
The PPGCA, initiated in 2005, is a course of interdisciplinary nature centered on environmental issues in the Amazon, open to the demands of society.

This has a strategic importance for the Amazon and Brazil in the field of C & T, aims to provide the scientific basis for the solution of specific problems proposed by government agencies, private companies and other social demands related to social and environmental issues, in the context of global changes, biological conservation and sustainable production in the region.

Your goal is to train researchers to the thematic area of climate and socio-environmental Dynamics in the Amazon, providing them at the same time, solid specific training in their particular areas of research and a systemic view of environmental problems in the Amazon.

Relying on a set of teachers with diverse practice areas, and with a strong presence in the Amazon, the PPGCA that started with the master account as of May 2011, with doctoral level. Therefore, the profile is training professionals able to analyze the ecological, climatic and social dynamics in the region seeking a way to close of disciplines and advance theoretical-methodological reflections on the interface ecosystems, climate and society.

Coordenação do Programa


    Telefone/Ramal: Nenhum conteúdo disponível até o momento

    Telefone/Ramal 2: Nenhum conteúdo disponível até o momento

    E-mail: jcpcohen@ufpa.br

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