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  • Data: 03/06/2024
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  • Ferrierite zeolite is a type of microporous mineral with a complex topology, characterized by two-dimensional elliptical structures that intersect perpendicularly, widely used in catalysis, adsorption, ion exchange, among others. Its synthesis from alternative raw materials, such as kaolin residue, is a sustainable and economically viable approach.  The ferrierite synthesis process occurred in two stages, first the residue was heat treated to increase its reactivity, then the starting materials were placed to react. Therefore, three reaction mixtures were aged and subjected to a hydrothermal treatment at 180ºC for 24 hours. After synthesis, the products obtained will be characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and infrared spectroscopy to evaluate the formation of the ferrierite zeolite and possible secondary phases, as well as its structural and morphological properties. The results are expected to show that the kaolin residue, used in the synthesis conditions of the work, is suitable as a precursor for the synthesis of ferrierite zeolite. In this way, the present study can contribute to the valorization and use of industrial waste and helping to develop more sustainable technologies. 


  • Data: 08/04/2024
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  • With the advancement of Additive Manufacturing and its applications in various industrial segments, it becomes increasingly important to investigate the processability parameters associated with this technology. Thus, the present study aimed to investigate the influence of the form (solid and honeycomb), infill patterns, and concentrations of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) (1.0 and 2.0% m/m) in a polymeric matrix of Poly (Lactic Acid) (PLA). The material was produced through Additive Manufacturing using the Fused Deposition Modeling-FDM technique, adopting three infill patterns: concentric, hexagonal, and triangular. The CNTs used as reinforcements, the matrix, and the nanocomposite were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy – SEM, X-Ray Diffraction and Raman Spectroscopy. The mechanical properties of the nanocomposites were determined through Tensile (ASTM D638-22), Compression (ASTM D695-15), and Charpy Impact tests (ASTM D6110-18). The results of the morphological analysis conducted before and after the mechanical test on the matrix and nanocomposites show elements such as: voids, detachments, cracks, pores, compacted zones, structural ruptures and the presence of CNTs. The X-ray Diffraction analysis for the CNTs exhibit characteristic diffractions, while for PLA before and after 3D Printing, a predominance of the amorphous phase was observed. The PLA/1%CNTs and PLA/2%CNTs nanocomposites evidenced only little alterations, attributed to functionalization and low dimensionality of CNTs clusters. Regarding Raman characterization for the CNTs, the D band was deconvoluted into three sub-bands, two designated as DL at 1305 and 1347 cm -1 , and one as DR at 1360 cm-1 . The G band was similarly deconvoluted into three sub-bands, Gout, Ginn, and D’, located at 1580, 1605, and 1620 cm-1 , respectively. For PLA, the band corresponding to the symmetric vibration of CH3 was deconvoluted into two sub-bands at 1448 and 1460 cm-1 , while the asymmetric vibration was identified at 1387 cm-1 . In nanocomposites, the bands manifest as overlays of the vibrational modes of their constituents (PLA and CNTs). The mechanical analyses of tensile, compression, and Charpy impact reveal that infill patterns, geometries, and nanoreinforcement directly influence the mechanical properties of printed parts. In the tensile mechanical analysis for solid samples, the infill pattern that showed the highest average tensile strength was concentric, at 40.75 MPa. Conversely, for honeycomb-shaped samples, the best average tensile strength was attributed to the sample with concentric infill pattern, at 9.76 MPa. Nanocomposites exhibited inferior tensile performances compared to the matrix. In the compression mechanical analysis, for solid samples, the triangular pattern stands out, presenting an average compression strength of 52.8 MPa. For honeycomb-shaped samples, the triangular pattern also stands out, with an average strength of 20.8 MPa. Nanocomposites showed superior compression performances compared to the matrix, with the solid form (PLA/2%CNTs) exhibiting better performance, at an average strength of 73.5 MPa. In the honeycomb form, the nanocomposite (PLA/1%CNTs) showed better performance, reaching 33.2 MPa. In the Charpy impact analyses, the hexagonal pattern demonstrates the best average performance. In the solid configuration, its average impact resistance is 3.44 J/m, while in the honeycomb form, it registers 2.88 J/m. Nanocomposites in the solid configuration exhibit higher average impact resistance than the matrix, with the PLA/2%CNTs nanocomposite standing out, reaching 3.8 J/m. Conversely, in the honeycomb configuration, values of 2.72 J/m are observed for the PLA/1%CNTs nanocomposite and 2.98 J/m for the PLA/2%CNTs nanocomposite, respectively. This study investigates the effect of three variables (infill patterns, geometries, and nanoreinforcement) on the mechanical properties of PLA. The results highlight the significant influence of these factors under various mechanical loading conditions, thereby emphasizing the importance of this research, which investigates such conditions and contributes to a deeper understanding of 3D printed FDM products when subjected to different mechanical analyses.


