
Since 2004 the master of the Graduate Program in Geography UFPA / PGeo / UFPA makes up the framework of the Brazilian graduate. It took ten years consubstanciamo us in academic reference masters and regional science. The numbers of academic production emphasize this: are 220 published articles; 29 published books; 222 book chapters, 340 articles published in conference proceedings; 189 abstracts in proceedings; 344 submissions for work events; 263 Technical Papers; 191 oriented dissertations; 12 Theses oriented; 4 Coorientações Thesis; 747 Course Completion Work Oriented, 208 Guidelines Scientific Initiation, among other numbers that underscore the magnitude of the program.

The faculty, the curriculum, disciplines, research groups, dissertations, academic and institutional activities, publications in journals, books and proceedings, as well as the binders issues of the same reflect an intense, comprehensive and fruitful dialogue with popular education, trade unions, associations representing the quilombo communities, watershed committees, boards of protected areas, reserves and settlements of Brazilian society and, in particular, Amazon. Dialogue with the movements of society, in the sense proposed by Pierre Bourdieu objectified participation, whose paths are among the agenda points of the meetings of the college and program planning seminars. We can say that is within that communication and dialectical movement that the master's program is built over its first decade. They sprang our criteria for accreditation and reaccreditation, the configuration of the faculty and current lines of research.

Our teachers integrate scientific bodies such as the Pará Historical and Geographical Institute (IHGP); Association of Brazilian Geographers (AGB); Regional Council of Engineering, Architecture and Agronomy of Pará (CREA-PA); Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC); National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Urban and Regional Planning (ANPUR); Brazilian Forum on Climate Change ..

The master has sixteen (16) researchers, twelve (12) permanent and four (4) employees. This is a team of nine researchers with a doctorate in Geography, two Developing the Humid Tropics, one in education, one in architecture, one on Economic Development and Ecology Fisheries. His douramentos in five different Brazilian universities at USP, two at Universidade Estadual Paulista, one at UFRJ, one in UFPB, one in Campinas, UFPA In two, one in the INPA (AM), two in Europe. To make up the teaching staff of the program it is necessary to ask for accrediting at times when the college decides to launch tender for this purpose.

Currently thirteen teachers PPGEO belong to the staff of the UFPA, these seven belong to the Faculty of Geography and Cartography. Are: Carlos Alexandre Leão Bordallo - PhD in Sustainable Development of the Humid Tropics-NAEA / UFPA; Christian Nunes da Silva-Doctorate in Aquatic Ecology and Fish-PPGEAP / UFPA; Clay Anderson Nunes Chagas-PhD in Sustainable Development of the Humid Tropics-NAEA / UFPA; John Reed Márcio da Silva. PhD in Geography UNESP- PP; John Santos Nahum. PhD in Geography UNESP-Rio Claro; José Marcia Aparecida da Silva Pimentel. PhD in Geography USP; Márcio Douglas Brito Amaral- PhD in Geography USP; Maria Goretti of Costa Tavares- PhD in Geography UFRJ. Three teachers are part of the Center for Environment, Gilberto Miranda Rocha-PhD in Geography USP, Sergio Cardoso de Moraes Doctorate in Education UFPB; Claudio Fabian Szlafsztein- Doctorate in Natural Sciences (Geography) by Christian-Albrechts-Universitat zu KIEL; one comes from the Senior Center Amazonian Studies, Saint-Clair Lamb Trinity JUNIOR- PhD in Geography USP; one belongs to the School of Architecture, José Julio Ferreira Lima- Doctorate in Architecture-Oxford Brookes University, one composes Campus framework of UFPA Altamira, José Antonio Herrera Doctorate in Economic Development, Space and Environment-UNICAMP.

Having seven PPGEO teachers belonging to the Faculty of Geography and Cartography lets think of the program's direction with the collaboration of the direction of the College. This makes participatory meetings and the involvement of more people in the program's life. The faculty of the program are motivated, especially after the conquest of note 4 in the latest assessment of the Capes. We realized, after ten years, the need for progress in building and consolidating an academic culture of research and graduate. All teachers integrate group (s) and research projects, either coordinating or even as a participant; and has undergraduate research fellows; we have a Scholarship of Research Productivity of CNPq- Level 1D and two fellows of CNPq Research Productivity - Level 2, our staff, four teachers with post-doctoral, three teachers in Europe and one in the USP, which requires exposure the results in the form of texts classified articles in magazines or even book. This is the basis for consistent and consistency of the program.

