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  • Exploring solvent effects on the photophysical properties and spectroscopy of free-base porphyrins

  • Data: 29/02/2024
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  • Composed of a basic macrocyclic unit and internal and/or external substituents, porphyrins are molecules that have demonstrated a wide range of applications in the fields of science, materials engineering, and medicine over the past few decades. They are characterized by the extensive π-electron system present in their molecular structure, along with a significant number of degrees of freedom, providing them with good sensitivity in the presence of dielectric environments. The central objective of this study was to qualitatively investigate how solvents can modify the molecular structure of free-base porphyrins through spectroscopic signatures in the spectra and also the modifications in the photophysical properties of the material, such as quantum yields, radiative rates, and transition wavelengths. Additionally, we sought to characterize these signatures using theoretical and empirical models of molecular interactions between solute and solvent compiled in the extensive literature on the subject. The porphyrins used for this investigation belong to the group of tetraphenyl porphyrins, characterized by the presence of a phenyl lateral group attached to the central ring. In this study, Tetraphenylporphyrin (TPP) served as a standard for the analyses conducted on Tetra(cyano)phenyl (TPCNP) and Tetra(pentafluoro)phenyl (TPF20P) porphyrins, which are meso-linked to the lateral group. Primarily, aprotic solvents were used to solubilize these molecules, minimizing specific interaction effects such as hydrogen bonding. In total, they were dissolved in nine solvents, including dichloroethane and trichloromethane (chloroform), dichloroethane and chlorobenzene, tetrahydrofuran, acetone and acetonitrile, hexane, and finally, dimethyl sulfoxide, with each solvent possessing distinct physical and chemical properties. The theoretical foundation used in this investigation is based on the works of Lippert and Mataga, among others, utilizing the quantum perturbative model of dipole-dipole and induced dipole-dipole interactions. Additionally, empirical models based on the Dimroth-Reichardt methodologie were employed. For steady-state UV-vis absorption measurements, a Jasco-V670 spectrophotometer was employed, while steady-state emission measurements utilized a homemade spectrofluorimeter and the Horiba DeltaFlex TCSPC for acquiring fluorescence lifetimes. The results demonstrate solvation effects on absorption and emission bands, leading to wavelength shifts in transition. Strong correlation between refractive index and these shifts was observed for absorption, but for other parameters, the correlation was not clear. In fluorescence, the Lippert-Mataga curve better fit the data, highlighting the effects of orientational polarizability during porphyrin de-excitation. Quantum yield, radiative, and non-radiative rates also appear to follow a Lippert-Mataga curve, although they also exhibit correlation with other parameters. Thus, a qualitative exploration of solvatochromic and solvation effects was possible, bringing together the most employed theories and methodologies in the present time and classifying whether they are suitable for the particular case of porphyrins.

  • Molecular electronics in carbon allotrope nanoribbons with rings of 5 and 8 atoms

  • Data: 15/12/2023
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  • In the present work, we performed electronic structure calculations, based on the formalism of the Density Functional Theory, to investigate the electronic properties of nanoribbons obtained from the 2D structure of the carbon allotrope composed of rings of 5 and 8 atoms, known as OPG-Z . Nanoribbons were investigated for 5 types of edges and considering 5 units of different widths, totaling 25 systems. Results obtained by cohesive energy calculation indicated that all systems are energetically stable with negative energy in the range of -6.62 eV/Atom to -8.5 eV/Atom. The band structure and density of states results showed that the armchair-P1 nanoribbons are metallic for widths 1 and 2 and semiconductor for widths 3 to 5. The armchair- P2 for width 1 has a metallic behavior, and in the other widths the behavior is that of a semiconductor. The armchair-PO type nanoribbons showed topological insulator characteristics for all 5 widths. For armchair-O only the smallest width is a semiconductor and the other systems are metallic. Finally, the zigzag-PO nanoribbon of widths 1, 3 and 4 are semiconductors, while the units of width 2 and 5 are metallic. Combining Density Functional Theory with the Nonequilibrium Green Functions method to perform electronic transport calculations, we seek to propose applications of nanoribbons in molecular electronics. The electronic transport was carried out, for the voltage range from -1.0 V to 1.0 V, in the molecular devices of the nanoribbons considering up to the third unit of width that present zero gap or very small gap at the Fermi level in the analysis of density of states. The transport results, interpreted by analyzing the I-V, (dI/dV)-V and T(E,V) graphs, indicated the characteristic curve for the armchair-P1 nanoribbon devices of width 1 and 3 similar to a light-emitting diode for voltage values between -0.3 V and +0.3 V and almost ohmic resistance for the range of 0.3 V-1.0 V. 52acOPGZ-P1 and 91acOPGZ-P2 nanodevices, the exponential I-V characteristic is observed between 0.4 V-1.0 V, plus behavior similar to the field effect transistor in the range between -0.4 V and +0.4 V, with points of negative differential resistance in this voltage range. For the armchair-PO and armchair-O devices, the characteristic field-effect transistor-like I-V curve behavior is observed for 51acOPGZ-PO and 52acOPGZ-O, and the behavior almost ohmic linear becomes evident with the increase in the width of the devices and, therefore, the device width 3 for both types of edges presents a characteristic tendency of an ohmic resistor. For the molecular devices zigzag-PO of width 1 and 3 we have the I-V similarity to a light-emitting diode and, for the device zigzag-PO of width 2, we have a behavior with characteristic tendency of a field effect transistor. With these results, we verified possibilities in the development of molecular devices based on nanoribbons of the OPG-Z allotrope as an alternative for application in nanoelectronics.

  • Characterization of Zn-doped GaAs nanowires in different diameters

  • Data: 25/10/2023
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  • The characterization of Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) nanowires were synthesized at Lund University (UL) in Sweden led by doctors and laboratory technicians from the university itself. These semiconductors are widely used in nanotechnology equipment and trained in several universities around the world. In this work, Zinc metals (Zn) were introduced into GaAs in nanowires with diameters of 30 nm, 50 nm, 80 nm and 150 nm. In which they were characterized using the Raman spectroscopy technique and scanning electron microscopy equipment with an electron gun or Scanning Electron Microscope with Field Emission Gun (MEV-FEG), all in the postgraduate physics laboratories (PPGF) at UFPa . In each of the characterizations carried out, it was possible to identify nanowires in isolation, map them and manage information elaborated on each material. As well, observe different properties in the four types of nanowires such as ceramic, specific peaks and width at half height or Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM) in English. However, it is still necessary to analyze other isolated nanowires to obtain more specific information about the relationship between diameters and the crystallinity of the material. Furthermore, the anharmonic effects with Raman propagation and the thermal properties involved in the material.


  • Data: 29/09/2023
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  • Carbon allotropes are frequently applied in several areas of science and technology due to the versatility of their structural, thermal, electronic and magnetic properties, which changes with their hybridization and symmetry. POPGraphene is a 2D carbon allotrope designed with 5-8-5 carbon ring symmetry, which is predict to be energetic, dynamic and thermodynamic stable, and to presents great features like high thermal stability and superconductor behavior. Since carbon nanoribbons presents different properties from their 2D counterparts, in the present work we proposed and investigated five new carbon nanoribbons based on the armchair (two nanoribbons) and zigzag (three nanoribbons) cutting direction of POPGraphene structure, which results in nanoribbons with different edges shape. In the first part of this work, we analyzed the hydrogen edges passivation effect for one kind of POPGraphene nanoribbon, using its minimum width. In the second part, we investigated the effects of top and bottom edges shape, considering all different kinds of edge symmetry in zigzag and armchair directions. In the third part, we analyze the effect of nanoribbons width in all investigated systems in the second part. In the fourth part, we investigated the uniaxial strain applications’ effect on the electronic and transport properties of the different edges shape nanoribbons, but with the same width. To conduct this research, we implemented the Density Functional Theory to get the energetic, structural and electronic properties of all nanoribbons. Density Functional Theory combined with the Non-Equilibrium Green Function Method was implemented to compute the transport properties of the designed molecular devices based on the nanoribbons, under bias voltage application. The results shows that all nanoribbons are stable and feasible to be experimentally obtained, and that pentarings on edges termination is a parameter that improve the nanoribbons stability. The electronic properties shows that most of the nanoribbons have a metallic behavior, except for two armchair cases, which presents a very tiny band gap. Furthermore, in case of the hydrogen edges passivation effect, we have that the hydrogen breaks the superconductor behavior of the nanoribbon, extinguishing the high peak of density of states that was presented at Fermi level. The transport properties shows that the nanodevice behavior is strongly dependent of the chirality (zigzag or armchair) and edges termination (with pentarings, octarings or both) of the nanoribbons, having behaviors of Field Effect Transistor, Negative Differential Resistance (NDR) devices, Light Emitting Diode and Resonant Tunneling Diode, depending on these structural properties and the range of bias voltage application. We see that hydrogen edges passivation improve the transport properties leading to the arise of NDR regions in a specific operations range. Besides, we see that these NDR regions arise in this device and in other one cases, due to the presence of sub-bandgap regions in band structure of the unit cell which was used as a building block for design those molecular devices.

  • Challenging the Kerr hypothesis with scalar fields, tidal forces and shadows

  • Data: 31/08/2023
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  • In recent years, significant progress has been made in observing the strong gravitational regime, leading to the publication of groundbreaking experimental results. As a consequence, black holes have assumed the main role in elucidating a variety of astrophysical phenomena. These enigmatic objects can now be studied through two distinct channels of radiation: gravitational and electromagnetic. On the gravitational radiation channel, the outstanding result was the detection of the gravitational waves generated during the merger of binary systems, achieved by the LIGO/VIRGO collaboration. On the electromagnetic radiation channel, a considerable advancement was achieved by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration, which has registered the shadows of the supermassive black hole candidates located at the center of the Messier 87 and Milky Way galaxies. These observations in the strong gravitational regime provide an opportune scenario to test the validity of General Relativity and the so-called Kerr hypothesis. The Kerr hypothesis states that every isolated equilibrium black hole in nature is described by the Kerr metric. For the moment, there is no disagreement between General Relativity, the Kerr hypothesis, and the observations. However, it is well known that General Relativity is an incomplete theory and it fails, for instance, at the singularities. Additionally, the Kerr metric may not fully encompass the complexities of realistic astrophysical scenarios surrounding black holes. Factors like accretion disks, dark matter, and magnetic fields can play a significant role. Therefore, the study of reasonable non-Kerr models that could avoid the singularity problem or describe black holes in more realistic situations is of uttermost importance in black hole physics. This thesis encompasses a collection of studies about black holes (and some horizonless objects) within the theory of General Relativity, as well as other theories of gravity that lead to alternatives to the Kerr model. We divided the thesis into three main parts: In the first part, we study the tidal effects around black holes. The study of tidal phenomena around black holes is important for modeling, for example, disruption events. In the second part, we analyze the absorption and scattering of scalar waves by black holes and some horizonless compact objects. This analysis is mainly motivated by the study of optical effects beyond the eikonal regime, described by the null geodesics. In the third part, we study the shadows, light rings, and gravitational lensing of black holes and (some) horizonless compact objects. This last part is motivated by the recent EHT results. We study, for instance, the interplay between different black hole models and their respective shadow images.

  • Geodesic structure of non-regular wormholes in Palatini gravity models

  • Data: 29/08/2023
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  • We briefly discuss the motivation and important results of modified theories of gravity and the different formalisms under the variational principle. Ricci based gravities (RBG) are described, showing their projective invariance, together with the action of such theories and the equations of motion under the Palatini formalism. The mapping between solutions of General Relativity (GR) and Ricci based gravities is shown, and the mapping of a scalar field theory coupled to a Ricci based theory is done.
    Two important RBG's and their field equations are presented, the Eddington inspired Born-Infeld gravity (EiBI) and the quadratic Palatini gravity. In the context of the mapping of solutions, the Wyman solution for GR coupled to a free scalar field is shown in detail. This solution serves as a generator of solutions for both EiBI and quadratic Palatiny gravities. The asymptotic behaviour of the solutions generated for EiBi and quadratic gravity have the same approximate behaviour. The curvature analysis for this approximation is done for the Zakhary-Mcintosh complete set of curvature invariants, and all the invariants are shown to be regular in the interval of validity of the approximation. A geodesic analysis of the asymptotic approximation shows that the spacetime is geodesically incomplete, thus, is singular. Tidal forces are analysed and the strenght of the singularity is determined.


  • Data: 31/07/2023
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  • The contamination of water by textile effluent can cause environmental and human health damage. Adsorption is an efficient and cost-effective process for removing these pollutants. Agro-industrial residues, such as Pará chestnut shells (Bertholletia excelsa), provide an excellent alternative for adsorbent production. In this study, Brazil nut shell residues were analyzed. Sorted by particle size, the grain sizes with the highest adsorption capacity had average diameters (d̅) of 0.268 and 0.428 mm. They were characterized and applied as a bioadsorbent for methylene blue dye. Characterization techniques included SEM, EDS, and FT-IR. The data obtained indicated that the particle size with d̅ of 0.268 mm had a higher adsorption capacity compared to the particle size with d̅ of 0.428 mm. Kinetic studies demonstrated that the 0.268 mm particle size reached equilibrium faster than the 0.428 mm particle size. In terms of efficiency, the 0.268 mm particle size was more effective than the 0.428 mm particle size at high concentrations of methylene blue and over the reaction time.

  • Studing the optical properties of GaSe0,5Te0,5 under extreme pressure and temperature conditions

  • Data: 28/07/2023
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  • Understanding the thermodynamic properties of materials is a fundamental issue in physics, and its knowledge is crucial for targeting a specific material for possible applications. In this work, we present the Raman spectroscopy study dependent on the temperature and pressure of the GaSe0.5Te0.5 alloy in bulk form and its relevant thermodynamic parameters. Theoretical calculations were performed in collaboration to support the experimental results. Our results show a non-linear redshift for the 𝐴1𝑔 and 𝐸2𝑔 vibrational modes as the temperature increases in the temperature range from 10 to 748 K. Such behavior is well described by considering both thermal expansion and phonon-phonon coupling contributions. By combining DFT calculations and Raman spectroscopy experiments, the anharmonic constants relative to the three- and four-phonon decay processes, mode-Grüneisen parameters, Debye temperature, thermal expansion coefficient, and bulk modulus were estimated. Furthermore, the high-pressure measurements and DFT calculations, performed in the pressure range from 0 to 26.4 GPa, show a quadratic trend for the 𝜔𝐴1𝑔 and 𝜔𝐸2𝑔 modes as a function of pressure, with the 𝐴1𝑔 modes being more compressible than 𝐸2𝑔 one, i.e., 𝜕𝜔𝐴1𝑔/𝜕𝑃 > 𝜕𝜔𝐸2𝑔/𝜕𝑃. No structural phase transition is observed until the maximum pressure reached in the experiment. This study took a step forward in the understanding of mechanical and thermal properties related to GaSe0.5Te0.5 alloy, whose determined parameters are important for designing new applications.

  • van der Waals interaction between anisotropic particles and corrugated surfaces

  • Data: 28/04/2023
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  • We study the van der Waals (vdW) interaction between a polarizable particle and a grounded conducting corrugated surface, making calculations valid beyond the proximity force approximation (PFA). Considering an anisotropic polarizable particle near sinusoidal corrugations, we show that the lateral force can attract the particle not only to the nearest corrugation peak (peak regime), as always happens with an isotropic particle, but also to the nearest corrugation valley (valley regime), or even to an intermediate point between a peak and a valley (intermediate regime). We also consider a single slight protuberance in a perfectly conducting plane. We show that nontrivial geometric effects arise when we consider an anisotropic particle and manipulate the ratio between the characteristic widths of the protuberance and the fixed particle-plane distance. We predict that, as this ratio decreases, instead of being attracted to the protuberance, which always happens to an isotropic particle, in certain situations the particle can be moved away from it. In addition, we show that all these effects have their classical counterparts, involving a neutral particle with a permanent electric dipole moment. The prediction of such geometric effects on the lateral vdW force may be relevant for better controlling the interaction between a particle and a corrugated surface in classical and quantum physics.

  • Induced Electromagnetic Transparency in Graphene Guided Structures in the Terahertz Range

  • Data: 28/02/2023
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  • Graphene, due to its exceptional optical, electrical, thermal and plasmonic properties, is currently one of the most studied nanomaterials worldwide and has promising applications in nanotechnology. In this sense, the carbon element is of inestimable importance for the development of modern science and the various applications that can be used in various technological areas. Its excellent interaction with a wide range of frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum, mainly the Teraherz range, allows the material to be used in the development of several plasmonic nanodevices. In this sense, this work analyzes the possibility of developing a plasmonic nanodevice based on graphene, whose operating principle is the propagation of plasmonic waves over it, generating dipole resonances in the structure, in addition to the electromagnetically induced transparency effect. This consists of a silicon layer, a silica layer, a graphene waveguide and another silica layer, where two graphene nanoribbons will be deposited that will function as resonators. The two graphene resonators can be treated as light and dark. The Drude model was used to model graphene based on its conductivity. Through computer simulations using the Comsol Multiphysics software, the frequency response of the device was investigated, as well as the influence of the variation of several physical and structural parameters regarding its propagation characteristics, among which the gap d and the height hf of the resonators and the chemical potential µc. The electromagnetically induced transparency effect was observed when simulations were made for the device with the waveguide and the two resonators deposited on the silica above the guide, in which case the dipole mode is divided into two frequency bands at 8.96 THz and 9.85 THz, isolating the output port with isolation levels of 92%, in addition to a region between the isolation frequencies at 9.38 THz, where there is transmission of plasmonic waves from the input port to the devices output port, with transmission levels of 54% of the incident wave for a chemical potential µc = 0.15eV . The dynamic control of the device’s resonant frequencies is evidenced through the variation of the chemical potential of the graphene through the application of external tension in the structure, thus changing the operating range of the device. Based on this, from the obtained results it is possible to use the analyzed structure in the development of plasmonic devices such as sensors, switching filters, among others.

  • Gravitational corrections to gauge theories

  • Data: 24/02/2023
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  • In this work we present a series of topics exploring the renormalization of field theories coupled to gravity using the effective field theory framework. First, we discuss the universality of the renormalization of the gauge coupling constant in the quantum electrodynamics coupled to the Einstein’s gravity. We observe that the renormalization of the three-point functions with different particles receive different contributions from the gravitational sector. Despite that, the universality of the gauge coupling constants is guaranteed by the Ward identity that makes the renormalized electric charge receive no contribution from the gravitational sector at one-loop order. Then, we determine the gravitational corrections to the two-loop beta function of the electric charge in arbitrary electrodynamics (Lorentz-like) and arbitrary (de Donder like) gravitational gauges. Our results indicate that gravitational corrections do not alter the running behavior of the electric charge; on the contrary, we observe that it gives a positive contribution to the beta function, making the electric charge grow even faster. At the final chapter, we use this framework to study the non-Abelian gauge theory with fermions coupled to gravity. We show that the renormalized coupling constant, and therefore the beta function, do not receive any gravitational correction at one-loop order. Also, we explicitly show that, at this order, the Slavnov-Taylor identities are respected. Finally, we end the work by putting into perspective our results.

  • Vortex Synchrony in Active Matter

  • Data: 15/02/2023
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  • Active matter, particles that consume energy internally to generate motion, have a tendency to aggregate around solid surfaces. As a consequence, it is possible to form vortices around circular surfaces (obstacles). It was shown that, for models with hydrodynamic interactions, there is synchronization, that is, the occurrence of vortices rotating in opposite directions in neighboring obstacles, which in turn are arranged in a square network. Here, we show the same phenomenon for a model without hydrodynamic interaction of active matter in the presence of two or four circular obstacles. We compute, mainly, the correlation of the collective angular velocity, which is the parameter of the synchrony characterization, as a function of the density of the particles and the distance between the obstacles. We found, under certain combinations of density and distance between obstacles, there is synchronization of vortices.

  • Phase transitions in decanoic acid crystals at low temperatures.

  • Data: 23/12/2022
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  • The present work aims to analyze the stability of crystals of capric acid (AC) in structural form C when submitted to low temperatures using the techniques of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy. AC, also known as decanoic acid, is part of a class of organic compounds known as fatty acids, whose molecule is formed by a hydrocarbon chain with a methyl group at one end and a carboxylic group at the other. These compounds are abundant in nature as chemical components of various vegetable oils, thus attracting the attention of the food, cosmetics, chemical, pharmaceutical, medicine industries, among others. AC crystals were characterized under ambient conditions of temperature and pressure using powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques, Rietveld refinement using Gaussian 9 software, Raman spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy. The Raman and infrared spectra were theoretically determined through the density functional theory (DFT) as a comparison with the spectra obtained experimentally, as well as to make the classification of the respective vibrational modes. The crystals were subjected to low temperature conditions (300 to 8 K) in the Raman spectroscopy experiment and (293 to 83 K) in the XRD experiment. Regarding the data obtained via X-ray diffraction, it was possible to observe two regions of interest, where a series of changes were verified, both related to the diffraction pattern and the discontinuity in the lattice parameters. Using the Raman technique several spectral changes were observed throughout the spectrum, such as splitting of bands belonging to the dimer, which may be related to a process of thermal isomerization, which occurs when the crystal is cooled, in this process the molecules change from an all trans to a gauche conformation. In addition, the behavior of Gibbs energy as a function of temperature in the range between 300 and 08 K for the AC crystal was verified. In this process, three phase transitions were observed.

  • Study of the Opto-Electronic Properties of Composites of polyvinyl carbazole and Fe3O4, FeLiO2 and (La0,6Sr0,4)(Co0,2Fe0,8)O3

  • Data: 30/11/2022
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  • Bandgap, Composites, Absorbance, Emission, Ferrites, Polymers, Raman, Infrared.

  • Phase transition in C-form of dodecanoic acid crystal and doping with rare earth ions: a structural and vibrational investigation.

  • Data: 28/11/2022
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  • Dodecanoic acid, also called lauric acid (LA), is part of a class of organic compounds known as fatty acids (FA), whose molecule is formed by a hydrocarbon chain with a methyl group at one end and a carboxylic group at the other. These compounds are chemical components of various vegetable oils, mainly from Amazonian flora. FA has attracted the attention of the food, cosmetic, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries, in addition to medicinal applications. In this work, crystals of LA in the C-form were obtained by heating until a temperature value above the melting point and, after this, the sample was cooled down to room temperature. Additionally, crystals of dysprosium- and europium-doped LA (LADy and LAEu, respectively) were obtained by the slow evaporation of the solvent method. Pure LA crystals were characterized under ambient conditions using powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), and Raman and infrared techniques. Furthermore, the doped crystals were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Density functional theory (DFT) was used to calculate the Raman and infrared spectra to compare with the experimental spectra for a correct assignment of vibrational modes. Pure LA crystals were studied under low-temperature conditions (300 to 38 K) and their structural stability was evaluated by Raman spectroscopy and PXRD. Several spectral changes, such as the appearance and disappearance of modes in the regions associated with intra and intermolecular vibrations, discontinuities in wavenumbers, band splittings, and anomalous behavior of Raman modes revealed that the LA crystals underwent a reversible structural phase transition of the monoclinic C-phase to the triclinic A2-phase, within the temperature range between 230 and 160 K. This phase transition was supported by the results of DFT calculations and PXRD at low temperatures.

  • Regular spacetimes in the general relativity and alternative theories of gravity

  • Data: 28/11/2022
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  • In this work, we investigate the existence of regular solutions in general relativity and alternative theories of gravity. In the context of general relativity, we briefly review Bardeen’s solution. We analyzed some aspects of the interpretations of this solution for when we have a source with a magnetic or electric charge. By inserting the cosmological constant, we study thermodynamics for a regular black hole. By imposing the energy conditions, we build new regular solutions that violate only the strong energy condition. In addition to the standard regular solutions, we also study the existence of black bounces in general relativity. We also study the possibility of generalizing electrically charged regular black hole solutions, built in general relativity, for f(R) theory and f(G) theory, where R is the curvature scalar G is the Gauss-Bonnet term. We build the formalism in terms of a mass function and this results in different gravitational and electromagnetic theories for each mass function, in the cases of f(R) and f(G) theories. By imposing the limit of some constant, we get again the results of general relativity.