  • Data: 28/02/2024
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  • No Brasil, o setor industrial de tintas e vernizes está entre os cinco maiores do mercado. A fabricação de tintas para diversas aplicações, com tecnologia e responsabilidade técnica iguala aos mais avançados centros mundiais de produção. A durabilidade de uma tinta refere-se à resistência ao intemperismo. Para o intemperismo é necessária uma tinta resistente a intempéries para que no substrato onde será utilizado não ocorra o desbotamento, que pode ocorrer dentre alguns fatores, devido à incidência de luz solar e fortes chuvas. A região Norte, com precipitação pluvial elevada, influenciada por linhas de instabilidade apresenta importante heterogeneidade espacial e sazonal da pluviosidade e possui o maior total pluvial anual. Mediante essa realidade, foi desenvolvida uma tinta comercialmente aplicada na região amazônica. Na formulação padrão foram feitas variações de cargas minerais (Caulim, Dolomita e Carbonato De Cálcio Precipitado) e posteriormente foram realizados análises e ensaios para avaliar o desempenho dessa tinta, comparados com a formulação original, tais como resistência a abrasão e resistência ao intemperismo. A metodologia de produção das tintas será de acordo com Castro (2009) utilizando a técnica de Hare (1974). A caracterização das tintas no estado fresco foi realizada através dos ensaios de Viscosidade, pH e peso específico, enquanto que a caracterização das tintas no estado endurecido foi realizada através dos ensaios de resistência a abrasão, teste de resistência ao intemperismo e Microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Os testes físico-químicos revelaram que, em relação à viscosidade Stormer, todas as formulações superaram o padrão (130 UK), com exceção das tintas contendo 30% de Dolomita, 15% de PCC, 15% de Dolomita e a combinação ternária de 5% de Caulim, 5% de Dolomita e 20% de PCC. Quanto ao peso específico, a formulação que mais se aproximou do padrão foi a tinta binária com 15% de Caulim e 15% de PCC, apresentando um valor médio de 1,43 g/cm³. Em termos de pH, todas as formulações apresentaram alcalinidade, com valores variando entre 7,5 e 9,6. Após um período de exposição de 180 dias, nenhuma das misturas, incluindo a formulação padrão, apresentou formação de patologias, demonstrando resistência às intempéries. As formulações com 30% de Dolomita; 15% de PCC e 15% de Dolomita; 5% de PCC, 5% de Caulim e 20% de Dolomita; 10% de Caulim, 10% de PCC e 10% de Dolomita, exibiram respectivamente 300, 290, 240, 270 ciclos de resistência à abrasão, indicando o potencial dessas tintas para uma variedade de aplicações, como tintas para pisos, tintas externas e tintas para estradas.


