) administrative units TJPA servers, staying out of that sample the crowded servers on SCI/TJPA and Internal Control Cores. The treatment of the data used multivariate statistics, with emphasis on exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The results made it possible to reveal both the deployment of the system as the strengthening of the control actions TJPA was a movement understood by the staff of the organ. That despite the TJPA owning a structured internal control system, it is still not possible to ensure that a culture of control was consolidated in the organ, based on a policy of risk management and internal control. And Lastly, that the servers have trust in the TJPA central control of the organ, and the SCI/TJPA cast off as a strategic element for the strengthening of organizational governance.
    Keywords: Internal Control System. Organizational Change. Public Organization. Organizational Governance.

  • Data: 26/08/2016
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  • Internal Control System. Organizational Change. Public Organization. Organizational Governance.

  • Analysis of the performance of Court of Accounts of Pará municipalities against real need for improvement in sanitation policies in Pará municipalities. The survey was conducted in four stages, with the source to consult government information. In the first stage, based on data from the National Sanitation Information System (SNIS) and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), it was found that the State of Pará showed low performance and service of basic sanitation services. Even at this early stage, it was conducted survey of the guidelines prepared by the Federal Law No. 11,445 / 2007 which now guide the municipalities in fulfilling the actions contained in the new regulatory framework for the sanitation sector. The second phase of the study analyzed the Court's powers of the State of Pará Municipalities (TCM / PA) and its insertion from their operating instruments in monitoring sanitation. In the third stage of the work was carried out a diagnosis from the questionnaire aimed at assessing the state of Pará municipalities for compliance with the laid guidelines in Federal Law No. 11,445 / 2007, especially as the existence of Sanitation Municipal Basic Plan (PMSB). Finally, the last step were proposed several actions to be undertaken by the Court of the State of Pará municipalities in order to contribute to the development of sanitation in Pará municipalities. With the research it was found that the performance of TCM / PA can be improved on issues related to the basic sanitation sector, especially regarding the monitoring of the guidelines contained in Law No. 11,445 / 2007 (National Policy on Sanitation) by Para municipalities. Thus, knowing the state of sanitation in Pará has shown unfavorable performance and that the current context entails new solutions to overcome the obstacles contained in the sanitation sector, which was proposed Evaluation Matrix to strengthen the role of the Court of Accounts of Pará municipalities facing the sanitation policies in Pará.
    Words key: Sanitation. Law nº 11.445/2007. Public policy. Court of Accounts.

  • Data: 04/08/2016
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  • Words key: Sanitation. Law nº 11.445/2007. Public policy. Court of Accounts.

  • In this master’s thesis, it is brought up for discussion the issue about the effectiveness of public management in the municipality of Breves, state of Pará, concerning women’s public policy, focusing confrontation with domestic and family violence, as well with human rights for women from Breves. It is worth mentioning the existence of a large amount of women threatened with violence in this municipality that remains in privacy, whereas those ones who are able to expose it do not receive specialized assistance. For this purpose, this study analyzes management work and its participation in public policies aiming at guaranteeing women’s rights; assesses services and agencies for women threatened with violence; and characterizes social, economic and cultural profile of women complaining about violence; and verifies how municipal public management, through public policies, contributes to decrease women’s social vulnerability. It uses concepts of public management, public policies, violence, and human rights from the theoretical apparatus researched. Methodologically, it is classified as descriptive and exploratory, characterized as quantitative and qualitative. It is based on biographical, document and field research. It uses techniques for semi-structured interviews, applied to the agents of assistance service for women threatened with violence; and for questionnaires for data collecting, applied to a sample of female victims. Besides document, observational, and statistical survey. It is possible to infer that the context of public policies for women does not favor its effectiveness. The actions carried out do not provide comprehensive solutions, and are not thought nor directed to this population. Despite the improvement of regulatory instruments, the assistance provided is still not enough. This study is, therefore, considered relevant since it contributes to the knowledge about public policy development and instruments that promote women’s rights.
    KEYWORDS: Violence. Domestic and Family Violence against Women. Public Management. Public Policies. Human Rights.

  • Data: 20/07/2016
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  • KEYWORDS: Violence. Domestic and Family Violence against Women. Public Management. Public Policies. Human Rights.

  • The present study has as its objective the analysis of the Maria da Penha Law, in the implementation of public policy at Core Specialized Customer Service Man (NEAH) the Public Defender’s Office. To that end it was necessary to check whether the NEAH has contributed to the prevention of domestic violence and family crimes in the city of Bethlehem, as well as assess the potential of the Core in constructing public policies, from their activities, through the reflection and therapeutic groups, or from the analysis of the communicative system in vision of Niklas Luhmann. Also, verify that public policy developed by NEAH translates into a symbol in the concept of Marcelo Neves or effective public policy. From the concepts acquired during the bibliographical study, suggested a new systemic conceptualization of binary code analysis for public defender (assistance-not assistance). The study developed as an exploratory research with qualitative approach, having the researcher based on systemic methodology of Niklas Luhmann, through participant observation. Primary data collection was performed by means of semi-structured interviews applied to assisted participants in focus groups and therapeutic of 2014, 2015 and 2016 the NEAH, and servers and public defender, booked at the Core. Even in data collection, documentary analysis of management would manage the NEAH from 2010 to 2016. The examination of the data occurred through content analysis, with the development of central and selective categorization encodings. The results made it possible to reveal that is symbolic to Edition of the Maria da Penha Law under two aspects analysed in the present research, and that the actions of the NEAH corresponded to a public policy effective in the pacification of the conflict and the construction of public policies. And finally, for the purpose of systemic communication, it appearsu that the core is a reflex assisted demand attitude.
    Keywords: Domestic violence. Human Rights. Criminality. Public Policy.

  • Data: 14/07/2016
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  • Keywords: Domestic violence. Human Rights. Criminality. Public Policy.


  • Data: 12/07/2016
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  • To achieve that, study cases with systemic logic were used to identify how the extension works, identifying decision-making and factors that affect on these decisions. On the empirical stage of the qualitative research, semi-structured interviews were applied to managers of academic and administrative units that are most actives in the academic extension. The interview content were described and analyzed. This study is sustained by a variety of concepts: complex organizations, general theory of systems, theory of management and decision; the Brazilian Universities and academic Extension according to their history, theories and concepts. By analyzing the decision making, it was possible to identify how the Extension works and how project managements occur within the university and the Academic Extension. The depositions showed a direct association between University, Society and Extension, an extensive diversity of extension activities within UFPA, the professor as the most important subject/of extension, and that decisions follow an ascended hierarchical flow that affects the entire process.

    Keywords: Extension. Systems. Management of university extension. UFPA. Decision

  • The objective of this dissertation is to analyze the governance of local plan and their implication
    about the public policies in a municipality of Breves in period from 2000 to 2015. The
    municipality of Breves is associated intrinsically the rest of Amazon Region , both because their
    environmental features , but also for contradiction among the abundance of natural resources and
    the situation of property of most part of population. In this context of contradictions the
    governance analyze of local development plans in a municipality of Breves was necessary and
    relevant, having in mind that it will show the comprehension of dynamics bounded to referred
    plans. The methodology used involved method of inductive approach, method of statistical
    procedures and techniques ob bibliographical research, documental and of field. The analysis
    approach, mainly thematics o governance, public policies of local development and planning. The
    governance represents a process of actions socially just and to extend the participation of
    citizen in a decisive processes . The public policies of local development in turn, represents an
    endogenous process of changes. And the planning discussed (Director Plan, Multi annual Plan,
    Strategic Plan) have purpose to develop public policies aimed to reach the public good. In
    contrast to the bases for a well governance, the results points that the referred system of planning
    is limited to documents predicted and in most times not executed minimally known and
    consequently of little impact of local policies. It is necessary to break with these governmental
    practices disintegrated, without monitoring, evaluation, and social participation. The governance
    of local plans in a municipality of Breves need to be based in articulated policies, strategic and
    participatory, to ensure the implementation of public policies that can impact improvements in
    local population lives.
    Keywords: Governance. Public policy. Local Development Plans.

  • Data: 30/06/2016
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  • Keywords: Governance. Public policy. Local Development Plans.

  • The resistance to change at the organizational level is the result of a process of human behavior in which one or more individuals seek to defend themselves from possible negative effects of changes in the workplace. This process is structured from a broad set of factors, which have been the subject of several organizational studies. From this perspective, the overall objective of this thesis was to analyze the resistance characteristics among public servants crowded at the Federal University of Pará. Among the specific objectives are to identify the reaction of the front server to change processes and identify key resistance factors UFPA of servers related to the change. The literature review is based on organizational behavior, specifically on issues involving organizational change and public management. The research is classified as descriptive and exploratory, with ex post facto held in the form of field research between the months of December / 2015 to January / 2016 and used as a data collection instrument of the structured questionnaire, developed by Bortolotti (2010) to assess the resistance between UFPA servers, offering an indication of support with resistance measurement in item response theory (IRT), to verify characteristics of respondents, diagnose resistance to change in the UFPA and mainly raise the causes, the variables related to this behavior by providing relevant and necessary subsidies to be used in the strategic planning of change. The treatment data was quantitative, using techniques of descriptive and multivariate statistics, especially exploratory factor analysis (EFA), from the survey of general information necessary for understanding the resistance to change in the UFPA. The results indicate that the reaction of servers demonstrates significant ease to realize the benefits of the change in UFPA, a fact that favors the management actions, for fitness, safety, capacity and great ability of servers to handle the change. Moreover, even before the need to maintain the status quo, trigger point of resistance, the responses indicate that public servants UFPA not afraid to take risks, they are not afraid to contribute to the changes at work, do not tend to lose interest in work, not act with indifference or surprise at the change and do not complain management in failure situations or bad results of change. Only a small portion of the sample shows passive resistance. Most respondents servers demonstrates openness to change experience, acceptance and voluntary cooperation.
    Keywords: Organizational behavior. Organizational change. Resistance.