This teaching staff identify, from the geographical area of criteria, one of ten researchers able to make up the graduate school of the frame. In this group we have the Christian teachers of Silva-Nunes PhD in Aquatic Ecology and Fish-PPGEAP / UFPA; Clay Anderson Nunes Chagas- PhD in Sustainable Development of the Humid Tropics-NAEA / UFPA; John Reed Márcio da Silva. PhD in Geography UNESP- PP; John Santos Nahum- PhD in Geography UNESP-Rio Claro; Márcio Douglas Brito Amaral- PhD in Geography USP; Maria Goretti of Costa Tavares- PhD in Geography UFRJ, post-doctorate in Geography of Tourism Area in the MIT Laboratory (Mobilités, Itinéraires, Tourismes) in the Geography Institute of the University of Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France (2006 - 2007); Gilberto Miranda Rocha-USP PhD in Geography, post - doctorate in Economics and Dell'Ambiente dello Sviluppo (Università degli Studi Roma Tre (Rome, Italy, 2014) and post - doctorate in Territorial Planning (Universite Paris 13NORD, Paris, 2015) ; Claudio Fabian Szlafsztein- Doctorate in Natural Sciences (Geography) by Christian-Albrechts-Universitat zu KIEL, Saint-Clair Lamb Trinity JUNIOR- PhD in Geography USP, Postdoctoral Fellow in Urban Policy at the Institut des Hautes Etudes de l'Amérique Latine (Université Paris III / Sorbonne Nouvelle), France (2006-2007);. Jose Antonio Herrera Doctorate in Economic Development, Space and Environment-UNICAMP Besides which, the external PPGEO we compose the faculty of the graduate school professor Gutemberg Armando Diniz Guerra, doctor of Socio-Economic Development of the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, Paris, Post-doctorate from Columbia Universtiy in New York City (2009), Postgraduate Program researcher in the Center for Amazonian Agricultures Agrarian and Rural Development of the Federal University of Para Sciences. All are members of the faculty of the Federal University of Pará. It is a team with scientific culture graduate who excels in qualified research and training of researchers, with three fellows productivity and post-docs frame. The figures show that, but let's see, 2012 to March 2015 were 44 publications in journals in the strata from A1 to B2; 90 publications including books and book chapters; 32 research and extension projects raising funds from CAPES, CNPq, FAPESPA, IDESP, IPHAN, SEBRAE, PROEXT, among others; 154 Guidelines Scientific Initiation works, 543 works Graduate Course Completion, 115 Monographs Specialization, 144 Master's dissertations, 4 Coorientações of Doctoral Thesis and 7 Oriented Theses.

Recognition of academic importance, scientific, institutional and Amazon to Program policy is also demonstrates the origin of students. The program absorbs students from the state of Para and other states of the region, from higher education institutions, other authorities and professionals from federal, state and municipal government agencies. We count by the end of May 2015 with 121 former students and 121 dissertations and 44 students enrolled. These figures reveal the social and regional integration of the program, which allows students from the state of Para and other states such as Maranhao, Amapa and Tocantins, coursing public graduate, free and above all quality, because we have a framework qualified teachers who gives life, improves and innovates in the field of geographic region. Since the selection process 2014 the program aims to attract foreign students. What came to bear fruit in the selection process for the year 2015 as they have been approved a student from Bolivia and one from Cape Verde and we have a lecturer in Cuba performing post-doctoral stage, the result of a project developed by Professor Claudio Fabian Szlafsztein. The students coming from Latin America and Africa expressed our intention to dialogue with companies and space that has its socio-spatial formation similar to the Brazilian.