  • Data: 22/02/2024
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  • A engenharia de tecidos atua como uma alternativa para substituir órgãos e tecidos do  sistema biológicos que foram afetados por alguma enfermidade, sem estimular reações adversas  no paciente. Ao usar a junção entre células do próprio paciente, fatores de crescimento e  scaffolds tridimensionais (biomateriais), é possível criar uma estrutura, com propriedades  otimizadas, que vai favorecer a regeneração do local lesionado. Para isso, então, torna-se  necessário estudar com profundidade o tipo de material que será usado como scaffold. Entre os  materiais nessa área, destacam-se os polímeros e hidrogéis (Poli (ε-caprolactona) (PCL) e poli  (2-hidroxietil metacrilato) (pHEMA), respectivamente). A PCL é biorreabsorvível,  biodegradável, atóxica e biocompatível, no entanto é hidrofóbica. Por outro lado, o pHEMA é  biocompatível, atóxico, hidrofílico, mas não apresenta boa degradabilidade. Sendo assim, ao  unir as propriedades desses dois materiais, usando uma estrutura de redes semi-interpenetrantes  (semi-IPN), pode-se ter um produto novo, com efeito sinérgico dos polímerosindividuais. Além  disso, é possível intercalar compostos bioativos, através do uso de óleos vegetais amazônicos, nessas estruturas para potencializar, ainda mais, a regeneração do tecido e combater possíveis  infecções por microrganismos. Visto isso, portanto, esse trabalho objetiva a obtenção e  caracterização de redes semi-IPN de PCL-pHEMA-copaíba para uso como scaffolds na  engenharia de tecidos, usando a técnica de rotofiação. Os resultados demonstraram com sucesso  o processamento de fibras PCL (com e sem óleo de copaíba) e a possível formação de redes  semi-IPN PCL-pHEMA. O espectro de FTIR mostrou interações dos grupos funcionais dos  materiais, confirmando a incorporação do óleo na estrutura do PCL e a formação de redes semi interpenetrantes. As micrografias revelaram microfibras emaranhadas e desorganizadas em  todas as amostras, com diferentes diâmetros e porosidades. A análise do ângulo de contato  demonstrou que a adição do hidrogel à estrutura do PCL otimizou as propriedades hidrofílicas  do material. Os termogramas confirmaram que o material não sofreu alteração significativa na  estabilidade térmica com a adição do hidrogel e do óleo. Testes microbiológicos confirmaram  a ação antimicrobiana do óleo de copaíba contra bactérias gram-positivas. Espera-se, por fim,  que um novo biomaterial seja desenvolvido para uso na engenharia de tecidos valorizando o  uso de recursos naturais amazônicos.