  • Data: 28/06/2016
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  • Organizational behavior. Organizational change. Resistance.

  • Scale an organization's server framework is a task of the most significant area of human resources, however, difficult to implement, since account the work force may not be enough to put people trained in strategic locations or with specific profiles to meet organization's needs. From 2005, with the implementation of the Plan of Careers of technical and administrative positions of Education Federal Institutions, the staff dimensioning it became mandatory task for efficient management, for the preparation of the Technical Development Plan, approved in 2006 requires the adequacy of the server framework from a model of allocation of positions. In the same year of the Technical Career Plan the Federal Government launched the guidelines for implementation of the National Staff Development Policy federal government and brought to the public service, management by competence, whose purpose is to provide improved services to citizen, emphasizing the efficiency, effectiveness through the ongoing development of the server and the adequacy of their skills to the organization's objectives. Considering this context, the research in question had an exploratory nature to seek to discuss the integration of Management Skills with the subsystem staff dimensioning, and, if used the skills mapping to map the skills and delivery of crowded servers in Program graduate of UFPA, in order to qualitatively assist the design. Deliveries were also tested as quantitative variable for use in the calculation matrix. The quantitative results were obtained by means of descriptive statistics, raising the profile of the servers in relation to the link with the UFPA, education, length of service and hours of work. To calculate the matrix was used measures of central arithmetic average and median tendency to check the ideal framework server with the application of the data in a model already used by the UFPA to scale the technical and administrative staff. The work resulted in the mapping of competence and deliveries and staff dimensioning of the secretariats of graduate programs. Keywords: Competence Management. Dimensioning. Planning workforce.

  • Data: 28/06/2016
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  • Keywords: Competence Management. Dimensioning. Planning workforce.

  • The objective of this work is to analyze the mean factors that lead up the servers to leave off the university campus of Marajó- Breves of Universidade Federal do Pará . In the public service the process of turnover follows therefore the time elapsed between the output and admission of servers tends to be higher when compared to a private initiative. It can generate the interruption of activities and the loss of organizational productivity, mainly when the server that lets de such organization is considerate a valuable talent. In the IFES, generally the turnover is high considering the outlets and removals. These last ones affect mainly the units of the interior called “outside center campus”. These facts justify the realization of the present study in campuses in the interior of Pará. For this, 24 servers that let the campus in a period of January 201 to March 2016 were interviewed, as well as 19 servers that get in the current scenario of campus Breves. The results indicated as principal factor generator of turnover to distance of family and the lack of structure in the municipality to receive the server’s family. Difficult accessibility to the city: means of transport, time and travel cost, also appear as result. The data are compared to existing literature about the subject.

    Keywords: People Management. Turnover. Public Service. IFES.

  • Data: 28/06/2016
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  • Keywords: People Management. Turnover. Public Service. IFES.

  • This study aims analyze the relationship between the effectiveness of educational policies and human development in the agro- extractive settlement Macacos island in the municipality of Breves-PA. It is proposed to also identify the economic, social and environmental aspects of this setllement, understand land  management in Breves-PA; analyze the environmental and economic social dimensions in the setllement project agro- extractive Macacos island to establish the relationship between educational public policies for human development in the agro- extractive settlement area in the municipality of Breves-PA. The central issue of this study constitutes in investigate the relationship between the effectiveness of educational policies and human development in agro- extractive setllement areas in the municipality of Breves-PA. Thus, this study concluded that the educational policy carried out in PAE Macacos island is less effective when it comes to promoting human development.

  • Data: 21/06/2016
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  • KEYWORDS: Agroextractivist settlement. Education. Human development.

  • This text is the result of a survey of agents and beneficiaries of the Literate Brazil Program in the municipality of Breves, State of Pará, in 2015. The program is part of educational policies aimed at care for youth and adults. The aim was to analyze the benefits / social return that this program generated for the city. The study period covers the years 2007 to 2015 during which there were seven cycles / program development steps. The research methodology consisted of a qualitative and quantitative research with data collection through bibliographical, documentary and field research. In the latter were used techniques and data collection tools, such as interviews, questionnaires and forms. Thus, we had the collaboration of program beneficiaries (students) of literacy teachers (teachers) and local managers of the PBA. The field research took place in the city and inside the city, in the Districts: Headquarters, Antônio Lemos, São Miguel and Curumu. Thus, they note how the search results from the analysis of the collected data, the program served about nine thousand illiterates in the city, with the completion of seven cycles / stages, but not all of these people were literate. In this way, it was found that several issues contributed to many students abandon the program. In the analysis of financial investments in the program and the results obtained, it can not be that the program was effective in Breves, in the development of their actions, because the illiterate population decreased only about 60% of what was expected.
    Keywords: Literate Brazil Program. Public administration. Public policy. Breves.

  • Data: 21/06/2016
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  • Keywords: Literate Brazil Program. Public administration. Public policy. Breves.

  • Cultura e Mudança organizacional: uma análise a partir da Lei de Acesso à Informação.
  • Data: 07/06/2016
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    Esta pesquisa busca analisar as condições de operacionalização do acesso à informação na UFRA, decorrente da Lei Federal n° 12.527, de 18 de novembro de 2011, no campus sede da Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia. A publicação da Lei 12.527/2011 inaugurou um novo modo de tratamento das informações públicas, ao estabelecer as regras para seu acesso. Nesse sentido, os órgãos públicos precisarão mudar e se adaptar ao novo cenário imposto pela lei. Os elementos facilitadores desse processo estão fundamentados na cultura organizacional, uma vez que a cultura do serviço público brasileiro tem sido considerada por diversos pesquisadores como uma cultura forte, resistente às mudanças e avessa à transparência. Assim, nesse processo de regulamentação do aceso à informação é importante compreender os fatores que permeiam essa transformação e propor mecanismos que facilitem a sua operacionalização. Para esse propósito, a metodologia classificada como exploratória e descritiva utilizou a pesquisa de campo como forma de coleta de dados em amostragem probabilística aleatória simples. O tratamento dos dados utilizou estatística descritiva e multivariada. Os resultados possibilitaram revelar aspectos da cultura organizacional que caracterizam o processo de mudança organizacional. Identificaram-se quatro fatores de influência sobre o acesso à informação (Legitimidade da Administração Pública, Utilização indevida da informação pública, Domínio social da informação e Poder e controle do servidor público), além da presença de dois grupos (moderados e adaptativos), um mais aberto e outro mais receoso com relação ao acesso à informação. Ao final, são propostas sugestões para operacionalização da Lei 12.527/2011 na universidade.
  • MUDANÇA ORGANIZACIONAL NA UFPA: Institucionalização da Participação dos Técnico-administrativos no processo eleitoral para dirigentes das unidades acadêmico-administrativas.

  • Data: 03/06/2016
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  • Atualmente, as organizações convivem em um ambiente cada vez mais dinâmico e mutável. São mudanças ocorridas em função dos avanços tecnológicos, dos contextos econômicos, políticos, sociais etc. Isso exige que cada vez mais as organizações desenvolvam a capacidade de adaptação às novas condições. Este trabalho trata, portanto, da possibilidade de mudança organizacional no âmbito da Universidade Federal do Pará, no que se refere à institucionalização da participação de técnico-administrativos nos processos eleitorais para os cargos de gestores das unidades acadêmico-administrativas. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal identificar se há resistência a essa mudança e quais suas possíveis causas, uma vez que pressões tanto do ambiente interno quanto do ambiente externo convergem a favor dessa mudança organizacional. O ambiente escolhido para a realização da pesquisa foi o Conselho Universitário - CONSUN, por ser o espaço coletivo de deliberação e onde são tomadas decisões relacionadas à implementação de uma mudança organizacional dessa natureza. Foi realizada pesquisa de natureza exploratória e descritiva, do ponto de vista dos objetivos, e, do ponto de vista técnico, bibliográfica e documental. Foi utilizado o método quantitativo, cujos dados primários foram obtidos a partir da aplicação de questionários entre as três categorias de conselheiros: docentes, discentes e técnicos, a fim de se obter a percepção dos dois grupos em que foram divididos (docente e não docente) sobre o tema. A análise realizada por meio de técnicas de estatística permitiu concluir que o CONSUN é um ambiente de tomada de decisão com alto grau de receptividade às mudanças organizacionais. A análise permitiu ainda identificar as principais causas de resistência percebidas pelos dois grupos no âmbito do conselho. Em relação à mudança organizacional que é o objeto desta pesquisa, os testes comparativos permitiram observar diferenças significativas na percepção dos dois grupos, uma vez que o grupo docente apresentou resistência à mudança organizacional.