  • Studies of High Pressure Induced Phase Transitions on (DMA)PbBr3 and (MHy)Mn(H2POO)3 Perovskites

  • Data: 09/11/2022
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  • In this work, the monocrystals of Halide perovskite Di-Methyl Lead Bromine (DMA)PbBr3 (DMA = (CH3)2NH2+) and Methyl-Hydrazine Manganese Hypophosphate (MHy)Mn(H2POO)3 (MHy = CH3N2H3) were synthesized and characterized using spectroscopic techniques. Structural, electronic and vibrational properties were studied using X-Ray Diffraction, Photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopy under high pressure conditions. For the halide-perovskite crystal, three structural phase transitions are observed in the range between 0.0 and 8.0 GPa around 0.9; 3.6 and 6.0 GPa, respectively. These transitions are induced by the off-center shift process of lead ions in the center of the octahedron structures. Initially, between 0,0 and 0.9 GPa, the crystal belongs to the hexagonal system with space group P63/mmc (phase I) and after the first phase transition it changes to the orthorhombic system with possible space group P212121 (phase II), between 1.3 and 3.1 GPa. In the second phase transition, our results indicate that the crystal belongs to the monoclinic crystalline system, exhibiting some changes in the Raman spectral profile between 3.6 and 5.6 GPa (phase III) and between 6.0 and 8.0 GPa (phase IV). Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations were performed using the orthorhombic phase as the initial structure in the pressure range between 2.0 and 6.0 GPa. These results corroborate those observed experimentally, helping us to understand and describe the behavior of the crystal in this pressure range. For the (MHy)Mn(H2POO)3 crystal, single crystal diffraction experiments were carried out, in collaboration with Professor Dr.Miroslaw Maczka, and Raman spectroscopy under high pressures. Two phase transitions are identified in the range between 0.0 and 7.9 GPa, the first being around 1.3 GPa and the second at 4.7 GPa. These transitions have their mechanism in the distortion of the hypophosphate ligants molecules (H2POO) that connect the MnO6 octahedral structures. In the first transition the crystal changes from the orthorhombic crystal system with space group Pnma (phase α) to the monoclinic system with space group P21/c (phase γ). The second phase transition (phase δ) was identified only in our Raman experiments, and it was not possible to know which crystal system and space group the material belongs to. Throughout the decompression process in our Raman experiment the sample remains stable until the pressure value around 1.3 GPa when we identify a phase transition that makes the spectral profile similar to that observed in the α phase during the sample compression. This result suggests the occurrence of the hysteresis phenomenon responsible for the suppression of the γ phase.


  • Data: 21/10/2022
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  • In this research, we used the  ab initio Real Space - Linear Muffin Tin Orbital - Atomic Sphere Approximation (RS-LMTO-ASA) method, based on the Density Functional Theory (Density Functional Theory - DFT) and implemented for the calculation of collinear and non-collinear magnetic structures, in order to analyze the magnetic properties of linear dimers and trimers consisting of 3d metals (V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co and Ni ) adsorbed on 5d-type metallic surfaces of (W(001) and Ta(001)), in addition to nanostructures composed of  3d and 5d metals on these same  5d(001) substrates. This work aimed to understand the fundamental characteristics of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (iDM) for these systems in collinear and non-collinear magnetic configurations. We obtained the ground state magnetic configurations of all systems verifying that in cases where the configuration was approximately collinear, the iDM contributions are originated from the spin-orbit coupling (SOC). It was shown that, for the non-collinear case in some of these systems, the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya-type interaction, arising from non-collinearity, presents a significant contribution. Furthermore, it was shown that for some trimers composed of Fe-W-Fe/W(001) and Mn-W-Mn/W(001) there is a competition between the Heisenberg exchange interactions and the iDM generating a complex non-collinear magnetic configuration, showing that the interdiffusion of a 5d metal  between two 3d metals  in these systems decreases the exchange interaction and raises the iDM, where the physical origin of the DM interaction between 3d-5d-type metal pairs is related to the charge current,  while between pairs of 3d-3d-type metals, the iDM comes from the spin current. Other systems such as trimers V3/Ta(001) and Fe3/W(001) also showed a non-collinear magnetic configuration due to the high values of iDM, in which the physical origin of this interaction (iDM between 3d metals) is due to the spin current plus the SOC contribution.

  • Iron and Bismuth Based Polycrystals: Synthesis, Conventional DRX and in situ with synchrotron, MEV, MET and Magnetization radiation

  • Data: 24/08/2022
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  • In this work, BiFeO3 nanocrystals and composites of this material with other crystalline phases (Bi2Fe4O9, Bi25FeO40 and Bi2O3) were obtained by the Ghosh solvent evaporation method. Changes in synthesis parameters, such as stoichiometric variations of the bismuth nitrate and iron nitrate reagents, were studied using X-ray diffraction and the Rietveld refinement method. It was concluded that these changes influence the formation of crystalline phases in the samples. The evolution and growth pattern of the crystalline phases were investigated by in situ X-ray diffraction using synchrotron radiation. The measurements were made for maximum temperatures of 400 and 500ºC. It can be seen that the formation of the BiFeO3 crystalline phase occurs at temperatures close to 385ºC. For samples with a maximum temperature of 400ºC, stabilization occurred soon after its formation, with crystallite size around 40 nm. For samples with a maximum temperature of 500ºC, it had a constant growth until reaching an average of 100 nm, stabilizing around 70 minutes after the appearance of the first peaks. The morphology of these structures was studied using both scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and it was possible to perceive the average size of the particles was compatible with the sizes identified in the XRD. Using the EDS mapping together with FFT measurements, it was possible to analyze the distribution of crystalline phases within the BiFeO3/Bi2Fe4O9 composite, where it was noticed that both Bi2Fe4O9 and the amorphous material tend to agglomerate on the surface of BiFeO3. Magnetic properties were studied through measurements of magnetization as a function of temperature, with these studies we could perceive compatible magnetic behaviors for the crystalline phases of BFO around 40~60 nm. We also noticed changes in the magnetic behavior for BiFeO3/Bi2Fe4O9 composites with higher rates of Bi2Fe4O9.


  • Free energy calculation of enzymatic reactions at ab initio level applied to the investigation of RNA methylation by the nsp16-nsp10 complex of SARS-CoV-2

  • Data: 19/08/2022
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  • In this thesis, initially, a reference potential method known as paradynamics is presented, the method is computationally implemented and tested in the reaction of the haloalkane dehalogenase enzyme with 1,2-dichloroethane (DCE). The second part of the work involves the application of a reference potential method to the study of RNA methylation of SARS-CoV-2. The inhibition of key enzymes that may contain the viral replication of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has assumed central importance in drug discovery projects. Nonstructural proteins (nsps) are essential for RNA capping and coronavirus replication since it protects the virus from host innate immune restriction. In particular, nonstructural protein 16 (nsp16) in complex with nsp10 is a Cap-0 binding enzyme. The heterodimer formed by nsp16-nsp10 methylates the 5'-end of virally encoded mRNAs to mimic cellular mRNAs and thus it is one of the enzymes that is a potential target for antiviral therapy. In this study, we have evaluated the mechanism of the 2'-O methylation of the viral mRNA cap using hybrid quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) approach. It was found that the calculated free energy barriers obtained at M062X/6-31+G(d,p) is in agreement with experimental observations. Overall, we provide a detailed molecular analysis of the catalytic mechanism involving the 2'-O methylation of the viral mRNA cap and as expected the results demonstrate that the transition state stabilization is critical for the catalysis.

  • Vibrational properties of the pyrochlore system KAWO6 (A = Ti,Fe) under extreme pressure conditions

  • Data: 29/07/2022
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  • In this work, the crystalline materials   and  are studied, which belong to the family of pyrochlore materials, where we propose to investigate the vibrational properties of such crystals in ambient conditions and in extreme pressure conditions. The  crystal had its vibrational properties investigated, under extreme hydrostatic pressure, in the range of 0.1 to 9.2 GPa, while the  crystal was studied in the range of 0.3 to 9.0 GPa. We made the attribution of the vibrational modes observed under ambient conditions, for both systems, from the results of theoretical calculations based on Wilson's FG matrices, which allowed us to have a better understanding of the vibrational nature of these systems. In order to have a better understanding of the results, in addition to the calculations, we also analyzed the evolution of the wavenumber of the observed modes with the increase in pressure and performed principal component analysis (PCA). We observed for the pyrochlore , 14 active Raman modes, at ambient pressure, with only one of these modes being suppressed with increasing pressure, around 2.8 GPa, this mode centered at 146.8 cm-1, associated with the translation of the potassium. The analysis of the evolution of wave numbers with pressure, for all other modes, shows a significant discontinuity between 5.2 and 6.0 GPa, a discontinuity that was also verified for the PCA analysis, close to the same pressure range. For the pyrochlore , we observed 13 Raman modes and the suppression of one of them with increasing pressure, around 4.6 GPa, this mode centered at 486.2 cm-1, associated with librations of the octahedrons (TiW)O6. We observed significant changes in the behavior of the evolution of wave numbers, for the other modes, between 4.6 and 6.0 GPa, which is corroborated by the PCA analysis. These results lead us to suggest that both materials undergo a first-order phase transition, with such transition for the  system taking place between 5.0 and 6.0 GPa and, for the  system, the transition takes place between 4.6 and 6.0 GPa. We conclude that the observed phase transitions have as their dominant mechanism, instability of octahedral distortions, causing the collapse of structures close to 5.0 GPa. Our results show that the effect of the differences between iron and titanium ions are not preponderant to change the pressure point where the transition occurs, that is, the exchange of these ions does not seem to be relevant. We conclude that all changes undergone by both pyrochlores are reversible, given that in the decompression experiment the spectral signature of both crystals is recovered with the return of the system to the initial conditions.

  • Bardeen-Kiselev Black Hole with Cosmological Constant

  • Data: 26/07/2022
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  • In this paper, we analyze a solution that mimics the Bardeen solution with a cosmological constant surrounded by quintessence. We obtained this by integrating the Einstein equations associated with nonlinear electrodynamics. We show what the conditions are for it to be regular throughout spacetime.

    We also describe the thermodynamics associated with this solution. First by establishing the form of Smarr's formula and the first law of thermodynamics. Then we obtained relevant quantities such as the entropy, the thermodynamic potentials and coefficients, and the compressibility factor. We found that the Black Hole can undergo phase transitions, we named these as: small, small-large, and large. We define the Helmholtz free energy, and thus construct a graph showing the range of existence of each phase. Finally, we calculate the critical exponents of the solution, for a given set of parameter values, and conclude that they are the same as for the Van der Waals fluid.


  • Data: 27/05/2022
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  • Here, we present a theoretical study of a Mn monolayer on a Fe(001) surface. The electronic structure and magnetic properties of this system are investigated via electronic structure calculations based on the Density Functional Theory (DFT). In particular, we used the first principle Real Space - Linear Muffin-Tin Orbital - Atomic Sphere Appproximation method (RS-LMTO-ASA), focusing on the investigation of the microscopic mechanisms responsible for the formation of non-collinear spin magnetic configuration. We investigate the behavior of the local magnetic properties of this system, performing calculations of the isotropic Heisenberg exchange interaction (Jij ) and the anisotropic Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (Dij ) starting from collinear and non -collinear magnetic configurations. These parameters Jij and Dij are analyzed as a function of the Fe-Fe, Mn-Mn and Fe-Mn distances in order to describe the role of these interactions in stabilizing the complex non-collinear structure inherent to this system. We show that, for the non-collinear case, the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya-like interaction presents a high contribution even in the absence of spin-orbit coupling. Our results are compared with experimental data from the



  • Data: 23/02/2022
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  • In this thesis, we investigate generalizations of the Pseudo quantum electrodynamics (PQED) -- a nonlocal dimensional projection with pseudo operators developed to deal with mixed-dimensionality systems that has flourished after it was discovered it could properly describe 2d materials.

    The description of projected photons have been extended to the case of massive photons of two different natures, one of them projected from the gauge-invariant Chern-Simons term and the other from Proca electrodynamics;  For the Pseudo-Chern-Simons formulation, we use Schwinger-Dyson equation to characterize the dynamical mass generation for the fermions and the critical limits in which  it produces a chiral symmetry breaking, while for the Pseudo-Proca, we calculate the quantum corrections that gives the Fermi velocity renormalization, interaction potential and -factor.

    Mixed-dimensionality systems, however, covers essentially any material where one kind of particle is restricted to a smaller than the other particles dimensional subset. This motivates us to also extend PQED in the sense of projecting  the interaction onto fractal geometries, but to do that, we first discuss the main ideas behind fractional calculus, giving a few examples, and then we  start the discussion on the possibility of a Fractal-PQED in the perspectives.

  • Excited State Absorption-Based Photochemistry: Porphyrins as Mediators and Probes

  • Data: 07/02/2022
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  • Playing important roles in life, science, and technology, molecular photochemistry is closely dependent on the population of reagent´s excited states. Although the usual one-photon light absorption process (OPA) is widely present in everyday examples, the adoption of high-intensity lasers opens up the opportunity to access nonlinear unusual excitation mechanisms capable of promoting reactions with several benefits, including increased selectivity, use of lowest energy photons (longer wavelengths), and less damage to adjacent components in the target system. This work is devoted to the investigation of photochemical reactions triggered by the nonlinear optical mechanism named excited state absorption (ESA). For such purpose, a nanosecond pulsed laser source is employed. In addition to allowing high-energy excited states to be populated by adopting longer wavelengths in comparison to what is practiced via OPA, ESA allows exploring the role of parities from reagents´ orbitals in the photochemical reaction pathways. Being well known ESA-active absorbers, porphyrins are adopted in this thesis simultaneously as mediators for the promotion of photochemical reactions and as molecular probes to track the formation of photoproducts. Several structures such as free base, zinc-substituted, and supramolecular porphyrins (tetraruthenated porphyrins) were investigated. Three types of ESA-based photochemical reactions are discussed in this work: (i) the photodissociation of a tetraruthenated porphyrin; (ii) the ESA-triggered porphyrin-mediated chloroform decomposition including its effects in the porphyrin structure; and (iii) the ESA-assisted photoprocessing of a zinc porphyrin. In all these cases, the initial solutions evolve to complex molecular systems in which several intermolecular interactions involving remnant reactants and photoproducts leads to phenomena such as exciplex, ground-state complexation, J-aggregation, and resonant energy transfer. The assignment of these phenomenologies is provided by steady-state and time-resolved spectroscopic methods. Systematic investigations addressing the optimal conditions (such as solvent and irradiation conditions) for ESA-based photochemistry in these systems are presented. The stability of photoproducts and the role of porphyrin´s structure are also discussed. Finally, ESA based photochemistry mediated by porphyrins is demonstrated to be a well-controlled, promising and, reliable approach to manipulating molecular systems.

  • Stokes Spectropolarimetry: apparatus, artifacts and possibilities

  • Data: 28/01/2022
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  • Polarimetry is the technique employed for determining the polarization state of a light beam; i.e., the time-averaged trajectory pattern of the wave’s electric field on a plane orthogonal to propagation. Among many versions, the rotating-waveplate polarimeter has been implemented in several single-wavelength applications to determine the Stokes parameters of light through the Stokes-Mueller formalism. The extension of such technique to spectroscopic measurements is of great interest to the materials research community, and attempts have already been made towards dispersions of the polarization state. However, even though spectral measurements have been demonstrated possible, the need for achromatic polarizing elements requires special attention to their modeling, especially the quarter-wave plate. This dissertation establishes an account of the necessary corrections of the established Fourier analysis approach to determining the Stokes parameters, which fully describe any partially polarized light beam. In this work, we visit the literature’s state-of-the-art in polarimetry and implement the rotating-waveplate polarimeter for spectral measurements with achromatic polarizing elements over the visible range (400-800 nm). Initially using the simplistic ideal model available for such items, we are able to probe strong signs of artifacts in the spectral measurements. After analyzing the broadband calibration data and revisiting the literature, we develop a better model for the waveplate, such that the real Stokes parameters may be determined apart from the intrinsic dispersive properties of the retarder; the equivalent rotatory angle, the fast axis tilt, and the retardance. Here we present the mathematical and experimental procedure to have them properly characterized and taken as correction terms in the polarimetric measurements. We also show the enhancement in precision on simulated states, as well as on application examples of solution samples, which corroborates that the remodeling is necessary, and the approach developed here is essential for reliable and trustworthy spectropolarimetric data generation and analysis.

  • Magnetic properties of multilayer Ta/FexCo1-x/W(001)

  • Data: 20/12/2021
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  • We present a theoretical study of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of bilayers Ta/Fe, Ta/Co, Ta/Fe20Co80,Ta/Fe50Co50 on a W(001). We use the first-principles method for these systems, based on Density Functional Theory (DFT), Real Space - Linear Muffin - Tin Orbital - Atomic Sphere Approximation (RS-LMTO-ASA). We analyze how the variation in the concentration of 3d metals (Fe and Co) and the inclusion of isolated defects in in the studied systems can lead to magnetic moments, the Heisenberg exchange interaction (Jij), and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (ij) interaction, and thus, verify the possibility of complex non-collinear spin structures, such as skyrmions and spin spirals, for each case.

  • Band gap renormalization, dynamic mass generation and influence of four-fermion interactions in two-dimensional systems of condensed matter physics

  • Data: 09/12/2021
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  • In this thesis, we research the behavior of the band gap on two-dimensional materials such as graphene and transition metal chalcogenides (TMD). These materials can be described using the pseudo-quantum electrodynamics (PQED), which is an effective theory suitable to depict the electromagnetic interaction between particles restricted to the plane. The low-energy excitations of the charge carriers in the graphene are describing massless Dirac fermions, while in the TMD these excitations are, approximately, depicting by massive Dirac fermions. We use the massive PQED to analyze the renormalization group functions at the large-$N$ limit, and we show that the band gap renormalization is determinate. Our theoretical result shown the function $m(n)/m_0 = (n/n_0)^{C_\lambda/2}$, being $m_0=m(n_0)$ and $C_\lambda$ a function of the coupling constant $\lambda= \pi \alpha/4$, where $\alpha$ is the fine-structure constant. Then, we compare our theoretical results with the experimental findings for tungsten diselenide (WSe$_2$) and molybdenum disulfide (MoS$_2$), and we conclude that our approach is in agreement with these experimental results for reasonable values of $\lambda$. We show that the renormalization of the Fermi velocity is similar to that found for graphene. We also investigate the role of the four-fermions interactions, which may represent the presence of impurities or disorders in the honeycomb lattice of two-dimensional materials. Firstly, we consider massless fermions in the PQED and introduce the Gross-Neveu (GN) interaction, and we take the broken phase of the chiral symmetry. Thus, we generate a mass term for the Dirac field through the gap equation. In this case, we show that there exists a critical coupling constant, namely, $\lambda \approx 0.66$ in which the beta function of the mass vanishes, providing a stable fixed point in the ultraviolet limit. For $\lambda > \lambda_c$, the renormalized mass decreases, while for $\lambda<\lambda_c $ it increases with the carrier concentration. Next, a complete set of four-fermion interactions is introduced. Under a suitable initial choice of these four-fermion interactions in the Lagrangian that defines the system, we find two possible critical values for $\lambda_c$, namely the minimal value $\lambda_c^{min}=0.26$ and the maximal value $\lambda_c^{max}=0.66$. Thus, the renormalized mass exhibits a transition in its behavior, providing a possible tuning and controlling mechanism for the renormalization of the band gap, depending on the type of material and its imperfections. We analyze the criticality of PQED coupled to the GN interaction, at both zero and finite temperatures, from dynamical mass generation. In the static regime, we show that the increase in temperature causes the system to recover the gapless phase. In the dynamical regime, we find an analytical solution for the mass function $\Sigma(p,T)$ in two different approximations for the GN coupling constant. As well as, a zero-external momentum solution for $p =0$, which the gapless phase is recovered for critical temperature. We compare our analytical results with numerical tests and a good agreement is found. Finally, to understand hybrid systems like Rhenium diselenide (ReSe$_2$) stacked on graphene, we consider PQED with massive Dirac fermions coupled with a set of four-fermion interactions treated as an effective theory at low-energy. Therefore, we perform an analysis of the functions of the renormalization group in the perturbative approach. We show that renormalized mass is described by $ m(\Lambda)/m_0 = \exp[\theta (\Lambda/\Lambda_0 -1) ] (\Lambda/ \Lambda_0)^{-\lambda/2}$, where $\lambda$ is the effective coupling constant from PQED, $\theta$ is a parameter which contains the coupling constant of the four-fermion interactions and $\Lambda$ is the energy scale (cutoff). Then, we find that for $\alpha \approx 0.15$ and $\theta \approx 1.22$ our theoretical result is in excellent agreement with the experimental measurements in the ReSe$_2$/graphene.

  • Two-loop photon self-energy in Pseudo Quantum Electrodynamics in the presence of a conducting surface

  • Data: 30/11/2021
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  • In the present monography, we investigate the influence of a grounded perfectly conducting surface on the photon self-energy of a 2 + 1D system of massless Dirac fermions, whose electron interaction is described by Pseudo Quantum Electrodynamics (PQED). We calculate the temporal component of the polarization tensor up to 2-loop perturbation order in the presence of the conducting surface and, applying the Kubo formula, we obtain the longitudinal and optical conductivities of such system. When the distance between the system and the plate tends to infinity, we recover the correspondent results found in the literature. Since PQED proved to give a good description of the transport properties of graphene, our results can be useful as an alternative way to control the longitudinal and optical conductivities of this material.


  • Data: 31/08/2021
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  • This work presents an analytical study of the electronic transport in dimerized trans- polyacetylene (Trans-PA) oligomers containing even and odd chains, symmetrically coupled to metallic electrodes (left and right), in T-shaped geometry using the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model via the Heisenberg equation of motion combined with the Keldysh formalism. We introduce disorder into the system through the dimerization force   demonstrating that chain dimerization can effectively lead to a reduction or increase in peak conductance.  The odd chain exhibits a trivial topological behavior, with the conductance peaks being considerably suppressed as the dimerization disturbance is varied. On the other hand, we have an opposite behavior in the even chain; for example, the string with dimming   has an almost perfect transmission. Furthermore, we observed for the odd chain the formation of a plateau in the I-V characteristic curve for high bias voltages and for an even chain it shows a current that has a linear behavior. This procedure presents an analytical study through the tuning of parameters in the device. Such parameters with tunneling amplitude are in accordance with the geometry described in experimental works.

  • Tidal Forces in Dirty Black Holes Spacetimes

  • Data: 31/08/2021
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  • In the past few years, observations of the strong regime of gravitation are generating data that agree with the Theory of General Relativity. The black hole is the main object associated with this regime. The space-time associated with a black hole in a vacuum is described by it’s mass and it’s angular momentum. Situations where there is material content around the black hole, such as the accretion disk, can contribute to the intensity of the gravitational field. The tidal force is an effect directly associated with the curvature of space-time, and therefore, it can be influenced by the presence of matter in the vicinity of a black hole. In this dissertation, we study solutions of the Einstein field equation for stationary spacetimes and with spherical symmetry, assuming the presence of a “dirtiness”, whose properties are characterized by the energy momentum tensor, which can influence the properties of spacetime. We show that the “dirtiness” change directly the characteristics of spacetime, especially the tidal forces, and may even present characteristics that are absent when compared to the case of a black hole in a vacuum. We apply our results to the specific cases of a Schwarzschild black hole with a spherical shell around it and to black holes with the presence of a linear and nonlinear electromagnetic field.

  • Radiation emission and light-rings 

  • Data: 29/07/2021
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  • The theory of General Relativity is one of the greatest achievements of the 20th century physics. Formulated by Einstein, General Relativity was established as a metric theory of gravitation. One of the main results of Einstein’s theory are Black Hole solutions. Black Holes started in General Relativity as controversial theoretical predictions to reach nowadays a remarkable scenario of experimental evidences. The study of fields defined in a Black Hole spacetime has shown to be a great area for testing new ideas, at both classical and quantum level. This dissertation is divided into two parts. In the first part, we investigate analytically the power radiated by a scalar particle in circular geodesic orbits around a Schwarzschild Black Hole. The radial scalar field modes are written in terms of confluent Heun functions. We obtain the emitted power using the framework of quantum field theory in curved spacetimes at tree level. We compare our analytical results with the numerical ones, obtaining excellent agreement. In the second part, we review recent theorems that show sufficient conditions for light-rings to exist around stationary, axisymmetric, asymptotically flat Black Holes. Although these results are quite generic, there are spacetimes that are not contemplated in the theorem hypotheses. We discuss how to work out the theorem for the non asymptotically flat Ernst spacetime.

  • Some Perturbative Aspect of Massive Pseudo-Quantum Electrodynamics

  • Data: 27/07/2021
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  • In this work, we use pseudo-quantum electrodynamics (PQED) to describe the interactions between electrons that form the π bond of two-dimensional condensed matter systems that obey the Dirac equation, that propagates with the Fermi velocity. More specifically, we use PQED to describe transition metal dichalcogenides and investigate the effect of the interaction on mass (bandgap) renormalization of these systems via the renormalization group in the perturbative approach. This theoretical result was compared with the experimental results present in the literature obtaining results consistent with the method used. The renormalization of the Fermi velocity was also investigated considering the thermal-bath system; it was obtained in an expression of the renormalized velocity that when we disregard the temperature we return to the known expression of the Fermi velocity without temperature.