  • Data: 07/02/2024
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  • A busca por novos materiais com desempenho comparável aos sintéticos tem impulsionado o desenvolvimento de materiais sustentáveis e biodegradáveis. A crescente demanda tem estimulado a criação de materiais inovadores, como filmes à base de amido, biopolíme ros e outros, que oferecem excelentes propriedades mecânicas e de barreira, sendo ambientalmente amigáveis. Para atingir níveis mais altos de sustentabilidade, os filmes à base de amido, enriquecidos com novos componentes, ganham destaque como possíveis candidatos para aplicações em embalagens alimentares. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo visa obter e caracterizar nanocompósitos com amido de araruta (TPA) e nanopartículas de óxido de zinco (NPs ZnO) em diferentes proporções (1%, 3% e 5%). Filmes sem NPs ZnO foram usados como controle. Os filmes de amido termoplastificado foram elaborados no Laboratório de Polímeros (LabPol) na Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA) por meio da técnica casting solution (evaporação por solvente). Eles foram avaliados quanto à concentração de NPs ZnO, sendo também submetidos às técnicas laboratoriais, como teste de umidade, solubilidade e intumescimento. Além disso, foram caracterizados por espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR), análise termogravimétrica (TGA), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e ensaios de tração, deformação na ruptura e módulo de e lasticidade. Para o ensaio de umidade, os resultados revelaram que a adição de 1, 3 e 5% de NPs ZnO à matriz polimérica proporcionou a diminuição gradual do percentual da umidade quando comparados ao filme de TPA controle. Atribui-se a este fato a interação interfacial entre as NPs ZnO e a matriz do amido de araruta, que por sua vez, dificulta a interação das moléculas de água com o filme de nanocompósitos. Para o percentual de solubilidade dos filmes, percebeu -se pequena alteração após a adição das NPs ZnO a matriz do amido, o que se torna importante para a manutenção de produtos armazenados nas embalagens de alimentos como também a estabilidade dos filmes poliméricos. Quanto ao teste de intumescimento, para os filmes de TPA 1%, TPA 3% e TPA 5%, verifica-se que ao se adicionar as NPS, os mesmos apresentaram variações menores comparado ao filme TPA contendo apenas o amido de araruta na matriz polimérica. Diante do exposto, as micrografias obtidas pelo MEV revelaram a presença de agregados randomicamente dispersos de NPs ZnO na matriz polimérica do amido de araruta. Os ensaios de propriedades de tensão foram conduzidos em triplicata, com uma velocidade de 5 mm/min. O filme TPA apresentou uma média de 0,329 MPa e 78,65% para resistência à tração e deformação na ruptura, respectivamente. A incorporação de nanopartículas de ZnO à matriz de amido de araruta resultou em um aumento na resistência à tração e deformação dos filmes TPA 1%, TPA 3% e TPA 5% em comparação com o filme TPA. As médias de resistência para os filmes TPA-1, TPA 3% e TPA 5% foram de 0,360 MPa, 0,47 MPa e 0,47 MPa, respectivamente. Além disso, as médias de deformação na ruptura para os filmes TPA 1%, TPA 3% e TPA 5% foram 90,72%, 94,68% e 95,97%, respectivamente. Os espectros de FTIR, exibiram o mesmo comportamento espectral. Este fenômeno é decorrente da presença de alto teor de amido na matriz polimérica dos filmes. A estabilidade térmica para os filmes TPA, TPA1%, TPA 3% e TPA 5% foi investigada através da análise termogravimétrica (TGA). Os resultados obtidos para os filmes de TPA1%, TPA 3% e TPA 5% apresentou dados semelhantes a estabilidade térmica do filme TPA e mostraram que a adição das NPs ZnO à matriz polim érica não provocou diminuição significativa dos mesmos. Os resultados mostraram que é possível a utilização dos filmes produzidos neste trabalho no setor de embalagens.


  • Data: 13/07/2023
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  • This research reports the evaluation of essential oils (OEs) such as those from the plant Piper divaricatum and Clove (button) Eugenia caryophyllus, as green inhibitors of protection in metallic materials precisely in this work, carbon steel. Resistance tests were carried out in corrosive media such as 1M HCl and 3.5% NaCl, the concentrations used for both essential oils were 0.5g/L; 1g/L; 2g/L and 4g/L, for periods of time such as 24h and 7 days. The method used to evaluate the efficiency of the oils was gravimetric (weight loss). The Scanning Electron Microscopy technique of the field emission gun type (MEVFEG) was conducted to investigate the surface of the specimen, while its chemical composition was treated through Electron Dispersion Spectroscopy (EDS). In this work, several aspects were discussed, such as the efficiency in relation to the time the specimen is exposed to corrosive media and factors such as the adsorption isotherm of oils on the metal surface, in addition to studies of the corrosion rate of the specimens in the absence and presence of inhibitors and their relationship with the oil concentrations used. The studies indicated that the essential oils of Piper divaricatum and Clove (Eugenia caryophyllus) showed excellent results in an acid medium of up to 98.3% for the concentration of 2g/L of Piper divaricatum EO in 24h, and 89.5% for the concentration of 1g/L of Eugenia caryophyllus EO in 7 days. In the neutral medium, the highest percentages of progress were 61.1% for the concentration of 0.5g/L of the EO of Piper divaricatum in 24h, and 83.3% for the concentration of 1g/L of the EO of Eugenia caryophyllus in 24h. the isotherms of the oils followed the Langmuir adsorption model, where both oils adsorbed on the metal surface forming a monolayer, the best results of isotherms were for the acid medium, for the neutral medium due to the high variability of the data it was not possible to establish a consistent following. In view of the proposed results, it was possible to conclude that the essential oils of P. divaricatum and E. caryophyllus have the potential to be used as resistance inhibitors, mainly in the acid medium, thus providing new alternatives, in order to reduce the toxicity of this process in comparison to inhibitors already on the market.