  • The present study discusses the articulation between the school meals policy and the family agriculture like inducing mechanism of the local development. Starting from the hypothesis that this proposal is inefficient in the municipality of Breves. Studies, therefore, they seek to understand the factors that determine that such policy, it does not establish a satisfactory way in the universe researched. Therefore, after the bibliographic review, data collection made from interviews e questionnaires sought to identify the position of the managing organs of the school feeding in this municipality about this problem, and also gathered the opinions of local family farmers. The results indicate a school feeding policy unarticulated of the structured purchase recommended by Law no.11.974/09, once that more of 90 % of the school meals from municipality is brought from other locations generating significant elevation of prices in relation to the local retail market. This way, this disarticulation discourages the socioeconomic development of the municipality. So, checks finally that buying products directly from family farmers – in the mode of structured demand – it`s viable and should be systematized, because it had enabled to the municipality of Breves the creation of job and income, food security improvement, reduction government spending and the generating taxes .
    KEYWORDS: Family Agriculture. Structured Demand. Local Development. Public Administration. School Feeding. Law no.11.974/2009.

  • Data: 02/06/2016
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  • KEYWORDS: Family Agriculture. Structured Demand. Local Development. Public Administration. School Feeding. Law no.11.974/2009.

  • The work deals with the evaluation of the implementation of the Federal Government's program "More doctors" in the municipality of Breves, State of Para. The aim of the dissertation is to analyze the impacts caused by the PMM in Basic Health Units of the municipality of Breves and local development health sector. Highlights three areas: i.) Strategy emergency hiring doctors, ii) number of places Expansion for medical courses and residency and iii) Infrastructure of Basic Health Units used in the methodological approach to quantitative research and qualitative and literature review. The data collection instruments were open questionnaire and consultation with secondary databases, electronic and printed media, books, magazines, papers. The results show the improvement in the SUS considering quantitative data, the increase in the number of doctors, significant investment in construction and UBS expansion and rising vacancies in medicine and medical residency programs. However, problems are still evident in the health sector. According to the proposal of the PMM structural changes must implement increasingly comprehensive improvements in the medium and long term, setting the goal of a ratio of 2.7 doctors per thousand inhabitants, providing inputs for a service with higher quality in public service in health.
    Key words: More medical program. Primary Care. Health Unic System

  • Data: 01/06/2016
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  • Key words: More medical program. Primary Care. Health Unic System


  • Data: 31/05/2016
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  •  Estudo da regulação dos serviços de saneamento básico nos municípios brasileiros, com o objetivo de propor modelo de avaliação de agências reguladoras municipais de saneamento básico. Inicialmente, foi identificada a atuação das agências reguladoras, por meio do mapeamento das agências existentes. Posteriormente, foi selecionada amostra de municípios, que implantaram agências reguladoras, sendo feita pesquisa para identificar as características e atuação dessas agências. Realizou-se comparação entre os municípios que implantaram tais agências e outros que não implantaram utilizando-se dados do Sistema Nacional de Informações sobre Saneamento (SNIS) e do Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal Longevidade (IDHM-Longevidade), para demonstrar possíveis avanços nos municípios que implantaram agências reguladoras. Foi apresentado modelo de avaliação de agências reguladoras municipais de saneamento básico, com o propósito de auxiliar o titular do serviço de saneamento básico tanto na avaliação das agências hoje existentes, quanto na implantação de futuras agências reguladoras. Por fim, conclui-se que a regulação do saneamento básico no Brasil é incipiente, tendo um número reduzido de agências reguladoras; que as agências em funcionamento apresentam falhas tanto na transparência de suas ações quanto no atendimento dos quatro componentes do saneamento básico; que a existência das agências não é fator determinante para o aumento da cobertura e melhoria dos serviços, que são necessários critérios claros de avaliação para a melhoria da atuação das agências reguladoras e, por conseguinte, do saneamento básico como um todo.


  • Data: 30/05/2016
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  • As organizações têm buscado novos modelos de gestão para atender às demandas, cada vez mais intensificadas, da sociedade. Neste cenário, os mapeamentos de processos e de competências surgem como ferramentas necessárias ao atendimento das mudanças a serem implementadas nas organizações que buscam o acompanhamento dessas transformações. Entretanto, há poucas informações na literatura a respeito da importância do mapeamento de processos na identificação de competências na administração pública. Diante do exposto, a pesquisa teve o objetivo de mapear as competências necessárias aos secretários de programas de pós-graduação stricto sensu da UFPA, identificando se as competências descritas em grupo focal atendem todas as atividades desses servidores. Após coleta e análise dos dados obtidos com grupos focais e aplicação de questionário, competências foram validadas como necessárias a esses servidores, junto à instituição em que atuam, no caso, a UFPA. Os resultados demonstraram que ao se relacionar os processos às competências identificadas por grupo focal, apenas uma nova competência foi acrescentada. E, nesse caso, o mapeamento de processos não foi considerado como uma forma eficaz para se mapear competências.

  • This study aims to analyze the organization and functioning of the Internal Control System in The Executive Branch of Pará State, from the conceptual paradigm established in Brazil, under the Comptroller General, whose scope of work is the improvement of public management and tackling corruption through promoting public transparency, encouraging the social control and the formation of a System of Public Integrity, seeking thereby reducing opportunistic and rent-seeking behavior of public officials in favor of the constitution of a civic community, based on ethics and trust. The survey results indicate that despite perpetrated advances, still prevails in the activities of the State of Pará Internal Control System the presence of a formal, procedural and accounting-financial control, disassociated thus from the focus on the results of management, wide public transparency and effective stimulus to citizen participation in the exercise of social control.
    Keywords: Internal Control. Corruption. Management Improvement. Public Transparency and Social Control.

  • Data: 12/05/2016
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  • Internal Control. Corruption. Management Improvement. Public Transparency and Social Control.

  • The purpose of this research is to address the contribution of the Federal University of Para / University Campus Breves, from the formation of human capital and the production of the Campus of knowledge from the viewpoint of local and regional development in Marajó Archipelago emphasizing the municipality of Breves. So investigm up new models of local and regional development by assessing the role performed by the Campus Breves University as one of the development vectors from the training and development of local human capital and the production of knowledge through teaching activities , research and extension. Therefore, the central objective outlined by the analytical description of the training, research and extension and the impact of those activities on the local and regional development / municipality of Breves. Thus, we propose the development of an information-based model to manage the process. The metológico procedure used was the bibliographical and documentary research by measurement (quantitative and qualitative) that impact on the development of the municipality of Breves / Region Marajó. The results point to significant contributions to the development of the region with regard to the sectors of education and health. Working with the proposition of a set of alternative strategies for local and regional development It is concluded.
    Keywords: University Campus Breves. Local development. Human Capital Formation. Information management. Knowledge production.

  • Data: 12/05/2016
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  • University Campus Breves. Local development. Human Capital Formation. Information management. Knowledge production.