  • Study of azithromycin crystal at low temperatures and high pressures by Raman scattering

  • Data: 27/07/2021
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  • In this work we evaluated the stability of Azithromycin dihydrate (AZM-DH) when subjected to high pressures and low temperatures using techniques of Raman spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) an use of Density Functional Theory (DFT) for the classification of normal modes. AZM-DH is an antibiotic of the macrolide subclass generally used in antibacterial activity, and, like many drugs, it presents polymorphism which leads to the existence of several structural phases reported in the literature. Despite being a medicine that has been used for a long time, the lack of further information about it when subjected to different pressures and temperature led us to elaborate this work. In this work the AZM-DH crystal was studied under ambient conditions (temperature and pressure), at high pressures and low temperatures. The classification of normal modes of vibration was determined from quantum calculations via Density Functional Theory (DFT). According to the X-ray diffraction measurements, the crystalline phase of AZM-DH is found in the orthorhombic system of the P212121 space group and its lattice parameters were determined using the Rietveld method of structure refinement. Then, the stability of the AZM-DH crystal at low temperatures (300 -7 k) allowed us to admit that AZM-DH has a reversible behavior at low temperatures, with conformational changes and linear behavior of the modes. In general the bands become narrower as the temperature decreases and some modes appear. The modes in general present a linear behavior, there is a change in intensity of the bands and narrowing mainly from 220 K onwards. For the study at high pressures using Raman scattering with pressure values ranging from 0.0 to 6.1 GPa. From the analysis of the behavior of the band profile as a function of pressure, we observed several spectral changes associated with superposition and disappearance of modes. In addition, we evaluate the behavior of all normal modes (wavenumber) as a function of pressure (P) through wavenumber vs. plots. pressure which showed that all vibrational modes are linear and therefore could be adjusted with a straight line (ω = ω0 + α.P). therefore, almost all modes showed smooth discontinuities from the pressure of 1.1 GPa indicating that AZM molecules undergo conformational changes within the unit cell. Also, we can highlight that there is an indication of pre-amorphization for pressure values above 4.0 GPa. Another important point is regarding the crystal decompression experiment which shows the thermodynamic process is completely reversible.


  • Data: 26/07/2021
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  • In this research, we used the Real Space - Linear Muffin Tin Orbital - Atomic Sphere Approximation (RS-LMTO-ASA) method, based on Density Functional Theory (DFT) and implemented for the calculation of non-collinear magnetic structures, to study magnetic properties of dimers (Cr, Mn, and Fe) adsorbed on metallic surfaces Cu(001), W(001) and Pt(001). Motivated by recent theoretical studies, we seek to study fundamental characteristics of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction for collinear and non-collinear magnetic structures of the dimers. We demonstrate that, for the non-collinear case, the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya-type interaction presents an expressive contribution even in the absence of spin-orbit coupling.


  • Some aspects of massive Pseudo Quantum Electrodynamics coupled with scalar and vector fields

  • Data: 31/05/2021
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  • In the last decades, raised a great interest in the planar theories study, mainly is due with its applications in condensed matter and in high energies physics. The discovery of massive and non-massive Dirac excitations in two-dimensional materials connected the physics of high-energy with condensed matter. In this context, we highlight the contributions of the pseudo quantum electrodynamics (PQED), also known as reduced quantum electrodynamics (RQED). This is an unitary U(1) gauge theory which describes the electromagnetic interaction in planar systems, preserving Coulomb's potential. The PQED has been used in the description of these materials and achieving results compatible with experimental measurements. In the present work, we study the perturbative and non-perturbative aspects of PQED added to terms that, in general, give mass to the mediating field excitations of the interaction. Such terms one Proca, Chern-Simons, and non-local Chern-Simons. We calculate the static interaction potentials, observing the screening effect and the electron-electron bound states formation, highlighting the deep connection between the dimensional reduction process and the mediating field mass. Moreover, the normalized mass and Fermi velocity for these theories were derived, extending PQED known results.

  • Massless Scalar Absorption by a Charged Regular Black Hole 

  • Data: 26/02/2021
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  • Along more than two decades, several works on regular black holes (RBHs) spacetimes, i.e., black holes (BHs) solutions without intrinsic singularities, based on the minimal coupling between gravity and nonlinear electrodynamics (NED) models, were published. At the same time, efforts have been made to understand how RBHs interact with the astrophysical environment, but many issues on that are yet to be understood. We study the absorption cross section (ACS) of a massless scalar field in the background of an Ayón-Beato-García (ABG) RBH solution, which is a NED-based electrically charged RBH. We also analyze the main differences between ABG and Reissner-Nordström (RN) spacetimes. To compute the ACS we solve the Klein-Gordon equation for arbitrary values of the field frequency adopting a numerical approach. We show that, for small-to-moderate values of the electric charge, an ABG RBH can mimic the absorption properties of a RN BH in the whole frequency regime.

  • Majorana Field Effect Transistor. Majorana Fermion Detection and Transport Properties

  • Data: 18/12/2020
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  • Recently, experimental nano-device composed by a semiconductor and superconductor hybrid nanowire structure has been used as a superconductive topological phase which have boosted the area of condensed matter physics to detect and control Majorana bound states (MBSs). In this work we obtain analytically the transport properties as current and conductance in a system formed by a quantum point with a single level connected to a Kitaev chain deposited on a superconductor s-wave to identify the signature of Majorana Zero Modes (Majorana fermions in solid state). For this, we use the Non-Equilibrium Green’s Functions (NEGF) also named as Keldysh formalism. Then, we derive the Meir-Wingreen formula to non-equilibrium situations similar the Landauer-Büttiker formula for the current (I-V curve) in equilibrium situations. With base in the Keldysh formalism, we use the matrix form to apply the computational method and obtain the I-V and conductance (G-V) curves to characterize the system under investigation. The characteristic of the 𝐼-𝑉 curve of the system identifies Majorana modes and the resonance in the G-V curve show a behavior of the system analogous to the behavior of the current in a field effect transistor (FET).

  • Scalar field around compact objects in alternative theories of gravity

  • Data: 26/11/2020
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  • Scalar fields have been studied over the years in many different scenarios of theoretical physics. Due to the mathematical simplicity of the spin-0 field, it can be used as a first approach in many theoretical models. Moreover, recent researches point out that the scalar field can be astrophysically relevant. We analyse scalar fields in the context of General Relativity (GR) and in alternative theories of gravity. In particular, we search for compact objects generated by scalar distributions in GR and beyond. In the GR scenario, we directly integrate the field equations to obtain the well-known static and spherically symmetric solution of the Einstein-Klein-Gordon system, first studied by Fisher and revisited many times over the years, in particular by Wyman. We also consider a modified theory with a nonlinear gravity Lagrangian, that besides the Ricci scalar dependence, has a dependence on Ricci-squared scalar. In this scenario, to directly integrate the field equations is not simple, so that, to avoid these difficulties, we extend a recent method that maps solutions of GR into solutions of alternative theories of gravity. Moreover, we analyse a Schwarzschild-like metric, proposed by Johannsen and Psaltis, characterized by its mass and a deformation
    parameter, and consider the spin-0 field in the vicinity of this deformed black hole. We compute the absorption cross-section of massless scalar waves and check our numerical results using the analytical sinc approximation valid in the high-frequency regime, finding excellent

  • Buracos Negros Regulares com Multihorizontes

  • Data: 31/08/2020
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  • Neste trabalho, propusemos novas soluções de buracos negros regulares que possuem multihori-
    zontes, as quais são formadas pelo produto direto de soluções já conhecidas na literatura, que são

    descritas através do acoplamento da gravitação com a Eletrodinâmica não-Linear. Analisamos a

    regularidade, o campo elétrico e as condições de energia de cada solução. A condição de energia
    forte sempre é violada dentro do horizonte de eventos em todas as soluções, as outras condições
    de energia dependem fortemente da razão entre as cargas extremas das soluções isoladas. Para as
    soluções com até quatro horizontes, apresentamos dois exemplos, Bardeen-Culetu e Balart-Culetu.
    Ambas soluções são regulares, mas a primeira nunca pode satisfazer todas as condições de energia,
    com exceção da condição de energia forte, pois possui razão entre cargas extrema de 1.57581. Já a
    segunda solução pode satisfazer todas as outras condições de energia, com exceção da condição de
    energia forte, e possui razão entre cargas extrema de 1.09915, valor que permite essa característica.
    Propusemos também uma solução regular com até seis horizontes, Balart-Culetu-Dymnikova, onde,
    para um determinado valor de carga, podemos vericar que satisfaz todas as condições de energia,
    com exceção da condição de energia forte. Isso foi possível devido a razão entre as cargas extremas
    não serem muito elevadas. Propomos soluções com número de horizontes qualquer. Soluções com
    multihorizontes podem apresentar propriedades exóticas, como densidade de energia negativa, ou
    violação das condições de energia, mas que podem ser contornadas com uma escolha apropriada de
    soluções isoladas e valores de cargas extremas, resultando em soluções de buracos negros regulares
    que satisfazem as condições de energia com exceção da condição de energia forte.


  • Data: 31/07/2020
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  • In the last decades, supramolecular chemistry has been explored in many technologies. Porphyrin-based structures present themselves as promising materials for applications that range from photo-catalysis to disease treatments. Among their several distinct supramolecular configurations, the attachment of ruthenium complexes in the outer sites of a porphyrin has attracted interest since such compounds are capable of modulating the photophysical processes of porphyrin molecules, which manifest as new features in their spectroscopic responses. Here, we study the effects of attaching the RuCl2(CO)(PPh3)2(DMF) ruthenium complex in each pyridyl moiety of both free-base tetra(4-pyridyl) porphyrin and its zinc derivative. The main changes introduced by the presence of ruthenium complexes in the electronic and vibronic B- and Q-bands and in the excited-state deactivation processes of these porphyrins are discussed. Our results show that the presence of outlying groups significantly affects the vibronic transitions as well as the relaxation pathways of the investigated tetrapyridyl porphyrins. 

  • Scalar radiation emitted by a source orbiting a Schwarzschild-de Sitter black hole

  • Data: 29/04/2020
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  • The recent detection of gravitational waves and the first image captured of a black hole shadow has increased the interest in black holes. Around these black holes, we can study the strong field regime of gravitation, which constitutes an essential feature of the General Theory of Relativity (GTR). Furthermore, the study of solutions of the GTR field equations with non-zero cosmological constant is important, since experimental evidence indicates that our cosmological neighborhood is undergoing an accelerated expansion. We study the scalar field theory in a spherically symmetric spacetime with positive cosmological constant associated to the Schwarzschild-de Sitter black hole. The scalar field is quantized using the prescription of Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetimes. We calculate the emitted power from a scalar source orbiting a Schwarzschild-de Sitter black hole, using numerically obtained solutions for the scalar field. We compare our results with those obtained in the case of a scalar source orbiting a Schwarzschild black hole.

  • Shadows of charged rotating black holes:Kerr-Newman versus Kerr-Sen

  • Data: 28/04/2020
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  • With the success of the international collaboration Event Horizon Telescope (EHT)observations, culminating in the first image of the black hole shadow in the center of M87galaxy, many studies have been published on the bending of light due to gravitationalfields of compact objects. In particular, as it is expected that the theory of General Relativity(GR) change in quantum regimes, the analysis of the black hole shadow, naturalconfigurations to explore the quantum effects of gravity, can be a tool to help the comparisonbetween black hole solutions in GR and in other theories of gravity. Thus, weanalyze and compare, in this dissertation, the shadow of two charged and rotating blackholes: the Kerr-Sen black hole, which appears as a solution of the equations of low-energyheterotic string theory, one of the main candidates for the quantum theory of gravity; andthe Kerr-Newman black hole, a solution to Einstein-Maxwell equations in GR. We showthat the Kerr-Sen black hole always has a larger shadow for the same physical parametersand observation conditions, and we present an interpretation for these results.

  • Crystals; amino acids; dopants,;complexes; transition metals; X-ray diffraction; synchrotron radiation; thermal analysis, high temperatures

  • Data: 20/04/2020
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  • In this work, crystals of Bis(L-histidinate) Ni(II) monohydrate, L-asparagine monohydrate pure and with dopants (Mn(II), Fe(III), Ni(II) and Cu(II)) were obtained by the method of slow evaporation of solvent at controlled temperature. Crystal structures were confirmed by the Rietveld refinement method. Bis(L-histidinate) Ni(II) monohydrate crystal has monoclinic symmetry and C2 space group, while monohydrate L-asparagine crystals pure and with dopants have orthorhombic symmetry and P2₁2₁2₁ space group. All crystals have four molecules per unit cell (Z = 4). The structural properties of these crystals were investigated by X-ray powder diffraction at high temperatures using synchrotron radiation, in the range of 300 to 740 K. The thermal properties were investigated by thermal analysis (DTA and TG) at high temperatures, in the range of 300 at 773 K. At 409 K the Bis(L-histidinate) Ni(II) monohydrate crystal presents changes in its diffraction pattern that indicate the beginning of a structural phase transition. This phase transition is supported by discontinuities in the lattice parameters and the relative parameters indicate that the thermal expansion is anisotropic. The structure of the new phase has not yet been identified, but the arrangement must be non-hydrated. At 600 K the diffraction peaks lose intensities until they are extinguished. At 358 K, the monohydrate L-asparagine crystal presents changes in its diffraction pattern that indicate the beginning of a structural phase transition. This phase transition is supported by discontinuities in the lattice parameters and the relative parameters indicate that the thermal expansion is anisotropic and negative along the a-axis. The structure of the new phase presents monoclinic symmetry, space group P2₁ and two molecules per unit cell (Z = 2). At 474 K the diffraction peaks lose intensities until they are extinguished. Thermal analysis measurements confirm these transformations for all crystals, all being endothermic. The first transformation is associated with dehydration and the second with degradation. For crystals of L-asparagine monohydrate with dopants (Mn(II), Fe(III), Ni(II) and Cu(II)) these same structural phase transitions are observed, but start at different temperatures. The different transition temperatures, as well as the changes in the diffraction patterns of the different doped crystals were interpreted as being effects of metals on the structure of L-asparagine monohydrate.

  • Study of the stability of the stearic acid crystal in the Bm form under high pressure via Raman Spectroscopy

  • Data: 31/01/2020
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  • In this work, we study the stearic-acid crystal in the Bm form submitted to high pressures through the Raman spectroscopy. In addition, the X-ray diffraction experiment was performed to determine the phase of the crystal. In order, the polymorphic phase was identified and the experimental diffraction pattern was refined using the Rietveld’s method to obtain the structural parameters of the monoclinic lattice, where was obtained the value of S = 2.15, showing a good agree with the theoretical pattern of the crystal. The Raman results obtained at high pressures have indicated several insights that the crystal undergone possible phase changes. The first change occurred near 1.6 GPa, which was characterized as a possible structural phase transition; the second change was observed at about 4.7 GPa, which was characterized as a possible structural transition, also; and the third change was attributed to a conformational transition Complementarily, calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) were performed to simulate the experimental Raman spectrum obtained at around 1.6 GPa, which regarding the simulated spectrum, the new polymorphic phase of stearic-acid crystal belongs to A form and thus, reinforcing the our hypothesis about the first phase transition.


  • Data: 31/01/2020
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  • In this work, a study on the vibrational properties of the molecule 5,10,15,20-tetra(4-pyridyl)-21H,23H-porphyrin (tetrapyridyl free base porphyrin or H2TPyP) in crystalline form is addressed. X-ray diffraction measurements were performed and the analysis of the diffractogram confirms the crystalline structure of the sample. However, in the present work, no further conclusions about the crystal space group or its lattice constants were achieved. Raman spectroscopy measurements were performed and the assignment of the vibrational modes from H2TPyP was accomplished by comparing the experimental Raman spectra obtained in ambient conditions and the spectra obtained by means of computational simulation considering an isolated molecule. In addition, the behavior of the vibrational modes of the molecule under different hydrostatic pressure conditions and different excitation laser lines was studied. In the latter, the Raman spectra obtained with laser lines 488 nm and 532 nm display different vibrational modes: the spectrum obtained with the 532 nm laser line present some modes with no correspondents in the spectrum obtained with the 488 nm laser line. This effect was understood as a manifestation of the molecule Raman scattering resonant character that responds differently when excited in different optical absorption bands. The molecule was also subjected to high pressures, until 7.7 GPa and, for each pressure, the Raman spectrum was obtained with the 488 nm laser line. It is observed that the Raman modes are, in general, shifted to higher wavenumbers with the increasing pressure. Furthermore, some Raman modes appear with the compression and those are compatible with the previously observed modes in the spectrum obtained with the 532 nm laser line under ambient pressure that initially had no correspondents in the spectra obtained with 488 nm laser line under ambient pressure as well. Such observation suggests that this effect occurs due to the change on the resonance conditions of the molecules that are associated to those modes. It was also observed the splitting of some Raman peaks into new peaks with different evolution rates ( ). This effect was attributed to a pressure-dependent symmetry lowering, which indicates a preferential direction to the molecular distortion with compression due to the presence of the central nitrogen-hydrogen bonds. The decompression analysis shows that this process follows a reverse path when compared to the compression, which indicates an almost complete reversibility.

  • Active Matter Dynamics in Geometries of Low dimensionality

  • Data: 30/12/2019
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  • In this work is studied the dynamical behavior of an active particles system (self-propelled) which diffuses in low spatial dimensions environments. The approach is performed upon computer simulations via brownian dynamics, which takes into account the particles are subjected to viscous drag forces due to the fluid. Besides, fluctuations govern the particles dynamics, leading to random changes both on translational and rotational movement. By adding to the influence of the latter ones, the particle movement occurs under spatial restriction, which significantly changes their dynamics and it leads to the  interesting out of equilibrium phenomena. As example, particles adhesion at rigid contours and sorting of components in heterogeneous system via statistical noise are common realizations in the literature about confined active matter. We discuss how the quasi-1D trapping leads to structural arrangement of the system and it gives rise unidirectional clusters and, as a result of such an arrangement, periodic structures of triangular type are formed for a given channel width. Further, we investigate how diffusion is affected by a periodic wells lattice. The immediate trapping of only some species allow to obtain trapped and free states, a phase separation example. Such a trapping capacity is strongly related to certain parameters, as depth, size and spacing among wells. With this in mind, we search to understand as those parameters set influence on the particles residence time in the attraction regions, and with this to establish relations between the wells lattice configuration and diffusion regimes. For this, we studied how the substrate geometry affects the available space for the particles to diffuses via the calculations of the mean square displacement (MSD) and residence time. Thus, we search a better comprehension of the transitions among diffusive regimes.

    We do not have only interest how the wells lattice rules the dynamical behavior of the ensemble. Such a substrate simulates the effect of a periodic optical tweezers lattice, very employed technique when the objective is to manipulate objects of nano- and microscopic scale, as well as to trap them in certain regions. Large applications employ optical tweezers in separation processes when, for instance, the system is composed of constituents of varied sizes in presence of external fields; manipulation and trapping of small matter portions have broad applications in Medicine, Biology and Physics, just to cite some examples. Therefore, a measure of the wells confining effect is realized by calculating, for example, the MSD of the system, which give us a clear view of the temporal evolution of the same one.

  • Pseudo-Quantum Electrodynamics in the Presence of Partially Reflective Surfaces

  • Data: 04/12/2019
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  • In 1993, Marino proposed the Pseudo-Quantum Electrodynamics (PQED) [E. C. Marino, Nucl. Phys. B, Vol. 408, 551 (1993)], an effective gauge theory in (2+1)D, obtained through the dimensional reduction of the Quantum Electrodynamics (3+1)D (QED) and which, although being a non-local theory, it respects the causality and unitarity, describing the coulombian interaction between static charges in the plane. In the present work, we considered the dimensional reduction that leads us to PQED, such as made by Marino but incorporating the boundary conditions effects imposed by the presence of a partially reflective surface to the electromagnetic field. In this manner, We propose an effective model that fits with the theory recently denominated in the literature as cavity Pseudo-Quantum Electrodynamics. A direct application of this model, also developed in this present work, is the obtaining of the Fermi velocity renormalization for an electron in a graphene sheet near a conducting plate, which is approached in the static interaction regime of the theory.


  • Superfícies Espessas Parcialmente Refletoras Descritas via Formalismo Lagrangiano para o Campo Eletromagnético

  • Data: 30/09/2019
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  • Starting from first principles, we built a lagrangian density that describes the interaction between the electromagnetic field and a dielectric, linear, homogeneous, partially reflective and uniaxial medium. The lagrangian is composed by the usual Maxwell lagrangian added of two terms. One of them referring to the electric transverse polarization (TE modes) of the field and the other referring to the magnetic transverse polarization (TM modes). We investigated two situations: a finite thickness medium and an infinitesimal thickness medium. We obtained the photon propagator and with an application we calculated the interaction between these medium and a punctual charge. For the null thickness case, with some choices of the parameters that turn the medium into a purely electric one, we reobtain the same lagrangian proposed in an ad hoc manner by Barone and Barone [F. A. Barone & F. E. Barone, Phys. Rev. D, vol. 89, 065020 (2014)].

  • Molecular electronics of 2D carbon allotrope with 5 and 8 rings

  • Data: 09/05/2019
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  • In the present work, we investigated the electronic properties of structures based on a 2D carbon allotrope formed by rings 5 and 8 called POPGraphene, using the hydrogenation edges of POPGraphene nanoribbons and the doping with N, B, or N and B atoms, in order to propose applications in molecular electronics. For the study, the Density Functional Theory was implemented for the optimization of the structures, and the Density Functional Theory combined with the Non-Equilibrium Green Functions method to obtain the electronic transport properties. The band structure results show that, among the proposed unit cells, the POPGraphene cell has a topological insulator character, and the others have a metallic behavior. The results for the electronic transport properties shows that the POPGraphene nanodevice has characteristics that resemble a Field Effect Transistor in the analyzed range, the hydrogenated one presents a Field Effect Transistor behavior in the range of -0.07 V to 0.07 V and of a Resonant Tunneling Diode in the range from -0.70 V (0.70 V) to -1.00 V (1.00 V), the doped with B presents a Field Effect Transistor behavior in the analyzed range, the doped with N presents a Field Effect Transistor behavior in the range of -0.10 V (0.10 V) to -1.00 V (1.00 V), and the doped with B and N presents a Field Effect Transistor behavior in the range of -0.70 V to 0.70 V and of a Light Emitting Diode in the range of -0.70 V (0.70 V) to -1.00 V (1.00 V). The results show that structures based on POPGraphene appear as a great alternative for the development of nanodevices and applications in molecular electronics.

  • Tidal Forces in Kerr Spacetime

  • Data: 30/04/2019
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  • Since the proposal of Einstein's field equations of General Relativity, many solutions have been found. The first exact solution was found by Karl Schwarzschild and describes the spacetime outside a spherically symmetric, chargeless, and nonrotating body.  Among the various solutions known nowadays, there is the Kerr geometry, which is a black hole solution. It was proposed by Roy Patrick Kerr in 1963.  The Kerr solution describes the spacetime outside a rotating and chargeless black hole. Rotating black hole solutions are important in Astrophysics context. It is suggested by experimental data that the majority of black hole candidates in our Universe possess non-vanishing angular momentum, therefore are described by Kerr solution.  In the context of General Relativity theory, tidal forces are related to the curvature tensor and give rise to the geodesic deviation. Tidal forces in Schwarzschild spacetime are well known in the literature, but tidal forces for rotating black hole geometries have not been fully explored. In this dissertation, we analyze the tidal forces produced by a Kerr black hole. We present a tetrad frame which is orthonormal and parallel-propagated along any geodesic, and compute the components of the tidal tensor with respect to this tetrad frame. We present some particular cases, as the geodesic motion at the equatorial plane, and along the symmetry axis of the Kerr black hole. We also solve the geodesic deviation equation for geodesic motion along the symmetry axis of the Kerr black hole and analyze the behavior of the components of the geodesic deviation vector for different values of the rotation parameter.

  • Cavity Effects in the Fermi Velocity Renormalization in Graphene

  • Data: 22/02/2019
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  • In the present work, we investigated, using the Pseudo Quantum Electrodynamics, how the renormalization of the Fermi velocity in a graphene sheet is affected by conductive at surfaces in its vicinity. First, we review the effect of a single grounded conductive surface, and later we investigate a cavity formed by two grounded conducting surfaces. We show that the inhibition of the renormalization of the Fermi velocity occurred in the first case is enlarged by the cavity in a non-additive manner. This means that the result of the cavity is not the simple sum of the isolated results coming from two conductive plates. In addition, we also discuss the case in which the graphene is in a dielectric medium with a dielectric constant  separated by a planar interface from another medium with a dielectric constant . For this case, we show that the inhibition of the renormalization of the Fermi velocity is larger for the case  than for the case . The influence of external media on the properties of two-dimensional systems, we call Cavity Pseudo Quantum Electrodynamics.

  • Study of the thermal stability of myristic (C form) and stearic (Bm form) acids

  • Data: 21/02/2019
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  • This work aims the study of the vibrational properties of myristic (C form) and stearic (Bm form) acid crystals under room temperature, as well as the thermal stability at low temperatures through Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques. From the recrystallization were obtained crystals of both the fatty acids with symmetry monoclinic belonging to (C 52h )-space group with four molecules per unit cell (Z=4), which was confirmed by X-ray diffraction. Thus, aiming to evaluate the thermodynamic stability of both the crystals, were performed using room- and low-temperature Raman and X-ray diffraction measurements. In addition, the vibration normal modes of the stearic crystal were analyzed using polarized Raman spectroscopy at two scattering geometries, in this case, on the Z(YY)Z and Z(XX)Z polarizations, which were assigned with help of Raman data already published in the literature. Also, the vibrational frequencies of myristic acid were obtained using density functional theory calculations, and the results were compared with experimental Raman and infrared data. From the low-temperature Raman spectra results of on the myristic and stearic acid crystals, we observed that the effects of temperature on their monoclinic phases have promoted conformational changes in molecules within the unit cell that are associated with changes involving rearrangement of hydrogen bonds within the unit cell. Additionally, X-ray diffraction experiments provided additional information about the cryogenic behaviour of the crystalline structure of both fatty acids. The two crystals undergoned conformational phase transitions, which were confirmed by differential scanning calorimetry through enthalpy anomalies observed at low temperatures.