  • Data: 12/07/2023
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  • Due to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, factories increasingly have systems dependent on the Internet and communication technologies, which guarantees them unprecedented efficiency, but makes them vulnerable to cyber attacks. For this reason, it is an increasingly relevant topic, with technologies such as blockchain and quantum cryptography based on physically unclonable functions (PUFs) presenting themselves as alternatives in this area. In this sense, this work presents the synthesis of poly(acrylonitrilebutadiene-styrene) (ABS) nanocomposites with 1 and 2 % respectively of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) mass for the 3D printing of the so-called NanoCodecs, which present Raman spectral signatures, classified as PUFs, which can be used as cryptographic keys generated by a code built in the Python programming language. For this, two solutions were prepared, the first with multi-walled CNTs functionalized with carboxylic acid in acetone, and the other with pure ABS pellets in this same solvent. After mixing these solutions and ultrasonic baths, the acetone was evaporated and ABS/NTC1%m/m and ABS/NTC2%m/m pellets were produced, which were used for the production of nanostructured filaments in an extruder. Then NanoCodecs as quick response code (QR code) and as round/square stamps were 3D printed. The electrical characterization of samples printed with nanostructured filaments showed a reduction in electrical resistance with an increase in the percentage by mass of CNTs. Despite this, the morphological characterization by Scanning Electron Microscopy showed that there is a low concentration of nanotubes on the surface of the samples, which indicates that they are dispersed throughout the volume of the samples. The vibrational characterization by Raman spectroscopy was used to identify the characteristics of pure materials, both ABS and NTCs, and compare with the Raman spectrum of the ABS/NTCs nanocomposite. As a result, there was an overlap of the vibrational modes of both materials, with emphasis on the shift to the right of the sub-band 𝐺𝑒𝑥𝑡 in 8 𝑐𝑚 −1, which indicates that the nanotubes are compressed in the polymeric matrix. Finally, using nanocomposites as PUFs, it was possible to generate keys from the main vibrational modes of these materials, the D, G and 2D bands of nanotubes and the bands named as 1001-PS and 2239-PAN of ABS. Therefore, the results obtained indicate that NanoCodecs can be used as elements of cybersecurity in Industry 4.0, through cryptographic keys generated by the interaction of the laser and the spectral vibration of the carbon nanotubes of the three-dimensional codes.