  • Data: 11/05/2016
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  • Na Administração Pública brasileira observa-se, com frequência, que os modelos que descrevem o ciclo de políticas públicas poucas vezes traduzem, de fato, a dinâmica de uma política pública. As etapas, de modo geral, apresentam-se sobrepostas, bem como algumas fases antecipam-se a outras. Isso torna incerto o processo de política pública, haja vista serem pouco nítidas as fronteiras entre seus vários estágios. Tal fato  não significa que haja embaraço para o desenvolvimento e a aplicação de instrumentos de controle que, ao  passo em que mostram lacunas, estimulam o avanço da governança em políticas públicas. Portanto, a  abordagem do controle deve elevar a eficiência e a eficácia na aplicação de recursos públicos destinados à  resolução de problemas de interesse da sociedade. De igual modo, a avaliação da governança em políticas  públicas deve ser efetivada considerando as peculiaridades de cada política. Assim, a avaliação da governança em políticas públicas é importante porque fornece elementos que possibilitam fazer um diagnóstico do estágio  de desenvolvimento em que se situa o sistema de governança. Os mecanismos de avaliação como norteadores das fases do ciclo de políticas públicas, e de sua governança, asseveram não apenas maior transparência do planejamento da ação estatal, mas de igual modo tornam possível reformulações indispensáveis para a máxima eficiência do gasto público. Não se pode olvidar que a utilização de recursos públicos pela Administração Pública está atrelada a programas governamentais, que por sua vez, estão inseridos em determina política
    pública. Essa utilização de recursos públicos é objeto de fiscalização pelos Tribunais de Contas, enquanto óorgãos do controle externo da Administração Pública, que  possuem uma ampla gama de atribuições conferidas pela Constituição da República e legislação infraconstitucional. Logo, é possível estabelecer uma   abordagem do controle externo em relação à governança de políticas públicas. Entre os instrumentos a serem utilizados pelos Tribunais de Contas para a avaliação de vernança em políticas públicas destaca-se a auditoria operacional ou de desempenho. A política pública relacionada à educação básica é um dos maiores desafios ao desenvolvimento do país, com ênfase para a relativa ao ensino médio, cuja responsabilidade cabe,  rioritariamente, aos Estados e ao Distrito Federal, conforme art. 211, § 3º, da Constituição da República. A partir de tal contexto, objetiva-se nesta dissertação, com base em modelo já utilizado pelo Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), avaliar se a política pública de educação básica, relativa ao ensino médio, elaborada pelo Poder Executivo do Estado do Pará, apresenta boas práticas de governança.
  • The Institutional Development Plans (PDIs) are mandatory documents presented by universities for accreditation and reaccreditation at the Ministry of Education (MEC). Its preparation should follow a predetermined minimum structure, which contains topics such as mission, vision, objectives, goals, the realization of a general diagnosis of the institution, among others. For these characteristics and also for its relevance from the point of view of planning and management of administrative and academic activities, several authors associate the PDIs to the strategic planning of the university, often treating them as the same thing. The Federal University of Pará (UFPA), at the PDI 2011-2015, demanded for the campi of the institution to build similar document geared to the local reality of these units, without losing sight of the macro plan of the institution. This document is the Unit Development Plan (PDU). Following this orientation, the Campus of Breves in Marajó, built its PDU for 2012-2015. This study aims to identify and analyze, under the light of the literature on strategic planning and development plans of universities, the main restrictions in the process of realization of the PDU Campus of Breves 2012-2015, under the view of UFPA servers who exercised directives positions/roles/functions in the administrative and organizational structure of the unit in the analysed period. Therefore, it is characterized as an exploratory and descriptive research as to the purposes, and field research, telematic, bibliographical and documental, as to the means, adopting predominantly quantitative approach. The data discussed are primary and secondary, obtained by Internet research, bibliographic and documentary collection and a survey through virtual questionnaires, going through the stages of selection, coding and tabulation for later review and interpretation, being the results presented with graphics support. The results point to the existence of restrictions on implementation, control and evaluation steps of the PDU, concluding to be insufficient budgetary resources one of the main, among others. Also concluded that the research can be a point of departure for other scientific work as well as provide information to assist in the overall evaluation process of the current PDU and the preparation of the next, thus contributing to the strengthening of planning and management practices developed in the Campus. Keywords: Strategic Planning. Institutional Development Plan. Development Plan of the Unit. Federal University of Pará. Campus of Breves.

  • Data: 11/05/2016
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  • Strategic Planning. Institutional Development Plan. Development Plan of the Unit. Federal University of Pará. Campus of Breves.

  • This study aims to analyze the indicators of Elementary Education quality in Breves city, in Portuguese and Mathematics teachers' view, looking to find how the lack of use of these indicators by the school community in their planning have been contributing to a low performance of basic education development in Breves city. The research, a descriptive one, it was carried out with 91 Portuguese and Mathematics teachers from elementary school, the 5th grade and 8th grade, 47 teachers from urban and 44 rural area. The results showed that the profile of the education professional from Breves is relatively young, In view of that almost the half of the respondents (49,45%) corresponds to an age group between 30 to 39 years old, and 82 (90,11%) are between 25 to 49 years old, with an average of 12 years of work. Besides they have a professional stability, since 78 (85,71%) had made a contest. The result also showed that 85 (93,41%) of the respondents have Higher Education and or Specialization, which allows continuity with regard to a plan with targets to be achieved in the short, medium and long time. However, the educational indicators that point to the performance of teaching quality are not discussed by the school community, a fact which is pointed out by the most teachers from rural and urban areas. It was also ascertained that the director / educational coordinator not discuss the educational targets with the teachers, this reality marked by the majority of respondents from rural areas. If the educational indicators are not discussed in educational planning with teachers and there is no effective participation of parents within the school community, it is committed the participation of the teachers in front of the national education quality assessments, earned by the Brazilian government, at school institutions.
    Keywords: Indicators. Proficiency. Flow. Quality. IDEB (The Basic Education Development Index).

  • Data: 06/05/2016
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  • Keywords: Indicators. Proficiency. Flow. Quality. IDEB (The Basic Education Development Index).

  • The purpose of the research ii to evaluate the organizational climate of Secretariat for Administration of Breves municipality searching to know some aspects or factors (communication, leadership style, interpersonal relationship, performance and quality, ambient and work conditions, image of Secretariat for Administration, sense of accomplishment, HR policy and benefits, quality of life, and health.) that influences in a satisfaction of secretariat municipal servers. Is adopted as theoretical bases, concepts related to people management, culture, organizational climate unfolded in the servers motivational process.
    The working methodology used is of bibliographical character, documental and field research with application of survey, which a set of analytic categories was explored. The results of the work reveals that within the nine factors searched, six of them point for organizational climate I the Secretariat for Administration, whereas two of these factors exist the necessity to improve the organizational climate in the researched secretariat. It also reports that the factor HR policy and benefits reside the biggest challenge of organizational climate of this municipal entity and urgently need to be modified. In conclusion, was possible to note that the organizational climate in a secretariat studied pointed by their servers is satisfactory. Its also suggested by the end new directions for future researches, through more deeply in the theme.
    Key words: Organizational Climate. Organizational Culture. Motivational Factor. Secretariat for Administration of Breves Municipality.

  • Data: 06/05/2016
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  • Key words: Organizational Climate. Organizational Culture. Motivational Factor. Secretariat for Administration of Breves Municipality.

  • EFETIVIDADE DO PLANO DO MARAJÓ: Uma análise do eixo infraestrutura para o desenvolvimento


  • Data: 05/05/2016
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  • O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar a efetividade das ações de planejamento governamental em infraestrutura para o desenvolvimento do Plano de Desenvolvimento Territorial Sustentável do Arquipélago do Marajó na Mesorregião do Marajó, Estado do Pará, no período de 2007 a 2015. Essas ações foram propostas em virtude da grande insuficiência e precariedade de infraestrutura nos 16 municípios da mesorregião em 2007, nos seguimentos de energia, transporte, telecomunicações, armazenagem e abastecimento de água. Para realizar a investigação, utilizou-se o método de abordagem indutivo e pesquisa bibliográfica e de campo como procedimentos metodológicos principais. Estando fundamentada teoricamente nas abordagens do desenvolvimento regional endógeno, planejamento, gestão e governança. Os resultados evidenciaram, após oito anos de execução do PDTS-Marajó, que as estratégias de implementação estabelecidas para promover, ampliar e fortalecer a infraestrutura adequada ao desenvolvimento da região, um percentual muito pequeno foi executado. O número de ações em andamento também é muito baixo. Dessa maneira constatou-se que as ações de planejamento apresentaram baixa efetividade devido, principalmente, a deficiência na governança do plano. Assim, com a realização desta pesquisa, descortina-se um novo momento para o debate e reflexão acerca do PDTS-Marajó no sentido de incentivar a produção de conhecimento sobre o Arquipélago e seu desenvolvimento.
    Palavras-chave: Planejamento Governamental. Desenvolvimento Regional. Governança.

  • GESTÃO DE TRANSFERÊNCIAS VOLUNTÁRIAS: Desafios e oportunidades na captação de recursos federais para o setor de resíduos sólidos no município de Belém.

  • Data: 05/05/2016
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  • O financiamento das políticas públicas municipais, em especial os serviços de limpeza urbana e manejo de resíduos sólidos, configura-se como importante objeto de análise, dado o instrumental normativo aplicado ao setor, insculpido na Lei nº 12.305/2010, que definiu a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos. Com isso, ampliou-se a tarefa do poder público municipal, já que, além de zelar pela limpeza urbana e pela coleta e destinação final do lixo, o município começou a responder pelo manejo integrado desses resíduos e encerramento dos lixões, necessitando, para isso, de recursos adicionais. Por não dispor de real autonomia financeira e capacidade para realização de todas as suas atribuições, a maioria dos municípios tem que contar com as transferências intergovernamentais para a composição da sua receita, com vista à efetivação das políticas públicas. É nesse contexto que esta pesquisa propõe-se a analisar  uma das modalidade de transferências de recursos fiscais, que são as  transferências voluntárias (convênios e contratos de repasse) entre  a União e o município de Belém, especificamente, nas políticas públicas aplicáveis ao setor de resíduos sólidos. Assim, examina-se,  na vigência do PPA 2012-2015, do governo federal, os fatores que favoreceram ou dificultaram o município no acesso aos recursos.

  • EDUCAÇÃO DO CAMPO E UNIDADES DE CONSERVAÇÃO DE USO SUSTENTÁVEL:um estudo a partir da Casa Familiar Rural da Reserva Extrativista Mapuá, município de Breves, arquipélago do Marajó, estado do Pará.