  • Scalar Absorption for Static and Chargeless Black Holes in Einstein-dilaton-Gauss-Bonnet Theories

  • Data: 10/12/2018
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  • We investigate the behavior of the absorption cross section of the massless scalar field by a static and chargeless black hole in the context of the Einstein-dilaton-Gauss- Bonnet (EdGB) theories. For comparative purposes, we also present the results of the massless scalar field absorption cross section in the Schwarzschild geometry, which is the exterior geometry of a static and chargeless black hole in the context of the General Relativity (GR) theory. In the limit in which the frequency of the scalar field tends to zero, for a static and chargeless black hole, the absorption cross section tends to the value of the area of the event horizon, for both the GR theory (Schwarzschild) and the EdGB theories. We show that the greater is the value of the Gauss-Bonnet constant, the greater will be the value of the absorption cross section. We present plots of the absorption cross sections, which were obtained by computational methods. The results obtained in this work corroborate the fact that the EdGB theories belong to a very promising set as alternative theories to GR.

  • Effect of Mechanical Tension on Electronic Transport in Systems 1D and Quasi-1D

  • Data: 08/11/2018
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  • In the present work was studied the ballistic and inelastic electronic transport properties of single-molecule composed by polyyne coupled to Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNTs) closed on tips under mechanical strain. It was analyzed the I-V, G-V and T-V curves through of the system under mechanical compression, equilibrium and distension. The results showed that while the mechanical strain displace the energy levels and change the band gaps in the closed tips of the SWCNTs (Egap equilibrium ¿ Egap distension ¿ Egap compression), the applied bias voltage break the degeneracy in the states of SWCNTs tips and it defines the conductance (G) along the system. The analysis of Projected Density of States (PDOS) suggests that the higher contribution of the I-V curve comes from the superposition of the closed nanotube tip states, which is in agreement with the T-V curve found. The obtained I-V curve allow us to consider the device obtained as a transistor. Through results obtained by Inelastic Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy (IETS), it was possible to perform a detailed analysis from chemical bonds of the polyyne molecule in three configurations studied. The displacements of raman spectra peaks calculated showed a structural transition from polyyne to cumulene in the configuration where the system is distended.

  • Research on the vibrational properties of the material Tunton's salt (NH+4)2Fe+2(SO-24)2.6(H2O) by Raman spectroscopy under extreme conditions of temperature and pressure.
  • Data: 31/10/2018
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  • The material Ferrous Sulphate Ammonium Hexahydrate (NH+4)2Fe+2(SO-24)2.6(H2O) SFA, which belongs to the family of materials known as Tutton's Salt is formed mainly by octahedrons of [Fe(H2O)6]2+ and tetrahedrons of SO-24 and NH+4. 243 vibrational modes are predicted by group theory at k = 0 including the 3 acoustic modes, which are distributed as follows: Γ234 = 57Ag + 57Bg + 60Au + 60Bu. In Chapter 2, we discuss fundamental concepts and relationships that are used in the formulation of the techniques used to investigate the phenomena observed in this work, such as: Raman Spectroscopy, X-Ray Diffraction and Group Theory. Chapter 3 provides technical information on the equipment and materials used in this work, as well as the methodology of the experiments. In Chapter 4 we present the experimental results that are divided into sections, where in the first section we obtain results by X-ray diffraction and also information acquired through structure refinement (Rietveld). This refinement presents a great excellence in its parameters of quality. The results are consistent with the literature. For the section of group theory we present the results in two parts where, in the first part, we see how the vibrational contributions of each group of atoms that make up the crystal are divided and classified, according to the Groups Theory. In the second part, we provide information about the vibrational behavior of the SFA crystal and perform the assignment of modes in Raman spectra. Correlation is done for the internal vibrational modes of the octahedral and tetrahedral geometries through the sites of symmetry with the representations of the crystal factor group C2h. In the section where the polarized Raman results are presented, we have seen how the change in the light scattering geometry can give us different information about the polarizations of a crystal, especially for the SFA. We found that in the region between 50 cm-1 e 200 cm-1, modes are presented in all geometries. We also conclude that only the mode in 300 cm-1 belongs entirely to geometry y(zx)y. We verified the emergence of one of the modes  in geometry x(yy)x at 550 cm-1 . The stretches  are observed in all polarization configurations. In the section on results of high temperatures, we analyzed the vibrational behavior of the SFA crystal and concluded that the exit of the water molecules of the structure, around 83 ºC, is the main responsible for the changes observed in the Raman spectra, in fact, the loss hydrogen bonds directly affect the folding and stretching of the molecular groups SO-24 that make up the neighborhood of the complex [Fe(H2O)6]2+. When we reach the temperature of 93 ºC is observed the beginning of the degradation of the material, where we see that the translations and librations of the molecular groups NH+4 and SO-24, in the interval between 20 cm-1 e 100 cm-1, together with the  folding and stretching , both associated with the complex [Fe(H2O)6]2+, cease to exist in the Raman spectra. Finally, in the section with the results of high pressures, we have the possible identification of two phases in the following pressure ranges: from 0.1 GPa to 4.5 GPa, and between 6, 1 GPa to 10.1 GPa. The first phase being the most crystalline followed by an intermediate phase between 4.5 GPa and 6,1 GPa, leading to the second phase, less crystalline, but not totally amorphous. This hypothesis is not conclusive, it is necessary to perform some more experiments to obtain more enlightening results on this phenomenon, such as, for example, X-ray Diffraction with pressure. Finally we present the conclusions of the work, as well as its perspectives.

  • Characterization of the Y1.6Ga0.4(MoO4)3 system under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature

  • Data: 30/10/2018
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  • In this work, an analysis of the Y1.6Ga0.4(MoO4)3 system submitted to pressure conditions and extreme temperatures is presented. Raman spectroscopy was the main analysis technique used in this work. Auxiliary techniques such as X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and ab initio calculations were also used. In our analyzes, we suggest that the material Y1.6Ga0.4(MoO4)3 crystallizes in orthorhombic structure belonging to the space group Pbcn. We identified that the sample consists of grains ranging from 1 μm to 10 μm on average. Measurements of Raman spectroscopy showed that the material presents, under ambient conditions, the presence of water molecules in its structure, which causes a large degree of disorder that is proportional to the number of water molecules. We observed that above 84 °C a structural transformation occurs in the material caused by the exit of the water molecules, which leads to an increase in the degree of crystallinity of the material. It also occurs the appearance of a mode around 878 cm-1, which is not present in the material not doped with Gallium ions. We conclude, together with the results of the calculations, that this new mode is related to the symmetrical stretch of the molybdate groups close to the Gallium ions. Measurements at low temperatures have shown that the orthorhombic phase of the material does not have a more stable phase with energy close to it that can allow a structural transformation to an even lower energy of this system. Our analyzes of the high-pressure results in the hydrated sample suggest that the material undergoes a hydrostatic pressure-induced amorphization process starting at 4.8 GPa. In the partially hydrated sample, two discontinuous behaviors were observed, where we attributed to an amorphization process and also the presence of domains in the material structure. We have also verified that the presence of water in the structure increases the stability of the crystalline phases, leading to the stability of the amorphization processes to follow the same order of the degree of hydration of the samples. The modifications caused are irreversible. The hydrostatic pressure-induced phase transition reported in the literature for Y2(MoO4)3 material is suppressed because of the high degree of disorder in Y1.6Ga0.4(MoO4)3 material caused by the presence of water in its structure

  • The Draining Bathtub: Analytical Approach

  • Data: 26/10/2018
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  • The draining bathtub is a three--dimensional (one time-like and two space-like) analogue model of a rotating black hole. Black holes are solutions of the Einstein's equations. These equations describe the dynamics of the gravitational field in the presence of matter and/or energy. Even though the draining bathtub is not a gravitational system nor satisfies the Einstein's equations, it possesses the same causal structure of a black hole. In the present work we obtain an analytical expression for the absorption cross length of the draining bathtub in all range of frequencies. Since we are dealing with the scalar field, we need to solve the Klein--Gordon equation, which radial solutions are given in terms of Heun functions, used to compose the expressions of our analytical results.

  • Effects on the Properties of Electronic Transport in Retinol: from Ohmic Behavior to Rectifier

  • Data: 19/09/2018
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  • In this work the electron transport mechanisms were studied in two isomeric forms of retinol. The electronic transport model used in this work was the ballistic approach. The calculations were performed by using the Nonequilibrium Green’s functions formalism combined with Density Functional Theory (NEGF-DFT). The results obtained were com- pared between the structures and in the one hand it was observed that 11-cis-retinol shows a more symmetrical behavior, on the other hand, all-trans-retinol acts as a molecular rectifier under small voltage ranges. These results suggest that a simple conformational change in the structure modulates the device between a molecular wire (nanowire) and a molecular rectifier, with possible applications in field effect transistors.

  • One Loop Renormalization of Scalar Pseudoquantum Electrodynamics

  • Data: 13/08/2018
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  • The Pseudo-Quantum Electrodynamics (PQED), proposed by E. C. Marino, is an electromagnetic theory which describes the interaction between charged particles confined in a plane. When we do the coupling of the PQED with a bosonic field of matter, we obtain a called Scalar Pseudo-Quantum Electrodynamics (SPQED). In this work, we make a perturbative analysis of SPQED via Feynman diagrams. In order to do so, we obtain Feynman's rules from this theory and compute the one loop Green functions: bosonic field self-energy, electromagnetic field self-energy and vertex corrections. After this, the divergences from the diagrams were systematically treated using a dimensional regularization and the divergences removed through techniques of renormalization.

  • Semiclassical approach to gravitational perturbations in spherically symmetric spacetimes and applications

  • Data: 25/07/2018
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  • We discuss the quantization of gravitational perturbations in spherically symmetric spacetimes, such as Schwarzschild and de Sitter spacetimes and develop some applications. The gravitational perturbations are described using a gauge-invariant formalism, suited to background spacetimes with spherical symmetry. The gravitational perturbations can be divided in three types: scalar-, vector-, and tensor-type perturbations. We compute the emitted power of gravitational radiation from a particle in circular orbit around a Schwarzschild black hole. We obtain numerically the perturbations to compute the total emitted power and the observed power at infinity. For the innermost stable orbits, the emitted power is approximately 25 % smaller than the one computed considering the particle in flat spacetime moving around a stellar object due to a Newtonian force. Additionally, we show, by computing the spectrum of the gravitational radiation, that the low multipoles still give an important contribution to the total emitted power, even for unstable orbits. The scalar radiation emitted by a particle orbiting a regular black hole is also considered, as a first approximation to the gravitational radiation case. We compare it to the radiation in the case where the particle is orbiting a Reissner-Nordström black hole. We also verify the Gibbons-Hawking effect in de Sitter spacetime, by computing the response rate of the graviton field to an external multipole source in the thermal equilibrium state with the Gibbons-Hawking temperature. This response rate is found to be the same as the one obtained in the Bunch-Davies-like
    vacuum state in the Poincaré patch.

  • Modified Gravitation and Cosmology

  • Data: 24/07/2018
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  • This thesis consists is to obtain a deeper understanding of topics related to Gravitation and Cosmology, with an emphasis on obtaining solutions to black holes and study of the current phase of accelerated expansion of the universe. We have done this through the Modified Gravity Theories f(R), f(T) and f (T, T), in which we know to have reproduced some of the best known Einstein Relativity. Our starting point was the action to f(R) Gravity coupled to nonlinear Electrodynamics, where we obtained regular black holes solutions in 4-D for a spherically symmetric spacetime and recovered the black-hole regular solutions of general relativity. Later, choosing a function mass M(r) in metric coefficients and find solutions with regular behavior in geometric invariants. For both cases, analyze the energy conditions and showed that the solutions found violate at least one of the conditions of energy. In f (T) Gravity, we couple nonlinear Electrodynamics to its action and charged black hole solutions and a new class of solutions of regular black holes. With the results obtained for charged black holes in f(T) Gravity, showed the possibility of accretion of fluid by these black holes. Still in the context of f(T) Gravity, we construct a theory that generalizes the Teleparallel Theory preserving the invariance under local Lorentz transformations. Finally, we approach the theory of f(T, T) Gravity, reconstructing the ΛCDM model, where we verify that the conservation of the energy-moment tensor is related to the choice of a certain Fg [y] function; we have also seen that our reconstruction describes the cosmological eras until the present time. We investigate the stability of the reconstructed model and find the condition for validity of the laws of thermodynamics.

  • Transport of Active Matter in Square Networks of Disordered Obstacles
  • Data: 27/06/2018
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  • This dissertation contains a detailed study on the stochastic process of random motion. Demonstrates Chapman's Compatibility Conditions (in which one deduces the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation) which are required to determine if the stochastic process is of the Markovian type. Contain the main properties of probability density for random motion, which in turn has a cases in which the stochastic process is independent, whose deduction is contained in this material.

    Here  discusses the  Albert Einstein and Paul Langevin contributions concerning explanation of the Brownian motion, preceded by resolutions of the Langevin equation in normal cases of free particles. In addition, in this material the deduction the Fokker-Planck and Kramers-Moyal equations, followed by a study of the last equation, with the purpose of investigating the influence of their coefficients, in determining the probability density.

    There is also in this material, a description about active systems and some motivating models for the study of this type of system, such as the model of Vicsek, Gregóire and Chaté, and Couzin, followed by resolutions, in some cases, of the Langevin equations in the active case of particles free and confined. Here we describe what we call the angular Brownian motion of active particles, which we adopt as a model for the development of computational simulations of an active system of particles considered soft disks, which interact through contact and move through a square network of rigid circular or half-circular obstacles. From this simulation, we obtain the  current of particles (average velocity)  dependent the desord in the system, caused by removals or substitutions of obstacles.

  • Electronic structure and exchange interactions from ab initio theory: New perspectives and implementations.

  • Data: 29/05/2018
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  • In this thesis, the magnetic properties of several materials were investigated using first principle calculations. The ab initio method real space linear muffin-tin orbitals atomic sphere approximation (RS-LMTO-ASA) was used to calculate the electronic structure and magnetic properties of bulk systems, surface and nanostructures adsorbed on surfaces.                       

    We have implemented new features in the RS-LMTO-ASA method, such as the calculation of the (a) Bloch Spectral Function (BSF), (b) orbital resolved Jij and (c) Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI). Using (a), we have shown that one is able to calculate the dispersion relation for bulk system using a real space method. Furthermore, the dispersion relation was revealed to be existent even for finite one-dimensional structures, such as the Mn chain on Au(111) and Ag(111) surfaces. With (b), we have investigated the orbital resolved exchange coupling parameter Jij for 3d metals. It is demonstrated that the nearest neighbor (NN) interaction for bcc Fe has intriguing results. The well known ferromagnetic metal bcc Fe has a total Jij that favours the ferromagnetic behavior, however, the contribution coming from the T2g orbitals favours the anti-ferromagnetic coupling behavior. Moreover, the Fermi surface for bcc Fe is formed mostly by the T2g orbitals and these are shown to be highly Heisenberg-like, i.e. do not depend significantly on the magnetic configuration. Later, the same approach was used to study other transition metals, such as Cr, Mn, Co and Ni. In the end, we have presented the results obtained with implementation (c). Our results have shown the large dependence of the DMI values, both the strength and direction, with respect to which magnetic configuration they are calculated from. We argue that, for the investigated systems, the non-collinearity induces currents (spin and charge) that will influence directly the DMI vectors.


  • Data: 23/02/2018
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  • The organic crystal 2- (α-methylbenzylamino) -5-nitropyridine (MBANP) was studied by Raman spectroscopy at low temperatures (from 300 to 18 K), high temperatures (296 to 368 K) and at high pressures (from 0 to 6, 9 GPa). The effect of the temperature decrease on the vibrational spectrum is discussed with the aid of DFT calculations. The behavior of the Raman spectra indicates that the MBANP molecules exhibit a different conformation at low temperatures associated with the rotation of the phenyl and pyridine rings. Temperature-dependent X-ray measurements and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were used as fundamental techniques to investigate the structural stability of the MBANP crystal in cryogenic condition. At high temperatures the Raman spectra show the stability of the MBANP to its decomposition limit and the X-ray and DSC thermograms confirm the effects on the Raman spectrum near the 358 K temperature. The effect of pressure on MBANP crystal is discussed using Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction with Sincrotron radiation. Several changes are observed with increasing pressure in the Raman spectra of this crystal, such as the separation of several bands and the disappearance of others. Discontinuous displacements, observed in the wave number versus pressure graph, indicate that a conformational phase transition occurs around 0.5 GPa. The behavior of the Raman spectra indicates that the MBANP molecules present different conformations at high pressures, based on the configuration of the ambient phase.  The X-ray diffraction confirms the changes in the configuration of the molecule observed by Raman measurements around 0.5 GPa.

  • Absorption and scattering of plane waves by black holes

  • Data: 20/02/2018
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  • During many decades black holes posed only as mathematical solutions of the equations of
    the Theory of General Relativity, until the discovery of its first astrophysical candidate Cygnus
    X-1. Currently, black holes are paradigms, both in theoretical Physics and in Astronomy. In Astronomy,
    black holes provide a solution in galaxy formation scenarios, in active galactic nuclei
    and in the remanent of core-collapse supernovae. The recent detection of gravitational waves,
    generated by the fusion of two black holes, opened a new window to observe the Universe and
    gave rise to the gravitational-wave Astronomy. These and other experimental advances motivate
    a study of the interaction between waves and black holes. We can model this interaction
    by considering plane waves impinging upon black holes and studying how they are absorbed
    and scattered. The absorption and scattering of waves can be quantified into two quantities: the
    absorption and scattering cross sections. In this thesis, we analyze how massless plane waves
    are absorbed and scattered by distinct black hole configurations: (i) Schwarzschild surrounded
    by thin shell of matter, (ii) Kerr, and (iii) Kerr-Newman. We compute numerically the absorption
    and scattering cross sections, and show a selection of results. Our results were obtained for
    arbitrary values of frequency and scattering angle of the incident waves, and present excellent
    agreement with analytical results obtained in limiting cases.

  • Novas Soluções de Buracos Negros Regulares na Relatividade Geral e na Teoria f(R)

  • Data: 24/01/2018
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  • Buracos negros são soluções das equações de Einstein cujo campo gravitacional é tão
    forte que nenhuma partícula consegue escapar. Essas soluções possuem uma singularidade
    escondida pelo horizonte de eventos, representando assim uma grande diculdade de
    interpretação física. Em 1968, Bardeen apresentou uma solução das equações de Einstein
    que descrevia um buraco negro com horizontes, mas sem singularidades, conhecido como
    buraco negro regular de Bardeen. Esta nova estrutura é regular em todo o espaço-tempo,
    não apresentando singularidade nos invariantes de curvatura. Neste trabalho, estudamos
    uma generalização da função massa, que gera classes de buracos negros regulares e esfé-
    ricamente simétricos em quatro dimensões, para uma eletrodinâmica não linear acoplada
    à Relatividade Geral. Impondo que a solução deve ser regular e que as condições de
    energia fracas e dominantes sejam simultaneamente satisfeitas, mostramos novas classes
    de buracos negros regulares que são assintoticamente Reissner-Nordström. Também determinamos
    soluções de buracos negros regulares considerando a teoria f(R) acoplada
    a um campo eletromagnético não linear. Mostramos que, devido ao acoplamento com
    a gravidade f(R), novos termos aparecem no campo eletromagnético e na Lagrangeana

  • Investigation of the filling effect of SWCNT and MWCNT with organic groups and inorganic particles by Raman spectroscopy

  • Data: 15/01/2018
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  • In this thesis, we present an analysis by resonant Raman spectroscopy (RRS) in single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) and multiple walls (MWCNT) under two different foci. The first investigates the influence of hydrostatic pressure on the mechanical properties of the single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) dispersed in aqueous sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and fatty acids (Cn), as well as the evidence of their filling by these particles. In this part of the work, the experiments were carried out using two different compressor media, alcohol solution composed of 4 ml of methanol and 1 ml of ethanol (MET-ET) as well as mineral oil (Nujol). The Raman spectra were acquired in the spectral range of the RBM mode and showed that the CNT samples were composed of tubes with diameters varying from 0.85 nm to 1.3 nm. A blueshift to the RBM and G modes is observed due to the increase in pressure. The disappearance of RBM modes assigned to tubes with diameters greater than 1.0 nm indicates that these tubes lose resonance at 2.0 GPa and 3.4 GPa for Nujol and MET-ET, respectively. In the analysis, the G-band component assigned to SWCNTs showed the Breit-Wigner-Fano (BWF) line shape, indicating that the sample is composed mainly of metal tubes. Our results show a dependence on the mechanical properties of the CNTs with the compressor medium, which can be understood from a theoretical prediction previously reported under the filling effect of the tube by fatty acid molecules. The second focus of the work is related to the doping mechanism in MWCNTs filled with aluminum carbide (Al4C3-MWCNTs) where they were studied and interpreted in relation to the changes in their electronic and phonic structures. Unfilled MWCNTs served as standard samples to aid in the interpretation of the fill and doping process. In addition, in order to corroborate the results of Raman spectroscopy, the samples were also characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), through which electron-phonon coupling associated with the Raman intensities of G and G 'modes were studied and interpreted in the light of the doping mechanism in these multiple-walled systems. Our results, corroborated by theoretical calculations, indicate that Al4C3 particles transfer electrons to MWCNTs. These calculations were performed for a system of filled and unfilled tubes of MWCNTs where the calculated electron states density indicated that the two possible systems considered exhibit metallic behavior with the aluminum carbide doping the carbon nanotubes.

  • Vibronic Transitions in Tetrapyridyl Porphyrins

  • Data: 25/09/2017
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  • Light-matter interaction under certain conditions produces some effects known as photophysical processes, which are directly related to the electronic structure and the vibronic coupling states of a molecular system. The main examples of these phenomena are optical absorption and photoluminescence, which can be understood semi-classically as a ligth-driven pertubative process on the energy levels of the molecules. In the present work, investigations were carried out on these processes for some structural configurations of tetrapyridyl porphyrin molecules, stabilized by different central substituents. It is known that most of the photophysical processes in porphyrins depends on a π orbitals system, which is responsible, for instance, by their typical UV-Vis optical absorption bands observed for porphyrins, named as Soret and Q bands. Thus, structural changes are expected to lead to modifications on these spectroscopic signatures and hence in all other subsequent processes arising from these transitions such as the molecular relaxation processes. Optical absorption spectroscopy investigations have revealed the sensitivity of these transitions to changes on the porphyrin ring central position substituent. Besides two hydrogen atoms (2H+), which form the free base tetrapyridyl porphyrin, the following ions were employed as central substituents: Co (II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn (II). Depending on the choice of the central substituent, significant changes on the dipole strengths, sub bands structuration, bands broadening and shifts were observed. Raman and infrared spectra confirmed that the vibrational modes of porphyrins are redistributed according to these structural changes. Gaussian deconvolution procedure allows the better evaluation of broadening and shifts of the absorption bands, being the observed broadening of the UV-Vis absorption bands in agreement with the Goutterman´s model. Association of optical absorption, Raman and infrared spectroscopies lead to a new assignment of the vibronic transitions for these tetrapyridil porphyrins. It was verified that the irregular porphyrins, stabilized by Cu(II), Ni(II) and Co(II) ions are non-luminescent. Exciting the free base and zinc porphyrins at the position of maximum absorbance at Soret and Q bands confirms that the emissive processes perform an internal conversion from the Soret region to the Q-region before emitting light. The deactivation rates via fuorescence, intersystem crossing and triplet process are modified by the presence of zinc ion, when compared to the free base porphyrin.

  • Molecular Modeling of Opioids: Deacetylation Effects in the Electronic Structure and Transport Properties

  • Data: 31/07/2017
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  • In the this work, we have studied the electron transport characteristics in molecular junctions based on opioid derivatives. Four molecules that differ by the presence of acetyl groups were connected as molecular bridges between two metallic Au (111) electrodes. The molecules studied are 3-monoacetylmorphine, 6-onoacetylmorphine, diacetylmorphine and morphine. The theoretical study was performed using the DFT-NEGF methodology.
    The results obtained show sequential deacetylation changes drastically the response of the molecular systems to an applied voltage under the system. Rectification effects, Negative Differential Resistance and resonant tunneling are described in terms of transmissions and Density of States. Particularly, diacetylmorphine has electrical current in the microampere scale and rectification pattern to direct polarization, obtaining rectification peaks (R=9,1) at low voltages (0,6 V) and maximum of rectification (R=14,3) in 1,8 V. The deacetylation inverts the rectification for morphine.