  • Data: 05/07/2023
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  • The emergence of smart factories based on Industry 4.0 increases the automation and optimization of industrial processes in production chains. In this context, the integration between physical and digital systems depends on intelligent sensors, with greater sensitivity and integrated by the Internet of Things (IoT). The literature indicates that piezoresistive sensors can be produced by additive manufacturing (AM) and nanostructured with
    carbon nanotubes (NTCs), which generate a nanoelectromechanical system (NEMS) after its dispersion in the material. Thus, this work presents the development of a low-cost piezoresistive nanoelectromechanical sensor, produced by applying layers of NTCs on poly(acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene) (ABS) parts printed by fused deposition modeling (FDM), integrable to the Industry 4.0 via IoT through ESP32 microcontrollers. For this, a diaphragm-type sensor device with dimensions 17.8, 17.8 and 5.5 𝑚𝑚 was developed, whose sensor element deformation occurs by pressing a button. After MA printing of the device parts, carboxylic acid functionalized multi-walled CNTs (MWCNT-COOH) were dispersed by ultrasonic bath in a solution with a concentration of 1 𝑚𝑔/𝑚𝑙 of acetone and dimethylformamide, in a ratio of 1 ∶ 1 in volume, for coating the sensor elements in successive layers with an aerograph. After the deposition of five layers of CNTs on the polymeric substrate, measurements of electrical resistance obtained with a picoammeter showed the percolation of the material in the second layer, with initial values above 10 𝑇 Ω and final values below 100 𝑘 𝑂𝑚𝑒𝑔𝑎 after the fifth layer, which occurs by the formation of conduction channels originating from the random arrangement of CNTs on the ABS surface, as observed by Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FEG-SEM). After that, the electrical resistance was measured during pressure cycles with progressive load and with maximum load, in which the sensor elements presented an operating range of 139.97 ± 0.46 to 363.25 ± 0.39 𝑘𝑃 𝑎. In the first test, the minimum sensitivity of 0.1 % and maximum sensitivity of 1.16 %. In the second, the highest average sensitivity was 0.63 ± 0.04 % and the lowest average response and recovery times were 0.55 ± 0.29 𝑠 and 12.29 ± 1.44 𝑠, respectively. Raman spectroscopy showed the overlapping of the signals of each material, in particular the ABS band at 1447 𝑐𝑚 −1 which appears prominently between the NTCs 𝐷 and 𝐺 bands. Based on the piezoresistive response that the material presented from the NEMS generated by the deposition of NTCs on ABS, this concept of a load cell can be integrated into an ESP32 microcontroller board, making it an intelligent device with potential application in industrial systems. 4.0.

  • Obtaining the pharmaceutical complex based on a double lamellar hydroxide (HDL) and Nimesulide

  • Data: 28/06/2023
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  • Nimesulide is a non-steroidal drug (NSAID) and presents biological activity based on the  inhibition of the enzyme Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) during the inflammation process. However,  in the long term, the use of this drug can cause serious gastric disorders, in addition to high  toxicity in normal tissues. To mitigate these possible effects, and thinking specifically for the  Amazon region, other molecules with non-steroidal properties have been sought, from  Amazonian oils. Among them are the fatty acids (saturated and unsaturated) that can be obtained  from Amazonian oils. In addition, controlled drug release systems have been another alternative  to mitigate side effects, in addition to increasing bioavailability, allowing effective dosages to  remain in the bloodstream for a longer period of time, thus reducing the number of drug  administrations to the patient. In these systems, the release rate of the active principle occurs  from the matrix that transports it to its biological target. Within this context, there is the hybrid  matrix of double hydroxide layered (HDL), obtained by the coprecipitation method. For these  reasons, in this research, nimesulide was compared with the properties of some isolated saturated  and unsaturated fatty acids. The comparison was based on molecular docking studies, using fatty  acid molecules as potential COX-2 inhibitors. The best results found for fatty acids were  intercalated in HDL as well as nimesulide, seeking to evaluate from its structural (DRX),  vibrational (RAMAN) and morphological (SEM and SEM-FEG) characterizations the structural molecular mechanism of action of selected fatty acids as possible anti-inflammatory agents. The  process of obtaining the compounds occurred by coprecipitation, constant pH close to 10, under  the continuous flow of nitrogen, at 60 ºC, for 16 hours. The results demonstrate the direct  influence of saturation on the intercalation of fatty acids in the HDL matrix. Among the  complexes obtained, HDL-myristic acid presented a structural performance similar to that of  HDL-nimesulide. And based on all the experimental and theoretical results obtained, three new  and unprecedented complexes are proposed: HDL-Nimesulide, HDL-myristic acid and HDL linoleic acid as potential anti-inflammatory agents that need to be investigated in in vitro tests.  Keywords: nimesulide, HDL, fatty acid, co-precipitation.