  • Data: 04/05/2016
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  • Este trabalho volta-se para o estudo sobre a educação do campo em unidades de conservação de uso sustentável a partir da experiência da Casa Familiar Rural (CFR) na Reserva Extrativista Mapuá, no município de Breves, arquipélago do Marajó, estado do Pará. Analisa a educação do campo, a partir de seu extenso histórico de conquistas e sua importância como política pública através da Casa Familiar Rural na Reserva Extrativista, enfatizando a concepção de organização social na oferta da educação do campo e da sua relação com a Sociedade Civil e com o Estado em todas as suas esferas. Seu objetivo principal é analisar a política de educação na Reserva Extrativista Mapuá, a partir do ano de 2011, com a implantação da Casa Familiar Rural. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa cujos passos metodológicos foram os seguintes: revisão bibliográfica; levantamento de documentação oficial e acadêmica, publicadas ou não, e visita ao local para aplicação de entrevistas semiestruturadas à 15(quinze) sujeitos, entre eles; moradores da RESEX, lideranças comunitárias e sindicais, gestores, alunos, ex-alunos, professores e ex-professores da CFR. As questões norteadoras partem das seguintes indagações: Como se avalia o acesso e o atendimento da educação na Reserva Extrativista Mapuá? Como se avalia o acesso à educação e o ensino em relação à Casa Familiar Rural? Se há percepção de melhoria no atendimento à educação na RESEX após a implantação da Casa Familiar Rural e quais mudanças são observadas no comportamento e na vida dos alunos após adentrarem na mesma? O estudo demonstrou que a CFR de Breves, a partir de sua implantação no espaço da RESEX Mapuá, e através da sua rede de parcerias com governos, organizações não governamentais (ONG’s) e com a comunidade local, tem influenciado positivamente na execução da política de educação do campo dentro da Unidade de Conservação e em todo o município de Breves, constituindose como uma importante referência no processo de transformação social.


  • Data: 26/04/2016
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  • A legislação das Compras Públicas Sustentáveis prevê a adoção de critérios sustentáveis nas aquisições governamentais por parte dos órgãos da Administração Pública Federal. Essa modalidade de compras foi instituída visando estimular o Desenvolvimento Sustentável no mercado, destacadamente nas organizações públicas. A Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia (UFRA) nos anos de 2011 e 2012 foi autuada pelos órgãos de controle externo, pela não adoção de critérios sustentáveis em suas aquisições. Dessa forma, a pesquisa aqui apresentada objetiva propor a construção de um conjunto de critérios sustentáveis, visando à implantação futura, para a utilização nas compras da UFRA.

    Para alcançar o objetivo definido, descreve-se o ambiente empírico de compras na instituição e propõe-se um conjunto de métodos e técnicas, dentre as quais a aplicação de um survey alinhado com as teorias revisadas. Como base teórica abordou-se conceitos e teorias que permeiam o Desenvolvimento Sustentável, conduzindo-se a lógica do uso do poder de compra do Estado, sucedendo para a idéia das Compras Públicas Sustentáveis. Resultados obtidos serão apresentados e analisados considerando os princípios definidos para compras sustentáveis. A conclusão da pesquisa aponta as dificuldades identificadas, sugere soluções e indica questões para futuras investigações.

  • INDICADORES DE PERMANÊNCIA E DE DESEMPENHO DOS ALUNOS DA UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO PARÁ, CAMPUS DE BELÉM: um estudo comparativo entre cotistas e não cotistas ingressantes no período de 2009 a 2011.

  • Data: 20/04/2016
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  • Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo avaliar a permanência e o desempenho acadêmico dos alunos que ingressaram na UFPA, no período de 2009 a 2011, por meio do sistema de cotas em comparação aos não cotistas, com base na análise do índice de evasão, de aprovação e índice de integralização de curso por esses estudantes. Foram utilizadas as informações existentes na Pró-Reitoria de Ensino, por meio dos relatórios de vestibulares e Sistema Acadêmico (SIGAA). Na metodologia, utilizou-se a construção de dois indicadores: Indicador de Permanência e Indicador de Desempenho, para submetê-los aos testes comparativos no programa estatístico BioEstat 5.0.

  • This work arose from concern about the low quality of education in rural brevense. Presented as main intention to analyze the educational management and its implications for student achievement in the early years of primary education in rural areas of the municipality of Breves, in the period 2010-2014, with the empirical basis a riverside school. Delimited as the guiding question: what factors related to management, contributing to the poor performance of students in schools in rural communities in the municipality of Breves? To realize the intent of this research were carried out bibliographic research, documentary and field. With this study it was found that factors related to educational management as lack of school physical structure according to MEC standards, lack of educational teaching materials, lack of school food quality and especially lack of adequate school transport, among others, contribute significantly to the poor performance of students in schools in rural communities in the municipality of Breves.
    Keywords: Education in Rural environment. Education funding. Educational management. School Performance Scores.

  • Data: 24/05/2015
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  • Education in Rural environment. Education funding. Educational management. School Performance Scores.




  • Data: 26/01/2015
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  • Esta dissertação tinha por objetivo geral mapear as competências individuais dos servidores

    ocupantes de cargos na área de gestão de pessoas na Fundação HEMOPA, além de

    objetivos específicos como: Inventariar o nível atual das competências dos servidores que

    atuam na área de gestão de pessoas da Fundação HEMOPA, identificar as competências

    setoriais no Núcleo Estratégico de Gestão de Pessoas - NEGEP obtidas a partir do

    Mapeamento de Competências na Fundação HEMOPA, identificar o nível atual das lacunas

    de competências dos servidores do NEGEP e descrever o processo utilizado para o

    mapeamento de competências utilizado na Fundação HEMOPA e no NEGEP. Esta pesquisa

    tratou-se de um estudo do tipo descritivo com pesquisa de campo, que buscou analisar a

    relação entre fatores intrínsecos à organização pesquisada, e sua relação com o ambiente

    da tarefa (clientela-usuário, servidor) através de uma primeira fase e de uma segunda fase

    subdivididas em etapas. Na primeira fase da pesquisa foram analisados os dados acerca da

    implantação do ciclo de gestão por competências na Fundação HEMOPA. Na fase seguinte,

    foram analisados os dados do inventário e avaliação das competências atuais, visando

    delimitar quais as competências individuais numa equipe de gestão de pessoas podem

    favorecer o mapeamento de competências na Instituição. Como resultados da pesquisa,

    apresentaram-se: as competências setoriais e os respectivos indicadores de desempenho

    da área de gestão de pessoas da Fundação HEMOPA; a delimitação das competências

    individuais dos cargos de administrador, economista, pedagogo e agente administrativo da

    área de gestão de pessoas, num contexto de implantação de gestão por competências; as

    principais competências a desenvolver e o respectivo nível de necessidade para os cargos

    mapeados, e por fim, os procedimentos para mapeamento de competências utilizados pela

    equipe de Gestão de Pessoas da Fundação HEMOPA. Como resultados, foram descritos os

    principais resultados alcançados com a concretização da pesquisa na Fundação HEMOPA,

    com a descrição das competências individuais dos servidores que ocupam cargos no Núcleo

    Estratégico de Gestão de Pessoas (NEGEP), os quais favorecem a implantação do ciclo de

    Gestão por Competências, e a partir destes dados foram inventariados os níveis atuais de

    competência dos servidores da área de gestão de pessoas, com a identificação das

    principais lacunas de competência, além disso, foram apresentados os documentos da

    qualidade, gerados a partir da implantação do ciclo de gestão por competências na

    Fundação HEMOPA.



  • Data: 25/01/2015
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  • A pesquisa trata sobre a temática de Gestão por Competências, mais precisamente sobre o desenvolvimento de Trilhas de Aprendizagem. Conforme Freitas (2002) Trilhas de Aprendizagem são caminhos alternativos e flexíveis para promover o desenvolvimento de pessoas e surge como alternativa ao modelo de grades de treinamento, possibilitando maior autonomia para os profissionais. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa teve como objetivo propor e avaliar se a metodologia de decomposição comportamental proposta por Santos (2009) é viável para a elaboração das trilhas de aprendizagem. A pesquisa ocorreu na Universidade Federal do Pará, contando com a participação de 68 servidores técnico-administrativos pertencentes ao cargo de Assistente de Administração. Foram propostas duas trilhas de aprendizagem a esses servidores, na forma de um curso presencial de Português e Redação Oficial e um curso de Português e Redação Oficial à distância. Os resultados das avaliações de aprendizagem e de competências apontam que, a metodologia de decomposição comportamental é viável para o desenvolvimento de trilhas de aprendizagem. A pesquisa tem caráter exploratório, e foi realizada em duas fases para a obtenção dos resultados.




    GESTÃO DA QUALIDADE: um estudo base na avaliação dos pacientes de um hospital universitário em Belém do Pará.


  • Data: 16/01/2015
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  • A avaliação da qualidade percebida pelo cliente configura-se como uma ferramenta estratégica para a gestão dos serviços, inclusive os serviços de saúde, utilizada para identificar a percepção dos clientes (pacientes e acompanhantes) em relação aos serviços prestados pelos hospitais, através de levantamento de dados que possibilitem a identificação de lacunas em determinadas áreas e a correta resolução dos problemas. A compreensão deste constructo poderá contribuir com melhorias significativas para o hospital, seus clientes e corpo funcional. Diante desse contexto, o objetivo desse trabalho de pesquisa foi o de avaliar a qualidade dos serviços prestados através da percepção dos clientes em relação ao atendimento do HUF de estudo. Assim, busca-se obter informações que possibilitem identificar pontos fortes e fracos de áreas específicas nas quais devam ser implantadas melhorias ou aproveitadas vantagens de forma a aumentar a satisfação do cliente atendido no setor e a prestação de serviços com qualidade para essa clientela e, consequentemente, o alcance de visão de futuro e objetivos da organização. A metodologia adotada para a pesquisa foi a abordagem quantitativa do tipo descritivo e exploratório. Foi realizado o levantamento transversal ex post facto por meio de pesquisa de campo entre os meses de outubro a dezembro do ano de 2014. A coleta de dados foi desenvolvida através da aplicação de questionários estruturados. O tratamento dos dados adotado foi o quantitativo, utilizando técnicas de estatística descritiva e multivariada.