  • Data: 14/07/2017
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  • Recently the hypothesis that scalar fields with small mass are good dark matter candidates has received some attention. Such scalar fields would interact with black holes, thus being interesting to study their absorption cross section and bound solutions in black hole scenarios. In this thesis we study scalar fields around black holes and analogue models, focusing on absorption cross sections and stationary solutions around black holes. Regarding the absorption, we consider a massive and charged scalar field impinging upon a charged black hole, as well as a massless scalar field impinging upon a charged and rotating black hole, finding the absorption cross section for both cases. We compute the high- and low-frequency limits of the absorption cross section, which we compare with the numerical results in order to validate them. For a frequency below the critical frequency, ωc , the reflected part of the wave is enhanced, thus being greater than the incident wave. This phenomenum is known as superradiance and is associated to a negative absorption cross section. Regarding the stationary solutions, we consider modes of massive and charged scalar fields with ω = ωc around Kerr-Newman black holes. These modes form bound states around rotating black holes. These bound states – dubbed scalar clouds – are generically non-zero and finite on and outside the horizon, decay exponentially at spatial infinity, have a real frequency and are specified by a set of integer “quantum” numbers (n, l, m). For a specific set of these numbers, the clouds are only possible along a 1-dimensional subset, called an existence line, of the 2-dimensional parameter space of Kerr black holes. We make a thorough investigation of the scalar clouds due to neutral (charged) scalar fields around Kerr(-Newman) black holes. We present the location of the existence lines for a variety of quantum numbers, their spatial representation and compare analytic approximation formulas available in the literature with our exact numerical results, exhibiting remarkable agreement for certain parameters ranges. Massless complex scalar fields can also form such bound states around black holes, provided that we put a mirror around the black hole to give the trapping condition. This may seem unphysical in the context of black holes, but if we consider a draining bathtub, the “mirror” can be simply the wall of the basin which contains the fluid. We show that sound waves, when enclosed in a cylindrical cavity, can form stationary waves around rotating acoustic holes. These acoustic perturbations display similar properties to the scalar clouds around Kerr and Kerr-Newman black holes; thus they are dubbed acoustic clouds. We make the comparison between scalar clouds around Kerr black holes and acoustic clouds around the draining bathtub explicit by studying also the properties of scalar clouds around Kerr black holes enclosed in a cavity. Acoustic clouds suggest the possibility of testing, experimentally, the existence and properties of black hole clouds, using analogue models. The last case we consider is the system formed by a static fluid placed between two concentric cylinders, where the inner cylinder rotates with constant angular momentum. For small enough time scales the fluid can be considered at rest, but, due to the rotation of the inner cylinder, we can still have superradiant instabilities, what enables the formation of clouds. We show that for ω = ωc we can have clouds for this case, analyzing the effect of the impedance of the inner cylinder on these clouds.

  • Data: 02/06/2017
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  • The theoretical studies of several magnetic materials are presented in this thesis. To each of them, it was investigated the electronic structure, by means of density functional theory calculations, and/or magnetization dynamics, in the context of atomistic spin dynamics (ASD). For bulk properties, we evaluate the magnon spectra of the heavy rare earths (Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, and Tm), using the exchange parameters and magnetic moments from first-principles calculations in ASD simulations. Additionally, we performed Monte Carlo simulations that nicely reproduced the qualitative trend of lowering of the critical temperatures across the series. Next, we discuss about the microscopic mechanism of the vanishingly low magnetic anisotropy of Permalloy using the concept of the orbital moment anisotropy for Fe and Ni atoms in the alloy. Turning to surface magnetism, we discuss the use of exchange parameters computed by a non-collinear formalism for 6 monolayers of Fe on the Ir(001) substrate, in order to have a more accurate description of magnons at finite temperature and to obtain good comparison with experimental data. Besides that, we also studied surface magnons on 3 and 9 Ni monolayers on Cu(001) and Cu(111) in order to track the significant surface and/or interface effects and contrast it to properties that are fcc Ni bulk-like. Likewise, we used the Monte Carlo method to estimate the critical temperatures of Ni surfaces and compared with experimental data. Finally, in the field of low dimensional magnetism, we present the ab-initio calculations for the electronic structure of Cr nanostructures of diverse geometries adsorbed on the Pd(111) surface, with focus on the formation of non-collinear spin configurations, either due to geometric frustration or the spin-orbit coupling provided by the substrate.

  • Estados Ligados e Espalhamento para Potenciais δ − δ′ Transparentes a Altas Energias

  • Data: 05/05/2017
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  • We investigate, in the context of a classical Schrödinger field in 1+1 dimensions, models of
    potentials simulated by Dirac δ′ functions. In the literature, these models do not exhibit
    full transparency for high-energy incident particles. In order to obtain a more realistic
    feature for these models, we propose a δ − δ′ potential whose coupling parameters are
    energy-dependent functions, and obtain the energy and wave function of the bound state,
    as well as the scattering coecients and matrix. Determining what conditions must be
    satised in order to the scattering be causal.

  • Mapping vortex fields and the suppression of vacuum fluctuations


  • Data: 29/03/2017
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  • In the present work, a brief discussion about the application of boundary conditions over electromagnetic vortex systems with gauge-symmetry breaking will be developed both directly over Maxwell-Proca-Chern-Simons model and indirectly through alternative representations of this model.
    At first, some breakthrough scientific discoveries related to this research theme will be indicated to present the Maxwell-Proca-Chern-Simons model, per se, with its equations of motion and some of its alternative representation previously known. Posteriorly, the calculations of forces due to the vacuum fluctuations will be developed implementing some apparently different boundary conditions over the other representations mapped before. Since a coincidence between the forces for two supposedly distinct boundary conditions will be shown, an analysis of the system constraints will be deepened in a way to show that such a coincidence, actually, came from the equivalence of the boundary condition. A quantitative approach of the vortex contributions to the force was also made, displaying how strongly the presence of vortices suppresses the vacuum force.

  • Propriedades Térmicas e Vibracionais do Poli(Vinil Álcool) (PVA) Modificado com Óxido de Grafeno e Ácido Esteárico e Estudo doPolimorfismo no Ácido Esteárico

  • Data: 22/02/2017
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  • Polymers are materials constituted of molecules with large mass numbers, composed of the joining of smaller units, the monomers. Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA) is a water-soluble polymer used in many applications due be highly flexible and malleable. It can be used as matrix for insertion of different compounds, such as Graphene Oxide and Stearic Acid. Graphene oxide is a precursor of graphene, one of the most important and promising materials studied for its structural, thermal and electronic properties that can be used in several applications. Fatty acids are compounds that are remarkable for its importance in vegetal and animal organisms. They represent the major components of vegetable oils which make them a focus of interest for studies in several fields. Its optical and thermal properties make them promising candidates for applications in several technologies. One of its most important and yet poorly understood property is the polymorphism showed when in crystalline solid phase. The polymorphism is the property of a material to crystallize in different forms, where the molecular conformation is determinant. Several polymorphic forms in fatty acids were identified to date where was observed that characteristics as molecular parity, crystallization temperature and solvent polarity, among others, has influence on the polymorphism in this compounds. Stearic acid is a normal saturated fatty, containing 18 carbon atoms in the chain (18,0), have been considered a long chain fatty acid. In this work we investigated the photothermal and vibrational properties of PVA matrices modified with Starch and graphene oxide and also the same analysis in samples of PVA modified with stearic acid. Next, the stearic acid polymorphism under the influence of solvent polarity was studied in detail. For this purpose, were used five different organic solvents with increasing polarity for the crystallization process. In the study of photothermal properties we used the Photopiroelectric Technique (PPE). For the study of the polymorphism we performed measurements of X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Raman spectroscopy and Differential Calorimetry (DSC). The results obtained by the PPE technique show an increase in the thermal diffusivity of the PVA with the increase of graphene oxide concentration. The Raman results show that PVA induces the crystallization of stearic acid in C form in the polymer matrix. The X-ray diffraction results show the presence of at least two phases between stearic acid crystals obtained in different solvents, one of them being predominant. Infrared results attest the presence of the predominant phase. Measurements of Raman and Infrared Spectroscopy were also performed to obtain information on the vibrational properties of stearic acid crystals in Bm and C forms. In addition to the results, Ab Initio calculations were performed with the objective of classifying the vibrational modes observed.


  • Data: 27/01/2017
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  • In this work we studied composites formed by the polymers PVA, PVK and PS modified by the presence of ferrites Fe3O4, FeLiO2 and (La0,6Sr0,4) (Co0,2Fe0,8) O3. For the characterization of these composites, Raman, FT-Raman, FT-IR, Optical Spectroscopy (in the case of PVK, for this to absorb and emit light) and X-Ray Diffraction were used. Raman spectra showed the influences of the polymer bands (reduction of intensity generally) when they were doped with the ferrites, facts also observed in FT Raman spectra and in infrared spectra. Raman spectra also showed changes in the line width of PS + Fe3O4, PS + FeLiO2, PVK + Fe3O4 and PVK + FeLiO2 composites. Another important change observed was in the spectrum of PVA modified with FeLiO2, where we observed the displacements of some vibrational modes. In relation to the infrared spectra, we observed important changes in the spectra of the composites, such as the displacement of the modes of the ferrites inserted in the polymer matrices, besides the reduction of the intensity of the modes, with the exception of the composite formed by the PVA and lithium ferrite. Optical spectroscopy showed changes in the absorption and emission bands of the polymers when the ferrites were inserted in their matrices. The X rays diffraction showed changes in the sizes of the ferrite crystallites, when these were inserted in the polymer matrices, the results of this technique also showed that the magnetite inserted in the polymers did not change phase, a fact that occurred when submitted to the laser radiation 785 nm.

  • In this work, we report a Raman scattering study on GaAs nanowires (NWs), Zn-doped GaAs (GaAs:Zn) and Mn-implanted GaAs:Zn (GaMnAs:Zn), besides, a magnetotransport study on individual Ga0.95Mn0.05As:Zn NW under low temperature and high magnetic field. We also present a Raman scattering study at high temperatures/pressures on ionic conducting system KNbTeO6, as well results of lattice dynamic calculations for this sample. The Raman spectra of the GaAs:Zn and GaMnAs:Zn NWs shows broadening and downshift in the Raman bands, which are attributed to excess of As on the surface of samples. This incorporation is made by the formation of AsGa defects. We observed the appearance of bands at 191 and 247 cm-1 on the Raman spectrum of the annealed samples, which can be attributed to the Eg and A1g modes of the crystalline As. These modes are more prominent in the implanted samples, which is attributed to a greater polarizability of the Mn ions. Our results about the magneto-transport study on single Ga0.95Mn0.05As:Zn NW shows that the Magnetoresistance (MR) increases for small voltages applied on NW, saturating to values around 0.6 V. And, further, show still the existence of a magnetic anisotropy effect, observed through of the difference between the MR values, when the applied magnetic field is parallel or perpendicular to c-axis of the NW. The lattice dynamics calculation for the KNbTeO6 system are consistent with the experimental measurements and reveal the main aspects of the spectral signature of this material. The results of the Raman spectroscopy study on KNB material under extreme temperature conditions show clearly the arising of a side band at 122 cm-1, which represents strong evidence of that the KNbTeO6 system undergoes a phase transition around 860-870 oC. The observations made on the Raman spectra of the KNbTeO6 system under high pressure conditions (up to 8.4 GPa) show that leastways one translation mode disappeared, as well an asymmetric mode of respiration and a symmetrical mode of respiration, which indicates that the reduction of the interatomic distances results in a decrease, mainly, in the number of modes of lattice vibration and probably in an increase in the symmetry of the system.

  • Data: 16/01/2017
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  • Nanowires; Magnetoresistance; Raman scattering; Optical phonons; Pyrochlore structure.

  • Casimir effect with δ - δ′ mirrors transparent at high frequencies

  • Data: 14/11/2016
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  • In the context of a real massless scalar field in 1+1 D, Muñoz-Castañeda and Guilarte [Phys. Rev. D 91, 025028 (2015)] calculated the Casimir force between partially reflecting mirrors modeled by a term μ δ (x)+ λ δ′ (x) in the Lagrangian, which, in the limit of perfect mirrors, reproduces the Robin boundary conditions. This model, however, presents a problematic aspect: for λ different of 0 the mirrors are not full transparent at high frequencies. In this work, in order to provide a more realistic feature for this model, we propose a modified δ - δ′ point interaction that enables full transparency in the limit of high frequencies. Taking this modified δ - δ′ model into account, we calculate the Casimir force comparing our results with those found in the literature. In addition, we propose a second modification in the δ - δ′ model, so that in the limit of perfect mirrors we obtain the generalized Robin boundary condition.

  • Influência de espelhos δ - δ′ em alguns efeitos quânticos: efeito Casimir dinâmico e renormalização da velocidade de Fermi numa folha de grafeno

  • Data: 14/11/2016
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  • Na presente tese investigamos alguns aspectos do efeito Casimir dinâmico e, também, a influência que uma placa perfeitamente condutora exerce sobre a renormalização da velocidade de Fermi em uma folha de grafeno. A apresentação é dividida, essencialmente, em três partes. Na primeira parte, calculamos a força, o espectro e a taxa total de criação de partículas para um campo escalar real e sem massa em 1+1 dimensões na presença de um espelho parcialmente refletor simulado por uma interação puntual do tipo δ - δ′ (no qual δ′ é a derivada da delta de Dirac). Para este modelo, nós mostramos que um espelho parcialmente refletor pode produzir um número de partículas maior em comparação com o caso de um espelho perfeito. No limite de um espelho perfeito, nossas fórmulas recuperam os resultados encontrados na literatura para a criação de partículas e a força com um espelho impondo a condição de contorno de Robin. Na segunda parte da presente tese, investigamos fenômenos de interferência na criação de partículas via efeito Casimir dinâmico. Na literatura, este tipo de fenômeno é investigado para cavidades com dois espelhos móveis. Aqui, com o auxílio da condição de contorno de Robin, investigamos o fenômeno de interferência produzido por apenas um único espelho. Assim como na primeira parte da tese, também consideramos um campo escalar real e sem massa em 1 + 1 dimensões. O campo está sujeito à condição de Robin com parâmetro dependente do tempo sobre um espelho móvel, e calculamos as expressões para a distribuição espectral e a taxa de criação de partículas. Essas expressões, que incluem termos de interferência, generalizam aquelas encontradas na literatura relacionadas aos efeitos isolados da condição de Robin com parâmetro dependente do tempo para um espelho estático, ou à condição de Robin com parâmetro independente do tempo para um espelho móvel. Diferentemente dos modelos onde a interferência no ECD é investigada para cavidades oscilantes com dois espelhos de Dirichlet, no modelo do presente trabalho o espectro é contínuo, e o padrão de interferência exibe novas características, no sentido de que regiões diferentes do espectro podem ser afetados de forma diferente por efeitos construtivos ou destrutivos. Além disso, também investigamos efeitos de interferência no contexto de circuitos supercondutores. Na terceira parte da presente tese, mostramos que a renormalização logarítmica da velocidade de Fermi para o grafeno é modificada quando levamos em conta a presença de uma placa condutora, resultando em uma inibição da velocidade de Fermi. Este efeito ocorre porque a interação efetiva dos elétrons no grafeno é afetada devido a presença da placa, levando a expressões modificadas para o propagador do fóton e para a auto-energia do elétron, o que muda consequentemente a velocidade de Fermi. Especificamente, descrevemos o sistema investigado através da pseudo-eletrodinâmica quântica e a influência da placa é incorporada ao campo eletromagnético via método das imagens. Nossos resultados podem representar uma forma alternativa de controlar as propriedades eletrônicas do grafeno.

  • Estudos das Propriedades Vibracionais e Polimorfismo em Materiais com Estrutura Metal Orgânico

  • Data: 29/07/2016
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  • Temperature- and pressure-dependent studies of Raman and infrared spectra have been
    performed on azetidinium zinc formate, [(CH2)3NH2][Zn(HCOO)3] (AZZn), dimethylammonuim
    [(CH3)2NH2][Mg(HCOO)3] (DMMg) and [(CH3)2NH2][Cd(HCOO)3] (DMCd). Vibrational spectra
    showed distinct anomalies in frequencies modes and bandwidths near 250 and 300 K, which were
    attributed to structural phase transitions associated with gradual freezing of ring-puckering motions of
    azetidinium cation. Pressure-dependent studies have revealed a transition below 0.94 GPa. Raman spectra
    indicate that the structure of the room-temperature high-pressure phase is the same as the monoclinic
    structure observed at ambient pressure below 250 K. A second phase transition has been found between
    2.26 and 2.74 GPa. This transition has strongly first order character and is associated with strong
    distortion of the zinc formate framework and azetidinium cations. For structure of DMMg, studies reveled
    three pressure-induced transitions near 2.2, 4.0 and 5.6 GPa. Theses transitions are associated with
    significative distortion of the anionic framework and the phase transition at 5.6 GPa has also great impact
    on the DMA+ cátion. The DMCd undergoes two pressure-induced phase transitions, the first transition
    occured betwee 1.2 and 2.0 GPa and second one near 3.6 GPa. The first transition leads to subtle
    structural changes associated with distortion of anionic framework and the later leads to significant
    distortion of the framework. In contrast to the DMMg; the third transition associated with distortion of
    DMA+ cation is not observed for the DMCd up to 7.8 GPa. This difference can be most likely associated
    with larger volume of the cavity occupied by DMA+ cation in the DMCd and thus weaker interactions
    between anionic framework and DMA+ cations.

  • Dinâmica das Transições de Fase em MOF’s: Um estudo por espectroscopia Raman no material [H3N(CH3)4NH3][Mn2(HCOO)6]

  • Data: 28/07/2016
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  • Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo sobre a dinâmica das transições de fase do metal
    orgânico [NH3(CH2)4NH3][Mn2(HCOO)6] (bnMn). Através desta, discutiremos a estrutura do
    material, estudada por difração de raios X, assim como as propriedades térmicas e elétricas, e
    os espectros Raman e infravermelho em condições extremas de pressão e temperatura. O
    material [NH3(CH2)4NH3][Mn2(HCOO)6] cristaliza-se em uma estrutura trigonal, de espaço
    de grupo P3 1c, com os cátions [NH3(CH2)4NH3]+2 dinamicamente desordenados. A estrutura
    sofre transição de fase próximo a 350 K, indo para a fase monoclínica. O momento de dipolo
    permanente da molécula [NH3(CH2)4NH3]+2, bem como distorções da estrutura
    [Mn2(HCOO)6]-, contribuem para uma polarização espontânea. Nos espectros Raman e
    Infravermelho, bem como com medidas elétricas e difração de Raios X, mostramos a
    desordem, em altas temperaturas, e o ordenamento do cátion [NH3(CH2)4NH3]+2 abaixo da
    transição de fase. Esse comportamento, envolve o grupo NH3, que se manifesta no espectro,
    através de um estreitamento da largura de diversas bandas, a abaixo da transição de fase. No
    espectro Raman dependente da pressão, mostramos que o material
    [NH3(CH2)4NH3][Mn2(HCOO)6] sofre duas transições de fase, no intervalo em 0.5 a 0.9 GPa
    e em 1.3 a 1.9 GPa. Vale ressaltar que mostramos neste trabalho estudos sobre o primeiro
    material ferroelétrico da família dos compostos metais orgânico bivalente, cristalizado em
    uma estrutura niccolite.

  • Vibrational Properties of all-trans-β-Carotene Crystals Subjected to Low Temperature Conditions and High Hydrostatic Pressures.

  • Data: 19/02/2016
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  • In this work we present the study of the structural stability of a mono crystal all-trans-β-carotene subjected to extreme low temperatures and high hydrostatic pressure through Raman spectroscopy using excitation line 632.8 nm. Computer calculations were performed using the density functional theory (DFT) to determine the vibration modes of molecule all-trans-β-carotene since the vast majority of vibration predicted by group theory for the crystal are related to internal modes. Temperature in the range between 20 and 300 K the Raman spectra exhibit clear changes in the spectral region comprising the lattice modes and the region containing the internal vibrational modes. The temperature dependence of the most intense vibrational modes ν1(1511 cm-1) and ν2(1156 cm-1), which are related with the stretching vibrations (stretch) of the C = C and C − C bonds, respectively, of the chain polyene suffer shift to higher values of wavenumbers. This behavior is similar to that exposed in the theoretical work of Wei-Long Liu et al. We conclude that the all-trans-β-carotene crystal undergoes a phase transition induced by temperature at around 219 K. This transition is interpreted as rotation (around the dihedral angle) experienced by groups known as β-rings, located at each end of molecule. At low temperatures, the new molecular configuration affects the sliding plane of the space group C52h (P21/n), the phase transition leads to an unchanged monoclinic structure. However, the original space group is possibly reduced to the space group C2. At temperatures of 200 and 220 K, the spectral ratio (S) of the intensities integrated of asymmetric and symmetric stretching modes of the methyl group (CH3) undergoes an abrupt change, such change is more an indication of a phase transition. Moreover, the results obtained by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) showed the occurrence of an exothermic process temperature close to the transition observed by Raman spectroscopy. In regime of high pressures, the Raman spectra showed various modifications as, for example, the disappearance modes and discontinuities. Such changes have taken place both within the region regarding the modes of the crystal lattice and in the region concerning the purely modes of the molecule. Two phase transitions were observed, the first between 1.94 and 2.5 GPa, and the second between 3.76 and 4.78 GPa. The analysis of the characteristic modes ν1 and ν2 shows a behavior similar to that observed for at Wei-Long Liu et al model. Finally, the Raman spectra at different pressures for β-carotene crystal were not compatible to the Raman spectra of the forms cis presented in this work.

  • Transporte de Matéria Ativa sob Confinamento Parabólico

  • Data: 02/02/2016
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  • Analisamos neste trabalho a dinâmica de partículas brownianas ativas (PBA) via simulação
    computacional e determinamos algumas propriedades decorrentes de tal atividade, como regimes
    de difusão, a partir dos quais determinamos a constante de difusão efetiva do sistema, bem como
    a formação de aglomerados. No capítulo 1, fizemos o estudo analítico das soluções da equação de
    Langevin para sistemas de partículas brownianas livres e confinadas por um potencial harmônico
    para os casos normal e ativo e deduzimos o DMQ para cada um dos casos. No capítulo 2,
    apresentamos a metodologia empregada no trabalho, discutindo os aspectos computacionais do
    método empregado nas simulações (dinâmica molecular, metodo estocástico de Runge-Kutta,
    condições de contorno periódicas, dinâmica browniana e função de distribuição radial). No
    capítulo 3 discutimos os resultados obtidos das curvas do desvio médio quadrático para vários
    valores de potencial de confinamento e também fizemos a análise das curvas de distribuição de
    probabilidade das partículas em relação o eixo-y e sua relação com as mudanças de regime de
    difusão para cada valor de potencial aplicado. Por fim, no capítulo 4 fizemos um breve resumo do
    que foi abordado neste trabalho, enfatizando sugestões e perspectivas para próximos trabalhos.

  • Seção de Choque de Espalhamento de Buracos Negros de Schwarzschild em Dimensões Extras para o Campo Escalar Não Massivo Restrito à Brana

  • Data: 29/01/2016
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  • O estudo das propriedades de espalhamento de buracos negros de Schwarzschild em dimensões extras para o campo escalar não massivo restrito à brana quadridimensional é apresentado. O estudo de espaços-tempos extra-dimensionais tem aumentado bastante recentemente graças, em parte, aos trabalhos pioneiros de Randall e Sundrum (em cinco dimensões) e Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos e Dvali (em d dimensões). Em especial, os últimos conjecturaram a existência de dimensões extras com escala submilimétrica para resolver o problema de hierarquia. Nesta visão, apenas as pertubações gravitacionais são modicadas no espaço-tempo completo, chamado de bulk, sendo que os demais campos do modelo padrão cam restritos à brana. A partir destas ideias, aqui se discute o espalhamento do campo escalar não massivo, no contexto de dimensões extras, restrito à brana do espaço-tempo de Schwarzschild. Utiliza-se o método de ondas parciais para determinação numérica das seções de choque. Aproximações analíticas, tais como a aproximação de Born, a análise perturbativa de geodésicas e a aproximação para o efeito glória, são utilizadas. É mostrado que tais aproximações concordam muito bem com os resultados
    numéricos dentro de seus limites de validade.


  • Data: 09/11/2015
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  • Este trabalho realiza a modelagem molecular de cinco moléculas canabinóides delta-9-tetrahidrocanabinol (THC), Canabidiol (CBD), Canabinol (CBN), 11-Hydroxi-Δ9-THC (11-OH-THC) e 11-nor-9-carboxi-THC (11-COOH-THC) no vácuo e imerso em alguns solventes dielétricos. O vácuo foi considerado parâmetro de referência e os solventes foram água, etanol, tolueno e clorofórmio simulado pela polarização de meio contínuo (PCM), aplicando técnicas de modelagem computacional, como a densidade funcional teórica para estudar a densidade de estados e a densidade funcional teoria dependente do tempo (TD-DFT) para obter espectros de dicroísmo circular, Absorção UV e DOS com a utilização de pacotes do software Gaussian 09W para a teoria funcional de densidade a um nível funcional de cálculo B3LYP 6-311++G (d, p). O objetivo deste estudo está baseado em aplicações para fins de doping ou química forense. Outra aplicação de modelagem molecular, também foi realizada uma dinâmica molecular clássica via software Hyerchem 7.5 para estudar aspectos termodinâmicos de poli (amido amina), PAMAM, em interação com um nanotubo de carbono para avaliar como esse sistema varia a energia cinética e potencial em função da temperatura inicial e quando sobre a incidência de luz funcionando como nanomotor molecular controlado pela luz.