  • Data: 26/06/2023
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  • The market for temperature sensors and other related sensors has grown in recent years. It is  estimated that it will have an annual growth of 11% per year between 2019 and 2026, and this  has sparked interest in studies focusing on more portable nanosensors. Thus, this work presents  the development of four sensors based on Poly (lactic acid) - PLA and Carbon Nanotubes - CNTs, produced by additive manufacturing and aimed at temperature monitoring, including  negative temperatures. One of these sensors was developed only in PLA and the others were  nanostructured by adding two different types of inks, containing CNTs. These were synthesized  by 3D printing using Fused deposition modeling (FDM) technology, in addition to adopting  different standards and methodologies for each one. Through morphological, vibrational, and  electrical characterizations, the devices/sensors demonstrated thermoresistive and  thermoelectric responses to the applied temperature variations. In this case, the morphology, as  analyzed by electron microscopy and vibrational Raman spectroscopy obtained from the  nanocomposite samples, showed the incorporation of CNTs in the PLA matrix, as well as their  vibrational spectra obtained with characteristic signatures of the materials used. The  manufactured devices have an active area of 15 cm2and presented a Seebeck coefficient at 1.33  µV/K under temperature gradients of 300K, in addition to presenting a maximum response of - 4.35± 0.15% for approximately 45 °C, for thermoresistive analysis. Thus, the developed devices  exhibited the behavior of thermistors and thermocouples, which promote these to excellent  temperature sensors.


  • Data: 21/06/2023
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  • The environmental impacts caused by the production of Portland Cement point to the urgency  of reducing the use of this binder mainly due to the CO2 emission and energy consumption that  occur during its production process. In the search for alternative materials, geopolymer cement  has shown promise, both in terms of mechanical performance and conservation of natural  resources. These cements are obtained from natural raw materials containing aluminosilicates  activated by an alkaline solution. In this work, geopolymeric cement paste, mortar and concrete were developed using metakaolin blast furnace slag and alkaline solution of sodium hydroxide  and sodium silicate. The main objectives included evaluating the influence of blast furnace slag  on the mechanical properties of geopolymer pastes, varying its addition in mass (30% to 60%),  evaluating the influence of sand in geopolymer mortar varying its addition in the paste with  better performance of 20% to 70%, and finally, the addition of gravel 0 in the concrete through  the “rich” and “pilot” traits. The results showed that the paste reached a maximum compressive  strength of 36.5 MPa with 35% slag in the matrix. This value rose to 41.15 MPa in the mortar  with the incorporation of 40% sand. For concrete, the best result found was for the “rich” mix,  which contained less crushed stone. The results of the concrete were compared with the CPV ARI Portland cement concrete by setting some dosing parameters such as binder consumption  and water/binder ratio. Other properties investigated included setting time, slump, bending  traction and microstructural analysis. The “rich” trait of geopolymeric concrete was superior to  Portland by up to 21.16%, reaching a compressive strength of 41.8 MPa and better  matrix/aggregate adhesion. Such characteristics make possible its application in civil works that  demand materials that reach high resistance in the initial ages, precast industries and paving.


  • Data: 20/06/2023
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  • The civil construction industry is one of the sectors of the economy that consume the most  natural resources, from the production of inputs to the execution of the work, which can  significantly affect the environment and the quality of life of the population. Geopolymers are  inorganic polymers with great ecological potential, produced from aluminosilicates and  synthesized by alkaline solutions, providing the material with better mechanical resistance.  Geopolymeric cement is a high-tech material developed using clay minerals, with  characteristics such as durability, mechanical resistance, strong adhesion, heat resistance, in  addition to being easily mixed and applied. The present study sought, through a correct  proportion of the components that constitute the geopolymer, the production of a Geopolymeric  Synthetic Aggregate (ASG), making variations with percentages of blast furnace slag and  variations in the alkaline concentration of sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Soon after, physical tests  were carried out on the powdered materials to verify the fineness index, loss on fire and  moisture content of kaolin, metakaolin and blast furnace slag. The samples underwent  characterization and the main analyzes involved in the process were: X-ray diffraction (DRX),  infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and EDS. A compression  test was also carried out on the geopolymer synthetic aggregate specimen. The results of the  compressive strength test indicated that the specimen with a percentage of 35% blast furnace  slag and an alkaline concentration of sodium hydroxide at 10 molar presented better results. In  the analysis of the microstructure of the paste, a dense morphology was observed, which gives  the material high resistance to compression.