  • Data: 16/01/2015
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  • A pesquisa tem como objetivo principal apresentar como os elementos da Governança

    Territorial podem contribuir para minimizar os problemas de ordem pessoal, institucional,

    política e religiosa, identificados durante o processo de implementação dos acordos de pesca

    do Rio Canaticu, Município de Curralinho. Para isso, a pesquisa utilizou a metodologia

    observação participante, dispondo de relatos que apontaram para um possível cenário de

    escassez do recurso pesqueiro. Foi realizado, também, o georreferenciamento das localidades

    do rio Canaticu com o uso do GPS Garmin, permitindo a geração de dois mapas com o uso do

    programa Arc Giz 9.1 e, por fim; uma revisão bibliográfica com respectivas discussões. A

    coleta de dados ocorreu no período de Outubro/2013 a Outubro de 2014. Os relatos foram

    obtidos por meio de conversas informais junto a três moradores locais, três lideranças locais e

    quatro representantes de entidades da sociedade local e do poder público. Os relatos apontam

    uma possível escassez do pescado, bem como a existência desses problemas, comprometendo

    o processo de discussão dos acordos. Neste sentido, a pesquisa propõe algumas diretrizes

    pautadas na governança territorial, para o fortalecimento de desenvolvimento local do Rio

    Canaticu, bem como uma estrutura de gestão dos acordos, por meio de oficinas de



    APLICATIVO DE GESTÃO PARA HOSPITAIS UNIVERSITÁRIOS (AGHU): usabilidade sob a ótica dos usuários de um Hospital Público de Belém do Pará

  • Data: 15/01/2015
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  • Atualmente, alguns dos Hospitais Universitários Federais (HUF) brasileiros já possuem inovações tecnológicas que auxiliem seus processos administrativos e assistenciais, que são consideradas ferramentas que auxiliam a gestão. Uma delas é o Aplicativo de Gestão para Hospitais Universitários (AGHU), que se trata de um grande projeto do Ministério da Educação (MEC) em parceria com o Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA). Enfocou-se a usabilidade deste software (fácil de aprender, usar, rápido, agradável, eficaz e possibilidade de reparação a erros) por meio da ótica de quem manipula o referido aplicativo. Os sujeitos foram apenas os operadores que manipulam o AGHU de modo intenso e diário, pertencentes ao campo de estudo. Para tal, além de revisão na literatura, projetou-se e aplicou-se um questionário básico, com perguntas fechadas, aos respondentes da pesquisa, sendo que, deste modo, chegou-se aos resultados necessários a serem repassados para o gestor do campo de estudo e publicação. Concluiu-se que, pelos quesitos de usabilidade pesquisados, ainda há lacunas precisando de reparos e de estudos qualitativos para aprofundar a causalidade disto. A referida pesquisa demonstrou a importância de averiguar e atentar para a usabilidade do AGHU, a fim de que o aplicativo não seja subutilizado ou até mesmo abandonado, o que poderia prejudicar a gestão o a atendimento adequado à clientela do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS).



  • Data: 14/01/2015
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  • O presente estudo buscou propor ações de capacitação técnica que atenda às necessidades básicas dos servidores públicos municipais de Curuçá/PA, Inhangapi/PA e Terra Alta/PA, tendo em vista o cenário de competitividade e exigência ao qual estão imersas as organizações públicas. Desta forma, a gestão estratégica de pessoas no serviço público, em especial a gestão por competência e capacitação, constituiu-se importante parâmetro que possibilitou vislumbrar os principais aspectos relacionados com o treinamento, desenvolvimento e educação para este setor. Assim, a revisão bibliográfica foi de fundamental importância, pois contribuiu para elucidação de conceitos e categorias relevantes para embasar o presente estudo, bem como norteou a pesquisa de campo realizada com 150 servidores públicos dos municípios mencionados, com o intuito de identificar suas necessidades básicas de capacitação técnica para aperfeiçoar a prestação dos serviços disponibilizados aos munícipes. O trabalho identificou, em última instância, que a realidade vivenciada por esses trabalhadores do setor público é preocupante e necessita de intervenção imediata, o que ensejou a elaboração de competências genéricas, indicadores de desempenho e ações específicas para cada uma das áreas identificadas como vulneráveis.



  • Data: 05/01/2015
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    O propósito dessa investigação foi analisar o Plano Municipal de Educação (PME) de Benevides, na perspectiva do processo monitoramento e avaliação, enquanto mecanismos indispensáveis à implementação e revisão do Plano. As principais contribuições teóricas para a análise advêm de estudiosos como: Saviani, Klaus Frey, Maria das Graças Rua, Marta Arretche, Jefferson Mainardes, Carlos Aurélio Faria, Tereza Cotta, Dalila Oliveira, entre outros, que forneceram reflexões acerca do Ciclo de Políticas Públicas, Planejamento no Brasil e Avaliação de Políticas Sociais. A escolha metodológica foi a pesquisa qualitativa, com aferição de dados e análise documental. Os resultados apontaram a ausência de mecanismos e estratégias de monitoramento e avaliação do PME, sendo apresentada proposição de indicadores para o monitoramento e avaliação das diretrizes/metas, visando ao fortalecimento da dinâmica de planejamento educacional do município. A partir do estudo, foi possível compreender que é fundamental a adoção de postura comprometida com a perspectiva do monitoramento e avaliação, elementos de conexão indispensáveis com o planejamento público. Observa-se que a construção de um instrumento avaliativo conduz ao fortalecimento da prática do planejamento, evidenciando o movimento de planificação e efetividade do plano.



    eficiência na aquisição de equipamentos, com financiamento da CAPES

  • Data: 19/12/2014
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  • A pesquisa desenvolvida propõe-se a identificar como aspectos da eficiência

    administrativa têm influenciado nos processos de aquisições de equipamentos,

    direcionadas à pesquisa no âmbito da Universidade Federal do Pará, com

    financiamento da CAPES por meio do Programa Pró-Equipamentos. Para tanto o

    estudo está orientado no sentido de perceber se os processamentos das aquisições

    ocorrem com celeridade; se os preços pagos otimizam o orçamento público e se os

    produtos adquiridos atendem aos anseios da comunidade de pesquisa. Para alcance

    dos objetivos propostos, a metodologia de estudo possui natureza aplicada, no

    intuito de gerar conhecimentos e aplicá-lo na solução de problemas; é descritiva, por

    observar e interpretar os fatos e, exploratória, por tratar-se de área pouco conhecida.

    O construto da pesquisa tem natureza bibliográfica e documental, sendo classificado

    como estudo de caso. Possui abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, sendo os dados

    coletados e interpretados através de medições objetivas e subjetivas. Por fim,

    conclui-se que, com os resultados obtidos os objetivos da pesquisa foram

    alcançados e poderão constitui-se em instrumento de gestão para aprimoramento

    dos processos de compras.


    DESENVOLVIMENTO INSTITUCIONAL DA EDUCAÇÃO SUPERIOR NO MARAJÓ: um estudo sobre a implementação dos programas REUNI, PARFOR, UAB e PROUNI no Município de Breves (PA), no período de 2009 a 2013.

  • Data: 12/12/2014
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  • Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar o papel dos programas Programa de Apoio a Planos de Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Federais (REUNI), Plano Nacional de Formação de Professores da Educação Básica (PARFOR), Programa Universidade Aberta do Brasil (UAB) e Programa de Apoio a Planos de Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Federais PROUNI no processo de ampliação de vagas na educação superior no Marajó no período de 2009 a 2013, a partir das instituições de ensino superior públicas e/ou privadas presentes no município de Breves, que polariza no Marajó pelo menos oito municípios. A base teórica da pesquisa é composta por estudos que abordam o processo de desenvolvimento humano proporcionado pela ampliação do acesso à educação superior em regiões de baixo Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH). Para a realização dos objetivos da pesquisa, aplicou-se a metodologia qualitativo-exploratória de levantamento e análise de dados primários e secundários, obtidos por meio de estudo documental em bases de dados diversas, e observação sistemática do ambiente organizacional das instituições de educação superior do município de Breves. Essas informações foram cruzadas a dados censitários e a metas definidas para os programas pesquisados, contextualizando o panorama atual de ampliação de acesso à educação universitária no Marajó. Os resultados demonstram as características da implementação dos programas do Plano de Desenvolvimento da Educação (PDE) no Marajó, identificando a importância, as limitações e as possibilidades de desenvolvimento institucional da educação superior no Marajó.


    do desempenho das cotas sociais no Campus Belém (PA)

  • Data: 09/12/2014
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  • Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo avaliar comparativamente o desempenho dos estudantes de

    cinco cursos de graduação da UFRA, no período de 2002 a 2004, referentes aos estudantes

    oriundos de escola pública e privada e o período de 2005 a 2007, referente aos estudantes

    cotistas e não cotistas, para saber se houve mudança no desempenho acadêmico dos

    estudantes com a adoção de cotas na universidade, a partir de 2005. Foram utilizadas as

    informações existentes na Pró-Reitoria de Ensino, por meio dos relatórios de vestibulares e

    Sistema Acadêmico (SISCA). Na metodologia, utilizou-se a construção de três indicadores:

    Indicador de Desempenho no Acesso, Indicador de Eficiência e Rendimento e Indicador de

    Perdas, para submetê-los aos testes comparativos no programa estatístico BioEstat 5.0. Os

    resultados mostraram que não houve decréscimo no desempenho dos estudantes após adoção

    de cotas na UFRA. Ou seja, não há diferença entre os estudantes aprovados por escola de

    origem, com base na Taxa de Sucesso da Graduação, Taxa de Evasão, Frequência de

    Coeficiente de Rendimento Geral (CRG) e Taxa de Retenção para escola pública. Houve

    diferença apenas na Taxa de Retenção dos estudantes oriundos de escola privada.