  • Crescimento de Cristais de Sulfato de Níquel Hexahidratado Puro e Dopados com íons Mn+2 e Cu+2 e Caracterizac~ao por Difração de Raios X de Policristais e Difraçao Múltipla de Raios X usando Radiação Síncontron

  • Data: 31/07/2015
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  • Neste trabalho foram crescidos os cristais de sulfato de níquel hexahidratado (NSH), o qual foi dopado com os íons Mn+2 e Cu+2, e posteriormente foram caracterizados por difração de raios X de policristais e difração múltipla de raios X (DMX) usando radiação Síncontron. Os cristais foram crescidos pelo m etodo de evaporação lenta e tendo como resultados cristais de boa qualidade, os quais foram utilizados para os experimentos de
    difração de raios X de policristais, no laboraório de física experimental e computacional da UFPA, e para os experimentos de difração múltipla realizados no Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncontron (LNLS). De acordo com os resultados obtidos da difração de raios X de policristais juntamente com o refinamento Rietveld, podemos perceber que apesar da presença do dopante na estrutura cristalina, os cristais dopados de NSH:Mn e NSH:Cu, apresentaram a mesma estrutura tetragonal e grupo especial do NSH puro. Mudanças no parâmetro de
    rede foram observadas o que resultou em um aumento da célula unitária, essas mudanças foram anisotrópicas, ou seja, os parâmetros de rede sofreram variações de formas diferentes e foram constatadas, em comum acordo, pelas técnicas utilizadas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi crescer cristais de NSH e dopar com outros íons para entender o processo de dopagem de materiais e estudar suas propriedades físicas por intermédio dos experimentos de difração de raios X. No LNLS, foram realizados os experimentos de difração múltipla, utilizando energias diferentes na estação de trabalho XRD2. As varreduras renninger mostraram que
    a introdução dos dopantes na estrutura cristalina provou mudanças nas posições dos picos, intensidades e na largura meia altura. Estas alterac~oes, observadas nos cristais dopados, podem gerar modificações nas propriedades físicas do material, de modo que, podem acentuar ou inibir alguma propriedade que o cristal possua. O estudo da estrutura destes materiais podem auxiliar outras pesquisas que por ventura utilizem estes cristais. Um exemplo disso é a existência de grupos de pesquisa dopando o NSH com outros materiais, a fim de que possam aumentar a temperatura de desidratação. Assim, as aplicações podem ser feitas nas mais diversas áreas como óptica, eletrônica, medicina e na indústria.


  • Data: 31/07/2015
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  • Since the discovery of X-ray by Röntgen in 1895, this type of radiation has been applied in several areas, such as health care to obtain X-rays, radiotherapy, security at airports, among many others.
    However, the X-radiation has been of great importance for the identification of crystalline materials, and methods of using X-ray diffraction, Bragg's Law. Even this technique providing the diffraction profile, which is characteristic of each material, there are some limitations, such as obtaining information on the structure of the crystal lattice.
    Faced with this, for this work was used the technique of multiple X-ray diffraction, which is a very sensitive method to change in the crystal lattice, allowing calculate the phase of reflection to find the structure factor it is necessary to acquire the crystal lattice information and possible changes if the sample is not pure.


  • Data: 24/07/2015
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  • General relativity passed all experimental tests in the weak-field regime, what made it the standard theory of gravity. However, the characterization of strong field regime of general relativity is still a challenge, due to the lack of definitive observational data from high curvature regions. It is in the strong regime that general relativity shows its subtleties and where it is possible to test whether or not general relativity should be replaced by an improved theory of gravity. High curvature regions – and therefore regions of strong field – are possible in the vicinity of compact gravitating objects, such as neutron stars, exotic stars, and black holes. Therefore, these compact objects are excellent laboratories to put constraints and to test theories of gravity in the strong regime. The outcome of the investigation of phenomena around these objects may confront crucial characteristics of general relativity as well as rule out possible alternative theories of gravity. With the advent of potential gravitational wave detectors and new or improved telescopes, it is of utmost importance to study the phenomenology around compact astrophysical objects – to understand the nature of the gravitational objects, to improve the description of the current theoretical models, and to understand the theory of gravity itself. In this thesis, we present a collection of studies on compact objects in general relativity and alternative theories of gravity. The thesis is divided in three main parts. In the first part, we discuss some solutions associated with compact objects. In Chapter 1 we obtain, in closed analytic form, slowly rotating black hole solutions of a general class of theories of gravity, for which the Einstein-Hilbert action is supplemented by all possible quadratic, algebraic curvature invariants coupled to a scalar field. We also discuss possible implications of this solution to the description of accretion disk (thermal) emissions. In Chapter 2 we investigate slowly rotating anisotropic neutron stars in general relativity and in scalar-tensor theories of gravity. We discuss the effect of the fluid anisotropy in the so-called spontaneous scalarization of stars. We also discuss possible ways to constraint the anisotropy of neutron stars. In the second part, we discuss wave-emission processes around compact objects and quasinormal modes. In Chapter 3 we calculate the emission of scalar waves by a particle orbiting a Kerr black hole, within the context of quantum field theory in curved spacetimes at tree level. In Chapter 5 we discuss astrophysical signatures of a plausible supplant to black holes: boson stars. We obtain quasinormal modes – polar and axial – of boson stars within a fully relativistic approach. We also compute the emission of gravito-scalar waves by a particle in circular orbits around boson stars, showing that the star modes “resonate” for some orbits. In Chapter 4 we discuss two different methods to compute the quasinormal modes of spherically symmetric astrophysical environments, namely: the direct integration method and the continued fraction method. In Chapter 6 we discuss the effect of accretion and dynamical friction in the motion and gravitational wave emission of a particle orbiting around – and through – a dark matter star. We model the dark matter star using uniform density stars and using boson stars. We discuss the cases for which the motion of the particle is subsonic and supersonic. In the last part, we discuss planar massless scalar waves impinging upon compact objects, considering their absorption and scattering cross sections. In Chapter 8 we compute the absorption cross section of planar massless scalar waves on Kerr black holes. We consider different angles of incidence, such that we explore the role of the rotation of the black hole into the absorption cross section. We also use the “sinc” approximation to compute the absorption cross of Kerr black holes and compare it with our numerical results. In Chapter 9 we analyze a wave incident on a Schwarzschild black hole surrounded by a thin spherical shell. We show that in the low-frequency limit the absorption cross section approaches the area of the black hole, regardless of the shell characteristics (position and mass). However, in the mid-to-high-frequency limit we show, numerically and analytically, that the absorption cross section can considerably differ from the case of an isolated Schwarzschild black hole with the same ADM mass. In Chapters 10 and 11 we study the absorption and scattering of waves, respectively, incident upon a Bardeen regular black hole. We show that Bardeen black holes can mimic some properties of Reissner-Nordstrom black holes, considering absorption and scattering of fields.


  • Data: 20/07/2015
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  • We use the rst principles RS-LMTO-ASA (Real Space - Linear Mun-Tin Orbital - Atomic
    Sphere Approximation) method, based on the Density Functional Theory and implemented to calculate
    non-collinear magnetic structures, to investigate the magnetic properties of nanostructures adsorbed on
    metallic surfaces. We investigated the magnetic behavior, for example, the magnetic ground-state and
    magnetic moment, of nanowires and nanostripes composed by Mn atoms adsorbed on W(110) surface,
    FexCo1-x nanochains deposited on Pt(111), as well as Mn nanostructures on Ag(111) surface. For
    FexCo1-x nanowires on Pt(111), Our calculations of Fe and Co average magnetic moments reveal a
    large enhancement of both spin and orbital moments compared to FeCo lms deposited on a Pt(111)
    surface. The trend for the orbital moments with respect to stoichiometry di ers from all previous higherdimensional
    FeCo alloys on Pt(111) studies. For Mn clusters on Ag(111), the exchange interactions
    between Mn near neighbors depend of the geometry and the coordination number of each site. Therefore,
    the non-collinear ordering in these nanostructures is caused not only if antiferromagnetism is frustrated
    by the cluster geometry, but also by the competition between short and long range exchange interactions.
    These systems exhibit several stables magnetic con gurations near in energy. We show that, for both
    Mn nanowires and nanostripes adsorbed on W(110), we can get a magnetic ground-state type spinspiral,
    which is the result of competition between di erent magnetic interactions, where the spin-spiral of
    nanowire do not possess characteristics type-Neel or type-Block, while the nanostripe spin-spiral possess
    characteristics type-Neel. The spin and orbital magnetic moment of nanostripe Mn atoms are noncollinear.
    These magnetic con gurations are stabilized by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. The results
    obtained are in general in good agreement with experiment and other calculations, when available in the

  • Uma  Nova  Classe  de  Nanodispositivo:  Ponto  Quântico Acoplado  a  Cadeia  de  Kitaev  Detectando  Férmions  de Majorana.

  • Data: 27/03/2015
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  • Pesquisas  em  matéria  condensada  como  supercondutores  e  isolantes  topológicos   vem garantindo  avanços  principalmente  na  caracterização  das  propriedades  de  superfície. Consciente  da  importância  dessas  propriedades  na  modelagem  de  nano  dispositivo  que nessa  dissertação  apresentamos  um  modelo  de  uma  nova  classe  de  dispositivo nanoeletrônico. Utilizaremos as propriedades teóricas de transporte eletrônico  para estudar este  modelo  que será  investigado  através do método da Função de Green de Não-Equilíbrio [1] .  A  partir da função de Green obtivemos a  fórmula da condutância do sistema. Os gráficos  da  condutância  sinalizam  a  assinatura  eletrônica  do  sistema  com  a  detecção  de quasipartículas, ou seja, de  Férmions de Majorana . Partiremos  de  um ponto  quântico em contato com eletrodos metálicos, de um único nível, sem spin  acoplado a  uma cadeia de Kitaev [2] , sobre um supercondutor topológico com pareamento -wave.

  • Problemas de Condições de Contorno em Teorias de Campos na Frente de Luz.

  • Data: 13/03/2015
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  • Neste trabalho, abordamos problemas envolvendo a formulação da Teoria Quântica dos Campos na superfície da frente de luz, mais precisamente a compactificação das coordenadas do campo escalar real, não massivo, quantizado sobre a superfície da frente de luz. No intuito de entendermos a problemática envolvida na compactificação da direção longitudinal, iniciamos o estudo revisitando o efeito Casimir neste formalismo. Sabe-se que a imposição de compactificação na componente longitudinal da frente de luz leva a inconsistências na interpretação da energia de Casimir [Phys. Rev. D67, 045010 (2003)]. O problema persiste mesmo quando se utilizam as coordenadas generalizadas da frente de luz [T.A. Silva, (Dissertação de Mestrado, UFPA, 2012)]. Deste modo, neste trabalho retomamos este problema propondo uma nova prescrição como condição de fronteira na frente de luz. Nesta prescrição, a coordenada temporal de Minkowski x0 é mantida fixa, ao invés da coordenada temporal da frente de luz ¯ x0, na imposição das condições para os campos sobre as fronteiras. Consequentemente, os resultados são consistentes com os obtidos para o campo quantizado sobre a superfície de tempos iguais [Phys. Rev. D87, 065028 (2013)]. Além disso, analisamos as consequências termodinâmicas e entrópicas para o efeito Casimir na frente de luz. Mostramos que esta prescrição também é necessária para recuperar as simetrias do modelo como, por exemplo, a simetria de inversão de temperatura, bem como para se obter uma função para a entropia de Casimir que respeite os postulados da termodinâmica [P. L. M. Rodrigues et al. (em fase de submissão)].


  • Data: 27/02/2015
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  • In this work, we used a modi ed route of the aqueous sol-gel process to produce spinel
    nickel manganite and NiO/NiMn2O4 composite in the powder form. This synthesis route
    is quite simple and it is based on the use of sorbitol as a chelating agent. The samples
    were characterized by X-ray di raction technique, Rietveld method, scanning electron
    microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The magnetic properties of the samples
    were investigated by DC magnetization and AC susceptibility measurements. With
    respect to the NiMn2O4 compound X-ray di raction data showed that the sample has
    structure of a cubic spinel. Magnetization versus temperature data in low magnetic elds
    displayed a signature of a spin glass-type state due to magnetic disorder and frustration.
    One well de ned peak in real part AC susceptibility curve was observed, indicative of the
    spin glass-type transition. The frequency dependence of AC susceptibility clearly demonstrated
    a spin glass-type behavior with the onset of spin glass freezing below to the Curie
    temperature. From DC magnetization data, the NiMn2O4 compound can be identi ed
    as a cluster spin glass or cluster glass with both ferrimagnetic and spin glass-type phases
    coexisting together at low temperatures. Thus, the exchange bias e ect observed in the
    NiMn2O4 compund was proposed to be due to the pinning e ect at the ferrimagnetic and
    spin glass-type interface. In relation to the results of the pollycrystaline NiO/NiMn2O4
    composite, the Rietveld re nement data showed that the percentage of the NiMn2O4 phase
    in the samples ranged from 62 to 89 wt% and the NiO phase ranged from 48 to 11 wt%.
    Magnetic hysteresis cycles of the NiO/NiMn2O4 composite performed at T = 5 K after
    cooling the samples in constant magnetic eld (H = 50 kOe) showed a displacement to
    negative elds, which is typical of the exchange bias e ect. This e ect must be presumably
    due to exchange coupling at the interfaces between the antiferromagnetic (NiO) and
    ferrimagnetic (NiMn2O4) materials. It also investigated the e ect of NiO concentration
    in the exchange bias eld and the coervicity. The results showed that exchange bias e ect
    changed with increasing concentration of NiO.

  • Dynamical Casimir Effect in models with laws of relativistic movement

  • Data: 27/02/2015
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  • In this work, we develop an general perturbative analytical approach which allows the investigation of additional bands in the created particles spectrum via dynamic Casimir effect in the context of the experiment which led to the announcement of the first experimental observation of this effect [C.M. Wilson et al., Nature (London) 479, 376 (2011)].

    We show that adjustments in the experimental parameters can produce quantities, measurable principle of particles with frequencies higher than the temporal oscillation of the oscillatory parameter of referred to experiment. Besides the quantity, the change of the shape in the particle of spectrum may indicate new signatures of the dynamic Casimir effect and also a way of seeking settings of spectrum that allow greater separation between thermal origin photons produced by the excitation of the quantum vacuum, to purposes of new experiments.

    We investigated also using exact approaches, the creation of particle in oscillating cavities with relativistic velocities. We show that, in the case of high speeds, are real particles created (not spurious, as conjectured in the literature), with higher frequencies the frequency of oscillation of the border, and that these particles are the manifestation
    in the cavity than in free space we see with additional bands.

  • Geração dinâmica de massa e quebra da simetria quiral na Pseudo-eletrodinâmica quântica anisotrópica

  • Data: 27/02/2015
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  • A eletrodinâmica quântica (QED) é uma das teorias mais bem sucedidas da física, na qual descreve a interação entre a matéria e a radiação eletromagnética. Diante disso, certos fenômenos planares, por exemplo, a supercondutividade à altas temperaturas e o efeito Hall quântico, desencadearam interesses na comunidade científica nesse ramo de pesquisa. Nesta dissertação apresentaremos a Pseudo-Eletrodinâmica Quântica (PQED)
    como a teoria apropriada para descrever a interação eletromagnética de partículas carregadas no plano. Mostraremos alguns resultados desta teoria quando aplicada ao estudo do grafeno. Em particular, mostraremos que a PQED abre um gap de energia quando a constante de acoplamento excede um valor crítico, e que esse resultado pode abrir a conjectura da existência de uma transição de fase semi-metal para semi-condutor no grafeno.
    E analisando também a influência da velocidade de Fermi na geração deste gap.

  • Transporte Eletrônico, Espectroscopia de Voltagem de Transição e Efeito Fano em Junções de Molécula
    de Bifenil com Eletrodos de Nanotubos de Carbono Metálico e Semicondutor

  • Data: 26/02/2015
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  • Neste trabalho é apresentado uma investigação do transporte eletrônico na junção de molecula única composta por molécula de bifenil ligada à eletrodos de nanotubos de carbono metálico e semicondutor dopado tipo-p. Os resultados apontam que as características corrente-tensão são assimétricas como um resultado da natureza eletrônica diferença dos eletrodos direito e esquerdo, devido serem semicondutores e metálicos, respectivamente. Uma análise de espectrocopia de voltagem de transição foi feita para cada sistema mediante os gráficos Fowler-Nordheim e Lauritsen-Millikan; estas análises permitem a identificação das posições de ressonâncias e as regiões onde ocorre condutância diferencial negativa. As curvas de transmitância são bem descritas pelas curvas Fano, para ambas as voltagens direta e reversa, mostrando que os orbitais moleculares de fronteiras são efetivamente envolvidos no processo de transporte. Estes resultados dão suporte para a interpretação de espectroscopia de voltagem de transição baseado no modelo de transporte coerente.

  • Transporte Eletrônico em Nanodispositivos: Derivado de Fenileno com Eletrodos de Nanotubo de Carbono e Ponto Quântico com Estado ligado de Majorana

  • Data: 25/02/2015
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  • Nós investigamos por meio da função de Green de não equilíbrio e teoria do funcional da densidade, as propriedades de transporte eletrônico de junções moleculares compostas de oligo-para-fenileno (com dois, três, quatro e cinco anéis de fenil) fazendo a ponte entre eletrodos do tipo nanotubos de carbono metálico. Verificou-se que a corrente está fortemente correlacionada com um parâmetro quiral puramente geométrico, tanto na ressonância como fora da ressonância. O gráfico de Fowler-Nordheim exibe mínimos, Vmin, que ocorrem sempre que a curva de transmitância em ressonância entra na janela de condução. Esse resultado corrobora com o cenário em que o modelo transporte coerente dá a interpretação correta de espectroscopia de voltagem de transição (TVS). Nós mostramos que Vmin corresponde a tensões, onde a resistência diferencial negativa (NDR) ocorre. A constatação de que Vmin corresponde a tensões que exibem NDR, o que pode ser explicado para a junção de uma única molécula dentro do modelo de transporte coerente, o que confirma ainda mais a aplicabilidade de tais modelos para interpretar adequadamente TVS. O fato dos eletrodos serem orgânicos da origem as diferenças do comportamento de Vmin, se comparado com o caso das junções moleculares com contatos não orgânicos. Na segunda fase da tese, investigamos teoricamente o transporte quântico de não equilíbrio em um ponto quântico acoplado a um estado ligado de Majorana. Baseado no formalismo da função de Keldysh-Grenn, que nos permite investigar a corrente elétrica de forma contínua a partir de zero voltagem até ao grande regime de voltagem. Em particular, nossos achados concordam totalmente com os resultados anteriores na literatura onde o cálculo do transporte é obtido usando a teoria de resposta linear. Nossas curvas I-V revelam uma inclinação característica dada por I = (G0/2)V em regime de resposta linear, onde G0 é a condutância balística e2/h como previsto em Phys. Rev. B 84, 201.308 (R) (2011). Os desvios deste comportamento também são discutidos quando o acoplamento é assimétrico para ambos, o eletrodo esquerdo e direito. A condutância diferencial obtida a partir das correntes da esquerda e direita pode ser maior ou menor do que G0/2, dependendo do acoplamento. Nós também comparamos a corrente através do ponto quântico acoplado a um férmion regular (FR) de modo zero e a um estado ligado de Majorana ou “Majorana bound state” (MBS). Os resultados diferem consideravelmente para toda a faixa de tensão de polarização analisada. Além disso, observa-se a formação de um platô na curva característica I-V para tensões de polarização intermediárias quando o ponto é acoplado a um MBS. Os efeitos térmicos são também considerados. Fazemos notar que, quando a temperatura dos reservatórios é grande tanto RF quanto MBS coincidem para todas as tensões de polarização.

  • Investigando a relação de Etherington com SNe Ia e Oscilações Acústicas dos Bárions.

  • Data: 13/02/2015
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  • Nas últimas décadas, a Cosmologia adentrou na era da precisão". Consideráveis progressos foram alcançados nas medidas de distâncias atraves de técnicas que vão desde a utilização de Supernovas tipo Ia (SNe Ia) como velas padrões, passando pela detecção direta de raios-x, até Oscilação Acústica dos Bárions (OAB) e variações no espectro da radiação cósmica de fundo devido ao efeito Sunyaev-Zel'dovich, entre outras. Esta dissertação é um estudo preliminar sobre a validade da Relação de Etherington (RE) que conecta as duas mais importantes distâncias em Cosmologia através de DL(z)(1 +z)􀀀2=DA(z) = 1, na qual DL e DA são a distância de luminosidade e diâmetro angular respectivamente. Para testar a RE nós utilizamos o metodo estatístico 2 considerando DL(z)(1+z)􀀀2=DA(z) = (z), adotando dados de DL de SNe Ia (UNION 2.1) e as melhores medidas de DA da literatura oriundas de OAB (WiggleZ, SDSS DR7 e BOSS DR11), bem como, adicionamos uma medida de DL de Gamma-Ray Burst em alto redshift para incluir todos os dados da amostra de OAB. Usamos duas parametrizações: (z) = 1+0z e (z) = 1+0z=(1+z), nas quais 0 representa o desvio da RE padrão. Nossos resultados fornecem 0 = 􀀀0; 030; 10 e 0 = 􀀀0; 050; 16 com 1 de nível de confiança estatística. Portanto, nossa análise indica uma excelente concordância entre a RE e as mostras. Mas, esses resultados são preliminares devido a amostra de OAB ser pequena. Novos dados e estudos permitirão investigar melhor a discrepância na RE e sua possível natureza.

  • Graviton two-point function inside the cosmological horizon of de Sitter spacetime

  • Data: 17/10/2014
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  • A teoria de perturbações aplicada a gravitação de Einstein pode gerar resultados satisfatorios para muitos problemas em relatividade geral e teoria quântica de campos. A teoria de perturbações nos permite encontrar soluções aproximadas, que se desviam pouco de uma solução exata. Desta forma, a equação de Einstein e \linearizada" e estabelecemos uma teoria linear para a relatividade geral. Ao quantizarmos as perturbações gravitacionais, temos uma teoria linear para um campo tensorial de spin 2: o graviton. Devido a sua relevância para o estudo de cosmologias in acionarias, a analise de fenômenos no espaco-tempo de De Sitter tem aumentado. Perturbações gravitacionais quânticas no espaco-tempo de De Sitter podem ter impactado a evolução de um universo in acionario, que parece ser o caso de nosso proprio Universo, de acordo com observações recentes. As propriedades da função de dois pontos do graviton são especialmente importantes neste contexto. Devido a invariância de calibre da teoria linearizada, divergências na função de dois pontos do graviton podem possuir um carater não físico. Particularmente, divergências no infravermelho podem atuar como mecanismos relacionados a quebra da simetria de De Sitter e o metodo perturbativo perde sua validade. Alguns autores relatam que estas divergências no infravermelho levam a uma constante consmologica dependente do tempo, por exemplo. Nesta dissertação, estudamos perturbações gravitacionais em espacos-tempos de fundo curvos. Usando um formalism invariante de calibre para perturbações gravitacionais em espacos-tempos de fundo com simetrias especiais, particularmente simetria esferica, calculamos a função de dois pontos do graviton na região estatica do espaco-tempo de De Sitter. Analisamos suas propriedades, incluindo seu comportamento no limite infravermelho. A região estatica do espaco-tempo de De Sitter e sicamente relevante, pois representa a região acessvel a um observador inercial. No estado de vacuo tipo Bunch-Davies, o qual e um estado termico com temperatura H=2, em que H e a constante de Hubble, a função de dois pontos que encontramos e nita no limite infravermelho. Alem disso, esta função de dois pontos na região estatica e invariante por translações temporais.


  • Estruturas magnéticas complexas de aglomerados e nanofios adsorvidos em superfícies metálicas.

  • Data: 09/09/2014
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  • Neste trabalho, estudamos as propriedades magnéticas de nanoestruturas adsorvidas sobre superfícies metálicas, via método de primeiros princípios. Usando nanoestruturas de Fe-Pt sobre a superfície de Pt(111), nossos resultados mostram que é possível ajustar a interação de troca e a conguração magnética de ad-átomos de Fe através da introdução de diferentes números de átomos de Pt que ligam os átomos de Fe, ou incluindo efeitos de bordas. Uma nanoestrutura de Fe de geometria triangular sobre a Pt(111) mostrou uma complexa estrutura magnética, com ordenamento magnético do tipo spin-spiral, a qual muda de direção de propagação nos vértices do triângulo. Investigamos também a conguração magnética de nanoestrutura de geometria hexagonal de Fe sobre a superfície de Au(111). Para este sistema vericamos que cálculos sem relaxação estrutural indicam uma conguração magnética aproximadamente ferromagnética. Este ordenamento é modicado para estruturas não-colineares compostas por diferentes sub-redes de spins, quando a relaxação estrutural é incluída nos cálculos. Também apresentamos a estrutura magnética de nanoos e nano-estruturas de Mn adsorvidas sobre a superfície de Au(111), e comparamos estes resultados com os obtidos para geometrias de Mn sobre a superfície de Ag(111). Para nanoos nitos de Mn sobre Ag(111) e Au(111), nossos resultados ab-initio mostram que a grande diferença entre o acoplamento spin-órbita destas superfícies leva a congurações magnéticas bem diferentes. O ordenamento magnético para nanoestruturas de Mn adsorvidas sobre Ag (111) é regido pela forte interação de troca entre os ad-átomos de Mn. Para nano-objetos de Mn sobre o Au(111), a competição entre as interações de Heisenberg e Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya leva a uma complexa estrutura magnética para os sistemas aqui considerados: para o nanoo com sete átomos obtivemos um ordenamento tipo spin-spiral helicoidal, e para um nanoo com o dobro do tamanho, vericamos uma complexa conguração magnética incomensurável com a rede do substrato. O efeito de relaxamento estrutural também foi investigado, mostrando interessantes estruturas magnéticas não-colineares, com um plano de simetria de reexão.