Our contribution to the Amazon society is intense and comprehensive, especially in the training of researchers who enter the career of higher education in federal and state education institutions. It's constant participation of our graduates in the selection process for the position of provision of higher education as well as the filling of vacancies. So we have five (05) at the Federal University of Pará, three (06) at the Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA) three (03) at the State University of Pará (UEPA), one (01) at the Federal University of Maranhão ( UFMA), one (01) at the State University of Amapá (UEAP), one (01) at the Federal University of Amapá four (06) at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará (IFPA), (01) Federal Institute Education, Science and Technology of Amapá (IFAP) at the Federal University of Pará - five (05) on the campus of Maraba-three (03) on the campus of Altamira. We have graduates approved in open or contracted in institutions, municipalities and several companies such as MILITARY POLICE DO PARA, IDEFLOR, COSANPA, SUDAM, INCRA, PRODEPA / PARA, EMBRAPA, MPEG, IBAMA, ICMBIO, VALE, CODEM / PARA, SEFIN / PARA , ADEPARÁ, IPHAN, EMATER, SETUR / PARA, SIPAM, IDESP / PARA, INPE, DNPM, CPRM, ITERPA / PARA, EMS / PARA, SEPAQ / PARA, IBGE.

We contribute to the process of geography course of internalization of the Federal University of Pará. Our teachers have worked and work in the training of graduates and graduates in geography in the cities of Juruti, Parauapebas, Oriximiná, New Hope Piriá, Abaetetuba, Castlereagh, Brief, among others, allowing the qualification of hundreds of geographers, as well as minister disciplines orient the course conclusion work.

From an institutional point of view, the creation of PPGEO the doctoral program is in line with the Institutional Development Plan PDI (2011-2015) of UFPA, which has a set of actions to support "new research groups or consolidation will be achieved by a policy of expanding activity search and met with specific actions relating to the conditions for their full development, comprising: a) support for the establishment of a research base for researchers who are starting this activity in UFPA, by granting Scientific Initiation grants and funding and capital resources under the Support Doctor Researcher Program - PRODOUTOR, including subprograms Support Newly Doctor - PARD and Support Doctor Newly Engaged - PARC; b) the financing of interaction with external research groups in the country and abroad, for the establishment of partnerships in research, through the Program of Support for institutional cooperation - PACI; c) financing the attendance at scientific events in the country through the Institutional Support Program Academic Production - PIAPA; d) the financial support to the organization of local or regional events, through the Program of Support to the Realization of Events - pEVA; and, e) the formation of new researchers to the research groups, through the Support Program for Qualification of Teachers and Servers Technical and Administrative - PADT. ". (UFPA, PDI, 2011, p. 119). Therefore, the consolidation of existing programs, such as the PPGEO, and the opening of doctoral courses are part of the institutional policy.

The master's program, therefore, is a regional player in the training of teachers, researchers and other professionals who work both in institutions of higher education, such as planning agencies and public management, private and third sector, forming multidisciplinary teams for the formulation, implementation and evaluation planning process, plans, programs and projects. Our role takes us to see what we have in the regional horizon to demand the creation of a graduate school.

A decade Program has enabled us to understand the influence of the master goes beyond the metropolitan area of Belém and even the state of Pará. However, we continue to reference the Graduate Program in Geography have to talk to some challenges. It is necessary to build a geographical think Amazon accent, to contribute effectively to the development and scientific and technological innovations in the region. To this end, we conducted review meetings of the program and in them emerges the Amazon identity, something we singularize under the graduate programs in geography in the country, as for its historical legacy geographical position Para, and especially town of Bethlehem, has been the gateway to the Amazon. Indicating that our academic accountability, scientific, institutional and policy in the conduct of qualified research directions and training of researchers should be extended, so all the Amazon, in order to reveal the different Amazons. It is imperative for Brazilian society and in particular the Amazon, which Amazonian researchers form researchers in the Amazon to the doctoral level, thus creating a geographic knowledge with low nail land and greatly contributes to criticism of prebuilt the door speech -vozes the region. Typical knowledge of a Centre of Excellence in Amazonian geography, for which the doctoral program is the cornerstone, substrate that will trigger a new chapter in the analysis, interpretation and proposal of issues related to organization and management of the territory in this part of Latin America .

