Stochastic Model Predictive Control Using Laguerre Function with Minimum Variance Kalman Filter Estimation
Laguerre Function, Stochastic Model Predictive Control, Kalman Filter, ARMAX Model, Innovation Form, Minimum Variance, Hildreth’s Quadratic Programming.
This work proposes a stochastic model predictive control using the Laguerre function with optimal Kalman filter state estimation. The controller design uses an ARMAX state-space model, incorporating moving average into the stochastic formulation by a state disturbance matrix in innovation form, which calculates a stochastic term introduced in the control law. The optimal Kalman filter gain design copes with the minimum variance case, where the Kalman filter weighting matrices are tuned based on the state disturbance matrix and the covariance of estimated states of an ARMAX model. Furthermore, it shows that the proposed strategy also can be applied in the classic MPC design.
Hildreth’s Quadratic Programming is the method used to solve the constrained optimization problem in a stochastic scenario. This method is used together with the Laguerre function, simplifying finding the optimal problem in constrained cases. Moreover, the Laguerre function improves the control horizon prediction, reducing the output variance, and preserving a better trade-off between the control effort and closed-loop performance. It is because of its orthogonal property, making it a universal approximator that results in a parsimonious representation of the control trajectory.
This work uses a highly oscillatory mechanical system, a robot joint, and a Hydropower MIMO system as numerical examples to demonstrate the proposed method’s efficiency. Furthermore, two experimental tests are introduced with two different plants that confirm these results: a circuit representing an under-damped coupled multivariable system with two inputs and two outputs and a Twin Rotor MIMO system, comparing the proposed strategy’s effects to the Laguerre deterministic MPC approach, classic MPC, and classic MPC using the ARMAX model with minimum variance Kalman filter estimation.