  • Modelos Isotrópicos e Anisotrópicos com Férmions

  • Data: 09/09/2014
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  • Analisamos a estrutura dos pontos fixos para o modelo não-abeliano de interação de quatro férmions em (3+1) dimensões o qual possue a simetria SU(Nc)­SU(Nf )L ­SU(Nf )R a partir do cálculo perturbativo da função beta do sistema reduzido. Tratamos o modelo como uma teoria efetiva válida em uma escala de energia em que p<< M, onde p é o momento externo e M é uma parâmetro massivo que caracteriza o acoplamento. Usando o mecanismo de redução de Zimmermann, mostramos até a ordem de 1-loop, que alguém do ponto fixo infravermelho na origem existe uma linha de pontos fixos não triviais ultravioletas os quais dependem de Nc e Nf . Estudamos também a quebra de simetria de Lorentz no contexto de Horava-Lifshitz para o modelo de Yukawa e Gross-Neveu-Thirring, mostramos que a inserção de altas derivadas na parte espacial da lagrangeana livre pode melhorar o comportamento ultravioleta das teorias e determinamos as funções do grupo de renormalização para o modelo de Gross-Neveu-Thirring. Num segundo momento, estudamos a eletrodinâmica quântica em três dimensões, na qual verificamos a geração do termo de Chern-Simons e mostramos que a auto-energia do campo de calibre é transversal pela conservação da corrente.

  • Modos Quase-Normais e Polos de Regge de Espaços-Tempos Acústicos

  • Data: 04/08/2014
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  • Sob determinadas condições, ondas sonoras em um fluido ideal são governadas pela equação de Klein-Gordon em um espaço-tempo efetivo chamado de espaço-tempo acústico. Os espaços-tempos acústicos são determinados pelas propriedades do fluido não perturbado. Nesta tese, consideramos os espaços-tempos acústicos do buraco acústico canônico, do buraco acústico girante e do vórtice hidrodinâmico. Para o buraco acústico canônico, calculamos as frequências quase-normais e os polos de Regge usando três diferentes métodos. Primeiro, mostramos como oscilações amortecidas surgem a partir da evolução de perturbações gaussianas no domínio temporal, usando o método da diferença finita, e estimamos as frequências quase-normais fundamentais. A seguir, aplicamos o método da expansão geodésica para obter uma expansão para as frequências quase-normais em potências inversas de l + 1=2, onde l é o momento angular associado às ondas sonoras. Testamos o método da expansão geodésica comparando os resultados obtidos via método da diferença finita. O método da expansão geodésica é então usado também para obter os polos de Regge. Para verificar a validade do método da expansão geodésica, calculamos numericamente o espectro dos polos de Regge via método da integração direta no domínio da frequência e comparamos os resultados obtidos. Para o buraco acústico girante, apresentamos uma investigação completa do papel dos modos quase-normais e dos polos de Regge neste espaço-tempo efetivo. Primeiramente, simulamos uma perturbação no domínio temporal aplicando o método da diferença finita para demonstrar a ubiquidade do toque quase-normal. Em seguida, resolvemos a equação de onda no domínio da frequência com o método da fração continuada, para calcular numericamente os espectros dos modos quase-normais e dos polos de Regge. Exploramos a relação geométrica existente entre geodésicas nulas (diretas e retrógradas) no espaço-tempo do buraco acústico girante, e as propriedades do espectro quase-normal/polos de Regge. Aplicamos o método de expansão geodésica para obter uma expressão assintótica para o espectro dos modos quasenormais/polos de Regge, para as funções radiais e para os resíduos. Além disso, estudamos o papel dos polos de Regge nos processos de absorção e espalhamento por meio da aplicação do método do momento angular complexo. Elucidamos a ligação entre polos de Regge e as oscilações no comprimento de choque de absorção. Finalmente, mostramos que os polos de Regge fornecem uma explanação clara acerca de oscilações vistas no comprimento de choque de espalhamento. Por fim, para o vórtice hidrodinâmico, fornecemos uma evidência direta de que este espaçotempo é um sistema instável quando submetido a perturbações lineares. Para mostrarmos isso, calculamos os modos quase-normais deste sistema usando três diferentes métodos (um método no domínio temporal e os outros dois no domínio da frequência). Mostramos que o aparecimento de modos instáveis no vórtice hidrodinâmico está diretamente relacionado à presença de uma ergorregião e à ausência de um horizonte de eventos neste espaço-tempo efetivo.

  • Interação de Nanotubos de Carbono com Ácidos Graxos Saturados e de Monocamadas de Grafeno com Gases Nobres

  • Data: 28/03/2014
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  • Suspensões de nanotubos de carbono de parede única  (SWCNTs) em soluções aquosas de dodecil  sulfato  de  sódio  (SDS)  e  ácidos  graxos  saturados  (Cn)  são  estudadas.  A  qualidade  das dispersões  é  analisada  por  espectroscopia  de  fotoluminescência  (PL)  como  uma  função  do comprimento da cadeia de Cn. Medidas de espalhamento Raman Resonante (RRS) e simulações de dinâmica  molecular  (MD)  foram  também  realizadas  com o  objetivo  de  estudar  o  efeito  do  meio envolvente nas propriedades dos SWCNTs em suspensões. Ambos os dados de PL e RRS indicam um aumento da individualização de SWCNTs nas dispersões para Cn’s tendo um comprimento de cadeia alquílica maior do que o SDS. Simulações de MD mostraram a formação de misturados CnSDS agregados em torno de um nanotubo em água e umaenergia de ligação de Cn com a parede do nanotubo, que aumenta linearmente com o comprimentoda cadeia. O aumento da solubilização de SWCNTs  é  assim  interpretado  em  termos  da  redução  da repulsão  eletrostática  dentro  dos surfactantes agregados e do aumento da energia de ligação com a parede do nanotubo. Amostras em Pó preparadas pela evaporação de dispersões de Cn ebundles de SWCNT em etanol também foram estudados  por  RRS  na  faixa  de  freqüência  do  modo  de respiração  radial  (RBM).  Todas  as freqüências  RBM  medidas  exibem  um  deslocamrnto  para o  azul  (∆ω)  em  relação  aos  valores obtidos para o pó de SWCNTs puros. Notavelmente, osnanotubos com diâmetros menores do que 1,0 nm, mostram ∆ωno intervalo de 2,5-4,5 cm -1 , enquanto aqueles tendo diâmetros maiores do que 1,0 nm exibem ∆ωno intervalo de 6,5-8,0 cm -1 . Simulações de MD mostraram que os nanotubos de diâmetros  grandes  encapsulam  os  Cn’s  nos  seus  núcleos,  assim  justificando  o  aumento  do endurecimento do modo RBM.

  • Estudo do espectro de fônons de sistemas Ln2Mo4O15 (Ln = Sm, La) sob condições extremas de pressão e temperatura

  • Data: 27/03/2014
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  • No presente trabalho, investigamos as propriedades vibracionais de dois materiais da família dos molibdatos de lantanídeos com fórmula geral Ln2Mo4O15 (Ln = Sm, La) através de experimentos de espectroscopia Raman, e com o auxílio dos cálculos de dinâmica de rede, tentamos compreender os efeitos da aplicação de pressão hidrostática nas propriedades estruturais e vibracionais desses materiais. O material Sm2Mo4O15 para o experimento Raman de baixas temperaturas, se mostrou estável até alcançar a temperatura mínima de 10 K, não alterando a sua estrutura cristalina. Esta mesma situação foi observada para o material La2Mo4O15 sob baixas temperaturas.

    No experimento de espectroscopia Raman de altas temperaturas, o molibdato de lantânio atingiu uma temperatura de 1173 K e o mesmo foi interrompido nesta etapa, devido ao aumento na relação sinal ruído. Observou-se também que o mesmo atingiu um estado amorfo, mostrando uma degradação da amostra. Já para o molibdato de samário, esta degradação aconteceu para temperatura em torno de 1033 K, sendo que a amorfização é notada por uma diminuição abrupta da intensidade Raman e aumento da relação sinal ruído.

    A realização dos experimentos sob altas pressões, para esses dois materiais, revelou que o material Sm2Mo4O15 apresenta uma transição de fase de segunda ordem, passando para uma fase amorfa em torno de 4,5 GPa. Devido ao tipo de transição, conseguimos determinar, através de Teoria de Grupos, a nova fase mais provável que o molibdato de samário possui no regime de altas pressões. No caso do material La2Mo4O15,
    observamos que ocorre uma transição de fase de primeira ordem em torno de 2,0 GPa, e acima de 6,8 GPa a amostra tende a amorfizar-se. Ao contrário do molibdato de samário, a identificação da nova fase para o molibdato de lantânio encontra-se em estudo, já que a natureza das transições de fase de primeira ordem é mais complexas que as de segunda ordem, não possibilitando uma análise conclusiva sob o ponto de vista hierárquico de grupo-subgrupo.

  • RenormalizaÇÃO em 1-laço da Pseudo-Eletrodinâmica Quântica

  • Data: 24/03/2014
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  • No presente trabalho estudamos a renormalização da pseudo-eletrodinâmica quântica em (2+1)D (PEDQ3) na ordem de um laço. Proposta por E.C. Marino, a PEDQ3 descreve a interação eletromagnética completa entre         elétrons movendo-se em um plano, e recentemente tem sido proposta como a interação entre os elétrons
    no grafeno. Usando férmions de quatro componentes e utilizando a regularização dimensional calculamos as funções de renormalização da teoria no caso isotrópico e anisotrópico, e mostramos que a identidade de Ward-Takahashi é preservada. Particularmente, a renormalização da velocidade de Fermi para o caso anisotrópico e o fator giromagn ético para o caso massivo e isotrópico são obtidos.

  • Absorção de ondas escalares planas não massivas por buracos negros de Kerr
  • Data: 21/03/2014
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  • Nesta dissertação, consideramos ondas escalares planas não massivas incidindo sobre um buraco negro de Kerr e calculamos a seção de choque de absorção. Investigamos o caso geral, no qual o ângulo entre a onda incidente e o eixo de rotação do buraco negro é arbitrário. Calculamos numericamente, usando o método de ondas parciais, a seção de choque de absorção para analisar os casos de incidência ao longo do eixo de rotação do buraco negro e o caso fora do eixo de rotação, e mostramos que os casos de incidência fora do eixo possuem um comportamento bastante diferente do caso de incidência ao longo do eixo de rotação. Dividimos a seção de choque de absorção total em suas contribuições co- e contragirantes mostrando que a absorção é maior para ondas contragirantes. Os resultados numéricos foram obtidos para valores arbitrários de frequência, e apresentam ampla concordância com os resultados analíticos em altas e baixas frequências.
  • Nanoestruturas de Fe adsorvidas na superfície de Ir(111): Um estudo ab initio
  • Data: 24/10/2013
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  • Neste trabalho, utilizamos o método de primeiros princípios RS-LMTO-ASA (Real Space - Linear Mufn Tin Orbital - Atomic Sphere Approximation), baseado na Teoria do Funcional da Densidade (DFT- Density Functional Theory) e implementado para o cálculo de estruturas magnéticas não colineares, a fim de investigar as propriedades magnéticas de nanoestruturas adsorvidas em superfícies metálicas. Motivados por artigos experimentais e teóricos que estudaram monocamadas de Fe sobre a superfície de Ir(111), nosso estudo foi focado no estudo das con?gurações magnéticas de nanoestruturas bidimensionais de Fe sobre a superfície de Ir(111). Verificamos a possibilidade de formação de estruturas magnéticas tipo skyrmions, entre outras complexas configurações magnéticas. Estudamos também quais possíveis fatores influenciam nas configurações magnéticas. Baseado nisso, mostramos que as nanoestruturas de Fe sobre a superfície de Ir(111) são bastante sensíveis a efeitos de hibridização, levando a diferentes configurações magnéticas encontradas para sistemas com e sem relaxação estrutural. Estas relaxações podem levar uma mesma estrutura geométrica de configurações ferromagnéticas a configurações magnéticas complexas. Mostramos também que a interação de troca Jij sofre bastante essa influência.
  • Absorption of the massive scalar field by a charged black hole.
  • Data: 22/10/2013
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  • Buracos negros são objetos astrofísicos que possuem um papel importante na gravitação. Eles captam a curiosidade das pessoas por suas características estranhas, apesar de serem soluções relativamente simples das equações de Einstein. Muitas evidèncias já foram encontradas acerca da presença destes objetos no Universo, apesar de não haver ainda nenhuma evidência direta de sua existência. Nós consideramos o processo de absorção para buscar evidêcias de buracos negros, focando no buraco negro estático carregado. Por outro lado, os recentes resultados positivos na busca pelo bóson de Higgs no CERN nos dão motivação extra para estudar o caso do campo escalar massivo. Nesta dissertação analisamos o campo escalar massivo no espa¸co tempo de Reissner-Nordström e calculamos a seção de choque de absorção para este caso. Utilizamos cálculos numéricos para resolver a equação de Klein-Gordon para frequências arbitrárias. Encontramos excelente acordo entre nossos resultados e os limites de altas e baixas frequências.
  • Espectrometrias Teóricas UV, DOS, Raman, IR e Dicroísmo Circular das moléculas Diamorfina e 6-monoacetilmorfina.
  • Data: 18/10/2013
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  • Foi realizado estudo teórico dos espectros UV, DOS, IR, Raman e Dicroísmo Circular a partir das moléculas de morfina, diacetilmorfina (heroína) e 6- monoacetylmorphine em solventes como a água, acetona, o clorofórmio, etanol e tolueno. Foram analisadas as variações nos espectros devido a efeitos de solvente para determinar uma reação química possível. Estes resultados foram obtidos por meio de simulação computacional utilizando o modelo polarizável contínuo com a Teoria do Funcional da Densidade em B3LYP/6-311 + + G (d, p). Estes resultados são de grande importância para as aplicações em diversos campos, como por exemplo, a caracterização de espectros vibracionais, práticas forenses e farmacologia. O comportamento de funções químicas presentes nessas moléculas depende do solvente e da ação da radiação sobre a molécula em solução, de modo que alguns solventes são mais susceptíveis as transições entre os estados e reações químicas.
  • Funções diádicas de Green para um estudo de espalhamento de ondas eletromagnéticas no grafeno bicamada.
  • Orientador : VICTOR DMITRIEV
  • Data: 30/08/2013
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  • No presente trabalho, utilizamos o método das funções diádicas de Green do tipo elétrica para uma estrutura plana com três camadas, contendo duas camadas de grafeno separados por um dielétrico. A análise é feita em termos do potencial de Hertz com as correspondentes condições de contorno para as componentes normal e tangencial do potencial. As camadas de grafeno são modelados como filmes infinitesimalmente finos com condutividade definido pela fórmula Kubo. Em tal estrutura, ondas superficiais plasmon-polariton pode existir. Para validar os resultados, consideramos casos limites. Um deles é onde a função diádica de Green é conhecida para uma camada de grafeno, o outro caso limite é para uma camada dielétrica. Como um exemplo de aplicação da teoria desenvolvida, calculamos os coeficientes de reflexão e transmissão para essa estrutura de três camadas para o caso da incidência normal de onda eletromagnética plana. Os resultados numéricos obtidos estão de acordo com os dados experimentais publicados.
  • Efeitos de Temperatura em Teoria Quântica de Campos na Frente de Luz
  • Data: 26/04/2013
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  • Nesta tese abordamos problemas perturbativos e não perturbativos da Teoria Quântica de Campos utilizando o formalismo de quantização de campos desenvolvido por Dirac [P. A. M. Di- rac, Rev. Mod. Phys. 21, 392 (1949)], o chamado formalismo da frente de luz. Este formalismo vem sendo principalmente aplicado no estudo de problemas em regimes não perturbativos, como por exemplo, no estudo de estado ligados da Cromodinâmica Quântica. Inicialmente consideramos a Eletrodinâmica Quântica em (3+1) dimensões na frente de luz e calculamos o tensor de polarização tanto a temperatura nula como a temperatura finita. No primeiro caso, usamos o método da regularização dimensional para obter a contribuição finita, e encontramos a estrutura de transversalidade para as amplitudes em termos das coordenadas na frente de luz. O resultado está de acordo com os obtidos em tempos iguais. Para as correções térmicas, generalizamos a aproximação de Hard Thermal Loop para a frente de luz e calculamos a contribuição de temperatura para o tensor de polarização; este resultado é consistente com a Identidade de Ward. Em seguida, estudamos o efeito Casimir estático para o campo escalar sem massa em (3+1) dimensões na frente de luz. Neste formalismo, o efeito a temperatura nula apresenta sutilezas que decorrem tanto das coordenadas utilizadas como das condições de contornos impostas sobre o campo. Generalizando este estudo para a inclusão de efeitos térmicos, mostramos a prescrição correta para recuperar a simetria de inversão de temperatura. Por fim, consideramos o modelo de Gross-Neveu em (2+1) dimensões na expansão 1/N, no formalismo da frente de luz. Realizando compactificação ao longo de uma das coordenadas espaciais, generalizamos estudos existentes na literatura e apresentamos as dificuldades associadas com a obtenção no formalismo da frente de luz da constante de acoplamento renormalizada do modelo, obtida pelo cálculo da função de quatro pontos.
  • Efeito Casimir Dinâmico com Espelhos Parcialmente Refletores Tipo Robin
  • Data: 13/03/2013
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  • Neste trabalho estudamos o fenômeno de criação de partículas via efeito Casimir dinâmico. Consideramos, em toda a extensão do trabalho, um campo escalar, real, sem massa, que obedece à equação de Klein-Gordon num espaço-tempo bidimensional. O campo interage com um espelho parcialmente refletor sobre o qual, no caso limite em que tal espelho se torna perfeitamente refletor para todas as frequências do campo, o campo fica sujeito à condição de Robin − isto é o que denominamos de espelhos parcialmente refletores “tipo Robin”. A dinâmica do espelho é posta de duas maneiras distintas: na primeira, o espelho é móvel; na segunda, o espelho está parado, mas impõe uma condição de contorno com um parâmetro característico − o parâmetro de Robin − dependente do tempo, o que pode, de certa forma, simular um espelho em movimento. Através de uma abordagem envolvendo matrizes de espalhamento − tomando como base [M. T. Jaekel, S. Reynaud; J. Phys. I France 1, 1395 (1991)] e [M. T. Jaekel, S. Reynaud; Quantum Opt. 4, 39 (1992)] − fórmulas são obtidas para a taxa e o espectro de frequência das partículas criadas. Na literatura (pelo menos nos trabalhos citados nesta dissertação), os trabalhos que investigam o efeito Casimir dinâmico com espelhos parcialmente refletores consideram como limite de um espelho perfeito o caso em que o espelho impõe a condição de Dirichlet. Ainda, os trabalhos que investigam o efeito Casimir dinâmico com condições de Robin o fazem com espelhos perfeitos. Portanto, este trabalho generaliza estas duas frentes − trabalhos com espelhos parcialmente refletores e trabalhos com condições de Robin − simultaneamente.
  • Efeito Casimir Dinâmico via Matriz de Espalhamento Tipo Robin e com Estados Iniciais Arbitrário.
  • Data: 12/03/2013
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  • No presente trabalho, estudamos o efeito Casimir dinâmico para uma fronteira parcialmente refletora, considerando o campo de Klein-Gordon, sem massa, em 1+1 dimensões, sujeito à condição tipo Robin com parâmetro de Robin dependente do tempo. Definimos a condição tipo Robin como aquela imposta ao campo por uma fronteira não ideal, cujo limite ideal recupera a condição de contorno de Robin. Neste contexto, calculamos a solução do campo para o caso da fronteira ideal (Robin) e depois generalizamos para o caso não ideal (tipo Robin) com parâmetro de Robin dependente do tempo, por meio da introdução de uma matriz de espalhamento, tomando como base a referência [M. T. Jaekel & S. Reynaud, J. Physique I 1 1395 (1991)]. Obtemos uma fórmula para a densidade espectral de partículas criadas, considerando um estado inicial arbitrário do campo. Em seguida, particularizamos a fórmula para os casos de vácuo e banho térmico. Levando em conta espelhos não ideais, estes resultados generalizam os correspondentes resultados de Silva e Farina [H. O. Silva & C. Farina, Phys. Rev. D 84, 045003 (2011)] e de Farina et al [C.Farina, H. O. Silva, A. L. C. Rego, & D. T. Alves, International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 14, 306 (2012)].
  • Espectroscopias de Espelho Térmico e Lente Térmica aplicadas na determinação de propriedades termo-ópticas do Polivinil Álcool (PVA) com Nanopartículas de β-caroteno NPB e Nanotubos de Carbono NTC.
  • Data: 28/02/2013
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  • Nesse trabalho apresentamos o estudo e caracterização das propriedades termo ópticas de PVA (Poli(Vinil-Álcool)) modificado pela adição de nanopartículas (nanotubos de carbono ou β-caroteno). Para se realizar o estudo, nos utilizamos das técnicas de Lente Térmica (LT) e Espelho Térmico (ET). Ambas as técnicas tratam-se de técnicas fototérmicas, ou seja, técnicas que utilizam a geração de calor na amostra devido a absorção de energia luminosa. A técnica LT é bastante conhecida e vem nas ultimas décadas sendo um instrumento valioso e eficiente na caracterização das propriedades térmicas de diversos materiais. A técnica de ET é semelhante à técnica de LT em seus aspectos experimentais, a diferença entre as duas reside no fato de que na LT analisamos a fração de radiação transmitida pela amostra e no ET analisamos por sua vez a fração refletida pela superfície da mesma. Pela semelhança experimental, as técnicas podem ser utilizadas simultaneamente, contribuindo para uma melhor caracterização térmica de materiais transparentes e semitransparentes, como é o caso das amostras estudadas no presente trabalho. O PVA é um polímero transparente e para esse trabalho foi modificado inserindo-se na matriz polimérica, partículas de materiais com propriedades diferentes, dando origem a um material compósito.
  • Design de Dispositivos Baseados na Rodamina.
  • Data: 22/02/2013
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  • Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo teórico utilizando MM/QM e a Função de Green de Não Equilíbrio (Non Equilibrium Green’s Functions - NEGEF), aplicados às rodaminas B, RB e 6G, R6G, com o objetivo de se obter um dispositivo molecular. As rodaminas B e 6G foram caracterizadas em meio líquido através de seu espectro de absorção utilizando-se MM/QM. Para a determinação da curva I-V do dispositivo utilizou-se a NEGEF, obtendo-se uma curva semelhante à curva da carga em função da tensão externa aplicada. Os resultados obtidos para o estudo de dispositivo usando a R6G foram inconclusivos. Porém, a curva I-V, dada pelos níveis localizados, obtida para a RB usando-se a NEGEF mostra que a mesma pode ser utilizada como um transistor de efeito de campo que é dispositivo amplificador controlado por tensão com alta impedância de entrada e baixo consumo de potência, característica muito importante para um dispositivo molecular.
  • Propriedades Magnéticas de Nanoestruturas de Metais de Transição 3d em Superfícies de Pd
  • Data: 27/11/2012
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  • Motivados por estudos experimentais acerca de monocamadas de metais de transição 3d sobre superfícies de Pd, nesta dissertação investigamos o complexo magnetismo de nanoestruturas, embebidas ou adsorvidas, em superfícies metálicas através de cálculos de primeiros princípios. Utilizamos o método RS-LMTO-ASA (Real Space - Linear Muffin-Tin Orbital - Atomic Sphere Approximation), o qual é baseado na teoria do funcional da densidade (DFT - Density Functional Theory) e implementado para o cálculo de estruturas magnéticas não colineares. Com este propósito, investigamos embebidas e ligas (2 x 2) de metais 3d (Cr, Mn, Fe, Co e Ni) na superfície Pd(110), além de nanoestruturas de Cr adsorvidas sobre a superfície de Pd(111). Primeiro, para as nanoestruturas embebidas na superfície Pd(110), analisamos a variação do momento magnético de spin orbital com relação ao número de vizinhos e de valência dos metais 3d. Também mostramos que estas estruturas têm ordenamento magnético colinear, exceto as de Cr e Mn, que apresentam magnetismo não colinear associado na frustração geométrica. Para o caso de nanofios de Cr adsorvidos sobre a superfície de Pd(111), verificamos uma configuração colinear antiferromagnética para cadeias com até 9 átomos. Para o nanofios com 10 átomos obtivemos uma configuração tipo antiferromagnética inclinada (canted). No caso de nanoestruturas de Cr bidimensionais, verificamos complexas configurações magnéticas não colineares com diferentes quiralidades.
  • Efeito Casimir na Teoria Quântica de Campos na Frente de Luz
  • Data: 12/09/2012
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  • O presente trabalho consiste no estudo do efeito Casimir na formulação da teoria quântica de campos na frente de luz. Estudos preliminares na formulação convencional da frente de luz, proposta por Dirac em 1949 [1], argumentaram que considerando esta dinâmica não é possível obter a força de Casimir quando se impõe condições de contorno na componente longitudinal [2]. Considerando o campo escalar não-massivo em (3 + 1)D, no contexto das coordenadas generalizadas da frente de luz [3], investigamos o efeito Casimir, a temperatura zero e a temperatura finita. Mostramos como no caso particular das coordenadas usuais da frente de luz, os resultados da literatura podem ser obtidos para as componentes transversais. Já para a componente longitudinal, a dificuldade apresentada nas coordenadas convencionais não aparece com o uso das coordenadas oblíquas. Calculamos assim o efeito nesta direção também. Neste mesmo sistema de coordenadas, calculamos as correções térmicas ao efeito em todas as direções.
  • Efeito Casimir no modelo de Maxwell-Chern-Simons em (3+1)dimensões
  • Data: 31/08/2012
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  • Neste trabalho analisamos o efeito Casimir a temperatura finita entre placas paralelas na eletrodinâmica em (3+1)dimensões, modificada pela inclusão de um termo tipo Chern-Simons. Esta modificação foi proposta pela primeira vez por Carrol e Jackiw em 1990 [1] e é dada pela lagrangiana L = −1 4ηαAβǫαβµνFµν. A presença de um quadri-vetor extra ηα quebra a simetria de Lorentz do modelo. Mesmo com as atuais pesquisas, até agora, não há experimentos que provam a quebra desta simetria. Alguns estudos em particular indicam que este termo está relacionado com a rotação da polarização de propagação dos fótons que compõem a radiação cósmica de fundo [2]. Nesta dissertação assumimos ηα = (η,~0) e calculamos a força de Casimir entre duas placas paralelas a temperatura zero, utilizando a técnica de regularização da função zeta generalizada, encontrando resultados que concordam com a literatura [3]. Em seguida introduzimos efeitos térmicos, considerando o formalismo de tempo imaginário. No limite de altas temperaturas encontramos a força com a dependência de T3η2. O limite de Maxwell é recuperado para η = 0.
  • Força de Casimir para o modelo de Maxwell-Proca-Chern-Simons