    Proposta de controle de material médico hospitalar em centro cirúrgico

    de um hospital universitário

  • Data: 09/12/2014
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  • Em meio ao desperdício e o desabastecimento testemunhado nos serviços de saúde, este estudo analisa os desperdícios de materiais médico-hospitalares no Centro Cirúrgico de um hospital público e de ensino a fim de propor estratégias de controles de materiais e redução de custo. A relevância desta pesquisa se justifica pela natureza dos serviços prestados pelo hospital e pela importância que a logística hospitalar vem assumindo sendo fundamental que o gerenciamento de materiais seja eficaz. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, descritivo com abordagem quantitativa onde participaram profissionais de enfermagem do Centro Cirúrgico no período de realização compreendido de junho a agosto de 2014. Os resultados encontrados comprovam a existência de desperdícios de materiais utilizados e estocados no CC, os motivos desses desperdícios e o impacto no orçamento hospitalar e apontam também as disfunções que os fatores organizacionais, estruturais e gerenciais da organização em estudo e a maneira como esses fatores interferem nos desperdícios. Espera-se que os resultados deste estudo forneçam subsídios para um planejamento da gestão com qualidade, através do uso racional de materiais, com a eliminação dos desperdícios, redução dos custos, aumentando a eficiência e eficácia da gestão na instituição hospitalar.

  • Data: 09/12/2014
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  • Análise da gestão da coleta de Resíduos Sólidos na Cidade Universitária Professor José da Silveira Netto, da Universidade Federal do Pará. Na pesquisa foram realizados levantamentos documentais e visitas de campo para análise do diagnóstico operacional e dos custos das coletas regular e seletiva de Resíduos Sólidos; para verificação do atendimento do Decreto 5.940/2006, que institui a coleta seletiva na administração pública; e para proposta de ações para a gestão da Coleta de Resíduos Sólidos na Cidade Universitária. Os resultados obtidos demonstram a necessidade de registro e sistematização dos dados de volume e peso de resíduos sólidos relacionados ao setor operacional, e de gastos com combustíveis, manutenção de veículos e equipamentos da planilha de custo das coletas regular e seletiva. Também foi verificada a grande proximidade dos valores totais dos custos das coletas regular (R$ 198.349,75) e seletiva (R$ 218.431,77) no período de setembro de 2013 a agosto de 2014, apesar de do peso da coleta regular de 773.610 kg/ano e da coleta seletiva de 172.584 kg/ano. Com relação ao cumprimento da legislação, é possível concluir que a UFPA já institucionalizou a Comissão da Coleta Seletiva, porém ainda não atende integralmente ao Decreto 5.940/06, existindo a necessidade de diversas ações, como a complementação de infraestrutura, controle e avaliação dos serviços de Coleta Seletiva Solidária. Com o trabalho foram propostas ações de curto, médio e longo prazos, destacando-se a necessidade de maior controle dos volumes e dos custos dos serviços de coleta de resíduos sólidos, bem como o estabelecimento de cooperação com outros órgãos públicos federais localizados na Av. Perimetral para a gestão integrada da coleta seletiva de resíduos sólidos.










  • Data: 05/12/2014
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  • Analisa o status quo da gestão ambiental no município de Nova Esperança do Piriá-PA, partindo do princípio da importância da gestão em nível local, uma vez que, entendemos ser o município a unidade mais próxima dos problemas, logo, o mais indicado para tratá-los. Entende-se a gestão ambiental no município um fator determinante na busca de alternativas sustentáveis para a dinamização da economia, visto que, uma das principais atividades de geração de renda gira em torno de uma atividade ilegal, no caso, a extração madeireira da Terra Indígena do Alto Rio Guamá. No trabalho em questão, a partir da elaboração de um diagnóstico da gestão ambiental construído com base na proposta metodológica da Matriz de Acompanhamento e Avaliação para o Sistema de Gestão ambiental, verificou-se que a gestão ambiental no município de Nova Esperança do Piriá encontra-se em estágio regular, porém, após análise mais aprofundada das variáveis trabalhadas na referida Matriz, constatou-se que os pontos positivos apresentados ainda são incipientes para garantir uma gestão ambiental efetiva e de qualidade, capaz de dar suporte à atividades econômicas pensadas para o município, sendo necessárias ações que visem maior participação popular e que promovam a regularização das atividades já existentes, além de investimentos em infraestrutura e corpo técnico qualificado.






  • Data: 03/12/2014
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  • Os problemas econômicos, sociais e ambientais estão impulsionando à formulação de novos

    modelos de desenvolvimento. A escassez de água e o aquecimento global são apenas dois

    exemplos de diversas circunstâncias que nos alertam para a busca de soluções. Por esse

    motivo, os acordos internacionais estão propondo um modelo de produção e consumo que

    considere o melhor aproveitamento dos recursos, a qualidade de vida da população e a

    redução dos impactos ambientais, de forma que atendam as necessidades atuais sem impactar

    nas gerações futuras. Este propósito será mais facilmente alcançado quando as instituições

    públicas o incentivarem, devido à relevância e poder de indução destas organizações. O

    Governo Federal já está elaborando políticas de promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável,

    exemplo disto é a exigência nas leis para inclusão de critérios de sustentabilidade nas

    licitações públicas. Dessa forma, a pesquisa objetivou conhecer as principais possibilidades e

    limitações para as Compras Públicas Sustentáveis (CPS) na Universidade Federal do Pará

    (UFPA), o que propiciou sugerir melhorias no processo, que também servirá de base para as

    demais instituições públicas. Para embasar essa análise, utilizou-se referencial jurídico,

    administrativo e conceitual, além de pesquisa documental e aplicação de entrevistas, visando

    à convergência dos dados. Dentre as limitações, identificou-se: a dificuldade de especificação

    do produto no Sistema de Catalogação do Governo (CATMAT), a necessidade de diretrizes

    mais claras na legislação e melhor articulação das leis, a imprescindibilidade de mudança da

    cultura, de capacitação e do desenvolvimento da política interna de sustentabilidade na UFPA.

    As principais possibilidades dessa política são: a indução aos padrões de consumo e produção

    mais sustentáveis, a diminuição dos preços dos produtos por meio da economia de escala, a

    melhoria do sistema de compras governamentais, o fortalecimento da política de

    sustentabilidade dos órgãos públicos e a constante sensibilização e capacitação dos servidores.

    Por fim, concluiu-se que o mercado e preço não são mais impeditivos para a aplicação dessa


  • APLICATIVO DE GERENCIAMENTO DA GESTÃO MUNICIPAL – AGGMSoftware Gerencial para a melhoria da gestão municipal dos municípios com até 50.000 habitantes do nordeste paraense

  • Data: 03/12/2014
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  • Gestores públicos, "tomadores de decisão" precisam de ferramentas tecnológicas mais adequadas como um Sistema de Apoio à Decisão (SAD), que possua mais recursos para as suas análises. Espera-se auxiliar na forma dos gestores de tomarem decisões na administração pública, onde a partir de analises de número maior de informações que correspondam às suas demandas e exigências eles possam dispor de alternativas melhores para dar soluções as demandas social, econômico e ambiental dos nossos municípios. Apresenta-se um plano de trabalho para a construção de um sistema de apoio à decisão denominado Sistemas de Apoio à Decisão a Gestão Municipal (SADGM). O público alvo são os gestores dos municípios com menos de 50.000 habitantes do nordeste paraenses. Este será apoiado na teoria de Niklas Luhmann dos Sistemas Sociais. Da teoria de Luhmann, abordaremos sistemas abertos e o acoplamento estrutural, que se trata do mecanismo pelo qual um sistema utiliza, para colocar em funcionamento seus próprios elementos, as estruturas de outro sistema, sem com isso, no entanto, confundir os limites entre eles.