  • Data: 06/03/2023
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  • The development of electronic gadgets has become of great relevance for the detection of fraud in beverages such as wine, as illegal practices involving the addition of exogenous substances such as alcohol and dilution with water pose risks to human health as well as economic impacts. Thus, in this study, Buckypapers (BPs) films were developed based on pure Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (pure-MWCNTs) and functionalized with Carboxylic Acid (COOH-MWCNTs) deposited through vacuum filtration on cellulosic filter paper for application as an element sensor in the analysis of ethylic beverages based grapes and açaí (unadulterated and adulterated with 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10% distilled water and ethyl alcohol). The morphological characterization of BPs by Scanning Electron Microscopy indicates the formation of dispersed COOH-MWCNTSs agglomerates on the surface and between the cellulosic fibers of the paper, as well as poor adhesion and non-uniform deposition of highly agglomerated pure-MWCNTs. Electrical resistance measurements were performed as a function of time (R × t) using the two-tip method, at room temperature, adding the analytes to the surface of the sensor element samples using a micropipette. The analysis of the response obtained through normalized relative resistance curves demonstrates a different behavior for BP-COOH-MWCNTs, obtaining a positive variation in the presence of Port and Açaí wines adulterated with water and a negative variation for adulteration with ethyl alcohol. Such behaviors were not observed in the BP-pure-MWCNTs, showing that the responses originate from the polar interactions established between the COOH groups and the adulterant molecules added to the wines, culminating in pronounced performance parameters for the BPCOOH-MWCNTs (response maximum of 5.67 ± 1.82 for unadulterated açaí ethyl beverage and maximum response and recovery times of 37.33 min and 50.58 min for Port wine adulterated with 5.0 and 10% distilled water, respectively). Data processing by PCA showed the ability of BP-COOH-MWCNTs to discriminate and recognize analytes and adulterants, indicating its potential application as a chemoresistive sensor element of low cost, easy handling and real-time response in an “Internet of Things” (IoT) device composing a nanostructured “electronic tongue” for ethyl beverage authentication.


  • Data: 30/01/2023
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  • In the last decades, the search for ecologically clean materials has become increasing, i.e., materials that are able to aggregate sustainable aspects and high mechanical performance. In the context of sustainability, the use of waste for the production of new materials has become frequent, because the incorporation of this waste can represent a solution for its environmentally correct disposal. The use of natural fibers in the production of new materials has increased a lot in recent years. The tururi fibrous tissue comes from the Ubuçu palm tree. The tissue is responsible for wrapping the fruits of the palm. Part of the fibrous tissue from the collection of the fruits is used in handicrafts and rudimentary activities such as covering houses. However, a large amount of this waste is discarded in inadequate places, thus generating environmental
    damage. In this context, the use of tururi fabric as a reinforcement agent in polymer matrix composites appears as a viable alternative for the sustainable disposal of this waste. The use of natural fibers as reinforcement in composites of polymeric matrix is already well consolidated, because some fibers have high mechanical performance and good thermal stability, two highly attractive properties in composite materials. The composites reinforced with natural fibers have a wide field of application, and can be used in civil construction, aerospace, and automotive industries, among others. In this context, the present study aims to characterize the tururi fibrous tissue by means of optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), as well as to determine physical properties such as weight, specific mass and moisture content of the tissue. Consequently, to evaluate the mechanical behavior of polyester matrix composites reinforced with tururi fibrous fabric. The composites will be made with 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 % in mass of fibrous reinforcement. After the confection of the composites these will be tested in traction, flexion and Charpy impact. Moreover, the morphology of the composites will be analyzed by scanning electron microscopy at the point of fractures of the aforementioned tests, in order to verify the adhesion between matrix and reinforcement and understand the type of fracture. The mechanical tests will be performed in order to verify the possibilities of application of these composites in automotive, ballistic and civil construction areas

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