That's what motivates us to propose a doctoral course for the Geography Graduate Program focused on area of concentration Organization and Territorial Management, focusing agents, processes, conflicts and scales. From this we have two lines of research in the Amazon Territorial Dynamics and Dynamics landscape in the Amazon. Thus we have the main objective to provide an academic and institutional space training PhD researchers in geography of the Amazon, I can read it critically organization and management of the territory, inside and beyond the dominant external representations.

Reading that excels in theoretical and practical coordination, conceptual and empirical problems of the Amazon, expressed in the essays compiled in the program, who have a different view on geographical situations of management and organization of space. We can even say that the subjects of the research are deeply autobiographical and bring a current component, critical and scientific analysis of problems besetting the various quarters of the region. Therefore invite the denial of Amazon concepts and spatial management rooted in public municipal, state and federal powers.

The research groups that make up the program are academic and institutional space developer of studies, processing, dissemination and publication of teachers. Them dominates the dialogue between researchers from different national and international institutions, which have scientific guidance and different theoretical and methodological approaches, but share the concern of building to address the problems concerning the organization and management of the territory in the Amazon. In doctoral such groups form laboratories for Amazonian Regional Planning, Land Geography Laboratory of the Amazon; Laboratory of Urban Studies; Climate Studies Laboratory, among others. Today, the program we have the following research groups:

a) Group of Geographical Studies of Coastal Marajó, coordinated by Prof.ª. Dr. Carmena Ferreira de France and by Prof. Dr. Marcia Aparecida da Silva Pimentel: research in Physical Geography with main focus on geomorphology, biogeography and coastal scenery. It is attached to the Faculty of Geography and Cartography and the Graduate Geography Program of the Federal University of Pará. It brings together experience and data accumulated by the team through field surveys and laboratory on the east bank of the Marajó Island and Microregions Bragantina and Salgado Pará, as well as a bibliographic, cartographic and satelitário.

b) Academic Group Production Planning and Environment in the Amazon (GAPTA), coordinated by Prof. Dr. John Reed Márcio da Silva. Aims to unite students from undergraduate and graduate as well as exchanges with other researchers at universities in Pará, in Brazil and abroad, aiming to contribute to the analysis of the territorial dynamics of development, issues related to the Amazonian environment and urban and rural land management in the Amazon region, producing reflections that may contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the human sciences, especially geography, and other areas of knowledge.

c) Research group: Territorial Dynamics of Rural Area in the Amazon (EADM), coordinated by Prof. Dr. John Santos Nahum. Brings together teachers and students of graduation and post-graduation in Geography UFPA and other higher education institutions that are intended to investigate, analyze and draw up summaries on the territorial dynamics of agrarian space in the Amazon, especially those involving peasants, riparian and Maroons . Contributing thus to understand the issues and challenges related to land uses in the Amazon at the beginning of XXI century.

d) Metropolis Observatory, in line Socio-Spatial dimension of exclusion / integration in the metropolises: comparative studies, which is part Prof. Dr. Jose Julio Ferreira Lima. Analyze the evolution of socio-spatial inequalities in the framework of cities as access to urban welfare and opportunities in the period 1980/2000 and to identify the relationship of these inequalities with intra-metropolitan processes of differentiation, segmentation and residential segregation.

e) Geography of Tourism Group (GGEOTUR) - Tourism and Socio-Spatial Development in the Amazon, coordinated by Prof. Dr.. Maria Goretti Tavares. The group developed in 2010-2011 the research project Tourism Society and territorial development in the Amazon: the community-based tourism in the state of Pará description: Objectives: General: to analyze the possibilities and limits of community-based tourism to identify to what extent it can enable the territory and socio-spatial development in the Brazilian Amazon, taking as an example the Poles Marajó and Tapajós.

f) Group for Study and Research on Disaster in the Amazon - PEGEDAM, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Claudio Fabian Szlafsztein. The work done to date by the research group as well as the planning of future activities seeking subsidy to public management actions in state and Amazonian municipalities with respect to thematic analysis and management of natural disaster risk or not.

Coordenação do Programa


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    E-mail: marcioamaral@ufpa.br


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    E-mail: herrera@ufpa.br

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