    QUALIDADE EM SERVIÇOS DE BIBLIOTECAS UNIVERSITÁRIAS: uma investigação entre os docentes de pós-graduação a partir da Matriz Importância X Desempenho

  • Data: 01/12/2014
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  • A busca pela qualidade em serviços é uma forte característica da sociedade contemporânea. Nesse contexto, este estudo tem o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade dos serviços prestados pelas bibliotecas universitárias na percepção dos docentes vinculados aos Programas de Pós-Graduação, em relação ao atendimento de suas necessidades específicas de informação. Também visa obter informações para impulsionar as atividades de gestão nas bibliotecas da Universidade Federal do Pará. Avaliar a qualidade dos serviços prestados pelas bibliotecas na percepção dos docentes dos Programas de Pós-graduação da Universidade Federal do Pará em relação ao atendimento de suas necessidades específicas de informação e obter contribuições para a gestão bibliotecária. O estudo foi classificado como descritivo e exploratório, sendo a coleta de dados desenvolvida na forma de pesquisa de campo, onde o instrumento utilizado foi o questionário estruturado. O tratamento dos dados foi quantitativo, utilizando técnicas da Matriz Importância X Desempenho. Os resultados apontaram três dimensões com elevado desempenho dentre as cinco dimensões da qualidade do modelo de avaliação utilizado na pesquisa. São relacionadas com a Confiança, Relações pessoais e Resolução de problemas, que se revelaram como importante vantagem competitiva nas bibliotecas. Evidenciaram-se também lacunas de baixa qualidade com forte impacto na prestação dos serviços em relação às dimensões Infraestrutura física e a Comunicação. As condições insatisfatórias identificadas revelam a necessidade de investimento institucional em modernização da infraestrutura física, acervo, recursos computacionais e na comunicação e divulgação dos serviços. São ações que visam reduzir os impactos na eficiência das bibliotecas universitárias, na perspectiva do alinhamento aos objetivos institucionais e na qualidade da prestação de serviços públicos no contexto acadêmico.




  • Data: 01/12/2014
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  • O mapeamento das competências individuais relativas a execução do orçamento público foi aplicado na Universidade Federal do Pará, Região Norte do Brasil. Foram considerados servidores técnico-administrativos e terceirizados que desenvolvem suas atividades nas unidades da Administração Superior, Órgãos Suplementares, Hospitais Universitários e nas Coordenadorias de Planejamento, Gestão e Avaliação (CPGAs) dos Institutos, Núcleos e Campi do Interior. As informações foram obtidas de documentos oficiais baseado nas técnicas de análise documental e do grupo focal, permitindo definir características específicas, estabelecendo relações entre as diversas variáveis de atribuições dos servidores. A abordagem qualitativa considerou a subjetividade na interpretação, atribuindo significados gerais aos fenômenos para a identificação das competências setoriais e individuais, alinhadas com os objetivos estratégicos da Instituição. A análise quantitativa usou as competências individuais essenciais para a organização, traduzidas em números e baseadas no resultado dos questionários. A primeira e segunda fase da pesquisa identificou e validou as competências setoriais e individuais. A terceira e quarta fase definiram o grau de importância da competência para a unidade e o grau de domínio dos servidores nessas competências. Na última fase foi gerado o Grau de Necessidade de Capacitação (GNC) dos servidores técnico-administrativos e terceirizados. Em geral, os resultados indicaram o GNC em relação as competências individuais, mas o principal resultado foi a obtenção do GNC das unidades da administração superior, dos órgãos suplementares, dos institutos, dos núcleos, dos campi do interior e dos hospitais universitários. Este GNC final poderá subsidiar a elaboração de programas direcionados para os setores mais necessitados de capacitação na área de execução orçamentária, financeira e contábil da Universidade Federal do Pará.





    GESTÃO DA CAPACITAÇÃO COM BASE EM COMPETÊNCIAS: proposta de metodologia de diagnóstico de necessidades de capacitação por competências para os campi do interior da UFPA


  • Data: 01/12/2014
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  • Atualmente a Administração Pública Federal do Brasil está em fase de mudanças para uma estrutura mais estratégica, orientada para resultados e melhorias nos serviços prestados. A área de gestão de pessoas tem papel fundamental nesse processo de mudanças. Com o Decreto nº 5.707/2006, que institui a Política Nacional de Desenvolvimento de Pessoal (PNDP), as organizações públicas federais devem adotar o modelo de gestão por competências para a gestão da capacitação. A capacitação proporciona para as organizações públicas o desenvolvimento e a aquisição de competências pelos servidores, apresentando como resultados a melhoria do desempenho organizacional. Por conta disso, a Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA) iniciou o processo de implantação do modelo de gestão por competências em 2011, com o mapeamento de competências através da realização de entrevistas com 832 servidores técnico-administrativos. A presente pesquisa desenvolveu uma proposta de diagnóstico de necessidades de capacitação com base em competências por meio da elaboração de um questionário de autoavaliação e heteroavaliação (é quando o gestor avalia o sujeito). Através desse instrumento avaliou-se o grau de importância e domínio das competências identificadas para as unidades (Coordenadorias de Planejamento, Gestão e Avaliação e Coordenadoria de Infraestrutura) dos campi do interior. Com as avaliações de importância e domínio, calculou-se o grau de necessidades de capacitação, conforme proposto por Brandão (2012). A pesquisa teve caráter descritivo e exploratório, considerando a realização da análise documental e entrevistas individuais, com a finalidade de descrever o atual levantamento de necessidades de capacitação (LNC) da UFPA. Os resultados da pesquisa oriundos da aplicação dos questionários foram descritos como médias e desvio padrão, assim analisou-se haver similaridade de percepção nas autoavaliações e heteroavaliações. Observaram-se também como resultados da pesquisa que o nível de alinhamento do LNC da UFPA com os objetivos estratégicos foi baixo (6,8%) e do Diagnóstico de Necessidades de Capacitação (DNC) por competências o alinhamento apresentado é de 93,16%.



  • Data: 01/12/2014
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  • O estudo do clima organizacional trata-se de um instrumento de diagnóstico utilizado

    para identificar as percepções dos servidores em relação ao seu ambiente de

    trabalho através de levantamentos de dados que proporcionam a compreensão de

    como estão as várias relações entre a organização e as pessoas, e com base nisso

    propor melhorias e mudanças qualitativas para a organização e seus servidores. O

    entendimento desse constructo pode contribuir para melhorar a qualidade de vida

    dos servidores no seu ambiente de trabalho, para a otimização do desempenho da

    organização e para o esclarecimento das relações entre este e as variáveis do

    ambiente de trabalho. Diante desse contexto, o objetivo desta dissertação foi

    analisar e avaliar a percepção do clima organizacional dos servidores lotados na

    sede da Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Pará (SEDUC-PA). Desta forma,

    buscou identificar áreas ou focos nos quais devam ser implementadas melhorias,

    visando aumentar a satisfação e a motivação dos servidores da secretaria e,

    consequentemente, a prestação de serviços com qualidade para os usuários e

    favorecimento da obtenção dos objetivos organizacionais. Quanto à metodologia, a

    pesquisa adotou a abordagem quantitativa do tipo descritivo e exploratório. Foi

    realizado o levantamento transversal ex post facto por meio de pesquisa de campo entre os meses de abril a junho do ano de 2014. A coleta de dados foi desenvolvida

    na forma de questionários, a partir da Escala de Clima Organizacional (ECO) de

    autoria de Martins et al. (2008), e teve a participação de 1.465 servidores lotados na

    SEDUC-PA/SEDE (efetivos, comissionados, temporários e estagiários). O

    tratamento dos dados adotado foi o quantitativo, utilizando técnicas de estatística

    descritiva e multivariada, em especial análise fatorial exploratória (AFE) e a análise

    de agrupamento (AA), a partir do levantamento das informações gerais necessárias

    para a compreensão do clima organizacional da SEDUC-PA/SEDE.







  • Data: 10/11/2014
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  • O concurso público é uma etapa fundamental para selecionar futuros servidores

    para instituições públicas. Essa seleção precisa ser capaz de escolher candidatos

    mais aptos para alcançar resultados positivos, atender as demandas políticas e

    sociais da organização. Para verificar se o atual método de seleção é eficaz, esse

    trabalho visou avaliar as técnicas utilizadas no último concurso público dos

    servidores técnico-administrativos da Universidade Federal do Pará. Para tanto, foi

    avaliado o desempenho dos servidores recém-nomeados para os cargos de

    Administrador, Assistente em Administração e Secretário Executivo para a

    competência “elaborar documentos”. Ao total, participaram dessa pesquisa 41

    servidores, os quais foram submetidos a realizar a tarefa de elaborar um

    memorando. Os candidatos tinham acesso a computador sem internet e com o

    corretor ortográfico desligado. Após instruções de como realizar a tarefa, os

    participantes tiveram 30 minutos para realizá-la. A maioria dos participantes não

    apresentou um desempenho satisfatório na citada tarefa, apesar do bom

    desempenho na prova objetiva do concurso. Os resultados não indicaram uma

    relação clara entre o desempenho na tarefa e outras variáveis como realização de

    cursos de elaboração de documentos, experiência anterior e formação. Os dados

    demonstraram que apenas a utilização da prova objetiva e da avaliação de títulos

    não foram suficientes para avaliar os servidores para mencionada competência.

    Sugere-se a utilização de mais técnicas de seleção, treinamento com os

    participantes dessa pesquisa e a adoção de um método de avaliação constante do

    processo de seleção.

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