  • Data: 21/06/2012
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  • Nesta dissertação, determinamos a força de Casimir para o modelo de Maxwell-
    Proca- Chern-Simons (MPCS) obtido a partir do modelo de Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Higgs
    que representa vórtices quantizados em (2 + 1)D do espaço-tempo. No modelo inicial
    (MCSH), os vórtices são representados por um campo escalar complexo associado a um
    termo de massa dinâmica M. Em uma primeira aproximação, consideraremos o valor esperado
    no vácuo (não nulo) deste campo, obtendo, deste modo, o modelo (MPCS). Então,
    calcularemos a força de Casimir para o modelo resultante, associando este ao modelo de
    dois campos escalares massivos não-interagentes. As massas de cada um dos dois campos
    escalares estão adequadamente relacionadas com as constantes características do modelo
    de (MPCS). Assim, a força de Casimir pode ser descrita como a soma das forças para
    dois campos escalares, que são bem conhecidas na literatura. Contudo, a força de Casimir
    depende das condições de contorno consideradas. Então, um problema que surge
    naturalmente é que devemos mapear as condições de contorno consideradas para o campo
    escalar em respectivas condições de contorno para o campo vetorial do modelo de MPCS
    (ou vice-versa). Aqui, por uma questão de simplicidade, tentaremos denir corretamente
    as condições de contorno que serão consideradas para o modelo de MPCS (associado a
    dois campos escalares), a m de obter a força de Casimir para o modelo em termos das
    expressões conhecidas para forças de Casimir para campos escalares.
    De outra perspectiva, também, estudamos a força de Casimir para o modelo MPCS
    fazendo uso de transformações duais, a m de expressar o modelo MPCS como uma
    soma de dois modelos de Proca-Chern-Simons (PCS) vetoriais. O cálculo da força para
    cada Proca-Chern-Simons é feito tomando o valor esperado no vácuo do tensor energiamomento,
    escrito em termos dos propagadores dos campos auto-duais. A vantagem de
    fazermos esta abordagem é que as equações diferenciais resultantes (para os propagadores
    dos campos vetoriais) são mais simples do que as descrevem os propagadores do modelo
    inicial de Maxwell-Proca-Chern-Simons. Discutimos também, o mapeamento da condição
    de contorno do modelo inicial nas respectivas condições de contorno para os modelos vetoriais
    Também, para complementar este trabalho, apresentaremos os passos iniciais para investiga
    ção do efeito Casimir dinâmico para o modelo de MPCS associando este a campos
    escalares massivos. Por simplicidade, começamos a estudar o campo escalar massivo em
    (1 + 1)D, sujeito as condições de contorno de Dirichlet, considerando apena uma da fronteiras em movimento não relativístico.

  • Sólitons latentes, cordas negras, membranas negras e equações de estado em modelos de Kaluza-Klein
  • Data: 21/06/2012
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  • Neste trabalho investigamos soluções solitônicas em modelos de Kaluza-Klein com um número arbitrário de espaços internos toroidais, que descrevem o campo gravitacional de um objeto massivo compacto Cada toro di-dimensional possui um fator de escala independente Ci, i = 1, . . . , N, que é caracterizado pelo parâmetro yi. Destacamos a solução fisicamente interessante correspondente à massa puntual. Para a solução geral obtemos equações de estado nos espaços externo e interno. Estas equações demonstram que a massa pontual solitônica possui equações de estado tipo poeira em todos os espaços. Obtemos também os parâmetros pósnewtonianos que nos possibilitam encontrar as fórmulas da precessão do periélio, do desvio da luz e do atraso no tempo de ecos de radar. Além disso, os experimentos gravitacionais levam a uma forte limitação nos parâmetros do modelo: T = -(2,1+/- 2,3)x10^-5. A solução para massa pontual contradiz esta restrição. A imposição T = 0 satisfaz essa limitação experimental e define uma nova classe de soluções que são indistinguíveis para a relatividade geral. Chamamos estas soluções de sólitons latentes. Cordas negras e membranas negras com yi = 0 pertencem a esta classe. Além disso, a condição de estabilidade dos espaços internos destaca cordas/membranas negras de sólitons latentes, conduzindo exclusivamente para as equações de estado de corda/membrana negra pi = -E/2, i = 1, . . . , N, nos espaços internos e ao número de dimensões externas d0 = 3. As investigações do fluido perfeito multidimensional estático e esfericamente simétrico com equação de estado tipo poeira no espaço externo confirmam os resultados acima.
  • Transporte eletrônico em nanofitas de grafeno sob a influência de fatores externos, via primeiros princípios
  • Data: 07/03/2012
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  • O grafeno é a primeira estrutura bidimensional que se obteve experimentalmente. Sua rede cristalina é uma rede hexagonal, conhecida como "Favo de Mel", possui apenas um átomo de espessura. Cortes em folhas de grafeno, privilegiando determinada direção, geram as chamadas nanofitas de grafeno. Embora o grafeno se comporte como um metal, é sabido que as nanofitas podem apresentar comportamentos semicondutor, metálico ou semimetálico, dependendo da direção de corte e/ou largura da fita. No caso de nanofitas semicondutoras, a largura da banda proibida (band gap), entre outros fatores, depende da largura da nanofita. Neste trabalho adotou-se métodos de primeiros princípios como o DFT (Density Functional Theory), a fim de se obter as características tais como curvas de dispersão para nanofitas. Neste trabalho, primeiramente, são apresentados diagramas de bandas de energia e curvas de densidade de estados para nanofitas de grafeno semicondutoras, de diferentes larguras, e na ausência de influências externas. Utilizou-se métodos de primeiros princípios para a obtenção destas curvas e o método das funções de Green do Não Equilíbrio para o transporte eletrônico. Posteriormente foi investigado a influência da hidrogenização, temperatura e tensão mecânica sobre sistema, isso além, de se estudar o comportamento de transporte eletrônico com e sem influência destes fatores externos Vale ressaltar que o as nanofitas de grafeno apresentam possibilidades reais de aplicação em nanodispositivos eletrônicos, a exemplo de nanodiodos e nanotransistores. Por esse motivo, é importante se ter o entendimento de como os fatores externos alteram as propriedades de tal material, pois assim, espera-se que as propriedades de dispositivos eletrônicos também sejam influenciadas da mesma maneira que as nanofitas.
  • Quebra de simetria quiral na pseudo-eletrodinâmica quântica em (2+1)D à temperatura finita
  • Data: 07/03/2012
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  • No presente trabalho, nós investigamos a quebra de simetria quiral na pseudo-eletrodinâmica quântica em (2+1)D à temperatura finita, usando os formalismos das equações de Schwinger-Dyson e das frequências de Matsubara. Usando as aproximações "quenched rainbow", conseguimos mostrar que a função de massa dos férmions é uma função decrescente da temperatura, sendo nula para valores acima da temperatura crítica Tc. Realizamos testes numéricos para confirmar esses resultados.
  • Difração de Policristais e Difração Múltipla de Raios X para o Estudo da Influência dos Íons Mn+2, Mg+2 e Cu+2 nas Estruturas Cristalinas da L Asparagina Monohidratada e do Sulfato de Níquel Hexahidratado
  • Data: 24/02/2012
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  • Neste trabalho realizamos um estudo sobre a influência dos dopantes Mn +2 , Mg +2 e Cu +2 nas estruturas cristalinas de cristais de Sulfato de Níquel hexahidratado (NSH) e L Asparagina Monohidratada (LAM). A introdução de dopantes em uma rede cristalina pode alterar suas propriedades físicas ou seu hábito de crescimento. Estas alterações podem favorecer as aplicações tecnológicas destes cristas em diversas áreas como medicina, agricultura, óptica e eletrônica. Os cristais de NSH foram crescidos pelo método da evaporação lenta do solvente e dopados com íons de Mn +2 e Mg +2 , resultando em cristais de boa qualidade. Realizamos medidas de Difração de raios X de policristais nos cristais puros e dopados e a partir dos resultados obtidos fizemos refinamentos, usando o método de Rietiveld, onde foi observado que os cristais dopados apresentavam a mesma estrutura tetragonal e grupo espacial que o cristal puro, havendo uma pequena mudança em seus parâmetros de rede e volume de suas células unitárias. Observamos que a introdução de dopantes causou alterações nos comprimentos das ligações e nos ângulos entre os átomos de níquel e oxigênio, isso pode explicar porque as temperaturas de desidratação dos cristais de NSH:Mg e NSH:Mn são maiores que a do NSH puro. Usamos a técnica de Difração Mútipla de raios X com radiação síncroton em diferentes energias na estação de trabalho XRD1, do Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Síncroton (LNLS) a fim de identificarmos possíveis mudanças nas estruturas dos cristais dopados de Sulfato de Níquel e de L Asparagina. Os diagramas Renninger mostram mudanças na intensidade, perfil e posições dos picos secundários dos cristais dopados causadas pela introdução dos dopantes. Os cristais de L Asparagina Monohidratada foram crescidos pelo método da evaporação lenta do solvente, sendo dopados com íons de Cu +2 . As medidas de difração múltipla mostram que o cristal dopado possui a mesma estrutura ortorrômbica que o cristal puro. Foram detectadas mudanças nas intensidades, assim como, nas posições e perfil de picos secundários no diagramas Renninger para o cristal dopado. Nossos resultados indicam que o mecanismo de incorporação dos íons de Cu +2 na rede cristalina da L Asparagina Monohidratada ocorre de forma intersticial.
  • Radiação Sincrotron Geodésica no Espaço-Tempo de Kerr
  • Data: 17/10/2011
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  • Desde os primeiros anos da relatividade geral, a procura por soluções da equação de Einstein que descrevam fontes gravitacionais girantes tem sido intensa. Uma das soluções mais importantes, que está incluída nesta categoria, é a solução de Kerr. A solução de Kerr descreve buracos negros sem carga e girantes e é uma solução da equação de Einstein para o vácuo, sendo completamente descrita por apenas dois parâmetros, a massa do buraco negro e o seu momento angular. A solução de Kerr mostra sua importância quando analisamos os dados experimentais envolvendo buracos negros astrofísicos, onde pode ser encontrado que a grande maioria dos buracos negros conhecidos possui uma considerável rotação. Uma das formas de verificarmos indiretamente a existência de buracos negros é através da análise do espectro de emissão de raios-X por discos de acreção. Para tal análise, precisamos de uma descrição cuidadosa do comportamento de fontes orbitando buracos negros. Como primeira aproximação para este problema, podemos considerar a emissão de radiação por uma fonte em órbitas circulares, minimamente acoplada a um campo escalar, sendo tal radiação emitida chamada radiação síncrotron geodésica. Nesta dissertação, investigamos a radiação síncrotron geodésica escalar no espaço-tempo de Kerr usando o formalismo da teoria quântica de campos em espaços-tempos curvos em nível de árvore. Mostramos que o parâmetro de rotação exerce uma influência considerável na radiação emitida pela fonte girante. Mostramos também que a potência emitida no limite de altas frequências relacionada com a fonte em órbitas diretas cai consideravelmente quando a rotação do buraco negro é intensa. Mostramos que a potência observada assintoticamente relacionada com a fonte em órbitas diretas pode ser maior do que a emitida pela fonte, dependendo da órbita da partícula. Tal amplificação é conectada ao fenômeno da superradiância. Grande parte dos resultados numéricos é plotada em função do parâmetro de rotação do buraco negro, de modo que podemos compará-los diretamente com o fenômeno equivalente no espaço-tempo de Schwarzschild.
  • As Funções do Grupo de Renormalização no Modelo mais Geral com Interações Quárticas Fermiônicas com Simetria U(N) em (1+1)D
  • Data: 30/09/2011
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  • A importância de se estudar modelos em teoria quântica de campos em duas dimensões do espaço-tempo, não reside apenas no aspecto acadêmico, mas também pelo fato de que em baixas dimensões eles são mais facilmente investigados e, em alguns casos, eles podem ser resolvidos exatamente. Isto signi fica que teorias de campos em dimensões baixas são um bom laboratório para o estudo de propriedades gerais e também na descoberta de novos aspectos que poderiam ser relevantes em dimensões maiores. O objetivo deste trabalho  é estudar o comportamento perturbativo da função beta na ordem de 1-loop e analisar a estrutura de pontos fi xos no modelo mais geral com interações de quatro fermions com uma simetria U(N), onde a soma sobre  índices repetidos de sabor está explícita, e os férmions se transformam sob a representação fundamental do grupo U(N). Este modelo contém todos os casos especiais conhecidos na literatura, como o modelo de Gross-Neveu, o modelo Thirring, o modelo de Gross-Neveu quiral e o modelo de Thirring não-abeliano. Nós esclarecemos a estrutura tensorial dos vértices de interação e calculamos as funções do grupo de renormaliza ção. Usamos o procedimento de redução das constantes de acoplamento proposto por Zimmermann.
  • Data: 16/09/2011

  • Propriedades magneticas de nanoestruturas adsorvidas em superfÍcies metálicas
  • Data: 07/04/2011

  • Medidas de Não-Linearidades Utilizando a Técnica de Varredura-Z Aplicada a Mistura Ácido Oleico e Beta-Caroteno

  • Data: 31/03/2011
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  • Neste trabalho utilizamos a técnica de varredura-Z para a determinação dos
    parâmetros ópticos não-lineares (índice de refração não-linear e coeficiente de absorção
    não-linear) do ácido oleico e das soluções de beta-caroteno diluído em ácido oleico. As
    concentrações das soluções estudadas foram as seguintes: 0, 5:6, 11:3, 22:5, 30, 45 e
    60 g=ml, os índices de refração foram calculados levando-se em consideração os dados
    experimentais e o modelo teórico previsto por Sheik-Bahae. As soluções de ácido oleico
    puro e de ácido oleico com beta-caroteno (60 g=ml) apresentaram absorção não-linear e
    seus respectivos coeficientes foram calculados. Obtivemos tambem os índices de refração
    não-linear para os óleos de andiroba, buriti e copaíba, todos nativos da região Amazônica.

  • Potenciais pseudo-newtonianos e a radiação escalar emitida por uma fonte girando ao redor de um objeto estelar
  • Data: 26/03/2011

  • Efeito Casimir em Teorias de Chern-Simons
  • Data: 15/03/2011

  • Espectrometria Raman, UV, DOS e Circular Dicroísmo de Alcalóides do Cigarro
  • Data: 28/02/2011
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  • Esta dissertação aborda a análise espectroscópica de algumas estruturas moleculares presentes no tabaco (Nicotiana glauca), matéria-prima do cigarro, e suas interações com a molécula de DNA. De acordo com sua importância, dentre a grande variedade presentes no cigarro, às moléculas estudadas foram as derivadas do ácido nicotínico: ácido nicotínico (niacina/vitamina B3), nicotinamida, trigonelina, nicotina, nornicotina e anabasina. As otimizações dessas estruturas foram inicialmente obtidas no software computacional Hyperchem 8.0, baseadas na teoria da mecânica molecular. Em seguida, elas foram otimizadas, utilizando-se o método de Teoria do Funcional da Densidade, na base B3LYP/ 6- 311++G(d,p), simulado no software Gaussian 03. Uma vez as estruturas otimizadas, obtivemos os espectros de absorção UV, Raman, Infravermelho, Dicroísmo Circular e Densidade de Estados para caracterizar as mesmas utilizando método de Teoria do Funcional da Densidade Dependente do Tempo, também simulados no mesmo software. Ao final desse processo, foi também simulado via mecânica molecular, as interações dessas estruturas com a molécula de DNA com o intuito de verificar a potencialidade cancerígena, ou não, dessas substâncias.
  • Crescimento e caracterização dos cristais de sulfato de níquel hexahidratado dopados com íons [MnH2O]2+e com sulfato de magnésio heptahidratado.
  • Data: 25/02/2011
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  • Neste trabalho, cristais de sulfato níquel dopados com íons de manganês (NSH: Mn) e cristais de sulfato níquel dopados com de íon de magnésio (NMgSH) foram crescidos e posteriormente caracterizados pelas técnicas de difração de raios X e de espectroscopia Raman. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os cristais dopados possuem estrutura muito semelhante a do cristal de sulfato de níquel puro (NSH), com uma deformação anisotrópica nas dimensões da célula unitária em relação ao cristal puro. O objetivo do presente estudo foi crescer dois novos monocristais de boa qualidade óptica para serém usados como filtros ópticos de banda passante. Os cristais de sulfato de níquel hexa-hidratado (NHS) são conhecidos por possuírem espectros de transmissão óptica, que tem atraído muita atenção, pois apresenta duas regiões com alta eficiência de transmissão, aproximadamente 80%, sendo a primeira região entre 200 e 350 nm e a segunda entre 400 e 600 nm, e uma alta eficiência de absorção em outras regiões do espectro UV-VIS. Um espectro de transmissão de luz com estas características é semelhante a um filtro óptico. Analises Termogravimetrica (TGA) foram realizadas para cristais puros e dopados. A temperatura de decomposição obtida para o NSH foi de 73 ° C, enquanto que os cristais de NSH:Mn e NMgSH apresentam valores de 82 ° C e 86 º C, respectivamente. Como pode ser facilmente percebido, a estabilidade térmica de cristais com o íns de Mn ou Mg em suas estruturas é significativamente maior. A banda de transmissão entre 200 e 350 nm no espectro óptico de NSH foi observada com redução significativa em sua largura nos espectros de transmissão dos cristais dopados restringindo assim a região do espectro conhecida como UVA.
  • Efeito Casimir dinâmico em 1+1 dimensões.
  • Data: 21/02/2011

  • Difração de Raios X em Minerais de Bauxita e Análise Através de Refinamento pelo Método de Rietveld
  • Data: 18/02/2011
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  • O alumínio metálico é obtido a partir da bauxita, minério de grande importância industrial, composta por um ou mais tipos de hidróxidos de alumínio, acrescido de uma mistura de compostos contendo sílica, óxido de ferro, titânia e aluminossilicatos. Em virtude da variação na concentração relativa desses componentes, em amostras diferentes de bauxita, a determinação qualitativa e quantitativa da composição mineralógica desse minério, tem importância relevante no que se refere à sua aplicação tecnológica, já que esta está diretamente relacionada com o teor desses componentes. Neste trabalho, aplicou-se em oito amostras de bauxita extraídas de uma mina em Paragominas, o processo de refinamento de espectros de difração de raios X pelo método de Rietveld, onde foram identificadas e quantificadas as fases cristalinas: gibbsita, caulinita, goehtita, anatásio, quartzo e hematita. Realizados os refinamentos das amostras, constatou-se que todas apresentavam alto teor de Gibbsita e baixo teor de Goethita o que confere um excelente tipo de bauxita para ser utilizada em processo de extração de alumina.
  • Modos Quasinormais e Polos de Regge para os Buracos Acústicos Canonicos
  • Data: 16/09/2010

  • Estudos de Propriedades Estruturais e de Piezeletricidade nos cristais de ADP e KDP puros e dopados com íons Ni²+ e Mn³+ com DMRX utilizando Radiação Síncroton.
  • Data: 31/08/2010

  • Orientador : JORDAN DEL NERO
  • Data: 31/08/2010

  • Espectroscopia Raman aplicado ao beta-caroteno
  • Data: 27/08/2010

  • Método geométrico aplicado ao cálculo da função de Wigner em cavidade unidimensional oscilante
  • Data: 20/08/2010

  • Transporte Eletrônico e Quiralidade Molecular: Um Estudo de Dispositivos Orgânicos em Sistemas de DoisTerminais.
  • Orientador : JORDAN DEL NERO
  • Data: 14/06/2010

  • Quantização canônica do campo de Proca no espaço-tempo de Rindler e interação de uma fonte uniformemente acelerada com o banho térmico de Unruh.
  • Data: 14/05/2010

  • Configurações magnéticas colineares e não-colineares em currais de Fe, Cr e Mn sobre a Pt(111)

  • Data: 23/04/2010
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  • Neste trabalho investigamos as propriedades magneticas de currais de Fe, Cr e Mn adsorvidos sobre a superfcie de Pt(111) utilizando o metodo RS-LMTO-ASA (Real Space Linear Mun Tin Orbital - Atomic Sphere Approximation), o qual e um metodo de primeiros princpios baseado na Teoria do Funcional da Densidade (DFT-Density Functional Theory), que permite o calculo de estruturas magneticas não-colineares. Obtivemos que os atomos de Fe apresentam momentos magneticos elevados, da ordem de 3.5 µB/atomo, e têm uma interação de troca entre primeiros vizinhos forte e ferromagn etica. Isto leva a um arranjo magnetico colinear no curral. Para os currais de Mn e Cr encontramos que estes possuem elevado momento magnetico, da ordem de 4.51 µB/átomo e 4.15 µB/átomo, respectivamente, e interações de troca entre primeiros vizinhos antiferromagn eticas. Isto conduz a arranjos magneticos colineares em currais simples, assim como interessantes ordenamentos não-colineares, tais como estruturas tipo vortice (skyrmions), para os currais com uma geometria particular onde o antiferromagnetismo se apresenta frustrado.

  • Configurações magnéticas colineares e não-colineares em currais de Fe, Cr e Mn sobre a Pt(111)
  • Data: 23/04/2010

  • "Caracterização térmica de compostos orgânicos usando a técnica de lente térmica"
  • Data: 26/02/2010

  • Estudo de Nanofios de Au e Dendrímeros
  • Data: 12/01/2010
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  • A primeira parte deste trabalho aborda a simulação computacional de dinâmica molecular clássica da interação de sistemas matriciais constituídos de nanofios paralelos de Au simuladas em função do tempo. Como resultados foram encontrados os tempos de colisões entre os fios da matriz. A segunda parte deste trabalho utiliza dinâmica molecular clássica para simular cinco gerações de dendrímeros PAMAM, cada qual interagindo individualmente com um nanotubo de carbono em função do tempo resultando num motor molecular. Além disso, foram calculados os espectros de absorção deste sistema e foi verificado que eles são nanomotores controlados pela luz. Para todos estes sistemas foram calculadas energias cinética, potencial, total, velocidade, propriedades termodinâmicas como variação de entropia molar, capacidade molar térmica e temperatura in situ. Estas grandezas nos forneceram valiosas informações sobre o comportamento destes sistemas.
  • Data: 28/08/2009

  • Data: 27/03/2009

  • Data: 20/03/2009

  • Orientador : SILVANA PEREZ
  • Data: 16/03/2009

  • Orientador : JORDAN DEL NERO
  • Data: 09/02/2009

  • Análise da Potencialidade de Condução do BDT Através da Densidade Eletrônica de Estados via Tight Binding através de Desenvolvimento de Software (B3J)
  • Orientador : JORDAN DEL NERO
  • Data: 02/03/2007

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